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S outher n C ross

December 5 to December 11, 2018

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Fr Rolheiser: Lesson from a car park

What Catholics can learn from Muslims

SA’s Church mourns ‘giant’ Paddy Kearney

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Church gears up for 2019 elections STAFF REPORTER

Colourful light is filtered through the stained glass windows of Johannesburg’s Christ the King cathedral as the entrance procession signals the beginning of a Mass of remembrance for deceased priests and deacons, which concluded a month of prayer for the faithful departed. (Photo: Sheldon Reddiar)

Call for ‘God-fearing leaders’ BY CHRISTEN TORRES


N archbishop has called for “God-fearing leaders” to take the lead in uniting South Africa. Delivering a prayer at the second annual National Day of Prayer at Soccer City Stadium in Johannesburg, Archbishop Buti Tlhagale called for unity within South Africa, and asked God to “heal the wounds of this divided nation”. “Give us clean leaders, caring leaders, God-fearing leaders. Leaders who truly seek not to be served, but to serve the people of South Africa and to free them from abject poverty,” the archbishop of Johannesburg prayed. He prayed that the commissions of inquiry “that are underway in this country be thorough moments of the examination of the conscience of the nation. Let these commissions help ban the ills that are paralysing the nation and its people,” Archbishop Tlhagale said. Around 100 000 people filled the Johannesburg stadium for the prayer event, which was organised by the Motsepe Foundation. It was attended by major political figures, including President Cyril Ramaphosa and First Lady Dr Tshepo Motsepe, who is a Catholic.

The interfaith prayer service, which was broadcast on Radio Veritas, aimed to bring together 33 different religious and faithbased organizations to pray for leadership, divine guidance and for a brighter future for South Africans. “It’s wonderful to see so many religious leaders and organisations, all combined, united in one thing… to pray for our nation, President Ramaphosa told the gathering. Dr Precious Moloi-Motsepe, who was the head of the Motsepe Family Foundation in 2017, said that the prayer event sought “to put everybody under one roof to focus on praying for unity, praying for an end to poverty, and [to] observe the Sixteen Days of Activism Against Gender-based Violence”. “We have also been praying for an end to violence against women since last year, so all our religious organisations, all the church people, come here together to pray in unison. We believe that faith moves mountains and you would know that from Matthew 22:21, where [Jesus] says: ‘If you pray to me, anything that you ask me in prayer you will receive’,” Dr Moloi-Motsepe said. Patrice Motsepe, a Catholic and chair of the Motsepe Foundation, said in an interview Continued on page 3


OLITICS, Pope Francis has said, “is a noble activity” which is to be practised with vocation and dedication. This is the idea behind a joint voter-awareness campaign being organised by the Catholic Parliamentary Liaison Office, the Jesuit Institute, and the Justice & Peace Commission. With financial backing from the Hanns Seidel Foundation, 100 000 pamphlets have been printed, in six South African languages, encouraging people to make sure they are registered to vote. The pamphlets provide details of the next registration weekend, January 26-27, 2019, as well as information on registration requirements and how to contact the Independent Electoral Commission of South Africa. It includes a message from Bishop Sithembele Sipuka, incoming president of the Southern African Catholic Bishops’ Conference. The pamphlets will be distributed in early January through diocesan structures, sodalities and other Catholic networks. They will also be posted on Catholic websites and social media, and feature in The Southern Cross. “The Church in South Africa has always taken voter education very seriously,” said Mike Pothier, CPLO programme manager. “Casting an informed vote is a manifestation of our human dignity—we take responsibility for choosing who will govern us for the next five years. And if we don’t vote, we can hardly complain if things go wrong,” Mr Pothier said. The pamphlet notes that “you cannot vote unless you are registered as a voter” and explains the process of registering to vote.

Parliament in Cape Town. The next general elections will be held in 2019, and the Church is calling on eligible voters to ensure they are registered to make their voices heard at the polls. (Photo: Nic Bothma, EPA/CNS) It also encourages those who have been registered previously to confirm that they are still on the voters’ roll, which can be done on the IEC website (www.elections.org.za/content) or by SMS (number 32810). The pamphlet on voter registration will be followed-up with another one dealing with the factors to take into account when deciding which party to vote for. The second pamphlet, to be distributed in April 2019, will also contain up-to-date information on the voting system, and on how to find the correct voting station. The 2019 national and provincial elections are widely expected to be held in or before May, and must be held no later than August 6. President Cyril Ramaphosa in a speech in New York in September hinted that the election “will be held next year, before May”.

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The Southern Cross, December 5 to December 11, 2018


SA mourns Catholic giant Paddy Kearney STAFF REPORTER

Hurley Centre, which opened in 2015. “Most people knew Paddy as a gentle man of compassion. But deep down he was the Good Samaritan with iron in his soul,” Mr Duval said. He recalled last seeing Mr Kearney at the bicentenary celebrations of the Oblates of Mary Immaculate in 2016. “I approached him and said: ‘Paddy, in case I never have the opportunity again, I want you to know that I think you are a great human being,’” Mr Duval said.


ATHOLICS throughout South Africa have paid tribute to Paddy Kearney, the Catholic activist and biographer of Archbishop Denis Hurley, who died suddenly at the age of 76. Mr Kearney died in the afternoon of November 23 of a heart attack in Durban’s Gateway Hospital, with his brother and niece at his side. Two days earlier he had attended the Johannesburg launch of a book of letters by Archbishop Hurley which he co-edited. Among several books he wrote or edited on the late archbishop was his magisterial 2009 biography, Guardian of the Light. He was the founding director of the Diakonia Council of Churches, which he headed for almost 30 years, founder and chair of the Denis Hurley Centre, chair of the Gandhi Development Trust, and advisor to KZN Christian Council, among many other important positions. In his 76 years he was a tireless activist for the poor and marginalised, for inter-faith partnership, and for social cohesion and peace. Gerald Patrick Kearney was born on August 28, 1942. He went to St Charles’ Marist College in Pietermaritzburg and for 12 years was a Brother in the Marist order. After leaving the consecrated life, he completed a B.Ed at the University of Natal in Pietermaritzburg and lectured in the education faculty. In 1973 he obtained an M.Ed at Ohio University in the US. In 1971, teaching at Inanda Seminary, an all-girls school for black students, he became intimately exposed to apartheid injustices and involved in social activism. As a Justice & Peace activist he worked closely alongside Archbishop Hurley, who asked him to head Diakonia when it was founded in 1976 to facilitate a united Christian response on issues of injustice and human rights violation.

Detention by Security Police Throughout the 1980s, Diakonia and its staff was subject to raids, harassment and surveillance by the Security Police. In 1985 Mr Kearney was detained by them under Section 29 of the Internal Security Act. His release was secured by the legal intervention prompted by Advocate (now Judge) Chris Nicholson, then director of the Legal Resources Centre, and Archbishop

A ‘fearless fighter’ Paddy Kearney Paddy at the Oblates’ bicentenary celebration in Pietermaritzburg in August 2016. (Photo: Sydney Duval) Hurley, in the landmark “Minister of Law and Order and Others v Hurley and Another” case, which challenged the legality of Section 29 and resulted in the release of many other detainees. “I knew nothing until I was released after 17 days,” Mr Kearney recalled of what he said was a scary experience, with daily interrogation. When he was released, his thenwife Carmel Rickard, Archbishop Hurley, Mr Nicholson and Diakonia staff were waiting for him. Interviewed by SACBC’s The Light programme in a documentary earlier this year, Mr Kearney said his faith sustained him during his detention. This is available on YouTube (www.bit.ly/2r44E3Y). After retiring from Diakonia in 2004, Mr Kearney began working towards establishing the Denis Hurley Centre, a R32 million structure next to Emmanuel cathedral to serve the city’s poor, which was formally opened in 2015.

A ‘Living Legend In 2014, Kearney was awarded the eThekwini Living Legend award, and honorary doctorates by St Augustine College and the University of KwaZulu-Natal. In August this year he was awarded the papal Bene Merenti medal. “Paddy leaves behind a huge family in the organisations he founded and inspired,” said Denis Hurley Centre director Raymond Perrier. “The Diakonia Centre and the Denis Hurley Centre are united in mourning with Christians and people of all faiths, across Durban and

the country. “For me, he was more than a boss, he was a daily inspiration and a daily reminder that whatever we do for the poor, we should do more.” Southern Cross editor Günther Simmermacher described Mr Kearney as a “giant of the Church in Southern Africa”. “Paddy was one of those rare people who got things done, quietly and decisively. Often he used his substantial powers of persuasion. It was difficult to say ‘no’ to him because you knew that what he asked you to do always was for an intrinsic good,” Mr Simmermacher said. “He was a gentle and generous man who sought to follow the Christ of the Gospel. He will be missed by very many people.” Mr Simmermacher noted that the nascent progress to introduce Archbishop Hurley’s sainthood cause has “lost a powerful champion whose commitment will now need to be assumed by others”. Veteran journalist Sydney Duval and Mr Kearney collaborated in collecting documents for the various biographies associated with Archbishop Hurley. “Paddy devoted a great deal of his later life to honouring and preserving the memory of Archbishop Hurley, and in serving the poor and destitute of Durban’s inner city. He did this with various collaborators, especially Mgr Paul Nadal and Raymond Perrier, with the support of Cardinal Wilfrid Napier. Together they created a place of life and hope beside Emmanuel cathedral,” said Mr Duval, referring to the Denis

Zweli Mkhize, minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs, said Mr Kearney “will be remembered as a fearless fighter for peace, tolerance and democracy”. “He made sure that the Churches in their diverse denominations were firmly on the side of justice for workers, the poor, the oppressed and the downtrodden, supporting their struggles,” Mr Mkhize said, referring to Mr Kearney’s leadership of Diakonia. “He was a kind and soft- spoken person with a warm and generous spirit. He was a dedicated servant of God who demonstrated his love for his people and his country through his selfless service,” Mr Mkhize said. Anglican Father Michael Lapsley, founder of the Institute for Healing of Memories, said Mr Kearney’s contribution to the liberation struggle and to building and participating in God’s dream for the human family was enormous. He said that although he was very saddened by Mr Kearney’s death, “I have an immense sense of

gratitude to God for Paddy’s life and witness, and for being a good friend over many decades.” Presbyterian Reverend Anthony Gamley, who edited an anthology of tributes to Archbishop Hurley, in an appreciation of Mr Kearney asked who would now “have the courage to follow your matchless example of humble service to the Master?” “I thank God for countless precious memories of my warm ecumenical friendship with Paddy—a complete, authentic and whole human being, tireless champion of the poorest and most vulnerable,” Rev Gamley said. AV Mahomed, chief trustee of the Juma Masjid mosque who worked closely with Mr Kearney on many projects, said Mr Kearney’s “patience, care and concern for the poor and destitute were non-negotiable”. Following Mr Kearney’s death, Mr Mahomed said: “I am orphaned today by the sad demise of my brother Paddy Kearney.” On the night of Mr Kearney’s death, a vigil of prayers and candles was held outside the Diakonia offices, and mosques throughout Durban offered prayers during their Friday evening services. The day after his death, a memorial Mass was celebrated in his honour at Emmanuel cathedral. On November 29, a civic memorial service for Mr Kearney was hosted by the premier of KwaZuluNatal and the mayor of Durban, with speeches from various political luminaries. Mr Kearney was buried from Emmanuel cathedral on December 1.

