August 2015 Tipster

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It’s More Than Living...It’s a Lifestyle!

No BOD Meetings in August Photo by Pamela Maddern

Tipster August 2015

The Tipster is published monthly by Sun City Oro Valley 1565 E. Rancho Vistoso Blvd., Oro Valley, AZ 85755, 520-825-3711

Hours of Operation

Activity Center.............................................. 917-8066 Mon.-Fri......................................................................................... 7 AM-9 PM Sat................................................................................................ 9 AM-9 PM Sun................................................................................................ 9 AM-6 PM

Administration Office (In Welcome Center)...... 825-3711 ext 120 Board of Directors

Email address for BOD members, GM & Assistant Manager:

Don Coleman, President Cathy Hartrich, Vice President Susan Jakosa, Secretary Lauren Strassburg, Treasurer Richard Babin, Jon Olson, Steve Taillie, Management Team Bob Mariani, General Manager, 917-8080 Robin Coulter, .................Assistant Manager, 917-8070 Mary Cunningham, Com. Area Maint. Sup., 917-8059 Julie Foerster, Human Resources, 917-8061 Kim Griggs, Golf Professional, 917-8053 Christopher Sapp,é Manager, 917-8074 Michael Kropf, Course Superintendent, 917-8063 Ken Sandrock, Sup., 917-8078 Pam Sarpalius, Director, 917-8077 Randy Trenary,, 917-8060 Support Team Kate Cusumano,, 917-8083 Lonnie Davis, Supervisor, 917-8073 Angela Hong, Accounting Assistant, 917-8062 Terri Linssen, Coordinator II, 917-8082 Katy Mosier, Services Coordinator, 917-8058 Lisa Orach, Coordinator, 917-8065 Kathy Peabody, & Technology Coordinator, 917-8068 Chris Richard, Coordinator, 917-8069 Coco Sullivan, Coordinator, 917-8072 Leif Wolcott, of Banquets, 981-0909 Monitor - Activity Center................................................................................................ 917-8066 Monitor - Aquatic & Fitness Center..................................................................................917-8067 Tipster Editorial Committee Lou Phillippi............................... Co-Chair Judy Mercer................................. Member Del Salvaterra............................. Co-Chair Paul Mercer................................. Member Brad Curtis.................................. Member Mary Murck................................. Member Arlene Douglas............................ Member John Njaa.................................... Member Vicki Ettleman............................. Member Ann Owen.................................... Member Ann Fall....................................... Member Lynn Parker................................. Member Peggy Gardner............................. Member Laura Pigott................................ Member Diana Holmes...............Secretary/Member Laura Suchocki...........................Memberr Karen Koopmans.......................... Member

Editor, Layout and Design: Chris Richard and Terri Linssen Advertising: Lisa Orach and Terri Linssen Printing By: AlphaGraphics To advertise in the Sun City Oro Valley Tipster call 917-8065 for information. Sun City Oro Valley Community Association provides this publication for informational purposes only and neither endorses nor promotes any of the products or services advertised herein and assumes no responsibility or liability for the statements made in this publication.

Mon.-Fri............................................................................... 7:30 AM-4:30 PM

Aquatic & Fitness Center............................... 917-8067

Facilities Daily..............................................................................................5 AM-9 PM Pool Mon.-Sat...................................................................................5 AM-8:30 PM .Sun..........................................................................................5 AM-8:30 PM .....Children’s Hours - Daily................................................................. 11 AM-1 PM

Café............................................................... 825-3277 Mon.-Sun....................................................................................... 7 AM-5 PM Afternoon Menu.................................................................................... 3-5 PM Recording of daily Café specials..................................... 825-3711 ext 205

Catalina Vista................................................. 825-8613 Mon.-Fri......................................................................................... 7 AM-9 PM Sat................................................................................................ 9 AM-9 PM Sun................................................................................................ 9 AM-6 PM

Community Services...................................... 917-8065 Mon.-Fri. ..........................................................................................9-11 AM

Consumer Referral........................................ 917-8079 Mon., Wed. and Fri....................................................................9:30-11:30 AM

Desert Oasis.................................................. 825-0495

Facilities Mon.-Fri......................................................................................... 7 AM-9 PM Sat................................................................................................ 9 AM-8 PM Sun................................................................................................9 AM-6 PM Pool .Mon.-Fri...................................................................................7 AM-8:30 PM Sat. .........................................................................................9 AM-7:30 PM Sun...........................................................................................9 AM-5:30 PM Children’s Hours:............................................Daily Noon-4 PM Except see below .Except Sun., Mon. and Thur.......................................... Noon-1 PM and 3-4 PM Water volleyball on Sun.,Mon. and Thur........................................... 1 PM-3 PM

Gift Shop of Sun City..................................... 917-8051 Mon.-Fri..Mon.-Fri. .......................................................................................9 AM-4 PM Sat..Sat. ....................................................................................... 9 AM-12:30 PM

Library........................................................... 917-8064 Mon.-Fri............................................................................ 9 AM-Noon, 1-4 PM Sat................................................................................................ 9 AM-Noon

Loan Room - Community Assistance­

Cart Barn Loan Room Hours: Tues. and Thur. only..................................... 8-9 AM

Pro Shop........................................................ 825-3110 Golf Info Line............................................. 825-0322 Mon.......................................................................................... 6:30 AM-5 PM Tues............................................................................................... 9 AM-5 PM Wed. and Thur................................................................................ 7 AM-5 PM Fri., Sat. and Sun....................................................................... 6:30 AM-5 PM Driving Range hours from October – April, closes ½ hour after the Pro Shop.

Welcome Center/Administration................... 825-3711 After-Hours Emergencies.............................. 825-1161 If you encounter something in the common areas or golf course needing immediate attention (e.g. broken irrigation) and the Administration Office is closed, please report the issue to a building monitor. However, if a situation like this occurs after all the buildings are closed, please contact the emergency line. Abbreviation Legend

Aquatic & Fitness Center................................................................................AFC Sun City Oro Valley.....................................................................................SCOV Welcome Center Conference Room 1..............................................................WC1 Welcome Center Conference Room 2..............................................................WC2 Welcome Center Conference Room 3..............................................................WC3

Association News

General Manager - Bob Mariani

From The Board of Directors Our MISSION as the SCOV Board is to lead in maintaining and enhancing the quality of life in Sun City Oro Valley as an active adult community. All Board minutes, agendas and reports are available online and in the SCOV Library. Board meetings are open to residents.

Money, Money, Money

by Lauren Strassburg By the time you read this, you will have paid your 2015-2016 dues. As you are aware they were the same as last year: no increase. We need to thank the prudent effort of our staff for efficiently running our community. I expect most residents consider their annual dues to be a bargain. Look what your dues buy: use of two pools, five pickleball courts, four bocce courts, a premier exercise facility, eight tennis courts, a putt putt course, horseshoes, billiards, table tennis, a private full-service library, plus the opportunity to join any of our 100+ clubs (whew, I’m tired just listing all the things to do). The Association is in excellent shape from a financial outlook. We have no debt; in fact, we have never had debt. Our three restricted funds are at an acceptable level. Although we must always be vigilant, the Asset Reserve Fund will adequately meet our forecasted needs for the next 30 years. The Capital Fund continues to grow with the number of home sales remaining at a high level. Our two major projects, Pro Shop and Café/Lounge, will be funded from the Capital Fund. Lastly, our Contingency Fund remains constant with no unexpected expenses draining the fund. I trust that we have adequate funds available to maintain our community at its current high level of excellence. The next major project will likely be the Auditorium. It seriously needs a facelift. I am confident the Board of Directors and community as a whole will be patient on this new project until we can pay for it from the Capital Fund. We all need to remember to listen to the needs and desires of our residents. Remember the AFC original plan? It was defeated by residents, and a new plan was drawn up which everyone considers state of the art. In the June Tipster, Richard Babin mentioned the Bylaws do not require member approval for renovation projects. Be alert for this opportunity for what he calls “direct democracy” to give the members a voice in our future. In closing, be thankful for choosing to live in such a community. We can rest assured our retirement income will not be depleted by a sudden unexpected assessment.

Summertime in SCOV

The song that so many of us know says, “Summertime and the living is easy.” I have nothing to complain about, life is good. Yet even though a big percentage of our residents have departed for hopefully cooler places, the wheels keep turning for the SCOV staff. The workload may be a bit different for many of our staff, but it’s still there. Aside from the day-to-day maintenance, cooking, cleaning and many other tasks, here are few tasks and/or projects that are being dealt with over the coming hot months. • Processing of HOA dues and many golf dues • Preparing documentation and working with the auditors during the initial time-consuming stage of the annual finan- cial audit. • Reviewing and updating Board Policies • Reviewing and updating the Club Rules • Organize standard operating procedures • Continued development of the new SCOV website • Oversight of the Library improvements and digital check out/in system • Development of a new name for the Lounge/Café • Oversight of the Pro Shop project • Oversight of the Lounge/Café project • Development of IT and sound systems for the Pro Shop and Lounge projects • Developing an exterior paint scheme for the common area facilities and a paint schedule plus overseeing the painting project • Developing marketing for the new golf passes • Construction of two new tee boxes • Reconfiguring a portion of Hole #6 by reducing grass bunkers • Dredging the irrigation inlet pond • Implementation of a new Food and Beverage standard operating procedure manual plus a number of other training procedures • Develop and/or update food and beverage menus. The list could easily be expanded, yet I think the message is clear that although the living will be good, it won’t be all that easy this summer. Although it may not be easy, completion of these projects and tasks brings a true sense of accomplishment and pride to many of our staff.

Coffee and Conversation

with the General Manager and a Board Member An informal exchange of information. Wednesday, August 12, 2 PM, Activity Center/Hopi

Association Committees................. 5 Association News............................ 3 The Café Specials.......................... ..9 Classifieds...................................... 25 Clubs............................................. 11

What’s Inside

Coming Events.............................. 10 Extended Community................... 25 For Your Information..................... 10 Golf.................................................. 8 Memoriam..................................... 11

Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, August 2015

Partnered Organizations............... 24 Thank you Corner.........................10 Town of Oro Valley....................... 25 Workshops and Classes................. 10


It’s More Than Living... It’s A Lifestyle... Lights...Action...Camera!

Photo Club Filled With Shooting Stars by Paul Mercer

Many of us are photographers and most likely have been for the majority of our lives. Then there are the ones who are looking for a new hobby in retirement or just want to see if photography is good for them. For people like us, there is a club here to enhance our knowledge and also have some fun with our cameras...the Photography Club. The club started in Sun City in 1994 and worked with sinks, emulsions, and a dedicated group of club members. The members first worked in the chemical dark room at the lab in Catalina Vista. Those days are long gone, having been replaced by digital technology. Depending on your experience and point of view, you may La Jolla Potholes - by Laura Hackenbrock say “Good” or “Gosh, I miss those days.” The club continues to go strong with over 50 active members. All members have their own cameras, usually SLRs, point-and-shoot and, of course, iPhone or similar cameras. It is a competitive club with eight competitions a year. Why competitions? They are Parking Lot Light - by Brenda Ericsson used as learning aids: in situations that arise by doing, not theoretical settings in a classroom. This leads to faster and more permanent learning. There are three levels of competition: Level 1 for beginners, Level 2 for intermediates and Level 3 for the more experienced members who have been active longer, so there is a place for all in the group. There are 3 prizes per month,


Sun City Vistoso Tipster, Febraury 2011

and in May all the past year’s monthly winners compete for Best of the Year prizes. All are decided on composition, technical correctness and impact on the judges. Half of the entries each month are displayed digitally; the other half are printed. There are one to two meetings a month with monthly programs on occasion that feature speakers, systems, Grater - by Steve Alverdes field trips and workshops. There is also a lab available to help members with composition, technical quality, and other useful information for all: beginners and the more experienced. Look under Vistoso Photo at http:// vistosophotoclub.weebly. com to find the club schedule and activities for the month. Mexican Amberwing Posing - by Harvey Gardner

Quintessential Monet - by Diane Haegele

August 2015, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster


Association Committees Committee meetings are open and all residents are welcome to attend. Help Needed This Help Needed section is for the purpose of listing volunteer help wanted ads for various Association Committees.

