y daughter-in-law and I both love gardening and as we share the work (her doing most of it, I must confess) we talk and enjoy each other’s company. We particularly enjoy spring in the garden and this week as we watched the new plants coming up through the soil it reminded me of the new life and energy I feel here in Scripture Union NZ (SUNZ).
I have been in my role for just over two years now and it has been a wonderfully enriching time of identifying and gathering the very real treasures that SUNZ holds and carrying them into the future in new ways. There has been so much growth within our ministries and, in spite of the hard time New Zealand is currently going through and the disappointment of postponements and cancellations, I am excited by what is happening particularly in our camping ministry. Young people are coming to know the Jesus of the Bible and growing as lifelong disciples because of SUNZ camps. As you read this month’s Adventure you’ll see some of the ways—traditional and true as well as innovative and new—that we are looking to encourage young people on camps in their relationship with God. Our new Leadership Development Programme, our E3 wilderness experience with its growth into the North Island and the continued popularity of our activity-based camps, are 2 www.sunz.org.nz
just a few examples of the ways we connect with the interests and passions of young people in order to share the Gospel.
And they are effective. In the words of Alyssa who shares on page 24, “…camps like Exodus Prime have been instrumental in encouraging me to grow more and more in understanding and in love.” May these words be true for all our campers. I was delighted to visit Be Scene and hear how young people who were completely new to God were enjoying the experience of a Bible study (see Neville’s article on page 12). It was just the start of their faith journey and I could see so much potential for our camps to help them and others like them. SUNZ camps are a very significant part of the faith journey for many young people. Maybe they were for you too. Maybe you found, like Meredith who shares on page 8, that our camping programme has equipped you for a life of faith well beyond your days at camp as a teenager. As you read, please pray along with us for the young people who attend our camps. They precious to God who loves them.
Hilary Hague
National Director, Scripture Union New Zealand
y children just love the movie Toy Story, and I remember how they used to run around the house shouting out the famous saying of Buzz Lightyear, ‘To infinity and beyond’, as they attempted to do something that was spectacularly optimistic. As children, we are often prepared to believe in a statement and take risks that as adults we wouldn’t even consider.
Why am I telling you this? At the beginning of this year, the SUNZ youth camps team had a whole lot of ideas and some new opportunities in front of us, and then Covid hit us. Many people have been saying that after Covid it will be a strange new world. To us, a new world means new opportunities. The Bible says ‘God can use all things for good’—and I believe He has done just that. Lockdown gave my amazing team a bit of time and space to dream even more. And now I believe that SUNZ Camps are ready to shout ‘To infinity and beyond’.
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And we would like to ask you to be like my children: to affirm our aims, to shout them out loud and to leap into the future with us. We are blessed here at Scripture Union NZ (SUNZ) to stand on the shoulders of a wonderful heritage of camping. And so I want to say a big thank you to all of you who have been involved in creating our amazing foundation. When we stand on the shoulders of others, the view that we see is different and often means we can discover new ways of doing things that we would never have imagined at the level below. As you read through the other articles in this magazine, I believe that you will be excited and encouraged about where our camps ministry is heading. Some of what we are planning or doing might seem to be the same as we have always done, but it will be done with a few new twists involved. You might wonder if some of the things we are doing are even really a camp—and the answer from us will be yes. One of the things the team and a few others have been working on is creating Bible engagement that will be used across all the camps in each season. This material will not only influence the actual teaching and small groups, but will impact solo times, prayer times and even activities that will take place. Our aim is for the whole camp to point towards and support what our campers are engaging with in Scripture. I am very excited about this and I can’t thank everyone involved enough for what they have given to make this happen.
MANY PEOPLE HAVE BEEN SAYING THAT AFTER COVID IT WILL BE A STRANGE NEW WORLD. TO US, A NEW WORLD MEANS NEW OPPORTUNITIES. their young people. Everything needed to run a camp is there for them to just pick up and go—Bible engagement, games, activities and safety documents. It is all there and it is free to download off our Breakthrough Website. We are getting the young people themselves involved in as many ways as we possibly can so that they can participate in the direction our camps ministry is taking. You will see that one of these young people has contributed the Light for the Path reflection to this current magazine.
We have been looking at different ways to run camps, with everything from online camps to day camps in the mix. Alongside our adventure camps model, we are introducing camps that will appeal to a wide range of young people who wouldn’t attend an adventure-based camp.
