The Southern Cross - 111102

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November 2 to November 8, 2011

R5,50 (incl VAT RSA) Reg No. 1920/002058/06

New Mass prayers for Eucharist

Banding together for Lent

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No 4748

Vatican’s blueprint for new economy Page 5

Info Bill: What is the ANC doing? BY CLAIRE MATHIESON


The dome of St Peter’s basilica is seen at sunset as a couple kiss near Villa Borghese in Rome. (Photo: Paul Haring, CNS)

SA men take lead in worldwide Knights BY CLAIRE MATHIESON


HE International Alliance of Catholic Knights (IACK) has appointed a South African as its president, while a local bishop will serve as its international chaplain. Vincente Barra, formerly of St Dominic’s parish in Boksburg and now a member of Cape Town’s Good Shepherd parish in Bothasig, was appointed during the alliance’s annual conference in Dublin, Ireland. Founded in 1979, the IACK represents 13 member orders of Catholic Knights operating in 22 countries internationally, including South Africa’s Knights of da Gama. “I consider it an honour to have the opportunity to serve my Brother Knights internationally, having recently served on a national basis as the immediate past Supreme Knight here in South Africa,” said Mr Barra. He added that he felt humbled by the appointment. Elected by its member orders, the president of the alliance holds office for a twoyear period. “The president is the chief governing officer of the alliance and takes the chair at all its meetings. He promotes the growth and welfare of the Alliance and in consultation with its member orders speaks on behalf of the Alliance on matters of faith and morals,” explained Mr Barra. Mr Barra, a member of the Knights of da Gama for 22 years, is the third IACK president elected from South Africa. Previous South Africans included past Supreme Knight Frank Wightman as well as an IACK founder member and past Supreme Knight Alan Diesel. Mr Barra has held the positions of Grand Knight, Regional Grand Knight and Supreme Knight and is currently the Supreme Councillor. Also serving on the governing body will be Bishop Barry Wood, auxiliary bishop of the archdiocese of Durban, who “kindly offered to assist me in serving the Alliance in his capacity as the International Chaplain”, the new president said.

John Starmans of the Knights of the Southern Cross, Australia, installs his successor as the new president of the International Alliance of Catholic Knights, South African Vic Barra in Dublin cathedral. In his new capacity, Mr Barra said he is keen to encourage Christian formation in an effort to facilitate the evangelising and teaching mission of the Church, he hopes to encourage young people to build a more vibrant Church and to promote vocations. He added communication between the member orders was at times problematic. “The IACK secretary-general, past Supreme Knight Niall Kennedy from the Knights of Columbanus in Ireland and I are working on a strategy to address this aspect.” The IACK meeting also established the necessity to give attention to the dignity of every person. “We affirm that the Christian faithful must be ever mindful of our role in welcoming the stranger among us. Promoting blessed hope for the future, the faithful are called to provide an effective framework to aid in accepting, embracing, and welcoming migrant peoples,” said a post-conference statement, which Mr Barra said would give him direction for the next two years.

HE move by the African National Congress (ANC) to withdraw the proposed Protection of State Information (or Secrecy) Bill is an act to subvert parliament—but it’s not all bad news from the ruling party, according to a Catholic parliamentary commentator. Mike Pothier of the Catholic Parliamentary Liaison Office, an associated body of the Southern African Catholic Bishops’ Conference, said President Jacob Zuma’s recent cabinet reshuffle was encouraging, but pointed out “that this relatively bold action [was] too long overdue”. The ANC announced in October that it would be conducting a “country-wide public engagement process” on the controversial Secrecy Bill. Hearings will be organised by the party’s provincial structures to ensure that “as many people as possible, regardless of their political allegiance, get an opportunity to have a say on the draft legislation before it is passed into law”, the ANC said in a public statement. “At first sight this appears to be a commendable effort aimed at public participation,” said Mr Pothier. “The Bill is to be ‘taken to the people’ out in the provinces, thus affording an opportunity for comment to people who cannot get to Cape Town to make submissions to Parliament itself.” However, he said it is dubious that it is the ANC that will organise the hearings, and not Parliament through the ad-hoc committee which has been dealing with the Bill for well over a year. The proposed bill first came before Parliament in 2008. A number of organisations made very critical submissions and it was almost widely suspected of being unconstitutional in various respects. It was soon withdrawn by the minister at the time. “The Bill reappeared midway through 2010, having been reworked to a degree, but it was still way too far-reaching in its effect, and too draconian in the penalties it proposed. Once again, scores of submissions were made to the ad-hoc committee, virtually all of them arguing that its key provisions were unconstitutional. Nobody, outside of those who had drafted it and the State Law Advisor (who seemed later to waver in his opinion), could be found to defend its constitutionality,” explained Mr Pothier. What followed, he said, was an excellent example of how a participatory parliamentary process ought to work.

“Opposition and ANC members of the committee grappled with the Bill’s weak points; the ANC representatives agreed to compromise in certain areas; the opposition won significant concessions; and a muchimproved Bill began to take shape. Parallel to this, and adding hugely to the impetus, civil society mobilised in a way not seen for many years, not only making formal submissions, but raising petitions, demonstrating, marching and generally pressurising the politicians,” Mr Pothier said. However, that’s where the positive action ended. Instead of participating in one of the many options available through the centralised parliamentary process, there now is the prospect of a number of provincial hearings taking place in the absence of the opposition MPs. “These people will be unable to attend the various workshops around the country. They have been excluded,” Mr Pothier said. “[Their] hard work and persistent arguments contributed overwhelmingly to the improvement of the Bill. The message that this sends is that the constitutionally-ordained parliamentary process of public participation is not good enough; and that, when it suits it to do so, the majority party will simply set up its own, parallel process.” Mr Pothier said there is only one way to interpret the ANC’s decision: “It is an attempt to garner support for the Bill from loyal party structures; to create the impression that there is a ‘silent majority’ out there whose voices were not heard during the days and weeks of public hearings conducted by the ad-hoc committee; and to pretend that the massive civil society campaign against the Bill did not really represent public opinion”. Mr Pothier was positive, however, about the late-October cabinet reshuffle “Firing Gwen Mahlangu-Nkabinde and Sicelo Shiceka was obviously the right thing to do; likewise suspending the police commissioner, Bheki Cele,” said Mr Pothier. However, he added, “there was no objective reason to wait so long after the Public Protector's reports”. Mr Pothier said these actions “certainly give a wake-up call to all other ministers and senior officials”. Mr Pothier said while civil society’s calls on poor ministerial action, the unearthing of corrupt actions and unconstitutional bills had been loud and clear, it is necessary to continue in order to keep the country’s democratic systems in place.

Copper thieves went for church bell


N South Africa, the theft of copper cables is endemic, but thieves in San Francisco, California, went for the big prize: a church bell. A 2 400kg church bell owned by the archdiocese of San Francisco since 1889 was stolen from the grounds of St Mary’s cathedral, and found three days later—across the street from a scrap metal yard, the Catholic San Francisco newspaper reported. After much news coverage in the city, an informant notified police that the bell was resting on beams in a field, covered with canvas tarp. The bell had been taken from a concrete

slab in a garden in front of the cathedral since 1970. Police inspector Brian Danker said a hydraulic lift could have moved the bell. He said the bell might have been “very close to being broken down for its metal value”. The estimated replacement value of the bell is R600 000. The current scrap value of copper is between R7 to R9 per kg. The genuine bell-metal component of the bell is 80% copper and 20% tin. The bell’s recovery “is wonderful news, a mini-miracle of sorts, for the parishioners of the cathedral and all Catholics in the archdiocese of San Francisco,” said George Wesolek, director of communications.


The Southern Cross, November 2 to November 8, 2011


Band together for Lent BY THANDI BOSMAN


OR next year’s Lenten season, a Durban parish has launched a campaign to help Catholics remember the sacrifices they are called to make during the season. As part of the “Let’s band together” campaign, St Joseph’s parish in Morningside, Durban, has produced wrist bands featuring the word “Sacrificium”, to remind Catholics of the Lenten sacrifices of prayer, fasting and almsgiving. Fr Desmond Royappen, who started the campaign, said that Lent is an important time in the Church and a time to reach out to fellow Catholics and to inactive Catholics. Fr Royappen said he wanted to find a creative way to help all Catholics stay faithful during Lent. “So often Catholics think about Lent and the sacrifices we need to make just a day or two before Ash Wednesday, and so often don’t remember what we promised. So this band and the two cards it comes with help us to prepare in a more meaningful way for Lent,” he said. “The idea of a band came to mind with the catchy slogan ‘Let us band together’. The band is trendy, so all ages can use it. It is attractive, washable, and wearing it, is a reminder of what Lent is all about,” Fr Royappen said. The wrist bands come in two colours—black and purple—and in

The “Let’s Band Together” campaign of St Joseph’s parish in Morningside, Durban, has produced wrist bands featuring the word “Sacrificium”, to remind Catholics of the Lenten sacrifices of prayer, fasting and almsgiving. two sizes, adult and youth. Fr Royappen said that the black represents the ashes of Ash Wednesday and the purple represents the penitential season. “Each band has the word ‘Sacrificium’ and small crosses embossed on it, signifying the Stations of the

Cross,” said Fr Royappen. Parishes who purchase the bands can build different weekly themes around the campaign motto, Fr Royappen said, giving the example: “Let’s band together against sin”. Each wrist band comes with two cards. One card, Fr Royappen said, is “a personal reminder card kept by the parishioner”, and the other “a Lenten promise card, which is completed, collected and brought up in the offertory procession and placed near the altar or crucifix”. Fr Royappen said that the Lenten promise card is a liturgical reminder of the sacrifice Catholics are called to make, with the sacrifice Christ made. The cards are available in five languages: English, Zulu, Xhosa, Afrikaans and Sotho. To receive the wrist bands and cards in time for Lent, parishes would need to promote and start selling the wrist bands from the beginning of February next year, Fr Royappen said. “The Lenten promise cards need to be collected from Ash Wednesday. Promoting this prior to Ash Wednesday allows parishioners to prepare themselves for a more meaningful Lent,” he said. n To order the wrist bands or for more information call St Joseph’s parish on 031 303 1890 or e-mail for order forms.

