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SportBoard – Work Package 1
Task 1.1 – Consortium Coordination and Communication Steering Committees
M1-M30 Participants: All Partners Leader: SCC
• SC meetings are to be held every 6 months (7 in total), SportBoard will combine physical and online meetings. Only one ‘in person’ meeting yearly (3).
• All PPs will be asked to attend project technical meetings that will happen monthly online.
• Out-of-schedule project meetings can be called by the COO in case of unexpected events and particularly if the course of the project is endangered, as well as a part of a process of conflict resolution.
• WP-leaders can propose ad-hoc WP coordination meetings to deal with issues at WP level. Any face-to-face meetings will, where possible, be aligned with other project meetings involving the same participants, to minimise additional travel. Project meetings will be aligned with external events attracting the presence of beneficiaries, e.g., workshops and / or conferences in the field.
• Efficient communication is crucial to successful project progress. Standard communication tools as email, telephone and virtual meeting apps will be used, as already established during the formulation of the project.