Paddy Kearney (right) with Archbishop Denis Hurley and Advocate (now Judge) Chris Nicholson (left) outside Durban’s CR Swart Square police headquarters on September 11, 1985, the day of Mr Kearney’s release from political detention.

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The Southern Cross, December 5 to December 11, 2018



Priest poet writes to ‘process life events’ BY DALUxOLO MOLOANTOA


ITH references to William Shakespeare, a live portrait painting, a stimulating conversation, and an auction, the launch of Fr Lawrence Mduduzi Ndlovu’s book of poems, In Quiet Realm, at St Augustine College in Johannesburg was not a conventional publishing event. In a short introduction, Professor Garth Abraham, president of St Augustine College, noted that beyond his duties as a part-time lecturer in philosophy at South Africa’s only Catholic university, Fr Ndlovu is also the chairman of the college’s Black Economic Empowerment Trust, which raises funding for indigent students to enrol or further their studies at the college. Concurrent with Fr Ndlovu’s address, a live portrait of him was being painted done by Swazilandbased visual artist Honest Mhlanga. In his address, Fr Ndlovu explained that he had borrowed the title of his book from a line in his

favourite poem, by German poet Rainer Maria Rilke. He said his book was dedicated to his grandparents, “my first role models”. He revealed that he writes poetry to process events in his life, both internal and external. One of the book’s two forewords is written by legendary US opera singer Jessye Norman. “It was through a chance encounter with Ms Norman in 2014 in France that I approached her with the idea of writing the foreword to my dream poetry anthology,” Fr Ndlovu said. “We kept exchanging e-mails until she finally agreed to my request,” he said. “How I got her to actually write it, and contribute her own original poem, is a matter for discussion by the National Prosecuting Authority”, the priest joked. The other foreword was written by former South African high commissioner to Britain, Lindiwe Mabuza, a renowned poet herself. Fr Ndlovu recalled how as a student studying theology and philos-

Fr Lawrence Ndlovu (right), whose book of poems was launched at St Augustine College, is seen with Khanya Litabe of Radio Veritas. ophy at Heythrop College and the University of London, he would visit Ms Mabuza and share his early poems with her. “It is through these sessions that she ended up writing the preface to my book,” he said. As a prelude to reading a number of poems from the book, Fr Ndlovu gave context to the first poem, ti-

tled “Waters of Wars”. The poem is a homage to those who lost their lives when the SS Mendi sank in the English Channel during World War I. The 600 people on board, including black South African soldiers, died. Fr Ndlovu read a selection of poems for and about various per-

Marfam calendar for 2019 available

Migration film and panel at Jesuit Institute


HE Jesuit Institute in Johannesburg will host a documentary film screening and expert panel discussion on migration into South Africa. The screening on December 10 of the film Access Denied will be followed by a panel discussion with Fr Rampe Hlobo SJ of the Global Ignatian Advocacy Network, Lusungu Kanyama Phiri of Lawyers for Human Rights, Faith Chirinda of Future Families, and Francis Anyanzu SJ, a research student at Wits University. The film tells the stories of forced migrants—people coerced to leave their countries, often because of violence—from Zimbabwe in South Africa. Access Denied was principally shot on location at Musina, on the Zimbabwe-South Africa border. The institute said people often find themselves in a desperate predicament there. “As Christmas approaches we would like to contribute to shelters in Musina. We would be grateful for donations of non-perishable food and clothing. Please bring these to the screening or contact us and we will collect from you in Johannesburg,” the institute said. The screening will begin at 18:00 on December 10 at the Jesuit Institute in Auckland Park, Johannesburg. To RSVP or offer donations, contact admin@jesuit institute.org.za


Sr Bernadette Mtimkulu CPS of Mthatha celebrated her 100th birthday, with the main celebrant at the Mass being Bishop Stanislaw Dziuba of Umzimkulu, her home diocese. Sr Mtimkulu featured in The Southern Cross of November 21. (Photo: Sr Bettina-Maria Berens CPS)

Dr Brian Robertson, national coordinator of We Are All Church SA, pays tribute to the late Paddy Kearney at the Cape Town book launch of A Life in Letters: Selected Correspondence of Denis Hurley, held at Springfield Convent. Mr Kearney, who edited the book with Br Philippe Denis OP and Jane Argall, had planned to be present at the launch but died shortly before. The keynote address was delivered by Fr Peter-John Pearson, vicar-general of the archdiocese of Cape Town.

Call for unity Continued from page 1 that “we want to continue in that culture where religious leaders lead and pray for us”. “There is so much that is dividing us, and the focus should be on what keeps us together,” he said. “No nation succeeded by spending too much time on things that divide them.” A variety of religions were represented at the gathering, including Christians, Muslims, Jews and Hindus.

sonal friends and public figures. These include former late ANC president Oliver Tambo, businesswoman Dr Anna Mokgokong, and late ANC leader Winnie Madikizela-Mandela. He shared an anecdote about his time as a student in London. He used to share his lodgings with an elderly Irish priest, who had placed a placard of the “Irish Blessing” on the kitchen wall, where all who entered or left the house could see it. “For some odd reason this irked me a lot, so in response I wrote an African Blessing (Pula), which is included in the book,” Fr Ndlovu said, to audience laughter. During a question and answer session, audience members asked about the length of time it took to write the book, and the non-use of vernacular languages in the book. At the end of the function, an auction of Mr Mhlanga’s completed portrait of Fr Ndlovu was held. It was bought for R2 800. Part of the proceeds will go to the Siyafunda Literacy Project, aiding English literacy in rural schools.

Corinth, Athens, Patmos

ARFAM’S popular Family Year Planner poster calendar is again available for 2019, with the theme “Every Family Matters!” Over the past ten years or more, the calendars have focused on different areas of family life for reflection, sharing and education. Single calendars are R5 plus R10 p&p, and the calendars can be ordered in bulk at 100 for R400. To order, contact Marfam’s Toni Rowland at info@marfam.org.za or call 082 552-1275. Ms Rowland also announced that the organisation’s “Thoughts for the day”, intended to aid family faith reflections and family catechesis, will no longer be available in print “For economic reasons, because of postal shortcomings, but also to tap into a larger digital world, the booklets will not be printed this year but emailed to subscribers,” she said. Those with no e-mail can read them on www.marfam.org.za, Facebook and Twitter. Parishes can also register to publish them on their parish websites. To receive “Thoughts for the day” by e-mail, send your name and e-mail address to info@mar fam.org.za


The Southern Cross, December 5 to December 11, 2018


Superiors to women religious: Report abuse BY CAROL gLATz

T MQ-9 Reaper drone at the Kandahar air base in Afghanistan. (Photo: Omar Sobhani, Reuters/CNS)

Vatican: No to killer robots BY CAROL gLATz


ULLY automated and autonomous lethal weapons systems must be banned now before they become a reality in tomorrow’s wars, a Vatican representative said. The development of robotic weapons or “killer robots” will provide “the capacity of altering irreversibly the nature of warfare, becoming more detached from human agency, putting in question the humanity of our societies”, Archbishop Ivan Jurkovic told a group of experts at the United Nations in Geneva. The archbishop spoke at a meeting of the parties to the Convention on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of Certain Conventional Weapons which may be deemed to be excessively injurious or to have indiscriminate effects, held in Geneva. The legal and ethical implications of Lethal Autonomous Weapons Systems (LAWS) have been discussed and on the convention’s agenda for

the past five years, the archbishop said in his speech. The International Committee of the Red Cross has defined LAWS as being “any weapon system with autonomy in its critical functions. That is, a weapon system that can search for, detect, identify, track and attack targets without human intervention.” The first such autonomous weapon was the landmine, but rapid advances in artificial intelligence and machine learning have broadened the potential for weapons with extensive autonomy from human decision-making. “The Holy See has expressed its concerns on several occasions” about this deadly form of weapons system, the archbishop said. The convention’s parties “should make a courageous and enlightened decision of prohibiting LAWS like it did in the past concerning other types of weapons”, Archbishop Jurkovic said, like with the international ban on landmines and the nuclear non-proliferation treaty.— CNS

‘Priest killed in Cameroon was shot by government soldiers’ BY FRANCIS NJUgUNA


LTHOUGH official reports say Mill Hill Father Cosmas Omboto Ondari was caught in the crossfire of government and opposition forces, the local bishop says Fr Ondari was killed by government soldiers, last month. Bishop Andrew Nkea Fuanya of Mamfe, Cameroon, said the 33year-old Kenyan priest was shot dead just outside St Martin of Tours parish in Kembong. The bishop said he visited the parish, “and I personally counted 21 bullet holes made on the church building of Kembong where, at the time, the priest, the catechist and many Christians were carrying out various activities in the mission

compound. The blood of the murdered priest was still clearly seen on the cemented entrance to the church, just at the door. He died right in the house of God, and it is our prayer that God, whom he served so well, will welcome him into his eternal kingdom”. “Eyewitness accounts say that he was killed by government soldiers, who were shooting at random from their passing vehicle,” the bishop said. Another man also was shot. “The forces of evil are on a rampage against the Church of God but, as Christians, we believe in the promise of Christ that the gates of the underworld will never prevail over the Church,” the bishop said, adding, “We will remain vigilant.”—CNS

HE International Union of Superiors General (USIG) has called on women religious who have suffered abuse to come forward and report it to their congregations and Church and state authorities. “If the union receives a report of abuse, we will be a listening presence and help the person to have the courage to bring the complaint to the appropriate organisations,” it said in a statement. The group—whose members are 2 000 superiors general of congregations of women religious across the world, representing more than 500 000 Sisters—said it wished to express “deep sorrow and indignation over the pattern of abuse that is prevalent within the Church and society today”. “Abuse in all forms: sexual, verbal, emotional or any inappropriate use of power within a relationship, diminishes the dignity and healthy development of the person who is victimised,” it added. “We stand by those courageous women and men who have reported abuse to the authorities. We condemn those who support the culture of silence and secrecy, often under the guise of ‘protection’ of an institution’s reputation or naming it ‘part of one’s culture’.”

