SUNZ Adventure Magazine May 2015

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ISSN 1176-5143



WHERE ARE THEY? Our Children and Families Team ask the question as they address the small number of children in our churches today



Sage advice from the book of Proverbs says; ‘Point your kids in the right direction – when they’re old they won’t be lost’. 1 This however is not a guarantee. I know many parents, uncles, aunties, siblings, friends who grieve over young people who do appear to have walked away from faith and become ‘lost’. Some recent research discovered that between the ages of 10-14, 50% of children drop out of church attendance. The consequences of that statistic are frightening for the future of our Christian community. We care about this situation, and what we care about defines who we are.

tears as we parted. And I will be filled with joy when we are together again. I remember your genuine faith, for you share the faith that first filled your grandmother Lois and your mother, Eunice. And I know that same faith continues strong in you. This is why I remind you to fan into flames the spiritual gift God gave you when I laid my hands on you. For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.” (2 Timothy 1:3-7) THE WEB OF RELATIONSHIPS AROUND A YOUNG Timothy contribute significantly to the richness of his faith and his ability to continue the walk. In the following pages of this edition of the Adventure Magazine we unpack the importance of children’s ministry within the current climate. I trust it informs and propels you to do something.


HE SAME RESEARCH STATES THAT “children who attend all or part of the adult church service on a regular basis are twice as likely to make a successful transition to adult church”. That’s a comment on the power of intergenerational faith nurturing. This kind of information is striking a cord up and down our country as witnessed by the popularity of our “You’re Losing Us” workshop being run by the SU Children and Families team. Never has the adage ‘it takes a village to raise a child’ been more applicable. These words from Paul to Timothy remind me of the importance of mentors, disciplers, older people and younger people sharing their wisdom with each other. “Timothy, I thank God for you— the God I serve with a clear conscience, just as my ancestors did. Night and day I constantly remember you in my prayers. I long to see you again, for I remember your

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Wayne Fraser - National Director ............................................................................................

1 Proverbs 22:6 The Message.





Hilary Hague

10 YOU’RE LOSING US Hilary Hague





Updates 25 LIGHT FOR THE PATH Raewyn Rowney




Children’s Ministry

SUNZ Staff




May 2015




By Hilary Hague

Children and Families Ministry Leader

Where are they?

Our Children and Families Team ask the question as they address the small number of children in our churches today.


HEN I POPPED INTO THE LOCAL CHURCH to visit their children’s programme, the big hall was almost empty. A small group were gathered over in the corner. They looked like they were having fun - they were playing a game and it was loud and energetic. But there didn’t seem to be very many children. Where was everyone? SUNZ has been conducting some research about churches and children and the research shows that in New Zealand, a typical Sunday programme for children will have 20 children or less in its primary aged programme. There are exceptions of course. There are a few stand-out big churches. But most churches, most of the time, have less than 20 children.1 The sad

news is that small groups like this one are a common sight in many churches on Sundays. That’s sad especially when you think about the number of children in New Zealand. We have over 750,000 children2 and only around 10% of them will be found in church on a Sunday. AROUND 10% OF NZ’S CHILDREN WILL BE FOUND IN A CHURCH ON A SUNDAY




HESE ARE SOBERING FACTS AND WE need to feel the weight of them. They indicate that our churches are failing to connect with large numbers of children and families. This disconnection has a number of implications for us. It means a massive shift is taking place in the spiritual lives of children across New Zealand. And the declining number of children in our churches will affect the future of the church. As well, the lessening Christian influence in our society, along with the growing influence of other faiths and secularisation will shape the way we live every day. The Bible tells us “These words which I command you today shall be in your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up”. (Deuteronomy 6:6–7 NKJV) We know these words and many of us take them very seriously. Yet in spite of all the effort we put into the children’s ministries, our

children just seem to be growing out of faith instead of into it. It’s like they learn the stories and make friends but they don’t actually engage with God and they drift away from church as soon as they get old enough to be allowed to. We have to think about how we are going to retain the children who are already part of our churches. But we must also consider those children who never come near the church. We need to ask ourselves how we can reach out into the community around us and connect these children and their families with the love of God in ways that are meaningful and life giving to them. TAKE THE TIME TO THINK ABOUT THESE statistics. Let them speak to you. If we want children to develop into mature disciples connected and contributing in their faith community, then we need to be a lot more intentional about what we are doing. We must look for where God is at work and come alongside and help the connection between the child and God grow and deepen

‘We need to ask ourselves how we can reach out into the community around us and connect these children and their families with the love of God..’

