Pat Mesiti Newsletter 3

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“Money Blocker” Discover what can stop you from reaching prosperity!

Sneak peak into “La Dolce Vita”… discover closed door secrets!

"Want More Customers Now? Take your business profits on overdrive, and be the hero in your customers eyes... Secrets of Australia’s top copywriter revealed!

"Money, Success, Happiness? The sneaky little mind trick that makes dreams come true.






Welcome to November… So I hope after reading the last issue of the newsletter you're firing up your engines and hitting the rest of the year head on. I've just recently returned from a trip to Europe. I visited England, Scotland, Italy and Spain — and let me tell you…the beauty I experienced really fired me up again to further prosper in life. It has got me into a money making mode for my organisation, my clients and my team. But you know what? A lot of the time when I talk about money people say "money doesn't bring you happiness". I know money doesn't bring you happiness, but I also know, when money is utilised in positive ways it can create happiness. Feeding starving kids makes me happy… Traveling to places around the world and seeing and experiencing natures beauty makes me happy… And…organising events to help and see you reach prosperity makes me very happy! Events such as my recent La Dolce Vita event at Palazzo Versace in the Gold Coast and upcoming events — $1 Million Reason LIVE Event and New Zealand Super Event. I see money as a tool, and when used correctly it can create experiences, it can create happy moments and yes it can make a massive difference in peoples lives. When I was speaking in London recently I made it very clear that money has no power over you… it is just an object! It's your mindset about money and how you let this object influence you that will determine who you are. You see money can either light things up or burn things down.

The truth is money simply magnifies what you are already!

And yes, this goes both ways. So as November passes, as the seeds you've sown last month for your business, your investments and personal development start to blossom, I want to encourage you to develop the right mindset about the wealth and money which is in store for you. Become a person that lets money magnify the good in you and use money to create prosperity around you. I ask you to keep an eye out for opportunities that will help you further develop a prosperity mindset. We've got a guest article from one of my friends (if you're in business, don't miss this one…) PLUS we've got two life changing events coming up to finish the year off with a bang and start next year in front of everyone else. If you're in New Zealand we're coming your way for the New Zealand Super Event, registrations are packed to the rafters and there are only a few spots left, but if you're quick you'll still be able to grab a spot. People in Australia - Our $1 Million Reason LIVE Event this time around had the most people we have ever had register. WHY? Because it is that life changing! The speakers that we've secured, the opportunities that are opened up have changed hundreds of lives. So I encourage you to take the articles inside, secure a spot to an upcoming event and join us in reaching the next level in our lives. I look forward to speaking to you again next month.

Pat Mesiti

To be rich or not to be rich…that is the


Or is it all just in your head? You know, although I don't enjoy wasting time on the nightly current affair programs, the other day I did watch part of one… and it reminded me again why I dislike these kind of programs so much. Don't get me wrong… I think these programs are a great tool for publicity and free business promotion... But for the public of Australia to sit down night after night, and be told by fellow 'battlers' how there's "not enough money out there" "they've been hard done by, because things just never seem to come their way" or an all time classic "I've been ripped off, that's why I'll never make it" well… it's just further ingraining a lack of prosperity into the minds of our nation.

encourage you to step back and analyse what beliefs drive your decisions and thinking in life. This is the first step to knowing what needs to be changed "to be Rich". In life we can either follow the masses… and make excuses for our lack of wealth, go on current affair shows and complain about the lack of prosperity in this country and instill a poverty mindset in the people around us… O r, w e c a n a d o p t a prosperity mindset about life. Believe in ourselves! Believe that we have the power within to change our future... That roadblocks and setbacks are doors opening to new oppor tunities… And that there's so much money out there, that the getting is easy when you know how! You see…

And you know what my friend? If you're not careful it's ingraining a lack of prosperity into your mind too. You see, from an early age we as humans construct a belief system based on our environment, our upbringing, peers and family. If you don't believe this to be true, I

How You Perceive Your Experiences And Respond To Your Experiences Will Determine How You Live In The Long Run.

So you've got to monitor your thinking. Who or what do you let into your life? Who or what do you listen to? Who or what do you give the power to influence your future? Getting clear on this is the first step to reaching a winning mentality -– which I like to call the Millionaire's Mindset Mentality. So now it's time to answer the ancient question of yes you want 'To Be Rich', To Be Prosperous' and "To Be In Control Of Your Future". Here are 4 ways you can develop this millionaire like thinking. 1) RENEW YOUR MIND – There has been many theories floating around since back in the 1970’s that a habit can be broken in just 21 days (source: Psycho-Cybernetics) or more recently in ‘The Secret’ it was said to be 30 days. However long it takes, our bodies renew ever y day, s o t h e r e for e we sho u l d continuously work on renewing our mindset too. This way rather than making it just a thought process, positive thinking becomes a habit in itself.