“We advocate for transparent civil and criminal reporting of abuse whether within religious congregations, at the parish or diocesan levels, or in any public arena,” it said. “We commit ourselves to work with the Church and civil authorities to help those abused to heal the past through a process of accompaniment, of seeking justice, and investing in prevention of abuse through collaborative formation and education programmes for children, and for women and men,” it said. Representatives of the UISG had been invited along with the men’s Union of Superiors General, presi-

Second Newman miracle approved BY CHRISTINE ROUSSELLE


SECOND miracle attributed to Bl John Henry Newman has reportedly been approved by the Vatican, fuelling expectation that his canonisation could occur as early as next year. Bishop Philip Egan of Portsmouth, England, wrote to his diocese last week that he had received a copy of the relatio, or official report, about the second miracle needed for Newman’s canonisation. “It looks now as if Newman might be canonised, all being well, later next year,” wrote Bishop Egan. According to Fr Ignatius Harrison, the postulator of Bl Newman’s cause for canonisation, there are now two more steps to be taken before he can be canonised. First, a commission of bishops has to approve and recommend the canonisation, and then Pope Francis must declare him a saint. Fr Harrison told the Catholic Her-

ald that he hopes that this will occur in 2019, but added that “there’s no way of knowing” if, or when, this will happen. The Catholic Herald speculated that the canonisation could take place after Easter 2019. Bl Newman’s second miracle concerned the healing of a pregnant American woman. The woman had prayed for the intercession of Cardinal Newman at the time of a lifethreatening diagnosis, and her doctors have been unable to explain how or why she was able to suddenly recover. This miracle was investigated by the archdiocese of Chicago, and apparently has now been confirmed. Bl Newman was an Anglican priest and theologian who converted to Catholicism in 1845 at the age of 44. His conversion was

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A woman religious is consoled during a protest in Cochin, India, demanding justice after a nun accused Bishop Franco Mulakkal of Jalandhar of raping her. (Photo: Sivaram V Reuters/CNS)

dents of bishops’ conferences and others to a February summit called by Pope Francis to address the protection of minors and vulnerable people. The statement also comes months after police arrested an Indian bishop and charged him with raping a nun. An Indian nun had accused Bishop Franco Mulakkal of Jalandhar, India, of raping her in 2014 and then sexually abusing her multiple times over the following two years. Bishop Mulakkal claims the accusations are baseless. He was arrested after police investigated. The nun had made numerous complaints, including to the Vatican, but claimed she had received no Church response to her allegations at the time. Pope Francis accepted the bishop’s request to be relieved of his duties. The nun had explained in a letter that her abuse had gone on for so long because “I had tremendous fear and shame to bring this out into the open. I feared suppression of the congregation and threats to my family members.” She had said many women and nuns suffer clerical abuse. Silence and inaction on the part of Church officials to stem clerical abuse will have a “very adverse effect” on women and result in the Church losing its credibility, she said.—CNS

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very controversial and resulted in him losing many of his friends. Even his own sister never spoke to him again. He was ordained a Catholic priest in 1847, and was made a cardinal by Pope Leo XIII in 1879, although he was not a bishop. Bl Newman was particularly dedicated to education and was a prolific writer. Today, Catholic student organisations at non-Catholic universities are often called “Newman Societies” in his honour. He was beatified in 2010 by Pope Benedict XVI. The first miracle attributed to Newman’s intercession involved the complete and inexplicable healing of a deacon from a disabling spinal condition.—CNA


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The Southern Cross, December 5 to December 11, 2018

Vatican abuse summit will be like a synod BY HANNAH BROCKHAUS

T People walk amid 100 000 postcards on climate change on Switzerland’s Aletsch glacier. Catholic groups have pledged to make the Church’s voice heard at a conference on climate change at the UN. (Photo: Arnd Wiegmann/Reuters)

Church’s voice to be heard at climate conference BY JONATHAN LUxMOORE


OVERNMENT delegations from across the globe are attending a UN conference on climate change, where Catholic organisations wish to make the Church’s voice heard. CIDSE, a network of 17 Catholic development agencies from Europe and North America based in Brussels, joined other Catholic aid organisations in Katowice, Poland, for the 24th UN Climate Change Conference from December 3-14, which proposed measures for restricting temperature increases to 1,50 Celsius. “Over the past year, there have been fears of a loss of energy—that ambition and commitment are being deflated by the magnitude of the tasks ahead,” said Josianne Gauthier, CIDSE secretary-general. “But we’ve been called out by the world’s most vulnerable countries to make the bold changes needed to restrict global warming—not by seeking the lowest common denominator, but by joining in courageous actions.” Catholic campaigners pressed the conference to maintain a “comprehensive rights approach to climate change”, rather than merely focusing on “technical questions”. Adriana Opromolla, international advocacy officer for Caritas

Internationalis, the Vatican-based federation of 164 Catholic charities, said Catholic groups “want an open, transparent dialogue on the global common good, not just a preoccupation with the interests of certain countries”. “While governments have to comply with global emission reduction goals, actors below government level can also have a major impact with a shared vision for reversing current trends,” said Ms Opromolla. “What absolutely cannot happen is that we just continue with business as usual.” “We’ve seen a growing interest in the Catholic Church as a moral leader and globally recognised authority, so I’ve no doubt its voice will be listened to,” she said. Cardinal Pietro Parolin, Vatican secretary of state, and Cardinal Peter Turkson, prefect of the Dicastery for the Promoting Integral Human Development, is leading a delegation from the Holy See. Church leaders from five continents called for the conference to be a “milestone on the path set out in 2015”, by encouraging “urgency, intergenerational justice, human dignity and human rights”. They added that Pope Francis had demanded “rapid and radical changes” in his 2015 encyclical Laudato Si’.—CNS

HE approach of Pope Francis’ meeting of bishops in February, on the topic of abuse prevention in the Church, will reflect the synodal journey, Fr Hans Zollner, meeting organisers said. Fr Zollner, who is a member of the four-person planning committee for the February 21-24 summit, said the meeting “is very important for the Church” and “it is necessary that the awareness of a synodal journey be shared—cum Petro et sub Petro.” Referring to the “consultative” phase of meeting planning, which is being launched soon, Fr Zollner said that “it is necessary that the meeting be prepared well, and that it involve all of the Episcopal Conferences right away”. This phase, he said, should include sharing of “information, reflections, the spirit of prayer and penance, and proposals for new concrete actions”. He also stated that the work bishops’ conferences have already done to craft anti-abuse measures will have a “fundamental place” at the Vatican summit. Fr Zollner, a child-protection expert, is a member of the Pontifical Council for the Protection of Minors (PCPM) and president of the Centre for the Protection of Minors

at the Pontifical Gregorian University. The Vatican meeting on abuse prevention will be attended by Pope Francis, the presidents of the world’s bishops’ conferences, the leaders of the Eastern Catholic Churches, and heads of certain Vatican offices. Part of the consultative work going on during the planning phase of the meeting—which also involves some clergy sex-abuse survivors and members of the PCPM—is to collect together “and better harmonise” the experiences of the bishops’ conferences, Fr Zollner said. “The Holy Father is convinced that the scourge, the ‘sacrilege’ as he has said numerous times, of abuse is a problem that does not pertain to a single country, and certainly not only to Western countries. It involves every country,” he stated, adding that “it requires a firm and universal response, within specific contexts and cultures”. During the meeting itself, the structure will provide “for the freest and most fruitful encounter possible”, and will include prayer, reflection, analysis, and proposals. Pope Francis will be present at all of the working sessions, recalling the “synodal experience”, Fr Zoll-

ner said. The planning stage includes several concrete steps under the direction of the pope, he noted. One of these steps is sending a questionnaire to the episcopal invitees to hear about their experiences and challenges. The organising committee will also prep foundational documents for the meeting’s participants. Fr Zollner acknowledged that the expectations for the meeting are incredibly high in some corners of the Church, and said he believes these expectations are reasonable “given the gravity of the scandal that has shocked and wounded so many people, believers and nonbelievers, in so many countries”. He pointed to what he sees as evidence of the pope and the Vatican’s commitment to the issue in Francis’ letter “to the People of God”, and in the Holy See’s letter on Archbishop Theodore McCarrick. “The Holy Father has convoked the meeting in February—an unprecedented decision—precisely because he is aware that the protection of minors is a fundamental priority for the Church, for its mission, and not only for its credibility,” he said.—CNA

A child who wandered from his mother stands next to a Swiss guard as Pope Francis leads his general audience in Paul VI hall at the Vatican. Pope Francis, addressing the audience about the child who is mute, said that “he has something, which makes me reflect. He is free. He makes me think: ‘Am I also free like this before god?’ This child...has preached to all of us.” The pope asked people to pray for the child to be able to speak someday. Pope Francis also joked that the boy was Argentine and therefore “undisciplined”. (Photos: CNS)

French priest and bishop convicted


FRENCH court has sentenced a priest to two years in prison, with a third year suspended, for the sexual abuse of minors. At the same time, the court also handed down a suspended sentence against his former bishop for failing to report an allegation against the priest to civil authorities. Pierre de Castelet, a retired priest of the diocese of Orléans, was convicted of sexually abusing several boys under the age of 15 at a summer camp in 1993. One of his victims, Olivier Savignac, came forward to complain to the diocese in 2010, writing a letter to the then-bishop, André Fort. Bishop Fort assured Mr Savignac that de Castelet would be kept from contact with minors but did not forward the complaint to civil authorities. The court found Bishop Fort guilty of failing to report the allegation, handing down a suspended sentence of eight months. The bishop retired in 2010. The following year, Mr Savignac repeated the allegation to Bishop Fort’s successor, Bishop Jacques Blaquart, who informed local police. As part of the sentence, Fr de Castelet is barred from working as a priest or having contact with minors and required to register on a list of sex offenders and receive psychiatric treatment. During the course of the trial, Fr de Castelet admitted to “an emotional attraction for boys aged 11-13” but said that he “did not realise the harm that it could do them”. Fr de Castelet was found guilty of groping several boys under the pretext of “medical examinations”. The priest told investigators that he was “alone against the world” in dealing with his attraction to young boys, and complained of a lack of support from Church authorities. Fr de Castelet also gave evidence to the court concerning his “loneliness” and added that Church authorities were aware of his disposition and actions as early as 1993—CNS


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The Southern Cross, December 5 to December 11, 2018


