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November 22 to November 28, 2017

How SA’s first black priests were treated

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Good habits that make you effective

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How to get the 16 Days of Activism right

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In next week’s issue of The Southern Cross you will receive a FREE gift of the Upper Room booklet of daily devotions for January to February 2018. The bi-monthly Upper Room Daily Devotional Guide is available at R15. For more information, go to www.devotional. upperroom.org or contact rrink@aurm.co.za

Call to stop the ‘new drug’ porn BY ERIN CARELSE


OUNG people especially must be protected from pornography, “the new drug”, a Christian conference has found. The conference, titled “Stop the New Drug”, was hosted by the Biblical Christian Network of South Africa. It focused on the dangers of pornography, and the detrimental effect it has on society. Two main issues arose: the addictive properties of viewing pornography, and the exploitation of people in porn, particularly children and trafficked women and minors. Sr Melanie O’Connor HF of the CounterTrafficking in Persons Office at the Southern African Catholic Bishops’ Conference has noted the link between pornography and human trafficking. “Trafficked women and children have been forced to act out pornography,” she told The Southern Cross. “If we care about getting rid of this terrible evil of human trafficking, then we cannot but stand against pornography as well,” she said. “Can one get gratification out of watching a trafficked child having to perform for a viewer? That could be your child, brother, sister, or relative,” Sr O’Connor said. She also expressed concern about the consumption of porn by young people, which now is easily accessible on Internet-enabled smartphones. “Our moral landscape is getting eroded when parents do not have control over what children watch on their cellphones,” said Sr O’Connor. Gregory Pereira, a member of the Biblical Christian Network, agreed. “It’s important that we protect children from pornography exposure.” He suggested a few ways in which to do so.


“At night, parents should gather their children's cellphones to be charged, and not leave them in their rooms. Younger children can find inappropriate websites simply by mistyping a word. Installing web filters on computers will allow parents to choose which types of websites are appropriate and which types to block,” he advised. “Another way to protect children is to restrict their usage by placing computers in an open/communal area so that parents can monitor their children’s Internet and computer activity. These are just a few of the many ways that you can protect both yourself and your children and be equipped in the fight against ‘the new drug’,” he said. Mr Pereira compared the harmful effects of pornography on the brain to harmful drugs. “The more you view it, the more you become tolerant to it, the more your brain becomes dependant on the rush.” Dr Albertus van Eeden, CEO of Doctors for Life, said his organisation presented peer-reviewed science about the effects of pornography on the brain at the conference. “Science has been able to clearly demonstrate that when watching porn, the body releases a cocktail of erototoxins that sufficiently overpower the frontal cortex/ thinking brain to suppress clear logic,” he said. “These neurotransmitters include dopamine, serotonin, encephaline and so on that are molecularly similar to cocaine, LSD and morphine. When looking at pornography the body usually produces unnaturally high amounts of its own endogenic ‘cocaine’, ‘LSD’ and ‘morphine’. “These powerful messages come from the primitive brain (limbic system) and lead to a combination of feelings of fear, surprise, anger, disgust, hostility and lust which overpower the brain’s ability to think soberly,” Dr van Eeden said.

The preparations for Mini World Youth Day in Durban from December 6-10 , are entering the final phase. Among those who have worked hard to make it a success are (back from left) Justin Nanak, Clare Payne, Fr Donovan Wheatley OMI, Christine Latchiah (centre row) Precious Mazibuko, Philiswa Shongwe, (front) Mpilo Khumalo, Shaun Singh and Tess Nanak. A Mass on December 8, feast of the Immaculate Conception, at 10:30 in the Durban Exhibition Centre will be open to the public. (Photo: Val Adamson)

Smokers left to fume as pope bans cigarette sales in Vatican


N a move likely to have some Vatican employees fuming, Pope Francis has decided to ban the sale of cigarettes inside the City State on the grounds that the Holy See cannot profit from a proven health hazard. Vatican spokesman Greg Burke said the reason for the decision “is very simple: the Holy See cannot contribute to an activity that clearly damages the health of people”. Available for sale exclusively at “Palazzo della Stazione”, the building that sits in front of the Vatican's small train station, the cigarettes have until now been sold at a lower price than in tobacco stores around Rome, making it an ideal place for smokers holding a Vatican employee card to pick up their next pack. However, citing numbers from the World Health Organisation, Burke noted that each year some 7 million people throughout the world die due to smoking-related causes. Despite the fact that the cigarettes sold to Vatican employees and pensioners have been a source of revenue for the Holy See, “no

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profit can be legitimate if it puts lives at risk”, Mr Burke said. The sale of cigarettes inside the Vatican will officially cease as of 2018, but the sale of larger cigars, with which smoke is not inhaled, was not mentioned in the statement. While Pope Francis himself doesn't smoke, the habit is practically considered a national vice in Italy, and many even within the Vatican can be found to have a pack or two on hand. The Vatican used to be known as a safe haven for cigarette smokers. That changed dramatically in 2002, when Vatican City prohibited smoking in offices and public places. On a moral level, the Church does not define smoking as a sin. The Catechism of the Catholic Church says the gift of physical health requires “reasonable care” of the body, and more specifically says: “The virtue of temperance disposes us to avoid every kind of excess: the abuse of food, alcohol, tobacco or medicine.”— CNA/CNS

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The Southern Cross, November 22 to November 28, 2017


Archdiocese to run antidomestic violence course BY ERIN CARELSE


HE Justice & Peace Department of the archdiocese of Cape Town will be hosting an anti-domestic violence workshop on December 9 as part of the 16 Days of Activism campaign. The archdiocese and the Edmund Rice Justice Desk—whose purpose is to advocate, educate and equip in the area of human rights, justice and advocacy— ran their first successful courses in 2016 with about 350 women over a period of six months. At these workshops, social workers were trained to enable them to conduct their own workshops. In 2017 they ran a course in theology for catechists to deal with marriage and family life with reference to Catholic Social Teaching. “There were requests from participants to deal with the issue of domestic violence specifically: what it means, the causes, interventions, and what the Church offers and says

about these situations, and where people can seek help,� said Bernadette Daries, J&P project coordinator in Cape Town. Fr Wim Lindeque of Stellenbosch, and Ms Daries then de-

cided to offer the anti-domestic violence course to the Church. “The workshop will be adjusted slightly so that we can include the issue of substance abuse and the child protection policy,� Ms Daries said. Dillon Rumble, a J&P representative who runs a family support group for drug abuse, and Michael Baker, who runs the archdiocesan Child Safeguarding Policy training, will assist at the December 9 workshop. The workshop will also deal with the Domestic Violence Act 116 of 1998, how to apply for and use a protection order, the role and responsibility of the police, as well as the skills to use and be aware of when faced with immediate domestic violence issues. The workshop will run from 9:30 to 12:30 at the Lesley Johnson Hall at St Mary’s cathedral in Cape Town. n For more information e-mail Bernadette Daries at info@justice andpeace.org.za or phone 021 462 2417.

Church calls for probe into state of SA’s mobile clinics


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HE health department has done a good job introducing mobile health services in remote rural areas—but in some, the system is dysfunctional and ineffective in addressing the health needs of rural communities, according to the Justice and Peace Commission (J&P) of the Southern African Catholic Bishops’ Conference. J&P has asked the South African Human Rights Commission to investigate rights violations and delivery failures in mobile clinic services in first, parts of KwaZulu-Natal, Limpopo and North West Province, and then in other provinces with extensive rural areas. J&P chairman Bishop Abel Gabuza said delivery problems include drug stock-outs, capacity issues in the context of growing rural populations, and poorly located mobile sites.

J&P is also concerned about the unavailability of mobile clinics in some areas—sometimes for more than two months‚ especially during the rainy season‚ when roads and bridges are in a bad state. “There are places in Limpopo where farm workers allege that farm owners have policies that restrict their access to mobile services,� Bishop Gabuza noted. While the initial focus is on selected remote communities in the three provinces of KwaZuluNatal, Limpopo and North West, “we are aware of similar situations in other rural provinces, especially Eastern Cape, Free State and Northern Cape, and have therefore asked the Human Rights Commission to consider a national investigative hearing into the state of mobile clinics in remote rural communities in South Africa,� the bishop said.

According to J&P, the national investigation should seek to obtain a greater understanding of the challenges facing such communities and the health department, and identify practical measures to address them. The investigation should, among other things, cover the following issues: factors that impede availability of mobile clinic services in the beneficiary communities, including issues of road networks; the quality of services in the mobile clinic system, including issues of drug stock-outs and staff rudeness; the adequacy in budget allocation and strategic planning in relation to mobile clinic services; the challenges and gaps in legislation and policies. n For more information, e-mail Bishop Gabuza at dagabuza@ gmail.com or call 053 831 1861 or 082 549 4324.

German parish to host free concert


HE German-speaking Catholic Community of the Cape Peninsula will host a free “One World Christmas Concert� on December 10. The concert, staged by the Ger-

GOD BLESS AFRICA Guard our people, guide our leaders and give us peace. Luke 11:1-13


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man parish in association with Musica Mundi, will include Christmas carols in German and English as well as jazz and Brazilian choro music. After the concert, coffee and

tea as well as German Christmas cake will be served. The concert will begin at 17:00 on December 10 at Nazareth House in Vredehoek, Cape Town.

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The Southern Cross, November 22 to November 28, 2017



Churches on Zim crisis: We’re also to blame C

HURCH leaders in Zimbabwe have called for a government of national unity to solve the political crisis in the country following the ouster of President Robert Mugabe by the army. The Zimbabwe Heads of Christian Denominations said they wanted to make it clear to the military “that it is their responsibility to ensure that human dignity and rights are respected”. The Church leaders, including Fr Frederick Chiromba, secretary-general of the Zimbabwe Catholic Bishops’ Conference, said the country could use this crisis as an opportunity and called for a national dialogue. Noting that “we are in a new situation”, the Church leaders said that Zimbabwe’s “real deterioration has been visible for everyone to see for a long time”. However, they said, there is “no chasm that is too big not to be crossed through the power of reconciliation”, warning that “without reconciliation and openness to a

process of shared national envisioning, we are all doomed”. The situation can be used “as an opportunity for us to find one another to build something that is permanently healing for our nation”, they said. “We see the current situation not just as a crisis in which we are helpless. We see the current arrangement as an opportunity for the birth of a new nation. Our God created everything out of chaos and we believe something new could emerge out of our situation,” they said. “But first we must properly define our problem. Proper naming of the problem will give us a clear sense of where we must go as a nation.” They cited as some of these problems a loss of trust “in the legitimacy of our national processes and institutions”; a concern that “there seems to be no clear distinction between the ruling party and the government”; a failure to address the root causes of poverty; and “a gen-

eral feeling that the wheels of democracy have become stuck in the mud of personalised politics where the generality of the citizenry plays an insignificant role”. “It is this lack of democratic renewal and the resulting stagnation, sterility and fatigue that has culminated in the current situation,” the Church leaders said.


owever, they said, the fault resides not only with government—and even Church leaders must bear some blame. “All of us at some point failed to play our roles adequately. The Church has lost its prophetic urge, driven by personality cults and superstitious approaches to socio-economic and political challenges,” the Church leaders said. “Civil society over time has become focused on survival and competition and lost the bigger picture of the total emancipation of the population,” they noted. Some journalists have also “fanned the politics of hatred by

giving it prime space in the name of sales and profits”, the Church leaders said. “In a way, all Zimbabweans must take some level of blame for our current situation.” They called Zimbabwe to “a moment of prayer for repentance, deep reflection and discernment”. “We all need to go before God and ask God to forgive us for ways in which we contributed to the situation through neglect or wrong action.” They concluded: “We can either take the current situation as a mere crisis to be resolved by a winnertakes-all mentality or we use this as an opportunity for us to find one another to build something that is permanently healing for our nation. “The first option spells disaster for us and future generations. The second option allows us to embrace our situation as a Kairos, an opportunity given to us by God to dream together that another Zimbabwe is possible!”

Bishop Abel Gabuza of Kimberley, who chairs the Southern African Catholic Bishops’ Conference Justice & Peace Commission, said the political crisis “is the price one pays when the democratic process has been undermined for so long”. “We hope a resolution is found soon,” Bishop Gabuza said, noting that the southern African region needs a “politically and economically stable Zimbabwe”. Danisa Khumalo, director of the Denis Hurley Peace Institute in Pretoria, told Catholic News Service that Zimbabweans “are desperate for change”. Referring to the country’s economic crisis, he said that “people with degrees are standing on the side of Harare’s streets selling airtime, if they haven’t yet managed to get out of the country”. “Zimbabweans are becoming more and more impoverished,” he said, noting, “Zimbabwe doesn’t even have its own currency, and obtaining cash is very difficult now.”

‘Mercy and kindness’ win the day BY ERIN CARELSE

T HOPE Cape Town, an outreach programme for people with HIV/Aids based at Tygerberg Hospital, will be featured on SABC3’s Expresso Show.



N outreach programme led by a priest will feature on SABC3’s Expresso Show on December 1 to mark World Aids Day. HOPE Cape Town and its goodwill ambassador Katlego Maboe will be on the popular breakfast show as part of the 20th anniversary of MySchool MyVillage MyPlanet, one of South Africa’s biggest community-fundraising programmes. MySchool MyVillage MyPlanet is working with the Expresso Show to create inserts highlighting selected beneficiaries of the programme. One of these selected beneficiaries is HOPE Cape Town. HOPE Cape Town was founded in 2001 by the German-speaking Catholic Community of the Cape Peninsula under the leadership of thenchaplain Fr Stefan Hippler. Based at Tygerberg Hospital, its aim is to directly address HIV/Aids and related illnesses by providing access to education, treatment and ongoing support within the existing provincial and municipal health structures. HOPE Cape Town works through partnerships with the national department of health, tertiary institutions, other non-profit organisations, community-based organisations, and the communities themselves. Besides Tygerberg, the organisation also assists in 17 different clinics and runs a community project in Blikkiesdorp. Alongside ARV treatment, HOPE Cape Town hosts an early childhood development programme, where caregivers are shown practical ways to stimulate their children and practise their new skills in a supervised environment. n HOPE Cape Town will feature on the Expresso Show on Monday, December 1 on SABC3.