Neighborhood Pride needs you. Do you take pride in living in our beautiful community? Do you have about 3-4 hours a month to devote to serving on the committee? Owning a golf cart would be very much appreciated. If you are interested and would like to join us, or if you have any questions, call Tempe Johnson 825-6994 or Katy Mosier, Staff Liaison, 917-8058. Active Health

Chair Janyce Lundstedt 503-475-0520 October-May, Second Tuesday, 1:30 PM, WC3

We are fortunate to live in a community that has several resources to help us learn how we can stay physically active in healthy ways. One resource is Pima Council On Aging (PCOA); each month, we place their newsletter in the magazine rack outside the library (or you can go to pcoa. org to get their most current listings). Another resource is the Oro Valley Community Center which provides regular sessions on a variety of topics you might find useful; you can find them at their website or in the newspaper. Check these year-round free resources out. Let us know if you hear a speaker that our SCOV residents may want to hear; we will make the contacts and arrangements if the speaker is available. If you have other printed information about active health information you would like to share, please put it in the magazine rack outside the library or call Joyce Holm at 825-4663. Of course, SCOV is a wonderful resource as well; the summer months are a good time to utilize our terrific gym and/or one of our indoor or pool exercise classes. Stay active, be safe. AFC Advisory Committee

Chair Michael Takerian, 520-256-3213, First Wednesday, 11:30 AM, WC1

The AFC Committee will not have a regular meeting in August. Residents with questions or input can contact us online at or by leaving a comment card in the suggestion box at the gym. Architectural Review

Chair Lou Gard, 520-825-4773, Second and Fourth Tuesday, 2 PM, WC3

If you are planning to change TV service providers, whether from cable to satellite or Dish to Direct TV, or vice versa, contact Katy Mosier, 917-8058, and someone from the ARC will come to your home to make sure that the satellite receiver is located in the best location on your lot. If you presently have a satellite receiver, do not assume it is in the best location as many were located without ARC input. As some of you are aware there is a new sub-committee

Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, August 2015

to the ARC, it is the Architectural Compliance Team (ACT). The ACT is ready to aid any homeowner by doing a courtesy inspection prior to listing for sale. We encourage all home owners who are contemplating the sale of their home to take advantage of this ACT service. If there are any infractions to the Development Standards, even very minor ones, a heads-up can save much angst when a home goes into escrow. To see all the services the ACT will provide, look to the ARC missive in the July Tipster. Consumer Referral

Co-Chairs Don and Pat Pomeroy 825-1725 Desk Phone 917-8079 Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 9:30-11:30 AM, Activity Center

Connect to our online list of vendors. 1. On the home page,, under the Residents drop-down menu, click on Members Only. 2. Log in with your username and password. This is also the page where you can create a new account. 3. Click on Log In. 4. Click on the last blue line, Consumer Referral List. Finance-Budget

Chair Dick Brammell, Third Monday, 1 PM, WC3 Food and Beverage Committee

Chair Carolyn Martin 520-395-0608 September-May, First Tuesday, 7:30 AM, WC1

The Happy Hour appetizers and drink specials have generated positive comments from homeowners and guests. Tell your friends and neighbors to join you. The staff at The Café look forward to serving you. Gift Shop

Co-Chairs Julie Holtry 825-4473 Elaine Deeter 825-5388 Gift Shop 917-8051 Shop Hours: Monday-Saturday, 9 AM-12:30 PM The hot days of summer are here. Visit the Gift Shop for a breath of cool air amidst the beautiful arts and crafts of our SCOV residents. This month’s featured artist is Joan Meder. In her words, “I had a friend who started me in beading and I became hooked. Most of my materials are purchased at the gem show. I use lots of semiprecious stones and pearls. I have done classic work, African themes, and SW designs. Recently I have experimented with poly clay. I love Featured artist, Joan Meder working in the Gift Shop. There are so many nice people to work with, as well as, enjoying the visitors.” If you have an arts or crafts specialty, contact Julie or Elaine and stop by the Gift Shop for an application. You will be able to display your work and help others find just that right item for family or friends.


Government Affairs

Chair Mike Moyer, 520-818-6509, Second Wednesday, 3:30 PM, WC1 Loan Room - Community Assistance

Chair Gay Russell 825-5763 Tuesday and Thursday reservations and pickup 8-9 AM -No telephone calls Meeting Third Thursday, 3 PM, WC1

The Loan Room is a free service for SCOV residents. It is located at the end of the Cart Barn. The Loan Room is open throughout the year. Items available for loan are roll-away beds, card tables and chairs, six foot tables, children’s cots, car seats and booster seats for young children, pac-n-plays, high chairs and some toys. Many medical items such as wheelchairs, shower seats, crutches, canes, walkers, etc., are also available. Please visit us over the summer to check out our inventory and to make reservations. There is no telephone in the Loan Room. For reservations or information on items, please come to the Loan Room. Aluminum can donations: deposit empty, rinsed aluminum cans in the box outside the Activity Center kitchen. For safety reasons, do not deposit unrinsed cans which can attract bees. On June 30 we delivered 420 pounds of cans to the recycling center; we received $168, which brings our year-todate total to $2,592 for the CAC. Long Range Planning Committee/Ad Hoc LRPC Task Team

Chair Leslie Platt 818-1963 Vice Chair Debra Arrett 825-5703 Second and Fourth Monday, 2 PM, WC3 Marketing and Publicity

Chair Jim Mitchell, 818-2893, Fourth Thursday, 3 PM, WC1

After a two-month summer hiatus, the Marketing Committee will resume meeting on Thursday, August 27. Neighborhood Pride

Chair Tempe Johnson 825-6994 Third Tuesday, 2 PM, WC3 As Summer Winds Down

The summer rains and wind are here, and we thank those in our community who keep a watchful eye out for their neighbors and report any damage to Administration. With so many of our neighbors away at this time of the year, we need to be especially aware of our surroundings. Please keep an eye out for those pesky weeds which seem to appear overnight with the monsoon season and remove them from your yard as soon as possible. Try to make every effort to stay ahead of the weed situation in your yard in the next few weeks. The project of painting the weathered brown color on utility boxes continues. If the boxes in your yard are surrounded by shrubs, they should be cleared away somewhat to make it easy for the painter or the utility company to gain access. We thank you for cooperating in keeping pride in your yard and our neighborhood, even in our extremely hot summer months.


Sun City Vistoso Tipster, Febraury 2011


Chair Bob Hefner, 825-4825, First Tuesday, 3 PM, Catalina Vista Properties

Chair Ed Zwerling, 631-741-9934, Third Thursday, 9 AM, WC1 Tipster Editorial

Co-Chairs Lou Phillippi 638-6957 Del Salvaterra 834-5146

This month’s meeting will be Monday, August 17, 9 AM, WC1. Assistant Manager - Robin Coulter

Census for Age Restricted Communities

As an age restricted community we must comply with the laws and guidelines in the HOPA (Housing for Older Persons Act of 1995). This Act amends the Fair Housing Act to allow for age-restricted communities for older persons if certain criteria are met. This criteria includes that the property is intended and operated for occupancy by persons 55 years of age or older and that at least 80 percent of the occupied units are occupied by at least one person who is 55 years of age or older. It mandates that every two years a census be taken to verify the age of the community’s occupants. Documents reliable for age verification include a driver’s license or birth certificate. An additional method to satisfy this requirement is an affidavit signed by an adult member of the household asserting that at least one occupant in the unit is 55 years of age or older. This affidavit is the method we use and what was sent to you in the annual mailing. Once the affidavit is received, the information is entered into the community’s database. The surveys are then stored (as required by law). The information gathered from the census will be compiled into a report to document that the HOPA age requirement has been met as well. When the final report is available, it will be shared with the community. This data-gathering opportunity is also used to collect supplemental information (such as whether the home is a rental, vacant, whether an individual is full or part-time, phone numbers and email addresses). This information is used to help the Association understand our residents more and provide better services due to this gained understanding. A good example of this is when a water main sprung a leak in a portion of unit 7. Those homes in the affected area that had provided an email address received an email from us with a press release provided by the Town of Oro Valley. The press release provided the steps the Town was taking to repair the leak (which included the water being turned off for a good portion of the day). All this being said, thank you for being responsive to the survey. SCOV resident are considerate and conscientious making the collection of this information a smooth process.

August 2015, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster


Controller - Randy Trenary The fiscal year for the Association ended June 30, 2015. As in the past, the financial statement for June is not included in the August Tipster due to time constraints for completion of year-end procedures. Financial statements can be found on our website and in our SCOV Library. An audit will be conducted in August and the complete audited financials will be available on the website and in the SCOV Library before October 31 as mandated by the Bylaws. A copy will also be available in the Administration offices. Money Matters will return with the September issue of the Tipster. If you have any questions, please call 917-8060 or email me at Community Services - Katy Mosier

Office Hours 9 AM-11 AM, Monday-Friday, Welcome Center 917-8058 Name Changes in Our Association Files

It goes without saying that when a new resident closes on a home, we change ownership information in our files by removing the previous owners’ names when the title company sends us a copy of the new owners’ deed. Recently, several people in our community have notified us of a spouse’s death and have asked us to remove the decedent’s name from our files. Some are surprised that a verbal instruction to remove a name is insufficient. Our HOA has a deed-based relationship with owners, so changes in ownership must show a change in the deed. In the case of a spousal passing, a copy of the death certificate will provide the legal documentation to make a change in our records. If you are a surviving spouse, please provide us with a copy of one of these legal documents in order to remove a name from the resident file. We are aware that this is a sensitive issue and hope that this article clarifies the process. Please be aware that a name change in the telephone directory is made only by a separate request to Carolyn Lerch who handles our community directory. Her email is: gclerch@ No change in our files will affect this directory. June 2015 Housing Resale Information Resales 2015 2014

For the Month 11 19 Total sold in 2014 = 213

YTD 107 117

2015 Active Listings as of 6/30/15.............................38 2014 Active Listings as of 6/30/14.............................46 Source TARMLS June 2015 Average Age of New Owners: 68Welcome New Neighbors Unit # Name From 1A Sandra & Gordon Andringa Traverse City, MI 3 Thomas Carter Philadelphia, PA 3 Sandi & Jeff Miller Dallas, TX 5 Patricia & Roger Lightholder Redmond, WA 5 Khei-Eun Newman Prospect Heights, IL 8 Kathleen & Jerome Moss Oro Valley, AZ 8 Andrea & William Smith Ann Arbor, MI 12 Patricia & Ronald Brillhart La Canada Flintridge, CA 15 Neola & David Brock Arvada, CO 17 Rebecca Pickering Rock Hill, SC 17 Barbara & Paul Watkings Champlin, MN ®

Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, August 2015

Programs/Facilities Director - Pam Sarpalius Can you believe it is August? It won’t be long until seasonal residents return to SCOV. Construction is underway for the new Pro Shop, another improvement for our community. When the Shop is complete, committees are assisting in creating a new lounge area for all to enjoy. I hope you will be able to attend our End of Summer Fling. More information is in Coming Events and on a flyer included in this Tipster. I would like to once again thank the Sun City Singers for the great Fourth of July show they put on for the community. It was a great way to celebrate. SCOV Library - Kate Cusumano

Follow Kate’s blog:

In early August the Library will launch its new computerized checkout system. Both your facility access card and key fob will work in the Library. Stop by now to activate your account and learn how to use the online card catalog to reserve books and movies. This upgrade has been made possible by the generosity of ILR, Friends of the Library, the Woodworking Club and many talented Library volunteers. Thanks to all who have helped with this exciting project. New in books we have The English Spy by Daniel Silva and Nemesis by Catherine Coulter. In audio books we have Last One Home by Debbie Macomber and The English Spy by Daniel Silva. We have eight new titles in large print, including The Fateful Lighting by Jeff Shaara, and The Guest Cottage by Nancy Thayer. Ready for a good movie? Stop by and check out Woman in Gold, and Second Best Exotic Marigold Hotel. Friends of the Library This summer is a special time for the SCOV Library and the volunteers who are busy donating their time and expertise to computerize our books, audio books and videos. Thanks to the generosity of the ILR (Institute of Learning in Retirement) and the fundraising efforts of the FOL, our library will be in a computerized mode in August. Along with the up-to-date technology, the library is getting a new look. These changes will benefit the entire Sun City Community. A reminder: you can join the FOL anytime and your membership will be good for a year. Right now, this is a bargain. Join for $10 pp or $15/household. Membership forms are on the volunteer’s desk. Recreation and Fitness - Lonnie Davis

Balance Exercises You Can Do Anywhere, Anytime

These anytime, anywhere exercises will help you improve your balance. And you can do them as often as you like, as long as you have something sturdy nearby to hold onto if you become unsteady. Walk heel-to-toe. Position your heel just in front of the toes of the opposite foot each time you take a step. Your heel and toes should touch or almost touch. Practice standing up and sitting down without using your hands. Stand on one foot. You can do this while waiting in line at the grocery store or at the bus stop. Remember to alternate feet.


Association-Sponsored Fitness Classes

Purchase a fitness punch card at the Welcome Center/Administration Office, $20/10 classes or purchase an Annual Fitness Class Pass on sale now for $300. You may use these cards for all SCOV-sponsored fitness classes. The punch cards can also be used for your guests. There is a $3 drop-in charge if you do not have a punch card or annual card.