May 2015



ARTICLE into a relationship that is for them at the ages they are now, and that they will carry with them their whole lives long. This won’t necessarily be easy. We will need to consider what the Bible says and our understanding of faith development. We will want to think about child development and educational theories. And we will certainly have to learn about our communities and draw on our own personal experience. But maybe, hardest of all, we will need to think critically about things we have always done or things that were done to us. And we will need to be willing to change. Change comes hard to all of us. But unless we are willing to change, the trajectory we find ourselves on will continue with devastating results.

The stakes are high.



AS REBECCA NYE SAYS: “FAILURE TO NURTURE children’s spirituality not only threatens to harm them, it has deadly consequences for us, both personally and for the church community.”3 Scripture Union’s Children and Families’ team are very aware of these issues. We have done a lot of thinking and praying about them and we want to work with you to help your church understand

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the issues, and encourage and empower you to change. We offer workshops like You’re Losing Us and tools like SUPAkidz clubs and camps to help your church create opportunities for children and young people to discover and follow Jesus, grow as leaders, and influence the world around them.


Let’s all work together and allow God to use us in new ways to make a difference for the sake of our children and for the future of the church. ............................................................................................

1 Research done by SUNZ shows that more than 70% of our churches have primary aged programmes of 20 children or less. 2 Children have been counted as 12 and under. These numbers are as of 2013.

We encourage you to contact our Children and Families team for more information:

0508 423 836 3 Rebecca Nye: Children’s Spirituality: what it is and why it matters. London: Church House Publishing 2009, page 21

May 2015



Scripture Union NZ’s Conference for all Children’s Ministry Leaders Our children are the church of today but they are also the church of tomorrow. Discover how to inspire this generation to take God’s church forward into the future.

WAY2GO 2015 Conference Venues Invercargill 9 May 2015

Wellington 23 May 2015

Auckland 6 June 2015

Register Now To register and for more information visit: @newzealandsu


8 INTERVIEW PO BOX 760, Wellington 6140 • Freephone 0508 423 836 •


Aroha’s story Aroha was 13 years old and church was the last place she wanted to be. “Go help in the crèche,” said her mum, so off Aroha went every Sunday to sit with the pre-schoolers. Then WAY2GO came around. WAY2GO is Scripture Union’s conference for children’s ministry leaders. It’s full of inspirational teaching and lots of practical ideas. The rest of the crèche team were going so Aroha went with them. And at WAY2GO something very special happened – Aroha discovered a passion for children’s ministry. She’s never looked back. Ten years later with 8 WAY2GO conferences under her belt, Aroha has taken over the leadership of the pre-school ministry. She even writes the curriculum. She’s also trained as an early childhood teacher and works in the childcare attached to her church. And best of all, her faith is rock solid. Aroha heard God’s call and let him grow her and change her and now she is changing the lives of the children around her.

Never been to WAY2GO? Here’s what people say about it.

• I had a fantastic day. VERY ENCOURAGING. It has ignited a new passion to go forth and serve with my heart. • Very inspiring and challenging, I have lots to think about pray about and do. • Excellent and full of ideas I will be using. Thanks so much. • Cheers!!! For a college student I am truly inspired. • AMAZING, THANK YOU LORD! • What an amazing and incredible experience! Whether you are new to children’s ministry or an experienced leader, this conference will have something for you. Come as a team and enjoy it together.

May 2015

Check out the previous page for more information or look online.




