March 2012 Tipster

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March 2012

Vistoso Tipster

It’s More T han Living...It’s a Lifestyle! Study Session Thursday, March 8, 9 AM Vistoso Center/Apache

Association Committees.......... .4 Association News...................... .3 Café Specials........................... .11 Classified................................. .34 Clubs......................................... .16 Coming Events........................ .12 Extended Community.............. .33 Feature..................................... .12 For Your Information............... .14 Golf............................................. .9

Sun City Vistoso Community Association, Inc.

SCV Annual Meeting and BOD Meeting Tuesday, March 27, 9 AM Social Hall/Papago

Hours of Operation.................... .2 Memoriam................................ .15 Partnered Organizations......... .10 Thank You Corner.................... .15 Town of Oro Valley.................. .33 Workshops and Classes......... .14

New to Sun City Vistoso?

Attend the New Resident Coffee. See page 5 for details.

Photo by John Njaa

A Partnership in Prevention: The Sun City Vistoso Posse and Oro Valley Police Dept.

Vistoso Tipster

Administration Office...............825-3711 ext 120

Sun City Vistoso

Café Food Service to 3 PM only..........................825-3277

Published monthly by

Community Association, Inc. 1565 E. Rancho Vistoso Blvd. Oro Valley, AZ 85755 520-825-3711

Board of Directors Debra Arrett, Fred Bjorling, ...................................................... Vice President Janice Strassburg, ........................................................................Secretary Ruth Gitzendanner, George Williams, ................................................................... Director Dick Brammell, .................................................... Director Robert Hefner, Director

Management Team

Bob Mariani, Manager, 917-8080 Joe Byron, Café Manager, 917-8074 Robin Coulter, .......Assistant General Manager, 917-8070 Mary Cunningham, Com. Area Maint. Sup., 917-8059 Julie Foerster, Resources, 917-8061 Kim Griggs, Golf Professional, 917-8053 Michael Kropf, Course Superintendent, 917-8063 Ken Sandrock, Sup., 917-8078 Pam Sarpalius, Program Director, 917-8077 Randy Trenary, Controller, 917-8060

Support Team

Jim Cundiff, Community Services, 917-8058 Lonnie Davis, Fitness Supervisor, 917-8073 Norma Meyers, Secretary, 917-8065 Kathy Newman, Admin. Specialist, 917-8068 Chris Richard, Coordinator, 917-8069 Coco Sullivan, Coordinator, 917-8072 Social Hall Monitor........................................................................................................... 917-8066 Aquatic & Fitness Center Monitor...................................................................................917-8067

Editor, Layout and Design: Chris Richard Advertising: Norma Meyers and Chris Richard Printing By: AlphaGraphics Tipster Editorial Committee Tom Polley...........................................Chair Jacqueline Alger.......................... Member Harriet Diss................................... Member Arlene Douglas............................ Member Sally Evert...................................... Member Peggy Gardner............................. Member Glenda Gillespie........................... Member George Holthus............................ Member

Dale Knudson............................... Member Sharon Knudson.......................... Member Karen Koopmans......................... Member Barbara Martucci........................ Member Shirley Peterson........................... Member Marge Roetzel.............................. Member Del Salvaterra.............................. Member Mary Ann Stock........................... Member

If you would like to advertise in the Vistoso Tipster, please call 917-8065 for current rates and information. Sun City Vistoso Community Association provides this publication for informational purposes only and neither endorses nor promotes any of the products or services advertised herein and assumes no responsibility or liability for the statements made in this publication.

Hours of Operation Mon.-Fri......................................................................... 7:30 AM-4:30 PM

Thurs. through Mon. ............................................................... 7 AM-6 PM Tue. and Wed. ........................................................................ 7 AM-5 PM Recording of daily Café specials...................................825-3711 ext 205 Reservations............................................................................. 825-3277

Catalina Vista.........................................825-8613

Mon.-Fri................................................................................... 7 AM-9 PM Sat........................................................................................... 9 AM-9 PM Sun.......................................................................................... 9 AM-6 PM

Community Assistance­ - Loan Room

Telephone Reservations.....................917-8052 and 825-3711 ext 128 Monday, Wednesday and Friday .............................................. 8-9 AM Reservations and Pick Up, Cart Barn/Loan Room Tuesday and Thursday ............................................................. 8-9 AM

Community Services............10 AM-Noon...917-8058 Consumer Referral................................917-8079

Mon.-Fri. ............................................................................9:30-11:30 AM

Costume Closet Call for appointment.........818-3516 Desert Oasis..........................................825-0495 Facilities

Mon.-Fri................................................................................... 7 AM-9 PM Sat........................................................................................... 9 AM-8 PM Sun.......................................................................................... 9 AM-5 PM


Mon.-Fri.................................................................................... 9AM-5 PM Sat........................................................................................... 9 AM-5 PM Sun..................................................................................... 9 AM-4:30 PM Children’s Hours: daily ...........................................................Noon-4 PM Except Thu. and Sun........................................... Noon-1 PM and 3-4 PM

Gift Shop of Sun City............................917-8051

Mon.-Fri. ................................................................................. 9 AM-4 PM Sat. .................................................................................. 9 AM-12:30 PM

Library.................................... 917-8064

Mon.-Fri..................................................................... 9 AM-Noon, 1-4 PM Sat........................................................................................... 9 AM-Noon

Posse................................. 449-0014 or 449-7970 Pro Shop................................................. 825-3110 Mon............................................................................................ 9 AM-5 PM Tue., Wed., Thu......................................................................... 7 AM-5 PM Fri., Sat., Sun........................................................................ 6:30 AM-5 PM Driving Range Mon. and Wed.............................................. 6:30 AM-3 PM Driving Range All other days .................................................... 7 AM-5 PM Golf Course Ranger.................................................................... 904-9336

Social Hall..............................................917-8066

Mon.-Fri................................................................................... 7 AM-9 PM Sat........................................................................................... 9 AM-9 PM Sun.......................................................................................... 9 AM-6 PM

Aquatic & Fitness Center Facilities


Daily........................................................................................ 5 AM-9 PM Sun.......................................................................................... 5 AM-9 PM


Mon.-Sat............................................................................. 5 AM-8:30 PM Sun..................................................................................... 5 AM-5:30 PM Children’s Hours.....................................................................11 AM-1 PM

Vistoso Center....................................... 825-3711 After-hours Emergencies......................825-1161 If you encounter something in the common areas or golf course needing immediate attention (e.g. a broken irrigation head) and the Administration Office is closed, please report the issue to a building monitor. However, if a situation like this occurs after all the buildings are closed, please contact the emergency line.

Association News From The Board of Directors

Our MISSION as the SCVCAI Board is to lead in maintaining and enhancing the quality of life in Sun City Vistoso as an active adult community. SCVCAI Board of Directors Newsletter A bimonthly newsletter by Director Janice Strassburg about the activities and items discussed by the BOD is available on ListServ. To sign up, go to, hold your mouse over News and Info, click on In the Know, put in your email address and click on Submit button. Select any of the notifications you would like to receive and click on the Submit button. For those who do not have access to a computer, a copy is available for reading in the Library. All Board minutes, agendas and reports are available online and in the SCV Library. Board meetings are open to residents. What If... by Debbie Arrett At recent Unit Forums discussing the proposed renovation and expansion of the Aquatic & Fitness Center, I was often asked if the current proposal does not pass, what is Plan B. There is no Plan B. That is not to say that the defined deficiencies of our current fitness facility would go away. I expect it would be the first item on the agenda waiting for the next Board. Most simply, the time-consuming process would have to start over again. As with any Board initiative, there would be another ad hoc committee formed to study and research the community’s needs to return to the Board with a recommendation. Over a hundred of your peers and neighbors have already volunteered thousands of hours to this project. None of us can expect those same people to put forth such a selfless effort for all of us again. For an alternate plan to be considered, the Board would have to appropriate the funds necessary for an architect to provide the schematic, renderings and budget estimate – information needed for our members to make an informed vote. Burns-Wald Hopkins Shambach was paid $15,000 to do so for the current proposed project. The $175,000 in donations pledged by 207 individuals and one club would be gone, as would the $25,000 grant pledged by the Foundation. Their generosity allowed the Board to further reduce the one-time Special Assessment to $767 with an option to make six annual payments of $147. I don’t have a crystal ball, but I already see renewed commercial construction along Oracle and hear concerns about future inflation, all factors that would result in higher building costs. Considering all these points, a smaller expansion that would not meet the needs of Sun City Vistoso for the next 20-25 years, could result in a higher special assessment for every homeowner in the very near future. It is my hope that our members understand the neSun City Vistoso Tipster, March 2012

cessity and economic advantages of moving forward with this project now. Please join me in voting “FOR” the AFC project and the special assessment for the continued vitality and long term viability of Sun City Vistoso for years to come. Bob Mariani - General Manager

Budget and Dues by Bob Mariani

The budget process for fiscal year 20122013 is underway so I thought it a good time to review, not so much the process which I have done in the past, but what has transpired over the past few years. Let’s first look at the last four years of budgets and dues. The recent years have been a period of stability in that the dues have increased on average a moderate 3.1%. This level is slightly higher than the rate of inflation of 2.1% during the same period. Although management, the Finance and Budget Committee and the Board will have challenges in maintaining this moderate level of dues adjustment, the intent and direction is to continue on this course. As I’m sure many of you have heard or read, the dues increased at a significantly higher rate in previous years. During a period of six years between 2002 and 2008, the dues increased on average approximately 14.5%, which was obviously far above the inflation rate. There is a very simple explanation for these increases. The fact is that the developer left the Association with a grossly under-funded asset reserve fund. Fortunately the General Manager and Board at that time were willing to make a difficult decision and increase dues in an effort to properly fund the asset reserves. Prior to this era, the resident Board that served after Del Webb turned the Association over to the residents increased the dues on average 7.5%, again well above the inflation rate. Unfortunately I do not have precise data that explains these increases but can convey to you with confidence that increases of this level are somewhat typical after a developer transitions a community. The subsidies that developers generally provide while in control are no longer provided once the transition takes place. The end result of this history is that Sun City Vistoso has annual dues that are very comparable to other large-scale communities and lower than most. Plus, unlike many other communities, is a very well maintained and financially sound organization.

Coffee and Conversation with the General Manager and a Board Member

Thursday, March 1, 10 AM, Social Hall/Hopi Tuesday, March 13, 2 PM, Social Hall/Hopi Wednesday, March 28, 10 AM, Social Hall/Hopi An Informal Exchange of Information


Association Committees Committee meetings are open and all residents are welcome to attend. ARC Architectural Review Chair Susan Jakosa 609-6367, Second and fourth Tuesdays, 1 PM, Vistoso Center/Yaqui

We Need New Members to Join our Committee The Architectural Review Committee, currently comprised of 11 homeowners, continues to meet throughout the entire year. We review your planned outdoor projects, site satellite dishes and inspect homes after they are sold and in escrow. At this time of year, we need new members to join our committee. This is your opportunity to get involved in our Association! ARC meets twice every month on the second and fourth Tuesdays and members serve for three years beginning May 1st. If you are interested in what we do, feel free to attend any of our meetings or give me a call. I’ll be happy to answer any of your questions. You can pick up a Serving on a Committee application in the Administration Office to apply for ARC or many other committees--all of which are important to Sun City Vistoso residents and our entire community. Communication Committee Leslie Platt 520-818-1963

By now, all homeowners should have received their ballots for the Association election. Two new Directors will be elected to the Association Board and we will vote on renovation and expansion of the Aquatics & Fitness Center (AFC). Forums and coffees have provided opportunities to get to know the candidates and the Communications Committee has worked diligently to provide you all the facts pertaining to the AFC initiative. Monthly Tipster inserts have described the background and history leading to this proposal, updates as the project has progressed and answers to residents’ questions. In addition, the Committee produced and delivered to each home an informative DVD and accompanying booklet. We also conducted 22 public forums, where we played the DVD and answered questions. This Tipster contains an insert summarizing why the Board of Directors has undertaken and supports this initiative. Before you vote, please take the time to be well informed. Community Assistance Committee Chair George Holthus 818-1042; Susie Klein 825-7535

Aluminum Can Donations: Put those aluminum cans to work for Sun City Vistoso. Deposit only empty, clean aluminum cans in the box outside the Social Hall kitchen. For safety reasons do not deposit unrinsed cans which attract bees and may become a hazard. In February we delivered 540 pounds of aluminum cans which netted the CAC $367. Fiscal year-to-date we have received a total of $2,255. The Loan Room, located at the end of the Cart Barn, provides equipment to help our community with medical needs, tables and chairs for parties, adult beds and children’s items for visiting family and friends. The Loan Sun City Vistoso Tipster, Febraury 2011


Room is open Tuesday and Thursday mornings from 8-9 AM. Reservations can be made at the Loan Room on Tuesdays and Thursdays or by telephone on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays 8-9 AM by calling 9178052 or 825-3711 ext 128. We have recently purchased several new card tables and a rolling knee walker. The Loan Room is funded through donations, profits from recycling your aluminum cans and the annual Pancake Breakfast. Come and visit to see what we have available to loan. Conservation and Energy Committee Co-Chairs Beverly Browne 825-2921 and Ed Kennedy 825-3659 First and Third Tuesdays, 1 PM, Vistoso Center/Yaqui

In case you weren’t able to attend our class on Energy Conservation last month, here is a comparison of the energy use in watts for a compact fluorescent(CFL) bulb to that used by a standard incandescent bulb both providing equal amounts of light. LUMENS cfl watts used to be 450 9 40 800 14 60 1,600 23 100 2,600 42 150 Our meetings are open; we are always looking for new members to explore all methods of energy conservation. Consumer Referral Chair Don and Pat Pomeroy 825-1725 Desk Phone: 917-8079 Monday-Friday, 9:30 AM-11:30 AM, Social Hall

Here’s how to connect to the online list of our vendors: 1. On the Sun City Vistoso home page under the Residents drop-down menu, click on Members Only. 2. Log in with your user name and password. This is also the page where you can create a new account. 3. Click on Log In. 4. Click on the last blue line, Consumer Referral List. Election Committee

SCV Voter Validation and Ballot Counting March is the month when the Election Committee meets weekly to validate ballots. In February’s Election Committee’s Tipster article it was explained how the validation process is conducted. This month the process for counting the ballots is explained. On Tuesday, March 27, 8 AM the Election Committee will gather in the Vistoso Center/Apache room to count the ballots submitted by eligible homeowners. The validated ballots have been placed in bundles of 25. These bundles are removed from the locked ballot boxes (there are two boxes). The Election Committee is divided into teams of two. There are usually two statisticians. There is also a member that is distributing the ballots to the teams and filing the counted ballots back in the ballot box for storage according to the guidelines in the governing documents. The counting teams open the bundles of 25 white BALLOT envelopes and begin making their tallies on a tally sheet. They have to account for all 25 envelopes (votes) on their tally sheet. There are new and veteran members on the committee. When there are questions, the veteran members usually are able to answer the questions. Once all the ballots have been tallied and accounted March 2012, Sun City Vistoso Tipster


for, the statisticians prepare the report to the Board on the vote. If this report is prepared before the Board meeting is over, the results will be announced during the Board meeting. If not, they will be posted on the doors, bulletin board and sent out on the ListServ. Residents are welcome to observe the validation process and count of the vote. Finance and Budget Chair Tom Wakefield 647-1452 Third Monday, 1 PM, Vistoso Center/Apache Gift Shop Barbara Farr 818-2105 and Sharon Henderson 825-0722 Gift Shop 917-8051 Shop Hours: Monday-Friday 9 AM-4 PM Saturdays 9 AM-12:30 PM Meetings: Second Wednesday each month

Are you ready for spring? Stop by the Gift Shop and check out all the new arrivals. The Gift Shop is a wonderful place to buy that little something extra for someone that you care about. And if you want to send only a card, we have lots of those, too. You’ll also find a great variety of things with which to decorate your own life. Julie Holtry is the Artist of the Month for March. Her delicate and colorful jewelry is displayed in the center front window. She also has a beautiful collection of Oriental cards in the Shop. Be sure to check the For Your Information column in this month’s Tipster for registration information for the Arts and Crafts Festival to be held Saturday, November 3, 2012. Government Affairs Chair Hal Linton 825-2812, Second Wednesday, 1 PM, Vistoso Center/Yaqui Landscape Bob Cratty 825-0157 Third Wednesday, 9 AM, Vistoso Center/Yaqui

Rebeca Field, a landscape architect from the firm of Kimley-Horn, presented the plan for updating the landscape in the Mountain Vista area and its aging irrigation system to Proposed Landscape Update of Lion’s Head our Board of DirecFountain. tors at their February Study Session. This presentation culminated a fourteen-month collaboration with our volunteer Landscape Common Area Subcommittee and common area Maintenance staff. You can view the presentation by going to the Landscape Committee’s section of our community’s web site or by using this link: http:// Plan_Mt_Vista_020912.pdf Our top priority for this section of our community is to improve its appearance. Low or no-suppleSun City Vistoso Tipster, March 2012

mental-water use plants were selected wherever appropriate. We chose plants that require relatively low maintenance. Rebeca gave a synopsis of the design, focusing on how prominent areas of our community had been creatively enhanced to improve our image and for our own residents’ enjoyment. These areas include the corner of Silverton and Rancho Vistoso, where little vegetation remains, the three driveway entrances to the Mountain Vista area, the café entrance and the lovely, but now tired, Lion’s Head Fountain patio area. Our deteriorating and leak-prone irrigation system was one of the subjects discussed following the presentation. Scott Parvin, our staff member who maintains our irrigation system, explained that this section of our irrigation requires considerable maintenance and needs to be replaced. The next step is to put the project out for bid. Then there will be a process of value engineering to optimize what we are getting for our investment. If the Board votes in favor of proceeding, it is expected that all, or at least most, of the funding will come from asset reserve funds that have been set aside for this purpose. Marketing and Publicity Tut Tustison 825-9431 Fourth Thursday of the month, 1 PM, Vistoso Center/Yaqui

The marketing staff and the Marketing Committee are continuing to carry forward our diversity of distinct programs that promote our community as a great place to live, our golf course as an excellent place to play and our Café as a very desirable place to eat. We are also reviewing each of our current activities to see how effective they have been, what their cost has been and how well they fit with our future strategy. This in-depth review process will be a key part of establishing our requested budget for next year. Name Change Committee Chair Jon Olson 818-3705 Thursdays, 4:30 PM, Catalina Vista/Yavapai

The Name Change Committee will hold its March meeting on Thursday, March 15, 4:30 PM in the Art Room at Catalina Vista. We will review our work to date and begin preparations for our report to the Board of Directors in April.