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Author Kevin Butler honours Cape Town’s landmark, Table Mountain, which is one of the 28 nominees for the “Seven Wonders of the Natural World”.

Author honours Table Mountain STAff REPORTER


SOUTH African author has written an ode in honour of Cape Town’s landmark, Table Mountain, which is one of the 28 nominees for the “Seven Wonders of the Natural World”, voted on by the public worldwide. Kevin Butler, who earlier this year published his novel Parley with the Devil, said he hopes his poem will help inspire South Africans to vote for their country’s most famous landmark. One can SMS “Table” to 34874 or on the site and voting closes on November 11. In his nine-verse ode, Mr Butler wrote: Hail mystic megalith / Table of the Cape / Splendid, brooding fortress / What majestic shape. Unique across the planet / Shaped by wind and rain / Gateway to a continent / Vast African domain.

Of mists and ever changing moods / A rock above the storm / Unaltered since the time of Christ / Such monumental form. Bastion of the Southern seas / High above the realm / Haven 'cross the water / To sailors at the helm. Sentinel that soars above / Slopes where ancient reptiles roamed / Before the early hominids / Surrounding beaches combed. It later watched as migrant Khoi / Grazed their fat-tailed sheep / Then landed Portuguese, then Dutch / Who built a castle and a keep. Years on, British forces came / Who witnessed Dutch resistance fall / And so did history unfold / This mountain saw it all. It also saw across the bay / On bleak and rocky Robben Isle / Captive men at labour bent / And Nelson's long exile. So homage living landmark / Twixt Devil's Peak and Lion's Head / You'll still stand proud and tall / Long after we're all dead.

Three steps in cancer prevention STAff REPORTER


DDRESSING a Catholic Women’s League (CWL) fundraising event for the Cancer Association of South Africa (Cansa), the association’s Gauteng chairman emphasised the importance of being proactive in preventing cancer. Manny de Freitas also thanked the CWL for a donation it had given to the Cansa Keurboom Care Lodge in Belgravia, Johannesburg. The lodges, he said at the CWL’s annual Cansa Benefit Tea, “are homes away from homes for people who are undergoing treatment and live far from a hospital”. Mr de Freitas outlined how Cansa, besides caring for “people affected and infected with cancer”, has developed a new strategy for cancer prevention, which stresses diet, exercise and mindset. “Research is showing us more and more that one’s mental state of mind has a direct impact on one’s health, outlook and even

lifestyle. Positive people by nature live healthier and longer,” he said. “Thinking in a certain way is vital for one’s health and the reduction of chronic diseases like cancer.” He told the CWL that people who eat junk food “often end up with a ‘junk’ body riddled with complications such as diabetes and various aches and pains”. He countered the perception that following a healthy diet is more expensive than consuming junk food. “A cholesterol-filled burger can easily cost R25 on its own. With that same amount, one is able to buy healthy food for at least four meals, Mr de Freitas said. He also stressed the importance of exercise. “When one exercises, various good chemicals are released into one’s body, where natural healing and proactive antidisease activities take place. Besides that, when exercising one receives additional oxygen into one’s lungs, blood and body in general. All this is very important to cancer prevention.”



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The Southern Cross, November 2 to November 8, 2011


Bricking it for Jo’burg chancery BY CLAIRE MATHIESON


HE archdiocese of Johannesburg will soon have a new home for its chancery as building nears completion. The official opening is expected to take place on June 2, 2012—but before the new chancery opens, further fundraising is needed. The fundraising effort has taken on various forms. Donations, both local and international, have accumulated to more than R20 million, but it is local Catholics that are currently being called to participate in the future of the archdiocese. Charged with promoting the “Buy a Brick. Share the Load” campaign, Judy Stockhill said the archdiocese aims to raise a further R10 million.

The campaign asks for donations in denominations of R50, R100, R500 and R1 000, and donors earn entries into a lucky draw. “On June 2, the big prize—a VW Polo—in the ‘Buy a Brick. Share the Load’ campaign will be drawn and the campaign closed,” said Ms Stockhill. Further renovations will be conducted on the cathedral of Christ the King and will be made further improvements to the facilities, which will be over and above the R30 million target . “We have confidence in the generosity of the parishes and parishioners, and are optimistic that we will reach this target by due date, the end of May 2012,” Ms Stockhill said. She added that “brick” sales are

Archbishop Stephen Brislin (seated right), Bishop Kevin Dowling (the liaison bishop for the Catholic Parlimentry Liason Office) and the office director fr Peter-John Pearson met deputy minister of home affairs fatima Chohan for a wideranging discussion on issues around processing marriage forms, refugee and human trafficking issues, work permits and the like. Plans are afoot to facilitate easier processing in certain areas.

picking up as the final draw is approaching. The sale of bricks has not only benefited the chancery but also a parish of the donor’s choice which earns 50% of the donation. Parishes, schools and organisations have all been asked to encourage donations which will aid both the chancery and local church. Noting that the construction of the new chancery has generated strong debate, Ms Stockhill said the building is entirely necessary. “The present chancery is not only inadequate space wise; it is completely run down. A new chancery has been on the cards for 20 or more years.” The improved precinct will also contribute to the renewal of the area. The Johannesburg City Council has invested quite heavily

in the neighbourhood, as has the University of Johannesburg which has a campus and residences in the area. Archbishop Buti Tlhagale said he hoped that the building would not only provide new office space but also act to strengthen and build the community. “Chancery staff are really excited about moving into the new [offices] by the end of the year. The structure is complete and finishing-off is underway,” said Ms Stockhill. But there is still lots of work to be done before the June deadline. “Work will continue once the new offices are occupied. The cathedral halls will be renovated and the vacated old chancery offices converted into catechism classrooms for the cathedral parish,” Ms Stockhill told The Southern Cross.

In addition, fencing, a parking lot, a garden and donors’ brick wall need to be completed. The wall, set in a tranquil garden, will feature the names of donors. It will be visible from the archbishop’s office. Ms Stockhill said the completion of the chancery has taken a long time to be realised. She said that one chancery employee even exclaimed that this would happen “not in my lifetime”. But thanks to donations made and those hoped for, the completion is right around the corner. “The dream is coming true as we watch.” n For more information contact the Jo’burg chancery on 011 402 6400, or visit and donate online.

Pilgrims walk from shrine to shrine BY THANDI BOSMAN


HE 34th annual Shrine-toShrine Pilgrimage is a 25km walk from the Schoenstatt shrine in Constantia to Villa Maria (Schoenstatt shrine), in Tamboerskloof, Cape Town. This year, about 100 pilgrims took part. The walk stretched across “gravel roads” and “mountain paths” but was “interspersed with four short stations, a holy Mass and lunch,” said Keith Stober, the organiser of the walk. “The pilgrimage started out with a ‘blessing of the feet’ by Fr David Rowles, and pilgrims were received at the end with a cup of

tea and benediction by Fr Christopher Clohessy,” Mr Stober said. For some years the organisers of Cape Town’s Shrine-to-Shrine Pilgrimage have found it difficult to find a priest to say Mass, but this year there were three clerics taking part, with more joining the concluding Mass. Apart from Frs Rowles and Clohessy, Redemptorist Father Tyrone Sam took part. Fr Rowles spoke about listening to nature, Mr Stober said. “By asking us to be aware of littering and damaging the environment, he made it quite clear that this world was our responsibility.” Frs Peter-John Pearson and Charles Prince, respectively vicar-

general and youth chaplain of the archdiocese of Cape Town, joined the Holy Mass at Newlands, along with a group of seminarians, Mr Stober said. He said that the majority of the pilgrims were young people, adding that the feedback from them was positive—though some did not realise how long the walk was. “Nevertheless, once our bodies have had the chance to recover after a day or two, we look back and know that all those aching feet and muscles must be filling our treasury of grace, allowing God to dish out those graces to many people in need,” Mr Stober said.



The Southern Cross, November 2 to November 8, 2011

Gaddafi dead, but Lockerbie saga continues BY SIMON CALDWELL


HE death of Muammar Gaddafi will do nothing to end years of controversy over the Lockerbie bombing, said the priest who served in the Scottish town in 1988. Fr Patrick Keegans, now the administrator of St Mary cathedral in Ayr, said he regretted that the Libyan dictator was not allowed to live to stand trial for the “atrocities and crimes” he might have committed. He also said that Gaddafi, who ruled Libya for 42 years, will take to his grave valuable information about the bombing of Pan Am Flight 103 and knowledge of who was truly culpable of the attack.


