It’s More Than Living...It’s a Lifestyle!
Photo by Janet Bitter
Tipster May 2019
The Tipster is published monthly by Sun City Oro Valley 1565 E. Rancho Vistoso Blvd., Oro Valley, AZ 85755, 520-825-3711
Board of Directors
Hours of Operation –Summer Hours— Activity Center...................................................917-8066
Mon.-Fri. .......................................................................................... 7 AM-9 PM Sat................................................................................................... 9 AM-9 PM Sun. ................................................................................................ 9 AM-6 PM
Email address for BOD members, GM & Assistant Manager:
John Wilson, Lou Gard, President Joy Huxtable, Tim Kelley, Christine Ludwig, Director Jim Mitchell, Director Howard Schulz, Director Management Team (area code 520) Mark Wade, General Manager, 917-8080 Robin Coulter, ......Assistant General Manager, 917-8070 Mary Cunningham, Area Maint. Supt., 917-8059 Aalt Brouwer, Food & Beverage Director, 917-8074 Michael Kropf, Course Superintendent, 917-8063 Rick Price, of Golf, 917-8086 Ken Sandrock, Supt., 917-8078 Pam Sarpalius, Director, 917-8077 Randy Trenary, Controller, 917-8060 Support Team Monica Clark, Administrative Coordinator, 917-8082 Kate Cusumano, Librarian, 917-8083 Lonnie Davis, Supervisor, 917-8073 Marsha Dean, Communications Coordinator, 917-8069 Julie Foerster, Resources, 917-8061 Angela Hong, Assistant, 917-8062 Karen Loffredo, Services Coordinator, 917-8087 Katy Mosier, Services Coordinator, 917-8058 Lisa Orach, Administrative Coordinator, 917-8065 Errick Owens, Manager, 825-3277 Kathy Peabody, Marketing & Technology Coordinator, 917-8068 Coco Sullivan, Facilities Coordinator, 917-8072 Monitor - Activity Center................................................................................................... 917-8066 Monitor - Aquatic & Fitness Center.....................................................................................917-8067
Administration (In Welcome Center).................... 825-3711 ext 120 Mon.-Fri. ................................................................................ 7:30 AM-4:30 PM
Aquatic & Fitness Center...................................917-8067
Daily.................................................................................................5 AM-9 PM Pool Daily............................................................................................5 AM-8:30 PM Children’s Hours - Daily.................................................................... 11 AM-1 PM
Catalina Vista....................................................825-8613
Mon.-Fri. .......................................................................................... 7 AM-9 PM Sat................................................................................................... 9 AM-9 PM Sun. ................................................................................................ 9 AM-6 PM
Community Services..........................................917-8065 Mon.-Fri. .............................................................................................9-11 AM
Desert Oasis.....................................................825-0495
Mon.-Fri. .......................................................................................... 7 AM-9 PM Sat. .................................................................................................9 AM-8 PM Sun. ................................................................................................9 AM-5 PM Pool .Mon.-Fri......................................................................................7 AM-8:30 PM Sat..............................................................................................9 AM-7:30 PM Sun.............................................................................................9 AM-4:30 PM Children’s Hours: ............................................ Daily Noon-4 PM Except see below .Except Sun., Mon. and Thu. ............................................ Noon-1 PM and 3-4 PM Water volleyball on Sun., Mon. and Thu. ............................................1 PM-3 PM
Gift Shop of Sun City......................................... 917-8051
Mon.-Fri.......................................................................................9 AM-4:00 PM Sat........................................................................................... 9 AM-12:30 PM Golf Course Walking........................ Before 6:30 AM and After 6 PM
Mon.-Fri. ............................................................................. 9 AM-Noon, 1-4 PM Sat................................................................................................... 9 AM-Noon
Loan Room - Community Assistance Loan Room at Cart Barn Hours: Tue. and Thu. only.......................................8-9 AM Pro Shop.............................................................825-3110 Golf Info Line................................................ 825-0322
Daily................................................................................................. 6 AM-5 PM Driving Range hours ..............................................6 AM-5 PM, Wed., 6 AM-3 PM
Restaurant and Lounge..................................... 825-3277
Daily................................................................................................. 7 AM-8 PM Happy Hour...................................................................................Daily, 3-6 PM Recording of daily Restaurant specials..............................825-3711 ext 205
Tipster Editorial Committee Lou Phillippi.................................Co-Chair Vicki Ettleman..............................Co-Chair Carolene Mitchell.........................Secretary Brad Curtis....................................Member Arlene Douglas..............................Member Karen Koopmans............................Member Wanda Johnson.............................Member Judy Martin...................................Member
Mike McMinds................................Member Barbara McNeill............................Member Paul Mercer...................................Member John Njaa......................................Member Ann Owen......................................Member Laura Pigott..................................Member Suzanne Stiles...............................Member
After-Hours Emergencies...................................825-1161
If you encounter something in the common areas or golf course needing immediate attention (e.g. broken irrigation) and the Administration Office is closed, please report the issue to a building monitor. However, if a situation like this occurs after all the buildings are closed, please contact the emergency line.
Editor, Layout and Design: Marsha Dean Advertising: Lisa Orach; Printing: Alphagraphics To advertise in the Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, call 917-8065 for information. Sun City Oro Valley Community Association provides this publication for informational purposes only and neither endorses nor promotes any of the products or services advertised herein and assumes no responsibility or liability for the statements made in this publication.
Sun City Oro Valley Tipster,
Want to Submit a Photo for the Tipster? Go to the website: Login >Member Services >This n That >Photo Release. Fill out the form and submit photos (two per form). Submit as many as you like. Abbreviation Legend Aquatic & Fitness Center................................................................................AFC Sun City Oro Valley.....................................................................................SCOV Welcome Center Conference Room 1..............................................................WC1 Welcome Center Conference Room 2..............................................................WC2 May Page Room 2 3..............................................................WC3 Welcome2019, Center Conference
Association News From The Board of Directors Our mission as the SCOV Board is to lead in maintaining and enhancing the quality of life in Sun City Oro Valley as an active adult community. All Board minutes, agendas and reports are available online and in the SCOV Library. Board meetings are open to residents.
Board of Directors
Change is Inevitable— Our Evolving Community by Joy Huxtable The Long Range Planning Committee (LRPC) has been diligently working on evaluating issues that will affect our community in the years to come. They have analyzed the 2018 Long Range Planning Resident Survey data, visited similar communities in the Southwest, and had many discussions with stakeholders about what SCOV might look like in the future. Currently they are partnering with a consultant who specializes in land use planning to study our facilities and geographic footprint. At the April Board Study Session, the LRPC identified high priority issues and recommended options to address them. In the near future they will present the results of the land use planning study. Some may ask, “Why change? We like our community just the way it is.” Well, all we have to do is look back and reflect on all the changes our community has seen in the past 30 years. While the geographic size and number of homes in our community has not changed, the interests and activities of our residents have certainly changed since the late 1980s. In the early years, there were very few clubs. Today, there are over 140 clubs, something for every interest. Golf, tennis, swimming and hiking were the primary physical activities. Today we have many additional options such as pickleball, POP tennis, a state-of-the art fitness center and numerous exercise classes and dance clubs. When landscaping their homes, early residents were required to have two trees in their front yard. Today some of these mature trees are now blocking views, and many are being removed. Advances in technology have brought about major changes in how we communicate and access information. Early SCOV residents did not have cell phones, or access to the Internet as a source of information and communication. There was no SCOV website. Most of our community news was shared via neighbors chatting over their walls. When residents voted on an initiative, it was by paper ballot. To-
Association News............................ 3 Association Committees................. 7 Golf................................................ 10 Coming Events.............................. 11 Workshops and Classes................. 12 For Your Information..................... 12 Thank You Corner......................... 12
day we are able to vote electronically. The rapid changes in technology in the past 30 years can be overwhelming. Today just keeping up with emails can feel like a major accomplishment. However, if you don’t have a smart phone and are not on Facebook, Next Door, Instagram or Twitter, you may feel out of the loop on the latest news. Change is inevitable and constant. SCOV will continue to evolve by adapting to new technology and responding to the changing interests of future generations of homeowners. Our community is fortunate to have a dedicated and hardworking Long Range Planning Committee. Their ongoing research and discussions will help us assess and prioritize changes facing our community in the near future. The challenge will be dealing with competing wants and needs and allocating resources. However, change is coming.
General Manager - Mark Wade 520-917-8080 Working for the Good of the Whole Our de facto national motto calls upon all of us to work for “the good of the whole”. That motto is E pluribus unum, meaning “out of
many, one.” Recently we had an election for Board of Director seats that will be vacated because terms are expiring. Three seats attracted six faithful residents to go through the election process. Forums were held and candidates expressed their opinions on various topics. Interviews were recorded and put on our website that questioned candidates on issues of the day. At the end of it all, the residents voted, or at least 64% did. Three were elected, and we should all be grateful for the stalwart citizens of our community who are willing to dedicate three years of their lives to “the good of the whole” by serving on our Board of Directors. The Board serves our community with a focus and fiduciary duty to leave their personal agendas behind and make all decisions based on what is best for “the good of the whole” community. The satisfaction of the residents observed in our surveys is a testament to the success of the development of policies by our Board of Directors, both current and past, for “the good of the whole” community. It is my pleasure, as General Manager, to implement the policies the Board of Directors develop and approve. Our staff works very hard to see the vision of our Board and guide this large organization in the direction and on the course the Board has set for us. We want you to know that we appreciate the opportunity to serve you. If you, for any reason, feel that we can serve you better, please communicate those reasons to me. We want to be the best staff we can be and embrace all suggestions that will help us to improve. Safe and happy summer to all of you.
What’s Inside
Memoriam..................................... 13 Clubs............................................. 13 Arts, Crafts & Hobbies............... 13 Continuing Education................. 16 Cultural & Social......................... 18 Dance......................................... 19 Exercise...................................... 22
Games........................................ 23 Music.......................................... 24 Sports......................................... 25 Travel.......................................... 27 Partnered Organizations............... 27 Extended Community................... 28 Classifieds...................................... 29
Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, May 2019, Page 3
It’s More Than Living... It’s A Lifestyle! SCOV Posse – A Partnership in Prevention By Paul Mercer
ou may wonder, “Why is my phone ringing? It’s 9:10 at night.” You answer and find that yhe Sun City Posse is calling to advise that your garage door is open. You groan, remembering you left it open to put your broom away after a last minute clean-up, and you forgot to close the door. The phone call is one of the niceties of living here in SCOV, showing why it is one of the safest communities
prevented an unmeasurable amount of crime. I am proud to serve as your Police Chief and as my career comes to a close, I assure you that this partnership will withstand the test of time. Thank you for serving this great community and making us one of the safest towns in Arizona. We could not do it without you.” In this case, you means you. Especially if you can help out, particularly during the summer months. Please come to our monthly meeting on the second Tuesday of the month, 3 PM, Catalina Vista. You will meet others in the group and engage in lively conversation about things that matter in our community. As always, one of the benefits of doing volunteer work is you help yourself while helping others. You will add to your store of knowledge about auto safety, auto insurance, home insurance and home maintenance from training material and fellow posse members as you patrol. And you’ll help others, especially by educating residents new to the neighborhood on how to keep a herd of javelinas from ransacking their garage.
Oro Valley Police Department attends the annual SCOV Posse meeting, a reflection of the long-term partnership around. Open garage doors are an invitation to bad guys to come into your garage and help themselves to your stuff. Hungry animals and snakes looking for warmth also will view the open door as an invitation to enter. Please help us to help you by double checking and locking your property as darkness falls. Oro Valley Police Chief Danny Sharp will be retiring soon, and he is proud of the partnership that has developed over the last twenty-five years. He says, “The motto of ‘Partnership in Prevention’ describes the Sun City Posse and Oro Valley Police Department’s relationship well. The long nights, vigilant pa- Posse members patrol SCOV nightly in this white Nissan pick-up trols and constant communication with OVPD has
Sun City Vistoso Tipster, Febraury 2011
May 2019, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster
Asst. General Manager - Robin Coulter 520-917-8070 New Ambassador Tour Vehicle Operational “This View is for You!” You’re going to begin seeing this statement touring around our campus as potential residents are introduced by Ambassadors to the amazing life they could live if they make SCOV their home. Ambassadors will be training on the new vehicle with great branding and one of their favorite features, power steering. Also new on this vehicle is a public announcement system so those seated in rows two and three can hear the Ambassadors tell the story that is Sun City Oro Valley. The touring program has been a wild success here in SCOV. Last Ambassador Lou Gard preparing to lead a tour fiscal year 384 tours with potential residents in the new tour vehicle were provided. Through the Ambassador tours we share information about SCOV and that “It’s More Than Living, It’s a Lifestyle!”
Programs/Facilities Director - Pam Sarpalius 520-917-8077 Winter to Spring I would first like to thank Barb Satterly for selling the tables for the Courtyard Sale and setting up. Her help is always greatly ap-
preciated. I would like to talk about pool rules. Rules for both pools are posted at both the Aquatic and Fitness Center and the Desert Oasis. The rules apply to all residents and to all guests and renters. Rules are in place for safety and in agreement with the residents who pay yearly dues to enjoy the amenities of SCOV. We ask you to follow all rules, and if a monitor brings something to your attention, please cooperate with them. SCOV is a great place to live and enjoy, but as in life, there are always rules. Thank you.
Community Services - Katy Mosier Office Hours Mon.-Fri., 9-11 AM, Welcome Center 520-917-8058 Trash and Recycle Containers Development Standards Section 2.5 state: “All Trash Containers shall be covered containers and may be stored on a Lot as to be not Visible from Neighboring Property or the street… If Trash Containers cannot be stored so as to be not Visible from Neighboring Property or the street, then Trash Containers must be stored in the garage. All Trash containers are subject to the requirements of Master Declaration 4.9.” Acceptable screening material is listed in Development Standards 2.17.c.xi. It states: “All…Trash containers shall be screened from street view by a structure or by Plant material of adequate density, width and height. Acceptable structure materials shall be stucco or masonry Walls and Fences that
Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, May 2019
contain a perforated or solid metal backing. Wood, plastic and chain link (or similar material) Fencing is not acceptable.” Master Declaration 4.9 states: “No garbage or trash shall be placed or kept on any Lot except in covered containers of a type, size and style which are approved by the Architectural Review Committee. In no event shall such containers be maintained so as to be Visible from Neighboring Property except when made available for collection and then only for the shortest time reasonably necessary to affect such collection. All rubbish, trash or garbage shall be removed from the Lots and shall not be allowed to accumulate thereon. No outdoor incinerators shall be kept or maintained on any Lot.”
