It’s More Than Living...It’s a Lifestyle!
Tipster February 2019
BOD Study Session, Thursday February 14, 9 AM, WC3 and BOD Meeting Tuesday February 26, 9 AM, WC3
Photo by Ken Ayers
The Tipster is published monthly by Sun City Oro Valley 1565 E. Rancho Vistoso Blvd., Oro Valley, AZ 85755, 520-825-3711
Board of Directors
Email address for BOD members, GM & Assistant Manager:
John Wilson, Meade Davis, President Joy Huxtable, Tim Kelley, Debra Arrett, Director Lou Gard, Director Ted Hood, Director Management Team (area code 520) Mark Wade, General Manager, 917-8080 Robin Coulter, ......Assistant General Manager, 917-8070 Mary Cunningham, Area Maint. Supt., 917-8059 Aalt Brouwer, Food & Beverage Director, 917-8074 Michael Kropf, Course Superintendent, 917-8063 Rick Price, of Golf, 917-8086 Ken Sandrock, Supt., 917-8078 Pam Sarpalius, Director, 917-8077 Randy Trenary, Controller, 917-8060
Hours of Operation Activity Center...................................................917-8066
Mon.-Fri. .......................................................................................... 7 AM-9 PM Sat................................................................................................... 9 AM-9 PM Sun. ................................................................................................ 9 AM-6 PM
Administration (In Welcome Center).................... 825-3711 ext 120 Mon.-Fri. ................................................................................ 7:30 AM-4:30 PM
Aquatic & Fitness Center...................................917-8067
Mon.-Sat...........................................................................................5 AM-9 PM Pool Mon.-Sat.....................................................................................5 AM-8:30 PM Sun.............................................................................................5 AM-5:30 PM Children’s Hours - Daily.................................................................... 11 AM-1 PM
Catalina Vista....................................................825-8613
Mon.-Fri. .......................................................................................... 7 AM-9 PM Sat................................................................................................... 9 AM-9 PM Sun. ................................................................................................ 9 AM-6 PM
Community Services..........................................917-8065 Mon.-Fri. .............................................................................................9-11 AM
Desert Oasis.....................................................825-0495
Mon.-Fri. .......................................................................................... 7 AM-9 PM Sat. .................................................................................................9 AM-8 PM Sun. ................................................................................................9 AM-5 PM Pool .Daily...........................................................................................9 AM-4:30 PM Children’s Hours: ............................................ Daily Noon-4 PM Except see below .Except Sun., Mon. and Thu. ............................................ Noon-1 PM and 3-4 PM Water volleyball on Sun., Mon. and Thu. ............................................1 PM-3 PM
Support Team Monica Clark, Administrative Coordinator, 917-8082 Kate Cusumano, Librarian, 917-8083 Lonnie Davis, Supervisor, 917-8073 Marsha Dean, Communications Coordinator, 917-8069 Julie Foerster, Resources, 917-8061 Angela Hong, Assistant, 917-8062 Karen Loffredo, Services Coordinator, 917-8087 Katy Mosier, Services Coordinator, 917-8058 Lisa Orach, Administrative Coordinator, 917-8065 Errick Owens, Manager, 825-3277 Kathy Peabody, Marketing & Technology Coordinator, 917-8068 Coco Sullivan, Facilities Coordinator, 917-8072 Monitor - Activity Center................................................................................................... 917-8066 Monitor - Aquatic & Fitness Center.....................................................................................917-8067
Gift Shop of Sun City......................................... 917-8051
Tipster Editorial Committee
After-Hours Emergencies...................................825-1161
Lou Phillippi.................................Co-Chair Vicki Ettleman..............................Co-Chair Carolene Mitchell.........................Secretary Brad Curtis....................................Member Arlene Douglas..............................Member Karen Koopmans............................Member Judy Martin...................................Member
Mike McMinds................................Member Barbara McNeill............................Member Paul Mercer...................................Member John Njaa......................................Member Ann Owen......................................Member Laura Pigott..................................Member Suzanne Stiles...............................Member
Editor, Layout and Design: Marsha Dean Advertising: Lisa Orach; Printing: Alphagraphics To advertise in the Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, call 917-8065 for information. Sun City Oro Valley Community Association provides this publication for informational purposes only and neither endorses nor promotes any of the products or services advertised herein and assumes no responsibility or liability for the statements made in this publication.
Sun City Oro Valley Tipster,
Mon.-Fri.......................................................................................9 AM-4:00 PM Sat........................................................................................... 9 AM-12:30 PM Golf Course Walking............................ Before 8 AM and After 5 PM
Mon.-Fri. ............................................................................. 9 AM-Noon, 1-4 PM Sat................................................................................................... 9 AM-Noon
Loan Room - Community Assistance Loan Room at Cart Barn Hours: Tue. and Thu. only.......................................8-9 AM Pro Shop.............................................................825-3110 Golf Info Line................................................ 825-0322
Daily............................................................................................ 7:30 AM-5 PM Driving Range hours ....................................7:30 AM-5 PM, Wed., 7:30 AM-3 PM
Restaurant and Lounge..................................... 825-3277
Daily................................................................................................. 7 AM-8 PM Happy Hour...................................................................................Daily, 3-6 PM Recording of daily Restaurant specials..............................825-3711 ext 205
If you encounter something in the common areas or golf course needing immediate attention (e.g. broken irrigation) and the Administration Office is closed, please report the issue to a building monitor. However, if a situation like this occurs after all the buildings are closed, please contact the emergency line.
Want to Submit a Photo for the Tipster? Go to the website: Login >Member Services >This n That >Photo Release. Fill out the form and submit photos (two per form). Submit as many as you like. Abbreviation Legend Aquatic & Fitness Center................................................................................AFC Sun City Oro Valley.....................................................................................SCOV Welcome Center Conference Room 1..............................................................WC1 Welcome Center Conference Room 2..............................................................WC2 February 2019, Page Welcome Center Conference Room23..............................................................WC3
Association News From The Board of Directors Our mission as the SCOV Board is to lead in maintaining and enhancing the quality of life in Sun City Oro Valley as an active adult community. All Board minutes, agendas and reports are available online and in the SCOV Library. Board meetings are open to residents.
Board of Directors
Quality Leadership by Meade Davis Honesty, integrity and transparency are all important virtues of effective leadership of our community which includes the Board of Directors, the Administration as well as committees. Honesty is a virtue implying truthfulness, accuracy and straightforwardness. Integrity implies a personal choice to hold oneself to truthful, accurate and consistent standards. Integrity demands knowledge and compliance with both the letter and the spirit of the written and unwritten rules. Transparency implies operating in such a manner that it is easy for others to see what actions are performed and their impact. Transparency implies openness, communication and accountability. We, as residents of SCOV, can help promote these virtues of leadership. We all should make an extra effort to be informed on community issues. Attending Board and committee meetings and forums is a good start but should be augmented by freely asking questions. We need to voice our opinions at meetings, or by email or by writing letters to the leadership whether it is the Board of Directors, the General Manager or committee chairpersons. We should all fact check and point out any inconsistent statements. Our ultimate goals should be: 1. to maintain our wonderful amenities in a fiscally responsible manner; 2. to improve our amenities to remain a competitive adult community; and 3. to maintain and improve a smoothly operating community.
General Manager - Mark Wade 520-917-8080
Decisions, Decisions, Decisions In the HOA industry, it is interesting that management’s days are filled with decisions. Some small with little consequence and some large with major consequences. Like each of you, with years of experience, some decisions are made easily. And like many of you, although we may have the years of experience, some decisions are more difficult and require study and research. Managing the Sun City Oro Valley Community is no small task. When I consider resident requests, I also consider the magnitude of making a mistake when deciding one way or another. I always look at what is the worse thing that can happen, how many will be affected, is the benefit worth the risk/cost? Many times I’ve been told, “Everyone wants this” only to find out that once the decision was made, others that didn’t want the same thing were up in arms. When the Board of Directors considers issues, they are only looking for what is best for SCOV. Those issues also have residents on both sides, and there is no shortage of opinions. The Board of Directors do their best not to bring bias into their decisions but to act in good faith for the benefit of you, the residents. Sometimes we consult with experts in a particular field or with others who have dealt with the same issues. Other times it may require a legal opinion. Sometimes there is not a right or wrong, and we go directly to the residents and tap into what they say to help with the decision. There are many tools in the handbag of decision-making. We use all of them that we can think of, but at the end of the day, whether a decision is made that you agree with or disagree with, you can know that we are trying our level best to do what is right and what is best for this wonderful community. My pledge to you is that this year and for the many years to come, I will utilize all the tools in the bag to help SCOV continue to get better and better.
Coffee and Conversation with the General Manager and a Board Member
Holiday Hours Monday, February 18 Presidents Day
An informal exchange of information. Thursday, Febuary 21, 1-2 PM Activity Center/Navajo
Welcome Center and Library closed. All other facilities open.
What’s Inside
Association News............................ 3 Board Candidates............................ 7 Association Committees................. 9 Golf................................................ 12 Coming Events.............................. 14 Workshops and Classes................. 16 For Your Information..................... 16
Celebrations & Life Events............ 16 Thank You Corner......................... 16 Memoriam..................................... 17 Clubs............................................. 17 Arts, Crafts & Hobbies............... 17 Continuing Education................. 21 Cultural & Social......................... 22 Dance......................................... 28
Exercise...................................... 29 Games........................................ 30 Sports......................................... 31 Travel.......................................... 33 Town of Oro Valley....................... 33 Partnered Organizations............... 34 Extended Community................... 35 Volunteer Opportunity.................. 35 Classifieds...................................... 36
Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, February 2019, Page 3
It’s More Than Living... It’s A Lifestyle! Gardening in the Desert By Wendy Hughes and Barbara Marshall
An example of an SCOV garden that brings vivid color to the desert environment.
oon after newcomers arrive in Sun City, they often realize that they know next to nothing about the plants and trees around them, whether in the washes, along the roadsides, or even in their own yards. The desert beauty that was part of the attraction of moving to our community becomes a much bigger part of their lives as they want to learn how to take care of their landscaping or what they can add to enhance it. These are the types of people who join the Sun City Oro Valley Garden Club. Our members are singles and couples, new residents and even some of the original Sun City “pioneers.” The focus of our club is to provide members with information about gardening techniques they can use in the Southwest. Our monthly speakers have expertise on many topics which our members have indicated are of interest to them. So far this year we have learned about how to successfully plant a vegetable garden in our yards, and we’ve had a speaker who discussed Sun City’s approved list of trees, covering which varieties grow best, how big they can get and how much maintenance they will need. The February meeting will feature a program on euphorbias, beautiful and easy to grow perennial plants that are tough and simple to maintain. In March, the manager of Pima County’s Native Plant Nursery is our speaker, and
Sun City Vistoso Tipster, Febraury 2011
returning in April is a speaker from the Tucson Cactus and Succulent Society who will update us on their ongoing efforts to save native and endangered plants as developers continue to make room for more housing. Our meetings are not only educational and informative, but social as well. Many friendships have been made during the social time at the beginning of our meetings or during one of our planned outings to area nurseries. For our December potluck social meeting, members brought their tastiest dishes, as well as canned goods and other donations for the Tri-City Food Bank. In alternating years, we present a Garden Walk of several homes in Sun City. Our next tour will be in April, 2020. The Garden Walk provides our club with additional funds, giving us the opportunity to donate something to beautify our community. In 2017, we purchased several planters and plants that you can enjoy at The View’s Restaurant patio. Ideas for our 2019 contribution are being considered. The Garden Club meets on the second Tuesday of the month from October through April and our regular updates in the monthly Tipster explain what we’re up to and provide information about joining us. We welcome you to attend a meeting before you join, to learn from our guest speakers and maybe to make a new friend.
February 2019, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster
Asst. General Manager - Robin Coulter 520-917-8070 TWISCOV The exact pronunciation of this acronym is debatable, “twizcov, This Week in SCOV, etc.,” but it is clear that TWISCOV (This Week in SCOV) is a valuable source of communication. This is evidenced by the increased readership and announcement submissions, and, as with all things in SCOV, process improvement will enhance this weekly newsletter. For this reason, the website has been updated to include a submission form for TWISCOV announcements. This form may be found at NEWS & INFO > This Week in SCOV > Submit Announcement. The form is set up to consistently deliver the announcements to us in a manner that is clearly recognizable and organized to avoid being lost within the many emails received in our offices. Please start using the new submission process, and don’t be surprised if requested to use the new form. Thank you for reading TWISCOV and providing announcements for our community.
Programs/Facilities Director - Pam Sarpalius 520-917-8077 Monitors What if we had no monitors? No other community has monitors. Residents would have to set up their own rooms for clubs, parties, etc. You would make your own coffee/ice water. Nonresidents would have easier access to SCOV facilities–facilities that you pay HOA dues for. No one would clean up around the pools and other areas or dues could be increased to pay for the cleaning company and more maintenance workers to do all the cleaning jobs that the monitors do. In short, SCOV residents would be doing most of the work. I tell you this so that the next time you walk into a room for a club meeting or event, you know that the chairs and tables aren’t in place by magic; they are there because a monitor set them up.
Community Services - Katy Mosier Office Hours Mon.-Fri., 9-11 AM, Welcome Center 520-917-8058 What Neighborhood Pride Sees Have you ever wondered why we have a Neighborhood Pride Committee? How did it come about? What do volunteer members look for? How do they decide when to tour? What is desert broom? Why do I get a notice instead of a more personalized alert about my property, etc., etc. The Neighborhood Pride Committee was formed many years ago in order to help promote compliance with the governing documents by homeowners and to maintain property and aesthetic values in our community. The committee meets on a monthly basis for training and discussion, and members conduct tours throughout our community in teams of two at the beginning of every month. Please join us on Thursday, February 20, at 1:30 PM, Auditorium, for a presentation by the Neighborhood Pride Committee. If you are new to our community or just interested in how you can contribute to the overall beauty and value of our neighborhood, this is an excellent opportunity to familiarize yourself with tried and true tips on keeping your landscaping in tip-top shape. Learn what committee members look for when they tour and how this committee helps to set our
Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, February 2019
community apart from many others of the same age. Come listen and learn so that you may better understand the scope of their work.
Welcome New Neighbors – December Unit # Name From 1 2 5 6 7 8 8 9 10 12 12 12 17 17 18 18A
Sherokee & David Ilse Leo Belardinelli Patricia LaCroix Barber & Michael Barber Joyce & Laurence Krantz Nancy & Clifton Vander Ark Kathleen Cowsert & Lawrence Webster Debra & Kevin Wickstrom Lynn Lancour & Paul Sauter Amy Hutcheson Wyevetta Mace Kathy & Bob Torvick Judy and Gary Widener Pamela Speck Linda Stewart & John McCoy Howard Williams Mary Wehner
Oro Valley, AZ Oro Valley, AZ Brush Prairie, WA Fort Collins, CO Phoenix, AZ Bremerton, WA Tomahawk, WI Shawano, WI Talent, OR Tucson, AZ Santa Rosa, CA Oro Valley, AZ Ravenna, OH Independence, OR Vista, CA Oshkosh, WI
December 2018 Housing Resale Information Resales 2018 2017
For the Month 16 17 2017 Total Sold - 207
YTD 205 207
2018: Active Listings as of 12/30/2018......................... 13 2017: Active Listings as of 12/31/2017......................... 28 Source: TARMLS®
December 2018 Average Age of New Owners:
SCOV Library - Kate Cusumano > library Online catalog: 520-917-8083
Our library endcaps this month feature books written by authors who will be presenting at the Tucson Festival of Books March 2-3 on the U of A campus. We have, or will have on the upcoming release date, the latest titles from all the top authors appearing at the festival, including The Friend by National Book Award winner Sigrid Nunez, The Huntress by Kate Quinn, Heirs of the Founders by H. W. Brands, Desolation Mountain by William Kent Krueger, When the Lights Go Out, by Mary Kubica, Black Klansman by Ron Stallworth, The Line Becomes a River by local author Francisco Cantu, and so many more. The Friends of the Library is sponsoring a bus trip to the festival on Saturday, March 2. See their article for details. Many thanks to Charlie Tomlinson of the Woodworking Club, who built spacer/display stands for the audio shelves in the SCOV Library. This has improved the appearance of our audio display and made it easier on the eye when browsing for audio books. Thank you for your hard work. We couldn’t be happier.
Statement of Revenues Expenses Results Operations Statement of Revenues & and Expenses andand thethe Results ofof Operations
Revenues: Annual H.O. Fees Capital Contribution Fee Golf Revenues Activities Revenues Restaurant Revenues Interest Income Other Income Gross Revenues
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $
289,931 35,248 143,732 14,834 103,487 16,737 31,580 635,549
$ 2,900,534 173,465 $ 731,853 $ $ 85,961 $ 500,093 $ 94,790 194,635 $ $ 4,681,331
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $
2,900,534 164,322 596,852 89,602 455,600 18,000 169,787 4,394,697
Asset Reserve Contribution Contingency Fund Contribution Wash Fund Contribution New Capital Acquisitions Restricted Use Revenues Net Operating Revenues Expenses: Wages & Benefits Cost of Sales Utilities Repair & Maint. Supplies & Expenses Depreciation Total Expenses
$ $ $ $ $ $
(65,624) 569,925
$ (1,085,000) $ (13,368) $ (24,880) $ (15,106) $ (289,822) $ 3,253,155
$ $ $ $ $ $
(1,085,000) (27,368) (24,880) (11,500) (201,030) 3,044,919
$ $ $ $ $ $ $
363,533 69,997 53,234 1,641 83,059 115,000 686,464
$ 1,825,128 $ 319,737 $ 436,155 $ 46,673 $ 653,223 $ 590,000 $ 3,870,916
$ $ $ $ $ $ $
1,775,241 278,238 447,488 60,130 634,535 590,000 3,785,632
Restricted Fund Expenses Net Operating Expenses
$ $
(115,382) 571,082
$ (734,704) $ 3,136,212
$ $
(690,000) 3,095,632
Results of Operations
Above is a summary of the Revenues and Expenses and the Results of Operations for the first six months of the 2018-2019 fiscal year. A copy of the report in greater detail can be found on our website, Login after hovering over the Members tab and selecting Financials. At this page you will find the monthly Financial Statements as well as the Annual Budget for the current Fiscal Year and a copy of the Annual Budget for the coming year.
6 Months 2018-2019
Sun City Vistoso Tipster, Febraury 2011
If you are interested in more information regarding the Community’s finances, we encourage you to attend the Finance & Budget Committee meeting which will be held Monday, February 25, 1:30 PM, WC3. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at 917-8060, or email me at Randy Trenary, Controller
February 2019, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster
Recreation and Fitness - Lonnie Davis 520-917-8073 Balance Exercises You Can Do Anywhere, Anytime These “anytime, anywhere” exercises will help you improve your balance, and you can do them as often as you like, as long as you have something sturdy nearby to hold on to if you become unsteady. Walk heel-to-toe. Position your heel just in front of the toes of the opposite foot each time you take a step. Your heel and toes should touch or almost touch. Practice standing up and sitting down without using your hands. Stand on one foot. You can do this while waiting in line at the grocery store or while brushing your teeth using the timer on your toothbrush as reminder when to alternate feet. Special Note From the Aquatic and Fitness Center (AFC) Orientation on how to use the gym equipment is held every Thursday, 1 PM, so stop in and sign up. Contact Lonnie Davis, AFC Coordinator, to discuss questions or problems with the AFC. AFC and Desert Oasis: See Hours of Operation on page 2. Tuesday, February 12, the AFC pool and spa will be closed for cleaning and shock treatment. They will reopen the following morning at the regular time. Wednesday, February 13, the Desert Oasis pool will be closed for cleaning and shock treatment and reopen the following morning at the regular time.
Board Candidates Answer Questions See Election Committee article on page 10 for voting information. Information about Candidate Forums on February 11 and 12 can be found in Coming Events on page 14.
