2 minute read

Is Transformation Optional?

9:41 AM

If Change is Inevitable, Is Transformation Optional?


Digital transformation is a trending topic for many businesses and governments. Unsurprisingly, there’s extensive coverage of transformation success stories in news outlets, social media – and basically just everywhere. However, despite it all, it is common to detect hints of stress whenever the digital transformation subject comes up in conversations.

Actually, change is nothing new in our tech universe. From programming languages to best practices, there are more days where things are different than the same. So surely when we keep our technical competencies up to date, we are also honing our ability to learn and adapt – right?

What’s more – if we were to go by the analogy coined by Mr Tan Kok Yam, Chief Executive of SkillsFuture Singapore, all of us would already have gotten our digital transformation booster shot, thanks to the pandemic.

Indeed, whether it is educational institutions like Nanyang Technological University or our Changi Airport – as Mr Joe Chiu, Vice-President of Digital & Data Management Systems, Changi Airport Group, shared – transformation plays a key role in sustaining the delivery of quality education and distinctive Changi experience. And even though the worst of the pandemic may have passed, it is important to lock in these digital transformation gains by keeping our workforce informed and activated, as well as reflecting on lessons gleaned from the digital transformation experience – just like the Urban Redevelopment Authority. But as GovTech has wisely pointed out from their experience of rolling out the National Digital Identity system, everyone’s digital transformation journey is unique and highly circumstantial. Therefore, it is not a given that what works for you will work for another – and vice versa. Instead, you’ll need to take ownership of your transformation.

The good news is – SCS is here to help with your transformation. We go beyond providing you with resources to walk the journey alongside you. One more piece of good news? It’s never too late to start transforming. How about making it your resolution for 2023?

Enjoy the read!


Editor Fellow, SCS tan.teng.cheong@scs.org.sg


Tan Teng Cheong


Dominic Chan Ching Tuan Yee Vladyslav Koshelyev Alvin Ong


Claudia Lim


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