Scwa board mtg minutes 9 8 15

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SHASTA CASCADE WONDERLAND ASSOCIATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING Tuesday September 8, 2015 California Welcome Center The regular quarterly meeting of the Shasta Cascade Wonderland Association was held on Tuesday, September 8, 2015 at the Anderson Welcome Center. The meeting was called to order at 10:03 a.m. by Chairman Ed Rullman. The following board members and guests were present: In Person: Ed Rullman – President – City of Redding Michael Han – Director - Shasta County South Jim Mullins – Director – Siskiyou County Dave Gowan – VP – Tehama County Laurie Baker – SCWA General Manager Lisa May – SCWA Director of Tourism Development & Sales Via Conference Phone: Matt Doyle – Director – Shasta County North Tina Peluso – Director - Shasta County East Patricia Hagata – Director – Lassen County Lorissa Soriano – Director - Modoc County Kelli Gant – Director – Trinity County 1. Call to Order a. Ed Rullman called meeting to order at 10:03 a.m. 2.

Confirm Quorum a. Roll call taken with attendance sign-in sheet b. Quorum confirmed with 8 Board Members in attendance (4 needed for a quorum)

3. Approval of June Minutes a. Patricia made motion to approve minutes, Dave 2nd motion. b. Vote: all in favor, none opposed. 4.

Final Budgets a. Laurie Baker presented SCWA final budget for review b. Discussion, question and answer session for clarification. i. Visit California has increased funding from $30,000 to $60,000. We need to match by proving we do $60,000 marketing outside of California. c. Motion to approve amended budget by Dave, Jim 2nd. i. Discussion: Michael asked why Grounds/Office/Hot Water in SCWA budget instead of SCEF budget. Laurie responded that money to be used for benefit of SCWA staff. ii. Vote: All in favor, none opposed.


Fall Colors – Color Spotters a. Laurie explained need for current photos of leaves changing. John Poimiroo is tentatively scheduled to hold training at CWC in mid-September. Dave Gowan suggested all board members get email with suggestions and samples of photos.

6. General Business a. Laurie shared Visit California Rural Regional Grant Proposal and reviewed included budget. Discussion, question and answer session for clarification. b. Tourism Summit 2016 is scheduled for Thursday, April 7, 2016 with Mixer on Wednesday evening before. Summit will be a breakfast event instead of luncheon. 7. What’s New a. Modoc – Reese i. Sheepdog Finals – Sept. 21 – 26 ii. BalloonFest – Sept. 13 – 15 b. Trinity – Kelli i. World Mountain Bike Championships – Oct 3-4 ii. Autumn in the Alps iii. TBID Update c. Lassen – Patricia i. Rails to Trails Festival – Oct. 10 ii. Best Community Contest iii. Magical Country Christmas – Dec. 5 d. Shasta County East – Tina i. Rail Trail Acquisition Ribbon Cutting Sept. 26 -27 ii. BiketoberFest e. Shasta County North – Matt i. BOR’s new water plan to keep summer water levels stable ii. Got Water event in August – 450 attendance – good for media iii. Shasta Caverns had record breaking attendance Labor Day Weekend (3,000) iv. Shasta Cascade Festival/Triathlon proposal for Memorial Weekend 2016 f. Shasta County South – Michael i. Every Kid in A Park – NPS campaign- free entry to 4th graders ii. 6th Annual Art & Wine of Lassen – Sept. 26 g. Siskiyou – Jim i. Biketoberfest – end of Sept. ii. Mountain Bike Park iii. Yreka Car Show iv. Visit Mt. Shasta website/live web cam/ electronic kiosk h. Tehama – Dave i. 100th Annual Chamber Dinner ii. New Business Directory/Tourism Guide iii. Beef & Brew – Sept. 19 iv. Highlands Ranch Resort ribbon cutting – Sept. 17 v. Tehama County Fair – end Sept. vi. Monster Trucks i. Redding – Ed i. Big Bike Weekend – Oct. 9 – 11 ii. New hotel at Turtle Bay ready to break ground Questions/Comments 8. Questions/Comments a. Patricia asked about 2016 Visitor Guide timeline. Lisa: September – November draft is reviewed and updated, November ad space deadlines, late January – early February print.

b. Ed suggested that in light of so many new board members, we should add to Board Agendas what is coming up in our region so board members are aware of where they can help. c. Kelli asked about plans to update SCWA website. $5,000 budgeted. Will mirror the VisitRedding website; designer Drozian Webworks. 9. Adjournment a. Dave motioned to adjourn, Michael 2nd. SCWA meeting adjourned at 11:12 a.m.

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