SUNZ Adventure Magazine February 2011

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THE ADVENTURE Your Scripture Union Magazine

February 2011 ISSN 1176-5143

INSIDE: Bible Engagement Summer Camps Essential Jesus


real kids // real faith // real world

Our mission: Seeing children and young people transformed by jesus

"Break Open Your Words, Let The Light Shine Out" Psalm 119:130 The Message

Editorial February 2011 The Bible is a lot stranger than we sometimes give it credit for. It sometimes feels alien, conflicting with prevailing views and personal perspectives. That’s partly why I have a confession to make. I enjoy using the Encounter with God Bible reading guide, but I’m already two weeks behind this year. That’s because I am lingering over the journey through Exodus, taking time to observe some of the descriptions that have become familiar and making determined application to life today. The Bible and interaction with it shape the way ministry is planned and carried out through Scripture Union. The International Working Principles talk about Bible engagement having a definite purpose, being concerned with the whole story, and of course applying principles faithfully to living today. Scripture Union ministries create unique opportunities to sit and open the Bible, talk about its meaning and application, and model the desire to live for and serve God.

Recently, we completed a framework for ministry which begins with some defining values we call the Scripture Union ethos. Each issue of the Adventure this year will take one of these values as its theme. At the top of that list is the word Biblical. We are advocates for Biblical understanding and accept its authority. Biblical principles, prayerfully enacted, are inherent in all we plan and do. We are committed to helping people open the Bible for themselves in life changing ways, appropriate to age and context. Working with Our Vision: Working with children and churches, Scripture Union young people, our creates opportunities for vision is to enable them to discover children and young people and follow Jesus to discover and follow and we do this Jesus, grow as leaders, and by introducing influence our world. them to the Bible in creative ways. Seeing the Bible come alive in an authentically dressed character certainly makes turning the pages and digging into the story more relevant. Using our hands to create something in response to hearing the Bible read adds something tactile in our experience. Our vision is also about children and young people growing as leaders. Since leadership is largely about Biblical principles there is a perfect fit here. Leadership is also about leading others to read and understand the Bible for themselves too, putting that faith into action through events such as YOUTHSERVE. Camps provide an ideal training ground for this leadership. Finally the vision statement talks about children and young people influencing our world. We can’t make that happen but we can be a positive influence in words and actions that show how the Bible can shape priorities, aspirations, and our entire worldview. Imagine the places of influence the children and young people of today could occupy tomorrow. Scripture Union is well placed and eager to be part of a Biblical revolution, thank you for being a part of it. Wayne Fraser – National Director


Scripture Union


“I can see you’re teaching… but are they learning?” This is a powerful question and it’s one that I have challenged myself with regularly since I was first asked it 30 years ago. We all want the children we work with to learn. We want them to learn to have a real faith for the real world they live in. We want them to learn about God and how much He loves them and we want them to learn Christ-like attitudes and to be known for their servant spirits, and for the quality of what they do. WAY2GO 2011 will explore creative and effective ways to help children learn these things. This year our key note speaker is Wendy Strachan. Wendy works as the Children’s Ministries Coordinator for SU International. She’s responsible for training Scripture Union staff across the world, as well as the development of global initiatives for children. There will be a wide variety of practical workshops looking at children’s ministry issues and an extensive range of resources available. There is a special conference discount for resources ordered on the day. Whether you’re a new volunteer or an experienced children’s worker, this conference will inspire and equip you as you work with your children. Don’t miss out! COME AS A TEAM AND ENJOY TOGETHER Hilary Hague – Director of Children & Families Ministry


Scripture Union


SUMMER CAMPS 2010/11 Ponui Junior Ponui Junior this year was a blast, as always! Amidst the sock wrestling, overnight hikes, and boating out on the beautiful Ponui water, 72 young teenagers learnt more about themselves, their faith, and about God Himself.

Craigeburn Capers In mid January the Craigeburn district was invaded by a hoard of loud, enthusiastic and keen teenagers who gathered together from the far reaches of our country. They were valiantly led by a group of inspiring, talented and beautiful leaders who also came from afar. Some even came from as far as Germany and Wellington! Together they spent the week exploring and adventuring; overcoming obstacles such as 35metre abseils and huge bush-covered hills. They slept out in the bush, journeyed through the depths of Cave Stream and navigated the waters of Lake Lynden in homemade rafts! More importantly though, they all learnt something about themselves and the world. They learnt about community by having to trust each other and encourage each other when times got a bit tough. They learnt about the environment by helping DoC deal with unwanted pine trees in the area. And they learnt about God and his plan to restore mankind back to him through Jesus Christ. All in all, it was a very successful camp that created lots of memories for all involved.

Sarah Bichen – Camp Leader

Camp study time focussed on 1 Corinthians 13. Campers learnt more about faith, hope and love in various ways: with stories, testimonies and the traditional Ponui Junior Sunday skits. Each group was given a portion of the study and asked to present it as a skit to the rest of camp The results were entertaining as expected: singing, dancing, a human play station, a mirror mime, and Love fending off bullies with a totem pole. We were excited to see a number of campers expressing interest in strengthening their faith, including two re-commitments and one first time commitment to become followers of Jesus! Camp was a great week, with heaps of fun, creativity and a whole heap of learning about having faith, the hope we have in Christ, the love of God, how we share that with others and live it out through the tough times as well as the cruisey happy times.

