Music at St. Mary's

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2015-16 season

Music at St. Mary’s

Communication Studies Professor Jeff Ringer speaks to the concert choir during a practice as Professor Eddah Mutua looks on.

Music at St. Mary’s

St. Mary’s Cathedral


Communication Studies Professor Eddah Mutua speaks to a student about the significance of the song and cultural attitudes toward song and dance in the African culture.

Graduate student Siyanda Mayekiso describes the significance of the song Tshotsholoza in his country of South Africa to the St. Cloud State Concert Choir, which is performing the song at Music at. St. Mary’s.


“Finale” from Symphony No. 1 Louis Vierne (1870-1937)

Charles Echols, organ

Psalm 100

Into the West

Arranged by Alan Billingsley

Lay down your sweet and weary head Night is falling, you have come to journey’s end Sleep now, Dream of the ones who came before They are calling across the distant shore

Ruth Watson Henderson (b. 1932)

First Presbyterian Chancel Bell Ringers O be joyful in the Lord, all ye lands Serve the Lord with gladness And come before his presence with a song Be ye sure that the Lord he is God It is he that hath made us and not we ourselves We are his people and the sheep of his pasture O go your way into his gates with thanksgiving And into his courts with praise Be thankful unto him and speak good of his name For the Lord is gracious, his mercy is everlasting And his truth endureth from generation to generation.

O vos omnes

Tomas Luis de Victoria (1549-1611)

Soon you will see All of your fears will pass away Safe in my arms, you’re only sleeping What can you see on the horizon? Why do the white gulls call? Across the sea, a pale moon rises The ships have come to carry you home And all will turn to silver glass A light on the water all souls pass Hope fades into the world of night Through shadows falling Out of memory and time Don’t say that we have come now to the end White shores are calling You and I will meet again And you’ll be here in my arms Just sleeping

O all ye people attend and see, If there be any sorrow like my sorrow.

Timor et tremor

Why do you weep? What are those tears upon your face?

Terry Schlenker (b.1957)

Loren Monroe, soprano Fear and trembling have come over me, And darkness has fallen upon me: Have mercy on me, Lord, have mercy, For my soul trusts in you. Hear, O God, my prayer, For you are my refuge And my strength, Lord I have called upon you, that I shall not be confounded.

A light on the water, grey ships pass Into the west

Tell My Father

Arranged by Andrea Ramsey

Tell my father that his son didn’t run or surrender That I bore his name with pride As I tried to remember you are judged by what you do While passing through As I rest ‘neath fields of green Let him lean on my shoulder Tell him how I spent my youth So the truth could grow older Tell my father, when you can I was a man

Daniel Brinsmead (b. 1988)

Holy Spirit, bestowing life unto life, moving in All. You are the root of all creatures, washing away all impurity, scouring guilt, and anointing wounds. Thus you are luminous and praiseworthy, Life, awakening, and re-awakening all that is.

Tell him how I wore the blue Proud and true through the fire Tell my father so he’ll know I love him so Tell him how I wore the blue Proud and true like he taught me Tell my father not to cry, Then say “Goodbye”

Blow the Candles out

Jonathan Dove (b. 1959)

Seek him that maketh the seven stars and Orion And turneth the shadow of death into the morning, Alleluia, yea, the darkness shineth as the day, the night is light about me.

Nigra Sum

Jake Runestad (b. 1986)

Angels, where you soar Up to God’s own light, Take my own lost bird On your hearts tonight; And as grief once more Mounts to heaven and sings, Let my love be heard Whispering in your wings.

Spiritus Sanctus

Tell him we will meet again Where the angels learn to fly Tell him we will meet as men For with honor did I die

Seek Him that Maketh the Seven Stars

Let My Love be Heard

Pablo Casals (1876-1973)

I am very dark, but comely, O daughters of Jerusalem. Therefore the King loved me, and brought me into his chamber. And he said to me: Arise, my love, and come: For now the winter is past, the rain is over and gone. The flowers have appeared in our land, And the time of renewal is come. Alleluia!

Arranged by Michael Richardson

When I was ‘prenticed in Plymouth I went to see my dear, The candles they were burning The moon shone bright and clear I knocked upon her window to ease her of her pain She rose to let me in the she barred the door again I like your good behavior, darling, thus I often say and I Cannot rest contented while You are far away The winds they are so cold That you cannot stay there out So roll me in your arms love, and blow the candles out Now father and mother in yonder room do lie A huggin’ one another so why not you and I? Huggin’ one another without a fear or doubt So roll me in your arms love, and blow the candles out.

