SCWA BOD Mtg Minutes Dec 2017

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SCWA BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING minutes Tuesday December 12, 2017 California Welcome Center The regular quarterly meeting of the Shasta Cascade Wonderland Association was held on Tuesday, December 12, 2017 at the Anderson Welcome Center. The meeting was called to order at 10:01 a.m. by Chairman Ed Rullman. A quorum was confirmed; the following board members and guests were present: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Ed Rullman- President Redding/Shasta County Dave Gowan – Vice President, Tehama County Jeff Titcomb – Secretary/Treasurer, Plumas County Michael Han – Shasta County South Melissa Schuster – Butte County Patricia Hagata – Lassen County (via phone) Kelli Gant – Trinity County (via phone) Matt Doyle – Shasta County North (via phone)

Attendees: 9. 10. 11. 12. 1.

Laurie Baker – GM Lisa May – Director of Tourism (via phone) Christina Han – Office Administrator Lisa Martinez -Guest – Visit California


Approval of September 2017 Minutes: a. Melissa motioned to approve minutes, Patricia 2nd b. No discussion, all in favor, motion passed. Financial Update: a. Laurie provided clarification on line items, various discussion b. Jeff motioned to approve Financials, Dave 2nd c. All in favor, motion passed.


Summit Update: a. Date set: Weds. April 11, Mixer Tuesday evening April 10 b. PR firm working to secure our guest speaker from a leading publication. (To be announced in January 2018)


Logo Design Options: a. Narrowed down to 3, discussion on pros and cons of each option. b. Laurie will bring suggestions to designer for minor modifications.

5. County Share Time: Trinity – Kelli – recovery from fires, New Brewery for 2018, Chamber looking for new building, 2 grants to upgrade boat ramps on local lakes. Lassen – Patricia – Finished Country Christmas event - 4000 attended, brewery expanded to bigger bldg. Shasta County North – Matt – Record Searchlight highlighted increase in visitation, marinas 95% occupancy, record-breaking 68,000 visitors to date for Caverns, currently 118% of historical average Shasta Lake level. Butte - Melissa – 2 new distilleries – vodka & rum, TBID moving forward, about to unveil zone marketing grant program (10% of money collected from jurisdictions must go back to jurisdictions). Plumas – Jeff – new brewery has tasting room in Butte, Nakoma Resort has new altitude recreation center - property will be a world class destination. Shasta County – Mike – USFS will realign their focus in 2018 to timber instead of recreation. Lassen Park Ski celebration in January 2018. Tehama – Dave – grant received for new large boat ramp at river park in RB, downtown holiday theme: Joy to the World, carolers, old time theme. Christmas parade great success, great weather. Chamber breakfast, biggest and best ever. Employment Law update for region – Jan 23, Business Expo in Feb. Redding – Ed – historic occupancy high – Sept – Nov, best October ever. Improving downtown area to uplift image. Five breweries, a few new craft beer companies. Baseball - Colt 45s play 40 games - Park has been revamped. Trying to handle the criminal aspect of the homeless/transient presence. If we can publicize that we are funding law enforcement, will send a positive message. Important to our brand that people feel they are safe. Lisa Martinez – Rural Marketing – Adventure Travel Trade Association team visited each region – took photos that can be shared for your own marketing. Usage rights for 12 months. Educational webinars focusing on each region – rolling out in Feb. California Star – training session for staff. Laurie- Wine & Beer App to be promoted. Upstate California branding. Tourism articles by our PR firm. 6. Adjournment: a. Dave motioned to adjourn, Mike 2nd b. All in favor, motion passed. c. Meeting adjourned at 11:08 am.

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