School of Education - Fall 2016, Volume 2

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NEWS Minnesota Technology Educator/ Teacher of the Year 2016 Mark Vonder Haar, SCSU Alumni 1993 By Tess Kwon

Mark Vonder Haar receiving award

Mark Vonder Haar, who teaches at Orono High School in Long Lake, is the 2016 Minnesota Technology Educator/Teacher of the Year. He was recognized for his award in Washington, DC last spring with the other Technology Educators from across the United States.

He has been teaching Industrial Technology/Technology Education for the past 24 Years. “My teaching philosophy is really quite simple to understand. I expect the students to learn as much as they can in a conductive learning environment,” Vonder Haar said. “I expect the students to treat one another, and myself, with respect and courtesy; while doing their best to learn as much as they can in the short amount of time they have in the Technology Lab.” In her nomination letter, Penny Peasein, principal, wrote “Mark is a magnet for students in our high school. His personality, enthusiasm, and knowledge of the varied content areas he teaches draws students to his classroom year after year… He brings a unique and fun way of engaging his students into learning this field to his students which no doubt will become some of tomorrow’s top engineers and workers of the future.” Vonder Haar first enrolled as a student at St. Cloud State University in 1988 and receive his bachelor’s degree in 1992 He has taught at Orono High School since 1993. He received his master’s degree in Technology Education from St. Cloud State University in 2006. He talked about his school life at SCSU as “Full of warm encouragement to be able to meet the challenges.” He goes on to say that “While I was attending college at St. Cloud State my instructors must have seen something in me that I did not because most of them kept me honest with myself. They did not let me say I can’t do it. They pushed me until I succeeded in every aspect.”

Special Education Cohort Program in Brainerd To help address the shortage of licensed special education teachers, the Special Education Department has begun a cohort program in the Brainerd area. The focus of the program is to provide a path by which paraprofessionals can become licensed as teachers in several special education licensure areas. According to Dr. Marc Markell “There is a large number of competent paraprofessionals who would be excellent special education teachers, but they need to become licensed.” The director of Special Education for the Brainerd School District, Dr. Heidi Hahn, contacted Dr. Marc Markell, SCSU faculty member in Special Education, and asked if his department could create a path whereby interested paraprofessionals could become teachers. Thanks to the work of several SCSU faculty, primarily Dr. Mary Beth Noll – who is still working with the cohort even though she retired in May 2016, as well as Dr. Janet Salk, Patty Waletzko, Dr. John Hoover, Dr. Kyounghee Seo, Michele Rogers, and Dr. Michael Pickle in cooperation with several at the Paul Bunyan Cooperative and the Brainerd School District, an initial cohort completed their first course toward licensure in spring 2015. The program is aimed at people who are working full time, primarily as paraprofessionals, as a result the program is designed so that it can be completed by taking courses on a part time basis. Continued on page 2

Congratulations Mark!

Inside this edition

Volume 2, Issue 1 Fall 2016

Educator’s Club

Discovery Lab

North Branch


Dean’s Message


Vera W. Russell

Dessert Fest

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The people enrolled in this program do not need to travel to SCSU, but can take all courses close to where they work through a variety of mechanisms. Some of the courses are provided faceto-face in Brainerd with SCSU faculty traveling to the students. Other courses are offered in an online format and, finally, some of the courses are offered in a hybrid format, with a combination of face-to-face and online classes. Trying to accommodate for all the

different needs of the students, Dr. Markell explained that “The most rewarding part about the program is providing an opportunity for nontraditional students, who would not be able to get licensed in another way, to become licensed teachers. I feel that cohorts are a wonderful way to go.” The first cohort of students will complete the program in spring 2017.

The St. Cloud State Future Educators Club Begun as a project through the Teacher Preparation Initiative, the St. Cloud State Future Educators Club (FEC) has the mission of • Creating an early awareness of teaching as a career; • Recruiting high quality, diverse teacher candidates; and • Elevating the perception of teaching as a dynamic and rewarding career choice.

Members of the club also attend meetings of the high school FECs and interacts with the students through panel discussions and book clubs. Last year the FEC began a book club centered on the book “Our Kids” by Robert Putnam which had been recommended by Interim Dean Hoover and read by many of the faculty in the School of Education.

