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HOW DOES YOUR FAMILY HELP YOU TO GROW WITH GOD? ‘We pray giving thanks for tea and our day. It is good to celebrate together all the good things that have happened.’ —ISABELLA, AGE 13 "I share a room with my sister who is older than me. Sometimes sisters can be a bit annoying. The other night she was reading until late and she ended up knocking stuff off the bedside table and I couldn't sleep. I asked her to turn the light off, but she got a bit upset with me and looked angry and a bit scary. ‘I was a bit freaked out so I went to my mum and dad's room and my mum told me to remember that God is with me and that I don't need to be scared. When I thought about that, I felt really peaceful. My mum is always telling me this and helping me to pray." .’ —SOFIA, AGE 9
‘We do family meal time devotions using a book called “Indescribable.” It talks a lot about creation and connects science facts to God and us.’ —TIM, AGE 13
‘They are kind to me. Not like giving me the last piece of cake but kind because they talk to me about God and what he is like. They help me to know how to talk to others about God.… My sister goes to church at her university and she talks to other students about God. My parents also tell me stories about times when God helped them and it helps me to know what I can do if I have a problem." .’ —THEO, AGE 8
‘Doing my Bible reading on my own with Mum and Dad helps stretch my brain. Mum asks questions to check my understanding and I ask her lots of questions too. I love the Jesus Storybook Bible.’ —SOPHIE, AGE 8
‘I read Snap Shots and the Bible, sometimes on my own, but I like doing it with Dad too. He helps to explain it and we think about how to improve our lives. We watch the Bible movie, but it can be a bit violent. We have downloaded the Bible App Guardians of Ancora. It is a fun way to learn more about Bible stories. ‘ —MAX, AGE 11