2013 May Tipster

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May 2013

Sun City OroValley


It’s More Than Living...It’s a Lifestyle!

All residents are welcomed and encouraged to attend meetings. Come 15 minutes early to share your thoughts and concerns with the Board.

BOD Study Session Thursday, May 9, 9 AM Vistoso Center/Apache BOD Meeting Tuesday, May 28, 9 AM Social Hall/Papago Association Committees............ 4 Association News........................ 3 Café Specials............................. 10 Celebrations & Life Events....... 12 Classified................................... 28 Clubs........................................... 13 Coming Events.......................... 10 Extended Community................ 28 For Your Information..................11 Golf............................................... 9 Hours of Operation...................... 2 Memoriam.................................. 13 Partnered Organizations........... 27 Sun City Vistoso Foundation...... 10 Thank You Corner...................... 13 Town of Oro Valley.................... 27 Workshops and Classes............11

Homeowner Packet Annual Dues and Bill Will be Mailed May 24 Photo by Suzanna Porter




Administration Office...............825-3711 ext 120 Mon.-Fri......................................................................... 7:30 AM-4:30 PM

Aquatic & Fitness Center......................917-8067 The Tipster is published monthly by Sun City Oro Valley 1565 E. Rancho Vistoso Blvd., Oro Valley, AZ 85755, 520-825-3711

Board of Directors Note: email address for BOD member, General Manager and Assistant General Manager is directors@suncityorovalley.com Robert Hefner, rjh1458@gmail.com..............................................................................President Steve Knapp, sknappscv@gmail.com ................................................................. Vice President Cathy Hartrich, cathy.hartrich@gmail.com................................................................Secretary Dick Brammell, dbrammell@corwinappraisal.com..................................................Treasurer Janice Fischer, fischer_janice@comcast.net................................................................. Director Richard Babin, rbabin@rochester.rr.com....................................................................... Director Jon Olson, jboclo@comcast.net....................................................................................... Director

Management Team Bob Mariani, bmariani@suncityorovalley.com.......................General Manager, 917-8080 Joe Byron, jbyron@suncityorovalley.com....................................... Café Manager, 917-8074 Robin Coulter, rcoulter@suncityorovalley.com .....................Assistant Manager, 917-8070 Mary Cunningham, scvcam@suncityorovalley.com..... Com. Area Maint. Sup., 917-8059 Julie Foerster, jfoerster@suncityorovalley.com.......................Human Resources, 917-8061 Kim Griggs, kgriggs@theviewsgolfclub.com............................. Golf Professional, 917-8053 Michael Kropf, scvgolf@suncityorovalley.com.....Golf Course Superintendent, 917-8063 Ken Sandrock, ksandrock@suncityorovalley.com..........................Facilities Sup., 917-8078 Pam Sarpalius, psarpalius@suncityorovalley.com................. Program Director, 917-8077 Randy Trenary, rtrenary@suncityorovalley.com................................... Controller, 917-8060

Support Team Jim Cundiff, jcundiff@suncityorovalley.com...................... Community Services, 917-8058 Lonnie Davis, ldavis@suncityorovalley.com............................ Fitness Supervisor, 917-8073 Marnie Goodbody, mgoodbody@suncityorovalley.com .....................Librarian, 917-8064 Kim Green, kgreen@suncityorovalley.com........................ Accounting Assistant, 917-8062 Norma Meyers, nmeyers@suncityorovalley.com................................... Secretary, 917-8065 Kathy Peabody, kpeabody@suncityorovalley.com................. Admin. Specialist, 917-8068 Chris Richard, crichard@suncityorovalley.com.....Communications Coordinator, 917-8069 Coco Sullivan, faccoord@suncityorovalley.com...............Facilities Coordinator, 917-8072 Social Hall Monitor........................................................................................................... 917-8066 Aquatic & Fitness Center Monitor...................................................................................917-8067

Editor, Layout and Design: Chris Richard Advertising: Norma Meyers and Chris Richard Printing By: AlphaGraphics Tipster Editorial Committee Lou Phillippi............................. Co-Chair Del Salvaterra.......................... Co-Chair Harriet Diss.............................. Member Arlene Douglas......................... Member Peggy Gardner........................... Member Glenda Gillespie........................ Member George Holthus........................ Member Sharon Knudson........................ Member Karen Koopmans....................... Member

Barbara Martucci...................... Member Paul Mercer.............................. Member Ann Owen................................. Member Lynn Parker............................... Member Shirley Peterson........................ Member Laura Pigott.............................. Member Harry Plumlee........................... Member Linda Stiegler............................ Member

To advertise in the Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, please call 917-8065 for current rates and information.

Sun City Oro Valley Community Association provides this publication for informational purposes only and neither endorses nor promotes any of the products or services advertised herein and assumes no responsibility or liability for the statements made in this publication.


Daily........................................................................................ 5 AM-9 PM


Mon.-Sun. .......................................................................... 5 AM-8:30 PM Children’s Hours.................................................................... 11 AM-1 PM

Café Food Service to 3 PM only.......................825-3277

Mon., Wed., through Sat.............7 AM-4 PM..... Sun. & Tue., 7 AM-3 PM Recording of daily Café specials................................... 825-3711 ext 205 Reservations.............................................................................825-3277

Catalina Vista........................................ 825-8613

Mon.-Fri................................................................................... 7 AM-9 PM Sat........................................................................................... 9 AM-9 PM Sun.......................................................................................... 9 AM-6 PM

Community Assistance­ - Loan Room

Reservations and Pick Up, Cart Barn/Loan Room Tue. and Thu. ...............................................................................8-9 AM

Community Services........... 10 AM-Noon...917-8058 Consumer Referral............................... 917-8079

Mon., Wed., and Fri. ..........................................................9:30-11:30 AM

Costume Closet Call for appointment.........818-3516 Desert Oasis..........................................825-0495 Facilities

Mon.-Fri................................................................................... 7 AM-9 PM Sat........................................................................................... 9 AM-8 PM Sun.......................................................................................... 9 AM-6 PM


Mon.-Fri. .................................................................................. 9 AM-5PM Sat...................................................................................... 9 AM-7:30 PM Sun. ................................................................................... 9 AM-5:30 PM Children’s Hours: daily ...........................................................Noon-4 PM Except Thu. and Sun...............................................................Noon-2 PM

Gift Shop of Sun City............................917-8051

Mon.-Sat........................................................................... 9 AM-12:30 PM


Mon.-Fri..................................................................... 9 AM-Noon, 1-4 PM Sat...........................................................................................9 AM-Noon

Posse................................. 449-0014 or 449-7970 Pro Shop................................................. 825-3110 Golf Info Line.................................................................................825-0322 Mon., ....................................................................................... 6 AM-5 PM Tue. .................................................................................... 6:30 AM-3 PM Wed., through Sun. ............................................................. 6:30 AM-5 PM Driving Range Hours Mon., Wed., Fri., Sat. & Sun. .................................................... 6 AM-5PM Tues. & Thu.............................................................................. 6 AM-3 PM

Social Hall..............................................917-8066

Mon.-Fri................................................................................... 7 AM-9 PM Sat........................................................................................... 9 AM-9 PM Sun.......................................................................................... 9 AM-6 PM

Vistoso Center....................................... 825-3711 After-Hours Emergencies.....................825-1161

If you encounter something in the common areas or golf course needing immediate attention (e.g. a broken irrigation head) and the Administration Office is closed, please report the issue to a building monitor. However, if a situation like this occurs after all the buildings are closed, please contact the emergency line.

Association News

General Manager - Bob Mariani

SCOV 2013-2014 Budget After a process that takes place over approximately four months, the Association From The Board of Directors Budget is complete, and the new annual Our MISSION as the SCOV Board is to lead in maindues have been established. This process taining and enhancing the quality of life in Sun City Oro includes department managers developValley as an active adult community. ing detailed budgets; review of department budgets All Board minutes, agendas and reports are available by the Controller and General Manager; three review online and in the SCOV Library. Board meetings are meetings with the Finance and Budget Committee and open to residents. at least two meetings with the Board of Directors before final approval. Yearly Board Of Director Goals As a result of several cost savings measures, the dues will only increase 1.9% to $1,600, with the increase reby Bob Hefner One of the first tasks of the 2012-2013 sulting from projects that will be completed in the next Board was to establish goals for the com- fiscal year and not day-to-day operating expenses. A ing year. There were seven goals officially few of the cost-saving measures that have been or will approved at the May 2012 Board Meeting. be implemented are: renegotiation of the janitorial conSo how did the Board do with regard to those goals? tract, saving approximately $22,000; reduction in staff Of the seven, some were successfully completed while hours which reduced costs by about $8,000; change in others not so much. The following is my assessment the manner in which chemicals are applied to the AFC pool, saving $6,000; installation of different paper towel as to how well these goals were accomplished. The Board successfully appointed a Fitness Center and toilet paper dispensers, lowering costs by $4,000 Committee that developed a plan that was approved by to $5,000; offering Medicare-eligible employees the the community for the expansion and renovation of the opportunity to switch to Medicare which saved about Fitness Center. A Marketing Committee was appointed $5,000 and, according to the insurance agent, reduced that researched and recommended a new logo, sign- future increases in the medical group plan costs by as age design and locations, and common-area building much as $36,000. Of course, there were several other changes in opand meeting room name changes that were approved erations that resulted in small savings in a number of by the Board in March. While these recommendations areas. All of these cost reductions were necessary in are yet to be implemented, the cost to implement the order to offset increased costs to some degree that recommendations is well within the allocated budget, were caused by issues such as annual employee pay and negotiations are underway with contractors to imincreases to offset the rise in cost of living and espeplement them. The Board did establish a Board Memcially to offset increases in natural gas, gasoline, elecber Code of Conduct that was signed by all members. tricity and water. As you are well aware, utilities rates There was a goal to analyze the active membership are going nowhere but up which is a challenging factor in clubs and activities to determine space and finanfor the Association Budget. cial needs. While the FCC did analyze the needs of A continual watch will be kept on the Association’s exercise clubs and fitness facilities, membership and expenditures, and every effort will be made during the needs of other clubs was not undertaken. The Board next fiscal year to increase non-dues revenue from the did not assign a task to the Strategic Projects Comgolf operation, Café and other sources. This watchful mittee to recommend ways to foster new committee eye and efforts to generate revenue, will greatly assist chairs and Board members. Perhaps not meeting this in maintaining minimal dues increases while continugoal contributed to only three candidates running for ing to retain a high level of service and maintenance. three positions on the Board. In addition to the task-oriented goals listed above Memorial Day - Monday, May 27 there were ongoing or process goals established. The Holiday Hours Communications Committee has recommended sevSocial Hall....................................... 11 AM-9 PM eral ideas that have been implemented to achieve the Desert Oasis..................................... 9 AM-4 PM goal of improved communication among all residents. Aquatic & Fitness Center................... 5 AM-7 PM The most significant of these is the General Manager’s Catalina Vista...........................................Closed weekly report to the community. While there have cerLibrary......................................................Closed tainly been improvements in this area, it is an ongoing Administration...........................................Closed process that will never be perfect. The Board and staff do respond to rumors with factual information whenever they hear of them, but unsubstantiated rumors will always be a challenge. In May, the new 2013 Board will be establishing its goals for the coming year.

Coffee and Conversation

with the General Manager

A Tipster can be mailed to you while you are away for $3 per issue. Stop by the Vistoso Center to arrange for this. Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, May 2013

and a Board Member Come hear an update on the Fitness Center construction project. Thursday, May 16, 1 PM, Social Hall/Hopi


OT Spot H Help Out Today!

The HOT Spot is for the purpose of listing help-wanted ads for various Association and Association Committee tasks. BOARD MEETING REPORTER: The Board is seeking individuals to prepare an overview of its Study Ses-sions and Board Meetings. This overview would then be posted, via email, to the community. If you are interested in this project, please contact Robin Coulter at 917-8070 or rcoulter@suncityorovalley.com. HELP WANTED: We are seeking an individual willing to input the data from the 2013 Surveys into an Excel spreadsheet. If interested, please contact Robin Coulter at 917-8070 or rcoulter@suncityorovalley.com.

Association Committees Committee meetings are open and all residents are welcome to attend. Active Health Chair Judy Bjorling 818-1296 http://scovaz.com/committees/activehealth/

It’s spring in Oro Valley! Are you walking more outside? Are you in the pool more? We need to be more conscious of our skin in the warmer months and we all have questions. “What do I need to do to prevent sun damage?” “How can I catch skin cancer problems early?” “How can I prevent more wrinkles?” “How can my skin look younger?” “What exactly are those little white things around my eyes?” Popular dermatologist Scott Sheftel, M.D. can help you answer your skin questions on Thursday, May 23, 1 PM, Social Hall/Papago. There is no charge, but you must get your tickets in the Vistoso Center due to limited seating. If you want to walk indoors this summer, come Walk with Lonnie on Friday, June 7, 1 PM, Auditorium. Architectural Review Second and Fourth Tuesdays, 1 PM, Vistoso Center/Yaqui

This month starts a new year for the ARC (Architectural Review Committee). The community should thank the out going members, Don Bender, Ed Kennedy and John Joers for their outstanding service to our Association. Spring is the time to finish cleaning dead vegetation around our homes and preparing for the summer. A change to the Development Standards now allows one sign, attached to a courtyard gate, a security door or a front door stating, “No Solicitors”. If you wish to attach one of these signs, please contact the Association office for size and color requirements. Communication Chair Richard Babin 520-989-3321 rbabin@rochester.rr.com First Monday, 1 PM, Vistoso Center/Apache www.scovaz.com/committees/communications/index.html

Sun City Vistoso Tipster, Febraury 2011


Community Assistance Chair Gay Russell 825-5763 No committee meetings through summer

Aluminum Can Donations: Put those aluminum cans to work for SCOV. Deposit only empty, clean aluminum cans in the box outside the Social Hall kitchen. For safety reasons, do not deposit unrinsed cans which attract bees and may become a hazard. Profits fund the equipment for the Loan Room. Please help us by recycling your aluminum cans, but place your trash in your trash containers. CAC (Community Assistance Committee) volunteers delivered their eighth can load for the year to the recycling center. Those 740 pounds netted $458.80, bringing the year-to-date total poundage to 4,140 pounds and the year-to-date revenue to $2,546.40. The Loan Room remains open during the summer at the regular times, but there is no telephone reservation system May through November. Please come to the Loan Room to make reservations and pick up equipment. As you can see in the Header above, we have a new chairperson. After several years of volunteer work, George Holthus has resigned as chairman. He has agreed to stay involved in coordinating the annual Pancake Breakfast so you will see him around. Join us in saying “thanks and goodbye” to George and “welcome” to Gay. She has been involved with CAC for many years. On April 2, a breakfast was held at the Café to thank the many other volunteers for CAC. This included the can collectors and deliverers, the telephone reservation committee and the Loan Room volunteers. Many thanks to all those who helped make CAC successful this past year. Consumer Referral Co-Chairs Don and Pat Pomeroy 825-1725 Desk Phone 917-8079 Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 9:30-11:30 AM, Social Hall

Connect to our online list of vendors 1. On the home page www.suncityorovalley.com under the Residents drop-down menu, click on Members Only. 2. Log in with your user name and password. This is also the page where you can create a new account. 3. Click on Log In. 4. Click on the last blue line, Consumer Referral List. Finance and Budget Chair Tut Tustison 825-9431 Third Monday, 1 PM, Vistoso Center/Apache Gift Shop Co-Chairs Julie Holtry 825-4473 Sharon Henderson 247-0707 Gift Shop 917-8051 Shop Hours Monday-Saturday 9 AM-12:30 PM Meeting Second Wednesday, 9 AM www.vistosogiftshop.com

The Gift Shop is open every morning except Sunday. Stop by when you are looking for a gift for those special birthdays, graduations, weddings and showers. Even baby shower gifts are available. The artist of the month for May is Joan Meder (see photo at left). Joan is one of our multi-talented consignors. Check out her display in the center-front window. May 2013, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster


If you are interested in becoming a consignor, call Julie Holtry 825-4473 Government Affairs Chair Sally Evert 818-3068 saljack439@msn.com Second Wednesday 1-2 PM, Vistoso Center/Yaqui

We continue to look for events and occasions which will put you in contact with your elected officials. A good example was the recent program, A Day in the Life of a Firefighter, with our own Golder Ranch firefighters. If you have ideas of government-related programs that would interest you, please let us know by contacting any member. Our mission is to organize events to facilitate communication and interaction between our residents and town, county, state or federal political candidates, elected officials, government officials as well as groups within SCOV with differing opinions. We are strictly non-partisan and do not take positions on issues or candidates when serving as members of this committee. Marketing and Publicity Chair Barbara Ross 818-0701 Fourth Thursday, 3 PM, Vistoso Center/Yaqui

Assuming that the Town of Oro Valley approves and issues permits for new signs for Sun City Oro Valley, you will see construction of the signs during the month of May. On Rancho Vistoso Blvd. there will be two new gateway signs to welcome people to our community. There will be lower directional signs to The Views Golf Club and Café, and to the Vistoso Center, and Tours. The new signs will be built on the existing structure with dark bronze metal background and raised aluminum letters and a copper sun. We will use the colors: silver, copper and bronze. There will also be new signs going in at the corner of Silverton and Rancho Vistoso Blvd., the two parking lot driveways off of Rancho Vistoso Blvd., and in front of Catalina Vista and Desert Oasis. This is one of the mock-ups from the sign company We will use the showing our new entryway signage for Desert new logo for Sun Oasis. Each center would have a consistent look. City Oro Valley, and raised aluminum letters in a consistent type set to provide more consistency and clear identity for our community. Hope you will find the signage a positive change that gives our community a fresh, clear, identity. Neighborhood Pride Chair Tempe Johnson 825-6994 Third Tuesday, 2 PM, Vistoso Center/Apache It’s Just Around The Corner

Summer is coming, it’s getting hotter, and things in our yards are growing by leaps and bounds. As we look around, we can remember that Mother Nature has not been kind to our community this past winter. We can still see what the hard frosts did to some of Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, May 2013

our yards, and it is way past time to get frost-damaged plants trimmed or replaced and empty pots filled with live plants or flowers. We bid farewell to those who leave for the upcoming hot months ahead. Your home and yard need care while you are away. But don’t forget a messy yard is an indication that you are gone and puts your home and belongings in an unsafe situation. With our summer monsoons, weeds grow in abundance and need to be removed as quickly as possible. Have a great summer, knowing that your community and home here will look just as nice when you return as when you left.

Posse Chair Del Balston 825-9681 Vice-Chair John Njaa 825-5486 Meeting First Tuesday, 3 PM, Social Hall/Hopi www.scovaz.com/committees/posse/

Want to go out on a Posse patrol, but you don’t have a partner? Contact your squad leaders. They will help you find one. Bothered by solicitors? You can place a No Solicitors sign on your front door if its color, size and shape conform to our Development Standards. If a solicitor appears at your door, ask to see the required solicitor’s permit issued by the Town of Oro Valley. If they can’t show you one, call 911. See the Safety Page in the Posse’s website for more information about the sign and solicitor’s permit. Service Anniversaries for April and May

20 years: Lee & Jo Bomar; Bill Dudley 15 years: Joseph & Edith Bailey; George Smith 10 years:Terry & Carol Rohr, Dick & Lori Heiser 5 years: Ron & Carolyn Martin, Ed Helm, Cathy Fitzgerald, Paul Kirsch, Joy Johnson, John & Peggy Smith Properties Chair Jack Evert 818-3068 saljack439@msn.com Thursday, May 2, 9 AM, Vistoso Center/Apache

Our largest active project is the audio-visual upgrade. To stay within the budget, we recommended upgrading only the Social Hall Indian Rooms and moving activities that require audiovisual equipment to the Indian Rooms. The higher level of acoustic separation in those rooms will permit more effective space utilization. Another AV upgrade involves the Auditorium equipment. Having met with users to better understand their needs, we are preparing a bid spec. We expect to upgrade the screens, replace the two existing projectors and add a third in the center. When this is complete, we should have top quality, high definition video equipment. We have been asked to reevaluate the possible addition of two Pickleball courts. This study is underway, and we have met with leaders of both Pickleball and Bocce to fully understand their needs and issues. Because of the large number of projects coming before us, the SCOV Board has asked us to develop a prioritized list for them to consider. This is currently under development.



Statement of Revenues & Expenses and the Results of Operations

Revenues: Annual H.O. Fees Special Assessment Capital Contribution Fee Golf Revenues Activities Revenues Café Revenues Interest Income Other Income Gross Revenues Asset Reserve Contribution Capital Fund Contribution New Capital Acquisitions Restricted Use Revenues Net Operating Revenues Expenses: Wages & Benefits Cost of Sales Utilities Repair & Maint. Supplies & Expenses Net Operating Expenses Results of Operations

Months2012-2013 2012-13 99Months

Mar-13 March 2013



$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

238,013 34,640 158,726 14,528 67,664 1,774 35,205 550,550

$ 3,192,121 $ 957,880 191,515 $ $ 887,494 $ 117,144 $ 433,175 $ 18,830 $ 252,241 $ 6,050,400

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

3,192,121 128,740 910,190 113,000 418,800 8,500 173,227 4,944,578

$ $ $ $ $

(1,274) (43,153) 506,123

$ (950,000) $ (100,000) $ (17,182) $ (1,218,655) $ 3,764,563

$ $ $ $ $

(950,000) (100,000) (8,000) (128,740) 3,757,838

$ $ $ $ $ $

224,329 38,239 37,909 6,544 71,348 378,369

$ 1,934,731 $ 264,763 561,206 $ $ 90,051 655,073 $ $ 3,505,824

$ $ $ $ $ $

1,977,901 251,925 597,646 104,591 755,473 3,687,536







enues from last year to the current year. A copy of the report in greater detail can be found at our website, the First Months the Fiscal Year www.scovaz.com. Hold your mouse over AssociaiFor the First For 9 Months of 9 the Fiscal of Year For the First 9 Months of the Fiscal Year tion, a drop-down appears, scroll down to Financial Strength, click on it, then select the month’s financial 2012-13 2011-12 2012-13 2011-12 2012-2013 2011-2012 2012-13 2011-12 reports you wish to view. There are also copies of $550,430 $569,774 Pre-Paid Rounds $550,430 $569,774 Pre-PaidPre-Paid Rounds $550,430 $569,774 the monthly Financial Statements and a copy of the Rounds Resident Rounds $73,563 $73,563 ResidentResident Daily Rounds $57,839 Daily Daily Rounds $73,563 $57,839$57,839 Annual Budget for the 2012-2013 fiscal year in the Public Daily Rounds $191,056 $168,718 Public Daily Rounds $191,056 Public Daily Rounds $191,056 $168,718 $168,718 Library located at the Vistoso Center. If you are interested in more information regard$815,049 $796,331 Totals TotalsTotals $815,049 $796,331 ing the Community’s finances, we encourage you to $815,049 $796,331 attend the Finance-Budget Committee meeting Monday, May 20, 1 PM, Vistoso Center/Apache. Above is a summary of the Revenues and Questions, email me rtrenary@suncityorovalley. Expenses and the Results of Operations for the com or call 917-8060. first nine months of the 2012-2013 fiscal year. Also Randy Trenary, Controller included this month is a chart comparing golf rev-

Golf Course Revenues Golf Course Revenues Golf Course Revenues

Sun City Vistoso Tipster, Febraury 2011


May 2013, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster


Strategic Projects Chair Ted Hood 818-2281 tthood@gmail.com October- April, Third Thursday, 3 PM, Desert Oasis/Aztec

The Committee concluded its regular meetings for the 2012-2013 period. We are seeking new members for the fall season. If you are interested in working on special, one-of-a-kind, interesting projects, please contact Ted Hood. Tipster Editorial Co-Chairs Lou Phillippi 638-6957 lnphillippi@att.net Del Salvaterra 834-5146 dslittlebrowngal@gmail.com www.suncityorovalley.com/news/tipster-newsletter.html

If you are a regular Tipster submitter and are also a seasonal resident, please ask your summer replacement, if any, to download and apply the Tipster Standards from the SCOV website. Take a little time to compare the article header you submit with the header that appears in the most-recently-published copy. If you discover differences, even small ones, strive to make your next header submission follow the format you find in the published edition. As you may be aware, the SCOV Board recently voted to change the names of some SCOV buildings and rooms. If the room or area your organization uses has changed with new signage and name, please use the new name in both header and article. This month’s Tipster Editorial Committee meeting will be Monday, May 13, 9 AM, Vistoso Center/Yaqui. Assistant Manager - Robin Coulter Annual Mailing

It’s that time of year when the Association conducts its mailing of the Annual Budget Summary, Annual Homeowner Dues Invoice and other materials. This year, the Association is conducting a consumer satisfaction survey of the community. Please complete the survey and return it to the administration office at your earliest convenience. The Strategic Projects Committee is overseeing the survey and will prepare a report once it has compiled the responses. The last survey, conducted in 2008, was helpful in setting the groundwork for the 2009 Long-Range Plan, resulting in over 20 initiatives that to date are nearly all complete. Your responses to this survey will be helpful in preparing our next long-range plan. The mailing will include a letter from the General Manager and a document outlining options for your dues payment. There are several credit card payment options, including Visa, which is new this year. The Association uses a payment collection service to receive and post payments. When payments are received, this service sends a file to the Association which is digitally inputted into the Association software and applies the payment to your account. This is an accurate and timesaving feature, so please consider mailing your payment along with the payment coupon to the Phoenix P.O. Box. Since SCOV is a HUD age-restricted community, we are responsible for conducting an age verification process, thus an age compliance form will be included. This form, along with the survey, can be brought or mailed to the administration office. Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, May 2013

Last, but certainly not least, is the golf rate card. We encourage you to take advantage of the many great opportunities to get out and enjoy The Views Golf Club. If you haven’t played before, come see the pro shop staff, and they’ll get you started with a lesson. Programs/Facilities Director - Pam Sarpalius

Facts or Opinions A resident recently pointed out to me a blog that was directed at me. I have always thought that most blogs are just the opinion of the blogger, one person. After reading this blog I found my thoughts to be very true. I do believe that monitors are needed and appreciated. Discussions have been ongoing with the monitors, and they agree that many times there is no activity in a facility. Some communities use the swipe card method to enter a facility. They have found it to be safe and cost effective. Discussions are ongoing at this point about swipe cards and monitors. So I recommend that the best source of information is always the BOD newsletter and attendance at meetings. Community Services - Jim Cundiff Office open to meet with residents 10 AM to Noon, Monday-Friday, Vistoso Center 917-8058 jcundiff@suncityorovalley.com

Wondering If It’s Time to Paint Your Home? A general rule of thumb is that exterior surfaces should be repainted every 7 to 8 years to best maintain the integrity of the underlying substrate. It’s helpful to know the most common and important clues that signal that it’s time to repaint your home’s exterior. 1. Paint Failure: Flaking or peeling paint, like failing caulk, exposes surfaces to humidity and the ele ments. 2. Chalking: Chalking is the formation of a visible chalk-like residue on exterior surfaces. This be havior is attributed to the loosening of unbound pigment on the surface of paint as it weathers. Chalking is an indication that the paint is losing its integrity. This coating failure can cause “chalk run-down” wherein the whitish residue can run down onto other surfaces which is unsightly and dif ficult to remove. 3. Wood Rot: This is perhaps one of the most visible signs of surface failure. Often wood rot will be visible in one or two places around a home’s exte rior. Wood rot is almost always accompanied by some damage to other, less visible, parts of the exterior. Repainting a dwelling may be done after obtaining approval from the Community Services Coordinator. All homes must use the approved SCOV colors; at the Administration building there are samples of the paint schemes with a list of SCOV homes that have been painted. Fence

Any new painting of the side and rear yard perimeter fencing around your lot must be done using Weathered Brown. All fencing must be painted Weathered Brown by January 1, 2016.


Café News

Starting Wednesday, May 1, we are bringing back our Five to Free Club. Here is how it works: when you purchase five breakfast or lunch entrees of $5 or more with beverages, you get your sixth breakfast or lunch entree free. Cards must be stamped at time of purchase. Ask your server to stamp your card after paying for your meal. The Café menu has some healthier choices for breakfast and lunch. Check out the menu on all tables or see the website for the details on these yummy selections. The Café is offering a chance to receive a free breakfast or lunch if you turn in a comment card. Random comment cards are drawn monthly. The March winners: Carolyn Leonard, Ruth Coleman, Gloria Alberts, Jan Buchel and Gerry Taylor. Congratulations and bon appetit. SCOV Library - Marnie Goodbody

New at the Library Check out the library blog: scovlibrary.wordpress. com. Get the latest acquisitions, library news, books and library-related links. Recent DVDs include Silver Linings Playbook, Jack Reacher, Django Unchained and The Sessions. Oldies but goodies include Dr. Strangelove and the British detective series, The Last Detective (a splendid donation). The new Coben, Six Years, as well as Cussler’s The Striker, and Rankin’s Standing in Another Man’s Grave are now available. Elizabeth Strout’s novel, The Burgess Boys, is being reviewed, and if you liked The Paris Wife, you might enjoy Z: a novel of Zelda Fitzgerald, by Therese Anne Fowler. Norman Maclean’s 1976 classic, A River Runs Through It, is a beautifully-written story about Montana, fly fishing, life and sorrow. New nonfiction includes Matthew Parker’s Monte Cassino: the Hardest-Fought Battle of World War II and Falling Leaves, the true story of an unwanted Chinese daughter by Adeline Yen Mah. Caregivers may find Passages in Caregiving: Turning Chaos into Confidence, by Gail Sheehy helpful. Attention Large Print readers! Last month the library received a donation of many new hardback LP novels. If you haven’t looked in a while, you may be pleasantly surprised. Friends of the Library

The Friends of the Library board thanks those residents who so generously opened their wonderful houses for our fund-raising tour. We recognize the work and stress that goes into letting hundreds of residents flow through your homes. The tour gave participants an opportunity to gain insight and information about remodeling as well as to enjoy the different decors. The funds raised will be used to purchase books and videos for all our residents to enjoy. Also, thank you to all who bought tickets for the Books and Authors Luncheon and the Home Tour, thus making them so successful. To send an email to the Fitness Center Construction Committee please use afcremodel@suncityorovalley.com Sun City Vistoso Tipster, Febraury 2011


March Housing Resale Information

Unit # 1 2 3 4 4 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 8 9 9 12 12 12 12 15 16 17 17 17 18 1A 18A


For the Month






27 Total sold in 2012 - 179


Welcome New Neighbors Name From Patricia & Govind Menon Fonthill, Ontario, Canada Margaret Baron Mandan, ND Lynn & James Greer Andover, MA Anette & Larry Cody Steamboat Springs, CO Judith Jacobsen Tucson, AZ Gwen & Richard Stein Dalton, MN Darcy Lewis & Laurene Smith Issaquah,WA Joan Zandlo Columbia Heights, MN Kathleen Anderson Oro Valley, AZ Delores & Steve Ross Tucson, AZ Sharon & Harry Bruce Miller Sun City West, AZ Marian Costello Tucson, AZ Judith & Theodore Nelson Brookfield, WI Judith & Roger Johnson Oro Valley, AZ Judee & Arthur Wickersham Fullerton, CA Rebecca Ostrom & William Reeves Ashland OR Kathleen & Jerome Moss Oro Valley, AZ Marvalene & Stanton Staats Oro Valley, AZ James & Marsha Benshoff Crystal, MN Lisa & Thomas Terfehr Plymouth, MN Carol & Robert Workman Waverly, NE Marjorie & Timothy Scott Oro Valley, AZ Barbara & Robert Peterson Aitkin, MN Robin & Robert Oos Otis Orchards, WA Vicki Gushwa Fargo, ND Elise Jackendoff Amherst, MA Fredric Akers Tallahassee, FL Nancy & Thomas Sopwith Boise ID Recreation and Fitness - Lonnie Davis

Wearing Old Sneakers It’s been two years since you replaced your exercise shoes. The first thing that goes with old, but comfy, shoes is shock absorption which helps protect your feet and joints as you exercise, says AAPSM’s (American Academy of Podiatric Sports Medicine) Dr. Stephen Pribut, chairman of the shoe evaluation committee. This can put extra pressure on bones, leading to soreness and possibly a stress fracture. To prevent injury, stick to this shoe-replacement schedule: buy new running shoes every 350 to 500 miles; don’t forget to add the mileage you put on shoes if you wear them to do things such as walking the dog; purchase new walking shoes every 6 to 9 months if you walk up to four miles a day; replace aerobic shoes every six to nine months if you do three hours of aerobics each week. Association-Sponsored Fitness: Purchase a punch card from the receptionist in the Vistoso Center, $13/10 classes. You may use this card for all SCOV-sponsored fitness classes. It can also be used for your guests. There is a drop-in charge if you do not have a punch card. May 2013, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster


Aqua Zumba® Tue., 1-2 PM, AFC pool. Cardio Chair Aerobics Tue., Thu., 10:30-11:30 AM, Catalina Vista. Sunrisers Low-impact aerobics class Mon., Wed., Fri., 7:15-8:15 AM, Auditorium. Sweat Stretch Tue., Thu., 7:30-9 AM, Auditorium. Water Aerobics Mon., Wed., Fri., 9-10 AM, AFC pool. Zumba Tue., 9:15-10:10 AM, Thu., 5:15-6:15 PM, Audito rium. Personal Trainer Call Ray Jerkins 219-3561 for an appointment.

