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The items contained under this heading are provided as a service to residents by other organizations that are neither sponsored nor supported by SCOV Community Association, Inc. SCOV assumes no responsibility or liability for the information contained therein.
BR=Bedroom; BA=Bath; BBQ=Barbecue; N/S=No Smoking; N/P=No Pets; W/D=Washer and Dryer; LR=Living Room; DR=Dining Room; FR=Family Room; AZRM=Arizona Room; FP=Fireplace; S/S=Stainless Steel; WiFi=Wireless Internet Service. Classified Advertising $10/ad • Deadline 10th of the Month.
RENTAL WANTED: Retired Iowa married couple looking for SCOV rental for 2-3 months starting in Jan. 2024. We are nonsmokers with no pets. We will take great care of your home and can provide references from our first stay in SCOV this year to attest to that. Contact Joe 319-560-8654 or email jwspumpingiron@aol.com.
RENTAL WANTED: Iowa couple looking for a SCOV rental for 2 or 3 months: Feb. through Apr. or Mar. and Apr. We are nonsmokers, no pets, and have been renting in Vistoso Highlands and SCOV for 11 years. We have references. Call Richard at 515-360-1431.
RENTAL WANTED: Wisconsin couple looking for 2 to 4 month rental Jan.-Apr. 2024. Five year rental history in SCOV. Nonsmokers and no pets. Reference available. Please contact Beth Colaizy 715-529-1126 or bethcolaizy@yahoo.com.
FOR RENT: Newly available 2 BR/2 BA. May 1, 2023 through Dec. 31, 2024. King in primary; queen in guest. 1,750 sq. ft., formal living and dining room. Wonderful view on 14th fairway. Call Jan at 636-357-8817 or email janostrander2022@gmail. com.
FOR RENT: Popular expanded 1,573 sq. ft. Silvercreek model, 2 BR/2 BA. Open floor plan with tile and carpet, ceiling fan in every room. Fully furnished, king in primary, queen in guest, reclining couch in living room, smart TV. Includes all utilities, WiFi, cable, W/D, BBQ on covered patio with ceiling fan. Fully enclosed back yard. N/S, N/P. Email dixie476@gmail.com or call 636-544-1706 for availability starting May 2023.
FOR RENT: Beautiful SCOV home with a spacious yard available May through Sep. 2023. Fully furnished and tastefully decorated, 1,563 sq.ft., 2 BR/2BA home, king in primary. All utilities including HDTV, WiFi and printer. $1,700/month. Call 303-4081983 for information and pictures. NP/NS.
FOR RENT: Available starting Jun. 2023, 2 BR/2 BA, 1,350 sq. ft. home, fully furnished. Everything brand new at 879 E. Willow Bend Pl. Monthly or discount for 12 months. Utilities, cable, internet included. Desert, mountain and sunset views. Contact Sonja for information, sonja.maxwell@outlook.com.
HOUSE WATCH: Jay’s Home Watch with TLC, “I’ll watch your home when you’re not.” I will check on your home regularly, water indoor plants, bring in mail, newspapers and packages, contact your handy person, landscaper, irrigation person, etc., if needed and take care of any emergencies that arise. I will email you with an update each time I visit your home. Jay Leutenberg, all-year resident. Call 520-444-8529, email jayleu35@gmail.com.
PET CARE: When you’re not home, I will make sure your pets are cared for and well loved. My services include dog walking, boarding of dogs and cat care. I am able to administer medications if needed. Suzanne Batten, 253-310-2693, email: suzbatten@gmail.com.

PICK UP AND DRIVER AVAILABLE for local hauling. Reasonable rates. Call Roger at 503-473-1611.
BUYING: A curious collector would like to buy watches, old photos, war relics, 19th and 20th century family and estate items, antiques, jewelry, coins, silver and much more. Anything unusual or nostalgic. I like to look and love to buy. Exceptional prices paid. 520-529-2984.