The bomb that exploded on board the airliner on December 21, 1988, killed 270 people. Fr Keegans said Gaddafi “must have had information about who was the Lockerbie bomber,” adding that the question of the guilt of the Abdel Baset alMegrahi, the only man convicted of the bombing, remained unresolved. The priest said he would continue to demand a full inquiry into the fairness of al-Megrahi’s 2002 trial. The former Libyan intelligence officer was jailed for a minimum of 27 years. “We would like the truth of what happened even though Gaddafi has died,” Fr Keegans said. “It is very convenient for

some governments that Gaddafi has died because they clearly had connections with him that were rather suspect.” All the “evidence points to the innocence” of al-Megrahi, he added. “There was a [guilty] verdict, but that verdict was very, very suspect, and he and all the victims of Lockerbie deserve a full inquiry into the trial...and a review of all the evidence and other facts that have come to light since then.” Al-Megrahi, 59, who has maintained his innocence, was released from jail after seven years and returned to Libya in August 2009 on the grounds that he was suffering from prostate cancer and had just months to live.—CNS


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Women sing during the procession of Peru’s most revered Catholic icon, the “Lord of the Miracles”, in Lima. The procession, which draws the largest gathering of believers on the continent, can be traced to the colonial era in which an Angolan slave drew the image of a black Jesus on the walls of a hut in the plantation of Pachacamila. (Photo: CNS)

Pope canonises three P BY JOHN THAVIS

ROCLAIMING three new saints, Pope Benedict said their lives demonstrated that true faith is charity in action. “These three new saints allowed themselves to be transformed by divine charity,” the pope said at a canonisation Mass in St Peter’s Square. “In different situations and with different gifts, they loved the Lord with all their heart and they loved their neighbour as themselves, in such a way as to become models for all believers,” he said. All three founded religious orders in the 19th century, working in missionary areas and on behalf of society’s disadvantaged in Europe. Tens of thousands of pilgrims filled the square, many carrying holy cards, banners and images of the saints. Tapestries with portraits of the newly canonised hung from the facade of the basilica. The new saints were: l St Guido Maria Conforti, an Italian who founded the Xaverian Foreign Missionary Society, dedicated to the sole purpose of evangelising nonChristians. He sent missionaries to China in 1899 and travelled to China in 1928 to visit the order’s communities. Plagued by ill health, he also served as a diocesan bishop in Italy for many years, making religious instruction the priority of his pastoral ministry and

Pilgrims hold a banner celebrating St Louis Guanella before the start of a canonisation Mass for three new saints. (Photo: Paul Haring, CNS) establishing schools of Christian doctrine in all parishes. l St Louis Guanella, the Italian founder of the Servants of Charity, the Daughters of St Mary of Providence, and the Confraternity of St Joseph, whose members pledge to pray for the sick and dying. Having worked with young women in northern Italy, he came to Rome and founded an association of prayer for the dying. Pope Benedict, in his homily, called him a “prophet and apostle of charity”. l St Bonifacia Rodriguez Castro, a Spanish cordmaker in Salamanca who gathered working women for spiritual encounters in her house-shop. The group became the Servants of St Joseph, a congregation dedicated to providing a religious and technical education to poor women and protecting them in the workplace. Her religious did not wear habits and they worked side by side with laywomen in the

Pope: Church must give pastoral care for soldiers BY JOHN THAVIS


OPE Benedict has said the Church must continue to provide pastoral services to military personnel wherever they are stationed, to help them “carry out their mission in the manner of Christian charity”. He made the remarks to a meeting of several hundred military bishops who are responsible for the pastoral care of Catholics serving in the armed forces of their respective countries. The meeting marked the 25th anniversary of Blessed John Paul II’s reform of military ordinariates around the world. Pope Benedict said the Church’s pastoral service to men and women in the military aims above all at spiritual assistance. “It is a task of forming Christians who have deep faith, who live a committed religious practice and who are authentic witnesses of Christ in their communities,” he said. In particular, the Church should help military personnel

carry out their actions in harmony with “the first and greatest commandment, love of God and neighbour”, he said “The Christian soldier is called to attain a synthesis through which it is possible to be a soldier for the sake of love.” The pope pointed to several examples of how soldiers carry out this “exercise of charity”: aiding victims of floods or earthquakes, assisting refugees, clearing mine fields and engaging in peacekeeping missions in countries torn by civil conflict. “There are many men and women in uniform who are full of faith in Jesus, who love truth, who want to promote peace and who work as true disciples of Christ by serving their country and favouring the promotion of fundamental human rights.” He encouraged military chaplains, in addition to providing pastoral assistance to soldiers, to cooperate with humanitarian organisations in areas of conflict to help alleviate the consequences of war.—CNS

shop, practices that aroused the resentment of the local clergy. Opposed by the bishop, she was removed as superior of the community and left Salamanca in humiliation; she opened a new foundation in the city of Zamora, where she was welcomed by the bishop. Only in 1941 was she recognised as the foundress of her congregation. In his sermon, the pope said the lives of the new saints underscored that love is the essence of the Christian message. “The visible sign that Christians can show the world to witness Christ’s love is love for one’s brothers and sisters,” he said. These saints, he said, demonstrated that when faith is strong, there is a sense of urgency in announcing this love to all. Carrying relics of St Guanella to the altar was William Glisson, a 30-year-old Pennsylvania man, whose healing after a rollerblading accident nine years ago was accepted by the Vatican as the miracle needed for the saint’s canonisation. Mr Glisson, who had been skating backward without a helmet, hit his head and was in a coma for nine days. Doctors gave him little hope for recovery. A family friend, meanwhile, gave Mr Glisson’s mother two relics of Bl Guanella, and the prayers began. Mr Glisson recovered unexpectedly and was released from the hospital less than a month after the accident.—CNS

Two-nation Sudan bishops meet


HE Sudan Catholic Bishops’ Conference (SCBC), which includes bishops from two Sudanese countries, have had their first plenary session since the independence of South Sudan was formalised in July. The plenary, held in Wau diocese, kicked off with the blessing of Wau’s Catholic Health Teaching Institute, which was established last year and is run in solidarity with South Sudan. The plenary assembly led by Cardinal Gabriel Zubeir Wako, tackled many critical issues facing the Church in the two countries after South Sudan’s independence. The bishops also blessed Voice of Hope radio, the latest Sudan Catholic Radio Network (SCRN) station. The FM radio went on air on October 8 in Wau. It is the ninth diocesan station under the SCRN umbrella.—CISA


The Southern Cross, November 2 to November 8, 2011


Vatican blueprint for better economy BY JOHN THAVIS


NEW Vatican document has called for the gradual creation of a world political authority with broad powers to regulate financial markets and rein in the “inequalities and distortions of capitalist development”. The document said the current global financial crisis has revealed “selfishness, collective greed and the hoarding of goods on a great scale”. A supranational authority, it said, is needed to place the common good at the centre of international economic activity. The 41-page text is titled, “Towards Reforming the International Financial and Monetary Systems in the Context of Global Public Authority”, and was prepared by the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace. The document cited the teachings of popes over the last 40 years on the need for a universal public authority that would transcend national interests. The current economic crisis, which has seen growing inequality between the rich and poor of the world, underlines the necessity to take concrete steps towards creating such an authority, it said. One major step, it said, should be reform of the international monetary system in a way that involves developing countries. The document foresaw creation of a “central world bank” that would

regulate the flow of monetary exchanges; it said the International Monetary Fund had lost the ability to control the amount of credit risk taken on by the system. The document also proposed: l Taxation measures on financial transactions. Revenues could contribute to the creation of a “world reserve fund” to support the economies of countries his by crisis. l Forms of recapitalisation of banks with public funds that make support conditional on “virtuous” behaviour aimed at developing the real economy. l More effective management of financial shadow markets that are largely uncontrolled today. Such moves would be designed to make the global economy more responsive to the needs of the person, and less “subordinated to the interests of countries that effectively enjoy a position of economic and financial advantage”, the document said. In making the case for a global authority, the document said the continued model of nationalistic self-interest seemed “anachronistic and surreal” in the age of globalisation. “We should not be afraid to propose new ideas, even if they might destabilise pre-existing balances of power that prevail over the weakest.” The “new world dynamics” call for a “gradual, balanced transfer of a part of each nation’s powers

People are reflected on an electronic board displaying exchange rates in a business district in Tokyo. The Vatican has issued its call for global financial reform, recommending the creation of a world political authority with broad powers to regulate markets and rein in the “inequalities and distortions of capitalist development”. (Photo: Toru Hanai, Reuters/CNS) to a world authority and to regional authorities”, the document said. “In a world on its way to rapid globalisation, the reference to a world authority becomes the only horizon compatible with the new realities of our time and the needs of humankind.” Helping to usher in this new society is a duty for everyone, especially for Christians, it said.