Aquatic & Fitness Center and Desert Oasis: See the Hours of Operation, Tipster, page two. Tuesday, May 14, 7 AM, the Aquatic & Fitness Center pool and spa will be closed for cleaning and shock treatment. It will reopen the following morning at the regular time. Wednesday, May 15, the Desert Oasis pool will close at 7 AM for cleaning and shock treatment and will reopen the following morning at the regular time. Special Note from the Aquatic & Fitness Center: On Thursday, May 9, 1 PM, an orientation will be held on how to use the gym equipment. Space is limited. See Lonnie Davis or call 917-8073.

Golf Head Golf Professional - Kim Griggs

In an effort to get more residents interested in golf, Rick Sample and I just completed two beginner classes for golf. Both classes were full, and we taught our students the grip, stance and posture. More classes will be offered; watch for details or stop by the Pro Shop. Beginning in May, our schedule will change for tee times. Please adjust your walking and riding schedules accordingly. Mondays: Tee Time Day, Tee times: 7 AM–4 PM Tuesdays: 7:30 AM Shotgun and Golf Course Main tenance in the afternoon (No golf after 12:30 PM) Wednesdays: Men’s Club Shotgun 7:30 AM, Tee Times 9:30 AM-4 PM. Thursdays: 9-Hole Clubs (Same 9) 7:30 AM. Shotgun, Tee Times: 8:45 AM-4 PM. Friday, Saturday and Sunday: 7 AM–4 PM. Please stop by the Pro Shop and pick up a Divots newsletter for any possible changes. Or visit www.theviewsgolfclub.com. Superintendent - Michael Kropf

Warmer temperatures have caused the roughs to really start greening up around the golf course. When the temperatures are forecasted to remain above freezing, and the roughs really start to grow, indicating it is time to start irrigating and fertilizing, instead of watering once or twice a week, which is a normal frequency during the winter, it is increased to every other night. The increase in water is not only necessary for a growing plant, but it helps leach the salts that accumulated during the winter months. Without proper leaching, the roots will start pulling sodium out of the soil which is toxic, so the grass goes from a nice shade of green to brown splotches. Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, May 2013

The increase in irrigation will also start getting the sand traps wet. The sand was nice and fluffy during the winter without all the irrigation, but they will soon start getting wetter and more compact. After troubleshooting the problems with the traps becoming very wet, it was narrowed down to the water coming out of the lakes. Pond water contains high levels of organic matter and silt. Which clog the trap drainage. This summer, the pond by the pump station will be drained to evaluate the problem and best determine a solution. Hopefully, by August, there will be a plan to drain the pond and install a retaining wall around the intake to prevent the silt and organic matter from being pumped onto the golf course. Golf Advisory Chair Preston Sheriff 825-3101 First Wednesday, 2 PM, Vistoso Center/Apache

With warmer weather, everyone needs to be on the lookout for snakes as there have been sightings. Mike Kropf advised that with the transition from rye grass to Bermuda this summer, the course will be undergoing major repairs again. We will see more aeration work on the golf course to address increasing salt levels in the soil and improve root growth. Impact to play should be minimal. Schedules for 2014 are underway, including mid-March aeration of the greens and fairways. Pin location guidance for the maintenance crews is being improved and will be ready later in the summer. Our golf course will be as good as we are with it. Remember to play at a reasonable pace, minimize carts running on grass, repair ball marks and rake bunkers. Leave it better for someone else. The Views 18-Hole Men’s Golf Club Pres. Dave Heaps 818-6691 Membership Dick Boss 638-6644 Play Wednesdays

Congratulations to our 2013 Club Champion Howard Schulz. Ray Carr was champion in the First Flight. Congratulations go out to all of the Flight winners in The Views Cup. With a total payout of over $1,000, everyone who qualified and played in The Views Cup went home with cash. April ended our tournament season with the Member/Guest event with over 50 teams entered. Thanks to Gary Graber and his Member/ Guest committee for making this annual event such a great success. Congratulations to our four newly-elected Board Members: Don Andersen, Jerry Bushong, Denny Garren and Don Hess. Thanks to our outgoing Board Members: Dick Boss, Dave Heaps, Doug Kimble and Preston Sheriff Many of our seasonal residents will be leaving for the summer months. Have a safe and enjoyable summer. We will look forward to seeing you next fall.

The Ultimate Neighborhood Watch Keep our neighborhood safe. Join the Posse.

Call Del Balston 825-9681 or John Njaa 825-5486 today.


The Views Mens Nine Hole Golf Club Pres. Sherwin Koopmans 818-6337 Membership Jack Saatkamp 825-4376 Play Thursdays Meeting Second Thursday, Social Hall/Navajo after play

The Club held its Annual Golf Tournament on the four Thursdays in April, culminating in an awards ceremony and burger bash on April 25. Names of winners were not available at press time. New officers began their duties on May 1: Pres., Sherwin Koopmans; VP, John O’Hagan; Sec., Richard Stagg; and Treas., Ode Satterfield. The Club invites all men who enjoy the game of golf to join. Call Jack Saatkamp.

The Views Women’s Golf Club Pres. Yvette Schulz 825-0797 Membership Nancy Larson 989-0453 Play Tuesdays

Thank you to the Board and Committee Chairs for all their help in making this a successful golf season. Congratulations to the Board officers for 2013-2014: Pres., Yvette Schulz; VP, Nancy Larson; Sec., Becky Sellers; Treas., Ruth Bonfiglio; Handicap, Dianne Dugan. The President’s Cup winners: first place, Mary Ann Dirndon; second place, Bonnie Svarstad; third place, Mary Ellen Tovatt; fourth place, Margie Wischer. Club Championship results will be announced in the June Tipster. The summer league begins May 7 with a 7:30 AM shotgun. To participate you need to sign up in our binder in the Pro Shop.

The Views 9-Hole Women’s Golf Club Pres. Sharon Heaps 818-6691 Membership Kate Young 248-0030 Play Thursdays

May is a lovely time of year to enjoy golfing. The Club Championship and State Medallion Tournaments have started and the winners will be announced on the bulletin board and in the June Tipster. A big thank you to Terrie Juba and her committees for a very wonderful 25 Year Celebration at the Invitational on March 21. We want to thank Paula Azzarello for the wonderful food she prepared for us during our league season. May 2nd is our Awards Luncheon with a Hamburger/ Cheeseburger party following golf. Tee times change to 7:30 AM on May 2. A reminder that the first Thursday, for June, July, August and September will be Fun Days with refreshments after golf. Please sign up in the book to do the refreshments and tee times. Make up your own groups and come join us for some golfing fun.

Pass Holder Benefits This month all The Views Golf Club Annual Pass Holders receive a

Free Guest Pass Not a Pass Holder?

Call Kat at 917-8068 to get the details on being an annual pass holder.

Sun City Vistoso Tipster, Febraury 2011


Sun City Vistoso Foundation The Sun City Vistoso Community Foundation, a separate and independent organization from the Association, established in 1998, provides a means through which tax-deductible gifts may be channeled to support qualified health, cultural, educational and charitable needs of Sun City Oro Valley and surrounding areas. Gifts may be made at any time by check, stocks or gifts-in-kind to the Foundation, 1565 E. Rancho Vistoso Blvd., Tucson, AZ 85755. Pres. Shirley Chorney 825-8502 www.scovaz.com/clubs/foundation

The Foundation mission is to improve the quality of life for active adults in Sun City Oro Valley and the surrounding areas through tax-deductible channels. The Foundation is made up of SCOV residents serving three-year terms without compensation.

Café Specials May Special Dinners

Coupons may not be used for these dinners. Wednesday, May 22, 4:30-6:30 PM Endless Soup and Salad, $6.50 pp

Your choice of soups: creamy tomato basil, vegetarian chili topped with cheese or corn chowder served with tossed green salad and bread sticks. This does not include beverage or dessert. No reservations are required. A gratuity will not be added to your bill, so please tip your server accordingly. Wednesday, May 29, 4:30-6:30 PM Endless Pasta Night, $8.95 pp

The offerings include your choice of spaghetti with meatballs, Italian sausage or linguini with white clam sauce, served with bread sticks and tossed green salad. Beverage and dessert are not included. No reservations are required. A gratuity will not be added to your bill, so please tip your server accordingly.

Coming Events Items included in this section must be open to all residents and be either an Association-sponsored or an annual club event of interest to the entire community.

Special Events for Clubs

See Club article for full details.

Dinner ‘N Show, Wed, May 8, Million Dollar Baby at TCC Sun City Singles, Dinner, Thu., May 9, 5:30 PM, Social Hall/Navajo Kactus Kickers, Burgers and Boots Dance, Fri., May 10, 5:15 PM, Auditorium Rock ‘N Roll Club, Dance Party, Sat., May 11, 7 PM, Auditorium Villanellas, Dancing with the Stars, Fri., May 17, 6:30 PM, Auditorium Day Trippers, Guided Bus Tour of Tucson, Sat., May 18, 8 AM Sun City Singles, Happy Hour, Fri. May 31, 5:30 PM, Social Hall/Navajo Day Trippers, Ice Cream Social, Sun. June 16, 2:30 PM, Social Hall/Navajo


May 2013, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster

Tuesday, May 7, 1 PM, Auditorium Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum - Meet the Neighbors

See and learn about animals that are your neighbors in the desert. If you are new to Arizona, this is a chance for you to learn more about the animals you have wondered about. The Desert Museum is the most frequently-visited attraction in southern Arizona. No charge, but donations are welcomed. Monday, May 13, Gift Shop Monday Madness

Monday, May 13, is the last Monday Madness until next fall. Don’t miss all the bargains. Check out the tables in front of the Gift Shop for great gift ideas or something for yourself. Thursday, May 23, 1 PM, Social Hall/Papago Maintaining Healthy Skin Presentation

Dr. Scott Sheftel will speak on taking care of your skin. There is no charge for this Active Health event, but you must get your tickets at the Vistoso Center due to limited seating. Tuesday, May 28, 1 PM, Auditorium The Amerind Museum

The Amerind celebrates its proud 75-year history as one of the finest museums and research centers of Native American History and Western Art. John Ware, PhD, is an anthropologist and archaeologist who has done research in the area and is the executive director of the Amerind Foundation. Enjoy a great presentation on Native American Indians. No charge, but donations are welcomed. Wednesday, June 19, 9:15 AM Departure to Phoenix Take Me Out to the Ball Game

Enjoy a bus trip to the D-backs game as they play the Marlins. Why drive to and from a game when you can ride in cool comfort? The bus will leave from behind the Vistoso Center at 9:15 AM and leave the ball park a half hour after the game ends. We have great seats that are not far from refreshments or service provided to your seat. There will only be one bus, so get your tickets early.

Tickets sales start Thursday, May 16, Vistoso Center, $45 pp.

Thursday, July 4, 2 PM, Concert, Auditorium

Annual 4th of July concert performed by the Sun City Singers. Look for details in the June Tipster and posters in SCOV facilities.

Clay Club Orientation

When we have enough signed up, we will announce the class dates and times. Sign up at the Craft Complex/Clay room. Gin Rummy

This year-round workshop is at George and Beverly Riley’s home. All skill levels are welcome. We practice playing, discuss the standardized game rules of SCOV, as well as scoring, etiquette and skill tactics. Couples and singles invited. No fee or dues. Call 818-0877. Parkinson’s Exercise Classes

Exercise classes are held every Monday and Thursday, 4 PM, Vistoso Center/Apache, $10/class or $50/ month. Spouse or caretaker is welcome at every class. Call Ray Jerkins 219-3561. QiGong Classes

QiGong Class Wednesdays, 6:30 PM, Social Hall/Dance Studio, $7/class, first class free. QiGong exercises, developed by Joe Pinella, are similar to physical therapy exercises. Adapted for people with arthritis, chronic pain, stiffness, heart disease and cancer. These very simple, effective, techniques actively engage the body’s own healing systems. They have helped people lessen their pain, regain more movement, increase their energy and live a better quality of life. Sponsored by Natural Health and Wellness Club www.scovaz.com/ clubs/healthwellness. Tai Chi

Our current block of Tai Chi classes began in April and will end June 13. There are 11 classes in every block. If interested, please join us on Thursdays, 10 AM, Social Hall/Dance Studio. Clinical research has proven that Tai Chi is a preventive and rehabilitative therapeutic tool for a variety of health issues including balance, postural stability, musculoskeletal strength, flexibility, cardio-respiratory fitness, immune function and stress management. Tai Chi helps core awareness, quality of life and functional ability, endurance, fall prevention and reaction time in elderly people. In our class we stress the use of Tai Chi in your daily life. Yoga Summer School Now Forming

Register now for a special 8-week summer series of yoga classes to be offered June 4- July 30, with no class July 2. See the Yoga Club’s article for complete information.

For Your Information Workshops



AED (Automatic External Defibrillator) Classes

Classes are held the fourth Wednesday of each month, 1:30 PM, Vistoso Center/Yaqui, taught by Lonnie Davis. You could save the life of a loved one or friend by taking this class. Call Lonnie 917-8073 to sign up for the May 22 class.

Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, May 2013

The items contained under this heading are provided as a service to residents. SCOV assumes no responsibility or liability for the information contained therein.

AARP Tax Assistance AARP tax counselors at Vistoso Center are no longer available for consultation. If you need assistance with your federal or Arizona return, please contact David Likness, tax counselor at the local AARP office, 6700 N. Oracle Road, Suite 331, Tucson or call 520-571-9884.