Unit # 3 3 3 5 5 6 6 6 7 7 9 9 10 10 10 12 12 12 15 15 17 18A
Welcome New Neighbors – March Name From Kay & Michael Baker Charles Bloom Robin Kahn & Marvin Bohlen Tomas Franco & Francisco Campo Amy & Jeff Huber Lenore & Steven Peters Belinda & Jonnie Roberson Lisa Warneke Patricia & John Danloe Janet & Jay Payne Joseph Gargiulo Nancy & Larry Trumble Karsten Betd Carol Goeman Karen & Michael Smith Monica & John Anderson Diane Eby Karen & Brian Nord Cheri Desmond-May & Allen Desmond Arthur Lopez Kathleen & Larry Riggs Joanne Mead & Debbie Tuttle
Ft. Wayne, Ind Denver, CO Spokane, WA Marana, AZ San Diego, CA Mukwonago, WI Chico, CA Tucson, AZ Oro Valley, AZ North Oaks, MN Sherman Oaks, CA Oro Valley, AZ Tucson, AZ Oro Valley, AZ Sun Lakes, AZ Kent, WA Tucson, AZ Shell Lake, WI Tucson, AZ Redding, CA Durango, CO Palm Desert, CA
March 2019 Housing Resale Information Resales 2019 2018
For the Month 22 29 2018 Total Sold - 205
YTD 47 69
2019: Active Listings as of 3/31/2019........................... 23 2018: Active Listings as of 3/31/2018........................... 18 Source: TARMLS®
March 2019 Average Age of New Owners:
Holiday Hours Memorial Day Monday, May 27 AFC/Pool, 5 AM-6 PM Desert Oasis, 9 AM-4 PM The Views Restaurant, 7 AM-8 PM All Other Facilities Will Be Closed
Statement of Revenues Expenses Results Operations Statement of Revenues & and Expenses andand thethe Results ofof Operations
Revenues: Annual H.O. Fees Capital Contribution Fee Golf Revenues Activities Revenues Restaurant Revenues Interest Income Other Income Gross Revenues
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $
289,931 47,837 236,182 22,161 157,434 10,204 53,956 817,705
$ 3,770,327 272,575 $ $ 1,306,238 $ 139,165 $ 906,792 $ 137,948 $ 342,200 $ 6,875,245
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $
3,770,327 270,648 1,122,490 136,501 746,200 27,000 256,254 6,329,420
Asset Reserve Contribution Contingency Fund Contribution Wash Fund Contribution New Capital Acquisitions Restricted Use Revenues Net Operating Revenues Expenses: Wages & Benefits Cost of Sales Utilities Repair & Maint. Supplies & Expenses Depreciation Total Expenses
$ $ $ $ $ $
(1,100) (82,774) 733,831
$ (1,085,000) $ (13,368) $ (24,880) $ (16,206) $ (487,556) $ 5,248,235
$ $ $ $ $ $
(1,085,000) (27,368) (24,880) (11,500) (328,395) 4,852,277
$ $ $ $ $ $ $
327,878 110,701 41,103 10,171 115,308 115,000 720,161
$ 2,766,987 $ 580,879 $ 574,233 $ 68,510 $ 935,144 $ 1,035,000 $ 5,960,753
$ $ $ $ $ $ $
2,687,690 444,249 584,144 85,690 885,630 1,035,000 5,722,403
Restricted Fund Expenses Net Operating Expenses
$ $
(124,548) 595,613
$ (1,075,372) $ 4,885,381
$ $
(1,035,000) 4,687,403
Results of Operations
Above is a summary of the Revenues and Expenses and the Results of Operations for the first nine months of the 2018-2019 fiscal year. A copy of the report in greater detail can be found on our website Log in after hovering over the Members tab and selecting Financials. At this page you will find the monthly Financial Statements as well as the Annual Budget for the current Fiscal Year and a copy of the Annual Budget for the coming year.
9 Months 2018-2019
Sun City Vistoso Tipster, Febraury 2011
The Finance & Budget Committee will be on hiatus until October 2019. Meetings will resume at their normal time and location on Monday, October 28, 1:30 PM, WC3. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at 917-8060, or email me at Randy Trenary, Controller
May 2019, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster
SCOV Library - Kate Cusumano > library Online catalog: 520-917-8083
Association Committees
Our collection includes almost 600 audiobooks in both CD and MP3 formats. The MP3 format, usually consisting of only one disk, is easier to load on your smartphone, iPod or iPad if you want your “book” to be more mobile. Average circulation is 125 per month. This number swells to over 160 per month in April and May when winter residents make the long car trip back to summer homes and year-round residents go on vacation. We provide mailing labels to make it easy to return the audiobooks by mail. A good audiobook truly unleashes the power of the spoken word. While some are read by the author, most are read by talented voice actors, and sometimes multiple actors are used to better portray key characters. Patrons tell me they listen while engaged in housework, hobbies such as sewing or woodworking and even while in the shower. Audiobooks are also used for rehabilitation therapy for those with cochlear implants. Our latest additions are showcased on the first shelf of our audiobook collection. Stop by and check them out.
Active Health Rita Menet Nov.-May, Third Tue., 1:30 PM
Recreation and Fitness - Lonnie Davis 520-917-8073
Another year has passed, and much has been discussed and recommended by the AFC. My thanks to Lonnie Davis, Mark Wade, John Wilson and especially committee members Sherwin Koopmans, Terry McFadden, Dick Brammel, Peg Bushong, Bill Studt and secretary, Joan Wheeler. Next meeting will be held in September. Have a healthy, happy summer.
Sharing Equipment In a gym, weight equipment is considered communal property, so don’t sit on a machine while you rest between sets. Especially don’t sit there reading a magazine, talking on your cellphone or rehearsing an opera. Instead, stand up and let a fellow gym member work in; let the member alternate sets with you. The same rule applies if you’re using a pair of dumbbells. When you complete a set, place the weights on the floor, so someone else can sneak in a set while you rest. Special Note From the Aquatic and Fitness Center (AFC) Orientation on how to use the gym equipment is held every Thursday, 1 PM, so stop in and sign up. Contact Lonnie Davis, AFC Coordinator, to discuss questions or problems with the AFC. AFC and Desert Oasis: See Hours of Operation on page 2. Tuesday, May 14, the AFC pool and spa will be closed for cleaning and shock treatment. They will reopen the following morning at the regular time. Wednesday, May 15, the Desert Oasis pool will be closed for cleaning and shock treatment and reopen the following morning at the regular time.
Coffee and Conversation with the General Manager and a Board Member
An informal exchange of information. Thursday, May 16, 1-2 PM Activity Center/Navajo
Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, May 2019
Activity Center Renovation Chair Ed Zwerling First and Third Tue., 10 AM, AC/Hohokam Room
Our meetings are the first and third Tuesday of every month, 10 AM, Activity Center. We plan on meeting through the summer, so please check the SCOV calendar for changes. If you have any suggestions or comments, contact us
Aquatic Fitness Center Advisory Chair Stan Shopa First Wed., 11:30 AM, WC1
Architectural Review Lorie Puffett 415-902-1133 Second and Fourth Tue., 2 PM, WC3
If you are planning an exterior home improvement project, please be sure to consult the latest version of the Development Standards (October 23, 2018) for any guidelines that may affect your project. There are many exterior projects that require prior written Architectural Review Committee (ARC) approval to ensure compliance with the SCOV governing documents. These projects include, but are not limited to, room additions, patio covers, window and door replacements, shade screens, walls, fences, gates, landscaping (including new/replacement plantings of any trees, shrubs, vines or ground cover plants that are not on the approved plant list), lighting, shutters, gutters, downspouts, spas and swimming pools. All design, style, color, dimension and material decisions should be made before submitting your project for ARC approval.
Community Directory Chair Lisa Collins 812-344-4773
Do you have a gorgeous photo of a SCOV setting that would be perfect for the cover of our Community Directory? It’s time for our annual paper directory cover contest. Submit your best SCOV photo by Saturday, June 22. Log in at www. and click on SCOV Photo Contest Form. Did you know our directory is on the SCOV website? Find your neighbors’ names, all the people from your hometown or whatever you seek. The directory’s incremental search box will display results as you type. Are you included in the directory? New homeowners are unlisted by default. To add or update your information,
complete the online form “To change your directory listing…” or fill out an orange card at the Welcome Center. You can choose to have certain information unlisted in the paper directory and/or online.
Consumer Referral - Vendor List Susanna Moran
Here are directions for looking up the Vendor List on the website: log in to > Members > Member Services > Consumer Referral Vendor List > Read More. The Vendor List was formerly the Consumer Referral List. The Vendor List may be viewed at the monitor desk in the Activity Center during business hours. Please check the Vendor List, because changes are made frequently. Vendors are added, changed or deleted. Vendors should email Susanna Moran to inquire about applying to be on our Vendor List.
Finance-Budget Chair Carol Gloriosa Fourth Mon., 2 PM, WC3
Carol Gloriosa has been appointed by the Board to chair the committee. The committee is not scheduled to meet from May through September; however, members continue to review the monthly Association financial statements. Starting in October, the committee will meet on the fourth Monday of the month, 2 PM. Meeting agendas, minutes, monthly financial reports and the Board-approved Association 20192020 annual budget are posted on the SCOV members-only website. Please contact Carol Gloriosa for more information.
Food and Beverage Chair Barb McNeill Oct.-May, First Fri., 2-3 PM, The Views Terrace Last month was the busiest ever and produced all-time high revenues for The Views Restaurant. We were awarded again by the Northwest Explorer as Best Restaurant in Oro Valley. This will result in more customers; however, staff is ready and able to meet customer expectations. At times, especially on Friday evenings, there is a wait line for a table. We asked tables of two if they would be willing to share their table, and the answer was, Sure.” Feedback from these folks was very positive, “We made new friends.” By telling the hostess you will share your table, we can eliminate the waiting time for others. So join in, and make The Views the friendliest restaurant in town. During the slower summer months, we will try a community table, so single diners can meet and enjoy company with their breakfast or lunch. Watch for announcements of more knife, scissor and lopper sharpening events.
Friends of the Library Lynne Davis Pat Brown
May leans towards summer in our area, and many are heading to cooler climates. The library is always a cool place to be with many choices for books and movies. An editorial was in the newspaper recently about the importance of libraries and the number of people using libraries, saying that 1.39 billion visits were made to public libraries in 2015. We are lucky in SCOV to have our very own library that is supported by community members so that we can have a rich variety of books and movies at our fingertips. Friends of the Library is grateful to all who support this great amenity.
Sun City Vistoso Tipster, Febraury 2011
Gift Shop Co-Chairs Don Jovag 520-762-6030, Elaine Deeter 520-825-5388 Gift Shop 520-917-8051 Shop hours: Mon.-Fri., 9 AM-4PM; Sat., 9 AM-12:30 PM Featured artists for May are Jane Fairchild and Annette Geistfeld. Jane makes Fiber Flings, which are lightweight yarn and bead necklaces. Fiber Flings have the fluffiness of a scarf, without needing Jane Fairchild, left; Annette Geistfeld, right any expertise to tie it correctly. She also makes the popular ceramic scrolls used to describe food items at potlucks or dinner parties. They make lovely hostess gifts as well. Annette’s interest in book and paper arts began over 15 years ago. Much of her inspiration comes from living in the Sonoran Desert. She says, “Combining my interest in experimenting with book structures, designing greeting cards and my love of paper has been the driving force in my creative life.” SCOV residents are invited to participate in the Arts and Crafts Festival 2019, Saturday, November 16. To register, contact Don or Jeanne Jovag at 520-818-1078 or cell 520762-6030. A six-foot table is only $25.
Government Affairs Chair Laura Dore 520-338-1016 Second Wed., 1 PM, WC1 The Government Affairs Committee invites politicians or subject-matter experts to provide educational forums for SCOV residents. Topics may include water and land usage, utilities, In March we hosted a forum with Oro Valley Water Utility taxes, safety or Director Peter Abraham other issues impacting the quality of life in our community. Residents who have topics of interest may submit ideas to Laura Dore. Beginning in April and continuing periodically, a member of Senator Martha McSally’s Tucson staff is coming to SCOV to conduct onsite “office hours.” This is an opportunity for you to discuss issues you may be having with a department or agency of the federal government, including Citizenship and Immigration Services, Social Security Administration, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid, Department of Veterans Affairs and Internal Revenue Service. To better assist you, staff recommends you bring copies of any relevant documentation. Watch for specific dates and times as they are scheduled and announced in This Week in SCOV and flyers.
May 2019, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster
Greens Reconstruction Chair Howard Schulz See online Board and Committee meetings calendar for dates/times
I want to thank the members of the Greens Reconstruction Committee for their commitment and tireless efforts over the past 18 months. They are Debbie Huffman, Pattie Horning, Doug Kimble, Diane Malchow, Barbara Ross and John Rowe. They were supported by staff members Mike Kropf and Rick Price and Board member, Debra Arrett. The greens reconstruction project is included in the operating budget for the 2019-2020 fiscal year and will be the responsibility of the General Manager, Mark Wade, to implement. We have a contract with golf course architect, Mike Gogel, who will provide project management services with the go-forward activities. The current estimate of activities is as follows: October 2019 – Develop construction drawings and review with staff November 2019 – Contractors pre-bid meetings January 2020 – SCOV review/selection of contractor April 2020 – Contractor mobilizes May to June 2020 – Construction July to September 2020 – Grass grow-in and maturation October 2020 – New greens ready The temporary green layout has been designed and will be developed in advance to allow golfers to continue to use the course during the construction and grass grow-in periods. More information on this and other opportunities for golf will be communicated from the Pro Shop.
Loan Room - Community Assistance Chair Gay Russell Third Thu., 3 PM, WC1; Loan Room hours: Tue., Thu., 8-9 AM The Loan Room has medical items of all types available to our residents in addition to rollaway beds, mattresses, tables and chairs, car seats, pack ̛ n plays and high chairs. Our website has a more complete list of items for loan. Your SCOV card is necessary to make reservations or pick up items. Please feel free to come see what we have in your Loan Room.
Marketing Chair Pete Coy 360-739-4100 First Wed., 2 PM, WC1
With many new marketing ideas being explored in recent months, the committee now goes on its summer hiatus. Our next meeting will be in October, but we are looking for several new members for the committee. Residents who are enthusiastic and creative will find this to be a rewarding experience while contributing to our dynamic community. This is a way to get involved while not having to spend too much time. Contact Pete for more details.
Neighborhood Pride Chair Tempe Johnson 520-825-6994 Third Tue., 2 PM, WC3 What’s Right Around the Corner? Summer is right around the corner. Before we know it, it will be here, and we bid farewell to those who leave our community for the months ahead. Remember to have someone look after your home and yard while you are away, even if you are only gone for part of the time. A messy yard is an indication that you are gone and puts your home and belongings in what could be an unsafe situation. During our
Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, May 2019
monsoon season, weeds grow in abundance and need to be removed as quickly as possible. With the upcoming storms, there are times when it’s necessary to reach homeowners due to roof tile damage and/or trees down. Don’t forget to leave your summer address and phone number with Administration should someone need to contact you. Have a great summer knowing that your community and home here will look just as nice when you return as when you left.
Posse Chair Linda Simon 520-789-7169 First Tue., 3 PM, Desert Oasis (must be logged in first)
There has been a change of leadership of the Posse. Larry Clark has stepped down as our leader after three years of service, and Linda Simon is the new chairperson. With this change, there are some openings in the Posse leadership for Squad Leader and Secretary. If you would like to serve the Posse, please contact Linda Simon. Also, our seasonal residents are leaving, and the Posse needs volunteers for the summer months to continue the nightly patrols of our neighborhood. Please join the Posse, and help keep our community safe and secure. See page 4 to learn more.
Preserve and Enhance Lifestyle and Property Values Chair Don Stewart 618-980-3878
During the recent Association election, an important new authority was overwhelmingly adopted with 86% SCOV voter approval. It enables prevention of significant view impairment from adjacent “permanent modifications” such as room additions. The approved clauses now are part of SCOV’s Master Declaration; they define a view and give the Architectural Review Committee (ARC) authority to deny a project if it unduly impairs any neighbor’s views. The next step in implementing this new authority is to develop detailed criteria against which a potential impairment situation may be evaluated. Although some subjective judgment will inevitably be involved, the criteria must be highly objective and repeatable so that all involved understand them. The task force will be working closely with the ARC to develop these standards, test them to insure that they are fair and workable and, finally, recommend them to the Board for formal inclusion into the Development Standards. We expect this to be complete in late 2019.
