A Guide to Developing UK Coaching Framework Sports Coaching Delivery Plans

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A Guide to Developing

UK Coaching Framework Sports Coaching Delivery Plans

Version 3

April 2009 Contents The purpose of this guide


What’s new in Version 3


Definition of Key Terms


The benefits of a sports coaching delivery plan


Developing a sports coaching delivery plan


Who can help develop the plan?


Using the UK Coaching Framework


and sports coach UK to help you with your plan Coaching Delivery Plans: The components


Your current position


Current Capacity and Financial position


Vision and results


Planning: setting goals and targets


Financial planning


Planning the process of developments


Risks and dependencies


Ensuring Inclusion


Monitoring your plan


Performance Measurement and The Coaching Scorecard


Helpful hints


Appendix1 : Current Information on UK Coaching Framework Developments


The purpose of this guide Designed to be a dip-in, dip-out guide, this resource helps you prepare your UK Coaching Delivery plan, using the UK Coaching Framework as a reference point, and support the implementation of your coaching system to meet the needs of your sport. This guide will be updated in September 2009

What’s new in Version 3 There have been several significant updates to this document. There is now a draft set of definitions of the key terms, information on performance measurement and the use of the Coaching Scorecard as well as major updates to all of the UK Coaching Framework Specific Action Areas


Definition of Key Terms The below draft definitions have been established by sports coach UK and will be reviewed by proposed establishment of UK Coaching System Technical Group, to include governing bodies, home countries sports councils, in May 2009. UK Coaching Framework The key reference document for coaching in the UK that will act as a central ‘driver’ and guide in the development of a world leading coaching system, applicable within sports and Home Countries. The Framework includes the agreed vision, principles and outcomes, as a central reference for stakeholders, to deliver fundamental changes in the UK Coaching System towards creating a world-leading coaching system. A number of the principles outlined in the Framework are directly relevant to the development of the Participant and Coach Development models, including that: •

• •

Governing Bodies of sport are recognised as the lead agencies in sportspecific coaching, working in close partnership with clubs, schools, communities, local authorities, further and higher education sectors and others. Fully inclusive participant and coach pathways, as outlined in governing body of sport plans, will be central to decision-making. Generic technical ‘deliverables’, based on models of best practice and cutting- edge expertise, will be offered for adaptation by stakeholders into Home County and sport-specific coaching systems

UK Coaching System The generic infrastructure and networks of coaching in the UK that support and deliver the aim of having skilled, active and qualified coaches at all stages of participant development in sport. UK Coaching Model A high level representation of the world leading UK Coaching System in terms of: • key components • how these are developed sequentially • their inter-relationships to ensure that the System works in an coherent and effective manner. Participant Development Model A clear, comprehensive and inclusive model for the development of sports’ participants across the UK Coach Development Model A clear, comprehensive and inclusive model for the development of sports’ coaches across the UK Coaching Strategies An explanation of how the UK Coaching System will be applied, adapted and delivered within sports and Home Countries.


The Benefits of a Sports Coaching Delivery Plan Planning is about spelling out the guide to your sport’s future. A delivery plan: • helps you to know where your sport is now and how coaching fits into the wider structures of your sport • makes you write down what you want your coaches and coaching system to look like in the future • helps you address issues of access and under-representation leading to development of a cohesive, ethical, inclusive and valued coaching system. • makes you compare yourself to other sports to see what you can learn • helps you to maximise resources • helps you to realize potential partnership working • makes you map out an effective route with set targets to help you reach your vision. • helps you to sell your sport coaching to different interest groups • helps you communicate what is planned to others.

Question: What other benefits could a Coaching delivery plan offer your sport?

Developing a Sports Coaching Delivery plan There are no hard and fast rules associated with how you prepare and write your plan. Your delivery plan is very similar to a business plan in principle. Successful business plans are tailored to the needs of the audience and industry. Most people do not want to read a wordy plan. Keep to the point and make sure all the important information is included and is easy to follow.

Questions: Who is the audience/s for your delivery plan? How do they like to receive information? Can you cut down the length of the plan and still keep the key messages?

Who can help develop the Plan? Whom you involve will depend on how much time you have to prepare and write the plan. If you are time-starved, you may use a small cross-section of your sport with the expertise to write your plan, and then work out a strategy to engage others at a later date. If you have time, a more comprehensive consultation process would be useful. People in your sport will feel they have ownership of the plan; it is more likely to be implemented if people are consulted along the way. A staged approach to writing the plan, interspersed with consultation, will allow this to happen. Allowing ONE person to dominate the plan can cause problems later.


