Admission: 2022-23 Winter Publication

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Nov.11-13-AllSchoolProductionof Momma Mia!

Nov.22-Grandparents/GrandFriendsDay 8:30a.m.attheLowerCampus

DearSierraCanyonParents, Aswebeginourmuch-deservedWinter Recess,Iwishyouandyourfamilya wonderfulholidayseason.Throughoutthe fallsemester,Ihavebeenoverwhelmedby thesupportshownbyourschool.From recordattendanceateventslike GrandparentsDaytothetremendous successofourGivingTuesdayText-a-Thon, SCtrulystandsfor Strong Community.

Thefollowingpagesprovideaglimpseofthe unprecedentedsuccessesourstudentshave accomplishedinjustfourshortmonths.From academicsandservicetoathleticsandthe arts,itmakesmeextremelyproudtosaythat SierraCanyonstudents'commitmentto Learning Forward isevidentineverything theypursue.

Bestwishes, JimSkrumbis HeadofSchool
Happy Holidays! H E A D O
Asweapproachtheendofthecalendaryear, wehavemuchtocelebrateandmanymore accomplishmentsto look forward
Stayhealthy.HappyHolidays.Andenjoy thebreak!
Numbers F
O F S U C C E S S 2,039,180 Sierra Canyon Fund dollars raised so far this year by our generous community members 81 7th-12th Grade students are participating in our Upper Campus Math Teams 603 "Grands" attended our Grandparents and Grand Friends event 113 Parents have volunteered their time with the Parent Association 6 Upper School students traveled to the NAIS Student Diversity Leadership Conference 24 Lower School students participated in the Student Council election 8,832 Volunteer hours served by Upper Campus students who received Community Service Honors Awards
Sierra Canyon by
850 Guests attended Lower and Upper Campus Admission events 387 Lower Campus students enrolled in our Fall Afterschool Enrichment program 489 Donors have supported the Sierra Canyon Fund 56 Lower Campus students are participating in our Math Teams, K-6th Grade 91 College representatives have visited the Upper Campus this semester 4 Faculty members attended the NAIS People of Color Conference 8 Student-athletes have signed National Letters of Intent to top colleges and universities like Cornell, Northwestern, and USC 42,389 Miles traveled during the fall Upper Campus Peak Week program 468 Unique colleges applied to by the Class of 2023