We also have new initiatives around growing and developing leaders. Paul Humphreys our South Island Camps Facilitator has taken up a new role to facilitate Beyond Experience, an extension of our leadership development pathway—you can read about it on the following pages. We have been delighted with the impact some of our volunteer camp leaders have brought as contributors for daily reflections on the SUNZ Instagram page, in another new initiative. The appointment of a new South Island Camps Facilitator will also bring fresh ideas into our camps ministry.
Our camps team have created a template for a weekend camp (almost a camp-in-a-box) for youth groups to grab so they can run their own camp to help create community amongst
I am so looking forward to this new world postCOVID-19, and I am thankful for God’s constancy and the heritage that we have to stand on as we go into infinity and beyond. OCTOBER 2020 5
PAUL HUMPHREYS | National Leadership Facilitator, SUNZ
ut just what is ‘experience’? The word summons up images that someone knows what they are doing: ‘… the experience that she brought…’. It can also invoke a reflection or opinion about the nature of something that happened: “….that was a wonderful experience we had…”. And what might it mean if someone moved beyond experience? Scripture Union New Zealand (SUNZ) is excited to embark on a new ministry opportunity that is best described as moving our young leaders beyond experience. And this is the name of the new SUNZ leadership development programme. Beyond Experience identifies and invites current and potential future SUNZ ministry and programme leaders on a multiple-year journey. We aim to grow not only leaders for the shortterm expressions in SUNZ ministries but wellequipped leaders for the much longer term. Let me explain what this means. The programme aims to facilitate opportunities throughout the ministries of SUNZ to allow leaders to go beyond
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experience and prepare them to be the future leaders of Aotearoa New Zealand Society—in business, arts, medicine, politics, education, sports, the church and more. Let that sit with you for a moment… What a lofty dream…. To have our life-changing, faith-forming ministries shape the future landscape of our society. To have people who are followers of Jesus shaping the very fabric of our nation and filling the positions of power that shape policy, law, health and more in this country. And, moreover, to have our Christian faith and the very tenants of Jesus’ life shape decisions at a national level. I believe this could have a long-lasting and evangelical effect on the very social fabric and soul of Aotearoa New Zealand. What an exciting notion to dream about—especially in light of the fact that New Zealand is considered a post-Christian nation. Beyond Experience seeks to offer experience for young leaders. Not just to get a job or to serve more effectively in building God’s kingdom while at camp or in their current
ministry, but to move beyond the experience of that and onto whatever God has in store for them in the years ahead. It will be a safe place to process the successes and challenges of leadership in the field—whether that be at church, youth group, school or camps—and to grow as a leader. The aim is to set these young people up for the future by equipping them, not only with practised leadership skills but also with a Christ-centred leadership ethos. Beyond Experience kicks off next February (postponed from September) with a weekend retreat in Auckland. The funding we have so wonderfully received covers all retreat expenses. We are excited to tell you that there are over 50 leaders coming from across NZ and SUNZ ministries. At the retreat, leaders will be paired with experienced mentors—SUNZ field staff and others who already have a big impact on SUNZ. They will then meet monthly to build a relationship and follow a monthly rhythm and practice of discussing and reflecting on leadership experiences within SUNZ and other ministry contexts. In addition to recurring monthly questions, each month will have a different theme or focus with articles to read and questions for reflection. We hope that these young leaders will take these experiences everywhere they go in life, faith and relationships. Beyond Experience strives to use Jesus Christ, the ultimate experiential teacher, as facilitator. In partnership with prayer and Bible engagement we will look beyond what happened to seek the meaning—to move beyond experience and grow as a child of God and become all that God has called them to be. We look forward to updating you along the way. Please pray for our guides and our young leaders. OCTOBER 2020 7
from Camps to Leadership and Life MEREDITH MACKENZIE | Deputy Chair, SUNZ
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nce upon a time, and yes it was a long time ago, my Grandma was staying with us and she told me that my cousin was going on a horse camp. It didn’t take me too long to get myself invited. At the end of that week at Happy Valley, I was hooked on camps, hooked on horses, and hooked on God. It was a Scripture Union NZ (SUNZ) camp, the first of eight I attended as a camper. I went on to attend a significant number more in just about every other role. Fellow campers from other parts of the country became my network when I left home for university. My camp leadership journey started because a horse camp was short of leaders, and someone in the SUNZ network suggested me (I’d been on a whole lot of other camps since that first one). The opportunity to have a go at leadership, with a day of training before we started, daily check-ins, support right alongside me, and role models all around, was fantastic. I want to pay tribute to all the camp volunteers and SUNZ staff who talk about and demonstrate good leadership. I have had the pleasure of working with so many as we train new leaders and support experienced leaders. Years later, I still have the resources we have developed and used for camps training—and have used and adapted many for the corporate leadership training I do now. My years of small group leadership and directing at camps have given me skills to run effective meetings, work collaboratively with colleagues, and coach rather than command. Camps have taught me about conflict situations, and the relief of being able to pray with a team and see God at work. I have seen time and time again that planning well, for all possibilities, takes the stress out of the crazy situations that can happen, and I have plenty of stories to tell!