With a Lily in Your Hand, Eric Whitacre from Three Flower Songs Text by: Federico Garcia Lorca (1898-1936)

With a lily in your hand I leave you, o my night love! Little widow of my single star I find you. Tamer of dark Butterflies!

Down in the Valley Arranged by George Mead Down in the valley, valley so low Hang your head over Hear the wind blow Build me a castle Forty feet high So I can see her as she goes by, dear If you don’t love me Love who you please but Throw your arms round me Give my heart ease dear

trad. Appalachian / arr. Moira Smiley

Joe Williams, Appalachian dulcimer I am a poor wayfaring stranger travling through this world of woe, but there’s no sickness, toil nor danger, in that bright world through which I go. I’m goin’ there to see my Father, I’m going there no more to roam; I’m just a-goin’ over Jordan, I’m just a-goin’ over home.

By the blue footpath, Tamer of dark stars I’ll make my way. Until the universe Can fit inside My heart.

Here’s to women all around us They doth charm and doth confound us Here’s to love and beauty fair! Lovely Women!

Christopher Walker (b. 1947)

My soul magnifies the Lord. Sing to the Lord, Gloria! Alleluia, Alleluia, always!

Wayfaring Stranger

I keep along my way. After a thousand years are gone You’ll see me, O my night love!

Viva Tutti

Magnificat Anima Mea

Edited by Emily Crocker

I know dark clouds are gatherin’ o’er me. I know my way is rough and steep. Yet beauteous fields lie just before me, and lilies grow where angels sleep. I’m goin’ there to see my Mother, I’m going there no more to roam; I’m just a-goin’ over Jordan, I’m just a-goin’ over home.

Bound for the Promised Land

arr. Dan Krunnfusz

On Jordan’s stormy banks I stand and cast a wishful eye To Canaan’s fair and happy land where my possessions lie. I am bound for the Promised Land Oh who will come and go with me? I am bound for the Promised Land There gen’rous fruits that never fail on trees immortal grow; There rocks and hills and brooks and vales with milk and honey flow. Soon will the Lord prepare my soul for joys beyond the skies, Where never ceasing pleasures roll, and praises never die.

Bring Me Little Water, Silvy

Arranged by Moira Smiley

Joe Williams, Conductor


Arranged by Jeffery L. Ames

Josh Smith & Hunter McCullough, Tenors Jeffrey Ringer, Choreographer

Bring me little water Silvy Bring me little water now Bring me little water, Sylvie Ev’ry little once in a while

Go forward From those mountains on this train from South Africa Go forward You are running away from those mountains on this train from South Africa

Silvy come a runnin’ Bucket in her hand I will bring a little water Fast as I can Bring it in a bucket, Silvy Bring it in a bucket now Bring it in a bucket, Silvy Ev’ry little once in a while

Webaba yini lendaba

Traditional South Africa

Phillip Anderson, Tenor My friends, what is this? It is my corner stone. My friends, what is this? The one who puts my heart at ease.

Can’t you see me comin’ Can’t you see me now I will bring a little water Ev’ry little once in a while

This one looks like they’ve got a heavy load to carry. So I’ll take a bit from here and a bit from there and leave it.

Bonsa Abba

Arranged by Andrew Fischer

All who sing have the right to be called The children of God

Ergen Deda

The old bachelor, red-faced old man, like this and like that, wearing his peasant hat sideways, like this and like that, etc. tipped up and down, He went to the village, and joined the circle dance, to dance next to the maidens, All the maidens ran away, only the youngest one stayed, the youngest one, Angelina.

Peter Lyondev

I have lived a long life surrounded by loved ones. Rejoice for our time together on earth and let the light surround us!

The Old Hundredth Psalm Tune R. Vaughan Williams (1872-1958)


All people that on earth do dwell, sing to the Lord with cheerful voice; Him serve with fear, his praise forth tell, Come ye before him, and rejoice. The Lord, ye know, is God indeed, Without our aid he did us make; We are his fold, he doth us feed, And for his sheep he doth us take. O enter then his gates with praise, Approach with joy his courts unto; Praise, laud, and bless his name always, For it is seemly so to do. For why? The Lord our God is good: His mercy is forever sure; His Truth at all times firmly stood, And shall from age to age endure.