While the Vatican document focused on financial issues, it envisioned a much wider potential role for the global political authority. The agenda also includes peace and security, disarmament and arms control, protection of human rights, and management of migration flows and food security. Establishing such an authority will be a delicate project and will

no doubt come at a cost of “anguish and suffering” as countries give up particular powers, the document said. The authority should be set up gradually, on the basis of wide consultation and international agreements, and never imposed by force or coercion. The authority should operate on the principle of subsidiarity, intervening “only when individual, social or financial actors are intrinsically deficient in capacity, or cannot manage by themselves to do what is required of them”. Countries’ specific identities would be fully respected. The authority should transcend special interests, and its decisions “should not be the result of the more developed countries’ excessive power over the weaker countries” or the result of lobbying by nations or groups. “A long road still needs to be travelled before arriving at the creation of a public authority with universal jurisdiction. It would seem logical for the reform process to proceed with the United Nations as its reference,” it said. Vatican spokesman Fr Federico Lombardi SJ emphasised that the document was “not an expression of papal magisterium”, but instead was an “authoritative note of a Vatican agency,” the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace.—CNS

Occupy Wall Street movement in line with Church teachings BY CINDY WOODEN


ATHOLIC social teaching and the Occupy Wall Street movement agree that the economy should be at the service of the human person and that strong action must be taken to reduce the growing gap between rich and poor, Vatican officials have said. “The basic sentiment” behind the protests is in line with Catholic social teaching and the new document on global finance

issued by the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, said Cardinal Peter Turkson, council president. The protesters have focused on Wall Street because “Wall Street is considered to be a big engine house—a big financial structure whose power extends all over the world,” the cardinal told Catholic News Service. People who suffer from the way the financial markets currently operate have a right to say: “Do business differently. Look at the way you’re doing business

because this is not leading to our welfare and our good”, he said. “If people can hold their government to account, why can we not hold other institutions in society to accountability if they are not achieving or not helping us live peacefully or well?” Cardinal Turkson asked. “The Vatican is not behind any of these movements, but the basic inspirations can be the same,” he said. Bishop Mario Toso, secretary of the justice and peace council, told

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reporters the Vatican’s new document “appears to be in line with the slogans” of Occupy Wall Street and other protest movements around the globe, but “even more it is in line with the previous teaching of the Church”, including Pope Benedict’s 2009 encyclical Caritas in Veritate. At the Vatican news conference to present the document, Leonardo Becchetti, a professor of economic policy at Rome’s Tor Vergata University, explained why the Vatican sees the need

for an international authority to govern the global financial market and why individual government interventions to bail out banks haven’t helped the global economy. The government bank bailouts, he said, were like “a benefactor who donated blood for a transfusion for someone dying—the banks were at death’s door. The benefactor is weakened by the donation and, once recovered, the one saved punches his benefactor.”—CNS



The Southern Cross, November 2 to November 8, 2011

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Editor: Günther Simmermacher

Farewell to the nuncio cism, however, is that the present episcopate, about half of which is white, does not reflect the local Church’s demographic diversity. Some may respond that such considerations are secondary to finding the right man for the job. It is a question that might well be continued with Archbishop Green’s successor as papal representative. There is no denying, however, that the local episcopate has gained a new vibrancy through the influx of new blood. With such a young conference of bishops—of the current 28 serving bishops, only ten have been in their position for longer than a decade—will also come new ideas. We are confident that a fresh wind will invigorate the local Church. It is also remarkable how well the new bishops have been received by the faithful in their dioceses, especially since many of them came from other dioceses (which can also be an advantage). This, then, is Archbishop Green’s legacy: a stable episcopate of good men who can be trusted to take the local Church into the future. And so we await the appointment of the new nuncio. When he arrives, he will encounter an episcopate that is in good shape. In terms of episcopal additions, the next nuncio may well turn his attention to the appointment of auxiliary bishops. At present, only Durban has an assistant bishop, but that need unquestionably exists in the archdioceses of Johannesburg and Cape Town. As for Archbishop Green’s future, we have no doubt that Southern Africa will have served as a pivotal station in a bright career, as it has done in the past. One previous nuncio even became a leading cardinal, the Australian Cardinal Edward Cassidy, who served here from 197984 and later was appointed president of the Pontifical Council for Christian Unity. We cannot predict whether Archbishop Green will one day wear the red hat, but we should not be surprised to hear of him again. In the interim, the local Church will in union thank Archbishop Green for a most fruitful time of service in Southern Africa, and bid him farewell with prayerful good wishes.


OUTHERN African Catholics will have noted with some sadness that the current apostolic nuncio to Pretoria, Archbishop James P Green, will leave this region to represent the Holy See in Peru. Archbishop Green has made many friends since his arrival here almost exactly five years ago. In his first appointment as a nuncio, the American-born prelate has been accessible, friendly, gracious and impressively capable. When he arrived in Pretoria in late 2006, he found a local Church that was frustrated with the slow process of filling vacant dioceses, and anxious about the succession of the many bishops who were about to reach retirement age. In an editorial to welcome Archbishop Green, The Southern Cross noted that “among the priorities our local Church leaders might wish to bring to the nuncio’s attention is the high number of vacant or soon to be vacant dioceses in Southern Africa”. At that point, six dioceses were vacant. Five years later, Archbishop Green has been involved in the appointment of 17 bishops in the Southern African region. He departs with only two dioceses vacant: Port Elizabeth, after Bishop Michael Coleman’s sudden retirement, and Kokstad, after Archbishop William Slattery’s much applauded transfer to the archdiocese of Pretoria. This means that more than half of our current bishops have been appointed during Archbishop Green’s tenure. Remarkably, many of them are still relatively young. The median age of our current episcopate is 60, with only three bishops 70 or over. This means that the present conference will serve for an average of another 15 years. Only three diocesan bishops—Cardinal Wilfrid Napier of Durban, Bishop Zithulele Mvemve of Klerksdorp and Bishop Mogale Nkumishe of Polokwane—will be required by canon law to submit their resignation within the next five years. In short, the local Church now has a very stable episcopate. Archbishop Green has been quite bold in making his nominations to the pope. Many of the appointments were unexpected and innovative. One frequently voiced criti-

Church finances


READ with interest R Auret’s letter “Tithing salaries” (October 19). Recently when it came to annual pledging in my parish, we were told that only 30% of registered parishioners contribute by way of pledges to parish funds. The summarised parish budget reflected, as in previous years, a serious budgeted shortfall. However the parish appears to plod along year after year. Our parish is in a reasonably affluent area. Most of the cars that are parked outside at weekend Masses are less than three years old and include upmarket German executive models.

Tribute to Chris Moerdyk


HERE are doubtless many Southern Cross readers who, like myself, are mourning the fact that we will no longer have the pleasure of reading Chris Moerdyk’s weekly back page column. Mr Moerdyk managed, week after week, year after year, to produce an amazing variety of material that never failed to delight and entertain. He never “preached” and yet he so frequently contrived to get across a thoroughly Christian message in the guise of humorous and informative anecdotes. Never unkind and yet never afraid of controversy or hesitant to draw attention to failings whether within or without the Church, Mr Moerdyk could usually be relied upon to set his readers thinking. He must have enjoyed the complete confidence of the editor because he occasionally included material that, though always soundly based, was startlingly critical on ecclesiastical matters. And for this the editor must also be congratulated. Parting words for Mr Moerdyk: we are grateful to him, we wish him well and we will miss him. Bernard Straughan, Cape Town

Searching for my grandmother


WONDER whether any readers can direct me to where I can get

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The Editor reserves the right to shorten or edit published letters. Letters below 300 words receive preference. Pseudonyms are acceptable only under special circumstances and at the Editor’s discretion. Name and address of the writer must be supplied. No anonymous letter will be considered.

Fr Urs Fischer Bro Crispin Mrs N Qupa

I took the trouble to visit the parish priest and raise my concerns. He listened to what I had to say and further highlighted that the archdiocese is calling for higher contributions from parishes as overseas funding is drying up. What I came away with was a heightened concern that Catholics, both clergy and laity, need a good shake up. Clearly there are faults on both sides. Clergy are either not keen to raise the matter of finance from the pulpit or are downright secretive. The laity are happy to just carry on and do not go to the trouble to enquire about parish finances. If the Church is to continue its mission in South Africa, it is

going to need money. That money must come from local Catholics as overseas funding can no longer be relied upon. What is needed is more openness and transparency. Parishes must plan and budget more accurately for two to three years ahead. These detailed plans must be communicated to parishioners. Better planned giving campaigns must be undertaken and clergy must take a more active roll in such campaigns. Quarterly or at least half-yearly income statements and balance sheets must be published, thereby keeping parishioners abreast of parish financial affairs. The secrecy and laxity must end. Mervyn Politt, Hillcrest, KZN

information about Edith Olive Attwell, who was born on April, 12, 1922. Edith and her two brothers, Percy (or Percival) and Edward Attwell, were orphaned and placed in three different Catholic homes. Edith, my grandmother, passed away on December 22, 1993 and never found her brothers. I don’t know in which Catholic homes they were raised, though they probably were in Cape Town. If anyone can assist, I can be reached at 021 696 1482 or 084 683 6872 or lucindaj2011@hot Lucinda Phillips, Cape Town

er and a humble priest. He taught theology at the seminary in Cape Town for some time. He will be sorely missed by his confrères and friends. May his dear sould rest in peace Deacon Bert Haupt, Johannesburg

Tribute to a great Salesian


FIRST met Fr Vincent Ford, who died in Cape Town at the age of 82 on June 12, in 1948 at Beckford in England. He was 19 years old and I was 20. I was present when he made his First Vows as a Salessian. Many years later we were both on the late Bishop Reginald Orsmond’s council in Johannesburg. Fr Vincent Ford was a quiet and gentle priest. He was a brilliant scholar, an eloquent preachOpinions expressed in The Southern Cross, especially in Letters to the Editor, do not necessarily reflect the views of the Editor or staff of the newspaper, or of the Catholic hierarchy. The letters page in particular is a forum in which readers may exchange opinions on matters of debate. Letters must not be understood to necessarily reflect the teachings, disciplines or policies of the Church accurately.