Editor: Günther Simmermacher

Our obligations on the road


HE holiday season is supposed to bring much cheer, but every year it also produces tragedy on our roads and highways. The road death toll over last year’s holiday season was 1 527. There was little comfort in this representing an 11% drop from the previous year. This number is the result of a dangerous driving culture, a loose attitude to reckless practices such as driving under the influence of alcohol or using cellphones while in traffic, and careless pedestrian behaviour which is exacerbated by often inadequate safety facilities. Many otherwise responsible individuals abandon reason once they take charge of a motor vehicle. Not a few imitate the anarchic approach to traffic shown by reckless minibus-taxi drivers and are blind to the reality that their actions behind the wheel have an immediate impact—sometimes literally—on others. As participants in traffic, we must be conscious of our mutual obligations because our safety depends on the actions of others. Therefore we must also consider the consequences of our decisions on others. It should alarm us that often the deterrent to driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs resides is the threat of being caught. Surely the increased risk of causing an accident, perhaps lethal, should inhibit any idea of driving while under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Driving in a state of inebriation puts others at risk, even when the driver does not appear to be incapacitated. Whole families are wiped out because a stranger did not know when to stop drinking before taking charge of a vehicle. There can be no justification for this, and there can be no excuse for producing such a risk in the first place. Likewise, those who drive while talking on a cellphone are a threat to other people, as their attention to traffic is gravely compromised. Even more morally corrupt is to text while driving, an act during which drivers are blind to the traffic around them. Motor vehicles are potentially lethal instruments, and all we do while in control of them should be predicated on the simple mandate of the fifth commandment —“You shall not kill”—and on

the intolerable possibility that our driving decisions might cause injury or death. Few people would consent to other forms of behaviour that put at risk the lives of others. People who drive under the influence of alcohol or drugs, and those who text while driving, should be held accountable for their recklessness not only by the law, but also by society. Their behaviours must not be trivialised, as they often are, but seen as violations of social convention: a taboo which, when broken, should be a source of shame for perpetrators. At the same time, the rules of the road must be properly enforced in ways that place an emphasis on rooting out dangerous driving. South African motorists frequently complain that the traffic authorities show greater enthusiasm for generating revenue from fines for relatively minor offences than for enforcing traffic rules by pulling over dangerous drivers. Such complaints are usually accompanied by the suggestion that traffic officers lack visibility on the road while reckless drivers, especially of minibus-taxis, get away with dangerous driving. Whether or not such observations are true is not for us to say. It is undeniable, however, that these perceptions exist. And they can lead to a breakdown in discipline as motorists claim for themselves the same impunity they see in the behaviour of taxi drivers and other traffic menaces. The implication is that traffic police should be more visible on the roads than being hidden behind bushes. The culture of impunity must be rigorously challenged, by reassigning traffic officers manning speed traps on lonely rural byways to roads that urgently require active law enforcement, and through peer-to-peer education. Nevertheless, the primary responsibility for making South African roads safer resides not with law enforcement but with road-users themselves. All of us who participate in traffic must be guided by the principle that the road is a point of communion between people which requires courtesy, decency and prudence in our relations with fellow motorists, cyclists and pedestrians.

The Editor reserves the right to shorten or edit published letters. Letters below 300 words receive preference. Pseudonyms are acceptable only under special circumstances and at the Editor’s discretion. Name and address of the writer must be supplied. No anonymous letter will be considered.

My life as a priest gives me great joy


ITH this letter I would like to convey the joy of being a priest. Throughout the month of November, I have been giving retreats to different sodalities at the parish where I serve, St Charles Lwanga in Botshabelo, in the archdiocese of Bloemfontein. One Saturday, I baptised 12 children. I have baptised many children since I became a priest, but this one was different in that those being baptised were also waiting to receive their First Communion. They were so excited to receive baptism because in catechism they had learnt that they could not be allowed to receive First Communion if they were not yet baptised. Their friends in the catechism class also felt happy knowing that everyone in the class was going to receive First Communion together on Sunday, the feast of Christ the King. There was jubilation on the Saturday during the baptism Mass, be-

How to pray for parish priests


ITH great joy I read the letter “Pray for priests” by Pat Rother in (November 21). I don’t believe in coincidence but in “Godincidence”. Within a few days of reading the letter, I received the following beautiful prayer chaplet for priests. It goes along the lines of the Rosary of Liberation: Sign of the Cross, Apostles’ Creed, Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be. Then on the large bead pray this at the end of each decade: “O Father, from whom all fatherhood in heaven and on earth is named, have mercy on all your priests and wash them in the Blood of the Lamb.” At the beginning of each decade pray: “Eternal Father, I offer you the Precious Blood of your Beloved Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, the Lamb without blemish or spot, in reparation for my sins and for the sins of all your priests.” Then on the small beads pray: “By your Precious Blood, O Jesus, purify and sanctify your priests.” At the end pray Hail Holy Queen, St Joseph, Pray for Us, and any other saints. It is good to add St John Vianney, the patron of priests, and Padre Pio, a renowned confessor. It is also a very good practice to have Mass offered for one’s parish priest regularly. There is no other prayer greater than the Eucharist, the source and summit of Christian lives. All the above will without doubt help this Church of Jesus Christ be purified and become holy. Fr Christopher Neville OFM, Durban

fore the peak celebration on Sunday, when 52 children received their First Communion. After Mass, I was invited to join one of the faithful, an old lady cel-

Fr Michael Mapulanga baptises a baby at St Charles Lwanga parish in Botshabelo, in Bloemfontein archdiocese.

Nazi concordat and abuse silence


NOTHER watershed moment may be looming when heads of the world’s bishops’ conferences meet with Pope Francis in February next year. Pope John XXIII led the way with Vatican II, and his famous words, “Let us throw open the windows of the Church and let the fresh air of the spirit blow through,” need to be renewed. Although Pope Francis has referred to recent revelations of sexual abuse as being the result of a “clerical culture”, the problem runs deeper. Being taught that the Church is infallible through the years has us, both clergy and laity, to become like the three “wise” monkeys—“See no evil, Hear no evil, Speak no evil”—concerning Church matters. In recent times the Church has either censured or silenced certain men for their point of view, deemed contrary to Roman Catholic teachings—learned men such as Edward Schillebeeckx, Hans Küng, Karl Rahner and recently Thomas Brodie. Yet others, whose acts are deeply questionable, are being lauded. Take, for example, the ongoing process for the beatification of Pope Pius XII, declared a Servant of God in 1990 by St John Paul II and Venerable by Pope Benedict XVI in 2009. Before the process continues, his role in the German Catholic Centre Party’s decision in 1933 to support the Enabling Act, which effectively gave Adolf Hitler dictatorial power in Germany, needs to be investigated. Cardinal Eugenio Pacelli (later

ebrating her 100th birthday. I had a lot of work baptising those who were not baptised, hearing confession to those who were already baptised, and making sure that everything went well. There is hard work in the priesthood, in whatever position or area, in parish work or chaplaincy. But in all the work, I have come to realise that there is joy in being a priest if one serves God and God’s people with zeal and dedication. The gratification in being a priest is what you receive in observing that the community you are serving is filled with joy. When a priest serves God and God’s people with joy, God in return gives back one hundredfold and above in this present life, and everlasting delight in the life to come. Each priest must ask himself: “What kind of a priest am I; a joyful priest or a sad priest?” Fr Michael Mapulanga, Botshabelo

Pius XII) was made secretary of state for Vatican affairs in 1930 and it appears one of his first priorities was to sign a concordat with Germany to, from the Vatican’s perspective, safeguard Church interests. Discussions took place between the Holy See and Germany in 1931 and 1932—before Hitler took power—and it was only in July 1933, by which time Hitler was in power, that the concordat was signed. Four months previously, the Nazi Party had needed a majority to push through the Enabling Act, effectively giving them dictatorial power. This was opposed only by the Social Democratic Party. The Catholic Centre Party’s support for the Act smacks of collusion between the Vatican and the Nazi Party. In the same month that the Enabling Act was passed, St Benedicta of the Cross—a Jewish woman born Edith Stein who had converted to Catholicism in 1922 and become a nun—wrote a letter to Pope Pius XI requesting the Church hierarchy to publicly condemn the racially based ethos of the Nazis. It appears the Church was more interested in its own agenda, securing the signing of the concordat. Sr Benedicta of the Cross and her sister were arrested by the Nazis in 1942 at a convent in Holland, transported to Auschwitz and murdered in the gas chambers. No doubt we all have our imperfections, but by becoming “holy”, as Pope Pius XII evidently was, does not change who he was: a single-minded man interested only in the mission of the Catholic Church and oblivious to the plight of non-Catholics. Patrick Dacey, Johannesburg

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Open doors to the poor T HE archdiocese of Cape Town, where I live, has just finished another season of Ecclesia, titled “The Church is an Open Door”. This season focused on the spirituality of social justice. For most of us in our parish, it was the most challenging season yet. Usually people go to the Ecclesia for spiritual upliftment, getting to know their fellow parishioners, renewing their faith, and all that. But this season was designed to take us out of our own comfort zones to make concrete steps to be God’s hands and eyes in the world, in particular for the poor. The Ecclesia booklet begins with a quote by Pope Francis from an Angelus address in 2015: “Level the mountains of pride and rivalry; fill in the valleys of indifference and apathy; straighten the paths of our laziness and our comforts.” It ends with a prayer line for us to build the Church to be a vibrant sign of God’s presence in the world. We concentrated more on practical steps than just prayer, or rather on actionable prayer than words. Looking at the world in general, and our country and Church specifically, we have to admit that things are not looking good. It is enough to make one despair and retreat into one’s own little comfort zone. The world is now in need of saints, people of good action rather than just preachers—pray that God may send more workers in the field. Our parish is in an affluent area of Cape Town, so this season of Ecclesia felt as though it was speaking directly to us to take up the cudgels against poverty, inequality and so on. Practical ways were added to the parish outreach programmes, which is probably already the broadest I have seen in any parish I’ve belonged to. Most welcome this time was the idea of “added hands”—human volunteers, as op-

posed to just the usual material donations. There were the usual complaints during the discussions about the debilitating nature of corruption that makes taxpayers— who are the majority members of the parish—feel as though they’re collecting water in a leaking bucket. But in general people were willing to do more, and be careful not to skip over Lazarus at our gates.


he homeless in particular were the subject of discussion; their plight cut many people to the quick, and so there were spontaneous action groups and individual actions to serve them. My favourite was a call to keep in one’s car a bag of basic needs to hand over to the homeless wherever we meet them. The Catholic Church in general cannot be accused of not doing anything about the homeless, the poor and the indigent, but sometimes it feels nothing is ever enough. For instance, it has come to our attention that we need more buildings to house the poor, homeless and refugees in our archdiocese. A commitment was made to establish something like a parish fund that will assist the diocese in this issue. Meantime, the Motsepe Foundation held a prayer meeting at Soccer City in Jo-

We need more saints than words to act on poverty, writes Mphuthumi Ntabeni. (Photo: Sydney Duval)

