June 2014 tipster

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June 2014

It’s More Than Living...It’s a Lifestyle!


Combined BOD Study Session and Meeting Tuesday, June 24, 9 AM, WC 3 Annual HOA Fee Invoices Mailed Payment Due by July 1, 2014

Photo by Steve Holmes

The Tipster is published monthly by Sun City Oro Valley 1565 E. Rancho Vistoso Blvd., Oro Valley, AZ 85755, 520-825-3711

Note: email address for BOD members, General Manager & Assistant Manager is directors@suncityorovalley.com

Board of Directors Steve Knapp, sknappscv@gmail.com .................................................................President Don Coleman, captdonc@gmail.com............................................................Vice President Cathy Hartrich, cathy.hartrich@gmail.com.......................................................... Secretary Susan Jakosa, susanjakosa@gmail.com............................................................... Treasurer Janice Fischer, fischer_janice@comcast.net..........................................................Director Richard Babin, richard.babin@gmail.com.............................................................Director Jon Olson, jboclo@comcast.net..............................................................................Director Management Team Bob Mariani, bmariani@suncityorovalley.com.........................General Manager, 917-8080 Robin Coulter, rcoulter@suncityorovalley.com ...................... Assistant Manager, 917-8070 Mary Cunningham, scvcam@suncityorovalley.com........... Com. Area Maint. Sup., 917-8059 Julie Foerster, jfoerster@suncityorovalley.com........................ Human Resources, 917-8061 Kim Griggs, kgriggs@theviewsgolfclub.com............................. Golf Professional, 917-8053 Vince Hotz, vhotz@suncityorovalley.com.......................................Café Manager, 917-8074 Michael Kropf, scvgolf@suncityorovalley.com...........Golf Course Superintendent, 917-8063 Ken Sandrock, ksandrock@suncityorovalley.com..........................Facilities Sup., 917-8078 Pam Sarpalius, psarpalius@suncityorovalley.com....................Program Director, 917-8077 Randy Trenary, rtrenary@suncityorovalley.com..................................Controller, 917-8060 Support Team Katy Mosier, kmosier@suncityorovalley.com.......................Community Services, 917-8058 Kate Cusumano, kcusumano@suncityorovalley.com ........................... Librarian, 917-8064 Lonnie Davis, ldavis@suncityorovalley.com............................Fitness Supervisor, 917-8073 Lisa Orach, lorach@suncityorovalley.com.......................... Accounting Assistant, 917-8062 Norma Meyers, nmeyers@suncityorovalley.com...................................Secretary, 917-8065 Kathy Peabody, kpeabody@suncityorovalley.com.................... Admin. Specialist, 917-8068 Chris Richard, crichard@suncityorovalley.com.......... Communications Coordinator, 917-8069 Coco Sullivan, csullivan@suncityorovalley.com..................Facilities Coordinator, 917-8072 Monitor - Activity Center...................................................................................... 917-8066 Monitor - Aquatic & Fitness Center.........................................................................917-8067 Tipster Editorial Committee Lou Phillippi.................................Co-Chair Barbara Martucci..........................Member Del Salvaterra..............................Co-Chair Judy Mercer...................................Member Arlene Douglas..............................Member Paul Mercer...................................Member Ann Fall.........................................Member Ann Owen......................................Member Vicki Futscher................................Member Lynn Parker...................................Member Peggy Gardner...............................Member Laura Pigott..................................Member Diana Holmes................ Secretary/Member Deb Scott.......................................Member Sharon Knudson............................Member Donna Sheehan.............................Member Karen Koopmans............................Member Laura Suchocki..............................Member

Editor, Layout and Design: Chris Richard Advertising: Norma Meyers and Chris Richard Printing By: AlphaGraphics To advertise in the Sun City Oro Valley Tipster call 917-8065 for information. Sun City Oro Valley Community Association provides this publication for informational purposes only and neither endorses nor promotes any of the products or services advertised herein and assumes no responsibility or liability for the statements made in this publication.

Hours of Operation

Activity Center........................................ 917-8066 Mon.-Fri............................................................................................ 7 AM-9 PM Sat................................................................................................... 9 AM-9 PM Sun. ................................................................................................ 9 AM-6 PM

Administration Office................. 825-3711 ext 120 Mon.-Fri. ................................................................................ 7:30 AM-4:30 PM

Aquatic & Fitness Center........................ 917-8067 Facilities Daily ................................................................................................5 AM-9 PM Pool Mon.-Sat. .................................................................................... 5 AM-8:30 PM Sun. ........................................................................................... 5 AM-5:30 PM Children’s Hours .............................................................................. 11 AM-1 PM

Café Food Service to 3 PM only.............................. 825-3277 Mon.-Sun.......................................................................................... 7 AM-6 PM Afternoon Menu .............................................................................3 PM to Close Recording of daily Café specials................................................ 825-3711 ext 205

Catalina Vista........................................... 825-8613 Mon.-Fri............................................................................................ 7 AM-9 PM Sat................................................................................................... 9 AM-9 PM Sun. ................................................................................................ 9 AM-6 PM

Community Assistance­ - Loan Room

Reservations and Pick Up, Cart Barn/Loan Room Tues. and Thurs. ......................................................................................8-9 AM

Consumer Referral.................................. 917-8079 Mon., Wed., & Fri. ......................................................................9:30-11:30 AM

Desert Oasis............................................ 825-0495 Facilities Mon.-Fri............................................................................................ 7 AM-9 PM Sat................................................................................................... 9 AM-8 PM Sun. ................................................................................................ 9 AM-5 PM Pool Mon.-Fri. .....................................................................................7 AM-8:30 PM Sat..............................................................................................9 AM-7:30 PM Sun..................................................................................................9 AM-5 PM Children’s Hours ...................................................................... Daily Noon-4 PM Except Sun., Mon. and Thurs. .................................... Noon-1 PM and 3-5:30 PM Water Vollyball Sun., Mon., and Thurs.................................................1 PM-3 PM

Gift Shop of Sun City............................... 917-8051 Mon.-Sat.. ...

Mon.-Sat.. .............................................................................. .. 9 AM-12:30 PM

Golf Course Walking..................... Before 6 AM and After 6 PM Library...................................................... 917-8064 Mon.-Fri............................................................................... 9 AM-Noon, 1-4 PM Sat................................................................................................... 9 AM-Noon

Pro Shop.................................................. 825-3110 Golf Info Line...................................................................................... 825-0322 Mon. ........................................................................................... 6:30 AM-5 PM Tues. ................................................................................................ 9 AM-5 PM Wed. and Thurs. ................................................................................ 7 AM-5 PM Fri., Sat., and Sun. ....................................................................... 6:30 AM-5 PM Driving Range hours from October – April, closes ½ hour after the Pro Shop.

Welcome Center...................................... 825-3711 After-Hours Emergencies....................... 825-1161 If you encounter something in the common areas or golf course needing immediate attention (e.g. broken irrigation) and the Administration Office is closed, please report the issue to a building monitor. However, if a situation like this occurs after all the buildings are closed, please contact the emergency line.

Abbreviation Legend

Aquatic & Fitness Center............................................................. AFC Sun City Oro Valley................................................................... SCOV Welcome Center Conference Room 1........................................... WC1 Welcome Center Conference Room 2...........................................WC2 Welcome Center Conference Room 3...........................................WC3

Association News

From The Board of Directors Our MISSION as the SCOV Board is to lead in maintaining and enhancing the quality of life in Sun City Oro Valley as an active adult community. All Board minutes, agendas and reports are available online and in the SCOV Library. Board meetings are open to residents.

Why Me?......... Why Not Me? by Cathy Hartrich “I don’t know what your destiny will be, but one thing I do know: the only ones among you who will be really happy are those who have sought and found how to serve.” Albert Schweitzer (1875-1965). There are some things that rarely, if ever, change, and volunteerism must be one of those things. From the greatest minds of a century to the simple minds of a child, the message is the same. Each of us is a treasure, and we have a gift to share. What is your gift and how do you want to contribute? How do you want to serve? It was such an incredible feeling for me to attend my second Hail and Farewell Dinner. To be in a room with so much talent, with such diversity, and with such wonderful people who have served this community and helped make it what it is today, made it an exhilarating evening and I was so proud to be a part of it. So often we hear, “I’ve worked my whole career and I don’t want to work anymore.” But this is your life, not your job, unless you consider your job life itself. What do you care about? What interests you? What can you offer? Start early to get on board. New residents have chosen to live in SCOV for a myriad of reasons. Hopefully one of those is the sense of community. And the best way to feel a part of our community is to get involved and have fun living everyday to the fullest, doing the things you enjoy doing. If that just happens to be nothing, that’s OK......but don’t complain about what’s happening around you. “We make a living by what we get, But we make a life by what we give.” Winston Churchill. Here’s a big shout-out to the new committee chairs who have stepped up to help SCOV be a great place to live. They will be selecting their committees and finding those individuals with talents and gifts to share. Let’s spread the workload, create our environment, have fun, be happy and continue to help make Sun City Oro Valley a premier active adult community where we live the lifestyle we help create.

Just 12 hours a year... ...can help us provide a vital service Join our Posse team today! Call Bob Hefner 825-4825

Association Committees................... .5 Association News.............................. .3 The Café Specials............................ .12 Celebrations & Life Events............... 13 Classified......................................... .30

General Manager - Bob Mariani

Value Added for Resident Golfers This article is a revision of my June 2011 Tipster article. The original piece and this one convey to our Association members and resident annual golf pass holders that we appreciate you and want to show that appreciation by adding as much value to your golfing experience as possible. Below are examples of these added values. Pass Holders: • 30% off Pro Shop merchandise except sale items, clubs and golf balls • Annual appreciation program with a promotion every month including an annual pass holders dinner • Special rates for guests, equal of resident rates • 8 day advance tee-time (7 day for 9 hole pass in summer) • No trail fees • Golf schools at excellent rates • Driving range privileges Resident Golfers (residents who do not purchase annual passes) • Approximately 15% of rack rate green fees paid by the public •15% of Pro Shop merchandise except clubs, sale items and golf balls •15% off golf fees that are advertised to the public (excluding GolfNow) • Punch cards have no expiration date and are transfer able • 6 day advance tee times • No trail fees • Golf schools at excellent rates One more factor that is critical to many of our golfers is that all 18 holes will have over seeded fairways, greens and tees next season. Although not over seeding some holes on a rotating basis has improved the health of the Bermuda grass, it’s become clear that the best possible golfing experience for you during the greater part of the year is a more important factor. In addition to the value added outlined above, every attempt is made to assure that our residents receive the vast majority of the premium tee times and every attempt is made to treat our resident golfers with the highest regard. We hope that all the added value that is in place along with our continual consideration of new avenues to assure that you will have a pleasurable golf experience at the Views Golf Club will encourage you to play golf on one of the best courses in Southern Arizona if not the West.

Meet Your Friends at The Café Full beverage menu and appetizers every afternoon 3 PM to close.

What’s Inside

Clubs............................................... .15 Coming Events................................. 12 Extended Community...................... 30 Feature............................................. 11 For Your Information........................ 13

Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, June 2014

Golf..................................................... 9 Memoriam....................................... .13 Partnered Organizations................. .29 Town of Oro Valley......................... .28 Workshops and Classes................... .12


It’s More Than Living... It’s A Lifestyle... in Sun City Oro Valley

Getting to Know Ourselves Photo by Lauren Dvorak

You know Sun City Oro Valley is a premier active adult Friends (58%) ranked highest. Other sources of informacommunity; but do you know who we are as 4250 resi- tion included This Week in SCOV, Board News Letters, and dents? We come from 47 States, the District of Columbia, E-Mails from Administration—all information via the comand from six Canadian Provinces. In addition to the USA and puter. Satisfaction with the Information was very positive. Canada, residents come from at least ten countries including The survey asked what you like most about living in SCOV, England, France, Germany, Holland, Ireland, Israel, Mexico, and then had you rank the top 3 reasons. Number one reaPhilippines, Scotland and Switzerland. Wow, what a diverse son was Location! Location, however, may have different meanings—view of the moungroup of people. tains; weather; close to mediEach year with payment of cal care; close to shopping, the HOA dues we gather ages arts and Tucson; other points. of homeowners, and upThe next three in rank order date monthly. The February were Amenities, Housing and 2014 data of 3345 residents People. Most popular ameniindicate our average age is ties were the Library, Activ77.4, and average age of new ity Center, Catalina Vista and homeowners is 66. Nineteen Desert Oasis, each with a high percent of residents are 45 – level of satisfaction. 69, 43% of residents are 70 When SCOV was first built, – 80, and 38% are more than the major draws were golf 80 years old. We are an agcourse, clubs and arts & crafts. ing community. During 2013, Today, individuals planning 215 SCOV houses were sold, to retire report that they are the largest number since we looking for fitness and exerhave kept records. With that cise activities. SCOV survey percentage turn-over, 8.6%, responders showed the same our average age won’t detrend. The Survey asked in crease. which activities the residents Last May a Membership were involved. The most freSurvey was mailed to 2488 quent responses were 52% homeowners. Board PresiFitness Center, 44% Swimdent Steve Knapp stated its ming, 29% Exercise Classes, purpose was to assess gener25% Education, 25% Golf and al demographics and to help 21% Arts/Crafts. There was understand current owners’ varied needs, interests and Bob and Barbara Ross, average age 74, on the 7th tee of The Views Golf Club. a very high satisfaction level with the activity facilities exlevels of satisfaction. Duane cept for the Fitness Center and Pickleball. The Survey was Eddy analyzed the 1998 responses (80% return rate). We discovered that 65% of homeowners live here full completed before the Fitness Center was remodeled, and time, 32% are seasonal, and approximately 3% of homes plans to add more Pickleball courts were approved. SCOV offers an extremely wide range of activities. Thereare rental properties. Our pride of ownership reflects 96% owner occupied. It is interesting that 14% of current home- fore it was surprising to learn that 23% of respondents said owners rented here before purchasing a home. Our reputa- they did not participate in any SCOV activities. At the other extreme 28% of respondents indicated that they participattion is that SCOV is very welcoming to renters. Approximately 68% of homes have two residents and ed in SCOV activities four or more times per week. The Café was the last area explored. It was disappointing 28% have one. A handful have 3 or more occupants. About 13% of residents are working full or part time, but 87% are that 45% of respondents said they used the Café less than fully retired. A very large percentage, 40%, of homeown- once a month or not at all. Those who responded that they ers have lived here more than 15 years and appear to be used the Café once a month or more were very satisfied quite satisfied. Another 37% have owned a home for 5 to with breakfast, lunch and the value of the meals. The oppor14 years, and 16% have been homeowners for one to four tunities for improvement were the Special Events and Service. The Survey results will be shared with our new Food years. Residents were also asked how they obtained information and Beverage Manager, Vince Hotz. about our community. The Tipster (83%) and Talking with Thank you to the many who participated in the Survey.


Sun City Vistoso Tipster, Febraury 2011

June 2014, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster


Coffee and Conversation with the General Manager

and a Board Member

An informal exchange of information.