HIRTY young girls from the Ububele bridging school project run by St Theresa’s School in Rosebank, Johannesburg, were awarded certificates at an end-of-year function. St Theresa’s started Ububele in 2015 for girls from a less-resourced government primary school, and teaches pupils from Parktown Public School and the Salvation Army’s Strathyre Girls’ Home in Kensington who are struggling in Grade 1. Ububele social responsibility director Geri Dal Col explained that it is important for pupils in the foundation phase to understand things like literacy and numeracy, so that they don’t struggle in Grades 2 and 3. “Once they grasp the basics, it will really help them moving forward,” she said. Ububele, isiZulu for “mercy and kindness”, is a fitting trib-

ute to St Theresa’s founders, the Sisters of Mercy, Ms Dal Col said. Mercy schools’ core values include global responsibility, compassion, and partnerships. She said St Theresa’s students and staff working in Ububele were directly putting into practice one of the central beliefs of Catherine McAuley, the founder of the Sisters of Mercy, who said no work of charity could be more productive to society than “the careful instruction of women”. Ububele runs on Saturday mornings for about 20 weeks of the year. The young girls have classes in English, maths and IT, as well as life skills such as swimming, netball, beading, knitting, self-defence, public speaking, yoga, crafts and so on. “We’re so proud of the girls, and really wanted to make the end-of-year party a celebration of their achievements and hard

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Grade 1s who attend the bridging programme run by St Theresa’s School in Johannesburg received end-of-year certificates. work,” said Ms Dal Col. Apart from pizza, cupcakes and cooldrinks, the girls also enjoyed a jumping castle and

“had an early visit from Father Christmas who gave each of them something small”, Ms Dal Col said.




The Southern Cross, November 22 to November 28, 2017


Pope: Couples need help following their conscience BY CINDY WOODEN


ARRIAGE and family life are blessings for individuals and for society, but both are filled with difficult choices that Catholic couples must be helped to face prayerfully and in the light of their consciences, Pope Francis said. Unfortunately, too many people today confuse a rightly formed conscience with personal preferences dominated by selfishness, the pope said in a video message to an Italian meeting on Amoris Laetitia, his exhortation on the family. “The contemporary world risks confusing the primacy of conscience, which is always to be respected, with the exclusive autonomy of the individual”, even when the individual’s decisions affect his or her marriage and family life, the pope said. Repeating a remark he had made to the Pontifical Academy for Life, Pope Francis said, “There are those who even speak of ‘egolatry’, that is, the true worship of the ego on whose altar everything, including the dearest affections, are sacrificed.” Confusing conscience with selfishness “is not harmless”, the pope said. “This is a ‘pollution’ that corrodes souls and confounds minds and hearts, producing false illusions.” The conference, sponsored by

the Italian bishops’ conference, was focused on “conscience and norm” in Pope Francis’ apostolic exhortation. Diagnosing problems in the Church’s outreach to married couples and families, Pope Francis had written: “We have long thought that simply by stressing doctrinal, bioethical and moral issues, without encouraging openness to grace, we were providing sufficient support to families, strengthening the marriage bond and giving meaning to marital life. “We also find it hard to make room for the consciences of the faithful, who very often respond as best they can to the Gospel amid their limitations, and are capable of carrying out their own discernment in complex situations,” he wrote in Amoris Laetitia. “We have been called to form consciences, not to replace them.”


n his message to the meeting in Rome, Pope Francis said the Catholic Church must strengthen its programmes “to respond to the desire for family that emerges in the soul of the young generations” and to help couples once they are married. “Love between a man and a woman is obviously among the most generative human experiences; it is the leaven of a culture of encounter, and introduces to the present world an injection of

sociality,” he said. Marriage and family life are “the most effective antidote against the individualism that currently runs rampant”, he said, but it does not do one any good to pretend that marriage and family life are free from situations requiring difficult choices. “In the domestic reality, sometimes there are concrete knots to be addressed with prudent conscience on the part of each,” he said. “It is important that spouses, parents, not be left alone, but accompanied in their commitment to applying the Gospel to the concreteness of life.” Conscience, he said, always has God’s desire for the human person as its ultimate reference point. “In the very depths of each one of us, there is a place wherein the ‘Mystery’ reveals itself, and illuminates the person, making the person the protagonist of his story,” he said. “Conscience, as the Second Vatican Council recalls, is this ‘most secret core and sanctuary of a man. There he is alone with God, whose voice echoes in his depths’.” Each Christian, the pope said, must be “vigilant so that in this kind of tabernacle there is no lack of divine grace, which illuminates and strengthens married love and the parental mission”.—CNS

Pope Francis autographs a Lamborghini presented by the Italian carmaker at the Vatican. The car will be auctioned and the proceeds given to charity. (Photo: L’Osservatore Romano/CNS)

Lebanese cardinal visits Saudi Arabia


EBANESE Cardinal Bechara Rai, patriarch of Maronite Catholics, concluded a historic visit to Saudi Arabia, the first such visit of a cardinal or Maronite patriarch to the Muslim kingdom that bans the practice of other religions. The visit came following the shock resignation of Lebanon’s prime minister, Saad Hariri, announced from Saudi Arabia. Cardinal Rai met with Saudi King Salman and Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman and separately with Mr Hariri.

Cardinal Rai, meeting with Lebanese expatriates in Riyadh after his arrival, said: “Despite the crises, the brotherly relationship that gathers Lebanon and Saudi Arabia is always present.” He assured them that “Lebanon will survive as long as Muslim-Christian coexistence is there.” Cardinal Rai stressed that “nothing can affect Lebanese-Saudi relations, and this is what we heard today from the Saudi king, crown prince and Prince Bandar. They all maintain their love and support for Lebanon.”—CNS

Tanzanian bishop for Vatican


VACANCY FOR CO-DIRECTOR (FINANCE & FUND RAISING) Location Cape Town, Commencing 1 April 2018

RDSP is an Associate Body of the SACBC and is seeking a Co-Director to take responsibility for its fund raising, financial management and profiling. The successful candidate would work closely with the Co-Director (Programmes & HR). RDSP, established in 1992, has a vision of productive and caring rural communities living with dignity. Our goal is that rural organisations bring about change in their communities by providing services and initiating development programmes. Our core business is capacity building of these rural organisations. We are based in Cape Town and Bhisho but work nationally, with a focus on the Northern, Western & Eastern Cape. We have specialised in the fields of gender-based/family violence, substance abuse and youth leadership.

MAIN AREAS OF RESPONSIBILITY 1. Guidance on development issues & strategic decision-making. 2. Fund raising, networking & profiling 3. Participation in planning, monitoring & evaluation (PME) 4. Financial management, budgeting & accountability. hours of work: 25-30 hours/week

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If you would like to apply for this post, please email a detailed CV & motivation letter, including your salary expectation, to ruraldev@mweb.co.za. Please include your email address. Closing date: 12 January 2018 Please note that there is no relocation allowance attached to this position. Only suitably qualified/experienced applicants who also fulfil RDSP’s employment equity needs will be considered. If you have not received an emailed response within 30 days of the closing date please consider your application unsuccessful.

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OPE Francis has appointed a Tanzanian bishop as secretary of the Congregation for the Evangelisation of Peoples.. This makes Archbishop Rugambwa, 57, second in the congregation that deals with the Church in mission territories, including Africa, behind Italian Cardinal Fernando Filoni, 71. Archbishop Protase Rugambwa was born in Bunena, Tanzania, in 1960, and ordained a priest of the diocese of Rulenge in 1990. He served as a parochial vicar, a seminary lecturer, and a hospital chaplain. He obtained a doctorate in pastoral theology from the Pontifical Lateran University in 1998. In 2008 he was consecrated bishop of Kigoma, where he served until he was transferred to the Congregation for the Evangelisation of Peoples in 2012.—CNA

The Southern Cross, November 22 to November 28, 2017


Pope: Nun killed in ISIS captive: I won’t stop until I bring justice Somalia is a martyr






HE day she succeeded in her fourth attempt to escape six months of daily rape by her ISIS captors, Iraqi teen Ekhlas Khudur Bajoo made a vow. “I promised myself not to stop until I brought justice. I’m fighting for all women and minority groups inside Iraq,” she said. Ms Bajoo, now 17, told a UN forum she sees herself as a symbol of hope for religious and ethnic minorities victimised by ISIS. She is a Yezidi, an ancient ethnoreligious minority indigenous to what is now northern Iraq. ISIS militants attacked Yezidis in August 2014, when Ms Bajoo was 14. They kidnapped 6 000 women and girls and killed 5 800, including Ms Bajoo’s father. Using the common Arabic name for ISIS, Ms Bajoo said through an interpreter: “We want justice for the Daesh perpetrators, that they will be held accountable. What happened to us was a genocide. We want safety so we can live in peace.” A receptive, capacity crowd heard Ms Bajoo, UN ambassadors and leaders of aid organisations and a former Syrian captive discuss “Peace, Reconciliation and Justice: The Future of Religious and Ethnic Minorities Victimised by Daesh” at a conference organised by the Vatican’s Permanent Observer Mission to the UN. “Gabi,” a 48-year-old Syrian Christian man whose identity was obscured in a taped interview, described being abducted and prepared for beheading for being “an infidel Christian”. He said his status as a husband and father apparently persuaded his captors to settle for a cash payment from his family in lieu of his execution. He was blindfolded, handcuffed and fitted with an explosive belt for his ride to freedom. Archbishop Bernardito Auza, the Vatican’s permanent observer to the UN, said: “The international community must respond to the outrages systematically committed by

Ekhlas Khudur Bajoo during a forum at UN headquarters in New York. Ms Bajoo, kidnapped at 14 by ISIS in Iraq, said she sees herself as a symbol of hope for religious and ethnic minorities victimised by Daesh, as the terror movement is known in Arabic. (Photo: United Nations) Daesh with a rock-solid resolve to prevent similar future abominations from recurring. “Those entrusted with protecting the innocent and safeguarding respect for fundamental human rights must live up to their indispensable and inescapable responsibility to defend those in danger of suffering atrocity crimes,” he said.


onathan Allen, deputy permanent representative of the United Kingdom to the United Nations, said it would be a mistake to think recent losses by ISIS mean that the job of the world community is complete. There must be “no hiding place” for those who perpetrate evil, he said. “Where countries work together, it’s harder for poisonous ideologies to take root,” Mr Allen said. The community of nations must work together, but each is responsible for a localised, effective approach to identify and monitor citizens who “try to slip away” to fight with ISIS, he said. “Very few of our countries are untouched by Daesh,” Mr Allen said. “People from almost 120 countries are fighting with Daesh in Iraq.” He asked what will happen

when they return to their home countries. Archbishop Auza said religious leaders “have a grave and specific duty to confront and condemn the abuse of religious belief and sentiment to justify violence and terrorism against believers of other religions”. These leaders “must constantly and unequivocally affirm that no one can justly kill in God’s name and say a clear and adamant ‘no’ to every form of violence, vengeance and hatred carried out supposedly in the name of God or religion.” The archbishop and other speakers said the effort to defeat, punish and disband ISIS must be concurrent with the eradication of hateful ideologies that motivate extremist groups.— Michael Farris, CEO of Alliance Defending Christians, said people must see the relationship between seemingly lesser crimes and the unspeakable ones such as genocide. When smaller crimes are tolerated, including those based on religion, it becomes acceptable to inflict larger human rights violations, he said. Nonetheless, when crimes cannot be prevented, they must be punished, he said.—CNS

OPE Francis has formally recognised the martyrdom of an Italian Consolata Sister murdered in Somalia in 2006 and the martyrdom of a 25-year-old priest in Hungary in 1957. The Vatican announced the pope’s decisions along with news that he had declared Pope John Paul I “venerable” and had advanced five other sainthood causes. In the case of the two martyrs, the pope’s recognition clears the way for their beatification, the step before canonisation. Sr Leonella Sgorbati and her bodyguard were gunned down as they left the children’s hospital where she worked in Mogadishu. Their deaths in September 2006 came amid rising tensions in the Muslim world over a speech thenPope Benedict XVI had given in Regensburg, Germany, quoting a Christian emperor’s criticism of Islam. Most Islamic leaders in Somalia condemned the killing, emphasis-

Consolata Sister Leonella Sgorbati gunned down in Mogadishu, Somalia in 2006, has been declared a martyr by Pope Francis. (Photo: Carlo Di Renzo, EPA/CNS) ing that Sr Sgorbati was dedicating her efforts to the Somali people. She was 65 at the time, had worked in Africa for 35 years and had been in Somalia since 2001.— CNS

French cardinal dies at 86


MAJOR proponent of interreligious dialogue, tolerance and respect, French Cardinal Bernard Panafieu, the retired archbishop of Marseille, has died at the age of 86. The son of a bank executive, Cardinal Panafieu was born on January. 26, 1931, in Chatellerault, a small city in central France, and ordained a priest in 1956. He split his ministry as a high school and university chaplain and parish priest. He was named auxiliary bishop of the Annecy diocese in 1974, archbishop of Aix in 1978 and archbishop of Marseille in 1995. Pope John Paul II made him a cardinal in 2003 at the age of 72. As archbishop, Cardinal Panafieu spoke out about business policies that increased poverty in

southern France, criticising the practice of companies m o v i n g abroad as “reducing man to a merchandise” and provoking “desperate competition” for scarce resources. As a member of Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue and head of the French bishops’ interfaith committee, Cardinal Panafieu also worked to build bridges with all religions and promote tolerance despite the existence of religious fanaticism on all sides. —CNS

Pope writes to blind soldier: I keep your cap above my altar BY MANUEL RUEDA


OPE Francis sent a handwritten letter to a Colombian soldier who lost his sight during the country’s civil war. The pope met Edwin Restrepo, a retired marine, during his September visit to Colombia. Mr Restrepo then received the letter, in which the pope thanked him for his sacrifice during Colombia’s armed conflict. The pope also told the veteran he was still holding on to his “touching” gift. When Pope Francis visited a Colombian airbase in September, he greeted soldiers and police officers maimed during the war. When the pope walked by Mr Restrepo and shook his hand, the marine bent his head forward, asked for the pope’s blessing and asked him to take his military cap. Their conversation lasted only a minute. “He gave me a rosary,” Mr Restrepo recalled. “So I told him I wanted to give him something that represents our military forces, and there was nothing better I could think of than my cap.” In his letter, Pope Francis said he held on to the cap during his trip to Colombia because it reminded him of the “sacrifice” and “patriotism” of

