May 2016 tipster

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It’s More Than Living...It’s a Lifestyle!

Tipster May 2016

Study Session Thursday, May 12, 9 AM, WC3 and BOD Meeting Tuesday, May 24, 9 AM, WC3

Photo by Steve Holmes

Hours of Operation

The Tipster is published monthly by Sun City Oro Valley 1565 E. Rancho Vistoso Blvd., Activity Center.............................................. 917-8066 Oro Valley, AZ 85755, 520-825-3711 Mon.-Fri......................................................................................... 7 AM-9 PM Sat................................................................................................ 9 AM-9 PM Sun................................................................................................ 9 AM-6 PM

Board of Directors

Email address for BOD members, GM & Assistant Manager:

Administration Office (In Welcome Center)...... 825-3711 ext 120 Mon.-Fri............................................................................... 7:30 AM-4:30 PM

Aquatic & Fitness Center............................... 917-8067

Don Coleman, President Susan Jakosa, Vice President Debra Arrett, Secretary Lauren Strassburg, Treasurer Meade Davis, Ted Hood, Steve Taillie, Management Team Bob Mariani, General Manager, 917-8080 Robin Coulter, .................Assistant Manager, 917-8070 Mary Cunningham, Com. Area Maint. Sup., 917-8059 Julie Foerster, Human Resources, 917-8061 Kim Griggs, Golf Professional, 917-8053 Christopher Sapp, & Beverage Director, 917-8074 Michael Kropf, Course Superintendent, 917-8063 Ken Sandrock, Sup., 917-8078 Pam Sarpalius, Director, 917-8077 Randy Trenary,, 917-8060 Support Team Kate Cusumano,, 917-8083 Lonnie Davis, Supervisor, 917-8073 Angela Hong, Accounting Assistant, 917-8062 Karen Loffredo, Coordinator II, 917-8082 Katy Mosier, Services Coordinator, 917-8058 Lisa Orach, Coordinator, 917-8065 Kathy Peabody, & Technology Coordinator, 917-8068 Chris Richard, Coordinator, 917-8069 Coco Sullivan, Coordinator, 917-8072 Leif Wolcott, of Banquets, 981-0909 Monitor - Activity Center................................................................................................ 917-8066 Monitor - Aquatic & Fitness Center..................................................................................917-8067 Tipster Editorial Committee Lou Phillippi............................... Co-Chair Judy Mercer..................Secretary/Member Del Salvaterra............................. Co-Chair Paul Mercer................................. Member Coni Arseneau.............................. Member Mary Murck................................. Member Brad Curtis.................................. Member John Njaa.................................... Member Arlene Douglas............................ Member Ann Owen.................................... Member Vicki Ettleman............................. Member Lynn Parker................................. Member Ann Fall....................................... Member Laura Pigott................................ Member Karen Koopmans.......................... Member Laura Suchocki............................ Member

Editor, Layout and Design: Chris Richard Advertising: Lisa Orach Printing by: AlphaGraphics To advertise in the Sun City Oro Valley, Tipster call 917-8065 for information. Sun City Oro Valley Community Association provides this publication for informational purposes only and neither endorses nor promotes any of the products or services advertised herein and assumes no responsibility or liability for the statements made in this publication.

Facilities Daily..............................................................................................5 AM-9 PM Pool Mon.-Sat...................................................................................5 AM-8:30 PM Sun..........................................................................................5 AM-5:30 PM Children’s Hours - Daily................................................................. 11 AM-1 PM

Restaurant...................................................... 825-3277 Mon.-Sun....................................................................................... 7 AM-5 PM Afternoon Menu.................................................................................... 3-5 PM Recording of daily Restaurant specials........................... 825-3711 ext 205

Catalina Vista................................................. 825-8613 Mon.-Fri......................................................................................... 7 AM-9 PM Sat................................................................................................ 9 AM-9 PM Sun................................................................................................ 9 AM-6 PM

Community Services...................................... 917-8065 Mon.-Fri. ..........................................................................................9-11 AM

Desert Oasis.................................................. 825-0495

Facilities Mon.-Fri. ....................................................................................... 7 AM-9 PM Sat. ..............................................................................................9 AM-8 PM Sun................................................................................................9 AM-6 PM Pool .Mon.-Fri........................................................................................9 AM-8 PM Sat................................................................................................9 AM-7 PM Sun.............................................................................................. 9 AM-5 PM Children’s Hours:............................................Daily Noon-4 PM Except see below .Except Sun., Mon. and Thu........................................... Noon-1 PM and 3-4 PM Water volleyball on Sun.,Mon. and Thu............................................ 1 PM-3 PM

Gift Shop of Sun City..................................... 917-8051 Mon.-Fri..Mon.-Fri. .......................................................................................9 AM-4 PM Sat..Sat. ....................................................................................... 9 AM-12:30 PM

Library........................................................... 917-8064 Mon.-Fri............................................................................ 9 AM-Noon, 1-4 PM Sat................................................................................................ 9 AM-Noon

Loan Room - Community Assistance­ Loan Room at Cart Barn Hours: Tue. and Thu. only....................................8-9 AM Pro Shop........................................................ 825-3110 Golf Info Line............................................. 825-0322 Mon.......................................................................................... 6:30 AM-5 PM Tue................................................................................................ 9 AM-5 PM Wed. and Thu................................................................................. 7 AM-5 PM Fri., Sat. and Sun....................................................................... 6:30 AM-5 PM Driving Range hours from October – April, closes ½ hour after the Pro Shop.

Welcome Center/Administration................... 825-3711 After-Hours Emergencies.............................. 825-1161 If you encounter something in the common areas or golf course needing immediate attention (e.g. broken irrigation) and the Administration Office is closed, please report the issue to a building monitor. However, if a situation like this occurs after all the buildings are closed, please contact the emergency line.

Abbreviation Legend

Aquatic & Fitness Center................................................................................AFC Sun City Oro Valley.....................................................................................SCOV Welcome Center Conference Room 1..............................................................WC1 Welcome Center Conference Room 2..............................................................WC2 Welcome Center Conference Room 3..............................................................WC3

General Manager - Bob Mariani

Association News 917-8080 Vacant House Tips

From The Board of Directors

Our MISSION as the SCOV Board is to lead in maintaining and enhancing the quality of life in Sun City Oro Valley as an active adult community. All Board minutes, agendas and reports are available online and in the SCOV Library. Board meetings are open to residents. Board Of Directors - Article Lauren Strassburg Looking Forward to Another Exciting Year by Lauren Strassburg

The 2016 election is over and you, the residents, have selected three new directors. We on the Board are looking forward to another exciting year in SCOV. The ballot issues all passed and will be included in the Bylaws and Master Declaration to be voted on in June by the residents. That ballot will be included with your annual bill. I encourage each of you to return a positive vote. These two governing documents more closely resemble the current operating procedures for SCOV. A thank you to the GDRC (Governing Documents Review Committee) for the fine work they have done. The coming year will see some exciting changes in our community. The Pro Shop is now open, the restaurant/ lounge/terrace is under construction. Soon construction will start to install solar energy power for us. We can be proud to live in such a forward-thinking community. By the time you read this, the 2016-2017 budget will have been approved. The Budget process remains unchanged. Each department head is required to submit their requests to the General Manager. Each department budget is reviewed on a line-by-line basis. Every item must be justified. At this point an overall budget is put together by the General Manager and Controller. This budget is reviewed by the Finance and Budget Committee. Input by residents is encouraged. The budget is then forwarded to the Board for formal approval. This year’s budget calls for a 4% increase in our annual dues. This increase still keeps us in the low side when compared to similar HOAs. Since many of you will be leaving for your second home, enjoy the summer knowing your community is prospering and remains in good hands. Facility Holiday Hours Memorial Day, Monday, May 30 Activity Center............................................... Closed AFC & AFC Pool ....................................5 AM-6 PM Desert Oasis ...........................................9 AM-4 PM Catalina Vista ................................................. Closed Welcome Center/Admin. & Library............... Closed

Association News............................ 3 Financials......................................... 6 Association Committees................. 7 Golf................................................ 10 The Views Restaurant.................. ..11

Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, May 2016

This article is essentially a re-print of a 2015 article, yet I think the information below is valuable enough to warrant another visit. Taking a few extra steps to best assure your SCOV home is secure and properly maintained is a benefit to you and your neighbors. Whether you are gone all summer or for a few weeks, the following measures are very much worth following: • Fill out a mailing address form so you can be contacted in case of an urgent situation with your home, such as storm damage or water line leak etc., and you will not miss this summer’s SCOV election mailing. Login to >Members >Member Services >This and That >Read More >Address Change. • Have someone keep your landscaping in good condition. Shrubs need trimming and weeds need to be kept under control whether you are living here or are away. • Before leaving trim your bushes and trees, especially if they rest right next to your house. This way, if anyone is trying to get in, they will be more noticeably visible. • Check all the locks before you leave. If a lock seems loose or rusty, replace it or tighten it. • If you regularly turn your outdoor lights on, set them on a timer so that they continue to turn on each evening. Keep them off if they aren’t normally on. Set some of your indoor lights on a timer too so it looks like someone is home. • Call the Oro Valley Police Department, 520-229-5080 and ask them to provide you with Darkhouse service. You’ll receive regular checks of your home while you’re gone. • Ask a trusted neighbor to pick up any newspapers and items left at your door while you’re gone and keep a watch on your home. To stop The Explorer newspaper call 520 797-4384. • Let the Post Office know you’ll be away so they hold your mail or forward it. • Draw your blinds or curtains. This doesn’t allow anyone to take a sneak peek at your belongings and it will keep your interior at a lower temperature. • Disconnect electrical items, including your TV, radio, toaster and anything you possibly can. Not only does this avoid fire damages, but it saves on energy too. You can even go as far as turning off your water heater or water to the interior of your house. • Make sure you don’t have anything in your yard that can catch and retain water and serve as a breeding ground for mosquitoes.

Coffee and Conversation

What’s Inside

with the General Manager and a Board Member An informal exchange of information. Monday, May 2, 1 PM, Activity Center/Navajo

Coming Events.............................. 11 Workshops and Classes................. 12 For Your Information..................... 12 Thank You Corner......................... 12

Clubs............................................. 14 Town of Oro Valley....................... 29 Partnered Organizations............... 29 Extended Community................... 30 Classifieds...................................... 31


It’s More Than Living... It’s A Lifestyle... SCOV’s Own Lifelong Learning Program A Great Way to Stay Young with Friends! by Lei Bammel What do you get when a drawing on this great idea is put in a receptalent epitomizes tive environment and then this.” Course offeris nurtured by skillful, carings and Samplers ing and thoughtful people? have represented a For SCOV the 2003 idea of wide range of subGene Bammel blossomed ject areas includinto an extremely successing anthropology, ful and popular club, The archeology, art, Institute of Learning in Refinances, history, tirement, a Lifelong Learnlanguage, literaing program, known simply ture, mathematics, as the ILR. music, philosophy, All of the literature about religion and scisuccessful retirement recence. There has ommends keeping the mind been everything and body actively engaged from fairly serious and having social contacts. courses on human This is exactly what the ILR evolution, fractals, facilitates. Members have Einstein Lite, the commented: “I can say unbrain and philosoequivocally, that since taking phy to much lightA class searching for meaning led by Philosopher Gene Bammel. Photo by Lei Bammel. ILR classes. . . my mind has er fare of music for been stretched, never to return to its original shape.” “ILR is smiling, folk dancing, learning to play the Native American one of the very best things living in SCOV offers to all of us on flute and drawing on the right side of the brain. a reliable and continuing basis. Keeps us young and involved in Some moderators have taught only one or a few courses, the life.” “One only needs to see the numbers of people who avail Bammels over 45. In that mix are quite frequent and popular themselves of this amazing resource... to realize that we have a contributors like Jim Williams, Jane Myerson, Jim Ford, Sig Olreal gem available to us. How fortunate we are!” ney and Barbara Gates. Many courses are offered only once. ILR’s mission is to provide a broad range of educational op- Others repeat after a few years. Often moderators of timely portunities to its members and the residents of SCOV primarily courses like Don Shepperd’s on Modern Middle East are asked through offering courses and presentations. It has grown from to repeat fairly quickly. Class size is determined by the subject about 100 members in 2003 to about 800. There were six class- matter, moderator’s preference, and/or method of instruction. es that first year and in more recent years around 30. Summer The Curriculum Committee is always looking for new course courses were added in 2015. moderators. Gene Bammel had been a President of U of A’s SAGE (now A counterbalance to the courses, which doesn’t require OLLI), a Lifelong Learning program and thought a similar pro- ILR membership, advance registration or course fees, is the gram could be established here with much lower fees. He and “Samplers.” During the fall and winter, there are weekly prehis wife Lei, both emeritus professors, set to work. They deter- sentations on Thursdays at Catalina Vista featuring a different mined there was interest, a board was established and the first pre-announced topic and presenter. These programs offer admoderators (instructors) recruited. ILR courses, after a one- ditional variety and flexibility for the members and a service to time initiation fee of $25, are each only $10. Very few programs the SCOV community. Course and Sampler descriptions, and the size of the ILR exist independently of an institution of higher more, are on the club’s website education. The U of A wanted the ILR to be a satellite location, This club also supports other educational endeavors within but the Bammels wanted it to be independent for program and and outside SCOV. Last year $16,000 was contributed to the financial decisions. Fees are low because everyone involved is SCOV Library for computers, renovation and materials. Donaa volunteer being extremely generous with time, energy and tions have also been made to selected Pima County and Tucson expertise. non-profits. The vast majority of course moderators are SCOV residents. Two other members have commented that, “The ILR gives A member commented, “My wife and I have often marveled me a chance to explore new subjects with people who have at the depth and variety of talent represented in the residents rich life experiences to share with curious people” and this of SCOV. The range and quality of the courses offered by ILR “provides the opportunity to form long-lasting friendships.”


Sun City Vistoso Tipster, Febraury 2011

May 2016, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster


Assistant Manager - Robin Coulter 917-8070 Community Directory Update

The days of the printed telephone directory appear to be winding down. Smart phones allow for easy access to data on the web, including our website, resulting in less demand for paper copies of the telephone directory. We are seeing this trend with our telephone directory vendor. In the past, our directory was printed through AT&T Yellow Pages which then became Southwestern Bell Advertising Group. Southwestern Bell left the telephone book-printing business around 2012. The book was bought out by the group that was securing the advertising and they continued the operation. This company prints the books for SCOV, SaddleBrooke, Green Valley and Sunflower. They have recently dropped Sunflower due to the lack of advertising. The logistical portion (printing, editing, delivery, etc.) has become an increasing challenge. Additionally, we have been informed that the individual they have used to sell ads may no longer continue in this role, and they have not provided us with a production schedule for next year yet. The next steps are unclear. We’re in a holding pattern until we hear from them. Programs/Facilities Director - Pam Sarpalius 917-8077 Monitors

From October through May we are at our busiest time in SCOV, shows, special events, programs, parties and the list goes on. All of the room set ups are performed by our monitor team. This year has been very busy. To meet the needs of the community, we have hired four new monitors to replace those who have left. Monitors have a set of rules that residents should be aware of. It’s their job to follow the rules, and we ask that you respect them and the rules they operate under. I can’t say “thank you” enough to this team of great people who make your meetings and events go smoothly. I would hope that if you see a new monitor, you would say “hello” and welcome them. Show you appreciate them; thank all monitors for a job well done. Community Services - Katy Mosier

Office Hours 9-11 AM, Monday-Friday, Welcome Center 917-8058 ARC Submittal Process

Our community is constantly upgrading and updating. Hurray for us. However, delays with contractors and suppliers or the ARC (Architectural Review Committee) can be frustrating. Those of us trying to get approval from the ARC to initiate construction can add an additional two-three weeks if we don’t have the necessary paperwork to my office in time. In time means the week before the meeting. I sometimes have to shake my head and say, “Sorry, you

Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, May 2016

missed the paperwork deadline.” Unfortunately, this has been occurring more often, and so I am reminding you of important dates for ARC submittals. At ARC meetings, approvals are granted or denied. They are held every second and fourth Tuesday of the month. The week prior to a meeting, ARC members physically review each home. This enables them to explain projects to the rest of the committee members at the meeting. It is imperative that you have your paperwork presented at my office no later than 11 AM the Tuesday prior to the meeting. Please come to my office with the necessary forms, plans, sketches, dimensions, colors, material samples and brochures. The information you give me at that time helps committee members to make timely decisions with no further delay. March 2016 Housing Resale Information Resales 2016 2015

For the Month YTD 28 61 21 47 Total sold in 2015 = 194 2016 Active Listings as of 3/31/2016.................................37 2015 Active Listings as of 3/31/2015.................................35

