The Magazine of the Singapore Computer Society
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Frankly Speaking: Are We Trusting Too Much?
ello everybody, I’m Frankie – remember me? I used to write this column, sharing my daily adventures (and misadventures of tech) before going into “retirement”.
It is said that a certain prominent Malaysian politician did what most of us didn’t: reply the email. In the end? He became US$650 million richer! So who’s the smart one?
Fast forward – the editor invited me to share funny stories about “Trust”. I thought since he trusts me, I shall not disappoint him. Hmm.
DO YOU TRUST YOUR GPS? Most drivers today no longer keep the trusty Mighty Street Directory in our cars or depend on it to take us places. Instead, we simply key the destination address or postal code into the GPS. For the more advanced ones, it’ll just be “Hey Siri, take me to…“
It is said that we don’t trust people for two reasons: first, we don’t know them; and second, we know them. I think this applies to computers and machines too! FREE MONEY FROM NIGERIA (OR UK OR VENEZUELA)? Ever received emails claiming that someone has left you a fortune? Confirm that you’re the deceased’s relative, and half the fortune is yours – for a few percent of admin charge. What did you do? Laughed and immediately sent it to the trash/spam folder? Aren’t we smart? But what if it’s real – and the fortune really exists? Well, we’ll never know.
And what do we do when we know we should drive straight but the GPS says “Turn right”? We (me included!) follow the GPS instructions – even if doubtful. I did that before; and will likely do it again. But I hope I’ll never have to decide to turn right to the side road – or drive straight (as the GPS commanded) into the river. ( watch?v=QcrRvQny7mM)
TO VAX OR NOT TO VAX: THAT SHOULD NEVER BE THE QUESTION! Yet, through the wonders of unregulated social media posts and ubiquitous chat group sharing, many had “researched” and “followed” articles and “news” which prove that vaccination is a conspiracy to inject poison into us, with a yet-to-be-determined agenda. Then, as if by coincidence, search engine algorithms also circulate news that perpetuate our beliefs. Such is the power of tech – reinforce what we believe in. Scary. As far as Frankie is concerned, I have concluded (in my mind) that all of us will somehow, somewhere in the future be infected by COVID-19, COVID-21 or COVID-2x. But Frankie is not only fully vaxxed, but also enjoying benefits of dining in at food courts and restaurants, watching movies, and so many other things! Join Frankie to do what you believe is right – before it’s too late. WHAT ABOUT FACEBOOK? Hmm. Tricky. So please allow Frankie to say: It’s at another level!