Pete Coy Why do you want to serve as a board member, and what knowledge, skills, and abilities do you have that will contribute to the Board’s responsibilities? 1. Giving Back. My wife and I visited friends at SCOV about ten years ago and fell in love with it. We bought here soon after. I find it refreshing that folks are so friendly and welcoming. Now I want to give back by using my experience and education to make SCOV even better. 2. Education & Experience. Over the last 40 years I have served on 8 other non-profit boards of directors, usually as president. I am currently chair of the Marketing Committee and on the Views Task Force. I have multiple college degrees in different subjects and an MBA. 3. Big picture. I have the vision to take SCOV from where we are to where we want to be in the future. There will be no learning curve for me. I know how things work and who the players are. 4. High Energy. My many friends here know that I have loads of energy and enthusiasm that I am ready to apply. What important goals and issues would you like to help the board achieve? 1. Fiscal Conservancy. I want to keep our dues as low as possible. That means being very efficient with spending and not collecting more money that we absolutely need.
Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, February 2019
2. Website improvements. I think every club should have their own website right on the SCOV site. I think the website should be more intuitive and easier to use. Our website should also be more market oriented to lure new buyers. 3. Issues. I have attended the forums & GM coffees, listened to the residents and know the current issues. Greens restoration, garbage service, view preservation and HOA dues are hot buttons. My questions are always what it will cost, can we afford it and how will SCOV residents benefit. 4. Fiduciary Responsibility. We need to maintain and/or improve our aging facilities. Each home owner owns about $10,000 in SCOV assets. The board needs to maintain those assets to retain that value for each owner. 5. Safety. I want to see crossing-signals so folks can safely cross Rancho Vistoso and slow down the thru traffic which often exceeds 35 mph plus add the mile of sidewalks that should have been installed by the developer.
Chris Ludwig Why do you want to serve as a board member, and what knowledge, skills, and abilities do you have that will contribute to the Board’s responsibilities? I appreciate all the volunteering I have observed on SCOV committees and clubs. A Board position would offer me another way to contribute to our community. I would like to become more involved with all residents through listening and responding to their questions, ideas, and requests. I was President of our HOA in Colorado as well as Chair and Secretary of the Architectural Review Committee. Both positions gave me experience working with people of diverse backgrounds, opinions, and objectives. This experience in reaching compromise, when dealing with issues and personalities that don’t always agree, would be important in my responsibilities as a Board member. I am actively involved in the SCOV Yoga Club, Computer Club, Seniors for Kids, and Colorado Club. Past experience in business, teaching, and volunteering have helped me become resourceful, practical, and decisive, traits that I feel are important to be a member of the SCOV Board of Directors. What important goals and issues would you like to help the board achieve? I would come to this position without an agenda but with a strong desire to learn about issues facing all SCOV residents and to enhance our sense of community through communication between the Board and residents. I would like to see the amenities and environment we have here maintained and to explore opportunities to attract future residents to SCOV.
Jim Mitchell Why do you want to serve as a board member, and what knowledge, skills, and abilities do you have that will contribute to the Board’s responsibilities? I want to serve on the Board because I want to continue the progress and fiscal responsibility accomplished by recent SCOV Boards and to give back to a community that’s been an important part of my life in retirement.
Twila and I bought our first home in SCOV in 2001. After retiring in 2005 and spending seven years as seasonal residents, we moved here full-time in 2012. We considered moving out of SCOV, but quickly recognized the value of friends and amenities here. That’s reinforced every time I give an Ambassador tour. Guests typically comment on the friendliness of residents, the variety of clubs and activities and the eye-appeal of our facilities and homes. As a Board member, I’ll support those attributes and look for ways to improve them. I’m currently on the Activity Center Renovation Committee, which has interviewed more than 50 clubs for their input. We have visited similar active adult communities in Phoenix and locally to better understand their facilities, operations and challenges. That experience has given me insights into how we can remain competitive as a premier community. I served on the Marketing Committee for over three years, the last as chairman. During that time, we created the new SCOV logo and signage, identity manual, renamed building complexes and rooms to be more intuitive and modernized our website. I served three years on the Golf Rate Committee. I served two years as vice – president and two as president of the Men’s 9-Hole Golf Club. What important goals and issues would you like to help the board achieve? I’d like to help the Board continue to improve our facilities and maintain financial stability. Important issues coming up include Greens Reconstruction, Activity Center Renovation, how to accommodate growing clubs and support the vision of the Long-Range Planning committee while growing Capital Contributions and Asset Reserves to avoid special assessments. Similar challenges have been met in the recent past with only the AFC requiring an assessment. But when I compare the old “gym” with the new AFC, I know the cost was worth it. Staying responsive to the needs of residents is an on-going challenge that I’m confident I can help meet.
Dan Radke Why do you want to serve as a board member, and what knowledge, skills, and abilities do you have that will contribute to the Board’s responsibilities? My wife and I have been permanent Sun City residents for nearly 2 years and we love it. My wife still works and is the medical director of La Cholla Country Club Assisted Living. I am a Vietnam veteran, retired lawyer, and professor; therefore I have the time, background, skills, and interest in becoming a Sun City board member. In applying these experiences as a potential board member, I pledge to do the following if elected: 1. Establish a system of communication among residents, board members and Sun City staff so that complaints, recommendations, and concerns are openly expressed and appropriately dealt with. This will result in more residents being able to express themselves about these matters. 2. More oversight relating to the potential of increased annual fees, capital contribution fees, and assessments taxed against our residents. Many of our residents are retired and/ or on fixed incomes whether from retirement, savings, investments, or government benefits. If elected to the board, I will scrutinize any proposed annual fee increase so that our community residents can continue to affordably live here. A potential capital contribution fee increase is being con-
Sun City Vistoso Tipster, Febraury 2011
templated. If elected to the board, I will endeavor to make sure that any increase in the capital contribution fee of our residents is decided by vote of community wide eligible voters and not simply by a super majority of Sun City’s board of directors. Currently, many community improvements are made by staff members without bids. If elected to the board, I propose that all needed improvements over $1000 be subjected to a required bid system so that the best bid can be chosen from potential contractors. What important goals and issues would you like to help the board achieve? My dealing with SCOV goals and issues relating to them are: 1. Preserve the integrity, beauty, and life style of our community. 2. A strict review of all expenditures and proposed increases in annual fees and capital contribution fees. 3. Full transparency regarding SCOV related affairs and issues, including a more open system of communication among residents, staff, and board members.
Howard Schulz Why do you want to serve as a board member, and what knowledge, skills and abilities do you have that will contribute to the Board’s responsibilities? Living in SCOV is a blessing to my wife and me. We are full time residents and have lived in SCOV for 10 years. We enjoy the active lifestyle and all the amenities and choices we have. My decision to run for the board is not one I take lightly. While a board position requires time and commitment, I am ready to give back to a community that has given so much to me. By way of education, I have a Bachelor Degree in Mineral Engineering and a Masters in Business Administration. I was an engineer for five years before assuming operational and management positions for a large international company. My responsibilities resulted in improved efficiencies and cost savings in many business areas. I will bring this same cost control mentality to a position on the board. I will investigate and ask the right questions. Moreover, I will listen, be available, and be a voice that represents SCOV homeowners. What important goals and issues would you like to help the board achieve? Our board has done a good job. We must continue to execute the guidance contained in the governing documents. We have a number of important committees working on projects that can support our competitive advantage and keep SCOV evolving. There are also ongoing costs from existing operations. We must be prudent and transparent with our decisions in all these areas. I want to ensure that we examine our results and decisions to learn how we can improve the next time around. In this way, we can offer the best options to our SCOV residents. If you decide to support me for the board, I will openly listen, communicate and use my skills to keep home-owners dues as low as possible.
Join the Posse The Ultimate Neighborhood Watch Keep our neighborhood safe. Call Larry Clark 520-404-7664 February 2019, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster
Donald Teiser Why do you want to serve as a board member, and what knowledge, skills and abilities do you have that will contribute to the Board’s responsibilities? My wife and I plan on living here for a very long time. We love SCOV’s beauty, friendliness, activities and amenities. I want to help protect and enhance this great community. I have broad organizational and project management experience, an aptitude for getting things done, a recognition of how much we need each other’s help and how much there is to learn. What important goals and issues would you like to help the board achieve? I’d like us to: • find additional sources of income for SCOV without increasing the financial burden on our members; • continue to refine the process by which we plan, estimate, approve and manage major construction projects; • add more nature and access to nature in our community in a way that will not cause a financial burden for the members; • work with Major, new, real estate developments adjacent to or near SCOV, including the Arroyo Grande Projects; and • aggressively lobby the Town, County and State in order to keep as much undeveloped land as possible adjacent to our community.
Association Committees Active Health Judy Greenberg, 631-974-4375, Nov.-May, Second Tue., 1:30 PM, WC1
On Friday, February 15, 1 PM, Auditorium, the Active Health Committee (AHC) is hosting, “How Age and Sleep Affect our Brains and our Memories,” presented by Stephen Cowen, Ph.D., assistant professor in the Department of Psychology at the U of A. Dr. Cowen will share how aging impacts the quality of our sleep and the fidelity of our memories. He will describe the hippocampus region of the brain which is very active during sleep, essential for the amazing longevity of our recollections, and changes as we age. The AHC will be participating in the SCOV Health Fair on Friday, February 22.
Activity Center Renovation Chair Ed Zwerling First and Third Tue., 10 AM, AC/Hohokam Room
We are in the process of finalizing our first community presentation. As soon as a time and place are established we will notify everyone. This presentation will focus on what the ACRC has done and what conclusions we have come to. We will also discuss the process for moving forward. It is unlikely we will be able to provide any information on cost or what our final design recommendations will be. The ACRC will continue to solicit comments and suggestions at this meeting and at our regularly scheduled meetings on the first and third Tuesday of each month. Please check the SCOV online
Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, February 2019
calendar for time and place. Our email address is ACRC@
Aquatic Fitness Center Advisory Chair Stan Shopa First Wed., 11:30 AM, WC1
At our January meeting the committee reviewed a number of customer comment cards including one which stated that half of the jets in the spa are not working. Staff advised that because the jets are linked to a leak under the shower area, they have been shut off. The repair of this leak will require extensive and invasive repairs planned for late spring or early summer. A report was presented to the committee on current trends and possibilities for future modifications and improvements focused on water resources and their utilization. Options might include a shade over a portion of the AFC pool to increase the number of usable hours, a pool devoted to classes and a water facility designed as a social gathering place. Finally, it was noted AFC annual usage compared to 2012 increased by more than 40% with 129,759 visits for 2018. The committee commends Lonnie Davis and Ken Sandrock for their good work in managing and maintaining the fitness programs and physical properties of SCOV.
Architectural Review Lorie Puffett 415-902-1133 Second and Fourth Tue., 2 PM, WC3
If you are planning an exterior home improvement project, please be sure to consult the latest version of the Development Standards (October 23, 2018) for any guidelines that may affect your project. There are many exterior projects that require prior written Architectural Review Committee (ARC) approval to ensure compliance with the SCOV governing documents. These projects include, but are not limited to, room additions, patio covers, window and door replacements, shade screens, walls, fences, gates, landscaping (including any plants that are not on the approved plant list), lighting, shutters, gutters, downspouts, spas and swimming pools. All design, style, color, dimension and material decisions should be made before submitting your project for ARC approval.
Community Directory Chair Lisa Collins 812-344-4773
Did you know that the SCOV Community Directory is completely separate from the Administration’s HOA database? Here is how the SCOV Community Directory is used. • Phone book: Includes names, addresses, phones, occupations and hometowns. Omits emails, units and lots. Residents are listed by name, street and hometown. Updated annually. • Online directory: Located in the nonpublic area of the SCOV website. Includes emails, units, and lots, plus incremental search. Updated monthly. • Posse: Gets an updated phone list each month. You can be unlisted in the directory but still provide your phone number for just the Posse. • Party planners: Can request contact information for all listed residents in their unit, state, etc. New owners are unlisted by default. To be listed, you must complete the online form “To change your directory listing...” or fill out an orange card at the Welcome Center.
Consumer Referral - Vendor List Susanna Moran
Here are directions for looking up the Vendor List on the website: Go to > Members > Member Services > Consumer Referral Vendor List > Read More. The Vendor List was formerly the Consumer Referral List. The Vendor List may be viewed at the monitor desk in the Activity Center during business hours. Vendors should email Susanna Moran to inquire about applying to be on our Vendor List.
Election Ballots, Initiatives and Forums On Tuesday, February 19, a ballot will be either emailed or USPS mailed to homeowners. For emailed ballots, make sure you create a contact for Vote-Now using the email address ( so that when the online ballot is sent, your email provider will recognize the sender and you will receive the email. If you do not receive the email by February 25 call the Administration Office 917-8082 for assistance. If you lose your email or want a paper ballot, the Administration Office can help with that as well. You will be voting to fill three three-year positions on the Board of Directors. At the time this article was submitted, there were no initiatives approved to send to the membership, but it is anticipated that there will be after the Board meets. Biographical flyers are inserted into this Tipster for each candidate. This is a good tool to get to know the candidates a little better. Bring them to the forums (or use them as you watch the forum videos) as you gather information on the candidates. Board Candidate Forums will be Monday, February 11, 6 PM, Auditorium, and Tuesday, February 12, 9 AM, Auditorium. These videos will be posted on the website, and you will receive an email with a link for easy access. Mark your calendar now.
Finance-Budget Chair Sharon Miller Fourth Mon., 1:30 PM, WC3
The 2019-2020 SCOV Association budgeting process began in January. The process started with Department managers developing forecasts for operations and capital expenditures. This work is being reviewed by the General Manager and Controller to develop a draft budget. The first draft budget will be presented at the Finance-Budget Committee’s meeting Monday, February 25, 1:30 PM. Additions/changes recommended during this meeting are used to develop a second draft, which will be presented and discussed at the committee’s special meeting Monday, March 4, 1:30 PM. If a third draft is needed, it will be presented and reviewed at the committee’s regularly scheduled meeting, March 25, 1:30 PM. The budget recommended by the committee will be presented to the Board of Directors at its study session, Thursday, April 11. The budget, with any Board changes, will be placed on the Board’s agenda for approval during its April 23 meeting. Committee agendas, minutes and financial reports are posted on the SCOV Members Only website. Please contact Sharon Miller for more information.
Counting Your Steps? Join the Tipster Collation 10
Sun City Vistoso Tipster, Febraury 2011
Food and Beverage Advisory Chair Barb McNeill Oct.-May, First Fri., 2-3 PM, The Views Terrace You told us we “knocked it out of the ballpark” during the Grand Re-Opening of The Views Restaurant and the first successful New Year’s Eve dinner. The committee is brainstorming ideas to recommend to management for your 2019 enjoyment, like a bingo night in the off-season. Other items from our agenda have been successfully completed or are close to being done. The permanent bistro lights on the Terrace will be added to the Patio, which, along with more heaters, will increase our seating capacity during winters. Nutritional information sheets will soon be available for those who want to keep track of carbs, calories, fats and sodium contained in our healthy menu items. Wobbly tables/ chairs are being refitted with adjustable feet. Help with noise abatement is also being researched. Bandstand amenities like an awning and lights will also be proposed. A process to solicit resident works of art quarterly is being developed.
Friends of the Library Lynne Davis Pat Brown
February is a busy time of year in SCOV. A highlight annually is the Friends of the Library Home Tour, about which most of you have heard. The tour will be held Saturday, February 16, 9 AM-Noon and 1-4 PM. If you have not already purchased your tickets ($25 pp), you have a chance Friday, February 1, 9 AM-Noon, Activity Center. After that date, contact Pat Brown 520-389-4333, regarding ticket availability. On the heels of the Home Tour is the Tucson Festival of Books. Friends of the Library will again be providing a bus on Saturday, March 2, so that you can hear your favorite author without the bother of traffic and parking. Ticket information is below.
Tickets sales for Festival of Books bus, $5 pp FOL members, $15 pp, nonmembers, Wed., and Thu., Feb. 20 and 21, 9 AM-Noon, Library Lobby Gift Shop Co-Chairs Don Jovag 520-762-6030, Elaine Deeter 520-825-5388 Gift Shop 520-917-8051 Shop hours: Mon.-Fri., 9 AM-4PM; Sat., 9 AM-12:30 PM
Left-right: Joyce Simmons, Pat Norton and Bill Norton Featured artists for the sweetheart month are Joyce Simmons and Pat and Bill Norton. Joyce scours the world looking for special components: Tibetan turquoise discovered in Vienna, jasper, opals, and raku from Mexico as examples . Joyce said, “I observe the ‘soul color’ of my treasure and create a unique design that will call to the woman who wears it. My jewelry is designed with love and attention. No two pieces are exactly the same.” Bill enjoys woodturning and free-form carving, working with
February 2019, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster
the wood until he is satisfied he has brought out the beauty of the piece. His goal is to never make the same thing twice. Pat offers loom-knitted baby cocoons, hats, booty sets and ruffle scarves. Selling her items is new for her, because she has always been a donator. For every cocoon set she sells, she donates a set to Seniors for Kids.
Government Affairs Chair Laura Dore 520-338-1016 Second Wed., 1 PM, WC1
The Government Affairs Committee is planning to invite politicians or subject matter experts to provide educational forums for SCOV residents. Topics may include water and land usage, utilities, taxes, safety, or other issues impacting the quality of life in our community. Residents who have topics of interest may submit ideas to Laura Dore.
Greens Reconstruction Chair Howard Schulz See online Board and Committee meetings calendar for dates/times
Thank you to all the residents who participated in the focus groups held in November. We have been answering greensrelated questions in Mark Wade’s weekly email, and continue in this Tipster column. Q: If nothing is done, how long before the course will no longer attract players? A: This is difficult to answer with a specific date. Core data indicates that roots do not exist from 4 to 12 inches. Healthy courses typically see feeder roots at these depths. With the salt build-up in this same area, grasses are at risk sooner than later. Some greens are already exhibiting loss of Bermuda grasses. Players are attracted by greens. With continued deterioration, player attraction can be expected to diminish, too. Q: Can we start by amending the soil or less expensive alternatives? A: Mike Kropf is using soil amendments available to him, with minimal success. The compacted soils do not allow amendments to adequately work and flush/neutralize contaminants. Q: How will reduced income during reconstruction be handled? A: Rick Price is working on a plan to minimize impact, and more will be communicated. The greens construction can start in late April 2020 and be completed in 4-6 weeks allowing time for the grasses/roots to grow and establish prior to monsoon activity. Q: During reconstruction, could some greens be reshaped to eliminate downslope at the front? A: Yes, excavated dirt will be placed in some of these areas.
Loan Room - Community Assistance Chair Gay Russell 520-825-5763 Third Thu., 3 PM, WC1; Loan Room hours: Tue., Thu., 8-9 AM The Loan Room is located at the end of the Cart Barn and loans items to SCOV residents free of charge. We carry most medical items, some children’s items and toys and tables and chairs. We do not carry tools or small kitchen appliances. You may make reservations up to two months in advance of your need, either at the Loan Room or on the website. Please be sure to bring your SCOV card with you when you pick up your items. We cannot use fobs. Thank you to our many volunteers who worked so hard to make the annual Pancake Breakfast a success and thanks to all who came out to support this fundraiser. The profits
Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, February 2019
from this annual breakfast support the Loan Room and some other local needs.
Marketing Chair Pete Coy 360-739-4100 First Wed., 2 PM, WC1
The Marketing Committee has been exploring how to contact owners of vacant homes in SCOV to let owners know that home prices have increased and that there are buyers looking for certain models or locations. The committee is also discussing new marketing ideas to make SCOV more attractive to new buyers. The committee meets Wednesday, February 6, 2 PM, and all residents are welcome.
Neighborhood Pride Chair Tempe Johnson 520-825-6994 Third Tue., 2 PM, WC3 Rain Makes it Happen Our rains in January are mainly the cause of all the unwanted growth in our yards this past month. Putting preemergent down in your yard will save you from having so many weeds appear later, and it is well worth the cost and time spent. If you choose not to use pre-emergent, you need your yard maintained monthly during the summer growing season. Even with pre-emergent, yards need to be cared for at least every other month. If you leave our community for cooler climates for a few months each year, it’s not too soon to line up a landscaper to take care of your yard while you’re away. Yes, we live in the desert, but grass, weeds, bushes and trees grow profusely during our summer monsoon season and do need attention. Rain brings growth in both summer and winter.