Thank you for the memories


WISH to thank Sr Biddy Rose Tierman SND for her glowing report on the life of a dear friend, Sr Veronica Chapman. It read as a real celebration of Sr Veronica’s life. I knew her when she directed a discussion group in Florida at Mary Dardis’ home. It was lively and stimulating and we could appreciate the amount of time and effort it must have taken her to prepare the subjects that she introduced. She taught us to think and discuss freely what might have been touchy subjects and often also amused us with her stories of her life experiences as a teacher. She was much to be admired and although I did keep up some correspondence with her after I came to live in the Cape, I am sorry to have lost touch with her, but so happy to learn that at the end of her life she was cared for by her sisters. She spoke with such pride and love for Biddy that we felt we knew her too. So thank you again Sr Biddy and great love and respect to the Sisters of Notre Dame. Carmen Smith, Somerset West, Western Cape


New prayers for the Eucharist


N Southern Africa, we implemented the new Roman missal’s Phase One— the changes that most directly involve the congregation—three years ago. Phase Two—the changes to the parts of the Mass that are said by the Priest—will be implemented in from the first Sunday of Advent, on November 27. The most noticeable changes are: 1. The wording of the Eucharistic Prayers has changed. However, a close examination of them will reveal that they cover the same elements of prayer that formed the previous translation, but now with an added deeply reverent, sacred and profoundly humble style. The Eucharistic Prayer is a very ancient practice and, as its name makes clear, it is a prayer of thanksgiving to God for the gift of the Incarnation, for the Easter mystery, for the gift of redemption, and for the mystery of the Church. The emphasis on reverence and humility in the new translations is directly descended from the Eucharistic prayers of the early Church. An example of this is in the Second Eucharistic Prayer, which is used very often. The prayer immediately before the words of consecration has been changed to “Make holy, therefore, these gifts, we pray, by sending down your Spirit upon them like the dewfall, so that they may become for us the Body and Blood of our Lord, Jesus Christ” (see Judges 6 and Exodus). Previously, this section read “Let your Spirit come upon these gifts to make

them holy, so that they may become for us the body and blood of our Lord, Jesus Christ.” The wonder, humility and prayerfulness of the new version is tangible. Another example is in the Third Eucharistic Prayer, with the replacing of the words “From East to West” by the new wording, “From the rising of the sun to the setting”. The old wording referred to a limited geographical concept; the new wording refers to time and eternity. 2. The Mystery of Faith There are two major changes. The Priest no longer says “Let us proclaim the mystery of Faith”. He now simply intones the words “The Mystery of Faith”. This re-positions what follows as a prayer, not as a proclamation or statement. Some of the changes we will experience will be the wording of the prayers at the Mystery of Faith. One of the most noticeable changes will be that the Mystery of Faith, “Christ has died, Christ is risen, Christ will come

Eternal life and eternal peace


HAT can you say to a double orphan? You mean a child where both his or her parents have died? It is too easy to use words like orphans, double orphans or OVCs when in fact you are talking about children of all ages, boys and girls who are in shock, grieving, mourning the death of a mom or dad who loved them and who they loved dearly and were dependent on. But then that may not be the reality either. Maybe there was only a mother in their lives, or as an exception only a father, or very possibly a grandparent, mainly a grandmother who has become a carer for an extended family. Again excuse the generalised term. This grandmother may be caring for a number of grandchildren who had different mothers and fathers and all of whom are now becoming a new type of family unit. Maybe there was abuse rather than love in the home. Whatever the reality, for me it is all about family life and family relationships of one kind or another. The child-headed family, where there is no granny, is a family unit in terms of the SA National Family Policy and in the eyes of God, a little domestic church. Dare we even call it irregular or abnormal? Sure, it is not the ideal in terms of God’s plan for a family to be built on a committed marriage of man and woman,

but it is nevertheless a reality. The Church tends to focus on structure, to some extent. The government and the family policy, which has been put out for general discussion in the form of a Green Paper, focuses on functioning rather than structure. I believe we could do well too to focus on the spiritual and emotional side. How are the two or more children making up the child-headed household/family coping with the death of their parents? Anyone who has experienced death in their family, lost a parent or a child or an older person, knows the pain it causes. Being left impoverished makes it worse but can also displace the emotional side. Putting bread on the table, having money for transport and school fees and uniforms become primary survival need burdens, but the grieving, the dealing with anger, guilt, depression and extreme sadness also have to be worked through. Teachers tell us that when a motivated, achieving child’s quality of work suffers, they need to look at what is happening at home. Some schools do have the resources to cope with this, but in many of the schools in areas most hit by the continuing Aids epidemic, the high number of children and the high proportion of those who are orphaned children becomes an enormous burden. Food parcels can be provided and school fees paid, but if the Church exists to evangelise, where is Jesus, a suffering,

The Southern Cross, November 2 to November 8, 2011


Chris Busschau New Missal Decoded

Michael Shackleton Open Door

again”, will no longer be used. This became the most frequently used mystery of faith, and many people will be both surprised and disappointed at its removal. It has undergone close scrutiny and the decision to remove it was not taken lightly. However, the decision is understandable when we consider the context. The Eucharistic Prayer is a prayer addressed to God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit and the Mystery of Faith as a part of the prayer should not deviate from that. It should be a prayer addressed to God the Son, Jesus. However, even a quick examination shows that Christ has died, Christ is risen, Christ will come again is not a prayer addressed to Jesus— it is a statement about him. The three versions that we will use in future are all clearly prayers addressed to our Saviour and are derived from St Paul’s teaching on the Eucharist (1 Corinthians 11:26). The three are: (a) We proclaim your death, O Lord, and profess your Resurrection until you come again. (b) When we eat this Bread and drink this Cup, we proclaim your death, O Lord, until you come again. (c) Save us, Saviour of the world, for by your Cross and Resurrection, you have set us free. n This is the fifth of seven articles by Chris Busschau on the new English translations of the Roman Missal. Next week, he will discuss changes to the liturgical readings.

Toni Rowland family friendly

loving Jesus in the equation? Is he present directly or indirectly in the Church workers and home-based carers? Is he present in the loving support offered by other families willing to share their lives and resources? That does not seem to be the case. Traditionally, it used to be said, there are no orphans in Africa. But now there are, hundreds of thousands. They live in mini-family structures, or pseudo-family structures. Carers are surrogate parents. With a true, comprehensive family focus in Church life, in other words taking the image Church As Family really to heart, we should be challenged to do more. How can the Church be a family when our little home churches are so broken? Our November family theme is “eternal rest, eternal peace”. Maybe all those who have died are on the way to achieving that, but I can’t help but wonder if maybe too their concern for their little ones left parentless will limit their sense of eternal peace. Maybe they could have done more to avoid the situation. That is for God to judge. Are we as family people—which we all are—doing our best to prepare for the time when we will enter eternal life and will it be one of eternal peace?

Are there no more standards on the altar? As an altar server years ago, I learnt how to walk in a neat procession to the altar and back, to genuflect, keep my hands together, all in a prayerful way, and to imitate the priest who was a model of correct deportment and dignity. Today this has gone. Priests and servers drift around the sanctuary—no reverence, no decorum, no consistency. Are there no rules any more? HE General Instruction of the Roman Missal requires that priest and other ministers must appreciate that they are involved in an act of worship that has to be done with dignity and reverence proper to the occasion. Paragraphs 142 to 147 indicate that the servers are there to assist the priest at specific moments in the liturgy. Aside from this, there is not much particular instruction about how to maintain liturgical decorum. Around us, much of the social formality of former days has gradually gone. People dress casually and a broader mindedness in thinking and behaviour characterises modern society. Priests and religious dress less uniformly. This has influenced the way people attend Mass and may explain why the liturgical functions of priest and ministers are frequently not as rigidly drilled as they used to be. There remains the need for disciplined correctness by liturgical ministers in celebrating the Mass, and some parishes already attend to this through a liturgical committee. One or more instructors who have experience in altar serving and are familiar with its demands is appointed to train and guide servers and ensure that they do not let down the standards set by the parish. The instructors teach the servers to understand the spiritual significance of the Mass and its strucure and the importance of their part in it, and know the names and uses of the sacred vessels and vestments. They show them how to genuflect correctly, bow and keep hands together when not assisting the priest and how to deport themselves with precision. They also see that servers dress appropriately for the sanctuary and wear clean shoes. Where there is no enthusiasm for this sort of thing, you can be sure standards will drop and a rather slovenly liturgical celebration will result. This can be harmful to the parish’s morale and religious formation. No matter how informally people conduct themselves in secular life, it is the responsibility of priest and parish pastoral council to preserve the unique, uplifting and sacred atmosphere of liturgical worship.


n Send your queries to Open Door, Box 2372, Cape Town, 8000; or e-mail:; or fax (021) 465 3850. Anonymity can be preserved by arrangement, but questions must be signed, and may be edited for clarity. Only published questions will be answered.

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The Southern Cross, November 2 to November 8, 2011


During Arbor Month learners at St Anthony’s Preschool in Langa, Cape Town, celebrated by each learner preparing a pot plant. The learners will take their pot plant home at the end of the year. (Submitted by Sr Maria Plach)

Deacon Allister Glenn has been ordained by Cardinal Wilfrid Napier at Assumption parish in Umbilo, Durban. On the same day he and his wife Marion also celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary. (Submitted by Avril Humphrey)

Grade 9 learners from Veritas College in Springs, Johannesburg archdiocese, attended a Lovematters programme at Bosco Youth Centre. Participants are photographed with Nhlanhla Mdlalose (red t-shirt) from the Lovematters programme and Catherine Stockle from Germany (navy blue t-shirt) who facilitated this small group. (Submitted by Clarence Watts)


Send photographs, with sender’s name and address on the back, and a SASE to: The Southern Cross, Community Pics, Box 2372, Cape Town, 8000 or email them to: Edited by Lara Moses four deacons from the diocese of Mthatha were ordained and are on their way to priesthood. (from left): Rev Luthando Xhamlayo from St Joseph parish, George Kageche CMM, Bishop Sithembele Sipuka of Mthatha, Rev Thembalethu Sandondo from St francis Xavier Parish, and Motlatsi Phomane from St Andrew's parish.