Special Note from the AFC

There will be an orientation on how to use the gym equipment every Thursday, 1 PM. Stop in and sign up or call 917-8073. Contact AFC Coordinator, Lonnie Davis, for any questions or problems with the AFC, 917-8073 or

Aqua Zumba® Cardio Chair Aerobics Core Conditioning Sunrisers Sweat Stretch Walking Class Water Aerobics Zumba® Personal Trainer

Tues., 1-2 PM, AFC/Pool Tues., Thurs., 10:30-11:30 AM, Catalina Vista/ Pusch Ridge & Mt Kimball Mon., 6 PM, Wed., 4 PM, AFC/Studio 1&2 Mon., Fri., 6:30 AM, AFC/ Studio 1 Tues., Thurs., 7:30-9 AM, AFC/Studio 1 Mon., Fri., 1-2 PM, AFC/Studio 1&2 Mon., Wed., Fri., 9-10 AM, AFC/Pool Tues., 9:15-10:10 AM, Thurs., 5:30-6:30 PM, AFC/Studio 1 One-on-one training, call Ray Jerkins 219-3561.

The AFC pool and spa will be closed for cleaning and shock treatment Tuesday, August 11. It will reopen the following morning at the regular time. The Desert Oasis pool will be closed Wednesday, August 12, for cleaning and shock treatment and will reopen the following morning at the regular time.


Head Golf Professional - Kim Griggs As everything is slowing down due to the hot weather, the Pro Shop staff is gearing up behind the scenes for another fun season. I will be ordering new range balls and scorecards. We will be changing out the shoe brushes around the Pro Shop. The club cleaners will be replaced. Please stop by our fully stocked Pro Shop to check out our closeout specials and our new summer hat supply. In stock golf shoes are 40% off through October, while supplies last. Our current golf rate cards can also be picked up in the Pro Shop. So please stop by and visit with our friendly staff. We are building a new Pro Shop, so obey all of the signage during the construction period. This is for your own safety. Thank you in advance for your cooperation. Buy your own range pass (card), so you will not have to get tokens from the Pro Shop. Stop by and ask for our pricing options and more details. Remember that monsoon season is upon us and with rain comes lightning. Whenever you see lightning, please get indoors as quickly as possible. Lightning is nothing to fool around with (just ask Lee Trevino). Also, drink plenty of fluids to keep your body hydrated. Carrying a wet towel is also a great idea with the triple digit temperatures that we are experiencing.


Sun City Vistoso Tipster, Febraury 2011

Superintendent - Michael Kropf The greens on our golf course were originally constructed 30 years ago. They were designed to be grassed with bent grass and irrigated with potable water. The construction methods used at that time didn’t provide for any drainage except for surface drainage which allows excess water to sheet off different areas of the greens. Over the course of three decades the grass has changed as well as the water source, and now the greens are starting to show the negative impact of those changes and age. Modern greens are constructed using various versions of a process designed by the USGA. This method is primarily designed to keep the greens firm, but at the same time allow water to leach through the sand profile and out drain lines. Our greens are called push-up greens, which is taking native soil and pushing it into the green shape without any drain lines. When the golf course transitioned to reclaimed water that introduced high levels of salt into the soil profile. Soil amendments, such as gypsum or other products help combat the salts, but over time the only way to truly deal with high salt levels is to leach them out of the soil profile. With push-up greens that involves lots of aerification and topdressing. Despite all the work to remove the salts, the greens are really starting to suffer. The low areas have lost grass. These areas and the associated collars are going to be repaired throughout the rest of the summer, but over time these areas are going to get worse until the greens are rebuilt. Golf Advisory

Chair Tim Kelley, 734-645-8199 First Wednesday, 2 PM, WC3

The Golf Advisory Committee has taken a couple of months off. Our meetings will resume next month on September 2. While the committee is not meeting I encourage you to contact me with comments and suggestions for improvements.

The Views 18-Hole Men’s Golf Club Pres. Vernon Barr 395-0525 Membership John Rowe 651-325-8122 Play Wednesday On behalf of the new board, we are anxious to serve the membership and strive to make your participation in the club an enjoyable and worthwhile experience. I want to thank the existing board members who are stepping down. They are Pres., Don Hess; Rules Chairman, Denny Garren; Membership, Jerry Bushong and Sec., Don Anderson. Thanks for your great service. Your new board includes Pres., Vern Barr; Treas., David Hablewitz; Membership, John Rowe; Sec., Kurt Klucking; Tournament/Rules, Jim Toomey; VP, Jack Wohner; Member Guest Invitational Assistant, Zan Wicks. Our first bash will be on October 28 and the President’s Cup will begin the following week. For those of you that are here during the summer, please join us in the weekly men’s club events and for those of you that are gone, we look forward to your return in the fall. For membership information please call either Vern Barr or John Rowe. Construction on the new Pro Shop began on July 6.

August 2015, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster


The Views Men’s Nine-Hole Golf Club Pres. Jim Mitchell 818-2893 Membership Buster LaBrie 638-6154 Play Thursday The hot days of summer continue in SCOV. A lot of work is being done on The Views Golf Course getting it ready for overseeding in late September and early October and for play in the fall. Informal play of the Men’s Nine-Hole Club still continues every Thursday morning with sign-up in the back of the Pro Shop. The club is looking forward to the start of organized play in late October and the return of many of our members from their summer escapes. This month’s golf quote comes from Morton Shaevitz, “You may be on the back nine of life, but it’s good to finish strong.” The Views Women’s Golf Club

Pres. Bonnie Svarstad 825-3223

Membership Barb McNeill 825-0677 Play Tuesday Summer is a great time to start playing with our club. The play is more informal, the group is smaller and you can get to know your cart partner and fellow golfers easier. The Café has a wide variety of menu items to enjoy after golf with your new friends. If you need to get familiar with the rules of golf and etiquette, it’s a great time to talk with fellow players and review the USGA rule book. If you are interested in joining the club, applications are available in our sign up book in the Pro Shop or call Barb McNeill or email her at It’s a wonderful way to make new friends for life. Don’t forget to reserve November 3 for our Welcome Back event, open to all interested women in SCOV and guests. Reduced rate golf and free lunch included. The Views 9-Hole Women’s Golf Club

Pres. Cindy Zwick 261-1535 Membership Beth Stanton 825-0456 Play Thursday

We continue our summer fun days on the first Thursday of the month through the summer season. Please join us for golf, fun, and treats. Sign up in the Pro Shop for each Thursday. Shotgun starts at 7:30 AM.

Sun City Vistoso Foundation

The Sun City Vistoso Community Foundation a separate and independent organization from the association established in 1998, provides a means through which tax-deductible gifts may be channeled to support qualified health, cultural, educational and charitable needs of SCOV and surrounding areas. Gifts may be made at any time by check, stocks or gifts-in-kind to the foundation 1565 E. Rancho Vistoso Blvd., Oro Valley, AZ 85755 President: Gay Russell 825-5763

The Café Drink of the Month

George Dickel Tennessee Whiskey Sour $

Food & Beverage Director - Chris Sapp Just a reminder The Café is open until 5 PM (or until the last guest leaves), seven days a week. We will continue Happy Hour pricing 3 PM onward with domestic drafts for $2, import drafts $3, glass of wine $4, you-call-it $5, two for one margaritas/bloody marys $6. Of course, we have our famous chef inspired Heat & Eat meals which may be eaten in The Café. Be sure to host your next evening event or gathering in The Café. The Café prides itself on creating the perfect menu for each client’s culinary palette, dietary needs, social expectations and budget. Live around the corner? Drop in and pick up your catering order yourself to save time and money. Call us and we’ll start creating a menu together, 825-3277. Friday Happy Hours will continue to have live entertainment. Recently we’ve been honored to host Mr. Philip Harvey, serenading us with the songs of Frank Sinatra, Tony Bennett and Bobby Darren, among others. Future themed Happy Hour ideas include Trivia Night, Jazz Night, etc. Please don’t hesitate to stop by to discuss Happy Hour theme ideas. Karaoke anyone? We also have some new faces in The Café: Servers, Adrienne Wilson and Jason Patterson, and last but not least, Server Assistant, Stefan Foushi. Please stop in and say “hello” to the newest members of our fantastic team. The Café is offering you a chance to win a free breakfast or lunch if you turn in a comment card. Monthly comment cards are randomly drawn for the free meal. The June winners are Diane Gustin, D. Teiser, Coralyn Hoaglund, G. Davis and Lois Ortman. Congratulations and bon appétit.

The Café

August Events

Coupons may not be used for dinners. We can accommodate special diets. Call us. Friday Happy Hour begins at 4 PM with special pricing on select drinks. Menu items include: crispy fried oysters, garlic-parmesan chicken wings, soy-sriracha chicken wings or traditional buffalo wings, mozzarella sticks with homemade marinara sauce, crispy tofu (v/gf) and mixed green salads (v/gf).

The Café August Heat

& Eat Menu $9.95

all meals include a homemade cookie August 3-9 Pork Tenderloin

with apple bourbon sauce, mashed potatoes and seasonal vegetables

August 10-16 Pasta Primavera with scalloped potatoes and broccoli

August 17-23 New England Pot Roast

with garlic mashed potatoes, brown gravy and corn

August 24-30 Pineapple Glazed Ham with mac n’ cheese and seasonal vegetables

We always have Nut Loaf available as a vegan take home option.


Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, August 2015


Coming Events

Items included in this section must be open to all residents and be either an Association-sponsored or an annual club event of interest to the entire community.

Special Events for Clubs See club articles for full details.

Sun City Singles, Mini Golf, Sun., Aug. 2, 4 PM, Mini Golf Course Sun City Singles, Dinner, Thur., Aug. 13, 5:30 PM, Activity Center/Navajo Day Trippers, Western Style BBQ, Wed., Aug. 19, 4-7 PM, Activity Center Sun City Singles, Happy Hour, Fri., Aug. 28, 5:30 PM, Activity Center/Navajo Day Trippers, Lunch at Tanque Verde Ranch and Colossal Cave, Thurs., Sept. 17 Saturday, August 15, 6:30 PM, Auditorium

End of Summer Fling

We made it through the summer. Now let’s dance and mingle. Dancing will be in the Auditorium. Tables will be available in the Auditorium as well as the Native American rooms. DJs Gus and Gina are new residents. They are better known as Gus D’Oldie and Ms. Gina. Gus and Gina appear all over the Tucson area and on cruise ships. They have also provided music to the Rock ‘N Roll club. Gus and Gina wanted to do something nice for SCOV since this is now their home. They will provide music for this event from the 60s to the present and will take requests from you. Doors open at 6:30 PM; dancing 7-10 PM. Bring your own snacks and drinks. Ice will be provided. We will have a sweet table provided by The Café for $8 pp. We want to thank Gus and Gina for their gift to the community. Get your tickets early before we run out. Tickets on sale at the Welcome Center starting on August 3. You will exchange your ticket at the door for a wristband. Thursday, September 24, 1 PM, Naive American Rooms

JA Jance

Best-selling author JA Jance will speak and sign copies of her newest release, Dance of the Bones, a J.P. Beaumont book. See Library article next month for details. Saturday, September 26, 6:30 PM, Auditorium

Gabriel Ayala Trio

Gabriel is one of Tucson’s famous performers. He is Grammy nominated and holds many awards as a classical guitarist. Bring your own drinks and snacks for cabaret seating. Doors open at 6:30 PM; performance is at 7 PM. Tickets on sale at the Welcome Center beginning August 24, $15pp.

Workshops and Classes

AED (Automatic External Defibrillator) Classes

Classes are usually held the fourth Wednesday of each month at 1:30 PM, WC1, and are taught by Lonnie Davis. You could save a life by taking this class. We have new, very easy-to-operate machines. There will be no class in August; next class will be September 23.

Gin Rummy

This year-round workshop is at George and Beverly Riley’s home. All skill levels are welcome. We practice playing and discuss the standardized game rules of SCOV, as well as scoring, etiquette and skill tactics. Couples and singles are invited. No fee or dues. Call 818-0877.


Sun City Vistoso Tipster, Febraury 2011

ILR-Institute of Learning in Retirement

There are no class fees but one must be a current ILR member or join by paying the one-time initiation fee of $25. Class descriptions are on the ILR website If interested, contact Jane Myerson

Mon., July 13-Aug. 31, 1-3 PM America, The Story of Us, by Jim Williams Tues., July 21-Aug. 25, 1-3 PM Basic Judaism, by Jane Myerson Parkinson’s Exercise Classes

Exercise classes are held every Monday and Thursday from 4-5:30 PM at the Welcome Center WC3. This class has helped many and is a great support to those with Parkinson’s. $10/class or $50/month. Spouses or caretakers are welcome at every class. For information call Ray Jerkins, 219-3561.

For Your Information

The items contained under this heading are provided as a service to residents. SCOV assumes no responsibility or liability for the information contained therein.

Costume Closet

The Costume Closet is available to all residents by appointment only. For assistance, call Marty Siracusa, 825-6961 or Betty Verderese, 825-7811. Please do not return items to the monitor at Desert Oasis.

Donate Your Old Cell and Smart Phones

The SCOV Emerge! Auxiliary thanks the many folks who have donated cell or smart phones. We are still looking for used phones with chargers. Phones will be set for 911 calls only and will be used exclusively by participants in cooperation with Emerge! Center for Abuse. Unused phones will be recycled and the money donated to Emerge! Call Nancy Williams 818-3178 for drop-off information.

