Welcome The St. Cloud State University community is excited to welcome participants to the seventh annual Power in Diversity Leadership Conference. These programs, workshops and activities are engaging opportunities in the region that help develop future leaders who are citizens in a global community. We look forward to seeing you. –Earl H. Potter III, President, St. Cloud State University
Leadership Conference
The 7th annual Power in Diversity Leadership Conference will offer opportunities for personal growth and leadership development to college students of color and underrepresented students through a variety of workshops, keynote addresses and programs. It will also provide a forum for student leaders to connect with others from colleges and universities across the region. Advisors, faculty and staff who work with student leaders will also have a chance to network and to share ideas and strategies. Conference attendees will learn from leadership activities that will assist in the development and enhancement of one’s own skills to successfully navigate through college and into the workforce and to be a support for other students as well. The conference theme, Intersectionality in Action, will provide a framework for conversations that explore power, privilege, discrimination, and systems of oppression as they relate to the numerous identities an individual or group may claim or relate to.
Who should attend?
All college students who are interested in building their leadership skills in a multicultural environment should attend, as well as advisors, faculty and staff who work with students in an academic setting.
union gender
law collaboration equality alliance globalization sexism privilege history rights justice spiritualitysexism inequality ethnicity unity civil rights multicutural
rights sovereignty spirituality education size justice community power rights culture civil-rights globalizationclass confederation wisdom LGBTQ gender law
Workshops The Power in Diversity Leadership Conference is an opportunity for students to attend stimulating and engaging workshops chosen for their vision on how to inspire students, help them navigate the college experience and into the professional arena, promote social change and build leaders. Students, faculty, staff and professionals are encouraged to develop workshops in the spirit of the conference theme, Intersectionality in Action, and submit them at www.stcloudstate. edu/powerindiversity/proposal.aspx. The target audience is college students from diverse backgrounds. The deadline for submitting a proposal is Sunday, November 8, 2015. Workshop proposals should be developed to address the following tracks: • Defining Your Future: Internships, the value and benefits of having a mentor, career planning, professional development, choosing a graduate school and program, financing your education, budgeting and building your personal financial portfolio. • Leadership Development: Learning to motivate others, helping others to be successful, how to be a solution manager. • Navigating College: Stress and time management, health and wellness/self-care, utilizing resources, healthy relationships. • Social Justice and Activism: Addressing topics across the spectrum of diversity including multicultural issues, LGBTQ issues, community building, and political issues.
Diversity Job and Internship Fair
Attend the number one college diversity job and internship fair in Minnesota! Connect with employers who are particularly interested in recruiting a diverse work force. Many of Minnesota’s largest business, technical, health care, government, non-profit and education employers will be in attendance. There will be adequate time for students to be able to visit with employers and explore opportunities with them. Be sure that you bring your resume. For more information, contact the St. Cloud State University Career Services Center at careerservices@stcloudstate.edu. For assistance in preparing for the job fair, be sure to visit with the career services office on your campus.
educationcommunity spirituality alliance culture sexismnation wisdompeace interests sovereignty civil inequality globalization sexism rights peace freedom rights
Graduate School Resource Fair
Thinking about graduate school? Take this opportunity to visit with many graduate school representatives and explore your options. Fields represented will include business, law, education, health sciences and more. Learn about specific programs available, tips to make yourself a stronger applicant, funding your program and navigating the admissions process.
Staff Professional Development Track
New this year will be a professional development opportunity that will include a four-hour training on cultural proficiency, a networking luncheon and a panel discussion with MnSCU Chief Diversity Officers. The event is the result of collaboration with the MnSCU Office of Equity and Diversity, St. Cloud State University Multicultural Student Services and the St. Cloud State University Community Anti-Racism Education (CARE) Initiative. The track theme is “Cultural proficiency and strategic diversity as tools for building a high impact praxis.” Participants will explore the unique power dynamics of culture and race; examine definitions and examples of cultural racism and socialization; explore the dynamics of cultural destructiveness, cultural incapacity, color-blindness and cultural competence; and learn from and network with equity and diversity professionals in education. Please see https://pid2016.eventbrite.com (Staff Professional Development Track) for registration information to attend this event (Friday, January 29, 2016, 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.).
Conference Special Events
Several special events are planned for conference participants.
race feminism
Schedule Thursday, January 28, 2016 6:00 - 9:00 p.m. 6:00 - 10:00 p.m.
Conference Registration Bowling, Billiards, and More
Friday, January 29, 2016 7:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. 8:15 - 9:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. 9:00 - 9:45 a.m. 10:00 - 11:15 a.m. 11:30 a.m. - 12:45 p.m. 1:00 - 4:00 p.m. 1:00 - 4:00 p.m. 3:00 - 4:15 p.m. 4:30 - 5:45 p.m. 6:00 - 7:00 p.m. 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. 9:00 p.m. - 12:00 a.m.