Source TARMLS®

Unit # 3 3 3 3 4 5 5 5 5 6 7 7 7 8 8 9 9 11A 11A 12 12 12 12 12 15 15 17 18

March 2016 Average Age of New Owners: 68.7

Welcome New Neighbors Name From Martha Blakely Denver, CO Myong & James Roberts San Diego, CA Kevin Ryan Oro Valley, AZ Catherine Green & Aden Rehms Oro Valley, AZ Patricia Fasani Harbor City, CA Joan & A. Thompson Calder Oro Valley, AZ Diane & Allen Leslie Sundance, WY Joan Miller & Richard Bruce Oro Valley, AZ Kathleen Misgen-Swan & Philip Swan Las Cruces, NM Vincianne & Guy Vancollie Santa Barbara, CA Eleanor & Alfred Anderson Oro Valley, AZ Patricia & Erik Jensen Bartlett, IL Janet & James Locnikar Salem, OR Joan & Edsel Caine Mukilteo, WA Charlotte Schricker Oracle, AZ Sharon & Thomas Crozier Tucson, AZ Cecilia & Rafael Mares Chula Vista, CA Peggy & Russell Hoeft Oro Valley, AZ Jill Nash-Hoxeng & Dale Hoxeng Volin, SD Naomi Friedlander Oro Valley, AZ Linda Keska Kowalski & Lawrence Kowalski Elgin, IL Dorothy Leonard & Walter Swap Tucson, AZ JoAnn & William Miller Littleton, CO Adele & Owen Reese, Jr. Olympia, WA Dulcie & Richard Bagely Roseburg, OR Krista Ruwaldt & Judith Boone Durango, CO Darlene & Jerald Kloc Webster, WI Gary LaVasser Madison, AL




Statement of Revenues Revenuesand & Expenses andthe theResults Results of Operations Statement of Expenses and of Operations

Revenues: Annual H.O. Fees Special Assessment Capital Contribution Fee Golf Revenues Activities Revenues Restaurant Revenues Interest Income Other Income Gross Revenues

9 Months 2015-2016




$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

243,797 38,860 171,137 15,387 85,734 2,805 33,468 591,188

$ 3,299,169 $ 209,364 $ $ 900,327 $ 127,431 $ 599,476 $ 19,131 236,125 $ $ 5,391,023

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

3,299,169 184,680 977,975 114,951 481,400 9,000 208,763 5,275,938

Asset Reserve Contribution Capital Fund Contribution Wash Fund Contribution New Capital Acquisitions Restricted Use Revenues Net Operating Revenues Expenses: Wages & Benefits Cost of Sales Utilities Repair & Maint. Supplies & Expenses Depreciation Total Expenses

$ $ $ $ $ $

(46,101) 545,087

$ (1,075,000) $ $ (15,000) $ $ (237,207) $ 4,063,816

$ $ $ $ $ $

(1,075,000) (15,000) (210,090) 3,975,848

$ $ $ $ $ $ $

252,158 40,863 50,707 10,894 91,507 100,000 546,129

$ 2,229,787 $ 315,669 $ 585,162 $ 75,603 $ 763,128 $ 900,000 $ 4,869,349

$ $ $ $ $ $ $

2,143,864 280,421 596,619 90,539 727,690 900,000 4,739,133

Restricted Fund Expenses Net Operating Expenses

$ $

(105,423) 440,706

$ (920,050) $ 3,949,299

$ $

(900,000) 3,839,133






Results of Operations

Golf Course Revenues

For Nine Months of the Fiscal Year 2015-2016 2014-2015 Pre-Paid Rounds $508,092 $575,009 Resident Daily Rounds $82,661 $64,014 Public Daily Rounds $247,824 $226,132 Totals

$838,577 $865,155

Above is a summary of the Revenues and Expenses and the Results of Operations for the first nine months of the 2015-2016 fiscal year. Also included this month



Sun City Vistoso Tipster, Febraury 2011


is a chart comparing golf revenues from last year to the current year. A copy of the report in greater detail can be found at our website,, must login. Hold your cursor over Members, scroll to Financials, select Monthly Financial Statements, then click on February. The Annual Budget and the work on the next years budget is also here. There are also copies of the monthly Financial Statements and a copy of the Annual Budget for the 2015-2016 fiscal year in the Library located in the Welcome Center. The Finance & Budget Committee will be on hiatus until October. Meetings will resume at their normal time and location on Monday, October 17, 1 PM, WC3. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at 917-8060, or email me at Randy Trenary, Controller

May 2016, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster


SCOV Library - Kate Cusumano Online catalog: 917-8083

Have you noticed a lot of new titles on our shelves lately? Thanks to a gift from the ILR we are increasing our collection of nonfiction large print books, and a recent grant from the SCOV Community Foundation is being used to add to both audiobooks and large print fiction. We are very appreciative of the generosity of both organizations. To browse what’s new go to the SVCOV website > Library > Link to Online Catalog/Account > Browse New Items. On the left of the screen you will see an option to Browse New Items. Click on that to see what’s new in the last couple of weeks in all our collections. Here’s a quick look at some of our newest titles: Extreme Prey by John Sandford in fiction; The Obsession by Nora Roberts in large print; Most Wanted by Lisa Scottoline in audiobooks, and The Revenant in video. Recreation and Fitness - Lonnie Davis 917-8073 What Happens to Muscle as We Age?

As many of us have already noticed, muscle mass decreases as we age. Beginning in the fourth decade of life, adults lose 3-5% of muscle mass per decade, and the decline increases to 1-2% per year after age 50. Muscle keeps us strong: it burns calories and helps us maintain our weight, and it is also an essential contributor to our balance and bone strength. Without it, we can lose our independence and our mobility. The good news is that muscle mass can increase at any age in response to exercise.

Association-Sponsored Fitness

Purchase a punch card from the receptionist at the Administration Office in the Welcome Center, $20/10 classes. You may use this card for all SCOV-sponsored fitness classes. It can also be used for your guests. There is $3 drop-in charge if you do not have a punch card.

Aqua Zumba® Cardio Chair Aerobics Core Conditioning Sunrisers Sweat Stretch Zumba® Water Aerobics

Tue., 1-2 PM, AFC Pool Tue., Thu., 10:30-11:30 AM, Catalina Vista Mon., 6-7 PM, Wed., 4-5 PM, AFC Mon., Wed., Fri., 6:30-7:30 AM, AFC Tue., Thu., 7:30-9 AM, AFC Tue., 9:15-10:10 AM, Thu., 5:30-6:30 PM, AFC Mon., Wed., Fri., 9-10 AM, AFC Pool

AFC and Desert Oasis: See Hours of Operation on page two. Tuesday, May 10, the AFC pool and spa will be closed for cleaning and shock treatment. It will reopen the following morning at the regular time. Wednesday, May 11, the Desert Oasis Pool will be closed for cleaning and shock treatment and reopen the following morning at the regular time.

Help Needed This Help Needed section is for the purpose of listing wanted ads for volunteer help various Association Committees. You must be an owner/resident to serve.

Tipster Editor Must be a year-round owner/resident and have good spelling and grammar skills. Call Lou Phillippi 638-6957 or email or contact Del Salvaterra 834-5146 or email Properties Committee is looking for new members. Would you like to help identify problems with our existing facilities, find ways to reduce energy costs and provide technical support to staff and the Board of Directors? Candidates may have a technical background and or just a strong desire to keep SCOV facilities first class. Contact Ed Zwerling EZwerling@ Neighborhood Pride needs you. Do you take pride in living in our beautiful community? Do you have about 3-4 hours a month to devote to serving on the committee? Owning a golf cart would be very much appreciated. If you are interested and would like to join us, or if you have any questions, call Tempe Johnson 825-6994 or Katy Mosier, Staff Liaison, 917-8058. Recycler for Community Assistance Committee. Year-around resident to help sort aluminum cans for 30 minutes, once a week at the community’s main collection site. Funds raised by our recycling support the Loan Room and other activities in SCOV. Call Dave Johnson 825-6994.

Association Committees Active Health

Chair Janyce Lundstedt 503-475-0520 October-May, Second Tuesday, 1:30 PM, WC1

At the request of several attendees at our February presentation on Nutritional Interventions for Boosting Brain Health, we have posted a list of books referred to by our speaker, Wayne Gustin, on the SCOV Active Health Committee website. Favorite Books for Information on Healthy Living includes wellresearched topics related to preventive and restorative approaches to maintaining a healthy, active lifestyle. Each book has a very brief description of the contents. Wayne’s favorite book is: How Not To Die by Dr. Michael Gregor. Copies of the list have also been placed in the magazine rack outside the library in the Welcome Center.To obtain a list from the website, go to >Members >Members Services >Health and Fitness >Read More >Nutrients As the Arizona temperatures rise, we want to remind you of the Indoor Walking group that meets on Mondays and Thursdays 1-2 PM in the AFC/Studios1 and 2. Feel free to drop in; there is no fee.

Pass Holder Benefits This month The Views Golf Club Annual Pass Holders special is

Special Note from the AFC

Orientation on how to use the gym equipment will be held every Thursday at 1 PM, so stop in and sign up. See Lonnie Davis or call 917-8073. Contact Lonnie Davis, AFC Coordinator, for any questions or problems with the AFC. Please note time change of Water Aerobics.

Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, May 2016

$50 Bonus

50 bonus for all referrals - Get $50 on top of referral fee if your referral signs up and joins a league in May or June. $

Not a Pass Holder?

Call Kat at 917-8068 for details. 7

AFC Advisory Committee

Chair Michael Takerian 520-256-3213 First Wednesday, 11:30 AM, WC1

Are you taking advantage of our numerous wellness activity classes offered at SCOV? If not, check out the vast array of offerings that can be found in the Tipster on a monthly basis and online. Our AFC committee is providing this worthwhile link to, Gray Iron Fitness, at This is a free newsletter that covers appropriate exercises, nutrition and general related information for our age group. A reminder: whether your workout involves running, walking, sports or gym equipment, a decent sport shoe is a must. Investing in a quality shoe can help you to prevent foot and ankle damage and make your workout a more pleasant and comfortable experience. As always, if you have a comment or suggestion, fill out a card and place it in the Suggestion Box in the AFC lobby or email us.


Chair Dick Brammell Third Monday, 1 PM, WC3

We will not meet May through September. Our next meeting will be in October. If there are questions, you may address them to Dick Brammell via email. Wishing everyone a wonderful summer. Food and Beverage Committee

Chair Del Peterson 307-631-3114 October-May, First Tuesday, 9 AM, WC1

Architectural Review

Chair Lou Gard 520-825-4773 Second and Fourth Tuesday, 2 PM, WC3

Are you thinking of putting your home up for sale? If so, why not contact the ACT (Architectural Compliance Team), a subcommittee of the ARC (Architectural Review Committee). ACT will come to your home to do an evaluation to ensure it meets the existing Development Standards. If there are any violations, you as the home owner, can make corrections prior to putting your home on the market. Remember, this evaluation must be done at some time, so why not get it done prior to a pending sale when it goes into escrow? If you wait until escrow and there are violations, the sale of your home may be held up, or you may need to negotiate with the prospective buyer, to resolves the issue. Contact Katy Mosier, the Community Services Coordinator, 917-8058, and she will arrange for an ACT representative to do the evaluation. If you are a neighbor or friend of someone putting their home up for sale, remind them of this service. Consumer Referral - Vendor List

Chair Claudia Case 279-8950

Here are the directions for looking up the Vendor List on the website (formerly called Consumer Referral List): Go to >Members >Member Services >Consumer Referral Vendor List >Read More. A printed copy of the Vendor list is located at the welcome desk in the Activity Center, during all Activity Center business hours. Vendors may call or email Claudia to inquire about applying to be on our Consumer Referral Vendor List. Election In early June you will receive a ballot with your annual homeowner dues mailing. The vote will be to approve the rewritten Bylaws and Master Declaration (CC&Rs). The complete documents may be found on the SCOV website Members Services page under Governing Documents, Vote, June 2016. Or you can read them in the SCOV Library or pick up a copy at the Administration office. Be sure to vote and return your ballot by June 30. The vote will be counted on July 1.


Sun City Vistoso Tipster, Febraury 2011

Photo by Chris Richard The Views Restaurant & Lounge Task Team Committee Co-Chair, Pat Munson: Food and Beverage Director, Christopher Sapp; Food and Beverage Committee Chair, Del Peterson; Town of Oro Valley Mayor, Satish Hiremath; BOD President, Don Coleman, SCOV General Manager, Bob Mariani and W.E. O’Neil Construction Project Supervisor, Jim Hibbard. The ground-breaking ceremony took place, April 5, signifying the Restaurant construction project is officially underway. Thanks to everyone for continuing to dine at the restaurant while this project takes place. The end result will outstanding. The readership of The Explorer Newspaper voted The Views Restaurant Second Place for Best Family Dining and Third Place for Best Fine Dining. A big thank you and congratulations to the staff for all their hard work. Friends of the Library As many of you leave SCOV for summers elsewhere, please remember that the library will remain here. The library has so many books, audio books, DVDs, newspapers, most anything you can think of that a library might have. Our diligent volunteers behind the desk are very helpful. In the fall when the FOL (Friends of the Library) board reconvenes, they will be discussing other great books and authors luncheon, a home tour scheduled for Saturday, February 18, 2017, and other issues brought to our attention. If you have input in any of these activities, give us a call or drop by the library and we will refer you to the right person. Gift Shop

Co-Chairs Julie Holtry 825-4473 Elaine Deeter 825-5388 Gift Shop 917-8051 Shop Hours: Monday-Saturday, 9AM-12:30 PM May marks the seasonal changes of the Gift Shop hours beginning May 16. Stop in to stay cool and browse the offerings

May 2016, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster


from your fellow SCOV residents Monday through Saturday, 9 AM-12:30 PM. The featured artists this month are husband and wife team Carmelita and Darrell Martin.

expenses after the computerization. In April we delivered 580 pounds of aluminum cans to the recycling center. We received $220.40 which is less a new 5% foreign material charge. This brings our year-to-date total to $1,228.40 for the Loan Room - Community Assistance Committee. We are behind in both in poundage and dollars from last year. Marketing and Publicity

Barbara Ross 818-0701 Fourth Thursday, 3 PM, WC1 Carmelita began working with gourds by painting some she had grown and then began using traditional techniques like burning and carving designs onto the gourds. This led to additions of inlaid beads and other objects, creating unique and lovely art objects for the home. Darrell started making jewelry because, he “married a lady whose family were rockhounds.” He started cutting gemstones they found, then needed to make settings for the stones. Darrell’s art has evolved to making pieces that feature symbolic images. His finely-woven silver chains are stunning whether alone or supporting one of his imaginative creations. Government Affairs

Chair Mike Moyer 818-6509 Second Wednesday, 1:30 PM, WC1 Governing Documents Review Committee The Governing Documents Review Committee has completed the task to improve our CC&Rs (Master Declaration) and Bylaws. In March, you approved five changes to the documents that the Board of Directors and the committee considered important enough to be voted on separately before final editing. Those changes have been incorporated into the documents. The documents are now ready for your vote and may be reviewed on the SCOV website at Member >Member Services >Vote where you may also ask any questions you may have. Documents are also available at the Welcome Center and in the Library. The ballot will be mailed to you in June along with the Annual Homeowner Dues invoice. Your SCOV Board recommends approval of these new, improved documents. Loan Room - Community Assistance Committee

Chair Gay Russell 825-5763 Tuesday and Thursday reservations and pickup 8-9 AM Meeting Third Thursday, 3 PM, WC1

The CAC has been in existence since before 1992. While it is a SCOV Board of Directors appointed committee, it does not (and never has) received any monetary support from the Association. The Association does provide us with room space and help with transporting the aluminum can collections; but provides no funds. The CAC raises money three ways: by donations from those using the Loan Room, through the Annual Pancake Breakfast in January and the aluminum can collection program. All functions of the committee are staffed by volunteers from the community. Currently the funds accumulated by the CAC are being used to computerize the Loan Room services. A small yearly technical support fee will be added to the CAC yearly

Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, May 2016

This has been a very busy year. Thank you to all the Marketing Committee members. Some of the projects we have been involved with include: New Website Introduction; New Website Training Sessions; page 4 Articles for the Tipster; first Annual Golf Club Fair; Remodeling Forum; Community Forums on March Ballot Issues; new tag-line for The Views Golf Club “See the views... Play The Views”; Grand Opening Celebration of The Views Golf Club Pro Shop ground-breaking ceremony for The Views Restaurant expansion. We are planning for another exciting year 2016-2017. Neighborhood Pride

Chair Tempe Johnson 825-6994 Third Tuesday, 2 PM, WC3 It’s Right Around the Corner

Summer is on the way, and we bid farewell to those who leave our community for the hot months ahead. Remember to have someone look after your home and yard while you are gone, even if it is only for part of the summer. A messy yard is an indication that you are gone and puts your home and belongings in a possibly unsafe situation. During our summer monsoon season, weeds grow in abundance and need to be removed as quickly as possible. With our summer storms, there are times when it’s necessary to reach homeowners due to roof tile damage and/or trees down. Don’t forget to leave your summer address, phone number and current e-mail address with Administration should someone need to contact you. Enjoy your summer knowing that your community and home will look just as nice when you return as when you left. Posse

Chair Larry Clark 404-7664 First Tuesday, 3 PM, Catalina Vista (must be logged in first)

Why does the Posse patrol SCOV every night? The number one reason is to find open garage doors. Last year we found 947 garage doors open. When we find an open door, we turn on our vehicle’s flashing lights, and then look up your phone number so we can call. If we don’t have the correct number for you or your renters, we must call 911 and get assistance from OVPD (Oro Valley Police Department). We want your garage doors closed so that you will find your golf clubs and tools still in your garage tomorrow morning. And just as important, you will not find a rattlesnake under your car where it came in looking for warmth. Safety and security are very important to us that serve on the five Posse squads in our community. Please volunteer and become a member.



