19 minute read

Association Committees

Active Health

Chair Rita Menet 920-659-1428 rita.menet@gmail.com

Next meeting Nov. 7, 3 pm, WC1

This month the Active Health Committee would like to spotlight our community Brain Health Action Group (BHAG). Alzheimer's is estimated by the National Institute of Health to be the seventh leading cause of death of Americans. A recent clinical trial led by researcher Dr. Dale Bredesen suggests Alzheimer's can be reversed by identifying and correcting personal biological deficiencies, toxin exposures, and pathogens, and by making critical diet and lifestyle changes. Much larger trials are planned, but why wait years for results if you feel your memory is not as good as it used to be, or if Alzheimer's runs in your family? The Brain Health Action Group is a SCOV support group for those making the changes outlined in Dr. Bredesen's book, The End of Alzheimer's Program. The BHAG welcomes anyone interested or curious about improving their cognitive health. Join us the second and fourth Tuesdays of the month, 4-5:30 pm, Desert Oasis/Ocotillo. For more information go to www.apollohealthco.com/alzheimers-reversal/.

Aquatic and Fitness Center Advisory

Muriel DeLaVergne-Brown 541-999-4018 muriel@phaspirations.com

First Wed., 11 am, WC1 On hiatus until Sep.

The committee will reconvene in September. The AFC pool deck was completed and there are still a few issues to be resolved. The flooring in the gym area and hallway was completed in July. Have a great rest of the summer.

Architectural Inspection Group

Conveyance Coordinator, Jack Mooney, 520-917-8087, scoroval@ciramail.com

Ever wonder what violations are found when a home is being inspected during a listing/escrow inspection? While there are many items Architectural Inspection Group inspectors must look at during the inspection, here are some of the more common violations that they find:

• Items added without SCOV approval such as patio covers, gutters, fountains, firepits or fences.

• Metal fencing or gates that need repainting.

• House needs painting.

• Damage to stucco, trim or moldings.

• Driveway coating in need of repair.

• Paver or concrete work is uneven, cracked, or poses a tripping hazard.

• Plants overhanging property lines, overgrown bushes near driveways, hedges over six feet tall and plant debris.

• And the most common, bare soil areas without plants or ground cover.

Now would be a good time to review these items. If you have any questions about these or other violations, contact the conveyance coordinator at 520-917-8087 for more information.

Architectural Review

Jim Cherry 612-805-5637 ARC@suncityorovalley.com

Zoom meetings Second and Fourth Tue., 2 pm

Monsoon season is upon us. As desert dwellers, we spend a lot of time thinking about water. A great many gutters and downspouts have been added or replaced on homes over the past year. Here is a quick fact: for every 1,000 square feet of roof, a one-inch rain storm will generate 600 gallons of water.

Please take a few minutes and inspect your property. Water flows in your yard should be directed to your side yards and then flow forward towards the street. A street-facing side yard can have water flowing that direction as well. It must not be flowing into your neighbor’s yard, the golf course, or into any of our common areas. If you are unsure of what to do, then call the office. We’ll find someone to come out and take a look.

Code of Conduct Review Board

Chair Marlene Branz, 618-670-1063 cconduct@suncityorovalley.com

The SCOV Code of Conduct (COC) defines civil behavior for residents and their guests. The COC is spelled out on page 5 of the Owners and Resident Handbook. The board is made up of five resident volunteers. If you wish to file a complaint, look for the form in the member section of the website under member services.

The intent of the COC is to maintain mutual respect, honesty, and courtesy amongst fellow residents and anyone who frequents SCOV public spaces. Let's all do our best to make SCOV a civil place to live.

Community Directory

Chair Blythe Campbell 907-717-7546 scov.community.directory@gmail.com www.scovaz.com/members/services/directory

If you buy a house in SCOV, you are unlisted in the online and print directories by default. The information we get about house sales only includes sellers’ and buyers’ names. That’s not enough information to create directory listings. Check your new owner emails from SCOV for information about how to list your information in the directories. You can choose which information you want to list in either the secure online directory (requires login on the SCOV website) or the paper directory. The link to update your listing is on the SCOV Member Services pages.

When you buy a second house in SCOV, we can’t transfer your listing information because we don’t know which house you intend to live in. Your new house is unlisted by default as above, and the listing you have for the old address stays in the directory until you update the listing for that house or sell it.

Consumer Referral - Vendor List

Susanna Moran scovconsumerservices@gmail.com

The Vendor List is on the SCOV website. After logging in, go to Members > Member Services > Consumer Referral Vendor List.