Pope Francis greets Edwin Restrepo, a retired marine in Colombia. Mr Restrepo received a handwritten letter from the pontiff. (Photo: Colombian Navy/CNS) Colombian soldiers who have fought in the country’s recently finished war with Marxist guerrillas. The pope told Mr Restrepo that he now keeps the hat above an altar in his small office in Rome. He provided a

picture of the hat and the altar. “I often pray there,” the pope said in his letter. “And every time I do, I pray for you, and for your fallen and injured colleagues.” Mr Restrepo lost his left leg, part of his right hand and his sight in 2004, when he stepped on a land mine during a patrol in rural Colombia. He was only 19 at the time and was completing compulsory military service. The former marine said he was taken aback with the pope’s gesture, especially because he never told the pontiff his name. Pope Francis was able to track Mr Restrepo down though with the help of Colombian Church officials. “I never expected this,” Mr Restrepo said. “I think it is one of the most beautiful gestures that I’ve experienced.” Mr Restrepo said he will frame the letter and place it in his small studio, along with the rosary that the pope gave him. Though he lost his sight, Mr Restrepo now reads in Braille and is completing a law degree. “I want to keep helping the members of our military,” he said. “There are many who haven’t received proper pensions, and I want to litigate on their behalf.”—CNS


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The Southern Cross,November 22 to November 28, 2017


Editor: GĂźnther Simmermacher Guest editorial by Fr Ralph de Hahn

Christ the liberator offers his Kingdom


HE Gospel makes it abdunantly clear that Jesus proclaimed an eternal kingdom not only after death, but also “here among you...even in your midstâ€?—invincible, incorruptible and infinite. The book of Daniel presents a powerful message where all the worldly kingdoms and empires of wealth and power—symbolised by iron, bronze, earthenware, silver and gold—are shattered and replaced by “a kingdom which will last foreverâ€? (2:44). The book of Revelation also confirms that “the kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and his Christ, one that will reign for ever and everâ€? (11:15). In Luke’s account of the Annunciation, the archangel tells the Virgin Mary that “of his kingdom there will be no endâ€?. Her Son, the Living Bread from heaven, promised that those “who eat of this Bread will live foreverâ€?. And at the tomb of Lazarus, Jesus tells Martha that he is the Resurrection, and those who believe in him will live forever. And where will they live? In this kingdom which is eternal (Jn 11:25). In Matthew’s Gospel on the Last Judgment, Jesus as king welcomes those “whom my Father has blessed‌come and possess the kingdom prepared for you since the foundation of the worldâ€? (Mt 25:34). He assures his believers that when he ascends to his Father in the heavenly kingdom, “I will prepare a place for you, and will return to take you with meâ€? (Jn 14). We have sufficient biblical evidence that there is an eternal and heavenly kingdom. Jesus planted the seed by proclaiming that the “kingdom of God is among you‌ in your very midstâ€? (Lk 17:21). The nature of this earthly kingdom was very different to the one anticipated by the synagogue church of Israel. It was one destined to become universal, embracing “even the least of my brothers and sistersâ€?. It was in the synagogue of Nazareth that Christ boldly declared: “The Spirit of the Lord has been given to me, for he has anointed meâ€? (Lk 4:18). And why?

“To set my people free!â€? Christ the King proclaims the Good News to the poor, the downtrodden, the vulnerable, the homeless and the hungry; to give new sight to the blind at heart, and to cry from the rooftops that blessed indeed are the poor in spirit, the merciful, the pure in heart, the gentle and humble, those who thirst and hunger for truth, justice and peace, to those who are childlike, “for it is to such as these that the kingdom of God belongsâ€?. St Paul sums this up beautifully: “He has taken us out of the power of darkness and created a place for us in the kingdom of the Son whom he loves, and in him we gain our freedomâ€? (Col 1:13). The true disciples of this kingdom would be “the salt of the earth and a new light to the worldâ€? (Mt 5:13-16). They would be expected to learn from the stories of the Good Samaritan and the father of the Prodigal son. Love and forgiveness are keynotes in this kingdom. The King desires to rule over our hearts, our emotions, our human society and our sexuality. There would be no place in this kingdom for the rich for “they have had their rewardâ€?. The very rich young man of Mark’s Gospel, although obedient to all the commandments, was gently told to “give your money to the poor and you will have treasure in heaven‌ and come follow meâ€? (10:21). For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. We subjects of the earthly kingdom—the Church on earth—render obedience to the heavenly kingdom when we pray: “Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.â€? Like the Master himself, his Church on earth is both divine and human; it is a truly unique kingdom. We are called to “seek first the kingdom of God and his justiceâ€?, and he will provide all that is needed for our salvation. We have a King of many surprises for he already warns us that “the first will be last and the last will be firstâ€?. Therein resides our comfort and our obligation.

The Editor reserves the right to shorten or edit published letters. Letters below 300 words receive preference. Pseudonyms are acceptable only under special circumstances and at the Editor’s discretion. Name and address of the writer must be supplied. No anonymous letter will be considered.

Prepare for greatest journey T HE teaching of Jesus was often strengthened by his use of parables. These parables were stories encapsulating the life and times of the people living in the age of Jesus and the disciples—shepherds, fishermen, tax collectors, and the like. In this way it was easier for the many simple folk to relate and understand more fully the messages and teachings of Christ. Christ the King loves us and is yearning for us to accept his love and to love one another as he loves us. That is why he wanted to simplify his message as much as possible. It was to ensure that people would grasp the teachings from the similarity in the parables to the daily happenings in the lives of those living in that era. In the Gospel of the feast of Christ the King (Mt 25:31-46), the requirements and rules of preparation are spelt out; how necessary it is for us to do this, and the consequences of not preparing. There’s a story about a young couple who decide to travel to Europe to visit some of the continent’s many great cities. Our excited couple acquire a number of travel guides from the local travel agent and are paging through these colourful books. The adventure has begun! Or has it? Each week the couple visit the travel agent and talk about their pending trip to Europe and the places they are to visit. After about six visits the agent grows concerned. No final plans seem to be forthcoming from the prospective travellers. No discussions on the booking of flights, dates, times, final destinations—

Life in the Spirit


APPLAUD those who realise the importance and necessity of the Holy Spirit in their lives. Allow me to comment on John Lee’s letter in respect to baptism of the Spirit (October 11). The expression per se occurs only seven times in the New Testament. Six are quotations of John the Baptist’s words, “I baptise you with water; but he who is mightier than I is coming, the thong of whose sandals I am not worthy to untie; he will baptise you with the Holy Spirit and with fire�, a promise fulfilled at Pentecost.

nothing. The agent politely enquires about the necessary arrangements, which obviously need to be discussed. But the couple are quite offended. Why would the agent want to know the dates of departures and arrivals? Surely they can go whenever they like. The travel agent, not wanting to upset potential customers, continues to courteously explain that there are certain things that need to take place in order to procure such a tour. Things like the availability of flights, obtaining passports and visas, bus tours, what cities are to be visited, how long the various stays would be, and so on.


he couple now get irate: “Surely there are planes leaving for Europe every day? All we need to do is to go to the airport and get a flight overseas. And why would we need passports or visas and all that nonsense? “When we get to London we’ll just catch whichever bus to Paris suits us and then go on from there. “We have money to pay and we are going to Europe. In fact we don’t need you or your silly old books. We went to school and we know all about the capitals of the world.� Is this a familiar story? Could anyone be as foolish as these two young folk? Our immediate reaction is probably “no�. How can anyone expect to go on holiday without proper planning? Everyone knows what needs to be done and only an idiot would try to do otherwise. Can we arrive at the airport and Opinions expressed in The Southern Cross, especially in Letters to the Editor, do not necessarily reflect the views of the Editor or staff of the newspaper, or of the Catholic hierarchy. Letters can be sent to PO Box 2372, Cape Town 8000 or editor@scross.co.za or faxed to 021 465-3850

1 Cor 12:13 emphasises that all of us have been baptised by one Spirit and have been given the one Spirit to drink. During an Alpha Course, candidates ask to be filled with the Holy Spirit.(See Lk 11:9-13.) Prior to receiving the Holy Spirit, people confess anything that would

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inhibit the Spirit’s indwelling, they renew their baptism vows, and commit themselves to Christ. They are invited to request any special gifts, such as healing, speaking in tongues, and so on. Many candidates collapse as the Spirit fills them, they feel the warmth of the Spirit, and are rendered motionless, for a few minutes. Their first words are thanks to the Creator. The Holy Spirit will influence them from that moment on. I have personally experienced this and have also attended a Life in the Spirit seminar, where much the same happens. John Driver, Daveyton

A Christmas Gift to Remember

Some Christmas gifts are soon forgotten. Have The Southern Cross sent to someone you care about as a Christmas gift EVERY WEEK by taking out a CHRISTMAS GIFT SUBSCRIPTION to

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demand a flight? Can we meet St Peter at the gate and demand entrance? Can we live our lives without Jesus our King, and then expect some priest to write up a quick visa at our deathbed? Do we expect God to accept those last-minute prayers as being a sufficient passport to heaven? Seasoned travellers will tell about the arduous boarding checkins, passport controls and so on, all of which they are prepared for. If we, foolish people, never ignore the normal requirements of this life, why is it that we can so easily ignore the mandatory requirements of getting to the next? God loves us and pleads with us to wake up before our sleep overwhelms us with the stupidity and ignorance which the devil wishes for us. There is no alternative or Plan B to conclude this life. There is only one you, one God and one heaven. So, let’s get out the catalogue and plan for the greatest trip of our lives. Soon we will find that even the planning is part of a wonderful adventure filled with such good things. We’re on the magnificent journey to eternal life as told by Jesus, our King. No one is promised a tomorrow; but tomorrow a journey must be made. Be sure that your visas and passports are up-to-date and valid, for soon we will arrive at the heavenly immigration officer, the King of our journey, who is waiting to stamp our passports with: “Come, take your place, prepared for you— and for which you also prepared so well.� Tony Meehan, Cape Town

A Gift that will nourish the Spirit

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VERITAS NEWS December 2017

A Message of Hope & Good News T

he year 2017 has unfortunately been a very destructive year.

form the lives and consciences of our people and be the most powerful instrument Globally we have seen war and threats It is into this kaleidoscope of chaos that of war in different parts of the world. We we as a Church have to address a message of to do, namely, to evangelise - to facilitate have seen landslides, destructive hurri- Ǧ ϐ the message of the gospel permeating the canes in the Americas, and earthquakes. Ǥ fabric of the lives of people. We, in Catholic Many countries have experienced disturb- time when he reached out with good news radio, believe this deeply. This message is ing political unrest and shady elections. In to those who were being oppressed by the our ongoing breaking news bringing light, ϐ religious and state authorities. We have to joy and hope into a darkened world. ǡ ϐ - use all the means at our disposal to inject This was the message that the Angels burg, extreme drought, political unrest and new life into our situation which is crying brought at the birth of Christ and which crippling corruption, ongoing protests, es- out for the birthing of God’s kingdom. was heard and experienced by simple shepcalating costs of transport, food, water and herds and which transformed the lives of If we don’t do this, it makes little sense electricity, and a relegation to junk status. the poor and marginalised in the ministry Ongoing crime, murder and assaults are to pray “Thy kingdom come”. Ǥ ϐ As Catholics we are blessed with many with wonder and delight. What an incredthe order of the day. All very depressing. We are blessed to live in one of the most in high places in government. We have ible powerhouse of evangelisation we are! beautiful countries of the world. Alas, all many Catholic journalists and business Christmas is upon us. In Christ, God has is not well in this beloved country. Many people. Unfortunately, the sound and rel- burst into our world as the light of the naare being driven to emigrate to greener evant teaching of the Church is either not tions and the hope of people. Those whose pastures, taking with them the expertise known by some of them, or is seldom spo- lives he touched by his message were the we so desperately need here. Our politi- ken. Our Catholic conscience and convic- poor, the rejected and marginalised and cal leaders, acutely aware of this pervad- Ǥ those who were humble enough to get off ing cancer, are trying to put on a smile to have cried out “alas for you hypocrites”! their pedestals and walk with him. encourage us and tourists. Politically we Politics and money have become more This is what it means to be a disciple of are more divided than ever with constant important than consciences formed by Ǥ cries for the President to step down. good Catholic values and standards. This truth needs to penetrate the darkness Thanks be to God, there are voices of It hardly needs saying that the media and destructiveness of the world we live in. reason and hope in the midst of chaos. - the printed word, social media, radio or Before God, we are all called to bring this From the ranks of the Dominican Order in television - is practically the most formalight into the darkness and we in Catholic the Catholic Church came the call for an ϐ investigation into state capture which has adays. Catholic media is thus one of the radio are here to help you do this more effectively. become part of our everyday vocabulary. most important instruments we have to

By Fr Emil Blaser OP

We wish you and your families a very Happy and Holy Christmas and every blessing for the New Year. - Fr Emil Blaser OP & all at Radio Veritas

Do Something NOW!

Radio Veritas needs your help NOW. Please help us in the following ways:

* Forwarding us a little donation towards defraying the expenses of this mailing; * Increasing or doubling your monthly contribution * Finding ONE other person or group to make a monthly contribution of at least R100 Do something now and complete the coupon on Page 3, or contact Lucia at 011 6634700 or email her at lucia@radioveritas.co.za Thank you and may God bless you and your family!

Farewell, Jean Jones

Journalism School



She was a Methodist and often expressed the wish of becoming a Catholic. She accidentally came upon Radio Veritas ϐ Ǩ loved Radio Veritas and Father Emil and never ceased to speak well of us and was a frequent caller on air. A large number of Radio Veritas listeners were present at her funeral at which Father Emil preached. She leaves behind many happy memories, one of which was during our recent telethon when she phoned in and said that she was contributing R190 – R100 as

We have always tried to reach out to young journalists but found that they have very little basic knowledge of their faith. A facility became available at Radio Veritas which we have been able to transform into a serviceable classroom. This was made possible by an anonymous donor through EWTN. A business plan and budget has been drawn up and we are approaching a possible donor to assist us. The school will be open to local aspiring journalists as well as candidates from other countries in Africa.

his year one of our staunchest supporters, Jean Jones, died at the age of 90.

ver the years we at Radio Veritas have become aware of the sad lack of knowledge journalists have of the Catholic Church.

a donation from a pensioner and R1 for every year of her life! ǡ ǡ derful friend and supporter. Rest in the peace of the Lord whom you loved so dearly and with whom we have no doubt you are with right now.