Chair Ed Zwerling 631-741-9934 Third Thursday, 9 AM, WC1

This month the Properties Committee is looking for new members again. See page 7 for information. We have recently teamed with TEP (Tucson Electric Power) and their partners to replace all interior incandescent lighting with highly efficient LED lights at a minimal cost to the HOA. We are investigating ways to reduce our gas and water costs. Upon completion of the solar project, we will review exterior lighting to see if it is adequate and efficient. Subcommittees have been formed to assist staff with determining HOA liabilities due to party walls and to monitor the condition of the Chalk Creek Wash to identify potential damage to adjacent properties. Tipster Editorial

Co-Chairs Lou Phillippi 638-6957 Del Salvaterra 834-5146

The Tipster Editorial Committee is taking steps to address legitimate complaints from readers who have asserted over the years that it is very difficult to find specific articles. The committee is considering the order of clubs should be in the same order as the newly-revised website. We will be proposing changes which should be made to make our communications consistent. You will hear more about this in the coming months. Next Tipster Editorial Committee meeting is Friday, May 13, 9 AM, WC1.

Golf Head Golf Professional - Kim Griggs 917-8053

Please be aware that there have already been several snake sightings on the golf course. Be aware of your surroundings, and if your golf ball goes into the desert, please remember it is only a golf ball. Beginning in May, our schedule will change for tee times. Please adjust your walking and riding schedules accordingly. Here are the changes: Monday: Tee times 6:30 AM-5 PM. Tuesday: 18-Hole Ladies 7:30 AM tee time slots Tee times 6:30 AM-5 PM beginning May 3. Wednesday: Men’s Club Shotgun 7:30 AM. Tee times 9:30 AM-5 PM, beginning May 11. Thursday: Nine-Hole Clubs 7:30 AM Shotgun Tee times 8:45 AM-5 PM, beginning on May 12. Friday, Saturday and Sunday: Tee times 6:30 AM-5 PM Please stop by the new Pro Shop and pick up a Divot newsletter to keep you advised of any possible changes. Just a reminder that residents will receive 15% off all merchandise except golf balls, equipment and sale items in the Pro Shop. Spring Flowers Photo by Judy Mercer


Sun City Vistoso Tipster, Febraury 2011

Superintendent - Michael Kropf 917-8063

One of the toughest challenges on maintaining a golf course is accomplishing many tasks with only a small number of employees. The maintenance crew is not only responsible for maintaining the grass, but also traps, sprinkler systems, pump station, ponds, desert and numerous other items. Most golfers are unaware of the amount of work that goes into golf course maintenance, but the Nine Hole Men’s Golf Club has been volunteering their services to the maintenance department for several years. The Nine-Hole Men’s Golf Club wanted to help on the golf course, so they organized volunteers to fill divots on the tees and fairways. Over time, they have created a system where these volunteers have each adopted their own hole. These people not only repair the divots, but also fix the ball marks on the greens and some even rake the traps when necessary. The work that this club accomplishes throughout the week has freed up at least two maintenance employees to concentrate on other aspects of the golf course. This directly leads to an even better-maintained golf course without added expense. The golf course maintenance department also gets volunteers from other clubs which help with marking the hazards for tournaments, painting the yardages on cart paths, and helping with the weeds around the desert edges. The maintenance department would like to take this opportunity to express our gratitude to all the members who donate their time and energy to help make this one of the best courses in Tucson. Golf Advisory

Chair Tim Kelley 734-645-8199 First Wednesday, 2 PM, WC3 The Committee has been discussing how tee times will be managed on Tuesday for the 2016-2017 season. Historically, Tuesday has been a single shotgun day with course maintenance in the morning and a single shotgun start for the late morning. Mike Kropf has offered to conduct the maintenance work in a manner that allows for tee times all day during the winter. The Women’s 18-Hole Club, along with other groups, will be able to start their weekly event by using a crossover approach for tee-sheet management. The groups will schedule tee times in a short window of time off both front and back tees. This allows the groups to schedule social time and avoid long periods of waiting.

The Views 18-Hole Men’s Golf Club

Pres. John Rowe 651-325-8122 Secretary Kurt Klucking Play Wednesday

Our new board members are Jim Convey, Jim Fogel and Jack Poppe. New president, John Rowe, will organize his board for the next year with Zan Wicks remaining as Tournament and Rules Chairman, Mike Stankiewicz as Handicap Chairman and Kurt Klucking as Secretary. Thank you to departing board members Vern Barr, Dave Hablewitz and Sam Phillips. Congratulations to Scott Bench, our new club champion. Bob Brunson was low net in the Championship Division. First flight low gross was Denny Garren; low net was Don Anderson. Second flight low gross was Ron Hall; low net


May 2016, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster

was Mike Nagel. Third flight low gross was Sam Phillips; low net was Mike Turner. Forth flight low gross was Steve Doty; low net was Bill Channon. The Views Cup winners were: first flight, Tim Kelly; second flight, Gary Graber; third flight, Sam Phillips and forth flight, Joe Tompkins. This month’s schedule of play is an individual Better Nine, May 4; Coyote Scramble, May 11; Progressive Better Ball four-man team, May 18; Two-Man Stableford, May 25; and Patriot Scramble, June 1, our last four-man event until October. During the summer, we will play individual and two man events. Come out and meet new friends this summer.

The Views Men’s Nine-Hole Golf Club Pres. Jim Mitchell 818-2893 Membership David Chatterton 520-204-5636 Play Thursday The Views Men’s Nine-Hole Club Championship ended play April 14, after four rounds of play on consecutive Thursdays. The results were announced at the Club meeting April 21 and prizes were awarded. A Burger Bash luncheon followed the meeting. Results of the tournament will be included in the June Tipster article. The June Tipster article will include the results of the election of board members for the coming season. The regular 2015-2016 SCOV Men’s Nine-Hole league play ended April 28. Members can continue to play Thursday mornings on an informal basis until the start of the 2016-2017 season in mid-October. Sign-up for play will be in the club book located in The Views Pro Shop. Golf quote comes from baseball manager Joe Torre, “Golf is the only game I know where you call a foul on yourself. ” The Views Women’s Golf Club

Pres. Bonnie Svarstad 825-3223 Membership Barb McNeill 825-0677 Play Tuesday, 11:30 AM, Shotgun

By the time you see this, we will have elected a new board. It is a nice mix of new and long time members to lead our group: Nancy Klucking as President; Co-VPs including membership duties, Pat Tempestini and Sue LaFontaine; Pam LaBrie and Patti Thompson will continue as CoSectretaries and Pattie Horning as Treasurer. Terrie Juba will stay on as Handicap Chair. Thanks for accepting the responsibilities. And a big thank you to our past board for their leadership and continued membership in the club. At our closing event April 26, we awarded the 2016 President’s Cup winner, Betty Bittle with runner-up, Barbara Hall. The 2016 Club Champion is Debbie Allen. Congratulations. To our winter residents who are leaving soon, happy summer and safe travels. For those of us staying the summer, stay cool and play lots of golf. If you meet a new woman resident, please invite her to play with us.

The Views 9-Hole Women’s Golf Club Pres. Uy Mangini 447-6904 Membership Jennifer Clark 818-3815 Play Thursday

Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, May 2016

TheViews Restaurant

Food & Beverage Director - Chris Sapp 917-8074 And May Flowers Bring Pilgrims at The Views

Don’t forget to reserve your table for Wine Wednesdays, May 11 and May 25. The theme for these dinners are Five C’s: Cattle, Copper, Citrus, Cotton, Climate, Food and Wine of Arizona. Our Friday Happy Hours, for May: May 6, will feature the modern country music of Ivan Denis, May 13, Arizona Jazz with Duo Vibrato, May 20, we welcome concert favorite Corey Spector back to The Views. On May 27, 4:30-7 PM, be sure to wear your finest western outfit for a night of country and western music with cowboy singer/guitarist David Rychener. Would anyone like to volunteer as a Views Restaurant Welcome Ambassador and assist the team with providing a warm welcome, and a fond farewell for our guests? If so, please contact Mona Connoy 520-818-7923, or Patt Provencio 520-210-1950 for more information. Want to try something different and tasty for dinner and cannot get to The Views Restaurant? Vistoso Helpful Hands can assist you. Dial 410-9498. After the tone, enter your area code and phone number and hang up. You will be called back by a SCOV volunteer resident who can help you make the arrangements to have a homemade meal from the restaurant delivered straight to your door.

Win a Free Meal

The Views restaurant is offering you a chance to win a free breakfast or lunch if you turn in a comment card. Monthly comment cards are randomly drawn for a free meal. The March winners are Karen Pilcher, Judy Matthies, Lue Satterfield, Sandy Andringer and Brenda Hawkins. Congratulations and bon appétit.

Coming Events

Items included in this section must be open to all residents and be either sponsored by the Association or an annual club event of interest to the entire community.

Special Events for Clubs See club articles for full details. Sun City Singles, Golf, Sun. May 1, The Views Golf Course Day Trippers, Shamrock Farms, Tue., May 10, Casa Grande Sun City Singles, Dinner, Thu. May 12, 5:30 PM, Activity Center/Navajo Kactus Kickers, End of Season Party, Fri., May 13, 6:30 PM, Auditorium Rock ‘N Roll Club, Dance, Sat., May 14, 7-10 PM, Auditorium Dinner ‘N Show, Ravenhearse Dinner and Death, Wed., May 18 Astronomy, Jess Johnson, LPL, Thu., May 19, 7 PM, Activity Center/Navajo Sun City Singles, Happy Hour, Fri. May 27, 5:30 PM, Activity Center/Navajo Day Trippers, Ice Cream Social, Sun., June 19 Dinner ‘N Show, Me and My Girl, Sat., June 25, at Hale Center Day Trippers, Wild Horse Casino Trip, Mon., July 11, Free 11

Sunday, May 8, 2 PM, Auditorium

Wednesday, June 15, Phoenix

port the operations of the house. Drop off your tabs at the Activity Center, Welcome Center, Desert Oasis or Catalina Vista. We ask that you bring only the pull tabs, as we are unable to accept the full cans due to storage and sanitary considerations. Remember, every tab counts. Did You Know? 1,267 tabs makes one pound. On average, the Ronald McDonald House of Southern Arizona raises $3,000-$5,000 annually through tab recycling.

The D-backs will be playing the Dodgers. There will be only one bus. Your ticket price includes bus and game tickets with wonderful seating at the air-conditioned ball park. You can go to the concession stands or be served at your seat. Get your tickets early.

The Costume Closet is available to all residents by appointment only. For assistance call Marty Siracusa 825-6961 or Betty Verderese 825-7811. Please do not return items to monitor at Desert Oasis.

Tucson Symphony String Quartet

The strings are always requested to appear here. This will be a wonderful way to spend an afternoon and be entertained by such talent. Doors will open at 1:30 PM.

Tickets on sale at the Welcome Center, $15 pp. Diamondbacks Bus Trip

Tickets on sale beginning May 17 Welcome Center, Coco or Pam, $48 pp.

Sun City Vistoso Foundation

The Sun City Vistoso Community Foundation, a separate and independent organization from the association established in 1998, provides a means through which tax-deductible gifts may be channeled to support qualified health, cultural, educational and charitable needs of SCOV and surrounding areas. Gifts may be made at any time by check, stocks or gifts-in-kind to the Foundation 1565 E. Rancho Vistoso Blvd., Oro Valley, AZ 85755 Pres. Gay Russell 825-5763

Workshops and Classes

AED (Automatic External Defibrillator) Classes

Classes are usually held the fourth Wednesday of each month at 1:30 PM, WC1. Lonnie Davis teaches these classes. To attend, you must register ahead of time by calling Lonnie 917-8073. You could save the life of a loved one. May 25 is the date of the next class. Keep in mind that there will be no classes in June, July and August.

Parkinson’s Exercise Classes There will be no classes in May; they return in June. Exercise classes are held Monday and Thursday 4-5:30 PM, WC3. This class has helped many and is a great support to those with Parkinsons. Cost is $10/class or $50/month. Spouse or caretaker is welcome at every class. For information call Ray Jerkins 219-3561.

For Your Information

The items contained under this heading are provided as a service to residents. SCOV assumes no responsibility or liability for the information contained therein.

AARP Tax Assistance

AARP tax counselors at the Welcome Center are no longer available for consultation. Contact the AARP office, 6700 N. Oracle Road, Suite 331, Tucson, or call 520-571-9884.

Costume Closet

Thank You Corner This section allows residents to express thanks to the community. Articles should not exceed 50 words and should not contain thanks to specific persons. Many thanks to The Views Restaurant and its catering staff for the good food and prompt, efficient service at the Wisconsin Party on March 12. Kerry Boness, club president I am thrilled once again at your generosity. Your recent gift will tremendously benefit our community by providing some of the newest nonfiction books, including bestsellers, to our growing population of large print readers. Thank you so much,. Kate Cusumano, SCOV Librarian A heartfelt thank you to the SCOV Community Foundation for the generous gift which will help our library continue to provide quality materials and service. We are so grateful. Judy Kuhel, SCOV Friends of the Library President Thank you friends here in Sun City for your prayers and well wishes for Jean, after her recent stroke. She is bouncing back quite nicely and looks forward to seeing you as she returns to normalcy. Your kind and thoughtful deeds have been greatly appreciated. Jean and Stan James Thank you to the cast, and crew of the Come to the Cabaret Variety Show: your dedication in bringing the best of your talent and effort to entertain the SCOV community. Each skit, song and dance and technical effort was the result of your caring attention to detail. Producers, Barbara, Carol and Joan


Sun City Vistoso Tipster, Febraury 2011

Resident 1 1 1 1

Carol Olson Jerome H. Diamond Elaine Erhardt Lucy S. O’Neill

Helen K. Heese Roberta Pederson George Arkoosh

Collection of Aluminum Can Pull Tabs

The SCOV can tab collection is sponsored by the YOTO/ Northwest Auxiliary. We collect/recycle aluminum tabs for the Ronald McDonald House who uses the funds to sup-


February 3 March 7 March 12 March 22

Former Resident 1 January 29 1 March 8 1 April 1


May 2016, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster

Sun City Oro Valley Scrapbook

Resident Submitted Photos

Taken Friday, April 8, from my back yard... Storm clouds, a rainbow, and the sun shone on Palo Verde trees in bloom. Photo by Rowena Hardinger.

Lizard on rosemary in our yard. Photo by Lou Phillippi.

First Acorn Woodpecker we’ve seen in the 10 years here. Photo by Dave Scoles

Ron Brown kite flying on Engle Hill. What a beautiful view. Photo by Elanie Brown.

Gila Monster moseying out of a SCOV backyard. Photo by Gary Soule.

Cactus bloom after rain. Photo by Sheryl Hester.

Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, May 2016, Page 13

Clubs Aqua Tone

Marcia Polley 818-9073 Irmel Wheeler 334-0957 Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, 8 AM, AFC/Pool

Join our group for fun-filled exercise in the pool. Everyone is welcome. Art League

Co-Pres. Dave Dame 825-7430, Judy Bjorling 818-1296 Colored Pencil Vanessa Edwards 825-1144 Friday, 9 AM-Noon, Catalina Vista/Art Studio

We will continue to meet over the summer. Come join us.

Fine Arts Studio Pres. Mellanie Herbert 825-2258 Wednesday, 9 AM, Catalina Vista/Art Studio

May is the month our club thins out and seasonal residents leave for the summer. However, our studio keeps buzzing with artists eager to create new works, while we stay cool in our air-conditioned studio. The entire SCOV community is welcome to hang its artwork in the Activity Center for the duration of the summer months. Please coordinate with Dave Dame if you’re interested. We wish everyone a happy, healthy, creative summer.