The Vendor List is currently available for viewing at the monitor’s desk at Catalina Vista. Check the Vendor List often, as changes are made frequently.

Vendors should email Susanna Moran to inquire about applying to be on the Vendor List.


Chair Dave Francis dnfcpaaz@gmail.com

Fourth Mon. of the month. No meetings Jun., Jul. or Aug. Our next meeting will be September 25, WC3.

Food and Beverage

Stop by the Gift Shop for Summer Madness Sale

Monday-Saturday 10-1

Chair Janet Keller

Friends of the Library

Co-Pres. Kari Dufur karidufur@gmail.com

Co-Pres. Carol Tombre mctombre@yahoo.com

Treas. and Membership Claire Wendt claire.wendt@gmail.com

“A library outranks any other one thing a community can do to benefit its people. It is a never failing spring in the desert.” – Andrew Carnegie

Welcome to the many new families who have recently moved to SCOV. You will find our Library full of good books and movies to check out. Stop in with your Association card to get entered into the Library system. We hope you'll consider joining The Friends of the Library (FOL) at that time.

Memberships and donations go towards purchasing books and movies. Your HOA fees do not go toward keeping our Library full of these wonderful items, so your financial support is greatly appreciated. FOL also supplies the Library with the monthly publication BookPage, given out to you for free. First come, first served.

As always, please join us every month for Book Bingo. See Coming Events on page 11 for more details.

Gift Shop

Co-Chairs Melanie Stinson 971-506-8655, Maxine Yunker 970-691-7990

Gift Shop 520-917-8051

Shop Hours: Mon.-Sat. 10 am-1 pm www.suncityorovalley.com/gift-shop

L-r: Pat Norton, Bill Norton, Karen Curry

August featured artists are Pat Norton, Bill Norton and Karen Curry. Pat uses her knitting loom to supply baby cocoons, hats, booty sets and ruffle scarves. She enjoys meeting people and selling at the Gift Shop. For every cocoon set she sells, she donates another to the Seniors for Kids.

Bill received his degree in industrial arts and was a shop teacher at junior high through junior college levels. He enjoys wood turning and free form carving, working the equipment until his mind, heart and hands are happy with what he sees. His goal is to never have two projects look the same.

Karen’s creativity began when her grandmother and mother taught her sewing, crocheting, embroidery, quilting and more. In 2015, she added woodworking at SCOV. She uses hard woods and exotic lumber, making toys, wine holders, scroll work, jewelry boxes. The list grows as she learns new techniques.

If you are missing the monthly Monday Madness Sales, visit the Gift Shop for our ongoing Summer Madness Sale with huge bargains on glass, jewelry, wood, pottery, cards, fabrics and much more. A great way to shop and support your local artists.

Government Affairs

Chair Earl Vittitoe scovga@gmail.com

Second Wed., 1 pm, WC1 www.suncityorovalley.com/committees/government-affairs/

Holiday Lights

Chair Linda Bretz 603-459-4219 lindaebretz1@gmail.com www.SCOVLites.com

Work continues on creating holiday flowers for the newly renovated Activity Center area. We are currently reviewing areas where flowers can be planted.

Loan Room - Community Assistance

Chair Gay Russell

Third Thu., 3 pm, WC1 (currently not meeting)

Loan Room hours: Tue., Thu., 8-9 am www.suncityorovalley.com/members/services/loan-room/

Your SCOV Loan Room is open throughout the summer on Tuesdays and Thursdays, 8-9 am. We continue to offer tables and chairs, beds, medical items and many children’s items. We can sometimes be more generous with time limits during this slower period of the year. We can also have more time to help you choose what is right for that surgery you have scheduled. Please feel free to come in to see the kinds of items we have available. Thank you for your aluminum can donations which support your Loan Room.

Long Range Planning

Chair Joy Huxtable jhuxtablescov@gmail.com

Second and Fourth Wed., 10 am, Catalina Vista/Mt. Lemmon Room and Zoom

The next meeting of the LRPC is scheduled for October 11. Any resident with input for the committee is welcome to attend the meetings.

Neighborhood Pride

Co-Chair Sharon Masterjohn sharonmasterjohn@yahoo.com

Co-Chair Bertha Medina 70.bmedina@gmail.com

First Wed., 9 am, Catalina Vista www.suncityorovalley.com/members/committees/neighborhood-pride

It’s Been a Hot Summer

It’s been really hot, but the rains eventually came, along with wind. We thank those in our community who keep an eye out for their neighbors and report any damage to Administration. With so many of our neighbors away at this time of the year, we need to be especially aware of our surroundings.

