S outher n C ross
June 21 to June 27, 2017
12-page Catholic Education supplement
Saints were with Fatima pilgrimage
Page 22
Reg No. 1920/002058/06
Specia CATHOLICl Focus on EDUCATI ON The stat e of s S p e ci a l su
p p le me n t
to The So u
thern n Cross, J une 21
to June 27
, 2017
The state of basic e ducation in So uth Africa is healthy, a s MDUDU not ZI QWABE f inds.
Edited by
Erin Care
lse & Kel s
ay Correa
chooling in SA
remain tr a t h e i r f a m pped in poverty b ec s e n d t h i l i e s c a n n o t a f f o ause t e a c h e r s a em to b e t t e r - r e s r d t o versities. r e q u a l i f y i n g f r o schools. m unio u rc e d Poor ch Powe u n i o n s b r of the unions: t but to att i l d r e n h a v e n o ea lo c e a v e r a g e p n d s c h o o l s w h e r e h o i c e a b o u t a c c o c k a t t e m p t s t o cher N her bu b b u e d r a t h e r t h r f o r m a n c e i s t h e elow a n d i n t e r ntability in the s r i n g 24, Basic get speech on M fer an t ec n o r m an ay d learnin e w i t h t h e t e a c h tor F u r t h e r m he exception. 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Subsidies to poorer i nd e p en de n schools w t e re reduced, placing m an y u nd e r financial pressure.
No 5037
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Searching for true love at the shopping mall
Page 21
Year of celebration as SA Church turns 200 years in 2018 BY ERIN CARELSE
HE archdiocese of Cape Town will begin a year-long celebration of the 200th anniversary of the establishment of the Church in South Africa with an invitationonly Mass this weekend, on June 25. The bicentennial celebrations, which will involve the other dioceses in the region, is planned to culminate with national Masses of Thanksgiving at noon on June 10, 2018, in every cathedral, parish and mission station throughout Southern Africa. Pope Pius VII erected the vicariate apostolic of the Cape of Good Hope and adjacent territories on June 7, 1818, constituting for the first time a formal presence of the Catholic Church in Southern Africa. Bishop Bede Slater, a Benedictine, was named bishop, but because of anti-Catholic laws, he was forced to reside in Mauritius. The first resident vicar-apostolic was Bishop Raymund Griffiths, a Dominican, in 1837. In the almost 200 years since the vicariate apostolic of the Cape of Good Hope was established, the presence of the Catholic Church has grown, with 28 dioceses and one vicariate in the Southern African Catholic Bishops’ Conference (SACBC) region, which comprises South Africa, Swaziland and Botswana. At the inaugural bicentennial celebration Mass at Cape Town’s St Mary’s cathedral on this weekend, “tribute will be paid to the selfless contributions of those heroic early pioneers; priests, both religious and laity, from far-off lands, by whose dedication and untiring efforts, the seeds of the Church were first planted in the Cape of Good Hope and throughout Southern Africa”, said Mgr Clifford Stokes, vicar-general and facilitator. Due to space restrictions, the Mass is by invitation only. He said today’s Church owes “an immense debt of gratitude” to the many religious congregations for “their invaluable contribution” in the fields of education and health care, “and also to those whose charism is to minister to the poor and the destitute”, Mgr Stokes said. At the offertory procession during the Mass, symbols of their contributions to the Southern African Church will be brought up and displayed in the sanctuary.
Special Pilgrimage to Portugal and Spain
Bishop Victor Phalana of Klerksdorp with young parishioners wearing an image of the bishop on their T-shirts at St Monica’s outstation at Jouberton, where he celebrated a confirmation Mass—at the same time his niece was confirmed by Archbishop William Slattery in Pretoria. Of St Monica’s, Bishop Phalana noted that the Catholics there may have only a “tin church”, but they have a deep faith. St Mary’s cathedral in Cape Town in the late 19th century. The Southern African Church will mark the 200th anniversary of the establishment of a local vicariate next June. A special decorated candle will also be blessed and given to every bishop or his delegate, to be taken back to their cathedral and placed in a prominent position during this bicentennial year, “to further celebrate heroic contributions by so many who in the face of difficulty and often opposition have brought the light of Christ into Southern Africa,” Mgr Stokes said. Other events are planned for the 12months of the bicentennial celebrations. At least one large celebration in each deanery in the archdiocese of Cape Town will focus on “Our Forefather and Foremothers in the Faith”. A Eucharistic procession is also being planned, starting from Holy Cross parish in District Six to the cathedral, with Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament. Two special projects will include the youth and school-going children. Two “Bicentennial Catholic School Choir Festivals” will be held in the Cape Town City Hall, on August 27 and October 29. These festivals will showcase the talent of the local youth and recount the story of Catholic education in South Africa. The second project will be a youth competition entitled “Exploring our Catholic Heritage”. Parishes and Catholic schools will invite the youth to tell their story through a heritage Continued on page 3
Pope to priests: Accept your bishop or get out P OPE Francis has ordered priests belonging to the diocese of Ahiara, Nigeria, to write a letter promising obedience to him and accepting the bishop appointed for their diocese. Priests who do not write by the deadline of July 9 will be suspended. The papal text in English was posted on the blog of Archbishop Ignatius Kaigama of Jos, president of the Nigerian bishops’ conference. Cardinal John Olorunfemi Onaiyekan of Abuja, who also was present at the meeting at which the pope issued the ultimatum, told Catholic News Service that they were the remarks of the pope. Bishop Peter Ebere Okpaleke was appointed bishop of Ahiara by Pope Benedict XVI in 2012, but has been unable to take control of the diocese because of protests, apparently by the majority of priests and laity. The Vatican issued only a short communiqué on the meeting with the pope, describing the situation in the diocese as “unacceptable”. The protests were apparently motivated by the fact that Bishop Okpaleke is not a local priest. Ahiara diocese is dominated by the Mbaise ethnic group. As an outsider from
S outher n C ross &
the nearby diocese of Awka, Bishop Okpaleke was rejected by much of Ahiara’s clergy and laity, who wanted one of their own to be appointed bishop. Some 77% of the diocese's population of 670 000 are Catholic. According to the pope’s remarks posted by Archbishop Kaigama, Pope Francis said: “I think that, in this case, we are not dealing with tribalism, but with an attempted taking of the vineyard of the Lord. “Whoever was opposed to Bishop Okpaleke taking possession of the diocese wants to destroy the Church. This is forbidden,” the pope reportedly said. “I ask that every priest or ecclesiastic incardinated in the diocese of Ahiara, whether he resides there or works elsewhere, even abroad, write a letter addressed to me in which he asks for forgiveness; all must write individually and personally,” Pope Francis said. In their letters the clergy of Ahiara must “clearly manifest total obedience to the pope” and “be willing to accept the bishop whom the pope sends and has appointed”, the pope said. “Whoever does not do this will be ipso facto suspended a divinis and will lose his current office.”—CNS/CNA
Radio Veritas
100 YEARS FATIMA Led by Fr Brian Mhlanga OP 1 - 10 Oct. 2017 Fatima • Lisbon • Coimbra • Avila • Madrid and more Contact Gail at or 076 352-3809 or 021 551-3923
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The Southern Cross, June 21 to June 27, 2017
Radio Veritas telethon raises R600 000 BY ERIN CARELSE
ADIO Veritas raised more than R600 000 in a hugely successful telethon aimed at securing the station’s future, with hundreds of people phoning in to make pledges. Throughout the day, faithful listeners and supporters made pledges of between R100 and R250 000. The target was to raise R500 000; the final tally amounted to R605 000. “In these difficult economic times, our fear was that the telethon might prove a flop,” said station director Fr Emil Blaser OP. “How wrong we were! The response of our listeners was magnificent. There is no doubt that Catholics love their radio station and want to support it.” He noted that the most outstanding group “who flooded the station with pledges” was Men in
Christ Gauteng. “If every group in the Church responded as they did, we would have exceeded a million rand,” Fr Blaser said. “People were very complimentary about the station and are proud of it,” he added. The staff of Radio Veritas were involved in the nitty-gritty of the telethon, either on air or behind the scenes. They were assisted by Friends of Radio Veritas. One listener, Carlos Camara, challenged Fr Blaser by pledging R500 for every hour the priest spent in the studio—and a total of R6 000 was received from this challenge alone. The cost of running the station is about R500 000 a month, Fr Blaser said. Although most of this is covered by monthly donations, it doesn’t cover everything.
Radio Veritas staff in the studio were a key part of the telethon. A major monthly expense is the R150 000 paid to Sentech for the distribution of the radio signal—“and this is the amount we are usually short of every month,” Fr Blaser said. During the telethon Cardinal Wilfrid Napier of Durban, Bishop
Victor Phalana of Klerksdorp, Archbishop William Slattery of Pretoria and Bishop Jeremia Masela of Polokwane emphasised the importance of evangelisation through this powerful means of communication. Priests participated and challenged
each other, with the first challenge coming from Fr Lawrence Mduduzi Ndlovu, who currently is in Britain. Many pensioners called in, and Fr Blaser remembered one in particular: “Jean Jones, a Methodist and faithful listener to Radio Veritas, called in and contributed R190 to the telethon—R100 as a basic contribution, plus R90, representing one rand for every year of her life.” Prizes given away were a television set sponsored by Lektroshok, a ticket valued at R300 for the upcoming competition to win a place in the Southern Cross/Radio Veritas pilgrimage to Fatima in October, a special crocheted tablecloth auctioned for R1 500, and a National electric organ, sponsored by an anonymous Johannesburg listener.
Schools Week showcases outreach Winter school now on offer
holy Cross Sister Mechtildis Wilking is seen with one of her nieces visiting from Germany before the concelebrated Mass at St Anne’s parish in Belgravia, Johannesburg, to celebrate her diamond jubilee. The main celebrant was Fr Barney McAleer. Sr Mechtildis renewed her vows and was presented with a special candle.
OR the sixth consecutive year, schools in Johannesburg and Pretoria celebrated Catholic Schools Week. It was an opportunity to showcase their schools and their outreach programmes throughout the year, acknowledge the role of Catholic education in their communities, and thank various individuals, groups and organisations for the constant support they offer. The week was also an occasion at which Catholic schools and parish communities could deepen their relationships, and recognise the diversity within schools and across the two archdioceses. This year’s theme was “Catholic Education: Walking Forward Together (with God, with Family, with Friends, with God’s Creation and with Hope)”, which dominated the prayer experiences, outreach events, art and crafts, and other activities Catholic schools were involved in. There was an array of innovative and creative ideas implemented and shared. These included banners and posters declaring the Catholic identity of schools and the theme for the year, visits to the homes of
Grade 11 students at St Catherine’s School in Germiston, Johannesburg, attended Mass at Christ the King cathedral in the city during Catholic Schools Week. Each student packed a full box of non-perishable foods as their offertory donation. founding religious sisters and brothers, novenas, prayer walks, special Masses and assemblies, and Eucharistic adoration. Most schools created murals, and identified certain areas that were painted to create a focus for celebrat-
ing the work of Catholic education. Learners made rosaries, crosses, cards of appreciation and bookmarks. A particular highlight during this time was learning the theme song, “Walking Forward Together”, and having learners and staff sing it.
OUTH Africa’s Catholic university is offering a Winter School over four days in early July. St Augustine College, based in Victory Park, Johannesburg, has announced that every quarter it will be hosting a “seasonal school”. Students will attend a module on offer—for non-degree purposes—in its postgraduate degree programme. The Winter School will be from July 3-7 from 8:30 to 16:30 daily. The modules offered are “The Market Economy and Christian Ethics”, “The Ethics of Democracy”, “Leadership and Management of a Faith-Based School”, “Philosophy of Knowledge”, “Christian Spiritual Tradition”, “Ecumenism and Inter-Faith Dialogue”, and “The Universal Church and Particular Churches.” The cost per module, excluding course material, is R1 500. n Register at (see short courses section) or contact Rose Kamwendo at r.kamwendo@ or 011 380 9011. Sacred heart College in Johannesburg held a Play Africa day for the school’s foundation phase learners and Three2Six learners from its Education Refugee project.
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The Southern Cross, June 21 to June 27, 2017
Churches call for dissolving of parliament BY BRONWEN dAChS
OLLOWING its own findings of severe corruption in government, the South African Council of Churches (SACC) has called for the dissolving of parliament and new general elections. The government “has lost its moral legitimacy” and new polls are needed, the SACC said in a statement. The Southern African Catholic Bishops’ Conference is a member of the council. In April 2016, the SACC set up an “unburdening panel” for anyone who had participated in or knew of
corrupt activities. The report, based on that panel, reveals an elite group around the Gupta family “that parcels out contracts and other opportunities for their circles against the interests of good governance and against the common good of the South African citizenry,” the statement said. Members of parliament display “complete moral bankruptcy in the execution of their responsibilities in upholding the laws of the land”. General elections are needed “to secure a fresh mandate based on acceptable values and on integrity,” it
said. South Africa’s next elections are due in 2019. The country needs a national convention that includes a broad base of South Africans to find consensus on values and to work towards “the realisation of the post-apartheid promise of South Africa” which is “just, equitable, reconciled, peaceful” and free of corruption and deprivation, the churches said. The council’s report on the panel’s findings noted that “South Africa may be just a few inches from the throes of a mafia state, from which there may be no return—a
recipe for a failed state”. The panel’s findings were presented at an SACC meeting in Regina Mundi Catholic church in Soweto. Among those who approached the panel were local government staffers “who were pressured to divert funds inappropriately to certain activities that had nothing to do with the work and purpose of the budget,” the report said. “There were people who were prevailed upon to rig tender processes in favour of certain companies and individuals, or bend and tailor regulations for a specific desired outcome,”
it said, noting that while most people opted to stay anonymous, some chose to go public. Some came forward to share their experiences only, with no desire to be publicly revealed, but to get it off their chests. “Others were ready to go public, and these we encouraged to go to the Public Protector (a state watchdog agency) and they did,” the report said, noting that these stories are in the Public Protector’s report released last November, which “has yet to be acted upon by the government”.—CNS
‘Bennies’ Boys’ take up Festive day for Jo’burg Maronite parish knitting for the poor BY MARK KISOGLOO
OYS at St Benedict’s School in Johannesburg have been knitting scarves to keep those in need warm. About 18 “Bennies Boys” from the school’s outreach club are giving of their time each week to make their particular contribution to helping the community. The idea of knitting scarves was inspired by a Facebook post teachers came across, and it’s a first for the boys. Teachers say the skill of knitting also helps with a number of developments, such as hand and eye control, a degree of self-control and concentration, and also seeing a project through to completion. At one of the outreach club’s activity sessions, held every Tuesday afternoon, a staff member’s mother, Mrs Vorster, taught the boys how to knit. Mrs Kapp, deputy headmistress of the preparatory school, also helped. The scarves will be donated to the Society of St Vincent de Paul in Edenvale, which will distribute them at a soup kitchen evening. The “Bennies Boys” hope to have all the scarves completed and donated by the first week of July. Keanan Thomas, a Grade 5 member of the outreach club, said he had fun knitting the scarves. “It was hard at the start but I got
HE congregation of Our Lady Of Lebanon parish in Mulbarton, Johannesburg, came together to celebrate its founding in a fun day, the 16th of its kind, and a parish tradition. Each year has seen a steady growth in numbers and this year was no exception, with those participating totalling 2 000. Fr Maurice Chidiac, superior of the Maronite Church of South Africa, opened the day with a
Fr Maurice Chidiac, superior of the Maronite Church of South Africa, opened the festival with a prayer. (Photo: Mark Kisogloo)
SA Church gears up for bicentennial Boys at St Benedict’s School in Johannesburg are knitting winter scarves for those less fortunate. the hang of things after a few days, and my mom kindly helped me. “I am glad that I am able to help someone by knitting a scarf to keep someone warm during winter,” Keanan said.