The course will provide basic radio journalism skills and the basic knowledge of the Catholic faith. We have also been dialoguing with EWTN and St Augustine’s Ǥ also being planned. Local professional radio journalists will provide the necessary input.

New Logo for Radio V Veritas eritas


adio Veritas Veritas, South Africa’s only Catholic Radio Station recenttly unveiled its brand new logo. as a result of the station’s It comes o d ision deci i to appeal to a wider audien nce and to increase its general visib bility within the local community y radio station environment. Th he new logo is designed to evoke emotionss of faith, faith, patriotism and belonging. Exxecutive Director of Radio V Ver eritas, Fr. Emil Blaser OP P,, said: “Unveiling this new logo has been one of my proudest moments here att Radio Veritas. Being a faith-based radio o station, we cater to a niche audience

and we are hoping that with our new look ϐ cantly. It’s time that more people get to hear the Good News - For a Change.” Radio Veeritas wanted to ensure that the new logo portrayed Catholic symbolism, South Africa and the station’s values ϐ sion, growth and proffessionalism Finally; the logo had to be timeless and memorable. The white centre of the logo represents the Host (Body of Christ) used at Mass. The vertical staff with cross and hook represents a bishop’s Crozierr. The R in the

Mattters Financial


t is a sad truth in these times that y,, be it a family, a business, no entity or even a church, can operate without adequate funding. And a Catholic radio station is no exception! The chart on the right shows just what our monthly revenues and expenditures are, and the shortffall we have every month. ϐ Radio Veritas, e and what we are doing to ensure that we overcome that shortffall and continue to bring you the Good News - ffor or a Change!



e are happy to infform orm you of considerable amounts of money raised during the year ffor or Radio V Veritas. eritas. Howeverr, please keep in mind that to run Radio Veritas costs in excess of R 500,000 PER MONTH. We are very grateful to approximately 2000 donors who contribute about R 300 000 per month. The truth is that if it were not ffor or these generous people Radio V Veritas eritas would not exist. For this reason we are asking each of these 2000 donors to try and enlist just ONE more donor to contribute at least R100 per month. This would result in us being able to cover our monthly costs fair fairly com Ǥ ǡ ϐ commitment fform orm either on our website or the fform orm contained in this newsletterr.



his is a fundraising tool which we haven’t used for some years.

However this yearr, a Telethon was held on air which realised more than R600 000, thanks to our generous donors, friends and listeners. It was hard work encouraging listeners to phone in with pledges but it paid off in the end. One generous donor contributed R250 000! While the amount realised is truly sig ϐ ǡ ments to Sentech. Then ….. we are back to square one again! Unffortunat ortunately, we are very dependent on special fundraising events. A big thank you to all who participated in the studio and to our generous donors Again, donors. ain the network of Men in Christ, led to many pledges made.


Lenten Appeal

he Southern African Catholic Bishops’ Confference has reported a slight increase in this year’s Lenten Appeal. Radio Veeritas is very grateful to the Catholics of South Africa for their generosity and to the bishops and organisers of the Lenten Appeal fo or another gener-

Th he C Competition ompetition drra aw: Ly Lydia Orsmond, F Frr Emil, and audit itor Jerem my Grist ous contribution c of R400 000. The total amou unt of money received this year is a great tribute to the Catholics of South Af ϐϐ Ǥ total received was in excess of R10m.



u ur annual competition was Ǥ ning ticket entitled two people to accompany Fr Brian on a pilgrimage to Fatima and Spain in Octoberr., and 2000 tickets were av available at R250. Unffortunately we never reached that target but miraculously, in our present economic climate, we managed to sell 1050! A big thank you to all concerned and a big thank you to Lydia Orsmond and her team ffor or managing the competition. The competition was won by Maggie Robinson who was speechless when informed that she had won. The pilgrimage is a joint venture of The Southern Cross and Radio Veeritas.

being chosen to do d this trip.Therree is no doubt in m myy mind that this is going to be a life-changing eexperienc x xperienc e for us. Thank you! Th hank you! Thank you, Lorrd! Oh, wh hat a beautiful da ay!” y!” Here are some of the responses received from listeneers: * Thank you. ou It was such fun listening to Mag ggie’s response (and that Father Brian was nervous and prrayed to the Hollyy SSpirit!) pirit!) (Christine) * Co ongratulations ns to the winnerr. I hope and pray that in thee future the competition will be just for the excitement of the listeners of the radio, not the desperate effort to ϔ Ǥ da ay that our radio sstation can one da ayy have enough donors to make it one of the biggest independent st s ations in South Africa.

worrd radio is the letter Rho in Greek while the V in the word V Veritas eritas fforms orms the top of the X. The bottom arms of the X represent eith her the nails which pierced the hands of Christ on the cross, or the vuvuzela, symboliic of proclamation. The X and R are, of ǡ ϐ “Chrrist” in Greek. The curved lines representt sound waves which take the message of Christ to the corners of the earth. In n a world that cries out ffor or Good News, Rad dio Veritas serves the needs of Christians ns across the board. It’s mission is “To be a sign of Christ’s love for for His people, throug o h its caring, compassionate, ffaith aithful and proffessional broadcasting.”

Income & Expenditure Average Monthly Income

410 000

Average monthly expenditure A Advertising B Bank charges Broadcast charges B Computer expenses C In nsurance Printing & postage P Refreshments R Rent R Salaries S Security S Sentech Hire Transmitter S Telephone

2 000 7 000 35 000 9 000 9 700 4 000 4 500 34 000 270 000 700 146 000 35 000


556 900

Shortfall S

146 900

Co on ngratulations to you too for hosting a succcessful competition (Tladi) * C Congr ongratulations to herr.. Ma ayy the Almig ghtty bless Radio Veritas to continue enrich hing our faith (Tiziana). * Thank you verry much, Lydia, for letting us kno k w who the winner is. This is much appreeciated. All the best for all travellers and ma ayy our Lad a dyy bless them with joy (Evelyn) * Thank you for the chance to support Rad dio V Verit eritas. Lucky Maggie! Sorrry I didn’t win n but glad to support (Fiona)

Exceptional don d ations

Maggie’s reaction on getting the news of her win! “Thank you Radio V Verit erittas South A Afric frica and The Southern C Crross for the most amazing telephone news. s I am overr-whelmed and so excited. I have never won an nything ything other than a fruit cake in my life, she said. And now God has given us the best gift of all time! Bonnie Robinson and I have just won an all expens expenses paid trip. Not just an ny y trip. This is a verry special trip! We arree going on the 100 years Pilgrimage to F Fatima atima with Father Brian Mhlanga! “I still ccannot annott believe that we won! My daughter Bonnie and I will make this trip togeth her in honourr of m my y beloved mother Beessie Joseph to rrealise ealise her wish and dream to have visited Fatima. Everryone who knew her knows how dediccated she was to Our Lad dy and The Rosarry! This trip falls over her birthda ay, too, and I just know that God and Our Lad dyy tog o eth her with all our heavenlly Angels gone before us, had a hand in us

I recentt months In nths we were overjoyed to receive donations from two sodalities. The Sacr cred Heart sodalittyy numbers thousands of members. rs. Eacch pa ays a monthlly y subscription within whicch is a R 10 donation to Radio a VerV er itas. Some of the he exeecutive came to Radio V Verit eritas and presented us with a cheque for R 50 000. Another sodalittyy, known as the K Kemolo’s emolo’s (abo ( ve with Fr Emil), prresented us with a ccheque heque for R9 000. We are verry gr g ateful to these two sod dalities for this spontaneous generositty. How wond derful it would be if everry sodalitty y would do the same! Let it also bee said that the youth group of the Boksburrg g parish spon spontaneouslly decided cided to make a monthlly y donation to Radio Verit Veritas.. How wonderful if everry youth group did the same!

Staff and volunteers


e are very grateful to our dedicated staff and volunteers for the productions and presentations during the yearr. Hours and hours of preparation go into our programmes which are appreciated by many people. A half-hour programme is pleasant and easy to listen to but one seldom realises the many hours of work that go into its production. A big thank you to all.

Veritas V e erita eritas ritas as News N ewss

Board Members

This is an important group of people whom our listeners never see or hearr. The ffoll ollowing are the trustees of Radio Veeritas: • Mrs Elizabeth Maepa (chairperson) fo ormerly head of HR at Firstrand. • Mr Chris Busschau - long-standing in management at Standard Bank. • Archbishop William Slattery - Archbishop of Pretoria and presenter of Changing Gearr.. • Father Emil Blaser OP - director of Several of our staff have been pursuing Radio Veritas. e Š‹‰Š‡” •–—†‹‡• ‹Â? ‘—”Â?ƒŽ‹•Â? ƒÂ?† ‡†‹ƒǤ • Advocate Modise Khoza - advocate at While man y peop ple appr eciat e F r K abelo Khanya Litabe and Simba Honde (bethe High Court. Mahemo’s programmes a (Dira Pharologanlow) both graduated with distinction at • Mr Andrew Masongwa - CEO of SIyo), ffew ew realise his is dedication and love for –Š‡ ‹–• Â?‹˜‡”•‹–› …Š‘‘Ž ‘ˆ ‘—”Â?ƒŽ‹•Â? MANG, an aviation company and proRadio Veritas. Veritas. Eveery second week he travels and are presently doing their Masters defeessional strategist. from his parish in n Berkly-West in the Kimgrees. Sheila Pires is pursuing a commu• ” Š”‹• ÂŽĎ?‹…Â? – MD of Learning „‡”Ž‡› ‹‘…‡•‡ –‘ ‘ŠƒÂ?Â?‡•„—”‰ –‘ †‘ ƒ Ž‹˜‡ nications degree at UNISA, while Siphiwe Strategies, chartered accountant and programme and to pre-record anotherr.. The Moloi graduated as a radio practitionerr. member of Knights of da Gama. Œ‘—”Â?‡› „› …ƒ” –ƒÂ?‡• Ď?‹˜‡ Š‘—”•Ǩ We are proud of them and trust that their • Father Stan Muyebe OP P,, provincial of achievements will enhance the Radio –Š‡ ‘Â?‹Â?‹…ƒÂ?• ƒÂ?† …‘‘”†‹Â?ƒ–‘” ‘ˆ ĆŹ at the SACBC. Veeritas product. This is a very proffessional and highFr Brian Mhlanga OP (behind Simba po wered group of people who keep us on and Khanya) came to us with an MBA and On December 8 this yearr, Father Emil the tracks. accounting degree and is now moving towill be celebrating his golden jubilee as wards a communications degree. a priest. This is truly something to celebrate although at this stage nothing is N Nosipho Radebe (above) joined us planned. If you have any ideas about how Someone we seldom hear is our Station cou uple of months ago as an intern to this could be orr should be celebrated, Managerr, Niall gain experience in news reading. She has please communicate with Mahadi Bu- Collie. Niall has proved to be a great success. She graduat- thelezi at mahadi@r di@radioveritas.co.za or a vast knowledge ed recently with an LLB. We welcome her call her on 0116634700. of community ra634700. warmly to our team and hope she will be dio. He brings to witth us ffor or a long time. the radio station great experience off other commucommu niity and commerDuring the course of the year we received ciial stations. By maany high-ranking and important visiprroffession he is a torrs at radio Veeritas. These include the ph harmacist but this he has now set aside Apostolic Nuncio, Archbishop Peter to ffocus ocus exclusively on radio and more Wells, e who is an enthusiastic supporter paarticularly as our Station Managerr. He is of Radio Veeritas. It wasn’t long after his On 1 September two Dominican brothers app pointment as Nuncio that he visited us. Over the past year our staff has been asssisted by Fr Brian as the associate Stajoined our team. They are Br Godfrey kly session with Mr An- tion Managerr.. Š‡ ‡•—‹–• ƒÂ?† ‘—”•‡Ž˜‡• ‹Â?˜‹–‡† –Š‡ involved in week Chikaura and Br Francis Amponsah. dr e w Masongw ÂƒÇĄ ƒ Š‹‰ŠŽ› “—ƒŽ‹Ď?‹‡† •–”ƒ–- Genni Rogers ‹• ‘—” „‘‘Â?Â?‡‡’‡”Ǥ —” Ď?‹international journalist and VaaticanoloBrother Francis has joined our news team egist . A pr of f es s ional strategy ffor or Radio Â?ƒÂ?…‡ ‘ˆĎ?‹…‡ ‹• Â?‡–‹…—Ž‘—•Ž› …ƒ”‡† ˆ‘” „› gist, Robert Mickens, who gav ve talks in and will be learning about being a radio V eritas has been n dr a wn up and will be her and Lucia Zwane. several places around the country y.. It is journalist. He has just graduated with dispr esent ed t o ou ur boar d for f or acceptance amazing how he is able to sniff out news Nomsa Zulu has been with uss fo or about tinction in international afffairs airs at UKZN. and implementattion in the near future. in the Vaatican long beffore this becomes tw o y ears. She cat er s f for or our ne eds ,ensurBrother Godfrey has been studying IT and a eful to Andrew w, who is public. He is presently the English editor We are very grat ing that the r adio station and its ts f facilities acilities will be helping with our database and also a new boarrd memberr, ffor or his time of the French newspaperr, La Cr Croix. are clean and tidy and is always willing to website. As most people know by now, Fr and expertise. Ou ur Tuesday sessions were oblige with a cup of tea or waterr. Nomsa The Mi nist er of W at er Affair s, Nom Brian Mhlanga joined our team as associalway ys disruptive of our programmes but comes in twice a week and we aare grateful vula Mok on y ane , w as the guest on one ate Station Manager almost two years ago. we trust that our sessions hav ve been good to her for for help and pleasantness. ss. of our Sunday y aft ernoon pr ogr ammes This brings to ffour our the number of Dominifor the future of Radio Veritas. host ed b y K enn y Phadi. She is a f erv e ent cans at Radio V Ver eritas. Another Dominican member of the St Anne’s Sodality y.. who ffeatur eatures daily on air is Sr Angela.