Properties Chair Rich Oaks Third Thu., 9 AM, WC1
The Properties Committee recently completed a series of semi-annual inspections. The committee was pleased with the improvement observed during the facilities inspection especially with regard to safety-related items. This improvement is the result of a conscientious effort on the part of Association staff, and the committee is gratified by their good work. The Properties Committee works on a variety of tasks like this during the year. Our next meeting will be on Thursday, May 16.
Tipster Editorial Co-Chair Lou Phillippi 520-638-6957 Co-Chair Vicki Ettleman 520-519-9781
The next meeting is Thursday, May 16, 9 AM, WC3.
Director of Golf - Rick Price 520-917-8086
The Views Golf Club has partnered with a golf marketing company who specializes in growing the game. We are embarking on an exciting new membership program that will substantially enhance our ability to provide you with an even greater value than ever before. The Membership Campaign will be executed in conjunction with the 32nd anniversary of our facility. It is important to note that this new program offers a membership opportunity far different from anything we have provided in the past, and, as such, is not directly comparable to the membership plans to which you are accustomed. This new membership is specifically designed for the casual and non-golfers in our community. There are dramatic differences between our annual and seasonal memberships and this introductory membership. The Anniversary Membership will first be made available to residents, along with those guests who have visited our course with the understanding that we will only be able to sell a limited number of these memberships. This offer is for a limited time only and a one-time-only offering. The Anniversary Membership will cost $49 per year with a $10 per year administrative fee, based on a three-year commitment bringing the total to $177 + tax, paid in full at the time of sign-up. Golf will be available seven days a week in the afternoon on a space-available basis. This membership will not entitle these members to play in league play, member events, club tournaments, club outings or Association events without paying the additional associated green, cart and tournament fees. The daily golf fee rate year-round is $12 plus tax for 9 holes and $18 plus tax for 18 holes. Starting time reservations will be limited to three days in advance and may not be a part of any group reservations. This membership was designed as an introductory offer to raise interest in the game. We hope you are excited about the opportunity to share this remarkable offer with your friends and family. We will continue our commitment in providing a professional, friendly staff and a memorable golf experience at The Views Golf Club.
Superintendent - Michael Kropf 520-917-8063 One of the toughest challenges on maintaining a golf course is accomplishing many tasks with only a small number of employees. The maintenance crew is not only responsible for maintaining the grass, but also traps, sprinkler systems, pump station, ponds, desert and numerous other items. Most golfers are unaware of the amount of work that goes into golf course maintenance, but members of the golf clubs have been volunteering their services to the maintenance department for many years. These people wanted to help on the golf course, so volunteers started to fill divots on tees and fairways. Over time, a system was created where these volunteers adopted their own hole. They not only repair divots but also fix ball marks on greens, and some even rake traps when necessary. The
Sun City Vistoso Tipster, Febraury 2011
work they accomplish throughout the week has freed up at least two maintenance employees to concentrate on other aspects of the golf course. Hugh Madson first organized these volunteers. He created the system of people adopting their own holes or areas. He always made sure holes were covered in the summer months when seasonal residents left. He also got contributions from all the clubs to provide a breakfast to show appreciation for all the time SCOV volunteers put into the golf course. Hugh recently moved away from Sun City, so I wanted to take the time to show my appreciation for all he did for me and the golf course over many years. Thank you Hugh. You will be missed.
Golf Advisory Chair Doug Kimble 520-825-3172 First Wed., 2 PM, WC3
We wish safe travels to our winter resident golfers and will look forward to your return in the fall months. Mike Kropf and his crew will be working hard this summer to improve the golf course. The best playing conditions of the year will be in August and September thanks to our superintendent’s knowledge of desert golf courses. The golf clubs will have different starting times, so be sure you keep up-to-date on those time changes. There will still be many activities going on with the golf clubs, and our Pro Shop will be providing other golfing events throughout the summer months. Thanks to the league reps, member-at-large, vice president and all who made up our Golf Advisory Committee this past golfing year.
The Views 18-Hole Men’s Golf Club Pres. Kevin Devaney Membership David Flatness 425-443-3708 Play Wed.
April saw an end to inclement weather and the 18-Hole Men’s major tournaments, culminating in the Member/Guest held April 4, 5 and 6. Forty teams participated in golf, pizza, raffles, Charlie’s burgers and a Congratulations to the Winners dinner of chicken or prime rib and a generous assortment of adult beverages. Additionally, Srixon Golf Manufacturing held an afternoon sale in the Activity Center with clubs, bags and golf sportswear to name a few of the items that should improve our amateur standings. The final day of the tournament left five flight winners standing to compete in a four-hole elimination contest called a Horse Race or Shootout. The winners were Bob Johnson and Roger Ocel who won one chance each for a hole-in-one to win $500,000. They missed. Other flight winners were Bob Ranson and Dan Snook, Tom Potter and Tom Wright, Kurt Klucking and Jerry Shearer, Jack Charbonneau and Lee Krumm.
Pass Holder Benefits This month The Views Golf Club Annual Pass Holders special is
Bucket of Beer (4 for the price of 3) Not a Pass Holder?
Call the Pro Shop at 825-3110 for details.
May 2019, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster
Men’s Nine-Hole Golf Club Pres. Mark Fuller 612-978-9901 Membership David Chatterton 520-204-5636 Rec. Sec. Dennis Pupkiewicz 520-639-8762 Play Thu. morning
We have just ended another great season of golf. We’d like to thank all the personnel who make The Views a great and challenging course: Rick Price and the Pro Shop staff, Michael Kropf and his maintenance crew, and the rangers. We had some tough winter weather and hopefully Mother Nature will be kinder in 2020. Safe travels to all who leave for the summer. Enjoy your summer and we hope to see you in the fall.
The Views 18-Hole Women’s Golf Club Pres. Darlene Lamb VP and Membership Marty Blakely
I want to take this opportunity to thank all the ladies of the 18-Hole Club for your support during this league season. At our April 2 meeting, the ladies enjoyed a taco bar prepared by our members. During the meeting, the officers were elected for the coming year: Pres., Marty Blakely; VP, Debbie Huffman; Co-Treas., Yvette Schulz and Alision Nidiver and Sec., Donna Hartley. Barbara Hall was congratulated on winning the club championship and for having won the event more than any other member. Congrats, Barbara. The President’s Cup results are: Beckie Harkey, champion; Cathy Morrow, second place; Barbara Arms, third place and Barbara Hall, fourth place. Our awards banquet was April 23 and concluded the league season.
The Views 9-Hole Women’s Golf Club Pres. JoAnn Matty 520-400-9111 Membership: Barbara Armes 206-915-2609 or Laurie Kennedy 503-449-3200 Play Thu. morning
We would like to thank our retiring board for their hard work and leadership this year. It takes many hours of volunteer preparation in all areas to make a club run smoothly and we salute them. Thanks go to outgoing board 2018-2019 club board of directors members: Pres., Pattie Horning; VP, Linda Miller; Treas., Pam LaBrie; Sec., Jan Lohrentz; AWGA, JoAnn Matty and Bonnie Svarstad; and Membership, Barbara Armes and LouAnn Convey. In addition, we would like to thank all committee leaders, special events chairwomen and luncheon hostesses who volunteer their time and expertise to provide a wonderful golf league experience. Our regular golf season concluded last month with an award luncheon on April 25. Our 109-member club enjoyed a fantastic year, and we look forward to next fall with a new group of board members. We continue to have fun play all spring and summer on Thursday mornings, so if you are looking for a 9-hole game, please join us by contacting one of our membership chairs or our president. We wish safe travels and moderate temperatures here in SCOV to everyone this summer.
Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, May 2019
Food & Beverage Director - Aalt Brouwer 520-917-8074
Heading into the summer, we are pleased to have a lot of fun and exciting events planned for our year-round residents. Paint Nite will resume. We will continue our Try and Buy wine events, karaoke, and live entertainment. In addition, we are adding a few special events including a wine dinner, a beer dinner and a 4th of July event with The Views Golf Club. Watch for more details. Be sure to check out the new chalkboard on the wall in the lounge, where we are advertising specialty drinks and prices.
Sun City Vistoso Foundation Jerry Bushong Fourth Thu., 1 PM, Desert Oasis
The merry month of May is upon us. Warmer temperatures, colorful beauty of the desert and many residents heading to other places are just ahead. Our Community Foundation Board continues to meet and review applicable grant requests. Our Foundation provides financial support in SCOV and the surrounding area in multiple ways: health, cultural, educational, recreational and charitable services. Consider a donation at this time of the year to celebrate a birthday, an anniversary or some other special day of remembrance. A one-time gift or a regular donation is always welcome. Please send your gift to: Sun City Vistoso Foundation, 1565 Rancho Vistoso Blvd., Oro Valley, AZ, 85755. The Foundation’s autopay plan can be found on our website. Our most recent grant, requested and approved, went to Literacy Connects, a life-changing gift of literacy to 50-plus kindergarten students at Nash Elementary School. Thanks to each of you who support the ongoing mission of our Foundation.
Coming Events
Items included in this section must be open to all residents and be either sponsored by the Association or be an annual club event of interest to the entire community.
Every Day, 3-6 PM The Views Restaurant Happy Hour Please join us for happy hour. Enjoy the best in live entertainment Friday and Saturday, 5:30-8 PM.
Sunday, May 5, 2 PM The Tucson Symphony Percussion Quartet One of the symphony’s most asked-for ensembles will perform in our very own Auditorium. SCOV residents rate this as highly entertaining. Tickets will not be sold online for this event. Theatre seating, no food or drinks. Doors open at 1:30 PM.
Tickets, $18 pp, on sale at the Welcome Center
Tuesday, May 28, 1 PM Indoor Movie Plan to join us for a fun, free afternoon movie in the Auditorium; movie selection will be announced at a later date. Bring your own drinks and snacks. Table seating.
Thursday, June 20, 9:15 AM Diamondback Bus Trip Take me out to the ball game. Enjoy a luxury bus trip to Phoenix to watch the Arizona D-Backs play the Colorado Rockies. Bus leaves from behind the Welcome Center at 9:15 AM. Game starts at 12:40 PM. I have reserved our favorite place to sit at the ball park; no need to worry about the weather since the stadium is covered. The bus will return to SCOV 30 minutes after the end of the game. Some walking is involved in getting to your seats from the bus. If you want to sit together with a few friends, please purchase all tickets at the same time. Ticket price includes game ticket and bus ride.
Tickets, $55 pp, go on sale from Coco or Pam at the Welcome Center on Wed., May 22. Tuesday, June 25, 1 PM Indoor Movie Movie selection will be announced at a later date. No charge for this event. Bring your own drinks and snacks. Table seating.
Thursday, July 4, 2 PM Independence Day Concert Enjoy the free Association-sponsored 4th of July concert performed by the Sun City Singers. The show will start at 2 PM sharp with an ice cream treat after the show. Put on your red, white and blue and join us. Look for details in the June Tipster.
Special Events for Clubs
See club articles for full details. Singles Bocce, Thu., May 2, 6 PM, Bocce courts Singles Golf, Sun., May 5, 1:45 PM, The Views Rock and Roll Club, Sat., May 11, 7-10 PM, dance with Vinyl Tap, Activity Center Auditorium Genealogy, Tue., May 14, 1 PM, “Sources – Tracking a Relative’s Roaming Life,” Activity Center/Navajo Day Trippers, Thu.-Sun., May 23-26, Canyon de Chelly, $900 per couple ($450 pp) $592 single Day Trippers, Sun., Jun. 16, pizza party catered by Rosati’s, $5 pp Day Trippers, Mon, Jul. 15, free casino trip, Harrah’s Ak-Chin Day Trippers, Mon.-Thu., Aug. 5-8, Pageant of the Masters. Approx. $900 per couple ($450pp) $669 single Day Trippers, Sat., Aug. 17, hummingbird banding. Cost approx. $50-$55 pp
Workshops and Classes Automatic External Defibrillator (AED) Classes Classes are held the fourth Wednesday of each month, 1:30 PM, WC1. Lonnie Davis teaches these classes. To attend, you must register ahead of time by calling Lonnie 520917-8073. You could save the life of a loved one. The next class will be May 22.
Sun City Vistoso Tipster, Febraury 2011
Association-Sponsored Fitness Purchase a punch card from the receptionist at the Administration Office in the Welcome Center, $20/10 classes. You may use this card for all Sun City Oro Valley-sponsored fitness classes. It can also be used for your guests. There is a $3 drop-in charge without a punch card. Class descriptions may be found online Questions, call 520-917-8073. Aqua Zumba®: Balance Class: Chair Balance Class: Cardio Chair Aerobics: Core Conditioning: Sunrisers: Sweat Stretch: Water Aerobics: Zumba® :
Tue., 1-2 PM, AFC Pool Mon., 10:30-11:30 AM, AFC Fri., 10:30-11:30 AM, AC/Dance Studio Tue., Thu., 10:30-11:30 AM, Sat., 9-10 AM, Catalina Vista Mon., 5-6 PM, Wed., 3-4 PM, AFC Mon., Wed., Fri., 7-8 AM, AFC Tue., Thu., 7:30-9 AM, AFC Mon., Wed., Fri., 9-10 AM, AFC Pool Tue., 9:15-10:10 AM, Thu., 4-5 PM, AFC
Holiday Light Workshops Here are two ways you can help make SCOV beautiful for the holidays: (1) Donation: The Association has committed $1,000 for holiday lighting in prominent areas of Association buildings and will match another $2,000 of resident donations. (2) Workshops: Attend workshops Tuesday, May 7, 1 PM, and Monday, May 20, 1 PM, to help make decorations for the displays and to make a set of decorations for your home. For information about donating, the workshops and about the costs involved, see “This Week In SCOV” and Linda Bretz 603-459-4219. Parkinson’s Exercise Classes Classes are held Mondays and Thursdays, 4-5:30 PM, WC3. Caregivers are welcome to attend classes. Ray Jerkins 520-219-3561. There will be no classes in June, July and August, so sign up for this May class.
For Your Information
The items under this heading are provided as a service to residents. SCOV assumes no responsibility or liability for the information contained therein. Costume Closet The Costume Closet is located inside the Loan Room at the Cart Barn. Costumes may be checked out and returned by appointment only. Call Marty Siracusa 520-825-6961 or Betty Verderese 520-825-7811 to schedule appointments. Cash donations accepted for the use of costumes.
Thank You Corner Thank you to the community for attending the Courtyard Sale and purchasing items from Seniors for Kids, including used items, gift baskets, coffee & doughnuts and hot dogs. Also, special thanks to the Men’s and Ladies’ Tennis Clubs
May 2019, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster
for donations from recent tournaments. This income will be used to purchase supplies for our handmade children’s gifts as well as essential items (such as diapers) for families. Sally Evert, Seniors for Kids
Memoriam Leon M. Williams
Resident 1
March 30
Clubs Arts, Crafts & Hobbies Art League Co-Pres. Caryl Thornton 520-638-7024, Carol Nagel 520-825-3097
First ever “Summer Art Sale” will begin in June and continue through September. All SCOV residents are welcome to display their art. As pieces are sold, they will be replaced, creating an ever-changing exhibit. This exhibit will be in the Activity Center. It’s a great opportunity to bring new art into your home. The Desert Oasis will be the venue for an open exhibit over the summer months. Open meaning that all SCOV residents are eligible to display their creative endeavors. Please contact Caryl Thornton or Carol Nagel.
Bark Carving Bob Ash 520-282-3688 Tue., 1-4 PM, Thu., 9 AM-Noon Artisan Center/Lapidary
If you are a bark carver or are interested in getting started with cottonwood bark carving, please join us Tuesday afternoons and/or Thursday mornings for carving and conversation. We have bark available for beginners, and there is always someone to help and suggestions for first projects. Come by and view some of our work in our display window next to the Wood Shop in the Artisan Center and/or drop in Tuesdays or Thursdays. Members, please remember to pay your $10 dues for 2019.