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Continued from page 1 research project. The best entries will be published in the Archdiocesan News. Archbishop Stephen Brislin has agreed, as part of the year of celebration, to administer the sacrament of confirmation at deanery level in 2018 where requested, rather than at individual parishes. This is in order to promote a greater sense of Church unity among those who are to receive the sacrament. To end off the bi-centennial celebrations, there will be a national Mass of Thanksgiving at noon on
Pilgrimage to Poland Divine Mercy
led by Fr Pierre-Thaddee Mbayi Bakadibamba (Bloemfontein) St. John’s Cathedral, museum of St. Maximilian Kolbe, Krakow, Wadowice, Kalwaria Zebrzydowska, Blessed Sister Faustina Convent 10 – 20 September 2017 R29 995.00 incl. Airport taxes
100th Anniversary in Fatima led by Fr. Teboho Matseke Fatima, Santiago de Compostela, Lourdes, Paris 11 – 24 September 2017 R37 995.00 incl. Airport taxes
Pilgrimage to The holy Land
prayer, followed by live entertainment in the form of traditional Lebanese dabke dancing, belly dancing by the Hazi Hazi belly dancing school, as well as live music by various performers. A variety of foods was on offer— Italian, Portuguese, curries, boerie rolls, as well as traditional Lebanese foods and desserts. Various activities and games were on offer for younger visitors. There was also a beer tent with a DJ for the younger adults.
led by Fr Thabo Motshegwa Bethlehem, Nazareth, St. Anne, Pater Nostre, St. Peter in Gallicantu, Capernaum, Mount Tabor 13 – 22 September 2017 R20 495.00 incl. Airport taxes Tel: 012 342 0179/Fax: 086 676 9715
Sunday, June 10, 2018, ideally in each cathedral, parish and mission station throughout Southern Africa. A recording from Pope Francis will be aired, and the special candle distributed at the this weekend’s Mass will be lit in every cathedral in South Africa, Botswana and Swaziland. Bells will be rung to symbolise the solidarity of faith between everyone. However, the archdiocese is facing a snag in planning for the closing ceremony, at which all bishops of the SACBC will be present.
“We are currently looking for a sufficiently large venue to accommodate 8 000 to 9 000 people for the celebration of a Mass, but as yet we have not found one that is affordable to the archdiocese”, Mgr Stokes said. He added: “We may have to extend our search further away from the city centre.” If anyone knows of a suitable venue to host the conference celebration that can accommodate 8 000 to 9 000 people and is available at a reasonable cost, please contact Mgr Stokes at stokes@
The Southern Cross, June 21 to June 27, 2017
Nigerian Jesuit recalls horror of kidnapping I Suad and Charlie Kattan hold a Bible in their home in Beit Jala, near Bethlehem in the West Bank. The couple won the Adult Bible Contest of the holy Land, the places of the Scriptures. (Photo: debbie hill/CNS)
Holy Land couple aces Bible contest BY JudITh SudILOVSKY
T was the question about the Old Testament prophetess Abigail that clinched the first Adult Bible Contest of the Holy Land for Beit Jala Catholic husband-andwife team Suad and Charlie Kattan. It was a vindication of sorts for Mrs Kattan, 48, who came to admire Abigail over the three months the couple studied for the contest, which occurred during a threemonth period in Nazareth. “It is very interesting as Christians to know about the Bible. It is something we need. We only know the New Testament and we don’t know the Old Testament,” said Suad, a teacher at Talitha Kumi Evangelical Lutheran School. “I learned many things about the Old Testament, especially about when David went to Mount Tabor and met Abigail. It is a lovely story I didn’t know about. It shows the wisdom of a woman; how she used her brain to prevent people from dying.” Mrs Kattan also was moved by the story of Daniel and his ability to interpret dreams for the Babylonian king and the story of the prophet Samuel, who came to
Bethlehem to select David the young shepherd to be the new King of Israel, both of which she had not fully known before. Studying for the contest while living in the land where the Bible took place afforded the couple the unique possibility of connecting the stories to sites where they took place. They also were excited to be able to see some of the Christian holy sites in the Galilee for the first time. Reading from the Old Testament also made them aware of many of the similar traditions among the peoples of the area, the couple said. The contestants were quizzed on biblical history, archaeology and interpretation of Scripture. As the winners of the contest, they will travel to the Vatican and Istanbul, where they will meet with Pope Francis and Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew. The Bible contest is an ecumenical initiative of both the Orthodox and Latin Catholic churches, with the goal of stimulating the reading and understanding of the Bible in order to develop a “sprit of love and brotherhood among religions”, contest organisers said.—CNS
T was supposed to be a quiet retreat weekend last April for Fr Sam Okwuidegbe, a Nigerian Jesuit priest and director of a local spirituality centre. In a testimony posted on the website of the Jesuit Superiors of Africa and Madagascar, Fr Sam recalled how his faith carried him through a traumatic and harrowing experience of kidnapping. On his way to the retreat, Fr Sam was stopped by armed gunmen whom he identified as Fulani herdsmen, a notoriously violent group whose clashes with farmers have killed thousands of people in Nigeria over the past two decades. The Fulani kidnappers led Fr Sam and two other men into the forest at gunpoint for eight hours, barely stopping for breaks. The captors started questioning Fr Sam and were suspicious when he identified himself as a priest; they thought he might be a government spy. They stripped him of all his belongings— his watch, wallet and rosary. The militants asked him if he could remember anyone’s number— someone to call who could negotiate for Fr Sam’s life and pay off the herdsmen. Traumatised by his experience, Fr Sam couldn’t remember one phone number.
“That triggered a series of beatings...they huddled me up, hands and feet tied to the back with a rope like a goat before a kill. They removed my cassock, then my shirt, threw me into the dirt on the ground, and began to beat me with the back of their guns, they’d kick me hard on my sides, slap across my face, push and pull me hard across the of them said ‘We are going to burn you alive!’” the priest recalled. “I really believed that they were going to do it...I began to pray in silence...I said, ‘God, I commit to you, I commit my spirit’ and I was resigned to the thought of my fate, that I was going to die that day.’” Finally, the beating stopped. Fr Sam remembers praying constantly through the whole experience. “I hoped for a miracle...every minute I’d pray, saying all kinds of prayers, I’d pray to St Ignatius, say the rosary and the Divine Mercy one time I found myself singing heartily, but in the inside, a Ghanaian song that says, ‘God speak to me...God where are you?’ I kept humming in my gave me hope,” he said. Eventually contact was made with Jesuit provincial Fr Jude Odiaka who began negotiations with the herds-
men. Finally, the captors seemed to have received what they wanted, and started talking of letting the men go. “I intensified my prayers and I prayed to God ‘Please God, make this end well,’” Fr Sam said. “I recalled a saying that ‘God will not bring you this far, then abandon you’, so this brought some assurance to my heart,” When the militants decided to release the men, they were left to wander alone together through the forest, trying to find the pathway out. Eventually, they were able to make it to safety and back home. While the experience was “painful and traumatising, in all these things God revealed to me that I was never abandoned while in the forest, even if I was out of reach and in danger, that God heard the prayers and was with me,” Fr Sam said. He plans to use his experience to help other people in his work as a counsellor. “This has also given me an understanding to accompany those who come to me for help seeking solace, encouragement, strength, hope, know...maybe that’s why it happened,” he said.—CNA
Muslims slam cathedral attack
USLIM religious and political leaders in the Philippines have joined in the barrage of condemnation of the desecration of a Catholic cathedral by terrorist gunmen in the besieged city of Marawi. “Let it be known to all that Islam commands all Muslims, even in war-time, to protect places of worship,” read a statement issued by the National Ulama Conference of the Philippines, which represents the Muslim leaders. The harsh reaction came after a 96-second video surfaced on social media showing militants wrecking St Mary’s cathedral, reported. The video, believed to be
filmed the day Muslim insurgents began attacking Marawi, shows men smashing and stomping on religious images and a large wooden cross inside the cathedral. They later burned the church and abducted Fr Teresito Soganub, vicar- general of the prelature of Marawi, and several Church workers. The Muslim leaders said: “What this terrorist group has done is unIslamic and a blatant disrespect and disregard of the teachings of Islam. “They do not represent Islam but the enemies of Islam,” they said. A local governor and the Catholic bishop who heads the prelature also condemned the desecration.
Bishop Edwin de la Pena of Marawi was angered by insurgents’ actions after seeing the video. “That is blasphemy. It’s unacceptable. It’s demonic,” he said. Govenor Mujiv Hataman of the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao described the desecration of the cathedral as “inhumane and unacceptable”. “These terrorists are nothing but hypocrites who undermine the true essence of Islam,” the Muslim governor said. “These infidels must be condemned and shunned by the Muslim community for they are unworthy of the promises of Allah and the pleasures of paradise.”—CNS
Vatican: Protect Child migrants from predators BY JuNNO AROChO ESTEVES
OO often, national and international policies leave migrant children at the mercy of traffickers and sexual predators and are signs of a widespread failure to protect the innocent, a Vatican official said. In addition, policies that involve criminalising and detaining child migrants “are an insult to human dignity” and are “the dramatic evidence of existing inequalities and failing systems,” said Archbishop Ivan Jurkovic, Vatican observer to UN agen-
cies in Geneva. “The grave error of the detention model is that it considers the children as sole, isolated subjects responsible for the situations in which they find themselves and over which they have little, if any, control,” the archbishop said. “This model wrongly absolves the international community at large from responsibilities that it regularly fails to fulfil.” Archbishop Jurkovic spoke about the plight of child migrants during a UN Human Rights Council panel discussion on “Unaccompanied migrant children and adolescents and
human rights”. Children forced to flee without the protection of their parents or family members, he said, are given no options for a better life and are often “left at the lower levels of human degradation” due to lack of education and health care. “They must be considered children first and foremost, and their best interest must be a primary consideration in all actions concerning them,” Archbishop Jurkovic said. The practice of detaining and criminalising migrant children should “never be an option” given
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that such a practice, even if for a brief period, “can have lifelong consequences on a child’s development,” he said. While the protection of all migrating people is “vital and essential, it is not enough”, Archbishop Jurkovic added. The international community must step up its efforts to address the situations that force children to flee their homelands, situations that include war, violence, corruption, poverty and environmental disasters. “A farsighted approach is urgently needed to tackle the tragic and intolerable situations that drive such a
drastic increase in the number of children who abandon their lands of birth and search alone for refuge and hope for the future,” he said. Archbishop Jurkovic urged world leaders to promote an integral human development for the “hundreds of millions of children who are living in appalling conditions”. “Even while we are engaged in discussion and debate today, any number of these children will have joined the already huge odyssey of children on the move—simply in search of safety, peace and of a fair chance in life,” he said. —CNS
World ignores ocean pollution at own peril BY BETh GRIFFIN
F left unchecked, warming, pollution, and acidification of the world’s oceans will have drastic socio-ecological consequences, particularly for people who depend on the water for their livelihoods, according to speakers at the Ocean Conference at the United Nations. The conference drew more than 3 500 participants representing countries, UN agencies, intergovernmental and nongovernmental organisations, and the private sector. They examined myriad human threats to the oceans and sought to mobilise urgent and tangible action to reverse the observable cycle of ocean decline. Speakers repeatedly noted that billions of the world’s people depend on the oceans for their main source of food and millions of others draw their livelihood from the seas. Tourism, trade and other major economic activities depend on healthy oceans, they said. Oceans cover 72% of the earth’s surface and serve as the primary regulator of the global climate. They supply one-half of the oxygen people breathe, and absorb one-third of the carbon dioxide they produce, as well as almost all of the excess heat. Nevertheless, oceans are threatened by human activities that
A salmon sculpture created from marine debris is seen outside the uN. (Photo: Gregory Shemitz/CNS) limit their critical ability to function as a viable ecosystem. Detrimental activities include over-fishing and pollution from oil, sewage, fertiliser, detergent, plastic and marine debris. Rising, warming, acidifying, polluted seas contribute to migration, homelessness, hunger, and poverty, especially in low-lying developing countries, speakers said. Ghanaian Cardinal Peter Turkson led a Vatican delegation to the conference and spoke at four events. He is prefect of the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human
Development. At the “Partnership Dialogue on Minimising and Addressing Ocean Acidification”, Cardinal Turkson said growing carbon dioxide emissions increase the acidity of oceans. “If these present trends continue, this century may well witness an unprecedented destruction of ecosystems, with serious consequences for all of us,” he said. The cardinal said the Vatican frames its perspective and action to minimise and address ocean acidification and other environmental issues on interconnected guiding principles described in Laudato Si', Pope Francis’ encyclical letter. It is a moral imperative to take care of the environment, which is a gift entrusted to our responsible stewardship, he said. “Much of the decline in the health of the oceans is a result of emphasising rights and autonomies to the detriment of personal and collective responsibilities. Effective regulatory frameworks to safeguard the health of our oceans are often blocked by those who are profiting most from marine resources and who are intent on maintaining or increasing their advantages to the detriment of the poorer peoples and countries,” Cardinal Turkson said.— CNS
London terror victim hailed BY SIMON CALdWELL
HE Spanish government paid tribute to a Catholic man stabbed to death as he used his skateboard to try to defend a woman from a knife-wielding terrorist in London. Ignacio Echeverria, 39, native of Spain working in London for a year, was one of eight victims of three assailants who drove a van into pedestrians on London Bridge before they attacked people randomly with
knives and machetes. The Spaniard, a Catholic and the nephew of a deceased bishop, stumbled upon the atrocity and used his skateboard as a weapon to defend her before he was fatally wounded himself. The Spanish government said in a statement that Mr Echeverria’s relatives and friends “are not alone in their pain, and that, today, Spain is with them, sharing their feelings and desolation and joined with them in this terrible moment”.—CNS
Are you called to join us to love God, in praising him in Prayer and serving him,as we care for people in need, especially women and children? Write, phone or visit us Sr Bongiwe Xulu Holy Childhood Sisters Phone: 035 476 6262 P.Bag 553 Cell:076 306 4446 Eshowe 3815
The Southern Cross, June 21 to June 27, 2017
Pope: More women, more change for good T HE more women are involved in and contribute to communities, politics, economics and the Church, the more positive changes will come about, Pope Francis said. “Women are fully entitled to actively take part in all settings, and their rights must be affirmed and protected, including through legal instruments wherever it may prove necessary,” he said. The pope was speaking to members, consultors and guests of the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue, which was holding its plenary assembly in Rome. Participants had discussed the role of women in teaching universal fraternity. “We cannot truly call on God, the father of all, if we refuse to treat others in a brotherly way,” Cardinal Jean-Louis Tauran told the pope, quoting from Nostra Aetate, the Vatican II declaration that addressed the Catholic Church’s relations with other religions. Pope Francis told the assembly that unfortunately the important ability of women to teach these values is “obscured and often unrecognised because of the many evils that afflict this world and that, in particular, damage women’s dignity and their role”. Women and children are frequently the victims of “blind violence”, he said.
