Sun City Oro Valley Tipster August 2024

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Tipster Tipster Tipster

Photo by Sheryl Hester

The Tipster is published monthly by Sun City Oro Valley 1565 E. Rancho Vistoso Blvd., Oro Valley, AZ 85755, 520-825-3711

Board of Directors

Group email for Directors

Jane Fairchild, President

Larry Webster, Vice President

Jim Cherry, Treasurer

Earl Vittitoe, Secretary

Eileen Buskirk, Director

Lou Gard, Director

Tod Milton, Director

Management Team

Sandy Seddon, ................. General Manager, 520-917-8080

Robin Coulter, ...Assistant General Manager, 520-917-8070

Mary Cunningham, .. Com. Area Maint. Supt., 520-917-8059

Michael Kropf, . Director of Golf Maintenance, 520-917-8063

Lisa Orach, .............. Administrative Manager, 520-917-8072

Rick Price, ........................... Director of Golf, 520-917-8086

Ken Sandrock, .................. Facilities Supt., 520-917-8078

Randy Trenary, Controller, 520-917-8060

Sandy Wilson, .... Food & Beverage Director, 520-825-3277

Support Team

Andrew Clark, .......................... Technology Coordinator, 520-917-8057

Monica Clark, .................... Administrative Coordinator, 520-917-8082

Lonnie Davis, ..................................... Fitness Supervisor, 520-917-8073

Carla Green, ................... Communications Coordinator, 520-917-8069

Teresa Deuel, ........................ Covenants Coordinator, 520-917-8087

Julie Foerster, Human Resources, 520-917-8061

Bonnie Holmes, .......................................... Librarian, 520-917-8083

Angela Hong, Accounting Assistant, 520-917-8062

Cristy Lowing, .................. Administrative Coordinator, 520-917-8090

Katy Mosier, .................. Architectural Coordinator, 520-917-8058

Brenda Puzzele-Stoltz, .....Lifestyle Coordinator, 520-917-8077

Kendra Suzane, ............... Administrative Coordinator, 520-917-8065

Tipster Editorial Committee

Karla Erdahl .................................. Co-Chair

Sandra Hallenbeck......................... Co-Chair

Suzanne Stiles .............................. Secretary

Peggy Gardner ................................ Member

Deena Harris .................................. Member

Wanda Johnson .............................. Member

Mary Beth Livingston...................... Member

Drew Ludwig .................................. Member

Barbara McNeill ............................. Member

Jane Moody..................................... Member

Nancy O’Hara ................................. Member

Joe Polach ...................................... Member

Lisa Schulz ..................................... Member

Marsha Weese................................. Member

Editor, Layout and Design: Carla Green Advertising: Carla Green; Printing: Sundance Press

To advertise in the Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, call 520-917-8069 for information.

Sun City Oro Valley Community Association provides this publication for informational purposes only and neither endorses nor promotes any of the products or services advertised herein and assumes no responsibility or liability for the statements made in this publication.

Hours of Operation

you encounter something in the common areas or golf course needing immediate attention (e.g. broken irrigation) and the Administration Office is closed, please report the issue to a building monitor. However, if a situation like this occurs after all the buildings are closed, please contact the emergency line.

Association News

From the Board of Directors

Our mission as the SCOV Board is to lead in maintaining and enhancing the quality of life in Sun City Oro Valley as an active adult community.

All Board minutes, agendas and reports are available online. Board meetings are open to residents.

Board of Directors - Larry Webster

August is here and the dog days of summer are still upon us. Hopefully, the full timers have spent their days wisely getting the errands completed before the blistering sun makes it impossible to touch hot car door handles. Those who are the season travelers, I wanted to take a moment to check in and see how your summer is progressing. Have you missed not being here with all the amenities to fill your daily calendar? I bet you are probably tired of the lawn care, house repairs, etc... Hopefully you are getting the itch to bask in the Arizona sun with low humidity and participate in your favorite activities again.

Occasionally, I have to pinch myself to remind me that I am not dreaming about why we chose to live here in SCOV. People genuinely care for one another, they readily volunteer to help one’s neighbors when needed, they do this not because they are someone’s caretaker but because they are compassionate, and truly caring.

Choosing to listen while maintaining a civil dialogue takes minimum effort. One should research facts and not go by hearsay and rumors. Listening to someone who has concerns should not be readily dismissed as coming from a disgruntled and generally unhappy person. Taking a little time getting to know and help your neighbors should be a privilege and not a challenge. Maybe they have had a bad week or feel frustrated when their concerns or questions are not being addressed in what they perceive as a timely manner.

I would like to finish my column expressing my optimism that this community is friendly, supportive and inviting to newcomers and those that are well established here. This community with its location, activities and amenities is a rare find and we should feel so lucky to have found it in this chapter of life.

By the time you read this, I will have one month under my belt as your new General Manager. I am thrilled to be here and want to thank everyone for the very warm welcome that I have received. I am excited to embark on this journey with all of you.

I would like to highlight things that are important to me, and I hope to accomplish.

• Enhanced Community Engagement: I will be committed to fostering community spirit and involvement, hopefully strengthening our bonds and enriching our collective experience.

• Operational Excellence: I intend to focus on efficiency and transparency, ensuring that your association operates smoothly and effectively.

• Enhancing Communication: Effective communication is the cornerstone of a well-functioning community. I will work with the Board, Committees, and staff to keep you informed about upcoming events, important updates and community initiatives. I encourage you to share your thoughts, ideas and concerns with us. Your feedback is invaluable in shaping SCOV’s future.

• Innovative Initiatives: I am new! I hope that I have some innovative approaches and can bring new ideas and initiatives to address current and future challenges facing your community.

I look forward to being an integral part of your community, working closely with the Board of Directors and all residents to ensure that Sun City Oro Valley continues to thrive. Together, we can build an even stronger and more vibrant community.

Thank you for allowing me the privilege to serve as your General Manager. I look forward to meeting and working with each of you in the days and months ahead.

It’s More Than Living... It’s A Lifestyle! Desert Aviary: The Winged Wonders of Sun City Oro Valley

Sun City Oro Valley, nestled in the Sonoran Desert, is home to a diverse array of desert birds that enchant residents and visitors alike. Among these avian wonders is the greater roadrunner, an iconic symbol of the Southwest.

Known for its distinctive long legs and speed, this bird can be seen darting across the desert floor in search of insects, lizards, and even small snakes.

The cactus wren, Arizona’s state bird, is another resident of SCOV. This large wren is easily identified by its white-speckled brown plumage and its loud, harsh call. Often seen building nests in saguaro cacti, the cactus wren is a master of desert survival.

The Gila woodpecker, with its striking black and white barred back and a red crown on the males, is a frequent visitor to the region’s saguaro and mesquite trees. These woodpeckers are known for excavating nesting cavities in cacti, which later provide homes for other desert creatures.

broadbill hummingbird, bring vibrant flashes of color as they hover near flowers and feeders, sipping nectar with their specialized beaks. Their iridescent feathers and rapid wing beats are a marvel to behold.

Lastly, the great horned owl, a ma-

Gambel’s quail, with their distinctive topknot feathers and intricate plumage, are often spotted in coveys as they forage on the ground for seeds and insects. Their melodic calls and intricate social structures make them a fascinating sight.

The Cooper’s hawk, a sleek and agile raptor, patrols the skies and treetops, hunting for smaller birds and rodents. Its presence is a testament to the diverse food web of the desert ecosystem. This year, we had the privilege of witnessing their magnificence firsthand, as a pair of parents raised a fledgling in our courtyard.

Hummingbirds, such as the

jestic nocturnal predator, adds a mysterious allure to the desert nights with its haunting hoots. With their powerful talons and keen eyesight, these owls are formidable hunters of the night.

Sun City Oro Valley’s avian residents, from the swift roadrunner to the silent owl, illustrate the rich tapestry of life that thrives in the desert. As you take your walks, keep your eyes open and enjoy these encounters with the winged wonders of SCOV.

Road Runner photo by Steve Holmes
Cactus wren feeding on Saguaro fruit photo by Steve Holmes
Gila woodpecker catching an acorn photo by SteveHolmes
Cooper’s hawk photo by Gary Buck
Broad-billed Hummingbird by Steve Holmes
Gambequal photo by Ted Wolfe

g Asst. General Manager - Robin Coulter 520-917-8070

Understanding Key Documents in Community Associations

Community associations rely on key documents to establish governance and set rules.

Here’s a brief overview:

Articles of Incorporation:This document, filed with the state, legally creates the Association as a nonprofit corporation. It includes the Association’s name, address, and initial registered agent. It defines the corporation’s purpose, board structure, and membership qualifications.

Master Declaration Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions (CC&Rs), this legal document outlines the rights and responsibilities of homeowners and the association. It includes property use restrictions, maintenance responsibilities, and enforcement processes.

Tract Declarations:These apply to specific sections within the community and supplement the Master Declaration with additional restrictions or guidelines for those areas.

Bylaws: The operational manual for the association, detailing procedures for meetings, elections, and management. It defines board member roles, meeting procedures, and financial management policies.

Policies: Adopted by the board to provide clarity on specific issues not fully covered in the CC&Rs or Bylaws. They can be updated as needed and ensure consistent enforcement of community standards.

Development Standards:Guidelines for the design, construction, and modification of properties, ensuring a cohesive and aesthetically pleasing environment.

Owner & Resident Handbook: A guide for residents that summarizes key documents, provides information on community amenities, and offers guidance on common concerns and procedures.

Club Rules, Regulations & Procedures:These pertain to the use of community amenities by clubs. Understanding these documents is crucial for both board members and residents, as they provide the governance framework and help ensure a harmonious living environment.

Controller - Randy Trenary 520-917-80

The fiscal year for the Association ended June 30, 2024. As in the past, the financial statement for June is not included in the August Tipster due to time constraints for completion of year-end procedures. Financial statements can be found on our website

An audit will be conducted in September, and the complete audited financials will be available on the website before October 31, as mandated by the Bylaws. A copy will also be available in the Administration offices.

Money Matters will return with the September issue of the Tipster. Contact me with questions.

Community Services - Katy Mosier

Architectural Coordinator Katy Mosier


ARC Reminders

Lately, we have had several inquiries about various subjects. Here are some examples:

Do I need a submittal if I am replacing my roof underlayment but keeping the old tiles? Yes, this is called a lift & relay and you need to submit an In-House Submittal form. Also ask your vendor for a sample tile that he will use in lieu of breakage. Put it out by the garage and let us know it is there.

Can I put a sail up in my yard? No sails are allowed in residents’ yards. Development Standards Section 2.14.A.2. Shade Sails are not permitted.

Why do I need a Town of Oro Valley Building Permit if I am replacing all or just some of my windows? This is a Town of Oro Valley policy. If you are replacing three or more windows, you need to contact the Town of Oro Valley to secure the permit. A stipulation of your ARC approval will include sending a copy of the permit to the Architectural Coordinator prior to installation of the windows.

Please keep in mind, if you are making any change to the exterior of your home or lot, it usually requires some sort of ARC or In-House approval. Email Katy scoroval@ciramail. com with any questions about submittals.