Clay Pres. Gary Brown 520-303-7328 Sep.-May, First Thu., General Meeting, 1 PM, Artisan Center/Pottery Studio cleaning last Wed., 1 PM Orientation as needed
During the busy winter months, our tireless Clay Club officers, kiln team and glaze team members have brain-stormed to find new ways to improve our club’s facilities. The pottery stu- Clay friends, l-r, Janet Ramble, Darlene Kloc and dio storage room Janie Hulett
Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, May 2019
has been outfitted with sturdy new shelving, which provides generous space for members’ tools and clay stash. The enlarging of the drying racks has resulted in more room for drying greenware before being fired. The glaze room dipping glaze reorganization allows members a more educated selection. Newly trained kiln team members add to the lightening-fast efficiency of kiln-time turnaround. As the summer months approach, the studio is quieter, yet still friendly and productive. Now is a great season to stop by the clay studio to sign up for orientation. Whether you are interested in handbuilding or throwing on the wheel, our members will guide and inspire you to meet your goal.
Colored Pencil Jan Thomas 520-591-1275, Sue Parkes 520-825-7307 Fri., 9 AM-Noon, Catalina Vista/Art Studio Are you fascinated with changes in colors and patterns? Do you like details? Colored Pencil may be just the club for you. It is an easy, forgiving medium but does require patience. Basic drawing skills are helpful, especially if you want to venture into scratchboard, which some in our group enjoy. We Pleased with our efforts, but always striving have many resources to improve to help get you started and helpful advice for beginners. Join us.
Fine Arts Studio Pres. April Hoffman 520-329-8443, Wed., 9 AM-4 PM, Catalina Vista/Art Studio
Cathy Harvey moved to SCOV 12 years ago from New Jersey where she returns in the summer. After intense leadership conferences motivated her colleagues to find a left-brain activity, they began meeting in a friend’s kitchen to learn watercolors together. Cathy’s interest in saturated color led her to move on to pastels. She feels the desert environment lends itself to landscape subjects and finds our critiques helpful if she needs a suggestion. The broad opportunities of SCOV also keep her coming back. You will enjoy meeting Cathy and watching her work. Ann Gethen hails from Yorkshire, England, coming to the United States in the 60s. La Veta, Colorado, is where she returns in the summer. She’s been coming to the studio for two years with her oils and palette or painting knives. She creates landscape paintings of places that still resonate and botanicals of the flowers at her feet when she’s working en plein air. If you travel through La Veta, stop in the Spanish Peaks Arts Council center, and you will see her work there.
Gourd Art John Shaw 520-825-1368 Mon., 1-4 PM, and Fri., 9 AM-Noon, Lapidary Room
Come as you are and receive on-the-job training. We have gourds and all the supplies you will need to start a piece of gourd art.
A gourd wreath
Japanese Flower Arranging Donald Marier 520-825-4878 Nov.-May, Second and Fourth Mon., 2-4 PM, Catalina Vista/Pusch Ridge
Japanese flower arranging, Ikebana, is the art of arranging flowers, branch materials, grasses and leaves. At its core is the beauty resulting from a combination of color, shapes and graceful lines. More than simple floral decoration, it is a form of sculpture with plant materials. Learn from certified instructors at your own pace and make creative arrangements for your home.
Knit and Crochet Sigrid Flatness 425-213-6689 Tue., 2:30-4:30 PM, Catalina Vista/Pusch Ridge
Over the past several weeks, the knitters and crocheters have enjoyed sitting outside on the patio at Catalina Vista on Tuesday afternoons. It’s amazing what a difference it makes to enjoy our crafts while being outside in the beautiful weather with incredible views of the mountains. Not sure how long we will be able to continue outside as the temperatures increase, but in the meantime we’ll continue as long as we can. In March we were surprised to find a sleeping rattlesnake curled up around the center leg of a table out on the patio. Needless to say, the monitor was summoned, and the snake was removed by the fire personnel. But that didn’t stop us from being out there the following week.
Modelers Pres. Fred Faust 520-907-3469 Second Fri., 8 AM, Modelers Room No, aliens have not invaded the Modelers Room. This picture shows Michael Fox and Tom Mehring working on the diorama that presents how model scenery is made. The development of the diorama is on display in the Modeler’s display case in Michael Fox, left, and Tom Mehring, right. the Activity Center. Photo by Tom Prall All SCOV residents are welcome at our monthly meetings. If the lights are on and someone is in the Modelers Room, stop in. At our meetings you will see what we are about, and you may enjoy a cup of coffee and a sweet roll. From time to time we schedule field trips of interest to modelers.
Open Studio Artists Pres. Carol Nagel 520-825-3097 Tue., 9 AM-4 PM and Thu., 9 AM-2 PM, Catalina Vista/Art Studio
Open Studio Artists now have two days per week to work on their art. If your usual day does not work, you can now take advantage of the second day. New artists are always welcome. Bring your materials and dust off your creativity.
Enter the Community Phone Directory Cover Photo Contest Do you have a gorgeous photo of a SCOV setting that would be perfect for the cover of our Community Directory? To submit your photo, see page 15.
520 AREA CODE 8 R 201 OCTOBE er 2019 Until Octob
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Sun City Vistoso Tipster, Febraury 2011 See
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Vistoso Photo Pres. Gerda Timm 403-251-5981 For meeting schedule please see the website
Winners of the March “Open” competition were Ed Caine, Val Harding, Janet Nelson, Diane Haegele, Jack Welch, Gerda Timm, Harvey Gardner, Pat Mulligan, Laura Hackenbrock, John Moore, Art Wickersham, Bonnie Svarstad, Bill Lewis, Val Plumlee and Dave Henderson. Beginning Wednesday, May 1, the Art League exhibition at the Activity Center is themed “Adobe Structures.” Framed photographs that meet this criteria should be taken to the Activity Center on May 1 between 9 and “Village Weaver Taking a Break” by 9:45 AM for hanging. Bonnie Svarstad Our final meeting of the year is Wednesday, May 8. This will be our year-end party and awards ceremony. Awards will be given at every level and photo of the year will be chosen. The club does not meet during the summer and will resume on the fourth Wednesday of September. See club website for our calendar and details.
Sculpture Pres. Laurie Lichaa 520-812-0198 Mon., 9 AM-5 PM, Catalina Vista/Art Studio The clay sculpture group meets on Monday in the Art Studio in Catalina Vista. Come see the projects in process and completed projects in the display case. The Sculpture Club uses sculpey clay. As you can see in the picture, there are two different kinds of sculpey available for members to purchase from the club. The white sculpey is the original form of material and is preferred by some members. According to the sculpey company, the pink sculpey called super sculpey living doll is best used for creating lifelike figurines with fine features. John Johnston completed the pink sculpey sculpture. To finish these projects, both materials are baked at 275 degrees. After baking they both can be sanded, drilled, carved and painted. The cost of the white is a little cheaper than the pink. It is just a matter of personal preference as to which materials a person uses.
Sewing Thimblelenas
Sue Lane 520-971-8755 Co-Treas. Phyllis Austin 805-341-5176, Pat Norton 480-993-8762 Monitor Training Suzanne Stiles 805-748-3206 Pfaff Training Mel Wheeler 520-334-0957 Mon.-Fri., 9 AM-Noon and 1-4 PM, Sat., 9 AM-Noon, Artisan Center/Sewing
Things are busy in the Sewing Room. There are so many different groups in which to get involved. Read about the various sewing groups below. There’s never a dull moment
May 2019, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster
in the Sewing Room – only dull scissors. Stop any time the room is open to learn more about us. Monitors on duty are always happy to give you a short tour. Seasonal residents and renters are welcome to join us. For your convenience the Sewing Room is open for general use Friday 9 AM-Noon and 1-4 PM, and Saturday mornings. Casa Amigas
Sigrid Flatness 425-213-6689 Mon. and Thu., 9 AM-Noon, Artisan Center/Sewing
This month we say goodbye to our sewing friends who head off to cooler climates and homes all over the United States. We’ll miss all of them and look forward to their return in the fall. However, this doesn’t mean that we stop sewing. Those of us who stick around will continue to sew and enjoy the cool temps of the Sewing Room. We have many ongoing projects to keep us busy. In addition, several of the sewers take projects with them to work on during the summer months. Now that’s dedication and a love of doing something worthwhile for children at risk. Cheer Bears
Pat Norton 480-993-8762 Wed., 1-3 PM, Artisan Center/Sewing
Cheer Bears will be suspending meetings from May until October. That doesn’t mean that all work will cease, but we will not be consistently making bears. The Cheer Bear group would like to thank the Ladies Tennis Club for the donation from its final tournament in April and the individual donations that were also received. The money will be well spent in the fall to purchase supplies for next year’s Cheer Bear assembly. It is inspiring to receive the support we find in this community. What a wonderful place to live. If anyone would like to join us again in October, mark your calendars for Wednesdays from 1-3 PM in the Sewing Room at the Artisan Center. We can always use more hands to bring the love from our donated materials. Machine Embroidery
Sharon Larsen 520-818-2791 Training Coordinator Karin Frohlich 520-612-7379 4D Computer Training Debra Dirks 520-825-2248 Third Tue., 1:30 PM, Desert Oasis/Ocotillo What have you been working on? Show us your projects at our monthly meeting, Tuesday, May 21, 1:30 PM, Desert Oasis. We love seeing your projects and getting new ideas. Last month we learned how to MaryAnn Womak’s Easter table runner embroider on tulle to make gift soap. Contact Karin Frohlich for instruction on the 6-needle machine in the Sewing Room. Instructions are available to any Thimblelenas member. Note the meeting date, join us and feel free to bring a friend with you. Treats will be served. Check us out on Facebook to see more of our projects.
Pet Beds
Jan Bohe 520-825-9725 Tue., 1-3 PM, Artisan Center/Sewing
We’re cut-ups. That’s right; we sit around the table cutting washable scrap fabric into itsy-bitsy pieces perfect for stuffing pet beds for the Humane Society. We add some fiberfill and sew them up for delivery. The pets love them. Come join us if you love pets. Quilters
Carol Guibert 520-404-1462 Second and Fourth Tue., 1 PM, Desert Oasis/Ocotillo
We have our last meeting of the season Tuesday, May 14, and then we won’t meet until September. Happy summer to everyone; keep on quilting. Seniors for Kids
Co-Pres. Pat Norton 480-993-8862 Jean Sax 651-436-4243, Sewing/Crafting for SFK, Mon., 1-3 PM, Wed., 9 AM-Noon, Artisan Center/Sewing Toy woodworking, various times, Artisan Center/Wood Shop No meetings May-Sep.
As part of our individual members’ summer activities, toys will be crafted by sewers and woodworkers, whether members are in SCOV or other locations. Donations of money and handmade items will be made to Tri-Community Food Bank and Tu Nudito Child and Family Services during the summer months, as well as our other charitable partners, based on their continuous needs throughout the year. Next club meeting is in October. Tapestry Rug Hooking
Coni Arseneau 217-398-1416 Carrie Wiley 360-734-5952 Tue., 9 AM-Noon, except last Tue. of the month; last Thu., 1-3 PM, Artisan Center/Sewing The Tapestry Rug Hooking group meets Tuesday mornings in the Sewing Room. We welcome new members and any interested people to come by and see our art. You can learn more about our group by visiting our website or coming to see us on Tuesday mornings. When you think of tapestry rug hooking, you might envision projects that are either wall hangings or rugs. However, we create other projects such as pillows, coasters, table runners, etc. In the above picture, John Shaw used his hooking project to upholster two footstools. He also has used his hooking to upholster a rocking chair. So, the projects we create are much more than one might think. If you have ideas of other projects where hooking might be used, stop by and share your idea, and we will teach you our art.
Enter the Community Phone Directory Cover Photo Contest Submit your best SCOV photo(s) by Sunday, June 23. Log in at > members > services > miscellaneous and click on SCOV Photo Contest Form.
520 AREA CODE 8 R 201 OCTOBE er 2019 Until Octob
Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, May 2019
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See the
Show ‘N Share Vicki Frakes 859-801-0525 Fri., 9 AM-Noon, Catalina Vista/Mt. Lemmon In May we celebrate birthdays for Jan Gore, Susan Joyce, Susan Bong, and Gus Berry. Jan moved to SCOV from Ohio in 2008 and joined Show ‘n Share (SNS) in 2010. Jan does scrapbooking 22 of our 27 members and makes greeting cards. She enjoys the fabulous friends at SNS. Susan Joyce moved to SCOV from Oregon in 2018 and joined SNS in 2019. Her crafts are beading and cake decorating. Susan Bong moved to SCOV from South Carolina in 2012 and joined SNS in 2013. She knits and makes greeting cards. She enjoys SNS’s fellowship. Gus Berry moved to SCOV from California in 2014 and and joined SNS in 2015. Gus does scrapbooking and makes greeting cards. She enjoys spending time with the ladies at SNS. At Show ‘N Share, members work on portable crafts, and we love to show our creations and share our ideas. We meet year-round and welcome new members. No dues.
Silversmith and Lapidary Pres. Tom Moore 503-510-2251 Shop hours: Mon.-Thu., 9 AM-Noon and 1-4 PM; Fri. 9 AM-Noon First Mon., 3:30 PM, Artisan Center/Silversmith Studio We had another great month of classes. Carolyn Shisler taught twelve of us how to wire wrap stones with copper. The two sessions were fun, easy, and we were able to create unique and beautiful pendants. The photo shows just a few. Come by the Artisan Center to see how our talented members can turn raw pieces of silver and stone into works of art. If you are interested in learning, stop in and we’d be happy to help.
Stained/Fused Glass Jo Anne Bowman 501-282-4454 or 520-441-9229 Juliet Williams 623-565-0153 Fusing: Tue. and Thu., 9-11 AM, Artisan Center/Stained Glass Stained: Wed. and Fri., 9 AM-Noon Open Studio, any time Tue.-Sun., Artisan Center/Stained Glass
Wood Carving Bob Ash 520-282-3688 Sat., 9-Noon, Artisan Center/Lapidary
If you are a wood carver or are interested in getting started with wood carving, please join us on Saturday mornings for carving and conversation. Please come by and view our work in our display window next to the Wood Shop in the Artisan Center and drop in on Saturday mornings.
Counting Your Steps? Join the Tipster Collation 16
Sun City Vistoso Tipster, Febraury 2011
Woodworking Pres. Bill Bable 248-231-2829, VP: Chris Schatzman 504-470-6075 Sec. Colin Kaltenbach, Treas. Nancy Njaa
Hi. I’m Karen Curry and moved to SCOV in March, 2015. I came here as a quilter, yet I found the woodshop a wonderful attraction and have become addicted to woodworking. I continue to enjoy turning on the lathe, working Karen and a few of her creations with our scroll saw, routers, bandsaws, jointer, planer, sanders, just to name a few. Many woodworkers have taught me so much. I continue to make items for friends and family and Seniors for Kids. I’m very thankful I moved to SCOV where I can continue to learn and grow in many new areas.