Radio V Veritas eritas Graduates

Long g-distance

Father Em mil - 50 Y Years ears of Ministry M

Seldom heard (or seen)


New blood


Catholic Professionals Network (CPN) By F Frr Ndabaningi B Mhlanga OP Radio Veeritas launched the CPN in Mid”ƒÂ?† ‘Â? –Š‡ Íş —Â?‡ ʹͲͳ͚Ǥĥ ƒ „‘†› ™‹–Šin the Church that will be involved in discussion and dialogue, research and promotion of Catholic involvement in all areas of society y..

Fundamental elements: • Role of Catholic proffessionals in SA and other African societies. • Role of Catholics in their particular proffessional bodies. • Role of laypeople in the Church organisationally and theologically. • Participation in the promotion of Church institutions . • Critique of povertyy, inequalityy, corruption and unemployment. • Combating racism and other prejudices.

Engage in activities: • Promotion of discussion and dialogue within the Church and, laterr, ecumenically. • Support ffor or Radio V Ver eritas and other Catholic bodies.

• Scholarships for for Catholic students at secular universities. • Promotion of research in relevant spheres and, later perhaps, a loose association of Catholic academics. • Participation in national higher-education structure debates and discussions. • Development of policy on engagement as a body in SA society and its issues.

Membership: • Catholic university graduates: full membership. • Retired Catholic graduates: non-voti membership. ing b hi • Other tertiary institutions. • Priests, Deacons, Religious. • Individual honorary membership. Possible models are the Newman Associƒ–‹‘Â? Č‹ ČŒ ƒÂ?† „‘†‹‡• ƒˆĎ?‹Ž‹ƒ–‡† ™‹–Š ƒš Romana, the international ffeder ederation of Catholic intellectuals (university students and graduates), one of the oldest international lay Catholic movements with membership from other African countries.

Bits ’n Pieces Fowler Tours

Water Several months ago at the height of the drought in the Free State we encouraged our listeners to donate water. About 14 tonnes of water was collected in plastic bottles and transported to Senekal with a parish priest and congregation were ecstatic and truly grateful for this much-needed commodity. A very big thank you to those listeners who responded so lovingly and generously.

Website Our Webmaster is Frank Nunan of SA Catholic Online (www.sacatholiconline.org). He is very dedicated to this ministry and we are grateful to him for his expertise and ideas. Naturally, if the website is not up-to-date, it is our fault not his. It is sometimes very ϐ bilities to keep feeding the website. We try but don’t always succeed and trust you understand. Please also know how much we would appreciate your ideas to improve our website.

Technical assistance Technical assistance in our studios and with all sound equipment at Radio Veritas is provided by Hein Zentgraf of Avecon. He is very much part of our team and very competent. All our computer and IT needs are supplied by Stefan Kruger whom Father Emil baptised many years ago! There is nothing that Stef doesn’t know about computers and we highly recommend him. His company is called FluidIT. Someone else who takes care of our live streaming and email facilities is Chris Grant of NetDynamix - also highly recommended.

Blankets and CDs There is a constant demand for Divine Mercy and Blessed Benedict Daswa blankets. These are available at R300. We are also the only stockists of all the CDs of David Parkes which are available at R200 each. There are six CDs. If all six are bought the cost would be R1000. The CDs of Dr Scott Hahn are also available either on our website or from our ϐ ͹ͷ Ǥ supplier of these CDs in South Africa. CDs of the Rosary are also available at R75.

This company is run by Gail Fowler. We are ϐ Catholic touring company. We collaborate with Gail on several pilgrimages each year and would encourage you to consider them if planning a pilgrimage. Costs are very reasonable and either she or a member of her family always meet with pilgrims before going on the pilgrimage and then accompany them on the pilgrimage. Radio Veritas is also supported by Fowler Tours on pilgrimages which we do together.

The Southern Cross We are more than delighted with our relationship with Gunther Simmermacher and his team at the Southern Cross. As Catholic media we walk hand in hand, supporting each other where we can. The Southern Cross has given us much support in advertising and has co-sponsored our October pilgrimage. Each week, on Friday morning at 8:30, Father Emil interviews Gunther who gives a birds eye view of the forthcoming edition of the Southern Cross. We would like to encourage you to buy your copy on Sundays at R8. This is very little to pay for a quality newspaper in comparison to what many might spend R8 on.

300 Gogos and Mkhulus celebrate Fr Emil’s Birthday


bout 300 Gogos and Mkhulus, faithful listeners to Radio Veritas, gathered Emil Blaser OP, the director of Radio Veritas on Saturday, 21 October 2017.

For some years now this event has been supported and publicised by Tshidi Ramogase, a non-Catholic and faithful listener to the radio station, who has kindly sponsored the event. ϐ Ǧ ǡ Ǧ snacks. The brass band of the national Apostolic church performed for the guests. It was interesting to note that several players were teenagers and the group performed professionally. This was a wonderful ecumenical gesture. In welcoming everybody, Tshidi, our generous host, paid a loving tribute to her mother who had died earlier in the year and who was always a welcome guest at this feast. She also thanked all those who would spent so much time in preparing this event. Unfortunately, this was to be the last annual event that she would be able to sponsor. She also welcomed the Deputy Minister of Social Services who graced us with her presence and who addressed the Gogos and Mkhulus about their pension payouts. Everyone present received from her a gift of a beautiful blanket and toiletries. Each was also given a secuAt the foot of our home page of our website rity remote which could be used in emergency. ϐ The biggest and most pleasant surCentre. This functions under the Domin- prise of the day was the arrival of the ican Order and Fr Emil is the director. famous MaCecelia choir which enterThere are many people who have a strong tained the gathering with beautiful devotion to St Martin to Porres. Every two choral pieces. months a newsletter is published and avail- The hall was very colourfully decoable on the site. We trust you will enjoy and rated and what was very obvious was be inspired by the site and newsletter. the beautiful, newly launched logo and branding of Radio Veritas. All the guests were treated to a comMany people love listening to EWTN forting neck massage and could also through the night. Their programmes are have free professional photographs very inspiring and informative and above taken of themselves. all Catholic. We believe that the popularity of EWTN is thanks to Radio Veritas which Father Emil (shown here with Tshidi has given more than ample exposure to Rmaogase) thanked everybody for being at the event and for their good wishes and this international radio station. We are generosity. He told them that all those who were donors of Radio Veritas would be grateful to them for the feed that they al- ϐ low us to broadcast. We have a good re- one more donor who would make a monthly contribution of R100 a month. He assured lationship with them through their Africa them that after being off-air for a couple of weeks due to his illness, he would soon be representative, George Wirnkar. Thanks back again on his morning show. to an EWTN anonymous donor we receive The day was a great success and much of this was due to the hard work of members of the money needed to renovate our facility staff, like Mahadi Buthelezi, Vincent Mokoena and Khanya Litabe, who, with the equipment of Radio Veritas provided background music and the very effective PA system. in preparation for our media school.

St Martin de Porres


RADIO VERITAS 88, 8th Avenue Edenvale P.O. Box 4599 1610 Edenvale Telephone: 011 663-4700 www.radioveritas.co.za

Afrikaans programming We are grateful to Fr Mokesh Morar for his weekly Afrikaans programme on Wednesday mornings at 10 o’clock. Naturally he puts a lot of work into these programmes and they are greatly appreciated by our Afrikaans speaking listeners. The programme is repeated on Sundays at 10am.

Parish website feature Our website is colourful and informative. One feature we have is very informative if you are planning your holiday. One simply clicks on the feature and types in the name of the lodge or holiday resort that you are going to and it will indicate where the closest church is with all relevant information. Keeping this feature up-to-date is a mammoth task and is work in progress.


Men in Christ

his is a group of Catholic men which originated through the inspiration and enthusiasm of Albert de Nobrega and Carlos Camara of the parish of Maria Regina in Lyttleton. There are now almost 200 members in parishes around the country. Their purpose is to bring Catholic men together to share their Catholic faith and enthusiasm for the Church. We believe every parish in the country should have such a group. It can only enhance evangelisation and the dynamic role of Catholic men in the Church. They don’t just talk about things but encourage each other in their faith and get on with it. They recently grabbed an opportunity at Radio Veritas and came together as a group to be trained in presenting a weekly radio programme. On 6 September they ϐ Ǧ Ǥ It really is a programme not to be missed between seven and nine on a Wednesday evening.

BANK DETAILS Bank: NEDBANK Account Name: Radio Veritas Branch: Cresta (Code 19 13 05) Account Number: 1913296067 Editor: Fr Emil Blaser OP Production: Frank Nunan

www.sacatholiconline.org Printed: JETLINE PRINT


Habits that make you effective L

AST month I ended with a question about how we can develop the qualities, character and skills that make us effective leaders. This month we look at habits that can make a leader an effective person, and will draw much from Stephen Covey’s book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. For a Christian leader there are two levels of personal leadership development: the providential and the personal initiative. By the providential level I mean the fact that as a Christian leader you know that God has created you for a purpose, and consequently he puts you in an environment in which you can grow as a leader and gives you the tools (including gifts) that enable you to exercise your leadership abilities. As a responsive person who is aware of your purpose in life, you take the responsibility upon yourself of developing the qualities, skills and habits that make you an effective person. Covey’s “habits” are among those I would recommend for those who want to be effective in their performance as leaders and as persons. Covey first wrote about seven habits and then wrote another book about an eighth habit which he calls “from effectiveness to greatness”. But here I will share some insight into two of Covey’s first seven habits. These are Habit 2: “Begin with the end in mind”, and Habit 7: “Sharpen the saw”.

Beginning with the end in mind encourages you to ask such questions as: When you retire from active life, what do you want to have achieved? Or, if you want to be an entrepreneur, what kind of business do you want to run, and where and how do you see yourself developing that business?


eginning with the end in mind rests on two principles: First, you must have a sense of purpose in life. Second, you should know that all things are created twice: there is first a mental creation, and then there is a physical creation. So in order to achieve your aim, create it first before it becomes. Have the concept in your mind first and then strive to translate that concept into reality, just as a building starts as a plan before it becomes a physical structure. A way of beginning with the end in

A recipe for success: “To achieve your aim, first have the concept in mind and then strive to translate that concept into reality.”

Emmanuel Ngara

Christian Leadership

mind is to have a personal “mission statement” which is like a personal constitution in which you express what you want to be in life, your values, the qualities you need to develop and the steps you are going to take to achieve your goal. Habit 7 is about self-renewal and selfimprovement. Just as a saw that is used to cut needs to be sharpened from time to time so that it remains effective, as human beings we need to keep on renewing and improving ourselves in order to remain effective. Covey suggests that we need to sharpen our saw in four dimensions of our life which are referred to as the four intelligences: physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual intelligence. Denial of any of these reduces people to things—and things that are not effective. Physical intelligence, for example, requires of us that we exercise regularly and eat good food; while intellectual intelligence is improved by reading good books and participating in activities that keep the mind active. It is not unusual, for instance, that people can quickly degenerate and even die soon after retiring from active work.

Paying taxes is to take a moral stand Sarah-Leah C Pimentel ONVERSATION at Sunday lunch with friends in November will almost always turn to that dreaded topic that hangs over everyone’s head like a dark, stormy rain cloud. After a few drinks and some general chatter, someone will inevitably ask: “Who’s filed their tax return?” And somewhere in that group, there is always that one person who asks what everyone else is thinking: “Why should we pay taxes? The government and a handful of cronies are squandering my hard-earned money!” Everyone nods in agreement and thus begins a most valuable conversation about citizenship and our participation within the fabric of society. This year, however, this annual ritual was very much subdued. Everyone stared glumly at their drinks and I think I saw someone gulp his down very quickly! The ongoing SARS scandal is the stuff criminal novels are made of: suspicious payments allegedly made into the personal account of the SARS commissioner, conflicting reports over whether or not there was a rogue unit at the tax authority, SARS being dragged into the power tussle inside the ANC, reports that the tax body is holding back on reimbursing taxpayers because the money is being used to fund a whole lot of other shady business that I’ve lost the energy to keep up with! It is no wonder, then, that ordinary folks like us are feeling very despondent right now about filing our tax returns and have become very cynical about the way in which our tax money is being used. To top all this, a few weeks ago a financial study showed that only 13% (or 7,2 million) of South Africans earn enough to even pay tax. Of these, 480 000 people are footing 61% of the income tax bill. These people earn more than R750 000 a year and represent 1% of the population. If you are blessed enough to earn annually between R70 000 (a meagre monthly income of R5 800) and R500 000, you’re in the very next bracket and represent 11% of all tax payers. Some 50 million people depend on your

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The Mustard Seeds

To pay our taxes is to give counter-witness to the corruption of our political leaders, argues Sarah-Leah Pimentel. (Photo: Steve Buissinne) taxes for their livelihood and access to basic services. It’s a sobering thought. And what a burden it is to carry. It is a burden that we citizens should not have to carry alone.


t is morally reprehensible that our elected leaders have siphoned off tax money which should be used for the collective good to finance their personal and political interests. Their complete disregard for the countless millions who live in the most precarious conditions directly violates their human dignity. The money wasted through corruption should be used to educate our young people and give them better access to employment opportunities that would break the cycle of poverty, and also have the added benefit that more people would then be able to make a tax contribution for the much-needed social services. This squandered money should be used to provide better health care, especially for people living far from large urban centres and who cannot afford private healthcare. How much money has been wasted that could improve our crippled public transport system, grow our aged and incomplete water and electricity infrastructure? Imagine all the poverty alleviation and economic stimulus initiatives that could be created with tax payer money—instead of being used to bail out inefficient and inef-

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fective parastatals and finance ludicrous nuclear deals. I shudder to think about the inflated legal bills that our president is incurring, at our expense, to fight the 700plus charges of corruption against him. When I consider all of these things, it hurts me to click that final submission button on my efiling. Yet, none of this is an excuse for me to abscond from my moral and civic duty to pay my taxes. Some of that money, thank God, still trickles down to those who are starved of all the goods of our society. It is not enough. But imagine how much less it would be if the 11% decided not to pay taxes. Jesus’ instruction to “give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and give to God what belongs to God” takes on a whole new meaning. We cannot and must not descend to the level of our leaders. We cannot justify our small-scale corruption and disregard for the poor by saying that our thieving politicians do the same. At this juncture, paying taxes is taking a moral stand. It is an action that speaks volumes to our love of neighbour and stands as a rejection of the corruption around us. But this is only one part of it. We also need to put pressure on our leadership and say enough is enough. We apply this pressure by our choices at election time. Or when we show support for politicians, journalists, and civil society activists who are risking their careers, health and in some cases even their lives to actively fight against corruption. Yes, the financial and moral burden on some of us is great. It demands of us courage, fortitude, hope, faith, and love. We need to believe and pray that our small actions can contribute to the new beginning this country so desperately needs. So, have you filed your tax return yet?