Questions: Who is developing your plan? How do you make sure the whole sport buys into the coaching delivery plan?

Using the UK Coaching Framework and sports coach UK to help you with your plan The UK Coaching Framework was launched in April 2008 with a vision to create: •

• •

A cohesive, ethical, inclusive and valued coaching system where: Skilled coaches support children, players and athletes at all stages of their development in sport And which is number one in the world by 2016

The UK Coaching Framework provides the blueprint for developing a system to take coaching in the UK towards being the best in the world by 2016. It includes a 3/7/11 year action plan. For more information on the UK Coaching Framework please visit www.sportscoachuk.org . The work that is being developed to support the 3/7/11/ year action plan is ongoing. Present and future UK Coaching Framework documentation can act as a guide to help you to design your implementation plans for the future. The appendix of this document explains; •

The stage of development of each action area and what current documentation is available Ongoing developments related to the Building the Foundations and Delivering the Goals phases of the UK Coaching Framework

Coaching Delivery Plans: The components Sports Coaching Delivery Plans should outline how a sport is going to develop and implement a coaching system to meet the needs of the sport. It should be linked to the sport’s over-arching strategic goals. The content of Coaching Delivery Plans should therefore focus on the development of a coaching system and the necessary steps to achieve this. The following headings can be used to provide guidance on the content of coaching delivery plans.


Your Current Position Questions: Where is your sport now? What does your sport’s coaching environment look like at the moment? How does the coaching environment of the sport influence the other sport environment’s and visa versa? How does it measure against the 12 specific actions in the UK Coaching Framework document?

Question: What are the benefits of developing and implementing a coaching system? • To the Sport • To the Participant • To the Coach

Areas to Consider When Examining Current Position: • participant pathways • coach pathways • front-line coaching • support for coaches • coaching as a professionally regulated vocation • research and development

Top Tip: Don’t worry if you have not had time to research all the areas that will allow you to write a meaningful summary. Just build further analysis of the weaker areas in to your action plan for the foundation stage and summarise what you do know now.

Current Capacity and Financial position Your sport is dependent on a variety of funders to help finance your plan. By aligning your coaching vision and objectives to the UK Coaching Framework vision, you will meet the needs of the different funders e.g. Sport England, Sport Scotland, Sports Council for Wales and UK Sport. What resources does the sport have available to help with the work that needs doing? Don’t forget to include shared partnership arrangements and both the


national and the regional sport and coaching structures that already exist. Examples of areas to think about include: • Development team, teams of experts. • Products and services that the sport already has • Current operational processes • Links with other sports and other organisations • Links other departments in your sport

A summary of the existing capacity to manage and support the development of coaching within the sport can be developed when you have reviewed the above areas.

Top Tip: Your resources are wider than your immediate department and sport; make sure that you utilise all the possibilities.

Questions: What funding streams currently exist in your sport? What is available to you from other sources? How does this plan help you capitalise on these investments? What other resources are the sport willing to commit to develop and manage the sports coaching delivery plan?

Vision and Results The Vision A vision provides a clear image of how you’d like the future to be for your sport.

Areas to Consider When Examining your Vision: • • •

What does a world leading system for your sport look like by 2016? What does a world leading coaching system for your sport look like by 2016? Do they work together?

Development of a headline vision for the sport’s coaching delivery plan to support the over-arching strategic goals for the sport will inspire your sport and drives the rest of your plan. You have already signed up to the overall vision for coaching in the UK, but how can you make sure that your sport’s vision echoes the message and is meaningful to your sport?


Questions: What are the elements of your coaching system? What will they look like in 2016? How can you best describe the picture of this coaching system to others?

Your Coaching System Manager will have examples of how other sports have written their visions to give you ideas. The Results Results refer to the end product and are expressed in two ways • quantity – how many? • quality – how good is it? In this instance your results refer to your athletes’ and coaches’ development and performance. You are designing a coaching system to make it easier for athletes and coaches to develop and perform. What • • •

are the outcomes that will be achieved by delivering the vision? Increase the Quality of Coaches Increase Quantity of Coaches Increased Participation • Improved Performance

Using your knowledge on the current position - and knowing what you want to achieve - will allow you to set goals and targets to achieve your result.

Top Tip:

Workforce Developments Plans will describe the quantity and quality of coaches needed LTCD and LTPD models will describe the quality of your coaches and athletes

Planning: Setting goals and targets As you are already aware, the planning process is an outline of how you are going to achieve your results. It involves: • • •

setting goals and targets you can measure writing an action plan that includes high level tasks and milestones developing an operational plan that details the things that need to be done in order to achieve these tasks


The UK Coaching Framework documentation outlines proposed target and milestones over 3/7/11 years. These act as a guide for you to develop your goals and targets short term (Whole-Sport Plan) and medium to long term (UK Coaching Delivery Plan) It is important to set goals in all areas of the development process.