Costume Closet The Costume Closet will be available in the summer months by appointment only. Contact Marty Siracusa 825-6961 or Betty Verderese 825-7811. Donate Your Old Cell and Smart Phones The SCOV Emerge! Auxiliary wants to thank the many folks who have donated their cell or smart phones. We are still looking for used phones with chargers. Phones will be set for 911 calls only and will be used exclusively by participants in cooperation with Emerge! Center for Abuse. Unused phones will be recycled and the money donated to Emerge! Call Nancy Williams 818-3178 for drop-off. Investing for SCOV Women - A New Club Forming Here’s a chance to share investment ideas and learn more about investing. Call 520-306-9750 or email laurencoyote@aol.com for more information and to share your ideas and interest. 2013-2014 Phone Directory Information All SCOV residents, please review your directory listing online in the Members Only section. If there are additions, corrections or deletions of information, or if you are a New Resident not listed, you can go online in Members Only, and click on New, Add or Change Your Directory Information and complete the online form. If you have two cell phones, please designate the initial(s) of the person who answers that number. New/Change/Remove/Add forms are available at Administration in the Vistoso Center. You may also email Carolyn Lerch, to make your request gclerch@comcast.net. Do it now while you are thinking about it. No computer? Ask a friend! Or call Carolyn at 520-818-3319. Town of Oro Valley Solicitor Permits What does a solicitor permit look like? ..• Solicitors must have a permit and visibly display it at .. all times. ..• Charitable/Religious/Educational Groups are not re.. quired to obtain a permit but they are encouraged to do so. ..• Solicitors must obey visible posted signs (eg. “No .. Soliciting”, “No Trespassing”) including Charitable/ .. Religious/Educational Groups. This includes leav.. ing business cards, fliers, door hangers, etc. ..• Business cards, fliers, door hangers etc. are allowed, .. if the items are secured and do not fly away. ..• Neighborhood signs indicating “No Solicitors”, “No .. Trespassing” etc. are not sufficient. Individual resi- .. dents must post their own signs. What are the Oro Valley Town Codes? There are two types of solicitor permits: ..1. Solicitor’s License for Businesses ..2. Charitable/Religious/Educational License Both will have the Oro Valley Town seal, description, name of registered person and business name, date and signature of Oro Valley Town Clerk certifying the person/business is registered with the Town. Businesses’ Solicitor’s License, are approximately the size of a credit card/ID card and will have a picture of the individual. The license will be attached to a Town Sun City Vistoso Tipster, Febraury 2011


provided red cord lanyard. Charitable/Religious/Educational License will have a Town-provided clip. See the following Town codes: 8-1-8 License Required; Prohibited Activities 8-1-11 Charitable, Religious and Educational Organizations; Exemptions For complete Town Codes: www.codepublishing.com/az/orovalley/ If in doubt, call the Oro Valley Police Department: 911 or 229-4900. Writer’s Club Forming All writers are welcome, prose or poetry. Our goal is improving writing skills. Monthly meetings will be at members’ homes or a SCOV facility, last about two hours and feature the writers reading pieces they submit. As each piece is read, comments by the other members present will focus on content, creativity, grammar and punctuation. Only positive comments will be allowed. Topics are chosen by members monthly; the topic, however, does not have to be followed. You may find this is a good venue for starting the memoir you have always wanted to write, or the next great american novel may start right here in SC. You may find being with others who love to write will give you the energy and skills to put the ink on paper. Call Paul Mercer 520-333-3490 if interested.

Celebrations & Life Events

The Ladies of Upper Trade Winds Way

Five years ago, Pat Yuhas, along with her neighbors, Joan Ryan and Mattie Landrum invited the ladies of upper Trade Winds Way for a coffee and for them to bring donations of non-perishable food items and/or money to donate to the Catalina Community Services. This has become a yearly affair every holiday season. Hundreds of pounds of food have been donated along with over $2000 cash. It is a great way to meet with our new and old neighbors and have a fabulous feeling of satisfaction helping others who are less fortunate. We encourage other neighborhoods to do the same. Since most of us have new neighbors now, it is a good opportunity to get acquainted with each other.


May 2013, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster

Thank You Corner This section allows residents to express thanks to the community. Articles should not exceed 50 words and should not contain thanks to specific persons.

I am “Knee Deep” in praise to Lynn and the entire cast in front and behind the scenes. “Knee Deep” was fun for all. We need to keep Theatre alive for all to enjoy Jinnie Wilson


Oil Painting - Art Made Easy Merle Broadbent 818-0098 Mondays, 9 AM-Noon, Catalina Vista/Tohono

Our annual beginning sculpture class has successfully concluded and we’ve added some new members to our group. We’re still quite busy putting the finishing touches on pieces before some members leave for the summer. Our studio is fully manned and active during the summer, and we invite all those interested in trying this three dimensional art form to visit us on Monday mornings.

To record the passing of a current or former resident call 917-8065 or complete a Tipster form located in the Vistoso Center.

Former Resident

Athena Buxman


April 3

Clubs Aqua Tone Marcia Polley 818-9073 Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays, 8 AM, Aquatic & Fitness Center/Pool Art League Co-Pres. Dave Dame 825-7430 Judy Bjorling 818-1296 Colored Pencil Club Peggy Webb 825-2731 or Betty Sarr 825-7801 Fridays, October 1-May 15, 9 AM-1 PM, Catalina Vista/Art Studio Etching - Printmakers Vickie Von Elbe 825-1329 Fridays, 9 AM, Catalina Vista/Art Studio Fine Arts Studio Pres. Mellanie Herbert 825-2258 Wednesdays, 9 AM, Catalina Vista/Art Studio

There are currently some beautiful pieces in progress in our studio. Our April show in the Social Hall has concluded, and we are now displaying an all Art League theme show, “Mixed Media and Collage”. We invite the public to walk through the hall and view these creative works. We also invite all those pent-up artists to break loose and join us each Wednesday. Beginners will receive expert advise on subject matter, colors and technique from our celebrated artists. We’ll guide you through the process of creating a painting you’ll be proud of. Our studio is active throughout the summer and we stay cool while painting.

We’ve Had Complaints... PLEASE CLEAN UP AFTER YOUR DOG Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, May 2013

Sculpture Gene Eckebrecht 825-2419 Mondays, 9 AM-5 PM , Catalina Vista/Art Studio

Watercolor John Ebert 818-1830 Registration Irma Franke 825-1198 irmawf@comcast.net Tuesdays, Thursdays, 9 AM-4 PM, Catalina Vista/Art Studio

Come and share your findings with others in the Art Studio. There are many techniques that several have mastered and other painters are working to prefect. Your prize is your finished project to enjoy. Shakti Gawain shares the sentiment, “The universe will reward you for taking risks on its behalf.” Arthritis Water Club Pres. Dawn Simske 825-0907 Sec. Ruth Hofstetter 825-8990 Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, 10:15 AM, Aquatic & Fitness Center/Pool

Come join us for gentle water exercise specifically designed by the Arthritis Foundation to help with range of motion and to relieve stiffness and pain. These exercises are great for arthritis, fibromyalgia, replaced hips and knees, etc. Our resident volunteer instructors, Dawn Simske and Helen Kirk, are Arthritis Foundation trained. Dues $4/yr. Note time change.

Astronomy Pres. Bob Mc Pherson 825-0097 jmphers2@comcast.net October-May, Third Thursday, 7 PM, Social Hall/Navajo http://www.scovaz.com/clubs/astronomy/

Barbershop VLQ (Very Large Quartet) - Kactus Krooners Mike Moyer 818-6509 mmoyerpp@gmail.com October-May, Mondays, 11 AM-Noon, Desert Oasis

This fun, mixed acappella Barbershop Chorus will be taking a rest during the summer months, starting May 13, and start up again in the fall. Watch the Tipster for a notice. Meanwhile, get together with some friends and just keep singing. Have a harmonious summer. Bible Study Men’s Bible Study Fred Gustin 825-7531 Bill Moeller 825-8695 October-May, Tuesdays, 7:30 AM, Catalina Vista

Our Men’s Bible Study will be on summer vacation from May to September, but during the summer we will meet every Tuesday, 8 AM, Sun City Café for breakfast and fellowship. No Bible study until after Labor Day in September.


Precept Women’s Bible Study Linda Miller 818-2716 Pat Gustin 825-7531 Wednesdays, October-April, 8:45 AM, Vistoso Center/Apache

We are a caring group of women of all faiths who study and pray together. Our Bible study sessions will resume in October. Next year’s studies will include the Book of Esther and the Letters of Peter. New members welcome.

Bike Club - Vistoso Cyclists Don Piele 520-302-5321 Pres. Tom Meyer 612-791-1791 Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, Mountain View Plaza www.scovaz.com/clubs/cyclists/

Three times a week you will see us gather at Mountain View Plaza and take off down Rancho Vistoso Blvd. Scheduled rides begin for road bikers at 7:30 AM. For the mountain bike option on Wednesdays, the start time is 7 AM. New members are always welcome, and no one is left behind. Road distances range from 25 to 50 miles depending on the group you ride with. The mountain bike option explores a maze of dirt road and single track paths on the state land adjacent to Sun City Oro Valley. Check out website for ride details. Billiards Don Weed 520-498-1171 Monday-Friday, Noon-4 PM, Catalina Vista/Billiards

Congratulations to Don Weed who placed first in the April 7 tournament. Second place was a four-way tie between Tony Kulpa, Raymond Buxton, Ray Hicks and Clyde Cottrell. The potluck after the games was enjoyed by all, and it was obvoius that those in attendance were reluctant to leave. The annual club championship is still underway with a showdown scheduled between George Jelten and Ray Hicks. Ray Hicks, and his wife Marge are moving back to Michigan. Ray has been a very key member of our club and one of the finest players. Marge’s contributions to our potlucks have always been appreciated. They will be missed. Nominations for Billiards Club officers for the next year are due in May with the election to follow in June. Thinking about playing? Dues are only $10. Drop in between noon and four and meet some of the members. Upcoming tournaments are scheduled for Sunday, May 5, and Tuesday, May 28. The May 5 match will be followed by a potluck.

Help Collate



Once a month residents are needed to insert flyers. Receive your Tipster early and share refreshments with us at the Auditorium. The work is usually performed on the last weekday of the month at approximately 10:45 AM. Call Dave or Tempe Johnson 825-6994. Sun City Vistoso Tipster, Febraury 2011


Birders Group Marjorie Flory 825-4580 First Friday, 4 PM, Catalina Vista www.scovaz.com/clubs/birders/

All residents are welcome to bird with us and attend our planning meeting May 3. You must contact the group coordinator prior to 4 PM the day before the trip to assure your carpool space. Meet at the parking area Birding at Arivaca Cienega. behind the Vistoso Center 15 minutes before the departure time. Bring lunch where indicated. Don’t forget binoculars, hat, water, sunscreen and bird guidebook. Gas money will be collected before departure from SCOV. Thu., May 9, 5:30 AM Pena Blanca Lake. Peggy & John Smith 520-575 6399. Bring money for lunch out. $14 carpool. Thu., May 16, 5 AM Garden Canyon & Ash Canyon B&B. Judy Carl son 818-1980. Bring money for lunch out and also $5 for donation to Ash Canyon B&B. $15 car pool. Thu., May 23, 5:30 AM Madera Canyon. Marj Flory 825-4580. Take lunch. $10 carpool. Wed., Jun. 5, 6 AM Mt. Lemmon. Maggie & Roger Hinkle 818-9488. Take lunch. $10 carpool. Bocce Pres. Karl Dalla Rosa 825-1982 Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, 7 PM, Bocce Courts

We are now starting our summer schedule, evenings beginning Wednesday, May 1. We hope to see more of our members there for our night games. Book Clubs Book Club Kate Cusumano 520-437-2074 First Monday, 1:30 PM, Catalina Vista/Pima

May 6, we’ll review the final book on our current list, Eugenia Kim’s The Calligrapher’s Daughter. Falling into the category of historical fiction, this novel, based largely on the life of the author’s mother, tells a personal story within the context of a country about which most of us know very little, Korea. Hopefully, we will come away with a better understanding about this currently-divided country and the role our own country has played and continues to play in a drama that is still unfolding. Newcomers and guests are always welcome. Great Books Pres. Barbara Gates 825-7645 VP Sharyn Rafieyan 825-6762 October-May, First and Third Wednesdays, 2 PM, Catalina Vista/Tohono

Following a very successful season that enriched our membership numbers and our discussions, we will now break and re-group in October. Should you wish to get a head start on our readings for next season, we’ve chosen a new publication, Great Conversations 6, available from The Great Books Foundation, 800-222-5870 or www.great-


May 2013, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster

books.org This book contains selections from authors as varied as Francis Bacon, Robert Browning, George Eliot, Mark Twain, Thomas Mann, Katherine Mansfield and Mary McCarthy. Hope to see more new faces at the table in the fall.

Bowling - Pathfinders Blake Napper 818-2718 Mondays, 9:30 AM, Fiesta Lanes (River and Oracle Rd.) Bridge

Duplicate Bridge Pres. Nancy Mason 825-7015 Mondays, 6 PM; Fridays, 12:30 PM, Social Hall/Papago

Annual dues of $8 pp are payable now. Please arrive at least 10 minutes before play begins, so we can start on time and bring $1 pp for prize money each time you play. Residents can play twice before joining. Renters with an Association renter’s card are welcome to join. Guests of residents may play only twice in a year. We are not an ACBL-sanctioned club and do not award master points. Ladies Monday Social Bridge Pres. Marilyn Smoler 818-7880 Mondays, Noon, Social Hall/Navajo

Spend an enjoyable Monday afternoon playing no-stress bridge for only $3 pp annually. Ladies Wednesday Bridge Pres. Marilyn Smoler 818-7880 Wednesdays, 12:25 PM, Social Hall/Hopi

Enjoy a spring afternoon playing bridge with a friendly group of ladies. We would like to have you join us. Doors close at 12:25 PM. June Jaeger 818-9564

Marathon Bridge

The Marathon begins each year in October. If you’d like to join this fall, call June.

but partners have to bid seven and make the contract. Bring $1, a partner and join the group by 6:20 PM, Tuesdays for a lively contest. Bunco

Fern 825-8127 Pat 825-7198 Fourth Tuesday, 1-4 PM, Desert Oasis/Zuni

Canasta CJ Barbee 825-5885 Rosemary Dalla Rosa 825-1982 Thursdays, 6 PM, Desert Oasis

It’s that time of year again, our yearly dues of $5 pp are due before July 1, so all you seasonal residents pay your dues before leaving town. Start thinking about new officers. If anyone is interested or would like to help out in any way, let us know. We have lots of new members, so we look forward to a very happy and fun year. Desert Celtic Society Pres. Frank Maisch 825-8583 Friday, May 10, 6 PM, Social Hall/Kiva Patio

Come join us for our annual birthday party and barbecue dinner prepared by member Jack Saatkamp. Cost $10 pp, payable to the Desert Celtic Society. Please mail your check to Don Kirk at 1068 E. Royal Oak Rd. Guests are always welcome. Ceramic Club Pres. Carney Lewis 825-0044 Monday-Wednesday, Noon-3 PM; Tuesday and Friday, 9 AM-Noon Craft Complex/Ceramics

Please note that Thursdays 9-11AM the paint room is used by the Tapestry Rug Hooking Club. Ceramic club members are asked to refrain from entering this room during those hours. Officers for 2013-2014 season are posted in the club rooms and will be listed in the June Tipster. Dues are payable by or before July 1.

Mixed Social Bridge Pres. Barney Budreck 825-2172 Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, 8:30 AM, Desert Oasis/Zuni

Now that the sun is up earlier and so are we, let’s play bridge at 8:30 AM. If you do not have a partner, we will help you find one. Join our group and play twice before paying the $6 pp annual dues. Coffee will be ready and waiting for you, too! Practice Bridge Pres. Joe Pheanis 818-9144 Sec./Treas. Louise Lines 825-6673 Mondays, Wednesdays, 1 PM, Desert Oasis/Zuni

Get back in the game with your neighbors. Enjoy an afternoon honing your bridge skills. Tuesday Night Partners Bridge Pres. Jon Buchel 825-6735 jonbuchel@comcast.net VP Ger Krabbendam 825-1338 gkrabbendam@g.mail.com Treas. Gloria Magee 825-6695 Tuesdays, 6:30 PM, Social Hall/Papago

Come to play bridge and meet old friends and make new ones. Several grand slams were made last month, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, May 2013

Attention SCOV Photographers Enter the SCOV Community Phone Directory Photo Contest

We are looking for an award-winning photo to grace the cover of our next edition of the Community Phone Directory. Submit your favorite Sun City Oro Valley photograph of the community by Friday, June 28, to crichard@suncityorovalley.com.


