July 2018 Sun City Oro Valley Tipster

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It’s More Than Living...It’s a Lifestyle!

Tipster July 2018

NO BOD Meeting in July

Photo by Sheryl Hester

Hours of Operation

The Tipster is published monthly by Sun City Oro Valley 1565 E. Rancho Vistoso Blvd., Oro Valley, AZ 85755, 520-825-3711 Activity Center...................................................917-8066 Mon.-Fri. .......................................................................................... 7 AM-9 PM scovaz.com Sat................................................................................................... 9 AM-9 PM Sun. ................................................................................................ 9 AM-6 PM

Board of Directors

Administration (In Welcome Center).................... 825-3711 ext 120


Aquatic & Fitness Center...................................917-8067

Email address for BOD members, GM & Assistant Manager: John Wilson, wilsonjend1961@gmail.com.........................................................President Meade Davis, meadedavis11@gmail.com....................................................Vice President Joy Huxtable, jhuxtablescov@gmail.com..........................................................Secretary Tim Kelley, tkelleyscov@gmail.com...................................................................Treasurer Debra Arrett, debra@myfastmail.com............................................................... Director Lou Gard, lougard789@gmail.com.................................................................... Director Ted Hood, azted@outlook.com........................................................................... Director Management Team (area code 520) Mark Wade, mwade@suncityorovalley.com.......................... General Manager, 917-8080 Robin Coulter, rcoulter@suncityorovalley.com ......Assistant General Manager, 917-8070 Mary Cunningham, scvcam@suncityorovalley.com......Com. Area Maint. Supt., 917-8059 Aalt Brouwer, abrouwer@suncityorovalley.com....... Food & Beverage Director, 917-8074 Michael Kropf, scvgolf@suncityorovalley.com.......Golf Course Superintendent, 917-8063 Rick Price, rprice@theviewsgolfclub.com................................Director of Golf, 917-8086 Ken Sandrock, ksandrock@suncityorovalley.com.....................Facilities Supt., 917-8078 Pam Sarpalius, psarpalius@suncityorovalley.com................Program Director, 917-8077 Randy Trenary, rtrenary@suncityorovalley.com.............................. Controller, 917-8060 Support Team Monica Clark, mclark@suncityorovalley.com........................ Administrative Coordinator, 917-8082 Kate Cusumano, kcusumano@suncityorovalley.com......................................... Librarian, 917-8083 Lonnie Davis, ldavis@suncityorovalley.com.........................................Fitness Supervisor, 917-8073 Marsha Dean, mdean@suncityorovalley.com..................... Communications Coordinator, 917-8069 Julie Foerster, jfoerster@suncityorovalley.com.....................................Human Resources, 917-8061 Angela Hong, ahong@suncityorovalley.com....................................Accounting Assistant, 917-8062 Karen Loffredo, kloffredo@suncityorovalley.com..........Community Services Coordinator, 917-8087 Katy Mosier, kmosier@suncityorovalley.com.................Community Services Coordinator, 917-8058 Lisa Orach, lorach@suncityorovalley.com............................. Administrative Coordinator, 917-8065 Errick Owens, eowens@suncityorovalley.com...................................Restaurant Manager, 825-3277 Kathy Peabody, kpeabody@suncityorovalley.com.... Marketing & Technology Coordinator, 917-8068 Coco Sullivan, csullivan@suncityorovalley.com.............................. Facilities Coordinator, 917-8072 Monitor - Activity Center................................................................................................... 917-8066 Monitor - Aquatic & Fitness Center.....................................................................................917-8067 Tipster Editorial Committee Lou Phillippi.................................Co-Chair Vicki Ettleman..............................Co-Chair Brad Curtis....................................Member Arlene Douglas..............................Member Karen Koopmans............................Member Sue McNally...................................Member Barbara McNeill............................Member Paul Mercer...................................Member

Carolene Mitchell...........................Member John Njaa......................................Member Ann Owen......................................Member Lynn Parker...................................Member Laura Pigott..................................Member Laura Suchocki..............................Member Judy Widener................................Member

Mon.-Fri. ................................................................................ 7:30 AM-4:30 PM

Daily.................................................................................................5 AM-9 PM Pool Daily............................................................................................5 AM-8:30 PM Children’s Hours - Daily.................................................................... 11 AM-1 PM

Catalina Vista....................................................825-8613

Mon.-Fri. .......................................................................................... 7 AM-9 PM Sat................................................................................................... 9 AM-9 PM Sun. ................................................................................................ 9 AM-6 PM

Community Services..........................................917-8065 Mon.-Fri. .............................................................................................9-11 AM

Desert Oasis.....................................................825-0495

Mon.-Fri. .......................................................................................... 7 AM-9 PM Sat. .................................................................................................9 AM-8 PM Sun. ................................................................................................9 AM-6 PM Pool .Mon.-Fri......................................................................................7 AM-8:30 PM Sat..............................................................................................9 AM-7:30 PM Sun............................................................................................ 9 AM-5:30 PM Children’s Hours: ............................................ Daily Noon-4 PM Except see below .Except Sun., Mon. and Thu. ........................................... Noon-1 PM and 3-4 PM Water volleyball on Sun., Mon. and Thu. ........................................... 1 PM-3 PM

Gift Shop of Sun City......................................... 917-8051

Mon.-Fri.....................................................................................9 AM-12:30 PM Sat........................................................................................... 9 AM-12:30 PM Golf Course Walking........................ Before 6:30 AM and After 6 PM


Mon.-Fri. ............................................................................. 9 AM-Noon, 1-4 PM Sat................................................................................................... 9 AM-Noon

Loan Room - Community Assistance­ Loan Room at Cart Barn Hours: Tue. and Thu. only.......................................8-9 AM Pro Shop.............................................................825-3110 Golf Info Line................................................ 825-0322

Daily................................................................................................. 6 AM-5 PM Driving Range hours ..............................................6 AM-5 PM, Wed., 6 AM-3 PM

Restaurant and Lounge..................................... 825-3277

Remodeling Hours...................................................................Daily, 11 AM-7 PM Watch the website and Facebook for reopening date and hours Happy Hour......................................................... Sat.-Thu., 3-5 PM; Fri., 3-7 PM Recording of daily Restaurant specials..............................825-3711 ext 205

After-Hours Emergencies...................................825-1161

If you encounter something in the common areas or golf course needing immediate attention (e.g. broken irrigation) and the Administration Office is closed, please report the issue to a building monitor. However, if a situation like this occurs after all the buildings are closed, please contact the emergency line.

Editor, Layout and Design: Marsha Dean Advertising: Lisa Orach; Printing: Alphagraphics To advertise in the Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, call 917-8065 for information. Sun City Oro Valley Community Association provides this publication for informational purposes only and neither endorses nor promotes any of the products or services advertised herein and assumes no responsibility or liability for the statements made in this publication.

Sun City Oro Valley Tipster,

Want to Submit a Photo for the Tipster? Go to the website: scovaz.com Login >Member Services >This n That >Photo Release. Fill out the form and submit photos (two per form). Submit as many as you like. Abbreviation Legend Aquatic & Fitness Center................................................................................AFC Sun City Oro Valley.....................................................................................SCOV Welcome Center Conference Room 1..............................................................WC1 Welcome Center Conference Room 2..............................................................WC2 July 2018, Page 2Room 3..............................................................WC3 Welcome Center Conference

asset reserve and capital funds. If approved by the homeowners, the work will be scheduled to begin in late spring of 2020.

Association News

From The Board of Directors Our mission as the SCOV Board is to lead in maintaining and enhancing the quality of life in Sun City Oro Valley as an active adult community. All Board minutes, agendas and reports are available online and in the SCOV Library. Board meetings are open to residents.

Board of Directors debra@myfastmail.com Golf Greens Reconstruction Committee (GGRC) by Debra Arrett Previous Long Range Planning Committees identified problems with the health and longevity of the greens at The Views Golf Club. Their poor condition was confirmed by golf course consultants beginning in 2014. After Oro Valley mandated the use of reclaimed water for irrigation, golf course Superintendent Michael Kropf has skillfully dealt with the build-up of salts and compacted subsoil with increased maintenance, chemicals and water. However, they are becoming less and less effective. The golf courses built by Del Webb were done on the cheap. The greens were built with pushed up dirt and without proper drainage or a base to support root development and growth. Four other golf courses in Arizona Sun Cities have already reconstructed their greens with proper drainage and engineered subsoils. There has been a great deal of communication between maintenance personnel at those golf courses and members of the GGRC. See article on page 9. The committee has met multiple times each month for almost a year. This hard-working group consists of Chair Howard Schulz and committee members Patty Horning, Debbie Huffman, Doug Kimble, Diane Malchow, Barbara Ross and John Rowe. Non-voting staff liaisons include Michael Kropf, Director of Golf Rick Price and General Manager Mark Wade. In addition to the committee’s vast research that included core samples and a trip to a Sun City golf course in Phoenix, they have also interviewed four golf course architects. On April 24, the BOD approved $15,000 to hire architect, Mike Gogel, for a conceptual design and an additional $3,000 for an agronomist. Their work will be completed in September. In the fall the committee will compare bids for the project. In October and November, the GGRC will be conducting smaller focus groups to gather input from residents. Larger forums will held as early as November and will run as needed through February 2019. Because of the scope of this project, it does require approval by the homeowners, and the goal is to have it on the March 2019 ballot. There will be no special assessment. All costs will be covered by the

Association News............................ 3 Association Committees................. 7 Golf................................................ 10 Coming Events.............................. 11 Workshops and Classes................. 12 For Your Information..................... 12 Thank You Corner......................... 12

General Manager - Mark Wade mwade@suncityorovalley.com 520-917-8080 Lazy Days of Summer or Not The sayings of the more mature generation have never been more true in some instances. I remember hearing “The times they be a-changing.” Back when I first started managing HOAs, the off-season was generally a little slower and there was time for staff to back off the accelerator. Those times are over for the most part. In today’s world, demand for staff’s time has increased. Summer is the time when we put the accelerator down. Often, we don’t have as many appointments which allows us to stay focused on our work for longer periods of time without interruption. Large and small construction projects move forward at a blistering pace. Maintenance projects are now in full swing as staff attempts to get them completed while fewer residents are present and the work has a lower impact. The vegetation grows more quickly and staff is working hard to make sure everything is trimmed and maintenance practices are employed to assure the community looks good. Administration is busy reviewing policies and other governing documents and getting all things in order for the fall when our busy season comes back into play. Long story shorter is work around SCOV doesn’t slow down in the summer. Your staff loves working for this amazing community. We love the spirit of the residents. We are appreciative of those of you who drop off goodies from your garden and your stove. We recognize that as staff, we are truly blessed. Thank you.

Holiday Hours Independence Day Wednesday, July 4 AFC/Pool, 8 AM-5 PM Desert Oasis, 9 AM-4 PM Activity Center, 8 AM-4 PM All Other Facilities Will Be Closed

What’s Inside

Memoriam..................................... 12 Clubs............................................. 13 Arts, Crafts & Hobbies............... 13 Continuing Education................. 16 Cultural & Social......................... 17 Dance......................................... 19 Exercise...................................... 20

Games........................................ 24 Sports......................................... 25 Travel.......................................... 27 Photo Scrapbook........................... 28 Partnered Organizations............... 30 Extended Community................... 30 Classifieds...................................... 31

Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, July 2018, Page 3

It’s More Than Living... It’s A Lifestyle! Bocce Ball Once Banned by Kings, However, You Can Play It Today in Sun City Oro Valley


By Elaine Scop

id you know the game of Bocce was banned in 1319 vides opportunities to socialize both during our games and by the Holy Roman Emperor Charles IV so that his afterward.” subjects could concentrate on war? Many were playThere are no set teams in bocce. Members play with and ing at “Boules” and not practicing their archery. In 1511, King against different people most every week. A few members Henry Vlll banned the lower classes from the sport and levied became even closer than friends and are now "going steady.” a fee, so only the wealthy could play. Roberta Davila feels bocce is a great activity. “It is competitive, Throwing balls toward a tarbut not as hazardous as other get is the oldest game known to sports for seniors can be. Howmankind. According to primitive ever, most of all it is a means graphite drawings, the Egypto socialize and sometimes tians played a form of bocce as even meet that special someearly as 5000 B.C. While bocce one, which has happened. Our today looks very different from motto is, 'Bocce On' and so we its early predecessors, the undo. Some members are still broken thread of bocce’s lineage playing in their 90s.” is the consistently common obShould you come by the jective of trying to come as close Bocce Courts, you will hear to a fixed target as possible. screams of delight and moans Thankfully, bocce is not of despair. Bocce is safe, fun banned in our community. As a and competitive. It is a perfect matter of fact, the current Bocce balance of sport and social. Jill Rolling are Roberta Davila, Cliff Leslie, Jan Malkin and Carol Gloriosa. Club has 118 members and is Wallar would agree. She says, growing in popularity. The SCOV Elaine Scop photo. “I love playing bocce ball beBocce Club was one of the first sports clubs chartered in our cause it's fun, casual, social and laid back. The club is welAssociation in October 1989. It started with 50 members and coming to newcomers, making it super easy to make new grew to 225. For awhile its popularity dipped, however, it is friends. And when your throw doesn’t go quite as planned, currently experiencing an exciting renewal. Joyce Shaw, one you can always tell your teammate to, ‘Fix it.’ It's a game of the newer members, remarked, “Bocce is a new experi- that can be played as we seniors gracefully age. All that's ence for us. Not only is it fun, but meeting great people is the required is a desire to have fun with friends and enjoy being biggest plus. Keeps us going.” outdoors.” According to member, Mike Hulett, “I look forward to playMember, John ing bocce ball three days a week, not only for the great op- Bechard, uses portunity to meet friends and socialize, but also to exercise words like “remy competitive nature in a sport that requires practice and laxing" and "reconcentration. It is also a great way to exercise during the quires focus” to week.” describe the This past January, the Bocce game, while Club entered teams in the Tuc- Vickie Snook son Senior Olympic Games. stresses how The club swept the tourna- friendly memment, winning all the top hon- bers are. She ors. How sweet it was to hear states, “Everyone SCOV Bocce Club’s name is serious about Bocce Club 2018. Ben Adamo photo. called out for the gold, silver, the game, but bronze and pewter medals. still jokes and razzes each other when a throw goes astray.” Most of members start playStop by the Bocce Courts and give it a try. Members will Bocce Senior Olympics medal winners. ing the same way. They just be happy to get you started. The club plays every Monday, Nicole Anderson photos. come to watch and see what Wednesday and Friday. Winter hours are 1:45 to 6:15 PM. it’s all about. Someone puts a bocce ball in your hand and Summer evenings, 7 to 9 PM. The club website is https:// says “give it a roll” and then you’re hooked. Judy Oliver and scovbocce.weebly.com. Ben Adamo state that, “One of the reasons we enjoy bocce As they say about bocce, “It takes five minutes to learn and so much is that it enables us to meet new people and pro- a lifetime to master."