During our monsoon season, pesky weeds seem to appear overnight. Remove them as soon as possible and try to make every effort to stay ahead of the weeds in your yard for the next few weeks.

Is there standing water in your yard? It’s important to drain ponds and/or fountains in yards to eliminate standing water where mosquitoes can breed. Other items such as buckets, empty flowerpots and other containers can also collect rain, so be sure they are not holding standing water.

Remember to prune or trim shrubs or bushes that obstruct the sight lines of a person exiting a driveway. They need to be pruned to a height of 42 inches or less to allow a safe exit.

Thank you for continuing to take pride in your property and our community even in our extremely hot summer months. We appreciate your help in keeping SCOV beautiful.


Chair Linda Simōn 520-789-7169 posse@5LP.com

First Tue., 3 pm, Desert Oasis

No meetings in Jun., Jul., Aug., Sep., Oct. www.scovaz.com/members/committees/posse

The Posse relies on the phone roster we get from Administration to notify homeowners and renters of any issues we notice while on patrol. Please be sure your phone number is listed in the Posse roster. You can contact Blythe Campbell, chair of the Community Directory Committee, who does an amazing job keeping our roster up to date on a monthly basis. Her direct line is 907-717-7546. Many thanks, Blythe for all your hard work.

You know it's hot outside and appreciate the shade. Remember that critters do, too. Keep your garage doors closed to avoid a surprise critter in your garage. For information on how to join the Posse, call Linda Simōn at 520-789-7169.


Chair Jack Evert jackevert439@gmail.com

Next meeting Thu., Sep. 21

After a busy season, the Properties Committee is taking a rest this summer. Our meetings will resume in September.

The committee charter instructs us to keep an eye on Association assets, both to insure top quality maintenance and to recommend improvements. If you see opportunities for our committee in any of these areas, be sure to let us know. See you in the fall.

Tipster Editorial

Co-Chair Karla Erdahl 480-205-1931 karrd.9@gmail.com

Co-Chair Sandra Hallenbeck 520-240-7624 smhallenbeck@gmail.com

Day, date, time, place. When submitting meeting or event information, list it in that order.

We are so appreciative of the clubs who submit an article every month, even though their information doesn't change. This helps us know exactly what you want in the Tipster ON THE COVER Mom?

Golfing experience that provides professional and friendly service, mountain views and excellent conditions.

Director of Golf - Rick




Our fiscal year began in July, so now is the time to renew or purchase a membership. We look forward to you joining us for the 2023-2024 season. If this is your first time purchasing an annual membership, visit the Pro Shop or call for more information. To renew an annual membership, you can contact the Pro Shop to charge it to your credit card on file or go online to purchase at www.theviewsgolfclub.com.

Golf clinics continue every Wednesday from 8-9 am, $20/ session. Sign up in the Pro Shop to reserve your spot.

As a reminder, hydration is extremely important during the summer heat. Let’s be prepared for thunderstorms, possible flash floods and lightning. It’s official monsoon season in Southern Arizona, so we must be careful.

Follow these suggestions to keep yourself safe while heading out on the course during monsoon season. Check the forecast and check it often. Download a reliable radar app and seek shelter immediately if you cannot get off the golf course quickly. Don’t worry if you can’t finish your round; we will give you a rain check to complete your round at another time. The important thing is to be safe and use your best judgment when the weather is questionable. Get in touch with the Pro Shop for further information by calling 520-825-3110.

Director of Golf Maintenance - Michael

Kropf scvgolf@suncityorovalley.com


During the months of June and July a lot of effort was put into the golf course to promote growth of Bermuda grass in fairways, tees and greens. The maintenance staff aerified, topdressed and verticut all these areas. The benefits will be realized during August and September. The monsoons bring higher humidity and occasional rain that really encourages rapid Bermuda grass growth. The irrigation water is also reduced, which will improve the playing conditions. All of the frustrations from the course being thin with some wet areas in June will be reduced, and the golf course will be in much better condition for the rest of the summer.

One disadvantage of the increased humidity and rain during the monsoons is that the Bermuda grass in the roughs, fairways and greens will begin to grow faster than it can be mowed. This results in an increase of grass clippings that leave piles everywhere. Also, the grass starts scalping which causes the turf to turn a yellow color because it is getting mowed too low on the plant. To slow this surge of growth a plant growth regulator will be sprayed, as well as increased amounts of verticutting and raising mowing heights on all the mowers. This will help reduce the grass clipping piles and prevent the grass from being scalped and going off-color.