The club is affiliated with and shares the above mission with both Educators Rising and Education Minnesota organizations. The Future Educators Club supports declared education majors and informs undecided students enrolled at SCSU about careers in teaching through the dissemination of innovative programming and community outreach.

For two years, the club has held “A Day in the Life of an Education Major” for the high school clubs. The high school students come to campus and get to experience classes, a campus tour, lunch at Garvey, and speak with students majoring in education both informally and formally throughout the day. This year’s event took place on Wednesday, October 12th. The club conducts fundraisers at local restaurants to support their various activities. This year it had a Future Educators Club day at Buffalo Wild Wings on October 12th and another is planned at Chipotle on November 2nd. The club also sells SCSU School of Education apparel to students, faculty and staff as a fund raiser.

The club is open to any student majoring in or interested in education and currently has over 150 members through their Facebook page. Meetings are held on Wednesdays from 4:30-6:00 pm in the Mississippi Room in Atwood and between ten and twenty members attend. At these meetings members plan campus events and community outreach projects throughout the year. The St. Cloud State FEC also supports six local high school Future Educator clubs through meeting with the advisors to discuss planning and support, joint community giving projects, and interactive events four times during the year. The local high schools with FECs are: • St. Cloud Apollo High School • St. Cloud Technical High School • ROCORI High School • Sartell High School • Holdingford High School • Monticello High School Recent activities include greeting and handing out maps of the Education Building to new students on the first two days of classes and volunteering as guides for the Vera W. Russell Art Gallery Open House held in October. In February 2016, the SCSU club and the high school clubs conducted a book drive for Books for Africa and held a joint celebration dinner the last week of the drive.


The newest initiative this year is EdTalk, a series of monthly talks given by people from around the region who are associated with K-12 education. Two events have been conducted to date, the first on September 7 and the second on October 5th. Members of FEC planned all aspects of the event, from the topic, to the panelists, to the questions that FEC members would ask. This event has been a huge success and FEC members hope to continue this along with their other events. Jessica Petrik, the president of the St. Cloud State Future Educators Club, says “We are having the opportunity to work with and inspiring other educators. I have learned so much from my peers and grown both in my professional and personal life. If you have any interest in participating we would love to see you at a meeting!” The advisor of the St. Cloud State future educators club, math education faculty member Dr. Melissa Hanzsek-Brill, explained “Meeting and working with such motivated and dedicated future teachers, it makes me excited and hopeful for the future of education! Also having the opportunity to connect SCSU with the local high schools in an effort to promote education is a meaningful and valuable career.”

St. Cloud State University / School of Education

Dean’s Column Welcome to a very packed and diverse set of articles for our Fall, 2016 School of Education Newsletter. This past summer, St. Cloud State University refocused our strategic themes around three aspects of engagement: Engaged Students, Engaged Campus and Engaged Community. This edition of our Dean Steve Hoover newsletter highlights how the School of Education is bringing to fruition each of these three strategic initiatives. Engaging our students is a hallmark of the school of education and is highlighted here in our Future Educators’ Club. This group of committed future educators has taken on several positive directions this year. Among them is the Ed Talks (based on TED Talks concept). The students have organized professional development sessions monthly for their fellow teacher candidates. The first one focused on building positive relationships with peers and in-service educators. Approximately 30 students and faculty attended the inaugural Ed Talk. Engaging our professional educators has been the focus for almost 17 years at North Branch, Minnesota. Again this fall we welcome yet another cohort of teachers as they begin working on their Masters Degree and Technology Integration certificate. A special thanks to Dona Yetter, who has been coordinating this program since its inception. She is instrumental to the continued success and engagement of our partner professional educators. We are engaging our community partners with the advent of our unique Ignite Center. Diane Moeller, who has extensive experience in local school districts, has begun her tenure as the Executive Director of the partnership among St. Cloud State University and six partner school districts: ROCORI, Holdingford, Sauk-RapidsRice, Sartell-St. Stephen and Monticello. This engagement with our partners has tremendous potential to influence the lifecycle of our educators. There are a number of exciting initiatives which we will share in future editions of the newsletter. In addition to the Ignite Center and North Branch, we recently celebrated our young artists from St. Cloud Area Schools at the Vera Russell Art festival. This semi-annual event recognizes area students