Recreation and Fitness - Lonnie Davis 520-917-8073

All You Need is You. Cardio Exercise without Equipment You probably already know cardio exercise is good for you. But…you’re busy, you’re tired and there just doesn’t seem to be enough room in your day to work out. We get it! Starting and maintaining an exercise program can seem hard, but it doesn’t have to be. So, what exactly is cardio exercise? Cardio (cardiovascular) exercise, also known as aerobic exercise, refers to physical activity that engages large muscle groups (think legs, glutes and core) and increases your heart rate for an extended period. Cardio exercise is more than running. It includes virtually any type of exercise that elevates your heart rate and forces you to use oxygen to circulate blood flow throughout your body. Cardio exercise is not just good for you, it’s essential to your health. In addition to reducing the risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure, cardio exercise can also help keep your brain sharp, strengthen your bones, help you sleep better and battle depression. You don’t need to invest in specialized equipment or join a gym to get a fantastic cardio workout. You can get a great workout anytime, anywhere But, you must enjoy what you choose to do. If machines aren’t your thing, you could go for a brisk walk, jog, swim, go on a bike ride around the neighborhood, you could even dance. If you are elevating your heart rate for a sustained amount of time, you are being effective.

Special Note from the AFC:

Orientation on how to use the gym equipment is held Thursday, 1 pm so stop in and sign up. Classes are limited. Contact Lonnie Davis, AFC Coordinator, to discuss questions or problems with the AFC.

AFC and Desert Oasis: See Hours of Operation on page 2.

Tue., Aug. 13, the AFC pool, and spa will be closed for cleaning and shock treatment reopen the following morning at the regular time

Tue., Aug. 27, AFC Spa closed for cleaning and will reopen at 1 pm Wed., Aug. 14, the Desert Oasis Pool will be closed for cleaning and shock treatment and will reopen the following morning at the regular time.

Association Committees

Chair Rita Menet

Aquatic and Fitness Center Advisory

Muriel DeLaVergne-Brown 541-999-4018 First Wed., 11 am, WC1

The new tables and chairs for the pool are on order. The lounge chairs have been a wonderful addition. The committee will convene again in September. Have a great summer.

Architectural Inspection Group

Conveyance Coordinator Lisa Orach 520-917-8072,

Meet fourth Wed., 2 pm Summer Hiatus

Dennis Bell 408-476-8291

Architectural Review Meetings: second and fourth Tue. 2 pm

Sun got you lit up? You can shield undesired, direct sunlight at different times of the day by adding roll-down shades to patio covers and over windows. All shades must be submitted for approval to the ARC before installation. Reference the Development Standards sections 2.10 and 2.11 for the requirements and limitations. For instance, all shade colors must match or complement the house colors, and all shades must be secured at the sides or bottom when extended. Exterior roll down patio shade screens are limited to the side or rear of the backyard patio of the house only and will not be permitted on the front of any dwelling.

Finally, a Town of Oro Valley permit may be required for the electrical connection. Please read the Development Standards for all details. As always, you can start your submittal on the website and communicate with our Architectural Coordinator, Katy Mosier at (520) 917-8058.C

Code of Conduct Review Board

Chair Marlene Branz 618-670-1063

The Code of Conduct Review Board (CCRB) was established in 2023, with five resident volunteers. The primary purpose of the Board is to investigate complaints submitted by residents. You can find the SCOV Code of Conduct in the Owner and Resident Handbook, page 5. To file a complaint, look in the Members Section of the SCOV website. Issues not covered by the Code of Conduct complaint process include law enforcement issues, SCOV Facebook posts, ARC issues and any conduct outside the SCOV boundaries.

Community Directory

Chair Blythe Campbell


Referral - Vendor List

Susanna Moran

This vendor list is a helpful service to all SCOV residents. All vendors on this list have their insurance certificates on file with SCOV. This list is updated monthly. The vendor list can be found on the SCOV website at Members>Member Services>Consumer Referral List. Vendors who wish to be included on this list should inquire by email for an application


Finance and Budget Committee, Dave Francis, 402-578-5390,

Welcome to the 2024-2025 Finance and Budget Committee: John Balaco, Steve Carlson, Dave Francis, Miriam Holleman, Jim Huppert, Lee Jacson, Peter McMahon, Robert Watson, and Patti Olson (alternate).

Board Liaison: James Cherry, Staff Liaison: Randy Trenary, Chairperson: Ronna Heinig

The next regularly scheduled meeting is Monday, September 23, 1 pm in WC3

Friends of the Library

Co-Pres. Peggy Smith

Co-Pres. Carol Zinsli

Vice-Chair: Evelyn McCarthy

Treasurer and Membership: Claire Wendt

Friends of the Library (FOL) is looking forward to an exciting all. We will sponsor new fundraisers for the Library. One will be a raffle for a donated electric bike. The other will be a staged reading of the play, Murder by the Book, sponsored by the author Louise Penny and performed by our Sun City Variety Theatre. For those fans of Louise’s writings, you might be interested to know that she has a new book coming out the end of October. FOL members can take advantage of two special benefits by coming to the show for half price and having the chance to win her new book. Details of both of these fundraisers to be released in the fall.

We hope for volunteers to take over Great Views and Book Bingo. Help us keep these enjoyable events going. Contact one of the officers above with questions.

Gift Shop

Chair Maxine Yunker 970-691-7990

Gift Shop 520-917-8051

Shop Hours: Sep.-May, Mon.-Fri., 10 am-4 pm, Sat., 10 am-1 pm Jun.-Aug., Mon.-Sat., 10 am-1 pm

Influenced by her artist mother, Melanie started painting around 5 years old. When she attended college as an art major, she discovered clay. From the moment she sat at one of the wheels she knew she was hooked. After college, she purchased a wheel and kiln, starting a studio in her home. Most of her pieces sold at art fairs in the 70s and 80s, and she recieved commissions from people for sets of dishes. She took a 20-year hiatus, but knew that when she retired she wanted to pursue clay again. “Luckily, we found Sun City in 2018. The studio members inspired me to expand my clay to include artistic pieces in addition to functional ware. I can get lost in clay for hours and things sometimes happen without planning. My favorite clay is Hawaiian red. The glazes do well with it and the redness of the clay finishes well with firing.

Government Affairs

Chair Earl Vittitoe 309-360-1601

Second Wed., 1 pm, WC1

In June GAC held a successful Oro Valley City Council Candidates Forum which provided interaction between the candidates and the audience. In this election year, GAC is working to have candidates from local, state and federal government at our meetings.

Long Range Planning

Chair Joy Huxtable 510-548-2653

Following the May 8 meeting the LRPC will be on hiatus until October 9

Loan Room - Community Assistance

Chair Gay Russell

Loan Room Carolyn Carson

Loan Room hours: Tue., Thu., 8-9 am

The summer months are the slowest for Loan Room activity. For those of us who stay around, this is a good time to visit and look at our available equipment. It is also the time when we inventory, repair and decide whether we can meet the needs in SCOV with what we have. We are open 8-9 am, Tuesdays and Thursdays, and will happily help you decide what equipment you might need for upcoming surgery. We also can provide tables and chairs for those indoor parties you might be planning. Reservations are helpful but not as necessary in the summer. Please come see us.

Neighborhood Pride

Teresa Deuel Covenants Coordinator 520-917-8087

First Wed., Noon, WC3

Summertime Happenings

During the monsoon season, the winds accompany the rain. While many neighbors may be away, it’s crucial to stay vigilant and report any damage to the Administration promptly. Don’t forget to keep an eye out for those sneaky weeds that pop up in your yard during this time and remove them quickly.

Do you have standing water in your yard? It is essential to drain any ponds or fountains in your yard to eliminate stagnant water, which can become a breeding ground for mosquitoes. Additionally, items like buckets, empty flower pots, and other containers can also collect rainwater, so please ensure that they are not holding any standing water.

We appreciate your ongoing commitment to maintaining your property and contributing to the well-being of our community, even during the scorching summer months.


Chair Linda Simōn 520-789-7169

No meetings May-October


Shorty Parson 520-275-8114

Third Thurs., 9 am, WC1

We meet the third Thursdays, 9 am, WC1 and Zoom starting in Sep, special meeting July 25 Properties Committee will be reviewing the two proposals Dale Foster received for the Solar System to provide power for the Aquatic and Fitness center. Discussing ways that we can support this project to move it forward.

Tipster Editorial

Co-Chair Karla Erdahl 480-205-1931

Co-Chair Sandra Hallenbeck 520-240-7624

Melanie Stinson

Golfing experience that provides professional and friendly service, mountain views and excellent conditions.

Director of Golf - Rick Price 520-917-8086

On August 5 and 6, we will only have nine holes open as the greens will be are aerified. Overseeding is right around the corner, and the course is scheduled to be closed from September 16 to October 6. When we reopen on Monday, October 7, it will be cart path only for a couple of weeks. The Pro Shop will be open for limited hours during overseeding, and the driving range will be open for hitting off mats. During the inclement weather of the monsoon season, we want to remind you to be safe and use your best judgment while playing golf. To keep safe when heading out on the course during this time: Check the forecast, check it often and download a reliable radar app. If you hear thunder or see lightning, we recommend leaving the course or seeking shelter immediately if you are not able to get off the golf course in a timely manner.

If you have been thinking about improving your game, we invite you to attend one of our weekly clinics on Tuesdays at 8 am covering the full swing and or the short game. For further help take a private lesson with one of our professional staff. Call the Pro Shop at 520-825-3110.

Director of Golf Maintenance - Michael Kropf 520-917-8063

During the months of June and July, a lot of effort was put into the golf course to promote the growth of Bermuda grass in fairways, tees, and greens following the transition from the winter overseed. The maintenance staff aerified, top dressed and verticut all these areas. The benefits will be realized during the months of July, August, and September. The monsoons bring a higher level of humidity, and occasional rain that really encourage the Bermuda grass to begin growing quickly. The irrigation water is also reduced, which allows the playing conditions to improve. All of the frustrations from the fairways being thin with some wet areas in June will be reduced and the golf course will be in much better condition for the rest of the summer.

One disadvantage of the increased humidity and rain during the monsoons is the Bermuda grass in the roughs, fairways, and greens will begin to grow faster than it can be mowed. This results in an increase of grass clippings that leaves piles everywhere. Also, the grass begins to scalp, which causes the turf to go off color because it is getting mowed too low on the plant. To slow this surge of growth a plant-growth regulator will be sprayed, as well as increased amounts of verticutting and raising mowing heights on all the mowers. This will help reduce the grass clipping piles and prevent the grass from being scalped and going yellow. However, the fairways will be in much better condition in August heading into the next overseed in September.

Golf Advisory

Chair Yvette Schulz 217-370-0859, Nov.-May, first Wed., 2 pm, WC3

The Views 18-Hole Men’s Golf Club

Pres. Kevin Devaney 708-732-2943

Membership Ron Mitzel 402-694-9071

Play Wed. am

The 18-Hole Men’s Golf Club has a variety of formats scheduled for August, including flighted skins games, individual, and team events. Our club offers a great way to meet fellow golfers for some friendly competition. The variety of formats keeps it interesting.

Men’s Nine-Hole Golf Club

Pres. Tod Milton 520-256-0962

Not a Gimme

The summer is rapidly coming to an end and our new season will begin in just a couple of months. If you are new to SCOV and want to start playing with the league right away, you can do that. The cost is $40, and we always recommend buying the Hole-in-One insurance for an additional $10. Bill Norton had an Ace in March but he did not buy the insurance You will also need to join the Arizona Golf Association to recieve or maintain a handicap.