2) REPLACE OLD MINDSETS – Obviously your current mindset is holding you at a particular level. Maybe at a particular level of income, success or stardom. Well why not replace your current mindset, which is keeping you at this stuck stage, with one that's going to take you to the next level? We have to consciously get rid of old mindsets and then start to replace them with new pattens of thinking. 3) REALIGN YOUR THINKING — As you go about your day you should evaluate why you are doing the things the way you are doing them. Step back and ask yourself why

you are thinking the thoughts you are. What drives you to make certain decisions? The ultimate question you will need to ask yourself is "what needs to c h a n ge in m y thinking, that will change my reality?" 4 ) R E - E S TA B L I S H Y O U R CONVICTIONS — Prosperity should not be a choice but a conviction. It should be a nonnegotiable conviction for you to become prosperous in life. When you make it clear in your mind that there is no other choice but to become wealthy, to become healthy and live an abundant life… there's no room for negative thoughts or other choices that lead you off this track.

As you can tell, it is really true! To be rich or not to be rich is really all in your head. It is why some people have the gift of turning everything they touch into gold, while others struggle to pay the bills month after month. So make it your #1 Goal to get clear on your thinking. Start to see the world around you as being full of opportunity rather than impossibility. Pat Mesiti

GOALS: Each month let’s set a GOAL on either Personal Development, Dreams, Health & Fitness, Finance or Career and Family & Relationships… GOAL: __________________________________Date Completed: ____/____/____ Why is this goal important to me?

What is getting in the way of


me achieving this goal?




















3 DAY SUPER EVENT 19-21 NOVEMBER 2010 Click here to register

Rydges Harbour View Auckland Cnr Federal & Kingston Streets Auckland New Zealand

Tough times for some businesses Got a call from an old entrepreneurial mate of mine recently who’s doing it tough at the moment. This guy is pure Alpha male. Loud, some say arrogant, but extremely funny and intelligent as well. He sounded well, determined, I could feel the fire in his belly to pull through this and get the old cash flow moving in the right direction. Knowing this guy, I believe it’s only a matter of time before he starts kicking some goals. I asked him about his list of things to do to turn this around; meaning, he’s got to get busy, gotta hustle. Quick as a flash he replied he got busy with several guns blazing 8 weeks ago and is now, slowly, seeing the rewards for his effort. This guy is a true entrepreneur and he’s on his way back. You see, it’s easy to have a couple of wins. Go online and you can see a plethora of “wonder-kids” who’ve had

one success and now are selling their systems on how to do it. Makes me wonder what will happen when they hit a rough patch. But sustained success over many years is a harder battle and much harder to accomplish. This friend of mine is resilient. He’s not whinging about the economy or the government, he’s too busy hustling, rolling his sleeves up and getting down and dirty and working long hours to turn this around. One of things he did was to go back to his best customers and ask a few tough, but pertinent questions. He wanted to know what they thought because he knows this is where the answers are; this is where the money really is.

I once heard an important mindset statement that has always stuck with me. “Ordinary business people get customers to make sales, while millionaires make sales to get customers”.

I’ve always thought like this. But seeing it stated this way made an impact on me, and it confirmed my beliefs, reassured me I was on the right path. It’s important for you to understand the above statement. When you do, your whole outlook on your business will change for the better, as will your income. Most business owners focus on sales; we focus on longterm and ever increasing value. They think sale, we think relationship. In today’s economic climate, it’s even more important to develop a strong, unbreakable relationship with your customers. So if you’ve been taking them for granted, listen up. The world is changing in a BIG way. This means we as business owners have to get smarter, be more proactive, more agile to the changes happening around us. And be more in tune with what our customers really want.

4 Ways to THRIVE in the NEW ECONOMY 1: SEND SPECIAL CUSTOMER-ONLY PROMOTIONS TO YOUR CUSTOMERS, ONLINE AND OFFLINE. 2: ACTIVELY ENCOURAGE REFERRALS. 3: REACTIVATE LAPSED CUSTOMERS. 4: USE THE COLLIER PRINCIPLE IN EVERY PROMOTION. What you want is relevance; that’s what you should be seeking. You’ve got to get busy building a fence around your tribe of customers. Complacency is not an option. Spend time in quiet contemplation on how you can best serve your customers. Think hard about how you are going to get their attention. How can you get them “addicted” to buying from you, and NOT your competitors? POST SCRIPT: SHARED VALUES. This is a critical lesson in selling in the new economy... build connection by appealing to the values you share with your market. This is an advanced yet highly volatile and profitable subject, one I’ll cover in detail in a future newsletter. If you are not familiar with Pete Godfrey, he is a Direct