Volunteers Needed

Optum Palliative and Hospice Care is dedicated to delivering compassionate individualized care for patients and their families as they face serious illness. Volunteers support Optum patients, families and the hospice team in many ways, such as: providing companionship, sharing stories, memories or hobbies, taking part in Veteran-to-Veteran volunteering or running errands. If you are interested in making a difference, please call 520-407-8000. Volunteers offer compassionate, emotional support to our patients and families through the use of their time and talents. Our volunteers are trained members of our care team, which includes doctors, nurses, aides, social workers, bereavement coordinators and chaplains.

Thank You Corner

This section allows residents to express thanks to the community. Articles should not exceed 50 words and should not contain thanks to specific persons. The family of Joyce Ebert would like to thank all of our SCOV friends for all their cards, phone calls and support during her illness and passing. Joyce really loved living here in Sun City. She especially liked to watch the Catalinas change color from morning to eveing and the spectuacular sunsets. John Ebert


August 2015, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster


To record the passing of a current or former resident call 9178065 or complete a Tipster form located in the Welcome Center.


Ray Jones 1 Georgianna Giddings 1

July 3 July 11

Clubs Aqua Tone

Marcia Polley 818-9073 Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, 8 AM, AFC/Pool

Wake up your muscles before starting your day with a few exercises in the AFC pool. Have some fun while getting a good workout. All are welcome. See you soon. Art League

Co-Pres. Dave Dame 825-7430, Judy Bjorling 818-1296 Colored Pencil

Vanessa Edwards 825-1144 Friday, 9 AM-Noon, Catalina Vista/Art Studio

ers stay through the summer so, come in and enjoy our cool studio on Mondays and we’ll work with you through completion of a lovely sculpture.

Seeing a watercolor painting of a glass of water on a table that won a district entry convinces me that subjects for painting are endless. Choose a subject that is important to you and begin painting. Catalina Vista is a great place to practice your talents on a warm day, and the Library has endless resources for developing skills. Arthritis Water

Pres. Dawn Simske 825-0907 Sec. Jane Myerson Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 10:15 AM, AFC/Pool

Come join us for gentle water exercise specifically designed by the Arthritis Foundation to help with range of motion and to relieve stiffness and pain. These exercises are great for arthritis, fibromyalgia, replaced hips and knees, etc. Our resident volunteer instructor, Dawn Simske, is Arthritis Foundation-trained. Dues $4/yr.

We will continue to meet over the summer. We would love to have you join us.

Fine Arts Studio Pres. Mellanie Herbert 825-2258 Wednesday, 9 AM, Catalina Vista/Art Studio

The SCOV art community is participating in a wonderful art show currently on display at our Activities Center. We encourage all residents to peruse the works to see the depth and breadth of art talent among us. You, too, can work with our talented artists in our cool studio all summer long. We have fun, we chat about art happenings and we critique pieces at 11AM every Wednesday. Come join us.

Friday Artists Carol Nagel 825-3097 Friday 9 AM-2 PM, Catalina Vista/Art Studio

All artists in any medium are welcome to use the Art Studio on Fridays. If you are a printmaker, you need to be supervised the first few times, so please call ahead. Beginning in October, various Art League workshops may be held on Fridays. These will be free to all, with the only charge being the cost of materials or model fees. Check future Tipsters for more information.

Open Studio Artists Carol Nagel 825-3097 Thursday, 9 AM-2 PM, Catalina Vista/Art Studio

Just a reminder that the December Theme Show will be Experimental. Try adding paper or fabric or colors or shapes to your painting. This Theme Show should be very interesting.

Sculpture P Pres. Laurie Lichaa 812-0198 Monday, 9 AM-5 PM , Catalina Vista/Art Studio

Our winter residents have flown the coop, but there’s a productive hush for those who remain. Several of our teach-

Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, August 2015

Water Media Pres. John Ebert 818-1830 Sec. Rowena Hardinger 825-0752 Treas. Ito McNully 825-6681 Tuesday, 9 AM-4 PM, Catalina Vista/Art Studio


Pres. Peter Simpson 395-0480 October-May, Third Thursday, 7 PM, Activity Center/Navajo

The Astronomy Club will be on hiatus until October. Full-time resident members should look for email announcements of summer star parties. Please email to to get on the mailing list. After a highly successful 2014Planetary conjunction, Saguaro 2015 season, the Program ComNational Park West by John mittee is putting together plans Douglas, Oro Valley resident. for speakers for the 2015-2016 season as well as researching several field trips that will be of interest to Astronomy Club members. The first club meeting for the new season will be on October 15. Dr. William Hartmann, the founder of The Planetary Science Institute, will be our guest speaker. Please feel free to bring a friend or neighbor. Guests are always welcome. Dues: $12/ household to Nelson Tilden, 13941 N. Buckingham Dr., Oro Valley. The club recommends the following website to help you explore the night skies: Barbershop VLQ (Very Large Quartet) - Kactus Krooners

Mike Moyer 818-6509 October-May, Monday, 11 AM-Noon, Desert Oasis

This fun, mixed, a cappella Barbershop chorus is taking a rest during the summer months but will be starting up again in early November. Watch the November Tipster for details. Meanwhile, get together with some friends and just keep singing.


Bible Study

Men’s Bible Study Darwin Thornton 638-7024, Rick Thomas 591-0475 October-May, Tuesday, 7:30 AM, Catalina Vista/Mt. Kimball

We’ve ended our sessions for the summer and welcome you all back the first Tuesday in October. Have a blessed summer.

Precept Women’s Bible Study Linda Miller 818-2716, Pat Gustin 825-7531 October-April, Wednesday, 8:45 AM, WC3

We will be taking a break during the summer months. We will resume October 7. The first study is Jacob and Esau, which will be four weeks in length. The second study of I John will begin November 4 and will continue through February 10, for a total of 11 weeks. The third study of Acts will begin February 17, for a total of eight weeks. We sincerely ask that you join us in fellowship and worship. Birders Group

Patricia Eggleston (520) 308-4885 Last Friday, 4 PM, Catalina Vista/Art Studio All residents are welcome to bird with us and attend our next planning meeting August 28. You must contact the group coordinator prior to 4 PM the day before the trip to assure your carpool space. Meet at the parking area behind the Welcome Center Roger Hinkle, Marj Flory, Shirley Piplani at Reef Townsite, Carr Canyon 15 minutes before the departure time. Bring lunch where indicated. Don’t forget binoculars, hat, water, sunscreen, and bird guidebook. Gas money will be collected before departure from SCOV. Check our website for updated information on future birding trips.

Thur., Aug. 6, 5 AM Madera Canyon. Maggie and Roger Hinkle 818-9488. Bring lunch. $10 carpool. Thur., Aug. 20, 5:30 AM Mt Lemmon. Shirley Piplani 825-8428. Bring money for lunch out. $11 carpool. Thur., Sept. 10, 5:30 AM Sierra Vista and points south. Maggie and Roger Hinkle 818-9488. Bring money for lunch out. Billiards

Bob Hefner 825-4825 Monday-Friday, Noon-4 PM, Catalina Vista/Billiards

Congratulations to Mike Connoy for winning the double elimination Billiards Club Championship Tournament. Mike defeated the reigning club champion, Tony Kulpa, to become this year’s Club Champion.


Sun City Vistoso Tipster, Febraury 2011

Bike - Vistoso Cyclists

Pres. Jim Johnson 520-850-8368 Membership Tom and Bonnie Bethea 773-653-4580 Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Mountain View Plaza

We bike year-round starting from the Mountain View Plaza parking lot (Rancho Vistoso Blvd. and Sun City Blvd.) to enjoy an unparalleled combination of amazing desert vistas and everimproving infrastructure of bike lanes and dedicated paths. New riders are always welcome . A monthly schedule of our 20-60 mile rides is available on our website. Our well-tested loop routes support a wide variety of abilities and usually include a mid-ride coffee stop. We also offer a mountain bike option on Wednesdays, which most often heads out into the Tortolita rangelands. Tuesday morning our WOW (Women on Wheels) group takes somewhat shorter rides nearer to SCOV. In addition, we hold a number of social events each season. Bocce

Pres. Karl Dalla Rosa 825-1982 Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Bocce Courts May-October, 7 PM evening play November-April, 2 PM afternoon play

We’ve been enjoying Friday evening Happy Hours; some at The Café and some here at our new bocce courts. We are a very social group and always have a good time. We welcome all newcomers. I can’t stress enough about how easy the game is and how safe it is for seniors. Please come out and give it a try. Book Clubs

Great Books Pres. Barbara Gates 825-7645 VP Jeff Amthor 825-4571 October-May, First and Third Wednesday, 2 PM, Catalina Vista/Mt. Lemmon

We are on summer vacation until October 7. All residents are invited to join us then, when we will begin discussion of Parent and Child (ISBN 1-880323-76-1), a collection of significant ancient and modern literature by Euripides, Faulkner, Kafka, W.B. Yeats and six other talented artists. October 7, Esther Berlot will lead discussion of The Continuing Silence of a Poet by A.B. Yehoshua, and on October 21, Sharyn Rafieyan will lead discussion of Gwen and Somewhere, Belgium, both by Jamaica Kincaid. Looking ahead, in early 2016 we will begin reading Imperfect Ideal: Utopian and Dystopian Visions (ISBN 978-1-939014-20-7), an exciting collection of modern and ancient literature by Rachel Carson, Vladimir Lenin, Oscar Wilde, Saint Augustine, Aristotle, Dostoevsky, Homer, Thomas More and 15 other extraordinary thinkers concerned with the good and the bad that can result from various attempts to build perfect societies. No dues during 2015-2016.

SCOV Book Club Jane Fairchild 520-909-5069 First Monday, 1:30 PM, Catalina Vista/Pusch Ridge

At our August meeting we will discuss A Star for Mrs. Blake by April Smith. Cora Blake never dreamed she’d go to Paris. She’s hardly ever left the small fishing village where she grew up. Yet in the summer of 1931, she is invited to travel to France with hundreds of other Gold Star Mothers, courtesy of the U.S. Government, to say goodbye to their fallen sons,


August 2015, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster

American casualties of World War I who were buried overseas. Along the way, the women will forge lifelong friendships as they face a death, a scandal, and a secret revealed. At our September meeting we will discuss The Pearl That Broke Its Shell by Nadia Hashimi. Afghan-American Nadia Hashimi’s literary debut novel is a searing tale of powerlessness, fate and the freedom to control one’s own fate. In Kabul, 2007, with a drug-addicted father and no brothers, Rahima and her sisters can only sporadically attend school, and can rarely leave the house. Their only hope lies in the ancient custom of bacha posh, which allows young Rahima to dress and be treated as a boy until she is of marriageable age. Bowling League - Pathfinders

Blake Napper 818-2718 Monday, 9 AM, Fiesta Lanes (River and Oracle Rd.) Bridge

Duplicate Bridge Pres. Al Piarowski 825-0654 Monday, 6 PM, Friday, 12:30 PM, Activity Center/Hohokam

Annual dues $10 pp. Please be present at least 10 minutes before scheduled playing time as we may start a few minutes early. Bring exactly $1 pp for prize money each time you play. Residents may play twice before joining. Renters, with an Association renter’s card, are welcome to join. Guests of residents may play only twice a year. We are not an ACBL-sanctioned club and do not award master points.

Ladies Monday Social Bridge Pres. Marcia Polley 818-9073 Monday, Noon, Catalina Vista/Mt. Kimball

Come hone your bridge skills in a fun, friendly, non-competitive atmosphere. Annual dues $3, and playing is free.

Ladies Wednesday Bridge Pres. Virginia Cassell 989-3358 Wednesday, 12:25 PM, Activity Center/Navajo

With the summer heat keeping you from the outdoors come join the comfort of an afternoon of bridge. Sign up Noon-12:15 PM. Play starts at 12:25 PM and continues until 3 PM. 50¢ for prize money.

Dave Johnson 825-6994

Marathon Bridge

It is getting near time to sign up for Marathon Bridge. Once a month from October 2015 through April 2016, we will be playing rubber bridge sets between a host and guest pair. The game may be played at the host residence, or if both couples agree, it may be played in the Hohokam Room at the Activity Center on the first Wednesday of each month from 1 to 4 PM. You are not required to play on this day, but the room will be available for use, if both parties agree. Entry/prize fee for seven months of games is $15 pp.

Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, August 2015

Mixed Social Bridge Pres. Barney Budreck 825-2172 Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 8-11 AM, Desert Oasis/Ocotillo

Don’t pass up a deal to play with a full deck while enjoying coffee with an amicable group.