Clay Club

Pres. Bob Arms 395-1697 First Thursday, 1 PM, Craft Complex/Clay Studio

Will you be returning to SCOV after the November Craft Fair? If so, you will miss a prime holiday shopping experience. Many SCOV residents and each Clay Club member is asked to donate at least one quality item. With membership at 80 and climbing, we will have an outstanding selection of utilitarian and artistic pottery pieces from which to choose. Seasonal residents may want to return to SCOV early for this Craft Fair. Did you sign up for a workshop and forget to put it on the calendar? Email reminders will now be sent to those who have signed up for workshops. If you cannot attend, please contact the instructor. The annual Show-and-Tell with the SaddleBrooke Clay Club will be held Thursday, May 9. Call Bob Arms for information. No Club meetings until September. Vistoso Computer Society (VCS) Information Paul Chorney 825-8502 chorneys@comcast.net Gaston Meloche 638-5404 educationchair.gaston@gmail.com Membership Dave Johnson 2427 Nasturtium St., 825-6994 www.scovaz.com/clubs/computer/

Our general meeting speaker is TBD for Monday, May 13, 1 PM, Auditorium. It will be posted on the club listserv when available. Sorry for the inconvenience. There are no instructional computer classes for May. Help Sessions for PC and Mac Users 2 Sessions, Tues. May 14 and 28, 1–3 PM, Computer Lab Membership dues $10/household started January 1, 2013. Checks, not cash, will be accepted at the meetings or sent to Dave Johnson, 2427 Nasturtium St., Oro Valley, AZ 85755. Include the application form which is available outside the Learning Center. Membership is required for all classes except Beginning PC. This includes help sessions, joining the listserv (online bulletin board) to receive announcements and computer help from other members. To be added to the VCS or Mac Listserv, click on listserv on the VCS web page. To recycle used ink cartridges, place cartridges in the designated bin outside the computer lab. Cribbage Club Robert Hines 825-2208 First and Third Thursdays, 6:30 PM, Catalina Vista/Pima

Our next tournament will be June 6.

Dance Groups

Ballroom - Vistoso Villanellas Pres. George Holthus 818-1042 Membership Al Burdi 818-3516 October-May Dances: Third Friday, 6:30-9:30 PM, Auditorium

Our May dance, Dancing with the Stars, will take place Friday, May 17. Social hour 6 PM, and the band, Major/Minors, will play, from 6:30 to 9:30 PM. Dress is casual/no shorts. Contact Dick Stup 825-2691.

Tickets $15 members/$20 non-members Sales: Tuesday and Wednesday, May 7-8, 8:30-10 AM, Social Hall

Sun City Vistoso Tipster, Febraury 2011


Dancin’ Dynamos Pres. Patsy Pulley 825-6694 Sec./Treas. Del Salvaterra 834-5146

Do you love to dance? Dancin’ Dynamos is a great way to try out dancing for fun and exercise. Annual dues $5 pp.

Hula - Aloha Hula Sisters Del Salvaterra 834-5146 dslittlebrowngal@gmail.com Class and Practice Social Hall/Dance Studio Class October-May, Tuesdays, 1-3 PM Practice October-May, Thursdays, 2:45-3:45 PM www.scovaz.com/clubs/hula/

Come dance with us. Learn kahiko (ancient) and ‘auna (contemporary/modern) styles of hula dancing. The graceful movements of hula are not strenuous. Hula dancing is fun, providing a fitness regimen which Hula Sisters dancing with ‘uli ‘uli (feather gourds) helps tone hips, legs during performance at Singles Club gathering. and abdominals. Classes are free. Contact instructor Del Salvaterra.

Tappers Lynne Newbauer 818-3516 Dancersize/Intermediate tap Fridays, 3 PM, Social Hall/Dance Studio

Line Dancing - Sunliners Pres. Karen Caldwell 825-5231 Membership Cherry Harper 818-6396 www.scovaz.com/clubs/sunliners

All classes, practices and dances are held in the Auditorium unless otherwise noted. “There are shortcuts to happiness and dancing is one of them.” DANCES: Open Line Dance

Fri., May 3, 6:30-8:30 PM, Auditorium

Intermediate Continuing Beginner

Sat., 9-10 AM Sat., 10:15-11:15 AM

Intermediate Intermediate Transition Intermediate Transition Intermediate Continuing Beginner

Sun., 11 AM-Noon, Dance Studio Wed., May 2, 2-3 PM, Dance Studio Wed., May 8 (season’s last class) 2 PM, Dance Studio Thu., 2:45-3:55 PM Thu., 3:55-5 PM



Rock ‘N Roll Pres. Earl Cohen 818-2582 Dances in the Auditorium http://www.scovaz.com/clubs/rocknroll/

Join us for our 50s themed dance party, At The Hop, May 11, featuring The Sixties Garage Band. Doors open 6:15 PM, dance 7-10 PM, Auditorium. Brushfire BBQ, salads, dessert and BYOB. Tickets will not be available at the door

Tickets: $15 members/$20 non-members Ticket sales: Friday, May 3, 9-11 AM for members May 6, 9-11 AM, Social Hall, all sales final.

Members, if you are not receiving our emails we may


May 2013, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster

not have an up-to-date email address for you. If this applies to you, let us know at krisandearl@msn.com. Renewal applications will be sent via email in July and are due by September 1. We have a waiting list of over 30 residents hoping to join. If you’ll be unreachable over the summer, please make other arrangements to renew your membership. Square Dancing - Sundancers Co-Pres. Roger and Jane Radomsky 531-1054 rogernjane@msn.com Caller Ron Markus Dances Wednesdays, 7 PM, Auditorium www.sundancersquarestucson.com

Twelve new graduates from the Plus Class were welcomed into the club at the Welcome Summer Dance. They are: Bruce & Henry Doucett, Bob & Dottie Thurmond, Jim & Meg Richardson, Yoshike & Chie Masaki, Tom & Rose Mary Meyer, Marge Chase and Dionne Fuffehr. Weekly dances continue on Wednesdays during the summer. DBD (dancing by definition) begins 6:30 PM and Plus calling 7-8:30 PM. Mark your calendar. The Ice Cream Social is July 10. Summer dances are casual dress, and August is dark.

Western Dancing - Kactus Kickers Pres. Del Salvaterra 834-5146 dslittlebrowngal@gmail.com Dances November-April, Second Friday, Auditorium www.scovaz.com/clubs/kactus/

Hey pardners, it has been a fantastic and enjoyable dance year. We will end our season with the members only Burger and Boots annual cookout on May 10, Auditorium/Kiva Patio. Social 5:15 PM followed by dinner 5:45 PM. Burger, veggie burger, salad and fixings, chips, sodas and mixers will be provided. BYOB. Dance to our favorite country western music from 6:30-8:30 PM. You can pick up your free ticket Wednesday, May 1 or Thursday, May 2, 9-11 AM, Social Hall/Lounge. Make arrangements with Del if you plan to attend but are unable to pick up the tickets on these dates. Not a member? Sign up to join Kactus Kickers, a fun and friendly country western dance club. Email Del or go to the club’s website for an application form. Day Trippers Chair Jack Gallagher 825-4650 Membership Ginny Tanner 818-1226 Meetings Second Friday, 9 AM, Social Hall/Navajo Sat., May 18 Guided four-hour bus tour of Tucson. Cost $42 pp includes tour guide and bus only. Bus leaves promptly at 8 AM, returns 1 PM. Includes guided tour of many Tucson historical and interesting sites. Open to non-members. Monitor: Helen Bronkhorst 825-0201. Sun., June 16 Annual Ice Cream Social, a sing-along, prizes for best and worst. Cost $5 members and house guests only. Social Hall/Navajo 2:30-4:30 PM. Monitors: Steve and Judy Taillie 825-8804. Mon., July 22 A free bus trip to Wildhorse Casino. Bus leaves promptly at 9 AM and departs casino at 4 PM. Includes $5 food voucher, $10 gambling voucher. Monitor: Joan VanderVliet 825-4650.

Come to our meetings and hear about planned trips.

Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, May 2013

Democratic Club Pres. Ben Love 825-8064 bflove1@juno.com VP Arlene Lehto 825-1327 Saturday, September 14, 1 PM, Social Hall/Navajo www.pimadems.org

The Democratic Club will not meet again until fall. Our Board will meet August 21 at 1:30 PM. The Democrats of Oro Valley meet in the Oro Valley Library the second Monday, 7 PM, at Naranja and La Canada. Dinner ’N Show Nancy Butler 825-4664 nanrich2@centurylink.com Julie Balough 818-1046 First Monday, 7:15 PM, Auditorium

All are welcome to join us for our monthly meetings. Bring your checkbook because we prefer not to take cash. Non-members are welcome to attend for an additional $3. Wed,May 8

Million Dollar Quartet, Nederlander at TCC. Bus leaves 6:30 PM. Ginny Kewin 825-9370. Sat, June 15 Damn Yankees, Hale Center. Bus, lunch and show $72. Marcia Polley 818-9073.

Buses leave at the posted time behind Vistoso Center. Discussions Groups

Great Decisions Jack Evert 818-3068 saljack439@msn.com

Great Decisions is complete for the year. There will be no meeting in May. Pro Freedom Discussion Group Jim Huffer 825-8743 September-January, Second and Fourth Wednesdays, 11 AM, Social Hall/Papago

At the May 22 meeting, a special report: The New World Order is no Conspiracy Theory will be presented. According to a new national poll, almost one third of Americans believe a secretive power elite is conspiring to rule the world via an authoritarian global government. Dog Club - Fido’s Friends Pres. Marge Gustafson, margustafson@gmail.com Membership Elaine Deeter 825-5388 Meetings November, January and March, 3rd Thursday 2 PM Social Hall/Hopi

Dog owners need to protect their pets from wildlife in the desert. Coyotes, bobcats, javelinas, snakes and toads all pose threats to our pets. It is important to keep pets leashed and closely supervised. If you see wildlife on your walks, guide your dog away and keep clear of any interaction. If your dog needs Colorado River Toad aversion training, contact Elaine to get on the list for the training session.

Fitness Center Assessment Information

The assessment for the Fitness Center is payable now, but you have until June 30 to pay it or make your first installment. The bill for the assessment will be a part of the annual homeowner billing which will be mailed out May 24. However, you may come by the Vistoso Center or mail your payment for the assessment any time before June 30, 2013.


Different Drummers Women’s Circle Leader, Diana Magness, magnessdd@gmail.com Co-Leader, Zona Boss, 638-6644 Wednesdays, 1:30-3 PM, location TBA.

The purpose of this new club is to provide a community drum circle for any woman wanting to connect with others through hand drumming, using African Djembe drums, hand-held Native American frame drums and other small percussion instruments. For thousands of years, people worldwide have used group drumming to energize minds and bodies, strengthen community bonds, release stress and to celebrate life. Recent clinical studies have also conclusively documented some of the many physical, mental and emotional benefits of purpose-driven drumming. The circle has been meeting weekly in homes for several months and currently has over 22 members. All women are welcome regardless of experience. Bring your drum and join the fun. Instruments are provided for those without, or come and just listen to the rhythms. Call Diana or Zona for weekly location.

Energetic Exercise Carole Tracy 825-1187 Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, 8:25-9:30 AM, Auditorium

Come to our classes for a vigorous and beneficial aerobic and strength workout. Professional instructor, Sally Martinez, provides a variety of sessions to keep those muscles strong, joints limber and body flexible and well balanced. New members, men and women, are always warmly welcomed. Your first class is free. Current members, pay your annual $3 dues before leaving for the summer. Only $30 for 12 classes. Euchre Jack and Barb Matthies 825-4891 (October-May) Jack and Maria Welch 395-1205 (May-October) Mondays, meet 5:45 PM, play 6 PM, Catalina Vista

Don’t watch TV at night; come play euchre, a fastmoving game. Meet your neighbors and make new friends. If you are new to the game, we will be glad to teach you. Bring your smile and 50¢; we are looking forward to seeing you. Financial Strategies Jim Huffer 825-8743 First and Third Tuesdays, 9 AM, Social Hall/Hopi

May 7 and 21, we will bring our own investment ideas to the meeting and research them together, using a commercially-available program.

Vistoso Native American Flute Circle Pres. Fred Draper 405-4090 Member Information Ed Pendrys 825-7151 First Sunday, 2-4 PM, Catalina Vista/Tohono

Learning to play a new musical instrument is one way to keep your mind alert. Our club offers you the opSun City Vistoso Tipster, Febraury 2011


portunity to play the Native American Flute. You do not need to know how to read music, and it is easy to learn with only five basic notes. May is our last meeting until October. We hope you all enjoy your summer. June 6-8 is the RNAFF (Renaissance of the Native American Flute Foundation) Gathering at the Great Smokey Mountains Heritage Center, 123 Cromwell Drive, Townsend, Tennessee (near Gatlinburg). This gathering is a big deal. For more details www.rnaff.org Garden Club Zona Boss - 638-6644; zona1boss@gmail.com Joyce Patten - 825-0774; jpatten007@comcast.net Second Wednesday, 1 PM; Catalina Vista/Pima

Have a happy and safe summer. We’ll be back in October with exciting speakers and field trips.

Genealogy Pres. Michael Carroll 818-0556 Ancestral Research Barbara Krecklow 825-4695 October-May, Second Tuesday, 1 PM, Social Hall/Navajo www.scvgs.org

Irma Franke received our Volunteer of the Year Award in April. Irma helped teach the Beginners Class, led the German Special Interest Group and facilitated Friday mornings for many years. Thanks and congratulations, Irma! Officers for 2013-2014 are: Pres., Darwin Thornton; VP, Peggy Lombard; Sec., Margie O’Hare; Treas., Shirley Dubansky; Member-at-large, Mary Cornell. Thanks to out- Irma Franke, Volunteer of the Year going officers Mike Carroll and Kathy Davidson for their service and to our new ones for volunteering. Chris Seggerman will speak at our May meeting which is our last until October. Chris works in the Genealogy Collection in the Law and Research Library at the Arizona Capitol. His topic is Examining Handwriting: a Brief History. Gin Rummy George Riley 818-0877 Mondays, 6:30 PM, Desert Oasis/Aztec Thursdays and Saturdays, 9 AM, Desert Oasis/Aztec

We play team games by drawing cards for partners with no choice of teammates or tables. There are no dues or fees for this club. Games have comparatively low stakes. Call George or Bev Riley for information.

Gun Club Pres. Warren Cuthbert 818-1282 October-May, Second Wednesday, 2 PM, Social Hall/Papago Club does not meet June-September

The Gun Club is for people who have an interest in learning about guns, shooting, personal protection and firearm safety. In fact, you do not need to own a gun or have any experience with firearms to come to Gun Club meetings. We especially invite women who are interest-


May 2013, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster

ed in learning about firearms safety and self-protection, with or without a gun, to attend. People are frequently interested in learning the laws and regulations about carrying a gun and what is required to obtain an Arizona concealed-weapons permit. Club members are encouraged to bring any new or interesting guns/accessories to the meeting for people to see, or any guns they want to sell/trade. At some meetings, we have guest speakers from law enforcement or other gun-related organizations. You are invited to come to a meeting to see if our club activities would interest you. Hand and Foot Bonnie Arneson 520-229-1084 Sundays, 1:30 PM, Desert Oasis Havurah

Scroll down and look for the Wasson Flower Hike of March 19 to see what we’re talking about or, better yet, come and join us on a hike and see for yourself.

