ekin Technology Inc. ekin Technology Inc., founded in 1998 in Istanbul, is the leading market and technology firm of Turkey about City Security Control Systems with its Image Network and Equipment. High quality workmanship, solidity and practical usage are terms that are identical with our brands. Ekin Technology continues to offer easily integrated products with short and fast updating cycles designed according to the latest technology as a result of our aim to maintain our leading position about image and digital data evaluation systems with our Research and Development department. Apart from Turkey, Ekin Technology can also serve with its own brand and undertake projects in Europe, America, Asia and Middle East. The firm has a multi-national corporation structure that can export technology to the markets mentioned above.
Creating complete solutions for places where it is necessary to control the crowd and surrounding, such as industry centers, complexes, wide areas, city centers etc, forms the service area of Ekin Technology. Apart from the existing complete solutions, the company can also serve for setting up, improving and maintaining security infrastructures, for special demands and occasions with the support of its own trademark ION software. Guidance for all systems, project management, process completion, periodic care, and mobile team support are also provided for all kind of systems. Ekin Technology, serving numerous solutions in a fast and efficient way with its wide range of products, enhances its existence in the market day by day.
Vision • • • • •
Serving in the top rank with International standards. Being the best in the sector. Customer satisfaction; stability and consistency in customer relationships. Enhancing the state of latest Technologies. Being respectful towards people, duty, environment and country.
Mission • • • • •
Being a technological innovator in the video image and smart software field. Determining the needs of the sector and customer. Creating new solutions under the guidance of data acquired. Improving the existing solutions. Putting the solutions into practice.
KGYS Description ( City Surveillance System )
Central Management System Central management system is a system technology that aims to manage all the components from a single or a number of centers if required. This technology has a wide range of appliance in City Security Management Systems and its usage in this particular area is getting more common day by day. Central Management System is a management system idea that can be easily used and integrated with the centre. In general the system will provide the control and management of all the components used in City Security Management Systems from a single center. Since all the systems have integrated operation and controlling features, the process of decision making will be shortened and with fast intervention, maximum benefit will be gained.
Imaging System Imaging system is based on recording images that are transmitted to the center from the cameras situated in crowded places and locations known as transition routes. Cities where public events are common, this system ensures significant benefits about having fast notice of the events, determining the magnitude of the event, following the processes live and shifting and directing force.
Automatic License Plate Recognition System Automatic License plate Recognition system is designed to determine the plates of the vehicles correctly and analyze this information. Local or foreign, the system can accurately determine all types of plates. The information obtained can be used to control parking and entry permits, traffic surveillance, determination of quested vehicles and various security applications. License Plate Recognition System automatically compares obtained up to date plate information with the ones in defined data banks.
Call Management System Call Management Systems that emerged with the Smart Communication Systems is improving communication technology and offering practical solutions. The system provides interaction of the staff and other users under the guidance of information from various sources and the process that coordinates intervention of related units. It is also supported with geographic information system. With its functional and smart network system for communication management, the system supports central administration on security systems. Call management system is supported with IP phone solution, a 24/7 nonstop communication system with an average of 40 users. The system can differ according to the configuration. IP Phone system can be used between police stations and has a call filtering feature. Call Management System has a wide flexibility feature and can be used by different communication means like mobiles and PDA’s with a standard network basis.
Vehicle Tracking System Vehicle tracking system is a Geographic Information System based solution, designed to direct and follow vehicles through a numeric map. It is a system that enables online tracking of moving objects. It can track moving objects through a map. As a part of the importance of mobile communication technology in society, Vehicle Tracking System is used for improving security systems relevantly with security services intervening the events quickly and providing security service.
