SDA Mustang December 2015

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Volume 20 Issue III



02 The Mustang 12.17.2015



From the Control Booth A message from your editor in chief.

The Mustang Staff

After 11 months of 2015, December is finally here, and the end of the year is fast approaching. In some ways 2015 has seemed to go on forever, but at the same time I find it hard to believe that it’s already over. So much has happened this year, for me, for SDA, and for the world at large. The December issue of the Mustang is our traditional best of issue, where we provide year-in-review coverage of what the student body found to be significant. Check the staff editorial on page 5 to find out what the Mustang staff’s best and worst memories from 2015 were, “Favorite Moments” on page 16 to see what were some of SDA students’ favorite moments from the year, and “Best of 20” on page 18 to see what the student body voted as their favorite movies, music, and more from 2015. 2015 has been a busy year for me. I took over as Editor in Chief of The Mustang, which has been incredibly rewarding but hasn’t left me much time to take a breath. I’ve also been balancing a busy schedule (I thought senior year was supposed to be easier than junior year!) as well as the job of applying to college. (Just finished my last application—Stanford—last week. Finally! Now on to scholarship essays.) With 2016 on the horizon, I’m curious as to what it will bring. Wherever I end up, I’ll be off to college somewhere before it’s over. The nation will elect a new president—the first election I, and many SDA students, will be able to vote in. However 2015 went for you, I hope 2016 will be better. Whether you’re a senior who’ll be leaving SDA next year or a freshman who will be staying and watching SDA grow and change in the coming years, there’s a lot that will be different. But some things will still be the same. SDA will still be a school made up of talented, bright individuals. And though we work in a different computer lab and eat a different brand of pizza during production, The Mustang will continue to produce papers.

EDITOR IN CHIEF Carina Julig The best of 2015...

in music...

FEATURES/MANAGING EDITOR Sophie Peeler OPINION/DESIGN EDITOR Maxine Richter ARTS EDITORS Brittany Serbin Vicky van der Wagt

in TV...

...and in movies.

Nico Traubman Cover Artist Senior Nico Traubman has been painting for his whole life, and has taken almost all of the art classes at SDA. What does he like to draw? “It depends,” he said. “If I’m in a bad mood I might draw something dark or scary, but if I’m in a good mood I’ll draw something funny.” He said he was inspired to make this painting because “When I was a little kid I used to pronounce human beings human beans.” Traubman uses ink and watercolors to make his paintings. He said that as well as painting, he also likes creating music.


starting on page 18

Here’s to a good 2016. -Carina Julig

NEWS EDITOR Olivia Olander


Sarah Davis Backpage Photographer “I really like photos that capture something,” said junior Sarah Davis. ‘Because obviously you should have your own memories, but it’s nice to be able to look at something and be completely brought back. Because let’s face it, memory goes. Photos—well they do go, but less quickly.” Davis said that she loves to take photos at the beach, and that the photo on the back cover was taken at Dog Beach in Del Mar. “I was just fiddling around with the controls and it turned out really nice with the sunset,” she said.

STAFF WRITERS Jacob Aere Kate Bilse Gina Checchia Austin Dilley Natalie Haghani Sarah Hernandez Leigh Houck Lindsey King Brook Komar Sarah LaVake Linnea Leidy Zach McInnis Sophia Mock Luke Oldham Nicole Ramirez Megan Scherer Armaan Shah ADVISOR Tim Roberts The Mustang is the student newspaper of San Dieguito Academy. Advertisements do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the newspaper. The Mustang is an open forum which welcomes letters. Letters can be submitted to room 16, emailed to or mailed to the address below.

San Dieguito Academy Room 16 800 Santa Fe Drive Encinitas, CA 92024

The Mustang 03



Rail Trail Splits Up Cardiff Cardiff and Encinitas residents are conflicted over possible new bike and walking path. Story by Olivia Olander


plan to create a biking and walking path along San Elijo Avenue in Cardiff, has been the center of a debate that got especially heated when a website opposing the project was created this November. This led to new opposition against the trail. Supporters made their own website to counter the movement. The path would replace the dirt along San Elijo where people park, and includes a fence along the railroad tracks that many people cross to go to the beach. Those who want a trail say it will give people a safe way to get places without a car, but those who don’t want a trail say it will destroy part of old Encinitas and make it harder to access the beach. The proposed trail, known as the Cardiff Rail Trail, would be partially paved and run along San Elijo Avenue from Chesterfield (the street adjacent to the Cardiff Kook statue) to Santa Fe, according to Deputy Encinitas Mayor Catherine Blakespear, who supports the Rail Trail. A bike lane would also be added from Montgomery to E Steet. The trail was approved by the City Council 3-2 in May, with construction set to begin in 2017, but the issue was brought up again when an opposing website ( was created and prompted many people to send letters to government officials. The goal of the site, according to Chris Swanner, who spoke on behalf of NoRailTrail, is to create a trail on the west side of the tracks, rather than City Council’s plan of placing it on the east side. It’s not officially being reconsidered, but Sean Wright of NoRailTrail isn’t giving up. “We are garnering so much support and it continues to grow every day as more people find out,” Wright said. “I am highly confident that this will be reconsidered, even if certain city council members appear rather intransigent at the moment against the will of people.”