Sun City Vistoso Tipster, Febraury 2011

July 2018, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster


Asst. General Manager - Robin Coulter rcoulter@suncityorovalley.com 520-917-8070 High Season and Low Season…Both Busy Often, as residents are leaving for summer destinations, comments are made such as, “Won’t you be glad for things to slow down?” It’s a well-meant comment, but not what actually happens here during the summer months. We have two distinct focuses in our work here in SCOV. There’s high season where our focus is mainly on servicing our residents, going to committee meetings and planning projects. Then there’s the low season, the summer months, where our focus is still on residents, but also on executing all those projects that are best done with fewer people around. Examples of this are the renovation projects such as Desert Oasis last summer and the restaurant kitchen this summer. They also include the annual homeowner mailing which involves the collection and processing of dues, distribution of the new year’s membership card stickers and golf cart stickers. Our new fiscal year starts in July, so the accounting department transitions to the new year setting up the new files. The Pro Shop sells golf passes. Department managers order items approved in the new budget. By the end of the summer, staff is all projected out and ready for our seasonal residents to join those who stayed and start the high season.

Programs/Facilities Director - Pam Sarpalius psarpalius@suncityorovalley.com 520-917-8077 Don’t forget to attend our annual Association 4th of July show in the Auditorium at 1 PM. This year's show will be a variety of entertainment. Be safe this holiday and remember that later in the day the Town of Oro Valley is planning some great things for you to enjoy. July will bring us many speakers from local area great locations. Please take the time to enjoy some of these presentations along with an informative presentation from the Golder Ranch Fire District, “When to Call 911.” See Coming Events on page 11 of this Tipster for more information.

Community Services - Katy Mosier Office Hours 9-11 AM, Monday-Friday, Welcome Center kmosier@suncityorovalley.com 520-917-8058 Name Changes in Our Association Files It goes without saying that when a new resident closes on a home, we change ownership information in our resident files by removing the previous owners’ names when the title company sends us a copy of the new owners’ deed. Several people in our community have notified us of a spouse’s death and have asked us to remove the decedent’s name from our files. Some are surprised that a verbal instruction to remove a name is insufficient. Our HOA has a deed-based relationship with owners, so changes in ownership must show a change in the deed. In the case of a spousal passing, a copy of the death certificate will provide the legal documentation to make a change in our records. If you are a surviving spouse, please provide us with a copy of one of these legal documents in order to remove a name from the resident file. We are aware that this is a sensitive issue and hope that this article clarifies the process. Another step you might want to consider is updating the information in our community telephone directory. You can do this on our website by going to www.scovaz.com > members > services > directory.

Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, July 2018

Complete the online form “To change your directory listing…” or fill out an orange SCOV Community Directory form available at the Welcome Center.

Unit # 2 4 4 5 5 5 7 7 7 9 9 12 12 17 17 17

Welcome New Neighbors – May Name From Sue Harrington & Terry Miller Leann & Jay Banshan John Cook Jennifer & Charles Hollar Diana & G. David Green Denise & Paul Brandon Janelle & Lawrence Parks Kathleen Fogle & Phillip Marlow Jean & Richard Brown Mary Crenshaw & Gerry Buddenbaum Molly Shepard Venie & Robert Dunlap Barbara & David Kittelson Sheri & Roger Reece Nancy & Lawrence Bulinski Jo Ann Staley

Silver Bay, MN Alexandria, MN Oro Valley, AZ Kent, WA Cary, IL Anchorage, AK Cedar Rapids, IA Post Falls, ID Anacortes, WA Wilsonville, OR Tucson, AZ Tucson, AZ Oro Valley, AZ Oro Valley, AZ Oro Valley, AZ Oro Valley, AZ

May 2018 Housing Resale Information Resales 2018 2017

For the Month 16 27 2017 Total Sold - 207

YTD 119 113

2018: Active Listings as of 5/31/2018........................... 20 2017: Active Listings as of 5/31/2017........................... 17 Source: TARMLS®

May 2018 Average Age of New Owners:


SCOV Library - Kate Cusumano suncityorovalley.com/about/amenities-facilities/library Online catalog: https://evolveopac.infovisionsoftware.com/suncityorovalley/ kcusumano@suncityorovalley.com 520-917-8083

Magazines, jigsaw puzzles, comfortable seating, WiFi and a chance of meeting up with friends, or making new ones, all of this is available in the SCOV Library Lobby on the east end of the Welcome Center. The magazine collection contains an ever-changing assortment of monthly magazines no older than three months, and weekly magazines not more than one month past publication. We ask that you return magazines to the library desk or our outside book drop, so we can check the dates before putting them out. Puzzles ranging from 300 to 2,000 pieces fill our shelves. We ask that you seal all puzzle pieces back in the ziplock bag inside the puzzle box before returning it and let us know if any pieces are missing. Please do not put puzzles in the book drop as this often jams the chute. Magazines and puzzles, nearly all donated, are available on the honor system to SCOV residents. To see what’s new in books, audio books, and videos in the last couple of weeks, go to the link to our online catalog above, and click on “Browse New Items.”




Statement of Revenues Expenses Results Operations Statement of Revenues & and Expenses andand thethe Results ofof Operations

Revenues: Annual H.O. Fees Capital Contribution Fee Golf Revenues Activities Revenues Restaurant Revenues Interest Income Other Income Gross Revenues




$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

285,376 31,415 113,550 7,527 79,408 8,085 28,783 554,144

$ 4,168,144 $ 425,732 $ 1,354,647 $ 168,476 $ 912,491 $ 73,778 $ 380,330 $ 7,483,598

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

4,168,144 396,306 1,258,877 155,567 836,200 22,917 318,048 7,156,059

Asset Reserve Contribution Contingency Fund Contribution Wash Fund Contribution New Capital Acquisitions Restricted Use Revenues Net Operating Revenues Expenses: Wages & Benefits Cost of Sales Utilities Repair & Maint. Supplies & Expenses Depreciation Total Expenses

$ $ $ $ $ $

(4,759) (45,335) 504,050

$ (995,000) $ (49,000) $ (25,000) $ (64,460) $ (575,003) $ 5,775,135

$ $ $ $ $ $

(995,000) (49,000) (25,000) (63,050) (472,384) 5,551,625

$ $ $ $ $ $ $

289,558 49,220 80,413 14,267 112,555 110,000 656,013

$ $ $ $ $ $ $

$ $ $ $ $ $ $

2,995,340 431,498 813,376 128,383 1,092,758 1,210,000 6,671,355

Restricted Fund Expenses Net Operating Expenses

$ $

(112,583) 543,430

$ (1,250,447) $ 5,651,333

$ $

(1,210,000) 5,461,355





Results of Operations

Above is a summary of the Revenues and Expenses and the Results of Operations for the first 11 months of the 2017-2018 fiscal year. A copy of the report in greater detail can be found on our website, suncityorovalley.com. Login after hovering over the Members tab and selecting Financials. At this page you will find the monthly Financial Statements as well as the Annual Budget for the current Fiscal Year and a copy of the Annual Budget for the coming year.


11 Months 2017-2018

Sun City Vistoso Tipster, Febraury 2011

3,117,554 571,545 780,501 126,842 1,095,338 1,210,000 6,901,780



The Finance & Budget Committee will be on hiatus until September 2018. Meetings will resume at their normal time and location on Monday, September 24, 1 PM, WC3. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at 917-8060, or email me at rtrenary@suncityorovalley.com. Randy Trenary, Controller

July 2018, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster


Recreation and Fitness - Lonnie Davis ldavis@suncityorovalley.com 520-917-8073 Tips for Staying Active for Life The more you exercise, the more you will reap the benefits, so it’s important to stay motivated when life’s challenges get in the way. • Keep a log. Writing down your activities in an exercise journal not only holds you accountable, but also is a reminder of your accomplishments. • Stay inspired. Reading health magazines or watching sports shows can help remind you how great it feels to take care of your body. • Get support. It’s easier to keep going with support. Consider taking a class or exercising with your spouse or a buddy. • Exercise safely. Nothing derails an exercise plan like an injury. Use common sense and don’t exercise if you are ill. Wear brightly colored clothing to be visible on the roads. When the weather brings slippery conditions, walk in the Aerobic rooms indoors to prevent falling. Special Note From the Aquatic and Fitness Center (AFC) Orientation on how to use the gym equipment is held every Thursday, 1 PM, so stop in and sign up. Contact Lonnie Davis, AFC Coordinator, to discuss questions or problems with the AFC. AFC and Desert Oasis: See Hours of Operation on page 2. Tuesday, July 10, the AFC pool and spa will be closed for cleaning and shock treatment. They will reopen the following morning at the regular time. Wednesday, July 11, the Desert Oasis Pool will be closed for cleaning and shock treatment and reopen the following morning at the regular time.

Coffee and Conversation with the General Manager and a Board Member

An informal exchange of information. Monday, July 2, 9-10 AM Activity Center/Navajo

Association Committees Help Needed This Help Needed section seeks volunteer help for various Association Committees. You must be an owner/resident to serve. The Tipster Editorial Committee is looking for new members to help with the review and editing of the Tipster. Experience in editing, writing or detail work is helpful. Please submit the Committee Application online at suncityorovalley.com > Members > Committees or contact CoChair Lou Phillippi 520-638-6957 lnphillippi@yahoo.com or Co-Chair Vicki Ettleman 520-519-9781 vettleman4@gmail.com if you are interested.

Active Health Chair Janyce Lundstedt 503-475-0520 janyce.lundstedt@gmail.com Nov.-Apr., Second Tue., 1:30 PM, WC1 suncityorovalley.com/members-login/committees/active-health Home Safety: Smoke Alarms–Golder Ranch Fire District Whether smoke/fire or carbon monoxide (CO) alarms go off during the day or at 2 AM, the Golder Ranch Fire District (GRFD) is ready to help district residents. Call 911. State that the smoke alarm is sounding and GRFD will respond–there may be a fire. If there is not a fire, the fire detector will be silenced and batteries will be Smoke detector changed. The home smoke/fire and carbon monoxide (CO) alarms are mounted high in homes near the ceiling. Smoke, heat and gas gather near the ceiling and the alarms are there to alert residents rapidly. The alarms are usually hard-wired into the house electrical system, but the alarms still have backup batteries. When GRFD is contacted for an appointment to change smoke detector batteries, try to have the nine-volt replacement batteries available. At a normal smoke/fire detector battery appointment, if ceiling light bulbs need changing also, have the bulbs available and the bulbs can be changed at the same time. The Golder Ranch Fire District information phone is 520818-1017.

Activity Center Renovation Committee Chair Ed Zwerling ACRC@suncityorovalley.com Third Tue., 10 AM, AC/Hohokam Room

The Activity Center Renovation Committee (ACRC) is completing the first phase of investigating what will be required for the remodeled Activity Center. Members of the ACRC have met with SCOV staff and club members to better understand how events and meetings are scheduled and what the capacity limitations are. We will use this information to help determine if we have to reallocate space within the AC. We will soon start interviewing staff and residents to help determine what features and amenities have to be changed to make the AC functionally compatible with our current and future needs. ACRC members will also be visiting other HOAs to see how we compare and what changes need to be made to maintain our competitive advantage for the foreseeable future. If you have any questions or comments, please attend our next meeting (see SCOV calendar for time and place) or contact us at ACRC@suncityorovalley.com.

Aquatic Fitness Center Advisory Chair Stan Shopa First Wed., 11:30 AM, WC1 afc@suncityorovalley.com

Next meeting: October 3. Have a great summer and thank you for allowing us to serve.

Counting Your Steps? Join the Tipster Collation

Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, July 2018


Architectural Review Lorie Puffett 415-902-1133 lpuffett@gmail.com Second and Fourth Tue., 2 PM, WC3

SCOV must comply with the Town of Oro Valley outdoor lighting code. The purpose of the code is to minimize light pollution and protect access to the dark night sky. What does this mean for you? Property owners should minimize the brightness of outdoor lighting and ensure that light bulbs that cause unreasonable glare to neighboring properties are not installed. Some things to consider when planning changes to your outdoor lighting scheme: use shielded lights, aim flood lights that are attached to the side of the house no higher than 45 degrees and turn off unshielded lights between 11 PM and sunrise. The maximum allowable outdoor light output (measured in lumens) will vary depending on the size of your lot. For example, a 7,000 square foot lot is limited to 5,600 total lumens and 640 lumens from unshielded lighting. Refer to Appendix F in the Development Standards.

Community Directory Chair Lisa Collins 812-344-4773 scov.community.directory@gmail.com scovaz.com/members/services/directory/

The paper directory will go to press soon. Check both the online directory and the paper directory to ensure your listing is correct. All changes for the book must be submitted no later than Friday, August 3. To update your information, complete the online form “To change your directory listing…” or fill out an orange card at the Welcome Center. Is your deceased partner still listed? A lot of people like to keep their loved one’s name in the directory, for safety or for sentiment. So, deceased spouses are removed only when the surviving spouse requests it. Only you can decide if it’s time to update your listing. FYI: The publisher controls the Business White and Yellow pages, not us. We can’t fix any errors in those sections.

sonal menus. Many include ingredients which already exist on the current menu, so here is a suggestion: If you don't see the specific item you are hungry for, ask your wait staff for a special order. If not available, your request will give Chef Paul ideas for future specials to test out what others may want, too. Another consideration: If you have gluten-free or other dietary needs, just ask for special preparation. Chef Paul is very experienced in gluten-free meals and says most everything can be prepared for dietary needs, as the kitchen utilizes fresh ingredients whenever possible. It may take a little more time, but if the ingredients are available, every effort will be made to meet your request. With the kitchen remodel, additional refrigeration/freezer space will allow for more products that can be utilized for more than one menu item.

Friends of the Library Lynne Davis lynnedavis100@gmail.com Pat Brown patbrown630@gmail.com

June, reported as the hottest month of the year on average, has come and gone. July is still hot, but the Library is a cool place (in more ways than one) to get away from the intense sun. Friends of the Library are cooling it for the summer month, with no big plans, waiting for fall when activities, such as Author Talks, begin again. Books, audio books and movies await you in the Library for summer afternoons in air conditioning. Come in and enjoy.

Gift Shop Co-Chairs Don Jovag 520-762-6030, Elaine Deeter 520-825-5388 Gift Shop 520-917-8051 Shop hours: Mon.-Sat. 9 AM-12:30 PM suncityorovalley.com/learn/amenities-facilities/gift-shop

The Gift Shop provides a cool atmosphere to find just the right gift or item for your home.

Consumer Referral - Vendor List Susanna Moran vendor@suncityorovalley.com

Here are directions for looking up the Vendor List on the website: Go to scovaz.com > Members > Member Services > Consumer Referral Vendor List > Read More. The Vendor List was formerly the Consumer Referral List. The Vendor List may be viewed at the monitor desk in the Activity Center during business hours. Vendors should email Susanna Moran to inquire about applying to be on our Vendor List.

Finance-Budget Chair Sharon Miller muggins48@comcast.net Fourth Mon., 1 PM, WC3

The committee is not scheduled to meet until September, when we will meet on the fourth Monday of the month rather than the third Monday. Meeting agendas, minutes, monthly financial reports and the Board-approved Association 20182019 annual budget are posted on the SCOV members-only website. Please contact Sharon Miller for more information.