One summer, I was preparing to direct a horse camp, when a potential leader rang to say they couldn’t come after all. I remember driving home from work for lunch, and saying aloud in the car, quite loudly: `God, if you can tell people about Jesus’ coming 400 years before He was born, could I POSSIBLY have some leaders seven weeks before camp?!?!’. About ten minutes later, just as I was making lunch, a friend rang to say that she was keen to come to camp that summer and that her husband would like to come and lead studies if I didn’t already have a studies leader. Wow! Can you hear God saying, `See, you just had to ask!’. My SUNZ camps experience has led on to planning and governance roles. I was part of the Waikato Camps Working Group for a long time, and an invitation to attend the National Policy Group weekend was an excellent taster for governance opportunities. It is now my pleasure to be serving on the SUNZ Board and Finance Committee—yet another training ground for leadership in other areas of life. My SUNZ journey has provided me with career opportunities (five years as youth staff, two years as Deputy Director), governance experience, a vast network of friends, more leadership lessons than I can possibly recount, experience as a trainer and coach, speaking to small and large groups, lifelong habits (the positive kind!), and most importantly, opportunity to see God at work in so many lives. Three key values common to SUNZ activities that I will carry with me always are interdenominational acceptance, servant leadership, and prayerful dependence on our God, who can do immeasurably more than we can hope or imagine.
OCTOBER 2020 9
is more than a camp—it’s a true backcountry expedition. Faith formation, leadership development, and care for God’s creation are held closely as the main drivers at the core of a remote wilderness experience brought together by the partnership of Scripture Union NZ (SUNZ) with two other Christian organisations, Adventure Specialities Trust and A Rocha New Zealand. A small group of older youth journey across remote backcountry with multiple adventurous activities. It’s also a mental and spiritual journey of preparation for life beyond school. The name E3 alludes to the three facets:
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• Expanding faith and empowering personal character in the journey of following Jesus. • Equipping in the nature and challenges of leadership. • Exploring ecology and our place in God’s creation. The first E3 ran over ten days in Canterbury in 2013, tramping through the Lewis Pass mountains, mountain biking through the Canterbury High Country and rafting the Clarence River. And we knew we were on to something good! E3 has run each year since.
We soon came up with a parallel journey: E3 Otago which traverses Haast Pass to Wānaka by foot, pedal and paddle. The 2019 E3 Otago journey was particularly memorable. A few days before the journey, Lake Wānaka flooded and the instructor team had to plan a whole new 11-day journey along Lake Hawea in about 36 hours—no small feat! When our support crew made their first delivery, they saw the E3 ethos play out almost instantly: deep joy and respect were evident in the way participants were interacting with each other and the environment surrounding them. As the crew resupplied us with food and equipment every few days, they saw this spirit growing as participants spoke about overcoming huge physical obstacles, alluding to the spiritual, emotional or relational obstacles being processed under the surface. This summer, for the first time, we have three E3 expeditions. A new North Island E3 will start from Mt Ruapehu, tramping through dense forest, crossing glacial-fed rivers and traversing alpine passes. Then it’s a cycle to the start of a canoe journey along the breathtaking Whanganui River for three days. Back on dry land, we’ll jump back on our bikes— and there just might be another taste of those kayaks before we finish! In anticipation of this year’s E3 expeditions, the three partner organisations have met together and spent a lot of time reimagining and rewriting the content then training the leaders/instructors to make the most of these unique journeys and realise the vision of this expedition in both new and familiar settings. We have some really exciting things planned! I encourage you to share this unique opportunity with those in years 11-13. We still have spaces for the 2020 North Island E3, so get in quick!