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The Southern Cross, November 22 to November 28, 2017


Chris Chatteris SJ

Pray with the Pope

Use wisdom of the older generations General Intention: That the elderly, sustained by families and Christian communities, may apply their wisdom and experience to spreading the faith and forming the new generations. IXTY, we’re told these days, “is the new 50”, and “70 is the new 60”. It’s true. I find myself and many of my own baby-boom generation of people in religious life still working full-time. Nor do there seem to be too many younger confreres eyeing our jobs. For one thing, there are not many of them and for another they don’t seem too keen to undertake tasks which tie them down to a boring routine. We baby-boomers (the generation born shortly after World War II) are definitely getting long in the tooth now. However, we—and I don’t mean just religious—do still have a lot to offer and, in many cases, the potential longevity to continue to offer it for some time to come. If a student of mine ever asks me what it was like in my day, I reply: “This is still my day!” It must be said that mine is the lucky generation. We missed the Second World War with its loss and trauma. We lived at a time when the world economy was growing apace. We were brought up with a healthy lifestyle: we missed computers and cellphones as kids and so we played outside. We were immunised at the state’s expense against deadly diseases and were fed a balanced diet unpolluted by the sugar and the additives of today, and we have good dental health thanks to fluoridised water. Many of us were given generous educational opportunities which the #FeesMustFall generation can only dream of. In middle age, many of us worked out that a key to health was regular exercise and we got into everything from yoga to jogging. So, thanks to our historical luck and a dash of wisdom in some cases, today we are often healthier and more energetic than many sedentary computer-jockeys, decades our junior.



e do know how to operate computers and other high-tech devices but we are generally more discerning in how we use them because we have the experience of a time when they did not exist. When I tell my students that I remember a time when there were no cellphones they look at me aghast and pityingly as they contemplate the terrible thought of such a deprived world. We do require support, as the Holy Father reminds us, especially as we get older and less independent, but if that support is forthcoming we hope to continue to serve society and the Church. In the West, there is a degree of concern about how to look after us, this large and ageing generation. The upside of this generational imbalance is rarely stated: that a larger older generation constitutes an extensive pool of deep wisdom and varied experience. Indeed, it is probably the first time in history in which there is such a large reservoir of knowledge, institutional memory and understanding available to the younger generations. Such a resource should be seen as immensely valuable rather than as a drag or a drain. A bishop recently asked me how I was doing in the seminary and I replied that I was getting older. He replied by complimenting me on being an “ancestor” around the place, a very affirming tribute in African culture, and I was very touched. His remark encouraged me to continue to do my best in my educational and formational roles. This is the kind of message that affirms the grandparent generation. It tells them that they are valued both in themselves and for their continuing care of and contribution to those who come after them. The “baby-boomers” thank the Holy Father for this sensitive intention!


The Southern Cross, November 22 to November 28, 2017


Get fight for women and children right Every year there is a focus on violence against women and children—but things never get getter. COLLEEN CONSTABLE suggests some effective actions.

remains unclear whether this message has succeeded in encouraging people other than the survivor to report any violence they may have witnessed. And of course, the statistics also show that many perpetrators of violence are not held accountable for their actions: they are not brought to justice. This inaction serves as an What can be done? encouragement to potential perpeHE annual 16 Days of Actrators that they will never be held First, a lot of good work has been tivism for No Violence Against Women and Children, which done by many NGOs, institutions accountable for their crimes. They runs from November 25 to Decem- and even some government depart- do not fear the “rule of law”. The reason for this is that not all ber 10, and lately the #MeToo social ments. But that does not mean incidents of violence against there is no room for improvement. media campaign have created an I am worried by the rhetoric that women and children are being reawareness of the level of violence surrounds the 16 Days campaign ported to police. Poor police invesagainst women and children. When survivors “break their si- every year. The mass gatherings, tigations and prosecutions that fail lence” it has a powerful effect: they filling of stadiums, long speeches to increase conviction rates are shape the discourse about violence and politics associated with the some of the reasons for this. Using the law as a legal strategy against women. Lately we have seen campaign do not offer a return on to facilitate behavioural change investment. how powerful the social media camThe huge cost implications these and protect society from harm can paign #metoo has become. only succeed if the quality of police South Africa has a high level of mass gatherings hold and the lack investigations improves and the of efficacy they seem to produce is violence against women and chilconviction rates increase, meaning dren. Child-abuse, sexual violence, cause for concern. On top of that, the messages at that many more cases should go to murder, domestic violence, and court than is the case now. femicide (killing of intimate part- times fail to encourage behavioural Second, the government should change or attitudinal change. The ners) are cause for concern. consider doing away with the Emerging patterns also include messaging is neither directed at the “mass gatherings” for the 16 Days harmful religious and cultural prac- perpetrator nor the survivor. campaign. Instead, government The “don’t look away” message tices (such as ritual killings, sexual should consider using the millions harassment through prayer rituals, is clearly aimed to activate action spent on such gatherings to subsexual violence through harmful from bystanders when violence oc- sidise shelters for abused women cultural practices) and, alarmingly, curs or any other person who has and children—which will produce knowledge of such an incident. It the emergence of cannibalism. results. Media reports earlier this year suggested that shelters are underfunded by government. Shelters struggle to raise funds to cover the shortfalls. This impacts negatively on the reduction of domestic vioKeeping lence, as women are forced Children safe to either stay in the abusive relationship or return within families to it if the shelter cannot accommodate them longer. Supporting shelters therefore decreases domestic violence and prevents femicide. It is important to understand that shelters offer a much needed service to Neighbourhood Old Age Homes assist women and children We can use your old in the healing process and clothing, bric-a-brac, protect their constitufurniture and books for our tional right to be free from second-hand shop in violence, whether in priWoodstock, Cape Town. vate or public space. Help us to create an Of course, we know avenue to generate much that there will never be needed funds for our work with the elderly. enough shelters, but those that exist should be Contact Ian Veary on admin@stanthonyshome.org www.stanthonyshome.org 021 447 6334 funded. And it is a governwww.noah.org.za ment responsibility to ensure proper funding is allocated. Third, the government could direct funds for mass gatherings and ineffective messaging towards increasing implementation of evidence-based primary prevention programmes and evidence-based advocacy. These programmes— and there are many—have been scientifically evaluated and found to decrease violence against women and children. An example is the evidence-based programme to decrease child-abuse: “Isolabantwana” (Eye of the Child). This programme was initiated by Child Welfare SA. It is deWomen and children are the victims and survivors of these crimes. And men are mostly perpetrators: except in the case of male-on-male violence. According to the statistics, child abuse, sexual violence and murder are increasing. What can we do this year to make a difference to the 16 Days campaign?



Campaigns like the 16 Days of No Violence and #MeToo are good for telling the story of abuse and raising awareness—but there is an urgent need to go beyond words and put in place effective action, such as funding shelters, argues Colleen Constable. scribed as a “community-based programme that provides short-term emergency safe houses for abused, neglected and exploited children”. The programme, in operation since 2003, trains volunteers. However, it is not rolled out to all provinces. Isolabantwana also challenges gender stereotypes in boys to prevent perpetuating violence against women and children. Moreover, it offers skills development for young girls. Funding directed to increase future roll-out of this programme will reduce child-abuse. Fourth, the eradication of violence against women and children forms part of the Agenda for the Sustainable Development Goals, 2030. It is the responsibility of all sectors of society, not only government’s, to contribute towards achieving these goals.

oric that makes little impact. Religious institutions would benefit from consulting experts in the field to assist them with specific programmes that are evidencebased and unique to their circumstances. Evidence-based advocacy is another important aspect. It is here where effective messaging, discussions and so on can facilitate behavioural change—and even move government to take constructive action. Therefore messaging and communication should be purposeful, with a target market and clear goals to ensure it reaches the specific audience and moves them to take a different action. Again, the faithbased sector should use the services of experts in the field to assist them. Those experts could even be found within their own congregations.

Gender violence in churches

Open your doors

That takes us to the role of the world’s largest NGO: the faith-based sector. While religious institutions issue this call against violence, churches too have to step up their own act in prevention of violence against women and children. Within churches, some male congregants and clergy do not fall outside the category of “perpetrator of violence” against women. It is an open secret. Many denominations, not least the Catholic Church, have received bad publicity due to exposure of gender-based violence and child-abuse. The faith-based sector should take the 16 Days campaign as an opportunity to self-reflect and redirect some of their activities. The challenge for these faith bodies is to move towards more scientifically evaluated programmes that can reduce violence and facilitate behavioural change. Churches should first focus on an internal campaign aimed at its own members and clergy. Much work is required. Stronger levels of implementation of applicable policies are required, and decisive transformational leadership is needed. The veil of secrecy within religious institutions needs to be lifted. The faith-based sector needs to look deeply within and respond courageously. It should not fall into the trap of the 16 Days campaign rhet-

Lastly, as an act of goodwill, the faith bodies—which are held together by the commandment of love—should not hesitate to open their doors to abused women. There are many congregants who have accommodation that is not being used: nothing stops them from opening their doors in the suburbs to domestic violence survivors. Sharing is caring. A few years ago I opened my house to young women in prostitution who wanted to get out. They were addicted to drugs and lived on the streets from the proceeds of sex work. They stayed with me and I arranged that they could enter a drug rehabilitation programme and a counselling programme offered by a psychologist. I have learned much from the encounter with them. And I saw them for what they truly are: two beautiful young women trying to redefine their lives. Young women who suffered sexual violence from age 15: raped by family members, crying out for support without uttering any words. Let this 16 Days of activism touch you as never before: may it bring you closer to those who need you most. n Colleen Constable is the Catholic founding CEO of the South African Institute for Violence Prevention based in Gauteng. She is contactable on sai. violenceprevention@gmail.com

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The Southern Cross, November 22 to November 28, 2017


Aids and Church: How far we’ve come

The Catholic response to the HIV/Aids pandemic has in many ways led the way. SR ALISON MUNRO explains what the SACBC Aids Office has done and looks at some of the new challenges.


HE Aids Office of the Southern African Catholic Bishops’ Conference (SACBC) has provided a coordinating role since 2000 for the response of the Catholic Church to HIV and Aids in our region. It replaced a previous poorlyfunded programme at the SACBC at a time when HIV and Aids was escalating out of control in parts of Sub-Saharan Africa, and when lifesaving antiretroviral treatment was not available in the public (government) sector. There was a great need for funding and advocacy. More was required than what the Church alone could provide, even with increased funding. Additional obstacles to giving people a second chance at life came from the government and its Department of Health through their refusal to recognise that HIV causes Aids, and their refusal to make antiretroviral drugs available. Much advocacy, supported by the Catholic Church and the SACBC Aids Office, and a court case, finally compelled the government to provide drugs in the public sector.

Church’s pioneering role Today South Africa has the largest antiretroviral treatment programme in the world—in addition, of course, to the highest number of people infected with HIV. The Catholic Church played no small part in ensuring the initiation of many people on treatment, some of them in places where the Department of Health began its programme only later. Today those patients are part of the government’s programme, and the Aids Office focuses attention

The Catholic Church was a pioneer in making life-saving antiretroviral (ARV) medication available to those with HIV/Aids, long before the government rolled out what is now the world’s largest ARV programme. (Photo: Nancy Phelan Wiechec/CNS) on orphaned and vulnerable children, a group still unevenly provided for by both the Departments of Health and of Social Development. The Church, through dioceses and local parishes, and in collaboration with schools, engages with local communities where the children live, and with government organisations at sub-district and district levels, trying to ensure that children and their guardians receive health, education and social services. While these services are a right according to the Constitution of the country, they are not always delivered by government agencies, especially in more rural areas. South Africa is a secular society, but one which includes many faith traditions. New churches, and faith based organisations, continue to spring up, not all of which subscribe to the values that underlie the Catholic Church’s response to the poor and marginalised members of society. There is an uneasy relationship between the institutions of faithbased organisations and government and the governmental

Responding to the needs of our time

organisations. In the post-apartheid period there have been various overtures from the government to relate with Church and other faith leaders, an enormous challenge because of the impossibility of bringing people of all faiths into one body speaking for all of them. Various networks or loose organisations have existed or do exist, but none can be said to include even representatives of all the different faith groupings. There is no one faith response around development issues, notwithstanding that most faith communities do render services of various kinds to people in their constituencies and beyond.

The Catholic engagement Putting Gospel values and Catholic Social Teaching into practice has always been at the heart of what members of our own faith communities and their collaborators do. Catholics rendering HIV and Aids services are often asked whether they serve only other Catholics. They don’t of course. And because Catholics number only approximately 7% of the total

Introduction: St Joseph’s Home (SJH) for Chronically Ill Children is a registered non-profit organization which has been a pioneer in the field of paediatric intermediate health care in South Africa. We provide free bridging care for chronically ill children from disadvantaged families, from hospital to home through a holistic health and wellness programme. Patients are referred from State Hospitals to continue with post-acute, restorative, palliative and rehabilitative care. Our work: a 24 hour specialised and general nursing care, and multi-disciplinary interventions like rehabilitation (physio-, occupational- and speech therapy) social work and psychological support, on site school education, parental empowerment, specialised nutrition, logistical support, pastoral care, outreach and follow-up visits and volunteer placement programmes. Our history: Located in Montana, Cape Town, the facility was established in 1935 by the Pallottine Missionary Sisters. More than 22,000 Orphaned and Vulnerable Children (OVC) have been cared for over a period of 82 years. Meeting the needs of the times, necessitated St Joseph’s to introduce the first HIV/Aids ward in 2002. Today still, 30% of patients are treated for TB/HIV/AIDS.The number of patients required for rehabilitation has also increased to 35% with traumatic brain injuries from car accidents being a huge concern. Most children remain at St Joseph’s for 3 to 6 months, or a year (special cases), while they undergo treatment and rehabilitation.