Coast Controversy

Supporters of the trail argue that it’s an improvement to the area that will make it easier for people to access downtown Encinitas and Cardiff without getting in their cars. Blakespear described the current dirt parking situation as “haphazard,” saying that it forces pedestrians into the road. “Right now, if you live in Cardiff or you live in Encinitas, and you want to go a short distance, like half a mile, all of us get in our car and drive that, and that’s partly because there isn’t a comfort-

able, safe way to bike or walk,” she said. “I feel like the rail trail will provide infrastructure that we don’t currently have that’ll make biking and walking comfortable and safe... People won’t want to ride their bikes next to cars going 45 miles per hour if they have another alternative.” “[The trail] will improve pedestrian and bike safety, bring Cardiff and Encinitas closer together, and dramatically increase accessibility for many more people,” said Mike Verdu of One argument against the Rail Trail is that it will cut off beach access, partially because of the fence that would be built along the path. It would make it harder for people to cross the train tracks to get to the beach -- a technically illegal but common route. “Most of the community lives here to enjoy the coast,” said Swanner. “The stretch of undeveloped land from Swami's tunnel to Chesterfield on San Elijo will be fenced, paved, have parking significantly reduced, and will have blocked beach access. The trail is being built for a simple few that live along San Elijo… The fence will not deter anyone from going to the beach who currently goes to the beach. It will take longer to hop the fence and get across the tracks instead of just walking across like everyone does [now].” “People with surf gear wouldn’t want to hop it, but then again they want to surf so they would [anyway],” said sophomore Vinnie Scerni. “In my opinion it’s a waste of money.” “It’s a cool idea to have a long flat bike path along the coast off the street, but it would get rid of so much parking… Swami’s is one of my favorite beaches and that’s where I always park and cross the railroad tracks to get there. The rail trail would get rid of all that parking and make getting from Vulcan to the 101 hell and I’m not into that,” said senior Marissa Brennan. Additionally, for some people, including students, it’s not just the beach access that makes the current dirt parking important. Some residents consider it to be one of the last parts of Encinitas’ “natural” terrain, and some students say they spend time on that dirt stretch, an activity that would likely be restricted if the parking were to become a paved trail. “Leave [the current dirt parking area] because it’s old Encinitas, and lots of people would be upset [if it were changed], since it’s a great place to hang out with friends and park. There’s a lot of

other places to bike,” said sophomore Anna Griffin. Freshman Chloe Farber agreed. “I don’t think they should pave over the parking spots because that area is a cool place to park and see the view... There aren’t many places to do that anymore,” she said. “The environment and sandstone formations will get destroyed... It should be preserved rather than developed,” said Wright of NoRailTrail. “There is no way a 12-foot path and fence would fit through there or should even be put there. Some things are better left untouched. Students of Encinitas should be concerned that the natural habitat is not being preserved for future generations of Encinitas residents,” he continued.

Trail Traffic

But Rail Trail proponents like Blakespear say that the rail corridor now is not right for everyone. “I think the crux of it is that the rail corridor, as it is, works really well for some people. The people who use it now will have a change. They will have a loss, and I feel for them, because I’m one of those people who will have that loss, too. But for me I need to make decisions looking out for the whole city, and the good that would come from having a way to get between Cardiff to Encinitas on the side of the tracks where people live outweighs the loss of the people that will have a changed experience in that corridor,” she said. Verdu said that having the trail could improve accessibility to natural areas. “The Rail Trail will wind through the natural environment, improving accessibility and making this beautiful stretch available to so many more people at all levels of fitness and ability,” he said. Blakespear said that not having a rail trail “does not work for transportation.” She compared this project to when the sidewalk down Santa Fe was built. “People from SDA used to walk… down to Swami’s along a dirt shoulder. There was actually opposition to putting in a sidewalk on Santa Fe, when that was done. We look at it now, and we say ‘Of course we have a sidewalk there... I feel like this will be loved and accepted and cherished as a really important part of our community, once it’s built.” Blakespear said.

Money Matters

As far as funding goes, Swanner claims that the project is short $4 million of what he believes is the projected cost of “$8-9 mil-

A map of the proposed trail and bikeway along San Elijo between Chesterfield and Santa Fe Drive, and the “on-road bikeway” between Montgomery and E Street. Photo courtesy of San Diego Association of Governments.

lion.” “Where does this money come from? We have asked the city council members this but they don't have an answer,” he said. Blakespear, though, said this wasn’t “a legitimate concern,” and said the cost of the trail itself will be $5.1 million, and will be paid for by the San Diego Asso-

ciation of Governments (a public planning and transportation agency), while the city will be in charge of doing “a project associated with quieting the corridor.” “We have the money,” she said, adding that there was no chance of the project being left unfinished.

04 The Mustang 12.17.2015



A quick look at the events around the SDA campus Nov. 14 - Dec. 17. Full stories can be found at

A Bustling Bazaar

Parading around Town

Students visited the SDA Bazaar during lunch. Story by Sophia Hurley.

SDA students participated in the Holiday Parade Dec. 5. Story by Sophia Mock.

Caption Band students performed during the Encinitas Holiday Parade. Photo by Sophia Mock.

P Students attempted to win votes for student body elections during the Bazaar. Photo by Kate Sequeira.


he SDA Bazaar took place Dec. 10 at lunch in front of the PAC, and everything from recycled candles, to school president campaigns, to free noodles was found. Students sold baked goods, holiday grams, and other trinkets at booths surrounding the front of the

school. However, not everything was for sale. ASB kids and class candidates were advertising for the school elections starting tomorrow, and competition was running high. Clubs were handing out promotional items to get more participants and make themselves known. Free goods

such as balloons, mini Zines, and even pasta was awarded to students at random. Unfortunately, the pasta ran out, creating quite a fuss amongst the crowd. “I thought I was going to get free noodles, but I was too late,” said sophomore Kyrianna Tarr.

Forum employees park outside of the center to make room for shoppers. Story by Kate Sequeira.


Students expressed their opinions on various topics. Story by Carina Julig. t the Forum meeting during lunch on Dec. 11, several students brought to the attention of the Forum the fact that the girls bathrooms on campus always runs out of supplies by the afternoon. Located in room 61, the meeting was attended by many, and a range of topics regarding the school were discussed. Students also discussed the construction that began

ety, the surf team, and the marching band. The Japanese Honors society marched in kimonos, and the surf team skateboarded next to their float. The band played “Hawaii 5-0” and dropped it low during a dance break. Senior Alexis Hale, who plays the French horn, said, “The song was high energy and the dance moves added to the excitement. It seemed like the audience enjoyed watching.”