Food and Beverage Advisory Chair Barb McNeill bjmac68@gmail.com Oct.-May, First Fri., 2-3 PM, The Views Terrace The second menu survey provided some great ideas. Some of them will appear on the summer and following sea-


Sun City Vistoso Tipster, Febraury 2011

This month’s featured artists are Bill and Pat Norton. Bill’s works usually start with a piece of raw material, be it oak, red heart juniper, aspen or a kiln dried exotic wood. “I place the piece where I can live with it and look at it every day until it begins to speak to me. I enjoy working the equipment until my mind, heart and hands are happy with what my eyes see.” Pat uses her talents on the looming machine to make baby cocoons, hats and booty sets and ruffle scarves. “It is a new experience for me to be selling my items because I have always been a donator. For this reason, I promised myself that for every cocoon set I sell, I will donate one set to the Seniors for Kids.”

Counting Your Steps? Join the Tipster Collation July 2018, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster


Government Affairs Chair Bob Henderson 520-308-4861 Second Wed., 1 PM, WC1

Oro Valley Town Council Candidate Forum is scheduled for Saturday, August 4, 2 PM, Auditorium. All candidates for mayor and town council have been invited to participate.

Greens Reconstruction Chair Howard Schulz schulz2008@outlook.com See meeting calendar for dates/times

Members of our committee recently traveled to Willowcreek Golf Course in Sun City (Phoenix) to view their greens being reconstructed (which means excavating about 2 feet of dirt and replacing with gravel, sand, dirt and drainage lines). It was interesting to see what happens during construction. This is the fourth 18-hole golf course to be reconstructed, and more are planned. Why is Willowcreek doing this? 1) Greens were built from pushed up dirt and constructed by Del Webb. 2) Greens are at the end of their life cycle (experts forecast 15-30 year life from greens). 3) The subsoil base below the surface does not support grass root development and growth. 4) They want healthy greens going forward. These are exactly the same considerations we have at The Views, with the one exception being we irrigate with reclaimed water, while they have fresh water wells. The SCOV BOD chartered the investigation of the greens reconstruction project to include the following: 1) There will be no assessment if the project is approved. Monies are earmarked in asset reserve. 2) Informational reviews will be held with the community (early in 2019). 3) Voting on the project will be part of the normal March ballot process. 4) Development of detailed costs to understand total scope of project is underway. An architect has been contracted to complete this work. When would the greens be reconstructed? With project approval, it is currently anticipated that construction would occur in 2020.

Loan Room - Community Assistance Chair Gay Russell 520-825-5763 Meeting Third Thu., 3 PM, WC1; Loan Room hours: Tue., Thu., 8-9 AM suncityorovalley.com/members/services/loan-room/ Summer in the Loan Room is a quieter time with many of our residents gone to cooler locations. During this time, we take inventory of our items, looking at their condition and the number. We try to meet the major needs of all our residents but with limited space, some items may be passed on to other groups. We try to keep the chaos to a minimum during our open hours. Please come to the Loan Room or visit the website for items you may need (or just to look around).

Marketing Chair Pete Coy 360-739-4100 petecoy@gmail.com Fourth Mon., 3 PM, WC1

The committee is on summer hiatus until October 22. Those interested in helping to promote and market SCOV, please submit a Committee Member Application form which can be found under Members > Committees on the SCOV website.

Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, July 2018

Neighborhood Pride Chair Tempe Johnson 520-825-6994 Third Tue., 2 PM, WC3 Oh My, It’s July If it hasn’t already, our monsoon season will soon arrive in full force. Add some much-needed rain to our summer heat, and the growth of our foliage takes off. This is a surprise to residents new to this part of the country and an annual reminder to the rest of us that things really do grow here in the desert. Weeds will pop up in the cracks of concrete and where the sidewalk meets the street. It is the homeowner’s responsibility to get rid of those weeds and help keep our community looking nice, even in the middle of summer. Strong winds come with the monsoon and can cause damage. Be a good neighbor and let others know if you see roof damage or branches down from trees. With so many of our residents away, let’s keep an eye out for each other. Please take pride not only in your property, but also those of your neighbors and friends.

Posse Chair Larry Clark 520-404-7664 lclarkscov@gmail.com Meeting First Tue., 3 PM, Desert Oasis scovaz.com/committees/posse/ (must be logged in first)

No Posse Committee meetings in July and August, but our nightly patrols continue. With many of our members gone for the summer, we need your help to continue our regular patrols. Please volunteer. Keep your garage door closed to prevent unwanted visitors this summer.

Properties Chair Rich Oaks richoaks114@gmail.com Third Thu., 9 AM, WC1

The solar systems installed at various SCOV buildings continue to produce electricity, thereby reducing the Association’s utility costs and helping reduce our community’s carbon footprint. The solar systems were installed in 2016 at no cost to the Association. A big advantage is the covered parking spaces the solar arrays provide in our parking lots during these hot, sunny summer days. The Properties Committee works on a variety of tasks like the solar systems. If you are interested in the activities of the Properties Committee, please plan to attend our next meeting on Thursday, July 19, 9 AM, WC1.

Tipster Editorial Co-Chair Lou Phillippi 520-638-6957 lnphillippi@yahoo.com Co-Chair Vicki Ettleman 520-519-9781 vettleman4@gmail.com

Have you taken a photo that might make a great Tipster cover? We would love for you to send it to us for consideration. Photos can be submitted online Login > Member Services > This n That > Photo Release. Cover photos must be large, about 5 MB or more. If you have any questions about cover photos, please contact editor, Marsha Dean, mdean@ suncityorovalley.com. The next Editorial Committee meeting is Monday, July 16, 9 AM, WC1. See our Help Needed notice on page 7.

Join the Posse The Ultimate Neighborhood Watch Keep our neighborhood safe. Call Larry Clark 520-404-7664 9

Golf Advisory Chair Doug Kimble, 520-825-3172 First Wed., 2 PM, WC3

Director of Golf - Rick Price rprice@theviewsgolfclub.com 520-917-8086 As many of you know, the course at The Golf Club at Vistoso closed the first week of June. It’s unfortunate for the community, homeowners and their staff. After years of struggling to balance expenses and revenues, and the golf course being for sale for years with no buyer, it was just a matter of time. However, the state of the golf business is not all doom and gloom for all facilities. The Views Golf Club has had a successful year with increased revenues, more golf rounds and memberships, and we are trending for positive results for next season as well. Because of its proximately to The Views, we expect the closure of Vistoso to be an opportunity for us to pick up more golf pass sales as well as increase rounds. We are actively marketing to that area now. The Views Golf Club, community-owned by SCOV and self-operating, is financially stable. As a semi-private course, we offer seasonal and annual passes to our residents and nonresidents along with daily fee rates which gives us the opportunity to generate multiple sources of income. Our success is built on our relationships created within our community and our ultimate promise: “Golfing experience that provides professional and friendly service, mountain views and excellent conditions.”

Superintendent - Michael Kropf scvgolf@suncityorovalley.com 520-917-8063 July is the traditional beginning of the monsoon season in Southern Arizona. With regard to golf course maintenance, the start of monsoons is bittersweet. The good news is the golf course will start to green up after the harsh dry weather of June due to the increased humidity combined with hot temperatures. However, the monsoons also bring the chance of heavy rain that has the potential of causing serious damage to holes located near washes. Several years ago a thunderstorm generated a large amount of water north of SCOV, but no rain actually fell on the community. The golf course was crowded with many golfers who were unaware of the water running down the washes. Several groups were playing holes number 4 and 5 when the wash began to fill. Two golf carts then tried to cross the wash and got stuck. Luckily nobody was hurt, but it took a couple hours for the water to recede and get the carts off the golf course safely. Please remember, when these washes are running they are as powerful as raging rivers. Don’t drive around the course and attempt to cross these washes when the cart path is either covered with water or sand. At a minimum the golf cart will be stranded until staff is able to rescue the cart. Be aware that during the monsoons the washes can flow whether it is raining nearby or in the distance since we are at the bottom of the hill.

Follow The Views Golf on Twitter: twitter.com/TheViewsGCOV


Sun City Vistoso Tipster, Febraury 2011

The Golf Advisory Committee is in recess for the summer months. We will reconvene Wednesday, September 5. Representatives for the leagues are: 18-Hole Women's, Ruth Bonfiglio; 18- Hole Men's, Jack Breslin; 9-Hole Women's, Louann Convey; 9-Hole Men's, Bob Henderson and alternate, Gary Gibson. Serving as our Vice Chair is Beth Allen. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the golf course, inform your representative who will bring it to the committee for review. A reminder that the summer months are a very busy time for our Superintendent, Mike Kropf, and his crew. They will be working on a variety of projects to improve our course. Please be patient and respect the work they are doing.

The Views 18-Hole Men’s Golf Club Pres. Kevin Devaney Membership David Flatness 425-443-3708 daveflatness@gmail.com Play Wed.

If you moved west because you would rather be hot in the summer than cold in the winter, your wish has been granted. Fortunately, the men's group plays early enough in the morning so we're off the golf course before noon and a number of the scheduled games can go quickly if deliberate play is discouraged. Here are the games: July 4, Better Ball; July 11, 2-Man Scramble; July 18, 2-Man Stableford; and July 25, Stableford. Remember to stay well hydrated during the heat of the day and spread that sun screen where the sun does shine. See you on the links.

Men’s Nine-Hole Golf Club VP Mark Fuller 612-978-9901 Membership David Chatterton 520-204-5636 We play 9 holes Thu. morning

Pass Holder Benefits This month The Views Golf Club Annual Pass Holders special is

Two for 1 Margaritas Not a Pass Holder?

Call the Pro Shop at 825-3110 for details. The Views 18-Hole Women’s Golf Club Pres. Darlene Lamb dslamb48@gmail.com VP and Membership Marty Blakely mblakelymaus@gmail.com

Our league members are scattered all across this great United States. Some are at their home course for the summer enjoying friends and family at destinations from Washington to Maine. I just checked in with Nancy Klucking, Debbie Huffman, Barbara Hall and Debbie Allen, playing The Views today. Our full time residents enjoy year around golf at The Views. They would welcome anyone new this summer, just stop by the Pro Shop or contact Marty Blakely. Golf creates life long friends.


July 2018, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster

The Views 9-Hole Women’s Golf Club Pres. Pattie Horning 248-767-6873 phorning13@gmail.com Membership: Barbara Armes 206-915-2609 or Louann Convey 303-718-7597 Play Thu. morning

The summer continues to see our resident club members playing early on Thursday mornings. If you are new to the area, please join us.

Coming Events

Items included in this section must be open to all residents and be either sponsored by the Association or be an annual club event of interest to the entire community.

Every Friday, 3-7 PM; Saturday, 3-5 PM The Views Restaurant Happy Hour Please join us for happy hour. Enjoy the best in live entertainment 4:30-7 PM during Friday happy hour. Saturday entertainment will resume when remodeling is completed.

Wednesday, July 4, 1 PM

Food & Beverage Director - Aalt Brouwer abrouwer@suncityorovalley.com 520-917-8074

Greetings from The Views Restaurant. At this point we should be coming to a close on our kitchen project and looking forward to opening with a brand new kitchen. The good news is we will have sweet potato fries again. We will also have a modified menu with some of your recommendations on it. Chef and the management team spent a lot of time reading the thousands of recommendations we received from both surveys that were sent out. That being said, if we took everyone’s advice, we would have a menu as big as a Steven King novel. As a management team, we took your suggestions and looked for common themes that work within the constructs of the vision of the restaurant. We want to remain a scratch kitchen, offering fresh home-made ingredients first and foremost. The second thing we look at is cross utilization. It makes no sense to serve an ingredient on only one menu item. This increases the amount of inventory on hand and makes for too many ingredients to be stocked on the line. From there we picked suggestions that we have seen some success with on specials. Over the next few months we will be trying out some new specials on our monthly calendar. The success of these specials will help us in determining what will go on future menus. I hope you all enjoy the new food and revitalized service we have worked so hard for over the last month and a half.

Sun City Vistoso Foundation Dave Scoles 520-825-2085 dave.marsha.az@gmail.com Fourth Thu., 1 PM, Desert Oasis

A slower pace as we enter the monsoon month of July. Let's expect the skies to darken and the rain clouds to roll in and provide needed moisture to our local surroundings. Even with the slower pace, it is always a good time to consider where one can make a charitable contribution to organizations that provide needed services in SCOV and the surrounding areas. The "where" is right here with the Sun City Vistoso Foundation. Contributions can be made at any time during the year. Send your gift to the Sun City Vistoso Foundation, 1565 E. Rancho Vistoso Blvd., Oro Valley, AZ 85755. Our auto pay plan is available at: foundationscov.org. Director contact this month is Nancy Montgomery. Our foundation email is: FoundationSCOV@gmail.com. Have a wonderful July.

Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, July 2018

4th of July Celebration Join us for a free patriotic singalong concert of the Sun City Singers and the Sun City Strummers in the Auditorium.

Friday, July 20, 1 PM New Oro Valley Senior Center Did you know that the Town has a new Senior Center? A speaker will be here in the Auditorium to answer all your questions and tell you about the center.

Tuesday July 24, 1 PM Indoor Movie Enjoy an afternoon in our cool Auditorium watching a free movie. Bring your own snacks and drinks. The movie selected will be announced in This Week in SCOV.

Tuesday, July 31, 10:45 AM Tipster Collation Help collate the inserts into the Tipsters in the Auditorium. It's a great way to get some exercise and meet new people.

Saturday, August 4, 2 PM Town of Oro Valley Mayor and Council Forum Join us in the Auditorium to meet and get to know the candidates running for Oro Valley mayor and town council. All candidates have been invited to participate.

Monday, August 6, 1 PM Tohono Chul Presentation A representative of Tohono Chul Park will give a presentation about this Tucson gem in the Auditorium.

Wednesday, August 15, 1 PM Indoor movie These afternoon movies have been a success and we will continue to bring them to you in the Auditorium at no charge.

Friday, August 17, 1 PM The Importance of Calling 911 Join us in the Auditorium for this informative presentation by Golder Ranch Fire District. This is a free event.


Join the Restaurant Facebook group facebook.com/TheViewsRestaurant


Saturday, August 18, 7 PM Desert Melodies This group, which gives performances all over Tucson, will bring you “The Best of Broadway.” Doors open at 6:30 PM, performance at 7 PM. Cabaret seating, bring your own snacks and drinks.

Tickets, $10 pp, on sale at the Welcome Center Wed., July 18

Friday, September 21, 1 PM Author Betty Webb Scottsdale mystery writer, Betty Webb, author of two prizewinning series, the Lena Jones, and the Gunn Zoo mysteries, will speak and sign copies of her latest books in the Auditorium. There is no charge for the event, however to help plan for attendance you will need to obtain a ticket, available beginning Friday, September 7, in the Library.

Aqua Zumba®: Balance Class: Cardio Chair Aerobics: Core Conditioning: Sunrisers: Sweat Stretch: Water Aerobics: Zumba® :

Parkinson’s Exercise Classes Classes are held Mondays, 4-5:30 PM, WC3. Caregivers are welcome to attend classes. Ray Jerkins 520-219-3561.

