WAY2GO Magazine Issue 73

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73 Welcome! Check out our ideas! Pull it out! & Pass it around!

In March I picked up my knitting needles and started on a blanket—or rāhui rug as I liked to call it. In August, with Auckland at Level 3 and the rest of the country at Level 2, I started making face masks. The blanket was more about me, the masks were more about others. I have thought a lot about masks as a symbol of self-sacrifice and putting others first. We don’t necessarily want to wear one, but it’s about thinking of those around us and putting their needs first. I was reminded of the verse from Luke 6:31: Do to others as you would have them do to you. As we live with uncertainty around us, it is good to remember that we are not alone. We have each other and we have a loving heavenly Father. In the words of Paul: ‘I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.’ (Philippians 4:12 NIV) HOW CAN WE ALL HELP EACH OTHER NAVIGATE THE COVID-19 CONTINUUM WELL AND HONESTLY?

In this edition of the WAY2GO magazine, we look at thanksgiving as a way to help lift our spirits, and offer a ‘daily debrief’ idea as a useful tool to help build resilience into the daily lives of our whānau.

___ Liz Eichler

SUNZ Children and Families Consultant


Thanksgiving is a way of life and can be a balm for our souls. The Greek word for ‘Thanksgiving’ is eucharisteo which has a root of the word of charis, which means ‘grace’. Charis also has a derivative char, which means ‘joy’. When we share our thanksgivings with God and one another, we literally become partakers of both joy and grace. Sharing thanksgivings as a common rhythm in prayer together—whether at the table together before grace is said or as one part of family bedtime prayers—is a good life pattern. One way to acknowledge and celebrate the practice of giving thanks is to respond after each family member shares their thanksgiving with the words: ‘Thanks be to God!’ The joy after naming each thanksgiving grows.

TRY THIS BODY PRAYER TOGETHER: Thanks be to God for this day

(both arms up to the sky and then slowly down by both sides)

For all that is above us

(both arms up toward the sky, stretch up on your tippy toes if standing)

For all that is below us

(both arms down toward the ground, touching your toes if you can)

For all that is beside us (both arms to each side, twisting to one side and then the other side)

For all that is before us (both arms in front of you, bending at your waist)

For all that is behind us (both arms behind you, arching back a bit)

For all that is beyond us

(both arms in front of you and then out wide like you are about to give a big hug)

For all that is within us (place both of your hands on your heart)

Thanks be to God for this day! AMEN (make prayer hands in the middle)

BOUNCING BACK Resilience is the ability to adjust or adapt or the capacity to recover and become strong again after something bad. Children learn resiliency skills best when they are in an environment that…

Important characteristics for developing a resilient faith:

Develop the habit of a daily debrief



Able to



CONNECTED to people around them

Offers care and support. Holds high expectations for behaviour, attitude and work ethic.

That they’re


Encourages active, meaningful participation in family, school and community activities.

Intergenerational relationships A safe place for doubt with conversations in response to their hardest questions, not just answers



Has adults who model resiliency strategies for children by being positive, focused, flexible, organized and proactive.

A robust understanding of the whole gospel integrating faith into all aspects of life and relying on God for strength and hope

Partnership with families

Here is one tool to keep an eye on children’s developing perspectives, assumptions, beliefs and conclusions about life, God, others and themselves. Gather the family around a meal or at bedtime (but without TV or technology) for a ‘daily debrief’ to process the events and feelings of the day. Keep it casual and informal without pressure. Ask each person for:

1 good thing

1 bad thing

1 God thing

Listen to each person. Ensure that no-one is interrupted or brushed aside, and don’t let people speak over the top of others. Make it daily…

Adapted from a WAY2GO workshop by Hilary Hague, SUNZ National Director. For more ideas see sunzbreakthrough.org.nz

CHRISTMAS BAUBLES Each little baubleshaped book tells a different aspect of the Christmas story. Neat little thank you gifts for volunteers, easy to pop in the post. $1.60 each. www.sunz.org.nz/shop

Every year thousands of Year 8 students face a huge range of emotions, from excitement to anxiety, as they move on to high school. It’s Your Move! is an exciting school transition programme from Scripture Union NZ that helps students prepare for the changes ahead in their life at high school. Thousands of students across New Zealand have benefited from the tips, advice, stories and information provided in the book and also from school workshops and lessons and an opportunity to connect with and learn from current high school students.

Looking for Advent and Christmas ideas? Check out SUNZ website and blog! sunzbreakthrough .org.nz childrenandfamiliesnz. blogspot.com

‘It’s Your Move is a great introduction to facing some of the challenges a 12- or 13-year-old will come across when transitioning to high school.’ (Youth pastor - Auckland)

‘An invaluable aid to all New Zealanders approaching high school’ (Former high school principal - Auckland)

For further information please contact: Andy Banks andy.b@sunz.org.nz

Scripture Union wants to work with your church to create opportunities for children and young people to discover and follow Jesus, grow as leaders, and influence the world. Contact us and let us know how we can help you.


PO Box 760, Wellington 6140 way2go@sunz.org.nz 0508 423 836 sunz.org.nz

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