Nominating Chair Jan Dunbar,
Posse Chair Larry Clark 520-404-7664 First Tue., 3 PM, Desert Oasis (must be logged in first)
Attention: All current Posse members and spouses are invited to our next Posse Roundup Breakfast Thursday, February 7, 9 AM, Auditorium. Service awards will be given out, and the Oro Valley Police Department will present a short educational program about their new drone. Any Posse member who is interested in serving as a Squad Leader or other position in our leadership, please contact Larry Clark to discuss possible future open slots. We need you to help the Posse continue to serve our community. Please consider volunteering for the Posse and help us patrol our neighborhood every night. Your neighbors will appreciate your service.
Preserve and Enhance Lifestyle and Property Values Chair Don Stewart 618-980-3878
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Properties Chair Rich Oaks Third Thu., 9 AM, WC1
The mission of the Properties Committee is to make recommendations to the Board of Directors and the staff regarding the condition of and recommended improvements to SCOV facilities and assets. Ongoing activities include semiannual inspections of SCOV buildings and facilities, semiannual inspection of Chalk Creek and monitoring of the Sun City solar systems. Intermittent activities include utility usage studies and projects requested by the Board or as deemed appropriate by the Committee. If you are interested in the activities of the Properties committee, please plan to attend our next meeting, Thursday, February 21.
Tipster Editorial Co-Chair Lou Phillippi 520-638-6957 Co-Chair Vicki Ettleman 520-519-9781
When submitting articles for the Tipster, please do not use all capital letters, as they have to be re-typeset which could result in an error. Some writers use all caps for emphasis or because they type with the shift lock on, but the Tipster Article Standards don’t allow for it. There is a new “Guide to Submitting Tipster Articles” booklet. If you write articles for your club or committee, please stop by the Welcome Center and pick up a copy. The next meeting is Friday, February 15, 9 AM, WC1.
Superintendent - Michael Kropf 520-917-8063 The greens on The Views Golf Club are built with an old style of construction that was common over 40 years ago. Native dirt was pushed into mounds that were then shaped to be a green surface. It was an inexpensive way to build greens since nothing other than earth moving equipment was used in the process. However, these greens contain many problems, from being very small with lots of undulation, being hard since the subsoil is made of compacted dirt, to always being wet with no drainage. The greens at The Views did well with this type of construction for the first 10 years. They were irrigated with potable water and had bentgrass as the type of surface. In the mid-1980s to 1990s the greens weren’t mowed as low and the green speed expectations were slower. However, after about 10 years the condition of the bentgrass declined, and in 1998 the turf type was changed to Tifdwarf Bermuda grass. Nothing was done to the subsurface of the greens at that time. In 2005, reclaimed water was introduced. Bermuda grass has a good tolerance of salts, so it could initially survive with this water. However, over time the salts in the water began to accumulate in the soil without drainage to provide a way to leach them out. A lot of work is necessary to overcome these obstacles. The greens are aerated over a dozen times a year; many different soil amendments are added weekly, topdressed regularly and much more to just to keep them alive.
Golf Advisory Chair Doug Kimble 520-825-3172 First Wed., 2 PM, WC3
Director of Golf - Rick Price 520-917-8086
As of January 1, 2019, the USGA and R&A, along with the PGA of America, put into effect the new modernized rules of golf in the effort to make the game faster and easier to play. Here are just a few of the new rule changes. Prompt Pace of Play in the new Rule 5.6 says that players should recognize that their pace of play affects others, and they should play promptly throughout the round. Also, searching for your ball has been reduced from five minutes to three minutes. A player should make a stroke in 40 seconds or less once the player can play without interference or distraction. Rule 6.4 encourages playing out of turn safely to save time. Playing “Ready Golf” has been an unwritten rule for years and is now in the rule book. The new procedure for dropping a ball has changed as detailed in Rule 14.3. Golfers will now drop from knee height instead of shoulder height. For those of you that would like to avoid bunkers, you now are allowed relief outside the bunker using the back-on-aline procedure, for two penalty strokes under Rule 19.3b. A player’s score for each hole may now have a maximum number of strokes set per hole. You can putt with the flagstick in the hole on the green. Repair all damage to the green. If you have any questions about the rules, please contact me in the Pro Shop or go to for more information.
Sun City Vistoso Tipster, Febraury 2011
The golf clubs continue to grow with residents and nonresidents enjoying The Views golfing experience. The golf clubs offer league play and tournament play on a weekly basis along with meeting new people and new friendships. Our golf community is a caring community committed to one another in every way possible. The Pro Shop staff and the golf course maintenance crew should be commended for their hard work in keeping The Views rated one of the best golf courses in Southern Arizona. If you are interested in joining one of our golf clubs or have concerns with the golf course, contact a league representative.
The Views 18-Hole Men’s Golf Club Pres. Kevin Devaney Membership David Flatness 425-443-3708 Play Wed.
Congratulations to the two-man team winners of the Governors Cup completed January 30, too late to list winning contestants here, so check the Pro Shop scoreboard. Our next tournament will be the Club Championship held on March 6, 9 and 13. This is an individual stroke play event. The Club Champion will be the low gross winner of the Championship flight; however, all flights will be gross and net so there is something for everyone. Playing in tournaments and weekly events earns you points toward qualifying to play in The Views Cup Final held on March 27. To qualify you need 44 points. To keep track of your progress go to Golf Genius, click on Player Statistics, click on Views Cup or check the binder in the Pro Shop.
February 2019, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster
Last year we closed with 192 members with 15 new members signed up from October. Along the way we had eight holes-in-one, possibly a record. You guys are impressive.
Men’s Nine-Hole Golf Club Pres. Mark Fuller 612-978-9901 Membership David Chatterton 520-204-5636 Rec. Sec. Dennis Pupkiewicz 520-639-8762 Play Thu. morning
Join us for Thursday morning golf. Meetings are the second Thursday of the month. February’s meeting is Thursday, February 14, after club golf. Members should sign up for weekly games, by computer, at or contact Tim Lochner in the Pro Shop for assistance. Members, please review the “Key Changes to Golf’s Rules” that became effective January 1.
The Views 18-Hole Women’s Golf Club Pres. Darlene Lamb VP and Membership Marty Blakely
The lady golfers of SCOV are once again spearheading a charity event to raise money for the Arizona Cancer Center. This year’s theme is “Change the Course of Cancer,” “change” being the operative word. In addition to the annual golf tournament, one of our ancillary fundraisers is collecting change throughout January and February. You’ve seen the water bottles labeled “Change the Course of Cancer” in many places throughout SCOV. They were strategically placed to help you get rid of all that pesky loose change in your pockets. If you wish one for your own kitchen counter let us know through the email below. A bottle of change is a painless way to make a huge difference. All golfers are invited to take part in the tournament Tuesday, February 19. Applications are available in the Pro Shop. Last year, thanks to community support and the Sun City Foundation, we were able to raise around $20,000. With your help we plan to eclipse that number this year. For more information or to learn how you can help, please email
The Views 9-Hole Women’s Golf Club Pres. Pattie Horning 248-767-6873 Membership: Barbara Armes 206-915-2609 or Louann Convey 303-718-7597 Play Thu. morning
February is warming up in SCOV and our 100+ members are having loads of fun playing golf. We anticipate a great month filled with golf, luncheons, the cancer fundraiser on February 19 and lots of birdies. We have three full months of the regular season ahead of us and the permanent residents play all year long. So if you are new to golf or the area, please contact one of our membership chairs and join us. We are also looking for chairwomen for several board positions and committees for next year. If you enjoy volunteering and playing golf, give us a call.
Join our golf Facebook group Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, February 2019
Food & Beverage Director - Aalt Brouwer 520-917-8074
Education Continues In addition to training and teaching my staff, for the last six months I have been continuing my education in the hospitality business. I am now in my last class at Cornell University to update my knowledge of the restaurant world and achieve a certificate in Food and Beverage Management. Although many of the classes have been a refresher from my years at Northern Arizona University, I have learned about new developments over the past 15 years. Here are some of my insights. The “Big Three” in creating loyal guests are product, behavior and attitude of staff, and environment. In the past customers were considered gullible, and companies could buy loyalty with point programs and passive rewards. Now the public is more informed and understands quality of price. The new way to judge the success of most restaurants is through REVPASH (revenue per seat per hour). This takes into account that every chair not being utilized at any given point is lost revenue. Detailed ordering and receiving practices are crucial to the success of the restaurant. Staying current on foodborne illness news is critical to the health of our guests. Every restaurant needs an identity, and the menu should reflect that identity. Menu costing has moved toward including labor into the formula. This is a direct result of wage increases in the industry. A segmented income statement is critical in finding opportunities to reduce costs. I look forward to utilizing the information I have learned to better serve the SCOV Community.
Join the Restaurant Facebook group
Sun City Vistoso Foundation Pres. Debbie Francis Fourth Thu., 1 PM, Desert Oasis
Welcome to February. The board would like to take this opportunity to thank those of you who recently contributed to the Foundation. As many of you are aware, funds donated to the Foundation are used to provide some level of support to various organizations and clubs that impact health, cultural, educational, recreational, and charitable services in SCOV and surrounding areas. We encourage all SCOV residents to participate and look forward to another successful year. Gifts can be made at any time during the year. Send to Sun City Vistoso Foundation at 1565 E. Rancho Vistoso Blvd., Oro Valley, AZ 85755.
Coming Events
Items included in this section must be open to all residents and be either sponsored by the Association or be an annual club event of interest to the entire community.
Every Day, 3-6 PM The Views Restaurant Happy Hour Please join us for happy hour. Enjoy the best in live entertainment Friday and Saturday, 5:30-8 PM.
Friday, February 1, 1-3 PM Club Fair Want to learn about the many clubs in SCOV? Come to the Auditorium where clubs will have representatives at tables to answer any questions you may have. There is no charge for this event.
Wednesday, February 6, 1 PM Modern Terrorism Presentation The ILR/Samplers presents “Modern Terrorism: A New Way of War or a New Way of Life?” by Major General Donald W. Shepperd, USAF (Ret.). Media headlines are replete with articles on nuclear and biological terrorism. Are these threats real, or imagined? Major General Shepperd retired in 1998 as head of the Air National Guard. He flew 247 fighter combat missions in Vietnam and was a military analyst for CNN during the wars in Iraq and Iran. He has taught many ILR classes.
Friday, February 8, 1 PM Author Jennifer Jacobs, MD, MPH Family practice physician, clinical assistant professor in epidemiology and part-time Tucson resident will speak and sign copies of her book, Do You Really Need that Pill?, which tackles the epidemic of the overuse of prescription drugs. She will discuss the benefits and harms of the most popular drugs, as well as how to speak to your healthcare provider about your medications. The event will be held in the Auditorium. There is no charge; however, to help us plan for attendance, you need to obtain a ticket in the Library.
Monday, February 11, 6 PM Board Candidate Forum Come listen to your Board candidates speak to relevant SCOV issues in the Auditorium. You will also be able to talk to the candidates after the forum. Another forum will take place on February 12, 9 AM.
Tuesday February 12, 10 AM Tucson Museum of Art Talk Kit Kimball will be back to present the program titled, “Diego Rivera’s Two Greatest Passions – Revolution and Art.” Please join us for this talk about the great muralist at the Activity Center/Navajo. Refreshments will be served. Questions? Call Rudi Punzmann 520-427-7777.
Tuesday, February 12 and 19, 1 PM Oro Valley Art Tours Tour leaves from behind the Welcome Center. The town bus only holds 13 people, so sign up early. There is no charge for this event. Past tours have gotten rave reviews. Tour is about two hours long.
Free tickets, see Coco Sullivan at the Welcome Center
Sun City Vistoso Tipster, Febraury 2011
Tuesday, February 12, 9 AM Board Candidate Forum Come listen to your Board candidates speak to relevant SCOV issues in the Auditorium. You will also be able to talk to the candidates after the forum. Another forum will take place on February 11, 6 PM.
Wednesday, February 13, 1-3 PM Planning for the Next Phase of Retirement Do I go to Assisted Living (AL) or stay at home? What kind of care can I get at home? What are the costs, who helps pay for AL or for at-home care? Vistoso Helpful Hands sponsors this seminar answering these and other questions you have. Light refreshments. RSVP to Barb McNeill bjmac68@ or 520-825-0677. Catalina Vista/Pusch Ridge Room.
Friday, February 15, 1PM The Impact of Age and Sleep on How Our Brains Learn and Remember The Active Health Committee is hosting this presentation in the Auditorium. The speaker is Dr. Stephen Cowen, Ph.D., assistant professor in the psychology department at U of A.
Saturday, February 16, 9 AM-Noon and 1-4 PM Friends of the Library (FOL) Home Tour Tour ten sparkling Sun City homes that have had bathroom or kitchen remodels, walls pushed out, rooms added, and more. Tickets are $25. For ticket availability after the sale date, please call the library at 520-917-8064.
SCOV residents tickets sales, Fri, Feb. 1, 9 AM-Noon, Activity Center Saturday, February 16, 5:30 PM Annual Scandinavian Heritage Club Dinner Join us in the Activity Center/Native American Rooms as we celebrate our Nordic heritage at the annual Scandinavian dinner. Purchase tickets and bring your specialty dish to share. BYOB. Appetizers, 5:30 PM, dinner, 6 PM. Ticket information is on page 26.
Saturday, February 16, 7 PM TAD Management Production – “The Garth Guy” Another TAD production with a salute to Garth Brooks by Dean Simmons. This show is well-known and has brought joy to many who have seen it. Even the real Garth Brooks has stated, “Tell Dean to hold the fort down for me.” Theater seating. No food, but pre-mixed drinks in containers, bottles or cans are permitted. Doors open 6:30 PM, show 7 PM, Auditorium. Show tickets can now be purchased online at > Member Services > Tickets.
Tickets, $25 pp, on sale online and at the Welcome Center Sunday, February 17, 2 PM The Tucson Concert Band Join the Tucson Concert Band for our annual concert, “Wild and Wonderful,” in the Auditorium. Highlights include Bernstein’s Overture to Candide, Finlandia by Jean Sibelius, Invercargill March and much more.
Tickets, $10 pp, on sale Fri., Feb. 1, 1-3 PM, SCOV Club Fair and Mon. and Wed., Feb. 4, 6, 11 and 13, 9-11 AM, Activity Center Lobby Tickets also available at the door Monday-Friday, February 18-22 Rodeo Week Let’s once again join in this great Tucson yearly event by dressing Western for the week.
February 2019, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster
Tuesday, February 19 Change the Course of Cancer Golf Tournament All golfers can change the course of cancer by taking part in the annual Best Ball Tournament to raise money for the Arizona Cancer Center. Information and applications are available in the Pro Shop or by emailing changecancer@
Wednesday, February 20, 1:30 PM Neighborhood Pride Presentation Come to the Auditorium to learn how you can contribute to the beauty and value of our community, learn landscaping tips and better understand the role of the Neighborhood Pride Committee.
Friday, February 22, 9 AM-Noon Health and Wellness Fair In the Auditorium visit many booths from professionals in the fields of health and wellness. It is a great opportunity for new residents to find doctors, dentists, etc. There is no charge for this event.
Friday, March 22
The Sun City Variety Theatre presents “The Chatterton Country Club.” Look for show times and ticket sales information in next month’s Tipster.
Saturday, March 23, 7 PM TAD Management Production – “Diamond Rocks” Another great night of entertainment, “Diamond Rocks” is a salute to Neil Diamond. Barrie Cunningham has been touted as the #1 impersonator of this great musician. No food, but pre-mixed drinks in containers, bottles or cans are permitted. Cabaret seating. Gather friends for some great comedy and music. Auditorium doors open 6:30 PM, show 7 PM. Show tickets can now be purchased online at www. > Member Services > Tickets.
Tickets, $25 pp, go on sale Thu., Feb. 21, 8 AM online or at the Welcome Center Tuesday, March 26, 10 AM U of A Art Museum The talk is entitled “Dreamscapes: The Art of Surrealism.” This free event is in the Activity Center/Native American Rooms.
Tuesday, February 26, 10 AM
Tuesday, March 26, 1 PM
U of A Art Museum Enjoy this free event and join us in the Activity Center/Native American Rooms. The topic will be “The Art of the Great Depression.” Hear about Jackson Pollock, Willem de Kooning and many more.
Saturday, March 30, 7 AM-Noon
Tuesday, February 26, 1 PM Indoor Movie Gather some friends, snacks and drinks and watch a great movie at no charge. Movie selection will be announced as the date nears. Cabaret seating, Auditorium
Thursday, February 28, 10:45 AM Tipster Collation Help collate the inserts that go into the Tipsters in the Auditorium. It’s a great way to get some exercise and meet new people.
Sunday, March 10, 11:30 AM SCOV Women’s Auxiliary Spring Fashion Show and Luncheon Mark your calendars for our annual Spring Fashion Show, Luncheon, Raffle and Auction. Fresh Produce and Soft Surroundings will partner with us by showing the latest in fashion while we enjoy an afternoon of socializing and great food. Net proceeds will go to Emerge! Center Against Domestic Abuse of Tucson. Contact Linda Hall 520-9072009 with questions.
Tickets, $30 pp, will be on sale to members at our Feb. 12 meeting; public sales Wed., Feb. 13, 1-2:30 PM; Thu., Feb. 14, 9-10:30 AM, and Tue., Feb. 19, 1-2:30 PM, Activity Center Tuesday, March 19, 1 PM Author Jillian Cantor Local author of historical fiction will speak in the Auditorium and sign copies of her book, In Another Time, which spans the years leading up to World War II in Germany and the post-war years in London, Paris, Vienna and the United States. A family secret may prove to be the means for survival. There is no charge; however, to help us plan for attendance, you will need to obtain a ticket, available beginning Tuesday, March 5, in the Library.
Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, February 2019
Indoor Movie Gather some friends, snacks and drinks and watch a great movie at no charge. Movie selection will be announced as the date nears. Cabaret seating, Auditorium. Courtyard sale Table sale information in the March Tipster.
Tuesday, April 2, 1 PM Authors J.A. Jance and Isabella Maldonado J.A. Jance, queen of Arizona mystery/thriller writers, teams up with protégée, Isabella Maldonado, in a dynamic duo in the Auditorium. Jance authors the Joanna Brady, Ali Reynolds, J.P. Beaumont, and Brandon Walker series, mostly set in Arizona. Maldonado uses her extensive law enforcement background to bring a realistic edge to her Veranda Cruz series, set in Phoenix. There is no charge; however, to help us plan for attendance you will need to obtain a ticket, available beginning Wednesday, March 20, in the Library.
Special Events for Clubs
See club articles for full details. Singles Bowling, every Friday, 1:45 PM, Fiesta Lanes Singles Golf, Sun., Feb. 3, 1:45 PM, The Views Singles Bocce, Thu., Feb. 7, 6 PM, Bocce Courts Day Trippers, Fri.-Sun., Feb. 8-10, Silver City, $250 pp Singles Dinner, Thu., Feb. 14, social hour, 5:30 PM, seating, 6 PM SCOV Rock and Roll Club, Sun., Feb. 10, member appreciation dance and meeting, 4:15-8 PM, Auditorium Genealogy, Tue., Feb. 12, 1 PM, “Mind Mapping,” AC/Navajo Vistoso Photo Club, Wed., Feb 13, 6 PM, Photographer James Capo speaking on “Night Photography,” Catalina Vista Starlight Ballroom Dance Club, Fri., Feb. 15, 6-9:30 PM, Valentine’s Ball, Auditorium Singles Happy Hour, Fri., Feb. 22, social hour, 5:30 PM, seating, 6 PM Clay Club, Fri., Feb. 22, 4:30-5:30 PM, reception, Desert Oasis Day Trippers, Fri., Feb. 22, Rodeo, $90 pp Day Trippers, Fri., Mar. 8, omelet breakfast, Auditorium, $8 pp Day Trippers, Wed., Mar. 20, Heard Museum in Phoenix, $54 pp Day Trippers, Thu.-Sun., May 23-26, Canyon de Chelly trip, $900/couple ($450 pp), $592 single
Workshops and Classes Automatic External Defibrillator (AED) Classes Classes are held the fourth Wednesday of each month, 1:30 PM, WC1. Lonnie Davis teaches these classes. To attend, you must register ahead of time by calling Lonnie 520917-8073. You could save the life of a loved one. The next class will be February 27. Association-Sponsored Fitness Purchase a punch card from the receptionist in the Welcome Center, $20/10 classes. You may use this card for all SCOV-sponsored fitness classes. It can also be used by your guests. There is $3 drop-in charge if you do not have a punch card. Aqua Zumba®: Balance Class: Chair Balance Class: Cardio Chair Aerobics: Core Conditioning: Sunrisers: Sweat Stretch: Water Aerobics: Zumba® :
Tue., 1-2 PM, AFC Pool Mon., 10:30-11:30 AM, AFC Fri., 10:30-11:30 AM, AC/Dance Studio Tue., Thu., 10:30-11:30 AM, Sat., 9-10 AM, Catalina Vista Mon., 5-6 PM, Wed., 3-4 PM, AFC Mon., Wed., Fri., 7-8 AM, AFC Tue., Thu., 7:30-9 AM, AFC Mon., Wed., Fri., 10-11 AM, AFC Pool Tue., 9:15-10:10 AM, Thu., 4-5 PM, AFC
Coffee Cart The Coffee Cart is at the Kachina Lounge Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 9-10:30 AM. Costume Closet The Costume Closet is located inside the Loan Room at the Cart Barn. Costumes may be checked out and returned by appointment only. Call Marty Siracusa, 520-825-6961 or Betty Verderese, 520-825-7811 to schedule appointments. Cash donations accepted for the use of costumes. Distinguished Service Award Nominees Requested The Board of Directors is requesting residents to submit candidates for the “Distinguished Service Award” award. This award is designed to honor residents who make remarkable contributions to our community. Nominations should be submitted by February 28 by filling out a hard copy of the form available in the Administration Office or by completing the form sent out via email in early January. The Board will review the nominees and select the recipient(s). The award will be presented at the Sun City Oro Valley Annual Meeting in March.