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population of the country, it is true example at clinics, from a variety of that the Catholic Church punches NGOs, and from the private sector. above its weight when one looks at Bluntly put, this can mean that the numbers and varieties of serv- the faith-based organisations are ices offered, and the numbers of landed with the work of governpeople reached in the various de- ment agencies, but not always getvelopment programmes under- ting the recognition for what they taken. are doing. It is known that non-governProblem of cooperation mental organisation (NGOs), inProblems also come when indicluding faith-based organisations, provide an enormous service to vidual members of government people, often drawing on the serv- seek out the collaboration of particices of unpaid volunteers or people ular faith leaders, to the exclusion receiving only small stipends. Were of others, and yet give the impresthese services to be withdrawn, the sion that what they hear is the picture around service delivery voice of faith leaders in general. Equally problematic is the unwould change drastically. Studies that have investigated willingness of some faith groups the value of such volunteer services even to engage with government have demonstrated the costs saved agencies, as well as the unwillingby the government because people ness of such agencies to work with faith-based projects in are providing the services their local areas. it can’t or won’t provide. Some of our local Aids In its Faith organisations are projects foster good reoften better placed to response ciprocal cooperation reach people far from govwith government and ernment clinics, or people to HIV/Aids, other agencies. Elsewho do not readily access those services. the Catholic where there are challenges. Despite sometimes diffiSouth Africa itself recult relationships and very Church ceives aid/funding for little financial support, the punches part of its HIV and Aids government and governprogramme from PEPmental organisations above its FAR and the Global nonetheless do expect the Fund, but has increasfaith communities to be weight. ingly been expected to able to provide services provide services, and they themselves are unable show the effects of to provide. Clearly this ambiguous situation development/take responsibility for has its particular challenges regard- its own HIV and Aids problems. As a country, South Africa is now ing implementation of projects, even when collaboration is presup- spending more on HIV and Aids than it did previously, and funding posed. Engaging with the government from PEPFAR, the Global Fund and in this regard is not always easy, various donors has been greatly reduced. whether nationally or locally. The Department of Health has The voice of the Catholic Church is one that is recognised, at to think differently and draw on least on some occasions, even if not the services of the churches/faith communities to assist it to be more always appreciated. Funding demands have required effective in its provision of healththat more people are reached, not care services to people on treatso much with direct service deliv- ment and to vulnerable children. Never may cooperation be taken ery, as with what is now being for granted or guaranteed. Commitcalled technical assistance. So rather than having the faith- ted and serious work to make it based organisation providing all happen and maintain relationships the services, it is expected that is needed. these organisations do what is nec- n Sr Alison Munro OP headed the essary to ensure that services are ac- SACBC Aids Office until early this cessed where they are available, for year.


The Southern Cross, November 22 to November 28, 2017


How early black priests struggled It was not easy being a black Catholic priest. FR ANTHONY EGAN SJ looks at the experiences of some African pioneer clergy.

(1877-1933), ordained in 1903, the issue with his superiors was that he was unwilling to live alone. He wanted family members to live with him and—to make matters worse— he bought a farm, which his bishop ruled was against canon law prohibitions on priests’ trading. Similar problems arose between Frs Andreas Mdontswa Ngidi (18811951) and Julius uMkomazi Mbhele (1879-1956). Fr Ngidi was also accused of being a radical African nationalist and complained bitterly that his superiors stole his writings and tried to obstruct his pastoral work when it entailed what we would today call development work among the Zulu people. Fr Mbhele, too, clashed with his superiors over pastoral work and his refusal to sell his farm. He was suspended for a while after allegations that a divorced woman was living on his farm. In the 1920s, the farm-owning priests brought their complaints with their bishops to Archbishop Bernard Gijlswyk, the apostolic delegate to South Africa, arguing that they were not in violation of canon law since they employed farm managers to run their farms. They also denied the claim that they were disobedient to their bishops and unwilling to be assigned to other parishes. The dispute was never resolved. Despite suspensions and controversies—including accusations and counter-accusations to their white clergy accusers of sexual misconduct and drunkenness—they remained priests until their deaths. Fr Ngidi found an outlet for his development work interests in the Catholic African Union, a self-help movement started by the liberal Mariannhill Father Bernard Huss as an alternative to the Industrial and Commercial Workers Union, a black trade union perceived by many in the Church (wrongly) as being dominated by the Communist Party. He and Fr Mbhele were also highly regarded for their work in Zulu linguistics and Bible translation.

by religious cultural assumptions that lead nonetheless to a kind of racism. If one wants further confirmation of this, let us look to the final part of the document, an appeal to white Catholics.

Appeal to white Catholics

Given the economic strength of white Catholic laity at the time, the appeal—in effect to work towards Pioneer African clergy in South Africa: (From left) Fr Edward Kece Mngreater integration in the Church— ganga, Fr Alois Majonga Mncadi, Fr Julius uMkomazi Mbhele, Fr Andreas was courageous, but shows limitaMdontswa Ngidi. tions. The SACBC commendably admitas culturally “Otherâ€?, possibly un- tory, it is worth returning to the ted that though segregation in prin1957 Statement on Apartheid, men- ciple was rejected in all Catholic suited for the Catholic clerical life. Well into the 20th century, black tioned last week. institutions, in practice it existed The excellence of its analysis and and urged that Catholics “pursue clergy still struggled to fit into the critique of apartheid notwithstand- more vigorously the change of heart Catholic Church. The first African bishop in South ing, the latter parts of the text are and practice that the law of Christ Africa, Bonaventure Dlamini of the deeply flawed. Its prescription in a demands. We are hypocrites if we diocese of Umzimkulu (1954-68), decade where all progressive nation- condemn apartheid in South African had less confrontation in his life alist movements were demanding an society and condone it in our own than the first four priests mentioned end to discriminatory laws and uni- institutions.â€? versal franchise—either immediately above, but no fewer problems. The SACBC acknowledged that Once the diocese he would lead or very soon—is equivocal. there were cultural and linguistic difThe SACBC called for moderation ferences between black and white was carved out of Mariannhill, most of the missionaries withdrew. Fi- and gradualism: “A gradual change Catholics and appealed for working nances were tight and frequently it must be: gradual, for no other kind towards unity. The bishops conmismanaged—in fairness, Dlamini of change is compatible with the cluded: “A different colour can be no had not been trained to run dioce- maintenance of order, without reason for separation when culture, san finances. Staffing was difficult which there is no society, no govern- custom, social condition and, above and some of his appointments were ment, no justice, no common all, a common faith and common questioned as nepotism, particularly good.â€? love of Christ impel us towards The key to this is found earlier in unity.â€? by white laity deeply hostile to their the document where the bishops acblack bishop. But what was the underlying culBy the 1960s the training of local knowledge black frustration but ture of Christian unity? Though not African clergy was largely done warn against anarchy and the possi- stated, because in so many ways it within South Africa at a number of bility of “atheistic communismâ€?, was taken for granted, it was the Euseminaries, though these were still having noted that there were “pro- ropean culture of mid-1950s found differences between sections Catholicism, which held not only its segregated until the mid-1970s. Seminarians and some black of our population which make im- theology as normative but also its priests in the 1960s drew strength mediate total integration impossi- expression—its most obvious feature from the Black Consciousness Move- bleâ€?. being its worship conducted in a They observe: “People cannot (dead) European language, Latin, ment, formed black solidarity groups and started to openly challenge the share fully in the same political and and its theology interpreted through hierarchy about the disparities be- economic institutions until cultur- the lens of Greco-Roman philosotween black and white clergy. More ally they have a great deal in com- phy. than that, many argued for a more mon. All social change must be It would take the Church’s reinculturated Church in line with the gradual if it is not to be disastrous.â€? newal at Vatican II (1962-65) to In this the SACBC seemed to weaken (but not break) these culnew ideas that had emerged particuplace itself—knowingly or unknow- tural assumptions that prioritised larly after Vatican II. Many still felt subordinated—in ingly—in the camp of opposition the European over the cultures of diocese or religious order—to white parties like the United Party, its later the rest of the world. Worship in verSA’s first black priest clergy. Even as seminary formation breakaway the Progressive Party, and naculars, theology interpreted Fr Edward Kece Mnganga (1872came to include courses in anthro- the Liberal Party. All of these en- through other cultures, the use of 1945), ordained in 1898, was placed Lonely figures pology, religious inculturation, liber- dorsed gradualism—from very grad- African music and dance—all of this as an assistant to Mariannhill priest But, in a Church still dominated ation theology and engagement ual (United Party), to moderate would be pursued in the South A T (David) Bryant, an eminent by foreign missionaries and rooted with racism, the underlying atmos- (Progressives) to rapid (Liberals). African Church. Up to a point. ethnographer, historian and Zulu in European Catholic culture, they phere of formation remained EuroThe Liberal Party by 1960 rejected As often happens, extreme posilinguist. gradualism in favour of immediate tions on the Catholic Church and centric. were lonely figures. Initially doing very well—popular Today, in the post-apartheid era universal franchise and by the time race in South Africa—whether that it Apart from these few “turbulentâ€? in the parish and developing a suc- pioneers, very few black men were (where local clergy are almost en- of its state-enforced demise in 1968 was (and is) a racist institution, concessful mission school—Fr Mnganga recruited to the priesthood. A trickle tirely black and the vast majority of embraced a social democracy close versely that the Church is not now began to feel that Fr Bryant was un- were recruited by the mid-20th cen- missionaries come from other parts to the African National Congress. nor ever was racist—are mistaken. dermining his work. Whenever he tury into religious orders, but more of Africa), the Church still battles Beneath whatever conscious or There were many cases where was away, for example, Fr Bryant often than not as Brothers. with the question of extent of incul- unconscious alignment, however, Catholics, whether individuals or inwould, Fr Mnganga argued, expel his Among many male clerical reli- turation, institutional culture, shift- we see the dynamics of race at play stitutions, were racist, sometimes most promising students. gious congregations at this time, the ing demographics in parishes and in this statement. horrendously so. To their credit, Confrontation ensued and the vocation of the Brother was seen as Church organisations. When the SACBC statement leaders of the Church did their best two priests apparently came to a kind of spiritual “second prizeâ€? for As Mukuka concluded in 2008: speaks of having culture in com- to stamp out such behaviour and atblows. Fr Bryant then accused Fr men who were deemed not quite fit many things have changed, much mon, the underlying assumption is titudes. Mnganga of threatening to kill him, for the priestly state. This reflected remains to change. that the common culture is Western Yet, ironically, the official dishad him declared insane and again the kind of mentality—which and European. This is not crude course of the Catholic Church was, Back to 1957 shipped off to a mental asylum in was then, as now, contrary to the racism based on pseudo-science, and is, framed within a dominant Pietermaritzburg, where Fr Mnganga theology of vocation—we have seen Having examined this rather un- prejudice or simply a battle for eco- European cultural and intellectual remained for 17 years. played out above: the African priest pleasant aspect of the Church’s his- nomic supremacy, but was formed framework that most who lead the For Fr Alois Majonga Mncadi Church took and take for granted. Sometimes the subtle and unsubtle merged into hurtful practices at variance with the universal and inclusive vision of Christianity. Even today, within the limits of orthodox Catholic thinking, Eurocentric assumptions still privilege European over non-European culture. If the Church is to move beyond racism, CASA SERENA Catholics and other The retirement home Christians need to be Are you looking for a practical and easily-paced way to conscious of these aswith the Italian flair. grow in theological knowledge, skills, and values for ministry sumptions and the ten7A Marais Road, DQG PLVVLRQ" 2XU +LJKHU &HUWLĂ€ FDWH LQ 7KHRORJ\ ZLOO HQULFK \RXU sions they create in a faith and equip you for parish ministry roles. You will explore Bedfordview, Jhb. pluralistic society and the scriptures, the Church’s teaching, history, liturgy, Provides full board world. spirituality, and practices. The Catholic and lodging, medical Church’s struggle with services and transport. 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N 2008, historian George Sombe Mukuka recounted the often difficult experiences of the first black Catholic priests in South Africa. His book, The Other Side of the Story: The Silent Experience of the Black Clergy in the Catholic Church in South Africa (1898-1976), was based on his masters and doctoral research at the University of KwaZulu-Natal. Mukuka’s central thesis is that European missionary control of the Catholic Church in the 19th century was informed by notions of European cultural, educational and political supremacy that demanded the acceptance and compliance of local African cultures and especially the nascent African clergy. Those who bucked the system— who challenged this hegemony— got hurt. Mukuka recounted the ongoing struggle by black African priests for full participation in—and ultimately identification with—the Catholic Church in which they served. It starts in the then-Natal in the area around present-day Mariannhill with four young men who travelled to Rome to train as diocesan priests. Returning with doctorates, they found themselves treated very much as perpetual assistant priests, subject to discrimination in state and, as Mukuka points out, the Church. Drawing on very limited documentary evidence—often representing the “other side� of their conflicts—and on interviews (many of which are grassroots recollections of what might be called “folk memory�), the author tells of their conflicts with religious authorities and their ultimate marginalisation.

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n This article was produced by the Jesuit Institute in association with The Daily Maverick.

The Southern Cross, June 8 to June 14, 2017


Fr Michael McDonnell OFM


RANCISCAN Father Michael McDonnell, a US-based priest with many South African connections, died on November 3, three days before his 79th birthday, and after 59 years of active religious life. Four weeks before his death, he was diagnosed with lung cancer. Fr Michael was born in Dublin, Ireland, and moved to New York City with his parents when he was nine years old. He entered the Franciscan order in 1958 and after ordination, spent his entire life as a parish priest. He was fluent in Spanish, and spent time in Puerto Rico and South America, where he was affectionally called “Father Miguelito” (Little Michael).