YOU’RE “My daughter doesn’t come to church anymore,” the woman beside me said to me. The pain in her voice was evident and I wasn’t surprised when her eyes filled with tears. Sadly, her story is not unusual. In fact, it reflects a problem in churches right across the world. The closest research to us here in New Zealand has been conducted by David Goodwin1 and it tells us that 50% of children and young people in Australian churches will leave in the next 15 years. We know that New Zealand patterns are no different. We can see the same happening all around us. Despite our best intentions, the way we are doing faith formation is not working. WE HAVE TRIED A LOT OF DIFFERENT

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growing kids and young people in faith


50% methods in an effort to retain our children and young people. We have tried more exciting and attractive programmes. We have tried to make everything we do fun and friendly. We have found alternatives for church services until we think children and young people are old enough to

nd n faith


If you are interested in our You’re Losing Us workshops email us for more details


manage what we do in our church services. But these things have not worked and we have come to the point where we have to recognise that while content is important and fun is great, these strategies are not enough on their own. They are surface strategies and they do not do the deep work of growing our children and young people spiritually. They do not produce mature disciples. We need to look under the surface to the heart of this distressing problem - the need for an urgent rethinking of what it takes to grow lifelong, active followers of Jesus.2 THE GOOD NEWS IS THAT WE CAN DO something to address this problem. We can turn it around. SUNZ has developed a workshop designed to help churches explore how to do faith formation more effectively with children and young people. It is for children’s leaders and youth workers, but it is also for pastors, senior leadership and parents as well. It’s for everyone because if things are really going to change, we will all need to work together. It will take all of us. The workshop gives churches

8 principles to think about and discuss within the context of their own community of faith. But it is just the very beginning of a conversation that needs to continue for as long as it takes and so SUNZ will continue to encourage and support churches as they take these principles and put them into practice. SO FAR WE HAVE HELD 18 WORKSHOPS all across New Zealand and more than 700 people have attended. The response has been fantastic and we have a lot more workshops booked in. We don’t want to lose our children and young people so please contact us to come and run this workshop at your church too. ............................................................................................

1 David Goodwin: Lost in Transition - Or Not. Kidsreach, 2013. 2.

By Hilary Hague

Children and Families Ministry Leader

May 2015




What holds you into

When I ponder on the question, “What holds me into my faith?” I would say primarily God as I have experienced Him in life, in his Word, through answers to prayer, and through others. As you enter more and more into seeking the heart of God, listening for his guidance and looking at life through God’s lens there is a peace that passes all understanding. God strengthens us to cope with whatever is going on, in the long-run. God cares and we are part of a worldwide family of Christians that care.

Raewyn Rowney \\ Children & Families Worker

your faith?

Q&A with SUNZ Staff Thinking about the bleak statistics that surround children and youth ministry I am again taken back to the reason why I have the faith I have today. Many years ago, a little church in Stoke, Nelson, deemed it part of their mission to reach out to the children in the neighbouring Housing NZ neighbourhood. I was one of those children that no children’s ministry would want, with memories of sitting on the step outside due to my behaviour and actions. If it wasn’t for the consistent and intentional reaching out to me with the unconditional love that they did I would have simply been another negative statistic with regard to their ministry, and I am sure I would be another negative statistic with regard to the government’s statistics. These memories and the call to the ministry of Jesus for the redemption of the world is what holds me to my faith.

Aaron Douglas \\ Youth Consultant 12 |

The sheer joy of knowing Jesus - knowing knows me through and through, better th I know myself - and still loves me despite many weaknesses. I talk to him at any ti and about anything, and when I’m troub or lonely, I know there’s probably someth he specially wants me to hear.

This isn’t just a personal fluffy feeling. faith is grounded in and confirmed by Go Word, the Bible, and God’s church, the bo of Christ, the people I remember and people I know who share the journey of fa with me.