Conference Registration Continental Breakfast and Welcome Staff Professional Development Track Keynote Speaker Concurrent Sessions I Luncheon with Keynote Speaker Diversity Job and Internship Fair Graduate School Resource Fair Concurrent Sessions II Concurrent Sessions III Dinner Keynote Speaker Conference Entertainment
Saturday, January 30, 2016 8:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. 8:00 - 9:45 a.m. 10:00 - 11:15 a.m. 11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. 2:00 - 3:45 p.m. 3:30 - 4:45 p.m. 6:00 p.m. - 1:00 a.m.
Conference Registration Continental Breakfast with Keynote Concurrent Sessions IV Luncheon with Keynote Speaker Concurrent Sessions V Concurrent Sessions VI Ebony Night - Evolving in Unity (Sponsored by the SCSU Council of African American Students)
Sunday, January 31, 2016 9:30 - 11:00 a.m.
Continental Brunch and Closing
While there is no dress code while attending the conference, participants may choose professional dress on Friday, January 29, due to the Diversity Job and Internship Fair and Graduate School Resource Fair. Participants are invited to dress in cultural/traditional clothing on Saturday, January 30.
confederation faith interests peace disabillity justice education nation unity
wisdom globalization social
ethnicity diversity sexism culture beauty rights
justicetribal-sovereigntyeconomics wisdom professionalism disabillity multidimensional human-rights power self-awareness
Conference Location The conference will be held on the campus of St. Cloud State University in Atwood Memorial Center. For maps and directions, go to www.stcloudstate.edu/campusmap/default.aspx.
Parking is available for a nominal daily charge in the parking ramp on Sixth Street South and Fourth Avenue South. Enter from Fourth Avenue South. Free parking is also available in K Lot with shuttle service available to the conference venue. Most lots will be open for free parking after 3 p.m. on Friday and all day on Saturday and Sunday (except for signed lots and spaces).
A block of rooms has been reserved at several hotels in the St. Cloud area. Please make reservations directly with the hotel of your choice by December 28, 2015 to guarantee the conference rate. Mention “SCSU Power in Diversity Leadership Conference� when making reservations. Transportation from the hotel to the conference site is the responsibility of the participants; shuttle service between the hotel and the conference site is not available. AmericInn Lodge & Suites GrandStay Residential Suites 320-253-6337, 800-634-3444 320-251-5400, 855-455-7829 www.americinn.com/hotels/MN/stcloud www.grandstayhospitality.com Best Western Plus Kelly Inn 320-253-0606, 800-780-7234 www.bestwesternstcloud.com
Hampton Inn and Suites 320-252-4448 HamptonInn.Hilton.com
Courtyard by Marriott 320-654-1661 courtyard.marriott.com
Holiday Inn Express 320-240-8000 IHG.com/holidayinnexpress
Days Inn 320-253-4444 DaysInn.com
Holiday Inn Hotel and Suites 320-253-9000, 888-HOLIDAY HolidayInn.com
peace tolerance union Education
Registration Early bird registration for students is $95 and for non-students is $120 through 4 p.m., Jan. 15, 2016. Registration after that time is $105 for students and $130 for non-students. (See https://pid2016.eventbrite.com to register for the Staff Professional Development Track for a cost of $110.) To register online and pay with a credit card go to https://pid2016.eventbrite.com To pay by check or purchase order go to www.stcloudstate.edu/powerindiversity/registration.aspx, complete the application, print it off and submit by mail, fax or email: Mail Charlotte Kastanek Center for Continuing Studies, BH 211D St. Cloud State University 720 4th Ave. South St. Cloud, MN 56301-4498 Fax Include “Power in Diversity” on the cover sheet 320-308-4126 Email Include “Power in Diversity” in the subject line cekastanek@stcloudstate.edu No refund will be issued for cancelled registrations after January 9, 2016. Alternate registrants may attend with completed registration form submitted. To make arrangements for alternate attendees, please contact Charlotte Kastanek at 320-308-4723 or cekastanek@stcloudstate.edu.
multicutural spirituality alliance culture rights Confederation Belongingunion diversity civil inequality globalization sexism
gender race
alliance diversity size feminism civil rights lgbtq justice rights spirituality sexism unity civil culture social multicutural history peace globalization inequality privilege faith If you have questions regarding registration for the conference, please contact: Charlotte Kastanek 320-308-4723 cekastanek@stcloudstate.edu Center for Continuing Studies If you would like more information or have questions regarding the conference: Please Call: 320-308-PIDC (7432) Email: pidc@stcloudstate.edu Visit: www.stcloudstate.edu/powerindiversity/