New Resident Coffee All new Sun City Vistoso residents are welcome

Wednesday, March 14, 9 AM Vistoso Center/Apache Community tours will be offered at the conclusion of the meeting. R.S.V.P. by Monday, March 12 to 825-3711, ext. 120


Sun City Vistoso Community Association, Inc.ASSOCIATION, INC. SUN CITY VISTOSO COMMUNITY Statement of Revenues & Expenses and the Results of Operations

Revenues: Annual H.O. Fees Capital Contribution Fee Golf Revenues Activities Revenues Café Revenues Interest Income Other Income Gross Revenues Asset Reserve Contribution Capital Fund Contribution New Capital Acquisitions Restricted Use Revenues Net Operating Revenues Expenses: Wages & Benefits Cost of Sales Utilities Repair & Maint. Supplies & Expenses Net Operating Expenses Results of Operations

7 Months 2011-12




$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

234,903 12,440 120,311 17,840 59,600 1,706 34,595 481,395

$ 2,694,325 $ 80,860 $ 572,731 $ 89,956 $ 314,023 $ 12,999 $ 177,122 $ 3,942,016

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

2,694,325 83,970 648,165 89,150 286,300 7,000 122,990 3,931,900

$ $ $ $ $

(26,276) 455,119

$ (950,000) $ (100,000) $ (6,590) $ (118,654) $ 2,766,772

$ $ $ $ $

(950,000) (100,000) (6,000) (83,970) 2,791,930

$ $ $ $ $ $

217,061 29,876 37,604 6,429 85,017 375,987

$ 1,482,429 $ 164,579 $ 476,642 $ 67,481 631,085 $ $ 2,822,216

$ $ $ $ $ $

1,490,992 145,562 490,298 81,540 640,889 2,849,281







Above is a summary of the Revenues and Expenses and the Results of Operations for the first 7 months of the 2011-12 fiscal year. Also included Golf Course Revenues this month is a chart comparing golf revenues from Golf Course Revenues For the First 7 Months of the Fiscal Year last year to the current year. A copy of the report For the First 7 Months of the Fiscal Year in greater detail can be found at our website, www. Select the Board Meeting and 2011-12 2010-11 Financial Information page, scroll to the bottom, 2011-12 2010-11 $429,113 and select the month’s financial reports you wish to Pre-Paid Pre-Paid Rounds Rounds $394,993 $394,993 $429,113 view. There are also copies of the monthly FinanResident Resident Daily Rounds $34,297 $42,589 Daily Rounds $34,297 $42,589 cial Statements and a copy of the Annual Budget for Public Daily Rounds $103,688 Public Daily Rounds $90,337 $90,337 $103,688 the 2011-12 fiscal year in the Library located at the Vistoso Center. If you are interested in more information regard$519,627 $575,390 Totals Totals $519,627 $575,390 ing the Community’s finances, you may attend the Finance and Budget Committee meeting Monday, March 19, 1 PM, Vistoso Center/Apache. If you have any questions, call me at 917-8060, or email me at Randy Trenary, Controller Sun City Vistoso Tipster, Febraury 2011


March 2012, Sun City Vistoso Tipster


Neighborhood Pride Chair Tempe Johnson 825-6994 Third Tuesday, 2 PM, Vistoso Center/Apache Let’s Think Spring

The following are outside spring cleaning reminders concerning personal yards: • Make sure your house number is visible from the street and that all lights in the fixture are lit so it can be seen at night. • Trees must be trimmed up at least six feet over sidewalks. • Frost-damaged parts of shrubs and trees should be cut off and removed. • Cracks in driveways, sidewalks, and where the ce ment meets the asphalt in the street are the re sponsibility of homeowners to keep weed free. • Cactus, bushes and shrubs must not extend out over sidewalks. • Hedges, anywhere in the yard, are not to be over six feet tall. Just what is a hedge? It is a fence or barrier formed by a line of closely spaced plants and performing a similar function to a screen wall or fence. Thank you in advance for your hard work in heeding the above items and for continuing to take pride in your property. Posse Chair Del Balston 825-9681, Vice-Chair John Njaa 825-5486 Meetings: First Tuesday, 3 PM, Social Hall/Hopi

The cover photo symbolizes the partnership between your Posse and the Oro Valley Police Department (OVPD). This exists, in large part, because of SCV residents who are willing to serve their community by being the eyes and ears of the OVPD during several hours of nearly every night. 113 of these residents, Posse Frequent Flyers, will be honored at the Posse Recognition Day event on Wednesday, March 28, 1-4 PM, Auditorium. (Posse hat or badge required at door.) Posse Frequent Flyers are members who have completed five or more patrols during 2011. See name list in Posse website. Thank you OVPD and Posse volunteers for all you do for SCV. Posse Service Anniversaries

10 years: Jeff and Ilona Skjordahl, Arthur and Sheila Humphrey, Pat Barker, Larry and Shari Wold, David and Margot Chatterton, Ray Hicks, Roger and Jean Sax 5 years: James and Bonnie Johnson, Sam and Patty Phillips, Thomas Geisler, Vic and Joy Huxtable, Karen Lee, LaVita Briones, Ron and Elaine Brown, Robert and Martha Lyons Posse $20 Weekly Drawing for Service

Jan. 2: Mick and Leah Doty; Jan. 9: Tom and Nancy Brown Jan. 16: Tom Geisler and Jack Charbonneau; Jan. 23: Judi Nus

Support your Posse by becoming a member. Properties Chair Steve Taillie 825-8804 Third Thursday, 9 AM, Vistoso Center/Yaqui

Sun City Vistoso Tipster, March 2012

Robin Coulter - Assistant Manager A Historical SCV Perspective

So much time and energy has gone into bringing the Aquatic & Fitness Center project to the community for a vote. I recently received this information from a former Board member and felt it provided a good historical perspective on the work of the Association over the years. I would like to share it with you with permission from Cleo Wolf, SCV Board Directors (93-97). “I have lived in Sun City Vistoso since 1990. During that time I have watched the community grow and change. Did you know our beautiful library started in what is now the gym weight room with only a few donated books? Did you know all of the administrative offices were once housed in the dance studio? Did you know there was no computer lab or genealogy room? The Café was once a snack bar that served drinks and short orders mainly to golfers. How did we get from there to where we are now? It wasn’t easy. Each improvement met with a vocal minority that said things were fine the way they were; the improvements cost too much for people on a fixed income. You know what they said. We are hearing the same things now. I was on the Board of Directors when Del Webb turned the community over to the residents. There was a minimum amount in the Asset Reserve. Dues were kept artificially low, because it was a selling point. We needed to implement a true Asset Reserve fund and find a way to raise the dues. Before too much longer we needed to find a way to purchase and remodel the Administration Building, so we wouldn’t have an empty building or some other business in the middle of our community. Would we be better off if we had listened to the vocal minority and done nothing? I don’t think so. Times are no different now. We still need to keep moving forward with improvements - remodel when needed, add space as needed, change direction when needed. This is what makes this community a desirable place to live even after 22 years. I know you will remember how we got where we are now and stand up for improving our community.” Strategic Projects Committee (SPC) Chair Ted Hood 818-2281 Meets first Wednesday each month, 1:30 PM, Vistoso Center /Yaqui

At the February meeting of the Strategic Projects Committee (SPC), the committee took the following action; rescheduled a focus group on Board Committees until after February 21. Invitations to attend the focus group will be sent out to those committee chairs that might be affected by any proposed changes to the requirement for a Board Liaison to attend committee meetings. The SPC also accepted two new requests to review and recommend to the Board issues concerning protected views and, what opportunities, (using SCV media) those in opposition to Board actions could access. The SPC does not anticipate issuing reports on either of the new projects until late fall of this year.


Tipster Editorial Chair Tom Polley 818-9073 Anticipated Tipster delivery of the April issue is Friday, March 30. Tipster Editorial meeting Thursday, March 15, 9 AM, Vistoso Center/Apache. Sun City Vistoso Café News

New SCV Café Hours: Thursday-Monday, 7 AM-6 PM Tuesday & Wednesday, 7 AM-5 PM. After 3 PM enjoy a beverage and snacks (grill closes at 3 PM). The Café will be hosting a Sunday night dinner on March 11, 3-6 PM and two Monday night dinners, March 5 and 19, 3-6 PM. There are two community favorite dinners this month: Endless Soup and Salad, Wednesday, March 7, 4:30-6:30 PM, and Endless Pasta Night, Wednesday, March 28, 4:30-6:30 PM, no reservations required. Don’t miss these value-priced dinners. Lastly we are pleased to announce the return of Chef Dave’s Cooking Class on Tuesday, March 20, 3-5 PM at the SCV Café, $25 pp, money due upon sign-up. Class size is limited to 10 cooks so don’t wait to make your reservations for this class. See Café Coming Events for the entire menu that the class will be cooking. Pam Sarpalius - Programs/Facilities Director Wii and We are Not Speaking French

Several years ago we purchased a Wii system located at the Desert Oasis. I know it is occasionally used by residents and guests. In local newspapers I have seen where several communities have established Wii bowling teams and have weekly competitions. Perhaps residents would like to form a Wii bowling league. The game is in place and ready for your fun. Don’t forget there are other sports available to play. Be sure to call the Desert Oasis to reserve a time to play. Jim Cundiff - Community Services Replacing Windows

1. General Requirements - All window replacements shall comply with the following general requirements: a. Prior written approval from the ARC is required for all window additions or replacements. b. All window changes shall match the existing win dows in general appearance, color and style as closely as possible and shall maintain the overall architectural appearance and balance of the house. c. Window frames and bump-outs shall match ex isting windows as closely as possible. Additions or replacements shall be built in a similar style as existing construction. d. Adding or changing the size of windows could re quire a Town of Oro Valley building permit. If re quired, a copy must be submitted to the ARC be fore construction can begin. 2. Window Replacements and Additions a. New window frames shall be brown, tan or white, and shall match existing frames, unless all win dows on the house are being replaced. Exposed frame width may not exceed 3.5 inches. b. Any tinting shall be unobtrusive. Additional film Sun City Vistoso Tipster, Febraury 2011


coatings, reflective surfaces or insert panels either inside or out shall not be used. c. Window grids are not required. d. Energy efficient windows tend to have larger frames and proportionately smaller glass area. Therefore, at a minimum, all windows on the same side of the house shall be replaced at the same time, to present a uniform appearance. e. Glass block replacement for an existing non glass block window is allowed, but not in front yards or street facing side yards. f. Greenhouse or bay window additions shall not pro trude into any of the required lot setback spaces. Such windows are not allowed in front yards or street facing side yards. January Housing Resale Information Resales

For the Month






8 Total sold in 2011 - 123


Carol Wittels - Library

March is sale month in the library. Buy two sale items and get one free of equal or less value. Don’t pass up these special prices. The library is in possession of a set of lost keys. They include two GM keys and two ILCO keys and were probably found in the parking lot. We found them in the book return. Three new acquisitions are available now: Behind the Beautiful Forevers by Katherine Boo (non-fiction). Annawadi is a slum separated from the Mumbai Airport and luxury hotels by a simple roadway and a wall. The lives of the people of the “new India” are vividly explored. Every Man Dies Alone by Hans Fallada (non-fiction) is based on a true story, a recently translated masterpiece of WWII. A portrait of life in Berlin under the Nazis when a working class couple takes a stand after their only son is killed at the front. American Dervish by Ayad Akhtar (fiction) is a debut novel about a midwestern American family of Pakistani heritage, who welcome into their home the mother’s oldest friend, an independent, beautiful and intelligent Pakistani woman. This is a beautiful novel, written in the words of a 10 year old Pakastani American boy. Friends of the Library

We are organizing two events this spring. Friday, March 2, our annual Books and Authors Luncheon will take place with an exceptional panel of local authors. Monday, March 19, our art raffle will begin in the library with a drawing to be held Thursday, April 5. Please check the Coming Events section for more details. It is never too late to join the Friends of the Library.

March 2012, Sun City Vistoso Tipster


Unit # 1 5 5 6 7 8 10 11

Welcome New Neighbors Name Robert Knoph Timothy Storer James and Mary Daskalos C. Colin and Ruth Kaltenbach Donald and Susan Bong Dougles Shaver and Marilyn Higgins Myron and Lenore Mickelson Lowell and Beverly Grasdalen

From Oro Valley, AZ Tucson, AZ Roseburg, OR Tucson, AZ Charleston, SC Oro Valley, AZ La Valle, WI Oro Valley, AZ

Lonnie Davis - Recreation and Fitness Posture Check

Practicing good posture can strengthen muscles and help minimize stress on joints. So walk with your head raised, chin parallel to the ground and your eyes on a spot about 20 feet ahead. Keep your hips and shoulders facing forward, your shoulders loose and relaxed, and your arms straight at your side or bent 90 degrees at the elbow. When you take a step, let your heel hit the ground first, then roll through to your toe before taking the next step. Association-Sponsored Fitness: Purchase a punch card from the receptionist in the Administration Office, $12.50/10 classes. You may use this card for all Sun City Vistoso-sponsored fitness classes. It can also be used for your guests. There is a $2 drop-in charge if you do not have a punch card. Cardio Chair Aerobics: Tuesday, Thursday, 10:3011:30 AM, Catalina Vista. Sunrisers: Low-impact aerobics class: Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 7:15-8:15 AM, Auditorium. Sweat Stretch: Tuesday, Thursday, 7:30-9 AM, Auditorium. Water Aerobics: Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 10-11 AM, Aquatic & Fitness Center Pool. Zumba: Thursday, 5:15 PM, Auditorium. Personal Trainer: Call Ray Jerkins 219-3561 to make an appointment. Aquatic & Fitness Center and Desert Oasis: See the Hours of Operation, on page 2 of this Tipster. Tuesday, March 13, the Aquatic & Fitness Center pool and spa will be closed for cleaning and shock treatment. It will reopen the following morning at the regular time. Wednesday, March 14, the Desert Oasis pool will close at 7 AM for cleaning and shock treatment and will reopen the following morning at the regular time. Special Note from the Aquatic & Fitness Center: Thursday, March 8, 1 PM, an orientation will be held on how to use the gym equipment. Space is limited, so please sign up. See Lonnie Davis or call 917-8073.

Golf Kim Griggs - Head Golf Professional

March is a busy month as we will have the Guys & Dolls Tournament for the 9 Hole Clubs on March 8. The Men’s 18-hole Club Championship Starts Wednesday, March 14 and the Ladies 9-Hole Invitational will be on March 22. March is also preparation month for the upcoming Member Guest events. It is also the time when warmer weather begins to arrive, bringing out even more walkers and riders. Please Sun City Vistoso Tipster, March 2012

remember that we will move the tee times back one-half hour starting Thursday, March 1 meaning walkers will need to be off the golf course one-half hour earlier. If you are a renter or a new homeowner in Sun City Vistoso, please stop by and play our magnificent Greg Nash designed 18 hole championship golf course. Check out our fully stocked Pro Shop and visit with our staff about potential annual pass opportunities for golf or just try out our driving range. Remember, to wear proper golf attire. Sorry no denim, T-shirts, athletic shorts or halter tops on our driving range. A small basket of balls costs $4 and a large basket is $6. Lessons are $45 for one-half hour and $55 for 45 minutes. Call Rick Sample or me, as we are both PGA certified to teach. Please remember that is not only available to outside guests; it is also available to residents of Sun City Vistoso. It is Internet based and a chance for you to book a tee time online. Michael Kropf - Superintendent

Last spring, golf courses around Southern Arizona suffered from a stretch of extremely cold weather. For almost an entire week the high temperatures barely reached forty degrees, and the lows were in the low teens. At the time golf courses looked terrific and the turf seemed to be unharmed from the extreme temperatures. However, as the rye grass started to thin out during the heat of the early summer the underlying Bermuda grass was showing signs of severe damage. The correlation between that stretch of cold weather and the damage to the Bermuda grass was unknown at the time. Many golf course superintendents and turf experts tried to figure out why transitions were so bad last summer. After many discussions and observations, it was determined the main cause of Bermuda grass loss was from moisture levels in the soil being too low. The standard practice during cold weather is to reduce watering at night to reduce that amount of moisture that can freeze and cause frost delays the following morning. However, reducing the water during the very cold stretch of weather stressed the underlying Bermuda grass. The Bermuda grass roughs suffered the same stress, but were able to recover because of the lack of competition from the overseeded rye grass like fairways, tees and greens. As a result, the fairways, tees and greens are going to be watered heavier this winter to avoid a similar transition this summer. Be prepared for the course to be wetter than in previous winters, but still very playable. Golf Advisory Payton Davies Chair 825-5352 First Wednesday, 2 PM, Vistoso Center/Apache

In case you haven’t noticed, the Café is now open on Thursdays thru Mondays until 6 PM. Right now it is just serving cocktails and beverages, along with pretzels or chips. We are trying to live up to our image of being a golf course that offers the complete experience. We hope it will be well-attended, as that will show that it was a good decision. Come enjoy a beverage and view the sunset. We have an “Ambassador” program to show interested people around Sun City Vistoso, but we are all ambassadors when we welcome people to our golf course and Café. Let’s all make new and returning golfers feel welcome. Golf Continues on page 10


Men’s 18-Hole Golf Club Pres. Bob Farmer 818-1522 Membership Dick Boss 638-6644 Play: Wednesdays

January and February weather has allowed wonderful conditions for golf and completing The Governors Cup. Congratulations to the three flight, two man team winners. Next up is the Club Championship starting Governors Cup Winners. Nicklaus Flight: Ken play Wednesday, March Hun and Howard Schultz. Palmer Flight: Don 14; Saturday, March 17; Anderson and Don Hess. Player Flight: Jerry Wednesday, March 21. Birdsong and Dick Shurr. Have you qualified for The Views Cup? Check the bulletin board to see where you stand. The Views Cup Championship will be played Wednesday, March 28. The Member/Guest Tournament, the crown jewel event of the year, will be played Wednesday, April 11; Thursday , April 12. Tuesday afternoon, April 10, is the practice round for this fun event. Details for this tournament have been mailed to the membership. The registration deadline is Thursday, March 15, so ask your guest soon. Our next Bash is March 7. No tickets will be sold at the door. Congratulations to Dick Boss, Ray Bruns, Ron Lude, Mert Townsend and Bob Farmer for recording a HoleIn-One in 2011. Each received a cool $263 for their accomplishment.

Men’s 9-Hole Golf Club Pres. Jon Olson 818-3705 Membership: Jack Saatkamp 825-4376 Play: Thursday mornings, 8:30 AM

Arrival and check-in is one half-hour prior to your tee time to allow the Pro Shop time to confirm/adjust pairings. The Club meets once monthly on the second Thursday after golf, generally in the Social Hall/Navajo. However, on March 8 the club is hosting the annual Guys & Dolls tournament, where the Women’s 9-Hole Club members are paired with the men. The tournament will be followed with a luncheon in the Auditorium. Prizes will be awarded. All men, including nonresidents, are welcome to join the club. Anyone desiring more information should call our membership chairman, Jack Saatkamp.

Sun City Vistoso Women’s Golf Club Pres. Mary Ellen Tovatt 818-6290 Membership Payton Davies 825-5352 Play: Tuesdays

The third and final round of the Solheim Cup will be March 27. There are 38 women, split into two teams, Slicers and Sisters. The team with the most points, after the third match will receive a trophy and bragging rights for the coming year. President Cup matches will continue through Sunday, April 1. Results are posted on the bulletin board. Incidentally, our board has a “new look”. Please read it and keep updated on all events for SCVWGC. Mark your calendars for April 10, our annual No Frills Tournament. Invite a friend to play in this exciting one Sun City Vistoso Tipster, Febraury 2011


day event. Co-chairs, Betty Bittle and Bev Dick, will provide further details via Listserv and at the general meetings. The Club Championship competition dates are Tuesday, April 17; Friday, April 20 and Tuesday, April 24. The closing luncheon will also be held Tuesday, April 24. More details in the April Tipster.

SCV Women’s 9-Hole Golf Club Pres. Ruth Bonfiglio 825-7794 Membership Linda Miller 818-2716 Play: Thursday mornings

On February 28, the 9-Hole Women’s Golf Club hosted the 18-Hole Women at our Golf for A Cure luncheon and tournament to benefit the Susan G. Komen Foundation of Southern Arizona. The tennis women also joined us for lunch. Thank you to all who participated and contributed to this worthy cause. March brings many activities for our club. At the March 1 meeting we elect officers and have our annual salad and dessert luncheon. A-L bring desserts and M-Z bring salads. The 9-Hole men are hosting the Guys and Dolls March 8. Our Life is a Beach Invitational will be held March 22. Sign-up sheets for all these events are in the Pro Shop. All are welcome to join our golf group.

Partnered Organizations The items contained under this heading are provided as a service to residents by other organizations that are neither sponsored nor supported by Sun City Vistoso Community Association, Inc. SCVCAI assumes no responsibility or liability for the information contained therein. AA Ned 407-6052 Mondays, 12:30 PM, Craft Complex/Tumbleweed Tuesdays, 7 PM, Desert Oasis/Zuni Alzheimer’s Education and Support Group Don Dittman 551-6109 Arlene Schneider 825-5741 Last Tuesday, 4 PM, Desert Oasis

Learn the basics of the disease and how to live with it. Civic Association CASCVI (The Civic Association of Sun City Vistoso Inc.) is an advocate in consumer affairs. Established in 1994 as a volunteer resident group, we have successfully dealt with the Pima County Assessor and utility companies and conducted valuable investigations such as blue pipe and roofing problems. CASCVI provides an organization where residents can request assistance with problems not covered by SCVCAI. We can be reached at or call Marty Abelson 825-3522

Residents who desire to be on our email list to receive, submit or share home maintenance information, consumer warnings and advisories, residential tax information and resident-related issues not covered by SCVAI should submit their email addresses to Please note that we are nonpolitical and are here to serve our fellow residents. Nonresident emails will not be accepted. You must be a SCVCAI homeowner.