Whenever “hatred and violence have the upper hand, they tear apart families and society, preventing women from easily and effectively carrying out their mission as educators,” joining with men to promote common aims and efforts. More must be done to recognise women’s gifts and their ability to find new ways to welcome and respect others in a multicultural, globalised world, he said. It is also important to take advantage of “their conviction that love is the only power that can make the world habitable for everyone”. When women have the opportunity to fully share their gifts with the whole community, the community ends up “transformed” in a positive way, the pope said. “Therefore, it is a beneficial process—that of having the growing presence of women in social, economic and political life on the local, national and international levels, as well as in ecclesial life,” he said. He also urged all groups involved in interreligious dialogue to invite women to participate in all aspects of their discussions, not just when a topic or a gathering is about women. “Many women are well prepared to address very high-level meetings on interreligious dialogue,” he said.—CNS
The Southern Cross, June 21 to June 27, 2017
Editor: Günther Simmermacher
Value our Catholic schools
HERE are diverse reasons why Catholic schools in South Africa exist, but the one uniting cause must always to bring Christ into the world of young people. Most of our Catholic schools— those operating in rural areas and townships—do so by giving concrete Christian witness through social action to those who might otherwise not have access to education, or might receive their schooling in the troubled institutions described by Mduduzi Qwabe in this week’s Catholic Education supplement. Other Catholic schools, certainly those that are independent but also most that are statefunded, have a particular mission of conveying a nurturing Catholic ethos in an environment that aims for academic excellence. For all Catholic schools, the aim is to equip its learners, Catholic or not, with an ethic that reflects the love of Christ in all they do and will do in adulthood. This does not mean, of course, that all alumni will be practising Catholics. Catholic schools worldwide have produced many exemplary Catholics but also some of the Church’s harshest critics. It isn’t really possible to measure the success of a Catholic education by the student’s later adherence to the faith. But if a graduate from a Catholic school goes on to reject the faith but nonetheless follow a career that involves sacrifices to serve the greater good, chances are that their exposure to the Catholic ethos will have contributed to this, even if they don’t know it. And that is an important measure for Catholic schools: to produce young adults who can take the mission of the Church into the world, be the salt and the light, explicitly or implicitly. Catholic schools are called to facilitate an encounter with Christ, in the curriculum and in its pastoral and catechetical endeavours. In countries where the student body is Catholic this is relatively easy to accomplish. But in countries like South Africa, where Catholicism is in a minority and the student bodies represent a religious pluralism, instilling in students the Catholic ethos can be fraught with difficulties. Declining vocations and demographic shifts have changed the way Catholic schools are composed, in the areas of both teach-
ing and student bodies. Non-Catholic students or their parents may object to an explicit Catholicism in institutions which they see primarily as agents of academic pursuit. Some may feel excluded by an emphasis on the Catholic ethos and associated activities. These problems, and others like them, can be tricky to navigate. At the same time, a Catholic school does not have the option to disengage from its Catholic character. Catholic schools are not just public schools with added catechesis and morality. The Catholic ethos must permeate these schools, in ways that form its Catholic students but are sensitive to the needs of students from other faiths or none. This is a difficult balance to strike, and our schools need the support of their parish communities more than they need generalised accusations that they are not Catholic enough (though when they cease to be identifiable as Catholic institutions, necessary intervention may be counselled). The trouble with generalisations is that they tend to generalise. Of course, Catholic schools may not dispense with the external signs of the faith. Obviously a school ceases to be Catholic when it lacks the crucifix, statues of Mary or the saints, and Mass on days of obligation. Catholic schools still have a mandate to instruct their Catholic learners in the faith—though this may amount to little if parents do not assume the primary responsibility for their children’s catechesis. But the Catholic ethos manifests itself in more than just external expression. When we want to interrogate whether our Catholic schools are still Catholic, we shouldn’t count how many Catholics teach or learn there, nor how many children can recite the Creed. Instead we must ask whether we can locate Jesus and his Gospel at these schools, not only in proclamation but also in deeds. The test is whether a school is bringing Christ and the values of his Gospels to the young people in its care, thereby encouraging them to grow to the fullness of their human potential. When Catholic schools can combine this imperative with academic excellence, can there be any better educational choice?
The Editor reserves the right to shorten or edit published letters. Letters below 300 words receive preference. Pseudonyms are acceptable only under special circumstances and at the Editor’s discretion. Name and address of the writer must be supplied. No anonymous letter will be considered.
Overstretched priests worn down
AGREE with Fr Chris Townsend’s article “Why we need a synod on priesthood” (May 31). As a parent of a priest I have been very blessed to have an insight into the almost daily life of a priest. I have witnessed the frustrations of having to deal with crumbling infrastructure, lack of funding, lack of viable lay leadership, and a diminishing congregation. To add to this, not only does crime take its toll in having the very limited resources plundered and priests even murdered for a few rands, but the community also very seldom stands up for the priest. If the priest is weak, the community might take advantage and make huge demands. The homeless and destitute demand to be fed and looked after. The families of the sick and dying demand the priest to minister to them immediately. The community demands baptism
Priesthood needs major rethink
N the parish where I belong, the present priest and his predecessor have not been South Africans, and it seems as though the diocese does not have enough local priests to provide for all the parishes. I think part of the blame for the shortage of priests has been a failure to energetically recruit vocations. In the last 20 years, I cannot recall any vocations drive being made in my parish; and if there have been any efforts made by the diocese to recruit men for the priesthood anywhere else, this parish never publicised them. It is important to realise what the consequences of a shortage of priests are. The Catholic Church is a sacramental Church heavily dependent upon priests to say Mass, hear confessions, officiate at marriages, and administer the sacrament of the sick. While married deacons do exist in some parishes, the ministry they have is peripheral. Only when there are simply no priests around does the Catholic deacon seem to have anything other than a ceremonial role. The main reason for the present shortage of priests is, of course, the fact that the ministry is restricted to celibate males. Traditionally these were recruited from school leavers and more recently from young men who had not yet settled their careers. The problem in many cases was many young men do not have either the experience or spiritual maturity to act as Church leaders and the training they received often
when it suits them, many times without the required preparation. Likewise marriages. Distances can be far. Many calls are at night. A priest’s safety is not even considered. And, yes, many priests are lonely, and their only company maybe TV or even the bottle. I believe there is a huge problem in recruiting new priests. I don’t think anything near enough is being done in parishes to encourage vocations to the priesthood. I challenge the bishops to instruct all the priests in their dioceses to make it a norm to pray for vocations at every Mass and encourage, from the pulpit, at least once a month, young men to look at the priesthood as a vocation. Let us not just sit on the sidelines and wait for some family to “donate” a child they don’t know what to do with because they have too
did not give them enough guidance in effective pastoral ministry. Opportunities for ministry must be opened up so that the pastoral and sacramental mission of the Church is not further undermined. Whatever theological reasons there may be for restricting meaningful Church ministry to celibate males need to be put aside in the interests of the survival of Catholicism as a significant Christian community. Instead of searching for vocations among young, uncommitted and untried males, we need to look for candidates for full-time ministry among those whose character and talents have been tested and tried. Those found to be suitable need to be given intensive practical training that focuses strongly on the pastoral needs of the Church to enable them to function effectively as Church builders and spiritual leaders. Fundamentally, we need to rethink our Church ministry. For guidance and inspiration we can look at what many of the newer Churches have done: we can learn a lot about running successful Church communities from charismatic and evangelical Church organisations. Frank Bompas, Johannesburg Opinions expressed in The Southern Cross, especially in Letters to the Editor, do not necessarily reflect the views of the Editor or staff of the newspaper, or of the Catholic hierarchy. The letters page in particular is a forum in which readers may exchange opinions on matters of debate. Letters must not be understood to necessarily reflect the teachings, disciplines or policies of the Church accurately. Letters can be sent to PO Box 2372, Cape Town 8000 or or faxed to 021 465-3850
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many other children to feed. Let us not wait for a young man who cannot find employment, who sees the priesthood as an easy job where he will be housed, fed, given a car and a computer and access to a collection plate. Let us not wait for a young man who sees the training of a priest, at no cost to himself, as a means to move forward after he has gained a degree and then decides to pursue another career. Let us—all of us parishioners— instead encourage young men to see the role of a priest as a fulfilling vocation that has rich rewards. Let us make our Church a place where young people want to go. Let us show our youth that there is more to the Church than just Mass. Let us encourage them to get involved in ministry and outreach programmes. Let there be open days where the young can meet priests on an informal level and learn what it is all about to be a priest. Name withheld
Church activities exhaust Catholics
T the church where I attend Mass, the parish priest systematically adds extra celebrations. For example, one Sunday it was initiation of candidates for membership in the Catholic Women’s Association, then swearing-in for CWA membership candidates who had passed their one-year probation, then the renewal of vows of existing members. It included sprinkling each person in each group with holy water, then swinging incense over them, awarding medals, and so on. Is that liturgically correct? My concern is that the focus on the Eucharist and the spirit of the message from the readings is completely dissolved. Also, many people are leaving the church before the prayer after Communion and the blessing, and others are distressed at being “arrested” in almost four-hour-long celebrations. I would like to share an opinion, based on my experience, that creating so many organisations is dividing and exhausting Catholics. We women attend each Wednesday the Small Christian Communities prayer group, assist as the wives of Knights of Da Gama, go to the meetings of the administrative group of the parish council, and so on. How am I to be a mother, wife and grandmother if there is always the pressure to engage in more and more church activities? I would be grateful to receive clarity to settle my presently confused mind. Octavia Machowska, Polokwane
Special Focus on CATHOLIC EDUCATION Edited by Erin Carelse & Kelsay Correa
Special supplement to The Southern Cross, June 21 to June 27, 2017
The state of schooling in SA The state of basic education in South Africa is not healthy, as MduduzI QWABE finds.
N her budget speech on May 24, Basic Education Minister Angie Motshekga said that “the basic education system is definitely a system on the rise”. “All of us,” she said, “have a duty to ensure that the right of our learners to quality, effective, inclusive, and efficient basic education is not negotiable. We now have a stable system that looks at the whole development of a child—our future leaders.” The minister admitted that the Department of Basic Education (DBE) is concentrating on improving the quality of outcomes in the early grades of schooling. This is taken from research showing that learner dropout and poor learning outcomes in the higher grades are a result of weaknesses in the foundation phase. Exploring the present education landscape assists in identifying whether the system is improving and where the gaps that need to be addressed are. There are 30 231 schools in South Africa. Of these 25 826 are ordinary public schools (14 206 primary; 6 411 secondary; 5 209 combined and intermediate). There are 12 883 888 learners in all sectors of the basic education system: 93% in ordinary public schools; 4% in independent schools; 2,2% in Early Childhood Development centres, and 0,9% in special schools. There are 446 008 educators in the schools (186 285 of them primary). The learner-educator ratio is 29:1; learner to school is 481:1 and educator to school is 17:1. Over 98% of 7-15-year-olds are at school, but the quality remains a challenge with experts saying 80% of schools—the poorest—are dysfunctional. The basic education sector has a budget allocation of R23,4 billion for the 2017/18 budget, an increase of about R1,1 billion from the 2016/17 allocation. A considerable amount of expenditure goes to infrastructure, at about R13 billion, the National School Nutrition Programme at R6,8 billion, and Planning, Information and Assessment at R6,7 billion. The DBE has done a great deal to introduce pro-poor policies through programmes to mitigate the inequalities that persist within the South African economy. These include the National School Nutrition Programme, the no-fee schools policy, and learner transport. According to the DBE, 87% of schools have been declared no-fee schools in the poorest categories— quintiles 1-3. Unfortunately, about 75% are underperforming, because the best teachers and facilities are found in the remaining 25% of schools. This means that the majority of children from poor backgrounds
remain trapped in poverty because their families cannot afford to send them to better-resourced schools. Poor children have no choice but to attend schools where below average performance is the norm rather than the exception. Furthermore, slow economic growth has meant that financial allocations to schools—especially those in the lower quintiles—have been reduced—and in many instances even have not been forthcoming. This negatively affects the teaching and learning activities of already underperforming schools. Subsidies to low fee-charging independent schools have also been reduced or paid late, placing many of them under immense financial pressure, especially for educators’ salaries.
n the 2016 NSC matric exams, 265 810 candidates wrote mathematics. Of those, 135 958 passed with 30% or higher—a little under half of all candidates scored lower than 30%. Only about 34 000 passed with 60% or above. The basic education department has been celebrating improvements in recent international studies: the Southern and East African Consortium for Monitoring Educational Quality (SACMEQ IV), and the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS 2015). Although these indeed show considerable improvement, South Africa remains one of the lowest-performing developing countries in the TIMSS results, and there are also concerns over the SACMEQ results. The poor performance of learners in reading and comprehension has been widely documented by a number of studies. Out of a hundred children who start school, only about 54 finish Grade 12, and of these only 72,5% passed Grade 12 in 2016. This adds pressure on an economy that is already experiencing sluggish growth aggravated by other socio-economic factors. Youth unemployment is estimated as being in excess of 60%, which can, to a certain extent, be attributed to the high dropout rate in schools. Other challenges that are worth mentioning are: l Lack of capacity at district/circuit offices: this affects delivery at the coalface of the system. The policy on the “Role and Organisation of Education Districts” was promulgated in 2014 to deal with this challenge and has since been gazetted for amendment. l Service delivery protests disrupting school attendance: in the past few years, communities protesting against a lack of service delivery disrupt school attendance as a way of pressurising government. l A shortage of adequately skilled teachers: the shortage affects the most critical subjects, such as mathematics and science, and teaching in the foundation phase. There is also a critical shortage of language teachers, especially for African languages. l Poor subject knowledge by teachers: inadequately trained
Subsidies to poorer independent schools were reduced, placing many under financial pressure.
teachers are qualifying from universities. l Power of the unions: teacher unions block attempts to bring about accountability in the sector and interfere with the teaching and learning in schools. l Slow pace of infrastructure delivery: despite the fact that the DBE has the Accelerated School Infrastructure Delivery Initiative, backlogs remain a challenge, especially in provinces like Limpopo and the Eastern Cape. The education system is indeed on an upward trajectory but the pace is very slow. There are a number of positive initiatives by different directorates within the DBE designed to ensure that we realise the Vision 2030 goals—but all stakeholders have to pull together. Education, after all, is our collective responsibility. n Mduduzi Qwabe is the manager for policy, advocacy and government relations at the Catholic Institute of Education.
South Africa’s basic education system is improving—but only very slowly. To produce greater success requires collective commitment by all stakeholders, writes CIE policy researcher Mduduzi Qwabe.
The Southern Cross, June 21 to June 27, 2017
We must teach learners to cut through the bull In this world of information and disinformation overload, young people must be taught how to absorb this while holding on to good values, argues MARK POTTERTON.
TOOK a poster down off my classroom wall. It read: “Don’t relax. Get rid of this corrupt government.� Sure, there is corruption in government, but this, I suggest, is not a corrupt government! At assembly I asked the person who had put the poster up to come and see me to tell me why he or she advocated this position. No one came to see me. What worried me even more about this incident, judging from the reaction of pupils at assembly, was that most of the high school pupils seemed to support this position. In my conversations during the course of the day it became even clearer to me that young urban South Africans don’t really connect with government. A lot of people have a lot to say about getting schools to work in South Africa. The experts are quick to provide 10-point plans and so on. The plans put forward seldom include getting pupils to be critical and discerning thinkers. School principals are given advice from colleagues, teachers, parents, friends, experts or education authorities. Personally, I have
sometimes relied on the ideas of Neil Postman from a classic paper, with the scatological title “Bulls**t and the Art of Crap-Detection�, delivered at a teacher convention in 1969. I still find Postman’s ideas relevant for today’s context and the pupils I teach. Postman argued that the best thing that schools can do for children is to help them learn how to distinguish useful talk from “bull�. He maintained that every day, in almost every way, people are exposed to more “bull� than it is healthy for them to endure. This comment is even more relevant today in a world of mass media and exploding social media. One thing teachers can do then is to help pupils recognise this and turn “towards language that might do them some earthly good�. Even in this very connected world, levels of general knowledge and of current affairs are dismally low; and many pupils are not able to think beyond their immediate and own personal concerns.
Eyes above the horizon I am not saying that literacy levels or the poor state of school toilets are not important. But there is certainly a time in a young person’s education when he or she has to lift their eyes above the horizon. It should start in small steps. For example, primary school children need to know that they are bringing in newspapers for recycling and thereby indirectly reducing the pressure on forestry. However, it’s not really fair to burden young
children, at too early an age, with the problems of the world of grown-ups (Already too many young children, particularly orphans, are being forced to negotiate the adult world they are forced into.) In my argument I am thinking mainly of the high school pupils embroiled in the world of youth culture with its pervasive focus on self-satisfaction. This is the world in which we need to shift the focus beyond the limitations of the personal. The political philosopher Hannah Arendt put it very well: “Education is the point at which we decide whether we love the world enough to assume responsibility for it and by the same token save it from that ruin which, except for renewal, except for the coming of the new and young, would be inevitable. “And education, too, is where we decide whether we love our children enough not to expel them from our world and leave them to their own devices, nor to strike from their hands their chance of undertaking something new, something unforeseen by us, but to prepare them in advance for the task of renewing a common world.� Let me return to Postman and his valuable lessons from 1969. Children today are exposed to a lot more “bull� than they were 50 years ago. If pupils improve their bull-detecting skills, then they are certainly more likely to become critical citizens as adults. Postman deals with four kinds of “bull� in his 1969 lecture: pom-
Fifty years ago an influential pedagogue argued that “every day, in almost every way, people are exposed to more ‘bull’ than it is healthy for them to endure�. Today, in the age of social media and fake news, the problem is amplified. dr Mark Potterton argues that young people must be given the tools to cut through the “bull�. posity, fanaticism, inanity, and superstition.
