SUNZ Adventure Magazine February 2010

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THE ADVENTURE Your Scripture Union Magazine

FEBRUARY 2010 ISSN 1176-5143


Inside . . . Summer Camps review WAY2GO Interns from the UK




alking past the Basin Reserve, I read the words on a billboard.

They were advertising the Twenty20 summer series of cricket. Ah . . . the images and memories of summers past. Raucous grasshopper chorus’, dry brown grass crackling underfoot, a golden sun blazing out of a blue sky, an old canvas deckchair creaking as hours pass guiltlessly, sea breeze blowing off the harbour. A radio cricket commentary filling the background. That might have been the scene where you were, but not here in Wellington. Fair to say summer has not been what we expected. We’re very thankful that camps have not been affected and have been very successful. When it comes to the weather, we mainly expect it to fit our plans, but the reality is it is beyond our control, even defying our expectations. Expectations are funny things. They have the potential to excite us and disappoint us. At the beginning of a new year what expectations do you have for Twenty10? I have expectations for our ministry, expectations of growth in the kingdom. I have expectations of myself and family too. And I have learned how critical it is, no matter what our expectations, to have Jesus at the centre. So what is it that God expects of us? The answer to that is “ . . . to act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with your God” (Micah 6:8). Whatever you do, wherever you are this year, no matter the season, may you experience the grace and presence of God to meet that expectation.

Wayne Fraser National Director 2

Te Anau

Wind‘n’ Water Camp 3 – 8th Jan


hat better way to kick off a decade than camping on the shores of Lake Te Anau and indulging in all things watersports? For six days, nineteen brave campers and a few crazy leaders faced the elements, pulling on wetsuits to fend off the cool temperatures of NZ summer as we learnt to sail, windsurf, kayak and biscuit. Each day we spent a few hours at the lake, celebrating with one another as we picked up some new skills (or at least had an awesome time trying)! It was amazing to see the perseverance and sheer determination of the windsurfers and hardy sailors! When not skimming the shores of the lake, time was rapidly filled with an assortment of hilarious and very vocal games! Theatre Sports games were played with names like Screaming ninjas, talking vegetables and Ohhh Yea Big Birdy, as well as kite making, Kubb (literally “Stick Game”). Matty’s rendition of “Lisa” Simpson will forever be etched in our minds. The evenings were filled with a variety of wild wide games, which had us sprinting through the park, clambering through bushes and reciting lame jokes. Each day we were privileged to worship God with our voices, musical gifts and three-part rounds of “Love the Lord your God” and in our studies we had the chance to learn more about the skills and talents God’s given each of us, the world He’s put us in, the needs of those around us and the ways we can respond. The chance to pray for one another on the last day was a treasured and powerful time for many. As if that wasn’t enough, the final night of camp saw the Year 10 campers sailing (in the rain!) on an epic excursion to Hope Arm, while the Year 7 – 9’s danced up a storm back at camp. Te Anau Wind ‘n’ Water 2010 has etched itself in my memory as an awesome experience of God’s goodness and as a reminder of His unconditional love for each of us. With those two things in mind, bring on 2010!

Anna Konings Camp Leader



s you read this our fresh batch of keen Action Abroad Interns are arriving from the UK. This year we have:

Philip Holley

“I’m having so much fun that I don’t want to go home. I wonder if my parents will let me come to another one of these camps?” – questioned a 9 year old girl at the Auckland SUPAkidz camp this January.


he wasn’t the only one asking that question. When asked what they like about the SUPAkidz camps, the year 4 – 6 children’s answers included “making new friends”, “the food”, “fun activities”, “learning more about God” and “well, everything”. Return campers quickly abandoned their parents on arrival to catch up with old friends and meet their team leader. Nervous first-time parents were reassured by the way the enthusiastic volunteer leaders quickly built relationships with their children. Jessamy, an experienced SUPAkidz leader, said “Scripture Union’s leaders training has given me so many good skills that I can use in other places. Everything is really well thought out. When I first started, I was really nervous but you remember what you were taught at the right time and build on that skill.”

from Northern Ireland, he will be working with the youth ministry (under Judy Bennett’s direction–Hamilton) he’s passionate about rugby and plays the drums for his local church.

James Bogie

who will be also working with youth, but with Andy Banks and Luzette Hermon in Auckland.

Rachel Mote

will be based in the Auckland office, and will work with the Children and Families team here. She comes from a family of 4, and enjoys yachting. They will be helping out in a variety of Scripture Union activities under the keen guidance of Andy Banks, including assisting with the YOUTHSERVE ministry and SUPAkidz. Look forward to updates from our interns in future issues of the Adventure.

Ruth, 19 years old, on her 11th SUPAkidz camp, took on the role of co-director for the first time. She said, “I love getting to know the kids and seeing kids coming back to every camp. You can see an awesome change over the week in the group. I like the way Scripture Union is focused on building relationships with the kids, earning the right to share the gospel with them. I have learnt so much about how to share about God through the camps.” The next SUPAkidz camp will be 12 – 16 April at Mangawhai Heads, Northland. To find out more, go to or call 0508 4 ADVENTURE

Alice Harper Fundraising Manager





Rachel Mote


James Bog


Treasure Seekers



Whether you work in your church, community or local school, WAY2GO children’s ministry conferences will be great for you. The combination of inspiring teaching and hands-on training make them an excellent way to learn more about children’s ministry.