Response Copywriting veteran and Sales Strategist, with more than a decade of experience in the marketing arena. From a self-professed ‘Rebel Without a Clue’ in his early years, to highly paid professional today, Pete doesn’t pull any punches when teaching his hard-won lessons on business success.

assignments, Pete helps hundreds of business owners and entrepreneurs each month in his paid-subscription newsletter, the Emotional Ad Writing & Marketing Letter. This “working class rebel made good” is also a copywriting trainer, having trained hundreds of budding copywriters including Bret Thomson, Kevin Francis, Steve Plummer and so on. His clients list contains many of Australia’s top marketers, including Mal Emery, Pat Mesiti, Daryl and Andrew Grant and many others. His clients, members, colleagues and students know he is an obsessed student of marketing and is constantly sharpening his saw.

In between speaking engagements and copy

Just a thought…

“What you do daily

will determine what

you are permanently Pat Mesiti


Want To Get FREE Promotion Of Your Business Or Just Want To Share A Story About Yourself To Encourage Others. One of the best ways to get motivated is to see other people do well at things. Seeing real life examples, people who are just like you. Doing it tough working extra hard to get results and willing to put in the effort to see results. So we’ve decided to add a new section to this newsletter. Introducing the…

“Limelight Corner” If you have any success stories from having used the Mesiti products or attended our live events and feel these may inspire more people, then we want to know about it. We want to feature you in this newsletter and let you promote yourself or your business. Why would we do this? Well it’s simple, we want as many people to achieve great successes utilising our personal development material. As mentioned earlier… the best way to motivate others is giving real life examples of how other people have utilised the materials. Secondly, we want to give back. We want to give back to our clients, our subscribers and our customers by giving you a chance to promote yourself to a large audience of likeminded people via this newsletter. You’ll be allowed to share your website, your business details and a short description of what you do, which will be added to your story. This is a great opportunity for you if you have an inspiring story to share, want to get FREE advertising for your business or just want to get the chance to be in the limelight for once. If this is you then please write an email to with your story and a picture of yourself. You will then be considered as our feature story for the next edition. We look forward to receiving many success stories and using them to inspire others to reach higher levels of success.

If you have a success story you would like to share and at the same time promote your business totally free please email with your details and you’ll be considered as our next feature success story.


How to think like a millionaire and uncover the fortune that lies hidden in your mind!


LA DOLCE VITA 17-20 october 2011 palazzo versace, gold coast

6 star luxury world class speakers australia’s best entertainers accommodation+meals included

- strictly limited positions available contact


“La Dolce Vita” We all know that La Dolce Vita LIVE Event at the Palazzo Versace was a 6 Star, closed door, and once again, sold out event.

Because you know what…? We are prosperous by choice. And I have chosen to unleash prosperity on every last attendee.

Why? Because behind those doors people think at another level. The connections and people you rub shoulders with gives you the opportunity to learn and break through to another level in life.

Through these speakers people have allowed themselves to enlarge their thinking. The strategies of success which were shared at this event really give attendees the power to achieve big results in their life.

And because it was sold out and now that it's over for another year, I have decided to give those that have missed out, just a little bit of a sneak peak behind those doors...

Combined with the networking and deals that were struck over a lazy cocktail in the pool area or during a ladies pampering session, this event was truly like no other in Australia.

The purpose of having an event at this 6 star venue is not to feed our egos… quite the opposite. I've purposely chosen this venue as a means to elevate people’s thinking.

This event was about an experience… about enlarging your thinking and about coming up to another level.

Because that's what La Dolce Vita LIVE Event at the Palazzo Versace is all about! To take our thinking to another level. When you enter the grand doors of this palace you leave your average life outside and enter a larger world. Not because of the material surroundings but because of what these surrounding do to your mind. It is no accident that the attendees hatched million dollar ideas at this event… It was no accident at last years event, when one of the attendees had a private word with Peter J. Daniels this attendee saved over $30,000 on a business deal. And it is no mistake that at the La Dolce Vita LIVE Event the doors to abundance are opened.

You see it's not a conference… it's an experience. And this year was no different to the last. I secured the best of the best in the business development and entertainment industry.

Wealthy people invest in memories because they last forever! And the memories, friendships and relationships which were built at this event will truly last and stay with me. So I hope this quick little insight into the thinking that goes behind this event, the reason why my team and I work hard all year to make this our grand gala event... helps you understand why it is, that sometimes we've just got to step things up and take our thinking to that next level. The breakthroughs experienced by these people is just amazing to watch. So I hope you can partake in La Dolce Vita LIVE Event next year and experience these same kind of breakthroughs in your life. I hope this little sneak peak has given you a little more insight into why this event is so special. Pat Mesiti

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