Park and Ride

What’s for Lunch? A

ractically the entire city packed onto the Coast Highway 101, sitting on blankets and lawn chairs sipping hot beverages for the annual Encinitas Holiday Parade on Dec. 5. This year’s theme was “This IS Encinitas Life.” Floats were covered with surfers, bikers, coffee drinkers, and anything else unique and creative. SDA was represented by the Japanese Honors Soci-

Junior Blake Stoner Osborne helps senior Nate Neumann run the Forum. Photo by Kate Sequeira.

over Thanksgiving break, and Principal Bjorn Paige gave an update on what more would take place going forward. One student suggested a ‘meatless Monday,’ where all the food sold in the Mosaic Café on Monday would be vegetarian. Students seemed open to the idea, and dis-

cussed ways to put it in place. History teacher Kerry Koda asked if there was interest in a possible after-school extracurricular class on mindfulness. The last topic discussed was how the SDA Bazaar went, and how to prepare for Exhibition Day in May.

his year, Carlsbad Forum employees have been required to park in the La Costa Canyon parking lot for the holiday season. “Under the Civic Center Act, the Forum, like many outside entities, has entered into an agreement with SDUHSD for the rental of facilities that are, at the time, not in use by district students,” said Director of Maintenance and Operations of SDUHSD Dan Love. This change in parking for Forum employees is inconvenient, said some SDA students working at the Forum who live near SDA. “I feel that it’s annoying because LCC is kind of out of my way, but I understand that they need

parking,” said one junior. Because employees must park at LCC and take a shuttle to the Forum, they must leave for work earlier than usual. “My coworker used the shuttle and she said she had to leave 30 minutes earlier for work than usual,” the SDA student said. Student parking at LCC has not been an issue, said LCC Principal Bryan Marcus. “LCC does host a variety of tournaments, including the Speech and Debate Winter Classic, as well as an assortment of sporting events on the weekends; however we have enough parking spaces to accommodate all,” said Marcus.

The Mustang 05



The Best of Times :First Prom! And the Worst: Trump The Mustang staff shares their best and worst memories of 2015, from the personal to the political.

[Staff Ed]


ormally, this column is reserved for the staff editorial, where we discuss issues pertinent to the student body and then deliver a communal opinion. In December, however, we do things a little differently. To wrap up the year, we asked everyone on The Mustang staff to tell us what they thought were the best and worst things to happen in 2015. Here’s what they had to say.

The Best

The Worst

The personal... I got my license and got my first car. Went to my first prom. Getting to be costume designer for two SDA shows this year. I finally got enough nerve to dye my hair purple. Went to Ireland, London, and Wales for Spring Break I got to host a Spanish exchange student over summer. I survived AP Chemistry. Visiting the Dominican Republic this summer with AMIGOS. Lin-Manuel Miranda’s groundbreaking hip-hop Broadway musical “Hamilton” came out. I got into the college that I’ve wanted to go to since I was five. Beauty Behind the Madness by The Weeknd came out this year. Backpacking through the Rocky Mountains.

The personal... Studying for the SAT all summer. The Hunger Games movie series is over. I passed out at the blood drive. One Direction split up. My best friend throwing up all over herself and my shirt when she was sick. I had to write a ton of college essays. Saying goodbye to one of my best friends who went off to college. Spilling meatballs all over my pants and my shoes. I failed my license test the first time I took it. Breaking my thumb.

And the more widespread... The Supreme Court ruling in June that legalized same-sex marriage in all 50 states in the U.S.

And the more widespread... The Paris attacks. Donald Trump. The refugee crisis generated by the Syrian War The drought in California.

06 The Mustang 12.17.2015


Bail on the Rail Trail

Above, a typical cross-section of Coastal Rail Trail. Rendering from Encinitas City Council Agenda Report. Right, the natural beauty of the current Cardiff railside trail. Photo by Austin Dilley.

Unnecessary project threatens ocean-view parking and one of the last slivers of nature in Cardiff. By Leigh Houck.


o you ever pull off San Elijo Ave to the railside cliff to watch a sunset, head to the beach, or enjoy hour lunch with a view of the waves? If the “Coastal Rail Trail”, a proposed walking and biking path to be constructed on the east side of the railroad tracks, comes to pass, all of these classic Cardiff activities could be gone forever. The Rail Trail, to be constructed from Chesterfield to Santa Fe, could cause major traffic issues. The constructed trail will significantly cut parking that is vital for visitors to the beach, homeowners on San Elijo Avenue, and anyone who enjoys pulling off onto the bluff to watch the waves. Furthermore, it would cut down

traffic lanes and create a bike lane that would interfere with drivers on the two-lane San Elijo Avenue. The Rail Trail is unnecessary and uncalled for. Cardiff already has a trail on the east side of the railroad tracks: an unobtrusive dirt path that winds through towering sandstone formations and gorgeous stretches of native plants and flowers. Bikers, joggers, and dog walkers enjoy this peaceful natural space and its stunning ocean views on a daily basis. None of these citizens has complained that this trail is insufficient for their needs. Nobody has demanded the $8 million dollar contrived concrete monstrosity that is being thrust upon us. Even if the money comes from a

“Use it or Lose It” grant, the city would be better served to listen to the majority of citizens who simply do not want this trail constructed. To bikers who argue that the current dirt trail is winding and unfavorable to biking, I suggest they use the paved asphalt path that stretches from Cardiff to Swamis on Highway 101 - mere yards away from the site of the proposed trail. A bike lane on San Elijo seems unnecessary when the 101 bike path is not only paved and overlooking the ocean, but also includes barriers which make it safer for both bikers and motorists. The 101 path is accessible by everyone from joggers to bikers to roller-bladers, aesthetically

pleasing, and even closer to the ocean. What different purpose would the Rail Trail, only a fourlane highway away, serve? Environmentally, the artificial landscaping of the Rail Trail would be an insult to the beautiful trees, plants, and animals that already thrive in the area. Why waste time and resources to create a trail when a natural one is already there? Aside from preserving one of the last precious natural spaces in Cardiff, which is apparently irrelevant to the three city councilmembers who voted for this project, retaining this trail has a substantial advantage over constructing a new one: it’s absolutely free. I feel that the colloquialism “If

it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” sums up my view of the Rail Trail issue. If you, like many SDA students and local citizens, appreciate the natural beauty, old-school charm, and ease of access of the Cardiff trails and lookouts, please send an email to our councilmembers via While the council has already approved the Rail Trail, they may change their minds if enough people protest. With the input of young citizens of our beautiful beach town, perhaps they will reconsider whether The Rail Trail is really the right decision for Cardiff. For news, see “Rail Trail Splits Up Cardiff” on page 3.