Celebrations & Life Events
Institute for Learning in Retirement (ILR) Samplers Samplers are presented Thursdays at 2 PM, Catalina Vista. No sign-up or membership in the ILR are needed, and there is no cost. Your SCOV guests are welcome. You will need to sign them in, bring your access card for entry. The Samplers are one-time only weekly programs on a variety of subjects. Special program: Wednesday, February 6, 1 PM, Auditorium “Modern Terrorism: A New Way of War or a New Way of Life?” Major General Don Shepperd, USAF (Ret.) February 7: “Michelangelo,” Kevin Justus, Ph.D. February 14: “Senior Focused Nutrition: How to Avoid the Fads and Apply Evidence-based Science to Diet,” Amy Drescher, Ph.D., R.D. February 21: “The Loneliness Cure: Six Strategies for Finding Real Connections in Your Life,“ Kory Floyd, Ph.D. February 28: “Life on the Lazy B as Lived by an American Cowboy,” Alan Day March 7: Previews of Fall 2019 ILR Classes Parkinson’s Exercise Classes Classes are held Mondays and Thursdays, 4-5:30 PM, WC3. Caregivers are welcome to attend classes. Ray Jerkins 520-219-3561. Spanish Language Classes Contact Myriam Barrientos 520-906-8334 spanishmyriam Review the many levels of classes available at Classes are ongoing through May.
For Your Information The items under this heading are provided as a service to residents. SCOV assumes no responsibility or liability for the information contained therein.
Sun City Vistoso Tipster, Febraury 2011
Amphi School District photo Harland Goertz (above) and Bob Cratty are retiring from ten years of dedicated work at the Coronado K-8 School where they taught astronomy and science to 5th and 7th graders. They have become a fixture at the school and are appreciated and admired by students and staff alike. In this picture, members of the Astronomy Club are helping 5th grade students to assemble and learn how to use their new telescopes. The Astronomy Club has bought every 5th grader a telescope for 11 years (900 of them). Harland and Bob will be honored at the February 21 Astronomy Club meeting.
Thank You Corner Thank you so much to all who came out for the Annual Pancake Breakfast to support this fundraiser which provides funds for the Loan Room and some other local needs. We also thank the many volunteers: pancake flippers, kitchen, dining room and ticket sales staff and especially the building monitors for all the work involved to make this breakfast a success. Gay Russell and Committee
February 2019, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster
Clay Pres. Gary Brown 520-303-7328 Sep.-May, First Thu., General Meeting, 1 PM, Artisan Center/Pottery Studio cleaning last Wed., 1 PM Orientation as needed
Bill Beskar Len McIlroy
Bill Kennedy Ernest Martucci
Residents 1 1 Former Residents 1 1
December 31 January 22 January 10 January 12
Clubs Arts, Crafts & Hobbies Art League Co-Pres. Caryl Thornton 520-638-7024, Carol Nagel 520-825-3097
What is the Art League? We are art enthusiasts from various SCOV art-related clubs. We coordinate, plan and oversee the displays in the Activity Center and the Desert Oasis. Our goal is threefold: to display the talents of our residents, encourage the arts in SCOV and make these facilities pleasant, inviting and interesting. This month we will feature the Colored Pencil and Etchings/Print-Makers clubs in the Activity Center. The Clay Club is hosting a reception, Friday, February 22, to celebrate the club’s joining the Art League. See Clay Club article at right. A video entitled “Angelfishes and Their Coral World” by Lian Quan Zhen focusing on composition and color technique will be shown on Thursday, February 14, 9-10:15 AM, in the Arts Studio at Catalina Vista. Lian Quan Zhen is a renowned watercolor and Chinese paints artist.
Bark Carving Bob Ash 520-282-3688 Tue., 1-4 PM, Thu., 9 AM-Noon Artisan Center/Lapidary
If you are a bark carver or are interested in getting started with cottonwood carving, please join us on Tuesday afternoon and/or Thursday mornings for carving and conversation. We have bark available for members and beginners. For beginners there is always someone to help and make suggestions for first projects. Come by and view some of our work in our display window next to the Wood Shop in the Artisan Center, including the two pieces by Alan Mashburn pictured here. Members please remember to pay your $10 dues for 2019.
We need your aluminum cans!
Put your empty aluminum cans to work for SCOV. Deposit only empty, rinsed aluminum cans in the box outside the Activity Center kitchen door. The Community Assistance Committee uses the funds from recycling to purchase items for the Loan Room.
Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, February 2019
Clay Club members gathered January 2 at the Desert Oasis to offer a variety of art pieces for display in the Ocotillo and Saguaro rooms. This exhibit will run through May 30. We are pleased to host a reception celebrating our admittance into the SCOV Art League, on Friday, Feb- Janis Moll and Barb Peterson hang art at ruary 22, 4:30-5:30 PM, the Desert Oasis Desert Oasis. All are welcome to attend and meet the artists. Refreshments will be served. Please join us. New residents, if you have been wondering what it would be like to muddy your hands with clay and create works of art while making new friends, then stop by the studio to sign up for orientation. After orientation, our Clay Club mentors help both beginning and advanced members gain confidence and skill. Their guidance and support are much appreciated. Our large club functions smoothly due to strong leadership and member cooperation.
Colored Pencil Jan Thomas 520-591-1275, Sue Parkes 520-825-7307 Fri., 9 AM-Noon, Catalina Vista/Art Studio
Are you fascinated with changes in colors and patterns? Do you like details? Colored Pencil may be just the club for you. It is an easy, forgiving medium but does require patience. Basic drawing skills are helpful, especially if you want to venture into scratchboard, which some in our group enjoy. We Vera Miedema puts the finishing strokes have many resources to on her creation help get you started and helpful advice for beginners. Come join us.
Fine Arts Studio Pres. April Hoffman 520-329-8443, Wed., 9 AM, Catalina Vista/Art Studio
Salvador Hernandez joined the fine arts group about a year ago. Lee Sopwith has been a member for about three years. Salvador hails from Houston where he worked as a computer analyst. He enjoys working with acrylics and paints whatever subjects his family requests. His other pastimes include tennis, sculpture, cribbage and more. He is impressed with all the talent here in SCOV. Lee comes here from Boise in the winter. He retired from IBM and went on to receive a BFA from Boise State University. Lee’s pastimes include golf, genealogy and hiking. He likes being outside, so one can understand why he paints landscapes. He thinks the group is very helpful in advancing ideas on canvas.
When you visit the Fine Arts Studio, you’ll likely see Salvador and Lee working. At 11 AM you may listen to critiques where these two artists often offer a canvas for feedback. We welcome you. Bring your materials and enjoy a few hours of painting with others.
Gourd Art Kaaren Drent 520-818-2343 Mon., 1-4 PM, and Fri., 9 AM-Noon, Lapidary Room Come and join us to create some unique gourd art. We have everything you need to give it a try.
Japanese Flower Arranging Donald Marier 520-825-4878 Nov.-May, Second and Fourth Mon., 2-4 PM, Catalina Vista/Pusch Ridge
Japanese flower arranging, Ikebana, is the art of arranging flowers, branch materials, grasses and leaves. At its core is the beauty resulting from a combination of color, shapes and graceful lines. More than simple floral decoration, it is a form of sculpture with plant materials. Learn from certified instructors at your own pace and make creative arrangements for your home.
Knit and Crochet Sigrid Flatness 425-213-6689 Tue., 2:30-4:30 PM, Catalina Vista/Pusch Ridge
If you knit or crochet, Tuesday afternoons might be a way to learn new techniques or find a new pattern to try. Several of us are working on a variety of projects, and we love to share with others what we’ve been doing. You’d be amazed at some of the things that knitters make these days. It’s back in vogue. If you want to brush up on your skill level or try a new technique, you’ll find help in our group. Come and enjoy a relaxing time with us.
Modelers Pres. Fred Faust 520-907-3469 Second Fri., 8 AM, Catalina Vista/Pusch Ridge It seems as if drones are appearing everywhere. The picture shows club member, Ron Sanford (left), demonstrating how a drone operates. He flew the drone around the room and explained its many features. His drone can take Photo by Tom Prall photos that he can view and record on his cell phone. Creative model builder, Don Holbrook, expresses his interest in the flight. You can see some of Don’s unique models in our display cases. During the holiday open houses, over 200 guests enjoyed the operation of model trains and other models on display. We thank the community for its support.
Sun City Vistoso Tipster, Febraury 2011
All SCOV residents are welcome at our monthly meetings where you will see what we are about, and you may enjoy a cup of coffee and a sweet roll. During any day, if the lights are on and someone is in the Modelers Room, stop in. From time to time we schedule field trips of interest to modelers.
Open Studio Artists Pres. Carol Nagel 520-825-3097 Tue., 9 AM-4 PM and Thu., 9 AM-2 PM, Catalina Vista/Art Studio
Open Studio Artists now have two days per week to work on their art. If your usual day does not work, you can now take advantage of the second day. Two theme shows are scheduled. April’s show will be “Up Close” and the May show will be “Adobe Structures.” The theme shows are intended to stretch the artist’s imagination and creativity. New artists are always welcome.
Vistoso Photo Pres. Gerda Timm 520-825-6864 Sep.-May, Second and Fourth Wed., 6 PM, Catalina Vista James Capo will be the speaker at our Wednesday, February 13, meeting. His presentation will be on night photography. “Black and White” is the competition category this month, taking place on February 27. The judge will be Justin Northcroft. Photos must be taken after April 1, 2018. Winners of the December competition, “Old Stuff,” were: Allan Mashburn, Kathy Mashburn, Art Wickersham, Bonnie Svarstad, “Mooove Over” by Gerda Timm Bob Cahoon, Val Plumlee, Philip Fisher, Pam Maddern, Dave Henderson, Karen Burnham, Ron Richardson, John Hardin, Bill Lewis, Gerda Timm, Diane Haegele, Laura Hackenbrock and Pat Mulligan. In addition to friendly monthly competitions, our club offers educational programs, hosts guest speakers and exhibits members’ winning photos. Visitors are welcome to attend our meetings and competitions.
Sculpture Pres. Laurie Lichaa 520-812-0198 Mon., 9 AM-5 PM, Catalina Vista/Art Studio If you are interested to see some of the clay sculptures in progress, please come by the clay sculpture studio in Catalina Vista on Monday mornings. Last month we shared how a member gets inspiration for ideas to begin the sculpture process. The next step is to prepare the foundation or framework for the sculpture, which we refer to as an armature. The picture shows Laurie and Gene working on the armature for Laurie’s next project. In this example, Laurie has chosen a heavy grade wire that has been bent and brazed as the foundation for her sculpture. The
February 2019, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster
club provides the armature materials and the tools and supplies needed for the brazing process. Come by the studio, and we will show you how this process is done.
Sewing Thimblelenas
Sue Lane 520-971-8755 Co-Treas. Phyllis Austin 805-341-5176, Pat Norton 480-993-8762 Monitor Training Suzanne Stiles 508-748-3206 Pfaff Training Mel Wheeler 520-334-0957 Mon.-Fri., 9 AM-Noon and 1-4 PM, Sat., 9 AM-Noon, Artisan Center/Sewing
Now is the time to pay your dues. Complete the membership form in the Sewing Room along with your $5 check. Thank you for stopping to see our tables at the Club Fair. If interested in learning more about the Sewing Room and its clubs, stop over during any of the times when the room is open and talk to a monitor. If interested in becoming a monitor or learning how to run the machines, call one of the people listed above. For your convenience the Sewing Room is open for general use Friday, 9 AM-Noon and 1-4 PM, and Saturday mornings. Casa Amigas
Sigrid Flatness 425-213-6689 Mon. and Thu., 9 AM-Noon, Artisan Center/Sewing
If one of your New Year’s resolutions was to clean out that closet full of unused fabric or yarn, we have a solution for you. Bring that fabric and yarn up to the Sewing Room and we will put it to good use and if we can’t we know who can. We can use cotton, flannel, fleece, quilting fabric or any fabric suitable for girls’ jumpers or skirts. In addition, we can use yarn to knit baby hats, sweaters, booties and afgans. We also use yarn to knit or crochet childrens hats and scarves or lap robes for seniors. Thanks to all of you who have donated in the past. We appreciate any donations and so do the children. Cheer Bears
Pat Norton 480-993-8762 Wed., 1-3 PM, Artisan Center/Sewing
Cheer Bears took a short break in December due for travel and year-end activities, but we started up again in January and have many requests for our cheery friends to be filled this year. If you stopped by the Sewing Room on Wednesday afternoon and found it empty, we apologize, but we are back and need your help to fulfill our new orders. If you are up to the task of stuffing, cutting, sewing or whatever makes the bears look cheery, join us and share in the fun. Last year a grand total of almost 250 completed bears were donated. This brought smiles to faces throughout Arizona. If you are interested in joining us please stop in the Sewing Room at the Artisan Center, Wednesday, 1 PM. You will find a joyful group ready to greet you and include you in the fun.
Machine Embroidery
Sharon Larsen 520-818-2791 Training Coordinator Karin Frohlich 520-612-7379 4D Computer Training Debra Dirks 520-825-2248 Third Tue., 1:30 PM, Desert Oasis/Ocotillo Every month we see new things and get more embroidery ideas. At the January meeting we learned how to make the popular pocket reading pillow. Contact Karin Frohlich for instruction on the 6-needle machine in the Sewing Room. Instructions are available to any Thimblelenas member. Note the meeting date and join us. Feel free to bring a friend with you. Check us out on Facebook to see more of our projects. Pocket reading pillow Pet Beds
Jan Bohe 520-825-9725 Tue., 1-3 PM, Artisan Center/Sewing
Our club started in 2009. We have a group of dedicated women who volunteer their time to make pet beds for the Humane Society of Southern Arizona. We take donated washable and dryable fabric to make cases that hold cut up pieces of fabric and poly-fill. The beds range in size from 16” square to as big as 22” x 26.” In 2018 we made 247 beds and donated 11 bags of towels and 2 blankets. Since 2009, we have donated 2,535 pet beds plus many towels, tennis balls, blankets, vests that say “Adopt Me,’ bandanas and pet food. We love pets. Quilters
Carol Guibert 520-404-1462 Second and Fourth Tue., 1 PM, Desert Oasis/Ocotillo Quilt registration for the annual quilt show will be held Monday, February 4, and Friday, February 8, 9 AM-Noon, Activity Center/Lobby. Everyone is invited to enter quilts in our show. Our February 12 meeting will feature a crazy quilt stitchery demo by Peg Bushong. Tuesday, February 26, 9 AM, Sewing Room, we will have a class on pineapple quilt blocks using our Accuquilt cutter. Sign-up for this class at the February 12 meeting. At our Our 2019 raffle quilt regular meeting we will plan final preparations for our quilt show. Seniors for Kids
Juvenile Great Horned Owls by Ken Ayers
Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, February 2019
Co-Pres. Jean Sax 651-436-4243, Pat Norton 480-993-8862 Sewing/Crafting for SFK, Mon., 1-3 PM, Wed., 9 AM-Noon, Artisan Center/Sewing Toy woodworking, various times, Artisan Center/Wood Shop Meetings: First Thu., 8 AM, Catalina Vista/Pusch Ridge
Do you love kids? So do we. That’s why we make wooden and fabric toys for needy kids in our area. Stop by the Sewing Room or Wood Shop any time during open hours and you’ll find someone making gifts for kids. Sewers/knitters make
baby hats, blankets, Cheer Bears, bibs and more. We partner with other local charitable organizations to locate and distribute to kids who need the most help. These families are often unable to buy essential items like food, diapers, laundry soap and toilet paper, etc. We also received over $9,000 in donations last year to purchase such items. Tapestry Rug Hooking
Coni Arseneau, 217-398-1416, Carrie Wiley, 360-734-5952, Tue., 9 AM-Noon, except last Tue. of the month; last Thu., 1-3 PM, Artisan Center/Sewing
If you are interested in the Tapestry Rug Hooking group, please come to the Sewing Room on Tuesday mornings, except for the last week of the month when we meet in the Sewing Room on Thursday afternoon. A project begins with a design. Members might look for design ideas on the Internet, in books or magazines or from a personal creative idea. In the photo, Saniya Otis shares her design inspiration (left) which Inspiration, finished project, design she sketched onto paper (far right) and then finished the project (center). Next month we will share how we transfer the design onto the material to begin hooking. Members of the club love to share pictures of their finished projects. To learn more about our group, please stop in to visit with us or you can read more about us on our website. We welcome new members and provide individual instruction for anyone who is interested.
Show ‘N Share Vicki Frakes 859-801-0525 Fri., 9 AM-Noon, Catalina Vista/Mt. Lemmon This photo is a “Project Share” by Sue Koch. Members used supplies to make a love note card for Valentine’s Day. We celebrate February birthdays for Loretta Albers, Barbara Fox and Anna Sanow. Loretta has been a seasonal resident since 1994 and joined Show ‘n Share Project Share card (SnS) in 2014. She knits and makes greeting cards. Loretta enjoys learning new ideas and being with SnS members. Barbara came to SCOV in 1993 and joined SnS in 2016. She knits and is learning a new technique from a fellow member to knit a pillow cover. Barbara enjoys the camaraderie. Anna came to SCOV in 2007 and joined SnS in 2017. Her crafts are knitting and crocheting. She enjoys meeting new people and learning new projects. Members work on portable crafts and we love to show our creations and share our ideas. We meet year-round and welcome new members. No dues.
Silversmith and Lapidary Pres. Tom Moore 503-510-2251 Shop winter hours: Mon.-Thu., 9 AM-Noon & 1 PM-4 PM; Fri. 9 AM-Noon First Mon., 3:30 PM, Artisan Center/Silversmith Studio
We hope everyone had a great holiday season. There is plenty of room in the shop, so come in, make some jewelry and work off some of those holiday calories. If you need help
Sun City Vistoso Tipster, Febraury 2011
with a piece of equipment or in remembering that next critical step in the metal-smithing process, just ask one of the monitors; they’ll be glad to assist. For convenience, we have mounted the new ring bender on the bench next to the drill press. The bender’s ring dies are kept in the vault.
Stained/Fused Glass Jo Anne Bowman 501-282-4454 or 520-441-9229 Juliet Williams 623-565-0153 Fusing: Tue. and Thu., 9-11 AM, Artisan Center/Stained Glass Stained: Wed. and Fri., 9 AM-Noon Open Studio, any time Tue.-Sun., Artisan Center/Stained Glass
We have had a brisk start to this new year in projects and weather. As most of you know, Tucson Gem & Mineral Show is coming to town. Dichroic, Inc. will be at the Casino Del Sol Gem Show February 2-9. Monty and Carol look forward to seeing all of us again. For a complete schedule go to www. Calling all residents: please come and visit us during our upcoming Stained and Fused Glass contest. Come and vote for your favorite pieces. The contest will run February 15 through March 5. Our creations will be on display in the Artisan Center windows. Look for details and information on the Stained and Fused Glass door. Thank you to all who volunteer to keep the studio clean and neat. Without all of you, the club could not function. Also, we Christmas party and meeting appreciate the firers for keeping the kilns hot and moving the glass through. A special thanks to Kaaren, for her enthusiasm and to Jo Anne for keeping everyone on point. Finally, thanks to all our teachers and monitors.