Practice Bridge Pres. Joe Pheanis 818-9144 Sec./Treas. Louise Lines 825-6673 Monday, Wednesday, 1 PM, Desert Oasis/Ocotillo Tuesday Night Partners Bridge Pres. Rita Quin 825-3885 VP and Treas. Jerry Cohen 818-2151 Tuesday, 6:30 PM, Activity Center/Navajo/Hohokam

Summer residents, come join us for a cool evening of bridge. Arrive by 6:20 PM; play begins at 6:30 PM. Prizes are divided among winners and a $10 bonus goes to couples bidding and making a grand slam. Bunco Bunco

Fern 825-8127, Pat 825-7198 Fourth Tuesday, 1-4 PM, Desert Oasis/Ocotillo Canasta

CJ Barbee 825-5885, Robert Segebrecht 825-5480 Thursday, 6 PM, Desert Oasis/Ocotillo

All of you members who are still here for the summer, please join us on Thursdays for canasta. Keep an eye out for the news on our Christmas Potluck in December. Ceramics

Pres. Barbara Durachta 825-6602 Monday and Friday, 9 AM-Noon; Wednesday, Noon-3 PM Artisan Center/Ceramics

The Ceramics Room is available for club use Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Tuesday and Thursday it may be occupied by other organizations as assigned by the Program Director. Monitors are asked to fill club hours as much as possible. Clay

Pres. Joan Kelley 734-255-9644 September-May First Thursday, 1 PM, Artisan Center/Pottery

The Clay studio continues to be a cool haven from the heat of summer. The first two classes of our new education program have been completed with great enthusiasm. In June a small group learned how to refine the pouring spout of a pitcher and in July there was an adventurous building of closed forms which were dropped to the floor to create unusual torn vases. Thanks to our member teachers and the crew who helped put on these workshops. Look for more coming in the fall. Orientations are held once a month over the summer. Sign up in the studio to reserve your space and begin the journey into the world of clay.


Rock ‘N Roll

Vistoso Computer Society (VCS)

Membership October-May General Meetings

David Johnson 825-6994 Contact Del Salvaterra 834-5146 November-March

There is no general meeting or instructional computer classes for August. We are having one Help Session a month on the fourth Tuesday during the summer. Membership is required for all classes, help sessions, assistance from other computer club members, and the right to join the ListServ (online bulletin board). To know more about or join the PC or Mac ListServ, go to the club’s website homepage. The club is now collecting dues for 2015, $10/household. Checks, not cash, will be accepted at the meetings or send to Dave Johnson, 2427 Nasturtium, with the application form. The application form is available outside the CLC (Computer Learning Center) in the Welcome Center or you may download it from the club’s website homepage. Drop off used ink cartridges in the basket provided just outside the CLC. The club donates them to Coronado K-8 school’s Parent Teachers Organization to fund a multitude of projects.

Help Sessions for PC and Mac Users 1 Session Tues., August 25

1-3 PM

Pres. Earl Cohen 818-2582 Dances in the Auditorium

Watch for our announcement of new officers in next month’s Tipster. September 12 is our next dance with Rillito River Band. It’s time to renew your membership by completing the renewal form and sending your check made out to SCOV Rock and Roll Club for $10 pp to: Judy MacGregor, 2279 E. Romero Canyon Drive, Oro Valley, AZ. 85755. Remember, if you are asked to serve and you do not help, your membership may not be renewed. We have some great bands coming this year.


Line Dancing - Sunliners

Robert Hines 825-2208 First and Third Thursday, 6:30 PM, Catalina Vista/Pusch Ridge Cribbage Club will not meet August and September. This action is necessary due to the limited number of players during the summer. Play resumes October 15.

Ballroom - Villanellas Pres. Evelyn Holthus 818-1042 Membership Jerry Bode 818-1116 October-April Dances: Third Friday We kick off our dance season on October 16.

Dances: Open Line Dance Open Line Dance Dance Party

Fri., Aug. 7, 6:30-8:30 PM Fri., Sept. 4, 6:30-8:30 PM Sat., Aug. 8, 5:30-9 PM

Classes: Intermediate Continuing Beginner

Sat., 9-10 AM Sat., 10:15-11:15 AM

Practices: Intermediate Intermediate Continuing Beginner Summer Requests (ALL)

Sun., 11 AM-12: 30 PM, Dance Studio, 1st & 3rd Sun. only Thurs., 2:45-3:55 PM, beginning Aug. 6 Thurs., 3:55-5 PM, beginning Aug. 6 Wed., 2-3 PM, Dance Studio

Dance Groups

Dancin’ Dynamos The Dancin’ Dynamos Club is seeking for someone with experience in tap dancing. Contact Del at 520-8345146.

Dancin’ Dynamos Performers Lynne Newbauer 818-3516 Tappers-Cloggers-Stage, Friday, 3 PM, Dance Studio

Hula - Aloha Hula Sisters Del Salvaterra 520-834-5146 Class Thursday, 1-3 PM Dance Studio

Practice Third and Fourth Monday, 1-3 PM, Dance Studio

We are in recess this summer. See you in October.

All classes, practices and dances are held in the Auditorium unless otherwise noted.

Intermediate Transition will resume Wed., Oct. 14.

Members Helping Members:


Cont. Beginners

Folk Dance Club of SCOV

Harvey Gardner 308-5616 Friday, 10-11:30 AM, AFC/Studio 2 We won’t be meeting for the summer but will resume our regular sessions on September 18. The highly recommended Tucson Folk Dance Club meets on Tuesdays at 7 PM at Movement Shala, 435 E 9th St.Tucson, AZ 85705, a 40-minute ride from SCOV.


Sun City Vistoso Tipster, Febraury 2011

Pres. Debbie Allen 825-4510 Membership Chair Ellie Anderson 818-1568 email:

Wed., 2-3 PM, Dance Studio

Wed., 3-3:45 PM, Dance Studio

Square Dancing - Sundancers

Pres. Jane Macdonald 520-272-0014 Summer contact: Fred or Deena Harris, Secretary 818-6298 Dances Wednesday, 7 PM, Auditorium

Our club will not dance during August. Stay tuned for information on our fall season with our new caller, Rick Gittelman. Our first fall dance will be September 9. Check Tipster monthly for updates and additional information.


August 2015, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster

Western Dancing - Kactus Kickers

Pres. Yvette Schulz, 520-825-0797, Dances November-April, Second Friday, Auditorium Membership Del Salvaterra, 520-834-5146

Join us for our Western Dancing refresher classes: October 29, November 5 and November 12. These classes are for club members and last year’s dance class members at no charge. Our first dance this year will be November 13 with the Clear Country Band. New dance classes begin in January. Not a member yet? For $7 pp you can join this fun SCOV Western Dance Club. Looking forward to seeing you on the dance floor. Day Trippers

Chair Jack Gallagher 825-4650 Co-Chair Kathy Garver 345-2188 Membership Roy and Barb Riley 818-9939 Second Friday, 9 AM, Activity Center/Navajo Wed., Aug. 19 Western Style BBQ 4-7 PM Activity Center. Cost $20 pp members and house guests. Catered by Culinary Design. Live Entertainment. Monitors: Helen Bronkhorst 825-0201 and Joan VanderVliet 825-4650. Thurs., Sept. 17 Lunch at Tanque Verde Guest Ranch & Colossal Cave Tour. Cost $60 pp members and house guests only. Bus leaves at 10:45 AM. Includes buffet lunch, 45 min. tour of Colossal Cave. Monitors: Lynn Krivitz 825-7689 and Helen Wilshire 825-5350. Fri.- Mon., Oct. 2-5 Balloon Fiesta, Albuquerque, New Mexico Cost $750 sgl; $510 dbl ea. Final payments due at Sept 11 meeting. Wait list only. Thurs., Nov. 19 - Evening Performance AZ Opry, Apache Junction. Cost $60 pp includes buses, drivers’ tips, performance and dinner. Buses leave at 4:30 PM. Monitors: Carol Vandaveer 820-1583 and Laura Suchocki 612-7226. Thurs.,-Sat., Dec. 10-12 Acker Music Festival, Prescott, AZ. Cost sgl $375; dbl $270 ea. $100 pp deposit and sign up at September meeting. Includes roundtrip transportation, driver tip, 2 nights hotel, baggage handling, 5 meals. Bus leaves at 8:30 AM. Monitors: Rosemary Dalla Rosa 825-1982 and Helen Wilshire 825-5350. Sun., Dec. 20 Annual Holiday Party 1-4 PM, Activity Center. Cost $22 pp.

Future trips planned 2016: Laughlin, NV; San Diego, CA; Dolly Steamboat/lunch at Tortilla Flats; Frank Lloyd Wright Taliesian West/lunch at Wrigley Mansion. Come to our meetings and hear about these and other trips planned. Be sure to bring your checkbook to every meeting as we require deposits or full payment when you sign up for a trip. Dog Club - Fido’s Friends

Pres. Marge Gustafson Membership/Secretary Elaine Deeter 825-5388 November, January and March, Third Thursday, 2 PM, Activity Center/Hopi

On these hot summer days, be sure to take water for yourself and for your dog when you go for a walk. The Dog Park here in SCOV is maintained and operated by Fido’s Friends. If you want to use the Park for your dog’s exercise, please contact our membership secretary, who will collect your information, dues and key deposit.

Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, August 2015

Sun City Oro Valley Democratic Club

Pres. Maureen Salz 520-240-0049 Second Saturday, 1 PM, Activity Center Promoting the ideals, principles, and policies of the Democratic Party, to ensure an informed electorate. On August 8 we will welcome guest speaker Tory Anderson, the Executive Director for the Arizona Alliance for Retired Americans. The Arizona Alliance for Retired Americans works to promote retirement security for all Americans. With Cheryl Cage, Chair of the over 44,000 members in Arizona Pima Cty Democratic Party and 4 million nationwide, the Ari- spoke at our Annual Picnic zona Alliance for Retired Americans is a strong force in public policy discussions. Tory will bring us updates on what’s happening in Washington and threats to Social Security and Medicare. She’ll also talk about the Arizona Alliance and how to get involved. It’s summer and Impact of Southern Arizona desperately needs our nonperishable food donations. We will also accept monetary donations. Our membership is growing so come visit, learn and better yet join us. Meetings are always open to the public and to non-members. Dinner ’N Show

Pres./Membership Chairperson Marcia Polley 818-9073 Julie Balogh 818-1046 Third Tuesday, 9:15 AM, Auditorium

All are welcome to join us for our monthly meetings. Bring your checkbook to the meeting as we prefer not to take cash. Non-members are welcome to come to shows, with an additional $3 service fee. The new season for the theatre begins in the fall. The Dinner ‘n Show Club attends most performances here in the Tucson area: The Great American Playhouse on Rancho Vistoso, most of the Broadway road shows (Nederlander Productions) and other selected evening performances. We also frequent several Phoenix area theatres for matinee performances. Some of these include Hale Theatre (Gilbert), The Palms (Mesa), Phoenix Theatre and Arizona Opry. These include a meal and you are home early evening. We usually pick the best day for good seating, all days of the week. Come join us! Different Drummers Women’s Circle

Leader Bobi Borenstein 825-8856 Co-Leader Zona Boss 520-638-6644 Wednesday, 1:30-3 PM, Catalina Vista/Mt. Lemmon

We thought summer would be slow. The DDWC reached out to the male drummers in Sun City to join us for July and August. Then the phone started ringing from memory care and rehabilitation facilities in our area to ask us to entertain. For them we prefer to offer music therapy. By sharing our instruments with everyone in the room, we allow them to feel the relaxing and healing vibrations. At the Sonora Memory Care Unit, we could not decide who had the most fun. The DDWC provides a community drum circle for any


woman wanting to connect with others through hand drumming using African Djembe drums, hand-held Native American frame drums and other small percussion. Drums and instruments are provided for guests. Join us to drum, laugh and meet new friends. People worldwide for centuries have used group drumming to energize minds and bodies, strengthen community bonds, release stress and celebrate life. Energetic Exercise

Carole Tracy 825-1187 Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 8-9 AM, Auditorium

We also have trips planned to exciting places including White Stallion Ranch, Bach’s Nursery, Rillito Nursery, Phoenix Botanical Gardens and Tubac. If you have not paid your dues yet, send your check to SCOV Garden Club in the amount of $5 pp/$8 pc to Florence Duckett , 987 E. Desert Glen, Oro Valley AZ 85755. If you do so by August 31, your name will be included in our membership yearbook. Our next regular meeting will be Wednesday, October 14 at Catalina Vista. Please note new start time is 12:30 PM. Genealogy

Pres. Darwin Thornton 638-7024 Don’t let monsoon season wash you out. Come join us Monitor Training Joan Allen 825-4464 at the Activity Center for friendship and fitness with our Mentoring Holly Gibson 825-8808 professional instructor Sally Martinez. She’ll get you mov- October-May, Second Tuesday, 1 PM, Activity Center/Navajo ing with a variety of classes that give your body plenty of aerobic, strength, balance and stretch moves. She’s expert at keeping us seniors strong and flexible. You’ll be amazed at how good you’ll feel. New members are always welcome–men and women. Your get-acquainted class is free. Annual dues are $3. Class tickets are a bargain: Only $30 for 12 classes. Euchre

Jack and Barb Matthies 825-4891 (October-May) Jack and Maria Welch 520-395-1205 (May-October) Monday, Meet 5:45 PM, Play 6 PM, Catalina Vista/Mt. Lemmon

Don’t watch TV every night; come play euchre, a fastmoving game. Meet your neighbors and make new friends. If you are new to the game, we will be glad to teach you. Bring your smile and 50¢. We are looking forward to seeing you.