DR. CHARLES ECHOLS retired after thirty-three years teaching in the Music Department at St. Cloud State University where he taught organ and music history. He has appeared in numerous concerts at the university and in the community as organist, pianist, harpsichordist, accompanist and chamber musician.

To Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, The God whom heaven and earth adore, From us and from thee angel host Be praise and glory ever more.

He received the Master of Music degree from the University of Texas at Austin, and the Doctor of Musical Arts from the University of Southern California in Los Angeles. He also studied in Toulouse, France and at the North German Organ Academy. He was Choir Director and Organist at St. Mary’s Cathedral of St. Cloud for twenty-five years.


He has recently given concerts in Mississippi, California and Texas. His performances of the ten organ symphonies of Charles-Marie Widor and the six organ symphonies of Vierne were presented in a series of faculty concerts at St. Cloud State University.

FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHANCEL BELL RINGERS Lori Potter, conductor Melinda Anderson Brenda Espelien Catherine Hilbrich Ann Oleksowicz

Lynne Osteraas Carole Pike June Rowland

ST. CLOUD STATE UNIVERSITY CONCERT CHOIR Dr. Matthew Ferrell, conductor Ann Oleksowicz, accompanist SOPRANO 1 Tess Bartell.................................................................. (Princeton) Psychology Becky Botz.............................................................................(St. Cloud) History *Allyson Endersbe...................................... (Mankato) Music/ Psychology +*Sarah Hanek..........................................(Jordan) Vocal Music Education *Camryn Sells......................... (Chisago Lakes) Social Studies Education +*Loren Monroe.................................... (Foley) Vocal Music Performance Anna Olson.....................................(St. Cloud) Pre-Occupational Therapy *Lauren Shnowske...............................(Mosinee) Music/Communication Sciences and Disorders SOPRANO 2 Betsy Bartholomew.....................................(Albertville) Music Education Hollie Bursch...................................(Zimmerman) Vocal Music Education Victoria Kellogg............................... (Belle Plaine) Elementary Education Emily Kivi...........................................................(Solway) Violin Performance Andrea McGowan..................................................(St. Michael) Social Work Madeline Kapinos............................ (St. Cloud) Post-Secondary Student Paige Rieger................................................(Pine River) Vocal Performance Caitlin Wilson............................................................... (Medford) Psychology ALTO 1 +*Brittney Anderson..............(Somerset, WI) Communication Studies *Sarina Greskowiak......................(Coon Rapids) Elementary Education Rebecca Shirk......................... (Waconia) Instrumental Music Education *Brenna Siltala........................................... (Cokato) Elementary Education Maggie Schwagel.........................(St. Cloud) Ecology and Field Biology Kyla Stulen............................................................... (Luverne) Music Therapy Celeste Yeats....................................... (Pequot Lakes) Music Composition & New Media

ALTO 2 Belle Anjanha Brittany Downs........................................(Buffalo) Mass Communications Rachel Harding.............................................(Plymouth) Entrepreneurship Monica Nguyen.........................................................(Wyoming) Undecided Brittany Rooney................................. (Alexandria) Mass Communication Anida Saengxayabandith................................... (Monticello) Pre-OBGYN +*Megan Shipley..................................... (Buffalo) Vocal Music Education Allesson Stensing....................... (Buffalo) Music/Psychology Education