March 2012, Sun City Vistoso Tipster

Emerge! Co-Pres. Coralyn Hoaglund 825-6801 and Betty Hansen 818-1779 Donations Nancy Williams 818-3178 October-April, Second Tuesday, 8:30 AM, Vistoso Center/Apache

At the March 13 meeting we will finalize plans for “Emerge! Into Spring,” our luncheon and style show by Chico’s and Fresh Produce taking place on Friday, March 16. We expect a capacity crowd. This year we are introducing wine which can be purchased by the glass. Anyone needing last minute tickets can check on availability Thursday, March 1, 9-11 AM or Friday, March 2, 10 AM-Noon, Social Hall. You can also call Marie Gagnon 825-2354. Come early to view our wonderful raffle items. Between 11 AM and the noon raffle, tickets can be purchased at the door. Luncheon doors will open at noon. Our auxiliary helps and supports Emerge! which is the main agency in Southern Arizona that provides shelter for women and children who are victims of abuse. Items needed this month are backpacks for children and teens, baby supplies, and personal care items for women. The crisis line at Emerge! to report domestic violence is 888-428-0101. Sun City Vistoso Foundation The Sun City Vistoso Community Foundation, a separate and independent organization from the Association, established in 1998, provides a means through which tax-deductible gifts may be channeled to support qualified health, cultural, educational and charitable needs of Sun City Vistoso and surrounding areas. Gifts may be made at any time by check, in stocks or by gifts-in-kind to the Foundation, 1565 E. Rancho Vistoso Blvd., Tucson, AZ 85755 Pres. Margie Golombek 825-2121

The Foundation’s mission is to improve the quality of life for active adults in Sun City Vistoso and the surrounding areas through a tax-deductible channel. The Sun City Vistoso Community Foundation held their bimonthly Medical Waste Disposal event in the Social Hall on January 10 and collected 20 pounds of medical waste. The next event is scheduled for March 13th. All donations make a positive difference in the quality of life in Sun City Vistoso and the surrounding community. Parkinson’s Support Payton Davies 825-5352 or Third Wednesday, 10:30 AM, Catalina Vista/Pima Exercise Mondays and Thursdays 4-5:30 PM, Vistoso Center/Apache

At the January meeting, one of our caregivers spoke about a “Seminar at Sea” that she and her husband attended. The cruise ship had reserved space for 150 Parkies, families and friends to go as a group. The cruise line takes wonderful care of the PWP (people with Parkinson’s).There were educational and hopefilled presentations, exercise classes, therapy sessions, and camaraderie. This year the annual Parkinson’s at Sea Seminar is going to go on Celebrity Cruise Line to Alaska in August. It seems to be reasonably priced for the 8 day, 7 night cruise. If you are interested call Payton Davies or Susan Kline 805-482-2151. At our monthly meetings we are starting to include 10 minutes of exercise. We agree that exercise is a valuable tool in living with Parkinson’s. Ray Jerkins is doing wonderful exercise classes for PWP. They are held every Monday and Thursday, 4 PM, Vistoso Center/Apache. Sun City Vistoso Tipster, March 2012

Vistoso Helpful Hands

We need pager carrier volunteers! Please call Mary Cornell 825-2747 or Barbara McNeill 825-0677 or submit an application with Norma Meyers, Administration Office. Training is available. We are a short term, all volunteer help group. If you need long term help, here are several nonprofit organizations: Pima Council on Aging 790-7262, help@ or Interfaith Community Services 297-6049. To get VHH help, dial 410-9498. When you hear the beep, enter your phone number followed by the # sign and hang up. We will call you back.

Café Specials March Special Dinners Coupons may not be used for special dinners.

Mondays, March 5 and 19, 3-6 PM Monday Night Madness

We will be serving from a special menu with tasty items sure to please. Join us, no reservations needed, come as you are. Wednesday, March 7, 4:30-6:30 PM Endless Soup and Salad, $6.50 pp

Your choice of soups: chicken poblano, creamy tomato basil, fresh vegetable and spicy chicken tortilla. Served with tossed green salad and bread sticks. This does not include beverages or dessert. No reservations are required and the gratuity will not be added to your bill, so please tip your server accordingly. No coupons or discounts will be accepted. Sunday, March 11, 3-6 PM Sunday Dinner at the SCV Café

We will be open for a delightful Sunday dinner. Order from a special Lite menu. Relax; leave the cooking to us. Wednesday, March 28, 4:30-6:30 PM Endless Pasta Night, $7.95 pp

The offerings include your choice of spaghetti with marinara sauce, meatballs, hot Italian sausage, or linguini with white clam sauce, served with bread sticks and tossed green salad. Beverages and desserts are not included. A gratuity will not be added to your bill. So please tip your server accordingly.

New SCV Café Hours

Thursday-Monday, 7 AM-6 PM Tuesday & Wednesday, 7 AM-5 PM After 3 PM enjoy a beverage and snacks (grill closes at 3 PM)



Coming Events

Just Coffee - Caffeine with a Conscience

Items included in this section must be open to all residents and either be an Association-sponsored or an annual club event of interest to the entire community.

by Irene Camp and Joyce Hopson

Joyce Hopson and Irene Camp, a Sun City Vistoso resident since 1998 and a permanent resident since 2006, journeyed to Chiapas, Mexico to Salvador Urbina as part of a Mountain Shadows Church mission trip: “Coffee, Migration, and Faith.” Tommy Bassett, the coauthor of the book, led the group of 10 people. These ladies were immersed in the daily lives of the coffee growers of Joyce and Irene on location in Mexico. Chiapas for one week. They saw workers setting out for their coffee fields outside of town, sometimes in a pickup truck, more often walking. They learned of the need to handpick these bushes three times, and espied the large banana plants that shaded the bushes in order to have a shade grown coffee. Owners toted 200 pound bags of coffee “cherries” to their homes up steep mountain roads. From coffee “cherries” to coffee beans ready to roast, the Arabica coffee must go through six different steps, and the beans need to be sorted, depulped, washed and dried within 24 hours of harvest. The patio of their host family was filled with beans drying, and all waste was recycled as compost into the fields to insure 100% organic grown coffee. The coffee was then sent to the roaster in Agua Prieta, Sonora, Mexico. The cooperative has enabled hundreds of men to remain in their beloved Salvador Urbina area. In place of migrating north in order to support their families, they can live, work, worship, and develop their community. Schools are crowded and new ones are being built as children are no longer needed in the fields. The profits from the cooperative have in part gone to provide health insurance for the mem- Just Coffee harvester working the bers. A safe drinking water sys- coffee trees for ripe ‘coffee cherries’. tem has been installed in the Just Coffee warehouse and cheap, clean water is available to the whole community. Construction has taken place as homes are enlarged, and money has been made available for appliances. Drinking Just Coffee for Ms. Camp is much more than purchasing delicious coffee. It is a moral issue and provides one answer to the immigration problem. For this special coffee, contact Ms. Camp, as she will be more than happy to sell it to you. Sun City Vistoso Tipster, Febraury 2011


Special Events for Clubs See Club article for full details.

Sunliners, Open Line Dance, Fri., Mar. 2, 6:30 PM, Auditorium SCV Singles, Dinner, Thu., Mar. 8, 5:30 PM, Social Hall/Navajo Kactus Kickers, The Last Chance Saloon, Fri., Mar. 9, 6:30 PM, Auditorium Tennis Club, Mariachi/Jazz Band, Sat., Mar. 10, 6:30 PM, Auditorium Photo Club, Grand Canyon Photography, Wed., Mar. 14, 6:30 PM, Catalina Vista Villanellas, Irish Interlude, Fri., Mar. 16, 6:30 PM, Auditorium Rock ‘N Roll, Lost in the 60’s dance, Sat., Mar. 17, 7 PM, Auditorium Dinner ‘N Show, Shirley MacLaine Show, Sun., Mar. 18, Centennial Hall, UofA Natural Health and Wellness, Herbalist, Wed., Mar. 21, 3 PM, Catalina Vista/Pima Day Trippers, Wed., Mar. 21, Kingston Trio, Temple of Music and Art Sundancers, Guest Caller Dance, Sat., Mar. 24, 7 PM, Auditorium Dinner ‘N Show, Me and My Girl, Wed., Mar. 28, Broadway Palm in Mesa, AZ SCV Singles, Happy Hour, Fri., Mar. 30, 5:30 PM, Social Hall/Navajo Photo Club, All About Optics in Nature, Wed., Apr. 11, 6:30 PM, Catalina Vista Sunliners, April Dance Party, Sat., Apr. 14, 5:30 PM, Auditorium SCV Singers, Spring Concert, Tue., Apr. 17, 7 PM, Auditorium Day Trippers, Wed., Apr. 18-19, Verde Canyon Railroad Excursion Day Trippers, Sun., May 20, Mary Poppins, TCC Music Hall in Tucson Friday, March 2, Noon, Auditorium Friends of the Library Books and Authors Luncheon

We have an outstanding panel of three local authors who will talk about their books. Jan Cleere’s Levis and Lace, historically accurate vignettes of 35 extraordinary women who shaped Arizona history; Cathy Hufault’s Death Clouds on Mt. Baldy, a well-researched and inspiring true story of the search for young Boy Scouts lost in an unexpected snow storm, told by the sister of one of the survivors; and John Newport’s The Tucson Tragedy, a comprehensive account of the human side of the Giffords shooting Saturday, January 8, 2011. Call Ann Feeney 818-0340. Saturday and Sunday, March 3-4, Social Hall/Navajo SCV 11th Annual Quilt Show 10 AM-4 PM

There will be many quilts, both old and new, along with a special exhibit of pincushions, a treasure table store, a members’ boutique and a beautiful, hand-appliquéd raffle quilt to be won by some lucky person. Raffle proceeds will be given to the food bank in Catalina. No admission fee. Open to the public. Saturday, March 3, Doors Open 6:30 PM, Auditorium Bernie and Red

It took us several years to have this show appear at SCV because of its demand. Enjoy a night of many laughs and great music. This duo is well known around the world and always performs to a sold-out audience.


March 2012, Sun City Vistoso Tipster

The show will have some Irish humor along with just plain fun and songs. Gather your friends for an enjoyable night to remember. Cabaret seating; bring your own snacks and drinks. Doors open 6:30 PM, show at 7 PM.

Tuesday, March 20, SCV Café Cooking Class Dave’s Cooking Class $25 pp, limited to Ten Cooks

Saturday, March 10, 6:30 PM, Auditorium Mariachi/CDO Jazz Band Concert

Tuesday, March 28, 1 PM, Auditorium Posse Recognition Event - Posse Frequent Flyers

Tickets on sale at Administration $16 pp

Mark your calendar for the annual Mariachi/CDO Jazz Band concert. Light refreshments following. Tickets on sale Friday, Monday, Wednesday, March 2, 5, 7, Social Hall, 9 AM-Noon, $10 pp. Monday, March 12, 9AM-12:30 PM, Sun City Vistoso Gift Shop - Monday Madness

We have bargain time again at the Gift Shop. Come find household items and beautiful jewelry at great marked down prices. It is a treasure hunt on tables in front of the shop on Monday, March 12. See you there. Tuesday,March 13, 10 AM Social Hall/Navajo Tucson Museum of Art Talks

This month, Docent Vida Thomas will talk to us about “Pre-Raphaelites, Young Romantics Seeing Themselves”. Vida is sure to make this an event you won’t want to miss. Refreshments as usual. If you have questions, call Rudi 825 2147. No reservations required. Friday, March 16, 11 AM, Auditorium Emerge Spring Luncheon Fundraiser

Emerge! Luncheon/fund-raiser with fashions by Chico’s and Fresh Produce. Raffle 11 AM-Noon. Doors open at noon for luncheon. Call Marie Gagon 825-2354.

Tickets $25 pp with $10 going to Emerge! Ticket sales Thursday, March 1, 9 AM-11AM; Friday, March 2 10 AM-Noon, Social Hall

Sunday, March 18, 2 PM, Social Hall/Navajo The Pleasant Valley War with Larry Klein

Curious about that topic? Larry taught for many years and as a retiree has been involved as a docent with The Arizona Historical Society. Monday, March 19, 7 PM, Auditorium Movin’ and Groovin’ - A Sparkling Dance Revue

The dance groups of Sun City Vistoso are ready to show you how much fun dancing can be, so plan on an evening of lively music, fun costumes, and movin’ to the beat! Clap your hands, stomp your feet, and enjoy watching these groups perform: Aloha Hula Sisters, Tappers Dancersize, Vistoso Villanellas, Kactus Kickers, Stars of the Desert, Toe Tappin Cloggers, Sundancers, ZUMBA®, The Synkers, Sun City Vistoso Strummers and The Sun City Vistoso Sisters of Silence.

Tickets: $5 (children under 5 free) Tuesday and Friday, March 6 and 9, 8:30-11:30 AM, Social Hall/lobby

Only 10 spots are available, so register early. Please pay the $25 fee, cash or check, upon registering. The menu will be: stuffed pork tenderloin, asiago risotto and sauteed zucchini with apple pie for dessert.

The event will honor Posse members and especially Posse Frequent Flyers who have completed five or more patrols during 2011. Your Posse hat or badge will be required at door. Friday, March 30, 6:30 PM, Auditorium Kenny Hess

Kenny has been the opening act for Reba McEntire and now you can see him in SCV. Kenny now performs on his own to sell-out crowds. Come hear country music at its finest. For your enjoyment we will set up a small dance floor for you Two Steppers. Put on your Western clothes or just dress casual. Cabaret seating, bring your own drinks and snacks, Doors open 6:30 PM, show 7 PM.

Tickets sales at Administration. $14 pp.

Saturday, March 31, 7 AM-Noon Annual Courtyard Sale

Gather up all those goodies you no longer need and turn them into cash or come shop and find a treasure you can’t live without. Seniors for Kids will be serving coffee, donuts and hotdogs. If you want to purchase a table to be part of this event, they will be on sale Tuesday, March 13, 10 AM-Noon, Social Hall. Tables are first come, first serve. If you cannot purchase a table that day, please have a friend do so for you. Tables are $20 each. Thursday, April 5, 3:30 PM, Vistoso Center/Yaqui Art Raffle Drawing

Our amazingly gifted residents are donating jewelry, pottery, paintings, wood, glass and gourd work to be raffled as a fund raiser for the Friends of the Library. These items will be displayed in the Library, Monday, March 19, through Thursday, April 5, when the drawings will be held at 3:30 PM, Vistoso Center/Yaqui. Refreshments will be served. This is a wonderful opportunity to acquire a treasured art piece at a price you can afford.

Tickets on sale beginning Monday, March 19, Library, 9 AM-Noon $1 ticket or 6 for $5.

Saturday, April 21, 7 PM, Auditorium Tucson Symphony String Quartet

Once again the Tucson Symphony will be appearing in the Auditorium. Don’t miss this chance for fine entertainment just minutes from your front door. Theater seating, no food or drinks. Doors open at 6:30 PM performance at 7 PM.

Tickets on sale starting Friday, March 30, at Administration, $14 pp

Net proceeds go to the Wounded Warrior Project.

Sun City Vistoso Tipster, March 2012


Workshops and Classes Automatic External Defibrillator (AED) Classes

AED classes have resumed. The classes are held the fourth Wednesday, 1:30 PM, Vistoso Center/Yaqui. Lonnie Davis teaches these classes. To attend you must register ahead of time by calling Lonnie 825-3711 ext 136. You could save the life of a loved one or friend by taking this class. Sign up today for the March 28 class. Clay Club Storyteller Figure Class

Learn how to build a Storyteller figure from clay. Sign up at the Craft Complex/Clay Pit. Clay Club orientation class schedule is posted in the Craft Complex/Clay Pit, come join us in working with clay. Date and time to be determined by response to sign up. Gin Rummy

This year-round workshop is at George and Beverly Riley’s home. All skill levels are welcome. We practice playing, discuss the standardized game rules of Sun City Vistoso, as well as scoring, etiquette and skill tactics. Couples and singles invited. No fee or dues. For times, call 818-0877. Institute of Learning in Retirement

Samplers, Thursdays, 2-4 PM, Catalina Vista. Open to all; no sign-up needed. Mar. 1 Mar. 8

“Everything You Wanted To Know About New Drugs,” Rick Herrier Preview of Fall 2012 Classes Parkinson’s Exercise Classes

Exercise classes are held Mondays and Thursdays, 4-5:30 PM, Vistoso Center/Apache. $10/class or $50/ month. A spouse or caretaker is welcome at every class. Call Ray Jerkins 219-3561. Photo Workshop Club

Sessions are held 6:30 PM, Social Hall/Hopi. All sessions are designed to be appropriate for novice through expert levels. To receive reminders plus images to edit at the March 7 session, contact David. or David Smoler at 818-7880. Wed., Mar. 7 A session on basics of editing photographs will be held. Picasa, iPhoto, Photoshop CS5 and Elements will be explained and demonstrated. Attendees may bring their own laptop computers to this session and follow along with the lecture. Image files to edit will be distributed via email before the session. Wed., Apr. 4 A session on the final output steps of resizing and reformatting photographs for printing, emailing and Web use will be held. There will be demonstrations of various mounting methods plus mat cutting. Tai Chi

Clinical research has proven the efficacy of Tai Chi as a preventive and rehabilitative therapeutic tool for a variety of health issues including balance, postural stability, musculoskeletal strength, flexibility, cardio-respiratory fitness, immune function and stress management. Tai Chi helps enhance self efficacy, quality of life and functional ability, endurance, fall prevention and reaction time in elderly persons. Thursdays, 10-11:30 AM, Dance Studio. Call Jose, 297-5362. Sun City Vistoso Tipster, Febraury 2011


For Your Information The items contained under this heading are provided as a service to residents. SCVCAI assumes no responsibility or liability for the information contained therein. AARP Drivers Safety Program (DSP)

Friday, April 20, 9 AM-1 PM, Vistoso Center/Apache. Pre-registration is required. Limited to 25 students. To register call Coco Sullivan 917-8072. $12 for AARP members, $14 for non-members. This is a classroom course designed for older drivers. Learn defensive driving techniques, new laws, how to adjust your driving habits to age-related changes in vision, hearing and reaction time. Many insurance companies provide a multi-year discount for completing this course (check with your agent). Pre-registration is required. Limited to 25 students. AARP Tax Assistance

There are no appointments available at Vistoso Center. Trained and experienced AARP tax counselors will provide free assistance for Federal and Arizona State tax returns Tuesdays and Thursdays, 1PM-4PM, through April 12, Oro Valley Library, LaCañada and Naranja. These sessions are on a first-come, firstserved basis. Please provide your 2011 return, W-2s, interest, dividend, broker and pensions 1099s, Social Security 1099s, receipts and cancelled checks if itemizing deductions, and any other pertinent tax information to prepare an accurate return. Please do not call Association staff with tax questions. Arts and Crafts Festival 2012

All Sun City Vistoso artists are invited to register for the Arts and Crafts Festival 2012, which will be held Saturday, November 3. Yes, that is a whole month later for this year’s Craft Fest! There will be two registration days: Thursday, March 15, 8 AM-9 AM and Tuesday, March 20, 1 PM-2 PM, Social Hall/Hopi. Registration is first come first served and will determine your table location, so arrive early. Registration forms will be in the Gift Shop starting March 1. If you have questions, contact Don Jovag 818-1078 or Kathy Hrdy 825-4723. Costume Closet

Open Saturday mornings at Desert Oasis. This month, please call Marty Siracusa 825-6961 for assistance. No fees, but a donation would be appreciated. Dispose-A-Meds Program Comes To SCV

The OVPD (Oro Valley Police Dept.) and the Sun City Vistoso Community Foundation are sponsoring the successful Dispose-A-Meds Program in SCV. This is an effort to make it easier for our residents to dispose of unwanted medications. This event is scheduled for the second Tuesday of every other month and will be held in the Social Hall from 9-11 AM. The scheduled dates are: March 13, May 8, July 10 and September 11. Health and Wellness Fair

Saturday, March 3, 1:30–4:30 PM, AHSC (Arizona Health Sciences Center) campus’ Walkway of Wellness at Roy P. Drachman Hall, 1295 N. Martin Ave. Free and open to the public. Sponsored by the AHSC ( and local community groups.