Wood Carving Bob Ash 520-282-3688 Sat., 9-Noon, Artisan Center/Lapidary
If you are a wood carver or are interested in getting started with wood carving join us on Saturday mornings for carving and conversation. For beginners there is always help with projects and suggestions about tools, safety gear and carving woods. The club owns power (rotary) tools and bits for use by members and has carving magazines and books to provide project ideas. Please come by and view our display window next to the Wood Shop in the Artisan Center and drop in on Saturday mornings. Members, remember to pay your $10 annual dues.
Woodworking Pres. Bill Bable 248-231-2829, VP: Chris Schatzman 504-470-6075 Sec. Colin Kaltenbach, Treas. Nancy Njaa
Upcoming dates: Machine Safety and Operation class begins Monday, February 4, 8 AM, in the Wood Shop. Please sign up and arrive at 7:45 AM. Class meets on Mondays and Wednesdays for four weeks. A class schedule will be posted in the shop and on our website. This is a path to become a Wood Shop member and use the shop safely and effectively. Thank you to each of our monitors who help run our shop, Monday-Friday, 9 AM-4 PM.
February 2019, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster
Continuing Education Astronomy Pres. Allan Mashburn 435-219-0042 Oct.-May, Third Thu., 7 PM, Activity Center/Navajo
Dr. Craig Kulesa will be our speaker on February 21. He is just back from the top of the Antarctic Plateau (space-like conditions,15,000 feet, minus 140 degrees) where he installed a sub-millimeter telescope. Because of their dusty content, visible content light can’t penetrate a molecular cloud. Thus, infrared and submillimeter observations are needed to “see” the star-forming process. His development of these telescopes and his research on star formation would answer a variety of astrophysical phenomena. All stars are born in molecular clouds including our Sun. Molecular clouds are the “stuff” we’re made of. Star gazing party on Thursday, February 7, dusk, Driving Range. Learn about our annual telescope project for 5th graders in Celebrations & Life Events on page 16.
Bible Men’s Bible Study
Jerry Anderson 520-638-6586, Rick Thomas 520-591-0475 Oct.-May, Tue., 7:30 AM, Catalina Vista/Mt. Kimball
Spring is here. Join us in our study of 2nd John and 3rd John as well as the Book of Jude. As men of faith, we feel it an honor to study God’s Word and grow in discipleship together. We welcome you to bring your own experiences and biblical insights into the discussions we enjoy so much. Many of our members take the opportunity to have breakfast at The Views Restaurant directly after the study. What’s not to like? Precept Women’s Bible Study
Pres. Linda Miller 520-818-2716 Sec. Faith Heitmann 208-750-5886 Oct.-Apr., Wed., 9 AM, WC3
We continue to meet on Wednesday, 9 AM, WC3. In this new study of “Precepts-Romans Part 1,” we will be discussing Paul’s gospel of salvation for all mankind. Shirley Brown is our facilitator. Come and join us .We welcome new members.
Great Books Pres. Barbara Gates 520-825-7645 V.P. Connie Armstrong 520-544-7723 Oct.-May, First and Third Wed., 2 PM, Catalina Vista/Mt. Lemmon
In our club we read and discuss selections of thoughtprovoking works of literature presented in anthologies by the Great Books Foundation. We offer great conversations about great ideas. We are reading selections from Great Conversations 1, the first in a series of anthologies intended for those who value the lively pleasure of discussing ideas. Hopefully the readings will challenge your assumptions and spark debate. The book can be purchased from Amazon or The Great Books Foundation. Wednesday, February 6, we will read The Epic of Gilgamesh. Wednesday, February 20, we will read Prometheus Bound by Aeschylus. We welcome all SCOV residents.
Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, February 2019
SCOV Book Club Pres. Sandie Roberts 847-525-9239 VP Glenda Tonkin 520-207-4802 Communications: Cynthia Kartman 414-732-3063 First Mon., 1:30 PM, Catalina Vista/Mt. Kimball
Our February selection is Educated by Tara Westover. Her memoir tells the remarkable story of her journey from childhood in an isolated religiously fanatic family in rural Idaho to a Ph.D. student at Cambridge University. Educated was a 2018 best book of the year selection by the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal and many other publications. Our March selection, a top 10 book of the year by the New York Times and a National Book Award finalist, is Pachinko by Min Jin Lee. Lee creates a fascinating epic of four generations of a poor immigrant Korean family working to establish their foothold in 20th century Japan.
Computer - Vistoso Computer Society (VCS) Membership David Johnson 520-825-6994 Pres. Leo Belardinelli 520-989-9314 General Meetings, Nov.-Mar., Second Mon., 1 PM, Auditorium Help session: call 520-329-7661 for an appointment
Today, desktop computing is rapidly shifting to the iOS of Apple phones and iPads, or the Android OS on Android devices. Through these personal devices, the world is getting quickly connected. Now, lights, security systems, music, lectures and TV are being accessed through these personal devices with more being added daily. This phenomenon is being called the Internet of Things (IoT) where everything is connected and your phone or tablet provide that interface. In January, we dove further into the IoT world by looking at the world of Alexa, Google Home, Cortana and Siri. This month we will look at home automation and the issues surrounding its latest incarnations Membership is required for help sessions, classes and the right to join the ListServ (online bulletin board). See the club’s website homepage. Dues for 2019 are $10/household. Send checks, not cash, to Dave Johnson, 2427 Nasturtium, with the application form, available outside the CLC (Computer Learning Center) in the Welcome Center. You may download it from the club’s website. Renewing members do not need to fill out an application form if your personal information has not changed. Please note: computer help is available to members by calling the help desk number. We provide this option, so we can match a Help Desk Assistant to your specific problem. This information can also be found on the VCS website shown above. Classes for February Class Name Date Time Windows 10 (Bring your computers) 1 Session Tue., Feb. 12 10 AM-Noon Leo Belardinelli lbelardinelli Streaming and Broadcast Alternatives to Cable TV 2 Sessions Part 1 Thu., Feb. 14 10 AM-Noon Part 2 Thu., Feb. 21 10 AM-Noon Mary Kaczmarski iPhone Basics: Focus on using the camera, understanding photo organization, editing AND using the Calendar 1 Session Thu., Feb. 14 1-3 PM Peg Bushong Introduction to Voice Devices like Alexa 1 Session Tue., Feb. 19 10 AM-Noon Leo Belardinelli lbelardinelli Continued on page 22
Android Smart Phone Class 1 Session Thu., Feb. 21 1-3 PM Karen Hasselbach Making a Photo Book using Shutterfly 1 Session Sat., Feb. 23 9:15-11:15 AM Dave and Tempe Johnson iPhone Basics: Understanding the Cloud, basic icons, texting, Safari and Security (How to handle Robo calls) 1 Session Thu., Feb. 28 1-3 PM Peg Bushong Help Sessions for PC and Mac Users 2 Sessions Tue., Feb. 19 1-3 PM Wed., Feb. 27 1-3 PM General Meeting Mon., Feb. 11 1-3 PM
Genealogy Pres. Andrea Houston Monitor Training Pat Brown Mentoring Holly Gibson 303-548-1299 General Meetings Oct.-May, Second Tue., 1 PM, Activity Center/Navajo
Explain “Mind Mapping.” What are you talking about? According to Wikipedia, it is a diagram used to visually organize information. Nicole Elder Dyer from Tucson can get us on the right track with all our info Tuesday, February 12, 1 PM. Come and get your mind in order. “Saturday Shorts” given by our own members, add interesting talks with various topics, on Saturday mornings in the Welcome Center/Genealogy Lab. We keep you informed, so check your emails and our website for the latest updates.
ILR - Institute of Learning in Retirement Pres. Jane Myerson Curriculum Randy Myerson Registration Karen/Sherwin Koopmans Samplers Sally Evert
Be sure to check dates, start times and locations for the courses you signed up to attend. If you now find you cannot attend a course, contact registrars Karen/Sherwin Koopmans. One course, “Have Your Morals Changed?” led by Gene Bammel will begin in March. Are you receiving club-related emails? If not, contact the registrars with your new or updated information. The curriculum committee has done an excellent job of bringing us a wide variety of interesting courses, but they cannot do it without you. Future course moderators are always being sought. Do you have an idea for a course topic? A course can be as short as two weeks or as long as ten weeks. Email your course idea to curriculum chair, Randy Myerson. For upcoming Sampler topics, see page 16. The Samplers Committee is also interested in your ideas. Email Sally Evert. Have you taken the time to check out the recently released ILR website? What about the ILR Facebook page? Search for SCOV ILR to keep up to date.
Natural Health and Wellness Sherokee Ilse 520-818-3279 First Wed., Potluck, 5:30 PM, Catalina Vista Third Wed. 3-4:30 PM, Catalina Vista, Mt. Kimball/Pusch Ridge
Our February speaker is Lynda Witt who receives rave reviews. Her topic is, “Digital Infrared Thermal Imaging: Appropriate Uses in Breast Health and Other Regions.” In this visually vibrant presentation, discover how the proper use of
Sun City Vistoso Tipster, Febraury 2011
thermographic imaging can aid in determining breast health, along with other regions of the body such as cardiac and pulmonary function, thyroid, dental, carotid arteries, vital and reproductive organ health. This non-invasive technology is FDA registered, painless and does not use any radiation. Lynda Witt is a certified clinical thermographer and owner of Proactive Health Solutions, LLC, in Tucson. She has 12 years of experience as a thermographer and is passionate about sharing the benefits of this cutting edge technology. Payment of annual dues (cash preferred) is required to attend the club meetings or potlucks, $3 pp, November to October. Potluck: Monthly plant-based/vegan potluck, Wednesday, February 6, 5:30 PM, Catalina Vista. Members bring a dish to share, place setting and drink. Dues will be collected from all not paid to date. First time attendees bring only your place setting, drink and $3. For questions email or Heather at
Poets Corner Sharyn Rafieyan 520-825-6762 Mon., 9:30-11:30 AM, WC3
Poetry, like other art forms, continues to evolve and modernize without completely letting go of its origins. Not surprisingly, many of the changes are initiated by the young. Nonetheless, some seniors are willing to experiment with new or old forms in refreshing ways. Take the Japanese haiku, which has been adopted and adapted by Americans who still value its brevity and beauty or its pithiness and cleverness, depending on how strictly it adheres to its roots. Haiku are composed of three lines with syllable counts of 5, 7 and 5 and they are not titled. The example below on the left is from the Japanese master, Matsuo Basho; the one on the right is by our own Harvey Gardner. In the twilight rain I’ll live a long life these brilliant-hued hibiscus— by following my breathing. a lovely sunset. Yikes! Where did it go?
Cultural & Social Barbershop VLQ (Very Large Quartet) Kactus Krooners Mike Moyer 520-818-6509 Oct.-May, Mon., 10:30 AM-Noon, Desert Oasis
Love those barbershop harmonies? Got a song in your heart? Want to hear and feel and learn what it’s like to blend your voice with others, barbershop style? Come join this fun mixed (men and women) a cappella chorus in song for just one-and-a-half hours every Monday morning. Great way to start each week. SCOV visitors welcome. There is strength in numbers; the more the merrier.
Democratic Club Maureen Salz 520-240-0049 Second Sat., 1 PM, Activity Center/Navajo
Join us on Saturday, February 9, 1 PM, when we welcome SCOV residents Carolyn and Gary Lerch, who will share their experiences of volunteering at The Inn Project. The Inn Project provides temporary housing and transportation for immigrant families seeking asylum. Learn about this important humanitarian effort going on in Tucson and how you can help. It’s that time of year to pay your membership dues of
February 2019, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster
$10 pp. Make your check out to SCOV Democratic Club and mail to treasurer, Sandy Salz, at 1816 E. Crown Ridge Way. Better yet, bring it to the February meeting. Don’t forget to bring your nonperishable food items for Impact of Southern Arizona. Monetary donations will also be accepted. Hope to see you there.
are provided for guests. Join us to drum, laugh and meet new friends. People worldwide for centuries have used group drumming to energize minds and bodies, strengthen community bonds, release stress and celebrate life.
Dining - Prepare & Share Pres. Colin Kaltenbach; VP Debbie Kotlarek Treas. Kathy Mashburn Scheduling Sec. Pat and Dave Heine and
Popcorn? Sodas? Candy? What did the Prepare and Share groups cook up this month? Our theme for January was “Food from the Movies.” Each group was challenged Prepare and Share members enjoy an evening of good to create a menu food and conversation. which could feature each course of the dinner from one movie or choose four movies, each one representing an appetizer, soup or salad, entree or dessert. What movies would you choose? So far I’ve heard from two groups. One of them enjoyed a James Bond evening. Did they have martinis–shaken, not stirred? Another group celebrated the Titanic’s last dinner. The original menu consisted of 10 courses but it was pared down to four. Two guests appeared in life vests.
Dog Club - Fido’s Friends Pres. Lynne Wohner Membership/Treas. Marj Young 360-913-8062 Nov., Jan. and Mar., Third Thu., 1 PM, Activity Center/Hopi
Fido’s Friends is the club which operates and manages the SCOV dog park on Del Webb Blvd. You must be a member of the club to use our dog park. Dues are only $10 per year. To join our club and pay your dues, please contact membership chair, Marj Young. There is a one-time key fee for new members. Seasonal visitors are welcome. Again this year we will be sponsoring rattlesnake aversion training for dogs in our community in late March. More information will be available in the March Tipster.
Different Drummers Women’s Circle Zona Boss 520-638-6644, Colleen Cottrell 520-825-8393 Wed., 1:30-3 PM, 2338 E. Montrose Canyon Dr. The Different Drummers Women’s Circle provides a community drum circle for any woman wanting to connect with others through hand drumming using African Djembe drums, handheld Native American frame drums and other small percussion. Drums and instruments
Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, February 2019
Garden Club Pres. Wendy Hughes 503-703-9563 VP, Barbara Marshall 520-825-0618 Oct.-Apr., Second Tue., 12:30 PM, Auditorium
Popular speaker Zann Wilson is back for our general meeting Tuesday, February 12, with her program on “Euphorbias: The Good and Not So Good.” These common accent plants are attractive and easy to grow, and Zann will make certain you know exactly what you’re in for if you want to add some to your landscape. We will also have a special treat for Valentine’s Day. We plan to tour Mission Gardens Saturday, February 23. Sign up at the general meeting. Our general meeting, March 12, features Jessie Byrd who will present a program on “Diversifying the Urban Desert.” Jessie is the manager of Pima County’s Native Plant Nursery and is leading the efforts to reintroduce native species into the urban fabric of Tucson. A vibrant speaker, Jessie has designed and constructed landscapes where the public can enjoy our native plants. Membership is $5 pp and $8/cpl, contact Florence Duckett at 520-825-1994 or
Havurah Liz Kinslinger
Tickets are still available for our luxury bus trip to Barleen’s in Apache Junction, on Tuesday, February 12, $63 pp. Call Don Faber at 520-490-5900 to enjoy this terrific dinner and variety show. Planning ahead, our annual seder will be on the first night of Passover this year, April 19. It will be done jointly with Splendido residents, with gourmet dinner and transportation from SCOV provided by Splendido. Ticket sales, $30 pp, will be announced in March, with a limit of 60 people, priority for members. Ongoing events: Sunday morning bocce, Judy Heyman 520-989-3419; Book Club, Barbara Berne 305-335-1867; and Brown Bag women’s discussion group, Sharon Zwerling 520-825-4105.
Early Music Recorder Ensemble Joyce Minks 520-825-0642 Tue., 12:30 PM, Catalina Vista/Pusch Ridge
Have a recorder (the musical instrument)? Want to learn or improve your skills? Would you like to play in a group? Soprano, alto, tenor and bass recorders are welcome. Enjoy the harmonies of an ensemble. Music is provided. Just one hour every week. SCOV visitors welcome.
Republican Club Merritt McGlothlin 520-572-7853 Third Tue., 3 PM, Activity Center
The SCOV Republican Club will meet Tuesday, February 19, 3 PM, Activity Center. Our topics and discussions will be of interest to all regarding local, state, and national, political and policy issues. Speakers for the February meeting will be announced in the weekly email, “This Week in SCOV.” Plan on attending, the meeting is open to all.
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Paid Advertising, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, February 2019, Page 25
St. Phillip’s Social Club Abby Marier 520-825-4878 Scandinavian Heritage Club Sigrid Flatness 425-213-6689 Dinner Saturday, February 16, 5:30 PM, Activity Center/Navajo Room
It’s finally here: Our annual Scandinavian smorgasbord. This is your opportunity to showcase your signature Scandinavian dinner specialty for all your Scandinavian friends. We’ll ask you to sign up to bring a dish when you purchase your tickets. It’s a fun time to get acquainted to those of us with Nordic backgrounds. We’re a unique bunch and we know how to party. BYOB (especially Aquavit). Appetizers at 5:30 PM, dinner at 6 PM.
Tickets, $3 pp, on sale Fri., Feb. 1, 9-11 AM; Tue., Feb. 5, 9-11 AM and Thu., Feb. 7, 9-11 AM, Activity Center
Sun City Singers Pres. Bob Westendorf 619-571-1040 Director Don Hess 520-444-2206 Rehearsals Tue., 6:30-8:30 PM, Auditorium
A great time and delicious food was enjoyed by the Singers at their January 8 annual potluck. Thank you Ruth Bonfiglio, coordinator, and everyone who helped and brought food to share. Rehearsals are underway for our Sun City Singers “Favorite Songs” spring concerts, Sunday, April 7, 2 PM and Tuesday, April 9, 7 PM. The Singers commit to 12 weeks of rehearsals. Dues for 2019 are $10 pp, collected by treasurer Marcia Polley.
Sun City Singles Pres. Pieter Rooker 520-441-9866, Ticket sales, Shirley Hoaglin 520-818-1382 Dinner meeting second Thu., 5:30 PM; happy hour last Fri., 5:30 PM
Dues were due January 31; mail your check payable to Sun City Singles to Dick Cook, 1422 N. Cirrus Hill Dr. Sun City Singles offers members long-term relationships and allows individuals to find the company of other singles when it matters the most. Culinary Design will serve dinner Thursday, February 14, Activity Center/Navajo Room. Social hour, 5:30 PM, seating 6 PM. Menu: salad, cranberry/balsamic chicken, risotto, carrots and peas, rolls and butter. Dessert: strawberries on angel food cake with whipped cream. Entertainment: vocals and piano by David Prouty. Happy hour: Friday, February 22, social hour 5:30 PM, seating 6 PM. Entertainment: Garry Buck speaking/videos on “Fencing to Ballet.” Golf: Sunday, February 3, 1:45 PM, The Views.
Ticket sales: Thu., Feb. 7, 10 AM-Noon and Fri., Feb. 8, 1-2 PM, Activity Center Lounge. Dinner tickets, $20 pp, happy hour appetizers, $10 pp Checks only, payable to Sun City Singles
esident R is r o D
SCOV Name Tags Name tags with our logo are $8 each. The order form is available at Log in first then >Member Services >This & That >Name Tag Order Form.
Sun City Vistoso Tipster, Febraury 2011
Spanish Cultural Club (SCC) Gary/Carolyn Lerch 520-818-3319 Oct., Nov., Jan.-Mar., Apr. (Cinco de Mayo Fiesta) Fourth Mon., 7 PM, Catalina Vista The Monday, February 25, meeting will be a quick flashback to Christmas 2018, when seven of us traveled to Oaxaca for the holiday. We are presenting this now in case anyone wants to contemplate a trip to Mexico. We Holiday in Mexico know that this allows time to plan ahead for a trip for Day of the Dead in Oaxaca. Come early for snacks and drinks (BYOB) and chat. Dues $10 pp.
