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for the path EMMA BECKETT | SUNZ Youth Camp Leader


In most opportunities that I’ve had to be still in life, my heart and mind don’t comply. My body may reflect stillness, but I’m normally conjuring up some futuristic plan, processing a conversation I’ve just engaged in, or thinking of some creative goals and questions. So, when it comes to prayer, silence, solitude, and reflection, you can bet I’m not too great at it. Prayer is a vital part of our lives. It is the foundation that binds together all that we do. It centres us, fixes our eyes on the kingdom, engages us in conversation with God, and allows us to have faith that fruit will come to be in due time. It’s not often in the Bible that we actually get to hear Jesus’ prayers. We regularly read that he goes away to be alone and pray, but we don’t usually get a description of his times of prayer. In the book of John, however, we get to experience an incredible prayer from Jesus. He prays to be glorified, he prays for his disciples, and then he prays for all of his believers — for you and me. ‘I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me. I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one — I in them and you in me — so that they may be brought to complete unity. Then the world will know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me.’ – John 17: 20-23 Prayer is not always easy. But reading this passage from John reassures me that prayer is the posture we need to take more often. Jesus has already interceded and prayed for us— that we would be brought to complete unity in order that others may understand the love the Father has for us. It is prayer and this relationship with God that bring wholeness to the different parts in our lives and purpose to our direction—and remind us that God is on the throne. Let’s be more intentional about prayer and ensure that it is the foundation of all that we do.


We asked Emma, our writer for ‘Light for the Path’ and one of our youth camp team members to introduce herself to you. Here’s what she had to say:

Kia ora e te whānau. Ko Rangitoto te maunga, ko Waitematā te moana. Nō Ingarangi me Huiterangi ōku tīpuna. I tipu ake ahau ki Te Raki Paewhenua ki Tāmaki Makaurau, nā reira e mihi ana ahau ki te mana whenua ko Ngāti Whātua o Kaipara. I whānau au I Te-Whanganui-a-Tara. Kei Tāmaki-Makaurau tōku kāinga. Ko Beckett tōku whānau. Ko Emma tōku ingoa. Kia ora! I’m Emma, and I’m currently living at the beautiful Cape Horn in Auckland overlooking the Manukau Harbour. I live with eight other young adults as I’m currently doing the Venn Residential Fellowship. We study together on Monday to Friday, and share many meals. I grew up in a non-Christian home, but my brother and I were quickly invited along to church by some friends down the road. I soon developed a passion for youth leading as I recognised how important it is to feed into the lives of those younger than us. I led on a tonne of camps for my church, and I was learning more about what community meant. I wanted to create spaces where youth wanted to come back to, where they felt like they could bring their friends, and where they felt supported to flourish into the person Christ has called them to be. I didn’t hear about Scripture Union NZ (SUNZ) until a little over a year ago. Though I was a bit gutted upon realising how many adventure-based camps I had missed out on as a youth, I couldn’t wait to get involved as a leader. Immersing youth into God’s creation and showing them how we can joyfully and thoughtfully engage with creation throughout the course of a camp is so awesome! I reached out to SUNZ North Island Camps Facilitator, Natalie, and we got together for coffee about a year ago. She welcomed me into the SUNZ whānau, and from there I began leading on camps! It was a tricky year with COVID-19, but I’ve managed to lead on Pōnui and our junior surf camp. SUNZ has taught me so much about vulnerability, hospitality, and humility, which are all very important aspects of a camp for me! I am humbled by the spaces that I get to step into as a leader and the youth that I have been able to walk alongside. It has shaped the way I approach other spaces of leadership in my life. What a refreshing and empowering community it is to be a part of!

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