Verticutting the fairways also helps thin the canopy for overseeding. This speeds up the prepping process so seed can be spread sooner, leading to quicker germination.

Golf Advisory

Chair Yvette Schulz

Sep.-May, first Wed., 2 pm, WC3

The Views 18-Hole Men’s Golf Club

Pres. John Olson 206-550-5557 jwo1949@gmail.com

Membership Cliff Rogge 720-323-5911 drcliffrogge@aol.com

Play Wed. am

The comments received in the club survey were positive and constructive. The consensus was that we play for a social as well as competitive experience. Members cited the club as an excellent format to meet new people, play different formats, and play with golfers not in their usual groups. Preferences for games were evenly split between 4-man scrambles, 4-man team events and individual play. We will schedule these events equally in the upcoming season. Thanks to all who participated in the survey.

Upcoming events:

August 2 - Individual 1 gross 2 net

August 9 - Team Stableford

August 16 - Progressive better ball

August 23 - Individual 1 gross 2 net

August 30 - Heartless scramble

Men’s Nine-Hole Golf Club

Pres. Tod Milton 520-256-0962 theodore.r.milton@gmail.com

Play Thu. morning

The summer schedule is winding down but there are two more regular league days, Thursdays, August 3 and September 7, and five more skins games before the course closes for overseeding on September 18. The fun part about the skins games is that, as a participant, you are only playing against yourself. If you have a bad hole, it does not impact your team.

Congratulations to the following skins winners on June 29 Byron Hays, Ken Schroeder, Bob Newman, Drake Robles, Ed Hurlbut, Bob Schoepflin and Warren Conttrell. Well done, guys.

The course closes for overseeding from September 18 to October 9. The league will then pick up the new season calendar for 2023-2024. Come on and join the league, and remember, “Half the time, twice the fun."

Hours of Operation

Mon-Fri: window 6 am, 6:30 am-8 pm

Sat: window 8 am, 8:30 am-8 pm

Sun: window 8:30 am, 9 am-6 pm

The Views 18-Hole Women’s Golf Club

Pres. Pattie Shock

VP Claudia Svarstad

League play Tue. morning

Last fall our league was contacted by Director of Golf, Rick Price, and Director of Golf Maintenance, Mike Kropf, to form a voluntary group of golfers to repair divots on the tee boxes of holes three and seven. The Women’s 9-Hole Club takes care of the par threes on the back 9. The 18-Hole Men’s Club takes care of most all of the fairways and other tee boxes. We agreed to help out as well.

League member, Debbie Huffman, led a group of 10 league members to repair divots weekly throughout the season on holes three and seven. The volunteers were Leslie Chase, Joann Breslin, Barbara Hall, Mary Ann Diridon, Claudia Svarstad, Beckie Harkey, Yvette Schultz, Tana Wyrick, Marty Blakely and Pattie Shock. Thank you, divot fixers.

Thank you, also, Rick, for lunch at The Views Restaurant in appreciation of the divot fixers’ work.

The Views 9-Hole Women’s Golf Club

Pres. Marilyn Tyreman thunderlaw70@yahoo.com

Membership Carol Johnson johncjj@frontier.com

Play Thu. morning


425-343-7138 jblackwell@suncityorovalley.com

The Lady Niners play on Thursday mornings all summer and have a celebratory social once a month after golf. We have golfers of all ages and abilities and everyone is supported and encouraged. We’re serious about golf as well as the social aspect of our club. Talk to our membership chair, Carol Johnson, about golfing with us. A full range of activities starts in November.

Skeeter Reynolds, Kitchen Manager sreynolds@suncityorovalley.com



Please join me in welcoming Rovella Ruscitti to The Views Restaurant as our new assistant manager. Rovella managed a well-known Tucson restaurant for 25 years and has a reputation for providing excellent customer service. She is an excellent addition to our team and we are excited to have her join us.

I would also like to announce that Nick Nunziato is presently stepping into a leadership role within the kitchen. Nick is responsible for our house-made desserts as well as many of the specials you have enjoyed during the past months.

As always, our residents and customers come first. We will continue to strive to provide excellent customer service and are thankful for your continued support during these changes and staffing shortages.

Community Foundation

Pres. Carol Johnson 425-343-7138 FoundationSCOV@gmail.com

Fourth Thu., 1 pm, Desert Oasis www.foundationscov.org

Sometimes eye doctors recommend eye exercises. At SCOV, you may be able to get the benefit without the expense. Just show up at Catalina Vista when the Table Tennis Club is going strong to watch a ping pong ball fly back and forth over the net.