Open Studio Artists

Carol Nagel 825-3097 Thursday, 9 AM-2 PM, Catalina Vista/Art Studio

Visit the Art Room and check out our growing group of artists. There is always room for one more.

Sculpture P Pres. Laurie Lichaa 812-0198 Monday, 9 AM-5 PM, Catalina Vista/Art Studio

Some of our members leave for the summer, but those remaining continue to work in our air-conditioned studio. We invite all residents to stop by Monday mornings and visit with our artists, and we’ll show you the technique used to form clay sculptures. It‘s a very creative activity, and you’ll produce beautiful pieces for your home. The photo is of one of our sculptors, Al Burdi, who has just completed an elk mounted on a wood burl. This particular piece was made by fusing three river rocks and then adding clay to complete the animal.


Sun City Vistoso Tipster, Febraury 2011

Water Media Pres. John Ebert 818-1830 Tuesday, 9 AM-4 PM, Catalina Vista/Art Studio

The blooming desert invites us to pick up the paint brush. Techniques learned in Bob and Helen Jennette’s workshop, Painting Outside the Lines, can be applied to many of the future projects. Come to the Art Room on Tuesdays to share your ideas with others and use the instructive resources found in the club’s library. Arthritis Water

Marianne Phillips creates sense of depth in her painting.

Pres. Dawn Simske 825-0907 Sec. Jane Myerson Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 10:15 AM, AFC Pool

Come join us for gentle water exercises specifically designed by the Arthritis Foundation to help with range of motion and to relieve stiffness and pain. These exercises are great for arthritis, fibromyalgia, replaced hips and knees, etc. Our resident volunteer instructor, Dawn Simske, is Arthritis Foundation-trained. Astronomy

Pres. Peter Simpson 395-0480 October-May, Third Thursday, 7 PM, Activity Center/Navajo

We are honored to welcome Jess Johnson, Senior Research Specialist at the U of A Lunar and Planetary Laboratory, to our May 19 meeting. His topic will be The Asteroid Issue: Detection, Characterization, and Mitigation. Mr. Johnson has a B.S. degree in Physics from Lehigh University and a M.S. in Astronomy and Astrophysics from the University of California, Santa Cruz. The club cookout April 28 was catered by The Views Restaurant and enjoyed by all who attended. Members are looking forward to the trip to Mt. Hopkins now scheduled for Wednesday, May 18. The Annual Astronomy Club Cookout on the patio. April trip was postponed due to road construction. Please feel free to bring a friend or neighbor to our meetings. SCOV residents as well as members from the surrounding community are welcome. Membership information and a new member application is on the club website. You are welcome to bring a completed application and a check for $12 to the meeting. To help you enjoy the night skies the club recommends this website:


May 2016, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster

Barbershop VLQ (Very Large Quartet) - Kactus Krooners

Mike Moyer 818-6509 October-May, Monday, 11 AM-Noon, Desert Oasis

This fun, mixed, a cappella barbershop chorus will be taking a rest during the summer months from May 2 until late October or early November. Watch the Tipster for a notice. Meanwhile, get together with some friends and just keep singing. Have a harmonious summer. Bible Study

Men’s Bible Study Darwin Thornton 638-7024 Rick Thomas 591-0475 October-May, Tuesday, 7:30 AM, Catalina Vista/Mt. Kimball

We’ve completed our sessions for this spring and will take a break through the summer. It has been a season of learning and reward as we looked at the truth and application of what the Bible teaches. “All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right.” 2 Timothy 3:16. You can experience this same renewal of spirit by joining us when we reconvene October 4.

Precept Women’s Bible Study Linda Miller 818-2716 Pat Gustin 825-7531 October-April, Wednesday, 8:45 AM, WC3

The members of our Precepts Bible Study have ended this year’s session with the completion of the first half of Acts. We also enjoyed our annual luncheon, post-class. As usual, we will be taking a break for the summer. We encourage you to join us in the fall, as we will begin an eight-week study of the second half of the book of Acts. More information about that will be forthcoming in the June issue. We look forward to your participation in our fellowship. Bike - Vistoso Cyclists

Pres. Jim Elkan 520-744-1686 Membership Tom and Bonnie Bethea 773-653-4580 Monday, Wednesday, Friday, behind the SCOV Welcome Center

We meet year-round starting from 1565 E. Rancho Vistoso Blvd., behind the Welcome Center, to enjoy an unparalleled combination of amazing desert vistas and the ever improving infrastructure of bike lanes and dedicated paths. New riders are always welcome . A monthly schedule of our 20-60 mile rides is available on our website. Our well-tested loop routes support a wide variety of abilities and usually include a mid-ride coffee stop. We also offer a mountain bike route on Wednesdays which most often heads out into the Tortolita rangelands. Tuesday morning our WOW (Women on Wheels) group takes somewhat shorter rides nearer to SCOV. In addition, we hold a number of social events each season. Vistoso Cyclists’ partner, Wheels for Kids asks you to donate your seldom-used, tax-deductible bicycle. We refurbish such bikes and distribute them to kids and teens, thus giving youth in need the freedom, fun, and fitness that results from cycling. See to arrange for a drop-off or pickup. Your cash donations are also tax-deductible.

Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, May 2016


Jack Matthies 825-4891 Monday-Friday, Noon-4 PM, Catalina Vista/Billiards We would like to invite all residents interested in playing pocket billiards to come to our Billiards Room. We have a great facility available to residents and club members. Annual dues $10 pp. Join our club and hone your skills with the help of our members, even if it has been years since you have played the game. The club allows nonmembers to visit and play one time, so that you can experience for yourself the amenities of our facilities and club.

Birders Group

Mona Connoy 520-818-7923 Last Friday, 4 PM, Catalina Vista/Art Studio All SCOV residents are welcome. You must contact the group coordinator prior to 4 PM the day before the trip to assure your carpool space. Meet at the parking area behind the Welcome Center 15 minutes before the departure time. Bring lunch where indicated. Don’t forget binocu- Birding Boyce-Thompson Arboretum. lars, hat, water, sunscreen, insect repellent and bird guidebook. Gas money will be collected before departure from SCOV.

Thu., May 5, 6:30 AM WOW (Catalina, AZ). Maggie & Roger Hinkle 818 9488. $2 carpool. Bring $15 for a tax-deductible guided tour of gardens. Limited to 8 participants. Note this destination change. Thu., May 12, 6 AM Mt. Lemmon. Peggy and John Smith 344-0991. $11 carpool. Bring money for lunch out. Wed., May 18, 5:30 AM Pena Blanca Lake. Mona Connoy 818-7923. $13 car pool. Bring money for lunch out. Wed., Jun. 1, 5 AM Ft. Huachuca canyons. Judy and Paul Mercer 333 3490. $13 carpool. Bring money for lunch out. Please complete on-line entry form for Fort Huachuca in advance. Bocce

Pres. Karl Dalla Rosa 825-1982 Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Bocce Courts May-October, 7 PM, evening play November-April, 2 PM, afternoon play

We are now on our summer hours, Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 7-9 PM. We would like to have a little social hour on the last Friday of the month before we begin to play. Hope you will come a little early and join us for some fun. Anyone who is new to the game and would like to give it a try, please come and join us on any of those evenings. It’s an easy and fun game, and we would love to have you.


Book Clubs

Great Books Pres. Barbara Gates 825-7645 VP Jeff Amthor 825-4571 October-May, First and Third Wednesday, 2 PM, Catalina Vista/Mt. Lemmon

All residents are invited to join us as we discuss Imperfect Ideal: Utopian and Dystopian Visions, A Collection of Modern and Ancient Literature by Dostoevsky, Homer, Lenin, Oscar Wilde, Augustine and 17 other noteworthy thinkers (available from Great Books Foundation). The collection considers ideas about structuring and governing communities for the welfare of their citizens, revealing some of the best and worst aspects of utopian and dystopian visions. On May 4, Sandy Rice will lead the discussion of a selection from Book I in Mencius (c. 300 BCE) by the Chinese Confucian philosopher Mencius (Meng Ke or Master Meng). Master Meng is famous for his claim that human nature is good. Then, May 18, we will discuss a selection from Book VII in Aristotle’s Politics (c. 350 BCE) that considers an ideal city and the external goods, goods of the body and goods of the soul (psyche) of its citizens.

SCOV Book Club Jane Fairchild 520-909-5069 First Monday, 1:30 PM, Catalina Vista/Pusch Ridge

At our May meeting we will be discussing Ordinary Grace by William Kent Krueger, New Bremen, Minnesota, 1961. The Twins were playing their debut season, ice-cold root beers were selling out at the soda counter of Halderson’s Drugstore, and Hot Stuff comic books were a common sight on every barbershop magazine rack. It was a time of innocence and hope for a country with a new, young president. But for thirteen-year-old Frank Drum, it was a hard, sad summer in which death visited frequently and assumed many forms: accident, nature, suicide and murder.

residents and part-timers are always welcome to join our fun group. We play until 3:30 PM, changing partners after six hands with timed intervals to keep play moving. Bring 50 cents entry fee for prize money. For more information regarding summer play, call our secretary, Sally Healey 825-6768.

Ladies Wednesday Bridge Pres. Lynne Wohner, 336-9908, Wednesday, 12:15-3 PM, Activity Center/Navajo

Mixed Social Bridge Pres. Barney Budreck 825-2172 Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 8-11 AM, Desert Oasis/Ocotillo

Safe travels to those of you leaving for the summer. We will look forward to your return in the fall. Regular bridge play will continue throughout the summer, as scheduled, for the rest of us.

Practice Bridge Pres. Joe Pheanis 520-818-9144 Sec/Treas. Joan Montgomery 520-825-0050 Monday, Wednesday, 12:30-3 PM, Desert Oasis/Ocotillo

This is a really cool way to hone your existing bridge skills in a very friendly non-critical atmosphere. If you’ve never played before, you’re welcome to come sit with us and see if you think this game might be for you.

Tuesday Night Partners Bridge Pres. Rita Quin 825-3885 VP and Treas. Jerry Cohen 818-2151 Tuesday, 6:30 PM, Activity Center/Navajo/Hohokam

Bowling League - Pathfinders

Blake Napper 818-2718 Monday, 9 AM, Fiesta Lanes (River and Oracle Rd.) Bridge

Duplicate Bridge Pres. William Abel 797-1049 Monday, 6 PM; Friday, 12:30 PM; Activity Center/Hohokam

This club is for all bridge players who enjoy competing and playing against different couples. Annual dues $10 pp. We are not an ACBL-sanctioned club and do not award master points. New players are always welcome. Residents and renters with an Association Renter’s Card can play up to two times before joining. Guests of residents may play only twice a year. Please be present at least 10 minutes before scheduled playing time as we may start a few minutes early. Bring exactly $1 pp for prize money each time you play.

Seasonal residents are leaving, but the bridge game continues every Tuesday night. Come by 6:20 PM, and enjoy an evening of social bridge. Pictured are Dave and Tempe Johnson with Don and Kay Burns who are regular members. Yearly dues, $5 are due July 1. Bunco

Fern 825-8127 Pat 825-7198 Fourth Tuesday, 1-4 PM, Desert Oasis/Ocotillo Canasta

Bob Segebrecht 825-5480 Second and Fourth Thursday, 6 PM, Desert Oasis/Ocotillo

We are now meeting only the second and fourth Thursday of each month at 6 PM. No dues.

Ladies Monday Social Bridge Pres. Margot Rothenbuecher 825-9288

Monday, 1-3:30 PM, Catalina Vista/Mt. Kimball The days are heating up and what better way to enjoy Wednesday afternoons than with social bridge? Join us during the summer and perhaps make some new friends. New


Sun City Vistoso Tipster, Febraury 2011

SCOV Name Tags

Donald R esident

Name tags with our logo are $8 each. The order form is available at Log in first then >Member Services >This & That >Name Tag Order Form.


May 2016, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster



Pres. Joan Kelley 734-255-9644 September-May, First Thursday, 1 PM, Artisan Center/Pottery

Robert Hines 825-2208 First and Third Thursday, 6:30 PM, Catalina Vista/Pusch Ridge

Dance Groups

Dancin’ Dynamos Dancin’ Dynamos Performers

Lynne Newbauer 818-3516 Tappers-Cloggers-Stage, Friday, 3 PM, Dance Studio Hula - Aloha Hula Sisters

Del Salvaterra 520-834-5146 Beginning Hula, Thursday, 1-2 PM, Dance Studio Intermediate Hula, Thursday, 2-3 PM, Dance Studio Its spring, and we are already saying, “see you next fall” Practice Third and Fourth Monday, 1-3 PM, Dance Studio to some of our clay buddies. It has been a busy and productive winter, and we wish everyone an equally enjoyable summer. Activities will continue through the hotter months to come, and clay will remain a focus to many seeking refuge from the sun. Our members recently enjoyed a lecture and demonstration on those all-important handles. Next time you pick up your favorite mug, look at that handle and figure out why it’s a good fit for you.

It is not too late to join us. Learn kahiko (ancient) and ‘auna (contemporary/modern) styles of hula dancing. Dance steps are not strenuous, but you will get a good workout. If you are new or need a refresher, you will learn the basic hands and feet movement to easy choreography. For continuing/intermediate hula dancers, we will review previously learned choreography and learn new ones.

Computer - Vistoso Computer Society (VCS)

Jazz Tap Contact Jacquie Katsones 520-638-8854 Jazz Dance Class: Tuesdays 1-1:45 PM, Dance Studio Jazz/Tap Dance Class: Tuesdays 1:45-2:30 PM, Dance Studio

Membership October-May General Meetings

David Johnson 825-6994 Del Salvaterra 834-5146 November-March, 1 PM, Auditorium

There is no general meeting in May. Membership is required for all classes, help sessions, assistance from other computer club members and the right to join the ListServ (online bulletin board). To know more about or join the PC or Mac ListServ, go to the club’s website homepage. The club is now collecting dues for 2016, $10/household. Checks, not cash, will be accepted at the meetings or send to Dave Johnson, 2427 Nasturtium, with the application form. The application form is available outside the CLC (Computer Learning Center) in the Welcome Center, or you may download it from the club’s website homepage. Drop off used ink cartridges in the basket provided just outside the CLC. The club donates them to Coronado K-8 school’s Parent Teachers Organization to fund a multitude of projects. Class and Help Sessions: Register directly with the instructor either by phone or email, whichever the instructor prefers. For a PDF copy of the class schedules go to the club’s website, click the Class Schedules tab, from the Class Schedules page, click the month you wish to download. Hard copies are also available outside the CLC.

May Computer Classes Schedule Class Name Dates iPhone Tips for users (iPhones 4s or newer) Limit 12 1 Session Thu., May 12 Peg Bushong Help Sessions for PC and Mac Users 4 Sessions Wed., May 4 and 18 Tue., May 10 and 24

Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, May 2016

Learn jazz moves and tap steps and combinations to contemporary/pop and Broadway music for exercise and fun. Meet our new instructor, Jacquie, a new SCOV resident with many years experience in jazz and tap. You will need to register to attend either one or both classes. Note that the Jazz dance class has reached maximum number of students. Contact Jacquie to be placed on the waitlist. Folk Dance Club of SCOV

Harvey Gardner 308-5616 Friday, 10-11:30 AM, AFC/Studio 2

Time 1-3 PM 1-3 PM 1-3 PM

Please note that folk dancing throughout May will take place as usual with each dance taught by Harvey Gardner. Starting in June, and continuing through September, each folk dance session will be taught using videos of the dances. More experienced dancers will offer guidance to those needing it. Harvey will return in October to teach each Friday dance session. Please join us in holding hands in a circle as we perform non-gymnastic steps to the fascinating sounds and rhythms of the music and instruments of diverse cultures. No partners or experience needed. Google YouTube Folk Dance SCOV to see us in action. Non-dancing observers are welcome.


Rock ‘N Roll

Pres. Francine Saccio 825-6526 Membership Judy MacGregor 415-971-0236 This month we are having the Not Too Old Rock and Roll Dance Party Saturday, May 14, 7-10 PM, Activity Center Au- ditorium, with a favorite band, Heartbeat. Tickets: members only $20 pp, Tues., May 3 Nonmembers $25 pp Thu., May 5, both days 9-10:30 AM, Activity Center/Hopi. For this dance a member will be able to reserve a table for 8-10 members. Get your dancing shoes ready for a fun Rock and Roll Dance evening with with The Rave. great live rock Photo by and roll music Mark Wheeler and time for socializing. Dessert will be catered by The Views Restaurant. BYOB and your snacks. Rock on.