TENOR 1 Phillip Anderson.................................................. (Orono) Pre-med/Biomed Kyle Burch........................ (Zimmerman) Vocal Performance/Chemistry Justin Goerz......................................................................(Oakland, CA) Music Steven Habib.....................................................(Rapid City, SD) Accounting Hunter McCullough......................................................(Duluth) Meterology +Jonathan Rydberg............................(St. Cloud) Vocal Music Education Josh Smith....................................... (Chanhassen) Vocal Music Education +*Joe Williams.................(St. Cloud) Music Composition/Mathematics TENOR 2 Jared Admave.....................................................................(Princeton) English *Ben Durdall.......................................... (St. Cloud) Mass Communications Jeremiah Krueger................(East Grand Forks) Vocal Music Education Jake Lohman............................................................... (Oak Grove) Chemistry Chris Nhotsavang.........................(Apple Valley) Vocal Music Education Christian Pierce...........................................................(St. Cloud) Psychology Colin Seely......................................................(Brooklyn Center) Geography Tyler VersbonCoeur..................................... (St. Michael) Radio Broadcast BASS 1 Max Cerny.......................................................... (Onalaska) Athletic Training Justin Frerich................................... (Rice) Instrumental Music Education Jacob Friedel.....................................................(Pillager) Computer Science Theodore Gloege..................................... (Cokato) Elementary Education *Levi Keskey................................................................. (Zimmerman) Finance +*Anthony Languren........................... (Atlanta, GA) Music Composition Philip Shefveland.................................................................(Rice) Psychology Jesse Simons...........................................(Anoka) Social Studies Education BASS 2 +Justin Bazzani.......................................................................... (Rogers) Music Carlos Camejo.....................................(Champlin) International Relations Mark Meyers.....................................................................(Rochester) Business Kyle O’Brien.................................. (Belle Plaine) Social Studies Education Albert Rysavy........................................(Owatonna) Broadcast Journalism *Cameron Smith............................(Little Falls) Communication Studies/ Secondary Education David Thompson............................................(St. Cloud) Music Education/ Oboe Performance

All cities in Minnesota unless otherwise noted.

* choir board / + section leader


SOPRANO Allyson Endersbe......................................... (Mankato) Music/Psychology Sarah Hanek...............................................(Jordan) Vocal Music Education Camryn Sells........................... (Chisago Lakes) Social Studies Education Loren Monroe......................................... (Foley) Vocal Music Performance Lauren Shnowske.................................(Mosinee) Music/Communication Sciences and Disorders ALTO Brittney Anderson.......................... (Somerset) Communication Studies Brittany Downs........................................(Buffalo) Mass Communications Sarina Greskowiak........................(Coon Rapids) Elementary Education Megan Shipley......................................... (Buffalo) Vocal Music Education Allesson Stensing....................... (Buffalo) Music/Psychology Education

TENOR Justin Goerz......................................................................(Oakland, CA) Music Jeremiah Krueger................(East Grand Forks) Vocal Music Education Chris Nhotsavang.........................(Apple Valley) Vocal Music Education Jonathan Rydberg...............................(St. Cloud) Vocal Music Education Joe Williams.....................(St. Cloud) Music Composition/Mathematics BASS Justin Bazzani............................................................................. (Rogers) Music Max Cerny...................................................(Onalaska, WI) Athletic Training Ben Durdall............................................ (St. Cloud) Mass Communications Jacob Friedel.....................................................(Pillager) Computer Science Cameron Smith..............................(Little Falls) Communication Studies/ Secondary Education

DR. MATTHEW FERRELL is associate professor and Director of Choral Activities at St. Cloud State University. In this position he conducts the SCSU Concert Choir and Chamber Singers and teaches courses in conducting and musicianship. Prior to his appointment at SCSU, he served as Director of Choral Activities at Brooklyn College, Conservatory of Music and previously taught high school choir in New Lebanon, NY. As Associate Conductor of the Master Chorale of South Florida, Dr. Ferrell assisted in the preparation of Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony with the Cleveland Orchestra and conducted the Boca Raton Symphonia in several performances.

Under Dr. Ferrell’s direction, the St. Cloud State University Concert Choir has performed at multiple conferences—most recently the 2014 North Central ACDA Conference—and in 2011 performed with the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University Choir in Port Elizabeth, South Africa. Dr. Ferrell maintains an active schedule as clinician, adjudicator and guest conductor for choral festivals and conferences in Minnesota and around the country. He is an active member of several choral organizations, while serving as Repertoire and Standards Chair for ACDA-MN and Associate Editor for the National Collegiate Choral Organization. Dr. Ferrell has been awarded conducting fellowships through prominent institutions, and was recently selected as one of six conductors nationally to represent the U.S. in a conductor exchange with South Korea. Through these organizations and other master classes he has studied under many renowned conductors including Dale Warland, Helmuth Rilling, Robert Porco, Weston Noble, Charles Bruffy, James Jordan and Marin Alsop. Dr. Ferrell received his Doctor of Musical Arts in Choral Conducting from the University of Miami (a student of Jo-Michael Scheibe). He received a Master of Music in Choral Conducting from Temple University and Bachelor of Music in Music Education from The Hartt School.