and their artwork which is prominently displayed throughout our hallways. On a recent Saturday, the students, their families, and area art educators met to recognize their work. The students received a certificate and spent time in the school locating their artwork on the walls or in display cases. We were honored to have SCSU Interim President Ashish Vaidya here to welcome the students and share his delight in their artwork. We also engaged our local high school students with a MakerSpace activity. On October 12, approximately 60 high school students who are considering teaching as a career spent the day on campus. Part of their time was spent operating various robotic devices in the SoE Discovery Lab. Recognizing the outstanding contribution of our graduates is a very special joy for us. This fall we recognized Mark Vonder Haar (class of ’92 and ‘06) as the 2016 Technology Educator/Teacher of the Year award winner. Mark was recognized for his enthusiasm for teaching and for drawing students into technology education. Finally, we have included updates from a number of our departments. We are justifiably proud of the manner in which our faculty and staff are engaged in the life cycle of educators and the manner in which they work to improve offerings and remain effective as professional. One example of this is our newly approved STEM Program. All of the efforts of the students, faculty and staff exemplify a commitment to education. This commitment to education is critical as we face continuous challenges to providing effective education to all of our youth. A recent report by the U.S. Office of Education documents the discrepancy between funding for education and that for criminal justice programs. This, in spite of the demonstrated efficacy of educational efforts for our youth as opposed to incarceration. It is imperative that we make every effort to engage our communities to ensure we emphasize education over incarceration. We must be vigilant in working toward positive outcomes for our most important future resource – our kids.

Hands On in the Discovery Lab On Wednesday, October 12, approximately 60 high school students, all members of their respective Future Educator Clubs, visited the St. Cloud State campus. One of the stops on their itinerary was the Discovery Lab, which is part of the Vera Russell Curriculum and Technology Center. Guided by Information Media graduate assistants Mary Boyle, Minh Le, and Yewon Sung, the students got an opportunity for creative play with some of the Discovery Lab’s robotic resources. It was a lively place as four separate groups cycled through, experimenting with Spheros, Ozobots, Osmos, Makey Makey and Dot and Dash. The high school students were from St. Cloud Tech, ROCORI, Holdingford, Sartell and Monticello high schools.

St. Cloud State University / School of Education


STEM Education Minor and Graduate Certificate Programs

North Branch Graduate Program

By Yewon Sung

By Yewon Sung

A STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) Education minor and a graduate certificate program will be offered in Spring semester 2017 for the first time. These programs are the result of an increasing number of inquiries from STEMfocused elementary schools in the area regarding courses and professional development opportunities for teachers interested in becoming leaders in STEM Education at the P-6 level.

For approximately 15 years, Saint Cloud State University has offered a graduate cohort program of courses leading to a Master of Science degree in Curriculum and Instruction to teachers in the North Branch and surrounding districts. A major advantage of this program to those enrolled is that they do not need to commute to SCSU, an approximately three hour round trip commute, to complete the program. Teachers can finish all courses and defense of their culminating master’s project in North Branch. The course schedule is intensive, most courses are eight weeks in length and students complete two courses each semester and two additional courses each summer. Dona Yetter, the North Branch coordinator, recruits students to each new cohort and works closely with SCSU faculty to schedule and arrange each course in the program. In addition, she helps each student develop and follow their study plan, assists with transferring credits, facilitates the needs of the faculty for each course, keeps students well informed of the expectations for each course, and handles a multitude of other details to ensure that the program runs smoothly.

