Stampede B A C K - T O - S C H O O L 2 0 2 2 - 2 0 2 3 The
Oct.17 21 UpperCampusPeakWeek Nov.11 13 AllSchoolProductionof Momma Mia! Nov.22 Grandparents/GrandFriendsDay 8:30a.m.attheLowerCampus
I M P O R T A N T D A T E S :
Sept.14 Back to SchoolNight,Pre K 6 5:30p.m. 8:00p.m.attheLowerCampus
Welcome Back! H E A D O F S C H O O L M E S S A G E
DearSierraCanyonParents, Onbehalfofouradministration,faculty,and staff,itismypleasuretowelcomeyoutothe 2022 2023schoolyear.AsIbeginmy19thyear atSierraCanyon,Iamhumbledbythenumber ofremarkablefamiliesthathavechosentobea partofourcommunity.Ihopeyouallareas proudofyourassociationwiththisschoolasI am.Whetheryouareabrand-newfamilyora longtimememberofourcommunity,itismy privilegetowelcomeyoutowhatpromisesto beafantasticyear.
Sept.24 AllSchoolFamilyPepRally 6:30p.m.attheSCStadium
Oct.15 Sibling/Faculty&StaffAdmission ApplicationDeadline Oct.17 21 UpperCampusPeakWeek Nov.11 13 AllSchoolProductionof Mamma Mia! Thefollowingpageswillgiveyouaglimpse ofthemanyimprovementsmadeonboth campuses.Itwasthemostupgradeswehave doneinonesummer,andittookaphenomenal effortfromourfacilitiesandtechnology departments.Additionally,Iamexcitedto giveyouanupdateontheLowerCampus MultipurposeGymnasium.Thefoundationfor this10,000-squarefootstructurehasbeenlaid, andthewallswillgoupin4 6weeks.Sofar, constructionhasbeenrunningsmoothly,and itisonpacetobecompletedinMay2023. Althoughtheconstructionisaminor inconvenience,thisspacewillbethecampus's hubandexactlywhatourLowerSchoolneeds tobecomplete. Asalways,thankyouforyourongoingsupport andpartnership.Itrulybelievethatourparent involvementinourcommunityiswhatleavesus poisedforgreatness.Here’stoagreatyear! Bestwishes, JimSkrumbis HeadofSchool
Sept.30 HomecomingFootballGame 7:00p.m.attheSCStadium
Sept.8 PAKick OffMeeting 8:45a.m.attheLowerCampus
Oct.1 HomecomingDance,9 12 7:00p.m. 10:00p.m.attheSCGym
Sept.21 Back to SchoolNight,7 12 6:00p.m. 8:30p.m.attheUpperCampus
Welcome to the SC Family! ListedLefttoRight: LaurenScheloske,English; MarySoot,UpperCampusAdmissionAssistantandVocalTeacher; SarenaHobson,WellnessDirector;GraceZimmerman,AssociateDirectorofUpperCampus Admission;HannahRobertson,WorldLanguage;LeoGlazé,History;MichaleSamuels,1stGrade Teacher;JDDevaughn Brown,ComputerScience;ZachOden,English;MeredithBritt,Director ofCollegeCounseling;TylerElbin,Mathematics;EricFodor,History; and AnthonyBowers,MathematicsandDyneAcademicCenter. M E E T O U R N E W F A C U L T Y A N D S T A F F Not Pictured: Haream Hyun, User Services Associate; Bianca Jenkins, Upper School Director Assistant; and Felicia Hellman, English
3 new classroom spaces 5 new office spaces 70 new lockers 12 new large trees 300 new plants 17 new Mac studio computers 30 new ipads 66 new surface pros 6,000 Yards of new football field TURF 1,400 Football Stadium seats 1 new press box 5 new batting cages 2 New Pitching mounds 1 New sound system at the SC Stadium 3 new security guards 1 new security gate 1 new bLAZE mascot 233 New students 16 new Faculty and Staff 1,157 happy trailblazers 2 campuses ONE SIERRA! Sierra Canyon Summer To-Do List
We Are SC! S C S T A D I U M & H O M E F O O T B A L L O P E N E R After16yearsinthemaking,SierraCanyonwasproudto celebratetheofficialopeningoftheSCStadium.The school widecelebrationwasthemed, The House We Built. Fromstudentsandfacultytoalumsandparents,eachof yourhardworkandgenerositymadethismonumental accomplishmentareality.Thankyoutoourfantastic communityforsellingoutourfirsthomefootballgame andmakingthenightunforgettable.