OCTOBER 2020 11
t’s a time of change in our world today, and it’s a time of change in SUNZ camps ministry too. Some things aren’t changing: Scripture Union NZ (SUNZ) continues to hold Christ as our cornerstone and to call young people to build a lifelong relationship with God and the Bible. But we are looking at some new expressions of our ministry. Adventurebased camps are the traditional and best known examples of SUNZ youth ministry—but there’s a huge group of young people who would never attend an adventure camp for a whole bunch of reasons. Let me tell you some of the ways we’ve been exploring the opportunity to offer different styles of camps to connect with some of the young people we haven’t been reaching. Introducing ‘Be Scene’ day camp During the winter school holidays, Wellington hosted the first SUNZ drama camp and the first day camp that we have run for at least ten years. This was the first of many new-styled camps that we are looking at. The idea had been in the pipeline for a while and with COVID-19 in
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New Zealand, it seemed to be the right opportunity to give it a go.
Day camps are a great idea because it keeps the cost of the camp for the campers down, and gives anxious campers the opportunity to attend a camp without having to be away from home overnight. Day camps also give flexibility to volunteer leaders and are a good option for volunteers who can’t attend a residential camp, maybe because of family commitments, but are able to lead on a day camp when they can be home around 4.30pm each day.
Be Scene, the name of our drama camp, was an intentional word play on the words ‘scene’ (it being a drama camp):‘being seen’ was the focus of the Bible engagement times throughout camp). The day camp format gave a good opportunity for young people to invite their nonChristian friends —including some who wouldn’t have been allowed to attend a residential camp. Our National Director, Hilary Hague was visiting and heard this statement from one of these young people: ‘Yesterday I heard we were going to do a
Bible study and I thought “What the …” because I’d never looked in the Bible before. But it was really good. I liked it. We’re doing it again today.’ These sort of comments make it all worthwhile as a camp leader! We were blessed with a very talented team of leaders who were able to teach the campers the basics of the craft of acting. In the afternoons the campers had an opportunity to put what they had learnt into practice. It all culminated with a short show for the parents and other family members who showed up on the last afternoon. It was a wonderful first experience of running both a drama camp and a day camp. This camp included some types of young people we don’t often see on our camps: the child who would be too anxious to stay overnight; the nonChristian friends; the less well-off; the family group. After seeing how the young people on Be Scene connected with one another, despite coming from vastly different socio-economic and cultural backgrounds, I am excited about the possibilities that we can unlock with day camps in the future.
So where to from here? We are looking at the possibilities of running more day camps around the country. We have ideas for camps focused on drama, music, dance, computers and sport, and we are open to hearing other ideas that will fit the day camp structure. We have an online camp all set up ready to go and are considering running it next winter as another option to get a different range of young people involved in SUNZ camps. Maybe you have particular interests or skills we could use on a day or online camp. Maybe you have a passion to lead on a camp but the traditional residential camps wouldn’t work for you. I invite you to contact one of our Camps Facilitators or Youth Consultants for a chat to see if we might be able to find a spot on a day camp for you. Camping may not look like it used to, but Christ remains firmly at the centre of all we do and I am sure our camps will continue to impact the lives of young people for Christ in our changing world. Please keep praying for our staff, our volunteers and for our campers. OCTOBER 2020 13
73 Welcome! Check out our ideas! Pull it out! & Pass it around!
In March I picked up my knitting needles and started on a blanket—or rāhui rug as I liked to call it. In August, with Auckland at Level 3 and the rest of the country at Level 2, I started making face masks. The blanket was more about me, the masks were more about others. I have thought a lot about masks as a symbol of self-sacrifice and putting others first. We don’t necessarily want to wear one, but it’s about thinking of those around us and putting their needs first. I was reminded of the verse from Luke 6:31: Do to others as you would have them do to you. As we live with uncertainty around us, it is good to remember that we are not alone. We have each other and we have a loving heavenly Father. In the words of Paul: ‘I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.’ (Philippians 4:12 NIV) HOW CAN WE ALL HELP EACH OTHER NAVIGATE THE COVID-19 CONTINUUM WELL AND HONESTLY?
In this edition of the WAY2GO magazine, we look at thanksgiving as a way to help lift our spirits, and offer a ‘daily debrief’ idea as a useful tool to help build resilience into the daily lives of our whānau.
___ Liz Eichler
SUNZ Children and Families Consultant
Thanksgiving is a way of life and can be a balm for our souls. The Greek word for ‘Thanksgiving’ is eucharisteo which has a root of the word of charis, which means ‘grace’. Charis also has a derivative char, which means ‘joy’. When we share our thanksgivings with God and one another, we literally become partakers of both joy and grace. Sharing thanksgivings as a common rhythm in prayer together—whether at the table together before grace is said or as one part of family bedtime prayers—is a good life pattern. One way to acknowledge and celebrate the practice of giving thanks is to respond after each family member shares their thanksgiving with the words: ‘Thanks be to God!’ The joy after naming each thanksgiving grows.