The Parent Trap Parents add to stress of college-bound kids. By Armaan Shah.


pplying to college can be stressful. Especially with numerous essays to write, SAT/ACT tests to take, and applications to fill out. But what’s possibly more stressful than any of those are parents. But surely parents are there to help you and couldn’t possibly make the process harder right?? Wrong. Take me for example. Once my parents heard the deadline to apply to the UC’s was November 30th, my mom would ask me every day when she got home if I had submitted my application. This was back in August. Up until that point I hadn’t been stressed. In fact, I wasn’t even worried in the slightest a week from the deadline. At times it seemed as if they were the ones applying to college and I was

Art by Sophia Hurley.

the parent trying to pacify their worries. And while every night I struggle to comprehend Shakespeare in AP English and learn about marginal revenue in Econ, what ends up making me lose many hours of sleep? My parents talking about nothing else but the deadlines and essays that are due. It got to the point where I couldn’t go downstairs for a glass of water without getting bombarded by questions of where I was in my application process. First, a message to all students who will be applying to college in the coming years: beware of the parent trap. And now, a message to all parents whose kids will soon be applying to college: please don’t bring up what we soon-to-be college students don’t want to talk about every second of everyday. We go to school and

have to think about college appsespecially if said kid is in the College Apps class. We go home, do homework, then have to think about college apps. Chances are, most kids have nightmares about it too. Doesn’t it make sense that the little free time we have to think about something else should be college-app free? In all honesty, the application process would be done more easily without the constant nagging of parents who feel that true success entails getting into an ivy-league school. Fret not parents, I made an attempt to represent you. The other day I read this paper to my father and asked him what he thought of it. After pausing for a couple seconds, he said, “Well maybe if you had done all your apps on time I wouldn’t have to keep nagging you.” Go figure.

The Mustang 07



Life Choices

The presidential campaign and the Colorado Planned Parenthood shooting have reignited the debate about whether abortion is justified or not. Here’s what we think. By Brook Komar and Linnea Leidy.


nce the first cell begins to grow inside the mother’s womb, it is alive. How can one argue otherwise; there is no fine line between living and dead. Abortion is simply unjust; systematically murdering 1 million innocent human beings this year alone, according to They have no control over if they live or become another statistic is a barbaric part of today’s society, and it must be changed. Many pro-choice supporters believe that because the baby is unborn, that makes it not an actual human being. The word embryo, or fetus refers to a developmental stage in the baby’s life, just as he or she would later be referred to as a toddler, adolescent, and adult. Being at a more vulnerable stage in life does not make a person of less value. This life needs to be protected and nurtured, and not brutally disposed of. Certain circumstances such as rape, poverty, disability, or being unwanted have been used in attempt to justify abortion. Plainly put, these are not moral reasons to take the life of anyone. None of these circumstances are justifiable to kill human life after birth, therefore it is not justified to use them to kill human life before birth. Mothers are highly at risk in having an abortion. According to research from afterabortion. org, mothers who have an abortion are four times more likely to die in the following year, rather than mothers carry to term. The list of complications largely spans from multiple types of cancers, to disabilities in carrying future pregnancies, to accidental lacerations that cause the mother to bleed to death. The mother’s mental health is also greatly affected by the procedure. Mothers who have an abortion are over three times more likely to die

from suicidal or homicidal actions. Feelings of grief, depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress leave many in an emotionally overwhelming state. As for women wanting the option to have complete control over their bodies, deciding to engage in intercourse runs the

[ProLife] risk of becoming pregnant. Hence she can control her body in the action of abstinence, as well as other means of protection. Forcing the baby to suffer for the actions taken by the parents is in no way the mother having control over her body, but giving her the option to erase her mistakes by means of murder. Abortion causes suffering for the baby. At the age of 18 weeks the fetuses can already feel the pain that the abortion inflicts upon them. The thought of the dismemberment of a human baby was an image that changed the way I looked at what abortion really means for everyone involved. Voting pro-life can change this horrific part of our culture. Restricting the right to harm and slaughter human life is taking responsibility to protect mothers and their children against what some people do not understand. -Brook Komar


ast month a deranged man opened fire inside a Colorado Springs Planned Parenthood building, killing three people and wounding nine. Also, the Supreme Court recently agreed to review a Texas appellate court bill that restricts abortion and women’s rights in general. These events have once again ignited the debate over whether a woman has the right to choose to have a child or not. In this ongoing battle over the legality of abortion, pro-life advocates have several important values that form the basis of their arguments. However, I believe that the prochoice approach supports these morals too, while simultaneously upholding values of its own. One of the fundamental morals that the pro-life side prioritizes is the value of a human’s life, potential, and purpose. They focus on the fetus, but it’s crucial to also consider the mother. The Guttmacher Institute states that 63 percent of abortions performed in the United States are on women under the age of 30. Without the option of abortion, these young women are forced to give birth to their child, and while it is definitely possible to still maintain success after this, it is much harder, and very often not accomplished. This take a toll on their education, their occupation, their finances, and their future in general. If you’re arguing to value life and potential, why not value the lives and futures of these women who are