Here’s what people have said about . . .

“I cam “I’ll definitely come encou e away ra back again next energ ged and is ed. Th year and be strongly you.” ank encouraging others in our children’s ministry “ It w to attend.” l ractica Would as awesom “Very p ually n’t ha e ! ! it for th ve missed yet spir g.” e wor it ld.” upliftin

g intriguin “ It was l. u tf h and insig ere!” th s a w d o G

This year we are taking a creative and relevant look at the key factors needed to help transformation happen in the lives of our children. Workshops will include: • A Children’s Ministry Certificate aimed specifically at new leaders. • A leadership track for key leaders to help you think through some of the issues and challenges that face people in children’s ministry. • Age related workshops for people who want to know specifically about pre-schoolers, primary aged children or intermediates. • Topical workshops looking at a variety of themes including winning with boys, working with families and helping children serve in a world of need. • ChildSafe training for people who are already using ChildSafe or who plan to do so.

Find out more about it under WAY2GO on our web site or contact us on 0508 4 ADVENTURE

The land where Jesus walked


ust before Christmas I spent a month in Israel and the West Bank, seeing where Jesus lived amongst the Jews and Samaritans, Greeks and the Roman occupiers who ruled the land. The imprint of Herod the Great was everywhere in the remains of fortresses, palaces and places of pagan worship, reminding me that Jesus and his people lived in a place of oppression and thwarted national ambitions. No wonder they longed for Messiah to bring deliverance. In an early synagogue, I imagined the child Jesus learning Torah and taking part in worship. On a trek in the Judean desert, I thought of him alone confronting the evil one who tried to deflect him from his task-to serve, suffer, die – and become in the words of the Samaritans, the Saviour of the world. I was with an all-age, multi-national group of Laidlaw College students and staff, a first time visit for most of us and we were excited to see (probable) Biblical sites – where the angel spoke to Mary, where Jesus was born, where he fed the disciples on the beach etc. We met the Christians of today, many of them Palestinians. We stayed mostly at the guesthouse of the Bethlehem Bible College, dedicated to developing Palestinian Christian leadership. (As well as Bible training, there’s a media course, and a tour guide course – and our guides, Rami and Lyad, with their inside-out knowledge of Scripture were ample proof of the effectiveness of this training.) We attended lectures, met Messianic Jews, and Israelis, Arabs and internationals involved in peacemaking efforts. A precious memory is from my last Sunday when I worshipped with the Beit Asaph congregation in Netanya*, and watched a pastor David Lorden with about twenty children sitting at his feet. As he led the congregation in prayer for the children, he touched each one gently on the head, blessing them just as Jesus did. What a wonderful way to show children that they matter to God. *Scripture Union children’s worker, Ora Guler, is part of this congregation.

Sylvia Coulter Northern Regional Director


Staff News


IT’S TIME TO TAKE ACTION. *Bible Society New Zealand research 2009


SUPAkidz SUPAkidz is all about reaching kids where they are – in the community. There are 33 SUPAkidz Clubs meeting in primary schools right across New Zealand and 5 SUPAkidz camps, between them they reach more than 1300 children a year. This year SUPAkidz has launched a new logo aimed at lifting the profile of the program. We want everyone to know about it!

Warwick Perwer Warwick Prewer the Scripture Union Waikato Youth Worker will be finishing at the end of January 2010. Warwick started as a Scripture Union volunteer on a Lake Okataina Camp in January 2000. We thank Warwick for the hard work he has put in over the years, training camp leaders and running camps in the King Country!

Survey Make sure you join with tens of thousands of other Kiwi Christians, from all denominations, taking part in the E100 Bible Reading Challenge.


18 APRIL 2010 Register your church now at: An initiative of -

A big thank you to everyone who completed our survey, we have had over 700 responses, this information is invaluable for understanding how we can better serve the needs of our supporters. The winner of the free camp for a young person was Mr Alf Bisphan from Auckland.

You can give a general donation to Scripture Union by donating securely online at Scripture Union, PO Box 760, Wellington Freephone 0508 4ADVENTURE (423 836) Email us at and visit our website:



Light for the path Luke 24:32

Guest Writer: Paul Dadd Children and Families Worker

The Road to Emmaus “Were not our hearts burning within us while he talked with us on the road and opened the Scriptures to us?”


love this account of Jesus appearing to these two disciples shortly after Easter Sunday, because it gives an insight into how God’s Word can help make sense of life. The two on the road to Emmaus were struggling to understand what was happening in their world. But when Jesus took them back to Scripture things became clear. In our confusing world, the Bible, especially when we look at the big picture, will help us to understand. It will help us to see that God is in control of the world and has a goal for it. For these two, as they saw what God was doing and as they met and talked with Jesus there was a sense of joy and delight – their hearts were burning. The transformation was such that they could head back to Jerusalem again with new energy. God’s word really does change us! We may not have Jesus in person walking alongside us explaining His Word, but we have His Holy Spirit to guide us. Someone once told me that the most important thing we can have when reading the Bible is humility. We need the guidance of the Holy Spirit when we open up God’s Word, because only then can we truly expect to meet with the living God and deepen our relationship with Him. 12

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