No meetings until October; but our computer room is open when a monitor has signed up to work. The schedule and availability can be viewed by clicking on the Club Room Calendar at the top right corner of our web page. Mark your calendars for the first meeting of the new season on October 13. Gin Rummy

George Riley 818-0877 Monday, 6:30 PM, Desert Oasis/Saguaro Thursday and Saturday, 9 AM, Desert Oasis/Saguaro

We play team games by drawing cards for partners with no choice of teammates or tables. There are no dues or fees for this club. Games have comparatively low stakes. Call George or Bev Riley for information. Gun Club

Patty Whitley 520-971-0860 October-May, Second Tuesday, 2-3:30 PM, Catalina Vista/Pusch Ridge Our club offers the opportunity to learn and play the Native Vistoso Native American Flute Circle

American flute. There are five basic notes, and you do not need to know how to read music. As well as learning new fluting techniques, our circle always dedicates time for open mic. Please note that our circle has been changed to the second Tuesday of the month and will meet at Catalina Vista, Pusch Ridge, 2-3:30. “Music can name the unnameable and communicate the unknowable.” Leonard Bernstein. Garden Club

Co-Pres. Zona Boss 520-638-6644 Co-Pres. Deanna Haselwander 825-5291 October-April Second Wednesday, 12:30 PM, Catalina Vista/Pusch Ridge

We have exciting plans for the coming year. As a sneak preview, we’ll have a Master Gardener speak in October, Marion Cimmino will be in November, and in December we’ll have a Holiday Potluck with a DJ playing festive tunes and Santa Claus bearing gifts.


Pres. Warren Cuthbert 818-1282 Membership Don Nolan 825-5570 October-April, Second Wednesday, 2 PM, Activity Center/Hohokam Club does not meet May-September

The Gun Club is for people who have an interest in learning about guns, shooting, personal protection, firearm safety and our local shooting range. You do not need to be a club member, own a gun or have any experience with firearms to come to Gun Club meetings. We especially invite women, who are interested in learning about firearms safety and self-protection to attend. People are frequently interested in learning the laws and regulations about carrying a gun and what is required to obtain an Arizona Concealed Weapons Permit. Club members are encouraged to bring any new or interesting guns/accessories to the meeting for people to see or any guns they want to sell/trade. At some meetings we have guest speakers. Hand and Foot

Bonnie Arneson 229-1084 Sunday, 1:30 PM, Desert Oasis/Ocotillo

Monsoon rains and beautiful sunsets help our gardens grow

Sun City Vistoso Tipster, Febraury 2011

Come and join us on Sunday afternoons for a fun game of Hand and Foot. If you have never played before, we will be happy to teach you. Bring three quarters with you. You may play one time to try it out. One-time dues are $5/pp. No yearly dues. We start promptly at 1:30 PM, so come a few minutes early and be able to stay until 4 PM.


August 2015, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster


Co-Pres. Daryl Cohen, 267-250-7240, Corresponding Secretary Merle Schlesinger, 678-778-0730

Havurah is a social group that shares an interest in Jewish culture. Our meetings and events are open to all. The new board is excited about the activities planned for this year, including our new event Break the Fast. Coming Events

Library for our generous gift to the Sun City Library. In the June Tipster, there were two appreciative acknowledgements from Librarian Kate Cusumano (Thank You Corner & SCOV Library). It will be wonderful to have a computerized library facility. A special thank you to Jane Myerson and Jim Williams for offering our first ever summer courses and a continuing thanks to all of you who have volunteered in some way over the years to make the c lub so successful.

Japanese Flower Arranging Annual Dinner and Movie: Sat., Aug. 1, 5 PM, Activity Center/Navajo Room, Donald Marier 825-4878 Tickets $10/member, $15/non-member. Doris Oliver 818-1512 Brown Bag Lunch: Wed, Aug. 5, 11:30 AM, Catalina Vista/Pusch Ridge Rosh Hashanah Dinner: Mon, Sept. 14, 5 PM, Café $26/member, October-May, Second and Fourth Monday, 2-4 PM, Catalina Vista/Pusch Ridge Join us to learn the basics of Japanese flower arranging as $31/non-member. well as creative ways of designing with flowers. Break the Fast: Wed., Sept. 23, 6:30-8:30 PM, Café $16/member, $21/non-member. Karate Ticket sales for Rosh Hashanah dinner and Break the Fast Instructor Paul Lauff 548-5725 can be purchased at the Activity Center on the following Pres. Fred Hargrave 825-1779 days: Saturday, August 1, 5 PM, August 24, September.1, Wednesday, 9 AM-Noon, AFC/Studio 1 September 3 10-12 PM. Send $15 pp dues to Sandy Salz, 1816 E Crown Ridge Way. Please wear name tags and bring non-perishable food items for Community Food Bank to all events. Thank you. Hiking

Jim Williams 818-2226

Photo to the right is one of the sights to visit, the windmill at Sausalito Creek, still used today to pump water for cattle grazing on the State land. (Photo is courtesy of hiking club member Peg Rocklin.) During August we continue to look forward to monsoon rains which change the landscape dramatically greening up the desert and mountains. Additional benefits are the packed surfaces in the washes as well as pools and flowing waters in the canyons. If you would like to join the hiking club, Jim Williams is offering orientation hikes required for new members. It is a good time to get started in the club. Horseshoes

Ray Coleman 825-2789 Ron Knudson 825-9307 October-April, Tuesday and Thursday, 2 PM, May-September, 8 AM The Pits at Catalina Vista ILR - Institute of Learning in Retirement

Pres. Lei Lane Bammel 818-0017 Curriculum Jane Myerson Registration Karen/Sherwin Koopmans Samplers Gaston Meloche ILR

Mail-in summer registration for the fall courses is August 1-15. Be sure to first check the club’s website to make sure that a given course is still open. The Modern Middle East course, #10, is closed, no longer available. The ILR received a note of appreciation from the Friends of the

Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, August 2015

Mah Jongg

Pres. Joyce Unger 825-8069 Treas. Barbara Gray 307-733-6544 Thursday, 1 PM, Desert Oasis/Ocotillo Business meeting, First Thursday

Please join us for a scintillating game of Mah Jongg. We play all year around and dues of $10 are due now. We are compiling a new membership list that will be for in house club use only. You are invited to update your information with Barbara Gray when you pay your dues. Questions relating to the new card can be addressed at the first Thursday meetings. Mexican Train Dominoes

Membership Chair Wye Mace 825-8738 Second and Fourth Saturday, 6 PM, Catalina Vista/Pusch Ridge

First night of play for people wanting to learn will cost $1/ pp, or join for $7/pp for the year. Please arrive by 5:45 PM. Modelers

Pres. Fred Faust 907-3469 Second Friday, 8 AM, Catalina Vista/Pusch Ridge At a recent modelers monthly meeting, long time model builder Ed Dietrich presented his model of a Diamond Reo tractor chassis made from a AMT kit. There are over Model builder, Ed Dietrich 250 kit parts. Also Ed built a Photo By Tom Prall case for the model. During the summer months, all SCOV residents are welcome at our monthly meetings and the use of the Modelers Room. The room provides space to build models and to assist in building and operating the new HO train layout. Join us at our meeting to see what we are about and enjoy a cup of coffee and a sweet roll. At our meetings members bring in items for Show and Tell which serves as a conduit for our discussions. From time to time we schedule field trips of interest to modelers.


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Paid Advertising, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, August 2015, Page 19

Natural Health and Wellness

Sherokee llse 818-3279 No meetings until October Third Wednesday, 3-4:30 PM, Catalina Vista Women’s Pan (Panguingue)

Ena Mindel 818-7780 Monday, Friday, 1-4 PM, Wednesday, 9 AM-12:30 PM, Desert Oasis/Saguaro

Pan (Panguingue) is an enjoyable and interesting card game. Come watch us play at any session. If you like what you see, we’ll teach you to play. Call Ena Mindel. Vistoso Photo

Pres. Pat Mulligan 825-9977 June-August, Second Wednesday, 6:30 PM, Catalina Vista Our final summer program will be on August 12. This is an informal get-together and a chance for members to show off their travel, vacation and other special occasion photos. Derelict Cathedral, Pat Mulligan, Best in Show We discuss the latest camera gear, ask questions, and learn from each other. We invite you to join us. Please call coordinator Rudi Punzmann at 825-2147 if you have any questions. We are a social club hosting interesting guest speakers and have a friendly photo competition every month. Computer and equipment instruction, available to any interested members, is offered in our modern photography lab at Catalina Vista. Please enjoy viewing our photo gallery of digital-competition submissions on our website. Our regular schedule of meetings the second and fourth Wednesday begins in September. The subject of the first competition, on September 23, is Open. Pickleball

Pres. Dan Gartner 410-302-2194 Treas. Lyn Mason 717-512-4261 Trainers: Brenda Hawkins 531-0256 or Maria Welch 395-1205

The Pickleball Club membership voted by a large majority to accept Bob Mariani’s long-standing proposal to split the cost of building new steps and a connector pathway adjacent to Court 1. The full cost of the project was $3850; the club contributed $1925 from its own funds to offset that cost. The steps and pathway resolve a major safety issue and improve access to water, restrooms and Activity Center area. The project was completed in July. Maria Welch and Brenda Hawkins are working with beginners. Tuesday, 7-8 AM is reserved for beginners to come and refresh their rules knowledge and practice with each other. Courts have been busy considering it’s only summer residents. Competitive and casual play together most of the time, and we had all five


Sun City Vistoso Tipster, Febraury 2011

courts being used at the same time. Most popular time is 6-8 AM. Evenings are also still popular. Pilates

Mary Ayers 638-7916 Monday, 3 PM, Thursday, 1:30 PM, AFC/Studio

Summer is a great time to commit to a new exercise routine, so why not try Pilates? Classes are much smaller and more personal this time of year. Forty years after his death, the Joseph Pilates exercise system has never been in such high demand. Fortunately, SCOV is able to offer Pilates classes here twice per week. People ask if the benefits of Pilates, which come from the strengthening and stretching exercises, really develop the body’s core (abdomen and back muscles), increase spine mobility and build flexibility? The answer is a firm yes. Additional benefits you’ll see from taking the group mat classes specifically designed for seniors, are better balance, more muscle tone and increased stamina. We have experienced instructors, the cost is only $8/class and annual club dues are $20 pp. Please join us or just come by and watch. Pinochle

Barbara Matthies 825-4891 Wednesday, 6 PM, Desert Oasis/Ocotillo

We play single deck and rotate partners every four hands. Bring 50¢ for your tally. The first Wednesday is treat night. The third Wednesday is birthday night. If your skills are a little rusty, we will get you up to speed quickly. Annual dues $6 pp. Poets Corner

Esther Berlot 818-6463 Monday, 9:30-11:30 AM, Desert Oasis/Saguaro Poker

Mens Dealer’s Choice Poker Steve Dirks 952-200-9430 Tuesday, Thursday, 6 PM, Desert Oasis/ Saguaro Dealer’s choice: Texas Hold’em, Omaha, Seven Card Stud, Criss Cross, Slide-Rule, and a couple of Five Card Draw variations. The dealer antes 25¢. All games are high-low except for Texas Hold’em which is high only. Stakes are 25¢ for the early bets and either 25¢ or 50¢ for the last two bets.

Men’s Friday Poker Bob Arms 520-395-1697 Friday, 5:45-8:45 PM, Desert Oasis/ Saguaro

Easy-going informal poker with low stakes. We play high only, five draw, five stud, seven stud, Omaha, Texas Hold’em and Iron Cross (Criss Cross). No dues. Bring your own refreshments. Cards are provided. The dealer will ante for all players and choose the game. Absolute requirements are to leave politics and religion at the front door and come to enjoy three hours of no-hassle understandable poker. We welcome new fellows. Bring your nickels, dimes and quarters. Call Bob Arms to review the rules of play before your first game.


August 2015, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster

Prepare & Share Dining

Colin Kaltenbach Gail Shepard No meetings until November

As you are preparing new recipes this summer and enjoying gatherings with friends, keep in mind some fun ideas for monthly themes. These suggestions are always welcome and can be shared with the Prepare and Share officers. Check your calendar to make sure you have Friday, November 20, highlighted for the Kick-Off event beginning at 5:30 in the Navajo Room. Here we will experience a Mediterranean Night with food prepared by Za’atar, a Mediterranean Restaurant and Bakery. A delicious menu is planned for $15 pp. Watch for more information in future Tipsters. Sun City Vistoso Quilters

Carol Guibert 520-404-1462 Second and Fourth Tuesday, 1 PM, Desert Oasis/Saguaro Racquetball

Pres. Jim Hansen 490-0547 Sec./Treas. Sec/Treas. Mike Steinmetz 955-7833 Open Doubles Monday, Wednesday, Friday 8-10 AM

Our group is smaller during the summer which means we each get more play per unit time. The court is cooled so come over and play this exhilarating sport. Early Music Recorder Ensemble

Joyce Minks 825-0642 Tuesday, Noon, Catalina Vista/Pusch Ridge

Do you have a recorder? Want to learn or improve your skills? Would you like to play in a group? Soprano, alto, tenor and bass recorders welcome. Enjoy the harmonies of an ensemble. SCOV visitors welcome.