already walking on this earth? Another value that prolife arguments emphasize is protecting the health of the mother, because abortions have the possibility of causing health complications. However, allowing abortions better addresses this concern. When women make the decision to undergo an abortion, they are made aware of the possible consequences, and they are consciously choosing to accept the health risks. Take away this option and all pregnant women will be forced, without choice, to give birth. Labor is extremely strenuous and dangerous for women as well, and there are many situations when giving birth could permanently harm or even take the life of the mother. Furthermore, if abortion is illegalized, it’s just going to lead to women finding more dangerous ways to abort their babies, which would harm their health even more. Maintaining the option of abortion best protects women’s health, and even if negative consequences arise from the procedure, at least women accepted the possibilities rather than being forced to endure them. Another very popular prolife argument is that abortion infringes on many religious beliefs. It is a universal human right to have freedom of thought and belief, so naturally anything that imposes on these freedoms is an injustice. With the current allowance of abortion as an option, the only people affected are those who want an abortion. If you personally believe that abortion is wrong, you don’t ever need to have that procedure, and you are still upholding your beliefs. What does infringe on freedom of thought is if abortion is outlawed, because then every pregnant woman is subject to one group’s religious and spiritual teachings. Pro-choice supports the beliefs of the greatest number of people. -Linnea Leidy


Photos by University of Toronto Students for Life and Tony Webster.

08 The Mustang 12.17.2015


Rude Fashion Statements Clothing stores have been turning mental illnesses into fashion statements. Their insensitivity points out the greater misunderstanding of mental illness in our society. Story by Sophia Mock. Illustrations by Sophia Hurley.


A shirt previousy sold at Brandy Melville.

can’t count how many times I’ve heard someone joke about how ADHD he is without a second thought. People who get bored in class have ADHD. People who keep a clean bedroom are suddenly OCD. If someone’s parents are strict, the parents are bipolar. Even clothing stores are making light of serious illnesses. Brandy Melville sold a shirt with “Stressed Depressed but WellDressed” written on it. Target is currently selling a sweater that says “OCD- Obsessive Christmas Disorder.” Mental illnesses are being used as adjectives. They get thrown around like they don’t mean anything. People don’t recognize the seriousness of what they are saying. These are actual, debilitating illnesses that require treatment just as much as any physical illness. Someone who actually has ADHD, OCD or Bipolar Disorder deals with a constant obstacle. Everyday life has added complications. It can be very isolating. The purposeful misuse of these illnesses as jokes is insulting to people who have or

love someone who has a mental illness. While people joke about having a mental illness, those who actually have one are discriminated against. Because mental illness produces unconventional behaviors, it carries an unfair stigma that a person with a mental illness is crazy or unhinged. However, a mental illness does not define the afflicted person. They are still themselves, with their same personality, passions, and feelings. To make things worse, it can be difficult to get treatment for a mental illness. Because others cannot see the underlying problem, it often goes ignored. Thankfully, that has been changing. AP Psychology teacher James Hrzina says, “Asking to get help has traditionally been seen as a sign of weakness, but in younger generations it is seen as a sign of strength. It’s okay to get help.” Hrzina is a strong advocate of mental health awareness, and is working with his homeroom for that cause. People need to be educated on what mental illness is so they can take care of themselves and

be sensitive to others. The Campaign to Change Direction organization is a great way to be educated on mental health. You can visit their website to get informational material and make a pledge to change. The Campaign to Change Direction is getting national attention, and Hrzina uses it in his classes. “This is an organization made up of hundreds of mental health professionals dedicated to change the way we view mental illness and create mental health awareness. Once the greater population is knowledgeable, real change can take place,” says Hrzina. Awareness is the first step to improving how we view mental illness. Know the signs of emotional pain and recognize that people with a mental illness need compassion, patience, and empathy. To reduce the stigma surrounding mental illness, we need to be aware of the language we are using. Just as racial slurs and other insults are being used less and less out of respect, the same needs to happen with mental illnesses.

This “Eat Less” slogan can be found on various shirts and beanies at Urban Outfitters.

This shirt can be found on various online stores. This shirt can be found on various online stores.

This sweater is currently being sold at Target. Despite protests, it will not be taken off shelves.

This shirt was previously sold at Urban Outfitters. It was pulled from the shelves.

The Mustang 09



Ingredients: • 1/2 White Sugar • 1/2 Brown Sugar • 1 tablespoon flour • 1 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon • 1/2 teaspoon nutmeg



Pumpkin Streusel Pie

With the holidays just around the corner, pastries and desserts are the perfect treat to hand out to friends and family or simply eat for yourself. From cookies to cakes, home-made baking is a definite way to get into the holiday spirit. Story by Natalie Haghani. Illustrations by Claire Pupping.

1/2 teaspoon salt 1/4 teaspoon ginger 115oz canned pumpkin 12oz milk(evaporated) 2 eggs

Recipe: 1. Preheat oven to 357 ° F 2. In a bowl mix together sugar, flour, cinnamon, nutmeg, salt, and ginger 3. Add pumpkin, milk, and eggs and stir until blended 4. Pour batter into pan and bake for 60-65 minutes

Ingredients: • 2 cups of butter • 2 teaspoons of vanilla extract

Short Bread Cookies

• • • • •

• •

1 cup of white sugar 4 cups of flour

Recipe: 1. Preheat oven to 350 ° F 2. In a bowl cream butter and sugar, than add vanilla extract and flour 3. Add batter on baking sheets and cook for 10-12 minutes

10 The Mustang 12.17.2015


Two Dudes

Eating Meat Breakfast Spot: Garden State Bagels Address: El Camino Square, 191 N El Camino Real #106, Encinitas, CA 92024 Foods eaten: The ultimate breakfast bagel $5.99 Bagel with egg, bacon, and cheese - $3.99


uality and quickness are promised at Garden State Bagels. Toasty bagels are accompanied by choices of spreads, meats, and cheeses. The laid-back restaurant has a strong aura of New Jersey, and the owner, Steve, is funny, loud, and feels like an old pal. The restaurant creates many distinct flavors with just a few items on the menu. The bagel sandwiches and hoagies are prepared in plain sight and are always guaranteed fresh. Garden State Bagels is truly top notch at what it does; from the meat, to the cheese, to the bagels themselves, employees will always pay attention to detail when making a meal. Let them know to give your bagel an extra-long toast if you like your cheese dripping as special requests are always taken. The regular customers make the restaurant seem as if there’s always a big family reunion. They also sell drinks, cream cheeses, and even vitamins to go in case you’d like to take food home or on the road. If you like bagels, just go. Overall: 9

A steamy, hot recap of a cheesy taste bud adventure around the city of Encinitas trying out breakfast, Mexican, and still unknown eateries. Story by Jacob Aere and Austin Dilley.