Pomposity & fanatics Postman argues that many people are victimised on a daily basis by pomposity when they are made to feel less worthy because people have fancy titles (or fly past in bluelight brigades), or use words, phrases, and sentences to obscure what they really mean. Fanaticism is seen as much more malignant kind than pomposity. I particularly like the term “Eichmannism� that Postman used to illustrate a new form of fanaticism, borrowing from the name of the Nazi bureaucrat who was extracted to Israel in 1962 to stand trial for his involvement in the Holocaust. “The essence of fanaticism is that it has almost no tolerance for any data that does not confirm its own point of view,� says Postman. Do you recognise this? When Eichmann was in the dock in Jerusalem his language was often about following regulations, rules and obedience. “If we do it for one, we have to do it for all�, and so forth’. Sometimes officials have the data and refuse to act on it—perhaps saying that “there is no budget at this time� to install a robot at a dangerous crossing at a school.
tion is “ignorance presented in the cloak of authority, or an authoritative belief with no factual or scientific basis�. A common argument in South Africa, for example, is that the country has significantly improved human rights and the lot of the ordinary person. Judge Farlam’s Marikana report can certainly be used in the classroom to illustrate “superstition�. Teachers can ask questions like: What was Lonmin’s responsibility to provide miners with adequate housing and security? What are they doing to improve the miners’ situation today? What was the role of the police commissioner? Pupils should be encouraged to view the Marikana disaster from the perspective of the miners, the widows, the mine bosses, the police, government, and others. The report provides a challenging platform for school debate and engagement from an ethical point of view. If teachers take an enthusiastic interest in what language is about, then they have fairly serious problems to discuss. The difficulty, as Postman points out, is that you cannot identify “bull� the way you identify the sound of letters to comprehend words. That is why he calls bull-detecting an art—because we are not necessarily dealing with a technical problem. As an educator I am regularly reminded that educational outcomes are important. I know that children should be able to read and write well, and I am also aware of the urgent national need for school building programmes, nutritional programmes, and of improving the conditions of teachers. However, even in this context we surely have the responsibility in schools of getting pupils to engage critically with the world in which they find themselves—to think more deeply about the society in which they find themselves. Postman reminds us that ‘each pupil’s crap-detector is embedded in their value system; if you want to teach the art of crap-detecting, you must help students become aware of their values�.
Levels of general knowledge are dismally low; many pupils are not able to think beyond their own personal concerns.
Inanity & superstition
The Catholic Institute of Education believes education is the way to change the lives of South Africans. We strive to provide high quality education for people most in need.
Inanity is particularly relevant in our world of social media and radio talk shows where everyone has a voice—and an audience. The cyberworld is filled with people who are often in no position to provide informed perspectives. This is how Postman put it nearly half a century ago: “The invention of new and various kinds of communication has given a voice and an audience to many people whose opinions would otherwise not be solicited, and who, in fact, have little else but verbal excrement to contribute to public issues.� He concludes: “Inanity, then, is ignorance presented in the cloak of sincerity.� Postman’s definition of supersti-
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The Southern Cross, June 21 to June 27, 2017
Don’t provoke your children! Pope Francis offers very good advice on how to discipline children effectively and in a Christian manner, as ANNE BAKER finds.
AM an unashamed Tweeter. I get all my news on Twitter (being careful to check for fake news). In January, Cardinal Wilfrid Napier tweeted two excerpts from Pope Francis’ apostolic exhortation on the family, Amoris Laetitia: • Children who are lovingly corrected feel cared for; they perceive that they are individuals whose potential is recognised. • A child who does something wrong must be corrected, but never treated as an enemy or object for taking out your frustrations on. When I read these short extracts I realised that I would need to read the full text of Amoris Laetitia. Here is the full passage of Cardinal Napier’s first tweet: “Correction is also an incentive whenever children’s efforts are appreciated and acknowledged, and they sense their parents’ constant, patient trust. Children who are lovingly corrected feel cared for; they perceive that they are individuals whose potential is recognised. This does not require parents to be perfect, but to be able humbly to acknowledge their own limitations and make efforts to improve. “Still, one of the things children need to learn from their parents is not to get carried away by anger. A child who does something wrong must be corrected, but never treated as an enemy or an object on which
Pope Francis with young people. “A child who does something wrong must be corrected, but never treated as an enemy or an object on which to take out one’s own frustrations,� the pope has said. to take out one’s own frustrations,� Pope Francis continued. “Adults also need to realise that some kinds of misbehaviour have to do with the frailty and limitations typical of youth. An attitude constantly prone to punishment would be harmful and not help children to realise that some actions are more serious than others. It would lead to discouragement and resentment.� The pope then draws from St Paul’s epistles: “Parents, do not provoke your children!�
Teacher as ‘parent’ What this brought to mind for me was the teacher’s role as in loco parentis, Latin for “in place of the parent�. This means that schools take on some of the responsibilities of the
parent. Parents entrust their children to teachers in the belief that teachers will care and support them. Therefore the Catholic school attempts to develop a “family� atmosphere. We can therefore look at this quote and ask how it applies to schools? Do the children and young people in our Catholic schools “sense their parents’ [or teachers’] constant, patient trust�? What does the pope’s writing say about how teachers discipline children at school. Are children “lovingly corrected, feel cared for and perceive that they are individuals whose potential is recognised�? We can continue to read asking similar reflective questions for the rest of the paragraph. The next paragraph offers us further reason to reflect on how we
discipline the children in our care. “It is important that discipline not lead to discouragement, but be instead a stimulus to further progress. How can discipline be best interiorised? How do we ensure that discipline is a constructive limit placed on a child’s actions and not a barrier standing in the way of his or her growth?� the pope asks. He proposes: “A balance has to be found between two equally harmful extremes. One would be to try to make everything revolve around the child’s desires; such children will grow up with a sense of their rights but not their responsibilities. The other would be to deprive the child of an awareness of his or her dignity, personal identity and rights; such children end up overwhelmed by their duties and a need to carry out other people’s wishes.�
Child is never an enemy During 2016, as part of the Building Peaceful Catholic Schools Programme (BPCSP), a climate survey was carried out with 4 773 Grade 6 and 7 learners in selected schools. Sadly, 52% say that they have experienced corporal punishment at school. Does this not lead to the discouragement mentioned above? Pope Francis says that “a child who does something wrong must be corrected, but never treated as an enemy or an object on which to take out one’s own frustrations�. The BPCSP offers a different way of assisting learners to take responsibility for their actions and assists them to “make things right�. Based on the principles of restorative justice, the programme
requires a whole school approach where positive, respectful relationships are actively fostered by leadership and staff. It is not a quick or easy fix; it requires a plan to bring about meaningful change. Linked to the BPCSP is a pilot peer-mediation programme. It has been heartening to see how the young people involved have embraced their role as peacemakers. In addition to assisting the school community to take responsibility and to put things right, the BPCSP also aims to develop listening skills, empathy, speaking from their own experiences and a fair attitude. But the papal extracts above are destined for parents. When we work with schools we often hear the lament that parents don’t care about the school, aren’t bringing their children up appropriately, and that children today are different. This leaves us with the question of how we can involve parents in the school. Do we genuinely consult with them in an open and accepting manner? Do we share our vision for our school and for the wellbeing of their children? The Catholic Institute of Education has experienced very high levels of parental involvement in its Health Screening Programme. Parents accompany their children, and, as would be expected, are intensely interested in their health. There is no easy answer to better parental involvement but maybe a conversation with a small group could shed light and enable schools to truly develop the school-parent partnership. n Anne Baker is the deputy director of the Catholic Institute of Education.
The Southern Cross, June 21 to June 27, 2017
The Southern Cross, June 21 to June 27, 2017
Homework tips for learners and parents Homework can be the source of stress, for learner and parent. Psychologist dR GLORIA MARSAY offers tips for learner and parents on how to handle homework effectively.
EARD it before? “I’ve got so much homework and I also have to study for exams!� It is a cry from young people for help. The harsh reality of the workload which our young people face can leave them feeling hopeless and helpless. Precious family time is often rushed, and conversations about homework can be unpleasant. Parents have their own duties to attend to, and also have to become increasingly involved with helping their youngsters to get homework done, so that peace and harmony can return to the household. Here are eight homework tips for learners:
1. Make a plan Use a homework planner. It helps to break down tasks into bite-size pieces. Make a list of what needs to be done each day. Estimate how long it will take you. Prioritise what you need to do most urgently.
2. Right time and place Organise your workplace so that you are comfortable and have everything you need: your books, stationery and water to drink. Maybe use a timer or alarm so that you can keep track of time.
3. Right fuel Make sure you have had something nutritious to eat before you start. Avoid junk food and too much sugar—it does not sustain you properly during a work period. Drink water! When you begin to feel tired, fill your lungs with air; get up move around; stretch your body. Take deep breaths. Inhale energy and exhale tiredness.
4. Lose the distractions Avoid anything that may distract you. Leave your phone in another room. In fact, anything with a screen can be homework’s most vicious enemy.
5. Focus, focus, focus Be mindful of the task at hand. The more you focus on the task and concentrate, the sooner it will get done—and you won’t have to sit there for hours trying to make it finish.
6. Work smartly Allow yourself some short breaks. Switch between high-
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7. Make it pleasant Music may help to make the load lighter. But music with lyrics is distracting, so try instrumental music. Music can sometimes drown out other distractions. And the eighth and final tip: Reward yourself when the job is done. And here’s the parents’ “Guide to Happy Homework Routines�:
1. From nagging to good planning Provide a quiet place in the home for homework. Avoid clutter and distractions in the homework area. Youngsters have a limited concept of time management. Help them make effective use of time-keeping and other organisational strategies.
2. Offer solution Assist your youngster to prioritise what tasks are the most important, and together create a workable plan to reduce anxiety. Break each task into bitesized pieces. It is your task as parent to assist with useful strategies, not to do the homework. Remember, it is your child’s homework, not yours.
3. Stand back Homework becomes a monster when it ends in a powerstruggle or fight. If discipline becomes necessary, use prearranged withdrawal of privileges rather than shouting and scolding. Help youngsters to understand the consequences of
not doing what is required, rather than putting your relationship at risk by shouting and nagging.
4. Be the model Approach homework as a task that needs to be done, not as a punishment. We all need to do things we don’t enjoy doing. Discuss some useful strategies that you use when you need to get a task done. Then allow your youngsters to choose their own strategies. Homework is the foundation for a disciplined and organised adult in the future world of work. Help your youngster learn the discipline of working independently.
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5. Encourage, encourage, and encourage more Encourage your youngster rather than punish. Be supportive and encourage them to work smartly. Use behaviour techniques to keep your child focused on the task by reinforcing target behaviours that build positive selfconfidence and self-efficacy rather than using negative comments that may compromise self-esteem. If your youngster needs to be monitored, develop unobtrusive, pre-arranged signals to remind them about staying focused. When all else fails—get professional help. Good relationships go a long way to making difficult tasks more pleasant, and success more attainable.
6. Offer a reward Decide beforehand what the reward will be. Each child will be different. Some prefer company to a physical object, others prefer an activity to chatting. Try to avoid items that cost money and TV time as a reward—but if you succumb, put a time limit to it, for example, one episode of a favourite show. n Dr Gloria Marsay is an educational psychologist and pastoral therapist in Johannesburg.
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A Holy Family School Established lished in 1899
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The Southern Cross, June 21 to June 27, 2017
a new beginning
The Southern Cross, June 21 to June 27, 2017
a new beginning
The Southern Cross, June 21 to June 27, 2017
Living honestly in the digital world Can technology compromise our integrity? The Jesuit Institute has developed a presentation dealing with moral responsibilities and safety issues in our online lives.
OW do you live with integrity in the digital world? This is a question the Jesuit Institute is trying to answer in Catholic schools. “Technology has become an intricate part of our daily lives. It has enabled and empowered us like in no other epoch in history. It has opened a whole new way of relating and working. It has imagined the once unimaginable,” said Fr Russell Pollitt SJ, director of the Jesuit Institute. “However, notwithstanding all its benefits, technology has also ushered in a new moral complexity. It can compromise our integrity in the most cunning and manipulative ways. It can be used to do great harm,” he added. The Jesuit Institute, reflecting on technology and its affects, has designed a two-hour presentation aimed specifically at parents and teachers. The presentation, entitled “Living with Integrity in the Digital World”, outlines the ways in which technology has brought opportunity and value. It then looks at some of the problematic issues which are posed by living in the digital world. “The team [presenting the workshop] are forthright about what is
online. They begin by saying that some of the things they present may be sensitive and uncomfortable,” Fr Pollitt said. “We do, however, need to know exactly what we are talking about and cannot overlook the very serious implications online life has for us all.” The presentation tries to look at the digital world from different perspectives—legal, social, family, health and spiritual. It is presented by Fr Pollitt and Justine Limpitlaw, who is a wife, mother and electronic communications lawyer who runs her own legal practice.
he pair have presented to numerous Catholic schools, church groups and, for the last two years, to seminarians studying at St Francis Xavier Orientation Seminary in Cape Town. “The aim of the presentation is not to demonise technology. The approach is to, first, educate people,” Fr Pollitt said. “Many people are often not aware of, for example, the legal ramifications of what they do online. Online security and privacy is a very important issue, one which many people have not thought through or have not had access to think through. Setting the highest level of security on social media does not, for example, mean that you are necessarily safe,” he said.
Jesuit Father Russell Pollitt warns that what we do online could have far-reaching consequences. The presentation is updated from time to time to include some of the latest statistics on Internet and social media usage. “Many people are quite surprised to find out how much time the average teenager is spending online per day according to recent
Independennt Catholic Day Schoool for Girls Grade R-112
studies,” Fr Pollitt said. “This has a direct impact on their ability to concentrate, study, absorb information and live healthy lives.” In the presentation, Mrs Limpitlaw shows, for example, how “multi-tasking” is not possible and reduces productivity—even if we think that it increases it. Young people are often much more knowledgeable about how technology works than their parents or teachers. The presentation encourages parents to have open and frank conversations with their children about their online life. During the presentation, some recommendations are made as to what model parents can use to facilitate discussion. “What you do online can have farreaching consequences for your future. You may not get the employment that you seek because many employees now, before they look at CVs, google the prospective employee,” Fr Pollitt pointed out. “The impression that is made on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram shapes opinions about you. Your Saturday night party or badly discerned Tweet could cost you your bread and butter.”
n their presentation, Fr Pollitt and Mrs Limpitlaw use many upto-date examples to show how this happens. Moreover, scientific evidence increasingly suggests that screen time can have detrimental health effects. Tiredness, aggression, depression, the ability to process and retain information as well as some forms of cancer have been further aggravated, some studies suggest, by too much screen time. The presentation also deals with that reality. Online porn, and its effects on health and future relationships, is also discussed. During the presentation, Mrs Limpitlaw explains that by its very nature social media is not private. Belonging to, for example, a WhatsApp group, is putting material out into the public domain—it is “pub-
lishing”, she warns. From her experience as a lawyer, she also looks at the question of online-bullying, which is on a steep upward trend in South Africa. “Often parents do not know whether their children are being bullied online. The rise in teenage suicide due to online bullying is a worrying trend,” Fr Pollitt said. Mrs Limpitlaw makes a suggestion as to how this social ill can be managed. The team has worked out what may be age-appropriate access to technology and offers some conversations starters on this. They believe that schools should be phone-free zones and that schools must have an online/technology policy in place. “One area that is seldom interrogated when we look at technology is the challenges that it presents to spirituality,” Fr Pollitt said. The team suggests that the ability to live in the present is being greatly diminished. One question the presenters pose is: “Do we live life or publish life?” Shortening concentration spans and the fear of missing out have a detrimental effect on our ability to be still and reflective, Fr Pollitt noted. “Technology can be the great escape and so, in any downtime we have, we grab a device. This means that we have little time to go deep and so, much of our lives are lived more and more with very little depth.” The presentation ends with some practical suggestions as to what parents and teachers can do to better monitor the young people in their care. Besides honest and open conversation with young people there are also technological means which effectively manage online access and activity. Mrs Limpitlaw points out that, legally, parental duties to safeguard young people trump teens’ oft-asserted privacy rights. Fr Pollitt and Mrs Limpitlaw are compiling a workbook that will, in future, also be available for those who wish to reflect on the issues raised in the presentation. n For more information about the presentation, or to arrange for the presentation to be given at your school, contact the Jesuit Institute in Johannesburg 011 482 4237 or
Checklist before you post online eFoRe you post online, be sure to read through your comment. Ask yourself the following using the acronym THINK.
T Is it true? h Is it helpful? I Is it inspiring? N - Is it necessary? K Is it kind?
This formula also works in real life. So when you are tempted to gossip, run it through your mind before you speak.