Tuesday, June 10, 1 PM, Activity Center/Hopi

Association Committees Committee meetings are open and all residents are welcome to attend. Active Health

www.scovaz.com/committees/activehealth/ Architectural Review

Chair Sandy Lawyer 847-826-2640 selawyer@gmail.com Second and Fourth Tuesday, 1 PM, WC1

SCOV is a dark community. What this means is that we are restricted on the amount of light or the brightness of the light bulbs that we use in our outside light fixtures. Appendix F in the Development Standards highlights examples of the size of the different types of light bulbs that are acceptable either at or less than the 250 lumens that are allowed. In short, a standard incandescent 25 watt light bulb is 250 lumens. We recommend, when replacing your outside light bulbs check the number of lumens specified on most packages; then there will be no doubt. While you’re at it don’t forget the bulbs illuminating your house numbers. Emergency personnel can come to your aide must faster (if needed) if they can more easily read your house number. Communication

Consumer Referral

Co-Chairs Don and Pat Pomeroy 825-1725 Desk Phone 917-8079 Mon., Wed., Fri., 9:30-11:30 AM, Activity Center

Connect to our online list of vendors. 1. On the home page www.suncityorovalley.com under the Residents drop-down menu, click on Members Only. 2. Log in with your user name and password. This is also the page where you can create a new account. 3. Click on Log In. 4. Click on the last blue line, Consumer Referral List. Finance and Budget

Chair Lauren Strassberg los1932@gmail.com Third Monday, 1 PM, WC3 Food and Beverage Committee

Chair Shirley Patterson 818-0283 sm51337patterson@aol.com September-May, Second Tuesday, 7:30 AM Locations to be announced

Summer is here. Meet and greet your friends at your cool Café. Beat the heat with one of our new 3 PM-to close menu items or with one of our cool specials. If you don’t want to dine out, dine in by getting it to-go from the Café or stop by and check out the new Heat and Eat take out meals menu. Also, check out our new fresh baked pastries. Gift Shop

Co-Chairs Julie Holtry 825-4473 Elaine Deeter 825-5388 Gift Shop 917-8051 Shop Hours: Monday-Saturday 9 AM-12:30 PM No Meetings June, July and August www.orovalleygiftshop.com

Stop in for a cool respite on a hot summer day and enjoy browsing beautiful items made by SCOV residents.

No meetings until September www.scovaz.com/committees/communications/index.html Community Assistance

Chair Gay Russell 825-5763 Third Thursday, 3 PM, WC1

Aluminum Can Donations: Put those aluminum cans to work for SCOV. Deposit empty, rinsed aluminum cans in the box outside the Activity Center kitchen. For safety reasons, do not deposit unrinsed cans which can attract bees and may become a hazard. Profits fund the equipment for the Loan Room. Please continue to save your aluminum cans because this supports our Loan Room, providing a way to purchase new equipment as needed. On May 13, we delivered 600 pounds of aluminum cans for which we received $384. This brings our year-to-date total receipts to $2,253.80 with a total of 3,820 pounds recycled. The Loan Room continues to be open Tuesdays and Thursdays, 8-9 AM throughout the summer. You will no longer be able to make telephone reservations until the Telephone Committee begins again in November, but you can always reserve the items you need by coming to the Loan Room. We have many items to loan from medical items, to cots and rollaway beds, tables and chairs and some children’s items. Please feel free to visit us when we are open to see what we have.

Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, June 2014

This month’s featured artists are Curt and Sandy Gates, who make jewelry that lets you wear visitors from outer space (meteorites), fragments from Jurassic and Pleistocene days (petrified dinosaur bone and fossil wooly mammoth ivory), and treasures from under the Atlantic and Pacific (pearls and wampum). They also specialize in stones from classic locations in the American West, including Arizona’s ruby-like ant-hill garnets from Fort Defiance, peridot from San Carlos, and amethyst from the Superstition Mountains, not far from where the legendary Lost Dutchman Mine might be located. Include some Sleeping Beauty and Kingman turquoise and you can wear a different piece of Arizona beauty every day of the week. New consignors and volunteers are always welcome.




Statementof of Revenues Revenues and Expenses and ofof Operations Statement & Expenses and the theResults Results Operations


10 Months 2013-14 Apr-14  Annual H.O. Fees Special Assessment Capital Contribution Fee Golf Revenues Activities Revenues Café Revenues Interest Income Other Income Gross Revenues



$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

244,233 41,600 133,458 13,052 71,114 2,219 29,230 534,906

$ 3,492,334 $ 184 $ 241,510 $ 1,058,019 $ 142,326 $ 518,521 $ 18,410 $ 301,381 $ 5,772,685

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

3,492,334 148,800 1,062,694 122,532 476,500 9,000 192,139 5,503,999

Asset Reserve Contribution Capital Fund Contribution New Capital Acquisitions Restricted Use Revenues Net Operating Revenues  Wages & Benefits Cost of Sales Utilities Repair & Maint. Supplies & Expenses Depreciation Total Expenses

$ $ $ $ $

(21,776) (44,334) 468,796

$ (950,000) $ (100,000) $ (133,283) $ (329,589) $ 4,259,813

$ $ $ $ $

(950,000) (100,000) (93,800) (148,800) 4,211,399

$ $ $ $ $ $ $

236,510 37,664 68,430 7,116 81,382 90,000 521,102

$ 2,205,006 $ 304,820 $ 645,746 $ 137,111 $ 841,516 $ 900,000 $ 5,034,199

$ $ $ $ $ $ $

2,245,587 295,595 672,331 96,697 818,850 900,000 5,029,060

Restricted Fund Expenses Net Operating Expenses

$ $

(90,378) 430,724

$ (960,108) $ 4,074,091

$ $

(900,000) 4,129,060





Results of Operations



the current year. A copy of the report in greater detail can be found at our website, www.suncityorovalley.com. Hold your cursor over Association, and when the drop-down apFor theFor First 10 Months theofFiscal Year Year For First 5Months Months theof Fiscal Year For thethe First 10 ofof Fiscal Year the First 6the Months the Fiscal pears, choose Financial Strength. At this page you will find the monthly Financial Statements and the Annual Budget. 2013-14 2012-13 2013-14 2012-13 2013-14 2012-13 2013-14 2012-13 There are also copies of the monthly Financial Statements $641,767 $626,947 Pre-Paid Rounds $249,381 $248,665 $641,767 $626,947 $309,666 $307,909 Pre-Paid Rounds Pre-Paid Rounds Pre-Paid Rounds and a copy of the Annual Budget for the 2013-2014 fiscal Resident Daily Rounds $61,119 $88,965 Resident Daily Rounds $24,091 $31,731 Resident Daily Rounds $88,965 Resident Daily Rounds $61,119 $32,837 $40,287 year in the Library located in the Welcome Center. Public Daily Rounds $262,013 $218,325 If you are interested in more information regarding the Public Daily Rounds $95,015 $86,176 Public Daily Rounds $262,013 $218,325 Public Daily Rounds $117,667 $103,741 Community’s finances, we encourage you to attend the Finance and Budget Committee meeting which will be held Totals Totals $964,899 $934,237 Totals $368,487 $366,572 Totals $964,899 $934,237 $460,170 $451,937 Monday, June 16, 1 PM, WC3. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at Above is a summary of the Revenues and Expenses 917-8060, or email me at rtrenary@suncityorovalley.com. and the Results of Operations for the first 10 months Randy Trenary, Controller of the 2013-2014 fiscal year. Also included this month is a chart comparing golf revenues from last year to

Golf Course Revenues GolfCourse Course Revenues Golf Revenues Golf Course Revenues


Sun City Vistoso Tipster, Febraury 2011

June 2014, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster


Government Affairs

Chair Debra Arrett 520-825-5703, debra@myfastmail.com Second Wednesday, 1:30 PM, WC1

Reminders for safe driving in SCOV: Golf carts on our streets must follow the same laws as automobiles and must be registered and licensed by the Arizona Department of Transportation and carry proof of insurance. Carts can be driven in the special use lane typically used by bicyclists, but cannot be driven in areas where the speed limit exceeds 35 mph. For pedestrian safety, although drivers are supposed to stop for you in all crosswalks, you should proceed very cautiously; don’t take for granted that the driver will stop. Cars are very big and powerful, and the pedestrian could be badly injured if the two parties collide. To report improper driving within the Town of Oro Valley, call the Traffic Hot Line at 229-4933. Report a specific vehicle driving improperly or dangerously by calling 911. On Innovation Parkway, when the overhead lights are yellow, you may proceed with caution. If they are red, you must stop. When flashing red, stop and proceed when safe as you would a stop sign. Marketing and Publicity

Chair Jim Mitchell jmitch45@gmail.com Fourth Thursday, 3 PM, WC1 Neighborhood Pride

Chair Tempe Johnson 825-6994 Third Tuesday, 2 PM, WC3 Time to Remember

Whether you are here or away for the summer, it’s time to remember: • Artifacts, including empty pots, are not allowed in front yards. Pots should be planted with live plants, as artificial ones are not allowed. • Cactus and/or bushes in your yard should not extend over the sidewalk as to be a danger to walkers. • Weeds in cracks of driveways, sidewalks, and where the cement meets the asphalt of the street are the responsibility of the homeowner to remove. • Trees must be kept trimmed up high enough over the side walk as not to injure walkers or block visibility of a stop sign. • Exposed soil, or bare dirt, on your property needs to be covered by rock. • On a corner lot, check the street-facing side part of your yard for weeds and/or other possible infractions of the governing documents. • For safety reasons, trim any vegetation blocking numbers on your house, and be sure the numbers are lit and visible from the street, day and night. Neighborhood Pride thanks you for heeding the above reminders. Have a wonderful summer. Posse

Chair Robert Hefner 825-4825 First Tuesday, 3 PM, Activity Center/Hopi www.scovaz.com/committees/posse/

The departure of our seasonal residents means patrol schedules are more difficult to fill. If you are not already a member of the Posse, now would be a great time to join. We ask you to go on patrol only three times a year (12 hours per year). You would be doing a great service to our community.

Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, June 2014


Chair Dave Polaski 719-291-2852 Third Thursday, 9 AM, WC1 Strategic Projects

Chair Tut Tustison 825-9431 October- April, Third Thursday, 3 PM, WC2 Tipster Editorial

Co-Chairs Lou Phillippi 638-6957 lnphillippi@yahoo.com Del Salvaterra 834-5146 dslittlebrowngal@gmail.com www.suncityorovalley.com/news/-newsletter.html

The Tipster editorial team bids a sad farewell to long-time friend and colleague, George Holthus. His accurate perceptions, wit and insights helped to make the Tipster what it is today. George, you are greatly missed. The next Tipster Editorial Committee meeting is Monday, July 14, 9 AM, WC1. Assistant Manager - Robin Coulter

Website Refresh

Seven years ago a group of residents met and developed our current website. It is time (really past time) to update the website again. A group of residents have been gathered to review the current site, determine what’s needed in a new site and have the site developed. Keeping relevant, valuable and current information handy for both residents and potential residents is one of the goals of the new site. Identifying and promoting what makes SCOV special will be a key objective. This includes the newly remodeled AFC, our golf course and our many clubs. We are just in the beginning phases of evaluation, including meeting with experts in search engine optimization to make sure that as our site is designed it is done so to provide the most optimal position in search engines. Page placement in the search engines is a very powerful and necessary requirement for the site with regards to potential residents looking for the best place to retire. We want our site to be at the top of those pages. There are many other considerations. Our site must meet the needs of our current residents as well as attract and provide information for future residents. We have complex information from the Board and committee work that needs to be communicated via the website. Our web club structure is also complicated as many clubs have their own webmaster. Making sure these all have a standardized look and feel, plus being easy to navigate is one of the goals of this new site. Our website will continue to include the calendar, information of how to take a community tour, a place to sign up for This Week in SCOV (communication), the ability to submit an article for the Tipster or find a vendor on our Consumer Referral list. The task force has just begun its work. A timeline hasn’t been set for a roll out yet, but will be in the weeks to come. We are open for input from the community regarding your vision of what is needed on the new site. As we get further along in the development of the timeline, we will keep the community updated. Our website is complex with a lot of information. The objective (and challenge) will be to celebrate and highlight what makes us special and to design the site in a way that communicates that clearly, cleanly and is easy to navigate.


Programs/Facilities Director - Pam Sarpalius

Using The AFC

We are very happy with the great response we have received from usage of the new AFC. Many residents told us that the new facility has made them start to work out because they did not like the smaller, older gym. Some residents used to go to other gyms to work out and now they stay in SCOV. New residents are thrilled with the facility since many had a priority on their community shopping list of a good gym facility. If you see a resident in the gym that you have never seen or met be sure to say hello. Also please do not be offended if a monitor asks to see your membership card or fob. We always want to make sure our gym is for the use of our residents and their guests only. With all that said, I would like to remind you of a hygiene matter. We suggest you wash your hands with soap and water before you use equipment and when leaving the AFC. The wipes that are provided are for you to use to wipe down equipment after usage. Washing your hands will stop bringing germs in and out of the facility. Gym lockers are in the locker rooms and we hope you are using them. Bring a lock and your items will be safe. Food & Beverage Director - Vince Hotz /Changes are taking place at The Café including the preparation of some of our existing menu items. One of our goals is to become a 90% scratch kitchen as opposed to our previous 10%. We have started with potato salad, coleslaw and the majority of the pastries. The next step will be dressings, sauces, hash, sausages etc. Our hamburger patties comes in fresh from Harris Ranch in California where the beef is ground weekly. We have a grinder on site for sausages (chicken, turkey, wild boar, etc.) and special burgers (butcher’s burger, buffalo, ostrich, etc.). The hamburgers, hot dogs, chicken and steak are now being prepared on a grill instead of a griddle. These changes alone make a good portion of the menu healthier in general. Stop by anytime in the afternoon to take care of your hunger pangs. Though the grill closes at 3 PM, you can still enjoy our afternoon menu along and our full bar is available until close. Don’t forget about our $6 hot dog and beer special after 3 PM. It is our goal to have a new regular café menu by mid-summer. Some specials are actually auditions for new menu items. Let us know what you think. Completing a comment card provides valuable information on menu development. When you fill out the card, you will be entered into our monthly drawing for a free Café gift certificate. We look forward to serving you soon.