Line Dancing - Sunliners

Western Dancing - Kactus Kickers

Pres. Yvette Schulz 825-0797 Dances November-April, Second Friday, Auditorium Membership Preston Sheriff 825-3101

Join us Friday, May 13, 6:30 PM, Auditorium, for our Adios Amigos Dance, final of the season. There will be appetizers and dessert. Soda and mixers provided. BYOB. Auditorium doors open 5:30 PM, dancing starts 6:30 PM to the music of Raleigh Jay Croghan.

Tickets: members $15 pp, nonmembers $20 pp Monday, May 9; Tuesday, May 10; 9-11 AM, Activity Center/Lobby Ticket Contact: Chris Lecinski 520-825-6634

Pres. Lynne Nelson 818-2665 Membership Karen Perkins A new dance season begins in November. Not a member email: yet? For $7 pp you can join this fun SCOV country western dance club. We look forward to seeing you on the dance floor. All classes, practices and dances are held in the Auditorium unless otherwise noted.

Dances: Open Line Dance Classes: Level 3 Level 2 Level 1 Practices: Level 3 Level 2-3 Transitional Level 1 Level 3 Level 2

Day Trippers

Chair Warren Cuthbert 818-1282 Co-Chair Laura Suchocki 612-7226 Membership Carol Guibert and Barbara Phillips Sat., 9-10 AM Second Friday, 9 AM, Activity Center/Navajo Sat., 10:15-11:15 AM Tue., May 10 Shamrock Farms, Casa Grande. $55 pp. Includes bus, driver Sat., 11:30 AM-12:15 PM tip, tour and lunch at Legends Restaurant, Francisco Grande Hotel. Bus leaves at 9 AM. Monitors: Rosemary Dalla Rosa 1st & 3rd Sun., 11 AM- 12:30 PM, Dance Studio 825-1982 and Carol Guibert 404-1452. Wed., 2-3 PM, Dance Studio Sun., Jun. 19 Ice Cream Social. $2 pp. Monitors: Rosemary Dalla Rosa 825Wed., 3:05-4 PM, Dance Studio 1982 and Carol Vandaveer 820-1583. Thu., 2:45-3:55 PM Mon., Jul. 11 Free Wild Horse Casino trip. Monitor: Edie Phillips 297-3920. Thu., 3:55-5 PM Sun.-Thu., Aug.14-18 Santa Fe, NM, 4 nights, 5 days, sgl. $985, dbl. $1,310. In cludes roundtrip transportation, eight meals, lodging, fees Square Dancing - Sundancers and tips. Also includes Flamenco show, back stage tour of Op era facility, visit to Black Canyon, Gunnison National Park and Pres. Jane Macdonald 520-272-0014 one way ride on the Durango/Silverton train. Santa Fe Opera VPs Fred and Deena Harris 520-818-6298 tickets to Don Giovanni, dinner and lecture sold separately Dances Wednesdays 7 PM, Auditorium at $205 pp. $200 due at sign up. Balance, including Opera tickets, due at June 10 meeting. Monitors: Kathy Garver 345Our club will not be dancing through the summer. Our last 2188 and Edie Phillips 297-3920. dance of this season was April 27. Our next scheduled dance Coming Events: will be September 7. Attire will be casual through October. Have a great summer and stay tuned for further club informa Sat., Sep. 10 - Annual BBQ tion. Don’t forget to check our website. Fri.-Sun, Sep. 30-Oct.2 - Verde Canyon Railroad Nov. Mystery Trip ? Sun., Dec. 11 - Annual Holiday Party Fri., May 6, 6:30-8:30 PM

Come to our meetings and hear more about these and future trips. Be sure to bring your checkbook to every meeting.


Sun City Vistoso Tipster, Febraury 2011


May 2016, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster

Sun City Oro Valley Democrat Club

Pres. Maureen Salz 520-240-0049 Saturday, May 7, 4-6 PM, Auditorium

Our annual picnic is Saturday, May 7, 4-6 PM, Auditorium. Tickets $25 in advance or at the door. Contact Ben Love 825-8064. The following 14 candidates are scheduled to speak: Ann Kirkpatrick, US Senate; Tom O’Halleran Congressional District 1; James Maloney, Congressional District 1; Tom Chabin and Bill Mundell, AZ Corporation Commission; Ralph Atchue, LD11 Senate; Corin Hammond, LD11 House; Brian Bickel, Pima County Supervisor, District 1; Barbara LaWall Pima County Attorney; Joel Feinman, Pima County Attorney; F. Ann Rodriguez, Pima County Recorder; Dustin Williams, Pima County School Superintendent; Chris Nanos, Pima County Sheriff; and Scott Baker, Amphi School Board. The Views Restaurant will be catering grilled hamburgers, brats and veggie burgers with all the fixings, plus side salads, desserts and drinks. Don’t miss this opportunity to hear and talk with your 2016 candidates. Dinner ’N Show

Pres./Membership Chairperson Marcia Polley 818-9073 Julie Balogh 818-1046 Third Tuesday, 9:15 AM, Auditorium

All are welcome to join us for our monthly meetings. Bring your checkbook: we prefer not to take cash. Nonmembers are welcome to come to shows for an additional $3 service fee.

Wed. May 18 Ravenhearse Dinner and Death at Dakota Restaurant in Trail Dust Town. Bus, dinner and show $75. Gay Russell 825-5763. Sat. June 25 Me and My Girl at Hale Theater. Lunch at Texas Roadhouse $76. Florence Duckett 825-1994. Buses leave on time behind the Welcome Center. Different Drummers Women’s Circle

Leader Bobi Borenstein 825-8856 Co-Leader Zona Boss 520-638-6644 Wednesday, 1:30-3 PM Catalina Vista/Mt. Lemmon We will meet at Catalina Vista/Mt. Lemmon May 11 through September 1:30-3 PM. May 4 and 18 will be special events, and all members will receive email regarding the details. The Different Drummers Women’s Circle provides a community drum circle for any woman wanting to connect with others through hand drumming using African Djembe drums, hand-held Native American frame drums and other small percussion. Drums and instruments are provided for guests. Join us to drum, laugh and meet new friends. People worldwide for centuries have used group drumming to energize minds and bodies, strengthen community bonds, release stress and celebrate life. Dog Club - Fido’s Friends

Pres. Marge Gustafson Membership/Sec. Elaine Deeter 825-5388 November, January and March, Third Thursday, 2 PM, Activity Center/Hopi

Fido’s Friends is the club responsible for the Dog Park. If you and your dog would like to use the park, contact Elaine

Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, May 2016

Deeter to join the club and get a key to the park. Dogs enjoy their free-running time at the park. We have just completed Snake Aversion Training, and Colorado River Toad Aversion will be set after the first rains of the summer. All club members will be notified by email of the date and time for this training. Energetic Exercise

Carole Tracy 825-1187 Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 8-9 AM, Auditorium

May day. May day. Your body is sending out an SOS for fitness. Come to our classes for a vigorous and beneficial aerobic and strength workout. Professional instructor Sally Martinez provides a variety of sessions to keep those muscles strong, joints limber and body flexible and well balanced. New members are always warmly welcomed, men and women. Your get-acquainted class is free. Current members: Please pay your annual $3 dues before leaving for the summer. Class tickets are a bargain: only $30 for 12 classes. Euchre

Jack and Barb Matthies 825-4891 Jack and Maria Welch 520-395-1205 Monday, Meet 5:45 PM, Play 6 PM, Desert Oasis/Ocotillo

Don’t watch TV every night. Come play euchre, a fastmoving game. Meet your neighbors and make new friends. If you are new to the game, we will be glad to teach you. Bring your smile and 50¢. We look forward to seeing you. Five Crown Card Game

Co-Pres.: Rosemary Dalla Rosa 825-1982 Helen Slusher 822-4939 Saturday, 4:30 PM or 5:30 PM, Desert Oasis

We are all having a great time playing Five Crowns. It’s a very easy game to learn, so if you enjoy playing cards, don’t hesitate to come and join us. We are all eager to help any new players, and you will catch on in no time. We play on Saturdays, at 4:30 PM or 5:30 PM. Bring quarters and dimes; each game costs 12 dimes and one quarter. Hopefully you will win some of your money back. If you have any questions, please call Rosemary or Helen. Garden Club

Co-Pres. Zona Boss 520-638-6644 Co-Pres. Deanna Haselwander 825-5291 Next season we will meet October-April, Second Tuesday, 12:30 PM, Auditorium

Our regular meetings have ended for the season. Several activities are being planned for the summer: a dried potato jewelry and ornament workshops, as well as a felt-on- felt class. Dues of $5 pp or $8/cpl are now payable by August 31 for inclusion in the 2016-2017 yearbook. Contact Florence Duckett at 825-1994 or The Garden Club is enthusiastically planning the Secret Garden Tour Saturday, April 1, 2017. If you think your backyard is special and would like it to be included in the line-up of wonderful hidden gardens in our community, the Club would like to consider it for our 2017 Secret Garden Tour. Contact Wendy Hughes 503-703-9563 or Our next full meeting will be Tuesday, October 11, 12:30 PM, Auditorium. Have a safe and healthy summer. We look forward to seeing everyone in October.



Pres. Karen Hasselbach Monitor Training Joan Allen 825-4464 Mentoring Holly Gibson 825-8808 October-May, Second Tuesday, 1 PM, Activity Center/Navajo

Our Courtyard Sale for the genealogy club was a smashing success and surpassed our goal. Our thanks to everyone involved. Our last speaker May 10 will be Amy Urman’s Timelines. Learn how to use timelines to organize evidence to further your research. Timelines can help locate records for a particular person, time period or place. Learn about what types of information can be added to your research timeline to track and locate records. Recently we heard a member wanted to be trained as a monitor. Have you considered being trained so the genealogy room and computers would be available for you and others to research? Gin Rummy

George Riley 818-0877 Thursday and Saturday, 9 AM, Desert Oasis/Saguaro

We play team games by drawing cards for partners with no choice of teammates or tables. There are no dues or fees for this club. Games have comparatively low stakes. Gun Club

Pres. Warren Cuthbert 818-1282 Membership Don Nolan 825-5570 October-April, Second Wednesday, 2 PM, Activity Center/Hohokam

The Gun Club is for people who have an interest in learning about guns, shooting, personal protection and firearm safety. We especially invite women, who are interested in learning about firearm safety and self-protection. You do not need to be a club member, own a gun or have any experience with firearms to come to Gun Club meetings. Our next meeting will be October 12. Hand and Foot

Bonnie Arneson 225-0124 Sunday, 1:30 PM, Desert Oasis/Ocotillo

Come join us for a fun game of Hand and Foot. If you have never played before, we will be happy to teach you. Bring three quarters with you. You may play one time before joining. One-time dues $5 pp. No yearly dues. We start promptly at 1:30 PM, so please come a few minutes early and be able to stay until 4 PM.

residents a wonderful summer and look forward to seeing you again in the fall. Hiking

Dave Fraser 825-4344 Horseshoes

Ray Coleman 825-2789 Ron Knudson 825-9307 October-April, Tuesday and Thursday, 2 PM; May-September, 8 AM The Pits at Catalina Vista

ILR - Institute of Learning in Retirement

Pres. Lei Lane Bammel 818-0017 Curriculum Jane Myerson Registration Karen/Sherwin Koopmans Samplers Gaston Meloche ILR

Four free summer classes begin in July. Check the ILR website for information. Summer registration is handled by Jane Myerson. Registration for fall courses will resume August 8. Do not send anything before that as it will sit unprocessed over the summer. You will only hear from the Registrars if you did not make it into a class. If you have registered, do something so that come fall you will remember what courses you will be attending, and when and where that course meets. The Curriculum Committee is always looking for future course moderators. A course can be as short as two weeks or as long as ten weeks. Have an idea? Contact Curriculum Chairman Jane Myerson. Thank you to this year’s moderators, committee members and all of those who contribute their volunteer efforts to allow the ILR to provide a valuable service to SCOV residents. Their continued efforts to bring high-level courses and Samplers into our community is greatly appreciated. Japanese Flower Arranging

Donald Marier 825-4878 Doris Oliver 818-1512 October-May, Second and Fourth Monday, 2-4 PM, Catalina Vista/Pusch Ridge


Pres. Daryl Cohen 267-250-7240 Corresponding Secretary Merle Schlesinger 678-778-0730

Havurah is a social group that shares an interest in Jewish Culture. Our meetings and events are open to all. Our Passover Seder was wonderful and everyone loved the event. Mark your calendar for our upcoming events.

Brown-bag Lunch Wed., May 4, 11:30 AM, Catalina Vista. This will be the last meeting for the season, the next meeting will be Sep. 7. Ice Cream Social/general meeting Mon., May 16, 6:30 PM, Catalina Vista, come join us for a sweet treat. Please wear nametags and bring nonperishable food items for Community Food Bank. We wish all our seasonal winter


Sun City Vistoso Tipster, Febraury 2011

520 AREA CODE OCTOBER 2015 Keep Until October 2016

Published by

520 AREA CODE 4 201 OCTOBER er 2015 Keep

Until Octob



COMMUNITY DIRECTORY See the inside for street map and home town section

OR Y DI RE CT section UN ITY CO MM for street map and home town

Enter the Community Phone Directory Photo Contest We are looking for an award-winning photo to grace the cover of our Community Phone Directory. Submit your favorite photo taken in SCOV community by Saturday, June 24. Submit your photos using our website: login >Members >Members Services >This & That >Read More>SCOV Photo CONTEST form. See the



May 2016, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster


Instructor Paul Lauff 548-5725 Pres. Fred Hargrave 825-1779 Wednesday, 9 AM-Noon, AFC/Studio 1 Mah Jongg

Pres. Joyce Unger 825-8069 Treas. Barbara Gray 307-733-6544 Thursday, 1 PM, Desert Oasis/Ocotillo Business meeting, First Thursday

Natural Health and Wellness

Sherokee llse 818-3279 No Meetings May thru September

The Club will be silent May through September. Visit our web page for information on past speakers, our calendar and resource links. We will continue our mission to offer natural alternative approaches to health and wellness. Thank you for your continued support. The Truth about Cancer DVD series and accompanying book will be available during the summer. Bonnie Pearson has volunteered to keep the DVDs and be available to loan them out, one DVD at a time over the summer. You can contact her at or 825-9258 The Plant-Based Potluck Group will not be meeting again until September. We look forward to seeing you in October. Women’s Pan (Panguingue)

Ena Mindel 818-7780 We all had a good time at the luncheon at the Oro Valley Country Club last month. We welcome you to join us for fun Monday, Friday, 1-4 PM, Wednesday, 9 AM-12:30 PM, Desert Oasis/Saguaro games of Mah Jongg.

Mexican Train Dominoes

Pan (Panguingue) is an enjoyable and interesting card game. Come watch us play at any session. If you like what you see, we’ll teach you to play.

Membership Chair Wye Mace 825-8738 Second and Fourth Saturday, 6 PM, Catalina Vista/Pusch Ridge

Vistoso Photo

First night of play for people wanting to learn will cost $1 pp, or join for $7 pp for the year. Please arrive by 5:45 PM. Modelers

Pres. Fred Faust 907-3469 Second Friday, 8 AM, Catalina Vista/Pusch Ridge More than 130 guests visited the Modelers Room during the Easter open houses. While enjoying the operating model trains, the visitors watched Barry Entin building his model of the Har- Photo by vey which is an 1845 Tom Prall Baltimore clipper ship. At the same time, Dave Scoles continued working on a victory tug boat which is a scale model of the Lord Nelson yacht. If you have not seen the Modelers Room, please stop by any time you see someone working in the room. You are more than welcome. All SCOV residents are welcome at our monthly meetings. You are free to use the Modelers Room, which is open 24/7 to all members. The room provides space to build models and to assist in building and operating the new HO train layout. At our meetings you will see what we are about, and you may enjoy a cup of coffee and a sweet roll. From time to time we schedule field trips of interest to modelers.

Garage Doors

If you have a new garage door, remember it must be painted either the main body color or one of the trim colors of your house.

Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, May 2016

Pres. Pat Mulligan 825-9977 September-May Second and Fourth Wednesday, 6:30 PM, Catalina Vista

Winners of the March 23 competition Open were: Lyn Bleiler, Judy Cornelius, Janie JohnsonRussell, Milo Loeffler, Diane Haegele, Pam Maddern, Dave Henderson, Pat Mulligan and Laura Hackenbrock. On May 11 we will have our year-end social and awards meetO Say Can You See by Lyn Bleiler. ing at 5:30 PM. We invite you to join us for an evening of good food and good photography. Besides holding friendly competitions monthly for all skill levels, we host guest speakers, offer skill-building workshops and provide equipment in our Catalina Vista Photo Lab (when lab monitors are present) for members to use Photoshop Elements, print their photos and cut mats. Enjoy viewing the club’s photo gallery of digital-competition submissions on our website.