Areas to Consider When Setting Goals and Targets: • what do you need to audit and plan to plan? • what to you need to plan to deliver?

• what do you need to plan to review?

For example: •

What needs to be developed and delivered first? o Participant Models o Coach Models o Workforce Auditing

Who is going to be involved in the development of these tasks and what process are you going to use to develop them?

What needs to be planed and audited in the following areas? o long-term participant development o long-term coach development o front-line coaching o support for coaches o coaching as a professionally regulated vocation o research and development

Top Tip: At a high level there are two areas to concentrate on: • Planning the development of the coaching system

• Planning operational delivery. (business as usual)

The table below identifies the recommended elements of planning that need to be identified within sports coaching delivery plans at both system building and operational delivery.

Coaching System Participant Pathways

Operational UK Coaching Certificate (Qualifications/CPD/Tutor Development)


Coach Pathways

Front Line Coaching Programmes

Workforce Auditing System Building/Coaching Plan

Sport Specific Coaching Programmes • • •

Identification of the proposed Delivery Chain for coaching within the sport Integration or regional/sub regional delivery system/partners Identification of potential synergies and efficiencies through working with other Governing Bodies and the complementary support agencies


Top Tip: Do I really need to carry on with the ALL the planned ‘business as usual’ work? Is it useful long term or can it be shelved?

Financial Planning Financial planning is the identification of the investment requirements in coaching and the proposed investment streams e.g. • Funding for a officer to develop coaching system • Funding for consultation groups etc.

Top Tip: Be realistic and honest with your funding needs. Make sure you can back up the financial analysis you produce.

Question: What does your sport need financially to fulfil your vision?

Planning the process of developments This is an area that can sometimes be neglected. There are different ways to achieve the end result. Working out ways that suit your sport and the resources you have will save time later. It is important to identify the steps needed to develop a full Coaching Delivery Plan for the sport, aligned to the UK Coaching Framework


Top Tip: Understanding your process options allows you to make contingency plans and helps the review process as well.

Risks and Dependencies What are the risks/dependencies/assumptions in delivering the plan? For example: • Dependencies linked to what needs to be developed first i.e. the need to develop your participant model and coach model and undertake a coaching workforce audit before developing interventions on recruiting, developing coaches etc. • What are your plans dependant on? e.g. If the development of another department’s/partner’s work informs one of your developments, have you got a contingency plan if this is not ready? What else could you still do to stay on track? • What assumptions have you made when planning? How risky are these assumptions? What contingency measures have you put in place to combat these? • How much time and resources do you spend on building a world class system for the future and how much time and resources do you spend on delivering ‘business as usual. Question: How are risks identified, assessed and managed?

Top Tip: Creating a SWOT analysis of your plan can be a helpful exercise.

Ensuring Inclusion Throughout the planning process, remember to consider how the sport ensures inclusion of minority groups. The following set of questions makes specific reference to disabled people, but the majority of questions could be modified to test policies of inclusion based on gender, race etc:

Questions: • • • • •

Does the Introduction to the Plan reflect participation experiences/ interests of disabled people within the sport? Is the Vision inclusive? Where Values and Principles are included, do they include disabled people? Do the Strategic Objectives or Priorities include provision for disabled people? Are the disability sport performance and participation pathways


• • • • • • •

for the sport represented within the document? Is there information about how the sport will be equitable in its Operational Planning? Where specific statements are made about equity, equality, or inclusion, are they relevant and appropriate to disabled people? Does the Plan include specific information about how equity, equality, or inclusion will be established or maintained? Where partnership working is referred to, are any of the Home Nation Disability Sport Organisations (HNDSOs), National Disability Sport Organisations (NDSOs), or others cited? Is Paralympic success identified alongside Olympic success? Do the Key Performance Indicators apply to, and/or include disabled people? Where Aims, Objectives and Outcomes are identified, are the Aims inclusive of disabled people and do the Objectives and Outcomes specifically relate to disabled participants (interests and performances), coaches, relevant organisations, etc?

Monitoring your Plan Keeping a record of the lessons learnt in developing and delivering your plans will be invaluable to you when you review your plan. So add time in to your implementation plans for periodic reviews.