SCOV Library - Kate Cusumano

Follow Kate’s blog: scovlibrary.wordpress.com

Our air conditioned Library is a terrific place to spend time this summer. New books include The Lincoln Myth by Steve Berry, and China Dolls by Lisa See. Our audiobook shelves now hold the latest releases Photo by Steve Taillie by Sandford, Connelly, Bal- Librarian Kate Cusumano introduces H. Alan Day and codacci and Pat- author, Lynn Wiese Sneyd at an Author Visit in April. terson. A special deal from a publisher has resulted in 18 new large print books, including Fly Away by Kristin Hannah, and The Storyteller by Jodi Picoult. On our video shelves you may now find The Monuments Men, Lone Survivor, and Mr. Selfridge Season 1. Every month some of our books and movies are returned to the Oro Valley Public Library by mistake, and vice versa. We appreciate you taking the time to make sure to return items to the correct library, as we are not part of their system. A new selection of books, movies and music CDs awaits you on our sale shelves. Thank you for your wonderful donations. April 1-30 Housing Resale Information Resales 2014 2013

For the Month 28 29 Total sold in 2013 - 215

YTD 74 85

2014 Active Listings as of 4/30/14............................48 2013 Active Listings this time last year.....................35 Source TARMLS®

Average age of new owners: 68

Community Services - Katy Mosier

Office open 10 AM-Noon, Monday-Friday, Welcome Center 917-8058 kmosier@suncityorovalley.com Friends of the Library The SCOV Friends of the Library is a membership organization whose purpose is to support the library by promoting use of its services and developing and providing financial support. Annual dues are $10 pp or $15/household. Forms to join are in the library. A volunteer will help you. The membership dues help to purchase books, audio books, videos and ongoing supplies needed for the library to operate efficiently. No monies are received from SCOV’s membership dues to purchase any of the above items. The Friends of the Library is proud to support our SCOV Library. We appreciate your patronage.


Sun City Vistoso Tipster, Febraury 2011

Enter the SCOV Community Phone Directory Photo Contest

We are looking for an award-winning photo to grace the cover of our next edition of the Community Phone Directory. Submit your favorite Sun City Oro Valley photograph of the community by Saturday, June 21 to crichard@suncityorovalley.com. June 2014, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster


Welcome New Neighbors Unit # Name From 1A David Cabbage & Colleen Rafferty Oro Valley, AZ 3 Kurt & Nancy Klucking Bellingham. WA 3 Steven & Mary Lingo Sun City West, AZ 3 James & Linda Ross Cedar Park, TX 6 Robert & Maria Burchett North Valley Stream, NY 6 Shirley Lee Grassy Butte, ND 6 Donald & Lois Meyer Spicer , MN 6 Kenneth & Madeleine Percival Colorado Springs, CO 6 Charles & Janice Ostrander O’Fallon, MO 6 Ronald & Margaret Zweifel Wabeno, WI 7 Richard & Carole Whipple Avon, CT 8 Wade & Gail Benham Tucson, AZ 10 Judy Oliver Woodland, CA 9 Jerome & Jan Dunbar Dekalb, IL 9 Steven & Karen Volz Menomonee, WI 10 Timothy Cronk & Heather Webber Laconia, NH 11B Dorothy Filip Tucson, AZ 12 John Welch & Martha Cray Oro Valley, AZ 12 Darren Shelton Oro Valley, AZ 14 William & Caroline Snead Redmond, WA 14 Robert & Joanne Keck St. Cloud, MN 17 L. Bruce & Susan Anderson Akeley, MN 17 Charles and Linda Hewins Star Valley Ranch, WY 17 Gary & Virginia Jones North Plains, OR 17 Alan & Sally Rohde Flushing, MI Recreation and Fitness - Lonnie Davis

Why should I get the LF Connect App?

LF Connect lets you control your own workout experience. For example, if you want to do a workout that is not programmed on the machines, simply create, share and personalize your own, manipulating time, speed and intervals. You can use LF Connect (App or computer) to create your workout at home or even on the way to the gym. When you arrive your workout is ready to go. The LF Connect App also allows you to log your strength session as well as record any exercises you do outside the gym. Use the app to record your run or bike ride. Each resistance machine will have a QR barcode to scan, then simply record your sets, reps and weight, keeping your workout logs all in one place.

Association-Sponsored Fitness Classes

Purchase a fitness punch card from the Welcome Center/ Administration Office, $15/10 classes. You may use this card for all SCOV-sponsored fitness classes. It can also be used for your guests. There is a $2 drop-in charge if you do not have a punch card.

Special Note from the AFC

An orientation on how to use the gym equipment will be held every Thursday at 1 PM. Stop in and sign up. See Lonnie Davis or call 917-8073.

Aqua Zumba® Tues., 1-2 PM, AFC/Pool Cardio Chair Aerobics Tues., Thurs., 10:30-11:30 AM, Catalina Vista Sunrisers Low-impact aerobics class, Mon., and Fri., 6:30 AM, AFC/Studio 1 Sweat Stretch Tues., Thurs., 7:30-9 AM, AFC/Studio 1 Water Aerobics Mon., Wed., Fri., 9-10 AM, AFC/Pool Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, June 2014

Zumba® Tues., 9:15-10:10 AM, Thurs., 5:30-6:30 PM, AFC/Studio 1 Walking in the AFC-Studios Mon. and Fri., 1-2 PM Personal Trainer One-on-one training, call Ray Jerkins 219-561. Tuesday, June 10, the AFC pool and spa will be closed for cleaning and shock treatment. It will reopen the following morning at the regular time. Wednesday, June 11, the Desert Oasis pool will close at 7 AM for cleaning and shock treatment and will reopen the following morning at the regular time. For times the AFC pool and Desert Oasis pool are open, see the Hours of Operation, page two of this Tipster.


Head Golf Professional - Kim Griggs

www.theviewsgolfclub.com The new fiscal year is upon us and we will begin selling passes this month. Stop by the Welcome Center/Administration and see Norma or Kathy to get your pass.

Resident Rates: purchased before July 1 Annual 18-Hole Golf Pass $3,050 single and $5,675 couple After July 1 $3,150 single and $5,785 couple Annual 9-Hole passes $1,830 single and $3,405 couple Annual Combo Couples Pass (18/9-Hole) $4,450 purchased before July 1 $4,650 after July 1 18-Hole punch cards $500 for 10 punches 9-Hole punch cards $300 for 10 punches Cart Fees 18-Holes $10 per seat 9-Holes $7 per seat Resident Summer Rates began May 1 $32 for 18-Holes and $23 for 9-Holes After 1 PM $17 for 18-Holes and $13 for 9-Holes General Public Rates: Annual Pass 18-Hole $3,750 single and $6,095 couple 9-Hole 2,250 single and $3,825 couple Includes use of a Views golf cart, with 7-day advanced tee time reservations in winter and 6-day advanced tee time reservations in summer. 18-Hole punch cards $575 for 10 punches 9-Hole punch cards $350 for 10 punches Cart Fees 18-Holes $10 per seat 9-Holes $7 per seat General Public Summer Rates $38 for 18-Holes $27 for 9-Holes After 1 PM $20 for 18-Holes $15 for 9-Holes Help Collate the Tipster

Once a month residents are needed to insert flyers in the Auditorium. The work is usually performed on the last weekday of the month at approximately 10:45 AM. Call Dave or Tempe Johnson 825-6994.


Superintendent - Michael Kropf June is the ugliest time of the year for the golf course. The only way to improve the conditions of the overseeded turf is to remove the winter rye grass as quickly as possible to allow the underlying Bermuda grass a chance to survive when the weather is favorable. There are many different methods and options in the rye grass removal, as well as many different decisions that need to be made on when to remove the rye grass. Last year the rye grass was chemically removed after the fairways and approaches had already been aerified and topdressed. That process seemed to be very effective in not damaging the Bermuda grass and providing a good environment to re-establish thicker and quicker grass than in previous years when the rye grass was chemically removed prior to aerification. However, the chemical used to remove the rye grass seems to have a negative impact on the Bermuda grass that has slowed the growth process. This year, a brand new chemical is being used for transition that removes the rye grass very gradually so that playability is maintained while allowing the Bermuda grass a competitive advantage over the rye grass. This is a test trial on this chemical, and we are the first in southern Arizona to use it for transition. Hopefully, it performs as described and both the golfers and the Bermuda grass will be happy. Despite all the efforts to remove the rye grass quickly, the fairways and aprons will still look bad for some time. Patience is always going to be required during the month of June, but the humidity in July will bring the green back to the golf course. Golf Advisory

Chair Janet Kimball 825-3172 First Wednesday, 2 PM, WC3

Please welcome Janet Kimble as new Chair of Golf Advisory. Special thanks to Kim Griggs and Mike Kropf for all their valuable efforts in making the course ready and scheduling play over the past winter season. Keep your eyes open for more Hit and Giggle events this fall. Preston Sheriff was very helpful in the success of these events. New combo tees are expected this fall. Current tees and distances will be kept (some name changes), with eight tees in total for player consideration. There will also be five new tees where the rock tees are currently located. Handicap suggestions will also be made for each of the tees. Green and fairway plugging has started and will continue in June/July. Keep talking with your clubs about improvement ideas for the course. Finally, do you follow the 90 degree cart rule that Kim recommends at the start of each round? If not, ask her why you should.

Secure Access Update Your membership cards are now needed to gain access into Catalina Vista, Desert Oasis and the AFC. Please carry your card with you. If you’d like it to be punched and receive a free lanyard, please come to the Administration Office. Do not punch your cards yourselves as there are only two safe zones on the card in which it may be punched. Punching in another area may result in the card being damaged.


Sun City Vistoso Tipster, Febraury 2011

The Views 18-Hole Men’s Golf Club

Pres. Don Andersen 825-1408 Membership Jerry Bushong 818-2513 Play Wednesday

Another summer is moving in fast, and with it, a mass exodus of many club members. Those of us who remain will continue to enjoy our beautiful course and engage in Wednesday morning games. New Board members: Pres., Don Andersen; VP, Vern Barr; Treas., David Hablewitz and Sec., John Cook. Outgoing are Gary Graber, Mike Gardner and Tom Porter. As we brave the heat, remember to load up with plenty of water. Happy golfing to all. The Views Men’s Nine-Hole Golf Club

Pres. Sherwin Koopmans 818-6337 Membership Jack Saatkamp 825-4376 Play Thursday

Summer is here and there is no official league play until October 16. All members are welcome to continue to play on Thursday mornings in the 7:30 AM shotgun. Results of the annual Club Tournament are as follows: Club Champion Low Gross Ron Hall Club Champion Low Net Gary Larsen First Flight Winner Don Smatlak Second Flight Winner Jim Barwick Third Flight Winner Lee Ziegler Fourth Flight Winner Dick Davis Board elections were held at the April 24 meeting. Elected were: Pres., Sherwin Koopmans; VP, Jim Mitchell; Sec., Dave Johnson; Treas., Ode Satterfield, All men, including nonresidents, are welcome to join the club. To do so, contact Membership Chairman Jack Saatkamp. Golf quote of the month, “If you thinks it’s hard to meet new people, try picking up the wrong golf ball” - Jack Lemmon.

Candlelight Dinner Friday, June 13 Call for reservations 825-3277

Key Fobs If you would like a key fob for use with the secure access system, they are available at the Welcome Center Office for $10. It’s not a substitute for your card. The fob will provide you access to the Catalina Vista, Desert Oasis and the AFC. It will not work at the library.


June 2014, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster

The Views Women’s Golf Club

Pres. Yvette Schulz 825-0797 Membership Barb McNeill 825-0677 Play Tuesday

Our 2013-2014 season closed with our Awards Luncheon. Congratulations go out to our many winners! (Please check our bulletin board for a complete list of the winners.) Results of the Club Championship: Club Champion Barbara Hall, Runner Up Payton Davies. Teal Flight 1: Gross-1st Yvette Schulz, 2nd Debbie Allen, 3rd Mary Ann Diridon. Net: Betty Bittle. Teal Left to right: Runner Up, Payton Davies, Flight 2: Gross-1st Mary El- Club Champion, Barbara Hall with Kim len Tovatt, 2nd Sue LaFon- Griggs, Golf Pro. taine, 3rd Barbara McNeill. Net: Ruth Bonfiglio. Red Flight 1: Gross-1st Susanna Moran, 2nd Doris Lowery, 3rd Chie Masaki. Arizona Womens Golf Association Medallion winners: Gross Barbara Hall, Net Betty Bittle. Eagle head covers were awarded to Penny Davidsen and Pattie Thompson for making eagles this year. First place Ringer winners: Teal 1-Barbara Hall and Debbie Allen-67; Teal 2-Peg Bushong-71; Teal 3-Joyce Friedericy-78; Red 1-Nancy Larson-77; Red 2-Diane Dugan-84. Remember to sign up in our binder for summer play 7:30 AM shot gun. Have a great summer. The Views 9-Hole Women’s Golf Club

Pres. Terrie Juba 818-6553 Membership Kate Young 248-0030 Play Thursday

Our year-end Awards and Brunch was held May 1. Our Club Champion is Debbie Allen. Debbie was also the State Medallion Low Gross Winner and Karen Knutson was the State Medallion Low New Winner. They will represent the club at the State Medallion Championship in the fall. The first summer Fun Day will be June 5. Sign up in the Pro Shop for play. Shotgun starts at 7:30 AM, check in by 7 AM.

Sun City Vistoso Foundation

The Sun City Vistoso Community Foundation, a separate and independent organization from the Association, established in 1998, provides a means through which tax-deductible gifts may be channeled to support qualified health, cultural, educational and charitable needs of SCOV and surrounding areas. Gifts may be made at any time by check, stocks or giftsin-kind to the Foundation, 1565 E. Rancho Vistoso Blvd., Tucson, AZ 85755. Pres. Steve Taillie 825-8804 www.scovaz.com/clubs/foundation The Foundation mission is to improve the quality of life for active adults in SCOV and the surrounding areas through tax-deductible channels. The Foundation is made up of SCOV residents serving three-year terms without compensation. Please visit our website.

Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, June 2014


Grilling Season Brings a Cautionary Tale

by Alex Bissett On Sunday night, April 27, we had a gas fire that completely destroyed our Weber Grill. Here is what happened: I was preparing to grill myself a hamburger. I turned on the two back burners of our grill, and came back into our kitchen to season a hamburger patty while the grill heated up. While I was doing this, I heard a roaring noise coming from outside. When I looked out the window, the grill was completely engulfed in flames, some of which were coming out as if from a giant blowtorch. I turned on the water to our hose that was just outside our sliding back door and started spraying the fire, especially the propane tank which had become exposed by that time. Our neighbor on the other side of our wall heard the roaring noise and came running over but by that time the propane tank had emptied itself, the flames were out and the whole grill structure destroyed. The destroyed In retrospect, I Weber grill should have been aware that something was wrong because when I lit the grill, I only got a weak flame – this with a full propane tank. I know now that gas was leaking inside the body of the grill from Photo by Alex Bissett one of the ends of the hose or from the hose itself. Here are some of the safety precautions I should have taken and didn’t: 1. Every time you install a newly filled propane tank, check the connections on both ends of the gas hose as well as the complete hose by spraying or wiping them with soapy water. 2. If you ever smell gas when you open the grill housing, stop and check for leaks. 3. If you only get a weak flame when you turn on the grill, or if it doesn’t light right away, stop and check for leaks. Then open the hood and wait five minutes before attempting to relight the grill. 4. Get out your manual and do the periodic safety checks recommended by the manufacturer. 5. Make sure kids stay away from the grill when you are turning it on and when you are using it. 6. Make sure the grill is at least 10 feet away from your house or any flammable structure. Although we lost our grill, I consider this a good accident. Other than the grill itself, a potted plant, and a yard light, there was no serious damage and I didn’t get burned. When you look at the picture of the burned grill, just imagine what would have happened if I had been leaning over the grill when the fire started. By doing an Internet search, I found that there are hundreds of gas-grill fires every year and many of these result in property damage, serious injuries and some deaths.