States Colorado Club
Chris Ludwig 719-239-4089
The Colorado Club will be celebrating St. Patty’s Day early this year. Join us for our annual Colorado get-together Saturday, March 9, at the Navajo Room in the Activity Center. Social hour begins at 5:30 PM, followed by a delicious dinner. We will be entertained by an authentic Irish band called The Kilts. Dress is casual and green, don’t ya know. All Coloradans past, present, vacationed there, plus family and friends are invited. Tickets must be purchased in advance, price TBD. Contact Jim Mayworm at 720-9364669 for more information.
Tickets on sale Tue., Feb. 26, 10 AM-Noon and Wed., Feb. 27, 1-3 PM, Activity Center Lobby Michigan Club
Linda Hall 520-907-2009 Saturday, March 9, is the date for the annual fun time at the Michigan Club party. There will be ice breakers, prizes, food and entertainment and a great group of people. These tickets may sell out, so be sure to get yours while they are on sale. If you have questions, call Linda Hall.
Tickets, $20 pp, on sale Mon., Feb. 18, 10 AM-Noon, and Thu., Feb. 21, 1-3 PM, Activity Center Lobby Minnesota Club
Joanne Keck 320-492-1896 Deb Mayworm 720-771-0316
Join us on Sunday afternoon, March 31, for the annual Minnesota party. “Minnesota Memories” is the theme for our celebration. If you are a Minnesotan at heart, homeowner or seasonal renter, all are welcome to attend. Invitations will be delivered a few weeks before the event. Watch for more information on ticket sales in the March Tipster. New England Club
Claude Janus 802-249-0386
Mark your calendars. The New England Club will hold its annual social on Friday, April 12, 5:30-8 PM, Desert Oasis. Come enjoy pizza, salad, wine, dessert and great company. Ticket sale dates will be announced in the next Tipster.
February 2019, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster
Wisconsin Club
Anne Rusch 920-202-0008
The Wisconsin Club is gearing up for our annual party on Saturday, March 9. We invite all SCOV residents and renters with Wisconsin ties to sport their best green and gold as we celebrate “Green Bay Packers–100 Seasons and Counting...” This “fan”tastic event involves a catered dinner and entertainment by KT Klassics. Advance registration is required. Tickets may be purchased individually or by tables, maximum 8 seats per table. If you have any questions, contact Anne.
Tickets, $27 pp, on sale Tue., Feb. 26, 10 AM-Noon and Wed., Feb. 27, 1-3 PM, Activity Center Lobby Sun City Variety Theatre Membership Christie Faust Third Thu., 10 AM, Desert Oasis
The Sun City Variety Theatre will present “The Chatterton Country Club” on March 22. This three act comedy takes place in an active adult community and is sure to look and sound familiar to many of you. Variety acts will also be performed. Also, mark your calendar for October 20, when the SCVT will once again bring you Oktoberfest.
Ukulele - Sun City Strummers Pres. Kathy Mashburn Tue., 10-11:30 AM, Desert Oasis/Ocotillo, class led by Don Bong
We were absolutely delighted that on a difficult weather day our community came out in record numbers to participate in our Christmas sing-along. For the first time, we performed to a standing room only audience which was a great reward for our effort. Please note our annual spring concert is in very early March this year, March 5, 1 PM, Auditorium. The concert is free, no tickets required, open seating. Come join us for fun, community and great music.
Unit Parties Unit 3
Good times at the Unit 3 party The SCOV Unit 3 Club had a lovely party in December with 150 attendees plus a great fundraiser for the Casa de la Luz Foundation. Visit our SCOV Facebook page for photos and the list of donors. Unit 3 looks forward to doing this every other year. Unit 7 Aloha oukou Unit 7 friends and neighbors. Be transported to the Hawaiian Islands at our Hawaii 7-0 party Saturday, February 23, 5 PM. One of your neighbors will be stopping by before February 7 to distribute party flyers and sign you up for this fun event. The cost is $5 pp, plus a potluck dish. This year’s entertainment will be a true Hawaiian delight
Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, February 2019
Come join us February 23 for a trip to the tropics. Unit 8
Kathy Mashburn 435-790-4481
Unit 8, giddy up and get ready for a Western roundup. Dust off your cowboy hat and spurs, we’re going to have a barbeque. Save the date: Saturday, February 23, 5:30-8 PM, Activity Center/Native American Rooms. Flyers to sign up will be delivered to your door. Hope to see you there. Unit 10 Mark your calendar for the annual Unit 10 party. The party will be held Saturday, March 23, 4:30-7:30 PM, Activity Center/Native American Rooms. Please bring an hors d’oeuvre to share. BYOB. This will be a perfect time to reconnect with your neighbors and get acquainted with new ones. Please RSVP to Diana Clark by March 15, 2galleywench@gmail. com, 520-360-4125. If you would like to help with the planning, please contact Diana. Unit 11 The 22nd annual Unit 11 potluck dinner is scheduled for Saturday, March 2, Catalina Vista. All Unit 11 homeowners and renters are invited to attend. Flyers will be delivered to your home mid-February. Unit 18
Ruth Anne Freese 520 975 8265
Unit 18’s annual dinner will be held at The Views Restaurant, Wednesday, February 27. There will be a Mexican buffet. Social hour, 4-5 PM, dinner at 5 PM. The bar will be open. There will be door prizes. We hope all of our neighbors will join us. Please RSVP (or if you have questions) to Ruth Anne Freese 520-975-8265, Holly Gibson 303-548-1299 or Alice O’Brien 505-660-4203 by February 13 so we can let Chef Paul know how many will be attending.
Women’s Action Group of Oro Valley Anne Munoz 253-905-7747 First Fri., 11 AM, Catalina Vista/Mt. Kimball Room
This new club’s mission is to come together to learn about issues affecting women and families, and to develop strategies which influence our governmental representatives to promote progressive, positive political change. Three current areas of study include immigration, education and ratifying the Equal Rights Amendment. All like-minded individuals are welcomed to attend our monthly meetings.
SCOV Women’s Auxiliary Pres. Kathy Hrdy 520-825-4723 Finance Debbie Francis 402-216-4227 Publicity/Sec. Kathy Patterson 616-350-6443 Donations Judy Hood 520-818-2281 Sep.-Apr., Second Tue., 9 AM, WC3
Our Auxiliary benefits Emerge! Center Against Domestic Abuse which helps victims of domestic abuse. Emerge! provides support and transitional housing to women and children in crisis. They educate the community by providing presentations on domestic abuse, as well as counseling to child survivors on handling conflict, trauma and abuse. While focusing on healing, the Emerge! staff ensures their basic needs are met. Your gifts help build empowered lives. Donations needed include:
• Gift Cards: Fry’s, Safeway, Walmart, Target, Home Depot, etc. • New hair products, deodorant, body wash, feminine hygiene products • Diapers sizes 4, 5 and 6, baby wipes • Cash donations Our spring fashion show, raffle, auction and luncheon will be Sunday, March 10. Members can purchase tickets at our Tuesday, February 12 meeting, 8:15 AM, WC3.
Tickets, $30 pp, on sale to the public Wed., Feb. 13, 1-2:30 PM; Thu., Feb. 14, 9-10:30 AM and Tue., Feb. 19, 1-2:30 PM, Activity Center
Dance Ballroom - SC Starlight Dance Club Marsha Scoles 520-825-2085 Nancy Sopwith 208-724-5881
The club ended 2018 on a positive note. Now it’s time to look forward to 2019 events. We were really surprised at the response to our first offering of the year, a beginners dance class, led by a professional ballroom dance instructor that started January 9 for six sessions. The dance class prepared dancers to get out on the dance floor on Friday evening, February 15, for our Valentine’s Ball in the Auditorium. Come join us as we waltz, tango, foxtrot, rumba, cha cha and swing to music provided by SixFeetUp. Doors open at 6 PM, dance 6:30-9:30 PM. Bring a hot or cold appetizer for eight and BYOB. All are welcome to attend. Join our club: annual club membership is $5 pp for SCOV residents. Currently there is a nonresident wait list.
Valentine’s Ball tickets, $15 pp, on sale Fri., Feb. 1, 9-11 AM, Activity Center Lobby Folk Dance Club of SCOV Harvey Gardner, 520-308-5616, Fri., 10-11:30 AM, AFC/Studio 2 Folk dancing is more fun than a treadmill and healthful exercise for balance, muscle, mind, and mood. For most dances we hold hands in a circle to perform non-gymnastic steps to the enchantingly fascinating music and rhythms of diverse cultures (including our Our dancers doing Baonopstekker (Netherlands) own). Neither partner nor prior experience needed. Typical dance sessions consist of 15 folk dances with instructions. Sitting out dances to rest is always acceptable. Drop by and come in to watch and see if this internationally-popular dance form is right for you. To see us in action online, do a Google search on FDCSCOV YouTube.
Jazz & More! Artistic Dir. Glory Lamb 805-698-3887 Thu., 2-3 PM, Activity Center/Dance Studio
Wanna be a hula girl? A jazz dancer? Shine with a soft-shoe? Join our merry troupe for some synchronized fun and exercise. In January, we started a 12-week session of Fosse-style jazz on “Steam Heat,” along with balance and posture con-
Sun City Vistoso Tipster, Febraury 2011
ditioning at the barre. If you like to dance, you will love this session. Join us on Thursdays for the rest of February and March. We love to welcome new dancers. The $35 fee will be pro-rated, with $5 going to our sponsoring club, the Sun City Variety Theatre, unless you are already a member.
Line - Sunliners Pres. Siva Raven 505-469-7505 Membership Cherry Harper;
Line dance classes: February classes with professional instructor, Deanna Berthiaume, continue at Introductory, Beginner and Intermediate levels in the Auditorium. Classes prepaid monthly, $20 for four classes. Join our fun, energetic, co-ed group. Membership is $10, required for all activities. Social dance: Our next social is Saturday, February 9, 5:30-9 PM, Auditorium. Classes: Thursdays, February 7 and 28, Auditorium Intro 2-2:45 PM Intermediate 3-4 PM Beginner 4-5 PM Saturdays, February 2 and 16, Auditorium Intermediate 9-10 AM Beginner 10:15-11:15 AM Intro 11:30 AM-12:15 PM Open Floor Dance: Saturday, February 23, 9-11 AM, Auditorium Practices: Monday – Dance Studio 7-8 PM Beginners – Barbara Hall Wednesday – Dance Studio 2-3 PM Transition to Intermediate – Margaret Whitson 3-4 PM Intro to Line Dancing – Lynne Nelson Thursday – Auditorium 2-3 PM Beginners – Barbara Hall and Debbie Allen 3-4 PM Intermediate – Siva Raven No practice Thursday, February 21 Check the calendar section of our website for additional changes.
Rock ‘N Roll Pres. Francine Saccio 520-825-6526 Membership Chair Nate Norris
Hello SCOV Rock and Roll Club members. It is time for your Member Appreciation Dance and membership meeting on Sunday, February 10, 4:15-8 PM, Auditorium. We will have our membership meeting at 4:45 PM. Photo by Mark Wheeler Music by the Retro Rockets will be from 5-8 PM. Finger foods and dessert will be catered. BYOB. Mixers, soft drinks, water, ice and coffee provided. Rock on.
Totally Tapping for Fun Instructor Stephanie Consalvo 520-825-1932 Fri., 9-10 AM, Activity Center/Dance Studio
If you like to dance to fun music and tap your feet to the beat, come try our “Totally Tapping for Fun” beginner class. This 12-week session that began on January 4 focuses on the basics, rhythm and form. Come join us on Fridays dur-
February 2019, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster
ing the remainder of the session in February and March. All are welcome whether you’ve tapped before or have always wanted to try. First class is free. See you soon.
Western - Kactus Kickers Pres. (acting) David Isle Membership chair (interim) Preston Sheriff email:
It’s hard to believe it’s already February. Our Valentine’s celebration, “Rodeo Romancing,” is on Friday, February 8. Music will be provided by Clear Country and the dinner is being catered by Olive Garden. Doors open at 5:30 PM, music 6:30-9:30 PM. Dance classes are in full swing and the prevailing comments are “it is as fun as it looks” and “I should have packed a right foot, I seem to only have two left ones…” The March dance, “It’s Spring: Time to Kick a Little Kactass” is on Friday, March 8. This dance is usually a sellout, so mark your calendar to buy tickets on Thursday, February 28, for members and Friday, March 7, for nonmembers. With the change in board officers it’s helpful if everyone would address their comments, questions, and concerns to the email. If you put the topic in the subject line it will get to the right person.
Exercise Aqua Tone Marcia Polley 520-818-9073 Irmel Wheeler 520-334-0957 Tue., Thu., Sat., 9 AM, AFC/Pool
Aqua Tone is a toning water workout that incorporates a variety of rhythmic body movements performed in the water. This aquatic exercise class enhances cardiovascular fitness and muscular endurance. We meet Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, 9 AM in the winter, 8 AM in the summer at the AFC pool. There is no fee to join the club or the class. The teachers are club member volunteers. Being able to do a basic swim stroke is very helpful. Items used in the class are buoys, board, noodle, ball and fitness band. Most are available at the pool. A band can be purchased from Marcia for $5. We assign an experienced member to a newcomer to help with learning the various movements. You will get a good workout in a fun class.
Arthritis Water Pres. Susan Landwer 520-834-9667 Sec. Jane Myerson Instructor: Dawn Simske, Arthritis Foundation trained Mon., Wed., Fri., 10:15 AM, Apr.-Oct.; 1:30 PM, Nov.-Mar., AFC/Pool Come join us for gentle water exercises specifically designed by the Arthritis Foundation to help with range of motion and to relieve stiffness and pain. These exercises are great for arthritis, fibromyalgia, replaced hips and knees, etc. Classes are led by Dawn or students trained by her.
Energetic Exercise Marty Siracusa 520-825-6961 Mon., Wed., Fri., 8-9 AM, Auditorium
Have a heart – happy and healthy. Join with SCOV friends, new and old, as we enjoy a wonderful workout with instructor Sally Martinez. She really knows how to get us seniors
Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, February 2019
moving. You’ll enjoy the fun variety of aerobic and weight exercise plus lots of balance and stretch moves to help our bodies be strong and flexible. Whether you are a golfer, play tennis, dance or just appreciate being able to get around comfortably to the many activities you enjoy, Energetic Exercise will help you be in better shape for them all. Come join us. New members are always welcome, men and women. Your get-acquainted class is free. Annual dues are $3. Tickets are only $30 for 12 classes.
Fitness Swim Contact: Dave Goodman Tue., Thu., Sat., 7:45-9 AM, AFC pool
The Fitness Swim Club provides a vehicle for swimmers to participate in a group swim workout. We generally go 2,400 to 3,000 yards, mostly freestyle, per workout. Some do more, a few do less. Workouts are suitable for master swimmers, triathletes and those who would just like to participate in swim workouts. Please ensure you have medical clearance to participate in vigorous physical activity prior to joining. We welcome new members.
Pilates Mary Ayers 520-638-7916 Mon., 3 PM, Thu., 1:30 PM, AFC/Studio
Guess what? It’s already the second month of 2019 and it’s time to commit to a new exercise routine. Forty years after his death, the system of exercises developed by Joseph Pilates has never been in such high demand. SCOV offers his Pilates classes twice a week. The exercises strengthen your core muscles (abdomen and back muscles). Additionally you will notice you have better balance, more muscle tone and increased stamina. People ask, “Can the benefits which come from the stretching and strengthening exercises we do, really develop the body’s core, increase spine mobility and build flexibility?” The answer is a definite yes. We have two very experienced instructors and the cost is only $8/class, with annual club dues of $20 pp. Please join us or stop by and just watch. Call Mary with questions.
Tai Chi Co-Chairs Kathy Patterson 616-350-6443 Pat Howard 541-621-4404 Thu., 10-11:40 AM, AFC/Studio 1
Many medical professionals recommend Tai Chi to help their patients improve their balance and prevent falls. In our classes we enjoy learning Tai Chi form. We also increase flexibility, strength and learn to reduce stress. Our instructors, Jose Hernandez-Rivera and Donna Drazenovich, teach us to apply Tai Chi principles to our daily lives. Our current class began January 10. If you have had previous Tai Chi experience, you may be able to join the class session already in progress. Contact one of our co-chairs for class details. Another session will begin in April. Jose will offer a Tai Chi for Men class starting Saturday, February 16, 10 AM, Dance Studio. This class requires at least ten students and will emphasize self-defense applications using Tai Chi and other martial arts principles. To register call Jose at 520-297-5362.
Join our Facebook group Sun City Oro Valley 29
Yoga Pres. Linda Caravello 520-603-5042 Winter schedule, new yoga class, annual meeting Monday: 8:30-10 AM, AFC 1 & 2, Maria Tuesday: 10:45-Noon, AFC 1 & 2, Torrey Wednesday: 8:15-9:30 AM, AC/Dance Studio, Leah Wednesday: 10:30-11:45 AM, Chair Yoga, AC/Dance Studio, Kathy New Wednesday class: 1-2:15 PM, AFC 1 & 2, Torrey Thursday: 10:30-11:45 AM, Chair Yoga, AC/Dance Studio, Kathy Friday: 8:15-9:30 AM, AFC 1 & 2, Maria Annual meeting: Saturday, February 2, 3-4 PM, Catalina Vista Everyone welcome. Classes are structured for all levels. Please arrive 10 minutes before class starts, bring your mat, and $7. Yoga will improve balance, quiet your mind and breathing, give you the ability to focus, and relax you. Try our newest yoga class taught by Torrey Postal: Tremor Yoga every Wednesday afternoon 1-2:15 PM.
Games Bridge Duplicate Bridge
Pres. Martin Kass 520-818-2265 Mon., 6 PM, Fri., 12:30 PM, Activity Center/Hohokam
Duplicate bridge is for all players who enjoy competing and playing against other teams. We are not an ACBL-sanctioned club and do not award Master Points. New players are always welcome, and we may be able to help you find a partner. Residents and renters with an Association Renter's Card can play twice before joining. Guests of residents may play twice. Please arrive at least 10 minutes early so we can begin on time. Bring exactly $1 pp for prize money each time you play. Ladies Monday Social Bridge
Pres. Margot Rothenbuecher 520-825-9288 Mon., 1-3:30 PM, Activity Center/Hohokam
Play social bridge in a friendly setting. We welcome new members. Note our new location. Marathon Bridge
Dave Johnson 520-825-6994 Mixed Social Bridge
Pres. Don Wheeler 520-334-7578 Mon., Wed., Fri., 8:30 AM, Desert Oasis/Ocotillo
The Mixed Social Bridge Club plays contract bridge in an informal, relaxed and fun environment. If needed, we will make a table of three or have a player float to ensure that everyone can play. We start promptly at 8:30 AM, so come a few minutes early to socialize and partner-up. We have coffee and members often bring goodies. Please join us. We welcome new members.
Sun City Vistoso Tipster, Febraury 2011
Partners Tuesday Night Bridge
Pres. Dave and Pat Brown; Treas. Sandy Fritz; Sec. Judy Bjorling Tue., 6:30 PM, Activity Center/Navajo/Hohokam Before the end of the year Rowena Hardinger and Jane Lutz managed to bid and make a grand slam, earning their partnership $10. Other couples share in the loot each night we play by earning high scores. Bring a partner, it will cost you just $1 pp, and try at least to win your money back. No charge for first time visitors. Dues are Jane Lutz and Rowena Hardinger just $6. Please arrive by 6:20 celebrate their grand slam PM to secure a table and enjoy refreshments. Maybe you’d like to play but don’t have a partner: call Judy Bjorling 520-818-1296 and perhaps she can suggest a possible partner. Practice Bridge
Pres. Robert Carlson 612-850-9005; Sec. Marilyn Guimond 520-825-0828 Mon., Wed., 12:30-3 PM, Desert Oasis/Ocotillo Wednesday Afternoon Bridge
Co-Pres. Rikki Harvey 520-219-5872, Kay Jacobs 520-825-8525 Treas. Anita Gayheart 360-949-3452 Wed., Noon, Activity Center/Navajo
Need some sweetness in your life? Come out for a relaxed afternoon of social bridge. All are welcome, especially new residents and seasonal visitors. Arrive by Noon as play begins promptly at 12:15 PM. You don’t need a partner but bring 50¢ for prize money. We play six hands then change partners. Rounds are timed to keep play moving and we finish by 3 PM. Annual dues are just $2.
