WASHINGTON Each year high-achieving students from the College of Education participate in the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education’s (AACTE) Washington Week in Arlington, VA as part of the organization’s Annual Day on the Hill. Throughout the three-day event, scholars attend workshops and training to help them develop skills and learn about advocacy preparation. After a full-day of orientation, they trek to Capitol Hill to meet with members of Congress and discuss important educational issues. For the remainder of the event, students have the opportunity to network with deans of schools and colleges of education, their faculty and students, local principals and educators, as well as representatives from organizations such as the Education Trust, The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and the United Negro College Fund, among others.
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In the words of Dr. Lynn M. Gangone, president and CEO of AACTE: "Washington Week is one of our premier programs, and AACTE is very proud to gather our colleagues and students from throughout the states to focus on policy and advocacy. I strongly encourage all of our members—administrators, faculty and staff—to attend and to make their voices heard." The College of Education also supports the Holmes Program, a branch of AACTE set on increasing diversity by giving opportunities to minority students pursuing graduate degrees in education.
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