The Café

June Special Dinner

Coupons may not be used for dinners.

Candlelight Dinner

Friday, June 13, Cocktails: 4-5:30 PM, Dinner 5:30 PM Reservations required. Please call 825-3277 to set up your reservation. Dinner is $16.95 pp or $24.95 pp with two wine pairings. Menu: Osso Bucco with Basmati rice and seasonal vegetable or grilled Ono with ginger orange glaze over Basmati rice with Asian vegetables. Both served with house salad.

Happy Hour

Friday, June 27, 4-7 PM $1 off all drinks. Chef’s Board $10, a selection of meats, cheeses and other chef-inspired treats. Savory Pies $5; Grilled Polenta cake with Romesco sauce and roasted vegetables $6; House pickle jar $5; Fried green tomatoes with herb aioli $5. The Café is offering you a chance to receive a free breakfast or lunch if you turn in a comment card. Monthly comment cards are randomly drawn for the free meal. The March winners are Rhonda Slack, Wayne Gustin, Bob Ritt, Ted Rydzewski and Jan Ostrander. Congratulations and bon appétit.

Pass Holder Benefits This month The Views Golf Club Annual Pass Holders offer

Diamondbacks – Bus Trip

Sit back and relax on a luxury bus to the ball game. The bus will leave the Welcome Center no later than 9:15 AM. The bus will depart the stadium a half hour after the game ends. Seats are in the Diamond section of the ball park. These seats are great for viewing, wider, more leg room with food service to your seat if you wish. Also, concession stands are nearby. Weather is no problem since the stadium is covered and cooled. If you want to sit with a certain group of people please purchase all the tickets at one time.

Tickets on sale at the Welcome Center. See Coco or Pam. Checks made payable to SCOV.

There will be only one bus, so get your tickets now. Friday, July 4, 2 PM, Auditorium

A Little Bit of Pride On The 4th of July

Enjoy the Sun City Singers Independence Day Concert, featuring popular patriotic songs and American Folk music, in the cool comfort of Auditorium. Look for details from the Sun City Singers and posters in all facilities. This is a free concert with open seating.

Workshops and Classes

AED (Automatic External Defibrillator) Classes No classes are held in June, July and August. Classes are held the fourth Wednesday of each month at 1:30 PM, WC1. Lonnie Davis teaches these classes. To attend you must register ahead of time by calling Lonnie at 917-8073. You could save the life of a loved one or friend by taking this class.

Clay Club Orientation

50 Bonus for referrals

Class dates/times determined when several have signed up. Sign-up sheet in Clay Studio/Artisan Complex.

Call Kat at 917-8068 to get the details on being an annual pass holder.

This year-round workshop is at George and Beverly Riley’s home. All skill levels are welcome. We practice playing and discuss the standardized game rules of SCOV, as well as scoring, etiquette and skill tactics. Couples and singles are invited. No fee or dues. Call 818-0877.


if your referral signs up and joins a league in June Not a Pass Holder?

Coming Events

Items included in this section must be open to all residents and be either an Association-sponsored or an annual club event of interest to the entire community.

Special Events for Clubs See club articles for full details. Sun City Singles, Golf, Sun., Jun. 1, The Views Golf Club Day Trippers, Annual Ice Cream Social, Sun., Jun. 8, Activities Center/Navajo Sun City Singles, Dinner, Thurs., Jun. 12, 5:30 PM, Activity Center/Navajo Dinner ‘N Show, Jersey Boys, Thurs., Jun. 19, at UofA Centennial Hall, $88 Sun City Singles, Happy Hour, Fri., Jun. 27, 5:30 PM, Activity Center/Navajo Day Trippers, Free Trip to Wildhorse Casino, Mon., July 14 Rock ‘N Roll, Dance Party, Sat., July 19, 7-10 PM, Auditorium Dinner ‘N Show, Molley Sweeney at Live Theater Workshop, Fri., Aug. 8 Day Trippers, Pageant of the Masters & Getty Museum, Aug. 18-21, Laguna Beach, CA Day Trippers, Butterfly Wonderland & Cerreta Chocolate Co., Wed., Sept. 24, Phoenix 12

Thursday, June 19, $47 pp

Sun City Vistoso Tipster, Febraury 2011

Gin Rummy

Parkinson’s Exercise Classes

Exercise classes are held every Monday and Thursday from 4-5:30 PM, WC3. This class has helped many and is a great support to those with Parkinson’s. $10/class or $50/month. Spouse or caretaker is welcome at every class. For information call Ray Jerkins at 219-3561.

Tap Dance Summer Boot Camp Dancin’ Dynamos is sponsoring a 12 week, June 4–August 20, tap dance summer boot camp on Wednesdays, 9:30-10:30 AM, Dance Studio. Open to all levels. Dancers will learn a variety of time steps and routines set to oldies music. No class fees. Contact Carolyn Hanson 825-2814 carolynhanson333@gmail.com.


Any new painting of the side and rear yard perimeter fencing around your lot must be done using Weathered Brown. All fencing needs to be painted Weathered Brown by January 1, 2016.


June 2014, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster

For Your Information

Celebrations & Life Events

The items contained under this heading are provided as a service to residents. SCOV assumes no responsibility or liability for the information contained therein.

AARP Tax Assistance

AARP tax counselors at the Welcome Center are no longer available for consultation. If you need assistance with your Federal or Arizona return, please contact David Likness, tax counselor, at the local AARP office, 6700 N. Oracle Road, Suite 331, Tucson or call 520-571-9884.

American Red Cross Blood Drive People come in all different shapes, sizes and blood types. The vast majority of blood types fall into one of the major ABO groups. However, for a small percentage of the population, finding someone else with the same blood type can be as difficult as looking for a needle in a haystack. You could be that needle. Every two seconds someone in the United States needs blood. SCOV’s drive is Thursday, June 12, 8-11 AM, Auditorium. Schedule an appointment by calling the Red Cross 1-800-448-3543 or by visiting redcrossblood.org.

Costume Closet

Summer helpers are Marty Siracusa 825-6961 and Betty Verderese 825-7811. Please make an appointment with either one to gain access to the Costume Closet.

Donate Your Old Cell and Smart Phones

The SCOV Emerge! Auxiliary wants to thank the many folks who have donated cell or smart phones. We are still looking for used phones with chargers. Phones will be set for 911 calls only and will be used exclusively by participants in cooperation with Emerge! Center for Abuse. Unused phones will be recycled and the money donated to Emerge! Call Nancy Williams 818-3178 for drop-off.


To record the passing of a current or former resident call 9178065 or complete a Tipster form located in the Welcome Center.


John P. (Jack) Collins Ed Bierbach Jane Arndorfer Loretta Ross George Holthus Clifford Stalnaker

Dale Masher

1 1 1 1 1 1

April 18 April 22 April 23 April 25 April 28 May 11

Former Residents 1

March 30

Ruth Tone, long time resident of SCOV received the “Best of Show“ Award for her painting Foundation Patterns in the Judged Southern Arizona Watercolor Guild’s Experimental Show. Ruth is an active artist and has had paintings accepted in juried exhibitions in Tubac, Tucson, Scottsdale and nationwide and has received many awards.

Thank You

This section allows residents to express thanks to the community. Articles should not exceed 50 words and should not contain thanks to specific persons.

No words can adequately express my thanks and appreciation for all the kindness expressed upon my husband Jack’s death on April 18. The Golder Ranch team showed their usual excellence and compassion. To all my friends and neighbors, thank you for all the hugs, food, cards, flowers, kind words and offers of help. Jack and I always bragged about SCOV spirit, but you cannot really appreciate it until you are on the receiving end. Maryann Collins and Family We want to thank all of our friends and acquaintances in SCOV who sent more than 100 cards, plus flowers, and food. You were a great support system to our family during George’s long hospitalization and afterward. George really loved retirement and enthusiastically gave his time, talent, and energy to the community. SCOV is a very special place to live and we will all miss him. Evelyn Holthus and family We are so appreciative of all the sympathy cards we’ve received and phone calls from friends and neighbors when our daughter Terri May passed away with cancer. Thank you. Sam and Mary Rabito

Donate Your Rinsed Empty Aluminum Cans to the Community Assistance Committee

Put your empty aluminum cans to work for Sun City Oro Valley. Deposit only empty, rinsed aluminum cans in the box outside the Activity Center kitchen door. The Community Assistance Committee uses the recycled aluminum funds to purchase items for the Loan Room.

Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, June 2014


Sun City Oro Valley Scrapbook

Resident submitted photos

Golfer Bernie Froehner has divine light on The Views Golf Course. Photo by Eva Froehner.

Gila monster blends into the rocks when Jean Redd snapped this picture of him.

This quick moving March storm provided a stunning panorama. Photo by Carol Workman.

Heres looking at you... a coyote was hiding behind a tree in our yard. Photo by Lou Phillippi.

House Finch in spent blooms. Photo by Steve Holmes. Cactus flowers in SCOV yard. Photo by Karen Jepsen. White hawk landed on an owl sculpture. Photo by Jack Hudson.

Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, June 2014, Page 14


Aqua Tone

Marcia Polley 818-9073 Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, 8 AM, AFC/Pool Art League

Co-Pres. Dave Dame 825-7430, Judy Bjorling 818-1296 Colored Pencil Co-Pres. Vanessa Edwards 825-1144 Peggy Webb 825-2731 October 1-May 15, Friday, 9 AM-1 PM, Catalina Vista/Art Studio Etching - Printmakers Vickie Von Elbe 825-1329 Friday, 9 AM, Catalina Vista/Art Studio Fine Arts Studio Pres. Mellanie Herbert 825-2258 Wednesday, 9 AM, Catalina Vista/Art Studio

Some of our members may have left for the summer, but we have a core contingent that paints each Wednesday in our cool studio. We continue our format of weekly art community discussions and a critique session wherein constructive improvement suggestions are offered. It’s quieter in the summer season and more work gets accomplished. We invite all community members who have a current or latent desire to become a fine artist to join our group and see what the magic of some paint, a brush, some paper or canvass and some collegial help can create. Have a wonderful summer.

Oil Painting - Art Made Easy Merle Broadbent 818-0098 Monday, 9 AM-Noon, Catalina Vista/Mt. Lemmon

Watercolor Pres. John Ebert 818-1830 Sec. Rowena Hardinger 825-0752 Treas. Ito McNully 825-6681 Tuesday, 9 AM-4 PM, Catalina Vista/Art Studio

Need inspiration to start summer painting? A list of suggestions is posted on the bulletin board for each month’s challenge. Skies and trees are suggested for June. Paint your subject and have the group show work completed by the end of the month. Practice makes perfect, so keep the brushes busy. Arthritis Water

Pres. Dawn Simske 825-0907 Sec. Ruth Hofstetter 825-8990 Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 10:15 AM, AFC/Pool

Come join us for gentle water exercise specifically designed by the Arthritis Foundation to help with range of motion and to relieve stiffness and pain. These exercises are great for arthritis, fibromyalgia, replaced hips and knees, etc. Our resident volunteer instructors, Dawn Simske and Helen Kirk, are Arthritis Foundation-trained. Dues $4/yr. Astronomy

Pres. Peter Simpson 395-0480 peterhsimpson@gmail.com October-May, Third Thursday, 7 PM, Activity Center/Navajo www.scovaz.com/clubs/astronomy/

The Astronomy Club will be on hiatus during the summer months of June through Sept. During the summer months the club will conduct monthly Star Parties for the full-time resident members who will be in Tucson this summer. Please send an email to scovastronomy@gmail.com to get on the mailing list.

Painting continues on Monday mornings. Don’t forget to call on Saturday to reserve your seat.

Open Studio Artists Carol Nagel 825-3097 Thursday, 9 AM-2 PM, Catalina Vista/Art Studio

As you travel over the summer take a lot of photos, you may have the subject of a perfect painting. Our group will still meet over the summer. Join us in the air-conditioned Art Studio.

Sculpture Laurie Lichaa 812-0198 Monday, 9 AM-5 PM , Catalina Vista/Art Studio

The weather’s hot and our studio is cool. Some of us may have flown the coop but we have a contingent group which works throughout the summer. All community members are invited to join the happenings on Monday mornings. With the oldies music station playing, we sculpt, support each other with constructive ideas and discuss the art world. One of our resident-teachers will be here all summer to help beginners start their first piece and guide them through completion. Come join us and become a sculptor. Have a happy and healthy summer.

Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, June 2014

Astronomy Club members touring Kitt Peak with guide, Dr. Don McCarthy, UofA Astronomy Dept., March 27. The Astronomy Club had a terrific 2013-2014 season! Our membership has tripled to 82 families as we end our Club year on June 30. The club held an extremely successful annual cookout and Star Party on the Activity Center Patio on April 24. A highlight was the viewing of the ISS (International Space Station) which the club arranged to fly directly over the patio at 8:01 PM, just as the Star Party began! Plans are underway to visit the Sky Center on Mt. Lemmon and the UA Mirror Lab. The first club meeting for the new season will October 16.


Barbershop VLQ (Very Large Quartet) - Kactus Krooners

Mike Moyer 818-6509 mmoyerpp@gmail.com October-May, Monday, 11 AM-Noon, Desert Oasis During the summer months this fun, mixed a cappella Barbershop Harmony mini-chorus will be taking a rest starting in May and will resume in early November. Watch the Tipster for a notice. Meanwhile, get together with some friends and just keep singing.

Birders Group

Marjorie Flory 825-4580 Last Friday, 4 PM, Catalina Vista/Art Studio www.scovaz.com/clubs/birders/

Bible Study

Men’s Bible Study Darwin Thornton 638-7024 Rick Thomas 591-0475 October-May, Tuesday, 7:30 AM, Catalina Vista/Mt. Kimball

During the off-season months leading up to the start of next season’s Bible studies in October, the men meet for breakfast at The Café, 8 AM, Tuesday mornings. Come join us for this time of fellowship and food.

Precept Women’s Bible Study Linda Miller 818-2716 Pat Gustin 825-7531 October-April, Wednesday, 8:45 AM, WC3

We are a caring group of women of all faiths that study the bible and pray together. We are on summer break and will resume in October. We welcome new members. Please call for information. Bike - Vistoso Cyclists

Pres. Jim Johnson 520-850-8368 Membership Tom and Bonnie Bethea 773-653-4580 Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Mountain View Plaza www.scovaz.com/clubs/cyclists/

We meet in the parking lot at Mountain View Plaza (Sun City Blvd. and Rancho Vistoso Blvd.). Check the club website for current month’s biking schedule. Tuesday morning is our WOW (Women on Wheels) ride around Oro Valley. Our mountain bike riders head out into the desert on Wednesday mornings. New riders are always welcome. Call Tom or Bonnie Bethea for ride details. Vistoso Cyclists, partner Wheels for Kids: donate your seldomused, bicycle to Wheels for Kids and receive a tax-deduction for the donation. We refurbish such bikes and distribute them to kids and teens, thus giving youth in need the freedom, fun and fitness that results from cycling. See www.azwfk.org to arrange for a drop-off or pickup. Your cash donations are also taxdeductible. Billiards

Don Weed 520-498-1171 Monday-Friday, Noon-4 PM, Catalina Vista/Billiards

The Billiards Club held two tournaments the past month. The April 22 game winnners were Jay Witala and Charlie Palacios. Nate Norris placed second. On May 4, Terry Henrichs was the winner with Howard Kaspy and Jerry Cohen second. The Billiards Club tournaments are rotating partner 8-ball with partners randomly chosen. We play 11 games in a three-hour time period. If you would like to play, join the Billiards Club for $10 and sign up for the next tournament. The sign-up sheet is posted in the billiards room on the bulletin board. Our next two tournaments will be held June 10 and June 22. Please remember to come in and sign up. The club is no longer using the telephone sign-up system.