TRY THIS BODY PRAYER TOGETHER: Thanks be to God for this day
(both arms up to the sky and then slowly down by both sides)
For all that is above us
(both arms up toward the sky, stretch up on your tippy toes if standing)
For all that is below us
(both arms down toward the ground, touching your toes if you can)
For all that is beside us (both arms to each side, twisting to one side and then the other side)
For all that is before us (both arms in front of you, bending at your waist)
For all that is behind us (both arms behind you, arching back a bit)
For all that is beyond us
(both arms in front of you and then out wide like you are about to give a big hug)
For all that is within us (place both of your hands on your heart)
Thanks be to God for this day! AMEN (make prayer hands in the middle)
BOUNCING BACK Resilience is the ability to adjust or adapt or the capacity to recover and become strong again after something bad. Children learn resiliency skills best when they are in an environment that…
Important characteristics for developing a resilient faith:
Develop the habit of a daily debrief
Able to
CONNECTED to people around them
Offers care and support. Holds high expectations for behaviour, attitude and work ethic.
That they’re
Encourages active, meaningful participation in family, school and community activities.
Intergenerational relationships A safe place for doubt with conversations in response to their hardest questions, not just answers
Has adults who model resiliency strategies for children by being positive, focused, flexible, organized and proactive.
A robust understanding of the whole gospel integrating faith into all aspects of life and relying on God for strength and hope
Partnership with families
Here is one tool to keep an eye on children’s developing perspectives, assumptions, beliefs and conclusions about life, God, others and themselves. Gather the family around a meal or at bedtime (but without TV or technology) for a ‘daily debrief’ to process the events and feelings of the day. Keep it casual and informal without pressure. Ask each person for:
1 good thing
1 bad thing
1 God thing
Listen to each person. Ensure that no-one is interrupted or brushed aside, and don’t let people speak over the top of others. Make it daily…
Adapted from a WAY2GO workshop by Hilary Hague, SUNZ National Director. For more ideas see sunzbreakthrough.org.nz
CHRISTMAS BAUBLES Each little baubleshaped book tells a different aspect of the Christmas story. Neat little thank you gifts for volunteers, easy to pop in the post. $1.60 each. www.sunz.org.nz/shop
Every year thousands of Year 8 students face a huge range of emotions, from excitement to anxiety, as they move on to high school. It’s Your Move! is an exciting school transition programme from Scripture Union NZ that helps students prepare for the changes ahead in their life at high school. Thousands of students across New Zealand have benefited from the tips, advice, stories and information provided in the book and also from school workshops and lessons and an opportunity to connect with and learn from current high school students.
Looking for Advent and Christmas ideas? Check out SUNZ website and blog! sunzbreakthrough .org.nz childrenandfamiliesnz. blogspot.com
‘It’s Your Move is a great introduction to facing some of the challenges a 12- or 13-year-old will come across when transitioning to high school.’ (Youth pastor - Auckland)
‘An invaluable aid to all New Zealanders approaching high school’ (Former high school principal - Auckland)
For further information please contact: Andy Banks andy.b@sunz.org.nz
Scripture Union wants to work with your church to create opportunities for children and young people to discover and follow Jesus, grow as leaders, and influence the world. Contact us and let us know how we can help you.
PO Box 760, Wellington 6140 way2go@sunz.org.nz 0508 423 836 sunz.org.nz
CAMPS 2020/21
FAITH NIGEL WINDER | Southern Regional Director, SUNZ
FANNED INTO FLAME ‘For this reason I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you’ 2 Timothy 1:6
I have tried to replicate a good campfire in my backyard. Burning some backyard rubbish in a large steel drum had varying degrees of success. One day I experimented with a small capful of petrol to help with the ignition process. This ended up in an explosion that sent some of my rubbish skyward, left me lying on my back looking up at the sky contemplating the shortness and fragility of life, and sent my family rushing to see what had rattled the house windows. Scripture Union NZ (SUNZ) doesn’t endorse such reckless campfire behaviour, but one thing we do want to see on our camps is faith being fanned back to life.
What has made these camps so effective in fanning the flame of faith? Fabulous food and fun, time out of the normal routines and distractions, and beautiful settings that reflect God’s glory have set the scene. Alongside that has been a sense of community and belonging, as shared experiences help grow key relationships. And central to the mix:
Camps in their various forms have been an incredibly valuable catalyst in re-igniting the flame under the embers of my faith, exciting me for God, re-establishing spiritual disciplines and helping me deal to some of the rubbish that has needed to be removed from my life.