For Your Information

Sunday, October 21 Oktoberfest 2018 The Sun City Variety Theatre (SCVT) presents Oktoberfest 2018. Enjoy The Bouncing Czechs Polka Band, authentic German food by Haus of Brats, lively entertainment by SCVT and audience participation song and dance. Mark your calendar for this improved event.

Special Events for Clubs

See club articles for full details. Singles Bowling, every Friday, 1:45 PM, Fiesta Lanes Singles Dinner, Thu., Jul. 12, Social Hour 5:30 PM, Seating 6 PM, Activity Center/Navajo Room Singles Happy Hour, Fri., Jul. 27, 5:30 PM, Seating 6 PM, Activity Center/Navajo Room Sun City Strummers, Wed., Jul. 4, 1 PM, Concert with Sun City Singers, Auditorium, open to all and free Day Trippers, Mon., Jul. 16, 9 AM, Wild Horse Casino Trip. Open to all SCOV residents—not sponsored by Day Trippers Rock and Roll Club, Sat., Jul 21, 6:15 PM, Auditorium, membership meeting and dance Day Trippers, Tue., Aug. 14, Annual BBQ with Bubb's Grub, $18 pp Day Trippers, Sun., Sep. 9, Brunch and Brew, $77 pp Day Trippers, Sun.-Wed., Sep. 16-19, Rainbow Bridge trip, $777 single, $1,144 double ($572 pp)

Workshops and Classes Automatic External Defibrillator (AED) Classes Classes are held the fourth Wednesday of each month, 1:30 PM, WC1. Lonnie Davis teaches these classes. To attend, you must register ahead of time by calling Lonnie 520917-8073. You could save the life of a loved one. The next class will be September 26. Association-Sponsored Fitness Purchase a punch card from the receptionist at the Administration Office in the Welcome Center, $20/10 classes. You may use this card for all SCOV-sponsored fitness classes. It can also be used by your guests. There is $3 drop-in charge if you do not have a punch card.


Sun City Vistoso Tipster, Febraury 2011

Tue., 1-2 PM, AFC Pool Mon., 10:30-11:30 AM, AFC Tue., Thu., 10:30-11:30 AM, Sat., 9-10 AM, Catalina Vista Mon., 5-6 PM, Wed., 3-4 PM, AFC Mon., Wed., Fri., 7-8 AM, AFC Tue., Thu., 7:30-9 AM, AFC Mon., Wed., Fri., 9-10 AM, AFC Pool Tue., 9:15-10:10 AM, Thu., 5:30-6:30 PM, AFC

The items under this heading are provided as a service to residents. SCOV assumes no responsibility or liability for the information contained therein. AARP Tax Assistance AARP tax aides will be available at the AARP Information Center, 6700 N. Oracle Road, Suite 331, the second and fourth Thursdays of each month through October 11. Assistance is provided by appointment only between 9 AM and 12:30 PM. Call 520-571-9884 to schedule an appointment. Costume Closet The Costume Closet is in the Loan Room at the Cart Barn. Costume checkout and returns are by appointment only. Call Marty Siracusa 520-825-6961 or Betty Verderese 520-8257811 to schedule appointments. Cash donations are always welcome.

Thank You Corner This section allows residents to express thanks to the community. Articles should not exceed 50 words and should not contain thanks to specific persons. Thank you to all our friends and neighbors in this amazing community who provided much needed emotional support, cards and food during Mike’s illness and passing. I feel truly blessed living in this wonderful and caring community. Connie Kulick

Memoriam Catherine Geisler Yvonne H. Yare Mary Jane Budreck Lowell Grasdalen

Residents 1 1 1 1

April 1 May 22 May 24 June 13


July 2018, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster

Clubs Arts, Crafts & Hobbies Art League Co-Pres. Caryl Thornton 520-638-7024, Judy Bjorling 520-818-1296 Bark Carving Ted Rydzewski 520-825-8624 Tue., 1-4 PM, Thu., 9 AM-Noon Artisan Center/Lapidary Clay Pres. Renee Ford 203-733-4447 neeford46@gmail.com Sep.-May, First Thu., General Meeting, 1 PM, Artisan Center/Pottery Orientation as needed Glaze mentoring Third Thu., 1-3 PM; Studio cleaning last Wed., 1 PM July heat brings more and different activity to the Clay Club. Some members are more active in the hot weather, seeking out the coolness of the studio and the quieter nature of the season. Orientations are offered as necessary and are not on a fixed schedule. Studio maintenance remains in effect on the last Wednesday of the month and is still a good excuse for social interaction and sharing a drink and snacks. Those of us off to other places wish you all a great summer and look forward to Barb Peterson and her latest totem rejoining you soon.


Colored Pencil Jan Thomas 520-591-1275, Carol Fouch 817-751-8154 Fri., 9 AM-Noon, Catalina Vista/Art Studio

Are you fascinated with changes in colors and patterns? Do you like details? Colored Pencil may be just the club for you. It is an easy, forgiving medium but does require patience. Basic drawing skills are helpful, especially if you want to venture into scratchboard, which some in our group enjoy. We have many resources to help get you started and helpful advice for beginners. Come join us.

Bette McGrath working on a scratchboard picture of her dog.

Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, July 2018

Fine Arts Studio Co-Pres. April Hoffman 520-329-8443, Phyllis Cutcher 520-825-2489 Wed., 9 AM, Catalina Vista/Art Studio

The summer weather reads "hot and dry" but it's nice and cool in our art studio. The summer stalwarts are relentless in their objective to achieve a superb painting. We invite all residents to come down and join us for some art chatter, painting and a good cup of coffee. Have a fine summer.

Gourd Art Kaaren Drent 520-818-2343 Kaarendrent@yahoo.com Mon., 1 PM, and Fri., 9 AM, Lapidary Room

Gourd artists will not be meeting on Monday afternoons throughout the summer. The Lapidary Room will be closed on Friday mornings the month of July and will reopen Friday, August 3.

Japanese Flower Arranging Donald Marier 520-825-4878 dolmar21@gmail.com Nov.-May, Second and Fourth Mon., 2-4 PM, Catalina Vista/Pusch Ridge

Japanese flower arranging (Ikebana) is the art of arranging flowers, branch materials, grasses and leaves. At its core is the beauty resulting from a combination of color, shapes and graceful lines. More than simple floral decoration, it is a form of sculpture with plant materials. Learn from certified instructors at your own pace, and make creative arrangements for your home.

Knit and Crochet Sigrid Flatness 425-213-6689 sigridkf@gmail.com Wed., 2-4 PM, Catalina Vista, Mt. Kimball Room

Knit and Crochet is off to a great start. Even though it's summer and many residents are off to cooler climates, several of us are enjoying the cool environs of Catalina Vista on Wednesday afternoons. We've enjoyed getting acquainted with one another and sharing our projects. Please join us if you are a long time knitter, crocheter or stitcher of any kind. The more the merrier.

Modelers Pres. Fred Faust 520-907-3469 fjfaust1030@gmail.com Second Fri., 8 AM, Catalina Vista/Pusch Ridge scovaz.com/clubs/modelers

Club member Dave Scoles made an illustrated presentation about Aviation Day which is celebrated each year on August 19. This day is in honor of the Wright Brothers first controlled flight at Kitty Hawk, NC, in 1903. That day highlights the history that developed quickly from the first 12-second flight of 120 feet to 24 Dave Scoles photo by Tom Prall. miles in 39 minutes just three years later. Dave's remarks covered the development of navigation aids from beacons to radio to radar to GPS; aircraft design from biplanes, to the 1927 tri-motor, to the DC-3s, Stratocruiser and the newest 787 Dreamliner. World War II brought many developments including radar and jet engines. He concluded with an interesting account of his experiences flying C-130s in Vietnam.


All SCOV residents are welcome at our monthly meetings and the use of the Modelers Room. On any day, if the lights are on and someone is in the Modelers Room, stop in. At our meetings, you will see what we are about and you may enjoy a cup of coffee and a sweet roll. From time to time we schedule field trips of interest to modelers.

Open Studio Artists Pres. Carol Nagel 520-825-3097 Thu., 9 AM-2 PM, Catalina Vista/Art Studio

While you are away this summer be thinking about the two upcoming theme shows. October will be "Foreign Lands" and December will be "Through a Window."

Vistoso Photo Pres. Gerda Timm 403-251-5981 gerdatimm@hotmail.com Jun.-Aug., no meeting Sep.-May, Second and Fourth Wed., 6 PM, Catalina Vista vistosophotoclub.weebly.com

Pam Maddern has been a club member for three years, VP for two years, and this fall is taking on the position of Competition Chair. Originally from Ohio, Pam got interested in photography through her mom who was always taking pictures and bought Pam her first 35mm camera. To Pam, photos are treasures of everything happening in her life. Once she started travelling, the photos became a travelogue of her experiences. Mostly selfPam Maddern with the Sal Ficalora Award. taught, she’s happy to be Photo by Laura Hackenbrock. able to share her photos with like-minded people. At awards night, Pam was presented with the Sal Ficalora Award for Excellence in Photography. This award is given annually to a member with “significant participation and placing in club competitions, involvement in programs and activities, and a willingness to work for the betterment and growth of the Vistoso Photo Club.” Way to go, Pam. Club meetings resume in September.

Sculpture Pres. Laurie Lichaa 520-812-0198 Mon., 9 AM-5 PM, Catalina Vista/Art Studio

The summer sculpture group may be diminished but the enthusiasm to create still persists. Our group is very active in our cool studio, so come on over to Catalina Vista to learn to sculpt with clay and take advantage of our resident experts, most of whom are here for the summer.

Sewing Thimblelenas


Penny Burroughs 530-545-2642, Pam Miller 719-244-1396 Mon.-Fri., 9 AM-Noon and 1-4 PM; Sat., 9 AM-Noon Artisan Center/Sewing

Sun City Vistoso Tipster, Febraury 2011

Casa Amigas

Sigrid Flatness 425-213-6689 Mon. and Thu., 9 AM-Noon, Artisan Center/Sewing Even though it's summer and hot, hot, hot outside, we are still sewing and quilting in the nice, cool sewing room. It's also quieter. Those of us still here are working on finishing up cooler girls capri pants and cutting out fleece vests and flannel sleep pants for winter. The summer quilters are finishing current projects and planning new ones. Soon it will be time to plan for the fall when others return.

We mourn the passing of original member of Casa Amigas, Mary Jane Budreck.

Cheer Bears

Pat Norton 480-993-8762 panpan9803@yahoo.com Wed., 1-3 PM, Artisan Center/Sewing

We are shutting down now as the seasonal residents are returning to their homes in the other parts of the world. Starting in October, we will be gathering in full force again and hope to see everyone together. Safe journeys and bless you all for the works that you do. Remember, you can join our friendly group on Wednesday afternoons, 1-3 PM. All help is welcome, as we do cutting, embroidering, sewing, clipping, stuffing and hand sewing. Everyone can find a place and share friendship with happy people. Machine Embroidery

Sharon Larsen 520-818-2791 SharLarsen@gmail.com Training Coordinator Karin Frohlich 520-612-7379 4D Computer Training Debra Dirks 520-825-2248 facebook.com/groups/SCOVMachineEmb/ Third Tue., 1:30 PM, Desert Oasis/Ocotillo

New day. New location. We are meeting in the summer, but now will be at the Desert Oasis on the third Tuesday of the month. This month's meeting will be Tuesday, July 17. Every month we see new things and get more embroidery ideas, from free standing butterflies, to embroidered quilt blocks. We always have wonderful things to share. Quilt block embroidered by Regina Call Karen Frohlich for instructions on the Brother Bechard. 6-needle embroidery machine. Instructions are available to any Thimblelenas member. Save the new meeting date and come on over to join us. Feel free to bring a friend with you. Refreshments will be served.


Join our Facebook group Sun City Oro Valley


July 2018, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster

Pet Beds

Jan Bohe 520-825-9725 Tue., 1-3 PM, Artisan Center/Sewing

A bunch of us took the tour of the new building of the Humane Society in May. What an improvement over the old building. We enjoyed our tour guide, Adam, who was very informative. Everyone at the Humane Society is always grateful for the pet beds we make. If you would like to join us on Tuesday afternoons all through the summer, we meet from 1-3 PM. We supply the fabric, poly fiberfill and scissors to make those fluffy beds for dogs and cats. Why not join us? Quilters

Carol Guibert 520-404-1462 Second and Fourth Tue., 1 PM, Desert Oasis/Ocotillo

Enjoy your summer. Visit lots of quilt shops and start/finish lots of projects. See you all in September. Seniors for Kids

Jean Sax 651-436-4243 Sewing/Crafting for SFK, Mon., 1-3 PM, Wed., 9 AM-Noon, Artisan Center/Sewing Toy Woodworking, various times, Artisan Center/Wood Shop No meetings May-Sep.

Stained/Fused Glass Jo Anne Bowman 501-282-4454 or 520-441-9229 Juliet Williams 623-565-0153 Fusing: Tue. and Thu., 9-11 AM, Artisan Center/Stained Glass Stained: Wed. and Fri., 9 AM-Noon Open Studio, any time Tue.-Sun., Artisan Center/Stained Glass

Monsoon season is upon us and it just keeps heating up. There is no better time to make use of our cool studio and do those projects that you know you want to try. Since some members are traveling, there is more room to spread out. There have been some amazing items made here and if you can see it in your mind's eye, it can be done in glass. I am sure that all our friends and families have a wind chime or a set of coasters. Something made is a treasured gift. Thank you to all our volunteers for all the work they do in keeping the supplies up and the studio clean.

Water Media Co-Pres. Marlene Peradotto 716-390-2982, Darlene Charbonneau 763-442-2092 Tue., 9 AM-4 PM, Catalina Vista/Art Studio

As the calendar changes each month so new colors appear around us to enjoy and describe with water media. Change your color selections to new combinations to reflect the season. The art room has many books and videos to encourage your creativity. Keep the brushes busy, wherever you are.

Tapestry Rug Hooking

Ann Feeney 520-818-0340 annmfeeney1@yahoo.com Tue., 9 AM-Noon, Artisan Center/Sewing

Our members use many different rug-hooking techniques. We enjoy each other’s company while watching our projects come to life. Stop by and check us out. We welcome new members and are happy to work with anyone who would like to start hooking.

Show ‘N Share Vicki Frakes 859-801-0525 Fri., 9 AM-Noon, Catalina Vista/Mt. Lemmon

We meet year-round and always welcome new members. Members work on portable crafts such as coloring, crocheting, knitting, mixed media, needlework (embroidery, cross stitch, etc.) and paper crafts (cards, scrapbooks, etc.). We show our creations and share our ideas. No dues.