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The Southern Cross, June 21 to June 27, 2017
In water crisis, teacher turns her school green In the midst of the great Cape water crisis, a Catholic school teacher has found a way of providing a teaching moment and turning her school green, as MANdLA zIBI reports.
F children are taught to take ownership of something “then they will have a better understanding of taking care of things”. This is the philosophy of Corne Wagenaar-Adriaanse, a teacher at St Mary’s Primary School in Gardens, Cape Town. Ms Wagenaar-Adriaanse is the inspiration behind the Catholic school’s gardening project which has seen learners bring in bottles of grey water from home to water the plants in the school yard on a regular basis. St Mary’s is one of many examples of Catholic schools heeding the call by Archbishop Stephen Brislin of Cape Town for Catholics to save water in the midst of a Western Cape water-shortage crisis. “I started taking notice of the garden by the middle of last year, which was my first year at St Mary’s. At first I concentrated on finding water sources—for instance dripping pipes and aircon drips—which I then used to water the plants with,” explained Ms Wagenaar-Adriaanse. “Very soon, all the plants started to sprout new leaves and bud more flowers. As the water crisis became worse we started looking at other ways to keep the garden alive with recycled water and the idea was born to ask for grey water.” The art teacher said they used the same kind of plastic bottles which her class makes art with. “Last year’s Grade 7 class made an ottoman completely from recycled materials. I think it opens the leaners’ minds to look at objects in a dif-
ferent way in the future.” Contrary to expectations, most plants can handle grey water, Ms Wagenaar-Adriaanse said. “It depends on what chemicals are in the grey water. We use grey water collected at home by the kids which usually is bath and shower water. It has a low content of soap in it and then we rotate the watering of the plants with the cleaner water from the aircon drip,” she said. Her plan for the school garden was a conscious affair. “I focused first on the plants we had. We spent time cleaning the front garden, pulling out weeds and picking up litter. Then we had compost brought in to fertilise the soil. I really wish to start our own compost heap and teach the children about how to make one and how to maintain it,” said the teacher.
ways say yes and find something for them to help with.” Even rinsing a cloth during art classes is done in a bucket and the water is then “thrown on the plants”, she said, adding: “The kids enjoy doing that.” Ms Wagenaar-Adriaanse said she had lent her support to a local carpenter by having a bench made which fits into a corner of the school quad where the kids can sit. Of the quad, she said: “We still need to fill it with soil and plants, but gardening is slow and patient— but as rewarding as teaching.”
Our motto COnCOrdia challenges us to work towards peace and harmony with God, self and others.
er efforts led to widening the garden area of the school. “While taking care of a small patch of garden near our front entrance, I replanted many of the scrubs and thereby could spread what we had available to us,” Ms Wagenaar-Adriaanse said. She is now motivating her pupils to bring seeds to school to use not only for teaching germination but also to actually plant them. “Plants take time to grow and taking care of the garden is physical work, so the project is a slow and patient one,” she said. “I also have a few students who joined a ‘Care for Nature Project’ which spends time every Wednesday after school in the garden. I discuss this with the students at every class session and remind them of the importance of saving water and of taking care of nature,” she said. Working with children has its magical and rewarding moments, she said. “Some days when we work, a little person comes to ask what we are doing and if they can help. I al-
Corne Wagenaar-Adriaanse, a teacher at St Mary’s Primary School in Cape Town, with some of her “team” that is greening the school grounds with recycled water. Pupils bring grey water in bottles and the teacher catches dripping water from taps and air conditioners to feed the plants.
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Tips to take care of Earth
ET us take care of our Earth! Here are some simple tips for making a big difference, for home and school.
Save water • Switch off the tap when you brush your teeth. • Take a short shower instead of a bath. • Put a brick in the cistern of the toilet so you use less water each time you flush. • Collect rain water in a barrel or tank. • Refill your water bottle rather than buying bottled water. It takes up to three litres of tap water to produce one litre of bottled water. At the retail cost of R6 for one 500ml bottle of water compared to 8 cents for 500ml of purified tap water, bottled water is more expensive than petrol! In addition, 200 million barrels of oil are used every year to produce plastic bottles, which depletes our natural resources.
Save electricity • Have lights on only in places where you are. • Change the thermostat on your geyser to a lower temperature.
Tips for school • Cycle to work or organise a lift club • Buy school snacks in bulk and place in plastic containers that can be washed instead of buying individually wrapped items. • Buy your school clothes from your school’s swop shop (if they have one). • Know that it is okay to wear hand-me-downs.
Tips for home • Start a compost bin or worm farm for your grass clippings and certain food scraps. The compost is very beneficial for the garden and for growing vegetables. • Use concentrated products like juices and cleaning products. This saves you money and reduces the amount of packaging you use. • Use a basket, backpack, box or reusable shopping bag instead of plastic bags. • Reuse your plastic bags and look for products that can be reused many times. • Give unwanted items to charity—even if you can’t reuse them maybe they can. One person’s rubbish may be another’s treasure! • Glass food jars make excellent storage containers • Get the largest-size container of yogurt, ice-cream or margarine. When done with the container, rinse and reuse it. • Turn your mesh bag holding oranges or onions into a no-scratch scrubber for a dirty pot or pan. Ball up the bag, scour, then throw the whole mess away!
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Recycle • Recycling batteries is good for the environment. It keeps them out of landfill, where heavy metals may leak into the ground when the battery casing corrodes, causing soil and water pollution. If batteries are incinerated with household waste, the heavy metals in them may cause air pollution. Many retailers have collection points for used batteries. • Buy products made from recycled materials or with recyclable or reusable packaging.
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Saints Among Us
The Southern Cross, June 21 to June 27, 2017
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The Southern Cross, June 21 to June 27, 2017
What when pupils abuse teachers? Much is said about the abuse many children receive from teachers—but sometimes teachers are on the receiving end of abuse from pupils, as ERIN CARELSE reports.
EACHERS play a pivotal role in the lives our children, from developing them in their formative years, to moulding them into responsible young people. When teachers fail in their task to nurture, the term “school violence” is mentioned—but what about violence directed at teachers? Not enough attention is being paid to teachers subjected to verbal and physical abuse at the hands of learners, say some educators. A Grade 5 teacher at a primary school described an incident that happened to her. “During one of my lessons, I asked a learner to work out a mathematics problem on the board. He had some difficulty in doing so, and became frustrated when he realised the answer was incorrect. He returned to his desk and, for the duration of the lesson, refused to participate,” said the teacher, who asked to remain anonymous. “During break, as I was crossing the quad on my way to the teachers’ lounge, he came running towards me with a ballpoint pen, with the intention of hurting me. The anger and intent in his eyes really frightened me. I managed to grab his hands while another teacher took the pen from him.”
Teachers at St Mary’s Primary School in Cape Town and members of the SA democratic Teachers’ union gathered outside their school in silent protest against abuse towards teachers. Note: The teachers interviewed do not come from St Mary’s. (Photo: Michelle Perry) The situation was resolved amicably: “I took him to the principal’s office and his parents were called in. We decided not to take it further and had an internal meeting and resolved it. He apologised, promising it wouldn’t happen again,” the teacher said. Her experience is not unusual. A teacher at an all-boys technical school said he faces verbal abuse in his classroom almost daily. “I have a few boys in my class who refuse to listen during lessons; they’re disruptive and show no respect to both myself and the other students in the class,” said the teacher, who also asked not to be identified. “When I try to speak to them, or ask them to leave the class, they start using profanity, and on a few occasions I’ve had textbooks and dusters thrown at me, and been threatened,” he said. Nomusa Cebi, media officer for the SA Democratic Teachers’ Union, said the union is aware of instances
of violence against teachers at schools, and urged that more be done to offer support.
n 2015, principal seminars were held to help equip schools to face such cases when they occur. “Teachers and school employees need to be treated with respect, and deserve to come to a work environment that is safe and supported,” Ms Cebi said. “When cases of abuse of or violence towards teachers are reported, procedures need to be followed. The code of conduct, the Constitution and the SA Schools Act need to be adhered to.” In 1996, the act banned the use of physical punishment in schools. Section 10 (1) of the act states unequivocally: “No person may administer corporal punishment at a school to a learner.” Jessica Shelver, representative for the Western Cape MEC for education, said every school must have a code of conduct to govern learner behaviour, and a safety committee
responsible for safeguarding both learners and teachers. “Learners should be made aware of the code of conduct and the sanctions applied to breaches, especially for assault,” she explained. Similar laws apply in the country’s other provinces. In Western Cape, district offices “arrange regular positive-behaviour programmes at schools and provide ongoing advice”, Ms Shelver said, and also offer guidelines on managing and changing behaviour for teachers. The guidelines include a clear statement on the rights of the teacher. “The department views any assault of a teacher in a very serious light. Teachers have every right to lay criminal charges against an assailant, and will receive the support of the department in doing so. Those found guilty of assaulting a teacher can expect dire consequences,” Ms Shelver said. Themba Ndhlovu, representative for the SA Council for Educators,
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said the council condemns any violence directed at teachers from any quarter of society, especially from learners in schools. “Teachers are ‘parents’ of learners and deserve to be respected at all times,” he said. “We encourage all teachers confronted with these incidences to report them.” The council has established an Educator Professional Assistance Unit which is looking at the welfare of teachers. It is “engaging teachers in outreach programmes to speak on matters relating to their rights and responsibilities,” Mr Ndhlovu said. Yasierah Adonis, chair of the National Professional Teachers’ Organisation of SA, said “the safety of our educators remains a growing concern, as it is evident that the social ills within our communities are infecting our schools”. “Not enough is being done to support our teachers; however, I must add that it is not only the responsibility of the education department, but of all governmental stakeholders in education,” Ms Adonis said, adding that these include police and municipalities. Learners who attack teachers must be held accountable through the disciplinary code and procedure in the SA Schools Act, she said. But responsibility also rests with parents. “It is incumbent on parents to actively participate in their children’s lives by discouraging such behaviour,” Ms Adonis said. “Children model behaviour as they grow and enter each developmental phase. Parents should demonstrate respect towards educators, as children, in most instances, model the behaviour of their parents,” she said.
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The Southern Cross, June 21 to June 27, 2017
We must see the many faces of Christ Eurocentric depictions of Jesus dominate in our schools and churches. FR BRuCE BOThA SJ argues that alternative images of Christ can be used to build a more inclusive Church and society.
OD may see Christ in us, but we human beings have a much harder time seeing Christ in ourselves or in one another. That is true even on a superficial level. Due to cultural conditioning, when we think of Christ, more often than not we conjure in our imaginations a picture of a Nordic chocolate box Jesus, because that was the Jesus we encountered in our children’s Bible, Stations of the Cross and the picture of the Sacred Heart of Jesus which was on the wall in most Catholic homes. For the longest time I thought that Jesus had the most beautiful piercing blue eyes in the world, with a creamy white skin, due to Franco Zeffirelli’s movie Jesus of Nazareth. This should bother us. Not only because it is ahistorical, but because so often the representation of Christ is used to “other” certain groups in the Church, to exclude those who do not fit the dominant cultural iconography of Christ. Put more positively, a more inclusive iconography can contribute to our schools becoming more open, accepting and inclusive places. It can help the members of
our school communities learn that being different is not being less. The chocolate box Jesus is thankfully but one strand in our Christian iconography, though it has been the most pervasive. Dating back to the earliest days of the Church, artists have tried to capture their image of Christ in the telling of his story. In the Roman catacombs we see pictures of a heavily bearded Jesus with dark facial hair. There are also early wooden carvings that show Jesus as beardless. Russian and Greek icons depict Jesus as a brown-haired man, more European than Semitic in appearance.
Afro style hair. Today there are many images of Christ which show him as a strong, proud, loving black African man, for example the Rasta Jesus by the artist Brie Francois depicted on the right. When white students can see Christ as black, the likelihood of our schools producing racists is reduced. And when our black students can see Christ as one of them—not wearing the face of privilege—then Christ is someone they can imagine emulating.
The African Christ
Our Catholic schools are often simply microcosms of the communities in which they are situated. We try our best to enlarge the hearts and open the minds of our learners, but it can be challenging to overcome the racism, xenophobia, elitism and homophobia that they imbibe in families and communities. Unless we are able to imagine the other as Christ, it becomes all too easy to demean and treat with disrespect those who are different from what we consider to be “normal”. When we see icons of Christ as feminine, life becomes just that little bit easier for youths struggling with questions of identity and orientation. It takes away the implicit permission that bullies have relied on to persecute those who come across as different, and it gives those who are different permission to be themselves, without fear. Carlo Rosa painted Jesus blessing the children, probably in 1625 or thereabouts. This painting of a Jesus who is masculine, but with a
The Christian Church in Africa is one of the world’s oldest, and some outstanding icons dating back to the 6th century show Jesus as a dark-haired, dark-eyed man, much as the North African Christians would have been. Christianity arrived in Ethiopia very early on in the history of the Church. In the Acts of the Apostles (8:26 -40) we hear of St Phillip’s encounter with the servant of the Queen of Ethiopia. The Ethiopian Church is separated from the main body of the Church primarily because it was never part of the Roman Empire. It was only in the 16th century that the Roman Catholic Church attempted to make contact with the lost Ethiopian Church. St Ignatius of Loyola, founder of the Society of Jesus, sent missionaries to Ethiopia in an attempt to reunite this Church with the Church of Rome. Note in the icon the distinctly Ethiopian features of Jesus, with his almond shaped eyes and
Christ at the Margins
hint of breasts, challenges our assumptions about gender, gender identity and masculinity. Likewise, an image of a hypermasculine Christ wrapped in the rainbow flag challenges our assumptions about sexual orientation and gender identity. Throughout history the Christian community has “owned” Christ through portraying him visually as one of them. We see examples of Christ with breasts, feeding the people; we see him as feminised; we see him as gay or ruggedly heterosexual; we see him as Arabic or African or Asian; and we even see him as the Nordic chocolate box Jesus. Through the dominant religious iconography of our schools and churches we create a visual narrative that either lends itself to inclusion or exclusion. Learners benefit by being exposed to a whole range of images of Christ, by seeing Christ as one of them, but also as not. This can contribute to a much better Catholic ethos in our schools, by making them places where all our learners are not only welcomed but also feel welcomed. It makes our ethos better by depriving bigots of any religious justification for bullying or “othering” those who do not quite fit the local dominant narrative of what is normal or good. In his poem “As Kingfishers Catch Fire, Dragonflies Draw Flame”, the Jesuit poet Gerard Manley Hopkins observed: “For Christ plays in ten thousand places, lovely in limbs, and lovely in eyes not his, to the Father through the features of men’s faces.”
6th-century Coptic icon of Jesus, on display in the Louvre, Paris.
Jesus has an Afro in this detail from a late 17th-century Ethiopian manuscript, in the British Museum.
Rasta-style Sacred heart of Jesus by artist Brie Francois.
We have the tools: Let’s use them BY EVONA REBELO
RADITIONALLY, Catholic education has played an important role in democratising education and through the Catholic Institute of Education it still advocates and works for justice in education. Our public and independent schools have constituted agreements with the State that make it possible for them to participate in the prophetic mission of the Church. This is done most noticeably through the delivery of religious education, ethos, pastoral care and social justice programmes, as well as through the liturgical life of the school. In short, we have all the tools at our disposal to contribute to a more just and inclusive South Africa. I am, however, not convinced that we are doing enough to facilitate intentional and prayerful transformation. As I reflect on the programme in my region, the Western Cape, I know that we facilitate a number of meaningful engagements that nurture the Catholic school vision. This gives me solace and perhaps should be our starting point from which to build: We go to considerable lengths to bring our family of Catholic schools together—for sports, for choir festivals, for leadership programmes and for religious celebrations. There is little to distinguish children from each other in these circumstances. These events also nurture a sense of family—a family that is diverse. While our conferences, workshops and seminars are designed to deliver specific objectives, often the informal networking provides the greater opportunity for growth, as awareness of diverse realities surface among the participants. We are experiencing a dearth of quality leadership at every level of society. Self-serving and hierarchical leadership models will not enhance the social capital of our country nor will it capacitate our young people with the collaborative, critical thinking and innovation skills that they
need in the complex world of today. How do we “graft” this model of leadership into the fibre of school life? An example is the nine-month Trailblazer programme. This included a week-long residential retreat and required the “trailblazers” to identify a social need within their respective communities and then develop a response to it. They initiated a community action programme with the support of a mentor. So while we are making some attempts, is it enough? Don’t we need to be more intentional about this? As Catholic schools we are well placed with our religious education programmes and social justice initiatives to enter into this contested social space. I believe it needs prophetic leadership at school, regional and national levels. We need to form teachers, managers and governors who have a heart for the “common good”. We need to critique our outreach initiatives. Are we stimulating discussion at staff and student level about the structural injustices that breed inequality and all the evils that accompany it? Are we providing opportunities for teachers and learners to have their hearts broken open through immersion programmes that connect them, first-hand, to the reality of those who suffer hardship? We dedicate considerable resources to seminars, conferences and workshops so that best practice can be attained. Should we not also be giving the same consideration to retreat programmes, immersion experiences, reflection times and dialogue spaces so that we can, in the words of Pope Francis, “provide an education which teaches critical thinking and encourages the development of mature moral values” (Evangelii Gaudium)? n Evona Rebelo is the director of the Catholic Schools Office in Cape Town. This is an edited version of an article that appeared in the CIE’s Catholic Education magazine.