The two programs provides in-depth content knowledge and pedagogy through the integration of science, mathematics, engineering, and technology into all elementary education, special education and early childhood classes. The minor program is designed for any undergraduate student who is majoring in elementary education, special education, or child and family studies. The graduate program is designed for licensed teachers in P-6 schools. Teachers completing either of these programs will be highly qualified in the integration of STEM into the school curriculum and become certified Project Lead the Way LAUNCH teachers. The LAUNCH program is designed to create P-6 and special education teachers who are leaders in teaching STEM content using an integrated approach. Information about the Project Lead the Way LAUNCH program can be found at this link. Applications are now being accepted for both programs with classes beginning in Spring 2017. Students that begin this spring will be able to complete their program in late 2018 or early 2019. Both the minor and the graduate certificate consist of six courses. Students can complete the programs in three to six semesters, taking one or two courses each semester during the academic year and one to two courses in the summer. The courses are offered in a hybrid format, with a combination of campus and online meetings during the semester. The number of on campus meetings depends on the course. The online component to the courses may be either asynchronous or synchronous depending on the content and activities covered in the course each week. All of the courses will include interdisciplinary approaches and are focused on active learning. The courses include activities and instructional techniques that highlight the use of iPads, SMART Boards, manipulatives, and other technologies. The classes are: SPED 413/513* Mathematics Instruction for Students with Special Needs or SPED 445/545* Social and Natural Sciences for Special Educators *only one SPED course is required for the program STEM 425/525 Engineering and Technology for the P-6 Classroom STEM 431/531 Physics for the P-6 Classroom STEM 442/542 Teaching and Learning Life, Earth, and Space Science for the P-6 Classroom STEM 451/551 Reasoning and Proof for the P-6 Classroom STEM 452/552 Data and Chance for the P-6 Classroom The leading faculty of the program, Dr. Melissa Hanzsek-Brill, said “The STEM Education faculty are excited to work with and develop P-6 and special education teachers to assist them in developing more extensive training in science, mathematics, engineering and technology content at the elementary level. Students [enrolled in these programs] will develop a deeper understanding of how to create interdisciplinary lessons that are hands-on and engaging for students.”


St. Cloud State University / School of Education

For the first several years of the program all of the education core and elective courses were provided in the traditional face to face manner with SCSU Teacher Development department faculty traveling to North Branch for each class session. Since 2012 North Branch students have had the option of including a graduate certificate in Technology Integration as part of their master’s program. This certificate program is offered through the Information Media department. These courses are offered through distance technology using the course management software Desire2Learn (D2L) and Adobe Connect for delivery of instruction. The most recent cohort began in 2016 summer with an enrollement of 15 students. They completed introductory Education and Information Media courses during the summer month then began their third and fourth courses in the program fall semester. The students will complete all courses and requirements and officially earn a Master of Science degree in May, 2018.

Vera W. Russell Art Gallery Open House By Minh Le Special thanks to Katie Kustritz for providing background information More than two hundreds of young artists, parents, and art teachers brightened up a gloomy Saturday Vera W. Russell morning on September 24, 2016 when they got together in the Education Building for the Vera W. Russell Art Gallery Open House. This is the bi-annual event to honor the young artists, whose work is on display, and the teachers who have inspired and guided them. Originating with the travel of a group of SCSU personnel through the “T” terminal of the Atlanta airport, which houses a gallery of student artwork, the idea of creating an art gallery within the School of Education (SoE) was developed. The project is the result of the collaboration between the SoE and District 742 (St. Cloud Area) schools. The gallery was brought to life thanks to a generous donation from Vera W. Russell, a 1940 alumna and a forty-year elementary educator, who was committed to enhancing the educational environment for students and faculty as well as expanding university/school partnerships. There are currently 97 frames of artwork exhibited along the hallways of the Education Building. At the open house, while the young artists were excitedly running around with their family to locate their artwork, they did not forget to admire their friend’s pieces of art. After enjoying cookies, pop, and other refreshments, everyone gathered in a large classroom for the ceremony where the artists were recognized for their contributions. Each of young artists was presented with a certificate and a t-shirt by the art teachers in the cheerful ambiance and endless rounds of applause.

Artworks by AudriAnna R., Sara O., Salifou C., and Linda O. (top to bottom, left to right)

Dr. Vaidya, Interim President of SCSU recognizes the contribution of young artists

St. Cloud State University / School of Education


IGNITE Center By Yewon Sung New to the School of Education at SCSU is the IGNITE Center, an outgrowth of the former Teacher Preparation Initiative (TPI) program. The goals of TPI included the redesign of the teacher preparation program and supporting new teachers in their first three years of employment. Building in this the IGNITE Center seeks to support teachers throughout their career. The IGNITE Center is a regional collaboration of six school districts: St. Cloud Area, Sauk Rapids-Rice, Sartell, Holdingford, ROCORI, and Monticello, and St. Cloud State University. This collaboration intends to be an information and resource sharing opportunity for teachers and staff across these districts. Diane Moeller, who was hired July 1st, 2016 to lead the IGNITE Center, says that she hopes that this will be helpful for all schools and districts.