The Nine-Hole league is a great way to get to know many folks in SCOV. The league had well over 100 members last season with a great variety of skill levels.

Come join us and as we say, “Half the time, twice the fun”.

The Views 18-Hole Women’s Golf Club

Pres. Pattie Shock VP Claudia Svarstad

Play Tue. am

Congratulations to our new member, Joan Mayer, in getting her first hole-in-one on June 24 at Gold Canyon. She traveled to Gold Canyon with seven other league members and played the Sidewinder. Joan hit an absolutely perfect 95 yards, into the hole, on hole number seven. She just joined our league last November and we are so delighted to have her as a member

She looks pretty happy in the photo holding the certificate for a hole-in-one

Also happy were members playing and celebrating with her: Debbie Huffman, Cathy Morrow, Nancy Klucking, Cheryl Reddy, Darlene Lamb, Marty Blakely, and Pattie Shock. Come join our league, meet some new friends, play some good golf, have a lot of fun, and maybe get a hole-in-one Congratulations again, Joan.

The Views 9-Hole Women’s Golf Club

Pres. Renee Romano 217-722-1072

Membership Sally Cherner 617-388-2251

Play Thu.

We’re playing fun golf all summer on Thursday mornings. Ice cream socials once a month help you meet everyone. If you want to join us, call Sally (see above).

Happy Joan!

Convenient community restaurant, lounge and terrace offering an enjoyable experience in food, drinks and entertainment.

Food & Beverage Management Team

Sandy Wilson, Food & Beverage Director 520-825-3277

It’s August already. Let’s make the most of these last two months of heat and enjoy Wine try & buy on Monday August 12. Don’t miss out on our limited-time Summer Happy Hour Menu before it ends on Monday September 30, and get ready for a new menu this fall with both old and new favorites, along with some summer HH menu items. Plus, a pear cider is coming your way! Keep your spirits high, stay cool, and get ready for an exciting fall

Community Foundation

Pres. Carol Johnson 425-343-7138 Fourth Thu., 1 pm, Catalina Vista

New Year, New President New Challenges, New Projects

Charles Rommell became the Sun City Vistoso Community Foundation president on July 1 after serving as secretary for two years. Charles has been a resident of SCOV for 10 years. Prior to July 1 he was a practicing Doctor of Chiropractic in Tucson since 1986, retiring in 2016. He served in Vietnam in 1967, and in 1994 and 1995 was Commander of the Navy Seabee Veterans of America. Since 2022, Charles has been an volunteer with SCOV Ambassador.

The Foundation would like to issue a challenge, for our new year, to any SCOV club/organization needing funds for a project that fits within the Foundation mission to enhance the quality of life for active adults in SCOV by supporting health, cultural, recreational, educational and other charitable needs. Application forms are available online at the Foundation website or email

Coming Events

Items included in this section must be open to all residents and be either sponsored by the Association or be an annual club event of interest to the entire community. Check the website and “This Week in SCOV” for current information.

Thursday, August 8, 6 pm

Trivia Night


August 14, 6

Join us for $2 pp Trivia on Thursday, August 8, 6 pm, Activity Center/Kiva. Teams of four will compete for the chance to win gift cards to The Views Restaurant. You can BYOB or stop by the Bistro for refreshments.


Ghostbuster Frozen Empire Free Movie

On the evening of Wednesday, August 14, 6 pm, Auditorium a complimentary screening of the film Ghostbusters Frozen Empire will be offered. The Spengler family makes a comeback to the renowned New York City firehouse, where the original Ghostbusters have elevated their ghost-busting skills. As an ancient artifact is unearthed, releasing a malevolent force, both new and old Ghostbusters must come together to defend their city and prevent the world from plunging into a second ice age. You can reserve a seat on the website under Members, Member services - SCOV events. The Bistro will be selling hotdogs, nachos, pretzels and other items.

Gift Shop Summer Madness

The Gift Shop’s Summer Madness Sale is going on through August. Visit the shop for fantastic bargains on glass, jewelry, wood, pottery, cards, fabrics, and much more. Great way to shop and support your local artists.

Thursday, August 22, 7:30 am-12:30 pm

Sun City Blood Drive

The Red Cross experiences a shortfall of donations during the summer. Folks are heading to cooler climates. However, those of us tolerating the heat are available to donate. The auditorium is a cool place to be. To schedule an appointment, visit or call 1-800-RED-CROSS. Mention the sponsor code SUNCITYOV for a quick response.

Join the Restaurant Facebook group

Quail Photo by Lee Zinsli

Thursday, August 22, 4 pm

100th Anniversary Arizona Highways Magazine

SCOV will host a complimentary lecture to commemorate the 100th anniversary of Arizona Highways magazine in the Auditorium. During this event, former Publisher Win Holden will reveal the behind-the-scenes narrative of how this exceptional publication not only survived but flourished by attracting top landscape photographers and implementing an innovative publishing business model that includes licensing, retailing, and additional products. The lecture will showcase numerous historical and contemporary photographs that narrate the fascinating journey of a magazine that generates over $65 million in annual economic impact for the state, captivating subscribers across all 50 states and 100 countries. Starting Thursday August 8, you can reserve a seat on the website under Members, Member services - SCOV events. The Bistro will sell hotdogs, drinks and other items to enjoy.

Thursday, August 29, 7 pm

Anthony Hernandez

Anthony Hernandez will be performing Thursday, August 29, 7 pm, in the Auditorium with a new magical show. It is an enchanting, comedypacked, interactive experience using magic and music! This dynamic entertainer will mesmerize you with his up-close magic and dazzle you with illusions. Tickets are $22 pp and are available Thursday, August 1. Buy tickets on the website under Members, Member services – SCOV events.

Workshops and Classes


Online advance registration is required for all classes at Check www. for current information.

There is a $2 fee per class. Currently, punch passes must be purchased online: $20 for 10 classes or an annual pass for $300. You Can register for classes and purchase passes at Class descriptions may be found online at Questions, call 520-917-8073.

Aqua Zumba®: Tue., 1-2 pm, AFC Pool

Balance Class: Mon.,10:30-11:30 am, AFC

Chair Balance Class: Fri., 10:30 am-11:30 am, AC/Kiva returns Oct.

Cardio Chair Aerobics: Tue., Thu., 10:30-11:30 am, Sat. 9-10 am, CV

Cardio Core Fusion: Tue., Thu., 5:30-6:30 pm, AFC Return Oct.

Core Conditioning: Wed., 3, AFC Return Oct

Slow Flow Yoga: Tue., Thu., 6:45-7:45 pm, AFC Return Oct.

Sweat & Stretch: Tue., Thu., 7:30-9 am, AFC

Water Aerobics: Mon., Wed., Fri., 9-10 am, AFC Pool

Zumba® : Tue., 9:15-10:10 am, Thu., 4-5 pm, AFC

For one-on-one personal training, call Ray Jerkins 520-907-2338 for an appointment.

Automatic External Defibrillator (AED) Class

Learn to use this life-saving machine at a class offered Wednesday, August 28, 1:30, WC1 Contact Lonnie Davis to make a reservation for this class 520-917-8073 or ldavis@

Community Support Groups

Active Health-Sponsored Support Groups

The groups listed here are coordinated by the SCOV Active Health Committee. Contact Nancy Bulinski 559-676-2666 with questions.

Brain Health Circle

Rita Menet 920-659-1428

Meetings will resume in November

The Brain Health Circle is a collective group wishing to share thoughts and approaches to improving brain health and preventing neuro-degenerative and cognitive decline. The Brain Health Circle welcomes anyone interested in or simply curious about improving their brain health.

Cancer Support

Sandie Roberts 847-525-9239

Third Tue., 4 pm, WC2

This group will continue through the summer months Our Cancer Support Group encourages and welcomes all SCOV members who have been affected by cancer. This group includes everyone from those newly diagnosed, currently in treatment, cancer survivors or those who are caring for someone with cancer. Our meetings include a valuable exchange of information and discussion with those who have had cancer and undergone chemotherapy, surgery or radiation treatment. We learn from each other. Sandie Roberts, SCOV resident who has a family member dealing with cancer, facilitates the group. The focus of this group is to share feelings and experiences with cancer risk, current cancer and post-cancer. We discuss all aspects of the disease.

Caregivers of Loved Ones with Cognitive Loss

Mary Nowotny 970-764-7856

Next meeting will be in November.

This support group will take a break until November. If you would like your loved one to continue the Love Thy Neighbor Activity Program please contact Steve Kacprazak at the Vistoso Community Church via email @ LoveThyNeighbor@ for more information. See you in November.

Diabetes Support Circle

Bill Bable 520-639-8845

First Mon., 3:30 pm, Catalina Vista

Grief Support

Jane Krabbeler 520-500-3352

Next meeting is Friday, September 13, 2-3 p.m., Activity Center/Kiva

The grief support group is on a summer hiatus.

Support Group for the Visually Impaired

Judi Peterson 815-222-4754

Raven 505-469-7505,

Summer hiatus

Our group breaks for the summer. Call Judi at any time. If you have questions or need support.

In Memoriam

Bonnie Valitan - May 13

David Heine - June 6

Jim Goodwin - April 17

Gerald Hardy - July 1

John Cecil Gethen - June 26


Arts, Crafts & Hobbies

Art League

Pres. Susan Taylor 719-205-6262

Our own Georgine Smith made this patriotic quilt, soon to be donated to a veteran.

The Activity Center’s Annual Art Sale is on going and will continue through Tuesday, October 1. Most of the art in the Center is marked down 1050% as SCOV artists clear out their studios, workrooms, and closets, and make these items available to us. Now is a good time to grab that fine art at a discounted price.

The patriotic quilts hung in the Activity Center are NOT included in the Art Sales, nor are they available for purchase. Those quilts have been made by members of the SCOV group Casa Amigas. Casa Amigas members regularly make these quilts and donate them for veterans’ use, so these will be handed over to the SCOV Veteran’s Group. Thank you Casa Amigas for sharing with us.

Bark Carving

John Johnston


Tue., 1-3 pm, Sat., 9-11 am, Artisan Center/Lapidary

Carvers join together to carve cottonwood bark and various other woods. We welcome all new carvers, whether you are experienced or would just like to learn. We even have tools you can borrow while you give it a try. There are fewer carvers from May to October, but we will still welcome you and get you started.

Japanese Flower Arranging

Instructor Donald Marier 612-757-8373

Jan.-Apr., Second and Fourth Mon., 2-4 pm, Catalina Vista/Pusch Ridge

Practice Nicole Laing 541-740-9688

May; Oct.-Nov. Second and Fourth Mon., 2-4 pm, Catalina Vista/Pusch Ridge

Colored Pencil Plus

Co-leader Bette McGrath 815-347-4282

Co-leader Cathy Harrison 303-968-5545

Fri., 9 am-Noon, Catalina Vista/Art Studio

Colored Pencil art is enjoyable and easy to learn. Our membership consists of all abilities.

Please join us Friday mornings. The regular meeting start up in October. Contact the co-leaders with questions.


Pres., Mary Murck 612-205-0084

This month we are focusing on housekeeping details for the clay and glaze studios. Members, remember the wedging table when cleaning up. Return used forms, molds, stamps, texture materials, canvas mats, brushes, rulers, jars of slip, cellophane, talc, oil, etc to their proper places and in clean condition. Leave community property in the studios.