Performance Measurement and the Coaching Scorecard sports coach UK has been tasked with the development of the Coaching Scorecard to assist in the performance measurement of the UK Coaching System. This will measure all aspects of the coaching system and the partners who contribute to it using the UK Coaching Framework as a reference point. The UK Coaching Framework states that A Coaching Scorecard system will be designed to assist evaluation of progress and results in each [partner organisation] and to encourage quality coaching at all stages of the participant pathway. Emphasis will be on the encouragement of self-awareness and selfresponsibility through self-appraisal and reflection in the first instance. Initial developments will centre on Governing Bodies of Sport where the scorecard will be used to evaluate where a sport currently is (against the 12 specific actions) and where a sport would like to be within a given timescale using the User Guide for reference. As stated above this will require the Governing Body to self assess where they currently feel they are and initially should be done in conjunction with the Coaching System Manager. The current Coaching Scorecard is based on a maturity matrix which defines four levels of maturity (Incomplete, Managed, Performed and Mature) against the 12 specific actions of the UK Coaching Framework. At each level a statement or statements describe what the specific action looks like and it is these statements that then enable a Governing Body (or Partner) to judge where they are. This is then transferred onto the scorecard to visually show where a Governing Body is currently with a further scorecard being developed to demonstrate where they would like to be in the future (within a defined timescale). From here a Governing


Body can then start to use the User Guide to develop their delivery plans which will enable them to build their coaching system. It is recognised that the Coaching Scorecard is a way to measure progress in building the coaching system and should be used on a regular basis as a continuous improvement tool. There are no specific timescales on how this should be done but as a minimum the scorecard should be completed as part of an annual cycle of performance management and improvement. For further information regarding the Coaching Scorecard please speak to your Coaching Systems Manager.

Helpful Hints Finally, these considerations may be useful in the establishment of your coaching plan: • • • • • • • • • • •

Implications of the UK Coaching Framework on the sport’s overall system, not just in coaching The sport’s capacity to work on the development of the plan/system Ambition and willingness to change sport Building a coaching system for your sport that will deliver outcomes for both coaches and participants The need to be very clear on purpose of plan You are establishing the ‘Bible’ for coaching within your sport/industry Importance of buy-in on the philosophy of Player/Coach centred and what this means Planning the Plan, not going into delivery too early UK Coaching Framework provides the planning tool and reference point Getting the balance between Development of Plan and system v operational delivery Addressing under representation is central to creating an ethical, inclusive coaching system.

“As a sport you can take the UK Coaching Framework as far as you want to take it…you can do small tweaks to present your system or you can revolutionise the way you develop and deliver your sport using coaching as the catalyst for change”

Spencer Moore, British Swimming


Appendix 1 Current information (April 2009) on UK Coaching Framework Developments

Specific Action 1: The UK Coaching Model The overall aim of this action is to provide clear direction and a strategic framework for coaching policy and practice in the UK This inclusive model is a high level representation of the world leading UK Coaching System in terms of: • key components • how these are developed sequentially • their inter-relationships to ensure that the System works in an coherent and effective manner. It is seen as a model for coaching. As the Model is a representation of the UK Coaching System (Strategic Action Area 1), this Specific Action brings together, summarises and represents all the key work in Strategic Action Area 1 and encompasses all of the work and principles detailed in the other 11 Specific Actions of the UK Coaching Framework. The current position is that support and management systems are being developed and implemented, work is progressing directly with 31 sports to support them in developing or refining their sports-specific models and feasibility studies and reviews are underway in several other areas. The sports coach UK internal group working on the UK Coaching System has been established to examine the current UK Coaching Model as well as the other Specific Action within Strategic Action Area 1. The model is being evolved and it is envisaged that an updated version will be published soon in order that further consultation can take place with governing bodies, key partner agencies and technical experts. This consultation will inform the further evolution of the model and will, in turn, provide a key reference point for Governing Bodies to set out their own sport-specific coaching models and systems. Summary of proposed work with suggested timelines Proposed updated model to be presented for wider consultation (CAG; Governing Bodies; Home Country Sports Councils and technical experts). April 09 UK Coaching System technical group to be established to include members from governing bodies, Home Country Sports Councils and relevant technical experts. May 09 Technical group review current model with reference to the work being undertaken in Specific Actions 2 and 3, in Governing Bodies and in Home Countries. May 09 onwards Identification and deployment of sports coach UK Coaching Consultants as technical specialists/advisers to advise Governing Bodies on the development and application of the Model. June 09 onwards Technical group receive information from Coaching Consultants, sports and Home countries and refine existing model as appropriate. Jan 2010


Refinements disseminated for wider consultation. Jan-Feb 2010 Evolved UK Coaching Model produced for Coaching Summit. April 2010