Sun City Vistoso Tipster, Febraury 2011

Easy birding at Ash Canyon Bed & Breakfast. All residents are welcome to bird with us and attend our planning meeting June 27. Contact the group coordinator prior to 4 PM the day before the trip to assure your carpool space. Meet at the parking area behind the Welcome Center 15 minutes before the departure time. Bring lunch where indicated. Don’t forget binoculars, hat, water, sunscreen and bird guidebook. Gas money will be collected before departure from SCOV. Check our website for updated information on future birding trips.

Mon., Jun. 2, 6 AM Mt. Lemmon. Maggie & Roger Hinkle 818-9488. Bring money for lunch out. $11 carpool. Thurs., Jun. 19, 5 AM Canyons on Ft. Huachuca. Judy & Paul Mercer 333-3490. Bring photo ID & money for lunch out. $14 carpool. Tues., Jul. 8, 5 AM Harshaw Road & Paton’s. Shirley Piplani 825 8428. Bring lunch. $13 carpool. Bocce

Pres. Karl Dalla Rosa 825-1982 Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 7 PM, Bocce Courts

Work on our new Bocce courts has begun and will continue through the summer. We should be playing on our new courts by the fall. Now would be a good time to come out and give the game of Bocce a try. Meet new friends, have a good time learning a fun and easy game. It’s a very pleasant way to spend a summer evening. Book Clubs

Great Books Pres. Barbara Gates 825-7645 VP Jeff Amthor 825-4571 scov.great.books@gmail.com October-May, First and Third Wednesday, 2 PM, Catalina Vista/Mt. Lemmon

We will be on summer vacation until October 1. All residents are invited to join us then, when we will begin discussion of Immigrant Voices: 21st Century Stories, an anthology of 18 contemporary short stories written by recent immigrants to the United States and just published by Great Books Foundation (ISBN 978-1-939014-65-9, see www.greatbooks.org). The short stories provide important perspectives on the experiences, concerns and aspirations of those who left their homeland for a new life in the United States. The volume editors state “the stories collected in


June 2014, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster

Immigrant Voices are about daily life in a changing America, and about the kinds of relationships immigrants in the United States have with each other, with the people and places around them, and with those who remain in their home countries.... Immigrant Voices presents a cross-section of new voices and ideas about these experiences.”

SCOV Book Club Jane Fairchild 520-909-5069 janemail11@yahoo.com First Monday, 1:30 PM, Catalina Vista/Pusch Ridge

At our July meeting we will discuss The Rosie Project by Graeme Simsion. Meet Don Tillman, a brilliant yet socially challenged professor of genetics, who’s decided it’s time he found a wife. And so, in the orderly, evidence-based manner with which Don approaches all things, he designs the Wife Project to find his perfect partner: a sixteen-page, scientifically valid survey to filter out the drinkers, the smokers, the late arrivers. The Rosie Project is a rare find: a book that restores our optimism in the power of human connection. At our August meeting, we will discuss The Last Runaway, by Tracy Chevalier. This novel is set in Ohio in 1850. For a modest English Quaker stranded far from home, life is a trial. Untethered from the moment she leaves England, fleeing personal disappointment, Honor Bright is forced by family tragedy to rely on strangers in an alien, untamed landscape. Drawn into the clandestine activities of the Underground Railroad, a network helping runaway slaves escape to freedom, Honor befriends two exceptional people who embody the startling power of defiance. Newcomers and guests are always welcome. Light refreshments will be served. Bowling League - Pathfinders

Blake Napper 818-2718 Monday, 9 AM, Fiesta Lanes (River and Oracle Rd.) Bridge

Duplicate Bridge Pres. Jerry Cohen 818-2151 Monday, 6 PM, Friday, 12:30 PM, Activity Center/Hohokam

Annual dues $8 pp. Please be present at least 10 minutes before scheduled playing time, as we may start a few minutes early. Bring exactly $1 pp for prize money each time you play. Residents may play twice before joining. Renters, with an Association renter’s card, are welcome to join. Guests of residents may play only twice a year. We are not an ACBL-sanctioned club and do not award master points.

Ladies Monday Social Bridge Pres. Marcia Polley 818-9073 Monday, Noon, Catalina Vista/Mt. Kimball

Everyone is welcome to come and play bridge with a wonderful group of friendly women.

Ladies Wednesday Bridge Pres. Kay Jacobs 825-8525 Wednesday, 12:25 PM, Activity Center/Hopi

Keep up your bridge skills over the summer. Join us for a pleasant afternoon of bridge in the cool Hopi room. Tallies are 50¢ each and annual dues are $3 pp. Newcomers and guests are welcome.

Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, June 2014

June Jaeger 818-9564

Marathon Bridge

Mixed Social Bridge Pres. Barney Budreck 825-2172 Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Desert Oasis/Ocotillo

Come and join the early risers at mixed social bridge for a fun start to your day. Sign in before 8:15 for a flexible start time. Coffee will be ready for you upon your arrival.

Practice Bridge Pres. Joe Pheanis 818-9144 Sec./Treas. Louise Lines 825-6673 Monday, Wednesday, 1 PM, Desert Oasis/Ocotillo Tuesday Night Partners Bridge Pres. Rita Quin 825-3885 VP Buzz Dolsberry 825-8090 Treas. Jerry Cohen 818-2151 Sec. Rowena Hardinger 825-0752 Tuesday, 6:30 PM, Activity Center/Navajo/Hohokam

Although the seasonal residents have migrated, Partner’s Bridge still meets. Join the group at 6:20 PM and have a good social time, punctuated with treats home-made by Sue Peterson. This is the main attraction if the cards are not so good. Dues $5 pp for next year are due by July 1, payable when you come. Bunco

Fern 825-8127 Pat 825-7198 Fourth Tuesday, 1-4 PM, Desert Oasis/Ocotillo Canasta

CJ Barbee 825-5885 Rosemary Dalla Rosa 825-1982 Thursday, 6 PM, Desert Oasis/Ocotillo

Summer is upon us. We will miss all our winter people, but now is a good time to come out and join us for a nice relaxing game of canasta. Fun group, fun game, a really good time. Come and give it a try. Ceramics

Pres. Kate Melcher 825-2729 Monday and Wednesday, Noon-3 PM; Tuesday and Friday, 9 AM-Noon Artisan Center/Ceramics

The general meeting was held April 23 followed by a luncheon. New board members were elected with President, Kate Melcher. Dues $6 pp for 2014-2015 are due June 1. New Ceramic Room hours will begin July 1, Monday-Friday, 10 AM-2 PM. There will be one cabinet in the right corner for general use. All other cabinets will hold supplies and green ware. Green ware will be purchased as needed. If you want any special piece, please contact Kate. Enjoy your summer and remember that the ceramic room is cooled and ready for you to enjoy.



Dancin’ Dynamos

Pres. Bob Arms 520-395-1697 First Thursday, 1 PM, Artisan Center/Pottery

Hula - Aloha Hula Sisters Del Salvaterra 520-834-5146 dslittlebrowngal@gmail.com Next club meeting will be September. At the May meeting, Joan Class Tuesday, 1-3 PM, Dance Studio Kelley gave a wrap up of the past Practice Thursday, 2:45-3:45 PM, Dance Studio year. This included an amazing www.scovaz.com/clubs/hula

summary of the many things accomplished to improve our workspace and broaden our skills. Thank you to the many members who have made this possible with their contributions of time and talent. Cooperative efforts make the studio a creative, fun environment for all. Do you like to get in on the ground floor? We’re planning workshops, parties, a website, charitable giving opportunities, etc. Plus, you can learn some new things while you play in the Elaine Smith at the Wheel mud. Come join the Clay Club. Sign up for an Orientation Class. Class dates/times are determined when several have signed up. Sign-up sheet in Clay Studio/Artisan Complex. It’s a fun way to spend the hot summer months.

Vistoso Computer Society (VCS)

Membership David Johnson 825-6994 General Meetings Dark for June, July, August Help Sessions Summer: Fourth Tuesday, 1-3 PM, WC/Computer Learning Classes: Check Club’s website, Listservs (PC & Mac) or attend month ly general meetings www.scovaz.com/clubs/computer There are no general meetings or instructional computer classes for June, July and August.

Help Sessions for PC & Mac Users 1 Sessions Tues., June 24

1-3 PM

Except for Beginning PC, membership is required for all classes, help sessions, the right to join the ListServ (online bulletin board) and help from other computer club members. To be added to the PC or MacListServ click on the VCS web page. Dues for January 1-December 31, 2014, $10/household. Checks, not cash, will be accepted at the meetings or sent to Dave Johnson, 2427 E. Nasturtium St., along with the application form available outside the Computer Learning Center. Recycle used ink cartridges in the bin provided just outside this room. Cribbage

Robert Hines 825-2208 First and Third Thursday, 6:30 PM, Catalina Vista/Pusch Ridge Our next tournament will be June 5.

Dance Groups Ballroom - Vistoso Villanellas

Pres. Dick Stup 825-2691 Membership Jerry Bode 818-1116 October-May Dances: Third Friday, 6:30-9:30 PM, Auditorium 18

Sun City Vistoso Tipster, Febraury 2011

Hula audience participation from the Singles Club show in April. We are in recess from June through September. Come join us again in early October as Del will teach new choreography for new and continuing students. If you are interested in joining us, contact Del. Mahalo.

Tappers Lynne Newbauer 818-3516 Dancersize/Intermediate tap Friday, 3 PM, Dance Studio

Classes will resume in November. Watch the Tipster for our return. Join us doing tap combinations to music. It is fun and helps your balance and coordination. Folk Dance Club of SCOV

Harvey Gardner 308-5616 Savear@cs.com Meetings resume in September

The Folk Dance Club of SCOV is on summer leave from June through August. International folk dance sessions with instructions will resume in September. If you are not yet receiving weekly updates via email, send your name, email address and phone number to Harvey Gardner. Rock ‘N Roll

Pres. Earl Cohen 818-2582 Dances in the Auditorium

July will be a busy month From last month’s 50s themed at The Hop for the club. We will collect school supplies and personal care items for Youth On Their Own at the ticket sales dates for the July 19 dance party and at the event. This is the date for our annual meeting followed by the Beach Ball dance party. Watch your emails and Tipster for more details. Renewal applications will be sent via email in July and will be due back by September 1. This year there will be no reminders or extensions, as there is a waiting list of residents hoping to join the club. Don’t forget that membership is contingent on each member


June 2014, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster

serving on a dance committee or other function once during the year. If you are asked to serve and you do not help, your membership may not be renewed. Line Dancing - Sunliners

Day Trippers

Chair Jack Gallagher 825-4650 Membership Roy & Barb Riley 818-9939 Second Friday, 9 AM, Activity Center/Navajo

Pres. Karen Caldwell 825-5231 Membership Cherry Harper 818-6396 www.scovaz.com/clubs/sunliners scsunliners@gmail.com

Sun., Jun. 8 Ice Cream Social. 2-4 PM Activity Center/Navajo. Cost $2 members and house guests only. Steve Taillie 825-8804. Mon., July 14 Free Wild Horse Casino Trip. Bus leaves at 9 AM. Joan Vander Vliet 825-4650. All classes, practices and dances are held in the Mon.-Thurs., Aug. 18-21, Pageant of the Masters and Getty Museum. Auditorium unless otherwise noted. Activity Center will be Bus check in at 5:30 AM. Cost $525 sgl., $390 pp dbl. Includes unavailable for our classes on the June 21 and 28 due to bus, tips, baggage handling, 3 nights hotel stay, 3 dinners, 3 construction. breakfasts, tickets to Pageant, bus parking at Getty Museum, Dances: Sawdust Festival and Mission San Juan Capistrano. Trip open Open Line Dance Fri., Jun. 6, 6:30-8:30 PM to nonmembers. Edie Phillips 297-3920 and Kathy Garver Dance Social Sat., Jun. 14, 5:30-9 PM 344-9725. Classes: Wed., Sept. 24 Butterfly Wonderland and Cerreta Chocolate Co., Phoenix. Intermediate Sat., 9-10 AM- except Jun. 21 and 28 Cost $63 pp includes bus, driver tip, chocolate tasting tour Continuing Beginner Sat., 10:15-11:15 AM- except Jun. 21 and 28 at Cerreta and tour of the Butterfly Wonderland. Lunch at the Practices: Talking Stick Casino. Bus leaves at 8:30 AM. Kathy Garver 344Intermediate Sun., 11 AM-12: 30 PM, (Dance Studio) 9725 and Laura Suchocki 612-7226. Intermediate Transitional Jun. 4 & 18 only Wed., 2-3 PM, (Dance Studio) Be sure to bring your checkbook to the meetings as we Intermediate Thurs., 2:45-3:55 PM need deposits or full payments when you sign up for a trip. Continuing Beginners Thurs., 3:55-5 PM Square Dancing - Sundancers

Co-Pres. Virgil and Ruth Rank 825-0357 rank970@comcast.net Caller Ron Markus Dances resume in September www.sundancersquarestucson.com

No dances June, July and August. We will resume in September. Stay tuned for our fall plans. Hope you all have an enjoyable summer including our caller, Ron Marcus.

Western Dancing - Kactus Kickers

Pres. Del Salvaterra 520-834-5146 dslittlebrowngal@gmail.com Dances November-April, Second Friday, Auditorium www.scovaz.com/clubs/kactus Another successful dance season has come to a close. The final event was our Burger and Boot dance. A good time was had by all. Thank you to all who made this dance a success and a special thanks to our Cowboys Lon- Grill Masters Lonnie Davis and Bob Salvaterra nie Davis and Bob Salvaterra for manning the grills. The board would like to thank all the volunteers who have helped with our dances this year. We couldn’t have done it without you. We will be working hard to make our next season even more successful. If you have any thoughts or suggestions please send them to Del via email, or contact one of our board members. We are looking forward to seeing you next fall on the dance floor. Have a great summer.

Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, June 2014

Sun City Oro Valley Democratic Club

James Williams 818-2226 jaswilliams128@msm.com www.pimadems.org Dinner ’N Show

Nancy Butler 825-4664 nanrich2@centurylink.net Julie Balogh 818-1046 Second Tuesday, 9 AM, Auditorium

All are welcome to join us. Bring your checkbook to the meeting, we prefer not to take cash. Nonmembers are welcome to attend shows, for an additional $3 pp service fee.