The Southern Cross, June 21 to June 27, 2017
Getting kids to read books again Catholic author and journalist Raymond Arroyo has scored hit books with a series aimed at teenagers. His goal is to encourage youngsters to read, as he told MIChELLE BAuMANN.
AYMOND Arroyo has an impressive CV. He’s a bestselling author several times over. He’s an award-winning journalist and producer, and his weekly show on the US Catholic broadcaster EWTN reaches more than 350 million global households. So when Mr Arroyo says his “Will Wilder” series of books for young readers just might be “the most important work I’ve ever done”, it’s quite a statement. “When an adult reads your works, they hold it at an arm’s length, even if they may be moved by it,” Mr Arroyo said. “But a child enters that world with abandon. There are no limitations. The journey they go on is more profound, and because of how impressionable they are at that age, this book is helping them make sense of the world, and it becomes the language they’ll use to interpret that world.” Reaching these young readers at a critical age is Mr Arroyo’s goal with the second installment in his bestselling series, Will Wilder: The Lost Staff of Wonders, which was published this year, in South Africa by Penguin Books. The importance of childhood literacy is what led Mr Arroyo to found an initiative called Storyented a few years ago. The initiative works to connect best-selling authors with their readers, discussing the canon
of work, allowing kids to ask questions, and creating online videos that parents and teachers can use to help excite kids about reading. An example: St Stephen’s Catholic School in New Orleans serves many at-risk students. According to the school’s principal, Rosie Kendrick, some of the learners don’t even own books, and it has been an immense struggle to encourage them to read. But that all changed a year ago, when Mr Arroyo visited the school and gave copies of the first Will Wilder book to the students. “All they wanted to do was talk about the book,” Ms Kendrick said. There were some learners whom she had never seen read a book, now reading in the hallways, unable to put it down. “Will Wilder changed their reading habits by making them want to read,” the principal noted. Mr Arroyo said he was astounded by the book’s impact. He pointed to two pieces of positive feedback that he was repeatedly given. The first was that readers loved the idea that Will made mistakes, and that those mistakes had consequences, but that there were ways for him to go back and repair the damage that he had caused. “That gave them a sense of hope,” Mr Arroyo commented. He added that readers—especially kids from at-risk backgrounds—were reading about the demons that Will battles in the book and projecting onto these demons their challenges and the battle of their own lives. “The real-world impact of how they project themselves into the story has really amazed me,” he said, explaining that numerous readers had told him: “Will gave me hope that I could conquer my own demons, that I could overcome the things that I’m struggling with.” “Kids really want to go on a fun
Author Raymond Arroyo and the cover of his latest book in the “Will Wilder” series of fantasy novels aimed at young readers. adventure,” Mr Arroyo said. If a book is exciting and has a protagonist that kids can identify with, “they want to go on a journey and find out how it ends”.
n the second instalment of his young reader series, 12-year-old Will Wilder must find the Staff of Moses, which has vanished from a local museum, before supernatural terrors are unleashed upon his town. Mr Arroyo said the idea for the story originated after he read a piece in the London Times claiming that the Staff of Moses was actually in a museum in Birmingham, England. While he did not find the argument convincing, it started him thinking: What would happen if the staff was in a museum, and it went missing? The Will Wilder books have been
hailed as containing the excitement of the Indiana Jones and Percy Jackson series. But Mr Arroyo noted that there are a few components that set his series apart. “All the antiquities and relics mentioned in these books can be found in libraries, museums or churches throughout the world. So that grounds it in a certain reality that other series don’t have.” In writing the books, he tried to be “excruciatingly accurate” with the descriptions of relics and other antiquities, spending extensive time researching to ensure that the details were correct. And kids love this accuracy, Mr Arroyo said. He has received numerous letters and pictures from readers who have gone to museums and found the actual objects and artifacts from his books.
There’s another key point that sets the Will Wilder books apart. Will is not an orphan or an abandoned child. He goes on adventures with his entire intact family, along with his friends. This was an intentional decision, stemming from Mr Arroyo’s frustrations with what he described as an “orphan trope in middle school books”. But it also served to give the book a wider appeal. The cast is multi-generational, and so, it turns out, are its readers. Mr Arroyo said he has heard from children, university students, parents and grandparents who have all enjoyed the first book. While he wrote the series for teenagers, he included deeper reflections and subplots that adults would appreciate. Ultimately, there’s a universal sense of wonder at the supernatural world that draws all ages to the story, and makes it great for parents and children to read together, he said. “The most important thing is to read to your child as early as you can, from the time they’re toddlers.” He also stressed the importance of children seeing their parents read books for pleasure. “Kids are great mimics,” he remarked, adding that “fiction enlarges the imagination and puts them not only in the shoes but [also] in the hearts and soul of characters and people they’ll never meet. And the lessons they’ll draw from that are lessons you can’t repeat.” Finally, Mr Arroyo suggested, parents can take their children to the local library or bookshop and give them a chance to browse and find the topics and ideas that fascinate them. As your children discover their natural interests, feed those interests regularly with good books, he said. “It’s a beautiful thing to see a kid get lost in reading.”—CNA
The Southern Cross, June 21 to June 27, 2017
COMMUNITY Brothers Kelvin Banda and Isaac Mutelo from zambia made their final vows during Mass at Emaphetwelweni dominican Priory in Pietermaritzburg. They are in their third year of theology at St Joseph’s Theological Institute in Cedara.
The Council for Consecrated Persons of the archdiocese of Cape Town gathered to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the apparitions at Fatima. They started with a meditative and contemplative rosary, followed by Mass and a shared lunch.
Members of the congregation of the Eucharistic heart of Jesus parish in Cambridge, East London, held a Neocatecechumenal Way meeting followed by a procession around the suburb in memory of 100 years of the apparitions of Our Lady at Fatima.
Young people from the Salesian Youth Movement in Johannesburg gathered at the provincial house to reflect on Pope Francis’ message for World Communications day.
A community youth choir sang hymns at the Pentecost Sunday 9:30 Mass at St Therese’s parish in Edenvale, Johannesburg.
On the weekend of Pentecost, at St John Bosco parish in Robertsham, Johannesburg, RCIA candidates were presented with their baptism and confirmation certificates by Fr John Thompson SdB. They studied for 24 months under Sr Patricia Finn FMA, assisted by Iris Seabrook, Ted Seabrook, deacon Mike Nolan (late) and deacon Victor ho. (Photo: Roy NewtonBarker)
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The parish of Nyolohelo in Sebokeng, Gauteng, celebrated Ascension day with former parishioners who went on to become priests. Frs Madonjeni, Ngondo, Lisene and Mphela are seen with deacon Mokoena and parish priest Fr Kheswa.
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Amandla awethu:
Zuma gaan kerk toe BY ERIN CARELSE
Children dressed as Fatima visionaries Lucia, Jacinta and Francisco lead a procession in honour of Our Lady of Fatima from Johannesburg’s Christ the King cathedral to mark the 100th anniversary of the apparitions at Fatima. Dioceses and parishes around Southern Africa took to the streets for the celebrations. (Photo: Alexis Callea)
WYD 2019 logo: What it means
LOGO depicting symbols for Mary, Panama and the Panama Canal was selected as the winning design to promote World Youth Day 2019. The design by Amber Calvo, 20, a Panamanian architecture student, was chosen from 103 entries submitted for the event that will take place from January 2227, 2019. The artwork includes a silhouette of Mary at the moment she says, “Thy will be done” to God. The Panama Canal flows through Mary, symbolising the pilgrim’s path through Mary to Jesus.
Special Pilgrimage to Portugal and Spain
In red is an image of the Pilgrim Cross. The Isthmus of Panama is represented across the top of the design in the shape of a stylized “M”. The image refers to the Panamanian theme, “Bridge of the World, Heart of the Universe”. It also suggests the name of Mary and her motherly heart leading the pilgrim to Jesus, her son. Within the image of Panama and above Mary’s head are five small white dots that represent her crown as well as the fact that pilgrims will travel to the event from five continents outside of North America.—CNS
T he
HURCH space should not be used to engage in partisan politics and political endorsements, the head of the Catholic Parliamentary Liaison Office (CPLO) said. Fr Peter-John Pearson, director of the CPLO, responded to questions from The Southern Cross after President Jacob Zuma used the setting of a Catholic church in Mariannhill diocese to endorse Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma as his successor as president of the African National Congress. He said it is not known whether the church was aware that President Zuma would be making the announcement, but emphasised the principle that worship spaces should not be exploited for narrow party political purposes. He said that the Church should not be identified with political parties and that the events in one parish must not be seen as representative of the whole Catholic Church, which stands above party politics. The Church generally discourages parishes and Church organisations from endorsing a candidate or political party, donating money or other resources to a candidate or political party, or exclusively offering the parish’s or Church organisation’s facilities to a candidate or political party. Parishes are free to invite guests of honour, including politicians, to their Masses and functions, provided that these occasions are not used by such guests to campaign for political office. However, there is no provision for formal sanction should the activities of a parish not accord with these principles, unless such provisions are made by the local bishop. Bishop Pius Mlungisi Dlungwane of Mariannhill was unavailable for comment. Mr Zuma spoke at St Catherine’s church in Dr Dlamini-Zuma’s birthplace in Bulwer where they both attended Mass before joining a service at the Abundant Life Church in Durban. It was the first time he publicly endorsed
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President Jacob Zuma, who launched his endorsement for Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma as ANC president in a Catholic church.
Dr Dlamini-Zuma, his ex-wife and a Catholic, to succeed him as ANC president. The ruling party is scheduled to elect its new leadership in December. Dr Dlamini-Zuma is expected to go head to head against Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa for the party’s presidency. The new ANC leader will likely become South Africa’s next president when national elections are held in 2019. They were joined by KwaZulu-Natal ANC chairman and economic development MEC Sihle Zikalala at the Bulwer service. Mr Zuma praised the parish for its welcome to Dr Dlamini-Zuma‚ saying it was a huge lesson for him as it “showed that they knew her contribution”. At the Abundant Life Church service Mr Zuma criticised divisions within the ANC-led alliance but then said that “I’m not here for that. I’m here for prayer”. The president, who has been accused of corruption, said he once told priests who were critical of him that they should pray for those who had done wrong, The Sowetan reported. “What I know is that the one who died for us said: ‘Forgive them Lord because they do not know what they are doing’. So the priests should be saying I should be forgiven as I have sinned. But I am not told what’s wrong that I have done‚” said Mr Zuma.
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The high school team from Assumption Convent School in Malvern East, Johannesburg, won the Catholic Schools Cross Country 4km race. (Back from left) Chelsea Martin, Nadia Sousa, Catherine Winter, Brittany Pearson, Caitlin Lam and Courtney Westley. (Front from left) Reabetswe Modiga and Shaylee Bekker.
Feed your soul with The
S outher n C ross
The Catholic Chinese Welfare Association held its 52nd annual debutantes and Squires Ball in Johannesburg. Erin Lai Thom was crowned Miss debutante 2017. Seen here with Miss debutante are debutantes, squires, partners and members of the association, with Fr Paul Beukes OMI from St Catherine of Siena parish in Eldorado Park and Fr Ron houreld OMI from St Augustine’s parish in Germiston.
Grade 11 pupil daniella Ribeiro at holy Rosary School in Edenvale, Johannesburg, has been chosen to compete in Miss Teen International 2017/18 in Charleston, West Virginia, in the uS.
Point of Reflection
How a saint stood up to state capture
ORE than 1 000 economists, investment bankers, top politicians and business leaders of multinational corporations took part in the recent meeting of the World Economic Forum for Africa in Durban. It is doubtful that anyone present raised the moral issues underlying the economic development of Africa. Those from South Africa have in the past paid little attention to the ever-widening gap between the rich and the poor. In this respect, we are one of the worst countries in the world. This is where we need to follow the example of St Antoninus (pictured on a sculpture below). He was a Dominican, a moral theologian, and a man totally dedicated to God and to the people of Florence, the city he served as archbishop from 1446-59. Florence in those days was a city state, almost a country on its own. Highly industrialised, it was also the financial and banking powerhouse of southern Europe. It was ruled by the powerful Medici family. Through their initial success in getting control of the textile industry, they then gained both commercial and political control of the whole city, as well as its artistic and humanistic culture. This family dynasty lasted nearly three centuries. It was a remarkable example of “state capture” by a single family. But behind this prosperous and profitable scene was also tremendous poverty. Archbishop Antoninus devoted much of his time to alleviating the suffering of Florence’s poor. Not only that, he also wrote a five-volume work of moral theology, directed towards the ruling business men of the city.
n his sermons and writings he showed the elites their moral responsibility in such a situation. They were to use their resources to meet not only their own needs, but also the needs of others. Profits should not be in excess of the moderate needs of those in charge. He vigorously opposed the pursuit of luxuries. You might have thought that this turned these leaders off, but Antoninus promoted these ideas with such wisdom that he retained their friendship, and some actually supported him. Yet he was merciless with those who merely gave “specious excuses”. All that he taught, he put into practice in his own life. He had a habit of meeting the poor where they were, mainly in the working-class districts— and they loved him. For transport he had a mule. Once when he met a really destitute family he gave them the mule and went home on foot. A well-to-do person kindly presented him with another mule, but he gave that one away as well. He then remarked that it is easier to meet the poor and chat to them when you are on foot. He was also known to take off his coat and present it to a beggar who was cold. At the same time he reformed the lives of his Dominican brethren. Antoninus was canonised a saint in 1523, some 63 years after his death at 70. He is generally considered to be a father of Christian social ethics. Now to apply all this to South Africa. Till now, only a little has been said by the Church in South Africa about our own situation of rich and poor. True, it was the Dominican provincial who initiated the enquiry into “state capture”, and many people of all religions and denominations are actively engaged in charitable work, and the bishops have released statements. But where is the moral judgment? Where is the economic system being condemned? Where was our voice at the Economic Forum for Africa? St Antoninus set us an example. Pray to God that we may follow it.
The Southern Cross, June 21 to June 27, 2017
Why St Matthew haunts me
NE of the greatest gifts Christ gave the Church is the Eucharist. And among the strengths of Catholicism is the daily Eucharist. As a convert it remains my greatest attraction and profound source of means to purify my life into walking in humility with God. I love that at some point during the course of my day I am able to kneel in the pew and empty my thoughts into God’s silence of self-surrendering love. In it I see, in a gentle way, my moral maladies, and those of my country. For instance, it bothers me that my faith is unable to move mountains. What do I mean by this? That I do not see God in the poor as Christ instructed me. According to international confederation of charitable organisations Oxfam, South Africa is the most unequal country in the world, with a 10% minority, largely white, controlling 65% of the wealth. Three billionaires, all of them white males, own as much wealth as half the population—28 million people—combined. Only 3% of companies listed on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange are majority black-controlled. Some 71% of blacks earn less than the country’s official living wage of R6 880 a month, while the former CEO of Shoprite/Checkers was paid R100 million when he left the company, and is now demanding R1,8 billion in shares. A cashier there earns R2 150 a month.... Half of black youths are unemployed while, according to the Forbes Index, one third of Africa’s richest billionaires live in South Africa, and are mostly white.