Continuing Education Astronomy Pres. Allan Mashburn 435-219-0042 Oct.-May, Third Thu., 7 PM, Activity Center/Navajo
Dr. Dae Wook Kim is a professor of optical sciences and astronomy at the U of A. He will speak to us about his work in the optical engineering field where the Mirror Lab is currently grinding and polishing the last of seven mirrors for the Giant Magellan Telescope in Chile. This telescope, scheduled to be finished in 2025, will have 368 square meters of mirror and will be 10 times greater than the Hubble. His main research area has been the precision optical fabrication field. He has authored or co-authored over 100 journal articles on optics. Bob Cratty and Harland Goetz were honored by the Astronomy Club on February 21 for their dedication and hard work teaching science and astronomy at Coronado K-12 school. Presenting the plaques were Astronomy Club president Alan Mashburn and Bob Weirather. Bob along with Nelson Tilden now head up the program at Coronado K-12 school. Left to right (above) Bob Cratty, Alan Mashburn, Bob Weirather and Harland Goetz. Stargazing party with astronomer Chuck Dugan on Thursday, May 2, driving range, at dusk.
Bible Men’s Bible Study
Jerry Anderson 520-638-6586, Rick Thomas 520-591-0475 Oct.-May, Tue., 7:30 AM, Catalina Vista/Mt. Kimball
Our weekly Bible study is over until October 1, when it will resume and continue every Tuesday throughout the winter. Join us then for a personal weekly renewal as we study God’s Word. See you then.
May 2019, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster
Precept Women’s Bible Study
Pres. Linda Miller 520-818-2716 Sec. Faith Heitmann 208-750-5886 Oct.-Apr., Wed., 9 AM, WC3
On October 2, we start Romans Part 2 with Linda Vander Ark as our facilitator. There are nine lessons in this study, it will conclude on December 4. We start our second study, Romans Part 3 on December 11. We invite you to join us every Wednesday, 9 AM, WC3. Hope to see you all in the fall.
Great Books Pres. Barbara Gates 520-825-7645 V.P. Connie Armstrong 520-544-7723 Oct.-May, First and Third Wed., 2 PM, Catalina Vista/Mt. Lemmon
In our club we read and discuss selections of thoughtprovoking works of literature presented in anthologies by the Great Books Foundation. We offer great conversations about great ideas. We are reading selections from “Great Conversations 1,” the first in a series of anthologies intended for those who value the lively pleasure of discussing ideas. Hopefully the readings will challenge your assumptions and spark debate. The book can be purchased from Amazon or The Great Books Foundation. The Great Books Club will not meet until fall, beginning again on October 3. We welcome all SCOV residents.
SCOV Book Club Pres. Glenda Jackson 925-640-7312 Contact: Cynthia Kartman 414-732-3063 First Mon., 1:30 PM, Catalina Vista/Mt. Kimball
Our May book is Last Bus to Wisdom by Ivan Doig. A third generation Montanan and the author of many critically acclaimed books, Doig died in 2015. Last Bus to Wisdom, his final novel, is a touching and raucous coming-of-age tale set in the 1950’s based loosely on his own youth. If you’ve been lucky enough to see, or at least hear the soundtrack, of the hit musical Hamilton, you may have noticed that Lin-Manuel Miranda gives the last word of the play to Eliza Hamilton, Alexander’s wife. Our June book selection, Eliza Hamilton: The Extraordinary Life and Times of the Wife of Alexander Hamilton, by Tilar J. Mazzeo, turns the spotlight on the life of this fascinating woman, who continued a quiet, dignified career of guarding her husband’s legacy and launching numerous philanthropic ventures for over 50 years after Alexander’s death.
Computer - Vistoso Computer Society (VCS) Membership David Johnson 520-825-6994 Pres. Leo Belardinelli 520-989-9314 General Meetings, Nov.-Mar., Second Mon., 1 PM, Auditorium Help session: call 520-329-7661 for an appointment
General meetings will start again in November. There will also be no scheduled help sessions until fall; however, computer help is always available by calling the VCS help line 520-329-7661 and setting up an appointment. Membership is required for all classes, help sessions, assistance from other computer club members and ListServ, an online bulletin board. To join, see the club’s website.
Join our Facebook group Sun City Oro Valley Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, May 2019
Genealogy Pres. Andrea Houston Monitor Training Pat Brown Mentoring Holly Gibson 303-548-1299 General Meetings Oct.-May, Second Tue., 1 PM, Activity Center/Navajo
Our last speaker of the season is our member, Holly Gibson, who is presenting, “Sources: The Short Story of Harry Melville Leslie.” It covers approximately eight years of Leslie’s life from Tombstone to St. Louis to San Francisco to Honolulu in the 1880s and explains different sources of material used to track eight years of his life. Thinking of delving into finding your ancestors? Our group prides itself with so many tools to assist you: our members, genealogy library, lab computers with paid and available free to you along with individual guidance. Grab a pamphlet and an application form outside our door in the Welcome Center to join. And yes, the genealogy lab is available this summer.
ILR - Institute of Learning in Retirement Pres. Jane Myerson Curriculum Randy Myerson Registration Karen/Sherwin Koopmans Samplers Sally Evert
Summer courses are free to ILR members, but you must register for summer courses by emailing Randy Myerson. Course descriptions and registration directions are on the club’s website. Fall course registration resumes August 1-15 for courses with available space. Watch the Tipster, Facebook, club emails and/or the club website for further details.
Natural Health and Wellness Sherokee Ilse 520-818-3279 First Wed., Potluck, 5:30 PM, Catalina Vista Third Wed. 3-4:30 PM, Catalina Vista, Mt. Kimball/Pusch Ridge
The Natural Health and Wellness Club will go dark from May to October. In November the monthly sessions will begin as well as the Vegan Potlucks and Mindful Meditation. Our year of programming was very exciting and successful. If you wish to check out any books or the Cancer Series or Healing Miracles (Stem Cells) videos, contact Joan Partridge 505-920-7005. Have a safe and healthy season until we see you again.
Poets Corner Sharyn Rafieyan 520-825-6762 Mon., 9:30-11:30 AM, WC3
Effective political poetry has the power to change society– even if it’s only the thinking of a small sector. Widening the audience may depend on the poet’s ability to evoke empathy and arouse passion. John Murillo accomplishes exactly that in a series of sonnet-length poems collectively entitled “A Refusal to Mourn the Deaths, by Gunfire, of Three Men in Brooklyn.” A quote from Terrance Hayes, “This country is as much mine as an orphan’s house is his,” introduces the poem from which this excerpt is taken: “…Again this week, they killed / another child who looked like me. A child / we’ll march about, who’ll grace our placards, say, / then be forgotten like a trampled pamphlet. What / I want, I’m not supposed to. Payback. Woe / and plenty trouble for the gunman’s clan. / I’m not supposed to. But I want a brick, / a window. One good match, to watch it bloom.”
Cultural & Social Democratic Club Maureen Salz 520-240-0049 Second Sat., 1 PM, Activity Center/Navajo
Saturday, May 4, is our eighth Annual Spring Celebration in the Auditorium. David Fitzsimmons, staff cartoonist for the Arizona Daily Star, is our featured speaker. Mark Kelly, candidate for U.S. Senate will bring us up-to-date on his race in 2020. A buffet of chicken enchiladas, cheese enchiladas, jicama slaw, ranchero beans, poblano rice, chips and salsa, desserts, drinks and popcorn are all included in the ticket price of $30 pp. Doors open at 3:30 PM. At the time for submission of this article to the Tipster tickets were nearly sold out. Contact Maureen Salz 520-240-0049 for ticket availability. Please note that the Spring Celebration will replace our May meeting. Regularly scheduled meetings will resume on Saturday, June 8.
Dining - Prepare & Share Pres. Debbie Kotlarek 262-899-5810 VP Sandra Fisher 208-860-3431 Monthly meetings Nov.-Apr.
We ended the season with a Greek-themed catered meal at the Activity Center. The food was delicious and the conversation lively. Our club will now be on hiatus until November. If you enjoy cooking food and sharing a meal with other SCOV residents, this may be the club for you. If you would like to learn more about our club or be on the list to be notified about next season, please visit our website or contact Debbie or Sandra. We welcome new members. It’s a great way to meet your SCOV neighbors.
Dog Club - Fido’s Friends Pres. Lynne Wohner Membership/Treas. Marj Young 360-913-8062 Nov., Jan. and Mar., Third Thu., 1 PM, Activity Center/Hopi
Many thanks to Marj Young and Jan Wiejek who handled snake-aversion training at the dog park on March 28. Forty dogs received first-time training or retesting. We also want to thank Adolf Fejfar and Erika Campbell who have stepped up to the new position of social chairs for the club. Who knows what fun events will be planned. We begin the summer hiatus this month, and we wish all dog owners and their pets a safe and happy summer. Stay cool and hydrated.
Garden Club Co-Pres. Zona Boss 520-638-6644 and Shari Norris 520-825-6786 Co-VP, Judee Wickersham 520-989-3254 and Nancy Brown 520-979-2569
Welcome to your new Garden Club board: Co-Pres., Zona Boss and Shari Norris; Co-VP, Judee Wickersham and Nancy Brown; Sec., Lisa Schulz and Treas., Jane Moody. Your new board is off and running. There will be lunches
Sun City Vistoso Tipster, Febraury 2011
with Phyllis Austin as Hospitality Chairman and lots of savory food throughout the year. There will be excellent speakers and monthly tours that will include lunches, if possible. There will be a Garden Walk including 10 special SCOV gardens in April 2020. Dues include an informative book listing monthly speakers and tours, as well as club member names, phone numbers and email addresses. The board and committee volunteers will be working this summer for a great 2019-2020 season. Membership is $5 pp and $8/cpl. Contact Florence Duckett 520-825-1994 See you-all back again the second Tuesday of October.
Havurah Liz Kinslinger
We will have one special event this month, a Havdalah service, on Saturday, May 18, 6:15 PM, Activity Center/Navajo Room. This will be a dairy appetizer potluck, so bring a dish that tickles your fancy. Bocce summer hours start on Tuesday, May 7, 7-9 PM. Book Club will meet on May 7, 3:30 PM; call Barbara Hamm 520-989-0062 if you would like to participate. The Brown Bag discussion group meets on Wednesday, May 1, 11 AM-12:30 PM, Catalina Vista. Pack a lunch and join us.
Republican Club Merritt McGlothlin 520-572-7853 Third Tue., 3 PM, Activity Center
The SCOV Republican Club will meet Tuesday, May 21, 3 PM, Auditorium. Our topics and discussions will be of interest to all regarding local, state and national political and policy issues. If the Arizona Legislature has adjourned by that date, we will have representatives from our State Legislative District #11 to recap the recently finished 2019 Legislative Session. ”This Week in SCOV” will confirm these speakers. Watch for our announcement under Club News. Plan on attending, the meeting is open to all.
Sun City Singles Pres. Pieter Rooker 520-441-9866, Ticket Sales, Lenore Lev 917-796-8450 Dinner meeting second Thu., 5:30 PM; happy hour last Fri., 5:30 PM
First-time visitors may purchase a ticket to one of our activities without becoming a member. After attending one time, you must become a member in order to attend any other activities. Culinary Design will serve dinner Thursday, May 9, Activity Center/Navajo Room. Social hour, 5:30 PM; seating, 6 PM. Menu: house salad with raspberry balsamic dressing, chicken with mashed potatoes and green beans. Dessert: fruit cobbler. Entertainment by Wendy Sweet, vocalist. Happy hour, Friday, May 31, social hour, 5:30 PM; seating, 6 PM. Entertainment by David Rychener, Western singer. Bocce: Thursday, May 2, 6 PM. Golf: Sunday, May 5, 1:45 PM, The Views.
Ticket sales: Thu., May. 2, 10 AM-Noon and Fri., May 3, 1-2 PM, Activity Center Lounge. Dinner tickets, $20 pp; happy hour appetizers, $10 pp Checks only, payable to Sun City Singles States Colorado Club The Colorado Club would like you to reserve a date: March 7, 2020. We will be together again celebrating all things Colorado. We had a great time doing just that this year. Our
May 2019, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster
meal of corned beef and cabbage with all the trimmings was a big hit. The Kilts entertained us with authentic Irish music and some down-home Colorado classics. All Coloradans past, present, vacationed there, family, as well as friends, will want to join us in 2020. Remember to mark your calendar.
Sun City Variety Theatre Membership Christie Faust Sep.-Apr., Third Thu., 10 AM, Desert Oasis The photo is from the opening scene of our very fun and successful production, “Chatterton Country Club,” performed in March. We welcome any folks with interests in performing, directing or technical support to join our fun and friendly club. Dues are $5/calendar year Chatterton Country Club members on opening night or $20 for a lifetime membership. Oktoberfest is slated for October 20.
Women’s Action Group of Oro Valley (WAG) Anne Munoz 253-905-7747 First Fri., 11 AM, Catalina Vista/Mt. Kimball Room
WAG OV’s mission is to promote positive, progressive political change on issues affecting women and families. We work on issues at the local, state and federal levels. All likeminded individuals are welcome to attend WAG OV’s meetings the first Friday of every month. Over the summer, we’re adding some purely social gatherings, to be announced at the monthly meetings. Please join us.
SCOV Women’s Auxiliary Pres. Linda Wilkes 520-395-2370, VP Joyce Shaw 425-765-1415 Finance Debbie Francis 402-216-4227, Publicity/Sec. Kathy Patterson 616-350-6443 Donations Judy Hood 520-818-2281 Sep.-Apr., Second Tue., 9 AM, WC3 Our Auxiliary benefits Emerge! Center Against Domestic Abuse which helps victims of domestic abuse. Emerge! provides support and transitional housing to women and children in crisis. They help educate the community by providing presentations on domestic abuse, as well as counseling to child survivors on handling conflict, trauma and abuse. Donations needed include: • Gift Cards: Fry’s, Safeway, Walmart, Walgreen’s, Target, Home Depot, etc. • New hair products, hair brushes, deodorant, body wash, razors, toothpaste, tooth brushes, feminine hygiene products • New bath towels (preferably white), new pillows and pillow cases, new sheet sets sizes twin through queen • Paper plates, bowls and cups, plastic utensils • Cash donations We are collecting donations of gently-used jewelry, scarves, shoes, purses, hats and fashion jackets for our Fall Accessories Boutique, scheduled for Saturday, November 2. The Auxiliary does not meet during the summer. Our next meeting is Tuesday, September 10, 9 AM, WC3.
Ballroom - SC Starlight Marsha Scoles 520-825-2085 Nancy Sopwith 208-724-5881
This month will be busy for our board of directors. Planning for the remainder of this year’s events is progressing. Club bylaws are being reviewed. Work continues on the club website. Members will be forwarded emails and updates. Club elections will be held this year. Our nominating committee is at work, and voting will take place before June 15. The results of the election will be announced at the club’s summer dance. The elected positions will begin a two-year term on July 1. Our summer dance will be held Friday, June 21, Auditorium. Pizza is on the menu, and DJ’s will provide dance music. Watch the June Tipster for times and ticket sales information. Membership for SCOV residents is $5/year. Nonresident membership is $10/year. All are welcome to attend our events.
Folk Dance Harvey Gardner, 520-308-5616, Fri., 10 AM-Noon, AFC/Studio 2 Folk dancing is more fun than a treadmill and healthful exercise for balance, muscle, mind and mood. For most dances we hold hands in a circle to perform non-gymnastic steps to the enchantingly fascinating Idam Ne Idam (Macedonia, Bulgaria) music and rhythms of diverse cultures (including our own). Neither partner nor prior experience needed. Typical dance sessions consist of 15 folk dances with instructions. Sitting out dances to rest is always acceptable. Drop by and come in to watch and see if this internationally-popular dance form is right for you. To see us in action online, do a Google search on FDCSCOV YouTube.