Help Collate the Tipster

Once a month, residents are needed to insert flyers into the Tipster. Receive your Tipster early and share refreshments with us at the Auditorium. Usually the work is performed on the last business day of the month at approximately 10:45 AM. Call Dave or Tempe Johnson 825-6994.


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Paid Advertising, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, May 2016, Page 23

Pickleball Pres. Steve Alverdes, Treas. Renee Steinmetz, Trainers: Judy MacGregor 415-971-0236, Judy Cornelius 818-6610 Al Womac 425-765-2062, Brenda Hawkins 531-0256


Mary Ayers 638-7916 Monday, 3 PM, Thursday, 1:30 PM, AFC/Studio

The Joseph Pilates system of exercises has never been in such high demand. His exercises have been around now for 40 years. Fortunately, SCOV offers the Joseph Pilates classes here twice per week. People ask, “Can the benefits of this Pilates method, which come from the strengthening and stretching exercises we do, really develop the body’s core (abdomen and back muscles), increase spine mobility and build flexibility?” The answer is a definite “Yes.” Additional benefits you’ll see from taking our group mat classes will include better balance, more muscle tone and increased stamina. We have two instructors who are both very experienced in the Joseph Pilates system. The cost is only $8/class and the annual club dues are $20 pp. Please feel free to stop by and watch one of our classes. Call Mary 638-7916. Pinochle

Dave Flatness 425-443-3708 Wednesday, 6 PM, Desert Oasis/Ocotillo

We play single deck and rotate partners every four hands. Bring 50¢ for your tally. The first Wednesday is treat night. The third Wednesday is birthday night. If your skills are a little rusty, we will get you up to speed quickly. Annual dues $6 pp. Poets Corner

Sharyn Rafieyan 825-6762 Monday, 9:30-11:30 AM, WC1

Some poets adopt a particular style or format and stick with it. Others prefer variety and consider how the content they wish to express would be better presented. In the following selection from a poem entitled, Medical Center by Poets Corner member, James Pavlakis, the poet has chosen a dialogue format which is very effective. This section, called Oncology has two speakers, a mother and a son. The markings to indicate line breaks also indicate where the speaker changes. “Mom, there’s other doctors./Stop it, Danny./And better clinics./You’re not helping me./I don’t like the way he talks to you./He explains everything. He tells me the truth./Maybe it’s not as bad as he says./I’m 84. I’ve fought this for seven years./Mom, that doesn’t matter./You’re not helping me.” The language is that of ordinary conversation and the discussion is one we’ve likely overheard or even experienced ourselves. One can imagine it might be similar, or distinctively different, if the speakers were a husband and his wife or even two siblings. It’s easy to picture the scene and reflect



We celebrated the end of the winter-spring pickleball season with a great patio party April 7, but there’s still plenty of good pickleball play. The summer schedule offers a lot more open court time. If you haven’t given pickleball a try yet, come on out to the courts. It’s a fast-paced but not too-demanding sport that’s fun no matter what your experience and ability level is.

about the death that isn’t mentioned, as well as the choices each of us may one day have to face. Poetry often helps us deal with a difficult subject. Poets Corner welcomes all resident poets.

Sun City Vistoso Tipster, Febraury 2011

Men’s Dealer’s Choice Poker Steve Dirks 520-429-3303 Tuesday, Thursday, 6 PM, Desert Oasis/ Saguaro

Dealer’s choice: Texas hold’em, Omaha, seven-card stud, criss cross, slide-rule and a couple of five-card draw variations. The dealer antes 25¢. All games are high-low except for Texas hold’em which is high only. Stakes are 25¢ for the early bets and either 25¢ or 50¢ for the last two bets.

Men’s Friday Poker Bob Arms 520-395-1697 Friday, 5:45-8:45 PM, Desert Oasis/ Saguaro

Easygoing informal poker with low stakes. We play high only, five draw, five stud, seven stud, Omaha, Texas hold’em and iron cross (criss cross). No dues. Bring your own refreshments. Cards are provided. The dealer will ante for all players and choose the game. Absolute requirements are to leave politics and religion at the front door and come to enjoy three hours of no-hassle understandable poker. We welcome new fellows. Bring your nickels, dimes and quarters. Call Bob Arms to review the rules of play before your first game. Prepare & Share Dining

Alan Bancroft Colin Kaltenbach This year the Prepare and Share Dining Club has enjoyed four monthly meals in homes centered on the themes of European Delight, Brunch, Gone Fishing, Mediterranean Cuisine. The year ended with a party focusing on Rio 2016 Summer Olympics and feasting on entrees with a Brazilian flair. The Views Restaurant served a delicious meal of grilled beef and chicken with side sauces, black beans, rice, a mixed salad and cornbread, followed by coconut custard with Acai sauce. The following officers were elected: Pres., Alan Bancroft; VP, Colin Kaltenbach; Treas., June Rector; Recording Sec., Roxie Bancroft; Scheduling Sec., Marjorie Gerdes. Plan on joining this fun group; the dues are still only $7.50 pp. The Kick-Off Dinner will be Friday, November 18, Activity Center/Navajo. We are always looking for ideas for monthly themes. Please contact the above officers if you have any suggestions. Sun City Vistoso Quilters

Carol Guibert 520-404-1462 Second and Fourth Tuesday, 1 PM, Desert Oasis/Saguaro

Summer has arrived, and many of our quilting friends have left for their other homes. Our quilt meetings have ended until September, but our quilt projects never seem to end. Enjoy your summer and see you all in the fall. Racquetball

Pres. Jim Hansen 490-0547 Sec./Treas. Sec/Treas. Mike Steinmetz 955-7833 Open Doubles Monday, Wednesday, Friday 8-10 AM

Our club currently has an excellent set of players. We’ve formed a strong bond and, besides enjoying some great


May 2016, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster

games on the court, also play pickleball on Thursdays and socialize thereafter at The Views Restaurant. We have some new members this year, and they’re getting a good taste of some quality racquetball. The ball comes fast, so you have to coordinate the location of the ball and decide where you’ll strike it. Early Music Recorder Ensemble

Joyce Minks 825-0642 Tuesday, 12:30 PM, Catalina Vista/Pusch Ridge

Have a recorder (the musical instrument)? Want to learn or improve your skills? Would you like to play in a group ? Soprano, alto, tenor, bass recorders welcome. Enjoy the harmonies of an ensemble. Music is provided. Just one hour every week. SCOV visitors welcome. RV Club - Sundowners

Member information Meade Davis 307-630-5330 October-May, Second Monday, 9 AM, Catalina Vista/Mt. Kimball

The RV Club’s general meeting, May, 9 will be our last gathering of the season. Discussing summer travel plans and saying goodbye to friends will be the focus of the meeting. Many Sundowners will hit the roads and travel to cooler climes or go back home to see their families during the summer months. Fall social events and upcoming club trips will be discussed at the meeting. Members will have the opportunity to sign up for future trips. The Trail-in Trip in October will be in the Moab, UT area with visits to Canyonlands and Arches National Parks. In November the club will visit the ghost towns of Cochise County. If you did not pay your 2016/2017 dues at the April meeting, now is the time to do so. Republican Club

Pres. Darwin Thornton 520-638-7024 Third Tuesday, 3 PM, Auditorium

Watching the national campaign scene, one can be somewhat amused and angry all in one day. Our local scene has not escaped the same grind with more hats being thrown into the ring, so to speak. This month our meeting will feature a former Arizona State Senator as our keynote speaker in her run for the position of US Senator against Sen. McCain. I hope you will come and listen to Dr. Kelli Ward give us her position. We expect a large crowd, so be early to get a good seat. St. Phillips Social Club

Abby Marier (520) 825-4878 Ginny Culhane (520) 825-1961

No gatherings are scheduled during the summer. Our next party will be held Friday, November 11, 6-8 PM, Catalina Vista / Pusch Ridge. This will be an appetizer-pot-luck party, and please let us know you’re attending.

Seniors for Kids

Sharon Larsen 818-2791 No meetings May-July Sewing Toys, Monday 1-3 PM, Wed 9 AM-Noon, Artisan Center/Sewing Toy Woodworking, various

Even though we are having warm weather, SFK members are already thinking about Christmas and children who might not get gifts next Christmas. Sewers are sewing and woodworkers are sanding. These activities go on all year long in our SCOV homes or in some of our summer retreat locations. The Wood Shop and Sewing Room are places to work with friends on these projects all year round. If you would like to work in the Wood Shop on wooden toys contact Larry Miller, 825-1784. Also, diapers and hand-made baby items are delivered all year long to local charitable organizations such as Three Points Clinic and Family First in Oracle. Diapers are purchased with some of the funds earned at the Courtyard Sale with the successful sale of food, beverages, rummage and a raffle with many wonderful items, either singly or in baskets. Sewing - Thimblelenas

Penny Burroughs 530-545-2642 Monday-Friday, 9 AM-Noon and 1-4 PM, Artisan Center/Sewing

The Orientation/Pfaff class will be Friday, May 20. Use of the room and equipment requires an hour orientation class for first-time users. You can sign up for these orientation sessions and future classes listed on sheets posted outside the sewing Room door. The Sewing Room is kept locked when not in use and opened when supervised by a Sewing Room monitor. Thimblelenas annual dues $5 January 1 to December 31. As a bunch of sewers, our group always welcomes new members. When you join Thimblelenas you can be active in as many of the seven groups as you wish: Seniors for Kids, Casa Amigas, Sun City Vistoso Quilters, Machine Embroidery, Tapestry Rug Hooking, Cheer Bears and Pet Beds.

Casa Amigas Karen Hasselbach 520-360-0215 Monday and Thursday, 9 AM-Noon, Artisan Center/Sewing

Been awhile since you have sewn? We lend a hand sewing with our tried and true techniques. Sew the project you enjoy. Choose from tops, shorts, pajamas, vests, dresses, and even simple quilts. Not into sewing? We layer and pin quilts, cut patterns or simple squares. It’s very rewarding to realize a child’s face lights up with a brand new outfit or quilt, especially knowing it’s not a hand-me down. Want to be part of our caring group? Stop by this week. Guiding you through a project that you will thoroughly enjoy is our goal.

Cheer Bears September-May, Wednesday, 1-3 PM, Artisan Center/Sewing


Bill Wallace 818-6747 Friday, 1 PM, Desert Oasis/Ocotillo


Join our Facebook group Sun City Oro Valley

Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, May 2016

Not receiving the weekly email newsletter This Week in SCOV? Go to the, News & Info, E-news Sign Up and complete the form. Then you’ll be in the know about all the happenings in SCOV.


Machine Embroidery Sharon Larsen 818-2791 Training Coordinator Karin Frohlich 825-5278 4D Computer Training Debra Dirks 825-2248 Third Thursday, 1:30 PM, Artisan Center/Sewing

Although the Embroidery Club will not have official meetings on Thursdays, the Sewing Room will still be reserved for anyone wanting to use the machine. Contact any of the above listed people if you would like assistance. Summers will be a bit slower, so perhaps you’d like to learn how to use the 6-needle machine. All you leaving us for the summer, have a great time, and we look forward to seeing you in the fall.

Pet Beds

Jan Bohe 825-9725 Tuesday, 1-3 PM, Artisan Center/Sewing

Our furry little friends need an extra touch of kindness while waiting for adoption at the Humane Society. We create soft, comfy pet beds from our fabric sewing scraps. Join us for a laid-back afternoon.

Tapestry Rug Hooking Ann Feeney 818-0340 Tuesday, 9-11 AM, Artisan Center/Sewing

We are always happy to enroll new members and welcome residents who are interested in rug hooking. Shauskopf - Sheepshead

Bill Allen 825-3095 Tuesday, 10 AM-Noon, Desert Oasis Show ‘N Share

Marion Nelmark 825-9331 Friday, 9 AM-Noon, Catalina Vista/Mt. Lemmon Silversmith and Lapidary

Pres. Hartmut Wagner, 825-4175, Shop hours: Monday-Friday, 9 AM-Noon Artisan Complex/Silversmith Studio No meetings until fall

Summer hours for the Silver and Lapidary Club will begin Monday, May 2 as above. It has been a busy season in the Silver and Lapidary Club. Beginners classes added many new members. We also offered tutorials to improve various skills. Thank you to all those dedicated members who give of their time and talent. Our club could not sustain itself without you. Safe travels to all those venturing elsewhere, and have a happy and healthy summer. Sun City Singers

Pres. Nancy Gilbertson 308-5096 Director Don Hess Rehearsals Tuesday, 6:30-8:30 PM, Auditorium

Sun City Singles

Pres. Karen Curry 708-822-3057 VP Marge Albright 825-1582 Treas. Joyce Melchi 825-8945 Sec. Katy Melcher 825-2729 Dinner Meeting Second Thursday, Happy Hour Last Friday

Singles Golf is Sunday, May 1, on The Views Golf Course. Joe Tompkins, the organizer of this event, has resigned. We thank him for all the work he has done. For further information, see the Singles Book in the Pro Shop. The Views Restaurant will serve dinner Thursday, May 12, 5:30 PM, Activity Center/Navajo. We’ll have Chicken Marsala, Egg Noodles, Green Beans and Key Lime Pie. Entertainment, after dinner will be performed by the Cowboy at Heart. Happy Hour is May 27, 5:30 PM, Activity Center/Navajo.

Tickets: $20 pp for dinner and $10 for Happy Hour Appetizers. Ticket sales: Thursday, May 5, 10 AM-Noon and Friday, May 6, 1-2 PM. Happy Hour tickets also sold Tuesday, May 24, 10-11 AM. Spanish Cultural Club (SCC)

Gary Lerch 818-3319 October, November, January-March Fourth Monday, 7 PM, Catalina Vista Stained/Fused Glass

Lei Bammel 818-0017 Juliet Williams 623-565-0153 (fused glass) Fusing: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 9-11 AM, Artisan Center/Stained Glass Open Studio, any time Tuesday-Sunday, Artisan Center/Stained Glass

After a sad good-bye to those who have gone to cooler climates, we are still enjoying the stained and fused glass work we do. We had a very busy winter season with many classes and many new members. Spring brought us a lovely gettogether with our annual Spring Fling. This is the quiet time of the year to work on many projects. We hope members will take advantage and join us while we see new ideas brought by all members. The Room will be closed for a class Saturday, May 7 until Noon. If any member is not receiving club emails, please give Lei your email address. If you would like to create work, stop by the Room and we’ll hook you up. State

New England Club

Do you have an interest in or connection to New England? Then join us this month for the New England Club Pizza Party. Mark your calendar for this fun and informal gathering. Saturday, May 21, 5-8 PM, Desert Oasis. $10 pp for pizza, salads and desert. BYOB

Tickets for sale at the Activity Center/Lobby, Thursday, May 12, 9-11 AM or contact Marjorie Gerdes or Marnie Goodbody.

Pay with cash or a check made out to: Marjorie Gerdes, with New England Club in the memo line. Questions? Contact Marjorie Gerdes at 520 825-5750, or Marnie Goodbody at

Rehearsals have begun for the Association-sponsored July 4 Independence Day Concert. Come and enjoy hearing your favorite patriotic songs at this open-seating free concert. Look for more details in upcoming Tipsters and posters in SCOV facilities. Photo by Judy Lynch.


Sun City Vistoso Tipster, Febraury 2011


May 2016, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster

Senior Olympics Swim Team

Gordon Gillin 825-8261 Our swim team has done well again, winning first place for small teams at Green Valley Swim Championships in March. The individual results were: Heather Webber, three golds; Tim Cronk, three golds; Greg Patjens two golds; one bronze, Captain and Coach Dave Goodman, one bronze; Captain and co-coach Joe Bolze; four golds. Manny Zimmerman, four golds and Coach Corinna Goodman, three golds. SCOV is so proud of all of you. We will be on break until January 2017. We have ap- Our swimmers at Green Valley: Tim preciated all our helpers this Cronk, Heather Webber, Manny Zimyear, including Sandie Bolze merman, and Coach Joe Bolze. and Nina Zimmerman. Also all administrators and monitors, especially Lonnie Davis. Watch the Tipster late this fall for starting activities. Table Tennis

Co-Chairs Clive Probert 825-8719 and Francie Galbraith 447-5834

We have play at all levels of ability and welcome new players. If you have not played for a few years, we will help you get back your game with some instruction. It is a great way to keep fit and flexible. We have four tables at Catalina Vista and provide paddles and balls as needed. Table Tennis Hours of Club Play, Catalina Vista Women Tue., 1:30-3:30 PM Men/Advanced Women Tue., Thu., 5-8 PM Men/Women Recreational Fri., 4-6 PM Open Club Play Fri., 6-8 PM Clinic by Appointment Sat., 9-10 AM Open Club Play Sat., 10 AM-Noon Tai Chi

Co-Chairs Peggy Lombard 825-4833 Gail Barr Thursday, 10-11:30 AM, AFC/Studio 1

Tai Chi can improve your balance, flexibility and strength. Most of us think of Tai Chi as a way to prevent falls, improve breathing and reduce stress, but it is so much more. The Harvard Medical School Health publication stated that Tai Chi is medication in motion, and research by Tufts University School of Medicine credits Tai Chi with decreased pain, improved sleep and mood and better quality of life. Our instructors, Jose Hernandez-Rivera and Donna Drazenovich, stress the use of Tai Chi in daily life. Newcomers, contact Peggy Lombard for class details.