Back-to-School Moments L O W E R C A M P U S
Trailblazers Back on Campus U P P E R C A M P U S
MountSaintMary'sUniversity NewYorkUniversity NortheasternUniversity OberlinCollege OregonStateUniversity PaceUniversity PepperdineUniversity PrincetonUniversity PurdueUniversity MainCampus ReedCollege
C L A S S O F 2 0 2 2
ChapmanUniversity CollegeoftheCanyons ColumbiaUniversityinthe CityofNewYork
ConcordiaUniversity Irvine CornellUniversity CUNYQueensCollege DrexelUniversity DukeUniversity
BostonUniversity CaliforniaPolytechnicState University SanLuisObispo CaliforniaStateUniversity Fresno CarnegieMellonUniversity
LoyolaMarymountUniversity MaastrichtUniversity MaryvilleUniversityofSaintLouis
College Placement
RhodeIslandSchoolofDesign RiceUniversity SanFranciscoStateUniversity SantaBarbaraCityCollege SarahLawrenceCollege SouthernMethodistUniversity StanfordUniversity SyracuseUniversity TheNewSchool TheUniversityofAlabama TuftsUniversity TulaneUniversityofLouisiana UnitedStatesMilitaryAcademy UniversityofArizona UniversityofCalifornia Berkeley UniversityofCalifornia Davis UniversityofCalifornia Irvine UniversityofCalifornia LosAngeles UniversityofCalifornia SantaCruz UniversityofCentralMissouri UniversityofColoradoBoulder UniversityofHawaiiatHilo UniversityofIllinoisUrbana Champaign UniversityofMiami UniversityofMichigan AnnArbor UniversityofNebraska Lincoln UniversityofOregon UniversityofPennsylvania UniversityofRichmond UniversityofSanDiego UniversityofSanFrancisco UniversityofSouthernCalifornia UniversityofTulsa UniversityofWashington SeattleCampus UniversityofWisconsin Madison WashingtonUniversityinStLouis YaleUniversity Good luck to these Trailblazers as they begin this exciting chapter of their lives. They will always have a home at
ArizonaStateUniversityCampus Immersion BostonCollege
T H E 1 3 5 M E M B E R S O F T H E C L A S S O F 2 0 2 2 A R E E N R O L L E D I N 7 2 C O L L E G E S A N D U N I V E R S I T I E S .
Meet Our Security Team AtSierraCanyon,ourcommunity’ssafetyisourtoppriority.Weemployprofessional,in housesecurity personneltoensurestudents,staff,families,andfriendshaveasafeplacetogatherandlearn.Inaddition toourfullyfencedandgatedcampuseswithlimitedaccesspoints,weutilizemultipleelectronicsystems, includingcameras,alarms,andidentificationscanningsoftwareforallvisitorstotheSchool.Thissummer, wehaveexpandedourSecurityTeambythreefull timeguardsandaddedathirdsecurityboothinthe UpperCampusGymLot.Wehavealsoupgradedoursecuritycamerasystemonbothcampuses,which includesadvancedanalyticcapabilitiesandthreededicatedmonitoringstations. Manuel Rojo Director of Safety and Security Lower and Upper Campuses Troy Samuels Safety and Security Manager Lower and Upper Campuses Luis Ramirez Public Safety Officer Lower and Upper Campuses Chris Madden Public Safety Officer Upper Campus Anton "G" Glukhovskiy Public Safety Officer Lower Campus Alex Kouzounian Public Safety Officer Upper Campus Sanjar Haghshenas Public Safety Officer Lower Campus Terry Samuels Public Safety Officer Lower Campus Mykael Aguiar Public Safety Officer Lower and Upper Campuses Ryan Sundeen Public Safety Officer Upper Campus
Save the Date! G R A N D P A R E N T S / G R A N D F R I E N D S D A Y TraditionallyheldtheTuesdaybeforeThanksgiving, thiseventisawonderfulopportunitytogatherour LowerCampusstudentswiththeimportant grandparentsorgrandfriendsintheirlives. Thisyear,“grands”willreceiveaninvitationinthemail inearlyOctober.TheDevelopmentOfficewillusethe contactinformationprovidedbyparentsfromthe summermailer. Shouldyouhaveanyquestions,pleasecontactChristina S I E R R A C A N Y O N I S P R O U D T O B R I N G B A C K O U R B E L O V E D G R A N D P A R E N T / G R A N D F R I E N D S E V E N T ! November22 | 8:30a.m. | LowerCampus LowerCampus,Pre K 6 11052IndependenceAve. Chatsworth,CA91311 UpperCampus,7 12 20801RinaldiSt. Chatsworth,CA91311