Academic Achievements

F A L L S E M E S T E R H I G H L I G H T S Kindergarten Teddy Bear Picnic Honors Research Field Trip to CSUN Lower Campus Spanish 7th Grade Visual Arts 5th Grade Veterans Day Assembly American French Film Festival Pre-K Learning the Alphabet 7th Grade Trip to OPI Peak Week Trip to Europe All-American High School Film Festival 8th Grade Washington, D.C. Trip 6th Grade Studying Ancient Civilization 4th Grade Solvang Trip Upper School Math Team at Harvard MIT Math Competition Music and Spanish Assembly Winter Dance Showcase Honors Research Presentations Student Diversity Leadership Conference Lower Campus Student Council Elections
Trailblazer Pride ThefallathleticseasongavetheSCStampedemuchtocheerabout!Atthevarsitylevel, theTrailblazerswereplacedintothechallengingMissionLeaguealongsidelocalteams suchasChaminade,Alemany,andNotreDame.Duringthisfirstseasonofcompetition,the Girls'Volleyball,Girls'Tennis,andFootballTeamsallwonleaguetitles.OurGirls' Volleyball(Div.1)andFootball(Div.2)Teamswouldadvanceandbringhome CIF-SSChampionplaques. OurMiddleSchoolTrailblazersalsofoundsuccessthisfall.The7thand8thGradeFlagFootballTeams wentundefeatedduringtheregularseasonandbecamethe2022Delphic LeagueChampionsinDivisionsAandB. OuryoungestTrailblazerswillnotbeoutdone.The6thGradeGirls'BasketballTeamwentundefeatedin theSanFernandoValleyPrivateSchoolLeague.Also,arecordnumberof42LowerSchoolswimmers competedforSierraCanyonthisfall,withtheGirls'SwimTeam finishinginsecondplace. Congratulationstoallofourfallstudent-athletes,especiallyourseniors.Eachofyourhardworkhaslaid thefoundationforourathleticsuccess andthefutureisbright! S C A T H L E T I C S B L A Z I N G N E W T R A I L S
Mamma Mia! UpperCampusCast SamayaB.‘27,SamanthaB.‘24,MariaB.‘23,SavannaC.‘27,BiancaC.‘25,MaggieD.‘27,ElizaF.‘25,Brady F.‘24,LilianF.‘24,KellyG.‘23,AidenG.‘26,DeanG.‘26,EthanH.‘24,ShaneL.‘25,MirandaL.‘25,NikhilM. ‘26,LolaN.‘26,KamtoN.‘24,IsabelaP.‘23,LiliannaP.‘26,SophiaR.‘23,AlexR.‘24, SophiaS.‘24,EthanS.‘24,EllaS.‘25,SarahS.‘27,SineadS.‘25,NovaT.‘25,VictoriaV.‘24,andErenY.‘26 A L L - S C H O O L F A L L M U S I C A L P R O D U C T I O N StudentMusicians CorbinB.‘24,AlenaN.‘23,andNicholasP.‘24 LowerCampusCast QuinnC.‘32,JuniperD.‘29,GiannaG.‘32,JoaquinG.‘30,MilindaG.‘30,AngieK.‘30,ClaireL.‘35, AtticusM ‘30,GarrettP ‘30,MaddieR ‘35,AvrilS ‘31,JadeS ‘30,AngelinaW ‘30,NaviY ‘35, NicholasY.‘30,andBellaZ.‘29 SierraCanyon'sPerformingArtsDepartmentwasproudtotransportitsaudiencetoa Greekparadisefortheirrenditionof Mamma Mia.ThisNovember,thecastandcrewput onastellarweekendrunattheJanetandRayScherrForumTheaterinThousandOaks. Fromthesetdesigntochoreography,thiscollaborationwasanincredibledisplayoftalent fromboththePerformingandVisualArtDepartments.Thisall-schoolproductionallowed Trailblazers Kindergartento12thGrade tosharetheirloveforthetheater.
A Grand Return G R A N D P A R E N T S A N D G R A N D F R I E N D S D A Y Afteratwo-yearhiatus,SierraCanyonwasproudtobringbackourbelovedGrandparentandGrandFriends event.OnNovember22,theLowerSchoolwelcomedover600"grands"tocampus.Attendeescamefromall overthecountry,withevensometravelinginternationally.BreakfastfeaturedperformancesbyourLower CampusChamberPlayersand4AMusiciansandmemorablespeechesfromLifers,RachelR.'23and ConstantineT.'23.Ourgueststhenvisitedtheirgrandchildrenintheclassroomforcraftsandgames.Thank youtoallthe"grands"thatjoinedus theserelationshipsareextremelyinfluentialtoourstudents,andthe timespenttogetherispriceless.

The Joy of Giving

nowisanimportanttimetoconsideryourannualgiftto SierraCanyonSchool.Ifyouwouldlikeyourgiftcounted withinthe2022taxyear,it'seasytomakeagiftonlineat

Weaskeveryfamilytomakeameaningfulcontributionto theSierraCanyonFundannually.Eachfamilyhasa differentgivingcapacity,butallfamilieshavesomething veryimportantincommon anappreciationforthe educationtheirchildreceives.SierraCanyonisaspecial place,andtheFundallowstheSchooltoenhancethe educationaljourneywithuniqueexperiencesand programsthatelevatethealreadygreatofferingsyouhave cometoexpect.ThankyouformakingSierraCanyon Schoolyourphilanthropicpriority.

LowerCampus,Pre-K–6 11052IndependenceAve Chatsworth,CA91311

UpperCampus,7–12 20801RinaldiSt Chatsworth,CA91311

T H E S I E R R A C A N Y O N F U N D : F A C E S O F T H E F U T U R E
W I T H O N L Y A F E W W E E K S L E F T I N T H E C A L E N D A R Y E A R ,

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