Karina Payne and Kirstyn Campbell – Camp Leaders


Scripture Union


Going for Gold in Wellington On January 10th, the very first Wellington SUPAkidz camp kicked off. For 8-11 year olds, SUPAkidz camps provide a key extension to SUPAkidz clubs and other local children’s ministry. When I visited, the 25 children at the camp were loving the Olympic theme of ‘going for gold’. Hannah, camp co-director, shared, “We have looked at Paul, how he travelled around sharing about Jesus, and how the kids can join Jesus’ team and start to run the race with Him.” I was really impressed by the centrality of the Bible at the camp. The children learnt a new memory verse every day and could be heard practising it at meal times, on the bush walk and in their cabins. During small group time, they each had their own book of Acts to read through together. There were also optional sessions called Keenites, where children could ask any questions they wanted. Growing in popularity each day, questions ranged from “what does God look like?” to “if Jesus is seated at the right hand of God, then who is on the left side?” Andrew Ramsbottom, who oversees SUPAkidz camping, impressed on the children the importance of knowing and understanding the Bible. During the camp, the children were given two opportunities to join Jesus’ team. Nine children responded for the first time or to make a recommitment. Please keep these children in your prayers that they will run the race throughout their lives.


ROCK UP, ROCK OUT After a year break, Scripture Union was back at the Parachute Music Festival in Hamilton. Billed as the “happiest little festival on earth” – Parachute is the biggest Christian Music Festival outside of the United States. Each year, 25,000 people from all around the country converge on Hamilton, to experience some of the biggest Christian music acts from New Zealand and around the global – this year included Skillet, Chris Tomlin and local favourites the Lads. This year we took along a mobile Rock Climbing Wall to engage the crowds, and it was sure popular! We had over 500 people climb the Wall, with the fastest climb being 7 seconds, and the youngest climber only the age of 4! The Climbing Wall had a height of 7 metres and a variety of difficulties to slow down the enthusiasts – the challenge was so fun, that we had one boy come back 6 times!

Alice Harper – National Fundraising Manager

The Rock Climbing Wall connected the young attendees with what Scripture Union is all about – ADVENTURE, and more importantly – seeing children and young people transformed by Jesus. Our team of ten volunteers, encompassing all the different ministries of Scripture Union talked with eager teenagers and parents about the summer season of camping, SUPAkidz and the up and coming WAY2GO conference. Thank you to everyone who came by our Climbing Wall and made it a success.

Jonathan Swan – Communications Manager


Scripture Union




Don’t miss the all new Bible Reading Challenge



As we near the end of our financial year, we have a shortfall of $36,000 on donations needed to fund our ministry. As you’ve read in this magazine, there are so many young people who need to know God’s love for them. You are a key part of the Scripture Union family and I would like to particularly highlight this need to you. If every person receiving this magazine gives a special donation of $10 or more, we can continue our ministry at current levels. Would you partner with us in this exciting mission today? 500

100 readings through the Bible’s greatest story

MARK IT IN YOUR CALENDAR NOW To find out more and receive updates visit




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After the hugely popular E100, we’re partnering with EJesusPostcardAdvert99x105.indd 1 12/01/11 9:19 AM the Bible Society and Wycliffe Translators to launch an all-new nationwide Bible reading challenge for 2011. Essential Jesus contains 100 readings through the Bible focusing on the life of Jesus. It is the perfect follow-up to the E100 campaign, or a great starting point for encouraging your congregation to get into the Bible if your church hasn’t done E100. Shorter readings than E100, the Essential Jesus campaign will really challenge participants to get out there and be Jesus in their communities!

What’s new for Essential Jesus? • Essential Jesus Challenge for Children A 20 week interactive children’s ministry programme to help your children meet Jesus through their Bibles (developed by our Children and Families Team Leader, Hilary Hague). • DVD Discussion Guide for Small Groups An exciting new DVD-based resource developed in New Zealand. This resource will be great for small groups of any size, including youth groups. • Following on from their popularity last year, there will be a Companion book (by the same author as E100) and a Personal Quick-start Planner for tracking your progress.


Gifts Received

We are thankful for the valuable gifts and donations for supporters. Here is an overview of gifts and donations against Budget for April 2010 to December 2010.

Gifts Budgeted

Summary financial information only, drawn from the unaudited current management accounts.

Recently, Milo Coldren and his family returned from some extended leave during which they took some time to evaluate. It was with sadness that we received Milo’s decision to resign from Scripture Union and focus on other work. We have benefited greatly from Milo’s eight years as our youth field worker in Nelson. During that time, he has established significant relationships in the Christian community and in the high schools of the region. Milo has also established a model of secondary school groups that has impacted many with spiritual growth and leadership responsibilities. While Milo was on leave, Rebekah Smith has very ably stepped into the role. She is now looking forward to taking on this role permanently. We are deeply grateful for the investment Milo has made and wish him and Kimberly all the best in their future plans.

Go to . . . to more information and to sign up for the challenge.

You can make a secure online donation at or freephone 0508 423 836. Or respond on the enclosed form.


Scripture Union


Light for the path Guest Writer: Mark Edgecombe When I was a kid, my brothers and I used to complain about having to read the same old boring Bible passages again and again. ‘What’s the point of reading it again?’ we’d ask Mum. ‘We read it in Sunday School last year. And the year before.’ We figured we already knew what would happen each time we picked the Bible up again. Mum said that each time she read the same old story, something new would crop up. When Jesus told his parables, I now wonder if he planned for something new to crop up each time we come back to them. One minute we’re identifying with the prodigal son; the next minute it’s the father. Sooner or later, we have to admit to identifying with the older brother too. These stories are like rechargeable batteries. You use them up, and then you use them up all over again. And again. Rich texts provoke thought, and resist glib summations. The Bible – Old Testament and New – does these things. It’s like test cricket; slow and hardgoing at times, but ultimately deeply rewarding.


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