In the glaze studio, give the table a good wash. Clean spatters on any glaze buckets you may have used. Wash brushes and return to storage containers. Clean measuring cups, paint trays, forceps and wipe down the sink.

Be sure to sign in and out when you enter and leave. Most importantly, have fun working with your clay friends in our cool studios, during our Arizona summer.

Gourd Art

Susan Potter 253-722-4295 Mon., 1-4 pm, Fri., 9 am-Noon, Lapidary Room

Members of the Gourd Club had great fun on their field trip to Wuertz Farm. They were searching for the perfect gourd for their next project and their choices were endless. Please visit us in the Lapidary Room at the Artisan Center to see our SCOV artisans at work. Summer hours may vary so check the schedule on the door of the Lapidary room. Our members are always willing to help both newcomers and seasoned artists as well! We have everything you need to get started.

Lea King working in the Clay Studio.

Knit and Crochet

Jane Fairchild 520-909-5069 Mon., 2:30-4:30 pm, Activity Center/Hohokam

Donna Peterson shows new member, Judy, how to finish off her sleeping mat made from plastic grocery bags.

If you have a knit or crochet project or would like to learn to crochet plastic bags into sleeping mats, come join us. An on going group project is making crocheted sleeping mats out of plastic shopping bags. You can participate in this project by cutting the plastic bags into strips, stringing them into plastic yarn (plarn), and crocheting them into mats. We are temporarily suspending bag donations because we have collected enough bags to supply us for the next few months. We are grateful to receive all the bags that SCOV residents have donated for the homeless sleeping mat project over the past several years. We resume collecting later in the year.

Open Studio Artists

Pres. Carol Nagel 520-825-3097 Tues., Wed., Thu. and Sat. 9 am-1 pm, Catalina Vista/Art Studio

The Summer Art Sale at the Activity Center will continue until October 1. If you are a SCOV resident you can display your art during the sale. Contact Carol Nagel for more information.


Pres. Doug Scrimshaw 509 868 1338

2nd Fri., 9 am, Catalina Vista/Pusch Ridge; 4 Fri., 9 am, Modelers Room


Shown is a picture of some of the projects completed in the past. We have a variety of interests in the club as you can see, dystopic diorama and a space shuttle. So, we do more than military projects.

We meet throughout the summer and have our “How goes it” meeting as well at the times and places in the header above. Visitors are always welcome. Come have some donuts and coffee and tell us some stories or show us your projects. We love to show and tell at all our meetings.

Vistoso Photo

Pres. Wayne Widener 520-730-7037

Club information

Club photos at

The club is on summer break. We’ll see you in September. Besides being a social club, we offer educational and instructional programs, guest speakers, friendly photo challenges for all skill levels, and Catalina Vista exhibitions of members’ photos. Cell phone photos are welcome (and winning some of our contests)

Starting in the fall we will have photo challenges around the topics of Landscapes, Seascapes, Animals, Water and Vintage. We will have Open Challenges on any topic you wish to enter. See our website for a mem-

bership form.


Dale Foster 520-825-0707

Mon., 9 am-5 pm, Catalina Vista/Art Studio

The Sculpture Club meets in the Catalina Vista/Art Studio. If you are interested in becoming a member or learning more about our club, stop in Monday morning or contact Dale Foster. Our sculpture pieces are in the glass case and art room window inside Catalina Vista, a showcase outside of the library and inside the library.

Last month, our Tipster article featured a repurposed piece by Gayle Franklin. This month, the picture is a more complicated repurposed piece completed by Trace Getz. The original piece “Resolute” on the left and the remade piece “Samurai” on the right. Trace refers to the piece as reformed,repurposed and re-baked. Here are the adjustments that Trace made. He removed the right arm and completely replaced it. The left arm was repositioned. He placed a full-length robe on top of the pants and created an obi belt in a nod to traditional Japanese attire. Trace will be giving this piece to his granddaughter for a college graduation present.

Seniors for Kids

Co-Pres. Sue Watkins 206-819-2382

Co-Pres. Pat Norton 480-993-8762

Sewing/Crafting, Mon., 1-3 pm, and Wed., 9 am-noon, Artisan Center/Sewing Wooden toy making, various times, Artisan Center/Wood Shop

Business meetings, first Thu., 8-9 am, Catalina Vista; no meetings May-Sep. SFK is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization

This many in two days!

Three Points Community Health Center is located 25 miles south of Tucson. Originally founded as Robles Junction in 1882, the Three Points area population is has 1,304 families living in 44 square miles. About 52% of these families live below the poverty line. Three Points Community Health Center’s main focus is to provide primary healthcare services including office visits for all ages.

Seniors For Kids has built a relationship with Three Points by providing infant clothing, handmade dolls and toys, blankets, children’s backpacks, supplies and more. A recent monetary donation by SFK was used to provide scholarships (ages 6 through 14) to attend summer camp through Pima County Parks which included indoor and outdoor recreation, sports, arts and crafts, field trips, a leadership program for ages 12 through 14, and providing breakfast and lunch for the children.

Thank you to the entire SCOV community for donating socks during the July sock drive.

“Grey Heron on Branch”
by Susan Taylor



Membership: Kathy Foster 208-660-3936

Room and Pfaff training: Carol Myers 715-754-2824 and Mary Jo Miller 701-641-3141

Monitor training: Georgine Smith 574-329-0330

Pres. Sue Karstad 503-531-0622

If you are looking for a chance to use your sewing, embroidering, or quilting skills, in a comfortable and friendly environment, we have just the place for you. Although many of our members have left for cooler environments, we are continuing our ongoing efforts to provide much needed items for those in need. This is also a time when there are fewer people in the sewing room, and there is an opportunity to learn new skills and get experience on the many specialized pieces of equipment that we have (multi-needle embroidery machine, long-arm quilting machine, sergers and sewing machines). Come by and let us show you what we have to offer and join us in our interesting, challenging and rewarding efforts in the sewing room

Casa Amigas

Sigrid Flatness 425-213-6689

Sewing machine orientation Lesley Monroe 509-947-5669, Mary Jo Miller 701641-3141

Mon. and Thu., 9 am-Noon, Artisan Center/Sewing Room

Summer is a quiet time in SCOV, but the sewing room is still active. Recently one of our members made a trip to Sells, Arizona on the Tohono O’odham reservation to deliver blankets made from fleece squares, walker bags, bags of used clothing and shoes, children’s pajamas and sleep sacks.

Besides what was provided by Casa Amigas, there is a desperate need for blankets, bedspreads and comforters in Sells. If anyone has any of these items to donate, please bring them to the sewing room.

Cheer Bears

Pat Norton 480-993-8762 Wed., 1-3 pm, Artisan Center/Sewing

Cheer Bears is on the march. We meet every Wednesday from 1-3 pm and laugh a lot. We have been keeping are on track for the year’s expected output of 500-plus bears helping children and adults with their cuddling arms. If you are looking for a place to cool down this summer, find a place at our table. It is only hot getting there.

We are looking for donations of flannel and stuffing. If you have any in your closet not being used, we would sure like to meet you.

Machine Embroidery

Co-Leader Mary Jo Miller 701-641-3141, Co-Leader Sue Devaney 847-997-3989

Training Coordinator Karin Frohlich 520-612-7379 4D Computer Training Debra Dirks 520-825-2248 Third Tue., 1:30 pm, Desert Oasis/Ocotillo

The Machine Embroidery meetings are not held from May through September. They will resume on the third Tuesday in October. Enjoy the summer and happy embroidering.

Tapestry Hooking and Fiber Arts

Coni Arseneau 217-398-1416

Carrie Wiley 360-734-5952

Tue., 9-11 am, Artisan Center/Sewing

The Tapestry Hooking and Fiber Arts group meets Tuesday mornings in the Sewing Room. If you are interested in our group, stop by the Sewing Room Tuesday mornings between 9-11 am. The group provides materials and instruction for those interested in learning hooking.

We welcome all people interested in fiber arts to join our group. We are working towards including weaving as a fiber art and securing a couple looms for people to learn. Our group will provide instruction. We do not have the space to add weaving at this moment but are looking forward to including weaving when space is available in the Copper Center.

Pet Beds

Jan Bohe 520-825-9725

Tue., 1-3 pm, Artisan Center/Sewing

Have you been cleaning out your closets or cupboards? Do you have large sizes of fabric you no longer want? We can use more fabric to make the outer pillow case for dogs and cats at the Humane Society. We can always use scraps for the inside but we do need larger pieces for the outside. Not sure what I am talking about? Come on Tuesdays at 1 pm and see what we do.

Show ‘n Share

Leader Deb Wehrung 267-377-6760

Every Fri., 9 am-noon, Catalina Vista

If you have a craft that you started and need to finish, bring it to Show ‘n Share. You will be amazed how the opportunity to put aside up to three hours each week can get that project finished. Our group will inspire, encourage and help you to accomplish your goal. Come as a visitor, join as a new friend.

Silversmith and Lapidary

Pres. Ric Raynor 520-528-1060 Summer Shop hours: Mon.-Fri. 9 AM-12:30 PM

Mark Schmaedecke fast at work, willing to share ideas with other members

Summer is going by very quickly. The shop has been busy. We’re always trying new things we find when searching the internet. Mark Schmaedecke recently found a beautiful ring he wanted to create for himself and his wife. We use a double half round piece of silver that we often use to make bales. He filed the center out and filled it in with turquoise inlay. The process seemed simple at first, but many things needed to be worked out to do it more efficiently. Three heads are better than one, so Mark had the help of Elaine Woods and Ric Raynor to work out the best way to create the piece. It was a real team effort.


Carol Guibert 520-404-1462

Second and Fourth Tue., 1 pm, Desert Oasis/Ocotillo

Stained/Fused Glass

Pres. Jo Anne Bowman 520-441-9229

Studio Manager Byron Wolffing 520-284-7889

Open to members 8 am-9 pm

Lee Jacobson and his stained glass lamp shade

The glass club loves to show off our finished projects. Did you know that the club has two display windows in which you can see beautiful glass pieces members have made? One window is just for displaying our members’ pieces. The picture shows Lee Jacobson standing in front of that window. Lee painstakingly created that stunning stained glass lamp shade shown in the picture. There were many small pieces. Each required grinding, foiling and soldering. But the result was a masterpiece. Stop by and see this wonderful piece. The second window is our sales window. This window has pieces that our members have created and are willing to sell. If you are walking through the Artisan Center be sure and take a moment to stop by the glass club windows. You might just see something you would love to display in your home.


Pres. Claudia Case

VP Karen Curry 708-822-3057

Next meeting Thu., May. 9, 9 am, Location WC3

It is not unusual for us to receive requests from non-Woodworking Club members to repair furniture or help with other small woodworking projects. Any SCOV resident who would like such help should go to the woodshop in the Artisan Center and make their request known to the monitor on duty. There is no guarantee that someone will take it on, since most club members are involved in their own projects and are not willing to set those aside, however, there are some very skilled members who occasionally like to assist residents as a way to stay busy in the shop. The club member doesn’t charge for their work; however, we appreciate a donation to the club treasury of an amount deemed appropriate by the item’s owner. If materials need to be purchased to complete the work, the item’s owner will be expected to pay for them.

Wood Carving

Dick Minch, 262-547-5651, Lapidary/Artisan, Saturday 9 am-noon

The summer heat is on, so join us as we carve in the airconditioned Lapidary room. If woodcarving is new to you and you would like to explore it, stop by and one of us would be happy to assist you with any questions and allow you to try to make a few chips. Contact Dick and he will set you up with a carver mentor as you embark on this fascinating hobby.

