SCWA Board Mtg Minutes 3-8-16

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SHASTA CASCADE WONDERLAND ASSOCIATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING Tuesday March 8, 2016 California Welcome Center The regular quarterly meeting of the Shasta Cascade Wonderland Association was held on Tuesday, March 8, 2016 at the Anderson Welcome Center. The meeting was called to order at 10:06 a.m. by Chairman Ed Rullman. The following board members and guests were present: In Person: Ed Rullman – President – City of Redding Jim Mullins – Director – Siskiyou County Jeff Titcomb – Director – Plumas County Bink Huddleston - Guest - Plumas County Laurie Baker – SCWA General Manager Lisa May – SCWA Director of Tourism Development & Sales Via Conference Phone: Matt Doyle – Director – Shasta County North Dave Gowan – VP – Tehama County Debra Lucero – Director – Butte County Lorissa Soriano – Director - Modoc County 1. Call to Order a. Ed Rullman called meeting to order at 10:06 a.m. 2.

Confirm Quorum a. Roll call taken with attendance sign-in sheet b. Quorum confirmed with 7 Board Members in attendance (4 needed for a quorum)

3. Approval of September Minutes a. Jeff Titcomb made motion to approve minutes, Jim Mullins 2nd motion. b. Vote: all in favor, none opposed. 4.


Financial Update a. Laurie Baker presented SCWA statement for review b. Discussion, question and answer session for clarification. c. Motion to approve financial statement by Jeff Titcomb, Matt Doyle 2nd. i. Vote: All in favor, none opposed. Visit California Survey – Future Rural Grants a. Lisa presented that Visit California will be releasing a survey regarding the $60,000 rural grant proposal (per region). i. Deb Lucero suggested we make presentation to Butte County Business Improvement District to become member – they are primarily hospitality businesses. Now have funding for economic development; tourism is an economic building block.

6. 2016 Tourism Summit Update a. Tourism Summit 2016 is scheduled for Thursday, April 7, 2016 with Mixer on Wednesday evening before at Fall River Brewing Tap House in Redding. b. Each county will be represented with a table and display board. Lisa requested each county rep bring literature and video if available. c. Raffle prizes – 2 PenAir tickets to anywhere they fly (anywhere Alaska flies), Modoc County basket donated so far. Ed requested we encourage all counties to donate a basket or gift certificate. d. Featured Speakers – from Brand USA and Visit Napa. Breakout sessions – SF Chronicle, Madden Media and Sierra Nevada Conservancy. 7. Questions/Comments - None 8. Adjournment a. Jim motioned to adjourn, Jeff 2nd. SCWA meeting adjourned at 10:36 a.m.

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