Join the Posse The Ultimate Neighborhood Watch Keep our neighborhood safe. Call Larry Clark 520-404-7664 Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, May 2016



Larry Wall, Pres., 248-701-1044 Treas. Bill Pitts, 317-308-8155 Women: Jan Ostrander 818-0006 Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 7-11 AM Men: Sandy Wilson 818-2368 Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, 7-11 AM Mixed Doubles: Sandy Kennedy 825-4865 Sunday, 1-3 PM

The Ladies Doubles Tournament was divided into two flights with 16 ladies competing in this event. Final winner results: Flight A, Sandy Fritz and Thora Vervoren and Flight B, Karen Lee and Lynne Newbauer. Cheer Bears was the recipient of $992 from tournament fees and donations. Thanks to the ladies who participated and to everyone for their generous donations. St. Patrick’s Day was celebrated with a Ladies Day social and a mixed social. Both events were festive and fun with good food and refreshments. The Men’s 65+ USTA 7.0 Team completed their season. Team members: Captain Dick Schaefer, Don Andersen, Jim Benshoof, John Cook, Duane Eddy, Jan Fritz, Ron Fuhrmann, Steve Holmes, Marty Kass, Bayard Kellam, Ron Martin and Larry Wall extend their thanks to those who attended the matches, both home and away, and provided great support. SaddleBrooke was the league winner. The Mountain Vista Courts will be painted May 2-14. They will not be available for play during this time. Safe travels to those who will depart for their summer destination. We look forward to seeing you again in the fall. Sun City Variety Theatre

Marcy Simpson 395-0480

We are so pleased to have now presented two successful shows. Congratulations to all the participants who worked so hard in so many areas. Let’s keep the momentum going into 2017. We welcome all creative ideas as we look towards our next project. We also welcome new residents and members to join us when we reconvene in the fall. No experience is necessary and it is guaranteed to be the best place to meet people and have the most fun.

Coffee Bar We have closed for the season.

Thanks for your support! See you next fall. Jean & Flo


Ukulele - Sun City Strummers


Pres. John Njaa 825-5486 Membership Lauren Strassburg 338-2568 Next meeting May 18, 1:30 PM, Desert Oasis/Saguaro

We are meeting every Tuesday morning at Desert Oasis through the summer. The 9 o’clock hour is reserved for mentoring/tutoring when tutors are available. Our song circle is 10 AM-Noon. Just bring your blue book and yellow book, uke and music stand and be ready to lead one of your favorites from those collections.

Several times each year, the Woodworking Club is asked by Association committees and functions to do woodworking projects for them. When a request is received, it is up to individual woodworkers to agree to volunteer their time to work on Gary Brown with Pro Shop a project. Examples merchandise display cabinets of such projects inhe built. Photo by John Njaa. clude book shelves and book trucks for the library and benches for the fitness center. The most recent request came from the Pro Shop committee. They needed two merchandise display cabinets. Our club’s Vice President, Gary Brown, agreed to build them. They are completed and installed and they look great. Another project just starting is the installation of sliding doors for the new lounge. Larry Miller and Norm Wells are volunteering to work on this project. There will be more about this project on the club’s website as it progresses. Reminder: Everyone who enters the woodshop is required to wear proper eye protection.

Marge Gustafson (760)989-1745 9 AM Beginners tutoring, 1 0 AM-Noon song circle Tuesday, 9 AM-Noon, Desert Oasis/Ocotillo

Wallyball and Water Volleyball

Co-Pres. Water Volleyball Rep Dick Munson 612-414-7010 Co-Pres. Wallyball Rep Walt Nalewicki 818-9590 Recreational Water Vollyball: Sunday and Thursday, 1-3 PM, Desert Oasis/Pool Competitive Water Volleyball: Monday, 1-3 PM, Desert Oasis/Pool Wallyball: Tuesday and Friday, AFC/Racquetball Court Our water volleyball team played Highland’s water volleyball team in March. We had a great time playing and enjoyed the social time afterwards. Players are pleased with the new pool surface at the Desert Oasis, equipment set-up improvements and playing with a lighter ball on non-competitive days. We wish our winter members a safe trip back to their northern homes and invite new players to join us.

Woodcarvers - Barkcarvers - Gourd

Woodcarvers John Shaw 825-1368

Saturday, 9 AM-Noon, Artisan Center/Lapidary Barkcarvers Ted Rydzewski 825-8624

Tuesday, 1-4 PM, Thursday, 9 AM-Noon, Artisan Center/Lapidary Gourds Kaaren Drent 818-2343, Monday 1-4 PM, Friday, 9 AM-Noon, Artisan Center/Lapidary

Put your empty aluminum cans to work for SCOV

Deposit only empty, rinsed aluminum cans in plastic bags into the box outside the Activity Center kitchen door. The Community Assistance Committee uses the funds from recycling to purchase items for the Loan Room. 28

Sun City Vistoso Tipster, Febraury 2011

Writers Club

Paul Mercer 333-3490 Second and Fourth Friday, 1-3 PM, Catalina Vista/Mt. Lemmon

Come and exercise your mind by writing a page or two on a different subject for each of our meetings. We assign topics or you choose your own. Our supportive group will encourage and entertain you. Starting this year, we will meet September-May. We hope you will attend. Yoga

Co-Pres. Ursula Jarvis 825-8461 and Ginger Jones 503-319-2635 Monday, 8:30-10 AM, AFC Studio 1 & 2 Tuesday, 10:45 AM-Noon, AFC Studio 1 & 2 Thursday, 3:45-5 PM, AFC Studio 1 & 2 Thursday Chair Yoga, 10:15-11:30 AM, Dance Studio

The last classes for our current yoga season are: Maria, May 23; Torrey, May 24; Kathy, May 26 for both classes. Fall classes resume mid-September. We will offer summer yoga classes Tuesday mornings with Torrey beginning June 7 and ending July 26. Classes will be $7 each and club membership dues of $5 is required. Check the June Tipster for time and place. Beginners are welcome as class is structured for all levels. Bring mats and props you require. Yoga promotes balance, flexibility and inner peace.


May 2016, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster

Town Of Oro Valley

Our community music group is looking for you!

Do you play an instrument? Do you love to sing? Join our Oro Valley community group of musicians. Oh, For the Love of Music is open to musicians of all ages, skills and styles. We meet twice a month to create music based on a variety of genres. If you are looking for a musical outlet, want to dust off your music skills or enjoy like-minded musicians, come on down and make some music with us. Monday, May 9, 5 PM, Monday, May 23, 5 PM, Oro Valley Community Center, 10555 N. La Cañada Drive. Questions? Call Kevin 520-5441900.

Partnered Organizations

Parkinson’s Support

Payton Davies 825-5352 or Third Wednesday, October-April, 10:30 AM-Noon, Desert Springs Exercise Monday and Thursday, 4-5:30 PM, WC3

May will start our summer schedule with get-togethers and maybe breaking up into Parkinson’s and Caregiver groups. We think it would be a good idea to continue to meet at Desert Springs, 30 W Lambert Lane, Oro Valley, 10:30 AM and do away with finding some place to go for lunch. If someone comes up with a suggestion we could have an occasional speaker but not monthly as in the high-season months. The next meeting will be May 18. RSVP to Payton by Monday, May 16. SCOV Women’s Auxiliary

Pres. Jane Fairchild 909-5069 Past Pres. Elaine Deeter 825-5388 Finance Marie Gagnon 825-2354 The items contained under this heading are provided as a service to residents Publicity/Secretary Debbie Francis 402-216-4227 by other organizations. SCOV does not sponsor, support, assume responsibility Donations Nancy Williams 818-3178 September-April, Second Tuesday, 9 AM, WC3 nor liability for the information. AA

Cora S. 825-5461 Monday, 12:30 PM, Artisan Center/Stained Glass Tuesday, 7 PM, Desert Oasis/Ocotillo Alzheimer’s Education and Support Group

Don Dittman 551-6109 Arlene Schneider 825-5741 Last Tuesday, 4 PM, Desert Oasis/Ocotillo Learn the basics of the disease and how to live with it.

Bereaved Partners

Facilitator Beatrice Lewis 818-0159

Are you grieving the loss of a partner? This is a support group for you. Call Beatrice Lewis, facilitator, or Lorie Behrmann, 395-1812. Caregivers’ Support Group

Facilitator Ester Leutenberg 818-0016 First and Third Friday, 2-3 PM, Catalina Vista/Art Studio

If you are caring for a partner, child, parent or any other loved one, this support group will allow you to share with other like-minded people in a safe environment. What’s said in this group, stays with this group. Civic Association

The Civic Association of SCOV Inc. is an advocate in consumer affairs. Established in 1994 as a volunteer resident group, it has successfully dealt with the Pima County Assessor and utility companies and conducted valuable investigations such as blue pipe and roofing problems. We provide an organization where residents can request assistance with problems not covered by SCOV. Marty Abelson 825-3522

Residents who want to be on our email list to receive, submit or share home maintenance information, consumer warnings and advisories, residential tax information and resident-related issues not covered by SCOV, should submit their email addresses to the Civic Association. We are nonpolitical and are here to serve our fellow residents. Nonresident emails will not be accepted.

Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, May 2016

Benefit event Emerge! Into Spring Fashion Show & Luncheon. The SCOV Woman’s Auxiliary benefits Emerge! Center Against Domestic Abuse, which helps victims of domestic abuse throughout Tucson and the surrounding areas. This organization provides support and transitional housing to women and children in crisis. Our spring fundraising events were very successful, thanks to your support and donations. Thank you. Our meetings will resume in September. We welcome new members, so please come to a meeting and check us out. Survivors of a Loved One Who Died By Suicide

Contact Ester Leutenberg 818-0016

Survivors of a loved one who died by suicide have unique grief issues and struggles. It is extremely helpful to speak with other people who completely get it. This is a safe atmosphere. What’s said in this room, stays in this room. Vistoso Helpful Hands Vistoso Helpful Hands is an all-volunteer organization helping SCOV residents who find themselves temporarily in a crisis or needy situation. We provide caregiver relief, transportation, animal care, handyman services, light housekeeping, yard care and we will run errands. We also have referrals for longer-term paid help. For help call 410-9498. After the tone, touch in your area code and phone number and hang up. We will call you back.


YOTO/Northwest Auxiliary

Kris Cohen 818-2582 How can you help YOTO (Youth On Their Own) students? Donate to the YOTO Mini Mall. An easy, convenient way to support YOTO students’ food and hygiene needs is by shopping at Amazon or Amazon Smile through the YOTO wish list. Everyone benefits: your purchases are shipped directly to YOTO’s Mini Mall; YOTO students get much-needed supplies; you get a tax deduction. For Amazon Smile shoppers, YOTO benefits twice since Amazon donates 0.5% of your eligible Amazon Smile purchases to YOTO when YOTO is your charity selection. Shipping may be free for Amazon Prime members. Youth On Their Own Mini Mall Link:

Extended Community

ALOHA (Adult Loss of Hearing Association)

ALOHA Oro Valley support group meeting is Thursday, May 12, 2 PM, Santa Catalina Catholic Church, 14380 N. Oracle Rd. in the Cholla and Ocotillo meeting rooms. Our speaker is Ken Arcia from Arizona Relay Service. His topic will be The Arizona Relay Service, CapTel and the AZ Telephone Equipment Program and What They Can Provide For You. Ken was born and raised in California. He became deaf at age 21 due to neurofibrotosis, a nerve disorder. He moved to Arizona in 2015 to become Outreach Manager for the Arizona Relay Service. Contact Joan Eddy at eddyjoan@ or 825-8630.

American Legion Oro Valley Post 132

We are local veterans making a difference in the lives of our returning injured heroes and veterans and service members in need. Help us to help them by joining our friendly Post. You can make a difference. Your membership adds to our collective voice even if you can’t be active. Contact Steve Didio, 520-219-9997, Meet third Thursday, 6:30 PM, Vistoso Memorial Chapel, 2285 E. Rancho Vistoso Blvd., Oro Valley.

Support Hermitage No-Kill Cat Shelter

For 50 years The Hermitage No-Kill Cat Shelter has provided a safe haven for the abandoned and unwanted felines in southern Arizona. As the first cage-free, no-kill shelter in Arizona, the Hermitage specializes in helping families find just the right kitty. We’re located at 5278 E. 21st Street, Tucson. Lee Bucyk, Executive Director, 520-571-7839,, National Active and Retired Federal Employees Current and retired federal employees, spouses, guests and visitors are invited to join NARFE Chapter 1874 for our next meeting Monday, May 16, Noon, Golden Corral Restaurant, 6865 N. Thornydale Dr. Senior lunch menu $7.95 pp. Contact Rosie King 520-400-3456, rrking52@aol. com,

Oro Valley Rotary

Oro Valley Community games will take place Saturday May 14, 9 AM-3 PM. The games are a partnership between Oro Valley Rotary and the Parks and Recreation Department. There will be synchronized swimming and diving demonstrations and high school competition. Families and younger attendees will enjoy many fun for information. Tutors Needed for Nearby School Kids Would you enjoy tutoring a child? Painted Sky Elementary School, Rancho Vistoso’s neighborhood public school is looking for math and reading volunteers to work oneto-one with students. One hour a week of your time will make the difference in a child’s education. Contact Amy Watson at or 696-3920.

Get Your

Five to FREE card

Catalina-Oro Valley Lions Club

Our club supports many local charitable projects: vision screening, White Cane, eyeglass recycling, guide dogs, camperships for handicapped children and youth, local schools, and Special Olympics, to name a few. To help fund these projects, we are offering the community the opportunity to purchase a 2017 community calendar in which individuals can list birthdays, anniversaries, meeting dates, memoriam, etc. If interested, call Lou Phillippi 638-6957.

Address Update Required

If you are changing your mailing address, you must fill out the Resident Mailing Address Form. This form is available at the Administration Office or on our website in the Members Only section. To get there log in to the website,, then go under Members >Member Services >This & That >Read More >Address Change.


Sun City Vistoso Tipster, Febraury 2011

Purchase five breakfast or lunch entrees $ 5 or more each, plus a beverage and get your sixth breakfast or lunch entree FREE with the purchase of a beverage. Valid May 1 thru September 30, 2016



Re s t a u r a n t


May 2016, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster


The items contained under this heading are provided as a service to residents by other organizations that are neither sponsored nor supported by SCOV Community Association, Inc. SCOV assumes no responsibility or liability for the information contained therein. BR=Bedroom; BA=Bath; BBQ=Barbecue; N/S=No Smoking; N/P=No Pets; W/D=Washer and Dryer; LR=Living Room; DR=Dining Room; FR=Family Room; AZRM=Arizona Room; FP=Fireplace; Stainless Steel= S/S; WiFi=Wireless Internet Service Classified Advertising, $10/ad FOR SALE: By owner, Claridge model, 1463 sq. ft. 2 BR, 2 BA, Den/BR #3, laundry room. Front patio with mountain view. Enclosed front porch with security door. Closet organizers, double sinks in Master bath, with large shower. Near new heater/air conditioner. Quiet neighborhood, back yard privacy. Call 520-648-1118. FOR SALE: Kensington model. Catalina mountain views, open bright and light concept. S/S appliances 2 BR/2 Full BA. Split floor plan, tiled floors, covered patio, 2-car garage. $184,900 John Jo Litzenberger (WI) 520-825-0232, 262886-9999. Furnishings available on a separate bill of sale. FOR SALE: 1750 sq. ft. 2BR/2BA home. Charming front patio w/mountain views. Formal LR/DR. AZRM w/gas FP opens to kitchen w/breakfast nook. Separate laundry room/office space. Covered back patio with large private yard, perfect for pets and entertaining. Garage has multiple storage with space for golf cart. Price recently reduced to $237,600. Call 520-818-9289 or email: FOR SALE: 2005 Airstream RV. Westfalia compactness on Mercedes Sprinter diesel van. 18 ft., yet has ¾ bath, queen bed, microwave. Heated outdoor shower. Front seats rotate for dining seat or as reclining captain’s chairs. 24” HDTV, generator, A/C, MaxAir 10-speed vent. LED lighting. $55,000 obo. Call 648-1118. FOR RENT: SCOV, 1630 SF, split 2 BR/2BA, furnished, king in master, mountain view front, kitchen eating area and D/R, BBQ grill, gas FP, 2 car garage, flat screen TVs, W/D, kitchen tools and cookware, linens. Internet, DirectTV, DVD and utilities. N/S. Photos and prices at 716-479-2643. Available May; July through Sept.; Nov. and Dec. 2016. Available May-December 2017. Approved dog possible. FOR RENT: 2BR/2BA Fully furnished Pacifica model. King in master. Utilities, cable, Internet included. Covered patio with beautiful waterfall feature. Available December 2016-April 2017. Minimum four month rental. N/S, N/P. For details and/or pictures call Knansee 970-948-8808 or email FOR RENT: 2BR/2BA completely furnished, Pacifica model. Wide open mountain views from Master BR, FR, kitchen and breakfast room. Covered back patio with waterfall feature. 2-car garage, multiple storage plus golf car space. Includes linens, golf clubs, dishes, estate items and art collection. Available May 1. Charles (Buzz) Dolsberry 825-8090. FOR RENT: Fully-furnished, 2BR/2BA, mountain views from front patio, great back yard with covered patio, WD, TV with DVD, WiFi, N/S, N/P. Available May 2016-January 2017. Will also consider long-term lease. Photos available via email. Call Vern or Mary 520-395-0525 or 520-904-1255.