Write a letter today A FAMOUS song by Fats Waller from 1935 begins with these lines: “I’m gonna sit right down/And write myself a letter/And make believe it came from you.” Over many centuries, letters have been exchanged about anything and everything. They tell a continuing story of relationships, of excitement, of stress and conflict, some written in haste, others crafted with care and consideration. They tell us a great deal, not just on the matter of factual content; they tell us a background story of those exchanging a letter. The texture of their lives is woven in the words they write and they remain a historical record of a point of view. The five volumes of letters sent by Thomas Merton to an extensive variety of correspondents give us a vivid picture of his relationships. How he managed such a wide-ranging correspondence within the restrictions of the monastic day has always puzzled me. Literature is littered with love letters, exchanged between young people seeking to develop a personal relationship. Words are sought to express a love that each is experiencing, hoping that it might lead to a long-term commitment. When there is distance between people, the exchange of letters helps to keep contact alive. “Thank-you” letters show the courtesy of gratitude after some form of gift. They show that we don't take a kindness for granted. The acknowledgement might be brief, but it is important that it is made. In a similar way, the letter of congratulation is a welcome recognition of achievement. Other letters that are preserved by their

in his column, Chris McDonnell recalls the old practice of writing letters. recipients are often given the title “last letters”, those few words of salutation and affection are treasured for what they contain and for who wrote them. When a person in public life resigns, or is sacked, there is often an exchange of letters, published in the public domain, that offer thanks, acknowledge an opportunity to serve, and give good wishes for the future. The sincerity of the comments has to be judged within the known context of events that gave reason for their writing. The phrase “tongue in cheek” often comes to mind.


efore typewriters and, more recently, laptops, letters were hand-written, crafted with care or rushed notes, mistakes and all. And they were signed with the mark, the signature of the sender. They were personal and their authenticity verified. The “Zinoviev Letter”, published by the Daily Mail in 1924 during a British general election campaign, is now acknowledged to have been a scandalous forgery. It was an attempt to link the left in British poli-


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Mphuthumi Ntabeni

The Public Square

hannesburg to pray for the: • the unity of all South Africans of all races and languages; • end to poverty, corruption and crime, particularly crimes against women and children; • creation of jobs, equality of opportunities and the provision of quality education and skills; • current land reform discussions to result in land being made available for black people living in the rural and urban areas and to their communities, and for a successful and secure future for black and white farmers; • peaceful, fair and just elections in 2019, and God’s guidance, leadership and blessings for a bright future for all South Africans. The Motsepe family attends Mass in our parish when in Cape Town. The actions of Patrice Motsepe’s family and foundation, on a much bigger scale, have been visible in doing human development projects that align very well with our Ecclesia season. There has been some criticism over Mr Motsepe’s supposed political ambitions. So what? Would it not be a breath of fresh air to have a First Citizen who’s emphatic about the concerns of the poor and indigent for a change? Often the first to criticise any good works are themselves sitting on their couches with red pens, doing nothing to spread the light into the corners. We have also encountered a lot of undue criticism for our parish outreach, with people accusing us of “ulterior motives”, whatever those are. So what? Like the poor, we will always have those. Our task is to heed the Church’s call to clean her stables and walk humbly with God.

Chris McDonnell

Point of Church

tics with the emerging communist government in Russia. The damage done by deliberate lies put into the public domain can be far-reaching. The anonymous letter is both damaging and, to a degree, cowardly. Spelling out a point of view can be a matter of courage yet its value is diminished if the writer fails to own it with their signature. Every newspaper or journal offers its readers the opportunity of responding to articles through a letter to the editor. In this way an alternative point of view, a correction to a text, or further support for a printed position can be made. The editor always reserves the right to publish or not, looking for balance in views that are expressed. Letters in the early Church were a vital and necessary way of teaching the Gospel. After visiting a community and spending time instructing the people on the message of Jesus, the apostles wrote to reinforce faith with words. Peter, James, Timothy and Paul all used this teaching tool and their words were shared, valued to the extent that along with the Gospels, they were incorporated into the New Testament. To this day, we listen to their teaching in the liturgy of the Word each time we share the Eucharist. Writing letters, exchanging ideas, sharing a position is largely now a matter for email or its slimmer cousin Twitter. Write to someone other than yourself. Just remember to press the SEND button. n This article was first published in the Catholic Times.

The Southern Cross, December 5 to December 11, 2018


Toni Rowland

Family Friendly

As my year of ubuntu closes


HIS will be the last of my columns for 2018, a journey that has attempted to “Catholicise” the concept of ubuntu. At a conference early in the year I asked sodality members if ubuntu was Catholic. They were not sure. “Maybe, maybe not.” So I requested a retired black school teacher to explore it more deeply, and we concluded that ubuntu is a good way of describing Jesus’ worldview too. I don’t believe it has been widely reflected on in the context of inculturation but I did find one Ugandan theologian’s writing that affirmed my gut feel and promotes ubuntu as an approach to evangelisation. Closely linking faith and life in our own South African context has proved quite difficult for me over the years, partly because I am a white immigrant South African Catholic musician who enjoys mostly a Western way of worship. For my late husband Chris and me in 1979, one of the most valuable gifts of Marriage Encounter was the fact that we could relate to couples and families of other race groups because marriage and family is what we had in common. I’ve spent nearly 40 years banging that drum (at times perhaps not loud enough, or is it the wrong drum?). Another insight, from a discussion with a foreign priest, was that for the local Church to make progress on our spiritual journey we should be evangelising in the context in which we operate.


he Western sector of the Church, with a more individualistic approach, is diminishing even though it still has influence. The African family reality should be the basis for our pastoral care, dichotomous and confusing as the situation may seem. Ubuntu means “I am a person through others”, and those others are family people living firstly in the same house, flat, shack or mansion, or the one next door or across the valley. Marfam’s 2019 family theme “Every Family Matters!” is a progression from 2018 and ubuntu. Yes, marriage matters, so do parents in all situations, grandparents, widowed, divorced, youth— all from a perspective of family as well as in family units. Pope Francis recognises that, although Amoris Laetitia is strongly about marriage. “Each of those who live with us merits our complete attention, since he or she possesses infinite dignity as an object of the Father’s immense love,” he wrote (323). In every family, members experience love and learn and practise the necessary life skills while practising and sharing their faith. Family catechesis could be a new approach, not only through catechists talking about families, but by guiding those families to do what they should be doing themselves. And when it comes to worship and prayer, why is it that we sing and dance so enthusiastically in our larger groups and not in our homes? Lighting an Advent candle, singing Christmas carols, performing a little Christmas play or reading stories is a family-friendly way that can “Put Christ Back Into Christmas”—right where he belongs.

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The Southern Cross, December 5 to December 11, 2018

COMMUNITY Holy Cross Sister Ainé Hughes cuts her 70th birthday cake at a surprise lunch held for her at the Holy Cross Sisters’ School in Belville, Cape Town. With her is Sr Kizita Makanda. (Submitted by Sean greyling)

A group of catechists from East London deanery participated in a reflective workshop based on Pope Francis’ encyclical Laudato Si’, concerning the present challenge of caring for the Earth. Catechists were asked to suggest small steps which could make a difference in their area of the Eastern Cape. With the group are Srs Katy van Wyk (middle row) and Agnes Kreuzberg (back row).

Priests and bishops from various dioceses attend a conference on the family and violence in Benoni, gauteng. The guest speakers, from Canada, were clinical psychologist Dr Christauria Welland and her husband Michael Welland. Bishops Joe Sandri of Witbank (front row second left) and Petros Mpumbani of Kokstad (seventh left) were among those at the conference. (Photo: Darryl Date Line)


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Three deacons were ordained by Cardinal Wilfrid Napier at St Michael’s parish in Red Hill, Durban. The new deacons (from left) are Meshack Kali, Theobald King, and Neelan Reddy. (Photo: Toni Joharie)

Two groups of children celebrated their First Communion at Christ the King parish in Queenswood, Pretoria. With the first group of 21 at left are (from left) teacher Wendy Jacobs, Deacon Tony Tweehuizen, parish priest Fr Chris Townsend, Fr Peter Switala, and teacher Debbie Bosman. With the second group of 25 at right are (from left) Wendy Jacobs, Frs Switala and Townsend, and teachers Jaco Visagie and Debbie Bosman. (Photos: Silvia Rossi)

For the price of one issue of The Southern Cross you get half a sheet of Christmas wrapping paper (and not Th e

Southern Cross

November 28 to December 4, 2018

Reg No. 1920/002058/06 No 5111


The cost of training guidedogs

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R10 (incl VAT RSA)

Young Catholic leader on faith and evangelising

Why Mary was born without sin

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In this week’s issue of The Southern Cross you will find a FREE gift of the Upper Room booklet of daily devotions for January to February 2019. The bi-monthly Upper Room Daily Devotional Guide is available at R15. For more information, go to www.devotional. upperroom.org or contact rrink@aurm.co.za

Catholic charity shuts down STAFF REPORTER

Pope Francis poses for a selfie as he makes a surprise visit to a free mobile health clinic to serveRome’s homeless and poor in St Peter’s Square at the Vatican. Tourists and pilgrims in the square were caught off-guard by the pope’s arrival, immediately snapping pictures and reaching out to shake his hand. (Photo: Vatican Media)

Padre Pio prayers led to miracle


ATTEO Pio Colella was just seven years old when he contracted a deadly disease. Doctors believed there was no hope for the boy, but he made a full recovery. His cure was the miracle that paved the way for the canonisation of St Padre Pio by Pope John Paul II in June 2002. More than 16 years later, Mr Colella, now 27, has given an exclusive interview to the Spanish news agency ACI Prensa on the occasion of the pre-release of the film El Misterio del Padre Pío (The Mystery of Padre Pio) in Madrid. The documentary is directed by writer and filmmaker José María Zavala and includes Mr Colella’s testimony. On January 20, 2000, Matteo was diagnosed with acute fulminant meningitis, caused by bacteria. The disease had affected his kidneys, his respiratory system and blood clotting. He was immediately admitted to the hospital founded by Padre Pio, the Casa Sollievo della Sofferenza (Home for the Relief of Suffering), located in San Giovanni Rotondo, Italy, where the saint’s monastery is. The following day, the boy went into a coma. His health deteriorated drastically, and doctors considered him a lost cause, thinking he would die within a few hours. While he was in this critical condition, his mother Maria Lucia went to pray over the

Matteo Colella, whose inexplicable cure led to the canonisation of Padre Pio (right). tomb of Padre Pio to ask for her son’s healing. “During the coma,” Mr Colella recounted, “I saw Padre Pio in a dream on my right and three angels on the left. One with golden wings and a white tunic and the two others with white wings and a red tunic. Padre Pio, on my right, told me not to worry because I would soon be cured. In fact, my cure was like the resurrection of Lazarus.” And that’s exactly what happened. The doctors considered Matteo to be clinically dead, but he came back to life. The young man is grateful to Padre Pio for his intercession. He said he considers the saint to be like a grandfather in whom he can confide.—CNA


S a final act of caring before their retrenchment, the staff of Catholic Welfare & Development (CWD) have volunteered their time and labour to ensure that those even less fortunate than they can receive at least a little something this Christmas through the annual Buckets of Love campaign. CWD, the welfare agency in the archdiocese of Cape Town, is retrenching its entire staff as it is winding down because of an extreme lack of funding and mounting debts. “Our staff insisted on running the Buckets of Love campaign, even though they are being retrenched,” said Eugene Jackson, head of staff development at CWD. He assured funders and supporters of the popular campaign that “every cent donated will be used for the buckets and the groceries that go into them, and for nothing else”. CWD had served the poor in the archdiocese of Cape Town since it was set up in 1970. Just two years short of its 50th anniversary it is closing down. The financial crises that have led to the agency’s collapse can be ascribed to a combination of factors, including rapidly diminishing funding and strategic misjudgments. Graham Wilson, the financial administrator of the archdiocese who joined the CWD board to help oversee the settling of its affairs, emphasised that there is no suspicion of funds having been criminally misappropriated. Mr Wilson said that the retrenchment of the 49 staff members was unavoidable, emphasising that due process had been followed. “CWD has had no option but to retrench its staff in a phased manner because of an extreme lack of funding and mounting debts. Because CWD has little or no funds, the archdiocese of Cape Town has since October underwritten all salaries as well as the retrenchment packages that are now due to staff,” he told The Southern Cross.