Call Linda Simōn 520-789-7169

Continuing Education


Pres. Helen Salvay 520-990-8989

Third Thu., 7 pm, Sep.-May, Activity Center/Navajo

Brian Shoemaker’s telescope is focused on the eclipsing sun, and the projection allows for multiple people to safely observe the event simultaneously.

The Astronomy Club doesn’t meet in the summer, but we are inviting the community to join us for the next season. Monthly meetings feature noteworthy speakers, and we sponsor star parties and field trips. Our members are invited to programs hosted by The Highlands Astronomy Club, like the April 8 solar eclipse party, where we had a wonderful time.

To join, please send your payment of $12 per household to Sherwin Koopmans, Treasurer, 14180 N. Alyssum Way. Stars & Pizza, a special event for Astronomy Club members, will be held October 8, 6 pm in the Golf Course Parking Lot. The pizza dinner will precede a star-gazing session conducted by Will and Katelyn Clodfelder, who each have BS degrees from U of A in astronomy and started the business Stars on Wheels. Free reservations are required; email Steve Nash at

Bible Studies

Men’s Bible Study

Jerry Anderson 520-638-6586

Oct.-May, Tue., 7:15 am, Catalina Vista/Mt. Kimball

Women’s Bible Study

Pres. Elaine Farmer 253-318-0018

Sec. Faith Heitmann 208-750-5886

Oct.-May, Wed., 8:50 am, WC3

We will start again in the fall, with another wonderful study.


Great Books

Pres. Barbara Gates 302-354-6615

VP Maryfaith Fox 612-414-7789

Oct.-Apr., First and Third Wed., 2 pm, Catalina Vista/Mt. Lemmon

The Great Books Club will resume our twice-monthly discussions in October, with selections from the anthology “Great Conversations 4”.


Photo by Sheryl Hester

Not So Silent Book Club

Tammy Barnett 530-228-0214

Second Sun., 2:30-4 pm, Desert Oasis/Ocotillo

New members are always welcomed to check out our book club. Members take a turn sharing about a book they are reading, or have recently read. There will be a diverse genre of books that get discussed. Quite often, members bring books that they want to loan or just give away. So come join us this month. Meet some new folks, and enjoy hearing about new and interesting books to read. We meet the second Sunday of the month, Desert Oasis/Ocotillo room. Email either Tammy Barnett, or Karen Washabau,

Sun City Vistoso Genealogical Society

Pres. Mary Barr 520-904-1255

General meetings Oct.-May, Second Tue., 1-3 pm, Navajo/Hohokam

Special activities June-Sep.,

Lab in Welcome Center - access year round

Want to get started on your family tree this summer? Do you need help getting that next piece of information? Looking for a cool place to access numerous subscription websites? Have a big pile of documents or photos you want to scan? Then visit the Genealogy Lab in the Welcome Center. The Lab is available to members any time the Welcome Center is open. We have various times during the week when experienced researchers are in the Lab and ready to help you. If you aren’t already a member, pick up an application form at the Lab and join the club for just $20 a year (good through December 2025).

Go to our website at to sign up for our email news, look through the collection of handouts from recent speakers, or contact us with questions or requests for help.

ILR - Institute of Learning in Retirement

Pres. Mary Lee Fitzgerald

Registrar Barb Wetzstein

Registration for the October/November begins Thursday, August 1, 8 am and continues until August 31. In this month’s Tipster insert, the 12 courses and 5 Learning on the Move tours are described. Videos of instructors describing what their course will cover are available at fall-2024-presenters.

Registrations will only be accepted online. If you have questions, email the Registrar, Barb Wetzstein kebara@ or use the Help portal on the ILR website. For inperson online registration assistance, ILR board members will be available to register you online with your credit card on Thursday, August 1 Friday, August 2, 8 am-Noon, Hopi.

Natural Health and Wellness

Pres. Sherokee Ilse 520-818-3279 cell: 952-201-8667

Third Wed., 3-4:30 pm, Catalina Vista

Poets Corner

Sharyn Rafieyan 520-825-6762

Mon., 10 am-noon, call for location or invitation to Zoom Poets Corner member Jan Fuller uses a surprising metaphor to demonstrate how humans are similar to other living species in this brief, yet beautifully descriptive poem. It’s a theme that bears repeating though we never do seem to learn.

Those Finches They keep flying into their living room window, thinking the bird reflected is a fellow finch, not realizing it’s them. The pain they feel is the result of doing over and over again the thing that hurts, learning nothing from their pain.

Newcomers are always welcome to join our weekly Zoom meetings call to request an invitation.

SCOV Technology Club

Pres. Leo Belardinelli 520-989-9314

Technology Club help desk 520-989-9314

Apple help 520-329-7661

Second Mon., 1 pm, Activity Center/Kiva

Writer’s Club

Paul Mercer 847-977-7326

Jon Russell 262-212-6540

Meetings resume October 4

We are on hiatus until October 4

Cultural & Social

SCOV Charity Works

Pres. Cathy Winje 847-636-1453

VP Jan Fischer 520-825-2401

Treas. Janet Nelson 914-907-4076

Sec./Publicity Thelma LaFleur 847-641-0890

Donations Kathy Hrdy 520-262-5477

Sep.-Apr., Second Tue., 9 am, WC3

See Democratic Club

Co-Chairs Linda Bretz and Mary Beth Livingston

Treas. Pamela Jorgensen,

Second Sat., 1 pm, Activity Center/Native American Rooms

We welcome a representative from Save Our Schools to discuss schools and funding issues at our meeting Saturday, August 10, 1 pm at AC/Native American Room Weather permitting, there may be a canvass that day on behalf of Legislative District 17 candidates Kevin Volk and John McLean. We also will have updates on upcoming projects of our various political action committees. As always, check our website for updates.

Conscious Aging

Pres. Phyllis Burks 520-245-2785

VP Marcia Biel-Hamilton 913-515-7940

Wed., 9 am-10:30 am, Activity Center/Navajo

Club Officers (left to right): Laurie, Marcia, Jill, Phyllis & Renee

Conscious aging is about the inner work of reorienting ourselves as we turn from our roles we assumed while managing careers and tending families, to turning inward and cultivating a deeper awareness of who we are now. Our goal is to discover how to face the known and unknown challenges of aging. With the help of our community, we are pondering the questions: Who am I? What are my values? What do I believe? What matters most to me? This inner work is supported by mindful movement such as qigong, guided meditation, and book study, which draws from psychology, sociology, metaphysics, philosophy, and meditation. Conscious aging is about accepting who we are now. Our meetings consist of a short period of easy mindful movement, followed by guided meditation, and discussion. Please contact Phyllis for information, or email the club.

Dog Club - Fido’s Friends

Pres. Kris Sigford, 612-747-0487

Membership Jen Bleth, Club email

Garden Club

Pres. Marge Gustafson 760-989-1745

Co-VP Nancy Brown 520-979-2569

Meetings second Tue., 1 pm, Auditorium, Oct.-Apr.

Sun City Gleaners

Sally Schuneman

Waiting, waiting...the Sun City Gleaners are waiting to pick a bountiful crop of what? Do you have something ripening in your yard we can pick? Figs or prickly pear fruit maybe? Even if you are a seasonal resident, the Gleaners would love to harvest and distribute your figs or other edibles. We will share what we pick with your neighbors. Send Joan a text or email to set up the harvest of your bounty.

David Smoler 520-818-7880


Havurah in Hebrew means friendship. We are a club that is inspired by Jewish traditions and culture. To that end, we hold holiday parties and dinners, brunches and a yearly member-only gala. You don’t have to be Jewish to join, and we promise a fun time for all. Our new board is hard at work planning exciting program for the fall, winter and spring. Keep an eye on our website and the Tipster for details. Wherever you are, have a glorious summer. Check our website for our annual summer movie night on Saturday, August 3.

Investment Discussion Group

Pres. Bruce Goslovich

Mindfulness Meditation Club

Pres. Terry Miller 914-255-1726,

Sec. Linda Bold

Tue., 3 pm, Catalina Vista/Art Studio or Patio: Wed., 3 pm Book Study, same place

During the summer months the meditation format will be shortened to a 25-minute sitting and be peer-led without a formal bell or discussion, unless those present choose to do so. The group will meet outdoors when possible and indoors in the air-conditioned CV, Art Studio as needed. Come for the wonderful experience of silent meditation with others. Calm your mind, reduce stress and increase mindfulness. The Club’s usual format will begin in late October. The summer contact email is

Sun City Performers Club

Val Salwen 914-255-1726,

Kris Sigford 612-747-0487

Workshop sessions, weekly, Sun., 3-5 pm, Catalina Vista Performers' showcase as scheduled

Prepare & Share - Dining

Pres. Debbie Kotlarek

Fun times and good food at July 3rd cookout

Members of the Club enjoy getting to know some of their SCOV neighbors and friends who enjoy cooking and eating interesting food. Themed dinners take place December through March in member homes. Everyone brings part of the meal, so there is not a huge effort for the host.

Our July cookout was a huge success. More summer activities are planned. Email Debbie Kotlarek above.

Rainbow Club

Loree Lindblom 763-228-3311 (text)

Usually meet third Sun. 3-4:30 pm, contact Loree for details

This is a social club that celebrates the lives of LGBTQ people and their allies in SCOV. If you, a relative or friend identifies with this group, you are welcome here. Please text Loree your email address to be added to our newsletter list. Dues are $10 pp. Our regular meeting/activity will typically be the third Sunday of every month. Information will be sent via newsletter, This Week in SCOV and the Tipster. We also meet for coffee at 10 am on the second Wednesday during even months and 4 pm happy hour at The Views Restaurant during odd months. Look for the rainbow flag at each event.

Republican Club

Marilyn Rego 520-401-1263

Second Mon., 3 pm, Catalina Vista

Our August meeting is Monday, August 12, 3 pm, Catalina Vista . Our guest speaker is Nancy Barto, former Arizona Senator and Arizona Representative. All are welcome.

Scandinavian Heritage Club

Sigrid Flatness 425-213-6689

Singles Clubs

Active Solos Club

Leslie Fisher 520-955-4258

If you are without a partner and find yourself here for the summer, you may wish to become part of the Active Solos Club. We are an informal club, created to give unpartnered singles a chance to meet others and socialize together. See an event you’d like to attend but have no one to go with? Let us invite fellow club members, and you may find you have some company. Happy hour gatherings are popular, both here at The Views Restaurant and at venues outside Sun City. No dues, no pressure. Contact Leslie for information.

Sun City Singles

Pres, Marlene Bosworth 360-674-6718

Ticket sales Karen Knutson 520-825-4776

Dinner meeting second Thu., 5:30 pm; happy hour last Fri., 5:30 pm

We welcome guests. First time visitors may purchase a ticket to one of our activities. On Thursday, August 8, dinner will be provided in the AC/Native American Rooms. Social hour will be 5:30 pm, followed by 6 pm dinner. Bring your own favorite beverage. Dinner will be provided by Catalina International Caterers. The menu will be announced at happy hour. Entertainment will be Irene Pierce and Mike the SaddleBrooke Vocalist Couple.

