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Centenary Jubilee Year April 1 to April 7, 2020

How to ‘school’ your kids in lockdown

Reg No. 1920/002058/06

No 5181

R12 (incl VAT RSA)

Pope Francis: A leader in times of crisis

Fr Sebothoma: Lockdown is our retreat

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Lent 2020

Page 10-11

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Covid-19 in SA: Ramaphosa ‘got it right’ BY ERIN CARELSE

T Fr Zane Godwin welcomes a parishioner at the drive-through confessions offered at St John’s parish in Maitland, Cape Town. Before lockdown, Fr Godwin spent one hour in the morning and another hour in the afternoon on Saturdays sitting outside his church to offer the sacrament of reconciliation and spiritual chats in a setting that is appropriate for social-distancing. (Photo: Grant Stevens)

The Gospel in a minute STAFF REPORTER


BISHOP’S weekly “One-minute Gospel” reflection videos are now available on The Southern Cross’ website. Bishop José Luís Ponce de León of Manzini, Eswatini, started posting his brief reflections on Instagram, YouTube and on his blog (www. bhubesi.blogspot.com), where they are also available. “It has been pretty challenging to do it because I want it to fit into the Instagram video limit of 60 seconds—so every word counts,” Bishop Ponce de León told The Southern Cross. “It started as an idea at the beginning of Advent and for the Advent season, but it is still on. I never know when I will stop doing it,” he said. Initially the Argentinian-born bishop thought of just sharing it on his own media spaces, but “the kind of response I got kept me going”. Sometimes he gives social communications ideas a try “so that our media office, or others, see how it works and if it can be improved”. Doing a 60-seconds video is also a measure

A screenshot of Bishop José Luís Ponce de León delivering his “One-Minute Gospel” reflection on video. of discipline, “with all the times I get lost while talking or start laughing,” he said, joking that a video of him breaking out laughing could be “a huge success” of the kind he wouldn’t seek. The videos are published on The Southern Cross website as they appear. Go to www.scross.co.za/one-minute-gospel/

HE government’s approach so far to the Covid-19 pandemic has been both credible and creditable, according to a Catholic political analyst. Given that President Cyril Ramaphosa and his administration have come under increasing criticism lately for their handling of other major crises, such as Eskom, the collapse of SAA, and the overall decline in the parastatal sector, the way the government has dealt with the virus has been impressive and reassuring, said Mike Pothier, head of research at the Catholic Parliamentary Liaison Office. “Not only that, but it has also been streets ahead of the lackadaisical and confused approach adopted by the governments of some northern countries which are routinely touted as more advanced and organised than we are,” Mr Pothier said. He pointed out that various aspects of the government’s performance are notable: “To begin with, President Ramaphosa and his ministerial team have mostly been clear and decisive about what needs to be done to stem the spread of the virus, as opposed to the generally more dithering approach we have become used to.” The government has often spoken of the need to make hard choices, especially on economic questions, but Mr Pothier said it has rarely had the nerve to carry them through. “Here, too, things are different. There could hardly be a tougher choice than to effectively shut down an already-comatose economy for three weeks,” he said. Linked to this, he added, is the refreshing exercise of political will that we have seen in the last ten days. “Mr Ramaphosa has not qualified his remarks with the usual talk of consulting with alliance partners, seeking consensus, and so on. Neither has he set unrealistic targets to be met by some vaguely distant dates. He

has demonstrated leadership and firmness, and is clearly in command of the situation,” Mr Pothier said. He noted that there has been remarkably little point-scoring and politicking, whether from the various opposition parties or from within the ANC’s factionalised ranks. There seems to be a genuine willingness among politicians to work together, he noted. President Ramaphosa’s decision to meet with all party leaders, briefing them on the government’s plans, inviting their cooperation, and holding joint press conferences with them has surely helped to construct a strongly unified position. Government communication has also been significantly improved, and the president’s messages have been clear, comprehensive and well-packaged. Health minister Dr Zweli Mkhize “exudes calm”, Mr Pothier said. “He neither underplays nor exaggerates the threat, and he manages to get across the gravity of the situation without fostering panic or despair.” Social and traditional media have been used effectively to spread messages about hygiene, public health matters, the requirements of the lockdown, and what to do in the event of a suspected infection, and media houses have done excellent work themselves, for which they too deserve credit, he added. For the most part, said Mr Pothier, government’s approach has avoided heavyhandedness. The words “encourage” and “discourage” have been used often, and the attitude has been one that tries to appeal to our common sense and to our sense of social solidarity. Among ministers, one or two have been unable to resist bombast and are clearly enjoying their “little brief authority” to the maximum, but perhaps the president’s Continued on page 3

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iD you know that The Southern Cross is entirely independent and unsubsidised, surviving on revenue from sales and advertising — and the kind support of our readers? The Southern Cross has survived for nearly 100 years on strength of tight financial management and the great sacrifices by its small, loyal staff. But now the survival of our only national Catholic weekly is in great danger. The closure of our churches in the national lockdown has robbed us of our main source of income: sales at the church door.

We have made the weekly edition available for FREE on our website, going online every Friday at 11:00. That way, all Catholics will have access to the Catholic weekly. Subscribers get their edition on Wednesdays, with premium content for the duration of the lockdown. We are asking those who take up our offer of the free newspaper to make a donation, or to subscribe. An encouraging number of people have already done so. We remain positive that by God’s grace we can survive this crisis. But that also requires YOUR help.


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