Schoenstatt Sister Jacky Ann fortune Burmeister with 20 children who received their first Holy Communion in Katikati church, Queenstown diocese. The Schoenstatt Sisters of Mary have been at the forefront of teaching catechism since they arrived in Queenstown diocese in the 1930s. The parents and children were grateful to Sr Burmeister for her work.

Regina Pacis parish in Dundee diocese sent parshioners Sithuthukile Makhaza (left) and Maria Perreira Da Silva to World Youth Day 2011 in Madrid, Spain. They are pictured with the parish priest fr Graham Bouwer OfM. (Submitted by Lynn Wood)

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The Southern Cross, November 2 to November 8, 2011



Parish reflects on 25 years This year Good Shepherd parish in Phoenix, Durban, celebrates its 25th anniversary. CYNTHIA SAMYNADEN recalls the community’s early days as a travelling parish and how far it has come since.


AMILY is the watchword at Good Shepherd parish in Phoenix, Durban. The parishioners may not all be blood related, but they consider themselves family through bonds, connections and relationships. This year Good Shepherd parish celebrates its 25th anniversary. In the beginning only a small Catholic community resided in Phoenix. This predominantly Indian community was brought together by a shepherd to celebrate Mass on a weekly basis. The history of the parish goes back to the late Oblate Brother Steven Muthan, who walked in and around Phoenix, knocking on doors, looking for Catholic families. Oblate Father Charles Langlois of Newlands, north of Durban, began to celebrate Mass at the home of a Mr Joseph, as at that time there were only a handful of Catholic families. Fr Walsh of Mount Edgecombe parish also celebrated Mass with the community. But it is Fr Langlois who is regarded as the founding priest of what would become Good Shepherd parish. His principles, reli-

gious instruction, discipline and dedication became the foundation, together with the work of Oakford Dominican Sister Benita Hummel and Br Steven, on which the Catholic community was built. During those early days, the late Sr Imelda OP and began catechism classes. Sr Benita recalls the stories of when she got her driver’s licence and drove—or sometimes walked—to find Catholic children and bring them to catechism classes, which were then held in the home of another Catholic family, the Marians (opposite the home of Mr Joseph). Mass continued to be celebrated on a weekly basis, and as word spread, the Catholic population in Phoenix grew. At that point it was recognised that Mr Joseph’s modest home was too small to accommodate so many people, and parishioners found another venue for Mass in Inanda (fondly known as Ghandi Settlement). Ghandi Settlement was not to be the permanent home for this Catholic community, but they knew that “to have faith is to be sure of the things we hope for; to be certain of the things we cannot see” (Heb 11:1). For a number of years, the congregation was a travelling parish, celebrating the Eucharist in many venues around Phoenix, such as the Redfern Community Hall and even in the local Lutheran church. Eventually in 1986 vacant land in Unit 13 was found on which to build permanent parish structures. Many parishioners physically helped to build the church, investing love of their faith into the lay-

ing of every brick in the church building. The church would serve as a multi-purpose hall for many years. Catechism classes were held there and various sodalities began to form, such as the Society of St Vincent de Paul, altar servers, Men’s Guild and the Good Shepherd Youth group (GSY). The need for a hall was realised a few years later.


r Muthan died on October 17, 1994. Had it not been for him, many Catholic families would not have congregated and formed a Catholic community in Phoenix. Exactly four years later, on October 17, 1998, Fr Langlois passed away. Many parishioners still recall fondly how the priest taught them to love God wholeheartedly, and remember his special love for the youth of the parish. For a while, the parish went without a resident priest. Sr Benita continued to work hard and help parishioners through the transition, with the aid of frequently visiting priests such as Fr Alan Hendricks and Fr Des Royappen. In 1999 Cardinal Wilfrid Napier of Durban assigned the current priest, Indian-born Fr Anthony Kudupadam TOR, to the parish. He serves both, Good Shepherd parish and St Joseph parish in Mt Edgecombe. Many organisations that began 25 years ago still exist today and have grown since. Catechism classes are currently held three days a week, as the large number of children all over Phoenix cannot be taught on one day. Sr Benita con-

Members of the Good Shepherd Youth group (GSY) planting their own garden in the parish yard. The GYS celebrates its 22nd anniversary this year. tinues to be the driving force behind catechising the future generations of the church. Regarded as the backbone of the parish. Her passion is infectious and many catechists were recruited right after they were confirmed. The SVP continues to be a visible example to the community around Phoenix. They provide support and help all year round to more than 100 families (Catholic and non-Catholic) in and around Phoenix. An annual Christmas Tree party is held, where they feed, provide entertainment and hand out food hampers and gifts to those families. There is a Divine Mercy group, and the Catholic Women’s League lives out its motto “Charity, Loyalty and Works” in the parish. The Good Shepherd Youth (GSY) celebrates their 22nd anniversary this year, proof that the youth is not only the future, but the present as well! Other ministries, including the altar servers, ministers of hospitality and the choir are also a visible

presence in the parish. Today, the Good Shepherd family consists of close to 350 families. Its vision statement—“Centred around the Eucharist and the living Word of God to become a vibrant, evangelising, outreaching and reconciling family, responding to Jesus’ invitation ‘Take up your cross and follow me’”—serves as a reminder of the parish’s history. The Southern Cross plays a vital role in parish life and many families rely on getting their “dose” of Catholic life in and around South Africa and the world. The Southern Cross enables all parishioners to interact with one another and truly recognise that our Catholic community is really universal: one, true, holy, catholic and apostolic. Younger parishioners are finding the articles more and more relevant to their lives. The e-mailed updates for parishes on Mondays and the electronic newsletter on Thursday also let parishioners know what to expect in the edition that will be on sale in the parish on Sundays.

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The Southern Cross, November 2 to November 8, 2011


The call to holiness applies even to sinners O

NE of the great things about Vatican II—something we should all celebrate—was the way in which it broke down the unhealthy barriers of “classes of people” in the Church through its reaffirmation of the universal call to holiness: to sainthood. This, according to the great Redemptorist moral theologian Fr Bernard Häring, was one of the most important and positive fruits of the Council. Buried in Lumen Gentium, the Dogmatic Constitution of the Church, perhaps the most complex of Vatican II’s texts, is chapter 5, which makes that universal call to holiness. Though still acknowledging the formal structures of the Church (bishops, priests, deacons, religious and laity) and the particular ways in which each “class” is called to serve God, the call to holiness is the overarching theme of the chapter. Priests and bishops witness to Christ by their preaching and leadership as much by their lives as by their office. Deacons are called to be examples of Christian service and good lives. Religious express their holiness through their vows of poverty, chastity and obedience. Parents witness by the way in which they bring Christ’s message of love and reconciliation to their families and in the raising of children. The unmarried also express sanctity through their lives of service and charity. Moreover, the call to holiness

Anthony Egan SJ A Church of Hope and Joy

also affirmed that even those who might consider themselves unimportant or disadvantaged could witness to Christ in their lives, however difficult. The daily courage in adversity of the sick and disabled, the poor and suffering, are also signs to us all of Christ in the world. One way of looking at this is to note that the early Church called all Christians “saints”. Many Protestant traditions have maintained this—all Christians are called “saints”, even when some are further acknowledged as “Saints” in the more formal sense. Notably, chapter 5 of Lumen Gentium singles out martyrdom as sign of a Church that is truly holy. Though only some may die for the faith, all are called to be willing to witness to Christ unto death if necessary. With remarkable foresight the Council predicted that many would give their lives in expressing their faith to the modern world. We hear a lot today about canonisation, the process by which the Church “makes” saints. The late John Paul II, perhaps with Lumen Gentium in mind, canonised more saints in his (admittedly long) pontificate

than any other pope in history. Particularly heartening, but not surprising given what Lumen Gentium said, were the small but significant number of lay people he and the other post-Vatican II popes canonised. Critics of the process, such as journalist Kenneth Woodward, might say—with some justification—that the process is deeply flawed and still favours priests, bishops and religious over laity.


ince it is a long and expensive procedure—involving historical examinations of the lives of candidates—the time and cost makes it easier for dioceses and religious orders to propose, examine and promote their candidates for sainthood. There is also tension over different aspects of the process. Persons who gave their lives for the sake of justice usually tend to be slower in receiving the recognition they deserve. In some cases—and here I think of Archbishop Oscar Romero, martyred in El Salvador in 1980—the process is further complicated by the fact they were killed by fellow Catholics. Karl Rahner’s suggestion, that such models of sanctity should be canonised for the way in which they died for an aspect of the faith, has yet to be widely accepted. Many share Rahner’s opinion—and the debate (as well as the cause of Romero) continues. What we see increasingly in many parts of the Church is an unofficial renewal of an ancient tradition, “sainthood by acclama-

Above: Hundreds of Salvadorans participate in a commemoration of Archbishop Oscar Arnulfo Romero near the 30th anniversary of his death, March 20 in downtown San Salvador, El Salvador. Archbishop Romero, a victim of El Salvador's civil war, was shot dead March 24, 1980, while celebrating Mass in a hospital chapel in the capital. (Photo: Luis Galdamez, Reuters /CNS) tion”. Here in South Africa, one sees this among the many (Catholic and non-Catholic) who see the late Archbishop Denis Hurley of Durban as a model of holiness, as a pastor and as a fearless defender of human rights during the apartheid era. While by no means ideal, since at its extreme it led to the proclamation of saints who never existed (sorry, St Christopher!), we might see it as a healthy expression of the universal call to holiness Vatican II encouraged. It is worth noting that Lumen Gentium reminded us that although we are all sinners we are called to holi-

Venerable Benedict Daswa was murdered for his refusal to participate in the custom of witchcraft in his village of Mbahane, Limpopo. His case for canonisation was presented to Rome by the diocese of Tzaneen in 2005. ness. Perhaps it suggests that despite our faults we can, at our best, be Christ to others. However we understand it, we are clearly called by Christ and the Council to be holy, to be saints. Even “ordinary saints”. n Over the next weeks Claire Mathieson and Fr Anthony Egan will look at the role of the laity in the postVatican II Church.