Your Foundation received a request from and approved a grant for the Table Tennis Club to replace one of four tables damaged by the wear and tear of frequent set up and take down. This new table will not only make the balls fly livelier, but also will serve as a prototype for other tables in need of replacement.

Tuesday, August 15, 6 pm

Caribbean Pool Party

Put on your island shirts and sarongs and come to the AFC pool to dance to the music of 33 Degrees North with a steel drum player to set the mood. There will be light up volleyball, a floating putting green and treats for purchase from Sarge's Cheesecake food truck parked in front of the AFC. Tickets, $20 pp, are available on the website under Member Services > Tickets.

Wednesday, August 16, 3 pm

Book Bingo

Join the Friends of The Library (FOL) in WC3 for our monthly Book B-I-N-G-O. This is regular bingo with books as prizes and is open to the whole community. No literary knowledge needed. Your cash donation of $5 pp at the door supports the SCOV Library. Bring a beverage and snacks. Use SignUpGenius on the FOL or Library page to reserve your spot or call Sherry Small 520-308-5735.

Thursday, August 24, 7:30 am-12:30 pm

Sun City Blood Drive

Consider taking one hour this summer to save three lives. Your donation could save that many. The Activity Center/Auditorium is cool and you are rewarded with snacks and good company. Schedule an appointment at www.redcrossblood. org or call 1-800-RED-CROSS. The sponsor code is SUNCITYOV.

Saturday, August 26, 9-11 am


Many of us enjoyed playing ping pong as kids. It is a great sport that provides exercise, improves eye-hand coordination, and fosters social interaction. Check the club’s website for available times. Who knows? You’ll likely have fun and maybe give your eyes a workout too.

If your club has unmet needs, please visit the Foundation’s website (foundationscov.org) on how to apply for a grant.

Coming Events

Items included in this section must be open to all residents and be either sponsored by the Association or be an annual club event of interest to the entire community. Check the website and “This Week in SCOV” for current information.

Every Day, 3-6 pm

The Views Restaurant Happy Hour

Join us for happy hour food and drink specials.

Every Wednesday, 8 am-noon

Open Air Market

Don’t forget to drop by the market behind the Welcome Center between 8 am and noon. There may be new vendors each week. Shop in the convenience of our own community. Let’s keep this market going with your purchases.

The Sun City Vistoso Community Foundation, in cooperation with the Oro Valley Police Department, will hold another Dispose-a-Med event at Vistoso Community Church, 1200 E. Rancho Vistoso Blvd. Please bring your unused and/or expired medications to this event. Only pills will be accepted. A special thanks to the Vistoso Community Church for allowing us to use their facility for this event.

Tuesday, August 29, 9 am

Day Trip to Arizona Boardwalk

We'll provide motorcoach transportation to Scottsdale's one-of-a-kind entertainment destination that features marquee attractions such as OdySea Aquarium, Butterfly Wonderland, UFO Experience, Ripley’s Believe It or Not!, Museum of Illusions and Cyber Quest, in addition to multiple dining, shopping and amusement venues. Round trip bus, $47 pp can be purchased on our website under Member Services > Tickets.

Thursday, August 31, 9:15 am

Tipster Collation

Join the fun and get a little bit of exercise at the Activity Center/Kiva while collating the inserts that go in the Tipster To sign up, email glerch@comcast.net.

Workshops and Classes

Association-Sponsored Fitness

Online advance registration is required for all classes at www. suncityorovalley.com/amenities-facilities. Check www. suncityorovalley.com for current information.

There is a $2 fee per class. Currently, punch passes must be purchased online: $20 for 10 classes or an annual pass for $300. You can register for classes and purchase passes at www.suncityorovalley.com/amenities-facilities/fitness.

Class descriptions may be found at www.suncityorovalley. com/amenities-facilities. Questions, call Lonnie 520-917-8073.

Aqua Zumba®: Tue., 1-2 pm, AFC Pool

Balance Class: Mon.,10:30-11:30 am, AFC

Chair Balance Class: Returns in Oct.

Cardio Chair Aerobics: Tue., Thu., 10:30-11:30 am, Sat. 9-10 am, CV

Cardio Core Fusion: Returns in Nov.

Core Conditioning: Returns in Oct.

Slow Flow Yoga: Returns in Nov.