Specific Action 2: Participant Pathways The overall aim of this action is to set out and implement a clear, comprehensive and inclusive model for the long-term development of sports participants across the UK. The design of sport specific Participant Development Models are a crucial part of the blueprint planning process associated with the UK Coaching Framework. When National Governing Bodies are developing their visions as to what their sports will look like in the future, a key question is what are the needs of all potential participants and how can opportunities and pathways be best structured to ensure satisfaction and retention? By focusing attention on this key question clear, comprehensive and inclusive pathways within a sport can be identified in the form of an overall Participant Development Model for a sport. This process of planning to address the needs of all potential participants can then lead to the creation of appropriate types of coach to service the needs of particular participant groups, which can then be configured into a Coach Development Model (see Specific Action 3) to ensure that in the future there are skilled coaches at all stages of participant development. A generic Participant Development Model has been evolved during the Building the Foundation Phase of the UK Coaching Framework (2006-2009). The design of this generic model has been based on a wide-ranging consultation process involving all key stakeholders across the UK together with the best available research evidence base. The core purpose of the generic Participant Development Model is to help National Governing Bodies to design meaningful sport specific participant models that are an integral part of a wider world leading coaching system. Information about the generic Participant Development Model together with other related resources has been disseminated to National Governing Bodies over the last year in many different ways. For example, at the 2008 Coaching Summit, thorough NGB Seminars/Briefings and via the Coaching System Manager support service. Also, as sports have been developing their sport specific participant models, a Participant Development Maturity Matrix has been developed in consultation with NGBs and other key partners together with a hand hints “Suggested Stepsâ€? document, which has been based on best practice and the key lessons that have been learnt. Most sports are in an early stage of evolving their Participant Development Models. However, some sports have evolved their models to such an extent that they are now being used to help with workforce planning and informing the development of coach education/development programmes. Many of these examples of how participant modelling is being applied as a tool for change within a sport will be featured at the 2009 Coaching Summit. During the next twelve months three key developments are planned to ensure that sport specific participant development modelling work continues to progress, namely: •

The generic Participant Development Models will be reviewed and updated using feedback from the Governing Bodies applications and the findings from the Participant Development Research Project (which has been commissioned by sports coach UK).


A Participant Development Technical Reference and support document will be produced to help governing bodies develop their sport specific participant development models and identify the key implications for the sport’s coaching system.

A customized support programme will be developed for each sport based on an objective profile of where the sport is positioned against the Participant Development Model Maturity Matrix set against it aspirations and plans to move to the next level of development.

Specific Action 3: Coach Pathways The overall aim of this action is to set out and implement a clear, comprehensive and inclusive model for the long-term development of coaches across the UK Formation of a Steering group to lead the ongoing development of the Coach Development Model (CDM) through the Delivering the Goals phase of the UK Coaching Framework. Initial focus including; • Consultation with sports coach UK staff, UK Centre for Coaching Excellence (UKCCE) and external partners (including sports) on evolution and related concepts. • Engagement with sports, against coaching scorecard readiness, to consolidate / build on summit information and current GB models and in particular work on the Coach Capabilities Formation of a Project Development Group to facilitate the production of a Technical Reference Document for the CDM, to be produced in September 2009, with a commitment to an annual update for partners. Consolidating research into the concepts on adult learning and coach development into the model, linked to UKCCE and sports coach UK research department, to inform, expand and implement developments A sports coach UK group staff briefing guide/health check document Agreed communication strategy Coaching Scorecard Maturity measures Phased roll-out for integration/adoption of the generic model by the Front Line coaching industry

Specific Action 4: Coaching Strategies The overall aim of this action is to set out and implement sport specific coaching strategies at UK, National, Regional and Local level. Currently, updated guidance notes have been established to support sports in the task of establishing their coaching strategies, defined as an explanation of how the UK Coaching System will be applied, adapted and delivered within sports, for the implementation of the UK Coaching Framework. They are available on the sports coach UK website.


These guidance notes are work in progress and outline the minimum recommendations for an initial version of your coaching strategy, which will provide you with the relevant information to support any funding submissions from Home Country Sports Councils and/or UK Sport and provide the direction of coaching within your sport up to and beyond 2016. Over the next 12 months the following developments will take place within Specific Action 4: • • • • •

A review of ‘A Guide to Developing UK Coaching Framework Sports Coaching Strategies’ Updated versions in September 2009 and March 2010 Coaching Scorecard version 2 Scope the alignment of sports coaching systems to Home County sports systems Regular updates and supporting resources against the 5 Strategic Action Areas and the 12 Specific Action Areas of the UK Coaching Framework

It is crucial for sports and key partners to provide feedback on the information provided and to feed in their needs/thoughts on the ‘Guide’ for its further refinement via your Coaching System Manager.