• Time to reflect and pray and reset some spiritual goals
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• Inspiring Christian speakers who challenged me to explore matters of faith • Time in God’s Word in small groups and on my own where God’s Spirit spoke
• The sharing of inspiring testimonies that reinforced the reality and power of God
Camps ministry has rightly been identified as a key accelerant or contributor to peak experiences. A peak experience complements the regular activities that take place within your faith journey. It provides a wonderful and positive encounter with God, a place where God shows up and something happens that grows and challenges you in your faith. Of course, peak experiences are important not only on camps, but also in our wider Christian journey. They are one of the eight key strategies of faith formation identified in SUNZ’s THRIVE workshop— the rewritten and updated version of the “You’re Losing Us” workshop—and we invite you to contact one of our Children and Families Consultants if you would like to learn more. Faith thrives when we: • Move away from the ordinary to places where we can sometimes hear God speak more clearly—when we come close to Him and He comes close to us, transformation happens • Receive opportunities to attend one-off peak experiences or events such as camps, worship services or experiences in the outdoors where God meets us and stretches and inspires us
• Are guided through these experiences and supported afterwards • Camps are proven to be rich and meaningful places to encounter God, discover the big story of the Bible, and make positive peer and intergenerational connections. Each of these has also been identified as key parts of forming lifelong faith. Talk about bang (not the explosive kind) for your buck! Just as some of Jesus’ disciples evidenced something of His unveiled glory on a mini camp up on a mountain top, we pray that camps ministry will be mountain top experiences that transform the hearts and minds of children and young people, fan the flames of faith, and inject some revitalisation into each person’s journey with God. One of my favourite camp memories is sleeping out under a large rock bivy overlooking the valley below. From this place of shelter, God whispered His assurance that my life was secure under the security of His protection. Sound familiar? Just ask Elijah or the writers of the Psalms or any number of people who have attended a camp.
OCTOBER 2020 21
for the path ALYSSA KOO | Exodus Prime Graduate
STOLEN, LAME OR SICK? The severity of the words of Malachi 1 can make us recoil. When I read this passage recently, I tried to use context to distance it from me. But when I asked God to speak, this scripture was a ‘double-edged sword, piercing... it brought the desires and thoughts of my heart to light and held them in judgement’ (Hebrews 4:12).
Before you read this passage, I invite you to ask God to let this scripture speak to you directly. ‘A son naturally honours his father and a slave respects his master. If I am your father, where is my honour? If I am your master, where is my respect? For when you offer blind animals as a sacrifice, is that not wrong? And when you offer the lame and sick, is that not wrong as well? …what is stolen, lame, or sick. You bring these things for an offering! Should I
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accept this from you?” asks the Lord. “There will be harsh condemnation for the hypocrite who has a valuable male animal in his flock but vows and sacrifices something inferior to the Lord.’ Malachi 1:6, 8, 13-14 God no longer wants animal sacrifices from us. When Jesus came into the world, He said, ‘Sacrifice and offering you did not desire, but a body you prepared for me’ (Hebrews 10:5). God wants us to ‘present our bodies a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to Him’ (Romans 12:1).