This is stated in racial terms not to antagonise the white community, but to explain why, among other things, racial harmony is so difficult to achieve in this country.
ake our recent preoccupation with state capture by dodgy business people like the Gupta family. Most people are rightly outraged by it, but many white people are blind to the need to extend that outrage into smoking out the illicit financial activities by our big companies that cost the country more than the Guptas, and they say little about trading and price-fixing cartels in construction, retail, and so on. In white discourse there is an urgency about taking government to task, rightly so, for its grave constitutional failings to
Women in Masiphumelele township in Cape Town, near the upmarket suburbs of Noordhoek and Kommetjie. South Africa is the economically most unequal country in the world. (Photo: Sydney duval)
Mphuthumi Ntabeni
The Public Square
provide shelter, adequate education and access to quality health. They correctly see that we require political leadership with ethical conviction and a discernible moral core. This is good, but then the same discourse fails to extend these demands to business leadership also. And that double standard—to put it bluntly: corrupt “black” government is criticised but corrupt “white” business isn’t—sows the seed for racial disharmony. Secondly, since 1994, our ruling party has been co-opted to be the guardians of the evils it fought against when it was a liberation movement. In blaming everything on “White Monopoly Capital”, the government seeks to distract our attention away from their failings and rot. In turn, capital, through its powerful voice within the media, wants us to concentrate on the government and the corruption within the ANC. And they all act in the hope that no one will talk about real radical and democratic redistribution of wealth and economic power, based on solidarity and the common good—not the profits of the investor class. Rev Martin Luther King Jr, in his final years, inveighed eloquently against what he called “the triple evils that are interrelated”. He boiled them down to the essence of the capitalist class, which co-opts Continued on page 23
My search for love at the mall Nthabiseng Maphisa
HERE have been many songs written about love. Many musicians have tried to define it, many filmmakers have attempted to depict it, and the rest of us have tried to find it. For some love is about as real as pink unicorns and mermaids and for others it’s as true as the sky is blue. My love of spending money which I shouldn’t be spending means that I’m in malls a lot. I will then, unintentionally, find myself on a mall safari. Mall safari, you ask? It is an excursion in which one is free to meander in the habitat of wild adolescent couples. This species wastes no time in finding “love” and showing it to the world which encouraged them to find it in the first place. They make their way around the mall, hands tightly gripped from Ster Kinekor to Krispy Kreme doughnuts. Momentarily they pause for a lover’s glance before batting their eyelashes and planning how they’re going to elope (okay, so maybe I’m joking about the last one). There are usually ripped jeans involved and sneakers so expensive I could snatch them off their feet and buy lunch for a whole month. Once I’ve used up enough money to consider myself half-broke, but with enough left to pay the exorbitant parking fee, I have no choice but to go window shopping. I then learn more about what love is. Love sounds like the ring of the tills at La Senza. It tastes like chocolate milkshakes from Mugg & Bean, and smells like cinemastyle popcorn. Most significantly, love looks like a happy feeling coated in pink lipstick, winged-eyeliner and blonde tips. The trip doesn’t end there. I am as fond of teenage romance as one can possibly be, but the heart melts at the sight of elderly couples. Their “oldness” hasn’t blown away the shoots of their love as wind does the leaves in autumn. Here love echoes the tap of a walking stick. It resembles the sheen of silver-grey
Pop Culture Catholic
Love comes in many ways—and sometimes not at all. In her monthly column, Nthabiseng Maphisa is trying to make sense of it all. hair. It has the taste of early morning coffee with two sugars and no milk. It smells like comfy car seats on the way to Sunday Mass. To an elderly married couple, love means something quite different to the teenage lovers at the movies.
ut back to the mall. Since my desire to “ooh” and “aah” at clothes has not been sated, I trot along to a shoe store, promising myself that I will buy leather boots. On my way, I will pass posters and big screens advertising make-up that I should wear once I’m in love, and fragrances that I should own once I have decided how I would like to show this love. Shopping malls have a funny way of playing music that I enjoy so that I stay in them longer. So, while I’m on my way to look at shoes I’ll never buy, I have countless voices in my ear saying “oooooh baby” and “I’m so into you”, and most noticeably, “this is love”. By this point I’m not sure what type of love to believe in or hope for. It is usually then that I’ll come across the in-between couples. These are the serious, all-knowing he/she-is-the-one couples. There’s maybe an engagement ring
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somewhere, and future in-laws close by. I will from time to time see a bridal party, sashes and all. Somewhere, somehow there is a best friend panicking about what gift to get and whether she’ll make the upcoming bridesmaid elections. Love for the in-between couples seems to be banter of “Where are we going for dinner?” and “I miss you”, and most importantly, “I love you”. There’s usually also a secret plan to export undesired relatives. By the time I’ve reached my car and start travelling home to procrastinate studying, the many folds of love have entered my brain and I’m pondering the meaning of them all. What is love? Is it out there? Is it bad that I’m too afraid of getting heartbroken, that I’d rather cross the Serengeti, lions and all, than to fall in love? Doesn’t love make people all soft and gooey? Yuck. Do they mean it when they say love is blind? What does that even mean? Which brings me to Christopher West, whose visit to South Africa I am keenly anticipating for the answers to many of my questions. He’ll be speaking at a conference in September on love and everything that goes with it. He doesn’t approach love with the same childishly tentative rationale that I do. This world-renowned Catholic speaker on life, love and sexuality is married with five children. If that doesn’t require love I don’t know what does. He has already helped me understand how God wants us to understand love. n For more information on Christopher West’s visit go to or call 078 5840886.
Pilgrimage of Graces
HOLY LAND 8 – 19 September 2017
Led by Fr S’milo Mngadi
Contact Gail at 076 352 3809
The Southern Cross, June 21 to June 27, 2017
From left: Madrid’s cathedral of Our Lady of Almudena; Fr davis Mekkattukkalam CMI prays where once St Pope John Paul II kneeled at the birthplace of St Anthony in Lisbon; Archbishop Stephen Brislin blesses the 97-year-old niece of Fatima visionary Bl Lucia dos Santos in Aljustrel; pilgrims at Mass in Santarém’s church of St Nicholas, with a statue of Our Lady of Fatima to the right of the sanctuary. (All photos by Günther Simmermacher)
A crossroad on Fatima pilgrimage The Southern Cross’ pilgrimage to Portugal and Spain in May was accompanied by several saints, as GüNThER SIMMERMAChER explains.
UR primary focus was on Our Lady—and through her always on her Son—but on our pilgrimage to Fatima and Avila, and other places in Portugal and Spain, we were accompanied by a number of other saints. Mary is, of course, the greatest saint of them all, and The Southern Cross pilgrimage in May was dedicated to her in celebration of the centenary of her apparitions at Fatima. Suitably, the first and final Masses of our pilgrimage were celebrated in churches dedicated to Our Lady. Immediately after our arrival in Lisbon we had our opening Mass in the city’s cathedral of St Mary Major (though the locals call it simply the Sé), and we closed the pilgrimage in Madrid’s Redemptorist church of Our Lady of Perpetual Succour, a parish church that offers nine Sunday and six weekday Masses. As may be expected, the presence of Our Lady of Fatima was evident throughout our travels. We first spotted her in Lisbon’s cathedral, the day after at Mass in Santarém’s beautiful church of São Nicolau, and later in Spain. And when Our Lady was not there under the Fatima title, then she appeared in some guise or other in every church we visited. Some of these titles were new to us, such as Our Lady of Sonsoles, the name of a sanctuary in Avila. It is a strange name that borrows from an exclamation made by lo-
cals, “There is the sun”, when a statue of the Virgin Mary was discovered after being hidden during the Muslim occupation. The name of Madrid’s cathedral, Our Lady of Almudena, has a similar background. In 712, as the Muslims invaded the Iberian peninsula, the villagers of what would become the great city of Madrid hid a statue of the Blessed Virgin in a wall of the citadel (in Arabic, al-Mudayna). Over time the location was forgotten, but after the reconquest of Madrid in 1083, the statue was miraculously found in the wall. Our Lady of Almudena thus became Madrid’s patron, and the statue is displayed in the cathedral that bears its name.
Saints with us But back to the saints who accompanied us. Two of the three children Our Lady appeared to between May and October 1917, Ss Francisco and Jacinta, were canonised in Fatima by Pope Francis just over a week before our arrival there. Of course we had time to get to know the two, and their older cousin, Bl Lúcia dos Santos, during our time in Fatima. On a traffic circle as one enters Fatima, a large sculpture shows the three children leading their sheep to the dos Santos family’s field of Cova da Iria, where five of the six apparitions took place. The field is now the sanctuary of Fatima, with the Chapel of the Apparition on the spot where Our Lady appeared, and the basilica of Our Lady of the Rosary, which holds the tombs of the three children. The children were not from the small town of Fatima but from a small nearby village, Aljustrel (the prefix “al” in Portuguese and Span-
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on the wall of Incarnation Convent in Avila. In Fatima, my friend José Camara—the donor of more than a thousand statues of Our Lady of Fatima to parishes and schools who came especially from his home in Cascais to meet our group—showed me the rooms where John Paul II and other popes, including Pope Francis, stayed on their visits to Fatima in the modest Casa Senhora do Carmo hotel, right next to the sanctuary.
Pilgrimage intersection
The Immaculate heart of Mary on a statue in the Carmelite convent in Coimbra, Portugal, where Bl Lucia dos Santos died in 2005. The face was modelled after a description given by Sr Lucia. ish names, incidentally, denotes a Muslim root). There we visited the beautifully preserved homes of the children. We also met the 97-year-old niece of Bl Lúcia, who most days sits in a room opposite the dos Santos house, praying the rosary and meeting pilgrims. Very alert even at her age, she recognised the ecclesiastical position of our spiritual director, Archbishop Stephen Brislin of Cape Town, and asked him for an episcopal blessing. The children’s parish church was dedicated to St Anthony. The saint is better known by the nomenclature which refers to the northern Italian city of his death and burial. But, unless you are the kind of person who cheers for Sporting Lisbon in a Benfica bar, you don’t want to call him St Anthony of Padua in Portugal, where he is called St Anthony of Lisbon. St Anthony is everywhere in Portugal and Spain, as he is in Italy. Almost every church we visited had an altar to St Anthony, or at least a statue of him, always holding the Christ-child. Of course, he features prominently among the statues of saints that preside on the great colonnade at the Fatima sanctuary. After Mass in Lisbon’s Sé, which holds the original font of St Anthony’s baptism in 1195, we had an opportunity to visit and pray in the crypt of the very nearby church of St Antonio that marks the birthplace of the saint.
St John Paul was another steady companion on our journey. This owed mainly to his 1982 visits to Portugal in May and Spain in November, the itineraries of which included almost all the places of ours. The main event of that papal trip was St John Paul’s visit to Fatima during which he presented the bullet from the previous year’s assassination attempt to the sanctuary. The pope attributed his survival of the 1981 shooting in St Peter’s Square to Our Lady of Fatima, whose feast day it was that day. St John Paul, of course, was the Marian pope—even his motto, “Totus tuus” (All For You), was dedicated to her. The bullet is now in the crown of the original statue of Our Lady of Fatima, which resides in the sanctuary’s museum. His 1982 trip to Spain marked the 400th anniversary of the death of St Teresa of Avila, the great saint to whom we dedicated the second half of our pilgrimage by visiting the places of her birth and activity in Avila, and death and tomb in Alba de Tormes. So we kneeled where St John Paul kneeled in Lisbon, encountered him in the form of big sculptures in Fatima and Alba de Tormes, and saw a plaque dedicated to him
In papal footsteps As one enters the crypt of St Anthony’s birth, the pilgrim is invited to kneel for prayer on a broad prie-dieu (before or after taking the obligatory photos; that is optional). This is the kneeler which was used by St John Paul II when he visited the church in 1982. So the savvy pilgrim will make it a point of kneeling in the middle of the priedieu, so as to pray in the exact place on which the saintly pope once did the same.
A statue of Our Lady of Fatima and Ss Jacinta and Francisco Marto below the altar of the convent church of the Incarnation in Avila, Spain.
In 1982 John Paul also visited Coimbra, in north-western Portugal, to address the university there, one of Europe’s five oldest. On our itinerary, Coimbra was a place of intersection where several threads of our itinerary came together. This was the city the young Augustinian monk Fernando Martins de Bulhões moved to from Lisbon. There he met visiting friars from the new-fangled Franciscan order, then only 11 years old. Fernando was so inspired by their evangelising fervor that he sought and was given permission to transfer his vows to the order founded by Francis of Assisi. With a new order, Fernando also took a new name: Anthony, after St Anthony of Egypt. More than 700 years later, another significant transfer of vows took place at Coimbra. The surviving member of the three visionary children of Fatima, Lúcia, had entered the Sisters of St Dorothy in Porto, making her first vows in 1928. Later she moved to a convent across the border in Spain. That order was not a good fit for Sr Lúcia, who sought the seclusive, contemplative life. So in 1948 she went to Coimbra to join, with papal permission, the Discalced Carmelite convent there. Having taken the not very snappy religious name Sr Maria Lúcia of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart, she stayed at the convent of contemplatives for the rest of her life, until her death at 97 in February 13, 2005—less than two months before St John Paul II died. Of course our group visited the convent, after Mass in Coimbra’s impressive church of Santa Justa (where we saw, naturally, a statue of St Anthony). In the Carmelite convent chapel of Coimbra there is a different representation of Our Lady of Fatima from that we know so well. Flanked by Ss Francisco and Jacinta, she is the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Her face is modelled on the descriptions given by Sr Lúcia to the artist. On the altar is a statue of St Teresa of Avila, whom we’d visit over the following two days. St Teresa was, with St John of the Cross, the originator of the Discalced Carmelites, the order which the surviving Fatima visionary decided to join. And the convent where that visionary died was named after—you guessed it—St Teresa. In Coimbra the threads of our pilgrimage indeed came together. n The Southern Cross in association with Radio Veritas will repeat this pilgrimage in October, to be led by Fr Brian Mhlanga OP. For details see
The Southern Cross, June 21 to June 27, 2017
Why St Matthew haunts me Continued from page 21 through money the political class to do its bidding of greed (in the US this corruption is effectively legalised through the lobbying and campaign-funding system). Rev King came to the end of his martyred life with the belief that the real faults in American life lay not so much in “men” as in the oppressive institutions and social structures that reigned over them: “The radical reconstruction of society itself,” he said, was “the real issue to be faced” beyond superficial matters. The fault, to paraphrase Shakespeare, is not in our stars, dear countrymen, but in us that we are underlings. We have not transformed the institutions of power to serve the poor. They still serve the elites, not only because our government is failing, but because we also have carved a niche that serves our comforts. We have come to accept it as a matter of fate or nature that others must suffer. As such, we fail Christ and the poor.
This is why, as I kneel in the pew, I am haunted by the gospel of Matthew: “When the Son of man comes in his glory, escorted by all the angels, then he will take his seat on his throne of glory. All nations will be assembled before him and he will separate people one from another as the shepherd separates sheep from goats. “He will place the sheep on his right hand and the goats on his left. Then the King will say to those on his right hand, ‘Come, you whom my Father has blessed, take as your heritage the kingdom prepared for you since the foundation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you made me welcome, lacking clothes and you clothed me, sick and you visited me, in prison and you came to see me.’ “Then the upright will say to him in reply, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink? When did we see you a stranger and make you welcome, lacking clothes and clothe you? When
did we find you sick or in prison and go to see you?’ “And the King will answer, ‘In truth I tell you, in so far as you did this to one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did it to me.’ “Then he will say to those on his left hand, ‘Go away from me, with your curse upon you, to the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. For I was hungry and you never gave me food, I was thirsty and you never gave me anything to drink, I was a stranger and you never made me welcome, lacking clothes and you never clothed me, sick and in prison and you never visited me.’ “Then it will be their turn to ask, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty, a stranger or lacking clothes, sick or in prison, and did not come to your help?’ “Then he will answer, ‘In truth I tell you, in so far as you neglected to do this to one of the least of these, you neglected to do it to me.’ “And they will go away to eternal punishment, and the upright to eternal life” (25:31-46).
Community Calendar
To place your event, call Mary Leveson at 021 465 5007 or e-mail (publication subject to space)
JOHANNESBURG: St Anthony’s church in Coronationville is calling for donations of tinned fish, peanut butter, jam, butter and juice for their soup kitchen. Contact Faried and Nadine Benn on 073 906 6037 or 083 658 2573. CAPE TOWN: Retreat day/quiet prayer last Saturday of each month except december, at Springfield Convent in Wynberg, Cape Town. hosted by CLC, 10.00-15.30. Contact Jill on 083 282 6763 or Jane on 082 783 0331.