S o u t h e r n C r o s s Pilgrimage HOLY LAND & ROME Led by Fr Russell Pollitt SJ with

Günther Simmermacher, author of The Holy Land Trek For more information or to book, please contact Gail at info@fowlertours.co.za or phone/WhatsApp 076 352‐3809


“Given the enormity of the lack of funding and mounting debts that the new board has found, they have had no alternative at all but to take the drastic steps they have,” he added. Mr Wilson acknowledged that the timing of the staff retrenchments so soon before Christmas is regrettable for “the impact it will have not only on CWD staff and their families but also on the beneficiaries of the various programmes that are affected”. The archdiocese’s ability to intervene directly in CWD was limited by the agency’s constitution, though Archbishop Stephen Brislin of Cape Town had “tried on numerous occasions to alert the board to the fact that CWD appeared to be in severe financial difficulty”, Mr Wilson said. Archbishop Brislin told The Southern Cross that he was “deeply shocked by what has happened at CWD” and expressed “regret action wasn’t taken sooner by CWD”. Mr Wilson noted that “the future of most of CWD’s programmes remains extremely uncertain” but added that in terms of welfare organisation the archdiocese “is planning for the future”. The agency leaves a great legacy, Mr Wilson said. “CWD does live on in the projects that had their genesis in the organisation. These have gone on to be welfare organisations in their own right, some more closely associated with the archdiocese than others.” Examples of these are such organisations as the Caring Network, the small-scale urban farming project Abalimi Bezekhaya, Neighbourhood Old Age Homes (NOAH), the Credit Union Movement, Rural Development and Support, Shackdwellers International (formerly the People’s Dialogue), Abbeyfield South Africa, Help the Rural Child, and the Goedgedacht Roman Catholic Trust. To contribute to Buckets of Love e-mail info@cwd.org.za or deposit into Standard Bank account “CWD Buckets of Love”, number 070526052, Thibault Square Branch (020909)

5-17 May 2019

Feed your soul with The

S outher n C ross


St Peter Claver parish in Pimville, Soweto, presented couples who had completed their marriage preparation course with certificates. Parish priest Fr Tom Segami OMI and Fr Mahlomola Skoto OMI blessed all the couples. Thato and Busisiwe Sootho (above) hold their certificate. (Photo: Sello Mokoka)

The St Vincent de Paul Society of St Mary’s cathedral conference in Cape Town fed the homeless on World Day of The Poor. (Photo: Michelle Perry)


The Southern Cross, December 5 to December 11, 2018


What Catholics can learn from Muslims

The way that Muslims practise their religion can serve as a good example for many Catholics, suggests ISAAC MUTELO OP.


N South Africa, Muslims constitute about 2% of the total population. Because both Islam and Christianity are Abrahamic religions, the two faiths echo in key beliefs and practices. Considering the fundamental elements of the Islamic faith and practice, can we, as Catholics, learn something from Muslims? I suggest that we can. Firstly, most Catholics are devoted to their faith and its obligations, but the absolute submission of the average Muslim to the supremacy of Allah (the name for God which is also used by Arabic-speaking Christians) and the dictates of their faith calls for our deep admiration. The profound commitment of most Muslims is reflected in their devotion to the unicity of Allah and its integration with principal practices of observance and moral life. Catholics can learn a lot from Muslims’ total submission to Allah and absolute devotion to their faith’s precepts. That centrality of the Word of God in Islam and how it can be handled should inspire us. Not all Catholic families have a Bible in their homes, and of those who do, not all read it, individually or as a family. By contrast, most Muslims learn to recite the complete Qu’ran and perform absolution for spiritual purity by washing their hands before handling the Qu’ran. Insults or other verbal utterances of disrespect regarding the Qu’ran are considered blasphemous (which, when applied as a political tool, can also create problems). The total dedication to faith in Islam calls for submission and surrender, which is reflected in the swift integration of faith and action in their daily lives. For example, practices of observance such as almsgiving are based on one’s dedication to God to an extent that it becomes an obligation and a social responsibility. This understanding can help us Catholics to perceive our practices of observance such as prayer and almsgiving differently. One does not have to wait until there is a problem to pray or fast. To Muslims, even voluntary almsgiving to the poor is taken seriously to the extent that anyone with a certain level of wealth is obliged to give alms. Islam’s understanding is that money is not properly used until it is “purified” through sharing with the community. Like Muslims, Catholics can dedicate themselves more to almsgiving so that there may be no “needy person among them” (Acts 4:34).

Always professing faith A Muslim is always ready to profess his or her faith: to pray five times a day, distribute alms, fast during the holy month of Ramadan, and—for those who are able to do so—go on pilgrimage to Mecca, Islam’s holiest site. This readiness is motivated by the belief in the Oneness of Allah, the essence of being Muslim. The belief in one God is reflected in one’s actions of diligent submission and surrender, based on the conviction that whatever one does is a gift from the one God. Catholics can take inspiration from Muslims’ absolute commitment to the main practices of observance, especially salat (ritual prayers) and zakat (almsgiving) since these practices are not foreign to the Catholic tradition. Most Catholics are committed to prayer and giving charity to the poor, but not necessarily at the level

Muslims at prayer and on pilgrimage to Mecca, the hadj which every follower of Islam is expected to make at least once in their lifetime, if they can. In this article, Deacon Isaac Mutelo OP argues that Catholics can learn many good lessons from Muslims about the faithful practice of faith, charity and family. of dedication and commitment most Muslims have. To Muslims, regular prayer enables forgiveness in total submission and praise to Allah. Ritual prayers are an instruction and form of purification one is required to practise. This obligation to assiduous prayer is so central that sometimes business comes to a standstill when it is prayer time. This profound respect and commitment Muslims have to prayer and other faith obligations ought to fill us Catholics with admiration.

Rhythm of prayer Catholics who live with Muslims in their neighbourhoods are at an advantage. They can learn the centrality of constant submission and surrender to God in steadfast prayer by developing their consistency in prayer—which ought to foster a certain rhythm and communion with the entire Catholic community. Muslims perform informal prayers (du’a) throughout the day, using various phrases of praise, thanksgiving and acknowledging Allah’s will, an aspect Catholics can admire, and in some ways also share. Phrases such as “God is great” (Allâh hu Akbar), “May God bless you” (Bârakah Allâh), and “If God wills it” (inshâ’Allâh) are common in the everyday language of Muslims. Again, these phrases are also used by Arab-speaking Christians. The Islamic commitment to prayer and other forms of exaltation shouldn’t be alien to us Catholics. St Paul challenged us to “pray without ceasing” and to “give thanks in all circumstances” (1 Thessalonians 5:17-18). Some Catholic parents do not teach their children how to pray, apart from what is learnt at catechism. In Islam, teaching children to remember Allah through regular prayer and avoiding wicked actions is a religious duty for parents. Muslims over the age of ten are expected to pray, and children are generally taught to pray from the age of six, a practice which is uncommon in most Catholic families.

Importance of family Family is important in Islam, and includes the extended family nucleus as well as the community. Some Catholics have been influenced by an individualism which fosters the nuclear family model— father, mother and children—while disregarding extended family members (aunts, uncles, cousins and so on). Some are even accustomed to a Western system in which individuals are regarded as the basic unit of society. In Islam, the model of the nuclear family is largely unknown. In most Muslim communities in South Africa, the ideal is the extended family which brings all family members into a close filial and solid mutual relationship. When a Muslim man or woman marries, it means that he or she also accepts taking responsibility for the partner’s extended family. For Muslims, the most essential and core natural unit of an ideal society is the family nucleus, which is central to building a stable faith community.

Family life in Islam requires a sense of responsibility towards the aged, those with disabilities, and those in destitute situations. Some Muslims even regard moving parents to old-age homes and children of a deceased relative to orphanages as a great evil. The primacy of family in Islam makes it easier for the elderly and those with disabilities to be looked after. The centrality of the family nucleus enables members to provide financial assistance, recreation, entertainment and consultations among each other, which also happens at the level of the broader Muslim faith community. Although mutual responsibility and sharing is not alien to most Catholic families, it is often applied primarily within the nuclear family. In most Catholic communities,


family bonds are not strong, especially with regard to extended families. In Islam, the family is a significant pillar upon which stands the entire social structure, because good and healthy family values extend to the entire Muslim community.

Building blocks of faith The Muslim family structure, which fosters the most stable and honourable form for intimate social relations and preservation of ethical values and religious principles, is a challenge to family life in Catholicism. Unlike Muslim families, some Catholics do not consider the family as a building block for the Church. Catholics should learn to perceive the family as a domestic Church, a basic unit of the Catholic faith community by virtue of bap-

tism and marriage. Catholics ought to emphasise the role of the family in sharing the Christian life, centred on hope and truth, by fostering Christian values and ethical principles within the extended family and community. Catholics can learn from Muslims how to integrate worship, ethics and communal life to strengthen faith communities In Muslim communities, sharing resources, promoting virtue, battling immorality, and forbidding iniquity are perceived to be collective responsibilities in which one participates voluntarily. This should challenge Catholics to take up a personal responsibility towards others and society, to strengthen family bonds and communal responsibility—because existence and all wealth belong to God.

S outher n C ross Pilgrimage 2019

HOLY LAND & ROME 5 – 17 May 2019

Led by

FR RUSSELL POLLITT SJ with Günther Simmermacher (Author of The Holy Land Trek)

To book or for info contact gail at info@fowlertours.co.za or 076 352-3809



The Southern Cross, December 5 to December 11, 2018


Like having dinner with Pope Francis A FUTURE OF FAITH: The Path of Change in Politics and Society, by Pope Francis with Dominique Wolton. Bluebird/Pan Macmillan. 2018. 324pp Reviewed by Gßnther Simmermacher MAGINE you are at a dinner party, and Pope Francis is among the guests. This book gives us a hint of what that would be like as the Holy Father converses about faith and life, cracking a few jokes in between. Pope Francis: The Path to Change is a transcript of 12 conversations Pope Francis had at his residence in the Vatican with French sociologist and atheist Dominique Wolton. These dialogues are interspersed with the text of relevant addresses which the Holy Father has delivered, such as to the United Nations and the European Union, or to World Youth Day in Krakow. It is not an interview book— Wolton pontificates (as it were) far too much for it to be so.