March 2012, Sun City Vistoso Tipster

Free parking will be available in surrounding UA parking lots (see map at Light refreshments will be provided by The University of Arizona Health Network, with water provided by Culligan. Pet Sitting Co-Op Now Forming

We are currently trying to form a group of Sun City Vistoso residents who are interested in watching each others’ pets during vacations, illness, etc. I hope to form a cadre of at least 10 people so that we can share the pet sitting…of course at no cost to each other. This will be a co-operative function and not a club or organization, although we could entertain the idea of an annual party or picnic if anyone is interested. Please contact Deena at “” if interested, or call 818-6298. Seniors’ Learning Project

The Aging and Cognition Unit is a research laboratory in the Department of Psychology at the University of Arizona, dedicated to studying memory and memory disorders. Our main focus is to understand the cognitive and neural bases of different kinds of memory and how they are affected by normal and pathological aging. We are recruiting individuals 65 and older to participate in a research project that is investigating how memory changes with age. If you are interested in volunteering, you may contact Cindy 621-5721. Free parking is provided right outside the building. Town of Oro Valley Concert Series Free

The third Thursdays of the month, the Town of Oro Valley and Southern Arizona Arts and Cultural Alliance present: March 15 Shaky Bones - R&B / Jazz / Soul April 19 Railbirdz - Blues / R&B / Funk / Soul May 17 Retro Swing 7 - Classic Swing & Jazz June 14 Guilty Bystanders - Original Americana At Oro Valley Marketplace, (SW corner of Oracle and Tangerine). Cinemark Theatre Courtyard, 6 PM. Attendees are encouraged to bring their own chairs.

Thank You Corner This section allows residents to express thanks to the community. Articles should not exceed 50 words and should not contain thanks to specific persons.

There are no words to express our thanks for all the love, support, food and phone calls during the loss of Dave. You all helped us get through this difficult time. We are so blessed to live in such a caring community. Sincerely Marj Albright and family After Don’s passing I have received so much love from all of you, particularly beautiful thank you’s and tributes to his musical endeavors. Actually it is YOU who must be thanked for allowing him into your hearts as he shared his passion for Music! (and fun!) When asked if I now plan to return “home”, I don’t hesitate to say “I am home!” Bobi Borenstein My sincere thanks go out for the many cards, calls, emails and verbal expressions of sympathy after the recent death of my mother, Angela Voigt. She never got to visit SCV, but I know if she had, she’d have been as impressed as I am with the caring support of the residents. Kris Cohen Sun City Vistoso Tipster, March 2012

Sincere thanks to all who participated in the third Annual Bob Johns Memorial Poker Tournament. Thank you to winners donating their winnings to American Kidney Foundation. Sincerely appreciate Friday night Poker Club keeping my wonderful Bob’s memory alive. Ruth Hafner A great big and very large thank you to all who volunteered to prep, organize, deliver, and stuff envelopes for the AFC delivery on January 21. Your help was truly appreciated. Save some time for the community telephone book delivery in October 2012. It will be much easier! Carolyn Lerch Sincere thanks to friends and neighbors for their kindness and prayers in the sudden passing of my husband, Ernie Longerich. Ernie enjoyed living here the past sixteen years and loved our beautiful community and the people. Lillian Longerich and Family With heartfelt thanks and gratitude to friends and neighbors in Sun City Vistoso during Bob’s illness and time of death. The prayers, visits, cards, food and offers of assistance are deeply appreciated. This is truly a loving and caring community to be part of. Lois Ortman and daughter, Kim Our heartfelt thanks for the many expressions of sympathy rendered at Harley’s death. Your kindnesses were very much appreciated by all of us during these difficult times. The Ostergaard Family Thanks to everyone for the cards, phone calls, flowers and visits after my heart surgery. Sun City Vistoso Community is blessed with so many caring people. Thanks again. Glen Schnell, Catalina Vista Monitor

Memoriam To record the passing of a current or former resident call 825-3711 ext 120 or complete a Tipster form located in the Administration Office. Sun City Vistoso submitters can choose to make their name and phone number available to provide information on contacting the former resident’s family. Resident

Mona Schorr-Holder Don Borenstein Robert “Bob” Ortman Dave Melchi David Lowery Gene Reynolds

1 1 1 1 1 1

December 25 January 1 January 23 February 5 February 9 February 14

Former Resident

Henry Barham John Eddy Martin Bleich Fred Scholz Tom Eagling Darrell Hull

1 1 1 1 1 1

February 5 February 6 February 10 February 11 February 17 February 18


Watercolor John Ebert 818-1830 Registration Irma Franke 825-1198 Tuesdays, Thursdays, 9 AM-4 PM, Catalina Vista/Art

Clubs Aqua Tone Marcia Polley 818-9073 Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays, 9 AM, Aquatic & Fitness Center Pool. Art League Dave Dame 825-7430, Judy Bjorling 818-1296, Co-Pres.

This month there is a themed show that is open to all of the Art League groups. Visit the Social Hall during the month to see what your friends and neighbors can do with the theme “Arizona”. Colored Pencil Club Peggy Webb 825-2731 or Betty Sarr 825-7801 Etching - Printmakers Vickie Von Elbe 825-1329 Fridays, 9 AM, Catalina Vista/Art Fine Arts Studio Pres. Mellanie Herbert 825-2258 Wednesdays, 9 AM, Catalina Vista/Art

What a show we had in the Social Hall in January. Kudos to all who exhibited. The Art League is back in the Social Hall this month with a themed show entitled “Arizona” and there’s a wide breadth of works on this subject. We enjoy and love what we do, creating two-dimensional art pieces in all media. The environment in our studio is congenial and purposeful and we’re passionate about our work. Concurrently, we discuss art world events and make small chatter. At 11 AM, we have an open forum, make announcements and constructively critique each others work. If you have any interest in fine art, come join us, either to extend yourself or to learn the basic techniques. Oil Painting - Art Made Easy Merle Broadbent 818-0098 Mondays, Wednesdays, 9 AM-Noon, Catalina Vista/Art

Our February show in the Social Hall was very well received. Thank you to all of the artists who submitted their work. We will continue to paint over the summer, call Merle for details.

Sculpture Gene Eckebrecht 825-2419 Mondays, 9 AM, Catalina Vista/Art

A class for aspiring sculptors was held last month by our club’s master sculptor, Dave Dame. Six potential new members attended and learned the fundamentals of clay sculpting. Our club has an on-going program of teaching interested residents how to sculpt and create pieces worthy of display in their homes. We’re currently completing new pieces slated to be placed on display in the Social Hall in the late February/March time frame. Come join us for some satisfying, creative work in a congenial setting, some lively chatter and work to Oldies music.

Sun City Vistoso Tipster, Febraury 2011


Enjoy practicing the skills learned in the two watercolor workshops held January and February. The Art Room has valuable resources in magazines and books from our library that give inspiration for subjects and techniques. Picasso said, “The purpose of art is to wash the dust of daily living from our souls.” Arthritis Water Club President Dawn Simske 825-0907, Secretary Ruth Hofstetter 825-8990 Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, 1:30 PM, Aquatic & Fitness Center pool.

Annual business meeting, Sunday, March 25, 2-4 PM, Catalina Vista/Pima. Dues are $4/yr and will be collected at the meeting. Refreshments will be served. Come join us for gentle water exercise specifically designed by the Arthritis Foundation to help with range of motion and to relieve stiffness and pain. These exercises are great for arthritis, fibromyalgia, replaced hips and knees, etc. Our resident volunteer instructors, Dawn Simske and Helen Kirk, are Arthritis Foundation trained.

Astronomy Pres. Shirley Chorney 825-8502; October-May Third Thursday of each month, 7 PM, Social Hall/Navajo

This month the Astronomy Club will have its Spring picnic and Star Party which is free to family members. It takes place on the regular club meeting night, March 15, 5:30 PM, Social Hall/Navajo, Kachina Lounge and Kiva Patio. Tickets will be handed out Tuesday, March 6, 10 AMNoon, in the Social Hall and food preference will be taken at that time. It’s time to sign up for the Mt. Hopkins Observatory club trip on Friday, March 23. Tickets are $7 pp. First come, first served. The limit is 16 people. A bus will leave Sun City Vistoso, 8:45 AM and return 3 PM. Bring your own lunch. To sign up call Harland Goertz for details. 818-1070. Thursdays, except on club meeting days, the club presents two 1/2 hour video lectures at 4 PM in the Social Hall/Kachina Lounge. Barbershop VLQ (Very Large Quartet) - Kactus Krooners Mike Moyer 818-6509, Every Monday 11 AM-Noon, Desert Oasis

Love those barbershop harmonies? Got a song in your heart? Want to hear, feel and learn what it’s like to blend your voice with others, barbershop style? Come join this mixed a cappella chorus in song for just one hour every Monday morning. SCV visitors are welcome. Bible Study Men’s Bible Study Fred Gustin 825-7531, Bill Moeller 825-8695, Tuesdays, 7:30 AM, Catalina Vista

The men will be meeting at our regular time and place us to study the Book of John. Come and join us in this study and then enjoy breakfast and fellowship at our Sun City Vistoso Café at 8:30 AM.


March 2012, Sun City Vistoso Tipster

Precept Women’s Bible Study Linda Miller 818-2716 or Pat Gustin 825-7531 September-April, Wednesdays, 8:45 AM, Vistoso Center/Apache

By the end of March, we will complete the last four lessons in our study of Isaiah. There will be no class April 4; but we will return on April 11 for our final three weeks of the year to study of the book of Amos. Newcomers are welcome to join this friendly group of women who love to study the Bible.

Bike Club - Vistoso Cyclists Don Piele 520-302-5321 Pres. Tom Meyer 612-791-1791 Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, Mountain View Plaza

The Vistoso Cyclists continue a program of scheduled rides from Mountain View Plaza every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 8:30 AM. New members call Gary Soule 825-4640. On March 16-21, a Ladies ride to the Oro Valley Farmers group of club members Market on January 21. will embark on a 6-day, 300 mile, supported bike trip through some of the most gorgeous scenery in Southern Arizona. The ride begins at Quail Creek, with overnights in Rio Rico, Sonoita, Tombstone, Bisbee and Sierra Vista. Have some unwanted bikes? They are accepted by the bike club and made into gifts for children most in need. Call Earl Cohen 818-2582 to donate. Billiards

Ray Hicks 825-2214 Monday-Friday, Noon-4 PM, Catalina Vista/Billiards

We had our first 8-ball tournament in January. There was a four-way tie for first place between Terry H., Jack L., Ray H., Jim C. and next was a two-way tie between Dale K. and Clyde C. Afterwards we had a pizza party. The league play dates for this month are Tuesdays, March 6 and 20. Spring league play will continue Don Tucker (pictured), shown with through the first half of May. his third place medal at the senior The next tournament is Olympics. Sunday, April 1, 1 PM, club meeting at 12:30 PM.

Birders Group Marjorie Flory 825-4580 First Friday, 4 PM, Catalina Vista

All residents are welcome to bird with us and attend our planning meetings on March 2 and April 6. You must contact the group coordinator prior to Noon the day before the trip to assure your carpool space. Meet at the parking area behind the Vistoso Center 15 minutes before the de- Birder members Jean Rudd, Marj Flory and parture time. Take lunch Max Haegele fording the Santa Cruz river. where indicated. Don’t forget binoculars, hat, water, sunscreen, bird guidebook and money to pay your driver. Mon., Mar. 5, 7:30 AM Honeybee Canyon. Doug Higgins (630) 369-2896. Meet at usual place behind Vistoso Center. Note change of date. Wed., Mar. 14, 5:30 AM San Pedro House. Barbara Gates 825-7645. Take lunch. $12 carpool. Fri., Mar. 23, 7:30 AM Santa Cruz River near Tucson. Doug Higgins (630) 369-2896. $3 carpool. Wed., Mar. 28, 7:30 AM Peppersauce Canyon. Maggie and Roger Hinkle 818 9488. Take money for lunch at Nonna Maria’s in Oracle. $5 carpool. Wed., Apr. 4. 6:45 AM Boyce-Thompson Arboretum. Max Haegele 818 9178. Take lunch and State Parks Pass. $11 carpool. Bocce Pres. Dennis Reynolds 825-5674 Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, 2 PM, Bocce Courts

This year the annual Bocce Club party/meeting was held Friday, February 10. We were served delicious pizza by the Pizza Man, salad, Valentine cupcakes and an assortment of drinks. After dinner, we were entertained by the Sun City Vistoso Strummers. Their performance was much enjoyed by the group. Then a brief business meeting was held to discuss new officers and other topics. The evening ended with our usual games of bingo. We all enjoy this annual party and this year was no exception. If you are new to Sun City Vistoso or if you are a renter, please feel free to join us at the bocce courts. Arriving 15 minutes before play will ensure we have time to give you a brief overview of the game and allow you to throw a few balls. You will love it. Learning a new sport, meeting new people, getting some fresh air and exercise, could it get any better?

Sun City Vistoso Employee Recognition Enjoy FREE Wifi at These SCV WiFi Locations: •SCV Café •Social Hall •Vistoso Center/Library

Sun City Vistoso Tipster, March 2012

Employees who go above and beyond the call of duty are recognized with an On the Spot award. On the Spot awards received recently went to:

Don Moore.....................Pro-Shop Norma Meyers....... Administration Jan Hopke Almer............ Activities

Tom Chapin.................... Activities Kim Green.............. Administration John Kati........................Pro-Shop


Book Clubs Book Club Lillian Vittenson 825-5522, Eileen Rotman 825-5434 First Monday, 1:30 PM, Catalina Vista/Pima

On March 5, join our discussion of how a home in Czechoslovakia can affect its inhabitants as we explore Simon Mawer’s The Glass House with Bea Leonard as our leader. On April 2, we’ll deal with a hot-button issue that is explored with power and passion in Luis Alberto Urrea’s true story about crossing the border between Mexico and the US on The Devil’s Highway. Perhaps we’ll arrive at some solutions we can share with those responsible for revising our current immigration policy. Judy Kuhel has volunteered to guide this exciting discussion and provide treats. Great Books Pres. Syrile Ellison 818-6521 October-April, First and third Wednesdays, 2 PM, Catalina Vista/Tohono

On March 7, we take a second look at greed by discussing Elizabeth Bowen’s The Inherited Clock. New member Corinna Goodman will be our leader. On March 21, we turn to the sin of gluttony which Peter De Vries calls “an emotional escape, a sign something is eating us.” Unfortunately, escaping doesn’t resolve the problem but it does explain our indulgences. Joan Brauer, another new member, will guide our discussion of Raymond Carver’s Fat. We’ve been pleased to welcome visitors and especially new members over the past few months and appreciate the new insights and perspectives they bring to our great conversations. A diversity of interpretations enriches our understanding of the excellent stories in this year’s collection. Join us for titillating talk and tempting treats.

Bowling - Pathfinders Don Andersen 825-1408 Mondays, 9 AM, Fiesta Lanes Bridge

Duplicate Bridge Pres., Ken Seeds 425-0212 Mondays, 6 PM; Fridays, 12:30 PM, Social Hall/Papago

Annual dues $8 pp. Please be present at least 10 minutes before play is scheduled, as we may start a few minutes early. Bring exactly $1 pp for prize money each time you play. Residents may play twice before joining. Bring your membership card the first time you play. Renters with an Association card are welcome to join. Guests of residents may play only twice in a year. We are not an ACBL-sanctioned club and do not award master points. Ladies Monday Social Bridge Pres. Marilyn Smoler 818-7880 Mondays, Noon, Social Hall/Navajo

The Spring luncheon will be held Monday, April 16, 11:30 AM-3 PM, Social Hall/Papago. Tickets will be $10 pp, and will go on sale Thursday, March 1. Everybody plan to attend! We always have a good time. Sun City Vistoso Tipster, Febraury 2011


Ladies Wednesday Bridge Pres. Marilyn Smoler 818-7880 Wednesdays, Noon, Social Hall/Hopi

Join us for enjoyable bridge. Bring 50 cents. Annual dues $3. Spring luncheon will be April 4, 11:30 AM, Social Hall/Navajo. Tickets are $11 pp, every Wednesday in March. Checks only. June Jaeger 818-9564

Marathon Bridge

The Marathon begins each year in October. If you’d like to join next year call June Jaeger. Mixed Social Bridge Pres. Barney Budreck 825-2172 Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, 8:30 AM, Desert Oasis/Zuni Sign-in at 8:15 for 8:30 AM play

Note time change. How can you pass up a deal like this? Double your fun at the Desert Oasis as you mix with the Social Bridge Club. Be ye an Ace, a King, a Queen of just Jack, we bid you a welcome to deck our halls and play to your heart’s content for a $6 annual fee after two free trials. Score with a cup of java as you find a partner and opponents who suit you. Practice Bridge Pres. Joe Pheanis 818-9144 Sec./Treas. Louise Lines 825-6673 Mondays and Wednesdays 1 PM, Desert Oasis/Zuni Tuesday Night Partners Bridge Pres., George Holthus 818-1042 Tuesdays, 6:30 PM, Social Hall/Papago

Tuesday Night Partner’s Bridge plays weekly, beginning at 6:30 PM. You must sign up no later than 6:20 PM to play. You may play three times before paying dues of $5 pp. While the level of play is good, it is not sanctioned. The cost is $1 to play, and the pot is split after play when the scores are tallied. There is a $10 premium for bid and made grand slams. We request that you wear your name tags so that we get to know each other. Bob Agnew and Buzz Dolsberry bid and made a grand slam in January, their second in three months. Call Jim Hobart if you need a partner so that an email can be sent to members. Bunco Fern Strandskov 825-8127, Joan 818-0862 Fourth Tuesday, 1-4 PM, Desert Oasis/Zuni

We will see you on March 27.

Canasta CJ Barbee 825-5885, Rosemary Dalla Rosa 825-1982 Thursdays, 6 PM, Desert Oasis/Zuni

Join us for a friendly game of Canasta. You must be checked in by 6:10 PM when the doors will promptly close. Please bring three quarters as games cost one quarter each. Dues are $4 pp and will be due beginning July 2012. Anyone interested may come and play with us two times before deciding if they wish to join. It’s a fun and easy game, and always a good time, so come and give it a try.


March 2012, Sun City Vistoso Tipster

Desert Celtic Society President, Frank Maisch 825-8583

Members and Guests! Our annual St. Patrick’s Day party is planned for Friday, March 9, 5:30 PM, Social Hall/Navajo. Dinner will be prepared by Culinary Design and served at 6 PM. BYOB. Cost is $17 pp. RSVP to Don Kirk 818-2257. Bring along a few jokes and/or a short story to share with others. To all those who are Irish or wish they were, may peace, friendship and joy be with you. Have a great St. Patrick’s Day! Our annual BBQ is planned for Friday, May 11, followed by the selection of officers and groupings for next season. Ceramic Club Pres. Carney Lewis 825-0044 Monday, Wednesday, Friday 9 AM-Noon, Tuesday Noon-3:30 PM Craft Complex/Ceramics

If you missed seeing us at the Club Fair, missed enrolling in the Beginner’s Class and are interested in learning about the Ceramics Club, see the monitor in the Ceramics Paint Room for information. Individual instruction can be arranged to get you started doing ceramics. Members should check the paint room bulletin board to sign up for the Annual Meeting/Luncheon on Friday, April 6. Clay Club Pres., Joan Brown 825-5793 Meetings first Thursday, 1 PM, Craft Complex/Clay Studio

Club dues are due now; $15 pp, payable to The Clay Club. Various bowls have been made for the Empty Bowls charity, but more are in process. New potters are taking to the wheels to contribute to this charity. Stop by the Craft Complex/Clay Pit window to see a few of the completed bowls. The entire collection will be delivered by Thursday, March 1. Rabbit workshop March 12. Be sure to sign up! Janice will be teaching a Storytellers workshop in April. Watch for a sign up sheet in the Craft Complex/Clay Pit. Show and Tell with SaddleBrooke potters will be March 29. Details and a sign up in the Craft Complex/Clay Pit. Want to try something new? Now available Velvets and Potters’ Choice glazes. Information: Membership:

Computer Society (VCS) Paul Chorney 825-8502 Ron Craig 505-7411 Dave Johnson 825-6994, 2427 Nasturtium St.,

The VCS general meeting is Monday, March 12, 1 PM, Auditorium. Mr. Norbert “Bob” Gostischa, IT Security Expert, will present the program sponsored by Avast “Protecting Yourself and Your Identity Online”.