Best Carne Asada Burrito Jorge’s Mexicatessen

Rico’s Taco Shop Address: Lomas Sante Fe Plaza, 165 S El Camino Real # L, Encinitas, CA 92024

Address: 417 Santa Fe Dr # B, Encinitas, CA 92024

Price: $ 4.35

Price: $4.05



ico’s has quick service and filling portions. Inside the fresh tortilla there are juicy tomatoes, meat, and crunchy lettuce. Unfortunately vegetables steal the spotlight and the meat is minimal. Eat your burrito quick as the meat is delicious, but oily. On a positive note, the salsa is rich, yet it’s not too spicy for those who can’t handle much heat. Latin culture is strong in the store as Spanish is spoken by all the employees. The traditional Mexican music adds a nice touch of culture as well. The free watermelon and brownie stations and photo booth put Rico’s atmosphere and customer care above it’s competitors. The employees themselves are hilarious to get to know. They may not be your stereotypical warm and welcoming managers, but their jokes and attitudes provide an upbeat, saucy, and energetic atmosphere. Overall: 8

orge’s Mexicatessen an old restaurant in the burrito mecca that is Encinitas. Jorge’s welcoming atmosphere, incredible food, established staff, and diehard fans make it the pinnacle of burrito perfection. The carne asada burrito is everything people love about Mexican food wrapped up in a fresh, warm flour tortilla. Jorge’s has found the perfect mix of tender meats, fresh pico de gallo, and homemade guacamole, to come together for a burrito that is impecable from the first bite to the last. The atmosphere in Jorge’s makes you feel like you’re at home no matter where you live. Jorge, the owner, is incredibly kind. With his warm sense of humor, his restaurant stands out from the rest of the crowd as it is easy to talk to Jorge at any time. As it is cold season, be sure to pick up a bowl of Jorge’s signature chicken tortilla soup. It is known to cure all ailments known to man. Overall: 8.5

Rico’s interior. Photo by Austin Dilley.

Jorge’s interior. Photo by Austin Dilley.


What other restaurants would you like to see reviewed? Do you disagree with any of the reviews? Let us know in the comments at

On the DL: Pho-ever Address: 120 N El Camino Real, Encinitas, CA 92024 Food eaten: ĐAC BIET XE LUA - (Extra Large Combo w/rare steak, well done steak, well done flank, brisket, tendon, and tripe) - $7.95


ho Ever has a calming atmosphere with personable employees and a caring manager. There is usually room to sit down quickly, so waiting is not an issue. The light green walls and accents of Vietnamese art give a traditional accent to a somewhat more modern vibe that the college-age employees give the restaurant. The menus have Vietnamese text included and small touches of the Vietnamese culture are sprinkled throughout the restaurant. The one downside is the location, but don’t let this be a deterrent. The massive amount of food is brought out quickly, prepared beautifully, and best of all, it’s cheap! The attention to detail put into keep a spotless environment and pleasing each customer shows how much they appreciate your presence. Some of the more traditional foods may take your taste buds on a journey, but it’s a great experience to expand your palate. If your stomach is more reserved, the restaurant has plenty of options, so don’t be intimidated. Overall: 8.5

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In the Dark

Shedding light on a curfew that confuses Encinitas teens. Story by Kate Sequeira and Mary Ford.


ou glance down at your watch, walking home from a great party. The clock reads 9:55 and it will take you 15 minutes to get home. If you don’t get in the house before 10 your parents get will mad. You should have budgeted your time better. Unfortunately, because of past incidences with the law you really can’t afford to get caught out after 10, but running would look suspicious. All of a sudden, you see a police car slowing down on your side of the road. You tense up and prepare for the worst. Luckily, the police car then picks up speed and drives on. Next time you promise yourself you will be more careful. Teens in Encinitas out past 10 risk being reprimanded by the police, getting in trouble

with their parents, and, in extreme cases, going to court. Although teenagers understand the reasoning behind curfew, it still poses a restriction on their liberties. “As a kid I don’t really like curfews because I like my freedom, but, as adults think, I think that it’s safer for kids to have a curfew and probably better so that there is at least some sort of rule to go by,” said senior Emily Mazza. Police in Encinitas and Carlsbad have a few different ways of enforcing the curfew. “The curfew policy in regards to the law is 10 p.m. to 5 a.m. That means every person under the age of 18 who is out past those hours is in violation of the curfew,” said Juvenile De-

tective Frank Feliccia of the San Diego Sheriff’s Department. “We enforce it a few different ways. We enforce it with our regular patrol deputies, so if they contact a juvenile at night, in the scope of their duties, they would either arrest the juvenile for the curfew violation or they can choose not to arrest them. It is up to the deputies’ discretion.” Some students have expressed confusion in regards to different cities having different curfew policies. Students must adhere to the curfew policies of the city in which they are located. This creates a bubble effect. If a student was in Del Mar, where the curfew is 11, and crosses back over to Encinitas, they could be violation of the law. “It’s really bothersome, especially if I am hanging out with my friends at night and we are watching movies and I have to keep track of time and I have to go home at a certain time. Ten isn’t even that late. I know all teens stay up later than that and it sucks that they all have to be home. I’ll go home and just do nothing,” said junior Devon Maguire. To Feliccia, curfew does make a big impact on the lives of teenagers and parents, but in a positive manner. “If they didn’t know before