Sylvia Coulter \\ Northern Regional Director


For me it started with my father reading us bible stories after dinner, often acting them out using the dinner utensils. God kept being involved with ordinary people, often when they did not want to be involved. The indelible memory of those times has left me with a permanent understanding that God is here, he talks to us and is involved with us. That has been true of my life. He is always there to talk to.

Paul Martell

\\ Relationships Manager Knowing all that God has done for me! I don’t want to let him down or disappoint him. What a hopeless and meaningless life I would have without God.

g Jesus - knowing he hrough, better than loves me despite so k to him at any time d when I’m troubled probably something o hear.

Nigel Winder

al fluffy feeling. My confirmed by God’s d’s church, the body remember and the the journey of faith

\\ Children’s Ministry Worker & Southern Regional Manager

egional Director He aha te mea nui o te ao. He tangata, he tangata, he tangata. (What is the most important thing in the world? It is the people, it is the people, it is the people.) I’m an extrovert so this proverb sums it up for me. I need people who will help me be real and deep in my relationship with God, and explore what it means to live as part of God’s kingdom. I need people to rejoice with me when things go well and encourage me when things are hard and sometimes to challenge me. My church community is full of people like this. They hold me into my faith.

Hilary Hague \\ Children & Families Ministry Leader May 2015




Encouraging Our Children’s Faith Journey By Nigel Winder \\ Children and Families Worker


OME CHURCHES HAVE BEEN STRUGGLING to get children through the front door on Sunday mornings, especially those not already connected through church families. In response, some churches have been utilising some helpful tools to engage with children in church. WHERE BIBLE IN SCHOOLS DOESN’T HAVE a strong presence, our lunchtime and afterschool SUPAkidz Clubs are providing fun, punchy, values based programmes. They have proven to be a great catalyst for local churches to work together to complement their local schools programmes and build closer relationships with the school community. The material used in these clubs is comprehensive and written sensitively for the school environment. Support and training is available including the systems for leader application process and safety. HOLIDAY PROGRAMMES HAVE PROVEN TO BE popular especially for working parents wondering what to do with their kids during school holidays. Often lots of children who are new to the church attend a well-advertised holiday programme. Deeper relationships are formed through having the kids there for the day, giving them lunch, playing games and exploring Bible stories through a variety of engaging ways. Small group times provide the space for deeper questions to be asked and answered. There are some incredible holiday programme resources with leader

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books, small group children’s books, supporting DVDs with stories, songs and team training modules. New programmes are being written all the time so there is no shortage of exciting themes to choose from. CAMPS ARE HOLIDAY PROGRAMMES ON steroids. They are an incredible opportunity to experience Christian community, make new friends and ask all those things you have wondered about God. Learning to engage with the Bible for yourself and being given some helpful tools to do so when going home from camp is a real highlight. Camps are a fun and safe place for non-churched kids to be invited and introduced to God. They can also help children from smaller churches to feel more connected. Camps are regularly referred to as the mountain top experiences in many people’s faith journeys. THE ADDED BENEFIT OF ALL THESE TOOLS is that they provide fertile soil for the training of leaders as they get involved in serving and putting their own faith into action.

If you want to know more about these great tools contact us: 0508 423 836, or ask us a question on our Facebook page.


Get to know us: Children and Families Team


Children and Families Ministry Leader


What’s your favourite thing about being involved in Children’s Ministry? I love the variety of people. I enjoy encouraging people to think about why they do what they are doing and be more effective.

What’s one thing you treasure most about your work? I treasure the moments when I see God at work in people’s lives.

What got you involved in Children’s Ministry?

When I was 16 I was sent off to Scripture Union’s Otaki Holiday Programme by my dad. I was nervous and I went very reluctantly, but to my surprise I loved it.

How do you recharge?

Out in the garden all by myself.

When are you the happiest? Surrounded by my family.

What would a “perfect” day look like for you?

Absolutely nothing in the diary – just a bit of coffee, a few friends and a good book.