Thur., June 19 Jersey Boys, Centennial Hall. Bus and show $88. Bus leaves 6:15 PM. Gay Russell 825-5763. Fri., Aug 8 Molly Sweeney at Live Theater Workshop. Dinner at El Molinto’s. Dinner, bus and show $55. Rachel Quigley 825-4034. Buses leave on time behind the Welcome Center. Time posted is when the bus leaves the parking lot. Dog Club - Fido’s Friends

Pres. Marge Gustafson margustafson@gmail.com Membership/Secretary Elaine Deeter 825-5388 November, January and March, Third Thursday, 2 PM, Activity Center/Hopi

Fido’s Friends is the club in charge of our SCOV Dog Park. The K-9 Korral is located on Del Webb Blvd. and provides a safe off-leash area for dogs to exercise and socialize. To join the club and get a key to the park, please contact Elaine Deeter. If you have questions or concerns, please contact Marge Gustafson. Snake aversion training is held in March; toad aversion is in the summer after the first heavy rains.

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Paid Advertising, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, June 2014, Page 21

Different Drummers Women’s Circle

Leader Bobi Borenstein, 825-8856 Co-Leader Zona Boss 520-638-6644 Wednesday, 1:30-3 PM, Catalina Vista/Pusch Ridge

We have changed the day of our regular drumming sessions. Watch your monthly email from DDWC to see when and where we reschedule the next sunset drumming. Dues remain $5 for life. Once you have paid, you will be added to our email list. Participant input is always welcome, however, a heads up is appreciated by our board. We can even operate the boom box to play your CD, iPad or tablet. Join us for some fun and relaxation. Can you clap your hands or tap your feet? You just passed the entrance exam. Be there for the rumble. Energetic Exercise

Carole Tracy 825-1187 Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 8-9 AM, Auditorium

Stay fit in air-conditioned comfort. Get out of the house and join your friends, old and new, for fun and fitness at our classes. You’ll enjoy a vigorous and beneficial aerobic and cardio workout. Sally Martinez, our professional instructor, keeps things lively and interesting with a variety of sessions that meet your body’s fitness needs. It’ll thank you. New members are always warmly welcomed, men and women. Your get-acquainted class is free. Current members: Please pay your annual $3 dues before leaving for the summer. Class tickets are a bargain: Only $30 for 12 classes. Euchre

Jack and Barb Matthies 825-4891 (October-May) Jack and Maria Welch 520-395-1205 (May-October) Monday, meet 5:45 PM, play 6 PM, Catalina Vista/Mt. Lemmon

Don’t watch TV every night; come play euchre, a fastmoving game. Meet your neighbors and make new friends. If you are new to the game, we will be glad to teach you. Bring your smile and 50¢. We are looking forward to seeing you. Vistoso Native American Flute Circle

Membership Ed Pendrys 825-7151 Patty Whitley 971-0860 October-May, First Sunday, 2-3:30 PM, Catalina Vista/Mt. Lemmon

Our club offers the opportunity to learn and play the Native American Flute. There are five basic notes and you do not need to know how to read music. Playing a musical instrument is one way to keep your mind alert. Our circle takes a summer break and will not meet again until Sunday, October 5. Always remember, “Musicians are in-season all the time.” John Legend


Sun City Vistoso Tipster, Febraury 2011

Garden Club

Zona Boss 638-6644 zona1boss@gmail.com Joyce Patten 825-0774 jpatten007@comcast.net Second Wednesday, 1 PM, Catalina Vista/Pusch Ridge

Our regular meetings have ended for the season. If you would like to join the summer group for various activities, please email or call Zona or Joyce. Dues payable by July 31to be included in the member yearbook. Our next full meeting will be October 8. Be safe during the monsoon storms. Gardening Tips: • Keep the garden wa tered. Check plants daily for stress. • Watch for sunburn on spring plantings. Cover Monsoon rains flooding the wash. with shade cloth before sunburn becomes severe. • Shade and mulch vegetables as needed. • Prune plant suckers while small (desert willow, acacias). • Avoid planting during this, our warmest and driest month. Genealogy

Pres. Darwin Thornton 638-7024 the.thorntons@comcast.net Monitor Training Joan Allen 825-4464 October-May, Second Tuesday, 1 PM, Activity Center/Navajo www.scvgs.org

The summer hiatus is upon us. The next scheduled meeting will be in October. We are trying out the new system for volunteering at the lab. Go to the web site above, look on the right side banner and click on the link to sign up. You will not need to go to the lab to write your name on the door. This summer will be the trial period. Please check it out and let us know if you approve of the new way to volunteer as a monitor. Gin Rummy

George Riley 818-0877 Monday, 6:30 PM, Desert Oasis/Saguaro Thursday and Saturday, 9 AM, Desert Oasis/Saguaro

We play team games by drawing cards for partners with no choice of teammates or tables. There are no dues or fees for this club. Games have comparatively low stakes. Call George or Bev Riley for information. Gun Club

Pres. Warren Cuthbert 818-1282 Membership Don Nolan 825-5570 October-May, Second Wednesday, 2 PM, Activity Center/Hohokam Club does not meet June-September

The Gun Club is for people who have an interest in learning about guns, shooting, personal protection and firearm safety. You do not need to be a club member, own a gun or have any experience with firearms to attend Gun Club meetings. We especially invite women who are interested in learning about firearms safety and self-protection. Sometimes we have guest speakers from law enforcement agencies. Our next meeting will be October 8.


June 2014, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster

Hand and Foot

Bonnie Arneson 229-1084 Sunday, 1:30 PM, Desert Oasis

You are invited to come and play Hand and Foot with us. If you have never played, it is very easy to learn, and we will be happy to teach you. The only things you need are card sense and two quarters to play. The game is very similar to Canasta. We ask that you be there by 1:20 PM and be able to stay until 4 PM. You can play one time before you join. One time dues are $5. There are no annual dues. Havurah

Co-Pres. Yetta and Norman Dritch 825-0335 Corresponding Sec. Lorie Behrmann 395-1812 www.scovaz.com/clubs/havurah

Havurah just completed another season of activities combining Jewish culture with celebrations, informative programming and friendship. We are very grateful to our copresidents, Yetta and Norman Dritch, for making this such a successful year. Our May Ice Cream Social was a big success and enjoyed by all. The 2014-2015 board of directors, which was elected at our April general meeting, will take office on July 1. Our official season ended in May, but Havurah will continue with activities during the summer, including our monthly Brown Bag Lunches. The next Brown Bag Lunch will be on Monday, June 2, Catalina Vista/Pusch View, 11:30 AM. In addition we are planning a Shabbat gathering in June and our annual Movie Night in August. Watch the Tipster for more details throughout the summer. Havurah sizzles all year long. Hiking

David Fraser 825-4344 frazd36@gmail.com www.scovaz.com/clubs/hiking

This past May two new hikers participated in the orientation hike and officially became members. The club is delighted to welcome Bruce Anderson and Mike Sherrick to our ranks. The club also welcomes any others considering membership. It is a great way to explore our unique and stunning surroundings. Right now those surroundings include the cactus displaying their spectacular blossoms ranging from white to a deep pink in color. There is no better way to enjoy their beauty than on a hike. The blossoms are only with us for a brief period, so it is important to join a hike soon. Summer will soon be here and we will offer a choice of hiking early or heading out to higher trails such as Mt. Lemmon or Madera Canyon. The latest hiking schedule in our newsletter offers a good variety of both. We hope to see you on the trail.

Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, June 2014


Ray Coleman 825-2789 Ron Knudson 825-9307 October-April, Tuesday and Thursday 2 PM, May-September, 8 AM The pits at Catalina Vista. ILR - Institute of Learning in Retirement

Pres. Lei Lane Bammel 818-0017 Curriculum Jane Myerson jmyerson@gmail.com Registration Karen/Sherwin Koopmans skkoops@gmail.com Samplers Gaston Meloche ILR Samplers@gmail.com www.suncityilr.com

Spring registration for Fall courses ended March 27 and resumes Monday, August 11–25. Course descriptions and registration information is available in the Library Lounge and at the club’s website. Check the website before registering to make sure that the course is still available. The summer is a wonderful time to catch up on your reading list and perhaps to research a topic for a future course or Sampler. Thanks to all those who make the ILR an ongoing option with quality courses and Samplers. Japanese Flower Arranging

Donald Marier 825-4878 dmarier1@comcast.net Doris Oliver 818-1512 dorisoliver81@msn.com October-May, Second and Fourth Monday, 2-4 PM, Catalina Vista/Pusch Ridge Karate

Instructor Paul Lauff 548-5725 paullauff@hotmail.com Pres. Fred Hargrave 825-1779 Wednesday, 9 AM-Noon, AFC Mah Jongg

Pres. Mickey Henson mickeyhenson@gmail.com Treas., Joyce Unger 825-8069 Thursday, 1 PM, Desert Oasis/Ocotillo Business meeting, First Thursday

Dues $5 pp due July 1. Correct change in cash is appreciated. We’ll be playing all summer. Join us for a good time.

Get In

the Know Keep Informed You can sign up for Sun City Oro Valley Listserv to receive emails giving you information on a continuing basis. Go to www.scovaz.com. Hold your mouse over News and Info., a drop down appears; scroll down to In the Know Sign Up, click on it and a page opens. Put your email address in and click Submit. A form opens, fill out the form and check the boxes on the information you want to receive. Then click on the Sign Up button. -

This Week in SCOV It’s a weekly communication piece by the General Manager to update the community on what is happening that week. Available via In the Know email or by hard copy at locations around the community and posted on the Bulletin Boards.


Mexican Train Dominoes

Membership Chair Wye Mace 825-8738 Second and Fourth Saturday, 6 PM, Catalina Vista/Pusch Ridge

Come join us for an enjoyable evening of Mexican Train. If you don’t know how to play, the table you join will be happy to teach you. Please arrive 15 to 30 minutes early to sign up and get a table. First time is $1 pp, or join for the year. Modelers

Pres. Fred Faust 907-3469 fjfaust1030@gmail.com Second Friday, 8 AM, Catalina Vista/Pusch Ridge www.scovaz.com/clubs/modelers

Photo by Tom Prall

Vistoso Photo

Pres. Dave Henderson 465-0650 June-August second Wednesday, 6:30 PM, Catalina Vista www.scovaz.com/clubs/photoclub

April black and white competition winners: Ken Ayers, Ed Berk, Brenda Ericsson, Laura Hackenbrock, Bob Jennette, Joan Kelley, Pat Mulligan, Phoebe Olmsted, Phyllis Reynolds, Eileen Sevy, Rose Stapfer and Bonnie Svarstad. In June, July and August we will meet only once per month on the second Wednesday. The next get-together is Wednesday, June 11 for Show and Tell. View through a skylight. Now is when we are free to Photo by Phyllis Reynolds. do things that are not possible during the more formal regular meetings such as bringing images to share or for critique, asking questions, discussing the latest camera gear, viewing educational videos and more. Rudi Punzmann is the coordinator 825-2147, so please contact him for more information and to participate. If you’ll be in town, please come and join in for a good time. Photo Workshop

At a recent Modelers Club meeting, long time member Ed David Smoler 818-7880 david.of.oro@gmail.com Detrich presented his under construction model of a P-38 January-April, Third Wednesday, 6:30 PM, Activity Center/Hohokam Lightning. The model is being constructed from a 1985 kit. October-December: Field Sessions as announced When it is completed it will be in our display case in the www.suncityorovalley.com/clubs/photoworkshop/ Activity Center. Along with the model of the USS Arizona in the display case there is a photo of Admiral Kidd, the bronze incense burner from Japanese Admiral Yamamoto, Kidd’s binoculars as well as a one page essay about the photos. The club is continuing to meet during the summer months. All SCOV residents are welcome at our monthly meetings. We welcome new members, both historians and model builders. Join us to see what we are about, and enjoy a cup of coffee and a sweet roll. What members bring for Show and Tell serves as a conduit for our discussions. A member’s scale model may be an example of something another member may have had some first-hand experience either in designing, building or operating the prototype. Natural Health and Wellness

Sherokee llse 818-3279 sherokeeilse@yahoo.com No meetings until October, third Wednesday, 3-4:30 PM, Catalina Vista www.scovaz.com/clubs/healthwellness Women’s Pan (Panguingue)

Ena Mindel 818-7780 Monday, Friday, 1-4 PM, Wednesday, 9 AM-1 PM, Desert Oasis/Saguaro

Pan (Panguingue) is an enjoyable and interesting card game. Come watch us play at any session. If you like what you see, we’ll teach you to play. Call Ena Mindel.

Reminder Dogs are not permitted on The Views Golf Course at any time. 24

Sun City Vistoso Tipster, Febraury 2011

The Photo Workshop Club emphasizes education and the sharing of experience in both photographic composition and technical skill. All sessions offer a wide range of techniques that can be applied regardless of equipment and skill level. The Photo Workshop goes dark May through September. Please join our email list for reminders about the Fall 2014 field sessions and Spring 2015 classroom sessions. They are also posted on the club website. If not on the list, please email david.of.oro@gmail.com. There is no charge for any session. You may show up without prior notification if desired. Pickleball

Pres. Judy Cornelius 608-345-5123 judycornelius@charter.net Treas. Lyn Mason 717-512-4261 Trainers: Brenda Hawkins 531-0256 or Maria Welch 395-1205 www.scovaz.com/clubs/pickleball

We hope by the time you read this, there has been a start on the construction of our three new pickleball courts. Although our current courts should not be directly affected, we do need to be aware of construction issues such as noise and dust. While many of our members have left for cooler places, there is still a group of hardy souls playing during the summer club play times. Currently those hours are 6-9 AM every day, but always check the bulletin board for any changes. The trainers would love to give lessons to any new people who would like to learn this fun game.


June 2014, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster


Mary Ayers 638-7916 mary.pilates@gmx.com Monday, 3 PM, Thursday, 1:30 PM, AFC/Studio 2

In May our instructors gave two 15-minute Pilates demonstrations before classes began. Interested viewers brought mats just in case they wanted to join us after the demo. It was a great introduction to mat Pilates. We’ll have future demos, so be sure to watch for them in the Tipster. Pinochle

Barbara Matthies 825-4891 Wednesday, 6 PM, Desert Oasis/Ocotillo

We play single deck and rotate partners every four hands. Bring 50¢ for your tally. The first Wednesday is treat night. The third Wednesday is birthday night. If your skills are a little rusty we will get you up to speed quickly. Annual dues $6 pp. Poets Corner

Sharyn Rafieyan 825-6762 Monday, 9:30-11:30 AM, WC1

What do we see, feel, think, when returning to our roots, when visiting the cities of our birth in reality or only in memory? In Northern Motive poet Philip Levine begins with “A modest house…on the west side of the city of Detroit. The year is 1949.” He mentions an older brother who has “moved on with his bland wife into corporate America” and his mother who will “open a dress shop in a desperate neighborhood…and slowly lose her savings, so slowly that for years she’ll believe for the first time in the American dream.” The poem concludes with “How ordinary it all was, the dawn breaking each morning, dusk arriving on time just as the lights of houses came softly on. Why can’t I ever let it go?” Why, indeed, do we keep looking back at the past? Poetry lets us journey and, sometimes, find what we seek. Poker

Men’s Friday Poker George Rose 520-303-2019 tucsonroses@live.com Friday, 5:45-8:45 PM, Desert Oasis/ Saguaro

Playing poker with your neighbors can be most enjoyable. We play high only, five draw, five stud, seven stud, Omaha, Texas Hold’em and iron cross (criss cross). No dues. Bring your own refreshments. The dealer will ante cards for all players which gives him control of the game. The cards speak for themselves. Absolute requirements are to leave politics and religion at the front door and come with the intention of having three hours of enjoyable, no-hassle, understandable poker.