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“ “[I think] most juveniles out past curfew are really up to no good.”-Frank Feliccia

the law they definitely won’t forget it. I think it helps as far as their parents knowing where they are, but there are certain curfew exceptions,” said Feliccia. According to Feliccia, if teenagers are out past curfew to attend school functions, be with parents, or run family errands they cannot be arrested for curfew. Police officers are also not allowed to pull drivers over only because they look like minors, he said. The curfew and crime rates are interconnected, the juvenile detective said. “I definitely think there is a relation when I think there are juveniles out past curfew and they’re just loitering around they’re just wandering around. Usually they’re up to no good so they’re either going to be looking into cars or going to vandalize something.” Since the imposition of the curfew, juvenile arrest rates have gone down. According to a graph supported by the San Diego Police Department on, there has been a 50 percent decrease in arrests. “I think when our patrol officers and deputies are able to… make an arrest for curfew I think, ‘Good’ because it’ll reduce crime in that area. [I think] most juveniles out past curfew are really up to no good,” said Feliccia.

12 The Mustang 12.17.2015

FEATURES Snowgression Learning to snowboard takes time, but it is well-worth it. Story by Lindsey King.



Much Fun

From skiing to snowboarding to cold winter nights, Mammoth Mountain is the place to go. Story by Sarah LaVake and Natalie Haghani.

Top of Mammoth Mountain, elevation of 11,053 feet. Photo by Natalie Haghani.


ooking for fresh powder this winter? Head up to Mammoth for new snow and holiday activities. After a recent visit to Mammoth, it’s obvious that it’s the ideal spot to be at this winter because of it’s great conditions and welcoming environment. Even if you’re not into skiing or snowboarding, Mammoth still invites you to come visit and enjoy the cold weather. You can go to concerts, look through little shops in town, see movies, or just enjoy playing in the snow. Mammoth received 15 inches of snow just before we went up, creating great ski and snowboard conditions. This year’s El Niño is being predicted to provide Mammoth with a higher snowfall than average, attracting people from all over. Worried that Mammoth won’t receive enough snow and close down early? In 2014-2015, Mammoth only received a total of 230 inches of snowfall, however this year Mammoth has already gotten 144 inches, starting the ski and snowboard season off strong for total snowfall. Over Thanksgiving break,

the first actions of El Niño were seen, leaving Mammoth with 15 inches of snow. Throughout the week, Main Lodge and The Mill, two ski and snowboard areas, were open, however many runs were closed. On Tuesday, Nov. 24, Mammoth experienced strong winds and the beginning of four heavy snow days. As the week progressed weather conditions lightened up leaving Friday sunny, but cool with a foot of fresh powder and ideal conditions for skiers and snowboarders across the mountain. Non-skiers or those looking for a break from the slopes can enjoy dining at well known restaurants at the Village and around Mammoth lakes. Top restaurants around the lakes include Mogul and Rock Brasserie. Inside Mammoth Village, well known restaurants include Bear Creek, and Whitebark. For those looking to satisfy their sweet tooth, visit the famous Schats Bakery, which offers a diverse selection of treats and desserts. Along with having famous dining and dessert shops, Mammoth also hosts a variety of social activities throughout

the year. Mammoth continues to plan multiple traditional festivals and holiday activities throughout the winter. During the month of December visitors and locals look forward to the annual Woolly Mammoth parade, and night of lights as preparations are made for the Grand Pix of snowboarding in January. Be sure to visit Mammoth Mountain this Winter and Spring for a diversity of ski runs and village activities.

“ Mammoth has a population of about 8,250 yearround residents.

Chair 12, leads to multiple blue runs. Photo courtesy of Natalie Paxton.

ll snowboarders go through the days of bumps and bruises on their butts. It is a right of passage. Snowboarding is not as easy as it looks. Just turning your board and riding it straight down the mountain will result in the dreaded falling due to edges you will catch. But sooner or later, you got to take it. You can’t falling leaf, Christmas tree, sideslip, or whatever you want to call it down the mountain forever. But don’t worry. For those of you still stuck in the days of falling, just trying to catch your balance after standing up when strapping on your boots, soon you will be flying down the mountain. It just takes chances, one after another of not being afraid to eat some snow every once and awhile. Then soon, you will be linking turns like a pro. It’s times like these, when you feel the breeze on your face and see the snow spray behind you, that you realize that the days of shivering from being full of snow from head to toe, are behind you. You have reached the peak of the learning curve. You weave toe- heel, toe- heel through the crowds. This is all fun and you look cool and all, but it gets boring time and time again, so you start trying to throw tricks. The pros throw flips and grind rails as if they were doing it in their sleep, so you think, “How hard could it be?” Think again. Those days that you just left behind will soon come full circle, but the face full of snow won’t be from catching an edge; rather it will be from eating it off of a jump, and the bruises will be rail-shaped or from the corner of a box you were so sure that you would be able to safety pull a 5050 over. However, every time you land a trick, a rush flows through you and you just want to throw it again, faster and higher this time. But, the more you push, the more you fall, hoping one day, you will make it past this stage. I can’t quite tell you what it’s like, but I’m sure it’s an incredible feat. For, one day I plan on throwing and landing the tricks with ease.


San Dieguito Sentinel

The Mustang 13 12.17.2015

Cheating: Not Just for Clinton Anymore Presidential candidates are the same as the rest of us; they’ve lost, they’ve won, they’ve conquered, but what happens when they get lonely? will answer the question you never wanted asked. By Zachary McInnis. Illustrations by Kenna Osborn.

Donald Trump Appearance: A dried apricot with a comb over. One liner: “It’s gonna be yuge!” Religion: Myself. Marital status: Room for more ;) ;) Education: Trump University. Children: What? Occupation: The next president of the United States. Personal Statement: “I’ll date anyone as long as it’s me.”