Horseshoes Jack Howatt 825-1583 Ray Coleman 825-2789 Ron Knudson 825-9307 Tuesdays and Thursdays, pits located at Catalina Vista May-September, 8 AM; October-April 2 PM

ILR - Institute of Learning in Retirement Pres. Lei Lane Bammel leibammel@earthlink.net Curriculum Sharyn Rafiean srafieyan@comcast .net Registration Karen/Sherwin Koopmans skkoops@gmail.com Samplers Gaston Meloche ILR Samplers@gmail.com http://suncityilr.com

Co-Pres. Michael and Sonny Kaye 825-8546 Corresponding Sec. Lorie Behrmann 395-1812 October-May, Third Monday, 7 PM, Catalina Vista www.scovaz.com/clubs/havurah/

We are a welcoming group that shares an interest in Jewish culture. Our meetings, lectures and celebrations are open to everyone. Upcoming events:

Brown Bag Lunch Monday, May 6, 11:30 AM Catalina Vista. Contact Norma Brewster 760-1225 Havurah Knitters Friday, May 17, 10-12 AM Letty’s house. Contact Letty Margolis 577-3413 General Meeting and Annual Ice Cream Social Monday, May 20, 7 PM, Catalina Vista

Please wear name tags and bring non-perishable food items for the Community Food Bank to all events. Even though our official season ends this month, please check our website for summer events. Hiking Club Dave Fraser 818-2434 for New Member Orientation Hike information. www.scovaz.com/clubs/hiking

Members on an Aravaipa Canyon hike. Much of the trail is in the Aravaipa Creek.

The Hiking Club has set three important dates for the upcoming months: Fall Picnic Tuesday, November 5; Spring Picnic and Annual Meeting Tuesday, February 25; and Wine and Cheese Party Saturday, March 29. Please mark your calendars. The picnics and wine and cheese party are fun get-togethers, not to be missed. As our temperatures warm up, please remember to bring additional water and electrolytes and to watch for snakes when hiking. Club members have been seeing some beautiful wildflowers recently. Go to www.vistosohikes.org and click on Photos and 2013. Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, May 2013

Geology field trip to the Chiricahua Mountians with instructor “Woody” Elwood Brooks. Photos by Jane Lutz and Ann Owen.

After a successful conclusion to the tenth year of enjoying stimulating classes and presentations, ILR members are in the midst of the summer hiatus. The Curriculum Committee has arranged an excellent lineup for Fall 2013, beginning October 14. Course descriptions are available at Catalina Vista in the ILR Library, the Sun City Library lounge (next to the magazine rack), or on the website noted above. Early registration is complete, but a second registration period for Fall classes will be held August 19-24. Please register only for classes you can reasonably expect to attend; occasionally an overly zealous participant blocks another participant from a space which may then be left vacant. Remember, the success of the ILR is possible because of the dedication of volunteers who teach, manage the finances, schedule the use of rooms, provide refreshments, oversee audio-visual equipment, seek out and contact presenters and, in general, handle all the gritty, unglamorous details necessary to maintain a program its size. Japanese Flower Arranging Club Donald Marier 825-4878 dmarier1@comcast.net Doris Oliver 818-1512 dorisoliver81@msn.com October-May, Second and Fourth Mondays, 2-4 PM, Catalina Vista/Pima


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Karate Club Pres. Fred Hargrave 825-1779 Classes Wednesdays, 9 AM-Noon, Social Hall/Dance Studio

Mah Jongg Pres. Jenny Clark 818-3815, Sec. Sonny Kaye 825-8546 Thursdays, 1 PM, Desert Oasis/Zuni Business meeting, First Thursday Mexican Train Dominoes Pres. Judy Rigby 638-8800 Second and Fourth Saturdays, 6 PM, Catalina Vista

The spring potluck/annual meeting will take place May 11. Dinner 5 PM. Each member is asked to bring a dish to serve eight to ten people. Those with a last name beginning A-D bring a main dish, E-M a vegetable, N-R a dessert and S-Z a salad. Coffee will be provided. BYOB. Voting will take place on revisions to the charter as well as the selection of new officers. The second play date will be May 25. Contact the club president for game rules. We welcome new players. Modelers Club Pres. Fred Faust 743-7283 fjfaust1030@gmail.com, Second Friday, 8 AM, Catalina Vista/Pima www.scovaz.com/clubs/modelers

All SCOV residents are welcome at our monthly meetings. We welcome new members, both historians and model builders. We will con- Leonard Tranter presenting two models: World tinue our monthly War II British Gloster Meteor jet airplane and a meeting during the German Doodle bug or flying bomb at Show & Tell. summer. Join us to see what we are about and enjoy a cup of coffee and a sweet roll. From time to time we plan field trips. What members bring in for Show and Tell serves as a conduit for our discussions. A member’s scale model may be an example of something another member has had some first-hand experience in designing, building or operating the prototype. Natural Health and Wellness Club Sherokee llse 952-201-8667 sherokeeilse@yahoo.com Third Wednesdays, 3-4:30 PM, Catalina Vista/Pima www.scovaz.com/clubs/healthwellness

Our club is trying something new this summer (May-October). Each month we’ll show a DVD on a natural health topic and, when possible, have a short discussion. Come join us for our first movie on May 15, Healthy Aging, by Dr. Andrew Weil, 85 minutes (2006). No RSVP needed; no dues nor money required. Dispensing practical advice, Dr. Andrew Weil, one of America’s most admired physicians, guides viewers through tips for healthy aging while providing easy-to-understand examples. In this informative PBS special, maturity never seemed so bright, as Weil shares diet, exercise and sleep secrets that contribute to overall mental, emotional and physical well-being. His trusted methods and honest advice offer a favorable outlook on growing older. His information is still very relative today, and even if you have seen this show before, we are sure you will be able to pick up some new ideas. Sun City Vistoso Tipster, Febraury 2011


Any questions, email summer movie coordinator Deena Harris at godeena@aol.com. Women’s Pan (Panguingue) Ena Mindel 818-7780 Mondays, Fridays, 1-4 PM, Desert Oasis Wednesdays, 9 AM-1 PM, Desert Oasis

Pan (Panguingue) is an enjoyable and interesting card game. Come watch us play at any session. If you like what you see, we’ll teach you to play. Call Ena. Vistoso Photo Club Pres. Dave Henderson 465-0650 Meeting Second and Fourth Wednesday, 6:30 PM, Catalina Vista http://www.scovaz.com/clubs/photoclub Schedule for May Wed., May 1, 10 AM, Catalina Vista/Photo lab. Club board meeting. Open to all members. Wed., May 8, 5 PM, Catalina Vista. Pot luck dinner; year end photo club awards presentation 6:30 PM. Questions call Brenda Ericsson 825-1461.

Winners at the Master level for the March competition were: Pat Mulligan, Ron Watkins, Dave Henderson, Bob Jennette and Laura Hackenbrock. Guests are always welcome. Please join us. We invite you to view Hood Ornament Photo by Pat Mulligan the club’s website www.suncityorovalley.com/clubs/photoclub/homepage.html. There you will find a photo gallery of this year’s digital competition submissions.

Photo Workshop Club David Smoler 818-7880 david.of.oro@gmail.com No sessions until October http://www.scovaz.com/clubs/photoworkshop/

The Photo Workshop goes dark during the summer. Please join us for our regular sessions in the coming season. If you have any photo related questions during the summer, email us david.of.oro@gmail.com. The Photo Workshop Club emphasizes education and the sharing of experience in both photographic composition and technical skill. All sessions offer a wide range of techniques that can be applied regardless of equipment and skill level. Pickleball Club Pres. Judy Cornelius judycornelius@charter.net Treas. Phil Houpt 638-5955 http://www.scovaz.com/clubs/pickleball

A pickleball social was held Monday, April 1. Much fun was had by all, playing pickleball and enjoying pizza. Pickleball trainers from April-October are: Maria Welch 395-1205 or Brenda Hawkins 531-0256 Pickleball club members are competitive, and casual play hours from May-September are 6 AM-9 AM daily and 6 PM-8 PM Monday-Friday. All other times


May 2013, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster

are available to all Sun City residents, by reservation. Call the Aquatic and Fitness Center, 917-8067, to make reservations and to check out paddles and balls. One court per person. Reservations may be made two days in advance. Pilates Mary Ayers 638-7916 kayers9753@sbcglobal.net Mondays, 3 PM, Thursdays, 1:30 PM, Social Hall/Dance Studio

Did you know that Pilates is excellent for strengthening both men’s and women’s core muscles (the muscles located in your abdomen and back)? It also helps to improve your balance, and it is excellent for people with back problems. Even if you have never tried it, the exercises are adaptable for all skill levels and will help you to strengthen muscles in your entire body. Come and give our classes a try. $8 per class plus a $20 annual membership fee. Pinochle Barbara Matthies 825-4891 Play Wednesdays, 6 PM, Desert Oasis/Zuni

We play single deck and rotate partners every four hands. Skills rusty? We’ll get you up to speed quickly. Bring 50¢ for your tally. The first Wednesday is treat night. The third Wednesday is birthday night. Annual dues $5 pp. Poker

Men’s Friday Poker George Rose 520-303-2019 tucsonroses@live.com Fridays, 5:45-8:45 PM, Desert Oasis

A special congratulation to Bert, who on April 5, while playing Omaha, got a royal flush in hearts. Playing poker with your neighbors can be most enjoyable. We play high only, five draw, five stud, seven stud, Omaha, Texas Hold’em and iron cross (criss cross). No dues. Bring your own refreshments. The dealer will ante cards for all players, which gives him control of the game. The cards speak for themselves. The absolute requirements are to leave politics and religion at the front door and come with the intention of having three hours of enjoyable, no-hassle, understandable poker. Men’s Poker David Habbershaw 825-2635 dhabbershaw@q.com Tuesdays, Thursdays, 6 PM, Desert Oasis Prepare & Share Dining Club Pres. Seph Reese 825-2748 sephlin91@gmail.com Meetings in members’ homes at various times

Our members finished the 2012-2013 season with a margarita and chicken dinner party. Our kick-off dinner for 2013-2014 will be catered by the Wildflower Grill on October 31. New officers: Co-Pres., Elizabeth Houle-Nelson and Dennis Nelson; VP, Seph Reese; Treas., Jim Stoetzel; Recording Sec., Gail Shepard and Scheduling Sec. Judy Potter. For information during the summer months, contact Jim Stoetzel at 825-1774 or Judy Potter at 825-9714.

Sun City Vistoso Quilters Carol Guibert 818-0441 carolguibert1@gmail.com September-May, Second and Fourth Tuesdays, 1 PM, Desert Oasis/Aztec http://www.scovaz.com/clubs/thimblelenas/quilters.html

We will have our last meeting before summer on May 14. The long, hot summer is a great time to stay inside and work on all those unfinished projects. See you all in the fall. We have an exciting lineup of meetings and classes for next season. Racquetball Pres. Al Lichaa 812-0198 Sec./Treas. John Wilson 818-2368 Open Mixed Doubles Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, Saturdays, 8-11 AM

Our annual barbecue was a great success and all were treated to Chef Pidone’s classic, custom-grilled hamburgers with all the trimmings. The club’s roundrobin tournament has concluded and Steve Holmes won the trophy as best player in the club for 2013. Congratulations Steve! We invite all those with an interest in playing racquetball to join us at the court at 8 AM each Monday, Wednesday and Friday. We play a good game and have several skill levels. It’s a great game and good exercise. Early Music Recorder Ensemble Marge Flory 825-4580 Tuesdays, Noon, Catalina Vista

Have a recorder (the instrument)? Want to learn or improve your skills? Would you like to play in a group? Soprano, alto, tenor and bass recorders welcome. Enjoy the harmonies of an ensemble. Sheet music is provided. SCOV visitors welcome. RV Club - Sundowners Member information Dennis Kraft 612-799-4047 October-May, Second Monday, 9 AM, Social Hall/Navajo www.scovaz.com/clubs/sundowners/

In April we enjoyed our annual outing at Catalina State Park when 85 of us gathered for a potluck BBQ and music by Way Out West. We have to thank Ada Shopa for the success of this event. Due to strong winds, Ada had to change the date, the order for the band and all the reservations. The next meeting is changed to May 6 to accommodate summer travel plans. This meeting will feature another of Bill Hale’s interesting programs. Details of the subject will be sent by email prior to the meeting. Republican Club Pres. Merritt McGlothlin 572-7853 merrittm@nationwide.net Membership Glenda McCormick 818-1051

There will be no regular meeting from May through September. However, watch your email for a possible event during the summer. If you aren’t getting emails, please send your email address to Merritt at the address above. Have a great summer and we will see you in the fall.


Dogs are not permitted on The Views Golf Course at any time. Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, May 2013


St. Philip’s Support Group Kirk Kuykendall 825-1693 kksctsn@comcast.net

St. Philip’s Support Group will meet Friday, June 21, 5-7 PM, Social Hall/Navajo. Watch for details in the June Tipster. Call Sue Huffer 825-8743.

Scrabble Bill Wallace 818-6747 Fridays, 1 PM, Desert Oasis/Zuni

The Scrabble Club welcomes new members. We invite you to join us, whether you are a beginner, intermediate or advanced player. The Official Scrabble Player’s Dictionary is our spell-check dictionary; we have several on hand as well as Scrabble sets. Call Bill Wallace or Corinne Kulick 825-7673.

Seniors for Kids Jean Sax 818-2410 September-May, first Thursday, 8 AM, Desert Oasis

There will be no May meeting and regular monthly meetings will resume on September 5. There were 58 volunteers who worked at the Courtyard Sale, which is a SFK (Seniors for Kids) major fundraiser. Among those 58 people, 11 were new volunteers who are now, by virtue of their work at the Courtyard Sale, members of SFK. That is how easy it is to become a member. We don’t have a lot of bureaucracy, but of course we need some leadership and organization to get the work done. We need two kinds of members: those who are willing to step forward to organize an event or a project, and those who can sew a baby quilt, knit a baby cap, sell doughnuts at the Courtyard Sale or handcraft a child’s toy. When you start working on your fall calendar, please consider joining us in making the world a better place for children.

Sewing - Thimblelenas Janice Strassburg, 520-818-7793 Mondays-Fridays, 9 AM-Noon and 1-4 PM, Crafts Complex/Sewing www.scovaz.com/clubs/thimblelenas/

Our sewing umbrella includes Cheer Bears, Sun City Vistoso Quilters, Machine Embroidery, Pet Beds, Seniors for Kids and Casa Amigas with all types of sewing choices to interest you personally. We welcome you in one or all groups. The next Orientation/Sewing Machine and Monitor classes will be held on Friday, May 17. Those wishing to take either or both must sign up at the Message Center in the Sewing Room. Registration will not be taken by phone. Call Patty Phillips 591-6599 with questions. You may take serger classes by calling Bobi 825-8856. You need to have completed the orientation before taking either #101 serger or serger threading. Casa Amigas Ruth Mayer 520-818-0066 Mondays and Thursdays, 9 AM-Noon, Craft Complex/Sewing www.scovaz.com/clubs/thimblelenas/casaamigas.html

Can you handle a pair of scissors? Our group needs cutters to cut from our fabric and our patterns. It’s exciting that new patterns have been developed to update the clothes for the children. As we are running low on washable yarn, we would love your donations. If you Sun City Vistoso Tipster, Febraury 2011


are cleaning out a closet and find extra washable yarn, please mark it for Casa Amigas and drop it off at the Sewing Room. Cheer Bears Nancy Njaa 825-5486 September-May, Wednesdays, 1-3 PM, Craft Complex/Sewing http://www.scovaz.com/clubs/thimblelenas/cheerbears.html Machine Embroidery Sue Lane 825-7518 Training Coordinator Karin Frohlich 825-5278 Third Thursday, 1 PM, Craft Complex/Sewing scovaz.com/clubs/thimblelenas/machemb.html

Monthly meetings will resume in the fall. Watch the Tipster for details. Training will be available during the summer; contact Karin Frohlich to arrange a time. Pet Beds Jan Bohe 825-9725 Tuesdays, 1-3 PM, Craft Complex/Sewing www.scovaz.com/clubs/thimblelenas/petbeds.html

By cutting up washable scraps of fabric that otherwise would be thrown away, we sew sturdy pillow cases and stuff them each week. We feel good that this fabric is not wasted. We are always looking for fiberfill for additional stuffing. Sheepshead Pres. Bill Allen 825-3095 Tuesdays, 10 AM, Desert Oasis

Join us for a morning of friendship, cards and chatter. The game is well-known in the upper Midwest and is played with 32 cards. Sounds easy, right? Come next Tuesday and find out.