Specific Action 5: Active, Skilled and Qualified Coaches The overall aim of this action is to recruit and retain qualified coaches with the skills to coach inclusively at each phase of the participant pathway. Work within this area is currently focused upon the following two outcomes: a) Completion of component projects b) Integration of component projects into consolidated integrated coaching industry provision 1. Coach Employment Standards Completion of employment/deployment standards Phased roll-out of the adoption of standards 2. Minimum Operating Standards Agreement on MOS framework Piloting MOS framework with selected Sports across the identified four coaching populations of Children, Participation, Performance Development and High Performance Links to NOS and long term coach development Planned phased roll-out for MOS framework Links to Registration and Licensing, Data Management IT solution, links to the Coach Manager training 3. Coach Agency Pilot Completion of the External evaluation report into the Coach Agency pilot Review of recommendations and production of proposals for way forward Integration of proposals with agreed coaching support network within each home country 4. Coach Manager standards (roll specific)


Completion of standards for sports coach manager training Proposals for development of training/qualification Phased roll-out of coach manager training Coach Manager training linked to NOS Toolkit to support training/qualification 5. Coach Manager standards (process specific) Completion of the standards for the planning, recruitment, induction, development and deployment (PRIDD) of sports coaches PRIDD linked to CDM/PDM PRIDD linked to NOS Coaching Score card Maturity measures Phased roll-out of the adoption of standards Presentation at 2010 UK Coaching Summit on the standards of PRIDD 6. Data Management IT Solution Completion of Evaluation process by Technical Review panel Sign off of the UK Data Management Strategy Completion of Tender process Phased roll-out of Pilot Links to sports coach registration and licensing Phased roll-out of UK wide provision 7. Front line coaching provision Work with key partners to align the targeted operational funding towards coaching programmes Work through CSM to maximize the GB investment into front line coaching Integration of projects 1 – 6 into a coherent front line coaching policy and provision Phased introduction of an integrated front line coaching provision The National Pilot in the North West has been a live laboratory - evaluating and developing solutions for this key area of the UK Coaching Framework. Currently the technical evaluation of this area of work has been undertaken covering a number of technical areas and involving key parties. A Technical Review Panel will make recommendations to the Coaching Strategy Group clarifying the links to the Coach Development, Licensing and Registration, Coach Employment Standards and guidance on Core Coaching Workforce Support Roles. Governing Bodies will be engaged in customising and implementing guidance to establish a world leading workforce appropriate for their identified operational and development needs.

Specific Action 6: Coaching in Education The overall aim of this action is to maximise the role of coaching in the education sector, complementing the expertise of PE teachers and other professionals. The key objective in the ‘Building the Foundations’ phase was the development of a coaching children pathway via qualifications or CPD. A coordination and policy group and a curriculum group were formed top develop the pathway but this is still a work in progress. Delays were due to the unavailability of consultants and ‘experts’. Also the work is linked to another Specific Action area dealing with


licensing and registration. The Curriculum Group is working and aims to report by September 2009. The School Sports Coaching programme is established and the scholarship programme in place. Sports coach UK is providing three workshops as part of the scholarship – positive behaviour management in sport; analysing your coaching; introduction to multi skills or one of the advanced multi-skills workshops sports coach UK continues to work as part of the CPD consortium. The current contract has been extended until April 2010. Work is ongoing to tender for the new contract from that date. We are working with the Youth Sports Trust and afPE to plan new deliverables from 2010, and to measure the impact of coaches working in the curriculum. An audit of institutions offering coaching degrees and the number of students involved has been completed; UKCCE staff are working to establish endorsement criteria for HE coaching courses, and for HE institutions working with NGBs on UKCC Level 4 programmes; an HE Forum is being held at Leeds Metropolitan University on 16 April Developments with FE are on hold until we have evaluated the work with HE and learned the lessons from that Timelines / milestones 1. Coaching Children Curriculum Group to report with recommendations by the end of Q3 2. HE Advisory Forum to be established by the end of Q3 3. Endorsement criteria established for HE Coaching programmes / courses by the end of Q3 Questions for Governing Bodies to continue to consider are: 1.How many coaches do you have working in schools: i) in the curriculum? ii) outside the curriculum? iii) at KS 1, KS2, KS3, KS4? 2. How many coaches will you need to work in schools in the next three years? 3. Do you provide any training for coaches working in schools? 4. Do you have any formal links with LEAs / CSPs / individual schools to provide coaches? 5. Do you have current links with HE institutions for research /programme development? 6. Do you have agreements with FE institutions for the delivery of coaching awards? 7. Do you have coaches working in the HE / FE sectors? Is this via formal arrangement or individual initiative? If so are these paid or volunteer coaches?