His aunt, Dominican Sister Gilbert of Cape Town, who died recently in her 90s, spent her entire life in Southern Africa. Fr Michael visited her, as well as spending time at the Immaculate Heart of Mary mission in Port Nolloth and Alexander Bay in Northern Cape. Subsequent to Fr Michael’s visit to South Africa, Fr Willem Basson, who is now stationed at Okiep outside Springbok, was invited to visit the Franciscan community on New York City’s Upper West Side, where he actively participated in parish activities. Fr Michael was laid to rest in the Franciscan Friars cemetery after his funeral on November 7.


brother Terry, Mabel was very pretty, smart and highly intelligent, with a great memory. She loved singing and dancing and had a beautiful voice. The family endured great hardships when war broke out in China. Their mother fell ill and Mabel had to give up school from time to time, sometimes for up to a year, to help the family. For the rest of her life, the fear of hunger was embedded in Mabel’s mind. In 1949 the family was able to return to South Africa. On the same boat was Gordon Forlee, whom Mabel married in 1952 at the age of 18. They had four children—Ron, Pam, MaryAnn and Sandra—and moved to Port Elizabeth to run their first business in a shop built by the Forlee grandparents. In 1970 Mabel opened one of the first supermarkets in Port Elizabeth, with a bakery within it. Mabel was a pioneer in business and this once-small trading store became known as Ron Forlee Supermarket, one of her many landmark businesses in Port Elizabeth. Mabel Forlee was her family’s

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The late Fr Michael McDonnell (left) in Port Nolloth with Fr Matthew Pravetz.

Mabel Forlee ABEL Forlee, a wellknown businesswoman in Port Elizabeth, died on September 29 at 83. The concelebrated Requiem Mass, attended by 800 people, was led by Fr Ashok Brahmane of Charlo, Port Elizabeth. In his homily Fr Simon Gavunow of Cradock said he had considered Mabel to be his mother, for she had given him a home at the age of 14 when he had no home to go to. She was his sponsor throughout his years in the seminary. He said she lived a true Christian life in that she fed the hungry, clothed the naked, visited the sick, and was more than ready to enter the home of her Father. Mabel Alma Forlee was born on July 19, 1934, in Newclare, Johannesburg, to Lee Teng Fong and Lee Chin Me Me who were general dealers. She was the eldest of six children and of the Hakka clan, who are known to be the nomads or travellers of China. In 1939 her parents took Mabel and brothers Perry and Terry back to China where they started school. According to


“rock”. She worked tirelessly to ensure that her family got a good Catholic education. She was a devout Catholic and gave endlessly to her Church, the poor and the needy and saved many lives through her generosity, as Sr Ethel Normoyle of Missionvale mentioned in her tribute at the funeral. Mabel was a member of the Catholic Women’s League and was awarded honorary life membership for over 40 years of devoted service, commitment and generosity to the league. She is survived by her children, grandchildren, great grandchildren and family members in Port Elizabeth, Australia and Canada.

Southern CrossWord solutions SOLUTIONS TO 786. ACROSS: 5 Saps, 7 Holy Spirit, 8 Drop, 10 Tantrums, 11 Apathy, 12 Rising, 14 Prayed, 16 Lining, 17 Studious, 19 Noel, 21 Mastermind, 22 Snob. DOWN: 1 Shod, 2 Sympathy, 3 Spotty, 4 Proner, 5 Star, 6 Prominence, 9 Reparation, 13 Synonyms, 15 Drowse, 16 Listen, 18 Dumb, 20 Lady.

Liturgical Calendar Year A – Weekdays Cycle Year 1 Sunday November 26, Christ the King Ezekiel 34:11-12, 15-17, Psalms 23:1-6, 1 Corinthians 15:20-26, 28, Matthew 25:31-46 Monday November 27 Daniel 1:1-6, 8-20, Responsorial psalms Daniel 3:52-56, Luke 21:1-4 Tuesday November 28 Daniel 2:31-45, Responsorial psalms Daniel 3:57-61, Luke 21:5-11 Wednesday November 29 Daniel 5:1-6, 13-14, 16-17, 23-28, Responsorial psalms Daniel 3:62-67, Luke 21:12-19 Thursday November 30, St Andrew Romans 10:9-18, Psalms 19:2-5, Matthew 4:18-22 Friday December 1, Bl Clementine Anuarite Daniel 7:2-14, Responsorial psalms Daniel 3:75-81, Luke 21:29-33 Saturday December 2, Saturday Mass of Our Lady Daniel 7:15-27, Responsorial psalms Daniel 3:82-87, Luke 21:34-36 Sunday December 3, 1st Sunday of Advent (Year B – Weekdays Cycle Year 2 starts) Isaiah 63:16-17; 64:1, 3-8 (63:16-17, 19; 64:2-7), Psalms 80:2-3, 15-16, 18-19, 1 Corinthians 1:3-9, Mark 13:33-37


Greet friends and family through classified ads in The Southern Cross. Only R1,70 a word in our Christmas edition of December 12-19. Send your ad with payment to Christmas Greetings, Box 2372, Cape Town, 8000, to arrive by December 1, 2017, or email advertising@ scross.co.za, fax 021 465 385, phone 021 465 55007


CLOETE—Samuel. In loving memory of my loving husband, our father, grandfather and great-grandfather who passed away 26 years ago on 20/11/1991.“Those we love don’t fade away, they walk beside us day by day.” Lovingly remembered by his wife Catherine, children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. PARIS—Joseph Albert. In loving memory of our grandfather and great-grandfather (Oupa) who passed away on November 11, 1979. Many years may have passed but the wisdom you shared will remain with us forever. Always in the thoughts and prayers of Gloria, Ruben and children Randall, Grant, Nadine and Robert. PARIS—Joseph Matthew. In loving memory of our father and grandfather who passed away on November 15, 1998. Fondly remembered and always in the prayers of your daughter Gloria, son-in-law Ruben and grandchildren Randall, Grant, Nadine and Robert. SHARKEY—Brian. Left us 25/11/2010. Deeply missed and loved by his wife Val.


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Southern Cross

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1st Sunday of Advent: December 3 Readings: Isaiah 63:16-17, 64:1:3-8, Psalm 80:2-3, 15-16, 18-19, 1 Corinthians 1:3-9, Mark 13:33-37

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EXT Sunday we start again on our journey to the feast of the Incarnation; and this time of year has a wonderful freshness to it. In the first reading, the freshness is all in the intimacy of the relationship with God, “for you are our father”; but all is not entirely well: “Why did you make us wander, Lord, from your ways?...Come back, for the sake of your servants.” This intimacy allows them to recognise that things have gone wrong: “There is no one who calls upon your name… for you have hidden your face from us…and yet you, Lord, are our Father.” There is a freshness here, but also the recognition of our deep need for God. And that is not a bad theme to adopt during this Advent season. The psalm for next Sunday has something of the same intimacy, addressed as it is to the “shepherd of Israel”: “Stir up your power and come to save us…God of hosts, stir again,… look down from heaven and see…may your

hand be on the man of your right hand…and we shall not withdraw from you; restore us, and we shall call upon your name.” Here we have once more the sense that we have got things badly wrong, and the confidence that the God to whom we feel so close is after all on our side: “We shall not withdraw from you. We shall call upon your name.” In the second reading, Paul is more than aware of the Corinthians not having got things right, although they may take some time to guess that there is a rebuke coming. For he starts off with the usual “Grace to you, and peace, from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.” They might, however, have guessed that he was not all that pleased with them, from what follows; for he emphasises that all their gifts are gifts, and definitely not something on which to pride themselves. Paul thanks God for “the grace of God that has been given you…you have been enriched in all rhetoric and all knowledge, so that you lack no free gift, as you wait for the

revelation of Our Lord Jesus Christ. It is he who will strengthen you, irreproachable to the end, on the day of Our Lord Jesus Christ. God is reliable”. There is nothing here, you see, about how wonderful the Corinthians are (as they rather thought), but only a stress that they have been given gifts by God. There is, it is true, a freshness about this, and an intimacy with God; but the Corinthians must be quite clear that they have nothing much to be proud of. And the same applies to us, of course, as the Gospel demonstrates. The context is that Jesus is predicting the forthcoming disaster of the destruction of the Temple, and all because some of his disciples were making idiotic tourist remarks about how beautiful the Temple is. So, with the freshness that we have come to expect, they are told that they have to “stay awake! Don’t go to sleep!” And the reason is simple: like the Corinthians, “You do not know when the right time is.”

How good hearts get hard J

ESUS tells us that in the end we will be judged on how we dealt with the poor in our lives, but there are already dangers now, in this life, in not reaching out to the poor. Here’s how lawyer Bryan Stevenson in his book on the USA’s broken justice system, Just Mercy, teases out that danger: “I’ve come to believe that the true measure of our commitment to justice, the character of our society, our commitment to the rule of law, fairness, and equality cannot be measured by how we treat the rich, the powerful, the privileged, and the respected among us. The true measure of our character is how we treat the poor, the disfavoured, the accused, the incarcerated, and the condemned. “We are all implicated when we allow other people to be mistreated. An absence of compassion can corrupt the decency of a community, a state, a nation. Fear and anger can make us vindictive and abusive, unjust and unfair, until we all suffer from the absence of mercy and we condemn ourselves as much as we condemn others.” What needs to be highlighted here is what we do to ourselves when we don’t reach out in compassion to the poor. We corrupt our own decency. As Stevenson puts it, an absence of compassion corrupts our decency—as a state, as a church, as family, and as individuals. How so? St Augustine teaches that we

Nicholas King SJ

Stay fresh at all times!

Fr Ron Rolheiser OMI Final Reflection

can never be morally neutral—either we are growing in virtue or falling into vice. We never have the luxury of simply being in some neutral holding state. There’s no moral neutrality. Either we are growing in virtue or sliding into virtue’s opposite. That’s true for all of life. A thing is either growing or it’s regressing. So too with our attitude towards justice and the poor: either we are actively reaching out to the poor and being more drawn into concern for them, or we are unconsciously hardening our hearts against them and unknowingly sliding into attitudes that trivialise their issues, and distance ourselves from them. If we are not actively advocating for justice and the poor, it is inevitable that at a point we will, with completely sincere hearts, downplay the issues of poverty, racism, inequality and injustice.


t’s interesting to note that in the famous text on the final judgment in the Gospel, where Jesus describes how God will divide the sheep from the goats on the basis of how they treated the poor,

Classic Conrad

neither group—those who did it correctly and those who didn’t—actually knew what they were doing. The group who did it right state that they didn’t know that in touching the poor they were touching Christ; and the group who got it wrong protest that had they known that Christ was in the poor, they would have reached out. Jesus assures us that it doesn’t matter. Mature discipleship lies simply in the doing, irrespective of our conscious attitude. And so we need to be alert not just to our conscious attitudes but to what we are actually doing. We can, in all sincerity, in all good conscience, in all good heart, be blind towards justice and the poor. We can be moral men and women, pious church-goers, generous donors to those who ask help from us, warm to our own families and friends, and yet also blind to ourselves, be unhealthily elitist, subtly racist, callous towards the environment, and protective of our own privilege. We are still good persons no doubt, but the absence of compassion in one area of our lives leaves us limping morally. We can be good persons and yet fall into a certain hardness of heart because of kindred ideological circles that falsely affirm us. Within any circle of friends, either we are talking about ways that we can more effectively lessen the gaps between rich and poor or we are talking, however unconsciously, about the need to defend the gaps that presently exist. One kind of conversation is stretching our hearts; the other is narrowing them. Lack of compassion for justice and the poor will inevitably work at turning a generous heart into a defensive one. We all have friends who admire us and send us signals that we are good, bighearted, virtuous persons. And no doubt this is substantially true. But the affirmation we receive from our own kind can be a false mirror. A truer mirror is how those who are politically, racially, religiously and temperamentally different from ourselves assess us. How do the poor feel about us? How do refugees assess our goodness? How do other races rate our compassion? And what about the mirror that Jesus holds up for us when he tells us that our goodness will be judged by how we treat the poor and that the litmus test of goodness consists in how well we love our enemies? An absence of compassion in even one area subtly corrupts the decency of a community, a state, a nation—and that eventually turns our generosity into defensiveness.

Sunday Reflections

Then, as he so often does, Jesus offers them an image or a parable: “as a man who goes abroad leaves his house and gives his slaves authority, each one for their work”. And especially, of course, in these securityconscious days, the gatekeeper: “He told the gatekeeper to stay awake.” Then Jesus turns upon us: “So—stay awake! You don’t know when the Lord of the house is coming, whether in the evening or at midnight, or at cockcrow, or in the early morning. The essential thing is that ‘when he comes, let him not find you fast asleep!’ What I am telling you, I am telling everybody: Stay Awake!” So there is our Advent challenge, to pay attention to a God who is very close indeed to us, and certainly ready to rattle our cages. May you enjoy the freshness of this wonderful season.

Southern Crossword #786


5. Drains a psalm contains (4) 7. We pray in his name too (4,6) 8. Prod around and fall (4) 10. Outbursts from St Nutmar (8) 11. Lack of interest in religion (6) 12. Kind of damp on Easter Sunday? (6) 14. Got down on your knees (6) 16. It’s material inside the vestment (6) 17. Diligent to dust off debts (8) 19. The first one the angels did say (4) 21. Intellectual teacher with a plot (10) 22. He looks down on you (4)

Solutions on page 11


1. Like a monk who’s not barefoot (4) 2. Feeling for the unfortunate (8) 3. Name the Dalmatian puppy (6) 4. More likely to have an accident? (6) 5. Leading role for a wise man (4) 6. Price no men pay to have importance (10) 9. Compensation for harm done by sin (10) 13. Words with the same meaning (8) 15. Be half asleep at sword point (6) 16. Enlist to pay attention (6) 18. Speechless (4) 20. She’s with the gentleman (4)



MAN dies and is met by St Peter at the pearly gates. St Peter says: “You need 100 points to make it into heaven. Tell me all the good things you’ve done and I’ll give you points for each.” “Okay,” the man says, “I was married to the same woman for 50 years and never cheated on her.” “That’s wonderful,” says St Peter, “that’s worth three points.” “Three points?” the man exclaims. “Well, I attended church all my life and supported its ministry with my tithe and service.” “Terrific,” says St Peter, “that’s certainly worth a point.” “One point? OK, well, I started a soup kitchen in my city and worked for the homeless.” “Fantastic, that’s good for two more points,” St Peter says. “Two points!” the man cries. “At this rate, the only way I’ll get into heaven is by the grace of God!” St Peter replies: “Come on in!”

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