MR. STEVEN J. HOEMBERG, JR. earned his B.A. in Music with concentrations in K-12 Choral Education and Vocal Performance from St. John’s University (MN) in 2001, where he studied choral conducting and vocal pedagogy with Dr. Axel Theimer. Since 2001, Hoemberg has served as the Director of Choral Activities 7-12 at Staples Motley Public Schools, where he was also a 1997 graduate and a student of Mr. Stan Carlson. In 2010, Hoemberg was selected to follow Stan Carlson as only the second Director of the Staples Area Men’s Chorus since 1971.

He also has worked as Director of the Staples Area Women’s Chorus (2007-10) and Director/Founder of the Colla Voce Girl’s Choir (2007-10). As a member of the Minnesota Music Educator’s Association (MMEA) Hoemberg served on the board of directors as the Mid-Level Chair (2005-07), an All-State Section Leader (2006-08 and 2012), and as Region Representative (2010-12). He is also a member of the American Choral Directors Association (ACDA) of Minnesota, for which he briefly served as the Repertoire and Standards Chair for Male Chorus. Hoemberg is quite passionate about adolescent changing male voices, strategies for teaching young male singers, methods for making sight-singing simple and relevant and strategies for picking appropriate repertoire for young men’s voices. He is a frequent presenter throughout the region, including twice at the MMEA Mid-Winter Clinic, the Minnesota ACDA Summer Dialogue, and most recently at the North Dakota ACDA State Conference. Hoemberg’s article titled “Managing the Adolescent Classroom” was published in the MMEA “Interval” as well as the Vermont Music Educator’s Association periodical. Hoemberg’s choirs were featured at the 2006 MMEA Mid-Winter Clinic (7 & 8 Boys Choir) and again at the2008 MMEA Mid-Winter Clinic (A Cappella Choir). In 2012 Hoemberg prepared the SMHS A Cappella Choir, the Staples Area Men’s Chorus, and the Staples Area Women’s Chorus for a performance of Morten Lauridsen’s Lux Aeterna, directed by Dr. Matthew Culloton, in collaboration with The Singers – Minnesota Choral Artists. In December of 2013, Hoemberg led an 8-group, multi-generational and multi-community, collaborative performance of Vivaldi’s Gloria. Although his life is quite busy with varied teaching responsibilities, Hoemberg still finds time to occasionally sing with his wife Emily, who has a beautiful soprano voice. They are the proud parents of two little girls, Molly and Meredith.

ST. CLOUD STATE UNIVERSITY MEN’S CHOIR Steve Hoemberg, conductor Sandy Paskewitz, accompanist TENOR 1 Juan Del Angel............................(Tampico, Tamoulipas, Mexico) French Broden Hagemeier.....................................................(St. Cloud) Philosophy McCade Libby...................................................(Kimball) Computer Science Rick Osborne...........................................................(Fridley) Political Science TENOR 2 Derek Bennington.................................... (Coon Rapids) Political Science Joseph Hess............................................................................(Staples) Nursing Vang Moua........................................................ (St. Paul) Computer Science Jeffrey Page....................................(St. Cloud) Community Development Bishnu Sharma...........................................................................(Nepal) Physics Tyler VersbonCoeur.......................(St. Michael) Radio Communications BASS 1 Justin Huhn...............................................(Buffalo) Business Management Kevin Kes......................................... (Prior Lake) Communications Studies Chue Thao................................................................................(St. Paul) Theatre Eric Tomsche..................................(Maple Grove) Environmental Studies Sky Yang.................................................... (Woodbury) Music Composition BASS 2 Daniel Butler............(Dayton, TX) Psychology Chemical Dependency Brad Ebden................................................... (Cold Spring) Music Education Eli Stevens.......................................................(Royalton) Computer Science Byron Webster................................... (Frontenac) Computer Engineering