ANDREW RAMSBOTTOM Children and Families Worker (Auckland)

What’s your favourite thing about being involved in Children’s Ministry? Seeing leaders grow in their faith and service. Seeing the lives of children changed.

What got you involved in Children’s Ministry?

A friend begged me to come to a Scripture Union children’s camp as they need another male leader. I left camp sold on children’s ministry.

How do you recharge?

Spending time on my own doing nothing.

What’s the most important thing you’ve learned in your work in the last year?

People, people, people, of all ages are what make it all happen. Treasure them. May 2015





ANNETTE OSBOURNE Children and Families Worker (Auckland)

What’s your favourite thing about being involved in Children’s Ministry?

Working alongside a variety of passionate and God-centred leaders and meeting some fantastic kids who teach me about faith!

What’s one thing you treasure most about your work?

The privilege to be a part of ministry that is making a real difference.

What got you involved in Children’s Ministry?

It has been a part of my life since I was a young leader in Girls Rally, and because of one church pastor who challenged and supported me as a university student to jump in and give it a go!

How do you recharge?

By jumping in my kayak and heading to sea.

What’s your favourite thing about being involved in Children’s Ministry? It’s where my two passions collide: God and children.

What’s one thing you treasure most about your work?

Being able to work alongside children’s ministry leaders in churches to explore together how best to grow and nurture children’s faith in God. Doesn’t get better than that.

What got you involved in Children’s Ministry?

My church had a need for leaders and someone asked me to get involved and I said yes. I’m no longer at that church, but eight years later I’m still involved in children’s ministry, so I have them to thank for that.

How do you recharge?

What’s the most important thing you’ve learned in your work in the last year?

That the church is full of people who care deeply about children and young people, and grieve when they walk away from the church. We as the church have the potential to change lives through the quality of relationships we form with our community, each other and with God.

What would a “perfect” day look like for you?

That’s a tricky one. I love opportunities for public speaking and conversations over coffee, but this is balanced out by time with family and the sound of a paddle in the water of the Hauraki Gulf.

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PAUL DADD Children and Families Worker (Auckland)

Usually alone, and generally with a good book or movie.

What’s the most important thing you’ve learned in your work in the last year?

To focus on your strengths, while not ignoring your weaknesses, and to focus time and energy on using those strengths to benefit others.

When are you the happiest?

When I’m with the people I love the most.

What would a “perfect” day look like for you? Slow start, pancake breakfast, football early afternoon, walk on the beach, dinner and movie to finish.



RAEWYN ROWNEY Children and Families Worker (Wellington)

What’s your favourite thing about being involved in Children’s Ministry? The children. They often inspire me as they share God’s world through their eyes, their sense of wonder when they ‘get God’ and the light shines through.


What’s one thing you treasure most about your work?

Meeting with leaders who are excited about working together and reaching God’s children.

Worker (Otago/Southland)

What’s your favourite thing about being involved in Children’s Ministry?

What got you involved in Children’s Ministry?

Mark 10:14 and 15 and Luke 10:21. We can overcomplicate the gospel. Children keep me grounded.

How do you recharge?

SUPAkidz camps and their noisy quest or in the tranquillity and peace of God’s creation, by myself or with friends.

What’s the most important thing you’ve learned in your work in the last year? Build faith, believe in miracles, use wisdom and develop strength to keep going, all on a foundation of love.

I love seeing people encouraged and equipped in their ministries.

What’s one thing you treasure most about your work?

I treasure the opportunities to share God’s story and love with children and seeing them respond with such simple and uncomplicated faith.

What got you involved in Children’s Ministry?

Serving on Scripture Union beach holiday missions at Riverton and Kaka Point.

What’s the most important thing you’ve learned in your work in the last year?

When are you the happiest?

When I feel in harmony with God, my family, my friends and those I work with.

What would a “perfect” day look like for you? When together with real heart and sincerity we can shout Psalm 118:24.

NIGEL WINDER Children and Families

Keep God in the centre. If he’s not in it, then it’s not worth doing.

When are you the happiest?