Jazz & More! Artistic Dir. Glory Lamb 805-698-3887 Thu., 2-3 PM, Activity Center/Dance Studio
Hi, Jazz and Hula gals. As many of us are going back to our “little grass shacks” here in SCOV and elsewhere across the country for the summer, we’ll take a little break and resume sometime in June with more fun hulas to learn. Please email or text me if you’d like to continue with hula for six more classes from mid-June to the end of July, so I can get an idea of how many of you would be able to join me. Have a wonderful, safe and healthy summer. It’s More
It’s a Lifestyle
Tipster May 2019
Sutherland Trail at Catalina State Park in bloom by Janet Bitter Photo by
Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, May 2019
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Line - Sunliners Pres. Siva Raven 505-469-7505 Membership Judy Widener;
Line Dance Classes: May classes with professional instructor Deanna Berthiaume continue on Saturdays in the Auditorium. Classes prepaid monthly, $20 for four classes in May. The next Fun Friday dance is May 3, 6:30-8:30 PM, Auditorium. Join our fun, energetic coed group. Membership is $10, required for all activities. Classes: Saturdays, May 4,11,18, 25 Auditorium Intermediate 9-10 AM Beginner 10:15-11:15 AM Practices: Monday – Dance Studio 7-8 PM Beginners – Barbara Hall Wednesday – Dance Studio 2-3 PM Transition to Intermediate – Pam Ratz 3-4 PM Transition to Beginner – Lynne Nelson Thursday – Auditorium 2-3 PM Beginners – Barbara Hall and Debbie Allen 3-4 PM Intermediate – Siva Raven Check for additional changes in the calendar section of our website.
Rock ‘N Roll Pres. Francine Saccio 520-825-6526 Membership Chair Nate Norris
”It’s only rock and roll (but I like it).” For our Saturday, May 11, dance we are introducing a band to the club which has not played for us in the past. They are Vinyl Tap and they Photo by Vinyl Tap play great tunes from the 60s, 70s, and 80s. Doors open at 6:15 PM, music starts at 7 PM. Tickets for members are $20 pp and $25 pp for nonmembers. A member will be able to reserve a table for 8-10 people with no more than four nonmembers. First come, first served, one reserved table per member. Come help us welcome Vinyl Tap to the SCOV Rock and Roll Club on May 11. Rock on.
Ticket sales Thu., May 2, 9-10:30 AM, Activity Center Lobby
Totally Tapping for Fun Instructor Stephanie Consalvo 520-825-1932 Fri., 9-10 AM, Activity Center/Dance Studio
esident Doris R
SCOV Name Tags Name tags with our logo are $8 each. The order form is available at Log in first then >Member Services >This & That >Name Tag Order Form.
Sun City Vistoso Tipster, Febraury 2011
Exercise Aqua Tone Marcia Polley 520-818-9073 Irmel Wheeler 520-334-0957 Tue., Thu., Sat., 8 AM, AFC/Pool
Aqua Tone is a toning water workout that incorporates a variety of rhythmic body movements performed in the water. This aquatic exercise class enhances cardiovascular fitness and muscular endurance. We meet Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, 9 AM in the winter, 8 AM in the summer at the AFC pool. There is no fee to join the club or the class. The teachers are club member volunteers. Being able to do a basic swim stroke is very helpful. Items used in the class are buoys, board, noodle, ball and fitness band. Most are available at the pool. A band can be purchased from Marcia for $5. We assign an experienced member to a newcomer to help with learning the various movements. You will get a good workout in a fun class.
Arthritis Water Pres. Don Faber Sec. Jane Myerson Instructor: Dawn Simske, Arthritis Foundation trained Mon., Wed., Fri., 10:15 AM, Apr.-Oct.; 1:30 PM, Nov.-Mar., AFC/Pool Come join us for gentle water exercises specifically designed by the Arthritis Foundation to help with range of motion and to relieve stiffness and pain. These exercises are great for arthritis, fibromyalgia, replaced joints, etc. Classes are led by Dawn or students trained by her. Annual membership is $4. Please note: The air temperature must be 77 degrees or higher for the class to be held.
Energetic Exercise Marty Siracusa 520-825-6961 Mon., Wed., Fri., 8-9 AM, Auditorium
Mayday. Mayday. Your body is sending out an SOS for fitness. Come to our classes for a vigorous and beneficial aerobic and strength workout. Professional instructor Sally Martinez provides a variety of sessions to keep those muscles strong, joints limber and body flexible and well-balanced. New members are always warmly welcomed, men and women. Your get-acquainted class is free. Current members: Please pay your annual $3 dues before leaving for the summer. Class tickets are a bargain: Only $30 for 12 classes.
Fitness Swim Contact: Dave Goodman Tue., Thu., Sat., 6:45-8 AM, AFC pool
The Fitness Swim Club provides a vehicle for swimmers to participate in a group swim workout. We generally go 2,400 to 3,000 yards, mostly freestyle, per workout. Some do more, a few do less. Workouts are suitable for master swimmers, triathletes and those who would just like to participate in swim workouts. Please ensure you have medical clearance to participate in vigorous physical activity prior to joining. We welcome new members.
May 2019, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster
Pilates Mary Ayers 520-638-7916 Mon., 3 PM, Thu., 1:30 PM, AFC/Studio
Joseph Pilates once wrote, “Physical fitness is the first requisite of happiness.” To get the full benefits of Pilates, a person should understand the application of the basic principles. This takes a little time and patience since the movements can be different from other forms of exercise. These movements are fun, interesting and challenging. Pilates can even become addictive. It teaches proper balance, breathing, focus on your core (abdomen and back muscles) and movement control. There is constant movement from one exercise to the next which results in your developing more strength and stamina. Your posture is improved, the spine lengthens and joint flexibility and mobility are increased. SCOV has two terrific instructors who teach the mat Pilates system and will modify many of the moves for individuals, as needed. The cost is only $8/class and annual club dues are $20 pp. Please stop by and watch a class. Call Mary.
Tai Chi Co-Chairs Kathy Patterson 616-350-6443 Pat Howard 541-621-4404 Thu., 10-11:30 AM, AFC/Studio 1
Many medical professionals now recommend Tai Chi to help their patients improve balance and prevent falls. In our classes we enjoy learning the Tai Chi form. We also increase flexibility, strength and learn to reduce stress. Our instructors Jose Hernandez-Rivera and Donna Drazenovich teach us how to apply Tai Chi principles to our daily lives. Our current classes began April 11. If you have had previous Tai Chi experience, you may be able to join the class session already in progress. Please contact one of our cochairs for class details. Our next class session will begin in October.
Yoga Pres. Linda Caravello 520-603-5042 Class schedule listed below Monday: 8:30-10 AM, AFC 1&2, Maria Tuesday: 10:45-Noon, AFC 1&2, Torrey Wednesday: 8:15-9:30 AM, Dance Studio, Leah Wednesday: 10:30-11:45 AM, Chair Yoga, Dance Studio, Kathy Wednesday: 1-2:15 PM, AFC 1&2, Torrey Thursday: 10:30-11:45 AM, Chair Yoga, Dance Studio, Kathy Friday: 8:15-9:30 AM, AFC 1&2, Maria First Friday: 8:15-9:30 AM, AFC 1&2, Maria (Strength & Tone), bring your weights. Everyone welcome. Classes are structured for all levels. Please arrive 10 minutes before class starts, bring your mat, and $7. Yoga will improve balance, quiet your mind and breathing, give you the ability to focus, and relax you.
Games Bridge Duplicate Bridge
Pres. Martin Kass 520-818-2265 Mon., 6 PM, Fri., 12:30 PM, Activity Center/Hohokam
and playing against other teams. We are not an ACBL-sanctioned club and do not award Master Points. New players are always welcome, and we may be able to help you find a partner. Residents and renters with an Association Renter's Card can play twice before joining. Guests of residents may play twice. Please arrive at least 10 minutes early so we can begin on time. Bring exactly $1 pp for prize money each time you play. Ladies Monday Social Bridge
Pres. Margot Rothenbuecher 520-825-9288 Mon., 1-3:30 PM, Activity Center/Hohokam
Play social bridge in a friendly setting. We welcome new members. Marathon Bridge
Dave Johnson 520-825-6994 Mixed Social Bridge
Pres. Don Wheeler 520-334-7578 Mon., Wed., Fri., 8 AM, Desert Oasis/Ocotillo
The Mixed Social Bridge Club plays contract bridge in an informal, relaxed and fun environment. If needed, we will make a table of three or have a player float to ensure that everyone can play. We start promptly at 8 AM, come a few minutes early to socialize and partner up. We have coffee and members often bring goodies. Please join us. We welcome new members. Partners Tuesday Night Bridge
Pres. Rodney Letts, VP Louise Fraser, Treas. Mary Letts, Sec. Judy Bjorling 520-818-1296 Tue., 6:30 PM, Activity Center/Navajo/Hohokam
Dave Brown is in contention to win the award for the most efficient annual meeting of the Tuesday Partners Bridge Club. As President he presented a slate of officers (missing a secretary for winter) that was unanimously approved. Judy Bjorling agreed to fill the missing secretarial slot with no one’s objection. Over and done: four minutes. Summer 2019 officers (May 1-October): Pres., Rodney Letts; VP, Louise Fraser; Sec., Judy Bjorling; Treas., Mary Letts; at large: Tempe Johnson and Gloria Magee. Find a partner and come join the fun as we play 24 hands of rubber bridge. Bring $1 and arrive by 6:20 PM to get a table and have refreshments. Practice Bridge
Pres. Robert Carlson 612-850-9005; Sec. Marilyn Guimond 520-825-0828 Mon., Wed., 12:30-3 PM, Desert Oasis/Ocotillo Wednesday Afternoon Bridge
Co-Pres. Rikki Harvey 520-219-5872, Kay Jacobs 520-825-8525 Wed., Noon, Activity Center/Navajo
It may be hot outside but it is cool and comfortable at our tables on Wednesday afternoon where everyone is welcome. We ask that you sign in by Noon, so that play can begin promptly at 12:15 PM. Bring 50¢ for prize money and come ready to win. We change partners after six hands, and our rounds are timed to keep play moving. We finish by 3 PM. Give us a try and we are sure you will want to join us each week. Annual dues are only $2.
Duplicate bridge is for all players who enjoy competing
Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, May 2019
Bunco Fern 520-825-8127, Pat 520-825-7198 Fourth Tue., 1-4 PM, Desert Oasis/Ocotillo Cribbage Robert Hines 520-825-2208 Mobile 520-240-1375 First and Third Thu., 6:30 PM, Catalina Vista/Pusch Ridge Euchre Judee and Art Wickersham 520-245-1357 Becky and Kevin Reiley 815-631-0788 Bonnie and Wayne Klenda 509-548-5315 Mon., Meet 5:45 PM, Play 6 PM, Desert Oasis/Ocotillo
If you are interested in playing this easy, fast moving game, please join us. It will only cost you 50¢ for the evening. The room only accommodates 40, so do not be late if you want to play.
Five Crown Rosemary Dalla Rosa 520-825-1982 Sat., 4:30 PM or 5:30 PM, Desert Oasis
We invite all to come and enjoy the game of Five Crown. It’s a great way to meet new friends and have a very fun evening playing cards. We have two starting times, 4:30 PM and 5:30 PM. You need 12 dimes and one quarter for each game. If you enjoy playing cards, come and join us.
Gin Rummy Rosemary Dalla Rosa 520-825-1982 Thu. and Sat., 9 AM, Desert Oasis/Ocotillo We love to welcome new members. Team gin rummy is a fun game and easy to learn. Good people and good times. Come and give us a try; very low stakes.
Mah Jongg Joyce Unger 520-825-8069 Thu., 1 PM, Desert Oasis
We play all summer. There is always a cool game of Mah Jongg to be had. New members welcome.
Women’s Pan (Panguingue) Rosemary Dalla Rosa 520-825-1982 Mon., Fri., 1-4 PM, Wed., 9 AM-12:30 PM, Desert Oasis/Saguaro
If you enjoy a challenge, come observe our game of Pan (Panguingue). It’s a very interesting and fun game. We would love to have you join us to see what fun it can be.
Pinochle Dave Flatness 425-443-3708 Wed., 6 PM, Desert Oasis/Ocotillo
We play single deck and rotate partners every four hands. Bring 50¢ for your tally. The first Wednesday is treat night. The third Wednesday is birthday night. If your skills are a little rusty, we will get you up to speed quickly. Annual dues are $6 pp.
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Sun City Vistoso Tipster, Febraury 2011
Poker Dealer’s Choice Poker
Steve Dirks 520-429-3303 Tue., 6 PM, Desert Oasis/Saguaro
Our game is open to all SCOV residents. Games: Texas hold’em, crazy pineapple, Omaha, seven-card stud, crisscross, slide-rule and a couple of five-card draw variations. The dealer antes 25¢. All games are high-low except for Texas hold’em and crazy pineapple which are high only. Stakes are 25¢ for the early round of bets and 50¢ for the last two rounds. Contact Steve Dirks for a Word document with the full club rules and a detailed description of the games. Men’s Friday Poker
Joe Bonitch 520-329-1149 Fri., 5:45-8:45 PM, Desert Oasis/Saguaro
We play easy-going, informal poker with low stakes. Games are all high only, five-card draw, five-card stud, seven-card stud, Texas hold ‘em, Omaha and criss/iron cross. No dues. Bring your own refreshments. Cards provided. Dealer antes 5¢ per player and chooses the game. Absolute requirements are to leave politics and religion at the door and enjoy three hours of no hassle understandable poker. We welcome new players. Bring nickels, dimes and quarters. Call Joe if you would like to review rules of play before your first game. Please show up at 5:30 PM, so we can start playing by 5:45 PM.
Scrabble Bill Wallace 520-818-6747 Fri., 1 PM, Desert Oasis/Ocotillo Sheepshead - Shauskopf Terry Rohr 520-818-1936 Tue., 10 AM, Desert Oasis
Music Barbershop VLQ (Very Large Quartet) Kactus Krooners Mike Moyer 520-818-6509 Oct.-May, Mon., 10:30 AM-Noon, Desert Oasis
Love those barbershop harmonies? Got a song in your heart? Want to hear and feel and learn what it’s like to blend your voice with others, barbershop style? Come join this fun mixed (men and women) a cappella chorus in song for just one-and-a-half hours every Monday morning. It is a great way to start each week. SCOV visitors welcome. There is strength in numbers; the more the merrier.
Different Drummers Women’s Circle Zona Boss 520-638-6644, Colleen Cottrell 520-825-8393 Wed., 1:30-3 PM, Catalina Vista/Mt. Lemmon
Please note we will be meeting at our summer location, the Catalina Vista, from May to October. The Different Drummers Women’s Circle provides a community drum circle for any woman wanting to connect with others through hand drumming using African Djembe drums, hand-held Native American frame drums and other small percussion. Drums and instruments are provided for guests.
May 2019, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster
Join us to drum, laugh and meet new friends. People worldwide for centuries have used group drumming to energize minds and bodies, strengthen community bonds, release stress and celebrate life. Looking forward to seeing you at the Catalina Vista.
Early Music Recorder Ensemble Joyce Minks 520-825-0642 Tue., 12:30 PM, Catalina Vista/Pusch Ridge
Have a recorder (the musical instrument)? Want to learn or improve your skills? Would you like to play in a group? Soprano, alto, tenor and bass recorders are welcome. Enjoy the harmonies of an ensemble. Music is provided, just one hour every week. SCOV visitors welcome.
Sun City Singers Pres. Bob Westendorf 619-571-1040 Director Don Hess 520-444-2206 Rehearsals Tue., 6:30-8:30 PM, Auditorium
Rehearsals are underway for the annual Associationsponsored Independence Day concert on Thursday, July 4, 2 PM, Auditorium. This is a free concert with open seating featuring favorite patriotic songs. Look for details in the June Tipster.