Men’s Poker David Habbershaw 825-2635 dhabbershaw@q.com Tuesday, Thursday, 6 PM, Desert Oasis/ Saguaro Prepare & Share Dining

Elizabeth Houle-Nelson and Dennis Nelson 520-400-3065 deneliz642@gmail.com Gail Shepard 520-825-1432 Tuxedo615@msn.com No meetings until October The Prepare and Share Dining Club’s officers, Elizabeth Houle-Nelson, Dennis Nelson, Colin Kaltenbach, Gail Shepard, Judy Potter and Quinn Selsor look forward to

Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, June 2014

2014-2015 and to planning another exciting year with special events and great food. The kick-off meal is planned for Friday, November 14. Mark this date on your calendar and watch the Tipster for further information. The officers always welcome comments or suggestions making this club even better. Enjoy your summer with good, healthy meals here in SCOV or wherever your travels may take you. Summer contact may be directed to Judy Potter, 825-9714 or the email addresses of the officers. Sun City Vistoso Quilters

Carol Guibert 520-404-1462 carolguibert1@gmail.com Second and Fourth Tuesday, 1 PM, Desert Oasis/Saguaro www.scovaz.com/clubs/thimblelenas/quilters.html Racquetball

Pres. Al Lichaa 812-0198 Sec./Treas. John Wilson 818-2368 Open Mixed Doubles

The hot weather has arrived and, if you enjoy playing racquetball, there’s no better place than our air-conditioned court: cool place, good exercise. Come and join us during our club times. Our president will be more than happy to make arrangements to teach beginners. Have a nice, safe summer. Early Music Recorder Ensemble

Marge Flory 825-4580 Tuesday, Noon, Catalina Vista/Pusch Ridge

Have a recorder (the instrument)? Want to learn or improve your skills? Would you like to play in a group? Soprano, alto, tenor and bass recorders welcome. Enjoy the harmonies of an ensemble. SCOV visitors welcome. RV Club - Sundowners

Member information Dennis Kraft 612-799-4047 October-May, Second Monday, 9 AM, Catalina Vista/Mt. Kimball www.scovaz.com/clubs/sundowners

Meetings are suspended for the summer while residents are traveling on their own to visit family or to explore the country in anticipation of future trips. Meetings will resume in the fall beginning with a Welcome-Back Coffee and Bagels on October 13. Republican Club

Pres. Merritt McGlothlin 572-7853 merrittm@nationwide.net Third Tuesday, 3 PM, Auditorium

The June 17 Republican Club meeting will feature, AZ Attorney General Tom Horne. Mr. Horne is a candidate for re-election to the office he now occupies. We are attempting to secure, and present other speaker candidates and their representatives for the various offices to be decided this election year. Please plan to attend to become informed regarding the candidates, as early ballots for the Primary Election for each party will be mailed July 30. As always, guests and non-members are welcome. St. Philip’s Support Group

Kirk Kuykendall 825-1693 kksctsn@comcast.net 25


Bill Wallace 818-6747 Friday, 1 PM, Desert Oasis/Ocotillo

The Scrabble Club welcomes new members. We invite you to join us, whether you are a beginner, intermediate or advanced player. The Official Scrabble Player’s Dictionary is our spell-check dictionary. We have several on hand as well as Scrabble sets. Call Bill Wallace or Corinne Kulick 825-7673. Seniors for Kids

Jean Sax 818-2410 No meetings till September

No meetings until September, so enjoy the summer or continue sewing and woodworking to get a head start on items and toys for kids on Christmas 2014. Sewing - Thimblelenas

Janice Strassburg 818-7793 Monday-Friday, 9 AM-Noon and 1-4 PM, Artisan Center/Sewing www.scovaz.com/clubs/thimblelenas

For June, July and August, there will not be any training for orientation, Pfaff machines and monitors. For questions, call Patty Phillips 591-6599. When you join Thimblelenas, you can be active in as many of the seven groups as you wish: Seniors for Kids, Casa Amigas, Sun City Vistoso Quilters, Machine Embroidery, Tapestry Rug Hooking, Cheer Bears and Pet Beds.

Casa Amigas Karen Hasselbach 520-360-0215 Monday and Thursday, 9 AM-Noon, Artisan Center/Sewing www.scovaz.com/clubs/thimblelenas/CasaAmigas.html

For our summer sewing projects, it’s time to think winter when planning for the children. We acquired yards of flannel to create warm pajamas. Clean and gently-used sheets are appreciated for quilt backs. Do you have any in your linen closet? Please mark the bag for Casa Amigas and please do not leave it outside the Sewing Room door when closed.

Cheer Bears Nancy Njaa 825-5486 September-May, Wednesday, 1-3 PM, Artisan Center/Sewing www.scovaz.com/clubs/thimblelenas/CheerBears.html Machine Embroidery Sue Lane 825-7518 Training Coordinator Karin Frohlich 825-5278 Third Thursday, 1 PM, Artisan Center/Sewing www.scovaz.com/clubs/thimblelenas/MachEmb.html

Summer is the time to recreate. Some head out of the heat, but some remain in SCOV. Several members of the embroidery group have departed for the summer, so now would be a good time to become acquainted with the six-needle machine. If interested, call Karen Frohlich, the group’s trainer. A fall project will be to embroider fingertip towels for the Davidson Elementary School holiday gift store.

Pet Beds Jan Bohe 825-9725 Tuesday, 1-3 PM, Artisan Center/Sewing www.scovaz.com/clubs/thimblelenas/PetBeds.html

very generous for which we thank you. We could use larger pieces of fabric (at least 22” by 28”) for the outside pillow cases. Please mark these for Pet Beds. We also would welcome more volunteers to cut up the scraps when we meet in the Sewing Room. The Humane Society is always very grateful for the pet beds we make for them.

Tapestry Rug Hooking Ann Feeney 818-0340 Thursday, 9-11 AM, Artisan Center/Ceramics

We are always happy to enroll new members and we welcome residents who are interested in rug hooking. Sheepshead

Pres. Bill Allen 825-3095 Tuesday, 10 AM, Desert Oasis Show ‘N Share

Marion Nelmark 825-9331 Friday, 9 AM-Noon, Catalina Vista/Mt. Lemmon Silversmith and Lapidary

Pres. Ed Lindahl 825-8589 linedlindahl@gmail.com Shop Hours Monday-Friday, 9 AM-Noon Meeting First Monday, 3:30 PM, Artisan Center/Silversmith

Date of next monthly meeting is October 6. The club will resume winter schedule on Tuesday, October 7. Sun City Singers

Pres. Nancy Gilbertson 308-5096 Director Don Hess Rehearsals Tuesday, 6:30-8:30 PM, Auditorium

Rehearsals are underway for the Association-sponsored Independence Day Concert, A Little Bit Of Pride On The 4th of July, Friday, July 4, 2 PM, Auditorium. This is a free concert with open seating. Come and enjoy American Folk music, popular patriotic songs and a special rendition of a famous midnight rider. Sun City Singles

Pres. Betty Verderese 825-7811; VP Marge Albright 825-1582 Sec. Polly Reinacker 818-2755; Treas. Jim Moore 825-2333 Dinner Meeting Second Thursday, Happy Hour Last Friday www.scovaz.com/clubs/singles/

Reserve June for Singles golf at The Views Golf Course; details and sign up in the Singles book in the Pro Shop. Bruce will serve us dinner on June 12, 5:30 PM, Activity Center/Navajo. The menu is angus sliced roast beef, with barbecue sauce and scalloped potatoes. Lemon bars for dessert. Entertainment will be provided by the Summer Strummers. Happy Hour is June 27, in the Activity Center/Navajo, starting at 5:30 PM, entertainment to be announced.

Tickets: Singles Dinner $17 pp and Singles Happy Hour appetizers $7 Ticket sales: Thursday, June 5, 10 AM-Noon and Friday, June 6, 1-2 PM Happy Hour tickets Tuesday, June 24, 10-11 AM.

Please wear your name badge to all meetings.

Because Pet Beds has so much fabric and polyester scraps, we do not need any more at the present time. Everyone has been


Sun City Vistoso Tipster, Febraury 2011


June 2014, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster

Spanish Cultural Club

Gary Lerch 818-3319 gclerch@comcast.net October, November, January-March Fourth Monday, 7 PM, Catalina Vista

Meetings for the 2014-2015 season will start in October. Stained/Fused Glass

Lei Bammel 818-0017 Juliet Williams 623-565-0153 (fused glass) Fusing: Sunday, 6-8 PM, Tuesday, 9-11 AM, Artisan Center/Stained Glass Stained Glass: Wednesday, Thursday, 1-4 PM, Artisan Center/Stained Glass Open Studio: Tuesday-Sunday, 8 AM-5 PM, Artisan Center/Stained Glass

Our thanks to those who taught classes, conducted workshops, picked up supplies and washed towels. Many thanks to our monitors: Wye Mace, Jeff Puska, John Ragona, and Juliet Williams. During the summer, monitors are not officially assigned to the studio. If a monitor is needed, a call can be made from a list posted on the bulletin board near the door. We are having a Mail Art Contest of postcards from your travels. Send to the Stained/Fused Glass Club, 1565 E. Rancho Vistoso Blvd. This is the time to take advantage of the additional elbow room in our studio. Ideas and inspiration for future projects can be found in galleries, historic buildings, libraries, Google images and YouTube sites. Dig out that idea or pattern you have wanted to try and join us for some summer fun. The next general meeting is Wednesday, October 1, 1 PM.

Tai Chi

Co-Chairs Peggy Lombard 825-4833 kandplombard@msn.com Gail Barr gailbarr@gmail.com Thursday, 10-11:30 AM, AFC/Studio 1

Tai Chi improves balance, endurance, flexibility and reaction time. It also helps manage stress and prevent falls. Our instructors, Jose Hernandez-Rivera and Donna Drazenovich, stress the use of Tai Chi in daily life. Clinical research by Tufts University School of Medicine has proven that those who practice Tai Chi twice weekly over 12 weeks experience decreased pain, improved sleep and mood, increased exercise capacity and better quality of life. Tai Chi was called “medication in motion” by a Harvard Medical School Health Publication. Contact one of our Co-Chairs listed above for the starting date of our next class session. Tennis

Women Laurie Chikusa 825-4635 Mondays Wednesdays Fridays 7 AM-Noon www.scovaz.com/clubs/tennis Men Karen Lee 818-2200 Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, 8 AM-Noon Mixed Doubles Sunday, 1-3 PM, Ruby Fuhrmann 818-7828

Senior Olympics Swim Team

Gordon Gillin 825-8261 swimgordon2@gmail.com

Our team will be inactive for Senior Olympics until November. Individuals should keep working out by themselves until then. Come join our fearsome, fivesome for the 2015 season. They won the small team championships at Green Valley in March of this year. Team members were Manny Zimmerman, Joe Bolze, Gordon Gillin, Heather Webber and Tim Cronk. They each won in their individual age-group divisions and as a team from SCOV. Call Gordon Gillin for questions and to sign up for the 2015 season. We always need many new swimmers, all ages, men and women, 50 and above, for fun and fitness, experienced or not. Table Tennis

Co-Chairs Clive Probert 825-8719 Ursula Jarvis 825-8461 www.scovaz.com/clubs/tabletennis/

We have play at all levels of ability and welcome new players. If you have not played for a few years, we will help you get back your game with some instruction. It is a great way to keep fit and flexible. We have four tables at Catalina Vista and can provide paddles and balls as needed. Table Tennis hours of club play, Catalina Vista:

Women Men/Advanced Women Men/Women Recreational Men/Women Recreational Open Club Play Clinic by Appointment Open Club Play

Tues., 1:30-3:30 PM Tues., Thurs., 5-8 PM Fri., 4-6 PM Tues., 3:30-5 PM Fri., 6-8 PM Sat., 9-10 AM Sat., 10 AM-Noon

Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, June 2014

The team from left to right: back row, Don Anderson, Jim Benshoof, Dick Schaefer (Captain), Larry Wall, Rick Brown; front row, Ron Fuhrmann, Bayard Kellum, Duane Eddy, Marty Kass, Jan Fritz (Co-Captain). Not pictured: Steve Holmes and Jim Williams. Congratulations to our men’s team for finishing the season undefeated; they will move on to the regional tournament held this year in Tucson December 12-14. This team has had an impressive record over the past three years, losing only once in 2011 to eventual National Champs, Sun Lakes. Since 2011 our men’s team has had 28 wins and only one loss.

Golf Course Walkers For those of you who enjoy walking and riding the course, please check the times on the signs as we begin earlier throughout the summer and we certainly do not want any conflicts with the golfing traffic. Posted time does not mean there will be no golfers on the course. They may be out there... proceed with caution.



Theatrical - SRO (Standing Room Only)

Pres. John Njaa 825-5486 Membership Lauren Strassburg 818-7793 The house is dark for the summer, however, SCOV’s the- www.suncityorovalley.com/clubs/woodworkers/index.html

Pres. Lynne Newbauer 818-3516 VP Marcy Simpson 395-0480

atre club welcomes everyone who would enjoy participating in a theatre production for our community. On stage or off stage, veteran or rookie, there’s a place for everyone. Our next production, Back to the Present is March 2015. We’ll be looking for participants in November; rehearsals begin in January. Watch the Tipster, as well as flyers, for more information. Travelogue

Jim Huffer 825-8743 September-May, Third Monday, 7 PM, Activity Center/Navajo Ukulele - Sun City Strummers

Pres. Jean James 648-1118 Acting Band Leader Bill Moeller 825-8695 Meetings Tuesday, 10 AM-Noon, Desert Oasis www.scovaz.com/clubs/ukulele/ Our club continues to meet and celebrate all things ukulele. If you are interested in joining us, come along to one of our meetings. Bring your own uke or borrow one of ours to get started. We will be learning new songs, practicing and having a lot of fun throughout the summer months. Wallyball and Water Volleyball

Pres. Barbara Satterly 825-8965, craftylady838@aol.com (water volleyball rep) VP Terri Linssen 505-803-2673, tlinssen47@gmail.com Sec/Treas. Chris Baird 520-344-9170, cbaird6224@gmail.com (wallyball rep) Recreational Water Volleyball: Sunday, Monday and Thursday, 2-4 PM, Desert Oasis/Pool Wallyball: Tuesday and Friday, 1-3 PM, AFC/Racquetball Court www.scovaz.com/clubs/volleyball

By keeping active, yet comfortable during these hot summer months, the Desert Oasis pool is always refreshing, and playing water volleyball is a good choice to be both. Let’s keep this club active while many of our members are away. Our motto is, “Go For It!” If you would rather spend your time indoors, try Wallyball in the racquetball court. Women and Money

VP Lauren Thompson 520-306-9750, laurencoyote@aol.com No meetings until October

The Women and Money Club will meet again in October.