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Rather, it is the result of a series of informal encounters between two intellectual men who riff off one another, and evidently have great fun in the process. Wolton may be an atheist, but he is positive about the role the Catholic Church plays and could play in the world, and the agenda he seeks includes much of Pope Francis’ programme. The two men clearly enjoy each other’s company; certainly Wolton, in his prefaces to each session, almost gushes in delight at his encounters with the pope.


nd one can’t blame him. Pope Francis is accessible, warm, bright and witty. He is also prone to get off-point, sometimes in directions unknown. That is the mark of good free-flowing conversation, rather than the way of a cagey man who is editing his every word. It is a good way of getting to know Pope Francis, even if he reveals not much here that is new. The Holy Father is always great at soundbites, but the book form gives him an opportunity to get stuck into issues. Almost predictably, Pope Francis doesn’t always respond the way Wolton—or we—might expect. Occasionally he declines to talk too much about a subject because, he says, he has to think it through first. The implication is that he has expended a lot of time thinking about the subjects on which he does expand. The discourse can get highminded, with casual references to philosophers and theologians whom some readers may be unfamiliar with. But that is balanced

by the good sense and outspoken critiques which most Catholics appreciate about this pope. A recurring theme in the book is that of communication, of dialogue as a way of building bridges (Pope Francis notes that the papal title “Pontifex� literally means “builder of bridges�). It’s a hobby-horse of Wolton’s, who seems frustrated that his views on the subject have received little public traction. The pope shares in that urgency.


n his introduction Wolton writes that the book’s focus would be social, not theological or doctrinal. But there is a lot of talk about the Church, and subjects such as sin. On that topic, Pope Francis decries preachers who too often condemn sins “below the waistâ€? but say nothing about “the more serious sins such as hatred, envy, pride, killing and so onâ€?. We may be startled at statements like: “The least serious sins are the sins of the flesh‌ the more dangerous sins are those of the mind.â€? The pope takes aim at those whom he calls rigorists—those Christians whose certainties are anchored in the law rather than the unpredictability of the Jesus of the Gospel. He warns about “ideological Christiansâ€? whom he calls “Christians without Jesusâ€?. The key to the faith is mercy, the pope emphasises. “If I, as an individual, do not accept that God is merciful, I am not a believer. I am making God in my image.â€? The Church, he reminds Wolton, “is not bishops, popes

and priestsâ€? but the People of God, especially on the peripheries. “If you want to know the Church, go‌where the Church is lived—in villages, hospitals, missions,â€? he advises. These are the words of a man who has complete trust in Christ. The pope tells Wolton that he is not afraid of anything and feels total freedom. Even with the restrictions on personal freedom which come with the job of pope, Francis says he feels like “a fish in waterâ€?, spiritually free and unafraid. This relaxed outlook is evident throughout the book. Pope Francis is very much aware of the burdens of his office, but he is not weighed down by them. And he has time to be funny. At one point Wolton says that “Latin is the wombâ€? of a billion Romanesque language speakers. Pope Francis deadpans: “The womb? It’s the great-grandmother!â€? Later he fires off a flurry of jokes at the expense of his fellow Argentinians, who, he explains, have a reputation in South America of being unduly arrogant. The best joke is about himself: “But look how humble the pope is! Even though he’s Argentinian, he chose to call himself Francis—and not Jesus II.â€? And that is the Pope Francis we meet at this sophisticated dinner-party of a book: the warm individual who cracks jokes, but also the passionate pastor, the inquiring intellectual, the outspoken leader—and always the disciple of Christ who shares this pilgrim journey with us

The poetry of a priest IN QUIET REALM, Poems by Lawrence Mduduzi Ndlovu. Write-On Publishing. 2018. 113pp. Reviewed by Michael Shackleton N his poem “The Daffodils�, William Wordsworth wrote that he would often lie on his couch “in vacant or in pensive mood�. It is this kind of mood that is the source of the creative juices of writers and artists. It rests on a hoard of subconscious images and ideas that the writer awaits to rise impulsively to mind and to trigger a flow of alert lyrical expression. This mood in a poet priest will naturally be drawn to feel and convey the hidden hand and heart of God in the world. We readily see this in the poetry of the English greats such as John Henry Newman and Gerard Manley Hopkins. Fr Lawrence Mduduzi Ndlovu’s African-themed poems are similarly sensitive and will echo among today’s South Africans. The anthology’s title, In Quiet Realm, is also the title of the first of the poems which reveals the spiritual key to his creative soul. Filled with awesome gratitude, he writes: “In quiet realm I found the

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Creator present, and that I could comprehend so great a Designer, albeit with a manner limited, caused me to weep.� The poet tells of his awareness of God in South Africa’s history of oppression of the people and their uncrushed pride and patience. He does this with gentle words and no bitterness, a feature of his work which adds to the striking beauty of his poetry.

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Fr Ndlovu’s spiritual insights are blended and weaved into his appreciation of contemporary politics and politicians, and his priestly understanding of what it means to be in this world without being of this world. The quality of the poet’s well-rounded formation in his faith and his ability to phrase it attractively is recognised in the appreciation given in the anthology’s preface by Lindiwe Mabuza, a respected poet and academic and South Africa’s first black ambassador to Germany. Her comprehensive and intelligent assessment of Fr Ndlovu’s work is excellent in its own right. As well as that, the renowned American Wagnerian soprano Jessye Norman has penned her own words in sincere recognition of the poet’s artistry. An academic, theologian, writer and poet, Fr Ndlovu received the 2016 Youth Trailblazer Award from the Gauteng provincial government for his outstanding contribution to youth development. His incisive poetry is no less outstanding. n Available in bookshops or through www.writeonpublishing.co.za

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Fr Vitus Mjengu


ATHER Vitus Mfanuyothi Mjengu of Mariannhill died on November 6, 2018, at Edendale Hospital in Pietermaritzburg, from injuries sustained four days earlier in car accident in Bulwer. Fr Mjengu, who was 58, was an energetic priest preparing for the celebrations of his silver jubilee, set for December 17. Born on April 6, 1960, near Pinetown, he matriculated at St Mary’s Minor Seminary, Ixopo. He studied for the priesthood at St Paul and St Peter’s Major Seminaries in Hammanskraal, and completed at St John Vianney Seminary in Pretoria. He was ordained to the priesthood on July 17, 1993, in Mariannhill. Fr Mjengu first served as assistant priest at Mariatrost mission and later as its parish priest. He also went to the foothills of the Drakensberg in Gomane, Impendle, at the same time taking care of the neighbouring parish of St Gertrude in Ncwadi. He was later transferred to Umbumbulu until he was sent to Bulwer in 2017. This was his last placement before being taken

away from this life. He will be greatly missed for his wonderful leadership skills as a spiritual father in the different communities where he worked. He began showing signs of leadership already before going to the major seminary: he was the diocesan president of the Marian Sodality for young men, affectionately called Ikhwezi Sodality. The diocese of Mariannhill will be forever indebted to Fr Mjengu for his invaluable contribution to the training of the faithful in self-reliance. He successfully promoted activities that saw people make financial contributions to the Church and grow in stewardship. He was the vocations director for a number of years, and chaplain to the youth in the diocese earlier on in his priestly life. Fr Mjengu liked music so much that he would lead the community in energetic singing, especially when he was preaching. His cultural upbringing in his home village of Zwelibomvu would emanate so wonderfully in his demeanour at many church gatherings; he was un-

The Southern Cross, December 5 to December 11, 2018


Anniversaries • Milestones • Prayers • Accommodation • Holiday accommodation Personal • Services • Employment • Property • Parish notices • Thanks • Others Please include payment (R1,80 a word) with small advertisements for promptest publication.


matched in his Zulu dance moves. He worked as a chaplain to the deanery mass choir of Umlazi, and was a faithful member of the priests’ choir. At the time of his death Fr Mjengu was the diocesan chaplain for the St Joseph’s Men’s Sodality, and tirelessly animated the members to participate fully in the life of the Church. He was instrumental in the establishment of the same sodality in the diocese of Manzini, in the Swati kingdom, and was already making inroads in the diocese of Kokstad. He will be sorely missed by his fellow brothers, the clergy, for whom he always showed immense love and support, visiting them not only within Mariannhill but in many dioceses. Fr Cosmos Mzizi

Prayer for Second Advent Comforting God, You have touched my heart and told me not to fear. Thank you for offering me your gentle love. You speak tender words to the darkness in my heart and offer gentle care in warm arms outstretched to welcome me home. You know me so well, and I feel my heart rise in your familiar presence. There is a flicker of hope. Finally I will let my life be touched by the strength of your courage and I will rejoice in the news that my Saviour is near. Amen.

BrUYNS—Noel. Left us on December 6, 2004. Still fondly remembered by his colleagues at The Southern Cross. MAHer—Herbert. Died 6/12/2002, and Cicely Myrtle, died 11/12/2006. Dearly beloved parents of Joan, the late Michael, James and Sharon. Rest in peace.


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NeW PArISH NOtIceS MOSt WelcOMe: If any parish notices listed are no longer valid, call us on 021 465-5007 or e-mail us at m.leveson@scross.co.za so that we can remove them. Also, we’d welcome new notices from parishes across

Southern CrossWord solutions SOLUTIONS TO 840. ACROSS: 4 Epistle, 8 Owning, 9 Festive, 10 Moaner, 11 Allure, 12 Superior, 18 Mystical, 20 Figaro, 21 Verily, 22 Rewrite, 23 Midian, 24 Tyndale. DOWN: 1 Low Mass, 2 Unhappy, 3 Endear, 5 Prepares, 6 Settle, 7 Livery, 13 Immortal, 14 Accidie, 15 Playing, 16 Lively, 17 Madrid, 19 Thesis.