When we dedicate our time, our minds, our hearts to God, are we bringing the valuable male in our flock, or something inferior? When I read this scripture, and saw myself as the offering I was giving to God, I became overwhelmed with how little of my heart truly belonged to God. My affection was
divided, and the offering I brought was stolen, lame, and sick. Stolen because while I claimed that God had my heart, I had also given it elsewhere. Lame because this division of my heart crippled it; I wasn’t able to love myself or others well. Sick because my heart was seeking after things that could never make it whole. Is there a part of yourself that is stolen, lame or sick when you offer it to God? Ask Him to reveal that now. Well, the good news is this: Jesus has come! ‘The Lord you are seeking will suddenly come to his temple’ and ‘He will act like a refiner and purifier... Then they will offer the Lord a proper offering. The offerings will be pleasing to the Lord.’ (Malachi 3:1, 3-4) As the Lamb of God, ‘unblemished and spotless’ (1 Peter 1:19), Jesus died as the perfect sacrifice, for all time. And it is because of Him, we can now offer proper offerings that are pleasing to God. Despite
our imperfect, stolen, lame or sick selves, the offering that we give to God is made pleasing because of Jesus. ‘Draw near to God and he will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands’ (James 4:8)
OCTOBER 2020 23
my name is Alyssa Koo. I’m 17 in my last year of high school in Wellington. I trace my relationship with God all the way back to Sunday School. Since then God has continued to prove to me what I knew from the beginning. He has brought me out of loneliness, given me faith when I could only see doubt and always brings me back to the cross when I can’t see beyond my own deficit. The love and support I have been given by my family, my church and camps like Exodus Prime have been instrumental in encouraging me to grow more and more in understanding and in love. I’m an Exodus Prime graduate—I’ve completed the four years of this leadership development programme. In my first year at camp, I was taken aback that every half-hour of the schedule was filled in—from 7:30am to 11:00pm! I’ll admit I was a little worried it’d be tiring or even become tiresome. But God had something new and exciting for me in each thing we did. While I was exhausted by the end of the week, I felt spiritually more alive and replenished. I took millions of tiny, scrunched up notes during the teachings and workshops. Even after years, I’ll still pull out my old Exodus Prime booklets to reread those notes when I need wisdom. Exodus Prime is an amazing community. Everyone is there to seek after God, discover more of Him and uplift each other. It is the example of my co-Exodus Primers that gave
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me the courage to start a Christian group at my school, and begin speaking openly and loudly about the gospel with my school friends. It’s not lonely being the Jesus kid when I have so many EP friends who continue to support and pray for me throughout the year! Beginning my past four high school years with Exodus Prime has meant that going into each I’ve had my eyes set in Christ. Being soaked in the presence of God and the encouragement of His people has reminded me of what really matters transitioning into a new season. Exodus Prime always gives me hope that the year ahead is filled with promise. The teaching, conversations with people and encounters with God remind me that God has an intentional hand in my life: the next year is an opportunity to grow in my character and to grow God’s kingdom. Exodus Prime asks our home churches to provide us with a mentor for the year. This mentoring has been invaluable and transformative. Exodus Prime doesn’t just provide us with an amazing time at camp (although we definitely get that), it wants to shape us to be equipped, God-seeking representatives of heaven in our communities and churches. I encourage youth who are hungry for God to go to Exodus Prime. It’s an amazing opportunity to connect with Him, rededicate yourself to Him and grow further in leadership skills.
cripture Union NZ (SUNZ) is delighted to have a new South Island Camps Facilitator, Anna Squires, who started at the end of Term 3. Anna takes over from Paul Humphreys who has taken on the new role of SUNZ National Leadership Coordinator. We asked Anna to introduce herself to you: Kia ora! Ko Anna ahau. I currently live in Christchurch. I have been here for five years working as an outdoor instructor and love exploring God’s beautiful creation—whether it’s chilling at the beach with my friends, or heading up to the mountains for some climbing, biking, skiing or looking for cool insects. I’m originally from the Deep South, and often pop down to see my family (I have seven siblings so lots of catching up!). I love a good old jam on the guitar, especially around campfires. I am looking forward to summer adventures and beyond stoked to be starting my new job with SUNZ as the new Camps Coordinator for Te Wai Pounamu!
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This has been a year of uncertainty and adjustment because of COVID-19. Yet, in spite of the continual change, we have worked hard and creatively to maintain our vision to help children and young people discover Jesus and become lifelong disciples who serve the world around them. We were disappointed to postpone our AGM and cancel our face-to-face supporters’ evenings and instead hold an online AGM, but these are the times we find ourselves living in. Our methods have needed to adapt but our calling remains the same. Thank you for your encouragement and support over this time.
Auckland kept working at Level 3 As we all know Auckland was at Level 3 but ministry continued. Annette Osborne hosted the children’s ministry block course at Carey Baptist College. She taught three slots during the week. It ended up being online but it was very worthwhile. SU International invited Andrew Ramsbottom to an online workshop to share his thoughts on Creative Bible Engagement with countries who are far worse off than us. It was a good opportunity to be able to contribute internationally. I (Hilary) managed to get in a visit just before Level 3 was announced and had a good time catching up with some of our key volunteers.
Busy times in the Waikato Natalie Duchesne, our North Island Camps Facilitator has moved to Hamilton where she will be based from now. She is settling well with office space in town. She’d love you to get in touch if you happen to be in Hamilton. The Waikato Regional Committee has just held a working bee at Adventure lodge which is looking spick and span. If you’d like to hire this for a holiday for your church or family, check on our website or ring us. I attended a committee meeting and spent time in the Waikato catching up with key volunteers.