Surveying God’s creation from the top of a mountain, but not being too close to the edge.

What would a “perfect” day look like for you? Quality time with God, family and friends, some exercise and a completed ‘to do’ list. May 2015




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29TH AUGUST 2015 9.30AM-4.30PM NORTHGATE COMMUNITY CHURCH ROTOTUNA (10 mins north of Hamilton City) HAMILTON A one day event where we will be looking at how secularisation is impacting our ministry areas and exploring a constructive response in changing times. The SUNZ AGM will be held at the end of the day.

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E ALL KNOW THINGS HAVE CHANGED IN our country and the pace of that change is accelerating. There has been a shift away from traditional Christian roots. What should our response as Christians be? Should we retreat or maybe attack? Globally, Christianity continues to grow but in the western world Christians are in the minority, as least how it feels. In a post Christian world, do we need to be so afraid? God is eternally creative and opportunities for engagement are all around us. We just need to have the courage to join God’s creative imagination. AT THE SUMMIT BASE CAMP, SCRIPTURE UNION’S day gathering of staff, volunteers, and those interested in ministry in our nation, we want to do the work of prophetic imagination. Together we will explore and apply SU core ministry values to the space between the church and community. Are you up for some creativity and hard work? Led by keynote speaker Mark McConnell, key volunteers, and ministry area leaders, we will examine the impact of secularisation in our country and how we may respond. Our goal is to encourage and equip the Christian community to engage in meaningful ways. Let’s listen for God’s voice together. YOU ARE INVITED INTO THIS CONVERSATION which will focus on how participation in Scripture Union ministries can bring the redemptive message of the gospel to our world.

To get updates on this event such as when registrations open please email us at

MARK MCCONNELL is a teacher in the school of Theology at Laidlaw College, Auckland. A Scot with a background in law and pastoral work, Mark is a thinker and communicator at the intersection of biblical theology and social themes.

May 2015




& Rebirth

of SUNZ South Island Camps By Aaron Douglas

BOTH BEN AND I HOLD FIRMLY TO OUR MISSION of Working with churches. This is being borne out in the energy coming from many churches with youth wanting SUNZ to provide safe, yet formative experiences for their young people. It is exciting for me to see these relationships develop with youth and church leaders, with both sides seeing the mutual benefit gained by partnering together.

Otago/Southland Youth Consultant


UNZ IN THE SOUTH ISLAND HAS HAD A long history of Christian camping to young people and it is wonderful to know that many of these young people have gone on to do wonderful things within God’s Kingdom. In recent years, due to a range of circumstances, the number of camps had reduced to only a handful. However, the upcoming 2015/16 camping year is set to be a year of resurrection in camps in the South Island. OUR SOUTH ISLAND CAMPS FACILITATOR, Ben Necklen, has done a wonderful job of networking across the region. In our conversations with people and churches, we have discovered that there is still a strong desire of camps for young people. This is an exciting time with past relationships being reconnected and new ones forming for the benefit of young people in the South Island. From a total of four youth camps in the previous 2014/2015 year, we are now committed to eight in this camping year, along with three leaders training weekends (two general camps training and one water based skills training). We have made a commitment to focus largely on Junior camps (Year 7 to 10) and with the inclusion of Intermediate aged young people this fills a gap that many in this age group fall through and never take up going to camp.

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These camps are not possible without the valued assistance we get from the church. Cooks, leaders, camp directors, camp parents, bakers, prayers, and those who sponsor campers to go; these people and many more are what make our camps possible. If you would like to help with one of our camps email us at