Bunco Fern 520-825-8127, Pat 520-825-7198 Fourth Tue., 1-4 PM, Desert Oasis/Ocotillo Cribbage Robert Hines 520-825-2208 Mobile 520-240-1375 First and Third Thu., 6:30 PM, Catalina Vista/Pusch Ridge
Our December 20 tournament winners were Cliff Leslie, first place, Norlaine Sproul, second place and Shirley Hoaglin, third place. Our next tournament will be March 21.
Euchre Judee and Art Wickersham 520-245-1357 Becky and Kevin Reiley 815-631-0788 Bonnie and Wayne Klenda 509-548-5315 Mon., Meet 5:45 PM, Play 6 PM, Desert Oasis/Ocotillo
If you are interested in playing this easy, fast moving game, please join us. It will only cost you 50¢ for the evening. The room only accommodates 40, so do not be late if you want to play.
February 2019, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster
Five Crown Card Game Rosemary Dalla Rosa 520-825-1982 Sat., 4:30 PM or 5:30 PM, Desert Oasis
We have been experiencing great participation and many new members. I want to thank everyone for all your help and the good times. Looking forward to a wonderful year ahead. Any questions about our really fun and easy game, please call Rosemary.
Gin Rummy Rosemary Dalla Rosa 520-825-1982 Thu. and Sat., 9 AM, Desert Oasis/Ocotillo We love to welcome new members. Team Gin Rummy is a fun game and easy to learn. Good people and good times. Please come and give us a try; very low stakes.
Mah Jongg Kathleen Anderson 520-825-2771 Thu., 1 PM, Desert Oasis
Our January tournament was a huge success. First place was Pat Brillhart, second place was Barb Harding and Sue Austin came in third. The next tournament will be held on Thursday, February 7. $1 to enter or just come and play as usual. We are starting to make plans for our annual spring luncheon. Do you have a door prize to donate? Date and more information to follow.
Women’s Pan (Panguingue) Rosemary Dalla Rosa 520-825-1982 Mon., Fri., 1-4 PM, Wed., 9 AM-12:30 PM, Desert Oasis/Saguaro
If you enjoy a challenge, come in and observe our game of Pan (Panguingue). It’s a very fun and interesting game. We would love to have you join us one day and see what fun it can be.
Men’s Friday Poker
We play single deck and rotate partners every four hands. Bring 50¢ for your tally. The first Wednesday is treat night. The third Wednesday is birthday night. If your skills are a little rusty, we will get you up to speed quickly. Annual dues are $6 pp.
Poker Dealer’s Choice Poker
Steve Dirks 520-429-3303 Tue., 6 PM, Desert Oasis/Saguaro
Our game is open to all SCOV residents. Games: Texas hold’em, crazy pineapple, Omaha, seven-card stud, crisscross, slide-rule and a couple of five-card draw variations. The dealer antes 25¢. All games are high-low except for Texas hold’em and crazy pineapple which are high only. Stakes are 25¢ for the early round of bets and 50¢ for the last two rounds. Contact Steve Dirks for a Word document with the full club rules and a detailed description of the games.
Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, February 2019
Joe Bonitch 520-329-1149 Fri., 5:45-8:45 PM, Desert Oasis/Saguaro
We play easy-going, informal poker with low stakes. Games are all high only, five card draw, five card stud, seven card stud, Texas hold ‘em, Omaha and criss/iron cross. No dues. Bring your own refreshments. Cards provided. Dealer antes 5¢ per player and chooses the game. Absolute requirements are to leave politics and religion at the door and enjoy three hours of no-hassle understandable poker. We welcome new players. Bring nickels, dimes and quarters. Call Joe if you would like to review rules of play before your first game. Please show up at 5:30 PM, so we can start playing by 5:45 PM.
Scrabble Bill Wallace 520-818-6747 Fri., 1 PM, Desert Oasis/Ocotillo Sheepshead - Shauskopf Terry Rohr 520-818-1936 Tue., 10 AM, Desert Oasis
Sports Bike - Vistoso Cyclists Pres. Bob Workman 402-730-8558; VP Mitch Small 412-897-8731 Membership Tom and Bonnie Bethea 773-653-4580 Mon., Wed., Fri., 1200 E. Rancho Vistoso Blvd.
Pinochle Dave Flatness 425-443-3708 Wed., 6 PM, Desert Oasis/Ocotillo
Billiards Pres. Tom Caswell 612-396-8254 Mon.-Fri., Noon-4 PM, Catalina Vista/Billiards
After a major update to our facility during 2018, we start the new year off with new officers: Pres., Tom Caswell; VP, Michael Rittmann; Treas., Suzan Jumelet; Sec., Harry Plumlee and Activities, Jim Lillia. Additionally, we are in the process of scheduling a tournament with our friends at SaddleBrooke at their new billiards facility. We welcome any and all new residents or visitors.
Birders Group Mona Connoy 520-818-7923 Last Fri., 4 PM, Catalina Vista/Art Studio
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Bocce Debbie Kotlarek Steve Porter 720-394-0413 Mon., Wed., Fri., 1-3 PM and 3-5 PM, Bocce Courts Are you looking for a fun, easy-to-learn activity? Why not try bocce? We are a friendly group and welcome newcomers. Please arrive 15 minutes before one of our playing times to receive your court assignment. To sign up for the annual club party, please contact Gail Parson,
Gun Club David Ilse 520-818-3279 Oct.-Apr., Second Wed., 2 PM, Activity Center/Hohokam
The Gun Club is for people who are interested in learning and sharing information about the safe handling and responsible use of firearms. The club has speakers from various agencies like police, firearm instructors and other topics. Our members also share information about shooting ranges, federal and state laws, selling firearms and other interesting topics. We welcome guests at our meetings. Annual dues are $5/ household. Our next meeting is Wednesday, February 13. Contact David Ilse with any questions.
Hiking Orientation hike guide Meg Gerken 520-638-7204 Pres. Byron Wolffing 520-284-7889 to see all scheduled hikes
Hiking at this time of the year requires a little bit of planning. Layering is a good idea, as it can be quite cool when hikes begin in the morning. Maybe even a little snow? After you warm up, you A little snow encountered on a New Year’s Eve hike at will probably need Oracle State Park to shed a layer or two. And remember, even in winter, hydration is still very important. Hiking is great outdoor exercise, and there are many trails in and around Tucson that we explore. You are welcome to join us; call guide Meg Gerken for a required orientation hike. And while it may still seem like winter, our annual spring picnic is scheduled for Tuesday, February 26, at Catalina State Park. More details can be found on our website.
Horseshoes Ray Coleman 520-825-2789 Ron Knudson 520-825-9307 Oct.-Apr., Tue., Thu., 2 PM; May-Sep., 8 AM The Pits at Catalina Vista
Welcome to horseshoes. If you are looking for an exciting activity that requires little or no experience, you have found it. Everyone is welcome, nothing is needed. There are no fees, and horseshoes are available. Come Tuesday or Thursday. Call for more information. Read more about horseshoes on Get outdoors, enjoy our wonderful weather and get good exercise. See you at the horseshoe pits.
Sun City Vistoso Tipster, Febraury 2011
Pickleball Pres. Jeff Rusch VP Membership Dave Burnham
History records that pickleball was named after a dog named Pickles who liked to chase the ball. People are much like Pickles who in 1965 learned how much fun it was to play this new game. Pickleball is a noisy game because the players are having lots of fun, not because of the sound of the plastic ball hit off paddles. You are never more than 15 feet away from your partner or opponents, so it is a close Fun after a weekly round robin and personable type of game. Ages from 9 to 90 play pickleball. tournament Club times are scheduled every day and some evenings. Our club also has weekly round robin tournaments which help you make new friends. Our 400+ members can’t be wrong. Fresh air, warm sun, what’s not to like while having fun. Check out our new website at Contact Dave Burnham to learn how to play.
POP Tennis Pres. Barbara Satterly 520-825-8965 VP Brian Goff 520-825-7232 Tue., Thu., Sat., 9-11 AM; Wed., 2-4 PM, Desert Oasis Courts
Racquetball Pres. Michael Pidone 520-825-2369 VP Al Lichaa 520-606-8829 Sec./Tres. Hart Wagner 520-825-4175 Mon., Wed., Fri., 8-11 AM, AFC/Racquetball Court
February is usually a great month for outdoor activities in SCOV. Playing POP Tennis is an excellent way to start the morning with plenty of exercise, laughter, and camaraderie. You can bring your own paddles or use the ones we have available at Desert Oa- Polar players: Barb Satterly, Shirley and Randy sis. It’s time to transform Murphy, Nelson Tilden that New Year’s resolution to get more exercise into action. We hope to see you all out on the courts.
We continue to have many competitive matches along with great exercise. This month, Gary Henson is being featured. Gary and his wife, Mickey, are from Wisconsin and are big Packers fans. They are actively involved in many SCOV clubs. Gary also volunteers as a tutor at a local school. He has been a racquetball player for many years and is one of our power players. This year he has had to overcome leg surgery from a
Gary Henson
February 2019, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster
hiking accident and two hand surgeries. January’s potluck social was well attended. Our annual “Burgers & Dogs” general meeting will take place on March 28. Mark your calendars. Stay safe and healthy.
Travel Day Trippers Chair Warren Cuthbert 520-818-1282 Vice-Chair Laura Suchocki 520-612-7226 Membership Carol Guibert and Barbara Phillips Second Fri., 9 AM, Activity Center/Navajo
Table Tennis Co-Chairs, Ruth Mayer 520-818-0066 Francie Galbraith 520-447-5834
Fri.-Sun., Feb. 8-10, Silver City for Chocolate Fantasia. Includes lunch in Lordsburg at Kranberry’s and a stop at Apple Annie’s. Cost is $410 for single and $250 pp for double. Carol Guibert, 520-404-1462 Fri., Feb. 22, Rodeo. Includes lunch and three drink tokens. $90 pp. Jeanne Jovag 520-818-1078 Fri., Mar. 8, Omelet breakfast in Auditorium and membership meeting following at 9 AM. Cost $8 pp. Laura Suchocki, 520-612-7226 Wed., Mar. 20, Heard Museum in Phoenix, lunch at Cheddars. Cost $54. Laura Suchocki, 520-612-7226 Thu.-Sun., May 23-26, Canyon de Chelly, Petrified Forest in Holbrook, Window Rock memorial, zoo and trading post. Tour of the canyon. Lunch in Show Low. Cost $900/cpl ($450 pp), $592 sgl. Laura Suchocki, 520-612-7226
We have play at all levels of ability and welcome new players. If you have not played for a few years, we will help you get back your game with some instruction. It is a great way to keep fit and flexible. Tables are at Catalina Vista, and paddles and balls are available. Hours of Club Play
Women Men/Women Open Play Open Club Play
Tue., 1:30-3:30 PM Tue., 5-8 PM; Thu., 5:30-8:30 PM Fri., 4-8 PM Sat., 9 AM-Noon
Tennis Pres. Larry Wall 248-701-1044 Treas. Sherwin Koopmans 520-818-6337 Men’s tennis, Tue., Thu., Sat., 8 AM-Noon, Jim Benshoof 612-799-5918 Ladies tennis, Mon., Wed., Fri., 8 AM-Noon, Anita Gayheart 360-949-3452 and Suzanne Kellam 520-505-4599 Mixed doubles, Sun., 1-3 PM, Susan Hernandez 310-433-7474
All SCOV residents are welcome to play tennis on our beautiful courts. Free tennis lessons will be offered for all who want to improve their play. Lessons will be at the Mountain Vista courts from 1-2 PM on the following Wednesdays: February 13, March 13, Men’s doubles action April 10 and May 8. Reservations are requested. For information or reservations, call Jim Benshoof at 612-799-5918. Our club will host the following special events in February: • Valentines Day Mixed Doubles social, Sunday, February 10, 1 PM • Men’s Doubles Tournament, February 11 to 24. Come and enjoy the final matches and party beginning at 10 AM on February 24. • Ladies Round Robin and Valentine’s Social, Wednesday, February 13, 9 AM.
Wallyball and Water Volleyball Pres. Water Volleyball rep. Dick “Paco” Munson 520-225-9080 Co-VP Wallyball rep. Janell Raty Co-VP Wallball rep. Walt Nalewicki 520-818-9590 Treas. Linda Stawiski 520-638-8846 Recreational Water Volleyball: Sun. and Thu., 1-3 PM, Desert Oasis/Pool Competitive Water Volleyball: Mon., 1-3 PM, Desert Oasis/ Pool Wallyball: Tue. and Fri., 1-3 PM, AFC/Racquetball Court
Water volleyball
Thanks to Rich Hoskins, Brian Goff and Darlene Lamb for supporting the club as officers last year. Hopefully the weather will warm up so we can get back in the water for water volleyball.
Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, February 2019
RV Club - Sundowners Bill Hale 503-222-7000 Brad Taylor 520-989-0504
The Sundowners RV Club held their holiday party December 16. The festively decorated SCOV Auditorium was packed with jolly members. Entertainment of holiday favorites was performed on the harp by the lovely Caroline Ancell while we enjoyed hors d’ oeuvres and caught up with friends. Dinner was an enormous buffet of baked ham and member potluck preparations. For after dinner entertainment we held a white elephant grab bag. A huge thank you goes out to all our Sundowners who organized the party. If you are an SCOV resident and enjoy RV trips and wonderful camaraderie, our Sundowners RV Club wants you as a new member in 2019. Prospective members should contact Bill or Brad for an invitation to a meeting. Several RV board positions are up for election this April. Now is the time to think about how your skills and experience can benefit our club.
Town of Oro Valley Make Your Voice Heard in OV Do you have one minute a month to help make Oro Valley even better? Resident input is essential to the Town’s decision-making process, so we’ve launched a new online tool to make sure we’re hearing from the entire demographic spectrum. With the new FlashVote platform, you can take a one-minute survey (no more than once a month). Survey responses are anonymous and will provide statistically valid information for Council and Town leadership to make important decisions regarding Town operations and services. Everyone who takes the survey receives the results once the survey closes. Sign up today at orovalley.
Partnered Organizations The items contained under this heading are provided as a service to residents by other organizations. SCOV does not sponsor, support, assume responsibility or liability for the information.
AA Cora S. 520-539-7147 Mon., 12:30 PM, Artisan Center/Stained Glass Kevin D. 708-732-2943 Tue., 7 PM, Desert Oasis/Ocotillo Alzheimer’s Education and Support Group Cecelia Ortiz 661-972-2639 Last Tue., 4 PM, Desert Oasis/Ocotillo
Learn the basics of the disease and how to live with it.
Cancer Support Group Facilitator: Laura Held 520-447-5170 First Wed., 4:15-5:15 PM, Catalina Vista/Art Studio
The focus of this group is on present feelings and responses to pre-cancer, current and post-cancer. Laura M. Held, a retired oncology nurse, cancer survivor and SCOV resident, will facilitate the group.
Caregivers’ Support Group Facilitator: Jane Holder Contact Ester Leutenberg 520-818-0016 First and Third Fri., 2-3 PM, Catalina Vista
If you are caring for a partner, child, parent or any other loved one, this support group will allow you to share with other like-minded people in a safe environment. What is said in this group, stays with this group.
Catalina Public Library Art Lovers Book Club SCOV Library and SaddleBrooke Library co-sponsor an Art Lover’s Book Club which meets from 10:30 AM-Noon the second Friday of each month at the Dewhirst Catalina Public Library, 15631 N. Oracle Rd., Catalina. On Friday, February 8, we will be discussing The Italian Teacher by Tom Rachman. It is available at all three libraries. Upcoming titles include: The Relic Master by Christopher Buckley, The Art Thief by Noah Chaney and The Muralist by B.A. Shapiro. We hope you will join us.
Diabetes Support Group Facilitator: Bill Babel Contact Ester Leutenberg,, 520-818-0016 First Mon., 3:30 PM, Catalina Vista/Mt. Lemmon Room
Bill Bable, an SCOV resident who has had diabetes for almost 50 years, leads the group.
Grief Support Group Ester Leutenberg 520-818-0016 First Tue., 2-3 PM
This grief support group is for anyone who is grieving any type of loss. Call Ester for more information.
Sun City Vistoso Tipster, Febraury 2011
Parkinson’s Support Payton Davies 520-825-5352 Third Wed., Sep.-May, 10:30 AM-Noon, Desert Springs, 30 W. Lambert Lane
Caregivers and/or people with Parkinson's are welcome to attend. We have speakers at most meetings with topics of interest. "I have Parkinson's, but Parkinson's doesn't have me."
Survivors of a Loved One Who Died By Suicide Contact Ester Leutenberg 520-818-0016 Survivors of a loved one who died by suicide have unique grief issues and struggles. It is helpful to talk with others who get it.
Vistoso Helpful Hands Barb McNeill 520-825-0677
On Wednesday, February 13, Vistoso Helpful Hands (VHH) presents Margaret Roberts, Adult Care Hunters, and Margie Lannon, HomeWatch Caregivers, discussing “Planning for the Next Phase of Retirement.” See Coming Events, page 14, and flyer insert for details. Thanks to all VHH volunteers for donating your time and effort to help others in SCOV who find themselves in need of temporary assistance. You are part of what makes our community a great place to live. If you need help, call 520-447-0077. If we cannot answer right away, leave your name and number for a call back.
Wheels for Kids Dick Swain 920-217-2610 or Tom Terfehr 520-789-7243
Wheels for Kids is a 501(c)(3) charity dedicated to providing rehabbed bicycles for kids in need in the Tucson area. To date, we’ve provided over 2,200 bikes to various other 501(c)(3) charities who then distribute the bikes to their clients. Some of our partner organizations are Youth on Their Own, El Grupo, Refugee Focus and Tucson Boys and Girls Club. Wheels for Kids is a total volunteer effort. We need mechanics. If you are interested, we’ll train you. Visit our website for more information and how to donate bikes or financial support. Help kids experience the same joy you had when you got your first bike.
YOTO/Northwest Auxiliary Kris Cohen 520-818-2582 Despite the obstacles they face, Youth On Their Own (YOTO) students graduate at a rate of 84%, greater than the rate in Arizona as a whole, which is 80%. During the 2017-2018 school year, YOTO served 1,741 students, an 8% increase over the previous year. This year, YOTO has already enrolled 12% more students than this time last year. You can donate your Arizona Charitable Tax Credit to YOTO and receive a dollar-for-dollar credit on your Arizona state taxes of up to $400 per individual ($800 for couples filing jointly). Thanks for helping homeless, unaccompanied youth graduate from high school and fulfill their potential.
Counting Your Steps? Join the Tipster Collation
February 2019, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster
Extended Community AAUW Northwest Tucson AAUW Northwest Tucson will meet Saturday, February 9, 9:30 AM, Activity Center/Hopi. A donation of $6 includes a continental breakfast. The speaker will be Dr. Deanna Lewis, Doctor of Public Health. Her topic is “Eyes Wide Shut,” a look at the role of privilege in civil discourse and social behavior. American Legion Oro Valley Post 132 We are local veterans making a difference in the lives of veterans and service members in need. Help us to help them by joining our friendly Post. You too can make a difference. Your membership also adds to our collective voice on important issues. Contact: Ed Davis, 520-229-1064, ovpost132@ We meet the third Thursday at 6:30 PM, September-June, Vistoso Memorial Chapel 2285 E. Rancho Vistoso Blvd., Oro Valley. Catalina State Park Concert Series Music in the Mountains Concert Series holds two concerts each month, December-April. Join us at Catalina State Park. All-day admission to the park is $7 per vehicle (up to four adults) and includes the concert. Feel free to bring snacks, drinks, and a chair or take a hike before the show. February 2, 3 PM, Rene Taylor, jazz standards February 16, 3 PM, Saguaro Sunset Trio, buegrass, country and folk music Daughters of the American Revolution The annual Flag Retirement Ceremony will be the February program for the El Presidio Chapter, NSDAR. Wear comfortable shoes since the ceremony will take place outside. Any woman who is descended from a Revolutionary War Patriot is welcome to apply for membership in DAR. Thursday, February 14, 1 PM, Wheeler Taft Abbett Library, 7800 N. Schisler Dr., Tucson. Lynne Brooke 520-631-8803. NARFE Chapter 1874 Current and retired Federal employees, spouses, guests, and visitors are invited to join NARFE Chapter 1874 for our monthly meeting. The February meeting will be on Monday, February 18, 11:30 AM, Golden Corral Restaurant, 6865 N. Thornydale Dr. (Senior lunch menu $8.95 pp.) Contact Rosie King for information 520-400-3456.
ditions will be held on Monday, February 25, 7 PM, Leman Academy, 12255 N. La Canada Dr., and Wednesday, February 27, 6 PM, The Gaslight Music Hall, 13005 N. Oracle Rd. Be prepared to sing from the show and to read from the script. No monologues are necessary. Contact or call 520-505-1856. Santa Catalina Catholic Church “Understanding the Plight of the Refugee and Undocumented Immigrants in America” forum will be held at the Santa Catalina Catholic Church parish hall at 14380 N. Oracle Rd. on Sunday, February 24, from 1-3 PM. Contact Mike Bubla 520-825-0500. The Social Awareness and Justice Ministry at Santa Catalina Catholic Church is presenting a forum with representatives from the immigration, asylum seeker and refugee community, as well as the executive director of the Kino Border Initiative, an immigration lawyer and the Moderator of the Curia for the Diocese of Tucson.