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A new day camp and more in Wellington We trialed a new style of camp in Wellington—a day camp called Be Scene. This was led by Neville Bartley, our Youth Team Leader who worked with a team of volunteers to run a great week based around drama. The format worked really well and we are going to try some more day camps. Liz Eichler, our Children and Families Consultant, has just held a Children’s Ministry Network meeting. It was good to be able to gather and encourage people over this time.
Christchurch will be home for our New South Island Camps Facilitator We are excited to announce Anna Squires as our newly appointed South Island Camps Facilitator. She’s starting with us three days a week but please pray that we’ll soon have the funding to make it four days. She will be based in Christchurch where she will work alongside Paul Humphreys and Richard Starling. Paul has changed roles to work as our Leadership Development Facilitator. This is a national position developing young leaders. Paul and Natalie led E3 Train the Trainer in Christchurch. This was aimed at upskilling the instructors and it concentrated on faith formation.
Invercargill team host camp leader training The South Island Camp Leaders Training was held with a strong contingent of SUNZ camp volunteers and staff attending. It was a good time and the group particularly valued the opportunity to practice telling their own faith stories. They are looking forward to the spring camps ski camp in the South Island and it was a wonderful time.
New ski camp in Queenstown We held our first ever Wakatipu Base Camp in Queenstown. Paul Humphreys and Tim Pearce directed it with a volunteer team and 17 campers. It has been a few years since we have had a ski camp in the South Island and it was a wonderful time. OCTOBER 2020 27
¼ This mini-book is a fresh way of opening up the Gospel of Luke ¼ Told with humour and creativity, this is perfect for sparking an interest in the Bible A mini-version of Diary of a disciple: Luke's Story, consisting of the first three chapters of the full book. This booklet makes a great give away to children in both school and church. This booklet could easily be used as part of World Book Day, RE Lessons, Christmas celebrations and more. Dr Luke has a story to tell. It's a super incredible, massively, mindboggling totally AMAZING, absolutely awesome, epically HUGE story. Luke wrote down everything that happened because he wanted everyone, everywhere in the whole world to hear what he had to say. Luke's story tells you who Jesus is, what he did, the people he met, all the super interesting things he had to say, and it has a pretty jaw-dropping twist right at the end... Diary of a disciple: Luke's story is a contemporary retelling of Luke's Gospel. Written in a quirky, contemporary, accessible style, Diary of a disciple offers a way into the Bible for the next generation. A brand new rendering of Luke's gospel, aimed at encouraging 6-12 year olds to engage afresh with the good news. In a contemporary doodle style, Diary of a Disciple aims to encourage children to interact with the stories they read, offering space for them to write/draw in the book alongside the main text.
28 www.sunz.org.nz
$299 EACH
www.suresources.org.nz WHO IS THE LIGHT?
Who is the Light? is a 17-page tract for children aged 5 to 8 who attend outreach/mission events around Halloween.
Developed to support Light parties and similar events, the narrative of Who is the Light? centres around presenting Jesus as the Light of the World and how those who follow him are called to be like light too.
Illustrated by Lisa Maltby, this booklet has a friendly and colourful design, helping young children to explore the claims of Jesus, and consider their own response.
$1599 EACH
What if your children don't choose faith in Christ? What if they walk away from church? Jo Swinney and Katharine Hill take a down-to-earth look at these painful questions. Honest and real, Keeping faith... explores the experiences of Christian parents with adult children - who have decided, for now, that faith isn't for them. Keeping faith...offers comfort, encouragement and hope for the future.
Engage is a series of daily Bible reading notes for teenagers. Through Engage’s pages plunge into God’s awesome word: discovering who God is and what he’s like; seeing what God’s done for us through Jesus; and exploring practical ways of living for Him. The Bible is packed with amazing stories and life-changing teaching. It’s time to dive into the Bible and see God change our lives. This collection includes 20 issues of Engage covering every chapter of the Bible.
OCTOBER 2020 29
The bestselling Lifebuilders series have helped millions of people dig deeper into the Bible, individually and in groups. Some tackle a section of the Bible, others take a thematic approach. There are questions for stimulating group discussion, ideas for meeting God in personal reflection, and the new titles and revisions contain extra features.
30 www.sunz.org.nz
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PO BOX 760, Wellington 6140 | 0508 423 836 | info@sunz.org.nz He rama ta-u kupu ki o-ku waewae | Your word is a lamp to my feet. Psalm 119:105 SUNZ is a member of the Scripture Union International Family