Sun City Vistoso Tipster, March 2012

March Class Schedule Date Time Help Sessions for PC and Mac Users Tues., Mar., 13 and 27 1-3:00 PM Introduction to Windows 7 For PC Users 4 sessions Wed., Mar., 7, 14, 21 and 28 10:15 AM-12:15 PM Karen Hasselbach Please use email Graphics in Word 2007 and 2010 for PC Use 1 session Wed., March 21 1-3:00 PM Sue Lane 520-825-7518 Photoshop Elements 102 For PC and Mac Users 4 sessions Thurs., Mar. 1, 8, 15 and 22 10:5 AM-12:15 PM Pat Mulligan Please use email Files and Folders for PC Users 2 sessions Thurs., Mar. 8 and 15 1-3 PM Karen Hasselbach Please use email Overall iPad Usage For PC and Mac Users 4 sessions Fri., Mar 9, 16, 23 and 30 10:15 AM-12:15 PM Marian Horsley 520-825-1846 Making a Photo Book Using Shutterfly For PC and Mac Users, Hands On, Limited Class 15 1 session Sat.,Mar 10 9:15 AM-11:15 AM Dave Johnson 520-825-6994

All classes and workshops require registration. Register directly with the instructors by phone or email. Instructors’ names and email addresses are listed on VCS website Other sources of information are the club’s Listserv, the Tipster and SCV community calendar. Class schedules are also available outside the computer learning center. If you are not signed up for the Listservs, it is highly recommended you do so now (see below**). Membership dues are $10 per household starting July 1, 2011. No cash please. Checks only made out to Vistoso Computer Society. Checks are accepted at the general meetings or by sending to the Membership Chair, Dave Johnson, 2427 Nasturtium Street, Oro Valley, AZ 85755. Please notify Dave Johnson of any changes in email address or phone numbers. New member application forms are available outside the Learning Center. Membership is required for all classes except Beginning PC and includes Help Sessions and the right to join the Listservs. To donate PC computer equipment, call Brian O’Neill 825-8586. Recycle used cartridges in the bin provided just outside the Computer Learning Center. **The ListServ provides announcements, tips and computer help from other members. To subscribe, send an email request to Marian Horsley, and specify if you are interested in PC, Mac or both. Cribbage Club

Robert Hines 825-2208 First and third Thursdays, 6:30 PM, Catalina Vista/Pima

Tipster Flyer Collation

Help collate the Tipster. Once a month, residents are needed to insert flyers. Receive your Tipster early and share refreshments with us at the Auditorium. The work is usually performed on the last weekday of the month at approximately 11 AM. Call Dave or Tempe Johnson 825-6994.


Tappers Lynne Newbauer 818-3516 Dancersize/Intermediate tap Fridays, 3 PM Social Hall/Dance Studio

Dance Groups Ballroom - Vistoso Villanellas Pres. George Holthus 818-1042 Jan Buchel 825-6735 Dances: Third Friday, September-May, 7:00 PM, Auditorium

Ticket sales $15 for members and $20 for guests. Tuesday and Wednesday March 6-7, 8:30-10 AM, Kachina Lounge.


The March Villanellas’ dance, “Irish Interlude” is Friday, March 16. Social 6:30 PM, dancing from 7-10 PM to music by the Steve Patrick Band. Dress code is dressy (coats for men). Chair Len and Dee McIlroy, 825-6936

Dancin’ Dynamos Lynne Newbauer 818-3516 Classes meet in the Social Hall/Dance Studio

March 19 is the Movin’ and Groovin’ Dance Review. All dance clubs are involved for an evening of music, dance styles and some amazing acts you won’t want to miss. Cloggers Instructor/Registrar Anne Wilson 297-0843 Tuesdays 9-10:30 AM, Social Hall/Dance Studio

Uncertain about what clogging is? Then grab a friend and join us at the Movin’ and Groovin’ sparkling dance revue sponsored by the dance groups of Sun City Vistoso. Cloggers will be dancing a rousing version of Orange Blossom Special. Monday, March 19, (doors open at 6:30 PM) performance at 7 PM, Auditorium. $5 pp (children 5 and under free). Net proceeds donated to Wounded Warrior Project. Any questions contact Carol Wyatt 395-1264, or Anne Wilson, Clog Instructor 297-0843.

Hula - Aloha Hula Sisters Del Salvaterra 834-5146 Marietta Fowler 825-9162 Class Tuesdays, 1-3 PM, Social Hall/Dance Studio, Practice Thursdays, 2:45-3:45 PM, Social Hall/Dance Studio

Aloha! Are you ready to learn a new dance and have fun while learning? Hula dancing is not strenuous but it gives you a good workout. Not sure if this is for you? Why not try it out? Classes are free. Visit us at our website, call or email Del. Bring friends, come and see Aloha Hula Sisters in the upcoming Sun City Vistoso dance production Movin’ and Groovin’, Monday, March 19, 7 PM, Auditorium, $5 pp. Stars of the Desert Carol Wyatt 395-1264 Intermediate Tap, Fridays, 10-11 AM, Dance Studio

Watch the Stars of the Desert along with six other dance clubs, two surprise performances, ZUMBA®, and the Sun City Vistoso Strummers in the Movin’ and Groovin’ performance Monday, March 19, 7 PM, Auditorium. Net proceeds go to the Wounded Warrior Project. See Coming Events for more information.

Sun City Vistoso Tipster, Febraury 2011


Line Dancing - Sunliners President Nancy Montgomery 825-4788 ANNOUNCEMENTS: Open Line Dance Fri., Mar. 2, 6:30-8:30 PM Intermediate Continuing Beginner Basic Beginner

Sat., 9-10 AM Sat.,10:15-11:15 AM Sat., 11:30 AM-12:30 PM

Intermediate Transition Intermediate Continuing Beginner Intermediate

Wed., 2-3 PM, (Dance Studio) Thu., 2:45-4 PM Thu., 4-5 PM Sun., 11 AM – 12:30 PM (Dance Studio)


All classes, practices and dances are held in the Auditorium unless otherwise noted.

Rock ‘N Roll Pres. Earl Cohen 818-2582 Dances in the Auditorium

Rock and Roll with us at our dance party Lost in the 60s featuring the Retro Rockets band Saturday, March 17. Doors open 6:30 PM, dance 7-10 PM, Auditorium. Snacks, desserts, BYOB. Tickets $15 members/$20 nonmembers.

Ticket sales Wednesday, March 7, 9-11 AM (members only); Friday, March 9, 9 -11 AM; Monday, March 12, 9-11 AM Social Hall Lobby. Tickets will not be available at the door. All sales final. Join us for a great evening of music and dance.

Square Dancing - Sundancers Presidents John and Sandy Wilson 818-2368 Caller Ron Markus Dances in Auditorium, Wednesdays, 7 PM

March will feature an opportunity to dance at a Mike Sikorsky all day Mini-Fest, Saturday, March 10. Watch for details. We will be hosted at the Mini-Fest by SaddleBrooke and they will also host the second of our Two-Caller Joint Dances Thursday, March February Sundancers Souper Bowl kitchen crew, the Duellmans and Allens. 15, 7-9 PM. Another new-to-us guest caller, Bob Asp, will be calling the squares and the Bonds will be cueing the rounds Saturday, March 24, 7-9 PM. Rounds start 6:30 PM. This will be our last guest caller dance of the season and tickets are being sold in advance or at the door for $15/cpl. A square of Sundancers will be performing as part of the Movin’ and Groovin’ show Monday, March 19, which highlights various dance clubs from SCV.


March 2012, Sun City Vistoso Tipster

Refreshers and Plus lessons continue Mondays 3-5 PM and weekly club dances on Wednesdays 7-9 PM.

Western Dancing - Kactus Kickers Pres./Membership Del Salvaterra 834-5146 November-April, Dances Second Friday, Practice Thursdays, 6:30-8 PM, Auditorium.

Boogie and Twang to the Wild Oats Band at The Last Chance Saloon, Friday, March 9, Social 6 PM. Dance 6:30– 9:30 PM, Auditorium. Madam Flori, will arrive by stage coach from Tombstone, Arizona. She will meet all at the door. No Action at the Last Chance Saloon. foul language in front of the ladies, Arizona law 1895, no spitting on the floor and no flirtin’ with the ladies. She runs a respectable saloon. A not-to-miss evening in Cow Town. Includes live band, floor show, snacks, mixers, dessert, BYOB.

Ticket Sales: Social Hall Lobby, $15 members, $20 nonmembers Thursday, March 1, 9-11 AM, Friday, March 2, 1-3 PM Monday, March 5, 9-11 AM. Ticket Sales Contact: Pete Zollinger 818-6328.

Boot up your Boogie and Twang, Thursday, March 8, Auditorium, for complimentary lesson and practice. Beginners 6:30-7:30 PM; Intermediate 7:30-8:30 PM. Day Trippers Chairman Jack Gallagher 825-4650 Membership Doris Dent 825-8009 Meeting/Activity Information, Second Friday, 9 AM, Social Hall/Navajo

Please come to our meeting and hear about the many fabulous trips currently planned. Tickets being sold at the March 9 meeting for the following: Day Trippers Schedule Wed., Mar. 21 Kingston Trio at Temple of Music and Art in Tucson. Bus leaves 6:30 PM. Cost $55 pp, this includes bus and concert ticket; no meals. Tickets $5 extra for nonmembers, this will automatically buy you a membership in the club. Monitors: Joy Johnson 825-0412, Helen Bronkhorst 825-0201 and Lori Covey 638-6571. Wed., Apr. 18-Thurs., Apr. 19; Verde Canyon Railroad Excursion. More on this exciting trip at the March 9th meeting. 4-hour train ride roundtrip from Clarkdale through Arizona’s other canyon. Trip includes bus, train, dinner and show at Blazing M Ranch, hotel stay and breakfast. Also included is a visit to Out of Africa. This trip is not to be missed. Cost $480 p/ cple; $290 p/sgl. Tickets $5 extra pp for nonmembers, this will automatically buy you a membership in the club. Monitor: George Tanner 818-1226. Sun., May 20 Mary Poppins at the Music Hall in Tucson. Come and enjoy this world famous musical. Bus leaves 5:30 PM. Cost $74 pp, includes bus and theatre ticket; no meals. Again, $5 extra for non-members and this buys you an automatic membership in the club. Monitors: Joy Johnson 825-0412 and Helen Bronkhorst 825-0201. Sun City Vistoso Tipster, March 2012

Democratic Club Pres. Ben Love 825-8064, VP, Ursula Jarvis 825-8461 Second Saturday each Month: 1 PM Social Hall/Navajo

Our annual picnic will be Saturday, March 10, 1 PM, Social Hall/Kiva Patio. All democrats, members and their guests are invited. The club will provide the burgers, veggie-burgers, hot dogs, condiments, table settings and soft drinks. Guests should bring a salad, dessert or side dish to share. Please RSVP to Jo Mills 825 7321 or email Let us know the number of partiers and what you are bringing. It’s party time! Dinner ’N Show Gay Russell 825-5763; Membership, Julie Balogh 818-1046 First Monday, 7:15 PM, Auditorium

General meeting: March 5. All are welcome to join us for our monthly meetings. Bring your checkbook to the meeting, we prefer not to take cash.

Current schedule: Sat., Mar. 10 Gypsy, Phoenix Theater, Phoenix. CANCELLED Sat., Mar. 17 Annual dinner at Sun City Vistoso Café, $16 pp. Members Only. Rachel Quigley, 825-4034. Sun., Mar. 18 Shirley MacLaine at Centennial Hall, UofA. Bus and show, $60. Florence Duckett, 825-1994. Bus leaves at 5:30 PM. Wed., Mar. 28 Me and My Girl, Broadway Palm, Mesa. Bus, buffet, show, $68. Betty Blom, 825-2828. Sat., Apr. 14 Harvey at Hale Center, Gilbert. Lunch at Texas Roadhouse. Bus, lunch, show, $68. Letty Margolis, 577-3413. Sat., Apr. 21 Yo-Yo Ma at Centennial Hall, UofA. Bus and show, $80. Jean Azzarello, 825-6711.

Note: Buses leave on time from behind the Vistoso Center. Time posted is when the bus leaves the parking lot. Discussions Groups Great Decisions Jack Evert 818-3068 Second and fourth Wednesdays, 11:30 AM, Social Hall/Navajo

Discussion topics for the month are Cybersecurity March 14 and Exit from Afghanistan and Iraq (how timely is that subject) March 28. Dog Club - Fido’s Friends Marge Gustafson, President, Elaine Deeter, Membership, 825-5388 Meeting: March 15, 2 PM, Social Hall/Hopi

Fido’s Friends is sponsoring snake aversion Wednesday, March 14, Dog Park. Jay Smith, of Dogs at the River, has done these sessions for us in the past. The cost $75/dog, it takes 30-40 minutes of trainer time. If you want your dog trained, please send an email to with your phone number, your name and your dog’s name and breed. We ask that only those coming for the training use the park until the training is completed. We had a very nice dog adoption event at our park in January with 20 little dogs from Tucson Cold Wet Noses. We would like to do a similar event again soon. If you are thinking of adopting a homeless dog, please email Marge so you will be personally notified of any upcoming adoption events.


Energetic Exercise Karen Caldwell 825-5231 Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, 8:25-9:30 AM, Auditorium

Put a spring in your step with Energetic Exercise. Join with SCV friends, new and old, as we enjoy a wonderful workout with instructor Sally Martinez. She really knows how to get us seniors moving. You’ll enjoy the fun variety of aerobic and weight exercise, plus lots of balance and stretch, to help our bodies be strong and flexible. Whether you are a golfer, play tennis, dance or just appreciate being able to get around comfortably to the many activities you enjoy, Energetic Exercise will help you be in better shape for them all. Come join us. New members are always welcome - men and women. Your get-acquainted class is free. Annual dues $3. Tickets $30 for 12 classes. Euchre Jack and Barb Matthies 825-4891 (October-May) Jack and Maria Welch 395-1205 (May-October) Mondays, meet 5:45 PM, play 6 PM, Catalina Vista

Don’t watch TV at night. Come play euchre, a fast moving game, meet your neighbors and make new friends. If you are new to the game, we will be glad to teach you. Bring your smile and 50¢; we are looking forward to seeing you. Financial Strategies Jim Huffer 825-8743 First and third Tuesdays, 9 AM, Social Hall/Hopi

March 6, John Bold will show us how he builds his income oriented portfolio. We will continue with a discussion of recent market action and trends. We bring our own investment ideas to the meeting and research them together, using one of the commercially available programs. March 20, our guest presenter Gigi Schneppat, JD, MIM, AIF® will talk about Maximizing Retirement Income. She will be accompanied by John Peters CLU,RHU,CPCU,ChFC,AIF. They are financial advisors practicing at Professional Wealth Strategies. Vistoso Native American Flute Circle Peggy Webb 825-2731, Information: Ed Pendrys 825-7151 First Sunday, 3 PM, Catalina Vista/Tohono

Researchers tell us one way to keep our minds alert is to learn to play a musical instrument. Our club offers you the opportunity to learn to play the Native American flute. It is an easy instrument to play; you don’t need to know how to read music. There are only five basic notes. Come join us.

Thank You Posse Members

The Sun City Vistoso Board of Directors is proud of the achievements of our All Volunteer Posse. Thank you and enjoy your Recognition Day on Wednesday, March 28, 2012.

Sun City Vistoso Tipster, Febraury 2011


Garden Club Pres. Vicki Gushwa 825-2413 Meeting second Wednesday, 1:30 PM, Catalina Vista/Pima

Our speaker this month is Frank Rose who will be talking about Wildflowers of the Catalina Mountains. Frank Rose has published a book, Mountain Wildflowers of Southern Arizona which will be available for $20. It is full of photos, sketches and detailed descriptions. Visitors are always welcome. Membership is only $5 and we will start collecting dues for next year at Globe Mallow wildflowers the meeting. Remember to be planting cuttings and seedlings and also to set aside things garden related to sell at the Courtyard Sale March 31. There will be further details by email and a sign-up sheet at the meeting. We’ll be signing up for field trips to St. Anthony’s Greek Orthodox Monastery and the Iris Tour at Tucson Botanical Gardens at the meeting. Gardening Tip: Warmer weather and drying winds will need to be addressed with adjustments to your drip system.

Genealogy Club Pres. Michael Carroll 818-0556 Ancestral Research Barbara Krecklow 825-4695 October-May, Second Tuesday, 1 PM, Social Hall/Navajo

Pam Ingermanson is our guest speaker for March. She will take us on a tour of the Fold3 database, formerly called Footnote. Fold3 focuses on American military records from the Revolutionary War onwards and is available on one of our club computers. Pam also visited us in November, 2010. Some of you may remember her excellent presentation on the Wiki at FamilySearch. Pam and her husband Len are former directors of the Langley Tucson Family History Center. Club sport shirts are now on sale. Do you have yours? Bring your checkbook to the meeting to order. More information is available at the club website or call Darwin 638-7024. We are still collecting items for the club to sell at the Courtyard Sale Saturday, March 31. Call Kathy 8180041. Dues for the 2012 calendar year are $15 pp or $25/ household. Pay at the meeting or call Ken 818-9545. Gin Rummy George Riley 818-0877 Mondays, 6:30 PM, Desert Oasis/Aztec Thursdays and Saturdays, 9 AM, Desert Oasis/Aztec

We play team games by drawing cards for partners with no choice of teammates or tables. There are no dues or fees for this club. Games are comparatively low stakes. Call George or Bev Riley.


March 2012, Sun City Vistoso Tipster

Gun Club Pres. Warren Cuthbert 818-1282, Meeting Second Wednesday, October-May, 2 PM, Social Hall/Navajo Club does not meet June-September

We have a very exciting program for our March 14 meeting with a guest speaker from the Federal Bureau of Investigation. A FBI special agent will discuss the firearms training agents receive, types of guns they carry and what firearms the specialty tactical teams/ squads use. The special agent may also speak about national and international issues the FBI is facing. You do not need to be a Gun Club member to come to the meetings. In fact, you do not even need to own a gun or have any experience with firearms to attend meetings. The Gun Club is for people who have an interest in learning about guns, shooting, personal protection and firearm safety. We especially invite women, who are interested in learning about firearms safety and self-protection with or without a gun, to attend. Club members often shoot on Thursday afternoons (Oct.May) and Thursday mornings (June-Sept.) at Pima Pistol Range. Hand and Foot

Bonnie Arneson 229-1084 Sundays, 1:30 PM, Desert Oasis

Come join us for a fun afternoon of Hand and Foot. It is very similar to Canasta and easy to learn. Please bring three quarters and be able to stay until 4 PM. You may play one time before joining. Dues $5 pp. Havurah

Co Pres. Shirley Chorney 825-8502, Corinne Kulick 825-7673 Corresponding Sec. Sharyn Rafieyan 825-6762 Third Monday, 7 PM Catalina Vista

We are a welcoming group that shares an interest in Jewish culture. Our various activities speak to a variety of interests but mostly a desire to gather together as friends.

Coming Events: Sun., Mar. 4, 10:30 AM, Social Hall, Auditorium Bagel Brunch and Purim Shpiel, tickets, $10 pp Mon., Mar. 5, 11:30 AM, Women’s Brown Bag Get-Together, (place to be announced) Contact Norma Brewster 760-1225 Mon., Mar. 12, 7 PM, Board meeting, contact Bernie Greenapple to attend Wed., Mar. 14, 7 PM, Social Hall/Navajo, Fun with Yiddish Potluck Mon., Apr. 9, 7 PM, Board meeting, contact Sharyn Rafieyan to attend Mon., Apr. 16, 7 PM, Catalina Vista, general meeting, Dr. Aomar Boum, Professor of Middle Eastern Studies at the UofA will speak on Jewish Culture and Societies in the Sahara.

Updates are posted on the club’s website and reminders of events are sent to members via email. Reminders: Payments by check only. Please wear your nametag to all events and bring non-perishable food items for Catalina Community Services to all general meetings and brunches.