Ukulele - Sun City Strummers Pres. Kathy Washburn
Soon many of our members will be leaving for their summer homes. Our year-round members enjoy this time of year because we can return to our song circle where everyone can pick a tune. Given the absence of members, we now have open seating for anyone who may wish to attend any of our weekly song circles each Tuesday, 10-11:30 AM, Desert Oasis. Our bylaws require we seat a new board this month and we wish to announce our new Pres., Kathy Mashburn; VP, Bob Ressue; Treas., Sue Conto; Sec., Kristi Coy; PastPres., Sharon Heaps. Don Bong remains our Musical Director. We extend our sincere appreciation to our retiring board member, Diane Malchow.
Sports Bike - Vistoso Cyclists Pres. Mitch Small 412-897-8731, VP Lynn Lamb 913-915-4676 Electric Assist Bikes, Mike Hulett 218-329-2929 Membership Tom and Bonnie Bethea Mon., Wed., Fri., 1200 E. Rancho Vistoso Blvd.
Vistoso Cyclists boasts membership of nearly 200 riders. We ride year round to preplanned destinations in Tucson and surrounding areas, using both city streets and dedicated bike paths. Occasionally away rides start from a distant location. Weekly mountain bike options take a few of us to the beautiful Tortolita rangelands, containing some of the highest-rated single track bike trails in the nation. Our group ride options are from 25-50 miles, and we always make time
Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, May 2019
for a coffee stop midway. Those who ride with the Women on Wheels group have their own agenda providing routes of 12-30 miles. We sponsor social events, participate in Wheels for Kids charity and are involved with fundraising for the Interfaith Community Food Bank, raising over $43,000 last year. If you are a SCOV resident and love to ride a bike, check out our website above.
Billiards Pres. Tom Caswell 612-396-8254 Mon.-Fri., Noon-4 PM, Catalina Vista/Billiards
The month of March was consumed by our annual club championship tournament. The format was double elimination with a choice of 8-Ball (the 1 and 15 variety), 9-Ball or a combination, at the discretion of the players. After breezing through the winners category, Keith Moe faced Jim Lilja for the championship in which Jim outlasted Keith. Congratulations to both. More than 20 club members participated and thanks to all for making this a big success.
Birders Group Mona Connoy 520-818-7923 Next planning meeting Fri., Sep. 27, 4 PM, Catalina Vista/Art Studio
All residents are welcome to bird with us and attend our next planning meeting September 27. There will be no planning meetings from April through August. Check our website for birding trips in May. You must contact the group coordinator prior to 4 PM the day before the Green Kingfisher at San Pedro River, photo by trip to assure your car- Michael Welch pool space. Meet at the parking area behind the Welcome Center 15 minutes before the departure time. Bring lunch where indicated. Don’t forget binoculars, hat, water, sunscreen, insect repellent, and bird guidebook. Gas money will be collected before departure from SCOV. Please contact the group coordinator several days in advance to learn of any schedule changes.
Bocce Debbie Kotlarek Steve Porter 720-394-0413 Mon., Wed., Fri., 7 PM, Bocce Courts
Bocce Club is now playing in the evenings only. To receive a court assignment, please arrive at 6:45 PM. The annual club party and meeting was held in March with pizza, games, and prizes. Enjoying the annual party President Debbie Kotlarek served as MC, Vice President Steve Porter provided a comedic review of rules and etiquette of play, and “Queen of Merriment” Gail Parson coordinated the event. Even the weather cooperated
and members were able to enjoy happy hour on the patio. If you are looking for an easy-to-learn activity with friendly people, please join us. We welcome newcomers and will be glad to show you how to play.
Gun Club David Ilse 520-818-3279 Oct.-Apr., Second Wed., 2 PM, Activity Center/Hohokam Hiking Orientation hike guide Meg Gerken 520-638-7204 Pres. Byron Wolffing 520-284-7889 to see all scheduled hikes
The weather is getting warmer, and our seasonal residents, including some of our guides, are starting to head north. We wish everyone a wonderful summer wherever you go. Meanwhile, there are still hikes to do here. Check the website to see what’s scheduled this month. Be sure when preparing to hike that you bring lots of water along with salty snacks, and wear sunscreen and a wide-brimmed hat. It’s important to have great respect for the power of the sun in southern Arizona at this time of the year.
Horseshoes Ray Coleman 520-825-2789 Ron Knudson 520-825-9307 Oct.-Apr., Tue., Thu., 2 PM; May-Sep., 8 AM The Pits at Catalina Vista
Welcome to horseshoes. If you are looking for an exciting activity that requires little or no experience, you have found it. Everyone is welcome, nothing is needed. There are no fees, and horseshoes are available. Come Tuesday or Thursday. Call for more information. Read more about horseshoes on Get outdoors, enjoy our wonderful weather and get good exercise. See you at the horseshoe pits.
Pickleball Pres. Jeff Rusch VP Membership Dave Burnham Sun.-Sat., 8 AM-9 PM
en Burnham, top ladies’ scorer. Courts were recently power washed by Craig Jones, Jeff Rusch and several others, so they look really nice. Summer is here, so scheduled club play is early morning and late afternoon and evenings to beat the heat. Check the schedule on our website or courtside. Pickleball is easy to play and lots of fun. You can play with your kids and grandkids when they visit. Come out and find out why pickleball is the fastest growing sport in America. We give lessons as needed throughout the summer. Contact Dave Burnham.
POP Tennis Pres. Brian Goff 520-825-7232 VP Barbara Satterly 520-825-8965 Tue., Thu., Sat., 8-10 AM; Wed., 2-4 PM, Desert Oasis Courts
Racquetball Pres. Michael Pidone 520-825-2369 VP Al Lichaa 520-606-8829 Sec./Tres. Hart Wagner 520-825-4175 Mon., Wed., Fri., 8-11 AM, AFC/Racquetball Court
Due to the warmer weather, POP Tennis has changed starting times in the morning to 8 AM. Remember that it’s important to drink plenty of fluids and stay hydrated when playing or participating in any outdoor activities. As our seasonal residents leave for the summer, we wish them all safe travels and look forward to seeing them in the fall.
Our spring “Burgers & Dogs” social was well attended. Thanks to Mike Pidone for all the before, during and after preparations. Both he and Randy Brooks did a great job flipping the burgers. We wish all those leaving for the summer, safe travels. The coming months are a good time to learn or return to the game in the cool comfort of the indoors.
Table Tennis Co-Chairs: Francie Galbraith 520-447-5834 Barbara Milbourn 615-394-1770
Under the lights at sunset In the past few months, we have had club tournaments for both casual and competitive class players. In the casual class division, Pat Norkooli was top ladies’ scorer and Jim Vanderstappen was top men’s scorer. In the competitive class division, Bryan Kilgour was top men’s scorer and Kar-
Sun City Vistoso Tipster, Febraury 2011
Men and women of all playing levels are welcome. We are a fun and inclusive group who enjoy the benefits of fitness and flexibility (and sometimes a little friendly competition) that playing table tennis offers. Tables are at Catalina Vista; paddles and balls are available in a tub in our section of the cupboard. We also have videos to inspire you and improve your game. Please note that on Open Play days near the start time, it is not guaranteed that someone will be there to play with, so bring a partner or three.
May 2019, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster
Hours of Club Play
Women Men/Women Open Play Open Club Play
Tue., 1:30-3:30 PM Tue., 5-8 PM; Thu., 5:30-8:30 PM Fri., 4-8 PM Sat., 9-10 AM upon request, 10 AM-Noon
Tennis Pres. Larry Wall 248-701-1044 Treas. Sherwin Koopmans 520-818-6337 Men’s tennis, Tue., Thu., Sat., 7-11 AM, Jim Benshoof 612-799-5918 Ladies tennis, Mon., Wed., Fri., 7-11 AM, Anita Gayheart 360-949-3452 and Suzanne Kellam 520-505-4599 Mixed doubles, Sun., 1-3 PM, Susan Hernandez 310-433-7474
Finalists from women’s doubles tournament with their cheer bears Through the women’s doubles tournament, the participants and club donated a total of $690 to the SCOV Cheer Bears group (see picture of women with cheer bears). Over 20 people participated in the third tennis lesson conducted in April. The club’s spring meeting and potluck social on April 6 was a rousing success. Members enjoyed sharing stories, dining on scrumptious appetizers and desserts, and congratulating winners of the three winter tournaments. Two important happenings in May are: • Open tennis times for men and women begin at 7 AM on May 1. • The last tennis lesson will be on Wednesday, May 8, 1 PM (call Jim Benshoof 612-799-5918 if not already registered).
Wallyball Pres. Walt Nalewicki 520-818-9590 Treas./Sec. Chris Baird Recreational Wallyball: Wed., Fri., 1-3 PM, AFC/Racquetball Court Competitive Wallyball: Tue., Thu., 1-3 PM, AFC/Racquetball Court
Our SCOV Wallyball members are having lots of fun with this sport. We’d love for you to come out and join us. Believe it or not, this sport has been around for decades. Did you know there is an AmeriPhoto by Summer V can Wallyball Association? Check it out at You’ll find some photos and fun videos to watch as well.
Water Volleyball Pres. Dick “Paco” Munson 520-225-9080 VP Brian Goff 520-825-7232 Treas. Linda Stawiski 520-638-8846
If you are interested in playing water volleyball, stop by and watch.
Day Trippers Chair Warren Cuthbert 520-818-1282 Vice-Chair Laura Suchocki 520-612-7226 Membership Carol Guibert and Barbara Phillips Second Fri., 9 AM, Activity Center/Navajo
Thu.-Sun, May 23-26, Canyon de Chelly, Petrified Forest in Holbrook, Window Rock memorial zoo and Hubble Trading Post. Tour of canyon. Lunch in Show Low. $900 per couple ($450 pp) $592 single. Laura Suchocki, 520-612-7226 Sun, Jun. 16, Father’s Day event. Pizza party catered by Rosati’s. BYOB. $5 pp. Laura Suchocki, 520-612-7226 Mon., Jul. 15, Free casino trip to Harrah’s Ak-Chin. Edie Phillips, 520-297-3920 Mon.-Thu., Aug. 5-8, Pageant of the Masters. Begin in San Diego Old Town, mission in San Juan Capistrano, day in Temecula, CA and then attend pageant. Approx. $900 per couple ($450 pp) $669 single. Laura Suchocki, 520-612-7226 Sat., Aug. 17, Hummingbird banding from 4-6 PM and then dinner. Approx. $50-$55 pp. Laura Suchocki, 520-612-7226 Sat., Sep. 28, Barbecue catered by Brush Fire from 4-7 PM. BYOB. $22 pp. Laura Suchocki, 520-612-7226 Be sure to bring your checkbook to every meeting.
RV Club - Sundowners Pres. Larry Castriotta 520-262-7072 VP John McConnaughey 503-580-2465
Another month has come and gone for our Sundowners, but we haven’t been idle. Last month we elected a new board, took a wonderful trip to Pismo Beach, California, and added enhancements to our fabulous website. We are not an idle bunch. More activities are planned throughout the summer. Do you own an RV and are interested in traveling? Join us at our next meeting at Catalina Vista Monday, May 6, 9AM.
Partnered Organizations The items contained under this heading are provided as a service to residents by other organizations. SCOV does not sponsor, support, assume responsibility or liability for the information.
AA Cora S. 520-539-7147 Mon., 12:30 PM, Artisan Center/Stained Glass Kevin D. 708-732-2943 Tue., 7 PM, Desert Oasis/Ocotillo
Join our Facebook group Sun City Oro Valley Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, May 2019
Alzheimer’s Education and Support Cecelia Ortiz 661-972-2639 Last Tue., 4 PM, Desert Oasis/Ocotillo
Learn the basics of the disease and how to live with it.
Cancer Support Facilitator: Laura Held 520-447-5170 First Wed., 4:15-5:15 PM, Catalina Vista/Art Studio
The focus of this group is on present feelings and responses to pre-cancer, current and post-cancer. Laura M. Held, a retired oncology nurse, cancer survivor and SCOV resident, facilitates the group.
Caregivers’ Support Facilitator: Jane Holder Contact Ester Leutenberg 520-818-0016 First and Third Fri., 2-3 PM, Catalina Vista
If you are caring for a partner, child, parent or any other loved one, this support group will allow you to share with other like-minded people in a safe environment. What is said in this group, stays with this group.
Catalina Public Library Art Lovers Book Club SCOV Library and SaddleBrooke Library co-sponsor an Art Lover’s Book Club which meets 10:30 AM-Noon the second Friday of each month at the Dewhirst Catalina Public Library, 15631 N. Oracle Rd., Catalina. On May 10, we will be discussing The Muralist by B. A. Shapiro. It is available at all three libraries. We hope you will join us. We will not meet over the summer. The next meeting will be October 11.
Diabetes Support Facilitator: Bill Bable Contact Ester Leutenberg,, 520-818-0016 First Mon., 3:30 PM, Catalina Vista/Mt. Lemmon Room
Bill Bable, an SCOV resident who has had diabetes for almost 50 years, leads the group.
Grief Support Ester Leutenberg 520-818-0016 First Tue., 2-3 PM
This grief support group is for anyone who is grieving any type of loss. Call Ester for more information.
Parkinson’s Support Payton Davies 520-825-5352 Third Wed., Sep.-May, 10:30 AM-Noon, Desert Springs, 30 W. Lambert Lane
Caregivers and/or people with Parkinson's are welcome to attend. We have speakers at most meetings with topics of interest. "I have Parkinson's, but Parkinson's doesn't have me."
Survivors of a Loved One Who Died By Suicide Contact Ester Leutenberg 520-818-0016 Survivors of a loved one who died by suicide have unique grief issues and struggles. It is helpful to talk with others who understand.
Vistoso Helpful Hands Barb McNeill 520-825-0677
for your favorite meal, but cannot drive, we can help. Call 520-825-3277 with your order and give them your credit card data. Our dispatcher will arrange for delivery. Call 520-4470077. Please give us some lead time to call a volunteer. We always need volunteers for all categories of help, especially dispatchers. This is the volunteer who carries our cell phone and information folder for one-to-two days at a time. The dispatcher answers/returns calls, fills out a client form with basic data and the need. We provide training. If interested, please contact Barb McNeill, 520-825-0677 or
Wheels for Kids Dick Swain 920-217-2610 or Tom Terfehr 520-789-7243
Wheels for Kids is a 501(c)(3) charity dedicated to providing rehabbed bicycles for kids in need in the Tucson area. To date, we’ve provided over 2,200 bikes to various other 501(c)(3) charities who then distribute the bikes to their clients. Some of our partner organizations are Youth On Their Own, El Grupo, Refugee Focus and Tucson Boys and Girls Club. Wheels for Kids is a total volunteer effort. We need mechanics. If you are interested, we’ll train you. Visit our website for more information and how to donate bikes or financial support. Help kids experience the same joy you had when you got your first bike.
YOTO/Northwest Auxiliary Kris Cohen 520-818-2582 Our scrap metal collection netted $327.70. Thanks to all who donated dental gold, gold and silver jewelry. Another way to assist YOTO is by signing up with Amazon Smile and shopping at Each time you purchase on through the Amazon Smile program, Amazon donates 0.5% of your eligible Amazon Smile purchases to YOTO. Support YOTO when shopping at Fry’s. Sign up with your V.I.P. Card on the Fry’s website and select YOTO as the organization you’d like to support using code 27567. Once enrolled, you’ll earn rewards for YOTO every time you shop with your V.I.P Card.