FOR RENT: Fully furnished. 1050 sq. ft. (97.5SqM), 2 BR/2 BA townhome at 16th fairway; 13999 N. Green Tree. Granite in kitchen, tile floors. SCOV membership available with great amenities. Quiet pet is welcome. Furnished $2500 for over three mos., or $3000/mo. for three months or less (1 month minimum); utilities included, but capped. Please see our web page: Email for photos, or call cell 713-817-8499. FOR RENT: Beautiful vacation home located in Sun City Oro Valley, 2BR, 2BA. Completely furnished, includes WiFi, cable, patio, W/D, garage, N/S, N/P. Available January 2017, May through December 2017 and all of 2018. Great location, 13490 N. Tom Ryans Way. Call Kathy 510-537-1590 or email FOR RENT: 2BR/2BA with open floor plan, available May-December, 2016. Mountain view, fully furnished and equipped including HDTV, WiFi, computer and printer. Utilities and golf cart included. N/S. Seasonal rates. Call 520-825-4640 or 623-251-9334. FOR RENT: 2 BR, fully-furnished with mountain view. King in master, Internet, patio furniture and BBQ. Available May 2016 through Dec. 2016. April through December 2017. For details and/or pictures call Jan at 636-357-8817 or email FOR RENT: 2BR/2BA Fully furnished Pacifica model. King in master. Utilities, cable, Internet included. Furnished, covered patio with beautiful waterfall feature. Available April 2016-April 2017. Minimum 4 month rental. N/S / N/P. For details and/or pictures call Knansee 970-948-8808 or email RENTAL WANTED: Six-month rental wanted by single lady. November-December 2016, January-April 2017. Near Activity Center. Reasonable rent. Call Mary Anne Cooper 520-812-1060 or Corinna Goodman 520-812-1056 email or RENTAL WANTED: Midwest couple transitioning to retirement seeking 2BR or 3BR/2BA SCOV rental home for February and/or March 2017. N/S. Local (SCOV) references available. Please contact Diane Pfeiffer or (317)753-5700. BUYING: A curious collector would like to buy watches, old photos, war relics, 19th and 20th century family and estate items, antiques, jewelry, coins, silver and much more. Anything unusual or nostalgic. I like to look and love to buy. Exceptional prices paid. 529-2984.

Linda S. Tucker, Attorney Wills • Probate • Trusts

Free Half Hour Consultation Phone or Office 520-257-1166 1846 E. Innovation Park Drive Oro Valley, AZ 85755

Paid Advertising, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, May 2016, Page 31

Fred Swiderski R E A L T O R®

Residential Brokerage

I appreciate the opportunity to serve your community

Highly Desired Sabino Plan 14215 Alyssum Way

Barclay Model - Beautiful Inside 2088 Sausalito $230,900

Beautiful View Property SOLD!

Sun City Oro Valley VIEW properties... Looking to Buy or Sell - Call me

Fred Swiderski R E A L T O R®


11165 N. La Canada Dr. #175•Oro Valley, AZ 85737

New View Windows


Your window cleaning resource since 1998

* Sparkling windows inside and out * Rejuvenated screens * Smaller homes $95 Larger homes $115


(520) 579-8285 Mark


Smart call. Save Up to

4,700 on a


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Leif Wolcott Director of Banquets 520-981-0909

Savings of up to$4,700

on Qualifying Lennox Systems 2,000 Trade-in for Inefficent Unit


up to $1,700 Manufacturer’s Rebate $1,000 Utility Rebate Call for more details. Free Estimates. Expires 6/15/16.

A/C Tune-Up $4999 Includes outdoor coil cleaning - a $94.50 Value Expires 5/30/16

Visit for Money Saving Coupons! A+ RATED

VETERAN OWNED ROC # 078915,078945 Certified Duct Diagnostics & Sealing

Follow Us

Paid Advertising, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, May 2016, Page 32


ELLEN SHEPHERD 970-817-1315

Retired in Sun City OV year round. Still need to work from home part time to make ends meet. Highly educated, extensive experience in developing professionally styled: Newsletters, Event Flyers, CDs containing your photos, Personalized Hallmark Greeting Cards & Invitations, Editing tasks, Research for grant writers. Charging $9 per hour – materials extra. Many projects take less than one hour.

Hair by Darla

is moving to a new location

to Les Cheveux Salon sw corner of La Cañada & Lambert Lane


Base Color & Highlights 85 (with the purchase of a hair cut $20)

appointment required


inside Les Cheveux Salon

10325 N. La Cañada Dr.

Purchase A Summer Golf Pass Now! Voted the Best Golf Course in the Northwest by Explorer Newspaper Readers

Consistent Quality & Service For The Last 25 Years Locally Owned & Operated Play all summer long for one low price!

Without car ........ $550 With car .............. $600 Good from May 1 to September 19, 2016

TheViews Golf Club at Oro Valley

See the views, Play The Views

Paid Advertising, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, May 2016, Page 33

Want to give your house a “budget - friendly” makeover? We will work with you to create your ideal living spaces.

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Call 877.BARTLETT (877.227.8538) or visit BARTLETT.COM

Paid Advertising, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, May 2016, Page 34




Your Sun City Realtors Please Call Us! DIRECT EMAIL

(520) 262-1585



8540 N. Oracle Road Oro Valley, AZ 85704


(520) 262-1585 8540 N. Oracle Road Oro Valley, AZ 85704



(520) 262-1785


REALTOR Place your advertising message where it will reach the exclusive community of Sun City Oro Valley with an ad in the Tipster. ®


(520) 262-1585

The Tipster is the official Sun City Oro Valley newsletter with month 8540 N. Oracle Road Oro Valley, AZ 85704within the community. This insures that the long listings of activities Tipster has a long(520) shelf262-1585 life within the home. Giving your advertising DIRECT EMAIL month exposure. 8540 N. Oracle Road

OroRichard Valley, AZ Call Chris at 85704 825-3711 ext 121 for details on advertising in the Tipster.

Protect Your Home’s Windows, Floors, Doors & Furniture From The Harsh Tucson Sun.

Make your home more comfortable and Save on Cooling Costs! Call US Today!

Yes, we do windows!


competitive pricing!

With ad only. Not valid with any other offers or prior sales. Expires 5/31/16

Paid Advertising, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, May 2016, Page 35

L & M Custom Painting & Tile Exterior Painting Special $1,400

Residential Tile Specialists

(up to 1,600 sq. ft. ) Offer good through May 31, 2016

Interior Painting Package 20% off Offer good through May 31, 2016

5 year Warranty ROC #258012 Licensed Bonded Insured Premium Paint We accept all major credit cards

991-9933 Leo Martinez

869-9229 Victor Martinez

Custom installs of all types of tile in all kinds of shapes and sizes. Specializing in home flooring, kitchen counter tops, backsplashes and showers.

Call Us for a Free Estimate

On the Sun City Oro Valley Consumer Referral List

New Location! 1846 E. Innovation Park Rd. Main Number


ROC #300427

Serving Tucson Since 1979

3636 E. Ft. Lowell (Fort Lowell & Dodge)


The Original Off the Wall Bedtm •Custom Kitchens •Libraries •TV Media Rooms •Home Offices •Custom Cabinetry •Quality Garages email:

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Free In-Home Estimates Free Installation We Do Repairs

790-6180 ROC 218701

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Tucson, AZ 85739

Diagnosed with overactive bladder or urinary urgency? Are you a female, 65 or older? We are enrolling subjects in a study to evaluate acupuncture therapy to treat this problem. Contact us for more information and to see if you are eligible. (520) 626-5411

Please use ‘acupunture study’ in the email subject line

Paid Advertising, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, May 2016, Page 36

• Maintenance • Brakes • Suspension

American Foreign New or Classic

2012 – 2015

• Diagnostic Driveability • Air Conditioning • Wheel Alignment & Balancing • Electrical • Engine Tune-Up • Cooling System

Hours: Mon.-Fri. 7:30 AM-5:30 PM Call for an appointment Free shuttle in our service area


16255 N. Oracle Rd. Catalina, AZ 85739

Trish 520-243-9515 Residential Cleaning Licensed & Insured

General Maintenance • Irrigation Installation & Repair • Plant Installation • Tree Pruning/Trimming • Landscape Rock & Boulders • On the SCOV Consumer Referral list •

Serving Oro Valley

742-0345 ROC 201330

Paid Advertising, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, May 2016, Page 37

Oro Valley Coatings, LLC Exterior h Interior Painting Property Value Enhancement Most Highly Recommended Painter in Sun City Oro Valley Exterior painting starts with u Pressure Washing of home with biodegradable cleaner Detailed Prep Work includes: u Patch and Caulk all cracks, holes and crevices u Caulk around windows and doors u Various

u Deep

u Drywall

Home Repairs Repairs u Roof Repair & Coating u Concrete Coating

u Stucco/Texture

u No

Clean Garage Floor

ExcEptional SErvicE no ExcEptionS. Some people think that choosing a modest memorial means sacrificing service. Our commitment to excellent service allows us to say that no matter what kind of a memorial you have in mind, we’ll provide you with the best service available, bar none.

u Wallpaper u Window

Removal Cleaning

Money Down Until Job Completed


Isaac Mercado

All work warranted ROC #265578 Licensed, Bonded, Insured

Paid Advertising, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, May 2016, Page 38

Stephen G. Hood Realtor


520-302-8674 Direct

Owned and Operated by NRT LLC.

11165 N. La Canada Dr., #175 Oro Valley, AZ 85737

Nancy Toperzer Licesned Massage Therapist Sun City Oro Valley Resident

Massage In Your Own Home Member of the American Massage Therapy Association and Nationally Certified in Therapeutic Massage. Retired RN

Call for an appointment

in SCOV 818-6681

Visit my website

Call 917-8065


LIVES LIKE A COUNTRY CLUB LIV Same great lifestyle. Even more services.

Join us for Use It Or Lose It—The Mind Body Konnection for Healthy Aging, on Thurs., May 26th from 11:30am to 1:30pm, for interactive wellness and fitness sessions plus a brain healthy lunch!

Call (520) 829-1780 today to RSVP! Independent Living • Assisted Living (coming soon) 8700 N La Cholla Blvd Tucson, AZ 85742 Paid Advertising, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, May 2016, Page 39


• • •


•Water Heaters •Water Service Lines • Drains • Garbage Disposals Ron Roberson R and R Water Works LLC 30+ years of plumbing experience

• Gas Line Repairs • Toilets & More


Licensed, Bonded & Insured

ROC# 219595

On the Sun City Oro Valley Consumer Referral List

Francesca’s Cleaning Services Francisca Espinoza-Owner

*Free Estimates *Sun City Oro Valley References


A Recommended Painting Partnership

& We have painted over 1600 Sun City Oro Valley homes and still going strong! Express Painting would like to thank all Sun City Oro Valley customers for choosing Express Painting for over 20 years. •Top Quality Painters •Top Quality Dunn Edwards Paint •Owner with over 30 years experience

Phone 792-9669

On the SCOV Consumer Referral Vendor List Roc 195888 L-34 195889 C-34

Paid Advertising, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, May 2016, Page 40

Senior Placement for the Oro Valley, Marana and North Tucson Region

•Independent Living •Assisted Living •Adult Care Homes •Skilled Nursing •Memory Care

A no-cost service for you and your family.


Cody Sontag, M.S., CSA (520) 404-2616

F&S Home Services No job too small or too big

Frank Soto

Not Licensed Contractor

Master Craftsman

Home Repair, Remodeling & Restoration Painting, Plumbing, Drywall (520)-861-2657 Electrical, Concrete & Tile


a Homeless Cat & share Your Life with a Loyal Friend Forever! your time - reap the rewards of unconditional LOVE! money or goods that will ensure the well-being of so many homeless cats in our community! Contact the Hermitage today

520.571.7839 Paid Advertising, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, May 2016, Page 41

It matters who you see. Call 293-6740 for appointments. 5599 North Oracle Rd. Between Orange Grove and River Rd. 10425 North Oracle Rd., Suite 135 Rooney Ranch, Oro Valley


Interior a Exterior Painting a Licensed Bonded Insured a Serving Sun City Oro Valley since 1997. a Epoxy drive ways, walkways and garage floors. a Roof coat on flat roofs. a All work warranted.

Registered with your Consumer Referral at Sun City Oro Valley

Paid Advertising, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, May 2016, Page 42

400-1591 ROC 160023

Steve Mooneyham Associate Broker CHMS, ASR, SFR

Living Trusts • Wills Estate Planning Estates Settled Contracts-Leases Personal Injury Powers of Attorney-Living Wills Guardianship-Conservatorships Divorce-Marital Agreements Corporations • LLCs


520-448-8422 Thanks Sun City for 25+ Years of Continued Support Not OUR Client? Farmers Insurance in Catalina, AZ Offers GREAT Sun City Oro Valley Discounts. SAVE $$

Serving Northwest Tucson Since 1976 No Charge For Initial Consultation • House Calls Welcome


1846 E. Innovation Park Dr. 7400 N. Oracle Rd. Suite #175 Oro Valley, AZ 85755 Tucson, AZ 85704

Personal, Consultative Approach to Insurance Protection... Truly Tailored to Meet Your Unique Coverage Needs. Auto • Home • Umbrella • Golf Carts Life • Annuities • IRAs • Motorhomes

Dawn Caffall

Local Agent Specializing in Sun City

15920 N. Oracle Road - Suite 130

Catalina Pointe Centre - Right across the street from McDonalds


Paid Advertising, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, May 2016, Page 43

NG Brenda O’Brien



Associate Broker, ABR, CRS, GRI, SRS, e-PRO


Michael Lynch

Associate Broker, ABR, CRS, GRI, SRES, SRS





Betty J. White Associate Broker

A Berkshire Hathaway Affiliate

(520) 665-4220 DIRECT (520) 825-6525 FAX (520) 275-6654 CELL EMAIL

Started Sun City from the ground up in 1986 Lives in the Community Please call for more information about the Community 12080 N. DOVE MOUNTAIN BLVD. #100, MARANA, AZ 85658

Debbie Evenchik Executive Sales Associate

Buying or Selling

Let Me Help You Get There...


•Information on all Homes in the Area •Purchase a Home with a Reverse Mortgage •Call Today for your Free Relocation Package


•What is your home Worth? •How many days will it take to Sell My Home? •Interested in Innovative Marketing for Your Home?

Direct (520) 531-9677 (800) 346-5863 Toll Free KATHY & RICHARD HARVEY ABR, CRS, GRI, Associate Brokers

Sun City Residents

KATHY && RICHARD HARVEY KATHYSpecializing HARVEY in Sun City ABR, CRS, GRI, Associate resales since 1988!Brokers

Sun City Sun City Residents If youOro wantValley the Residents Best, Call Us!





If you

SpecializingSpecializing in Sun Cityinresales since 1988! Sun City resales since 1988! If you want the Best call us! If you want thewithBest, CallofUs! Full Time Professional Agents +40 Years Experience! 7330 N. Oracle Rd. Suite #280 520-297-6172 • 800-297-6172 •

Mariposa 520-297-6172 Charm Mariposa model with wonderful views! Paid Advertising, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, May 2016, Page 44 520-297-6172 northeas Charming, updated home with 800-297-6172 northeast patio, borders common area

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