Hiking Club Dave Fraser 818-2434, or for New Member Orientation Hike information.

The current board of directors has chosen the spring picnic, Tuesday, March 6, Catalina State Park for this year’s annual general membership meeting. Election of new officers will take place at this meeting. The newly elected officers will assume their duties Sunday, April 1. Jack and Sally Evert and Michael and Christa Lubatkin have generously volunteered to host this year’s picnic. If you do not receive email, please contact the Lubatkins 825-6872 for information on the menu, cost, etc. The annual wine and cheese party will be held Saturday, April 7 but will not have a general membership meeting. It will be an excellent time to pay dues for the upcoming year. Check Coming Events section of this Tipster for details of Larry Klein’s presentation, “The Pleasant Valley War”, Sunday, March 18.

Horseshoes Jack Howatt 825-1583, Ray Coleman 825-2789, Ron Knudson 825-9307 Tuesdays and Thursdays October Through April, 2 PM, Catalina Vista

ILR - Institute of Learning in Retirement Pres. Jane Arndorfer, VP Lei Bammel, Curriculum: Sharyn Rafieyan, Registration: Milt Damlich, Samplers and Short Subjects: Wendy Baumann, Rowena Hardinger,

This month we ILR fans reluctantly bid farewell to our instructors and fellow learners as our 15 classes conclude. Once again our world has expanded and we assimilate the observations and insights we’ve gathered. We sincerely thank all the people who made this wonderful learning program possible: the officers you see in the header above, the instructors who spent hours preparing and those of you who came up with people and ideas for our classes. We have one more Sampler this month, Thursday, March 1, 2-4 PM, Catalina Vista, Everything you Wanted To Know About New Drugs, presented by Rick Herrier. Our Preview of Fall Classes, Thursday, March 8, 2-4 PM, Catalina Vista, promises to draw a capacity crowd again this year. Instructors have five minutes each to acquaint us with their courses. You’ll have a chance to register at this time; bring your checkbooks. If you can’t attend, see the ILR website (after March 8) for class and registration information or pick up a printed copy in the Library Lounge or the ILR Library, Catalina Vista. Please contact Jane Arndorfer if you could help set up our audio-visual equipment, if you have experience or are willing to learn.

Join our Facebook group “Sun City Vistoso”

Sun City Vistoso Tipster, March 2012


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Japanese Flower Arranging Club Donald Marier 825-4878 Doris Oliver 818-1512 October-May Second and fourth Mondays, 2-4 PM, Catalina Vista/Pima

Classes in Japanese flower arranging are beginning. Learn at your own pace to make creative arrangements using flowers and branch materials. Class leaders, Don Marier and Doris Oliver, are both certified teachers. Karate Club Pres. Fred Hargrave 825-1779 Classes: Wednesdays, 9 AM-Noon, Social Hall/Dance Studio

Since we have several new students, this is a good time to study Okinawan ShitoRyu Karate tailored to your physical condition, needs and desires. We also learn modern self protection techniques and theory. These are the same techniques that are taught to the police and the military. We simply modify them for seniors. No one gets hurt in our classes. Improve your balance, strength, flexibility, memory and gain confidence. Phone: Instructor Paul Lauff 548-5725; President Fred Hargrave.

Mah Jongg Pres. Eileen Sevy 825-5695; Sec. Sonny Kaye 825-8546 Thursdays, 1 PM, Desert Oasis/Zuni Business meeting, first Thursday

Chinese New Year of the Dragon was celebrated at our January open house complete with decorations, prizes and delicious goodies. Thanks to Jenny Clark and Barb Harding for our beautiful creative event. The January tournament produced two winners: first prize, Eileen Sevy; second prize, Sonny Kaye. Eileen also won the Hand-of-the-Day prize. February tournament winners will be announced in next month’s Tipster. The March tournament will be held during our spring luncheon, Michelangelo’s, Thursday, March 22, 11 AM, $15 pp cash only. Entry fee for tournament participation is $1. Sign-up at the luncheon. Menu choices, price (cash only) and car pool information will be available during this month’s Thursday game days. If you prefer not to compete, come play and enjoy lunch anyway. Everyone is welcome. Mexican Train Dominoes Pres. Judy Rigby 638-8800 Membership Wye Mace 825-8738 Second and fourth Saturdays, 6 PM, Catalina Vista

It is time for the spring potluck and annual meeting. Mark your calendar for Saturday, April 14. Dinner is 5 PM, Mexican Train Dominoes at 6 PM. Members are asked to bring a dish to pass to serve 8-10 people. Those with a last name beginning A-D bring a dessert, E-M a salad or vegetable, N-R a main dish and S-Z an appetizer. Coffee and table service will be provided. Members may wish to BYOB. This party and meeting is for members only. Are you interested in being an officer for the 20122013 year? New officers will be elected at the annual meeting. Please contact Judy Rigby for further information.

Sun City Vistoso Tipster, Febraury 2011


Modelers Club Pres. Dave Sarther 825-3767,, VP Bob Rubino 825-6605; Sec. Hugh Madson 825-2128; Treas. Fred Faust 743-7283; Webmaster Tom Prall 308-5096. Meetings: Second Friday, 8 AM, Catalina Vista/Pima

All community members are welcome to join us at our regular monthly meetings. We welcome new members, both historians and model builders. So join us to see what we are about and enjoy a cup of coffee and a sweet roll. What members bring in for Show and Tell serve as a conduit for our discussions. A member’s scale model may be an example of something another member may have had some first-hand experience either in designing, building the prototype, operating the prototype or just being a person who enjoys having researched a prototype and can share their knowledge. Come and join us if you enjoy building models or just learning more about modeling. We have two field trips planned for March to see model railroads in action. Natural Health and Wellness Club Ester Leutenberg 818-0016 Third Wednesdays, 3-4:30 PM, Catalina Vista/Pima

Our mission: To discuss and share natural approaches to health and wellness. Established January 2011, we now have over 90 members. Topics covered our first year included: acupuncture, hypnotherapy, thermography, Shiatsu, nutritional consulting, naturopathic medicine, metagenics, aging issues, gluten-free baking, Asian medicine and fitness for health. Our speaker for March is Alexia Wacks, a practicing herbalist for over 33 years. She has worked as a research scientist in the U.S. and Thailand. Personal experience and medical research convinced her that many health problems stem from commercial products and cultural practices. She began making her own natural products over 30 years ago. She will discuss: the historic and cultural use of herbs in medicine; to have attendees be able to understand actions that herbs have on human body systems; list methods of herbal preparations and to show simple things one can do to enjoy herbal remedies in the home. Guests are free for the first time. Dues $5/yearly pp. Women’s Pan (Panguingue) Ena Mindel 818-7780 Mondays, Fridays, 1-4 PM, Desert Oasis Wednesdays, 9 AM-1 PM, Desert Oasis

Pan (Panguingue) is a fun and interesting card game. Stop in to watch us play at any session. If you like what you see, we’ll teach you to play. Call Ena.

We’ve Had Complaints... PLEASE CLEAN UP AFTER YOUR DOG Reminder: pets are not allowed in the Association facilities and adjoining parking lots.


March 2012, Sun City Vistoso Tipster

Vistoso Photo Club Pres. Laura Hackenbrock 825-3606 Meeting second and fourth Wednesday, 6:30 PM, Catalina Vista http//

The January winners for the assigned competition Open in the advanced level were: Dave Henderson, Bob Jennette, Joan Kelly and Milo Loeffler. Tue., Mar. 13, 1-2 PM Photo Club The 2012 Sun City Vistoso club fair. board meeting. Open to all members. Photo by Laura Hackenbrock. Tue., Mar. 13, 2-4 PM Lab instruction and help session. The sign-up sheet is on the lab door. Thu., Mar. 15 A photo club field trip to Madera Cyn. Contact Evelyn Richards for details 825-8355. Tue., Mar. 27 Lab instruction and help session. The sign-up sheet is on the lab door. Coming Events: Wed., Mar. 14, 6:30 PM, Photographing the Grand Canyon from top to bottom. Charles Hackenbrock, who is an attraction with his world wide photography, talks about his outstanding trip to the Grand Canyon. Charles presentations are anything but ordinary. Wed., Apr. 11, 6:30 PM, All About Optics in Nature. A 90-minute lecture and slide show, will be presented by UofA Optical Sciences College Professor Emeritus (retired) William L. (Bill) Wolfe, Jr.

Come and join us.

Photo Workshop Club David Smoler 818-7880, First Wednesdays, 6:30 PM, Social Hall/Hopi, October-April

The Photo Workshop Club emphasizes education and the sharing of experience in both photographic composition and technical skill. All sessions offer a wide range of techniques that can be applied regardless of equipment and skill level. Photo Workshop March 7 Topic: Why Edit Photos? An introduction to Photo Editing Software. A live demonstration of how to edit images from your digital camera for more punch or to eliminate flaws. Rotating, cropping, changing color cast, sharpening, changing color to black and white. We used to spend time in a darkroom printing our images. Now it’s possible to improve or repair our images, print them ourselves and even create imaginative works of art at home. Photo Workshop April 4, Topic: It’s a Wrap: The final step with your images is usually printing, preparing a slide show, emailing or uploading to the web. This how-to session begins with re-sizing, preparation for the output media, and includes matting and framing.

Do you have some new pictures to share at the meeting? Please email them, or bring a print, thumb-drive or CD to the meeting. Plan to tell us how and where you shot and processed them. This is not a competition. There are no fees or dues. For technical details or to be included in our emails, please contact david. Pickleball Club Pres. Ted Hood 818-2281, Treas. Jack Welch 395-1205, Hours: 7 AM-11 AM and 3 PM-5 PM, Monday-Friday Trainer: Judy Cornellius 818-6610; Backup Maria Welch 395-1205 website

Reminder: The annual meeting, elections and social will be Sunday, March 11, 1-5 PM, Social Hall/Navajo. Sun City Vistoso Tipster, March 2012

Bring an appetizer and BYOB. The club will provide water and lemonade or crystal light. We will be electing three new board members. Congratulations to Fran Pendrys and Lilian O’Hagan for their medal in the Senior Olympics at the Voyager. The club has started a temporary time for new members to play due to the great response at the club fair for lessons. The time for this new open play is 10:30 AM- Noon, Monday-Friday. The usage will be evaluated the end of March to determine if this will continue. Be sure to check the bulletin board at the courts and the website for any new information regarding the club or play. Pilates Mary Ayers 638-7916 Mondays, 3 PM, Dance Studio; Thursdays, 1:30 PM, Dance Studio

We still have openings on Thursdays. Join us to build your core strength. Pinochle Bob Segebrecht 825-5480 Play Wednesdays, 6 PM, Desert Oasis/Zuni

Come join a fun group. We play single deck and rotate partners every four hands. Skills rusty? We’ll get you up to speed quickly. Bring 50¢ for your tally. The first Wednesday of each month is treat night. The third Wednesday is birthday night. Dues are $5 pp for the calendar year. Poker

Ladies Poker Jane Habbershaw 825-2635 First and third Wednesday, 6:30 PM, Desert Oasis/Aztec

As President of the Ladies Poker Club it is my responsibility to inform members and others that we are permanently discontinuing this club. Thank you, Jane Habbershaw.

Men’s Friday Poker George Rose 520-303-2019 Fridays, 5:45-8:45 PM, Desert Oasis

We would like to thank all who participated in our annual social on January 13. Twenty showed up and feasted on the abundance of gourmet foods on tables decorated with poinsettias. A special thanks to those behind the scenes spouses who prepared most of the food. January 20 we held the Third Annual Bob Johns Memorial No Limit Omaha Tournament. Director David Habbershaw reports: “although turnout was smaller than in the past, with contributions for Bob’s family, Bob Johns Memorial Tournament winners tournament entrants and ab- pictured left to right Jerry Mehring, Bert sent club members we did Bertera and James Paul. raise $245 for the Kidney Foundation. Congratulations to first place winner James Paul, second place winner Bert Bertera; third place winner Jerry Mehring; with honorable mention to fourth place George Rose. Extra thanks to the three winners for contributing their winnings to the Kidney Foundation.


Men’s Poker Angelo Cammiso 825-5716 Tuesdays, Thursdays, 6-9:30 PM, Desert Oasis Prepare & Share Dining Club Pres. Don Cesario 825-3184

March’s home diners will be able to choose a region of America for their dinner together. It could be Cajun cooking, Tex-Mex or lutefisk, their choice. Members should save Saturday, April 14th for our end-of-the year celebration. We will gather together as a group to enjoy a Jewish deli brunch, maybe lox (Yiddish), lax (Swedish), laks (Norwegian/Danish), lacks (German) and bagels, maybe hamantaschen. Details will be sent to members by email. Sun City Vistoso Quilters Carol Guibert 818-0441 September-May Second and fourth Tuesdays, 1 PM, Desert Oasis/Aztec

Our 11th Annual Quilt Show is here. It looks to be one of the best shows yet. At our meeting on March 13, 1 PM, Desert Oasis, Janice Strassburg will give a demo on her Scrappy Trip Around the World block. March 27 is the date of our spring tea, Social Hall/Navajo, with the presentation of a check from our raffle quilt proceeds given to Catalina Food Bank.

Racquetball Pres., Len Farr 818-2105, Sec./Treas. John Wilson 818-2368 Open Mixed Doubles: Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, 8-11 AM

We’re playing as early as 7:30 AM so, come and join us for good quality racquetball and excellent exercise. Our annual meeting in January, consisted of a wonderful potluck and an election of new officers. If you are interested in learning the game, please contact our president. RV Club - Sundowners Member information: Marge Allen 825-3095 October-May, Second Monday, 9 AM, Social Hall/Papago

A representative of the National Parks will be speaking to our group on the numerous activities the Park Service has to offer locally as well as nationally. Camping, hiking, off-roading, reservation requirements, approved size of RVs and more will be discussed in detail. A St. Patrick’s Day-inspired miniature golf outing is planned for Saturday, March 17, 2-4 PM, SCV miniature golf. The wearin’ of the green will include the ice cream that will be provided afterwards.

The second annual overnight camping at Catalina State Park features live western music and potluck dinner, Tuesday, April 10. Planned trips: Mar. 26-30 Apr. 4-8 Apr. 11-14

Early Music Recorder Ensemble Ginny Phillippi 825-0648 Every Tuesday Noon, Catalina Vista

Have a Recorder (the instrument)? Want to learn or improve your skills? Would you like to play in a group? Soprano, alto, tenor, bass recorders welcome. Enjoy the harmonies of an ensemble. Music is provided. Just one hour every Tuesday. SCV visitors welcome. Republican Club Pres. Alex Bissett 825-7763 Membership Glenda McCormick 818-1051 Third Tuesday, 3 PM, Auditorium

We are fortunate to have a very special speaker at this month’s meeting, March 20. Bruce Ash, a National Committeeman of the Republican Party, has always been a favorite speaker for our club. His presentations have always been filled with such important information that this one should not be missed. He will be followed by Stewart McDaniel who is running for Pima County Supervisor. Jesse Kelly who is running for US Congress will also be in attendance. We look forward to seeing you there. Guests are always welcome. St. Philip’s Support Group Kirk Kuykendall 825-1693,

Our next meeting will be on Saturday, March 10, 5-7 PM, Social Hall/Navajo. Please bring a plate of hors d’oeuvres to share. Beverages will be provided. A donation will be taken at the door.

Scrabble Bill Wallace 818-6747 Play: Fridays, 1 PM, Desert Oasis/Zuni

Seniors for Kids Jean Sax 818-2410 First Thursday, 8 AM, Desert Oasis/Aztec, September - May,

Sun City Vistoso Tipster, Febraury 2011


Borrego Springs Trinity Atomic Bomb Site in San Antonio, NM Karchner Caverns and Patagonia State Parks camp out following the Catalina State Park evening western music, potluck, overnight camping.

One of SFK (Seniors for Kids) fund raisers is a Treasures Table at the Courtyard Sale, Saturday, March 31. Your good castoffs could be someone else’s special find. Items can be dropped off Friday, March 30, 11 AM-1 PM in front of the posse shack. Items should be priced in increments of $.25 and no clothing, please. We are selling Fry’s gift cards to raise money for supplies for our projects. You buy a $20 gift card from SFK. Use it like a pre-paid cash card to buy groceries at Fry’s, adding money as needed (it’s easy). SFK earns cash from each and every purchase. Call Jean Sax 818-2410 or talk with any SFK member to purchase. Members should save Saturday, April 14 for the annual potluck social. Details will be provided later.


March 2012, Sun City Vistoso Tipster

Sewing Thimblelenas Patty Phillips 520-591-6599 Mondays-Fridays, 9 AM-Noon and 1-4 PM, Craft Complex/Sewing

Thimblelenas Annual Meeting is Friday, March 16, 1 PM, sewing room. Our sewing Umbrella includes Sun City Vistoso Quilters, Machine Embroidery, Pet Beds, Senior for Kids, Casa Amigas and Cheer Bears. Need training for orientation, Pfaff sewing machines, sergers, or monitor? Sign up at the message center in theSewing Room for class offered prior to 1 PM on Friday, March 23. Call Patty Phillips. Dues for the 2012 year are $10 pp. Please give your dues to a monitor in the Sewing Room. Casa Amigas Karen Hasselbach 520-360-0215 Mondays-Fridays, 9 AM-Noon and 1-4 PM, Craft Complex/Sewing

Can someone cut 6” squares with a rotary cutter (not scissors) for accuracy? Our fabric stash is overflowing and we need your help to cut these squares for our quilts. You may cut with us or at your home. Also check your linen closet for gently used bath and hand towels, washcloths, sheets and pillowcases. We use these to make bibs, backs for our quilts, and resizing to make crib sheets. Cheer Bears Bonnie Johnson 825-3874 October-April, Wednesdays, 1-3 PM, Craft Complex/Sewing

Trauma Teddies has changed their name to Cheer Bears, but the intention is the same, to bring joy and smiles to children’s faces. Machine Embroidery Sally DeWald 825-6731 Embroidery Machine Training: Karin Frohlich 825-5278

Christmas at the Club Fair? The Machine Embroidery Club table highlighted Kaaren Drent’s lace ornaments which were created on the Thimblelena’s embroidery machine. Contact Karin Frohlich for embroidery machine training. Next meeting is Thursday March 15, 2-4 PM, Craft Complex/Sewing. Sandy Fritz will be our featured presenter, showing us how to transform a place mat into an iPad holder, lunch bag, or sewing tote. All Thimblelena members are welcome to attend. No embroidery machine or experience is needed for this project.

Pet Beds Leader Jan Bohe 825-9725 Tuesdays, 1-3 PM, Craft Complex/Sewing Room

We have a love for pets, especially the lost and lonely at the Humane Society. With the washable fabric scraps, we create stuffed pillows (pet beds) to keep cats and dogs warmer. Join us in the Sewing Room. Call Jan Bohe. Sheepshead Pres. Bill Allen 825-3095 Tuesdays, 10 AM, Desert Oasis

Sheepshead is a Midwest card game that probably originated in Germany. We play three-four-and-five handed versions, depending on attendance, with a 32 card deck. If you would like to learn to play or hone your skills, we can teach you.

Show ‘N Share Barbara Richards 825-3635 Fridays, 9 AM-Noon, Catalina Vista/Tohono

Make beautiful greeting cards with stamps on colorful card stock or use silk or metallic thread to embroider patterns on cards. Try the Iris Fold for a new twist. Knitting baby blankets for charity with donated yarn with a friendly group of like-minded people will renew your knitting skills. So limber up your fingers and find out what you will need to begin. No fees. Silversmith and Lapidary Pres. Heidi Kannengieser 825-0526 Hours: Monday-Thursday, 9 AM-4 PM, Friday, 9 AM-Noon

Stop by the shop and see the fine silver jewelry our members are working on. We have a fantastic work shop with all the tools you need to start making your own jewelry. Our Lapidary shop has saws for slicing large and small stone, trim saws, grinders, stone polishers, and much more. We have all sorts of hand tools, drills, soldering torches, cutting, grinding, and finishing tools. Many of our residents are not aware of all the artistic and creative work that is done here. Sign up for a class and we’ll dedicate three days to teaching you the techniques in creating your individual pieces. Our annual dinner will be on Tuesday, April 24, 5 PM. Silversmithing and Lapidary club meets on the first Monday of each month.