Specific Action 7: Coaching Support and System Delivery The overall aim of this action is to establish accessible systems and resources to underpin the long-term development of coaches and coach developers Coaching Support and system delivery is all about establishing inclusive learning opportunities, both informal and formal, based on best practice in learning and teaching. They are designed to enhance coach development opportunities and take advantage of governing body networks, community, school and local agencies and sports partnerships as appropriate. The opportunities provided will be in format to suit both the environment and the coaches’ and coach developers needs and will be informed by both the CDM and the PDM. Examples include qualifications, formal CPD, distance learning, mentored support and supporting resources. The Building the Foundations phase of the UKCF saw the Support for Coaches Strategy written and agreed and the Group product strategy written and internally agreed. The next phase of work in this area will build on existing developments and focus on: • • • • • • • • • • •

The development of Support for Coaches strategy. Lead the Development of an Industry production team and related projects. Market research in to learning support formats Research into best practice in learning support Production processes and technical developments Monitor and evaluation processes Offer services to sports to help them design, produce and deliver learning support Create generic products for coaches and coach developers Collate up to date relevant technical information based on the modeling work Offer administrational business services to the coaching industry. e.g. management of tutors etc Offer production services to the coaching industry Create educational toolkits for key stakeholders to support their learning support development

It has been estimated that sports coach UK will develop between 10 and 15 new products over the next financial year (2009/2010) as a starting point the following have been identified • • • • •

101 Fundamental movement games – format to be confirmed (e.g. coaching cards, Workshop and kitbag) From Parent/helper to coach – introduction to coaching and training needs analysis (format e learning) Safeguarding and Protecting Children for 16-18 years – format to be workshop with supporting resource Safeguarding for parents and Helpers – Format to me e learning Plus relevant resources to support the role out of several new sports coach UK workshop titles.

Sport can help this process by collating their coach support and system delivery. What does it look like now and what are the components? What elements of this


system could be shared developments and what could be sport specific? This could include shared workforce, shared product services and resources.

Specific Action 8: Targeted Development of Coaches The overall aim of this action is to identify, train, qualify and support quality coaches for specific sport populations. High Performance (world class pathway or its equivalent) The process of working with this team will involve working with individual Governing Bodies to provide financial and expert resource to create programmes that support the development of HP coaches. The key programmes or interventions will include Coaching Professional Development, UKCC level 4 course syllabuses and structures and the support and development of the governing body development/education team. In addition, sports may be able to access programmes such as: • Regional CPD, • Women into High Performance Sport, • Disability/Paralympics CPD, • Mentoring • High-Performance menu of 'World Leading resources, speakers, etc specifically targeted to support coaches, • Development managers’ forums where sports can link into other sports and attend expert lead seminars. NB The specific programmes we are able to support will be confirmed soon; The focus for this team initially will be on Trailblazer sports; others wishing to get involved can opt to: 1. Buy in this team's expertise 2. Access our menu list 3. Link in with the Development Managers’ forum 4. Request advice on all the above

Specific Action 9: Coaching Qualifications and CPD The overall aim of this action is to develop coaching qualifications, CPD and specialist qualifications linked to specific target groups. This area includes a number of different related elements such as the UK Coaching Certificate (UKCC), coach educator developments, other coaching related qualifications and the wider education and skills agenda. There are some major developments around the skills agenda, which involves the demise of the National Qualifications Framework (NQF)and the introduction of the Qualifications and Credit Framework (QCF). Whilst this will not affect Scotland directly sports coach UK will continue to support the alignment of coaching qualifications. Two key documents associated with the UKCC in particular are:


• The UKCC Endorsement Criteria - This identifies what must be evidenced to achieve UKCC Endorsement. It focuses in on what the programme must look like in terms of structure. • The UKCC Qualification Guidance - This identifies what coaching elements must be included at each level of the coaching programmes, but isn't prescriptive in terms of the technical sport specific information. The different stages of implementation and development of the UKCC mean there are lots of examples of good practice to share. Those sports who have already been endorsed are now focusing in on a number of areas such as: • continuous improvement • monitoring and evaluation • accrediting prior experience and learning • inclusive delivery Whilst there is currently no agreed definition of 'Continuous Professional Development' (CPD), existing schemes in several sports range from additional optional workshops to mandatory programmes to retain a licence to practice. It is hoped that future developments will allow for the accreditation of this CPD activity where appropriate. These developments will be aligned to the Coach Development Model. A key element for success is to ensure the right people are involved in the delivery of the programme. A number of support mechanisms exist to help develop the educators, assessors and verifiers. In the interests of continuous improvement, we will examine the UKCC Endorsement Criteria, and the UKCC Qualification Guidance in due course. This will be done in conjunction with some of the sector wide 'qualification reform' activities. The intention will be to build on the good practice identified in the implementation of these documents, and provide a support process for all stakeholders aspiring to this good practice. By ensuring this is done in line with the wider qualification reform activities, we will continue the commitment to professional standards within coaching and ensure that the coaching industry is informing and driving the reforms. The timings of this are currently under discussion, and will be communicated when confirmed.

Specific Action 10: Licensing and Registration The overall aim of this action is to set out and implement the steps needed to establish coaching as a professionally regulated vocation, recognising volunteer and part-time roles. UK proposals for registration and Licensing adopted Communication of proposals to key partners Completion/review of GB workforce audits Commitment of GBs and key partners to a phased introduction of the registration of active sports coaches


Links to Action 11 (Profile and Recognition of Coaching) clarified. Recognition of phased registration roll-out Completion of Sport specific MOS mapping Phased introduction of Licensed sports coaches based upon UK agreed definitions Production of a Technical Reference Document for Registration and Licensing Review of the recognition of sports coach registration and licensing in HCSC policies and programmes Links to Home Country Sports Councils coaching support networks Adoption of agreed definitions for front line coaching industry

Specific Action 11: Profile and Recognition of Coaching The overall aim of this action is to conduct a sustained, long-term campaign to raise the profile of coaching at all stages, to ensure that the significance of coaches to sport is clearly understood, and that coaching success is recognised and valued. Work within this area is currently focused on the following key elements: Communications Strategy A draft communications strategy has been written for the Framework. Consultation with key agencies and groups regarding this strategy will be carried out with clear roles and responsibilities agreed. UK-wide Coaching Awards Following the development of the UK Coaching Framework the categories for the UK Coaching Awards have been revised and updated. The purpose of this event is to recognise and celebrate the talent, hard work and dedication of coaches and those involved in developing coaches in the UK. The new categories and criteria can be found on the sports coach UK website, and partners are encouraged to adopt the award categories wherever possible. UK Coaching Summit Programme The 4th UK Coaching Summit is taking place in Glasgow in April 2009. A programme of UK Coaching Summits has been mapped out up to and including 2012. Currently, an action plan including a business plan is being written for these events. Whilst continued developments take place within the specific projects above, work will resume around the proposed media campaign and coaching scholarship scheme.

Specific Action 12: Research and Development The overall aim of this action is to implement an ongoing research and development programme into participant and coach pathways, coaching quality and expertise and coaching interventions, programmes and resources in sport and disability sport in line with the UK Coaching Framework priorities


Development work achieved to date: Strategic Developments: sports coach UK Research Strategy developed to draft stage. The Strategy makes provision for increased service delivery to Governing Bodies; and for the development of a research ‘Dissemination Strategy’. Research in progress against each Strategic Action (SA): SA1: Participant Development Literature Review (received in draft form) Coach Development Literature Review (due in draft form April 2009) SA2: Coaching Workforce Audits underway in 6 sports Coaching Workforce 2009-2016 document completed in draft form SA3: Coach Tracking Study Year 1 report completed, and Year 2 data collected. This research is providing valuable information on coaches’ development and support needs. In all instances the Research Team will make the research available on the website. Consideration will also be given to the most appropriate means of getting the key messages to Governing Bodies and other stakeholders. Current development and implementation work: The Framework, and its articulation from a Governing Body perspective through the Coaching Scorecard, suggests some logical ‘next steps’ for the development of SA5/SAA12: Strategic: Development of Coaching Research Group (CRG) including Governing Body representation. Review of UK Coaching Framework Research and Development Strategy Document Coaching Workforce 2009-2016 document: Governing Bodies to reflect on (1) Coaching Workforce document methodology (2) employment/deployment ‘approach’ (3) coaching data management systems to provide high quality management information (for 5th Coaching Summit). Service Provision: Research Strategy Development in Governing Bodies (planned for Cricket) Coaching Workforce Audit Support (provision for 2 sports made) UKCC M&E Pilot Project (planned for Cycling) Dissemination: Improved dissemination of key research messages to Governing Bodies.

Sports that have already made a formal commitment to the UK Coaching Framework may obtain further information and updates from their sports coach UK Coaching System Manager.


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