Volunteer Opportunity Elementary School Tutoring Would you enjoy tutoring a child? Painted Sky Elementary School, Rancho Vistoso’s neighborhood public school, is looking for volunteers (including math) to work one-toone with students. One hour a week of your time will make the difference in a child’s education. Please contact Amy Watson or 520-696-3820.
Lesser goldfinch by John Smith
The National Parks Store Trunk Shows 10 AM-5 PM: Oaxacan Woodcarvings, February 9 and 10 Hopi Katsinam, February 23 12880 N. Vistoso Village Drive, Oro Valley, 520-622-6014, Oro Valley Historical Society Local historian, Bob Simpson, will discuss “The Sutherlands of Oro Valley” at the Oro Valley Library on Friday, February 8, 2 PM. The Sutherland family were early settlers in what became Catalina State Park. The event is free and sponsored by the OV Historical Society. For information, contact J. Williams Oro Valley Theatre Company Announcing open auditions for The Fantasticks. This beloved musical will run at the Gaslight Music Hall in April. Au-
Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, February 2019
This adult owl visited Kathryn Benders’ yard. Notice how he turned his head to watch her.
Classifieds The items contained under this heading are provided as a service to residents by other organizations that are neither sponsored nor supported by SCOV Community Association, Inc. SCOV assumes no responsibility or liability for the information contained therein.
BR=Bedroom; BA=Bath; BBQ=Barbecue; N/S=No Smoking; N/P=No Pets; W/D=Washer and Dryer; LR=Living Room; DR=Dining Room; FR=Family Room; AZRM=Arizona Room; FP=Fireplace; Stainless Steel= S/S; WiFi=Wireless Internet Service. Classified Advertising $10/ad • Deadline 10th of the Month. FOR RENT: Now available for 2020, four months or more during winter months will be given first priority. Fully furnished, king in master, front and back patios. May consider selling March or April 2019. For pictures and pricing, call Jan at 636-3578817 or email FOR RENT: 14461 N. Sky Trail, 2 BR/2 BA, new S/S appliances, paint, carpet and tile. Owner pays utilities, cable, WiFi. Tastefully furnished and equipped. Small pet friendly, N/S, 30-day min. lease. Email, call Craig or Mary 520-271-5814. Please use this link for pictures, rates, reservation calendars and other information: FOR RENT: Tastefully upgraded and furnished throughout. 2 BR/2 BA. Queen in master, full in guest room. Greet and meet neighbors and watch the sunset while enjoying Catalina Mountain view from courtyard/patio. Within walking distance of the Activity Center and all recreational amenities. 2-month minimum, $2,700/mo. Sep.-Nov.; $3,200/mo. Dec.-Apr.; $1,500/mo. May-Aug. Year around considered. N/S, N/P. For more information and photos, contact FOR RENT: Popular expanded 1,573 sq. ft., 2 BR/2 BA Silvercreek model. Open floor plan with tile and carpet, ceiling fans in every room. Fully furnished, including king in master, queen in guest, reclining couch in living room, smart TV. Includes utilities, WiFi, cable, W/D, BBQ on covered patio with ceiling fan. Fully enclosed back yard. N/S, N/P. Available beginning May 2019. Email or call 636-544-1706. FOR RENT: Updated and beautifully furnished vacation home. 1,499 sq. ft. Sonoran model. AZRM and fully equipped kitchen overlook north facing furnished patio with gas grill, open desert and views of Catalina Mts. Split plan with king in master and queen in guest which can be used as an office. Tile floor throughout. Rates vary per month and include all utilities, WiFi, cable, Roku, W/D, 2 car garage. Strict N/S, N/P. Available May1 through Dec. 31, 2019. Email
FOR RENT: 2 BR/2 BA, fully furnished Pacifica model. Newly remodeled bathrooms with elegant natural stone. King in master. Utilities, cable, Internet included. Furnished, covered patio with grill and beautiful waterfall feature. Available Dec. 2019 to mid-Apr. 2020. 4 month minimum stay. N/S, N/P. For details and/or pictures call Knansee 970-948-8808 or email FOR RENT: 13798 N. Lobelia Way, 2 master BR, 1 king, 1 queen, 3 full BA, 1 den, complete rehab. Full mountain view, porcelain tile, 1 car garage spot, 1 golf cart spot, cable, WiFi, $1,200 security, $170 cleaning fee. N/P, N/S, utilities included. Dec.-Mar., $4,100; Apr.-May, $3,800. or 708-363-2417. FOR RENT: Beautifully decorated, light, airy and open living space, high ceilings throughout split 2 BR/2 BA on Trade Winds. Fully furnished, bring your suitcase and toiletries. View of mountains from master and backyard. Electric grill, 2 patios (one covered), park-like backyard with high wall. Utilities covered, fully furnished, master-king, Guest-hide-a-bed (two twins/together king bed). Open May 2019 and beyond, including most of 2020, $1,500-$3,400. N/P, N/S. FOR RENT: Available now, 1,380 sq. ft home in SCOV with 2 BR/2 BA, small office, fireplace. Fresh paint and tile throughout. Terms negotiable based on length of stay. Contact Leo, 520-989-9314 or FOR RENT: Unobstructed panoramic views of the Catalina Mountains from the living/dining room, kitchen, and spacious master bedroom of this fully furnished 2BR/2BA house on Lobelia Way. Airy, comfortable interior is complemented by private backyard patio with extended brick for outdoor entertaining. Available Apr. $2,500/mo.; May $2,000/mo. Call Paul 860-248-1890 for details. WANT TO RENT: House for January and February 2020. Have SCOV references. Mary 773-871-1312 or BAGPIPER FOR HIRE: Again this year SCOV resident and former Pipe Major with over 25 years of piping experience is available Jan.-Mar. for weddings, funerals, golf outings, birthdays or any other special event. Half-hour bagpipe lessons are available at your convenience. Contact Dave McCleery at 531-289-8451 for further information or go to BUYING: A curious collector would like to buy watches, old photos, war relics, 19th and 20th century family and estate items, antiques, jewelry, coins, silver and much more. Anything unusual or nostalgic. I like to look and love to buy. Exceptional prices paid. 520-529-2984.
Linda S. Tucker, Attorney Wills • Probate • Trusts
Free Half Hour Consultation Phone or Office 520-257-1166 1846 E. Innovation Park Drive Oro Valley, AZ 85755
It’s Grilling Season! Have Your Outdoor Gas Grill Serviced and Cleaned By the Experts at My Grill Cleaner 36
Sun City Vistoso Tipster, Febraury 2011
No Grill Too Dirty or Broken for the My Grill Cleaner Team
We Service and Clean All Makes and Models
February 2019, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster
Unique Artwork Featuring Local Artists One-of-a-kind gifts! 16701 N. Oracle Rd, Ste. 145 • Catalina, AZ [south of Camp Bow Wow] • 520-818-1242 • Mon-Sat 10-5 & Sun 11-3
Paid Advertising, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, February 2019, Page 37
I Make House Calls. Senior Real Estate Specialist
Carol Kershaw, ABR, e-Pro, SRES REALTOR® Direct (520) 906-9023 Fax (520) 297-1005
8540 N. Oracle Rd., Bldg #2 Tucson, AZ 85704
Mr. Butierez is a professional painter who’s been painting homes in Sun City since 1994. He has specialized in new custom homes along with interior and exterior repaints since 1985.
Licensed, Bonded and Insured. ROC 317608 CR-34
Call us today for a free estimate! (520) 682-5349
Nancy Toperzer Licensed Massage Therapist Sun City Oro Valley Resident
Massage In Your Own Home Member of the American Massage Therapy Association and Nationally Certified in Therapeutic Massage. Retired RN
Call for an appointment in SCOV
Francesca’s Cleaning Services Francisca Espinoza-Owner
*Free Estimates *Sun City Oro Valley References
Rocco Miller
35+ Years of Real Estate Experience Cell: (520) 333-8787 Office: (520) 352-2700 11165 N. La Canada Dr., # 175 • Oro Valley, AZ 85737
Paid Advertising, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, February 2019, Page 38
Carpentry Electrical Drywall Plumbing, Etc. Building Maintenance & Repairs Honest, Reasonable, Reliable
Mike Daignault
(520) 289-7607
Bible Centered Teaching Traditional Music * Hymns * Choir 1200 E. Rancho Vistoso Blvd., Oro Valley (520) 825-0652 ď •
PDF - 2 x 7.5 Tipster
Using Google
February - 2019
To Help Sell Your Home! .
1820 E Somnolent Way Ridgetop Model
821 E Royal Ridge Pacifica Model
s g Listing 00 Now Takin 6 390 0
Paid Advertising, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, February 2019, Page 39
SHADE COVERS & AWNINGS TO BLOCK THE DESERT HEAT! More Shade • No Painting Ever • No Warping or Cracking Guaranteed • No Rotting • Lifetime Warranty
“I am very happy with the qualityProtect of Your Home’s Windows, Floors, Doors & Furniture both my new windows and the ramada.” From The Harsh Tucson Sun. –Debra A.
Patio Lattice Reduce Solar Covers Can Heat G The Summer ain In By Up To
Yes, we do windows!
Makeyour yourhome homemore more comfortable comfortable Make and Costs! andSave Saveon on Cooling Cooling Costs!
Call US Today!
competitive pricing!
With ad only. Not valid with any other offers or prior sales. Expires 2/28/19
Paid Advertising, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, February 2019, Page 40
SENIOR LIVING PLACEMENT SERVICE There is no charge for our service which helps you find the right setting for Independent Living • Assisted Living Center • Adult Care Home • Memory Care
Amanda Gelatt (520) 870-0962
Jeff Evans Cabinetry
Painted Cabinet Specialist
• Upgrade to soft close hinges • Many options to customize • Cabinet refacing, Granite and Quartz countertops • We’ve been improving kitchens and baths in SCOV since 2012
Gary Tibljas Associate Broker
Living Trusts • Wills Estate Planning Estates Settled Contracts-Leases Personal Injury Powers of Attorney-Living Wills Guardianship-Conservatorships Divorce-Marital Agreements Corporations • LLCs Serving Northwest Tucson Since 1976 No Charge For Initial Consultation • House Calls Welcome
DIRECT (970) 596-0674 CELL (970) 596-0674 EMAIL WEB 15250 N. Oracle Rd., #110 Tucson, AZ 85739
1846 E. Innovation Park Dr. 7400 N. Oracle Rd. Suite #175 Oro Valley, AZ 85755 Tucson, AZ 85704
A little help. A big difference. Assisted living services that are about the whole family and the whole YOU. But the best part? No matter if you need a little help or a lot, the difference you’ll feel will be amazing. Please call Amber Lights to schedule your complimentary lunch and tour.
I n de p e n de n t & A s s i s t e d L i v i ng 6231 N. Montebella Road Tucson, AZ • 520.395.9616 Paid Advertising, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, February 2019, Page 41
Hillman & Shelby Law, Ltd. Sun City Oro Valley Office New Location! 1846 E. Innovation Park Rd. Main Number
Free Consultation Two Gals And A Bucket Specializing in Cleaning
On the Sun City Consumer Referral List Pet Friendly Residential & Commercial Bonded & Insured Maria Glenn 520-484-3986
Estate Planning Wills & Trusts Probate Taxation Trust Administration We now accept credit card payments.
L & M Custom Painting & Tile Exterior Painting Special $1,650
(up to 1,600 sq. ft. ) Offer good through February 28, 2019
Complete Interior Painting Discounts Offer good through February 28, 2019
5 year Warranty ROC #258012 Premium Paint Licensed Bonded Insured We accept all major credit cards
869-9229 Victor Martinez
991-9933 Leo Martinez
Residential Tile Specialists Custom installs of all types of tile in all kinds of shapes and sizes. Specializing in home flooring, kitchen counter tops, backsplashes and showers. Call Us for a Free Estimate
On the Sun City Oro Valley Consumer Referral List
Paid Advertising, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, February 2019, Page 42
ROC #300427
24/7 Non-medical Caregiver Staffing
Loving Angels Among Us, LLC
Sylvia Briones
(520) 351-9055
Member, Greater Oro Valley Chamber of Commerce and Tucson Hispanic Chamber of Commerce
Estate Planning Probate Trusts & Wills Trust Administration
Licensed, Bonded and Insured
Planning ahead to protect yourself, your loved ones and your property
Kathy Cleere, J.D. Robert F. Cleere, L.L.B. 10445 N. Oracle Road, Ste. 141 Oro Valley, AZ 85737 520-219-9733
Kevin...does it all Your Sun City Neighbor All Repairs & Remodeling 35 years Remodeling Experience Call us, we’ll get it done!
Kevin Frosch 520-490-5951
It Matters Who You See... Call for appointments.
520-293-6740 5599 N. Oracle Rd. Between Orange Grove and River Rd. 10425 N. Oracle Rd., Suite 135 Oracle Rd. and Pusch Ridge View Lane
Interior a Exterior Painting a Licensed Bonded Insured a Serving Sun City Oro Valley since 1997. a Epoxy drive ways, walkways and garage floors. a Roof coat on flat roofs. a All work warranted.
Registered with your Consumer Referral at Sun City Oro Valley
Paid Advertising, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, February 2019, Page 43
ROC 160023
JENNIFER & MATT TEAM Your Sun City Realtors Please Call Us Today!
Buying or Selling in Sun City? Expert Help Is Right Here! Jennifer Shuffelbottom Matt Shuffelbottom REALTOR®
(520) 262-1785
Paid Advertising, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, February 2019, Page 44
F&S Home Services Frank Soto
Master Craftsman Home Repair • Remodeling • Restoration • Painting • Plumbing • Electrical • Concrete • Tile • Roofing • AC & Heating
(520) 861-2657 Not a licensed contractor
Thanks Sun City for 25+ Years of Continued Support It’s Tax Time. Need an IRA or Umbrella?
(520) 792-9669
Serving Sun City Oro Valley Since 1998
The Original Re-Paint Specialists We can beat any competitor’s price We want to be your painter of choice We are licensed, bonded & insured We have been in business over 25 years
Winner of Arizona Daily Star Reader’s Choice Best Homeowner Insurance Agent
Auto • Home • Umbrella • Golf Carts Life • Annuities • IRAs • Motorhomes
Dawn Caffall
Local Agent Specializing in Sun City
15920 N. Oracle Road - Suite 130
Catalina Pointe Centre - Right across the street from McDonalds
One Stop Shopping – We Do It All
Exterior Specialists: Drywall Top Quality Products & Stucco Repair That Last Wrought Iron Fences & We Get It Done On Time Pool Decks Satisfaction Guaranteed Free Estimates
Paid Advertising, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, February 2019, Page 45
ExcEptional SErvicE no ExcEptionS. Some people think that choosing a modest memorial means sacrificing service. Our commitment to excellent service allows us to say that no matter what kind of a memorial you have in mind, we’ll provide you with the best service available, bar none.
470 W. Roger Road, #108 Tucson, AZ 85705
Free In-Home Estimates Free Installation We Do Repairs
790-6180 ROC 218701
Fred Swiderski R E A L T O R®
520-850-2439 Residential Brokerage website: 11165 N. La Canada Dr. #175•Oro Valley, AZ 85737
Place your advertising message where it will reach the exclusive community of Sun City Oro Valley with an ad in the Tipster.
April 2018
It’s More
It’s a Lifestyle
Than Living...
day, Session, Thurs BOD Study12, 9 AM, WC3 April and ay, ng, Tuesd BOD Meeti9 AM, WC3 April 24,
Tipster June 2018
It’s More Than Living...It’s
a Lifestyle!
BOD Meeting, Thursday, June 14, 9 AM, WC3
Photo by
It’s More Than
Living...It’s a Lifestyle!
March 2018
BOD Study Session, Thursday, March 8, 9 AM, WC3 and BOD Meeting, Tuesday, March 27, 9 AM, WC3
Heinz Hippa
The Tipster is the official Sun City Oro Valley newsletter with month-long listings of activities within the community. This insures that the Tipster has a long shelf life within the home, giving your advertising month-long exposure. Call Lisa at 520-917-8065 for details on advertising in the Tipster.
Photo by John Smith
Paid Advertising, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, February 2019, Page 46 Photo by Sheryl
BETTY J. WHITE Associate Broker
(Actual Customers)
Door To Door Airport Transportation
15250 N. Oracle Rd., #110 Tucson, AZ 85739
Valentine’s Special $44
(Tucson (Tucson International) International)
(Phoenix (Phoenix Sky Sky Harbor) Harbor)
(520) 825-8677 (520) 275-6654
(Phoenix-Mesa (Phoenix-Mesa Gateway) Gateway)
WILDCATSXPRESS.COM See Our Website For Details
Or Call For Info (520) 360-5354
*Rides to/from Phoenix Sky Harbor and Phoenix-Mesa Gateway are shared-ride services.
Serving Tucson Since 1979
3636 E. Ft. Lowell
GENERAL AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE & REPAIR 16255 N. Oracle Road • Tucson (Catalina)
Call for an appointment!
(Fort Lowell & Dodge)
Mon – Fri 7:30 am – 5:30 pm
The Original Off the Wall Bedtm •Custom Kitchens •Libraries •TV Media Rooms •Home Offices •Custom Cabinetry •Quality Garages email:
“Back to Doing Business the FAIR WAY” Air Conditioners l Air Purifiers l Heat Pumps Furnaces l Package Units l Ductless Mini-Splits
10 YEAR WARRANTY ON PARTS & LABOR with purchase of a new American Standard system
To s! tomer s u C ur
Offer Valid 2/1/19 thru 2/28/19
Every manufacturer requires at least one annual maintenance for warrantyPurchase must be made by Feb. 28, 2019
Visit Our Web Site For Other Specials
1171 E. Rancho Vistoso Blvd. #161 Oro Valley, AZ 85755
Your excellent reviews placed us in the Top 10 cooling & heating companies in Arizona!ROC #316583
Paid Advertising, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, February 2019, Page 47
35 30
Properties Under Contract
25 20 15 10 5
520-907-3393 Email:
YOUR LOCAL TEAM For Buying or Selling Real Estate Roger Angeloni Associate Broker Allie Angeloni Realtor® Team Angeloni Long Realty Company Website Address
Email Addresses Roger’s Cell (520) 989-1583 Allie’s Cell (520) 989-1584
Sun City Residents Knowledgeable Hard Working
Honest Experienced Trustworthy
Schedule your free home evaluation today. ABR, CRS, GRI, Associate Brokers
Sun City Residents
KATHY && RICHARD HARVEY KATHYSpecializing HARVEY in Sun City ABR, CRS, GRI, Associate resales since 1988!Brokers
Sun Residents If youCity want theCity Best, Oro CallValley Us! Specializing in Sun
Sun C
Specia res If you w
homes sincein1988! Specializing Sun City If you want Best call us! resalesthe since 1988! If you want the Best, CallofUs! Full Time Professional Agents with +40 Years Experience! 7330 N. Oracle Rd. Suite #280 520-297-6172 • 800-297-6172 •
Mariposa m 520-297-6172 Charmin Mariposa model with wonderful views! Paid Advertising, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, February 2019, Page 48 520-297-6172 northeast p Charming, updated home with 800-297-6172 borders common area 800-297-6172 northeast patio,
Ask for