Year C – Weekdays Cycle Year 1 Sunday December 9, 2nd Sunday of Advent Baruch 5:1-9, Psalm 126, Philippians 1:4-6, 8-11, Luke 3:1-6 Monday December 10 Tuesday December 11, St Damasus Isaiah 40:1-11, Psalm 96:1-3, 10-13, Wednesday December 12, Our Lady of Guadalupe

Our Lady of guadalupe

responsorial psalm 1 Samuel 2:1, 4-8, Luke 1:39-47 Thursday December 13, St Lucy Isaiah 41:13-20, Psalm 145:1, 9-13,


Matthew 11:11-15 Friday December 14, St John of the Cross Isaiah 48:17-19, Psalm 1:1-4, 6, Matthew 11:16-19 Saturday December 15 Sirach 48:1-4, 9-11, Psalm 80:2-3, 15-16, 18-19, Matthew 17:10-13 Sunday December 16, 3rd Sunday of Advent Philippians 4:4-7, Luke 3:10-18

Southern Cross

Published independently by the Catholic Newspaper and Publishing Co since 1920

Editor: günther Simmermacher Business Manager: Pamela Davids Box 2372, Cape Town, 8000 tel: (021) 465 5007

Fax: (021) 465 3850

Neighbourhood Old Age Homes

Matthew 18:12-14

Zephaniah 3:14-18, Psalm: Isaiah 12:2-6,


10 Tuin Plein, Cape Town, 8001

Isaiah 35:1-10, Psalm 85:9-14, Luke 5:17-26

Matthew 11:28-30 or Isaiah 7:10-14; 8:10,

Southern Africa to run free in the classifieds. cAPe tOWN: Retreat day/quiet prayer last Saturday of each month except December, at Springfield Convent in Wynberg, Cape Town. Hosted by CLC, 10.00-15.30. Contact Jill on 083 282-6763 or Jane on 082 783-0331. Perpetual Adoration Chapel at good Shepherd parish, 1 goede Hoop St, Bothasig, welcomes all visitors. Open 24 hours a day. Phone 021 558-1412. Helpers of god’s Precious Infants. Mass on last Saturday of every month at 9:30 at Sacred Heart church in Somerset Road, Cape Town. Followed by vigil at abortion clinic. Contact Colette Thomas on 083 412-4836 or 021 593-9875 or Br Daniel SCP on 078 739-2988. DUrBAN: Holy Mass and Novena to St Anthony at St Anthony’s parish every Tuesday at 9:00. Holy Mass and Divine Mercy Devotion at 17:30 on first Friday of every month. Sunday Mass at 9:00. Phone 031 3093496 or 031 209-2536. St Anthony’s rosary group. Every Wednesday at 18:00 at St Anthony’s church opposite greyville racecourse. All welcome and lifts available. Contact Keith Chetty on 083 372-9018.

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GOD BleSS AFrIcA guard our people, guide our leaders and give us peace. Luke 11:1-13

Liturgical Calendar

Isaiah 40:25-31, Psalm 103:1-4, 8, 10,


St John of the Cross

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3rd Sunday of Advent: December 16 Readings: Zephaniah 3:14-18, Isaiah 12:26, Philippians 4:4-7, Luke 3:10-18


EXT Sunday is “Gaudete Sunday”, when you may relax your Advent austerity a touch, in order to rejoice and prepare yourself for the asceticism of the weeks that remain in the present season. And there is plenty of joy in the readings for the day. The first reading offers some very joyful exhortations from the 7th-century BC prophet Zephaniah, indicating that there is hope for a return to Israel: “Rejoice, Daughter Sion; Israel shout for joy; rejoice and exult with all your heart, Daughter Jerusalem.” Then they are told the reason for their joy: The Lord has removed the judgment against you…the Lord, the King of Israel, is in the midst of you. You shall not fear evil any more.” It is a wonderfully optimistic picture: “[God] will rejoice over you in gladness.” Notice, all the time, what is the source of joy; it is the unfailing presence of God, even when things seem utterly disastrous. The “psalm” is not strictly speaking a psalm at all, since it comes from the prophet Isaiah; but it fits well enough, since it seems to be a song of joy for the return from exile: “Look! God is my Saviour; I shall trust, and not be afraid.” Then comes a lovely promise of joy, which means a great deal in a dry climate:

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“You will draw water with joy from the wells of salvation.” Following that, it looks ahead to the joy that is to come: “You will say on that day, ‘Give thanks to the Lord, call upon his name, make his deeds known among the peoples.’” There is immense joy here, and the source of it is the presence of God, whose coming we await at the end of this Advent season: “Shout with joy, you who dwell in Sion, for great in your midst is the Holy One of Israel.” That is the only possible grounds for our joy at this time. Then the second reading is from Paul at his joyful best (and we have always to remember that he was languishing in prison as he wrote): “Rejoice in the Lord all the time; again I shall say it: ‘Rejoice!’” And the reason for rejoicing is very much what it was in the first reading and in the psalm, that unfailing presence of God which again and again we find ourselves doubting: “The Lord is near.” Next, a certain amount follows from this presence: “Let your courtesy be known to everybody…don’t worry about anything, but in every respect make your requests known to


were scanning the crowd for our lost party. The women passed on, no harm done, but the feelings lingered, lingered until I had a chance to process them, set them into perspective, and honour them for precisely what they are: instinctual, self-protective, feelings that are meant eventually to be replaced by something else, namely, by an understanding that goes beyond reflexive reaction.


n reflection, I didn’t see this incident as an aberration of the #MeToo movement or as something to be indignant about. Rather, it helped me realise why there is a #MeToo movement to begin with. The reaction of these two women no doubt was triggered by injustices they or women they’ve known have experienced in terms of sexual harassment, unwanted solicitation, and gender violence—injustices that absolutely dwarf the mini-mosquito bite of “injustice” that I experienced by their gratuitous remark. Recently, I read statistics from a study that concluded that more than 80% of women in the US have experienced some form of sexual harassment in their lifetime. In my naiveté, that figure seemed high, so I asked several women colleagues for their reaction to that statistic. Their reaction caught both me and my naiveté by surprise. Their reaction: “80% is far too low; it’s everyone! Rare is the woman

Classic Conrad

“May we remind you, sister, that Pope Francis said the Church should be like a patient, merciful and understanding mother who always forgives her erring children.”

Sunday Reflections

God in prayer and asking, with thanksgiving.” Then he concludes with the lovely and justly known prayer: “And the peace of God which goes beyond anything we can understand will keep your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” There are grounds for joy here. Such joy as there is in Sunday’s Gospel consists in the good news that John the Baptist (who is always drawn to our attention at just this time of the year) is preaching to the crowds. It is good news in a number of ways: in the first place, there is the fact that “the crowds” are coming to John, asking, “So what are we to do?” They are told, possibly to their alarm: “Share your clothes with those who have none, and likewise with food.” Secondly, there is joy that those disreputable persons, the “tax-collectors”, are also coming to God, and accepting that they must “do nothing more than what is laid down for you”. Thirdly, there are soldiers, symbols of Roman oppression; they are told not to “extort and don’t defraud—and be satisfied with your wages”, which would not have left much fun in their lives.

Lesson in a parking lot UR natural instincts serve us well, to a point. They’re self-protective and that’s healthy too, to a point. Let me explain. Recently I was at a football game with a number of friends. We arrived at the game in two cars and parked in the stadium’s underground parking lot. Our tickets were in different parts of the stadium and so we separated for the game, each of us finding our own seats. When the game ended, I arrived at the cars with one of our party about ten minutes before the others showed up. During that wait, my friend and I scanned the crowd, looking for members of our party. But our scanning eyes drew some unwelcome attention. Two women approached us and, angrily, demanded why we had been looking at them: “Why were you looking at us? Are you trying to pick us up?” That’s when natural instinct cuts in. Immediately, before any rational reflection had a chance to mitigate my thoughts and feelings, there was an automatic flash of anger, of indignation, of injustice, of coldness, of shame, and, yes, of hatred. Those feelings weren’t asked for; they simply flooded in. And, with them, came the concomitant accusatory thoughts: “If this is the #MeToo movement; I’m against it! This is unfair!” Fortunately, none of this was expressed. I apologised politely and explained that we

Nicholas King SJ

Ease off on austerity

Fourthly, there are “the people”, very sympathetic characters in Luke’s gospel, who are “waiting and all wondering in their hearts about John—could he be the Messiah?” Fifth, there is the truth that John spreads: “The Stronger One than me is coming, and I’m not fit to undo the thong of his sandal; he’s going to baptise you with the Holy Spirit and with fire.” (This, of course, is a prediction that will be fulfilled at Pentecost—but that is a long way off.) There is some discomfort here: “His winnowing-fork is in his hand to purify his threshing-floor, and gather the wheat into his granary; and he will burn the chaff with a fire that does not go out.” But under the discomfort there is joy, because God is on our side. Finally, there is joy because Luke uses a word that is of great importance to him, “gospel” or “preach the good news”: “In many other ways he gave them comfort, and gospelled the people.” This joy will help you get through the rest of Advent.

Southern Crossword #840

Fr Ron Rolheiser OMI

Final Reflection

who goes through life without experiencing some form of sexual harassment in her life.” Given that perspective, the paranoia expressed in the parking lot no longer seemed out of order. Nature gives us powerful instincts that serve us well, to a point. They are inherently self-protective, selfish, even as they contain within them a certain amount of natural empathy. Instinct can sometimes be wonderfully sympathetic. For example, we are naturally drawn to reach out to a helpless child, a wounded bird, or a lost kitten. But what draws us to these is still, however subtle, self-interest. At the end of the day, our reaching out to them makes us feel better and their helplessness poses absolutely no threat to us. Natural instinct can be quite empathic when it is not threatened in any way. But the situation changes, and very quickly, when any kind of threat is perceived; when, to put it metaphorically, something or somebody “is in your face”. Then our natural empathy slams shut like a trapdoor, our warmth turns cold, and every instinct inside us raises its self-interested head and voice. That’s what I felt in the parking lot at the football game. And the danger then is to confuse those feelings with the bigger truth of the situation and with who we really are and what we really believe in. At that point, natural instinct no longer serves us well and, indeed, is no longer protective of our longterm good. What’s good for us long-term is, at that moment, hidden from our instincts. At moments like this we are called to an empathy beyond any feelings of having been slighted and beyond the ideologies we can lean on to justify our indignation: “This is political correctness (of the right or the left) gone amok! This is an aberration!” Our feelings are important and need to be acknowledged and honoured, but we’re always more than our feelings. We’re called beyond instinct to empathy, to pray that the day will soon come when these two women, and their daughters and granddaughters, will no longer need to feel any threat in a parking lot.


4. St Paul’s letter (7) 8. Admitting that you are in possession (6) 9. Celebratory event if Steve comes around (7) 10. One who complains could be eastern Roman (6) 11. Powerful attraction of sin (6) 12. Haughty nun? (8) 18. The body of Christ as mystery (8) 20. The barber on the operatic stage (6) 21. Truly old English word in the Bible (6) 22. Put down in words again (7) 23. Another son of Abraham (Gn 25) (6) 24. Andy let to be translator of Bible into English (7)


1. Eucharistic celebration in the basement? (3,4) 2. Not joyful (7) 3. Cause to be loved (6) 5. Gets ready (8) 6. Pay your debt for the bench (6) 7. Special uniform from 21 ac (6) 13. Life without end (8) 14. Spiritual laziness from ice acid (7) 15. Joining in the game with the organist? (7) 16. How you look full of energy (6) 17. Real football club is capital in Spain (6) 19. Seth is confused about this proposition (6)

Solutions on page 11



PRIEST known for his long sermons noticed a man getting up and leaving during the middle of his homily, and returning just before the closing blessing. Afterwards the priest asked the man where he had gone. “I went to get a haircut,” the man replied. “But,” said the priest, “why didn’t you do that before Mass?” The man replied: “Because I didn’t need one then.”

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