Woodcarvers - Barkcarvers - Gourd

Woodcarvers John Shaw 825-1368 Saturday, 9 AM-Noon, Artisan Center/Lapidary Barkcarvers will resume meeting in the fall. Gourds John Shaw 825-1368 Friday, 9 AM-Noon, Artisan Center/ Lapidary Come and join the fun in an air conditioned room. Myrilla Getz shows off her recent gourd creation.


Sun City Vistoso Tipster, Febraury 2011

Most monitors who are seasonal residents are gone for the summer, so there will be times when having enough monitors to keep the shop open will become a problem. Monitors who are full-time residents, please consider scheduling yourself for more times as monitor this summer to help us maintain a normal schedule. We continue to see damaged equipment which appears to be a result of a user’s lack of knowledge of the machine and failure to follow its operating procedures. This is a very expensive problem for the club. Please, do not operate a tool or machine unless you are familiar with its operating procedures. Remember, manuals are available, and monitors and other club members will be happy to answer questions. Some machines have special notices posted on them. Please read and follow those as well. Stay safe and have fun. Writers Club

Paul Mercer 333- 3490 pawmerc@gmail.com Second and Fourth Friday, 1-3 PM, Catalina Vista/Mt. Lemmon

We each write a few pages for each meeting. The main reason we do this is for fun and to exercise our brains. You can pick any subject you choose to write about or follow the assignment you will be given each meeting. Your paper will be critiqued by the other members at the meeting. As you listen to the others’ papers, you will find ways to improve yours in the future. Have some fun by attending a meeting. Yoga

Pres. Joleen Meyer 818-3580 cell 970-389-2680 Meeting location AFC/Studio Mondays, 8:30-10 AM, AFC Tuesdays, 10:30 AM-Noon, AFC Thursday, 3:45 PM-5 PM, AFC/Studio 1 Winter class schedule September-May. Final classes week of May 18 Summer school Wednesday 9 AM-10:15 AM, June 4-July 30, no class July 2

Town Of Oro Valley

Win great prizes during the Shop OV Summer Campaign! Did you know you can win gift cards and prizes just for shopping locally? Now, through July 1, spend at least $25 at an Oro Valley business and you’re eligible to participate in a weekly prize drawing sponsored by Oro Valley businesses. Just submit your receipts in one of two ways: • Oro Valley Town Hall, 11000 N. La Cañada Drive, Monday–Friday, 8 AM–5 PM • Online at this address: https://auth.orovalleyaz.gov/shop-oro-valley-contact-form Winners will be announced every Friday at 5 PM. The final drawing is a $500 prize pack with gift cards from Oro Valley stores and restaurants, courtesy of Oro Valley Marketplace.


June 2014, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster

Partnered Organizations

Grief Support Group - Loss of Child or Grandchild

Facilitator Ester Leutenberg 818-0016 ester36@gmail.com Fourth Monday, 11 AM-Noon The items contained under this heading are provided as a service to residents by other organizations. SCOV does not sponsor nor support or assume responsibility or liability for the information.

Grief Support Group - Loss of Spouse/Partner


Contact Sec., Lorie Behrmann 395-1812 Second and Fourth Friday, 3 PM, call for location. The host of the day will act as facilitator

Carol 343-2103 Monday, 12:30 PM, Artisan Center/Stained Glass Tuesday, 7 PM, Desert Oasis/Ocotillo Alzheimer’s Education and Support Group

Don Dittman 551-6109 Arlene Schneider 825-5741 Last Tuesday, 4 PM, Desert Oasis/Ocotillo

Learn the basics of the disease and how to live with it. Caregivers’ Support Group

Facilitator Ester Leutenberg 818-0016 ester36@gmail.com First and Third Friday, 2-3 PM, Catalina Vista/Art Studio

I.C./Painful Bladder Syndrome Support Group

Call Janis Symmers for day, time and location: 825-8719 Leave a message and she will return the call.

This support group is for women with abnormal on-going pain related to the bladder. It includes Interstitial Cystitis, a chronic non-bacterial inflammation of the interior walls of the bladder, causing a host of sometimes debilitating symptoms. It may overlap with other chronic pain conditions that affect the bladder; such as, Pelvic Floor Dysfunction. If you would like the support of this informal group, call to see if it is right for you. Contact Janis Symmers 825-8719 for meeting information. Parkinson’s Support

Payton Davies 825-5352 bpwdavies@gmail.com Civic Association Third Wednesday, May-September, 11 AM, All the Buzz Cafe, 12985 N Oracle The Civic Association of SCOV Inc. is an advocate in consumer affairs. Es- Rd. Suite #165, Rancho Vistoso Center tablished in 1994 as a volunteer resident group, we have successfully dealt Exercise Monday and Thursday, 4-5:30 PM, WC3

with the Pima County Assessor and utility companies and conducted valuable investigations such as blue pipe and roofing problems. We provide an organization where residents can request assistance with problems not covered by SCOV. Marty Abelson 825-3522 cascvi@comcast.net Residents who want to be on our email list to receive, submit or share home maintenance information, consumer warnings and advisories, residential tax information and resident-related issues not covered by SCOV should submit their email addresses to cascvi@comcast.net. We are nonpolitical and are here to serve our fellow residents. Nonresident emails will not be accepted. Difficult Relationships - Support Group

In the summer we have informal get-togethers over lunch. We will meet again in June at the All the Buzz Cafe in the Rancho Vistoso Center. We will still plan to meet at 11 AM to get ahead of the noon rush. Call Payton by June 16 if you plan on attending. Vistoso Helpful Hands You can volunteer to help fellow SCOV residents in need by contacting Barb McNeill bjmac68@comcast.net 825-0677. To get help, call 410-9498. After the beeps, enter your phone number, including the area code and hang up. We will call you back.

Facilitator Mickey Henson 395-1077 mickeyhenson@gmail.com Call for date and time Emerge!

Co-Pres. Elaine Deeter 825-5388, Betty Hansen 818-1779 Donations Nancy Williams 818-3178 October-April, Second Tuesday, 8:30 AM, WC3

Our auxiliary helps and supports Emerge!, one of the main agencies in Southern Arizona which provides shelter for women and children who are victims of abuse. We always welcome new members and invite you to attend our next meeting. Nancy Williams continues to collect donations. This month’s requests are new twin sheets, diapers, new towels, grocery store gift cards and check/cash donations. Mark your calendars for Saturday, November 1, for Tea at Two. It is a wonderful event. The crisis line at Emerge! to report domestic violence is 888-428-0101.

Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, June 2014

Photo by Kathy Gross


Extended Community Catalina-Oro Valley Loins Club

In April, members of our Club held a fundraiser for and at the Arizona School for the Deaf and Blind, raised funds for Special Olympics, helped homeless veterans with toiletries and clothing and volunteered with Wright Flight, a program designed to keep youth in school and promote healthy lifestyles. To learn more, call Lou Phillippi, 520-638-6957.


The items contained under this heading are provided as a service to residents by other organizations that are neither sponsored nor supported by SCOV Community Association, Inc. SCOV assumes no responsibility or liability for the information contained therein. BR=Bedroom; BA=Bath; N/S=No Smoking; N/P=No Pets; W/D=Washer and Dryer; LR=Living Room; DR=Dining Room; AZRM=Arizona Room; Fireplace= FP; Stainless Steel= S/S; WiFi= Wireless Internet Service Classified Advertising, $10/ad

National Active and Retired Federal Employees

LOOKING TO WORK PART TIME? Don’t want to leave the community? Be a SCOV monitor. We are looking for someone to work mainly at Catalina Vista, the Activity Center and AFC. If interested call Pam Sarpalius, 520-917-8077 for a list of duties. Starting pay is minimum wage. FOR RENT: Fully furnished, newly decorated with mountain view. King in Master, Internet. Available June through Dec. 2014. May through Dec. 2015. Discounts are given for over three months. For details and/or pictures call Jan at 636-357-8817 or email janostrander2013@gmail.com. Welcome Club Northwest We hold monthly coffees and luncheons, offering a fun way FOR RENT: 2014 Multi-month vacation home rental. Completely furnished with great to meet people and become familiar with what the com- mountain views 2 BR, 2BA, 2-car garage. Furnished covered patio with grill. Rental rates munities of Tucson have to offer. We welcome those with will be discounted for SCOV families and friends. Rentals throughout the year or long term. recent life changes, who wish to re-join and those new to Call Jo (Wisconsin) 262-886-9999 or 825-0232. Photos available via email. FOR RENT: Great rates on this Sun City home. Super clean and guest ready. Internet, cable TV, all Tucson. Members luncheon is June 5 at the Cheesecake Factory utilities included. 2BR/2BA split floor plan. Mountain views and a private patio and yard. Nicely furnished, with great landscape and fruit trees. Available May 2014 call 970-209-1572. 11AM-1 PM, menu: your choice. Coffee get-togethers are the third Thursday of the month. FOR RENT: Super clean 1190 sq ft totally furnished, bring your tooth brush. Split floor Prospective members may attend two functions before plan, loads of upgrades, extended patio, mountain views. Plus high speed internet, joining. Contact Carol Funk for information and member- recreation passes, cleaning every two weeks, and trash removal. Hurry there are still ship. 520 638-5065. grapefruits on the tree. N/P, N/S. Please call 275-6654 or 520-825-8677. FOR RENT: Two BR/2BA open floor plan, fully equipped and tastefully decorated. Large covered East facing patio with BBQ. HD TV, full office with computer, WiFi, printer, fax. New SCOV Name Tags Golf cart and utilities included. N/S. $1200/month. Available June through September, New name tags using our two month minimum. Contact Michele at 303-408-1983. new logo are available for $8 each. The order form t n e Resid can be found on the SCOV FOR RENT: Pinetop, AZ, enjoy our A-frame summer home nestled in the cool pines. Donald website under Members Only section. 2BR/2BA. Includes spacious loft with more beds. 2-car garage. Peaceful wrap-around porch. Fully furnished. Neighborhood center recreation center privileges, golfing, fishing, casino nearby. 3 nights $300. 1 week $600 + extra night free if available. Open MaySeptember. Robert and Rose Stenech 520-578-8873. BUYING: A curious collector would like to buy watches, old photos, war relics, 19th and 20th century family and estate items, antiques, jewelry, coins, silver and much more. Anything unusual or nostalgic. I like to look and love to buy. Exceptional prices paid. 529-2984. Current and retired Federal employees, spouses, guests and visitors are invited to join NARFE Chapter 1874 for our monthly meeting. The June meeting will be Monday, June 16, Noon, Golden Corral Restaurant, 6865 N. Thornydale Dr., senior lunch menu $7.95 pp. Contact Rosie King for information 520-400-3456.

New Breakfast Hours!

Cactus flower photo by Gary Holt

7 AM-11:30 AM Mon.-Sat. & 7 AM-3 PM Sun. We look forward to serving you. Paid Advertising, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, June 2014, Page 30

Birthday... Special Occassion... Give The

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1555 E. Rancho Vistoso Blvd. 825-3110

Shear E xpressions



Golf Club at Oro Valley


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We first met Wilda when she was helping our friends Guy and Annette sell their home and buy a new one. Watching Wilda work with them made it easy to have Wilda help us when we started looking for our home. She was not only professional and extremely helpful; she made us feel like family. No question was too small and every phone call was returned immediately. Wilda makes attention to detail a priority which made our experience in home buying a pleasure. Can’t thank Wilda enough.

David and Edwina LaFontain, Tucson Home Buyers

Paid Advertising, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, June 2014, Page 31

Sun City Oro Valley Office 1171 E. Rancho Vistoso Blvd., Suite 117

520-825-0981 Free Consultation

F&S Home Services No job too small or too big

Frank Soto

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Having an Event? Let US Cater it!


Paid Advertising, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, June 2014, Page 32

CLEERE LAW OFFICES A Professional Corporation

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Julie Cundiff ALHS, Realtor


520-250-5940 14540 N. Sky Trail

1524 sq. ft., Silvercreek model on a corner lot, mountain views breakfast nook, 2BR, 2BA. www.juliec@longrealty.com


Replace Your Irrigation System


Andy McInnis, Owner www.VistosoIrrigation.com

New View Windows

Your window cleaning resource since 1998 * Sparkling windows inside and out * Rejuvenated screens * Smaller homes $75 Larger homes $95 Insured

(520) 579-8285 Mark

Tom’s Repair Handyman

440-1453 Not a licensed contractor by choice

Do you have your FIVE to FREE CLUB card? Purchase five breakfast or lunch entrees $5 or more each, plus a beverage and get your sixth breakfast or lunch entree FREE with the purchase of a beverage. Valid thru Sept. 30, 2014

1550 E. Rancho Vistoso Blvd.

Rosie’s Home Cleaning and House Watching Service Mary “Rosie” Avneri Owner


Licensed Bonded & Insured

Free Estimates


Paid Advertising, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, June 2014, Page 33

Made Fresh At The CafĂŠ


Referral Program

10% Reward for Referral A referral fee of 10% of the purchase price of the pass (with a $400 cap) will be paid to any person making a referral to The Views Golf Club which results in a purchase of a first-time annual pass. To submit a referral, pick up a form at the Pro Shop or administration office at the Welcome Center.

Stop in today and check out the many new items now available

1555 E. Rancho Vistoso Blvd. 825-3277

TheViews Golf Club at Oro Valley 1565 E. Rancho Vistoso Blvd. www.TheViewsGolfClub.com 917-8068

Paid Advertising, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, June 2014, Page 34


Interior a Exterior Painting a Licensed Bonded Insured a Serving Sun City Oro Valley since 1997. a Epoxy drive ways, walkways and garage floors. a Roof coat on flat roofs. a All work warranted. www.ablebodypainting.com

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Paid Advertising, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, June 2014, Page 35

400-1591 ROC 160023

Sandy’s Window Cleaning Residential & Commercial • Free


Ask about ceiling fans, light fixtures and mirrors

470 W. Roger Road, #108 Tucson, AZ 85705

We have many Sun City Oro Valley references Jack Campanella Owner/Operator

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On the Sun City Oro Valley Consumer Referral List

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Paid Advertising, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, June 2014, Page 36


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Paid Advertising, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, June 2014, Page 37

Irrigation Man Keith Demand

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On the Sun City Oro Valley Consumer Referral List

Paid Advertising, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, June 2014, Page 38

Bob & Jackie Cahoon 490-3633 444-5937

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On Sun City Oro Valley Consumer Referral List

Paid Advertising, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, June 2014, Page 39

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Mariposa model with wonderful Paid Advertising, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, June 2014, Page 40 views! 520-297-6172 Charming, updated home with


Mariposa model with views! area northeast patio,wonderful borders common

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