Silversmith and Lapidary Pres. Tom Moore 503-510-2251 65tmor@gmail.com Shop Summer Hours: Mon.-Fri., 9 AM-Noon Next meeting Oct. 1, 3:30 PM, Artisan Center/Silversmith Studio

We hope our members are having a safe and enjoyable summer. The studio is fairly quiet, but productive, with good participation by the regular crew and new members. We continue to make small improvements in both the silversmith and lapidary studios, including machinery and hand tools. The new 14" saw (for soft stones only, please) is set up and in use, giving thin, smooth cuts. Come by and practice your artistry.

Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, July 2018

Members watching a video. Woodworking Pres. Bill Norton 480-993-8762, VP Karen Curry 708-822-3057 Secretary Colin Kaltenbach 520-444-8214 Membership Robert Watson 520-789-7060 scovwoodworkingclub.com Next meeting Wed., Sep 19, 1:30 PM, Desert Oasis Our wood shop continues to be open Monday through Friday 9 AM til 4 PM. Monitors continue doing a great job volunteering to keep the shop open. Come join us. A great way to cool off and work on hot summer days. We have a lot of positive comments in the wood shop. Great communication, a place to learn and teach others. A fun place to be. Keeps the mind active. We also welcome crafts to be made for Seniors for Kids. See you there.


Harris' Antelope Squirrel by Sheryl Hester


Continuing Education

SCOV Book Club Pres. Sandie Roberts 847-525-9239 VP Glenda Tonkin 520-207-4802 Communications: Cynthia Kartman 414-732-3063 kartmania1@me.com First Mon., 1:30 PM, Catalina Vista/Mt. Kimball

Astronomy Pres. Ron Collins 812-344-4772 scovastronomy@gmail.com Oct.-May, Third Thu., 7 PM, Activity Center/Navajo Please note: As of the July meeting, we will meet in the scovastronomy.com Catalina Vista/Mt. Kimball Room. Look up...there's a lot to see in the summer skies of Tucson. The highlight this month is July 27 when Mars is closest to earth and very brilliant. Mars will be at its brightest since 2003, even brighter than Jupiter. Saturn was on the opposite side of the earth from the sun on June 27 but will still be illuminating its rings and moons as its face will be fully illuminated by the sun early this month. The club received thank you notes from the 5th graders at Coronado School in Catalina. CORONADO The Astronomy Club gives 5TH GRADERS every fifth grade student a SAY Meade telescope which they fund from Arizona tax credits THANK YOU!! Club members teach them not only how to use the tele- ASTRONOMY CLUB scopes but lessons in astronomy and science. This program has been going for nearly ten years.

Bible Men’s Bible Study

Jerry Anderson 520-638-6586, Rick Thomas 520-591-0475 Oct.-May, Tue., 7:30 AM, Catalina Vista/Mt. Kimball We are in summer recess from the weekly Bible studies, but those who are hardy enough to stay here year-round will continue meeting each Tuesday morning at 8 AM in The Views for breakfast. Please join us for good food and great fellowship. Our regular study will commence Tuesday, October 9, 7:30 AM, Catalina Vista. Have a great summer. Precept Women’s Bible Study

Pres. Linda Miller, 520-818-2716 Faith Heitmann, 208-750-5886 Oct.-Apr., Wed., 9 AM, WC3

Our first study will be facilitated by Delores Lovitt, starting October 3 through December 19. In this study we will be exploring people in the Bible on how they learned to trust God as a covenant partner. Our second study starts January 9. We'd love to have you come and join us.

Great Books Pres. Barbara Gates 520-825-7645 V.P. Connie Armstrong 520-544-7723 connieachuckg@aol.com Oct.-May, First and Third Wed., 2 PM, Catalina Vista/Mt. Lemmon

In our club we read and discuss selections of thoughtprovoking works of literature presented in anthologies by the Great Books Foundation. We offer great conversations about great ideas. We will resume meeting in October. Our next book will be Happiness and Discontent, an international collection of literature, philosophy and poetry specially selected for book discussion by The Great Books Foundation. Readings include such authors as Aristotle, Emily Dickinson and Reynolds Price. Hopefully, the readings will challenge your assumptions and spark debate. The book can be purchased from the Great Books Foundation or from Amazon.


Sun City Vistoso Tipster, Febraury 2011

In July, we will discuss one of the great classic books of the 20th century, Cry the Beloved Country, by Alan Paton. Set in South Africa in the mid-1940s, the book examines themes of fear, racism, tribalism and equality that continue to resonate across the globe. Our August selection is the devastating 2016 memoir When Breath Becomes Air by Paul Kalanithi. In May 2013, age 35 and in his last year as a resident in neurosurgery at Stanford, Kalanithi received a diagnosis of Stage IV lung cancer. He died in 2015. This book is his recollections of his experience as he went from doctor to patient, and from living to dying.

Computer - Vistoso Computer Society (VCS) Membership David Johnson 520-825-6994 Pres. Leo Belardinelli 520-989-9314 General Meetings, Nov.-Mar., Second Mon., 1 PM, Auditorium scovcomputer.com

General meetings and classes will resume in October. Summer help sessions will be held the fourth Tuesday: July 24, August 28 and September 25. To schedule an appointment, call the club’s help desk at 520-329-7661. Membership is required for all classes, help sessions, assistance from other computer club members and use of the ListServ, an online bulletin board. Dues are $10/household. Consult the club’s website for additional information and an application form. Forms are also available outside the Computer Learning Center. Deposit used toner and ink cartridges in the basket provided outside the Learning Center for recycling.

Genealogy Pres. Andrea Houston ahoust2@lsu.edu Monitor Training Joan Allen Mentoring Holly Gibson 303-548-1299 ghgibson@live.com General Meetings Oct.-May, Second Tue., 1 PM, Activity Center/Navajo scvgs.org

Are you heading out to an area where your great grandfather lived? Is a cemetery nearby? Don’t forget to snap some pictures of the cemetery entrance, gravestone closeup as well as the surrounding area. Be sure the GPS button of your smart phone is turned on. While there, take a few pictures of other graves. Then add the pictures to FindAGrave. com and/or BillionGraves.com. It’s an exciting way to share your findings from your genealogy hunt on these websites with other genealogists around the world who are searching for relatives.

ILR - Institute of Learning in Retirement Pres. Jane Myerson jmyerson@gmail.com Curriculum Randy Myerson rcmyerson@gmail.com Registration Karen/Sherwin Koopmans skkoops@gmail.com Samplers Sally Evert sallyevert@gmail.com suncityilr.com


July 2018, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster

Natural Health and Wellness Sherokee Ilse 520-818-3279 sherokeeilse@yahoo.com Third Wed. 3-4:30 PM, Catalina Vista, Mt. Kimball/Pusch Ridge Scovnaturalwellness.com Poets Corner Sharyn Rafieyan 520-825-6762 srafieyan@comcast.net or Esther Berlot, 520-818-6463 No meetings in July and August

Although Poets Corner meetings have been cancelled for July and August, no one need take a vacation from writing. Member Jim Pavlakis revels in testing the limits of creative expression. His efforts often provide not only enjoyment but inspiration. Here are some exciting lines from “A Well Spent Dollar and Ten Cents” including the introductory explanation: “I went beyond the pale / to an imagery yard sale / and bought all these / metaphors and similes: a political chameleon / more lies than a Trump minute / sadder than a barren rabbit / danced like a hooked fish / busier than a beaver’s dentist / transparent as a red carpet dress / snatched like a hawk’s lunch / scarier than a bedroom cobra / sillier than a chocolate lamb chop” Everyone is encouraged to come up with some clever comparisons such as these wonderful examples or fill those sometimes scary blank pages with whatever might enter your mind. Summer times should be happy times—enjoy.

Dining - Prepare & Share Pres. Alan Bancroft 520-907-4121 alanroxieb@msn.com VP Colin Kaltenbach kltnbch@yahoo.com Treas. June Rector 520-818-9228 junerec@hotmail.com Dog Club - Fido’s Friends Pres. Lynne Wohner Lwohner@msn.com Membership/Treas. Marj Young 360-913-8062 Nov., Jan. and Mar., Third Thu., 1 PM, Activity Center/Hopi

Fido’s Friends is the club that operates the SCOV Dog Park, located on Del Webb Blvd., and you must be a club member to use the park. New members are always welcome. Dues are just $10 per calendar year, and there is a one-time $10 key fee. Call our membership chair Marj Young, for more information and become part of the dog community. During our three meetings each year, we discuss issues of importance for the protection and well-being of our dogs, come join us.

Different Drummers Women’s Circle Zona Boss 520-638-6644, Colleen Cottrell 520-825-8393 Wed., 1:30-3 PM, Catalina Vista/Mt. Lemmon

Cultural & Social Barbershop VLQ (Very Large Quartet) Kactus Krooners Mike Moyer 520-818-6509 mmoyerpp@gmail.com Oct.-May, Mon., 10:30 AM-Noon, Desert Oasis

This fun, mixed, a cappella barbershop chorus has been taking a rest during the summer months but will be starting up again in late October or early November. Watch the October Tipster for details. Meanwhile, get together with some friends and just keep singing. And put Monday mornings at 10:30 AM on your calendars starting again in the fall.

Democratic Club Pres. Laura Dore 520-338-1016 lucylb53@comcast.net Second Sat., 1 PM, Activity Center/Navajo scovdemocraticclub.wix.com/scov-democratic-club

We will meet Saturday, July 14, at 1 PM. Check facebook.com/ SCOVDC/ or our website above for updates regarding speakers and programs. Nonperishable food items or monetary do- Candidates line up to speak to the crowd of over nations for Impact of 100 Democrats at the May 5 picnic. Southern Arizona will be collected at every meeting. We welcome anyone to our meetings. Come check us out.

Counting Your Steps? Join the Tipster Collation Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, July 2018

Please note, we now meet at Catalina Vista, 1:30-3 PM. The Different Drummers Women's Circle provides a community drum circle. Drums and instruments are provided for guests. Join us to drum, laugh and meet new friends.

Garden Club Pres. Wendy Hughes 503-703-9563 whughes851@hotmail.com VP, Barbara Marshall 520-825-0618 barbie4roses@yahoo.com Oct.-Apr., Second Tue., 12:30 PM, Auditorium www.facebook.com/SCOVGardenClub/

The Garden Club announces the new board for the 20182019 season: Pres., Wendy Hughes; VP, Barbara Marshall; Sec., Lisa Schulz; Treas., Jim Kousbaugh and Member-atLarge, Linda Bretz. The board is meeting over the summer to plan more great speakers and tours for the upcoming season. Judee Wickersham will be hosting a Holiday Ornaments Workshop during the summer months, TBA. For those of you who have not renewed your club membership or would like to join, dues are $5 pp and $8/cpl. Contact Florence Duckett delflojs@q.com or 520-825-1994. Meetings will resume in October. Have a great summer.

Havurah Co-Pres. Jane Holder/Don Holbrook 520-820-0171 Corres. Sec. Liz Kinslinger 520-544-7532

Saturday, August 4, will be our annual movie night. Come to the Navajo and Hohokam Rooms to enjoy The Frisco Kid. Tickets will be sold for $3 at the door starting at 6 PM, and munchies will be served before and after the movie. RSVP to Corinne Kulick, 520-825-7673 or coriku@aol.com by July 31. Note that our time for bocce has been changed to Tuesdays, 7-9 PM. Send your check for $15 pp to Gary Henson.


Early Music Recorder Ensemble Joyce Minks 520-825-0642 minkster42@comcast.net Tue., 12:30 PM, Catalina Vista/Pusch Ridge

Have a recorder (the musical instrument)? Want to learn or improve your skills? Would you like to play in a group? Soprano, alto, tenor and bass recorders are welcome. Enjoy the harmonies of an ensemble. Music is provided. Just one hour every week. SCOV visitors welcome.

Republican Club Merritt McGlothlin 520-572-7853 merrittm@nationwide.net Third Tue., 3 PM, Activity Center

The July meeting of SCOV Republican Club will be Tuesday, July 17, 3 PM, Auditorium. We will have various speakers and candidates regarding current issues of local, state and national interest. Time permitting, we will have open discussion regarding, but not limited to, current issues including gun control, healthcare, immigration, education, etc. This being an election year please check the email “This Week In Sun City” sent every Thursday by Mark Wade. That email will usually indicate the speakers that will be attending our meetings. Plan to attend and if possible bring a neighbor or guest. See you all this July. Meeting is open to anyone.

St. Phillip’s Social Club Abby Marier 520-825-4878 absma@comcast.net We meet three times a season for social gatherings, various locations, dates and times, as announced in the Tipster.

Sun City Singers Pres. Bob Westendorf 619-571-1040 rewestendorf@live.com Director Don Hess 520-444-2206 Rehearsals Tue., 6:30-8:30 PM, Auditorium

The Sun City Singers and Ukulele Club will be performing a free Patriotic Sing-A-Long July 4, 1 PM, Auditorium. This Association-sponsored, open seating program will feature your favorite patriotic songs. After this performance, the singers will be on summer vacation, resuming rehearsals Tuesday, September 18. Everyone is welcome to join. There are no auditions, just a love of music and the joy of singing.

Sun City Singles Pres., Nancy O’Hara 847-207-7115, Ticket Sales, Joyce Melchi 520-825-8945 Dinner meeting second Thu., happy hour last Fri.

Bianchi's Italian, North, will serve dinner, Thursday, July 12, Activity Center/Navajo Room. Social hour 5:30 PM, seating 6 PM. Menu: green salad, beef lasagna, garlic bread and tiramisu for dessert. Entertainment: Arizona Banjo Blasters. Singles bowling: every Friday, 1:45 PM, Fiesta Lanes. Singles golf: Suspended for summer months and will resume in October. Happy Hour: Friday, July 27, Activity Center/Navajo Room, Social Hour 5:30 PM. Entertainment: Speaker from Biosphere.

Ticket sales: Thu., Jul. 5, 10 AM-Noon,and Fri., Jul. 6, 1-2 PM, Activity Center Lounge Dinner tickets $20 pp, happy hour appetizers $10 pp Checks only please, payable to SCOV Singles


Sun City Vistoso Tipster, Febraury 2011

Spanish Cultural Club (SCC) Gary/Carolyn Lerch 520-818-3319 gclerch@comcast.net Oct., Nov., Jan.-Mar., Apr. (Cinco de Mayo Fiesta) Fourth Mon., 7 PM, Catalina Vista

Plan to join us in the fall for our first meeting on Monday, October 22, for a celebration and pictures of the Divine Nine in San Miguel de Allende for Day of the Dead.

States New England Club

Claude Janus 802-249-0386 ahj0523@aol.com

The New England Club met for their annual summer picnic on May 18 at the Desert Oasis. The group enjoyed good food and wine, and great conversation and camaraderie. Looking forward to seeing all New Englanders at our next social in 2019.

Sun City Variety Theatre Membership Nancy Gilbertson nanmgil@hotmail.com Third Thu., 10 AM, Desert Oasis scovtheatre.com

Our 2018-2019 season promises more entertainment for our SCOV neighbors and friends. Mark your calendar for Sunday, October 21, for another Oktoberfest. The spring will bring another variety show for your entertainment. Enjoy your summer. The theatre is dark until September.