Bill Wallace 818-6747 Friday, 1 PM, Desert Oasis/Ocotillo

The Scrabble Club welcomes new members. We invite you to join us whether you are a beginner, intermediate or advanced player. The Official Scrabble Player’s Dictionary is our spell-check source. We have several on hand as well as scrabble sets. Call Bill Wallace or Corinne Kulick 825-7673. Seniors for Kids

Jean Sax 651-436-4243 October-May First Thursday, 8 AM, Catalina Vista/Pusch Ridge Sewing - Thimblelenas

Jan Bohe 520-825-9725 Monday-Friday, 8 AM-Noon and 1-4 PM, Artisan Center/Sewing

Maybe you will be one of those who can’t resist being involved in several groups. In Thimblelenas you can be active in as many of the 7 groups as you wish. As a bunch of sewers, our group always welcomes new members to join: Seniors for Kids, Casa Amigas, Sun City Vistoso Quilters, Machine Embroidery, Tapestry Rug Hooking, Cheer Bears and Pet Beds.

Casa Amigas Karen Hasselbach 520-360-0215 Monday and Thursday, 9 AM-Noon, Artisan Center/Sewing

It’s hard to imagine turning our attention soon to fall and winter clothes for the children when it’s blazing hot outside. Planning ahead keeps us on our toes. We are making creative clothes for kids they will enjoy wearing. These kids want to be in style just like everyone else. Want to be part of our caring group? Stop by this week. Guiding you through a project that you will thoroughly enjoy is our goal.

Cheer Bears Nancy Njaa 825-5486 Member information Meade Davis 307-630-5330 September-May, Wednesday, 1-3 PM, Artisan Center/Sewing October-May, Second Monday, 9 AM, Catalina Vista/Mt. Kimball Meetings are suspended for the summer while residents Machine Embroidery are traveling on their own to visit family or to explore the Sharon Larsen 414-614-5504 country in anticipation of future trips. Meetings will resume Training Coordinator Karin Frohlich 825-5278 on October 12 with a Welcome-Back Coffee and Bagels. Thursday, 1:30 PM, Artisan Center/Sewing Republican Club RV Club - Sundowners

Pres. Merritt McGlothlin 520-572-7853 Third Tuesday, 3 PM, Auditorium

The SCOV Republican Club will not meet during August. We will resume meeting on September 15 and continue meetings in October and November. There will be no meeting this year in December. Our September meeting will include discussion of issues related to the coming local elections that will include a recall election in Oro Valley, and a bond election in Pima County in which all registered eligible residents of Sun City may vote. St. Phillips Support Group

Abby Marier 825-4878 Meetings will be announced. Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, August 2015

Looking for a cool place to hang out on Thursdays? Come over and see what’s going on with embroidery projects. Call for lessons. Summer is a wonderful time to get a head start on Christmas gifts. What grandchild wouldn’t love a gift with their name embroided on it? We also have blank fingertip towels for you to embroider as a donation for Davidson school. Any questions, call Sharon.

Pet Beds Jan Bohe 825-9725 Tuesday, 1-3 PM, Artisan Center/Sewing

Our furry friends need an extra touch of kindness while waiting for adoption at The Humane Society, so we create soft, comfy pet beds from fabric sewing scraps. We invite you to join us.


Stained/Fused Glass

Tapestry Rug Hooking Ann Feeney 818-0340 Tuesday, 9-11 AM, Artisan Center/Sewing

Lei Bammel 818-0017 Juliet Williams 623-565-0153 (fused glass) We are always happy to enroll new members and wel- Fusing: Tuesdays & Thursdays, 9-11 AM, Artisan Center/Stained Glass come residents who are interested in rug hooking. Open Studio, any other time on Tuesday-Sunday, Artisan Center/Stained Glass Shauskopf - Sheepshead

Pres. 825-3095 Tuesday at 10 AM-Noon, Desert Oasis Show ‘N Share

Marion Nelmark 825-9331 Friday, 9 AM-Noon, Catalina Vista/Mt. Lemmon Silversmith and Lapidary

Pres. Ed Lindahl 825-8589 Summer shop hours: Monday-Friday, 9 AM-Noon, Artisan Complex/Silver Smith Monthly meetings will resume in the fall Sun City Singers

Pres. Nancy Gilbertson 308-5096 Director Don Hess Rehearsals Tuesday, 6:30-8:30 PM, Auditorium

The Sun City Singers are on summer vacation until September 8, when rehearsals for our December Holiday Concerts will begin. If you like to sing, please come and join us. There are no auditions. Music is issued on a first-come basis. Be prepared to commit to 12 weeks of rehearsals and two December holiday concerts. Dues, $10 pp, for 2015 must be paid to receive music.

Remember our Studio continues to be open Tuesday through Sunday during the summer. It is a good time to get that special project underway. Come in and meet some cheerful and helpful people. Also, there are some free books and a few video tapes available on the counter. Many thanks go out to the people who helped keep the Studio functioning so well during this season. During the summer, monitors are not officially assigned to the Studio. If a monitor is needed, a call can be made from a list posted on the bulletin board near the door. Sign-up sheets will be available on the Bulletin Board in the Studio for the Fall Classes in Beginners’ Foiling, Leaded Came, and Fusing. The next General Meeting is Wednesday, October 7, 1 PM. State Oregon Save the date and join us for our potluck and meeting November 5, 4-6 PM on the Kiva Patio if warm enough. If chilly, it will be in the Navajo Room. Bring a dish to share for 12 people. Bring your own place settings, drinks and any Oregon paraphernalia you wish to show off. We welcome all past and present Oregonians. Send an email to coleenjb@ or to be added to our mailing list. Senior Olympics Swim Team

Gordon Gillin 825-8261

Sun City Singles

Pres. Betty Verderese 825-7811, VP Marge Albright 825-1582 Treas. Joyce Melchi 825-8945 Dinner Meeting Second Thursday, Happy Hour Last Friday

We play the Mini Golf Course on Sunday, August 2, 4 PM. Details and sign-up in the Singles Book at the Pro Shop. Dinner arrangements are unknown at this point as Bruce had to cancel his booking. After dinner entertainment will be Mariachi, performed by Los Totrillos. Tickets: Dinner $17 pp. Happy Hour appetizers $7 pp. Ticket sales: Thursday, August 6, 10 AM-Noon and Friday, August 7, 1-2 PM. Happy hour tickets also available on Tuesday, August 25, 10-11 AM. All ticket sales in the Kachina Lounge. Please wear your badge.

Our team is vacationing until the start for 2016 season. Competition starts January and ends in April. We welcome new swimmers. Call Gordon Gillin to sign up or with questions. We need men and women,ages 50 and a half. Our team encourages fun and fitness. Table Tennis

We have play at all levels of ability and welcome new players. If you have not played for a few years, we will help you get back your game with some instruction. It is a great way to keep fit and flexible. We have four tables at Catalina Vista and can provide paddles and balls as needed.

Spanish Cultural Club

Gary Lerch 818-3319 October, November, January-March Fourth Monday, 7 PM, Catalina Vista

Our club will have its first meeting of the season on October 26. More information next month. If you are interested in Spanish language classes, please contact Myriam Barrientos at 906-8334 or For Myriam’s website with information about classes and trips, please look at


Sun City Vistoso Tipster, Febraury 2011

Co-Chairs Clive Probert 825-8719 and Ursula Jarvis 825-8461

Table Tennis Hours of Club Play, Catalina Vista: Women Tues., 1:30-3:30 PM Men/Advanced Women Tues., Thurs., 5-8 PM Men/Women Recreational Fri., 4-6 PM Open Club Play Fri., 6-8 PM Clinic by Appointment Sat., 9-10 AM Open Club Play Sat., 10 AM-Noon


August 2015, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster

Tai Chi

Co-Chairs Peggy Lombard 825-4833 Gail Barr Thursday, 10-11:30 AM, AFC/Studio 1

Classes will resume October 1. Please contact Co-Chair Peggy Lombard for information. Sun City Variety Theatre

Marcy Simpson 395-0480

Hope you are all relaxing and enjoying your summers. Be prepared to have some fun, beginning in October, as we gear up for our spring production Come to the Cabaret. The show will feature comedy and musical numbers. We welcome all to participate whether or not you have done any of this before. We promise you that this is the most fun you can have this winter – meeting people, sharing laughs and creating a quality production to entertain the community. Plan on coming to: First Call, October 20, 4-5 PM, Activity Center/Navajo. This is an informational meeting with refreshments, which will answer all your questions. Performance dates: April 2-3, 2016. Tennis

Women: Jan Ostrander 818-0006 Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 7 AM-Noon Men: Sandy Wilson 818-2368 Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, 8 AM-Noon Mixed Doubles: Sandy Kennedy 825-4865 Sunday, 1-3 PM Although many of our members have left for the summer, open play continues with earlier start times. One of our ladies teams is in need of players to play on a fall inter-club traveling team. Contact Annie 920-570-2601 or Jan 815-766-0819. Future events include: November 1 mixed doubles and round robin social, November 13 general meeting and social and December 5 our Holiday dinner party. Ukulele - Sun City Strummers

Linda Powell 505-4128, Meetings Tuesday, 9 AM-Noon, Desert Oasis/Ocotillo

Summer session is underway under the leadership of Don Bong and Bill Moeller. Sun City Strummers welcomes all SCOV residents to come to our Tuesday sessions, enjoy the music and see what it’s all about. If you decide you’d like to try it, we have loaner instruments and mentors to help get you started. Ukulele is a fun, easy-to-play instrument, so come see if ukulele is for you.

Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, August 2015


Jim Huffer 825-8743 October-April, Third Monday, 7 PM, Activity Center/Navajo Taking the summer off. Next meeting will be on October 19. Planned film is Cruising the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway.

Wallyball and Water Volleyball Co-Pres. Barb Satterly 825-8965 (water volleyball rep) Co-Pres. Walt Nalewicki 818-9590 (water volleyball rep) VP Chris Lecinski 825-6634 clecinski@ Sec./Treas. Chris Baird 344-9170 (wallyball rep) Recreational Water Volleyball: Sunday and Thursday, 1-3 PM, Desert Oasis/Pool Competitive Water Volleyball: Monday, 1-3 PM, Desert Oasis/Pool Walleyball: Tuesday and Friday, 1-3 PM, AFC/Racquetball Court

What great places to be in the heat of the summer; water volleyball in the cool Desert Oasis pool and/or wallyball in the air conditioned racquetball court. It’s a good time to learn these games and perfect your skills as our facilities are less crowded this time of year. It’s cool to be in the pool or on the court.

Woodcarvers - Barkcarvers - Gourd Woodcarvers John Shaw 825-1368 Saturday, 9 AM-Noon, Artisan Center/Lapidary Barkcarvers Ted Rydzewski 825-8624

Tuesday 1-4 PM, Thursday 9 AM-Noon, Artisan Center/Lapidary Gourds Kaaren Drent 818-2343, Monday 1-4 PM; Friday 9 AM-Noon, Artisan Center/Lapidary Woodworking

Pres. John Njaa 825-5486 Membership Lauren Strassburg 338-2568 Next meeting, September 16, 1:30 PM, Desert Oasis/Saguaro

When’s our next meeting? What are the woodshop’s normal operating hours? Do we provide lumber? What’s the story about a 100 year old lady making a segmented bowl? What woodworking machines are in the shop and where are their safety and operating manuals? What is the proper way to change a blade on the Laguna bandsaw? Can that saw cut metal? Should a drum sander be used to remove paint from a board? How does the SawStop table saw keep one from cutting off a finger? What is the most unsafe way to operate a compound miter saw? How does the Sun City West Woodworking Club compare to ours? Will a monitor be in the shop next Thursday afternoon? Answers to all these questions and many more can be found by going to our website at


Writers Club


Paul Mercer 333-3490 Second and Fourth Friday, 1-3 PM, Catalina Vista/Mt. Lemmon

Pres. Jane Fairchild, 909-5069 Finance Marie Gagnon, 825-2354 We meet all summer, and this would be a good time for you Membership Nancy Montgomery, 612-5909 to attend one of our meetings. The seasonal residents have left, Donations Nancy Williams 818-3178 and we have more time to review the pieces we have written. September-April, Second Tuesday, 9 AM, WC3 The reviews or critiques lead to the most interesting conversations; they are the favorite part of the meeting for most members. We hope to see you at our next meeting. Yoga

Co-Pres. Ursula Jarvis 825-8461 & Ginger Jones 503-318-7559 Monday, 8:30 AM, AFC Studio 1 & 2 Tuesday, 10:30 AM-Noon, AFC Studio 1 & 2 Thursday, 3:45 PM-5 PM, AFC Studio 1 & 2

Attendance fee is $7 cash pp. For the Monday class, purchase tickets in advance, $70 for 10 or $35 for 5. They never expire. Classes are structured for all levels; bring mat and props you require. Fall yoga sessions begin in Septermber: Monday classes, September 14-December 14; Tuesday classes, September 15-December 15; Thursday classes, September 10-December 10. Also watch the September Tipster for information on a new yoga class beginning in October: Chair Yoga with Kathy Kuser.