ST. CLOUD STATE UNIVERSITY WOMEN’S CHOIR Mary Jo Bot, conductor Susan Hill, accompanist Joe Williams, conducting intern SOPRANO 1 Rebecca Botz........................................................................(St. Cloud) History *Stephanie Bruckert.........................................(Prairie du Sac, WI) Spanish *Katie Clyne...........................................(Princeton) Elementary Education Carissa Defried..........................................................(Litchfield) Film Studies Melanie Dimond..................................................................... (Sartell) Nursing *Ashley Heymer.................................................... (Princeton) Management Dahae Ji...................................(Incheon, South Korea) Special Education Hamida Katamara.................(Kigali, Rwanda) Communication Studies Anna Keenan............................................(St. Paul) Mass Communications Lexi Saterdalen.........................................................(Orrock) Liberal Studies Katie Smith.................................................(St. Joseph) Music Composition SOPRANO 2 Betsy Bartholomew.....................(Albertville) Social Studies Education Ashlyn Doll.......................................................................... (St. Cloud) Nursing Courtney Garbers.......................................................(Mankato) Undecided Kylah Miller..................................................(Austin) Radiology Technology Freyja McDermott....................................(Sartell) Environmental Science Maryam Mohammed..................................... (Lagos, Algeria) Psychology Maria Norton..............................(St. Joseph) Early Childhood Education Jaysa Saumer.....................................................(Pine City) Music Education Baillie Schwint...........................................(St. Cloud) German & Sociology Eh Ta Taw.................................................(Myanmar, Burma) Global Studies Madilyne Wegener.......................................................(St. Cloud) Sociology Celeste Yeats.................................................................. (Pequot Lakes) Music

ALTO 1 Gina Brown.............................................................................. (Bemidji) English Miah Espersen...............................................................(Lino Lakes) Pre-Med Kaitlin Hansen.......................................................(Ogilvie) Music Education Lauren Horan.......................................(Maplewood) Medical Lab Science *Jenny Olson.................................................................(St. Cloud) Undecided Lauren Poepping..................................................................(Rice) Undecided Natalia Schupe.....................................................(Prior Lake) Anthropology Abigail Wormwood.....................................(Elk River) Community Health Katie Wraspir.......................................................... (Cokato) Dental Assistant Baonhia Yang................................................................... (St. Paul) Undecided ALTO 2 *Brittany Downs......................................(Buffalo) Mass Communications Sydney Gienger....................................................(Albany) Music Education Sohyun Kim.............................................. (South Korea) Special Education Natalie Moen...........................................(St. Joseph) Medical Lab Science Jennifer Nordstrom......................................(Elk River) Spanish Education Morgan Sabo......................................................... (Bismark, ND) Undecided Carly Udelhoven........................................................(Plymouth) Undecided Danielle Yost........................................... (Ada) Early Childhood Education Sang A Yun.......................................(South Korea) Elementary Education

All cities in Minnesota unless otherwise noted.

* choir board / + section leader

MARY JO BOT is Conductor of the Women’s Choir at St. Cloud State University (SCSU) and, for many years, served as Director of the Music Department’s Preparatory Program and Assistant Conductor of Cantabile Girls’ Choir. Under her direction, the SCSU Women’s Choir has played an integral role in “Her Story, Her Song,” an annual community event combining music, service and community outreach. This award-winning and highly regarded concert has become a model of collaboration and community outreach and provides students with valuable opportunities for service learning.

Ms. Bot previously served on the music faculty at Saint John’s University where she conducted the All College Choir, taught Choral Techniques and worked with the Saint John’s Boys’ Choir. She also has significant experience in church music ministry, most notably as Director of Music at Christ Church Newman Center in St. Cloud. As an active member of the American Choral Director’s Association, Ms. Bot has served as the Minnesota Standards and Repertoire Chair for Women’s Choirs, as Minnesota’s Northwest District Chair, and as faculty advisor for the SCSU Student Chapter.

Concert choir members practice their choreography for the South African song Tshotsholoza.

MUSIC AT ST. MARY’S, as part of the School of the Arts Creative Art Series, is a music event that celebrates St. Cloud State’s own students and faculty.

A PORTION OF TONIGHTS PROCEEDS WILL BENEFIT scholarships for music students and upcoming international tour by the Concert Choir.

THANKS TO ST. CLOUD STATE’S DEPARTMENT OF MUSIC for being part of St. Cloud State and the Creative Art Series.

Enhancing student learning and broadening public perspectives through art, music, film and theater. STCLOUDSTATE.EDU/SOTA/CREATIVE

SCSU.SchooloftheArts scsusota

St. Cloud State University is committed to legal affirmative action, equal opportunity, access and diversity of its campus community. (

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