Extended Community American Legion Oro Valley Post 132 We are local veterans making a difference in the lives of veterans and service members in need. Help us to help them by joining our friendly Post. You, too, can make a difference. Your membership also adds to our collective voice on important issues. Contact: Ed Davis 520-229-1064 We meet the third Thursday at 6:30 PM, September-June, Vistoso Memorial Chapel, 2285 E. Rancho Vistoso Blvd., Oro Valley. Catalina State Park Concert Series Music in the Mountains Concert Series holds a concert the first Saturday of summer months. Join us at Catalina State Park. All-day admission to the park is $7 per vehicle (up to four adults) and includes the concert. Feel free to bring snacks, drinks and a chair or take a hike before the show. Saturday, May 4, 5:30 PM, Nancy Elliott, SW Americana. Saturday, June 1, 6 PM, All Jazzed Up, jazz and swing.
The Views Restaurant take-out delivery: If you are hungry
Sun City Vistoso Tipster, Febraury 2011
May 2019, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster
NARFE Chapter 1874 Current and retired Federal employees, spouses, guests, and visitors are invited to join NARFE Chapter 1874 for our monthly meeting. The May meeting will be on Monday, May 20, 11:30 AM, Golden Corral Restaurant, 6865 N. Thornydale Dr. (senior lunch menu $9.29 pp). Program: Retirement planning. Contact Rosie King for information 520-400-3456.
Classifieds The items contained under this heading are provided as a service to residents by other organizations that are neither sponsored nor supported by SCOV Community Association, Inc. SCOV assumes no responsibility or liability for the information contained therein.
BR=Bedroom; BA=Bath; BBQ=Barbecue; N/S=No Smoking; N/P=No Pets; W/D=Washer and Dryer; LR=Living Room; DR=Dining Room; FR=Family Room; AZRM=Arizona Room; FP=Fireplace; Stainless Steel= S/S; WiFi=Wireless Internet Service. Classified Advertising $10/ad • Deadline 10th of the Month. FOR SALE: Coming soon, 2BR/2BA, open plan, upgraded/expanded to 1,500 sq. ft., corner lot, 8,000 sq. ft. Private, quiet, enclosed backyard with covered patio. Large kitchen island, tile floors. New roof, new windows, new outdoor paint. Available to show from April 25, asking price $339,000. For more info: FOR SALE: Available to view after May 1. 2BR/2BA, Sabino Plan located in the Flower Pot area. 1,418 sq. ft., covered patio, exterior just painted, new floor coverings and new refrigerator in 2018. Large private back yard and mountain views from the front patio. All furnishings available on separate bill of sale. For additional information email Sales price $245,000. FOR RENT: Four rentals available; all with views. 1,100 to 2,200 sq. ft. Fully furnished, king in master, front and back patios. Golf car available. Discounted for 4 months or more. For pictures and pricing call Jan at 636-357-8817 or email FOR RENT: 14461 N. Sky Trail, 2 BR/2 BA, new S/S appliances, paint, carpet and tile. Owner pays utilities, cable, WiFi. Tastefully furnished and equipped. Small pet friendly, N/S, 30-day min. lease. Email, call Craig or Mary 520-271-5814. Please use this link for pictures, rates, reservation calendars and other information: FOR RENT: Tastefully upgraded and furnished throughout. 2 BR/2 BA. Queen in master, full in guest room. Greet and meet neighbors and watch the sunset while enjoying Catalina Mountain view from courtyard/patio. Within walking distance of the Activity Center and all recreational amenities. 2-month minimum, $2,700/mo. Sep.-Nov.; $3,200/mo. Dec.-Apr.; $1,500/mo. May-Aug. Year-round considered. N/S, N/P. For more information and photos, contact FOR RENT: 2 BR/2 BA furnished home in SCOV. King in master, queen in guest bedroom. Dish TV, WiFi, N/S, N/P. Covered patio with great views. Golf cart included. Oct. and Nov. 2019, $2,700. Dec. 2019 and Jan. 2020, $3,100. For pictures, call Steve at 989-578-9477 or email FOR RENT: Nicely decorated and fully furnished 2BR/2BA home w/open floor plan. East-facing patio, mountain view, beautiful yard. Fully equipped kitchen. Includes utilities, WiFi and HDTV. Available May-Sep. 2019. Seasonal monthly rates. One month minimum. Call 303-408-1983 for information and pictures. Sorry, no pets. FOR RENT: 13798 N. Lobelia Way; 2 master BR, 1 king, 1 queen, 3 full bath, 1 den, complete rehab. Full mountain view, porcelain tile, 1 car garage spot, 1 golf cart spot, cable, WiFi. $1,200 security deposit, $170 cleaning fee, N/P, N/S, utilities included. Jun., Jul., Aug., Sep., $2,200., 708-363-2417.
Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, May 2019
WANTED TO RENT: For the month of Mar., 2020, 2 BR/2 BA house. Great references upon request. Please email, or call Shelly at 917-992-6985. WANTED TO RENT: We are a retired, responsible Canadian couple looking for 2 or 3 BR/2BA home in SCOV for 2 months in 2020 or 2021. Flexible. Feb. and Mar. or Mar. and Apr. We have family (a twin sister!) living there. Please email Excellent references available. HOUSE WATCH: Jay’s Home Watch with TLC, “I’ll watch your home when you’re not.” I will check on your home regularly, water indoor plants, bring in mail, newspapers and packages, contact your handy person, landscaper, irrigation person, etc., if needed, and take care of any emergencies that arise. I will email you with an update each time I visit your home. Jay Leutenberg, all-year resident. Call 520-818-0016, email PET SITTER: I give loving care to your fur babies in your home while you are away. I am a new SCOV resident and have many references from previous clients. Reasonable fees. Debbie Tuttle, 760-600-6745, BUYING: A curious collector would like to buy watches, old photos, war relics, 19th and 20th century family and estate items, antiques, jewelry, coins, silver and much more. Anything unusual or nostalgic. I like to look and love to buy. Exceptional prices paid. 520-529-2984.
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Mike Daignault
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Mr. Butierez is a professional painter who’s been painting homes in Sun City since 1994. He has specialized in new custom homes along with interior and exterior repaints since 1985. Licensed, Bonded and Insured. ROC 317608 CR-34
Call us today for a free estimate! (520) 682-5349
VISTOSO Community Church Bible Centered Teaching Traditional Music Hymns
Sunday Worship Service, 9:30 am Wednesday Evening Prayer and Bible Study
1200 E. Rancho Vistoso Blvd. (520) 825-0652
PDF - 2 x 7.5 Tipster
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SHADE COVERS & AWNINGS TO BLOCK THE DESERT HEAT! More Shade • No Painting Ever • No Warping or Cracking Guaranteed • No Rotting • Lifetime Warranty
“I am very happy with the qualityProtect of Your Home’s Windows, Floors, Doors & Furniture both my new windows and the ramada.” From The Harsh Tucson Sun. –Debra A.
Patio Lattice Reduce Solar Covers Can Heat G The Summer ain In By Up To
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competitive pricing!
With ad only. Not valid with any other offers or prior sales. Expires 5/31/19
Paid Advertising, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, May 2019, Page 32
SENIOR LIVING PLACEMENT SERVICE There is no charge for our service which helps you find the right setting for Independent Living • Assisted Living Center • Adult Care Home • Memory Care
Amanda Gelatt (520) 870-0962
Living Trusts • Wills Estate Planning Estates Settled Contracts-Leases Personal Injury Powers of Attorney-Living Wills Guardianship-Conservatorships Divorce-Marital Agreements Corporations • LLCs
Gary Tibljas Associate Broker
Serving Northwest Tucson Since 1976 No Charge For Initial Consultation • House Calls Welcome DIRECT (970) 596-0674 CELL (970) 596-0674 EMAIL WEB 15250 N. Oracle Rd., #110 Tucson, AZ 85739
1846 E. Innovation Park Dr. 7400 N. Oracle Rd. Suite #175 Oro Valley, AZ 85755 Tucson, AZ 85704
Our assisted living is accredited for two reasons. You. And your family. Take a good look at Villa Hermosa. We think you’ll find that our CARF accreditation is only one of the many reasons you’ll like what you see.
Join us for a complimentary lunch and tour. Please call 520.704.6478 to schedule.
I n de p e n de n t & A s s i s t e d L i v i ng R e s i de nc e s
6300 East Speedway Boulevard • Tucson, AZ • 520.704.6478 Paid Advertising, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, May 2019, Page 33
Hillman & Shelby Law, Ltd. Sun City Oro Valley Office New Location! 1846 E. Innovation Park Rd. Main Number
Free Consultation Two Gals And A Bucket Specializing in Cleaning
On the Sun City Consumer Referral List Pet Friendly Residential & Commercial Bonded & Insured Maria Glenn 520-484-3986
Estate Planning Wills & Trusts Probate Taxation Trust Administration We now accept credit card payments.
L & M Custom Painting & Tile Exterior Painting Special $1,650
Residential Tile Specialists
(up to 1,600 sq. ft. ) Offer good through May 31, 2019
Complete Interior Painting Discounts Offer good through May 31, 2019
5 year Warranty ROC #258012 Premium Paint Licensed Bonded Insured We accept all major credit cards
869-9229 Victor Martinez
991-9933 Leo Martinez
Custom installs of all types of tile in all kinds of shapes and sizes. Specializing in home flooring, kitchen counter tops, backsplashes and showers.
On the Sun City Oro Valley Consumer Referral List
Paid Advertising, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, May 2019, Page 34
Call Us for a Free Estimate ROC #300427
24/7 Non-medical Caregiver Staffing
Loving Angels Among Us, LLC
Sylvia Briones
(520) 351-9055
Member, Greater Oro Valley Chamber of Commerce and Tucson Hispanic Chamber of Commerce
Estate Planning Probate Trusts & Wills Trust Administration
Licensed, Bonded and Insured
Planning ahead to protect yourself, your loved ones and your property
Kathy Cleere, J.D. Robert F. Cleere, L.L.B. 10445 N. Oracle Road, Ste. 141 Oro Valley, AZ 85737 520-219-9733
Kevin...does it all Your Sun City Neighbor All Repairs & Remodeling 35 years Remodeling Experience Call us, we’ll get it done!
Kevin Frosch 520-490-5951
It Matters Who You See... Call for appointments.
520-293-6740 5599 N. Oracle Rd. Between Orange Grove and River Rd. 10425 N. Oracle Rd., Suite 135 Oracle Rd. and Pusch Ridge View Lane
Interior a Exterior Painting a Licensed Bonded Insured a Serving Sun City Oro Valley since 1997. a Epoxy drive ways, walkways and garage floors. a Roof coat on flat roofs. a All work warranted.
Registered with your Consumer Referral at Sun City Oro Valley
Paid Advertising, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, May 2019, Page 35
400-1591 ROC 160023
JENNIFER & MATT TEAM Your Sun City Realtors Please Call Us Today!
Buying or Selling in Sun City? Expert Help Is Right Here! Jennifer Shuffelbottom Matt Shuffelbottom REALTOR®
(520) 262-1785
There goes Betty again, showing off her fun side. Go ahead, let out your silly side. You’ll feel so at home here, it may just be inevitable. Come see for yourself what assisted living and memory care is all about. Please call (520) 314-5141 now to schedule your complimentary lunch and tour. And bring a friend. Or come meet a few new ones.
It’s More Than Retirement. It’s Five-Star Fun.
Oro Valley • (520) 314-5141 • Paid Advertising, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, May 2019, Page 36
F&S Home Services Frank Soto
Master Craftsman Home Repair • Remodeling • Restoration • Painting • Plumbing • Electrical • Concrete • Tile • Roofing • AC & Heating
(520) 861-2657 Not a licensed contractor
Thanks Sun City for 25+ Years of Continued Support It’s Tax Time. Need an IRA or Umbrella?
(520) 792-9669
Serving Sun City Oro Valley Since 1998
The Original Re-Paint Specialists We can beat any competitor’s price We want to be your painter of choice We are licensed, bonded & insured We have been in business over 25 years
Winner of Arizona Daily Star Reader’s Choice Best Homeowner Insurance Agent
Auto • Home • Umbrella • Golf Carts Life • Annuities • IRAs • Motorhomes
Dawn Caffall
Local Agent Specializing in Sun City
15920 N. Oracle Road - Suite 130
Catalina Pointe Centre - Right across the street from McDonalds
One Stop Shopping – We Do It All
Exterior Specialists: Drywall Top Quality Products & Stucco Repair That Last Wrought Iron Fences & We Get It Done On Time Pool Decks Satisfaction Guaranteed Free Estimates
Paid Advertising, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, May 2019, Page 37
ExcEptional SErvicE no ExcEptionS. Some people think that choosing a modest memorial means sacrificing service. Our commitment to excellent service allows us to say that no matter what kind of a memorial you have in mind, we’ll provide you with the best service available, bar none.
Kotalik’s Mustang Building Service, Inc.
Full Service General Contractor (520) 349-5517
Contact us for: Home Repairs Maintenance Remodeling Interior & Exterior ROC 197786
Fred Swiderski R E A L T O R®
520-850-2439 Residential Brokerage website: 11165 N. La Canada Dr. #175•Oro Valley, AZ 85737
Free In-Home Estimates Free Installation We Do Repairs
7883 N. Oracle Rd. ATION!Oro Valley, AZ 85704 M-F 9am-5pm, Sa 10am-3pm
Unique Artwork Featuring Local Artists One-of-a-kind gifts! 16701 N. Oracle Rd, Ste. 145 • Catalina, AZ [south of Camp Bow Wow] • 520-818-1242 • Mon-Sat 10-5 & Sun 11-3
Paid Advertising, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, May 2019, Page 38
ROC 306543
BETTY J. WHITE Associate Broker
(520) 825-8677 (520) 275-6654 15250 N. Oracle Rd., #110 Tucson, AZ 85739
Serving Tucson Since 1979
16255 N. Oracle Road • Tucson (Catalina)
3636 E. Ft. Lowell
Call for an appointment!
(Fort Lowell & Dodge)
Mon – Fri 7:30 am – 5:30 pm
The Original Off the Wall Bedtm •Custom Kitchens •Libraries •TV Media Rooms •Home Offices •Custom Cabinetry •Quality Garages email:
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Air Conditioners Air Purifiers Heat Pumps Furnaces Package Units Ductless Mini-Splits q
(520) 328-8424 1171 E. Rancho Vistoso Blvd. #161 Oro Valley, AZ 85755 ROC #316583
Your excellent reviews placed us in the Top 10 cooling & heating companies in Arizona!
CALL TODAY FOR YOUR FREE ESTIMATE **See your independent American Standard Dealer for complete program eligibility, dates, details and restrictions. Offer expires 6/15/2019.
Paid Advertising, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, May 2019, Page 39
13774 N Lobelia Way - SOLD $510K (Buyer) 14339 N Choctaw Dr - SOLD $465K (Buyer) Call for Free Market Valuation
I Want to “BEE” Your Agent
YOUR LOCAL TEAM For Buying or Selling Real Estate Roger Angeloni Associate Broker Allie Angeloni Realtor® Team Angeloni Long Realty Company Website Address
Email Addresses Roger’s Cell (520) 989-1583 Allie’s Cell (520) 989-1584
Sun City Residents Knowledgeable Hard Working
Honest Experienced Trustworthy
Schedule your free home evaluation today. ABR, CRS, GRI, Associate Brokers
Sun City Residents
KATHY && RICHARD HARVEY KATHYSpecializing HARVEY in Sun City ABR, CRS, GRI, Associate resales since 1988!Brokers
Sun Residents If youCity want theCity Best, Oro CallValley Us! Specializing in Sun
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Mariposa m 520-297-6172 Charmin Mariposa model with wonderful views! Paid Advertising, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster, May 2019, Page 40 520-297-6172 northeast p Charming, updated home with 800-297-6172 borders common area 800-297-6172 northeast patio,
Ask for