Sweat Stretch: Tue., Thu., 7:30-9 am, AFC

Water Aerobics: Mon., Wed., Fri., 9-10 am, AFC Pool

Zumba® : Tue., 9:15-10:10 am, Thu., 4-5 pm, AFC

Personal trainer one-on-one training. Call Ray Jerkins 520-907-2338 for an appointment.

Automatic External Defibrillator (AED) Classes

Learn to use this life-saving machine at a class offered Wednesday, August 23, 1:30 pm, WC1. Contact Lonnie Davis to make a reservation for this class 520-917-8073 or ldavis@suncityorovalley.com.

Parkinson’s Exercise Club

Classes are Mondays and Thursdays, 4-5:30 pm. Call Ray Jerkins 520-907-2338 to make an appointment. Classes are held in the Welcome Center, WC3.

Community Support Groups

Active Health-Sponsored Support Groups

The groups listed here are sponsored by the SCOV Active Health Committee. Contact Rita Menet 920-659-1428 rita.menet@gmail.com with questions.

Brain Health Action Group

Joan Partridge 505-920-7005 joanpartridge@gmail.com (text or email preferred)

Second Tue., 4 pm, Desert Oasis/Ocotillo

Fourth Tue., 4 pm, Desert Oasis/Ocotillo

The Brain Health Action Group (BHAG) meets to discuss and encourage the diet and lifestyle changes needed to reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer's, which has been proven to be reversible by Dr. Dale Bredesen, researcher and author of three books on reversing cognitive decline. For information on the first scientific clinical trial to conclusively prove reversing Alzheimer's is possible, go to www. ApolloHealthCo.com, click on the three bars in the upper right hand corner, then choose or click on Clinical Trial Results 2022. You can join the BHAG at any time. Call Joan 505-920-7005 for more information.

Cancer Support

Contact: Sandie Roberts 847-525-9239 sjrbrokeress@aol.com

Third Tue., 4 pm, WC2

Our Cancer Support Group encourages and welcomes all SCOV members who have been affected by cancer. This group includes everyone from those newly diagnosed, currently in treatment, cancer survivors or those who are caring for someone with cancer. Our meetings include a valuable exchange of information and discussion with those who have had cancer and undergone chemotherapy, surgery or radiation treatment. We learn from each other. Sandie Roberts, SCOV resident who has a family member dealing with cancer, facilitates the group. The focus of this group is to share feelings and experiences with cancer risk, current cancer and post-cancer. You may be an individual with cancer or a loved one of a person with cancer. We hold this safe space to be able to discuss all aspects of the disease.

Cognitive Loss & Memory Support Group

Cecelia Ortiz 661-972-2639

First and Third Wed., 4:15 pm, Catalina Vista/Art Room

Whether you are a caregiver, a person with subjective or mild cognitive loss or at risk for Alzheimer’s disease, our mission is to support one another by sharing new ideas through the advancement of research and personal experience. We will discuss the many challenges associated with cognitive loss with open hearts and open dialogue. This support group will provide a safe and confidential space to share ideas and personal experiences.

Diabetes Support Circle

Contact: Bill Bable wcbcfp33@gmail.com


First Mon., 3:30 pm, Catalina Vista Aug. 7 focus on Type 2 diabetes

Diabetes Type 1 and Type 2, including prediabetes, are two distinct diseases. The Diabetes Circle is divided into two areas of focus. We will discuss Type 1 diabetes in January, March, May, July, September and November. We will discuss Type 2 and prediabetes in February, April, June, August, October and December. Our circle will discuss all things concerning our conditions: terminologies, health concerns, diet and lifestyle strategies. Attendees range from those who are newly diagnosed to those who have had diabetes 50-plus years. We welcome partners who are also impacted and engaged in your health and well-being. Join us Monday, August 7, when we will discuss Type 2 diabetes.

Grief Support

Jane Krabbeler 520-500-3352, jkrabbeler@gmail.com

Fourth Fri., 2 pm, Catalina Vista/Art Studio. No meeting Aug. or Sep.

The Grief support group will be on hiatus August-September

Support Group for the Visually Impaired

Judi Peterson 815-222-4754

Raven 505-469-7505, sivaraven@gmail.com

Fourth Thu., 3:30-5 pm, Catalina Vista/Art Studio On hiatus until Sep.

The Support Group for the Visually Impaired is in recess for the summer months, reconvening in September. We look forward to welcoming you in the fall. If you have questions, concerns, or need support during the summer, please do not hesitate to call Judi Peterson at 815-222-4754.

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