Show ‘N Share Marion Nelmark 825-9331 Fridays, 9 AM-Noon, Catalina Vista/Tohono

Make beautiful greeting cards with stamps on colorful card stock or use silk or metallic thread to embroider patterns on cards. Try the Iris Fold for a new twist. Knitting baby blankets for charity with donated yarn and a friendly group of like-minded people will renew your knitting skills. So limber up your fingers and find out what you will need to begin. No fees. Silversmith and Lapidary Pres. George Tanner 818-1226 gtanner65@gmail.com Shop hours Monday-Thursday 9 AM-Noon, 1-4 PM; Friday, 9 AM-Noon Club meeting First Monday, 3:30 PM, Craft Complex/Silver Shop

The silversmith and lapidary club has had a very good winter season. Soon many residents will be returning to their second homes. Our hours will be changing and we will be open only in the morning hours for the summer season. Remember to sign up for our first fall class of the year. If you sign up now, you’ll probably get into the first class of the season. Then you’ll have all winter to gain experience in this fine art of silversmithing. We also work with lapidary and welcome all new members who can experience cutting and shaping stones. There are many experienced monitors to help you on this new journey.


May 2013, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster

Sun City Singers Pres. Dick Cook 850-1821 Director Don Hess Rehearsals Tuesdays, 6:30-8:30 PM, Auditorium

Rehearsals are underway for the Association-sponsored Independence Day concert, Thursday, July 4, 2 PM, Auditorium. Everyone is welcome to sing with the choir. This is a free concert with open seating. Come and enjoy hearing favorite patriotic songs. Sun City Singles

Pres. Jan Buchel 825-6735 VP Helen Smith 818-3614 Dinner Meetings Second Thursday, Happy Hour, Last Friday www.scovaz.com/clubs/singles/

Senior Olympics Swim Team Gordon Gillin 825-8261 swimgordon2@gmail.com

Great news from our last swim meet in the Green Valley championships. Our very small team of five won the small team championship on March 16. Because of circumstances, only the five shown in the photo could participate. The results are: Joe Bolze, three golds, one silver; Gordon Gillin, two golds, two silvers; Corinna Goodman, four golds; Dave Goodman, one gold, three silvers and Manny Zimmerman, four golds. Great swims and times, congratulations!

Golf on Sunday, May 5, organized by Joe Tompkins, 818-9526. Sign up in the Pro Shop. Dinner May 9, 5:30 PM, Social Hall/Navajo. Features margarita chicken with pineapple salsa and Tres Leches cake for dessert. After dinner entertainment will be performed by well-known guitarist Jose HernĂĄndez with vocal accompaniment. Happy Hour with bingo, May 31, 5:30 PM, Social Hall/ Navajo. Tickets: Dinner $17 pp, Happy Hour $7 pp,

Thursday, May 2, 10 AM-Noon and Friday, May 3, 1-2 PM, Happy Hour only, Tuesday, May 28, 10-11 AM, All ticket sales at Social Hall/Lobby

Spanish Cultural Club Gary Lerch 818-3319 gclerch@comcast.net October, November, January-March Fourth Monday, 7 PM, Catalina Vista

We will see you next season.

Stained/Fused Glass Club Steve Taillie, 825-8804 cell 869-2441 Juliet Williams, 623-565-0153 (fused glass) Fusing: Sundays, 6-8 PM, Tuesdays, 9-11 AM, Craft Complex/Tumbleweed Stained Glass: Wednesdays, Thursdays, 1-4 PM, Craft Complex/Tumbleweed Open Studio: Tuesday-Sunday, 8 AM-5 PM, Craft Complex/Tumbleweed

Many thanks are given to our monitors: John Beamish, Wye Mace, Jeff Puskas, John Ragona, Steve Taillie and Juliet Williams. During the summer, monitors are not officially assigned to the studio. If a monitor is needed, a call can be made from a list posted on the bulletin board near the door. Attention all who will be leaving for the summer months. Please remove any unfinished projects from the studio. We cannot be responsible for them over the summer. Accidents do happen. Please find a place in your house to safely store your work-in-progress until you return. For those who stay here, this is the time to take advantage of the additional elbow room in our studio. Dig out that pattern you have wanted to try. Join us for some summer fun. The next general meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, November 6, 1 PM, Craft Complex/Tumbleweed.

Our season has been completed. All swimmers should keep training, if possible. Watch the Tipster for further announcements regarding next season. The remodeling of the entire sports fitness center may compromise our plans. Our team would appreciate new swimmers. Men and women 50 years old and above should contact Gordon Gillin for information and to sign up for our team.

Table Tennis Co-Chairs Clive Probert 825-8719 Ursula Jarvis 825-8461 www.scovaz.com/clubs/tabletennis/

We have play at all levels of ability, and it’s a great way to keep fit. Join us Saturday mornings, 10 AM, when we have our open play or call Clive Probert. We have paddles and balls available. Table Tennis hours of club play, Catalina Vista: Women Tue., 1:30-3:30 PM Men/Advanced Women Tue., Thu: 5-8 PM Men/Women Recreational Wed., Fri. 4-6 PM Open Club Play Fri., 6-8 PM Clinic by Appointment Sat., 9-10 AM Open Club Play Sat.,10 AM-Noon Tapestry Rug Hooking

Ann Feeney 818-0340 Thursdays, 9-11 AM, Craft Complex/Ceramics

We are always happy to enroll new members or have residents interested in rug hooking come see us.

Donate Your Rinsed Empty Aluminum Cans to the CAC

Put your empty aluminum cans to work for Sun City Oro Valley. Deposit only empty, rinsed aluminum cans in the box outside the Social Hall kitchen door. The Community Assistance Committee uses the recycled aluminum funds to purchase items for the Loan Room.

Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, May 2013


Tennis Women Laurie Chikusa 825-4635 Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, 7 AM-Noon www.scovaz.com/clubs/tennis Men Karen Lee 818-2200 Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays, 7 AM-Noon Mixed Doubles Sundays, 1-3 PM, Ruby Fuhrmann 818-7828

Summer hours begin May 1, 7-9 AM and 9-11 AM. winter hours will resume November 1. Any new community members interested in participating in our events can contact any of our officers and get more information from our web site. The men’s senior 7.0 team, led by Dick Schaefer and Jan Fritz, is participating in a three-team local league. They continue to play well and lead the league. Check the bulletin board at the courts and the website for pictures of our seasonal events. It was great fun to see everyone. Seventeen people participated in the CPR class. Everyone found it informative and if there is enough interest we can arrange another in the fall. Eighty people attended the final meeting and dinner of the season. Thanks to all who helped. Special thanks to Bayard Kellam who has kept things moving along the past two years. Dates for next year’s events are on the back of your rosters; mark your calenders. Have a safe summer. Theatrical Club - SRO (Standing Room Only) Pres. Lynne Newbauer 818-3516 VP Joe Guenther 825-7703

Our presentation of Knee Deep was wonderfully successful. The quality of our amateur actors was amazing. Our technical volunteers did an excellent job. Our new board members are: Marcie Simpson, Linda Wilkes, Nancy Gilbertson and Evelyn Holthus. Many of you will be leaving for the summer months. Others will be sticking around to work on a few smaller projects for next season. There are great possibilities ahead. Travelogue Jim Huffer 825-8743 September-May, Third Monday, 7 PM, Social Hall/Navajo

On May 20, Gordon McCall will present: The Pueblo People - a Journey into the 21st Century. This educational video will reveal the 16th century invasion of the Pueblo people by the Spanish Conquistadors and the western movement by Europeans in the 19th century and the crushing impacts of these events on these ancient people. Their struggles to adapt and survive their culture and unity will be explored. It’s a compelling story of resilience and courage.

This Week in SCOV

A weekly communication piece that the GM puts out Fridays update the community on what is happening that week. Available via In the Know email OR by hard copy at these locations: Café, Desert Oasis, Catalina Vista and the Social Hall.

Sun City Vistoso Tipster, Febraury 2011


Ukulele Club - Sun City Vistoso Strummers Pres. Jean James 648-1118 Sec. Jackie Brown 825-2487 Kanikapila, Tuesdays, 10 AM-Noon, Desert Oasis/Zuni www.scovaz.com/clubs/ukulele/

As with so many clubs here in Sun City Oro Valley, May is a month of transition for us. Many of our members are leaving for other destinations, whether to relocate for the summer, or just to do some traveling, sightseeing and visiting friends and family. However, the Strummers continue to meet and enjoy all things ukulele right through the summer months and our Bill Moeller will be leading the club starting in May and through to the fall. Wherever you spend the summer months, keep practicing, learning and enjoying your little four-stringed friend. Wallyball and Water Volleyball Pres. Judy Rigby 520-638-8800 rigby_judy@yahoo.com (water volleyball rep) VP Terri Linssen 505-803-2671, tlinssen47@gmail.com Sec/Treas. Dave Martin 818-9249, dmartin600@gmail.com (wallyball rep) Wallyball Tuesday and Friday, 1-3 PM, AFC/Racquetball Court Water Volleyball: Sunday and Thursday 2-4 PM, Desert Oasis/Pool Water Volleyball: Tuesdays 4:30-6:30 PM, Desert Oasis/Pool www.scovaz.com/clubs/volleyball

Ten players and four guests traveled to Heritage at Dove Mountain on Saturday, April 6, for several games of water volleyball. We were treated to a wonderful cookout after- Terri Linssen passes the ball to Sun City wards. Heritage will teammates during a game at Heritage of Dove be invited to SCOV Mountain. for another exchange in the fall. An evening of water volleyball play has been added to the club’s weekly schedule. Those with a higher level of skill are encouraged to play on Tuesdays. We continue to play recreational water volleyball on Sundays and Thursdays and welcome new players. Wallyball will continue until the facility is closed for construction purposes. Woodcarvers - Barkcarvers - Gourd Club Pres. Kaaren Drent 818-2343 Woodcarvers Saturdays, 9 AM-Noon, Craft Complex/Lapidary Barkcarvers will resume in the fall Gourd Art Fridays 9 AM-Noon, Craft Complex/Lapidary

The wood carvers will continue to meet throughout the summer. John Shaw will exhibit one of his fantastic carvings.


May 2013, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster


The bark carvers will resume meeting in the fall. Gourd Art

The gourd artists will meet only on Friday mornings until the seasonal residents come back in the fall. Suzan Peterson and Jan Wiejek created quite a storm with their thunder gourds. No rain though.

Woodworkers Pres. Keith Carlson 742-7726 Membership Lauren Strassburg 818-7793 www.scovaz.com/clubs/woodworkers/index.html

Lots of members have left for the summer. This means lots more space for your summer project. No one has volunteered to head up the Golder Ranch Firemen’s project yet. One member has offered to help but is too busy with the fitness center project to be in charge. Don’t forget the business meeting, Wednesday, May 15, 1:30 PM, Desert Oasis. See you there. Adrian Korpel 818-0544

Writers Club

At present the Writers Club’s only organized activities are in poetry. Please see the Poets Corner. Poets Corner

Elise Asch 818-1345 Mondays, 9:30-11:30 AM, Vistoso Center/Yaqui

The language of poetry employs morsels of words that delight our sense of taste as well as sound. Taken as a meal, they convey the poet’s message. These few lines from a poem aptly titled Aria by David Barber exhibit his skill at using sound to embellish the meaning, adding a sense of playfulness to a serious subject: “What if you gave yourself leave to ravish/All these ravages with famished relish?/What if this were your way to flourish?/What if the self you love to punish--/Knavish, peevish, wolfish, sheepish--/Were all slicked up in something lavish?/Why so squeamish? Why make a fetish/Out of everything you must relinquish?/Why not embellish what you can’t abolish?” Words are the building blocks of poets but they are only the basic materials. The poet is not just builder, but architect and interior designer, fashioning a signature work with each effort. Resident poets are welcome to join us in this exciting process.

Yoga Pres. Jewel Prendeville 520-395-1356 Mondays, 8:30-10 AM, Social Hall/Papago Tuesdays, 10:30 AM-Noon, Social Hall/Dance Studio Thursdays, 4-5:15 PM, Social Hall/Dance Studio

The yoga classes for the 2012-2013 season will be ending this month. The last classes are Monday, May 20, Tuesday, May 21 and Thursday May 23. The classes will resume in September. Yoga summer school is in session June 4-July 30 (no class July 2). Yoga instructor Kathy Kuser is offering an eight-week yoga series on Tuesdays, 9-10:15 AM, Social Hall/Dance Studio. Pre-register for the full eight weeks for $35 (less than $5 per class) or pay $7 Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, May 2013

per class at the door. Send a check to Kathy Kuser, 14271 N. Wisteria Way, Oro Valley, AZ 85755 to register. For more information, contact Kathy at coachkathy@aol.com or call 520-395-8269, or visit www.kathykuser.com.



Oro Valley

Stay Connected with Oro Valley - Are YOU on the list?

Stay current on the latest news in Oro Valley. It’s free and easy to sign up, and you get to select what kinds of notices you’ll receive, including press releases, the quarterly VISTA Newsletter, Town Council meetings and much more. Just visit us at www.orovalleyaz.gov, click the word Connect on the very top, center of the webpage, and scroll down to Sign up with an Oro Valley mailing list.

Partnered Organizations The items contained under this heading are provided as a service to residents by other organizations that are neither sponsored nor supported by Sun City Oro Valley Community Association, Inc. SCOVCA assumes no responsibility or liability for the information contained therein. AA

Carol 343-2103 Mondays, 12:30 PM, Craft Complex/Tumbleweed Tuesdays, 7 PM, Desert Oasis/Zuni Alzheimer’s Education and Support Group Don Dittman 551-6109 Arlene Schneider 825-5741 Last Tuesday, 4 PM, Desert Oasis

Learn the basics of the disease and how to live with it.

Caregiver Support Group Facilitator Ester Leutenberg 818-0016 ester36@gmail.com First and Third Fridays, 2-3 PM, Catalina Vista/Art Room Civic Association CASCVI (The Civic Association of Sun City Oro Valley Inc.) is an advocate in consumer affairs. Established in 1994 as a volunteer resident group, we have successfully dealt with the Pima County Assessor and utility companies and conducted valuable investigations such as blue pipe and roofing problems. CASCVI provides an organization where residents can request assistance with problems not covered by SCVCAI. We can be reached at cascvi@comcast.net or call Marty Abelson 825-3522

Residents who desire to be on our email list to receive, submit or share home maintenance information, consumer warnings and advisories, residential tax information and resident-related issues not covered by SCOVCA should submit their email addresses to cascvi@comcast.net. We are nonpolitical and are here to serve our fellow residents. Nonresident emails will not be accepted. You must be an SCOV homeowner.



•Catalina Vista •Café •Social Hall •Vistoso Center/Library •Desert Oasis


Emerge! Co-Pres. Elaine Deeter 825-5388, Betty Hansen 818-1779 Donations Nancy Williams 818-3178 October-April, Second Tuesday, 8:30 AM, Vistoso Center/Apache

Our auxiliary helps and supports Emerge! one of the main agencies in Southern Arizona providing shelter for women and children who are victims of abuse. On April 9 we combined our meeting with a salad luncheon at Co-Pres. Betty Hansen’s home. Our auxiliary was proud to present a check of $8,500 to Kim Thompson, VP Philanthropy, Emerge! Nancy Williams continues to collect donations. This month, items requested are new towels and single sheets, diapers sizes 4, 5, 6 and children’s books. The crisis line at Emerge! to report domestic violence is 888-428-0101.

victims of natural disasters, to name just a few. If you would like to regain that feeling of satisfaction from knowing that you have helped those in need, contact Club President, Mimi Wittenborn 520-825-9340 or Lou and Nancy Phillippi 520-638-6957. Welcome Club Northwest

Welcome Club Northwest will hold its monthly luncheon for women new to Northwest Tucson within the last five years on Thursday, May 2, 11 AM, Omni Tucson National Resort, cost $25 pp. Program will be the installation of new officers.