Registrations for our winter camps are now live. For more information about our exciting range of winter camps or to register visit

ge of gister


light for the path UPDATE

By Raewyn Rowney

Children and Families Worker


IFE TODAY IS A STRUGGLE, WE HAVE ALL experienced difficult circumstances. To cope with the complexity of today’s world we need to know what we believe in. In the end, that determines our destiny. WE ALL STRUGGLE WITH THE DESIRES OF OUR human, sinful nature and a life governed by God’s Spirit within us (Romans 7 & 8). Romans 8:5 says “Don’t live under the control of your sinful nature. If you do, you will think about what your sinful nature wants. Live under the control of the Holy Spirit. If you do, you will think about what the Spirit wants.” Our world, and the reality we live in today, is a result of our individual and collective choices in this struggle. In my lifetime I’ve witnessed the growing rebellion against hearing and following God’s voice (Ezekiel 2:5). As Christ’s disciples, this makes it even harder to go out into this world in His name and to tell His story so that others believe. JESUS MET PEOPLE WHERE THEY WERE AT. I have a friend, Jim (name changed), who believes in a higher power, but not in my Jesus. I had the same struggle as him 10 years ago. “Why Jesus? Why is He the only Way, the Truth and the Life?” I asked myself. My 85% belief in Jesus was not enough, especially if I was going to become the Wellington Children and

Families worker for Scripture Union. I did not want to feel like I was teaching lies. As Easter approached I had prayed for a modern way to talk about Easter and for a whole hearted 100% faith in Jesus. The photos above were God’s answer, taken in an instant as Andrew (my husband) and I drove towards the Manawatu Gorge and the sun was setting on these three windmills. I snapped a photo of the windmills and turned around and snapped one of the sunset too. To me, the photo has always looked like an image of Jesus, the high priest, (Hebrews 3:1) walking through the trees, the resurrected Christ, and reminds me of SUNZ’s foundational verse in Psalm 119:105, “Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path”. AS I HAVE SHARED THIS STORY AND OTHER real faith stories, and rooted them in the big story of Scripture, God has open doorways, growing my faith and birthing and renewing faith in others, like my friend Jim. Together we can restore God’s world as His light shines in our lives. As we eat God’s book (Ezekiel 2 and 3) God’s Spirit will guide our conversations and hearts with scriptures and stories for those we meet. They may choose to listen or may not, just as they choose to listen or not listen to God (Ezekiel 3:7). Our role is to share God’s message and not become discouraged. May 2015







Regional News May



Down south, Heather and Bronwyn have been tidying up the loose ends from summer camps. We are all excited about some new South Island camps planned for this year. Nigel has been busy with Children’s Ministry Training events in Invercargill, Christchurch, Dunedin, Gore and Oamaru. We are looking forward to hosting WAY2GO training here in Invercargill on the 9th May. Aaron has been involved in a very successful and well attended Youth leaders training day in Gore. He has also been meeting up with church leaders, post camp mentors and school students. When he isn’t preaching, he is planning camps and writing WAY2GO workshops for intermediate aged ministry.

Emily Fountain was a wonderful first year director for SUPAkidz camp.





28 February was a beautiful day, enjoyed by 100 enthusiastic people at the Summer Camp Celebration, on Ponui Island. Camp reports were inspirational and reminded us to pray for a continued supply of directors, leaders, cooks and support people. We praise God for volunteers willing to be trained, and for churches standing behind them in prayer and support.

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Graham: In January you attended the fi held in Wellington. How many campers d the Steve: 3 from

Graham: Tell us some o Steve: It was very engaging. To see y leadership potential was priceless, and to encouragement at the end o

Graham: Tell us abou dreams for Exod Steve: That other churches will catch results of the changed lives that w to see in these young leade



It has been all about getting organised and completing overdue projects in Canterbury recently. We have a couple of gear projects underway including a gear container revamp in Christchurch (New Roof, Shelving and stocktake) and a rebuild of our kitchen trailer(mobile trailer with cooking and refrigeration). We will use these to resource our camps that have limited facilities and offer it to youth groups for BBQ’s and fundraisers. We have also been busy working towards getting our South Island Camps organised through till January 2016. We will are also hard at work organising our Otago leaders training weekend as well as our Canterbury training. Steve




attended the first Exodus Prime that was many campers did you take with you from the Waikato - Bay of Plenty? Steve: 3 from Waikato and 5 from BOP

m: Tell us some of the high points for you. gaging. To see young leaders realize their priceless, and to see their excitement and ment at the end of camp was encouraging.

am: Tell us about some of your hopes and dreams for Exodus Prime from here on in. rches will catch on and be inspired by the ged lives that we have seen and continue hese young leaders who went to EP camp.