which they are just starting to cross. Moeller says “We need to determine a why, then a what and how”. Her why, or reasons for being involved in this program include, first and foremost, a desire to see improved student achievement in each of the school districts. This combined with the teacher shortage in several areas, has pushed her to attempt to create the best possible resource for all teachers, regardless of location. The program has naturally encountered several bumps, one of which was SCSU procedures. “There hasn’t been a program like this before”, says Moeller, which accounts for the lack of a procedure and resources for instituting the program. Another frustration is the fact that the website for the IGNITE center will not be fully functional for about a year, a time period which Moeller wishes could be shortened.

One way of reaching out to educators is a resources sharing website, which has been described as sort of a for educators. Teachers will create a profile, including what they teach and what their interests and specialties are. After the profile is created, the teachers will then be able to contact “matching” teachers and professionals to collaborate on school projects, assignment ideas, and research opportunities. “We’re breaking new ground”, says Moeller, who spoke of the fact that this Center is the first of its kind in the United States.

However, despite these setbacks, Moeller is hopeful for the future. In the next ten years, she expects to see a surge in the popularity of the Center, and more school districts joining the collaboration. “Surprisingly, several school districts have already contacted me”, she says, and they have asked how they can join the collaboration. Right now, the center is sticking to the original six school districts and SCSU. However, once the Center is fully established, more districts will be able to join. In ten years, Moeller expects there to be 20 school districts or more in the collaboration. She also hopes that the Center will be able to have enough funding to go beyond the walls of SCSU, and not rely so much on its support. Moeller expressed the wish for the program to be “Vibrant” with links to teachers, school districts, and expertise of professionals.

The IGNITE Center is currently funded by dues from the six school districts, as well as funds from SCSU. The Center has also established a governing board, made up of a member from each of the partner districts and Moeller, representing SCSU. This board is responsible for making decisions and determining the future direction of the Center.

If you wish to know more about the IGNITE Center, contact Diane Moeller at

Challenges for creating and implementing the IGNITE Center included what the focus of the program was going to be, a hurdle

Dessert Fest 2016


St. Cloud State University / School of Education

Scholarships and Dessert Fest By Yewon Sung On September 14, the School of Education (SoE) celebrated the awarding of $80,300 in scholarships to 94 deserving students for the 2016-17 academic year at its annual Dessert Fest. Annually, SoE offers 44 categories of scholarships to SCSU students who are enrolled in Education programs. Support for these scholarships comes from a variety of donors, including alumni, faculty, and friends and families of former students. Many of the scholarships have an interesting story behind them. For example, there is a story of Elsie Kalionen Scholars Fund for Future Teachers. Elsie Kalionen was born on March 10, 1917, to parents who were Finnish immigrants to Minneapolis. Elsie came to St. Cloud State Teachers College in the fall of 1935. After graduating with her two-year degree, Elsie taught for a year in a one-room rural school. She then settled in north Minneapolis and taught for 30 years in Wayzata. One of her students was Amy Klobuchar (US senator from Minnesota). In 1978, Elsie Kalionen sent her first gift to St. Cloud State – a gift of $20 to support the Harvey Waugh Memorial Scholarship. In the years to follow she would send a gift from timeto-time, her largest gift being $125 sent in 2003. Elsie passed away in August, 2010, leaving a sizeable estate gift to the School of Education. Through this endowment, her love for education continues to impact the lives of student. Applications for the 2017-18 academic year are due March 3rd, 2017. Students who want to apply should visit to the university scholarship webpage ( huskiesscholarships) to see all of the scholarship opportunities. Based upon each individual student’s profile the webpage will alert the student to all of the scholarships for which they are eligible. Scholarship recipients for the 2017-18 academic year will be announced in April 2017 and all recipients are strongly encouraged to attend the Dessert Fest to be held in September 2017. In addition to celebrating the scholarship recipients, the Dessert Fest also honors the donors and provides an opportunity for recipients and donots to meet. Scholarship recipients also have the opportunity to nominate an honored faculty or staff member who has made a difference for them during their time at St. Cloud State.