Sun City Vistoso Singers Pres. Dick Cook 850-1821 Director Don Hess Rehearsals : Tuesdays, 6:30-8:30 PM, Auditorium

Rehearsals are underway for the Spring Concert Tuesday, April 17, 7 PM It’s All Coming Back To Me Now. This all volunteer choir loves music and the joy of singing with others. Come and join us as we sing a variety of songs that bring back favorite memories. Dues are $10 pp to be collected at rehearsals.

Join The Ultimate Neighborhood Watch... Keep our neighborhood safe. Join the Posse. Call Del 825-9681 or John Njaa 825-5486 today.

Sun City Vistoso Tipster, March 2012


Sun City Vistoso Singles Pres. Jinnie Wilson 825-6674; VP Jan Buchel 825-6735; Co-Sec., Elnora Borchers 825-3274/Polly Reinacker 818-2755; Treas. James Moore 825-2333 Dinner Meetings, Second Thursday, 5:30 PM, Social Hall/Navajo Happy Hour, Last Friday, 5:30 PM, Social Hall/Navajo

Where do you get drinks, dinner, a show and good company for $17? At the Singles Club dinner. Come and join us. Dinner is Thursday, March 8, 5:30 PM, Social Hall/ Navajo. Culinary Design caters this event. Debbie presents a sumptuous Irish meal consisting of glazed corned beef, with colcannon (mashed potatoes and cabbage) and root veggies. There is bread pudding for dessert. Entertainment after dinner will be the Silver Belles. They are eight beautiful ladies from SaddleBrooke, who started line dancing 15 years ago. They have received many awards and we are lucky to have the opportunity to see them perform. Our Happy Hour is on Friday, March 30, 5:30 PM, Social Hall/Navajo. After drinks and a light meal we will enjoy a video of the Carol Burnett Show.

Dinner Tickets $17 pp and Happy Hour $7. Ticket sales: Thursday March 1, 10-Noon and Friday March 2, 1-2 PM For Happy Hour also on Tuesday March 27, 10-11 AM

Spanish Cultural Gary Lerch 818-3319 Fourth Monday, 7 PM, Catalina Vista

The March 26 meeting will feature Dr. Lydia Otero, Associate Professor in the Department of Mexican American Studies at the UofA. She will share findings from her book, La Calle: Spatial Conflicts and Urban Renewal in a Southwest City, which was recently awarded the 2011 Southwest Book Award by the Border Regional Library Association. Please join us at 6:30 PM for snacks. The program begins at 7 PM. Our end of season annual Cinco de Mayo Fiesta will be Monday, April 9, 5 PM, Catalina Vista. Club functions will resume October 22. Stained/Fused Glass Club Steve Taillie, 825-8804, cell 869-2441 Wye Mace, 825-8738 (fused glass) Fusing: Sundays, 6-8 PM, Tuesdays, 9-11 AM, Craft Complex/Tumbleweed Stained Glass: Wednesdays, Thursdays, 1-4 PM, Craft Complex/Tumbleweed Open Studio: Tuesday-Sunday, 8 AM-5 PM, Craft Complex/Tumbleweed

Welcome to all our new members. It’s exciting to see the thrill of accomplishment as projects are finished. Many thanks to the people who were involved in teaching our Caming class: Steve Taillie, John Ragona, Juliet Williams, and Eileen Sevy. We really appreciate all the volunteers who help our members and are monitors in the studio. The combination for the studio door has been changed. If you have not received an email from Steve, either he has the wrong email address or you have not paid your $10 pp dues for 2012. Please contact him to correct either of the above. Mark your calendars for the next Club meeting Wednesday, April 4, 1 PM, Tumbleweed Room. Our club meetings are always open to any SCV resident. Sun City Vistoso Tipster, Febraury 2011


State Michigan’s Spring Party

Make sure you have marked your calendar for our Spring Champagne Brunch Aloha Style party, Sunday, March 18, Auditorium. Island wear optional. Doors open at Noon. Brunch 12:30 PM. Catered by Culinary Design Catering Company: crème brûlée french toast, broccoli egg casserole, fruit salad and scalloped potatoes with smoked cheese. The club will provide: champagne punch, muffin, coffee, tea and fruit juice.

Ticket Sales: $18 pp, Social Hall/Lobby, 9 AM-Noon Wednesday, March 7, Thursday, March 8, Monday, March 12, Tuesday, March 13. All sales final. Ticket Sales Contact: Del 834-5146

Invite your friends and neighbors for great camaraderie, great food, great fun and door prizes. Hope to see you at the party. Call Del Salvaterra 834-5146 or Barb Matthies 825-4891 to volunteer. Minnesota Nice 2013 Party

Traditionally Minnesota has been fortunate to have wonderful volunteers to oversee the annual dinner event. We have records for referral of the past events and a group of past volunteers who are always ready to assist the new committee. We are asking for new volunteers to come forward for the next Minnesota event February 16, 2013. This is a chance for new ideas, new energy and willingness to oversee a group of Minnesota-Nice residents. For any questions or to volunteer call: Ken and Gail Shepard, 825-1432, Sally Evert 818-3068, or Kent and Pat Barker 825-3923. New England Club

Our annual get together will be held Friday, March 16, 6-8 PM, Social Hall/Navajo, $18.50 pp, Make checks payable to Marjorie Gerdes. Catalina Caterers will prepare and serve a delicious Yankee pot roast buffet dinner. A vegetarian option is available upon request. Entertainment is planned for after dinner. Call Wendy Baumann 818-0174 or Marjorie Gerdes 825-5750.

Tickets sold at the Social Hall, 10 AM-Noon Thursday, March 1 and Tuesday, March 6. Washington Touch of Class Party

The special date for our stupendous State of Washington party is Saturday, April 14, Social Hall/Navajo. We start with a hosted beer and wine hour at 5:30 PM followed by dinner at 6:30 PM. Our organization is prepared, your musical entertainment is arranged. We have a high quality catering company guaranteeing delicious food. Our speaker is outstanding. Many door prizes and dinner wine for an all-inclusive price.

Tickets sales $29 pp Social Hall lobby Tuesday, March 6, Thursday, March 8, 9 AM-Noon.

Space is limited to 120 persons. Those eligible to attend are persons who have lived in Washington, flown across or driven into Washington. You won’t want to miss this spectacular event. Come and greet your friendly SCV neighbors.


March 2012, Sun City Vistoso Tipster

Wisconsin Club

Everyone from Wisconsin, including residents, newcomers and visitors, is invited to our annual party on Friday, March 23, 5 PM, Social Hall. The event, entitled Wisconsin - Sports Mecca, is a casual affair including a beer, wine and soda bar, delicious food and entertainment by the musical group, Night Hart. The Italian buffet menu includes: choice of meat or vegetable lasagna, pasta, marinara sauce, meatballs, Italian sausage, salad, dessert, and beverage. For questions or further information, contact Phil Weinberg, 818-3047.

Ticket sales: Tuesday and Wednesday, March 13-14 10 AM-Noon, Social Hall, $20 pp. Senior Olympics Swim Team Coach and Organizer Gordon Gillin 825-8261

Great news on the results of the Tucson Senior Olympics in January. Our three person team won the small team championship. These were Joe Bolze, three golds, one silver; Gordon Gillin, four golds; Manny Zimmerman, two The Senior Olympics Swim Champions left to right; golds and one silver. Joe Bolze, Manny Zimmerman and Gordon Gillin. Our final meet of the season will be Saturday, March 17, in Green Valley. We will have a much larger team there and the results will be in the May Tipster. Our team will have two swim clinics at our Aquatic & Fitness Center pool, Fridays, March 2 and 9, 2-4 PM. Emphasis will be on technique, starts, turns and workout routines. Coaching will be Joe Bolze, Gordon Gillin, Dave Goodman,Greg Nelson and Manny Zimmerman. New swimmers are always welcome. Contact Gordon Gillin to be placed on our roster for the 2013 season.

Table Tennis Co-Chairs: Les Berlot 818-6463; Ann Owen 343-0335

We have play at all levels of ability. The best time for new members is Saturdays, 10 AM, Catalina Vista. If you want to play anytime with your visitors or grandchildren, call the monitor at Catalina Vista, 825-8613. If the room is free, they will set up a table for you. Paddles and balls are available. Table Tennis hours of club play, Catalina Vista: Women Tue. 1:30-3:30 PM Men/Advanced Women Tue., Thu. 5-8 PM Men’s Recreational Wed., Fri. 4-6 PM Men/Advanced Women Thu. 5-8 PM Open Club Play Fri. 6-8 PM Clinic by Appointment Sat. 9-10 AM Open Club Play Sat. 10 AM-Noon Tapestry Rug Hooking Ann Feeney 818-0340 Thursdays, 9-11AM, Craft Complex/Ceramics

We are always happy to enroll new members or have residents interested in rug hooking come see us. Sun City Vistoso Tipster, March 2012

Tennis Women: Marge Allen 825-3095 Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, 8 AM-Noon Men: Jan Fritz 818-9683 Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays, 8 AM-Noon Mixed Doubles: Lue Satterfield 825-4709 Sundays, 1-3 PM

Congratulations to the Women’s Memorial (Scanlon) tournament winners, Suzanne Kellam and Judy Hood who defeated Jan Dunbar and Priscilla Small in an exciting three set match. Paul Blatt, Rick Brown and Karen Lee organized another well balanced and well played 135 tournament. The winners were Sandy and Jan Fritz over Saniya Otus and Duane Eddy. The consolation bracket winners were Larry Wall and Jeanne Nimrod over Don Anderson and Sandy Wilson. Results from the men’s memorial tournament will be in the next issue. The men’s 7.0 USTA team composed of Dick Schaefer, Jan Fritz, Duane Eddy, Rick Brown, Ron Roberts, Don Anderson, Jim Williams, Ron Fuhrmann, Bayard Kellam, and Marty Kass is competing in home-home matches against El Con, SaddleBrooke and Green Valley. Mark your calenders: Sat., Mar. 10, 6:30 PM Sun., Mar. 11, 1 PM Fri., Apr. 13 Sat., Dec. 1

The Mariachi/Jazz concert. St. Patrick’s day mixed doubles and social. Spring party and general meeting. Holiday party.

The directory of club members is available. See Paul Blatt 825-3479. The calender of upcoming events is on the back of the directory. Theatrical Club - SRO (Standing Room Only) Pres. Lynne Newbauer 818-3516 VP Joe Guenther 825-7703

We are currently in the planning stages for our 2013 Spring Show. Please call if you’d like to take part, on or off the stage. Some of us are also working on the Movin’ and Groovin’ dance review (Monday, March 19.) This show will be fun as well as comical. See Coming Events for show details. Travelogue Jim Huffer 825-8743 Third Monday, 7:30 PM, September-May, Social Hall/Navajo

At our March 19 meeting, open to everyone, we will show: A Luxurious Barge Experience in Burgundy, France, presented personally by Gordon McCall, a local Oro Valley resident.

Please Observe the 35 MPH Speed Limit on Rancho Vistoso Blvd. The 35 MPH speed limit enables travel by golf carts. Also Wildlife Alert! Travel slowly down Rancho Vistoso, you may encounter deer, javelina and coyote crossing the roadway.


Ukulele Club - Sun City Vistoso Strummers Pres., Jean James 520-648-1118 Tuesdays, 10 AM-Noon Classes, Desert Oasis/Aztec Fridays, Noon-2 PM Beginners Sessions, Dance Studio

Our club continues its celebration of all things ukulele as we head into spring. Don’t miss our performance at the Movin’ and Groovin’ dance review Monday, March 19, 7 PM, Auditorium. We will be opening the show with a couple of lively songs that are sure to get you into the Movin’ and Groovin’ spirit. This show is sponsored by the dance groups of Sun City Vistoso. Tickets will be $5 pp with proceeds donated to Wounded Warrior Project. Come enjoy a wonderful evening of music and dance while supporting a worthy project. Unit Parties Unit 11 Potluck Dinner

Are you ready to party? The annual potluck dinner will be Saturday, March 3, Catalina Vista. This will be our 14th year and each one has been better than the previous one. Plan to spend the evening with good food and pleasant company. Most of your neighbors will be there. The cost is only $5 pp plus either dessert, salad, or vegetable side dish. Call Kay Jacobs 825-8525. Unit 18A Annual Potluck

Saturday, March 31, 5:30 PM, Catalina Vista. This is our annual get together to meet new and old neighbors. Mark your calendars. Bring a dish to pass. Flyers will be delivered in early March to each house with more information. Everyone in Unit 18A is invited. Wallyball and Water Volleyball Pres., Judy Rigby 638-8800, (water volleyball rep) VP, Bob Shull 818-0355, (wallyball rep) Sec.-Treas., Dave Thompson 825-2274, Wallyball: Tues., and Fri., 1-3 PM, Aquatic & Fitness Center/Racquetball Court Water Volleyball: Sun. and Thu. 1-3 PM, Desert Oasis Pool, weather permitting

Weather should be great in March for Water Volleyball! We will change to our summer hours April 1. We are having some great games of Wallyball on the racquetball court at the AFC. Six on a side is the maximum number of players at one time, but we rotate in extra players. If you are interested in how the game is played, watch this fast paced game through the window. We welcome new players and will teach you the game. New members may play Wallyball, Water Volleyball, or both.

Please let us know your email address by calling 825-3711 ext 121 or drop by the Administration Office. Emailing saves money on postage and keeps you in touch with what’s going on with the Association.

Sun City Vistoso Tipster, Febraury 2011


Woodcarvers Kaaren Drent 818-2343 Saturdays, 9 AM-Noon, Craft Complex/Lapidary

Our club offers the use of tools, literature, magnification, comfortable chairs and a forced air venting system. Aspiring carvers are welcome and old-timers will share their knowledge and experience. The Woodcarver/Gourd spring picnic is being held Saturday, March 24, 5-7 PM Social Hall/Navajo and Kiva/Patio. Sign up in the Lapidary room. Barkcarvers Kaaren Drent 818-2343 Tuesdays, Noon-3 PM and Thursdays, 9 AM-Noon, Craft Complex/Lapidary

Barkcarving is a unique and age-old craft. We harvest what could be seen as scrap wood and turn it into something beautiful. The possibilities are as endless as your imagination. We have a supply of bark and tools, so you can come in and begin a project the first day. Come and be inspired. Gourd Art Kaaren Drent 818-2343 Mondays, 1 PM -4 PM, Fridays 9 AM-Noon, Craft Complex/Lapidary

If you are new to gourd art, join us to discover the beautiful and seemingly unlimited creative possibilities of this unique craft. If you are an experienced gourd crafter, join us and share your expertise with our friendly and creative club. We have materials on hand to get you started right away including gourds, paints, leather dyes, tools, woodburners, books and much more.

Woodworkers Pres. Keith Carlson 742-7726

You will want to check out the new hand sanders. They will connect to a vacuum for dust collection so we can all breathe a little better. There will be the bimonthly club meeting Wednesday, March 21, 1:30 PM, and the annual joint meeting with the Desert Woodworkers Saturday, March 31. Mark your calendar now. Also please consider being a monitor. Adrian Korpel 818-0544

Writers Club

At present the Writers club’s only organized activities are in poetry. Please see the Poet’s Corner below.


March 2012, Sun City Vistoso Tipster

Poets’ Corner Sharyn Rafieyan 825-6762 Mondays, 9:30-11:30 AM, Vistoso Center/Yaqui

For Dunya Mikhail the difference between prose and poetry lies in his emotional reaction: “With poetry, I feel I am in love. With prose, I feel I am in a marriage.” This should not be considered a denigration of marriage, rather an elevation of poetry. Aspiring to elicit such passion from our poetry is an exciting challenge. On the other hand, however much we might write for an anticipated audience, poets must first please themselves. “For me,” writes Eleanor Wilner, “the poem is never just about experience, it is an experience; we can’t know where a poem is going, and should be surprised (and even enlightened) by what it reveals.” Writing poetry is like taking an exciting journey to wherever one might arrive. Join us on our weekly adventures. Bring a poem you’ve written and 12-14 copies to share with the group. We promise a warm welcome.

Yoga Pres. Jewel Prendeville 520-395-1356 Mondays, 8:30-10 AM, Social Hall/Papago Tuesdays, 10:30 AM-Noon, Vistoso Center/Apache Thursdays, 7-8:15 PM, Social Hall/Dance Studio

The annual lunch meeting is being planned for late March, date and time to be announced at the classes.

Town of Oro Valley Create Your 2012 Healthy Lifestyle Plan

Saturdays, March 3, 10, and 17, 10 AM, Library Program Room, Oro Valley Public Library, 1305 W. Naranja Drive. This is a five part weekly program for adults and teens who want to get motivated and develop a personalized fitness plan. Focus is on understanding behavior patterns and creating strategies that deal with unhealthy habits. Each of these presentations is selfcontained, so it is not required to attend all. Presented by Jill Jones, CCHt and Certified NLP Practitioner. University of Arizona Museum of Art Lecture Series

Wednesday, March 7, 2 PM, Library Meeting Room, Oro Valley Public Library, 1305 W. Naranja Drive. Topic: Twisting Traditions in Sculpture, presented by Fleurette and Marc Wallach. Discover the differences between painting and sculpture and the various techniques and styles used by the sculptors in our collection including Henry Moore, Auguste Rodin, Alexander Calder, Joan Miro, Pablo Picasso and many others.

Extended Community American Association of University Women

All are welcome to a social time and luncheon sponsored by the American Association of University Women Saturday, March 17, 11:30 AM, Oro Valley Country Club. Tickets, $35 pp. Reserve by Saturday, March 10. This fund raiser provides fellowships and grants to outstandSun City Vistoso Tipster, March 2012

ing graduate women. A grant recipient will speak and a raffle for gift baskets will be held. Information call Connie 544-7723. American Legion Auxiliary Oro Valley Unit 132

Award winning film “Lioness, There for the Action, Missing From the Action,” Saturday, March 3, 7 PM and Sunday, March 4, 2 PM, the Screening Room, 127 E. Congress in downtown Tucson, 520-882-0204. Tickets $7 pp. Contact us:, www. ovunit132 information 520-229-1064. Anza Trail Historical Conference

The Anza Society will hold its 17th annual international conference Thursday-Sunday, March 8-11, at the Wyndham Canoa Resort, Green Valley. The conference will feature a weekend of talks, tours and historic entertainment and attracts Anza Trail, Spanish Period enthusiasts, historians and genealogists. For information, call Sharon Myers, 520-797-1340 or Email sandjmyers@comcast,net. DAR El Presidio Chapter Meeting

The Daughters of the American Revolution, El Presidio Chapter Thursday, March 8 meeting will be the Annual Meeting consisting of the annual reports of officers and committee chairmen for the year. If you are a seasonal visitor, new resident of the SCV or want more information on DAR membership, contact the SCV DAR Contact Lynne Brooke, 818-0093 NARFE Chapter 1874 Meeting

The National Active and Retired Federal Employees March meeting will be Monday, March 19, at the Golden Corral, 6865 N. Thornydale Dr. Lunch starts at 11:30 AM (senior menu $7.95 plus beverage). The meeting is Noon-1 PM. Speaker TBA. Contact Valerie Davis at 520/908-0774 for more information. Northwest Welcome Club Luncheon

Welcome Club Northwest will hold their monthly luncheon for women new to Northwest Tucson within the last five years Thursday, March 1, 11 AM, Carrabba’s Italian Grill, 7635 N. Oracle Road, Oro Valley, $25 pp. Program will consist of a variety of Italian music. Contact 520-203- 4015 for questions. Older and Wiser: Keys to Aging Well

Please join Jewish Elder Access March 1, 1:30-3:30 PM, Rancho Vistoso Urgent Care for a presentation entitled: “Older and Wiser: Keys to Aging Well for Older Adults and the People Who Love Them.” Featuring an Elder Law Attorney, Registered Nurse, Therapist and Care Manager. RSVP/questions: Elaine Mami 7950300 x 2345. Old Time Radio Club

Old time radio fans will meet Tuesday, March 6, 1:30 PM in SaddleBrooke to start hearing “The Home Front,” a 1982 radio retrospective of the U.S. during WWII. The first part is “Nazis and Martians (1938-39).” The series presents the music, people, and events. Call Norm 818-7817 for directions. Extended Community Continues on page 34


Palm Sunday Potluck Luncheon

All Sun City Vistoso/Resurrection Lutheran Church members/attendees are invited to a Palm Sunday Potluck luncheon Sunday, April 1, 12:30-2:30 PM, SCV Auditorium. Please reserve this date. Flyers will be delivered to all known members. However, we don’t want to miss anyone. Email Carolyn Lerch at gclerch@ or call 818-3319 to be added to our list. Annual Rummage Sale

Oro Valley United Church of Christ, 1401 E. El Conquistador Way, is scheduled for Friday and Saturday, March 9-10, 8 AM-Noon. Sun City Vistoso resident Peggy Smith again serves as a co-chair of the sale. Proceeds to mission projects.