Our monthly luncheon will be Wednesday, August 21. Sign up at the dinner or call Janet Szumlas: 520-425-0212. On Friday, August 30, we will celebrate happy hour in the AC/ Native American Rooms. Bring your own favorite beverage. Social hour will be 5:30 pm, followed by a 6 pm light dinner. Entertainment will be Scheryl Ann McKinley, Vocalist, and Susan Artemis, Vocalist and Pianist. Ticket sales will be Friday, August 2, 10- 11 am, Desert Oasis. Dinner tickets are $25 pp and happy hour tickets are $15 pp. Checks only please payable to Sun City Singles. For further information contact Eleanor Mishur at 520-818-3374.

Spanish Cultural Club (SCC)

Gary/Carolyn Lerch 520-241-1215 Oct., Nov., Jan.-Mar., Apr. (Cinco de Mayo Fiesta) Meetings resume Monday, October 28, 7 pm, Catalina Vista

Our club will meet again Monday, October 28, 7 pm, Catalina Vista.

State Clubs

Illinois Club

Judy Rigby 5204845223

Mark your calendar now for the Illinois Party to be held in the auditorium of the Activity Center on Saturday, February 1, 2025 in the early evening. A committee of dedicated volunteers is busy working on the theme “Illinois Music”. At this time, we are accepting door prize donations of woodwork, ceramics, handmade jewelry, wine, gift cards, etc. Contact Judy Rigby with questions and donations.

Linda Simon

Women’s Action Group of Oro Valley


Coordinator Maureen Salz, 520-240-0049 (text preferred),

Because no one should ever die of thirst, the SCOV Women’s Action Group is collecting bottled water for No More Deaths and Humane Borders. These two humanitarian aid organizations work to end death and suffering on the US-Mexico border. Save a life, leave donations at 1816 E. Crown Ridge Way.

Staying in Charge as We Age

Pres. Joan Partridge 505-920-7005 (text preferred)

Fourth Sun., 2 pm, Activity Center/Hopi For tours and resources:

What does Joan’s sister need to know?

On Sunday, August 25, 2 pm, we explore alternatives to expensive, wasteful burial and funeral practices. Too many of us put off this touchy subject. It’s important to plan ahead and not leave difficult decisions to others after you are gone. There are many options, including non-commercial ones many people don’t realize are available. We will discuss pros and cons of conventional burials, green burials, cremation and home-based funerals. Making decisions about our end-of-life care and funerals can seem daunting. Planning ahead ensures your wishes are carried out. Also, all too often, we don’t have our health care wishes for end-of-life care documented or the forms can’t be found when needed. We all need to discuss, document and register our end-of-life and critical care preferences. Also, our senior residence tours have been so popular we are considering continuing them through winter. Email Joan to help organize them.

Sun City Variety Theatre

Pres. Nancy Gilbertson

Membership contact: Karen Alexander 909-379-8167 Oct.-Apr., Third Thu., 10:30 am, Desert Oasis/Saguaro

We are collaborating with the Friends of the Library on a project we will present in November, so stay tuned. Our next member meeting: October 17, 10:30 am, Desert Oasis. We are always looking for new members. Summer hours for the Cos-

tume Closet continue one day per month. This month we open Wednesday, August 14, 9-10 am. Contact Kate Cusumano 520-437-2074.

Veterans Club of SCOV

Pres. Mike LaBarbera 812-431-7427

First Mon., 1 pm, Oct.-May, Catalina Vista, Happy hour meet and greet, first Wed., 3:30 pm, The Views Restaurant

Mark Dietz, Walt Nalewicki, Roger Paluska and John Madrid place US Flags in SCOV for July 4th.

If you are a Veteran, please join us at a meeting for camaraderie and information. Next meeting will be in October. Contact Mike LaBarbera at with your name, email, phone number, and branch of service to get on the Veteran Club email list. Guest speakers cover a range of topics to inform club members of Veteran organizations, VA compensation and more. Join us on Wednesday, August 7, 3:30-4:30 pmat the Views for a “Meet & Greet” happy hour. Our current membership is over 370 Veterans. If you have an unserviceable US Flag, leave it wrapped inconspicuously in a newspaper or brown bag at 2145 E Bighorn Mountain Dr.


Ballroom - SC Starlight

Sara Harney 717-977-1963

The Starlight Ballroom Dance Club has reserved the AFC dance studio Wednesdays, 5-6 pm. Residents are free to use the studio during that time. Music and videos will be available Wednesday, August 7 and 14 only, otherwise bring your own music to practice. Lessons and dances resume in September.

Folk Dance

Pres. Siva Raven 505-469-7505 Fri., 10-11:30 am, AFC/Studios 1 & 2

Dancing in community lifts our hearts and spirits. It is also excellent for brain and cardiovascular health. Our club requires no membership fees, no partners, no meetings and no patterns to memorize. All dances are taught prior to dancing for low-stress fun. New dancers are always welcome and encouraged. Come and join us as we dance our way around the world.

Line - Sunliners

Pres. Judy Widener (760) 687-6377

Membership Kim West;

Please confirm the current schedule on the calendar at

August dance sessions are planned as follows: Wednesday practices (Aquatic & Fitness Center Studios 1 & 2): 11:30 am-12:30 pm Transition to Intermediate 1-2 pm Transition to Beginner

Thursday classes (Activity Center Auditorium) except August 22 & 29: 1:50-2:50 pm Intermediate 2:55-3:55 pm Beginner

Saturday practices (Activity Center Auditorium) except August 24 & 31*: 9-10 am Intermediate

10:15-11:15 am Beginner 11:30 am-12:30 pm New Beginner

Sunday practices (Aquatic & Fitness Center Studios 1 & 2):

2:30-4 pm Advanced pm

* Due to priority given to association events in the Auditorium on Thursday, August 22 & 29.

Enjoy line dancing and a snack while visiting with other club members at our social event Saturday, August 10, 5:308:30 pm, Auditorium. Members and their guests are welcome. Sign up sheets will be available at classes and practices to request dances.

Next Board Meeting: Wednesday, August 7, 3 pm, via Zoom. All members are welcome.

Rock ‘N Roll

Pres. Cindy Roszak

Membership Kim West

Western - Kactus Kickers

Co-Pres. Sherokee Ilse 952-201-8667

Co-Pres. Madeleine Percival 719-650-3778

Sec. Patty Holman 406-396-1158

Dance classes Diane Eminger 708-494-4948

Membership Marci Gutierrez 520-204-7039

Club email/Information

Kactus Kickers are back in the saddle again. Actually, it’s the dance floor we’ll be on with country western moves and music by the band Clear Country on Friday, August 9, 6-8 pm in the auditorium. All are welcome, dancers, non-dancers, members and non members.

Pay $10 at the door BYOB and snacks Open seating. Bring your friends.

Coming this fall, a short series of basic introductory classes to country western dancing, mainly two-stepping and country waltz. This will get you started so that you will be confident in getting immediately onto the dance floor amongst fellow Kickers. A refresher class for those who attended lessons last year and need some review will also be offered. These classes will be in October/November. Registration dates are yet to be determined but, if interested, you may contact now to express your desire regarding lessons.

Cactus wren on a Cholla catus Photo By Steve Holms


Aqua Tone

Irmel Wheeler, 520-334-0957,

Tue., Thu., Sat., 8 am, AFC/Pool

Aqua Tone is a toning water workout that incorporates a variety of rhythmic body movements. This aquatic exercise class enhances cardiovascular fitness and muscular endurance.

There is no fee to join this club or the class. The teachers are club member volunteers. Participants should be able to do a basic swim stroke. Items used in the class are buoys, boards, noodles and a fitness band. Most of these items are available at the pool. We assign an experience member to a newcomer to help learn the various movements. We enjoy a great workout in a fun class.

Arthritis Water

Pres. Norma Waters

Vice Pres. Andrea Houston

Summer Hours - Mon., Wed., Fri., 10:05 am AFC/Pool

Our summer meeting time is 10:05 am. Come join us Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. We meet when the air temperature is 77 degrees or warmer, as recommended by the Arthritis Foundation.

Our club performs gentle water exercises which target all muscles and are used by several health organizations to increase strength and balance, and to increase mobility and flexibility. Water exercise is especially helpful to manage arthritis, fibromyalgia, replaced joints, etc. Some new members have expressed surprise at how quickly the first couple of sessions increased their ability to move. Others comment on improved stamina.

New members are always welcome. Our members are fun, accepting and welcoming. We frequently hear “I came for the exercises and love all the friends I have made”.

The yearly dues are $5, and your first class is free. There is not a fee per class.

Energetic Exercise

Pres. Anne Palmer 520-289-9140 Mon., Wed., Fri., 8-9 am, Activity Center/Auditorium

Lee and Judy Jacobson enjoy attending EE together, inspiring us all to keep moving and enjoy the journey!

The goal of Energetic Exercise is to develop and maintain strength, balance and heart health. Members receive a monthly calendar that tells the focus on the day, such as aerobics, cardio tone or interval training. Equipment such as hand weights, resistance bands or balls adds variety and are always optional. Everybody moves at their own pace and adjusts to individual needs. Dress is casual with sport shoes required. Membership in Energetic Exercise club costs only $3/ year. Members purchase a 12-class punch card for $30. Newcomers can try a class for $3.

This month’s photo features Lee and Judy Jacobson have been married 57 years. They have been members for 15 yrs. (Judy), and 9 yrs.(Lee). Judy enjoys the social/scheduled aspect of the class setting. Lee appreciates the motivation he receives “I need Sally to kick me in the rear to keep moving.”

Fitness Swim

Contact: Dave Goodman 520-812-1056

Swim workout: Tue., Thu., Sat., 7-7:55 am


Mary Ayers 520-638-7916 Mon., 3 pm, Thu., 1:30 pm, AFC/Studio

Are you a Golfer? Twisting on drives, squatting and leaning over to pick up balls? Golf movements are required and repeated. The results can be overused weak muscles and imbalances affecting legs, hips, arms, shoulders, and back. Over 60? Your game is probably affected with shorter, less accurate drives. Stamina decreases and muscle strains, pulls and tears occur. For years, elite golfers (Tiger Woods and others) have turned to Pilates, an essential training tool to stay balanced and improve performance. Like golf shots, Pilates is based on movement from the body’s center or core (trunk, shoulders, abdomen, pelvis). As you strengthen your core, hip rotation improves your range of motion and back stability. Other results? Powerful, more accurate golf shots and a symmetrically muscled, flexible, strong body. Pilates is a full body exercise with very little joint strain. Call Mary, above, or just come by to watch a class.

Sunrisers Exercise

Joyce Wisbey 520-825-5425

Shirley Dubansky 520-975-4100 Mon., Wed., Fri., 7-8 am, AFC/Studios 1 & 2

Tai Chi

Gail Barr 303-995-7485

Thu., 10-11:30 am, AFC/Studio 1

Tai chi is a gentle, low-impact exercise with many health benefits available to people of all ages and fitness levels. Classes are taught in 10-week sessions and are offered three times a year in the fall, winter, and spring. The next course is tentatively scheduled to begin October 7. Practice sessions are available year-round for club members. Plan to join us in the fall to learn this meditation in motion. Beginners and newcomers are welcome. Email SCOVTaiChi@gmail. com for further information or with questions.


Pres. Dianne Parrott 520-818-6471

No yoga classes in August.