Ukulele - Sun City Strummers Sharon Heaps ukuleleclubofsuncity@gmail.com Tue., 10-11:30 AM, Desert Oasis/Ocotillo, class led by Don Bong scovaz.com/clubs/ukulele Your Ukulele Club is a diverse group of musicians that play a variety of ukuleles. The baritone uke in the photo is tuned to the first four strings of a guitar (D - G - B - E). The other principal instruments are tuned on the chromatic scale to The types of ukes we play. G - C - E - A. Some musicians tune to a low G while others use a a high G tuning – both are a personal preference for the sound they wish to project. These differential tunings allow us to have dynamic and rich sound as no tuning dominates. It’s difficult to differentiate these chromatic tones when we play as an ensemble but they are what make us a cohesive group and eager to please both ourselves and the entire SCOV community. Come support us in our concerts as they are not designed for us but for you. Garage Doors If you have a new garage door, remember it must be painted either the main body color or one of the trim colors of your house.


July 2018, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster

SCOV Women’s Auxiliary Pres. Kathy Hrdy 520-825-4723 Finance Marie Gagnon 520-825-2354 Publicity/Sec. Debbie Francis 402-216-4227 Donations Judy Hood 520-818-2281 Sep.-Apr., Second Tue., 9 AM, WC3

Our Auxiliary benefits Emerge! Center Against Domestic Abuse which helps victims of domestic abuse. Emerge! provides support and transitional housing to women and children in crisis. They help educate the community by providing presentations on domestic abuse, as well as counseling to child survivors on handling conflict, trauma and abuse. Donations needed: • Gift cards: Fry’s, Safeway, Walmart, Target, Walgreen’s, Home Depot, etc. • Paper plates, paper bowls, cups and plastic utensils • New pillow cases and twin through queen size sheet sets • New bath towels • New hair brushes, conditioner, deodorant, body wash, razors, feminine hygiene items • Cash donations In the Activity Center on Wednesday, July 18, 9-10:30 AM, we will be collecting donations for our fall Accessories Boutique & Luncheon. Please drop off your gently-used jewelry, purses, shoes, designer jackets and scarves. Our next meeting will be Tuesday, September 11, 9 AM, WC3.


Ballroom - SC Starlight Dance Club Marsha Scoles 520-825-2085 dave.marsha.az@gmail.com Nancy Sopwith 208-724-5881 nanandleebus@cableone.net

Summer is here, it is hot, but dancing is still fun. Plan an evening get together with other couples. Try Artful Space, Friday/Saturday nights, 7-10 PM, on Rancho Vistoso, next to the Asian Grains Restaurant and Walgreens or try Mystic Ballroom, 8035 N. Oracle before Magee on right side, every Friday, 7-10 PM, with dance lesson first hour, $10 pp. Starlight dancing will resume October 19 with Harvest Ball in the Auditorium. We are going to announce the results of the questionnaire at our Harvest Ball in October. All are welcome to join us: $5 pp for residents and $10 pp for nonresidents. Contact Marsha or Nancy for more information.

Folk Dance Club of SCOV Summer Coordinator Don Teiser 520-333-2525 Donteiser@gmail.com Fri., 10-11:30 AM, AFC/Studio 2 Folk dancing is more fun than a treadmill and excellent exercise for balance, mindfulness, muscle and mood. For most dances we hold hands in a circle performing nongymnastic steps Vesela, Croatian folk dance, lead by Don Teiser. to the sometimes strange but fascinating music and rhythms of diverse cultures (including our own). Neither partner nor prior experience needed. Typical dance session consists of 12-15 mostly easy folk dances always preceded by instructions. Drop by to see if this internationally popular dance form is right for you and/or see us in action by doing a Google search on FDCSCOV YouTube.

Jazz & More! Glory Lamb 805-698-3887 dancingextra@gmail.com First Thu., May, Jun., Jul., Aug., 1:30-3 PM, Dance Studio Got the summer crazies? Why not get out and learn some cool Fosse dance moves in our first Thursday summer dance class. We'll be stretching at the barre and learning some new moves to "Steam Heat," in addition to working with blues and latin rhythms. Our next class will be Thursday, July 5, 1:30-2:30 PM, air-conditioned AFC Dance Studio.

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This Week in SCOV?

Go to the scovaz.com, News & Info, E-news Sign Up and complete the form. Then you’ll be in the know about all the happenings in SCOV.

We need your aluminum cans! Put your empty aluminum cans to work for SCOV. Deposit only empty, rinsed aluminum cans in the box outside the Activity Center kitchen door.

Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, July 2018

The Community Assistance Committee uses the funds from recycling to purchase items for the Loan Room. 19

Line - Sunliners Pres. Siva Raven 505-469-7505 sivaraven@gmail.com Membership Karen Caldwell bella22643@gmail.com scsunliners@gmail.com; website scovsunliners.wixsite.com/sunliners

Classes: Our Saturday classes, Intermediate (9-10 AM) and Beginner (10:15-11:15 AM), with professional instructor Deanna Berthiaume will resume July 7. All professional classes are prepaid on a monthly basis. The cost is $20-$25 pp, depending on the number of Saturdays. They are held in the Auditorium. Join us. We are a fun, energetic, co-ed group. Social: Our next social will be held Saturday, August 11, 5:30-9 PM, Auditorium. Socials are typically held the second Saturday in February, April, June, August, October and December (holiday event). Fun Friday dance: Our next Fun Friday dance will be held July 6, 6:30-8:30 PM, Auditorium. Membership in the club is $10 per year, required for all activities. Monday – Dance Studio 7-8 PM - Beginner - Barbara Hall and Lynne Nelson Wednesday – Dance Studio 2-3 PM - Open Floor (July 11,18 and 25) Transition to Intermediate class with Margaret Whitson will resume October 10 3-4 PM - Beginner - Lynne Nelson Thursday – Auditorium July 5 3-4 PM - Intermediate - Karen Caldwell and Cherry Harper July 5 4-5 PM - Beginner - Karen Caldwell and Cherry Harper 3-5 PM - Open Floor (July 12, 19, 26) Check for any additional changes in the calendar section of our website.

Rock ‘N Roll Pres. Francine Saccio 520-825-6526 scovrandrclub@gmail.com Membership Chair Nate Norris scovrandrclub@gmail.com

Once again we bring relief from the dog days of summer with our July 21 dance, "Born in the USA," with music by the band Roadhouse. Preceding our dance, we will have a membership meeting Roadhouse photo by Mark Wheeler. starting at 6:45 PM, when the membership will vote for new club officers for vice president and social chair. A ballot has been sent via email so part-time members can cast their votes prior to the July dance. The dance is BYOB and snacks, if you wish. Dessert will be catered. Doors open at 6:15 PM and the music will start at 7 PM. Rock On.

Western - Kactus Kickers Pres. Alan Walker 509-430-6343 Membership Ellen LeVee 509-438-4284 email: kkscov@gmail.com

Happy Independence Day from the Kactus Kickers. For those of you spending the summer in SCOV, enjoy the monsoons. Please take pictures for those of us not lucky enough to be spending the summer with you. We hope our seasonal residents are enjoying time at their other home with friends and family. Last month we shared a couple of articles about how dancing can help your brain. This month we’re suggesting you ask Google, Siri, or Alexa to find information on “how dancing makes you happy” to explain how more endorphins (those magical chemicals released into your blood during exercise that supposedly make you think it is fun) are released with dancing than other forms of exercise. Keep dancing to stay happy and healthy until we meet again in the fall.

Exercise Aqua Tone Marcia Polley 520-818-9073 t.polley@comcast.net Irmel Wheeler 520-334-0957 irmel5596@gmail.com Tue., Thu., Sat., 8 AM, AFC/Pool

Aquatone is a toning water workout that incorporates a variety of rhythmic body movements performed in the water. This aquatic exercise class enhances cardiovascular fitness and muscular endurance. We meet Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, 9 AM in the winter, 8 AM in the summer at the AFC pool. There is no fee to join the club or the class. The teachers are club member volunteers. Being able to do a basic swim stroke is very helpful. Items used in the class are buoys, board, noodle, ball and fitness band. Most are available at the pool. A band can be purchased from Marcia for $5. We assign an experienced member to a newcomer to help with learning the various movements. You will get a good workout in a fun class.

Arthritis Water Pres. Susan Landwer 520-834-9667 Sec. Jane Myerson jmyerson@gmail.com Instructor: Dawn Simske, Arthritis Foundation trained Mon., Wed., Fri., 10:15 AM Apr.-Oct.; 1:30 PM Nov.-Mar., AFC/Pool Come join us for gentle water exercises specifically designed by the Arthritis Foundation to help with range of motion and to relieve stiffness and pain. These exercises are great for arthritis, fibromyalgia, replaced hips and knees, etc. Classes are led by Dawn or students trained by her.

Ticket sales for members only, Tue., Jul. 10, and for members and nonmembers on Thu., Jul. 12, from 9-10:30 AM both days, Activity Center Lobby. Member tickets are $5 pp and nonmembers $15 pp.

Join the Posse The Ultimate Neighborhood Watch Keep our neighborhood safe. Call Larry Clark 520-404-7664


Sun City Vistoso Tipster, Febraury 2011


e Doris R

SCOV Name Tags Name tags with our logo are $8 each. The order form is available at scovaz.com. Log in first then >Member Services >This & That >Name Tag Order Form.


July 2018, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster

Energetic Exercise Marty Siracusa 520-825-6961 Mon., Wed., Fri., 8-9 AM, Auditorium

Don’t let the heat get you down. Join us for fun and fitness in air-conditioned comfort. Sally Martinez, our professional instructor, has been leading these classes here at SCOV for 23 years. She’s expert at keeping us seniors strong and flexible with a variety of aerobic and cardio exercises plus wonderful stretch and balance moves. You’ll be amazed at how good you’ll feel. New members are always welcome, men and women. Your get acquainted class is free. Annual dues are $3 pp. Class tickets are a bargain: Only $30 for 12 classes.

Fitness Swim Contact: Dave Goodman goodman@sfu.ca Formal workouts suspended during summer months

The Fitness Swim Club provides a vehicle for swimmers to participate in a group swim workout. We generally go 2,400 to 3,000 yards, mostly freestyle per workout. Some do more, few do less. Formal workouts are suspended until next November at which time we welcome new members. Workouts are suitable for master swimmers, triathletes, and those that would just like to participate in swim workouts. Please ensure you have medical clearance to participate in vigorous physical activity prior to joining.

Pilates Mary Ayers 520-638-7916 scov.pilates@gmail.com Mon., 3 PM, Thu., 1:30 PM, AFC/Studio

Summer is a great time to commit to a core strengthening exercise routine. Why not try Pilates? Small summer classes offer you a great opportunity to learn. Forty years after his death, the Joseph Pilates exercise system is still in high demand. Fortunately, SCOV offers these mat classes twice per week on Mondays and Thursdays. People ask, "Can the benefits, which come from the strengthening and stretching exercises we do, really develop the body's core (abdomen and back muscles), increase spine mobility and build flexibility?" The answer is a firm, "Yes." Additional benefits you will notice when taking the group classes are better balance, more muscle tone and increased stamina. Classes are specifically designed for seniors and are taught by two experienced instructors. The cost is only $8/class with annual club dues of $20 pp. Please join us or just come by and watch. Call Mary.

Yoga Co-Pres. Dick Martin 520-825-0731, Linda Caravello 520-603-5042 Tue., 10:45 AM-Noon, AFC Studio 1 & 2 Thu., Chair Yoga, 10:30-11:45 AM, Dance Studio Fri., 8:15-9:30 AM, AFC Studio 1 & 2

For the new summer schedule, see above. Please check the large calendar insert for corresponding times and days. Try out something new this summer in a cool, relaxed environment. Tuesday class is gentle yoga. Thursday class is chair yoga. Friday class is more advanced. Visit all three to find the best fit for you. You won't need a hat or sunscreen, but bring your yoga mat. Class reminders: arrive 10 minutes before class starts, refrain from wearing strong scents of any kind and turn off your cell phone. Water bottles must be kept at the back of the room or next to a wall. Thanks.

The Community Directory Is Going to Press Check both the online directory and the paper directory to ensure your listing is correct. All changes for the book must be submitted no later than Friday, August 3. To update your information, log in at suncityorovalley. com > Members > Services > Directory and complete the online form “To change your directory listing…” or fill out an orange card at the Welcome Center.

Tai Chi Co-Chairs Gail Barr 303-995-7485 gailbarr@gmail.com Karen Reich 520-403-2764 ktrfam@msn.com Thu., 10-11:30 AM, AFC/Studio 1

Many medical professionals now recommend Tai Chi to help their patients improve balance and prevent falls. A new class session will begin in the fall. Watch the Tipster for more information. Some Tai Chi Club members meet to practice once or twice each week over the summer. If you have already participated in a class session, you may want to join in the practices. Please contact one of the club officers for details.

Winken, Blinken and Nod photographed by Dave Scoles.

Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, July 2018


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Paid Advertising, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, July 2018, Page 23

Games Bridge Duplicate Bridge

Pres. Martin Kass 520-818-2265 BJKass@comcast.net Mon., 6 PM, Fri., 12:30 PM, Activity Center/Hohokam

Duplicate bridge is for all players who enjoy competing and playing against other teams. We are not an ACBL-sanctioned club and do not award Master Points. New players are always welcome, and we may be able to help you find a partner. Residents and renters with an Association Renter's Card can play twice before joining. Guests of residents may play twice. Please arrive at least 10 minutes early so we can begin on time. Bring exactly $1 pp for prize money each time you play. Ladies Monday Social Bridge

Pres. Margot Rothenbuecher 520-825-9288 Mon., 1-3:30 PM, Catalina Vista/Mt. Kimball

Play social bridge in a friendly setting. We welcome new members. Marathon Bridge

Dave Johnson 520-825-6994 dpjohn@aol.com Mixed Social Bridge

Pres. Don Wheeler 520-334-7578 Mon., Wed., Fri., 8 AM, Desert Oasis/Ocotillo

We welcome new players. Everyone who comes will have a seat at a table. Come solo or bring a partner. We have coffee and have a good time. We can play until 11:30 AM, but each table decides when they want to quit. Partners Tuesday Night Bridge

Pres. Dave and Pat Brown; Treas. Jim Goodwin; Sec. Judy Bjorling Tue., 6:30 PM, Activity Center/Navajo/Hohokam

The temperature is cool and the action is hot. Bring your partner and join us for 24 hands of bridge on Tuesday nights. It'll cost you only $1 each and the top scorers receive a division of the monies collected. There is always decaf coffee, ice water, and sometimes dessert. We begin promptly at 6:30 PM, so plan to arrive by at least 6:20 PM. It's a wonderful way to have fun on a hot night. Practice Bridge

Pres. Robert Carlson 612-850-9005 Sec. Marilyn Guimond 520-825-0828 Mon., Wed., 12:30-3 PM, Desert Oasis/Ocotillo Wednesday Afternoon Bridge

Co-Pres. Rikki Harvey 520-219-5872, Kay Jacobs 520-825-8525 Wed., 12:15 PM, Activity Center/Navajo

It’s summertime and the bridge playin’ is easy. Everyone is welcome at our tables. Arrive by noon because play begins promptly at 12:15 PM. You don’t need a partner but bring 50¢ for prize money. You are gonna like us: we play six hands then change partners, and rounds are timed to keep play moving. Come join us. Annual dues are only $3.