Partnered Organizations

The items contained under this heading are provided as a service to residents by other organizations. SCOV does not sponsor, support, assume responsibility nor liability for the information. AA

Cora S. 825-5461 Monday, 12:30 PM, Artisan Center/Stained Glass Tuesday, 7 PM, Desert Oasis/Ocotillo Alzheimer’s Education and Support Group

Don Dittman 551-6109 Arlene Schneider 825-5741 Last Tuesday, 4 PM, Desert Oasis/Ocotillo

Learn the basics of the disease and how to live with it. Caregivers’ Support Group

Our Auxiliary benefits Emerge! Center Against Domestic Abuse. Emerge! provides support and transitional housing to women and children in crisis. In addition, Emerge! helps to educate the community by providing presentations on domestic abuse, as well as counseling to child survivors on handling conflict, trauma and abuse. We are now collecting gently used women’s accessories (purses, scarves, jewelry, hats and shoes) for a fall fundraiser. Jan Almer will be collecting these. Contact her at 818-2504 or We always welcome new members and invite you to our meetings which will resume in September. I.C./Painful Bladder Syndrome Support Group

Call Janis Symmers for day, time and location: 825-8719 Leave a message and she will return the call.

This support group is for women with abnormal on-going pain related to the bladder. It includes interstitial cystitis, a chronic non-bacterial inflammation of the interior walls of the bladder causing a host of sometimes-debilitating symptoms. It may overlap with other chronic pain conditions that affect the bladder, like pelvic floor dysfunction. If you would like the support of this informal group, contact Janis Symmers.Parkinson’s Support Parkinson’s Support

Payton Davies 825-5352 or May-September, Third Wednesday, 11 AM, Olive Garden - Oro Valley Exercise Monday and Thursday, 4-5:30 PM, WC3

We will hold our luncheon meeting at Desert Springs, 30 W Lambert Lane, Oro Valley. Payton Davies has asked the staff there to accommodate us and they said yes. We will meet at 11:30 AM, and lunch will be served shortly after that. A $5 pp charge will be asked to defer costs. Please come and enjoy each other’s company on Wednesday August 19, 11:30 AM. RSVP to Payton by Monday August 17. Survivors of a Loved One Who Died By Suicide

Facilitator Ester Leutenberg 818-0016 First and Third Friday, 2-3 PM, Catalina Vista/Art Studio

Contact Ester Leutenberg or 818-0016

Civic Association The Civic Association of SCOV Inc. is an advocate in consumer affairs. Established in 1994 as a volunteer resident group, it has successfully dealt with the Pima County Assessor and utility companies and conducted valuable investigations such as blue pipe and roofing problems. We provide an organization where residents can request assistance with problems not covered by SCOV. Marty Abelson 825-3522

Vistoso Helpful Hands Have you tried the RTA Dial-a-Ride (DAR) for Oro Valley residents? Sometimes VHH doesn’t have a volunteer available for transportation. Register with DAR at 229-4990. Within 24 hours of your need, request a ride. They call you back with the pick up time. Within OV, the cost is $3 one way. Outside OV, it is $6 one way to most of Tucson. If you are registered as ADA (American Disability Act) the cost is $3 one way and boundaries are extended to the airport. Paperwork will be mailed with a return envelope and a 21-day wait time for approval. VHH has a trial punch card you can use and return. Cards are available at Fry’s for $18 or exact cash is accepted. If you need help, call 410-9498 and punch in your area code and phone number. Hang up and we will call you back.

Residents who want to be on our email list to receive, submit or share home maintenance information, consumer warnings and advisories, residential tax information and resident-related issues not covered by SCOV, should submit their email addresses to the website above. We are nonpolitical and are here to serve our fellow residents. Nonresident emails will not be accepted.


Sun City Vistoso Tipster, Febraury 2011


August 2015, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster

YOTO/Northwest Auxiliary

Kris Cohen 818-2582

Won’t you join us in positively impacting Tucson’s future? Your contribution to Youth On Their Own will support the high school graduation of local abandoned and homeless youth, homeless through no fault of their own. As the newest partnered organization in SCOV, the YOTO/ Northwest Auxiliary is aligning with YOTO to identify the needs of the organization and work to fill them. It is not too late to donate school supplies, personal care items or checks made out to YOTO for the Back to School campaign to help the 1500+ students YOTO serves get ready for the fall term. All SCOV residents are invited to join us. Get on the email list for program updates at Call Kris Cohen at 818-2582. w

Town of Oro Valley


Free Arts & Cultural Events in Oro Valley

It may be hot outside, but there’s still plenty to do this month in OV. The next free Oro Valley Concert Series will be Thursday, August 13 at 6 PM in front of Century Theaters at the OV Marketplace. Enjoy live music by Tucson Bandstand, Swingin’ hits of the 60’s and 70’s. Enjoy public art? Catch a free public art tour at 1 PM Tuesday, August 18. Call 520-229-4735 to reserve a seat. And don’t forget the Farmers Market at Steam Pump Ranch every Saturday, 8 AM-Noon. Follow us on Facebook or visit

Extended Community American Legion Oro Valley Post 132

We are veterans making a difference in the lives of our returning injured heroes and veterans and service members in need. Help us to help them by joining our active and friendly Post. You too can make a difference. There is strength in numbers even if you can’t be an active member. Contact Steve Asp, 520-544-7882, Meet third Thursday at 6:30 PM, Vistoso Memorial Chapel 2285 E. Rancho Vistoso Blvd., Oro Valley.

Catalina-Oro Valley Lions Club

The 2014-2015 Lions Year has now ended. The Catalina-Oro Valley Lions Club was very active during that period. We logged 2,538 volunteer hours; served, in a variety of capacities, 2,599 individuals; collected and delivered 1,296 pairs of prescription glasses for recycling and raised $6,673 for charitable giving. If you would like to be part of this dedicated service organization, call Louis Phillippi 638-6957.

National Active and Retired Federal Employees

NARFE Chapter 1874 will not be meeting in August. We will see you in September. Contact Rosie King 520-400-3456.

Oro Valley Rotary - Presentation on Iraq

Saad Allawi will present “Iraq: A Desert Mirage” on August 17 at 6:30 PM at St. Andrew’s Church on Paseo Del Norte. He will cover history, geography and demographics of the country within the context of the Islamic world. He will review the recommendations he made to the Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA) in 2004 and the implication of those. Finally, he will discuss alternatives for solving the current problem - engaging the audience in what will likely be an informative and interesting discussion. Pizza and water will be provided for a $5 contribution. Check the OV Rotary website for information at or contact Saad Allawi at

Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, August 2015




The items contained under this heading are provided as a service to residents by other organizations that are neither sponsored nor supported by SCOV Community Association, Inc. SCOV assumes no responsibility or liability for the information contained therein. BR=Bedroom; BA=Bath; N/S=No Smoking; N/P=No Pets; W/D=Washer and Dryer; LR=Living Room; DR=Dining Room; FR=Family Room; AZRM=Arizona Room; FP=Fireplace; Stainless Steel= S/S; WiFi=Wireless Internet Service Classified Advertising, $10/ad

FOR RENT: 2015 Multi-month vacation home rental. Completely furnished with great mountain views 2BR, 2BA, 2-car garage. Furnished covered patio with grill. Rental rates will be discounted for SCOV families and friends. Rentals throughout the year or long term. Call Jo (Wisconsin) 262-886-9999 or 825-0232. Photos available via email. FOR RENT: Beautiful Vacation Home located in SCOV, 2BR, 2BA. Completely furnished, includes WiFi, cable, large patio, W/D, garage. N/S, N/P. Available August through December 2015, May through December 2016 and all of 2017. Great location, 13490 N Tom Ryan’s Way. Call Kathy 510-537-1590 or email FOR RENT: 2BR, Fully furnished with mountain view. King in master, Internet, patio furniture and barbecue. Discounts are given for over three months. Available May through December 2015. For details and/or pictures call Jan at 636-357-8817 or email FOR RENT: Unfurnished or furnished. 1050 sq. ft. 2BR, 2BA at 16th fairway T-box; 13999 N. Green Tree, Lot 68. Prof designed interiors, granite in kitchen, Saltillo tile floors all new in ’07. W/D, microwave and refrigerator included. Unfurnished $1300/mo. 12 Mos., or furnished $2500 for 12 Mos.; presently listed for sale. email for photos, info, etc. or call 713-817-8499. FOR RENT: 2BR/2BA Fully furnished, Pacifica model. King in master. Utilities, cable, Internet included. Furnished, covered patio with grill and beautiful waterfall feature. Available December 2015 and April 2016 only. N/S N/P. For details and or pictures call Knansee at 970-948-8808 or email FOR RENT: 2BR, 2BA with open floor plan, available July-November, 2015. Mountain view, patio, fully furnished. Large fenced yard. Den w/computer, printer, fax, HDTV, WiFi. $1250/ mo, includes utilities and golf cart. Call Michele at 303-408-1983 or 303-772-4143. FOR RENT: Fully furnished Dakota model four blocks from the Activity Center. 2BR/2BA, closed in AZRM. Partial mountain views. NS/NP. For more information and photos call John 307-638-7226 or email FOR RENT: Mariposa split floor plan, 1200 sq ft, 2BR/2BA furnished home on Tradewinds Way. Beautifully furnished, satillo tile floors, 2 queen beds. All utilities included, DSL WfFi, cable, local phone, gas, electric, water, Avail Aug-Dec, 2015 and April-June 2016 at offseason rates. Monthly preferred, consider weekly off-season, perfect for visitors looking to buy in OV. Call Diane, 805-636-1960. FOR RENT: Beautiful Montara Model home for rent. Fully furnished, large backyard with mature trees. Two patios, one out front and back. View of mountains from screened porch. $1100/mo July - Sept, $2200 Oct- March. Or $1100/mo for 12 month rental. Two month rental minimum. Call: 520-989-3285 WANT TO RENT: 2BR or 3BR, 2 BA for Jan, Feb and March 2016 or just Feb and March 2016. Retired couple from WI with well-behaved dog. 715-379-6134, klnergaard@ WANT TO RENT: SCOV 2BR/2BA wth mountain views, January, February and March 2016. Retired Minnesota teacher., 952-943-7926 . RENTAL WANTED: January or February 2016. Excellent references from current Sun City residents. Semi retired psychologist and retired University of Missouri Kansas City administrator. Contact Jerry Hamilton at or 913-982-6519. RENTAL WANTED: Unfurnished, 2BR/2BA house in SCOV. Retired couple, long term lease, 1 year plus, Contact Barbara at 949-422-3861 or FOR SALE: $400 Xerox Work Center 310, asking $150. 719-200-9149 BUYING: A curious collector would like to buy watches, old photos, war relics, 19th and 20th century family and estate items, antiques, jewelry, coins, silver and much more. Anything unusual or nostalgic. I like to look and love to buy. Exceptional prices paid. 529-2984.


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Paid Advertising, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, August 2015, Page 26

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Paid Advertising, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, August 2015, Page 28

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Paid Advertising, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, August 2015, Page 29

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Paid Advertising, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, August 2015, Page 30

Trish 520-243-9515 Residential Cleaning Licensed & Insured

Shields Pest Control LLC Shielding our community from pests Randy Shields Owner/Operator

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Thinking of you and what a great job you did for me as my Representative even if I already had my Buyer. I felt, however, I needed to have someone be my Rep in the final process of selling my home in Sun City, Oro Valley. You sold the home of good friends and they were most pleased; that was my good fortune! You helped me every step of the way in reading and signing all the papers in a knowledgeable, compassionate way for seniors; even helping me wrap and assist in getting my things out of the house before closing. It’s a lucky person who is fortunate to work with you! With many thanks,

Nancy Bennett, Home Seller Paid Advertising, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, August 2015, Page 31

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Paid Advertising, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, August 2015, Page 32

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Paid Advertising, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, August 2015, Page 33


How to Administer Trusts, Probates or Estates after a loved one passes away and other estate planning topics. Date: August 12, 2015 Location: Resurrection Lutheran Church 11575 N. 1st Avenue, Oro Valley Time: 10:00am – 12:00pm RSVP: 520-219-9733,


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Paid Advertising, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, August 2015, Page 34

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Paid Advertising, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, August 2015, Page 35


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