The Southern Cross, November 2 to November 8, 2011

Fr John Driessen CMM


arianhill Missionary Fr John Driessen, a priest who was known for having a smile as big as his heart, died on September 30 in his sleep at Mater Dolorosa retirement home at Mariannhill. His reputation for kindness was described in this way: “He had a big heart with room for many—a heart as big as a taxi to Pinetown or Durban with room for one or two more.” Born in the Netherlands in 1932, he was ordained a priest in 1960 after completing his studies in Switzerland and Germany. He came to South Africa in 1963 to serve the diocese of Mariannhill in various ministries, beginning as boarding master at St Mary’s Seminary, Ixopo. It was here that Mariannhill’s Bishop Pius Dlungwane received his first tuition in Latin from Fr Driessen. Fr Driessen later worked in large missions such as Umzinto, with its many out-stations, convent, orphanage and prison, and Mariathal, Ixopo, where he experienced heart trouble for the first time. On account of this condition he became chaplain to the

Assisi Sisters at Maristella, Port Shepstone, and the Capuchins at Melville. In 2006 he retired to Mariannhill but remained active in many ways: giving retreats, counselling priests and religious, teaching novices and creating celebratory things such as greeting cards, candies and a special Christmas crib. According to the provincial superior, Fr Sylvester Namale, confrères knew Fr Driessen’s priesthood as a curious mix of the old and the new. Traditional in his theology and spiritual life, yet as a pastor he would always see first and foremost people in need whom he would always try to help. Fr Driessen’s Requiem Mass on October 6 was sung partly in Latin plain chant and was attended by many priests, religious and people who had benefited from the impact of his generous personality and ministry. Bishop Dlungwane in his homily said of Fr Driessen: “We bury his clothes, the outer garments as it were, confident that he will come back to collect


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them! This is what we profess in the Creed—I believe in the resurrection of the body and life everlasting. Until then we say: Fr John, sleep well and rest in peace.” At the end of Mass Bishop Dlungwane paid tribute to the missionaries who had built up the local Church with hard work and much sacrifice. He appealed to young priests to continue in the same spirit and not to shirk difficulties. Fr Driessen was laid to rest in the cemetery of Mariannhill where the monastery founder, Abbot Francis Pfanner, is also buried. Photo and text by Sydney Duval

Southern CrossWord solutions

Word of the Week Aspergillum: Liturgical implement used to sprinkle holy water. It is usually a silver perforated ball with a sponge inside which is dipped in holy water. Application: The aspergillum is used by priests at funerals to sprinkle holy water on the casket and also on Palm Sunday when blessing the palms.

Community Calendar To place your event, call Claire Allen at 021 465 5007 or e-mail, (publication subject to space) BETHLEHEM: Shrine of Our Lady of Bethlehem at Tsheseng, Maluti mountains; Thursdays 09:30, Mass, then exposition of the Blessed Sacrament. 058 721 0532. CAPE TOWN: Good Shepherd, Bothasig. Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration in the chapel. All hours. All welcome. Day of Prayer held at Springfield Convent starting at 10:00 ending 15:30 last Saturday of every month—all welcome. for more information contact Jane Hulley 021 790 1668 or 082 783 0331. Holy Mass with Guitars: Unplugged. November 6, 18:00-20:00. Holy Redeemer church, Bergvliet.

DURBAN: St Anthony’s, Durban Central: Tuesday 09:00 Mass with novena to St Anthony. first friday 17:30 Mass—Divine Mercy novena prayers. Tel: 031 309 3496. JOHANNESBURG: Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament: first friday of the month at 09:20 followed by Holy Mass at 10:30. Holy Hour: first Saturday of each month at 15:00. At Our Lady of the Angels, Little Eden, Edenvale. Tel: 011 609 7246. PRETORIA: First Saturday: Devotion to Divine Mercy. St Martin de Porres, Sunnyside, 16:30. Tel Shirley-Anne 012 361 4545.

Tony Wyllie & Co.

SOLUTIONS TO #469. ACROSS: 2 Belshazzar, 8 Rio de Janeiro, 10 Satan, 11 Descant, 12 Age-old, 13 Milton, 16 Lunette, 18 Deism, 19 Communicants, 20 Altar cross. DOWN: 1 Lord's table, 3 Eternal, 4 Stands, 5 Amen, 6 Zoroastrians, 7 Southernmost, 9 Stonemason, 14 Inducts, 15 Leaner, 17 Tamer.

Family Reflections November theme: Eternal life, Eternal peace Eternal life is a hoped-for reunion of all the members of God’s family, including those of our own earthly families. In the communion of saints, all who have lived and died and become reconciled with God and with one another, will be reunited in God’s Kingdom of love, justice and peace. Death comes in many forms and can be very traumatic in a family. Allow death to be worked through gradually for healing to come about. “To live in the hearts we leave behind is not to die.”—Thomas Campbell November 6: All Saints. “For all the saints who from their labour rest...” are the opening words of a wellknown hymn. We do have the impression that saints were always busy working for God, and in eternal life they can be a peace. Saints are in most ways no different from all of us. We’re all called to sainthood too, working for God in whatever our daily labour is and if it is well done we can look forward to eternal peace. Talk about some favourite saints with your family.

Liturgical Calendar Year A Sunday, November 6, Feast of All Saints (transferred) Revelations 7:2-4, 9-14, Psalm 24:1-6, 1 John 3:1-3, Matthew 5:1-12 Monday, November 07, feria Wisdom 1:1-7, Psalm 139:1-10, Luke 17:1-6 Tuesday, November 08, Bl John Duns Scotus Wisdom 2:23, 3:9, Psalm 34:2-3, 16-19, Luke 17:7-10 Wednesday, November 09, Dedication of Lateran basilica Ezekiel 47:1-2, 8-9, 12, Psalm 46:2-3, 5-6, 8-9, 1 Corinthians 3:9-11, 16-17, John 2:13-22 Thursday, November 10, St Leo the Great Wisdom 7:22, 8:1, Psalm 119:89-91, 130, 135, 175, Luke 17:20-25 Friday, November 11, St Martin of Tours Wisdom 13:1-9, Psalm 19:2-5, Luke 17:26-37 Saturday, November 12, St Josaphat Wisdom 18:14-16; 19:6-9, Psalm 105:2-3, 36-37, 4243, Luke 18:1-8 Sunday, November 13, 33rd Sunday Proverbs 31:10-13, 19-20, 30-31, Psalm 128:1-5, 1 Thessalonians 5:1-6, Matthew 25:14-30 or 25:14-15, 19-21

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IN MEMORIAM FALLER—Cecilia. Died November 7, 2002. Lovingly remembered by your 14 sons and daughters and their families. Rest in peace and enjoy the harvest of your good works.

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PRAYERS HOLY St Jude, apostle and martyr, great in virtue and rich in miracles, kinsman of Jesus Christ, faithful intercessor of all who invoke you, special patron in time of need. To you I have recourse from the depth of my heart and humbly beg you to come to my assistance. Help me now in my urgent need and grant my petitions. In return I promise to make your name known and publish this prayer. Amen. RCP HOLY SPIRIT you who makes me see everything. You showed me the way to reach my ideal. You who give me the divine gift to forgive and forget all that is done to me and you are in all the instincts of my life with me. I want to thank you for everything and confirm once more that I never want to be separated from you no matter how great the desires may be. I want to be with you and my

loved ones in your perpetual glory. This prayer should be said on 3 consecutive days, after the 3rd day, the request will be granted, no matter how difficult it may be. Promise to publish the entire dialogue with the condition of having your request granted. Vanessa Willemse.

THANKS GRATEFUL thanks to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Our Mother Mary and Ss Joseph, Anthony, Jude and Martin de Porres for prayers answered. RCP.