Sun City Vistoso Tipster, Febraury 2011

Bunco Fern 520-825-8127, Pat 520-825-7198 Fourth Tue., 1-4 PM, Desert Oasis/Ocotillo Cribbage Robert Hines 520-825-2208 Mobile 520-240-1375 First and Third Thu., 6:30 PM, Catalina Vista/Pusch Ridge Our next tournament will be July 5.

Euchre Judee and Art Wickersham 520-245-1357 Becky and Kevin Reiley 815-631-0788 Bonnie and Wayne Klenda 509-548-5315 Mon., Meet 5:45 PM, Play 6 PM, Desert Oasis/Ocotillo

If you are interested in playing this easy, fast moving game, please join us. It will only cost you 50¢ for the evening. The room only accommodates 40, so do not be late if you want to play.

Five Crown Card Game Rosemary Dalla Rosa 520-825-1982 Sat., 4:30 PM or 5:30 PM, Desert Oasis

Five Crown is a fun game and easy to learn. We have two starting times for your convenience, 4:30 and 5:30 PM. If you are free on a Saturday evening come and give us a try. I promise you a really good time and many new friends.

Gin Rummy Rosemary Dalla Rosa 520-825-1982 Thu. and Sat., 9 AM, Desert Oasis/Ocotillo Good group, fun times. Anyone interested in joining us is welcome to give it a try. We have plenty of people who are willing to help you learn the rules for low-stakes team play.

Mah Jongg Kathleen Anderson 520-825-2771; Joyce Unger 520-825-8069 Thu., 1 PM, Desert Oasis

We are here all summer so join us for a cool game of Mah Jongg. Dues are $5 and are due starting July 1. Exact change (cash) is appreciated.

Women’s Pan (Panguingue) Claudia Case 206-579-6500 Mon., Fri., 1-4 PM, Wed., 9 AM-12:30 PM, Desert Oasis/Saguaro

Pan (Panguingue) is an enjoyable and interesting card game. Come watch us play at any session. If you like what you see, we’ll teach you to play.

Pinochle Dave Flatness 425-443-3708 Wed., 6 PM, Desert Oasis/Ocotillo

We play single deck and rotate partners every four hands. Bring 50¢ for your tally. The first Wednesday is treat night. The third Wednesday is birthday night. If your skills are a little rusty, we will get you up to speed quickly. Annual dues are $6 pp.


July 2018, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster

Poker Dealer’s Choice Poker

Steve Dirks 520-429-3303 stevenkdirks@gmail.com Tue., 6 PM, Desert Oasis/Saguaro

Our game is open to all SCOV residents. Games: Texas hold’em, crazy pineapple, Omaha, seven-card stud, crisscross, slide-rule and a couple of five-card draw variations. The dealer antes 25¢. All games are high-low except for Texas hold’em and crazy pineapple which are high only. Stakes are 25¢ for the early round of bets and 50¢ for the last two rounds. Contact Steve Dirks for a Word document with the full club rules and a detailed description of the games. Men’s Friday Poker

Joe Bonitch 520-329-1149 joe@joebmail.com Fri., 5:45-8:45 PM, Desert Oasis/Saguaro

We play easy going informal poker with low stakes. Games are all high only, five card draw, five card stud, seven card stud, Texas hold ‘em, Omaha, and criss/iron cross. No dues. Bring your own refreshments. Cards provided. Dealer antes 5¢ per player and chooses the game. Absolute requirements are to leave politics and religion at the door and enjoy three hours of no-hassle understandable poker. We welcome new players. Bring nickels, dimes and quarters. Call Joe if you would like to review rules of play before your first game. Please show up at 5:30 PM, so everyone can get situated, and we can start playing by 5:45 PM.

Billiards Pres. Jim Baker 520-495-9611 oro55jim@gmail.com Mon.-Fri., Noon-4 PM, Catalina Vista/Billiards

This year’s Club Championship 8-Ball Tournament was won by Jim Lilja, with Jim Baker second and Marvin Brisbane taking third place. The new Brunswick pool table was delivered and installed in May. The other tables will be recovered with new cushions installed early next fiscal year. A big thanks to Mike Connoy and Tom Caswell for all of their hard work in getting our tables updated. Anyone interested in playing should stop by the Billiard Room in Catalina Vista during club hours of Noon-4 PM, Monday through Friday.

Birders Group Mona Connoy 520-818-7923 Next planning meeting Fri., Sep. 28, 4 PM, Catalina Vista/Art Studio scovbirding.wix.com/birdersgroup

No birding trips are scheduled during the hot summer months from June through September.

Scrabble Bill Wallace 520-818-6747 Fri., 1 PM, Desert Oasis/Ocotillo Sheepshead - Shauskopf Terry Rohr 520-818-1936 terryaz34@msn.com Tue., 10 AM, Desert Oasis


Bike - Vistoso Cyclists Pres. Bob Workman 402-730-8558 Membership Tom and Bonnie Bethea 773-653-4580 Mon., Wed., Fri., 1200 E. Rancho Vistoso Blvd. vistosocyclists.wildapricot.org

We meet year-round starting from the Vistoso Community Church parking lot at 1200 E. Rancho Vistoso Blvd. (behind the Fire Station) to enjoy an unparalleled combination of amazing desert vistas and ever-improving infrastructure of bike lanes and dedicated paths. New riders are always welcome. A monthly schedule of our 20-60 mile rides is available on our website. Our well-tested loop routes support a wide variety of abilities and usually include a mid-ride coffee stop. We also offer a mountain bike option on Wednesdays, which most often heads out into the Tortolita rangelands. Tuesday morning, our Women on Wheels (WOW) group takes somewhat shorter rides nearer to SCOV. In addition, we hold a number of social events each season.

Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, July 2018

Shirley and Roger on a steep Miller Canyon trail. Bocce Elaine Scop: scopster@gmail.com website: scovbocce.weebly.com/ Bocce Courts, Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 7 PM See page 4 of this Tipster to learn more about bocce at SCOV. Please join us on a Monday, Wednesday or Friday at the Bocce Courts. We begin play at 7 PM. Arrive about 20 minutes early, please. Play one time for free, and if you think it is something you want to continue, the fee is $5 per year. Remember folks, we have room for 32 people to play at a session, so get your arrival stick when you get to the courts.

Gun Club David Ilse 520-818-3279 dvdilse@gmail.com Oct.-Apr., Second Wed., 2 PM, Activity Center/Hohokam

We resume meeting in October. Guests are welcome to attend a free session and members pay $5/yr.


Join our Facebook group Sun City Oro Valley 25

Hiking For required orientation hike, call Meg Gerken 520-638-7204 For E hikes, call Duane Hutchens 520-825-7235 Visit our website scovhiking.org to see all scheduled hikes.

Although the weather is quite warm, there are still hikes to do. Hike leaders plan for the heat, and may schedule hikes earlier in the day or at higher elevations. Plenty of water, a hat, salty snacks, and maybe a cooling neck towel are even more important than usual during these summer months. Check our website for scheduled hikes this month.

Horseshoes Ray Coleman 520-825-2789 Ron Knudson 520-825-9307 Oct.-Apr., Tue., Thu., 2 PM; May-Sep., 8 AM The Pits at Catalina Vista

Welcome to horseshoes. If you are looking for an exciting activity that requires little or no experience, you have found it. Everyone is welcome, nothing is needed. There are no fees, and horseshoes are available. Come Tuesday or Thursday. Call for more information. Read more about horseshoes on wikipedia.org/wiki/Horseshoes. Get outdoors, enjoy our wonderful weather and get good exercise. See you at the horseshoe pits.

Pickleball Pres. Jeff Rusch jffrusch@yahoo.com VP Membership Dave Burnham dburnhampton@gmail.com scovpickleballclub.wildapricot.org Pickleball? Where did that name come from? In 1965, on Bainbridge Island, WA, a bored congressman and his businessman friend looked to an abandoned badminton court, grabbed a couple of ping-pong paddles and an old wiffle ball and invented what has become the fastest growing sport in Ameri- End of a game. ca. Pickles, the family dog, enjoyed chasing the ball, so they had a name for their new sport. Now that you know the story, come participate in the action. Pickleball is a sport for all ages (one of our players just celebrated his 90th birthday), easy to learn and really fun to play. The games begin at 6:30 AM before the summer heat descends, and in the cool of the evening under the lights. More information: visit our website or contact Dave Burnham.

Racquetball Pres. Michael Pidone 520-825-2369 VP. Al Lichaa 520-606-8829 Sec/Tres. Hart Wagner 520-825-4175 Mon., Wed., Fri., 8-11 AM, Racquetball Court, AFC

Although the weather outside is heating up, the raquetball court is cool. In this article, we are featuring our fearless leader, our President, Mike Pidone. Throughout the years we have had a core group of members and Pidone is one of our longtime members from the Windy City. Mike's pasPresident Mike Pidone, traded his racquet for sion for the game has ima spatula. proved his agility, balance and flexibility. We wish to convey a speedy recovery to those members and spouses that are experiencing illnesses and injuries.

Table Tennis Co-Chairs, Ruth Mayer 520-818-0066 Francie Galbraith 520-447-5834

We have play at all levels of ability and welcome new players. If you have not played for a few years, we will help you get back your game with some instruction. It is a great way to keep fit and flexible. Tables are at Catalina Vista and paddles and balls are available. Hours of Club Play

Women Men/Women Open Play Open Club Play

Tue., 1:30-3:30 PM Tue., 5-8 PM; Thu., 5:30-8:30 PM Fri., 4-8 PM Sat., 9 AM-Noon

POP Tennis Pres. Barbara Satterly 520-825-8965 craftylady838@aol.com Treas./Membership Janell Raty 530-401-2477 janello66@yahoo.com Tue., Thu., Sat., 7-11 AM, Desert Oasis Courts

In the late 50s, Brighton Beach Baths in Brooklyn, NY, converted hand-tennis courts into 20 smaller Paddle Tennis courts. It soon became a hub for Paddle Tennis and remained so for decades. In 1961 the official Paddle Tennis court was lengthened in order to make it the Classic POP Tennis court size. A decompressed tennis ball replaced the sponge-rubber ball and the overhand serve was eliminated. These changes were accepted by both the East and West


Coast Paddle Tennis Associations and are still in effect today for Classic POP. The 70s, 80s and 90s saw great growth in California at Venice Beach as well as private clubs. Look for the last history installment in next month’s Tipster. Our club has been officially recognized and welcomed by the International POP Tennis Association.

Sun City Vistoso Tipster, Febraury 2011

Orange cactus flower with bud by Janie Johnson-Russell.


July 2018, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster

Tennis Pres. Larry Wall 248-701-1044 larryandmaureenwall@gmail.com Treas. Bill Hasselbach 520-260-7614 Men's tennis, Tue., Thu., Sat., 7-11 AM, Al Burdi 520-818-3516 Ladies tennis, Mon., Wed., Fri., 7-11 AM, Jane Leonard 616-847-1527 Suzanne Kellam 401-952-5911; Mixed doubles, Sun., 1-3 PM, Sally Schuneman 520-331-6543

Summer's here, the weather is hot but tennis continues. Our club is active throughout the summer season with more seasonal hours. The board does not meet again until October but we're thinking about and planning future events for our active club. Come on down and sweat a little. Have a great summer.

Men's tennis in action. "Please don't jump that fence." Wallyball and Water Volleyball Pres. Wallyball Rep. Rich Hoskins 520-825-0614 richscotthoskins@gmail.com Vice Pres. Water Volleyball Rep. Brian Goff 520-825-7232 bwgoff@outlook.com Recreational Water Volleyball: Sun. and Thu., 1-3 PM, Desert Oasis/Pool Competitive Water Volleyball: Mon., 1-3 PM, Desert Oasis/Pool Wallyball: Tue. and Fri., 1-3 PM, AFC/Racquetball Court

Come on in, the water is fine. Whether recreational or competitive, water volleyball is a great way to get exercise while having fun. If you are curious, wallyball is volleyball played on a racquetball court. Using the walls makes for some interesting shots. New members are always welcome. May the volleys be long and the games close.

If You Rent Your Home

Please make sure your renters are aware of the following rules and rights: • Home owner must submit paperwork three days prior to renters arrival. • The facility-use card is $25 (up to two cards), valid for the length of the lease and is non-transferable. • Access to all facilities (restaurant, golf course and Gift Shop), Aquatic & Fitness Center (including pool, gym and exercise classes), Desert Oasis, Catalina Vista, Activity Center, Artisan Center, Library and all workshops, studios, etc. • Participate in activities including use of tennis courts, pickleball, bocce ball, basketball courts, horseshoes, mini-golf, table tennis and billiards as well as join any club. • A renter will receive SCOV homeowner rates at the golf course.

Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, July 2018


Day Trippers Chair Warren Cuthbert 520-818-1282 Vice-Chair Laura Suchocki 520-612-7226 Membership Carol Guibert and Barbara Phillips Second Fri., 9 AM, Activity Center/Navajo

Mon., Jul. 16, Wild Horse Casino. Open to all SCOV residents and is not sponsored by SCOV Day Trippers. Cost is $15 pp for bus, receive $25 free play and $5 toward lunch. Edie Phillips, 520-297-3920 or Kathy Garver, 520-345-2188. Tue., Aug. 14, Annual Barbecue with Bubb's Grub in Auditorium from 2-5 PM. Entertainment is Ivan Denis, Cost is $18 pp. Laura Suchocki, 520-612-7226. Sun., Sep. 9, Brunch and Brew. Brunch at Teaspoon restaurant and then tours of Hamilton distillery and Dragoon brewery. Limit 40 people. Cost is $77 pp. Carol Guibert, 520-404-1462. Sun.-Wed., Sep. 16-19. Rainbridge Bridge trip. Tour of Petrified Forest, Meteor Crater and Rainbow Bridge Charter. Cost is $777 for single and $1144 for double ($572 pp). Laura Suchocki, 520-612-7226. Be sure to bring your checkbook to every meeting.

RV Club - Sundowners Bill Hale 503-222-7000 whale77219@aol.com Brad Taylor 520-989-0504 BTTX101@gmail.com sundownersrvclub.wildapricot.org

The Sundowners RV Club held our final meeting before the summer break on May 7. The Catalina Vista meeting room was packed with members as well as new faces swapping stories about plans for the upcoming summer and reminiscing about fun club events from this past season. Amongst all the conversation and munchies we were treated to tech presentations from two of our website advertisers, learned about our RV Club budget for the upcoming year, briefed on several upcoming trips for the 2018-2019 season, and Prez Bill handed out awards to several well deserving members who have contributed to the success of our club. Sounds organized? Sounds like fun? Sounds like something you're interested in? Well, it’s all that and much more. If you own an RV or are just contemplating owning one, join us this fall and test drive the club. You’ll be happy you did. If you already belong to the Sundowners RV Club, check out the members-only portion of our website for new trip reports with pictures of recent outings. Nonmembers: check out the public view portion of our website at the above URL for a taste of just some of what we have to offer. Then, call Bill or Brad at the above number(s) for an invitation to our next meeting on October 8.

