Brian McKay
Mike Strickland
I F I H A D T O S U M U P 2 0 2 1 I N O N E W O R D , it would be community. Community
B E T T E R T O G E T H E R ! While this is not true all the time (think oil and water), it certainly fits the partnership of Spero Financial and the former Anderson Federal Credit Union (AFCU). The merger of these two great institutions in February 2021, was the culmination of years of ongoing dialogue between the management teams of the two credit unions. From the outset, the overarching goal was to ensure there would not only be a financial fit but also a strong cultural tie between the employees and members of a combined organization. Success would be measured by a partnership that was GREAT for three key groups:
is built on unity — people joining together with a common goal or mission. This is what started the credit union movement many years ago. As a credit union, this is part of our DNA — a trait we’ve coined cooperative spirit that simply means people helping people. For our members and staff, Spero is a
convenience of an ATM — including expanded
community — one made up of diverse
options such as cash/check deposit. We also
individuals from all walks of life, coming
extended TellerLink banking hours, so you
together with a mission to improve financial
can speak with a teller before/after work. If
lives. By doing this, not only do you, our
you haven’t had a chance to use TellerLink, I
members soar financially, but our communities
encourage you to do so! It’s now available at all
become greater places to live, work, and play.
Spero branches.
Speaking of community, in early 2021, we
As I mentioned above, community is part
completed our partnership with Anderson
of our DNA. This year alone, we had the
Federal Credit Union. I encourage you to read
opportunity to contribute over $153,000 to 18
Board Chairman Mike Strickland’s letter for a
local non-profits to support food insecurity,
full summary of how this partnership created a
affordable housing, and more. We also
powerful synergy for our employees, members,
made a significant contribution to Anderson
and community.
University to support Trojan Football on Spero
2021 was also a year of strategic planning for our organization. Together with our Board of Directors and leadership team, we
Financial Field, adopted the 8th Cooperative Principle of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, and participated in over 26 community events.
identified three key focuses that will carry
I encourage you to turn to page 8 to learn
us into 2024 and distinguish our credit union
more about our community impact, as well
in the markets we serve: (1) providing an
as view how we’ve helped our members soar
enhanced member digital experience, (2)
financially in 2021!
delivering exceptional personalized service, and (3) making a significant impact in the communities we serve.
As I close, I would like to thank you for your ongoing loyalty and trust in us; our staff for their continued dedication to our members;
We’ve all experienced the transformation that
and our volunteers for their invaluable
technology has had on our daily lives. At Spero,
guidance in moving our credit union forward.
our intention is to provide the convenience
Like the sparrow, we are stronger together! Our
of digital services, while maintaining the
credit union not only remains financially strong
personalized connection you have come to
to handle the uncertainties of the world today,
love. (Yes, we will still know you by name!)
but we also remain optimistic of our bright
One way we have already started pairing
• Employees • Membership • Community All former AFCU employees were equipped with more resources, data systems, and tools to better serve Spero’s members. In addition, employee compensation, benefits, and career opportunities were protected, and in many cases, enhanced. Members now have greater lending and share deposit opportunities. In addition to digital banking services, members now enjoy access to ten physical branch locations across our service area from Anderson to Spartanburg. Average share per member has grown, as well as the number of Spero services used by the member. Community impact was incredibly positive. The market presence and brand recognition for Spero Financial continues to significantly expand throughout Upstate South Carolina. Our support of Anderson University, as well as several charitable organizations in the community have fostered our reputation as a caring organization. Without a doubt, the partnership between Spero Financial and the former Anderson Federal Credit Union has proven that we are better together. In the 1990s, a catchword was circulating throughout the business community and being adopted as a key to success: SYNERGY — the interaction or cooperation of two or more organizations produces a joint effect greater than the sum of their separate efforts (2+2 = 6). The synergy produced when AFCU joined Spero Financial has proven that we are better together and well prepared to soar in 2022 and beyond!
M I C H A E L ( M I K E ) W. S T R I C K L A N D
Board Chairman
future ahead.
Digital Experience with Personalized Service
It is both a privilege and an honor to serve you!
is through TellerLink! Launched in fall 2021,
I appreciate you.
this new technology allows you to enjoy the personal connection of a real teller with the