Torrey’s Tuesday and Thursday classes resume September 3 and 5; see September Tipster for more information. Saturday, October 12, 10 am, AC/Kiva: FREE Chair Yoga class open to the SCOV community. Mark your calendar! More info next month.

SCOV Name Tags

Name tags with our logo are $12.50 each. The order form is available at Log in first then >Member Services > This & That >Name Tag Order Form



Duplicate Bridge

Pres. Dave Hablewitz 520-989-0486

Mon., 6 pm; Fri., 12:30 pm, Activity Center/Hohokam and Hopi Rooms

Please arrive 15 minutes early. We can help you get a partner if needed.

Ladies Monday Social Bridge

Dee Erlandson 520-638-5725 Mon., 12:30-3 pm, Catalina Vista/Mt. Lemmon

Marathon Bridge

David Kuker, 405-204-8921

Find a partner and join our club. We will play once a month (your choice of date) through April 2025, in your residence or your opponents’ home. There is a one time entry/prize fee of $15 pp. Contact David Kuker for further information.

Mixed Social Bridge

Pres. Don Wheeler 520-334-7578

Mon., Wed., Fri., 8:30 am, Desert Oasis/Ocotillo

The Mixed Social Bridge Club plays contract bridge in an informal, relaxed environment. Do you love to play bridge, but haven’t found a group? Join us; new players are always welcome. Everyone who comes will sit at a table and play. If needed, we will make adjustments for uneven numbers. We arrive a few minutes early to find a partner and socialize. We have coffee and members often bring goodies. It’s a fun atmosphere with friendly people. You don’t have to commit to play all three mornings (but you’ll probably want to). For more information, contact Don Wheeler.

Partners Tuesday Night Bridge

Pres. Larry Parks, VP Janelle Parks

Sec. Louise Fraser 520-825-9592

Tue., 5:45 pm, Activity Center/Navajo Rooms

Practice Bridge

Pres. Clara (Carol) Murray 360-448-1612

VP Pat Orchard 520-825-0352

Mon. and Wed., 1-3 pm, Desert Oasis/Ocotillo


Fern Strandskov 520-825-8127

Fourth Tue., 1-4 pm, Desert Oasis/Saguaro


Pres. John Bechard

Tres. (membership info) Kurt Schulz

Mon., 4:30 pm, Catalina Vista/Mt. Lemmon

Our club will continue to meet Monday afternoons throughout the summer. Visitors and newcomers are always welcome to walk in and enjoy a casual game of chess with us. We will always try to match you with someone of similar experience level. Contact any club officer for information.


Pres. Salvador Hernandez 281-883-2986

First and Third Thu., 6 pm, Catalina Vista/Pusch Ridge


Chris Auclair 585-309-9065

Mon., 5:30 pm, Desert Oasis

Five Crowns

Pat Hansen or Fern Strandskov

Sat., 4:30 and 5:30 pm, Desert Oasis/Ocotillo

Five Crowns is a fun and easy game to play (see website for short video). Players are randomly assigned to tables and each game normally takes one hour. You can come for 1, 2 or 3 games. For each game you play, you need to bring 12 dimes and 1 quarter. We’ve had lots of people playing, even during the slow summer months. New players are always welcome. Club dues are $7/year.

Gin Rummy

Bob Segebrecht or Sue Lilja 802-236-0150

Sat., 9 am, Desert Oasis/Ocotillo

Mah Jongg

Casual Mah Jongg

Judee Wickersham, 520-989-3254

1st, 2nd, 3rd and 5th Tue., 1-4 pm, Desert Oasis

Come and play on Tuesdays for a casual, fun game. Thursday Mah Jongg

Cathy Morrow 360-739-0376

Thu., 1-4 pm, Desert Oasis

Thursday mah jongg is going ahead full blast. We’ve been playing all summer with two to three full tables each week. Our summer special happy hour is free unlimited ice water 1-4 pm. Cool off for a few hours with a hot game of Maj. New players are always welcome.

Women’s Pan (Panguingue)

Claudia Case 206-579-6500

Mon., Fri., 12:30-4 pm, Wed., 9 am-12:30 pm, Desert Oasis/Saguaro

Pan (Panguingue) is an exciting game and different from any other card game you have ever played. If you like pokertype games, you’ll love Pan. There is a winner in every hand. Please come and observe. We can teach you to play.


Dave Flatness 425-443-3708 Wed., 5:30-8:30 pm, Desert Oasis/Ocotillo

We play single deck and rotate partners every four hands. Bring $1 for your tally. If your skills are a little rusty, we can get you up to speed quickly. Annual dues are $5 pp.


Dealer’s Choice Poker

Steve Dirks 520-429-3303 Tue., 6 pm, Desert Oasis/Saguaro

Friday Night Poker

David Dellinger 480-620-5519

Fri., 5:45-8:45 pm, Desert Oasis/Saguaro

Super High Rollers Poker

Steven Dirks 520-429-3303

Mon., 6-9:30 pm, Desert Oasis


Jan Fischer 520-825-2401 Fri., 1-3 pm, Desert Oasis

Sheepshead - Schafkopf

Jeff Rusch 920-202-0007 Tue., 10 am-noon, Desert Oasis

Schafkopf, better know as Sheepshead, is a card game most commonly played in Wisconsin and surrounding Midwestern states. Contact Jeff to join us.


Barbershop VLQ (Very Large Quartet) Kactus Krooners

Mike Moyer 520-308-8881 Mon., 10 am-Noon, Desert Oasis/Saguaro

Love those Barbershop harmonies? Got a song in your heart? Want to hear and feel and learn what it’s like to blend your voice with others, barbershop style? Come join this fun mixed (men and women) a cappella chorus in song for just 2 hours every Monday morning. Great way to start each week. Music provided. Visitors welcome. There is strength in numbers, the more the merrier. Come join in song. Please note: After a brief summer break, we will be resume creating harmonies on Monday, August 12.

Early Music Recorder Ensemble

Joyce Minks 520-269-9321

Mon., 3:30 pm, Desert Oasis/Ocotillo

Have a Recorder: the musical instrument? Want to learn or improve your skills? Would you like to play in a fun group? Soprano, alto, tenor, bass recorders welcome. Enjoy the harmonies of an ensemble. Music is provided and instruments are available. Just one hour every Monday. Learners and visitors welcome. Let’s make beautiful music together.

Sun City Singers

Director Don Hess

Pres. Bob Westendorf Tue., 6:30 pm, Activity Center/Kiva

Sun City Singers is currently on summer break, but we are very much looking forward to resuming rehearsals Tuesday, September 10. We will be rehearsing for our holiday concerts, which will be presented December 3 and 6, Activity Center Auditorium. Do you love to sing? Please join us Tuesday evenings, 6:30 pm, AC/Kiva Room. We are your community chorus and we have a wonderful time singing together. New members are always welcome, no audition is required, and music is provided. Contact our Director, Don Hess.

Different Drummers Women’s Circle

Zona Boss 520-638-6644

On hiatus

Ukulele - Sun City Strummers

Pres. John Sand 520-308-5883

Musical Director Don Bong Tue., 10-11:30 am, Desert Oasis/Saguaro

A small group of our members recently had the pleasure of entertaining the residents of Catalina Springs with an allHawaiian program, including Hula dancing. We love sharing our music with others,and they have invited us back.

Those of us who are staying for the summer are still strumming and singing at the cool Desert Oasis every Tuesday, 10-11:30 am. Beginner sessions will resume in the fall.

Don Hess welcomes the audience at the July 4th concert
Entertaining at Catalina Springs
Male Hummingbird in mid air Photo By Edsel Caine


Bike - Vistoso Cyclists

Pres. Chris Holman 406-544-6194

VP Al Marshall 719-650-5764

Treas. Lynn Lancour 920-366-0982 llancour1@gmailcom

Laurie Payne 360-979-7124

Social Chairs: Dan Regin 303-594-2530

Vicki Wilson 720-557-1123


Pres. Ken Schriner 479-966-7440

Mon.-Fri., Noon-4 pm, Catalina Vista/Billiards

Our weekly club activities are round robins: Mondays, 8-ball, 2-4 pm Tuesdays, one-fifteen 8-ball, 1:15-4 pm Wednesdays, women only, 10 am-Noon Thursdays, 8-ball, 10 am-Noon.

Contact Mona Connoy, if you want to join the women-only play. All other weekly club activities are open to all members. The club reserves the billiard room for all members for the weekly club activities above and Monday-Friday, Noon-4 pm.


Peggy Smith 520-344-0991

Courtesy of Steve Holmes

In most locales, the best birding for land birds is in the spring. However, in Arizona August is best for hummingbirds. Here in SCOV we can find four to six hummingbird species at various times, but Arizona can have as many as 14 species. Only in the Americas, birders come from all over the world to see Arizona hummingbirds. If you can take the heat, the best places are Miller and Ash Canyons in Sierra Vista, although a couple of other areas are pretty good too.

We are a 120 member, activityoriented group and all SCOV residents are invited to join us on our field trips to learn about the birds here in Arizona. We have entered our summer hiatus and will not have scheduled trips again until the fall. But, if you are interested in knowing more, contact Peggy (above) and request to be added to our mailing list.

Not receiving the weekly email newsletter,

“This Week in SCOV”?

Go to > About Us > Join Email List, and complete the form. Then you’ll be in the know about all the happenings in SCOV.


Co-Pres. Jon Russell,; Mike Miesen,

VP Ginny Howes,

Mon., Wed., Fri., 2-4 pm, Bocce Courts

Bocce is a fun, easy-to-learn activity that people of all ages and abilities can enjoy. No experience is required, and anyone who can pick up and roll a ball can play. Newcomers are always welcome and may play once without joining the club. We are playing in the cool of the evening now, and it is one of the few activities that can be enjoyed outdoors this time of year. For more information or to learn the rules of the game, check the website To reserve a court during non-club times, check the Court Reservation system on SCOV’s website book-court-lap-lane.

Gun Club

Pres. Joe Noll 229-894-0412

Next meeting will be in October


Pres. Jacob O’Neill

Scheduled hikes are posted on the website

SCOV hikers enjoy a morning hike at the foot of the beautiful Catalina mountains.

A hot and dry August is typical for this time of year, with some monsoons thrown in to cool things down and provide moisture for our parched desert. If you are looking for something to do in the mornings, check out our scheduled August hikes. They won’t be too long or too hard and a walk will feel wonderful. You’ll get some fresh air, meet like-minded individuals and see some beautiful country. Most hikes start very early to minimize heat and sun exposure, and you’ll still be home in time for a morning swim in the SCOV pool and then lunch with friends. Our guide leaders have picked out some great trails for August. No expensive equipment is needed, just a good pair of hiking shoes or boots, a small backpack for snacks and sunscreen, a hat and, of course, lots of water. You do need to be a member of the hiking club to participate in the hikes. If you’re new to the community and haven’t joined the club, go to and sign up for the required New Member Orientation Hike. This will introduce you to one of our hike leaders who will acquaint you with the club and lead a short hike to familiarize you with the activity. If you see a hike on the schedule you’re interested in, simply notify the listed hike leader and you will receive a communication back confirming your place on the hike list. See you on the trail.

Violet-crowned hummingbird, a specialty of patagonia, Arizona.


Pres. Michael Voellinger

First VP/Orientation and Training A.J. Leane

Registration is on the website:

James “Jim” Steinmetz, 1963-2024.