Perpetual Adoration Chapel at Good Shepherd parish, 1 Goede hoop St, Bothasig, welcomes all visitors. Open 24 hours a day. Phone 021 558 1412.
Helpers of God’s Precious Infants. Mass on last Saturday of every month at 9:30 at Sacred heart church in Somerset Road, Cape Town. Followed by vigil at abortion clinic. Con-
Liturgical Calendar Year A – Weekdays Cycle Year 1 Sunday June 25, 12th Sunday of the Year Jeremiah 20:10-13, Psalms 69:8-10, 14, 17, 33-35, Romans 5:12-15, Matthew 10:26-33 Monday June 26 Genesis 12:1-9, Psalms 33:12-13, 18-20, 22, Matthew 7:1-5 Tuesday June 27, St Cyril of Alexandria Genesis 13:2, 5-18, Psalms 15:2-5, Matthew 7:6, 12-14 Wednesday June 28, St Irenaeus Genesis 15:1-12, 17-18, Psalms 105:1-4, 6-9, Matthew 7:15-20 Thursday June 29, Ss Peter & Paul, Apostles Acts 12:1-11, Psalms 34:29, 2 Timothy 4:6-8, 17-18, Matthew 16:13-19 Friday June 30, St Cyril of Alexandria The First Martyrs of the Church of Rome Genesis 17:1, 9-10, 15-22, Psalms 128:1-5, Matthew 8:1-4 Saturday July 1, Saturday Mass of Our Lady Genesis 18:1-15, Responsorial Psalms Luke 1:46-50, 53-55, Matthew 8:5-17 Sunday July 2, 13th Sunday of the Year 2 Kings 4:8-11, 14-16, Psalms 89:2-3, 16-19, Romans 6:3-4, 8-11, Matthew 10:37-42
tact Colette Thomas on 083 412 4836 or 021 593 9875 or Br daniel SCP on 078 739 2988.
DURBAN: Holy Mass and Novena to St Anthony at St Anthony’s parish every Tuesday at 9:00. Holy Mass and Divine Mercy Devotion at 17:30 on first Friday of every month. Sunday Mass at 9:00. Phone 031 309 3496 or 031 209 2536. Overport rosary group. St Anthony’s church opposite Greyville racecourse. Every Wednesday at 18.30. Contact Keith Chetty on 083 372 9018. NELSPRUIT: Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament at St Peter’s parish every Tuesday from 8:00 to 16:45, followed by Rosary, Divine Mercy prayers, then a Mass/Communion service at 17:30. Your prayer to cut out and collect
A Prayer for Catholic School Teachers Bless all Catholic school teachers and help them to nurture the faith of our children. Give them the wisdom to pass on their own knowledge and experience and show our children your love. Amen.
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about tomorrow. If you just give me the strength that I need today that is all I need. Keep me from sinning during this trial. Instead, help me to keep my eyes on you.
FOR UNITY: Lord Jesus, let Your prayer of unity for Christians become a reality, in Your way. We have absolute confidence that you can bring your people together, we give you absolute permission to move. Amen.
FOR STRENGTH: Lord, you are holy above all others, and all of the strength that I need is in your hands. I am not asking, Lord, that you take this trial away. Instead, I simply ask that Your will be done in my life. Whatever that means, that is what I want. But I admit that it's hard, Lord. Sometimes I feel like I can't go on. The pain and the fear are too much for me, and I know that I don't have the strength on my own to get through this.I know that I can come to you, Jesus, and that you will hear my prayer. I know that it is not your intent to bring me to this point just to leave me in the wilderness alone. Please, Lord, give me the strength that I need to face today. I don't have to worry
more clearly, Love thee more dearly, And follow thee more nearly, For ever and ever. ALMIGHTY GOD, from whom all thoughts of truth and peace proceed, kindle in the hearts of all men the true love of peace, and guide with Your pure and peaceable wisdom those who make decisions for the nations of the earth; that in tranquility Your kingdom may go forward, till the earth be filled with the knowledge of Your love; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
O MOST holy Virgin Mary, who chose to appear on the Sierra de Aire, in the Cova de Iria, to three young shepherds to reveal the treasures of grace held in the recitation of the Rosary, impress upon our souls a fervent love for this devotion. By meditating on the mysteries of our redemption, may we learn how to use the teachings which lie therein and obtain the graces we ask in this prayer. For the Glory of God and the redeeming of our souls. Amen. Novena from 5 to 13 each month. For prayers/ hymns write to jjvcamara@ THANKS be to thee, my Lord Jesus Christ, For all the benefits thou hast won for me, For all the pains and insults thou hast borne for me. O most merciful Redeemer, Friend, and Brother, May I know thee
Word of the Week
Apostolic succession: The teaching that there is a direct line of descendents with its requisite authority that proceeds from the original apostles down the line of bishops in the Church. RCIA: Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults, a year-long process in preparation for entrance into the Church. INRI: The first letter of four Latin words written on the cross, Iesus Nazarenus Rex Iudaeorum, meaning Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews.
Our bishops’ anniversaries
ABORTION WARNING: The truth will convict a silent Church. See www.valuelife ABORTION WARNING: The Pill can abort. All Catholic users (married or cohabiting) must be told, to save their souls and their unborn infants. See www. downloads/bcpill.pdf
MARIANELLA Guest house, Simon’s Town: “Come experience the peace and beauty of God with us.” Fully equipped with amazing sea views. Secure parking, ideal for rest and relaxation. Special rates for pensioners and clergy. Phone Malcolm Salida on 082 784 5675 or e-mail on SCOTTBURGH: garden cottage, sleeps five. Phone Margaret on 083 716 5161.
Traditional Latin Mass
Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament Chapel 36 Central Avenue, Pinelands, Cape Town Call 071 291 4501 for details. Email: The
Southern Cross
Published independently by the Catholic Newspaper and Publishing Co since 1920
Editor: Günther Simmermacher Business Manager: Pamela davids Box 2372, Cape Town, 8000
10 Tuin Plein, Cape Town, 8001 Tel: (021) 465 5007 Fax: (021) 465 3850
This week we congratulate: June 25: Bishop Peter Holiday of Kroonstad on the 6th anniversary of his episcopal ordination June 25: Bishop Siegfried Mandla Jwara of Ingwavuma on the 1st anniversary of his episcopal ordination
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The Southern Cross is a member of the Audit Bureau of Circulations of South Africa. Printed by Paarl Coldset (Pty) Ltd, 10 Freedom Way, Milnerton. Published by the proprietors, The Catholic Newspaper & Publishing Co Ltd, at the company’s registered office, 10 Tuin Plein, Cape Town, 8001.
The Southern Cross is published independently by the Catholic Newspaper & Publishing Company Ltd. Address: PO Box 2372, Cape Town, 8000. Tel: (021) 465 5007 Fax: (021) 465 3850
Editor: Günther Simmermacher (, Business Manager: Pamela davids (, Advisory Editor: Michael Shackleton, Local News: Erin Carelse (, Editorial: Claire Allen (, Mary Leveson (, Advertising: Yolanda Timm (, Subscriptions: Michelle Perry (, Accounts: desirée Chanquin ( Directors: R Shields (Chair), Archbishop S Brislin, S duval, E Jackson, B Jordan, Sr h Makoro CPS, J Mathurine, R Riedlinger, G Stubbs, z Tom Editorial Advisory Board: Fr Chris Chatteris SJ, Kelsay Correa, dr Nontando hadebe, Prof derrick Kourie, Claire Mathieson, Fr Lawrence Mduduzi Ndlovu, Palesa Ngwenya, Sr dr Connie O’Brien I.Sch, John O’Leary, Kevin Roussel, Fr Paul Tatu CSS
Opinions expressed in this newspaper do not necessarily reflect those of the editor, staff, directors or advisory board of The Southern Cross.
S outher n C ross
13th Sunday: July 2 Readings: 2 Kings 4:8-11, 14-16, Psalm 89:23, 16-19, Romans 6:3-4, 8-11, Matthew 10:37-42
Be a giver of hospitality
Nicholas King SJ
And it is not just for the individual, but for the entire people of Israel: “Happy is the people that knows you, Lord…they walk in the light of your countenance; in your name they make a joyful noise all day long.” Then he offers a delightful expression of God’s protective closeness: “O Lord you are our shield, Holy One of Israel, our King.” In the second reading, Paul is continuing the account he is giving to the Romans of their grounds for confidence in what God has done in Christ: “Those of us who have been baptised into Christ Jesus were baptised into his death.” It is a very intimate relationship, for which “hospitality” is an apt description; and Paul continues the link with Jesus’ death: “We were therefore buried with him through baptism into death, so that as Christ was raised from the dead through the Father’s glory, so we also walk in newness of life.” Then he sets out the argument with remorseless clarity: “We know that Christ was raised from the dead, and does not die any
“The one who finds their life will lose it; and the one who loses their life for my sake will find it.” Then comes the reference to hospitality, with an implicit warning that Jesus’ missionaries will not always receive it: “The one who gives you hospitality gives hospitality to me, and the one who gives me hospitality gives hospitality to the One who sent me.” Then he draws the parallel for all those in the early Church; “prophets” or “just people” for example: those who give them hospitality because they are “just” or “prophets” will be given the rewards appropriate to such people. And likewise: “Anyone who gives a single drink of cold water to one of these little ones on the grounds of being a disciple, Amen I’m telling you, will not lose their reward.” “Hospitality”, that is to say, is a metaphor for God’s loving attentiveness to each of us. Is there an invitation for you, this week?
OSPITALITY is a very important idea in the Scriptures. In the first reading for next Sunday, it is the prophet Elisha who is the recipient of hospitality, from “a great woman” of Shunem, because (as she told her husband) “I know he is a holy man of God”. So a convenient visitor’s room is set up for the prophet on the roof of their house, and she will not accept any reward; until Elisha discovers that she has no son, and promises her that “this time next year, you will have a baby son”. Our reading omits what happens next: but at first, she thinks that he is fooling her. Later on, the child dies, and Elisha restores him to life. Hospitality can have unexpected consequences, but it is modelled by what God does for us. The psalm does not precisely speak of hospitality; but we can hear the same sense of intimacy with God: “I shall sing of the Lord’s loving kindness; from generation to generation I shall praise your integrity.”
more. Death no longer lords it over him. Because the death that he died, he died once and for all to Sin; whereas the life that he lives, he lives to God.” Finally he draws the moral: “So you people must consider yourselves as dead to Sin, but alive to God in Christ Jesus.” The heart of the matter here is the intimacy with Christ and therefore with God (in every respect, including life and death), for which “hospitality” is a very good image. The Gospel, part of Matthew’s “missionary discourse”, as The Twelve are sent out on mission, sets all this in context. The mission is an act of hospitality to God, and it must be our Number One priority: “The one who loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; the one who loves son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.” And our hospitality must extend also to embracing Jesus’ cross: “Anyone who does not take their cross and follow after me, is not worthy of me.” This is a relationship that is worth more than questions of life and death:
It’s noon for the Church T
ferently in these different parts of Asia. Finally there is still Western Europe and North America, the so-called “West”. Here, it would seem, Christianity doesn’t radiate much in the way of either youth or vitality, but appears from most outward appearances to be aged, grey-haired, and tired— an exhausted project.
ow accurate is this as a picture of Christianity in Western Europe, North America, and other highly secularised part of the world? Are we, as churches, old, tired, grey-haired, and exhausted? That’s one view, but the picture admits of other interpretations. Sigmund Freud and Karl Marx, along with many Enlightenment figures, saw Christianity as a spent project, as a dying reality, its demise the inevitable death of childhood naiveté. But the Jesuit Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, looking at the same evidence, saw things in exactly the opposite way. For him, Christianity was still “in nappies”, struggling still to grow in maturity, a child still learning to walk; hence its occasional stumbles. Contemporary spiritual writer Tomas Halik, the recent winner of the prestigious Templeton Award, suggests still another picture. For Halik, Christianity in the West is undergoing a “noon-day fatigue”, a writer’s block, a crisis of imagination. In this, he is very much in agreement with what Charles Taylor suggests in his monumental study, A Secular Age. For Taylor, what the Church in the West is experiencing today is not so much a crisis of faith
HERE’S a popular notion which suggests that it can be helpful to compare every century of Christianity’s existence to one year of life. That would make Christianity 21 years old—a young 21, grown-up enough to exhibit a basic maturity but still far from a finished product. How insightful is this notion? That’s a complex question because Christianity expresses itself in communities of worship and in spiritualities that vary greatly across the world. For instance, just to speak of churches, it is difficult to speak of the Christian church in any global way: In Africa, for the most part, the churches are young, full of young life, and exploding with growth, with all the strengths and problems that come with that. In Eastern Europe the churches are still emerging from the long years of oppression under communism, and are struggling now to find a new balance and new energy within an ever-intensifying secularity. Latin American churches have given us liberation theology for a reason. There the issues of social injustice and those advocating for it in Jesus’ name and those reacting against them have deeply coloured how Church and spirituality are lived and understood. In Asia, the situation is even more complex. One might talk of four separate ecclesial expressions and corresponding spiritualities in Asia: There is Buddhist Asia, Hindu Asia, Muslim Asia, and a seemingly post-Christian Asia. Churches and spiritualities express themselves quite dif-
Sunday Reflections
Southern Crossword #764
Fr Ron Rolheiser OMI
Final Reflection
as a crisis of imagination and integration. Older Christian writers called this a “dark night of the soul”, and Halik suggests that it is happening to us not at the end of the day but at noontime. My own sympathies are very much with Halik. Christianity, the churches, and the spiritualities in Western Europe and North America aren’t old and dying, a spent project. Rather they are young, figuratively speaking only 21 years old, with still some growing up to do. But, and here is where I agree with conservative critics, growth into that maturity is not guaranteed but is rather contingent upon us making some clear choices and hard commitments inside a genuine faith. As any parent can tell you, there are no guarantees that a 21-year-old will grow to maturity. The opposite can also happen, and that’s true too for Christianity and the churches today. There are no guarantees. But, inside of faith and inside the choices and commitments we will have to make, it is important that we situate ourselves under the correct canopy so as to assign to ourselves the right task. We are not old and dying. We are young, with our historical afternoon still to come, even as we are presently suffering a certain “noon-day fatigue”. Our afternoon still lies ahead and the task of the afternoon is quite different than the task of the morning or the evening. As James Hillman puts it: “The early years must focus on getting things done, while the later years must consider what was done and how.” But the afternoon years must focus on something else, namely, the task of deepening. Both spirituality and anthropology agree that the afternoon of life is meant to be an important time within which to mature, an important time for some deeper inner work, and an important time to enter more deeply our own depth. Note that this is a task of deepening and not one of restoration. Our noon-day fatigue will not be overcome by returning to the task of the morning in the hope of refreshing ourselves or by retiring passively to the evening’s rocking chair. Noon-day fatigue will be overcome by finding new springs of refreshment buried at deeper places inside us.
1. See 9 3. Mrs Pedic lived on a shoestring (7) 9 and 1. Calmness of mental prayer (5,2,4) 10. See 1 down (5) 11. Five desserts in celebratory garb (7,5) 13. Very unpleasant, hid with alternative right inside (6) 15. Prides one as a weaver (6) 17. Afraid the ten became lacking in courage (5-7) 20. Ten per cent to support the Church (5) 21. They manned Jonah’s ship (7) 22. French capitalist (8) 23. Saint who got up off her knees (4) Solutions on page 23
1. Diagram of the global Church? (3,2,3,5) 2. earns advances to you (5) 4. A hundred present the chest for the money (6) 5. Meditation done in the hospital? (6,6) 6. examined what’s been sered up (7) 7. Act twice to find the extinct one (4) 8. I sell regions having no system of faith (12) 12. She plans with an eye for the future (8) 14. See the estate agent now or later (7) 16. Saint who is witnessed in the clarity of her virtue (6) 18. Choir master’s time (5) 19. Pets moving on the stairway (4)
PRIEST, a minister and a rabbi are discussing when life begins. The priest says: “It begins at conception.” The minister says: “Life begins at 24 weeks gestation.” The rabbi says: “You are both wrong. Life begins when the kids move out of the house and the dog dies.”
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