The Scrum Master role The Scrum Master serves all participants of a Scrum Project and the external stakeholders to comprehend and apply the Scrum Framework correctly. He or she supports the Scrum Team to execute t h e S c r u m F ra m ew o r k s u c c e s s f u l l y a n d contributes them to improve their productivity and performance continuously. The role of the Scrum Master is to establish the Scrum Process in its organization, the new way of thinking and acting. Furthermore, the Scrum Master acts as a change agent. He or she coaches the team to develop new team norms and standards. The Scrum Master has its desk somewhere very close to the rest of the scrum team.
Essential tasks of a Scrum Master are: • To establish the Scrum Framework in his or her business and IT ecosystem, • To act as a change agent and support the adaptation of existing processes to maximize productivity of the Scrum Team. • To coach the Scrum Team to understand and live the values of the Scrum Framework, • To ensure efficient and close collaboration between the Scrum Product Owner and the Scrum Team, • To remove impediments which hinder the continuity of work, • To lead progress of work by serving, • To moderate the Scrum Rituals (Scrum Events). • To guard the Scrum Team from external interference and interruptions while the team does work it has originally committed for a Sprint.