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2342 or 082 308 0080 or LONDON, Protea House: Underground 3min, Piccadilly 20min. Close to River Thames. Self-catering. Single per night R250, twin R400. Phone Peter 021 851 5200. MARIANELLA Guest House, Simon’s Town: “Come experience the peace and beauty of God with us.” fully equipped with amazing sea views. Secure parking, ideal for rest and relaxation. Special rates for pensioners and clergy. Tel: Malcolm Salida 082 784 5675 or mjsal NEWLANDS-THE CATNAP: Self-catering accommodation available December/January. for details phone Leslie Pretorius 021 685 2821. PENNINGTON: Two bedroom, two bathroom, six sleeper maisonnette available before 15th and after 30th December. Contact: Barney on 039 9753842 or 0822663614. SOUTH COAST, Uvongo: fully furnished three bedroom house, Tel: Donald 031 465 5651, 073 989 1074. SOUTH COAST, Uvongo: Secure holiday unit, with lock-up garage. Sleeps 6. In complex. 078 935 9128. STRAND: Beachfront flat to let. Stunning views, fully equipped. Garage, one bedroom, sleeps 3. R450 p/night for 2 people—low season. Phone Brenda 082 822 0607 STELLENBOSCH: five simple private suites (2 beds, fridge, micro-wave). Countryside vineyard/forest/mountain walks; beach 20 minute drive, affordable. Christian Brothers Tel 021 880 0242, cbcstel@ UMHLANGA ROCKS: fully equipped self-catering 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom house, sleeps 6, sea view, 200 metres from beach, DSTV. Tel: Holiday Division, 031 561 5838, holi

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33rd Sunday: November 13 Readings: Proverbs 31:10-13, Psalm 128:15, 1 Thessalonians 5:1-6, Matthew 25:14-30


HO is the best kind of Christian? Next Sunday’s readings suggest to us that it may be the one who responds to the generosity of God with a generosity of our own. The first reading is the lovely picture, right at the end of the Book of Proverbs, of the “valiant woman”, whose value is “beyond pearls”. The author draws an affectionate and admiring portrait of this lady (no doubt his own wife), one that is marked by her generosity: “Her husband entrusts his heart to her; his prize does not fail.” Then the author outlines how she operates: “She rewards him with good and not evil, all the days of her life.” This generous lady “searches for wool and flax, makes clothing with her hands”. Then we admiringly watch her at work “at the distaff...the spindle”. Her generosity is like that of God, however, and so “she opens her hand to the poor, her arms to the needy”. The end of the long hymn (you must read the rest of chapter 31 for yourself) comes in a lovely epitaph: “The woman who fears the Lord—she is to be praised; give her the reward of her hands; may what she has

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Respond in kind to God’s generosity Nicholas King SJ Sunday Reflections done sing her praises at the gates.” This is a model for each of us to imitate, wherever we find ourselves. Next week’s psalm is the charming pilgrimage song, “happy are all those who fear the Lord, and walk in his ways”. The singer sketches a lovely picture of domestic happiness: “What your hands touch you will eat...your wife like a fruitful vine in your house, your sons like olive plants round your table.” Then we hear a lovely prayer for this person who pays generous attention to God: “May the Lord bless you from Sion, and look upon the prosperity of Jerusalem, all the days of your life.” The second reading for next Sunday is our final glance for this year at 1 Thessalonians, and warns this much-loved church not to be too certain about when the endtime is to come (which will require a cer-

tain generosity on their part), for “the day of the Lord is coming just like a nocturnal burglar, when people are saying ‘peace and security’: that is when suddenly death comes, like labour-pains for a pregnant woman—and there is no way they will escape”. So our response has to be generous: “Let us not sleep, as other people do: let us stay awake and be sober.” The g ospel offers us a story of a wealthy man whose generosity borders on the eccentric: “He called his own slaves, and handed over his possessions to them.” Then we listen with astonishment to the sums. The first gets “five talents” (even one talent is a very handy sum of money), the second is given “three”, and the third just “one—each in accordance with their own resources”. Then the owner “went overseas”, and we are left to watch the relative generosity of these slaves: Number 1 “worked on his five talents, and made another five”; Number 2 earned a similar profit on his two talents; and we can hardly restrain a laugh when we hear about Number 3: “He went off and dug soil, and hid his master’s

Catholic Press lost a friend N

O community should botch its deaths! Those are the words of the famed anthropologist Mircea Eliade, and I use them here to introduce a tribute to Otto Herschan, a long-time Catholic publisher, who died on July 12 at the age of 84. For many years he was the publisher and managing director of a number of national Catholic weekly newspapers, including the Catholic Herald in England, the Scottish Catholic Observer in Scotland, and the Irish Catholic in Ireland. He brought an interesting background to Catholic journalism. He was born in Austria and, at age ten, came to England as refugee with his mother just before World War II. His father, who put his wife and Otto on the Orient Express bound for London just before he died, had been an Austrian army officer and in the first chapters of Otto’s autobiography, Holy Smoke, he describes the trials of Catholicism in Austria as it was passing into Nazi control. Upon arriving in England, Otto was educated by the Benedictines at their school in Herefordshire, Belmont Abbey. After graduating, he worked briefly in accountancy and advertising before enrolling for a college degree, but lack of funds obliged him to leave after a year. Otto then turned his energy to the theatre, joining the Boltons Theatre, the best known of London’s theatrical clubs in the 1940s. He worked there in a number of capacities: scene painter, actor of small parts, and eventually as theatre manager,

083 640 5848

Fr Ron Rolheiser OMI final Reflection becoming at the tender age of 21 the youngest theatre manager in London. But financial troubles forced the Boltons Theatre to close in 1950. He then worked for a time in television, helping found the first commercial TV station in England. This led him back to the theatre where, in 1954 at a fundraising event, he met the chairman for the Catholic Herald who invited him to take over the management of the paper. Otto protested, saying that he knew nothing about running a newspaper. He was told in reply: “That may be a very good start!” He served as managing director of the Catholic Herald for nearly 50 years. Under his vision and guidance, the Catholic Herald evolved from serving a small, closed constituency within which the purchase of a copy was regarded as an act of piety to become a national and international Catholic weekly that appears on news stands through the English-speaking world. He recruited talented journalists from the secular press and the Catholic Herald became a feisty and highly sought-after newspaper. As publisher of a number of Catholic newspapers both during and after Vatican II, he was always able to have his newspapers walk that fine tightrope


between liberal and conservative ideologies. Invariably his newspapers were considered too liberal for the conservatives and too conservative for the liberals. Not a bad critique. As a publisher with a very limited budget, Otto was good at spotting talented young journalists, hiring them to edit his newspapers, and then after a few years giving them his fullest blessing as they moved on to more profitable jobs within the secular press. In this way, he helped launch the career of a number of very good young journalists; but it was a win-win situation for both, the aspiring young editors looking to make a start and for the Catholic press who benefited from their talent. During his years in publishing he also developed life-long friendships with leading Church people everywhere, including Archbishop Denis Hurley of Durban and Cardinal Franz König of Vienna. I first met Otto in 1990, when he recruited me to write a column for his newspapers and, in the 20 years since, I have enjoyed a wonderful friendship with him and his wife, Marie. Despite being humble and approachable, he was always a little larger than life. He brought colour into a room. He loved life, loved work, deeply loved his wife, and especially loved long, late-night dinners, stoked by good wine, ecclesial talk, banter, humour, and friendship, capped-off with good cigars. Time stopped during these dinners, a glance at your wristwatch was forbidden, and even though you paid a price for it in tiredness the next day, you knew that, during those hours at the table together, you were doing what you are supposed to be doing your whole life: just enjoying friendship, love, food, banter, and holy talk together. I will always treasure memories of those dinners in Otto’s various clubs, as well as of a couple of all-day drives through the English countryside in mid-summer, car windows wide-open, pipe and cigar smoke wafting about, and Otto’s eyes surveying the landscape, checking it out for its beauty and for the possibility of it containing a pub. No community should botch its deaths! And so it’s important to highlight that in Otto Herschan’s passing the Church and the world lost a true gentleman, a good friend, a man of wit, and man who, like Jesus, tried to draw people of very persuasion together around a common table of friendship and faith.

money”. Naturally we are now waiting for the reckoning to take place; and it duly follows. Number 1 proudly presents the extra five talents, and is rewarded by his beaming patron: “Good and faithful slave—you were faithful over small matters. I am going to put you in charge of much. Enter into the joy of your master.” Number 2 receives a similarly enthusiastic response. Number 3, however, is every adolescent that you have ever met: “Master, I knew that you are a harsh man, harvesting where you did not sow and gathering where you did not scatter. So I was afraid, and went and buried your one talent in the soil. Look, you’ve got what is yours.” This speech could not by any stretch of the imagination be classed as either diplomatic or generous, and gets an appropriate response: “Take his one talent, and give it to the one who has the ten talents”. We watch as this unfortunate slave is flung “out into the outer darkness—where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth”. And we ask for the gift of generosity, at least for the coming week.

Southern Crossword #469


2. He saw the writing on the wall (Dan 5) (10) 8. Next city of World Youth Day (3,2,7) 10. Personification of evil (5) 11. Ends act about melody over the choir (7) 12. Having existed for a long time (3-3) 13. Poet of paradise (6) 16. It holds the host in the monstrance (7) 18. Belief in a God (5) 19. They line up to receive the Eucharist (12) 20. It is religiously placed on 1 down (5,5)


1. Led Borstal to change place of transubstantiation (5,5) 3. Having no termination point (7) 4. Strangely, you sit on them at sports game (6) 5. Means to end prayers (5) 6. They follow the prophet Zarathustra (12) 7. It describes the church nearest Antarctica (12) 9. Not one Mass for rock-cutter (10) 14. Formally admits the new bishop (7) 15. After your fast you may look like this (6) 17. Circus performer with lions (5) Solutions on page 11



T Peter and Satan were having an argument about rugby one day. Satan proposed a game to be played on neutral grounds between a select team from the heavenly host and his own hand-picked boys. “Very well,” said St Peter. “But you realise, I hope, that we’ve got all the good players and the best coaches?” “I know, and that’s all right,” Satan answered unperturbed. “We’ve got all the referees.” Send us your favourite Catholic joke, preferably clean and brief, to The Southern Cross, Church Chuckle, PO Box 2372, Cape Town, 8000.

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