This month we’re taking a pause in news and updates to honor our dear friend, Jim Steinmetz, who passed away tragically in a motorcycle accident on June 18 while enjoying a 10day road trip to a few National Parks in the South Dakota area. Jim gave considerable time and energy to the Pickleball Club, serving on the Board and working tirelessly on the very successful training clinics. He was a man of the highest character and treated his PB partners and opponents with kindness and consideration and, always, humor. He is missed more than words can say.

POP Tennis

Pres. Sharon Kennedy 206-786-4211

VP Kevin Harney 717-404-4936

Tres. Jim Steinmetz 440-552-6173

Tue., Thu., Sat., 8:30-10:30 am; Advanced Play Fri.,8:30-10:30 am

Ladies Group Wed., 2-4 pm, Desert Oasis


Pres. Kim West 520-343-0662

VP James Hansen 520-490-0547

Sec./Treas. Gary Henson 262-573-6605

Mon., Wed., Fri., 7:30-9:30 am, AFC/Racquetball Court

Anyone who’s ever played the game or would like to give it a try, come join us. We have players at all levels. Spare rackets are in the storage room and we supply the balls; just be sure to bring safety goggles. Court time: Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 7:30-9 am.

Want to just practice and see if it’s for you? Contact our Treasurer, Gary Henson or come to the court at 9 am. One of us will be happy to stick around and help you out.

We have an annual business meeting/potluck and a Spring BBQ. Dues are $5 annually. If interested in joining the fun, contact Gary Henson.


Pres. Mark Lankes

For a schedule of club play and membership, go to

Table Tennis

Co-Pres. Pat Norkooli

Co-Pres./Treas. Ursula Jarvis

Tue., women 1:30 pm; all play 3-5 pm

Thu., all play 4:30-8 pm

Sat., Two sessions, all play 9-10:30 am, 10:30-Noon Sun., all play 1-3 pm. All play is at Catalina Vista


Co-Pres. Don Kahl, 605-310-3270

Co-Pres. Gene Ostrowski 571-246-2171

VP Chris Baird 520-344-9170

Treas. Deb Ostrowski 571-246-2117

Competitive play Tues. and Fri., 12:45-3 pm Wallyball/Racquetball Court

Wallyball is volleyball played on a racquetball court. With three to five players on each side, it is fast, fun and a great workout that tones muscles and improves coordination. Players use the walls to create angles on shots but cannot use the ceiling or back wall of the opposing team. We welcome new members, both men and women. Come see if the game is for you.

Water Volleyball

Pres. Dick (Paco) Munson 520-225-9080

VP Barb Satterly 520-825-8965

VP Pete Coy 360-739-4100

Treas. Tim Murphy 845-519-8881

Recreational play Sun. and Thu., 10 am-Noon, Desert Oasis pool

Competitive play Mon. and Wed., 10 an-Noon, Desert Oasis pool

Our club is looking for new members to join us in the Desert Oasis Pool. We always lose a portion of our players in the summer. If you are interested in having fun and getting good exercise join us on a non-competitive day. If you are new to our community this is a great way to meet new friends.

Fun competitive play.
Phainopepla Photo taken By Ted Wolf


Day Trippers

Chair Frank Krivitz 520-820-6138

Membership Nancy and Lou Phillippi 520-638-6957

Second Fri., 9 am, Activity Center/Native American Rooms

August 2024: No meetings or trips are planned.

Sun., Sep. 22: Fall BBQ at the Auditorium. Members and guests enjoy BBQ pork, beef brisket and all the fixings, catered by The Views Restraint. Entertainment by David Rychener. Cash Raffle. Doors open 11:30 am. Cost $26 pp. Cutoff date is Monday Sept. 9. Monitor Lynn Krivitz 520647-4691.

Sat., Oct. 19: Carpool to Tucson Classic Car Show. Cost $70 pp includes $5 for driver, all show fees and lunch. Contact Frank Krivitz 520820-6138.

Thu., Oct. 24: Trip to Mt. Lemmon Sky Center Observatory and Summerhaven. Details to come. Monitor: Laura Suchocki 520-612-7226.

Tue., Nov. 12: Musical Instrument Museum. We self-tour the displays representing every country. Cost of $94 pp includes bus, entrance fees, lunch and gratuities. Bus leaves behind the Welcome Center at 7:30 am, returning at 5:30 pm. Monitor: Diane Lester 520-252-2385.

Sun., Dec. 8: Holiday Buffet Luncheon. Details TBA

RV Club - Sundowners

Pres. Eric Wiley 360-510-1641

VP Warren Ellis 302-502-6720


Meets second Mon., 9am, Catalina Vista

The Club’s next meeting is scheduled for Monday, October 14, 9 am, Catalina Vista. If you are a newcomer to SCOV and have an RV, join us as a guest or join the club on our website. October and November trips are to Canyon de Chelly National Monument, Wilcox, Arizona, the Chiricahua Monument and Apache Junction, Arizona. These trips are available for sign up on the website. Don’t wait until the fall meetings to register, as planning for these trips is now in progress.

Save Your Aluminum Cans for the Loan Room

Clean aluminum cans may be brought to the collection bin behind the Activity Center. Revenue from recycling the cans helps the Community Assistance Committee (CAC) to purchase items for the Loan Room.

Partnered Organizations

The items contained under this heading are provided as a service to residents by other organizations. SCOV does not sponsor, support, assume responsibility or liability for the information.


Kevin D. 708-732-2943, Tue., 7 pm, Desert Oasis

This group has resumed regular meetings.

Pathfinders Bowling

Dianne Wisda, 520-526-4786

Pathfinders bowling season starts Monday, October 14-April 21, 2025, with teams of men and women, ages 4090+. Practice begins at 9:15 am; bowling starts at 9:30 am, Mondays. Location: Fiesta Lanes, 501 W. River Rd. Teams are forming now. Call Dianne Wisda, 520-526-4786, to join as a regular bowler or sub.

Parkinson’s Support

Payton Davies 520-401-7275

Third Wed., 10:30 am-Noon, Resurrection Lutheran Church, Katie’s Korner 11575 N. 1st Ave., Oro Valley

Survivors of a Loved One Who Died by Suicide

Ester Leutenberg 520-444-8529

Individual encounters offered

Vistoso Helpful Hands

For assistance call 520-447-0077

Chair Barb McNeill

In addition to our 79 volunteers providing temporary services, Vistoso Helpful Hands also has a paid services resource file for longer term assistance. These include independent/ assisted living finders, home care services, transportation options, hospice services, miscellaneous areas like: estate sale companies, home watch services, patient medical advocates, respite services, veterans referrals, technology services, home physical therapist, and home pet care.

Our short term volunteer services include: caregiver relief/ shut in visiting, animal care, handyman help, light housekeeping/yard work, paperwork organization, errands, computer/digital help and meal pick up from The Views Restaurant.

For help/paid referrals call 520-447-0077. Leave your name/phone number. We will call you.

Extended Community

Al-Anon helps friends and families of problem drinkers. 520-323-2229. The League of Women Voters of Greater Tucson We will be conducting Voter Registration opportunities in the months before the election. See website for locations.


The items contained under this heading are provided as a service to residents by other organizations that are neither sponsored nor supported by SCOV Community Association, Inc. SCOV assumes no responsibility or liability for the information contained therein.

BR=Bedroom; BA=Bath; BBQ=Barbecue; N/S=No Smoking; N/P=No Pets; W/D=Washer and Dryer; LR=Living Room; DR=Dining Room; FR=Family Room; AZRM=Arizona Room; FP=Fireplace; S/S=Stainless Steel; WiFi=Wireless Internet Service. Classified Advertising $10/ad • Deadline 10th of the Month.

FOR RENT: Popular expanded 1,573 sq. ft. Silvercreek model, 2 BD/2 BA. Open floor plan with tile and carpet, ceiling fan in every room. Fully furnished, king in primary, queen in guest. Reclining couch in living room, smart TV. Includes all utilities, WiFi, cable, W/D, BBQ on covered patio with ceiling fan. Fully enclosed backyard. N/S, N/P. Email or call 636-544-1706 for availability.

LOVING, EXPERIENCED and RELIABLE PET SITTER/CAREGIVER for your 4 legged family members. I am First Aid and CPR Certified for animals and have been taking care of them for 20+ years. Flexible schedule. Services include feeding, walking, medication administration, playtime, poop/ litter box cleaning, brushing, mail pickup, watering plants, daily pictures & updates while you’re away and lots of attention & LOVE. References available. Overnights, daily drop ins, or 24 hour care for ill or elderly pets. In your home!!

CASH Legally sell your firearms. I’m a long time resident and have a Federal Firearms Licensee (FFL) for over 20 years. Selling to an FFL ensures all responsibility for your firearm is legally transferred to the Federal licensee. Call John Balaco and make an appointment. I’ll come to you, inspect your firearm and make a CASH offer. Also buying all types of gold. 309 686-9686. House for rent. Mountain view on wash. Furnished, includes golf cart, BBQ and utilities. No pets. Please call for more information. Available August thru December Pet Sitting in my SCOV home. I will ensure your dog is safe and loved while you’re away. They will be treated like my own and feel at home while at mine! I have 30 years of dog sitting experience, I’m good with walks and medications. Susan Taylor,, 719-205-6262

WANTED TO RENT: Dec - April 2025 (dates are flexible.). Active Colorado couple looking to rent in Sun City. Clean, NS, NP. We have references and are homeowners as well. Please call, text or email at 970-390-0533 or

Looking for 1,500-2,100 sq. ft. home in SCOV and open to most floor plans and condition. Mountain views from the back yard, and a feeling of privacy and “elbow room,” are very important to us. Call or text Rich 435-760-2099 or Sue 435-2588004. Please leave message and we will respond. For Sale - Tastefully furnished, popular Sonoran model. 2 bed/2 bath 1499 SqFt Private Backyard expansive Catalina Mountain views. AZ Room/Kitchen appliances included, Corian countertops, walkout to covered patio. Spacious MB, walk-in closet, en-suite bath. 2 car garage W/D & lots of storage cabinets. Wendy Drumwright for details 731-612-2531

Let Happy Helpers help you with all those chores! We can help with just about ANYTHING you may need help with. Sitting with you, making meals, laundry, pulling weeds, doing errands, driving you anywhere, watching pets or lite house keeping. Call Becki at 520 240-3429 or email

“FOR RENT: 2BR/2BA, Cumberland model, on arroyo, with striking mountain views. Fully tiled. King in primary; Queen in guest. Separate office. Good WiFi. Smart TV. Large back yard w/ screened in porch. One month minimum. NS/NP, Available May -Sep. 2024; Dec. 2024; Apr.-Dec.r 2025. Contact:

RENTAL HOME FOR SALE: 2BD/2BA tastefully decorated, well maintained, 1563sf fully furnished home, large landscaped backyard with fruit trees. New roof 2019, new HVAC 2022, re-piped 2022. Professionally appraised at $474,000. Rented October-March. Available for move in April 2025. Call 520-825-4640 or email for pictures or showing.

Sun City Oro Valley Scrapbook

Resident-submitted photos.

Northern Mockingbird Photo By Ted Wolf
Two Hawks on a tree
Photo by Lee Zinsli
Gila Woodpeacker Female Photo by Edsel Caine
Quail babies and Mom Photo by Maria Tomlinson
Roadrunner Photo by Janie Johnson Russel

Direct (520) 906-9023

Fax (520) 297-1005


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