The Wellington office has undergone an Extreme Makeover - SUNZ Style, and while that sounds as if it is all about the physical space, it has actually been about far more. The new resource area has become a hub for people to meet. Last month 30 children’s ministry leaders turned up for the Easter Get Together. It was a special time with resources, crafts, activities and a yummy morning tea. Raewyn Rowney spoke about the meaning of Easter and people went away inspired and equipped. A children’s ministry network is going to meet in the space to share and pray together soon too. If you’re in Wellington, come in and see us. Meanwhile out and about, staff have been helping SUPAkidz Clubs get started for the year and preparing for WAY2GO Wellington.

Need some new resources to engage your children or grandchildren in reading the Bible?

ACTION BIBLE “The Action Bible is the best graphic version of the Bible I have ever seen. It’s well written text and dramatic images are aimed at older boys and teenagers, but wherever I take it, people of all ages pull it out of my hands and start to read it. It includes more than 200 narratives in chronological order and is a great way to follow the Bible’s flow and understand how God’s divine plan works out throughout history." Only $34.99 Hilary Hague – Team leader, Children & Families

SNAP SHOTS There are three books in the Snapshots series with each containing Bible reading notes for 8 to 11s for a whole year. Each day children will discover more about God through a short Bible reading and a variety of other activities such as cracking codes, filling in missing letters, drawing pictures, thinking and praying. A broad range of Bibles passages have been chosen from the Old and New Testaments with extra feature pages on relevant current day topics. Only $16.99 each

Buy online or Buy direct 0508 423 836



The Action Bible



$26.99 + p.p.

Check out the following other publications that go alongside the Action Bible and until the 31st May 2015 you can purchase “The Action Bible Handbook” for only $16.99 + p.p. (normally $26.99). With eye-popping illustrations and a week’s worth of activities for each Bible story, this one-year devotional gives you real-life ways to live out God’s spiritual adventure every day. What is a covenant? What animals are mentioned in the Bible? Who was Gideon? What kinds of jobs did Bible characters have? Are you ready for some answers to your questions about the Bible? With vivid illustrations and kid-friendly explanations, you will get a deeper insight into both familiar and challenging Bible words and names. Over 700 whos, wheres, and whats make it interesting and understandable. FOR LIMITED TIME ONLY

$16.99 + p.p.

The heroes and stories of the Bible come to life in this full-colour New Testament edition of the Action Bible. Through the style of a graphic novel, the events of Scripture explode in a powerful, exciting new way. The NT big picture unfolds as each story is told in the order it happened, from the birth of Jesus to His resurrection and return. ONLY

$24.99 + p.p. May 2015




difference am I making with my life? On some level, every human being is struggling to find their own answer to that fundamental question. But for Christians, the real question is: How can I make a difference for God?


on a journey through the New Testament book of Acts, which tells the story of how the first Christians attempted to find out what God wanted them to do in their world. Fifty Bible readings, each with a short, engagingly written note, will help you reflect on how you’ll begin to find and follow God’s assignment for you today.

The paperback book is available from us: or 0508 423 836 1 – 9 copies $12.99 each +pp 10 – 19 copies $10.40 each +pp 20 + copies $9.75 each + pp

SU Resources were one of the partners who brought E100 and Essential Jesus to you a couple of years back, and there is still limited stock of all the resources involved with these wonderful products – email with your enquiry and we can provide quantities and costs (with up to 70% off the original costs – so don’t delay).


s s




PO BOX 760, Wellington 6140 | 0508 423 836 | He rama t찾u kupu ki 천ku wae | Your word is a lamp to my feet. Psalm 119:105 SUNZ is a member of the Scripture Union International Family

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