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Sun City Oro Valley Scrapbook Resident-submitted photos.

In May, a hummingbird built a nest on the back of a decorative ceramic bird at the home of Tempe and Dave Johnson (inside circle). Watch the progress below.

Steve Holmes photographed this Elegant Trogon at Madera Canyon. This bird is highly sought by birders in Southern Arizona.

Nest with eggs.

Sheryl Hester caught this dramatic sunset.

Baby hummingbirds on June 8.

Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, July 2018, Page 28

This Acorn Woodpecker was photographed by Barbara J. Malicky.

Sheryl Hester encountered this fellow on a morning outing.

Judy Mercer came across this young bobcat.

Barbara J. Malicky photographed this bee with pollen on a cactus flower.

On June 22, the young hummingbirds are nearly ready to leave the nest. Dave Johnson photos.

Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, July 2018, Page 29

Partnered Organizations The items contained under this heading are provided as a service to residents by other organizations. SCOV does not sponsor, support, assume responsibility or liability for the information.

AA Cora S. 520-539-7147 coras@q.com Mon., 12:30 PM, Artisan Center/Stained Glass Kevin D. 708-732-2943 kjd728@aol.com Tue., 7 PM, Desert Oasis/Ocotillo Alzheimer’s Education and Support Group Cecelia Ortiz 661-972-2639 Last Tue., 4 PM, Desert Oasis/Ocotillo

Learn the basics of the disease and how to live with it.

Cancer Support Group Facilitator: Laura Held 520-447-5170 lmheld@comcast.net. First Wed., 4:15-5:15 PM, Catalina Vista/Art Room

The focus of this group will be on present feelings and responses to pre-, present, and post-cancer. Laura M. Held, a retired oncology nurse, cancer survivor, and Sun City resident will facilitate the group. July and August meetings will take place on Wednesdays, July 11 and August 15.

Caregivers’ Support Group Facilitator Jane Holder Contact Ester Leutenberg 520-818-0016 ester36@gmail.com First and Third Fri., 2-3 PM, Catalina Vista

If you are caring for a partner, child, parent or any other loved one, this support group will allow you to share with other like-minded people in a safe environment. What is said in this group, stays with this group.

Grief Support Group Ester Leutenberg 520-818-0016 ester36@gmail.com First Tue., 2-3 PM

This grief support group is for anyone who is grieving any type of loss. Call Ester for more information.

Parkinson’s Support Payton Davies 520-825-5352 bpwdavies@gmail.com Third Wed., Oct.-May, 10:30 AM-Noon, Desert Springs

We will not meet in July and August. If you want to stay involved they are still having "Get Out" meetings on the first Wednesday every month at Scordatos Pizza, 4911 N. Stone, and it is sponsored by PMD Alliance. Call PMD Alliance for information at 1-800-256-0966. We will start our meetings again in September.

Survivors of a Loved One Who Died By Suicide Contact Ester Leutenberg 520-818-0016 ester36@gmail.com Survivors of a loved one who died by suicide have unique grief issues and struggles. It is helpful to talk with others who get it.


Sun City Vistoso Tipster, Febraury 2011

Vistoso Helpful Hands Barb McNeill 520-825-0677 bjmac68@gmail.com

While The Views Restaurant kitchen remodeling is going on, if you need help with meals, call Vistoso Helpful Hands, 520-447-0077. Volunteers can provide a home-cooked meal or bring you a special request from local sources. After July 8, volunteers will resume delivery of take out service from The Views Restaurant. Vistoso Helpful Hands is a neighbors-helping-SCOVneighbors organization with caregiver relief, transportation, animal care, handyman services, light housekeeping or yard care, paper work organization, call check and running errands. If you would like to volunteer, please fill out an application at the Welcome Center. Call or email Barb for more information.

Wheels for Kids Dick Swain 920-217-2610 or Tom Terfehr 520-789-7243 azwfk.org

Wheels for Kids is a 501(c)(3) charity dedicated to providing rehabbed bicycles for kids in need in the Tucson area. To date, we’ve provided over 2,200 bikes to various other 501(c)(3) charities who then distribute the bikes to their clients. Some of our partner organizations are Youth on Their Own, El Grupo, Refugee Focus and Tucson Boys and Girls Club. Wheels for Kids is a total volunteer effort, and we need mechanics. If you are interested, we’ll train you. Visit our website for more information and how to donate bikes or financial support. Help kids experience the same joy you had when you got your first bike.

YOTO/Northwest Auxiliary Kris Cohen 520-818-2582 krisandearl@msn.com An easy way to assist YOTO is by signing up with Amazon Smile and shopping at smile.amazon. com. Each time you purchase on Amazon.com through the Amazon Smile program, Amazon donates 0.5% of your eligible Amazon Smile purchases to YOTO. Support YOTO when you shop through Fry's Community Rewards Program. Sign up with your V.I.P. Card on the Fry's website and select YOTO as the organization you’d like to support using code 27567. Once enrolled, you’ll earn rewards for YOTO every time you shop with your V.I.P. Card. Watch for the YOTO Back to School collection campaign details coming soon.

Extended Community Arizona Historical Society Arizona Pathfinders, a volunteer group of the Arizona Historical Society, is conducting a five-day tour, September 2529, to the Sacramento Mountain Area in New Mexico. Travel is by luxury coach, and the cost is $959 per person doubleoccupancy. Visit the White Sands Missile Range Museum, the Mescalero Apache Reservation, the Roswell UFO Museum, the Hubbard Museum of the American West as well as Fort Stanton and the Lincoln State Museum and much more. Additional information: Bob Stuart at 520-825-4239 or bobstuart@wbhhsi.net.


July 2018, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster

Catalina State Park Concert Series Music in the Mountains Concert Series holds one concert each month during the summer. Join us at Catalina State Park on Saturday, July 7, 6:30 PM. and enjoy a mixture of older familiar roots rock classics, blues classics, jazz and older country standards on "the world's lowest tuned guitar." All-day admission to the park is $7 per vehicle (up to four adults) and includes the concert.


The items contained under this heading are provided as a service to residents by other organizations that are neither sponsored nor supported by SCOV Community Association, Inc. SCOV assumes no responsibility or liability for the information contained therein.

BR=Bedroom; BA=Bath; BBQ=Barbecue; N/S=No Smoking; N/P=No Pets; W/D=Washer and Dryer; LR=Living Room; DR=Dining Room; FR=Family Room; AZRM=Arizona Room; FP=Fireplace; Stainless Steel= S/S; WiFi=Wireless Internet Service. Classified Advertising $10/ad • Deadline 10th of the Month. FOR SALE: Furniture. Living room, dining room, bedrooms, recliner chair, china, lamps, tables, TVs, etc. Call Roberta 520-797-1829. FOR RENT: Just available beginning July 2018. 2 BR/2 Bath, fully furnished, king in master, golf car. Great view of mountains. Hole 14 of golf course. Long term or seasonal 4 mo. min. For pictures and pricing, call Jan at 636-357-8817 or email janostrander2013@gmail.com. FOR RENT: Open plan, upgraded/expanded 1,550 sq. ft., 2 BR/2BA. King in master, queen in guest room. WiFi, tile floors, nicely furnished. Quiet, private enclosed back yard with outdoor living, BBQ, fireplace. Covered patio with fan and furniture. Resort-style living amenities of SCOV. N/S, N/P. Available all year, 3 month minimum, $3,000/month winter, $1,500/month summer. For more info and photos, odumontier@hotmail.com. FOR RENT: 14461 N. Sky Trail, 2 BR/2 BA, new S/S appliances, paint, carpet, tile. Tastefully furnished and equipped. Owner pays utilities, cable, WiFi. Small pet friendly, N/S, 30-day min. lease. Nov.-Dec. @ $2,600 per month. Jan.-Mar. @ $2,800 per month. Apr.-May $2,600 per month. Jun.-Oct. $1,200 per month. Call Craig or Mary: 520-271-5814 craigramey50@yahoo.com. FOR RENT: Updated and beautifully decorated 1,499 sq. ft. Sonoran model. LR, DR with split 2 BR/2BA. King in master and queen in guest which can serve as an office. AZRM and fully-equipped kitchen overlook patio, open desert and Catalina Mts. W/D, BBQ, utilities, cable, roku, WiFi are included. N/S, N/P. Available July 15-Dec. 31, 2018 and May 1-Dec. 2019. 1 month min. Email noreenweb@gmail.com for info and pics or call Noreen 413-579-1729. FOR RENT: Popular expanded 1,573 sq. ft. 2 BR/2 BA Silver Creek model. Open floor plan with tile and carpet, ceiling fans in every room. Fully furnished including king in master, queen in guest, reclining couch in living room, smart TV. Includes utilities, WiFi, cable, W/D, BBQ on covered patio with ceiling fan. Fully enclosed back yard. N/S, N/P. Available Jul. thru Nov. 2018 and May thru Jun. 2019. Email dixie476@gmail.com or call 636-544-1706. FOR RENT: 13798 Lobelia Way, 2 BR/2 BA + den, 1,900 sq. ft., newly updated. 2 master bedrooms with full baths, 1 queen and 1 king. Full views from new kitchen , living room, den and bedroom. Fresh paint and new tile throughout. All utilities, cable and WiFi included. Available Sep. 2018. $4,000/mo. Nov.-Dec., $3,800/mo. Oct., Apr., May. Contact AJ, ajleane@gmail.com, 708-363-2417 or Betty, bettyleane@ gmail.com, 847-494-3589.

Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, July 2018

FOR RENT: Beautifully furnished 1,577 sq. ft. Cottonwood in SCOV. 2 BR/2 BA. Cable, utilities, WiFi, W/D, lg. front courtyard and fully fenced yard. Brand new flooring and appliances. Lg. back yard with firepit and grill. Available Jul. 2018 thru Dec. 2018. Prefer long term, 30-day min. Email tdelton59@gmail.com or call 320-444-8679 (Must leave message). FOR RENT: 2 BR/2 BA furnished home on SCOV. King in master, queen in guest bedroom. DISH TV, WiFi, N/S, N/P. Covered patio with great views, golf cart included. Oct. and Nov., $2,700; Dec., $3,000. For pictures call Steve 989-578-9477 or email srklenow@hotmail.com. FOR RENT: Backs to desert with beautiful Catalina Mtn. views. Very quiet and private lot on Lobelia Way. Nicely updated 2 BR/2 BA w/den, 1,635 sq. ft., fully furnished, tile floors, granite, S/S, W/D, 2-car garage, cable, internet. Acess to all of SCOV's many amenities. Enjoy an upgraded and well-appointed home and some of the best views in SCOV. Available Jul. through Sep. 2018, $1,900/mo., Oct., $2,300/ mo., Nov-Dec., $3,500/mo. Monthly rental. N/S, N/P. Randy 402-990-7009. FOR RENT: FOR Rent: Oct. 2018-2019 Jan.-through May (30 day min.) 14022 N. Trade Winds Way, in SCOV, 1,200 sq. ft. Sweeping mountain views from back yard. Large covered/furnished patio w/ BBQ. Newly painted, updated kitchen, new appliances, furniture, linens and tableware. King in master, queen in guest room. Utilities, cable, WiFi, NP/NS. Rates/Pic available. Contact: Margaret at mhbrayden@ yahoo.com. FOR RENT: Beautiful home with a very pretty yard available Jul. through Sep., Nov. and Dec. Reasonable seasonal monthly rates. This open floor plan home is fully furnished and tastefully decorated. There are two spacious bedrooms, two baths and a mountain view from the patio. All utilities including HDTV, WiFi, computer and printer are provided. One month minimum. Call 303-408-1983 for information and pictures. FOR RENT: 2 BR/2 BA with open floor plan. Landscaped oversize lot overlooks natural desert. Mountain views including glorious sunrises and sunsets. Sleeps 4 only. Includes WiFi, cable, phone, BBQ, patio, furniture and access to SCOV amenities such as pools and fitness center. Proud homeowners appreciate careful renters. N/S, N/P. $2,900/month, available Feb. 15-May 30, 2019. Email salsiera@shaw.ca or call Aly 604-888-1560. FOR RENT: Available now. Beautifully furnished 3 BR/2 BA (1 king, 1 queen, 1 twin) bright, clean, open floor plan Claridge model on former model home street. Private, enclosed southern backyard with hot tub/pool, covered patio, front courtyard, mountain views, 2 car garage. Smart TV, WiFi. Discount for SCOV. Pets considered. Photos available. Call Cindy 520-955-3028. VACATION HOME FOR RENT: In Breckinridge, CO. Summer or winter, sleeps 11. Discounts on long term rentals (2-plus weeks). View at evolvevacationrental. com/399588. Call Tom 720-201-3983. HOUSE WATCH: Jay's Home Watch with TLC "I'll be there for you when you're not." I water plants inside and out, check on your house at least once a day, and bring in mail, packages and newspapers. Jay Leutenberg, all-year resident. Call 520-818-0016, email jayleu35@gmail.com. BUYING: A curious collector would like to buy watches, old photos, war relics, 19th and 20th century family and estate items, antiques, jewelry, coins, silver and much more. Anything unusual or nostalgic. I like to look and love to buy. Exceptional prices paid. 520-529-2984.

Linda S. Tucker, Attorney Wills • Probate • Trusts

Free Half Hour Consultation Phone or Office 520-257-1166 1846 E. Innovation Park Drive Oro Valley, AZ 85755 lindatuckerlaw@hotmail.com



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Uniqu e Artwo rk Featu ring Local Artist s One-o f-a-ki nd gifts!

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Paid Advertising, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, July 2018, Page 33

Learn how to minimize risks that erode your income during retirement Get our guide to maintaining financial health and independence in retirement. Contact us at 520.751.4300 for a free copy. Horizon Financial Group, L.L.C. 7490 N. La Cholla Blvd. | Tucson, AZ 85741 local 520.751.4300 | fax 520.751.6340 horizonfinancialgroup.net

David McMenamin, CFP®, ChFC® Founder, CEO and Wealth Advisor

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Paid Advertising, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, July 2018, Page 34

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Mike Daignault

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Jeff Evans Cabinetry

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With so many things to do, we suggest getting an early start on your want-to-do list. There’s a lot to do at Villa Hermosa Senior Living Community — clubs, events, socializing, and more. So, go ahead and make your want-to-do list. But please don’t include a bunch of chores. We’ll take care of most of those for you. We invite you to see all that Villa Hermosa has to offer (including assisted living services if needed) at a complimentary lunch and tour. Please call now to schedule.

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Paid Advertising, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, July 2018, Page 37

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Paid Advertising, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, July 2018, Page 40

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Paid Advertising, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, July 2018, Page 41

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YOUR LOCAL TEAM For Buying or Selling Real Estate Roger Angeloni Associate Broker Allie Angeloni Realtor® Team Angeloni Long Realty Company Website Address www.RAngeloni.longrealty.com

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www.theviewsgolfclub.com Paid Advertising, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, July 2018, Page 43

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