Gluten Free and Celiac Disease Support Group Ester Leutenberg 818-0016 ester36@gmail.com Grief Support Group - Loss of Child or Grandchild Facilitator Ester Leutenberg 818-0016 ester36@gmail.com Fourth Wednesday, email or call for time and location Grief Support Group - Loss of Spouse/Partner Contact Sec., Lori Behrman 395-1812 Facilitator Arlene Schneider Second and Fourth Fridays, 3 PM, call for location Parkinson’s Support Payton Davies 825-5352 bpwdavies@gmail.com Third Wednesday, May-September, 11 AM, SCOV Café Exercise Mondays and Thursdays 4-5:30 PM, Vistoso Center/Apache

In the summer, we have informal get togethers over lunch at the SCOV Café. We plan to meet at 11 AM to get ahead of the noon rush. Please let me know if you are coming, so the Café can set up for enough people. Survivors of Loved Ones who Died by Suicide Coordinator and Facilitator Ester Leutenberg, 818-0016 ester36@gmail.com Call for time and location Vistoso Helpful Hands

To get help, dial 410-9498. After the message, enter your phone number, including the area code and hang up. We will call you back.

Extended Community The Catalina-Oro Valley Lions Club

If you are a former active member of Lions, Rotary, Kiwanis or one of the many other fine service organizations and have backed away from involvement since retirement, be aware that community and individual needs have not retired. In fact, resources required to address community and individual needs have diminished greatly in the past few years while demands continue to increase. The men and women of the Catalina-Oro Valley Lions Club strive to serve our local communities, ranging from assisting the visually and hearing impaired, working with local schools, Special Olympics and the Sun City Vistoso Tipster, Febraury 2011


TSO Strings played in the Auditorium on April 14. Photo by Pam Sarpalius.

Classified The items contained under this heading are provided as a service to residents by other organizations that are neither sponsored nor supported by Sun City Oro Valley Community Association, Inc. SCOVCA assumes no responsibility or liability for the information contained therein. BR=Bedroom; BA=Bath; N/S=No Smoking; N/P=No Pets; W/D=Washer and Dryer; LR=Living Room; DR=Dining Room; AZRM=Arizona Room; Fireplace= FP; Stainless Steel= S/S; WiFi= Wireless Internet Service Classified Advertising, $10/ad

FOR SALE: Nearly-new Sealy king sized mattress set. Used one month. Paid over $1,000 asking $700. Call 1-217-825-9426. FOR RENT/LEASE: Unfurnished 3BR/2BA, 1665 sq. ft. home. New kitchen, knotty alder cabinets, granite counter tops, tile floors throughout. Large corner lot with mountain views. Lease $1450/month. Call Diane 520275-1039 or email dperrysmith@gmail.com. FOR RENT/LEASE: Beautifully refurnished 2BR/2BA SCOV home. Fully furnished, large landscaped lot, 2 covered patios. Bright, open kitchen with all appliances. Gas fireplace, 2-car garage. Close to community center. Super amenities in a resort setting. Call Dan 520-7440881. 14330 N. Rusty Gate Trail. FOR RENT: Enjoy our spacious 2BR/2BA home with excellent mountain views and private patio with gas grill. Separate office and complimentary WiFi included. Recently furnished in Southwest style, our home is sparkling clean and has everything you need for a perfect getaway or a place to stay while searching for your own retirement home. Reserve now for 2014 winter season or reduced summer rates. For photos and more details call Tom and Barbara at 414-445-0268 (Wisconsin). FOR RENT: Unfurnished,1050 sq. ft., 2BR/2BA at 16th fairway tee box. Professionally designed interiors with granite in kitchen, saltillo tile floors, all new in ’07. W/D and


May 2013, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster

refrigerator included. Part of SCOV membership available with privileges to tennis, golf, pools, CafĂŠ, library, fitness and hobby shops. Oro Valley Hospital close by. Area west of home patio wide-open desert for privacy, wildlife viewing and pet walking. Wonderful caring neighbors on super quiet Green Tree Dr., $1250/mo. long term; presently listed for sale. Email wnguild@aol.com for photos and information call 520-818-2203. FOR RENT: Beautiful vacation villa located in SCOV. 2BR/2BA. Completely furnished, fully equipped kitchen, with all amenities including complimentary WiFi, cable, large patio, barbecue, 2-car garage. Available Ma through October 2013, December 2013 and all of 2014. 13490 N Tom Ryans Way. Call Kathy 510-537-1590, email kmappell@aol.com. FOR RENT: Fully furnished with mountain views. King in Master bedroom. WiFi, flat screen TVs. Currently available May through December 2013; April through December 2014. Discounts for three months or more. For photos and more details call Jan 636-357-8817 or email janostrander2010@gmail.com FOR RENT: SCOV furnished 1200 sq. ft. 2BR/2BA beautiful home with covered patio in back and walled patio in front with mountain views from front patio. King and full beds. Fully furnished with all utensils, linens, W/D, wireless, TV, grill. NS,NP. Call Frank at 801-209-9092 or email vistoso88@aol.com. Discount for three or more months. View on our website www.suncityvistoso-rentals.com.

SCOV Scrapbook Resident-submitted photos

Steve Holmes took this photo in his backyard of a House Finch.

Mona Flax took this photo in her backyard, a chaise lounge-napping bobcat.

FOR RENT PINETOP AZ: A-frame summer home. Enjoy our home nestled in the cool pines. 2 BR/2 full BA. Includes spacious loft with more beds. 2-car garage. Peaceful wrap-around porch. Full furnished. Neighborhood recreation center, golfing, fishing and casino nearby. Three nights $300. 1 week $600 + extra nights free if available. Open May-September. Robert and Rose Stenech 520-578-8873. BUYING: A curious collector would like to buy watches, old photos, war relics, 19th and 20th century family and estate items, antiques, jewelry, coins, silver and much more. Anything unusual or nostalgic. I like to look and love to buy. Exceptional prices paid. 529-2984.

FOUND: Wedding band on Trade Winds Way. Please see Norma Meyers at Vistoso Center.

Mary McKinney Schmidt took this coyote photo in her mom’s backyard.

John Newton stuck his camera out his patio door right as the moon came over the Catalina mountains. Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, May 2013

Laurie Lichaa took this butterfly portrait in her backyard.


Roger Angeloni, ABR, GRI, SFR REALTOR®


Direct FAX

520-918-7460 Cell 520-989-1583 520-825-8950 Toll Free 888-825-8251 Email: rangeloni@longrealty.com 10445 N. Oracle Rd. STE. 121, Oro Valley, AZ 85737

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SCOV References

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Paid Advertising, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, May 2013, Page 30

Mac iPad & iPhone Tutoring in your home.

CLEERE LAW OFFICES A Professional Corporation

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What do you need to ship?

MAIL WELL SHIPPING 15270 N. Oracle Rd., Suite 124


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DOMESTIC • INTERNATIONAL • GROUND • AIR Mail Box Rentals • Packing • Picture Framing • Knife Sharpening

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Sharpen 2 knives get a 3rd sharpened for 1/2 price

2 Off any shipment of $25 or more (Not to be combined with any other offer)

10% Off

Any Framing Order Over $25

Advertise in the Tipster Reach the exclusive community of Sun City Oro Valley. Call Norma


Paid Advertising, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, May 2013, Page 31

Sun City Oro Valley Office 1171 E. Rancho Vistoso Blvd., Suite 117

520-825-0981 Free Consultation

F&S Home Services No job too small or too big

Frank Soto

Master Craftsman Home Repair, Remodeling & Restoration Painting, Plumbing, Drywall (520)-861-2657 Electrical, Concrete & Tile

• Carpet • Natural Stone • Tile


• Granite Slabs • Wood Flooring • Glass Tile


15615 N. Oracle Rd. #115, Catalina, AZ

Arturo Nemer 271-6510 Plumbing • CarPentry eleCtriCal • Painting masonary • Welding and more

Paid Advertising, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, May 2013, Page 32

Peg’s Pet Sitting In-your-home pet sitting service vPotty Breaks/Walks vMaintain Routine vPets with special needs

Peggy Lombard

Member of National Association of Pet Sitters Bonded and Insured

825-4833 (360)324-9112 cell

pegonritz@gmail.com A Sun City Oro Valley resident

Replace Your Irrigation System sNo more leaks sNo wasted water sNo more costly repairs

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Andy’s Irrigation Expert Repair & Installation


Andy McInnis, Owner www.VistosoIrrigation.com


Interior a Exterior Painting a Licensed Bonded Insured a Serving Sun City Oro Valley since 1997. a Epoxy drive ways, walkways and garage floors. a Roof coat on flat roofs. a All work warranted. www.ablebodypainting.com

Paid Advertising, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, May 2013, Page 33

Registered with your Consumer Referral at Sun City Oro Valley

Exterior special $1,550 up to 1800 sq ft home.

400-1591 or 465-6840 ROC 160023

L & M Custom Painting Inc. Quality, Value and Service at its Best Excellent Specials on Custom Interior Painting

Exterior Painting Special: $ 1,545 (up to 2000 sq. ft.) • 5 year warranty/premium paint • No money Down

Every job starts and finishes with management present.

On the Sun City Oro Valley Consumer Referral List

991-9933 Leo Martinez


ROC #258012

Licensed • Bonded • Insured We accept all major credit cards

Oro Valley’s Handyman

Trish 520-243-9515 Residential Cleaning

Carpentry, plumbing, electrical, windows & doors, ceiling fans, lighting, shower doors & grab bars, pet doors, and much more. REFERENCES AVAILABLE INSURED

440-1453 Not a licensed contractor by choice


Cell: 409-4591 Paid Advertising, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, May 2013, Page 34

Cruise Planners can help with all your travel Ocean & River cruising. Visit my website at www.moonbeamcruises.com for information on group and individual travel, including land groups and religious group cruise and land travel.


(520) 477-7447

Oro Valley Coatings, LLC Exterior h Interior Painting Property Value Enhancement

Spring Special - Exterior $1,690 Call for details. On the Sun City Oro Valley Approved Vendor List u Various

u Pressure

u Drywall

Home Repairs Repairs u Roof Repair & Coating u Wallpaper Removal u Window Cleaning

u Stucco/Texture

u No


u Paint

Patio Furniture Coating u Concrete Staining u Concrete

Money Down Until Job Completed


All work warranted

Isaac Mercado The Cafe at

Yogurt Parfait Your choice of low fat plain or vanilla yogurt with seasonal fresh fruit topped with crunchy granola $5.95

ROC #265578 Licensed, Bonded, Insured

New Healthy and Tasty Items

Veggie Omelet

Choice of Toppings: Spinach, zucchini, yellow squash, mushrooms, eggplant, onions, green peppers and tomatoes. Choice of Cheese: Blended cheddar and Monterrey jack, parmesan, swiss or provolone. Served with fresh fruit or cottage cheese $8.95

1555 E. Rancho Vistoso Blvd.

Vegetarian Spring Mix Salad Choices for Toppings: Zucchini, yellow squash, fresh mushrooms, green peppers, sliced tomatoes, radishes, red onions, sprouts, jicama & eggplant Choice of Cheese: Shredded parmesan or blended cheddar or Monterrey jack. Topped with a citrus vinaigrette $8.95


Veggie Burger or Spicy Black Bean Veggie Burger

Topped with fresh spinach, roasted red pepper, red onions and tomatoes. Served on whole wheat or multi-grain sandwich round or gluten free bread with a choice of fresh fruit or cottage cheese $7.95

Take out and Catering available

Paid Advertising, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, May 2013, Page 35

Sandy’s Window Cleaning Residential & Commercial • Free


Ask about ceiling fans, light fixtures and mirrors We have many Sun City Oro Valley references Jack Campanella Owner/Operator

520-818-6474 Cell 520-256-9043

We are Licensed

Stephanie’s Kitty Sitting Services Specialized Care for your kitty/home while you’re away. Will also check on homes in the summer.

A Sun City Oro Valley Resident

520-825-1932 or 520-405-2992 (cell) E-mail: stephaniec42.sc@gmail.com Member Pet Sitters International (PSI) Licensed - Bonded - Insured

ExcEptional SErvicE no ExcEptionS. Some people think that choosing a modest memorial means sacrificing service. Our commitment to excellent service allows us to say that no matter what kind of a memorial you have in mind, we’ll provide you with the best service available, bar none.

www.wildcat garagedoorservices.com

Paid Advertising, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, May 2013, Page 36

Bob & Jackie Cahoon 490-3633 444-5937 #1 in Sales and Listings in Sun City Oro Valley since 2004 Top 2% in Sales in Pima County SCOV Residents Living Trusts • Wills • Estate Planning • Estates Settled • Contracts-Leases Personal Injury • Powers of Attorney-Living Wills Guardianship-Conservatorships • Divorce-Marital Agreements Corporations • LLCs Serving Northwest Tucson since 1976


Located in Sun City Oro Valley

1171 E. Rancho Vistoso Blvd. #103 Thanks to Sun City Oro Valley for your Continued Support Not OUR client... Farmers Insurance of Catalina will offer a great Sun City Oro Valley Discount! Call for details...

Paid Advertising, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, May 2013, Page 37


Door to Door Service www.GoldStarAZ.com Sun City to Tucson Airport $65 Sun City to Phoenix Airport $200 Hourly rate per sedan $50 Van service available too.


All vehicles non-smoking & Commercially Insured

A Safe Step Walk-in Tub offers independence to those seeking a safe and easy way to bathe right in the convenience and comfort of their own home.

PConstructed and built right here in America, with more standard features than any other tub.

PBuilt-in support bar and the industry leading 4-inch step up*

PThe highest quality tub complete with PDual hydro-massage - water and air lifetime warranty.

bubble jets strategically placed to target sore muscles and joints, offering life-changing therapeutic relief.

PTop-of-line installation and service, all included at one low, affordable price.

You’ll agree—there just isn’t a better walk-in tub on the market. So take your first step towards feeling great and stay in the home you love. Give us a call today! *On uninstalled tub, actual height may vary based upon installation. AZ License Number–267535 Bid Limit $50,000

Safe Step Tubs have received the ease-of-use commendation from the Arthritis Foundation

Paid Advertising, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, May 2013, Page 38

Dr. Dan Cappozzo & Dr. Becky Cappozzo OroValleyFamilyChiro.com Gentle low force chiropractic techniques

12450 N. Rancho Vistoso Blvd. Suite #100

Advertise in the Tipster Reach the exclusive community of Sun City Oro Valley. Call Norma



•Water Heaters •Water Service Lines • Sewer/Drains • Garbage Disposals Ron Roberson R and R Water Works LLC 30 years of plumbing experience

• Gas Line Repairs • Toilets & More


Licensed, Bonded & Insured

ROC# 219595

On the Sun City Oro Valley Consumer Referral List

Irrigation Man Keith Demand

• 30 years experience with repairs • Referrals Available • I stand behind my work

(520) 490-3930 Not licensed

Paid Advertising, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, May 2013, Page 39


40 years Combined Banking & Real Estate Sales

Debbie Evenchik Executive Sales Associate

Judy Hale, ABR Jerry Hale, SFR RealtoR


Judy .............................. (520) 395-5866 Jerry.............................. (520) 907-3954 Email....................judyahale@msn.com Website................judyh.longrealty.com 10445 N. Oracle Rd. #121, Oro Valley, AZ 85737








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model with Paid Advertising, Sun 520-297-6172 City Oro Valley Tipster, May Mariposa 2013, Page 40 wonderful views!


Charming, updated home with Mariposa model with views! area northeast patio,wonderful borders common

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