Red Light Violation Determination System Traffic lights are situated in places with high risk of accidents or to the points where the flow of traffic could be negatively affected when an uncontrolled flow exists. In some cases when this system is not followed, traffic jam and accidents are inevitable. The decreasing rate of accidents and loss examined annually is the proof the importance and effectiveness of precautions carried out on the roads. Red Light Violation System determines the violations of red light immediately on the lanes under its responsibility and enables automatic license plate control by taking photos of the violating vehicles. It can also start the process of giving immediate fine receipt when there is a suitable infrastructure that the system is integrated.
Speed Measurement System When the total length of motorways are considered, it is obvious that with conventional systems a constant control at certain points which are suitable for speeding and where accidents caused by speed happens, is impossible. For all that, the decreasing rate of accidents and loss examined annually is the proof the importance and effectiveness of precautions carried out on the roads. Speed Measurement System determines the violations of speed limit immediately on the lanes under its responsibility and enables automatic license plate control by taking photos of the violating vehicles. It can also start the process of giving immediate fine receipt when there is a suitable infrastructure that the system is integrated.
Mobile License Plate Recognition Systems Mobile License Plate Recognition System is mounted on the vehicle and with its positioning system in controlling and managing parking lots; whether on the main street or not, provides improved directing and reporting services. It is a system with special application areas. Determining quested or illegal vehicles, following negative prescription, checking parking permits in residential areas and applying parking rules in public places are the application areas of the system.
OTHER REFERENCES • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
MOBESE Istanbul Towns Surveillance MOBESE Istanbul Tollhous Surveillance NATO Summit in Istanbul UNIVERSIADE 2005 UNIVERSIADE 2005 Ataturk Stadium Istanbul Police Helicopter Vision Transfusion System 2006 World Cup Germany Aksaray City Surveillance System Amasya City Surveillance System Bilecik City Surveillance System Bitlis City Surveillance System Canakkale City Surveillance System Denizli City Surveillance System Diyarbakir City Surveillance System Edirne City Surveillance System Elazıg City Surveillance System Erzincan City Surveillance System Erzurum City Surveillance System Gaziantep City Surveillance System Gümüshane City Surveillance System Karabuk City Surveillance System Karaman City Surveillance System Manisa City Surveillance System Mardin City Surveillance System Nigde City Surveillance System Rize City Surveillance System Samsun City Surveillance System Tokat City Surveillance System Trabzon City Surveillance System Van City Surveillance System Yalova City Surveillance System Konya Mobese Plate Recognation System Burdur Mobese Plate Recognation System Malatya Mobese Plate Recognation System Igdır Mobese Plate Recognation System Balçova Town Surveillance System Rize Pazar Town Surveillance System Baku City Surveillance System The Constitution of the Republic of Turkey Surveillance System Police Department System Instaillation for 32 cities Istanbul Governorship Istanbul Police Station Ankara Police Station
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Izmir Police Station Rize Police Station Kirklareli Police Station AKOM Surveillance Systems Istanbul Fire Stations Marmara University Campus DHMI airports Anıtkabir, Ankara Osmanli Archives Arkeoloji Museum Tuzla Infantry School Kuleli Military Highschool Yapi Kredi Bank Branches HSCB Bank Branches Central Bank Branches Garanti Bank Branches Bimeks Technology Market Shops BP Gas Stations in Turkey SHEL Gas Stations Service Areas Garanti Koza Buildings Olivium Mall MNG Cargo Hürriyet Newpaper Service Area Denizli Industrial Zone Moskow Enka Service Areas Kayseri Kadir Has Stadium Sütlüce Culture Center THY Cargo Building-Ankara THY Cargo Building-Istanbul ToyotaSa Sakarya Service Area Acibadem Hospital IstinyePark Mall Ambient Surveillance Georgia Tbilisi Airport Georgia Batumi Airport Sabancı Museum Watercity Hydroelectric Station Koc University Campus Kazakhistan Congressional Center Kocaeli Government House Forum Izmir Mall
ekin Technology Inc. E-5 Yesilova Isik sok. No:1 34810 Florya/Istanbul/TURKIYE Tel: (+9) 0212 425 2624 Fax: (+9) 0212 425 4660