Retired School of Education and Child and Family Studies Faculty and scholarship donors Pamm Minden (left) and Glen Palm (right). Scholarship recipient Sharalyn Snavely (center).

SoE Scholarships Christine Adolphson Memorial Scholarship Brewer Endowed Scholarship in Teacher Education Luther Brown Scholarship Fund Megan Christopherson Hoisington Scholarship Charles Emery Memorial Scholarship for Student Teaching Dennis and Anne Fields Scholarship in Information Media Eva Gadberry Scholarship for Special Education Graduate Students Bruce and Gail Geyer Scholarship in Education Floyd and Esther Gilbert Scholarship in Teacher Development Catherine Mary Gohl Memorial Scholarship Golden Rule Scholarship in Elementary Education James and Muriel Grunerud Scholarship in Educational Administration Bonnie Hedin Graduate Scholarship for Library Media Specialists Odette Hedlund Scholarship Imbra-Steffens Scholarship for Women in Higher Education Glen and Ruth Allen Jadwin Scholarship in Teacher Development Doug Johnson Memorial Scholarship Melissa Johnson Memorial Scholarship Schuyler C. Joyner Scholarship in Education Dr. Doreen Keable Learning Resources Center Scholarship Klein Crowder Family Scholarship in Education Elnora Kraft Elementary Education Scholarship William and Mary Leopard & Bertha Binnie Leopard Scholarship Kristi Lieser Special Education Endowed Scholarship Valeria Lind Fredell Scholarship for Future K-12 Reading & Elementary Teachers William and Alice Lund English Scholarship Fred and Marvel Menninga Scholarship in Teacher Education Howard Merriman Memorial Scholarship in Secondary Education Pamm Minden Award for Outstanding Child and Family Studies Graduate Research Dora Perry Scholarship in Middle Education Olga Satre Hart Scholarship for Education Students Olga Satre Hart Scholarship for Education Students in Athletics Carl and Marilyn Savage Graduate Student Scholarship in Information Media Patricia Schumacher Teacher Development Scholarship Maybelle Smith Scholarship Larry Strand Family Scholarship in Special Education Teacher Development Academic Scholarship Merton and Marcia Thompson Information Media Scholarship for Study Abroad Beverly Timmers Scholarship for Special Education Students Teaching Semester Ella Topp Rural Special Education Scholarship M. Marie Trumbull Elementary Education Scholarship Sarah Ann Uhl Cram Scholarship in Education Carol Virginia Walsh Wood Endowed Scholarship Fati Zarghami Scholarship for Child and Family Studies Student Teaching

St. Cloud State University / School of Education


Ed Talk A Place for Future & Current Educators to Communicate By Tess Kwon “Ed Talks” Professional Learning Series is an opportunity for undergraduate and graduate education majors and students interested in teaching to come together with interested faculty, staff, and P-12 teachers to network, collaborate, and explore various educational topics. Designed as a part of a cycle of continuous improvement, this professional learning series seeks to reinforce what students are learning in their coursework and field experiences, while meeting and networking with other education majors. At EdTalk held on October 5 in the Voyageurs North room in Atwood, more than 20 education majors interacted with a panel of four current educators and administrators. The panel consisted of: • Jordan Schleper, Special Education Teacher, Kimball High School • Megan Siemieniak, English Language Arts Teacher, Holdingford High School • Ren Johnson, Elementary Teacher, Kimball Elementary School • Tara Bishop, Principal & English Language Arts Teacher, Holdingford High School

Panelists of current educators in Minnesota

The panel provided helpful advice and shared a variety of experiences while answering the students questions. Topic included the job application process, interviews, and dealing with challenging K-12 students. One of the participants, Luke Strina, commented that EdTalk was not only nurturing and but also encouraging to hear stories from current educators, especially when it comes to being prepared emotionally, socially, and psychologically to be be a teacher. He further mentioned that it was great to attend EdTalks since it created an environment to meet new people who have similar career goals and to build relationships necessary to make a future educator community.

Passionate Discussion among current & future educators

Contributors Mary Boyle, Tess Kwon, Minh Le, and Yewon Sung.

720 4th Avenue South St. Cloud, Minnesota 56301-4498

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