Classified The items contained under this heading are provided as a service to residents by other organizations that are neither sponsored nor supported by Sun City Vistoso Community Association, Inc. SCVCAI assumes no responsibility or liability for the information contained therein. BR=Bedroom; BA=Bath; N/S=No Smoking; N/P=No Pets; W/D=Washer and Dryer; LR=Living Room; DR=Dining Room; AZRM=Arizona Room; Fireplace= FP; Stainless Steel= S/S Classified Advertising, $10/ad

FOR SALE: Sewing machine slightly used, in nice three drawer cabinet, typewriter IBM Selectric III, cherry finish quilt rack, museum quality, antique double sized quilt with original cloth storage bag, Oriental black lacquer plant stand with marble insert top, rug 6 x 9, Afghanistan, Sumac style, hand woven wool on wool. Gustaf Becker 1870s small antique wall clock, Arizona Highways magazines January 1987 - January 1996, 109 issues. Above items, all in excellent condition. Call 825-1900. FOR SALE BY OWNER: Montara plan home with great mountain views. 1298 sq. ft. plus finished laundry room. New energy efficient windows and patio doors. New Trane air conditioner and furnace. Many more upgrades and extras. Can be seen at 2242 E. Celosia Way. Call for appointment at 520-818-6426. FOR SALE/RENT: Fully Furnished 2BR/2BA/Den in SCV. Great mountain view from front patio. Private covered back patio, with gas grill. Will consider monthly, multi-month, long term with option to purchase. For photos and more details call Jan 636-357-8817 or email FOR RENT: Furnished 2BR/2BA, front patio and covered back patio, nice landscaping with fountain, gas grill and partial views. Separate office with WiFi. Monthly only. Call for showing and details. Cell 303 905 8046. FOR RENT: 2012 multi-month vacation home rental. Newly furnished with great mt. views. 2 BR 2 BA, 2-car garage. Furnished covered patio with grill. Rental rates will be discounted for SCV families and friends. Rentals throughout the year or long term. Call Jo (Wisconsin) 262886-9999 or 520-825-0232. Photos available via email. Sun City Vistoso Tipster, Febraury 2011


FOR RENT: Long-term rental available April 2012 for this SCV home. 2 BR/2BA, spilt floor plan. Mountain views, with a private patio and yard. Nicely furnished, great landscape with fruit trees. $1200 per month. 970209-1572. FOR RENT: Mariposa plan, 1,200 sq. ft., 2BR/2BA furnished home on Tradewinds Way. Beautifully furnished, saltillo tile floors, 2 queen beds. All utilities included: WiFi, cable, local phone. Available May 2012 through December 2012. Monthly preferred, consider weekly off season. Long term special rates. Call Diane 520-575-0039. FOR RENT: Enjoy our spacious 2 BR/2 BA home with excellent mountain views and private patio with gas grill. Recently furnished in Southwest style, our home is sparkling clean and has everything you need for a perfect getaway, or a place to stay while searching for your own retirement home, including a separate office and complimentary WiFi. Reserve now for 2013 winter season or reduced summer rates. For photos and more details call Tom and Barbara at (414) 445-0268 (Wisconsin). FOR RENT: Unfurnished 1050 Ft. 2BR/2BA at 16th fairway tee box. Professional designed interiors w/ granite in kitchen, Saltillo tile floors all new in ’07. Area west of patio wide open for privacy, and pet walking. Wonderful caring neighbors on super quiet Green Tree Dr. $1250/mo. long term; presently listed for sale. E-mail for photos, etc. or call Pete 520-818-2203. FOR RENT/LEASE: Beautifully refurnished 2BD/2BA SCV home. Fully furnished, large landscaped lot, 2 covered patios. Bright open kitchen with all appliances. Gas fireplace, 2-car garage. Close to community center. Super amenities in a resort setting. Call Dan 520-744-0881. 14330 N. Rusty Gate Trail. FOR RENT: Furnished 1200 sq. ft. 2BR/2BA beautiful home with covered patio in back and walled patio in front with great mountain views. King and full beds. Fully furnished with all utensils, linens, W/D, wireless, grill. NS,NP. For rates see or call 1-801 209 9092. FOR RENT: Stylishly furnished 2046 sq. ft. home with high ceilings and open floor plan. Most rooms and back patio oriented to Catalina Mt. views. Two en suite masters with king and queen beds, gas fireplace, WiFi, HDTV/DVR. Visit for pictures rates and details. 206-310-4779. FOR RENT: Fully furnished, newly painted 2BR/2BA/ DEN SCV home on N Pima Spring Way. Available March 2012. Large private southern exposure backyard with pool, jacuzzi, covered patio and grill with mountain and desert views. Front courtyard with mountain views. 2 fruit trees. $1250/month + utilities. $1100/mo. JuneAugust Call Cindy 520-955-3028. FOR RENT: Your home away from home, now renting for 2013. SS appliances, 2BR/2BA, eat-in-kitchen, formal dining, covered patio with grill. In-home laundry w/washer and dryer. Here in SCV. Call Bob at 520-8250097. BUYING: A curious collector would like to buy watches, old photos, war relics, 19th and 20th century family and estate items, antiques, jewelry, coins, silver and much more. Anything unusual or nostalgic. I like to look and love to buy. Exceptional prices paid. 529-2984.


March 2012, Sun City Vistoso Tipster

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H Running Toilets H Water Leaks H Water Heaters H Gas Leaks H Drain Leaks H Drain Cleaning H Licensed H Bonded H Insured

H Re-piping H Disposals H Faucets H Bathroom Remodel H Main Water Lines

Licensed Master Plumber 9141 N. Overlook Dr., Oro Valley, AZ AZ ROC # 189646

Where Sun City Vistoso Friends Meet...


Social Hall • Kachina Lounge Open Mon., Wed., & Fri. 8:30-10:15 AM

Coffee $1.00 Serving Fresh-Brewed Coffee, Espresso, Tea, Hot Chocolate, Assorted Pastries Paid Advertising, Sun City Vistoso Tipster, March 2012, Page 35

Rhonda R. Valentino, ABR, ALHS, SFR 520-370-7409 7330 N Oracle Rd. #280 Tucson, AZ 85704

So. Arizona’s Largest Family Owned Real Estate Company

Peg’s Pet Sitting In-your-home pet sitting service vDoggie daycare vPets with special needs

Peggy Lombard

Member of National Association of Pet Sitters Bonded and Insured

13865 N. Sutherland Wash Way

$224,900, 2 BR, 2BA, MLS#21126847

2255 E. Buster Mountain Dr.

$214,900, 2 B, 2 BA. MLS#21124965

825-4833 (360)324-9112 cell A Sun City Vistoso resident

Place your advertising message where it will reach the exclusive community of Sun City Vistoso with an ad in the Vistoso Tipster. The Vistoso Tipster is the official Sun City Vistoso newsletter with month long listings of activities within the community. This insures that the Vistoso Tipster has a long shelf life within the home. Giving your advertising month long exposure.

Call Norma at 825-3711 ext 120 for advertising details.

While You Are Away Service Carol Foster


Indoor & Outdoor Caretaking with A Personal Touch Licensed, Bonded and Insured

Listed with Your Consumer Referral Service

Paid Advertising, Sun City Vistoso Tipster, March 2012, Page 36

You Can Choose Your

Life Style...Sun City ViStoSo

1051 E. Royal Oak Rd.

$325,000 14023 N. Biltmore Dr.

$205,000 14467 N. Cooperstone Dr.


2217 E. Celosia Way

$229,000 14382 N. Spanish Gardens Lane

$163,000 930 E. Seven Palms Dr.


BETTY J. WHITE Associate Broker

15883 N. Oracle Rd., Suite 155, Direct: 520-275-6654, FAX: 520-825-6525 Your Sun City Vistoso Specialist

Paid Advertising, Sun City Vistoso Tipster, March 2012, Page 37

Oro Valley Coatings, LLC Exterior h Interior Painting Property Value Enhancement

Professional Painter/Handyman For Hire Hourly Call for details. On the Sun City Vistoso Approved Vendor List u Various Home Repairs

u Pressure Washing

u Drywall Repairs

u Stucco/Texture

u Roof Repair & Coating

u Paint Patio Furniture

u Wallpaper Removal

u Concrete Coating

u Window Cleaning

u Concrete Staining


Janet Sirbeck


14685 N. Palm Ridge Drive $169,500 MLS# 21110035 7330 N. Oracle Rd. , Ste. 280

Direct 520-256-0757 • Office 520-318-5290 • Fax 520-77-6614

FrAll work warranted ROC #265578 Licensed, Bonded, Insured

Isaac Mercado

470 W. Roger Road, #108 Tucson, AZ 85705

Free In-Home Estimates Free Installation We Do Repairs

790-6180 ROC 218701

CLEERE LAW OFFICES A Professional Corporation

Robert F. Cleere, L.L.B.

Kathy Cleere, J.D.

Planning ahead to protect yourself, your loved ones and your property • Estate Planning • Probate • Elder Law • Trusts & Wills • Trust Administration

Free Initial Consultation (520) 219-9733 10445 N. Oracle Road, Suite 141, Oro Valley, AZ 85737

Replace Your Irrigation System sNo more leaks sNo wasted water sNo more costly repairs

•Quality Parts •Expert Installation •100% Guaranteed

Andy’s Irrigation Expert Repair & Installation


Andy McInnis, Owner

Paid Advertising, Sun City Vistoso Tipster, March 2012, Page 38

Stephanie’s Kitty Sitting Services Specialized Care for your kitty/home while you’re away. Will administer insulin for diabetic kitties. Will also check on homes in the summer.

A Sun City Vistoso Resident

520-825-1932 or 520-405-2992 (cell) E-mail:

Member Pet Sitters International (PSI) Licensed - Bonded - Insured

dustperados cleaning

Flash | 520-891-0606 Residential & Commercial Licensed & Bonded

A Great Gift! Gift card from the SCV Café 1555 E. Rancho Vistoso Blvd. 825-3277


•Water Heaters •Water Service Lines • Sewer/Drains • Garage Disposals Ron Roberson R and R Water Works LLC 30 years of plumbing experience

• Gas Line Repairs • Toilets & More


Licensed, Bonded & Insured

ROC# 219595

On the Sun City Vistoso Consumer Referral List

Paid Advertising, Sun City Vistoso Tipster, March 2012, Page 39

Buying? or Selling? * Lisa Korpi, SFR Put my Midwestern values to work for you... zHard Working zHonest

zDependable zIntegrity

Sun City Vistoso Office

Ph: (520) 271-7159

1171 E. Rancho Vistoso Blvd., Suite 117

Veiw all homes listed on MLS at

520-825-0981 Free Consultation

Service & Repair of all Autos & Light Trucks Domestic, Foreign, New to Classic

Paid Advertising, Sun City Vistoso Tipster, March 2012, Page 40

Kevin Rydberg bLANDSCAPEa • Landscape Design • Irrigation • Landscape maintenance • Rock Work • Install & Repair Brick Pavers • Smartscape Certified Over 20 Years landscaping experience Serving Sun City Vistoso since 2006


German Weekend Laff’s Comedy Club Show - April 12

Dinner & Show, 6 PM 24.99 per person Add $2 for Prime Rib Show Only, 7 PM, $10 per person


March 9, 10 & 11

St. Patrick’s Day Specials

Join us March 17th for some great Reservations Required corned beef and Live Country Music cabbage. Irish drink specials and more. Friday and Saturday, 7 PM-11 Let us cater your event or use our banquet facilities for your parties!


The Purchase of $25 5 present Offcoupon, 305 E. American Ave. $Must or more one coupon per table please, cannot combined with any other offer. Oracle, AZ Not valid on Laffs Comedy show

Paid Advertising, Sun City Vistoso Tipster, March 2012, Page 41

Expires 3-31-2012

L & M Custom Painting Inc. Quality, Value and Service at its Best

Excellent Specials on Custom Interior Painting

Exterior Painting Specials: $ 1,650 • 5 year warranty/premium paint • No money Down

Every job starts and finishes with management present.

On the Sun City Vistoso Consumer Referral List

991-9933 Leo Martinez

ROC #258012

Licensed • Bonded • Insured We accept all major credit cards

Oro Valley’s Handyman Carpentry, plumbing, electrical, windows & doors, ceiling fans, lighting, shower doors & grab bars, pet doors, and much more. REFERENCES AVAILABLE INSURED

440-1453 Not a licensed contractor by choice


Cell: 409-4591 Paid Advertising, Sun City Vistoso Tipster, March 2012, Page 42

Diabetes Self-Management Menus, Recipes, Grocery Lists

520-544-8510 10355 N. La Canada Dr. Oro Valley, AZ 85737

SW Corner of Lambert Lane & La Canada Drive

Food or cash donation required to local food bank determined by Club. Offer based on first visit enrollment, minimum 12 mo. cd/eft. program. New members only. Not valid with any other offer. Valid through 3/24/12. 2012 Curves International.

Irrigation Man Keith Demand

• 30 years experience with repairs • Referrals Available • I stand behind my work

(520) 490-3930 Not licensed



family room

media room


utility area

New Cabinets & Refacing Solutions In Home Consultation Computerized Kitchen Design Project Management On the Sun City Vistoso Consumer Referral List 7780 N. Oracle Rd., Tucson, AZ


Mac iPad & iPhone Tutoring in your home.


Interior a Exterior Painting Licensed Bonded Insured Serving Sun City Vistoso since 1997. a Epoxy drive ways, walkways and garage floors. a Roof coat on flat roofs. a a

Paid Advertising, Sun City Vistoso Tipster, March 2012, Page 43

Registered with your Consumer Referral at Sun City Vistoso

400-1591 or 465-6840 ROC 160023

in the designs installations of: Sandy’s Window Cleaning Weand•specialize Retractable Awnings Residential & Commercial • Free Estimates

• Stationary Awnings • Drop Shades • Canopies and more

Ask about ceiling fans, light fixtures and mirrors We have many Sun City Vistoso references

We also provide:

Jack Campanella Owner/Operator

520-818-6474 Cell 520-256-9043

We are Licensed

Awning Doctors 520-293-5559

• Cleaning • Repairs • Recovering and more

Licensed •Bonded • Insured ROC 198880 K-03

12995 N. Oracle Rd., Suite 111 • (O) 825-3232 (F) 825-0464

F&S Home Services No job too small or too big

Frank Soto

Master Craftsman Home Repair, Remodeling & Restoration Painting, Plumbing, Drywall (520)-861-2657 Electrical, Concrete & Tile

You’ve always said you wouldn’t be caught dead in that dress.

You’d better tell them now.

2285 E. Rancho Vistoso Blvd. Oro Valley

(520) 544-2285 Family Owned and Operated

Preplanning takes care of all the decisions so your family doesn’t have to. Paid Advertising, Sun City Vistoso Tipster, March 2012, Page 44

Bob & Jackie Cahoon 490-3633 444-5937 #1 in Sales and Listings in Sun City Vistoso since 2004 Top 3% Tucson Realtors SCV Residents Living Trusts • Wills • Estate Planning • Estates Settled • Contracts-Leases Personal Injury • Powers of Attorney-Living Wills Guardianship-Conservatorships • Divorce-Marital Agreements Corporations • LLCs Serving Northwest Tucson since 1976


Top Rung

Located in Sun City Vistoso

1171 E. Rancho Vistoso Blvd. #103 Thanks to Sun City Vistoso for your Continued Support Not OUR client... Farmers Insurance of Catalina will

Handyman Services Inc. offer a great Sun City Vistoso Discount! Call for details... Home Repairs / Free Estimates On the Sun City Vistoso Consumer Referral List

ROC214575 C-62

Pete Goebel

(520) 861-5961

Paid Advertising, Sun City Vistoso Tipster, March 2012, Page 45

The Best Windows for the Best Price. PERIOD.

Save up to $200 per window or more

Buy one window get one FREE offer good for 2 up to a whole house Save hundreds up to thousands of dollars on comparable quality Expires Nov. 1, 2011

Replacement Windows Save You 40% or More On Your Energy Costs •French Doors •Sliding Glass Doors •Windows We Are On the Sun City Vistoso Consumer Referral List



Our Installations Are Licensed • Bonded

Paid Advertising, Sun City Vistoso Tipster, March 2012, Page 46

Mauricio Rivas Painting & Repairs Dry Wall Repair, Texture & Acoustics Interior & Exterior Painting Acoustic Removal Roof Coating  Quality Work  Irrigation Patios  Complete Landscaping  Hauling

825-6717 (o) 240-5205 (c) YOUR HOME HANDYMAN Not a licensed contractor


Call Fritz Knauf for Emergency Repairs and Free Cost Estimates A Sun City Resident LICENSED

544-5622 or 400-3930


Cindy K. Arrebollo Agent

15770 N. Oracle Rd., Suite HI Tucson, AZ 85739

Office 520-790-7788 Fax 520-818-1341 Paid Advertising, Sun City Vistoso Tipster, March 2012, Page 47


Steve Mooneyham

Pamela Thayer Realtor 520-561-7559

Associate Broker, ASR, CHMS, SFR


See Every Home Listed For Sale in Sun City Vistoso! Visit my website:






rC nde

U Steps: > Go to > Click on Search Golf Communities > Click on Sun City Vistoso (website is updated twice daily)

13910 E. Desert Butte Vistoso Model $399,000

2261 E. Sausalito Trail Kensington Model $179,000

1815 E. Anza Wy. Sunrise Model $229,000

2028 E. Bighorn Mt. Cresent Model $199,900

1710 E. Chalk Creek Court Silvercreek Model $259,900

14369 N. Lost Arrow Drive Ridgetop Model $329,500

13941 N Buckingham Drive Essex Model $299,000



rC nde


13627 N. Tom Ryans Wy. Vacation Villa Model $179,000 U

14030 N Lobelia Way Rio Vista Model $269,000



rC nde

14485 N. Spanish Garden Lane Sundance Model, $189,000

Judy Hale, ABR


Sun City Vistoso Resident Licensed since 1992

Ask about the Long Advantage

To View Over 60,000 Properties For Sale in Arizona go to:

14143 N. Ageratum Way 215,000 MLS#21129809




3820 E. Wilds Rd. 395,000 MLS#21130432

ABR, CRS, GRI, Associate Brokers

Sun City Residents KATHY HARVEY Specializing in& City KATHY &SunRICHARD HARVEY ABR, CRS, GRI, Associate Brokers

ABR, CRS, resales sinceCity 1988!GRI, Associate Brokers Specializing in Sun If you want the Best, Call Us!Residents Sun resales since 1988! City If you want the Best, Call Us! Cityinresales Specializing in Sun since 1988! Specializing Sun City

9110 E. La Palma Dr., Tucson, AZ $ 229,000 MLS#21200203


14492 N. Sky Trail 349,900, MLS#21204387

resalesthe since 1988! If you want Best call us! If you want the Best, CallofUs! Full Time Professional Agents with +40 Years Experience! 2506 E. Vistoso Commerce Loop Suite #100 520-297-6172 • 800-297-6172 •

2044 E Bighorn Mountain Drive $ 249,000, 1635 sq ft

model with wonderful views! Paid Advertising, Sun City Vistoso Tipster, March 2012, Page 48 520-297-6172 Mariposa Charming, updated home with model with views! area patio,wonderful borders common 0-297-6172 Mariposanortheast


14148 N. Forthcamp 239,000, 1190 sq. ft.

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