Hillary Clinton Appearance: A cankle. One Liner: “All I ask of you is your undying worship of me, Hillary Clinton.” Religion: Whatever those kids want it to be. Marital Status: A loving (entirely political) relationship with Bill Clinton. Occupation: The actual president of the United States. Personal Statement: “You’ll come running back to me, you’ll see, and when you do, I’ll be laughing at you from the Oval Office.”

Chris Christie Appearance: Jersey Mike’s meatball sub. One Liner: “Where’s the meat?” Religion: New Jersey Marital Status: Married to the great state of New Jersey. Occupation: Currently kicked out of New Jersey Personal Statement: “You like Star Wars? Here’s Jabba.”

Ben Carson Appearance: A calmer version of every religious zealot in history, extremely creepy. One Liner: “How am I even in this race?” Religion: THE BIBLE Marital Status: Should be between a man and a woman. Occupation: Actually a neurosurgeon. Personal statement: “My eyes are always closed, and I will never listen.”

Bernie Sanders Appearance: Larry David One Liner: “My ever-receding hairline is my best quality.” Religion: Jewish Occupation: Socialist grandpa. Personal Statement: “Aged like a very white prune, I’m ready for a very special relationship to last for the next

Jeb! Bush Appearance: an angry dog that’s like, a Shih Tzu or something One Liner: “You want vanilla? Try me!” Religion: Super Christian Occupation: Florida Personal Statement: “I’m the best bet for Republicans, and I’m the okay bet for you.”

two years of my life.”

14 The Mustang 12.17.2015


San Dieguito Sentinel

The Gifts That Keep on Giving

and giving and giving and giving. By Zachary McInnis. Photos by Claire Pupping.


h the holidays! Every year at the strike of twelve, Santa (or Krampus) comes down your chimney to give you the presents you’ve selfishly longed for. But what about when those presents aren’t what you were expecting? Well, don’t fret, this list will help remind us all the highs and lows of the holidays. Kale You know, for kids! Try as a substitute for coal or just stuff a bunch into a stocking and watch your family cringe when they have to pick up a bunch of rotting lettuce.

mium…what are they made from?

Snuggie model: Armaan Shah

Pet Petter Too lazy to pet your pet? This streamlined device is literally a plastic hand on a stick that pets your pet for you. No work, no hassle, just a really great way to not care. Holiday Sweaters This classic holiday staple is great for moody teenagers and adults alike, because what’s more embarrassing than going to school with a 3D snowman on your chest. The American Girl Guide to Puberty How uncomfortable do you want your family to be when you open this book? Probably a lot. Thanks, Grandma! Snuggie

Hand model: Marissa Brennan

Coming Soon Card A card that says “A present’s on its way!”: It’s Literally nothing. So how could you go wrong? Did you forget? Are you just an ahole? Who knows! Try nothing. Socks When you really don’t know what to get someone, try socks!

Snuggle up in one of these bad boys. Snuggies come in every color from exorcist green to Cookie Monster blue, and are crafted by the finest sweatshops from pre-

Coal For those naughty little sh*ts you need to disappoint. I recommend wrapping chunks of coal up in a really nice gift box so when they open they’re like “why did you do this?”

Hand model: Marissa Brennan

We’ve Elected These Horoscopes 4 You Get it? They’re Presidents. Ha. Classic comedy. By Claire Pupping and Kenna Osborn. Aeries March 21st-April19th Thomas Jefferson TJ! What a guy! After he was elected president, Jefferson would purposefully change into pajamas to answer the door to seem more relatable. You love relating to the people like our fellow founding father. And you love illegally buying large chunks of land!

Taurus April 20th-May 20th Ulysses S. Grant Similar to Grant you are loyal and trusting. Just be aware that all of you friends (or cabinet members) are in cahoots against you. They just might ruin your entire reputation by backstabbing you and making you take the blame for all of their awful mistakes. You know, nothing major. Gemini May 21st-June 20th John F. Kennedy You certainly know how to fake it until you make it. Dear JFK’s charming smile and perfectly bronzed face convinced the public that he looked the part of the leader of the free world. Not even a bad back can stop you, but watch out because the ladies (or gentlemen) might. Cancer June 21st-July 22nd William Jennings Bryan Like William Jennings Bryan you are clingy and unable to let go. He just couldn’t get the hint could he? No one wanted him to be president the first time, or the second time, and definitely not the third time. So don’t be like Bryan, and try to let go the first time.

Leo July 23rd-August 22nd Bill Clinton You wouldn’t be the only Zodiac sign who was a master of bending the truth, but when you “bend the truth” in federal court you might have a bigger problem on your hands. Bill’s master manipulation of the infamous question that was posed to him in the nineties ultimately led to his impeachment. Learn from Bill, and maybe don’t lie under oath.

Sagittarius November 22nd-December 21st Zachary Taylor There isn’t much to say about Zachary Taylor, because he didn’t really do anything. He met his demise on hot July afternoon after consuming cherries and iced milk. Several hours later he complained of stomach pain, and eventually passed away due to the deathly combination of cherry pits and lactose. So watch your snacking.

Virgo August 23rd-September 22nd William Howard Taft You can achieve more than Taft. I hope people will be able to remember you for more than just an embarrassing incident, of getting stuck in the bathtub. Practice laughing at yourself, it’s a good quality and is helpful in case you screw up.

Capricorn December 22nd-January 19th Richard Milhous Nixon You are not a crook that’s for sure. In the style of Tricky Dick you can be elusive and sweaty, and you love to take bribes especially if it is a live animal. But you will always be remembered for causing quite the stir, and being tricky.

Libra September 23rd-October 22nd Dwight D. Eisenhower OLD! Before 1980, Eisenhower was the oldest president ever. Similarly to good ol’ Ike, you are an old soul. Old stuff, old people, hopefully not old food though. You may not age as gracefully as you may have hoped, but nonetheless you will be loved. Kind of like a grandpa.

Aquarius January 20th-February 18th George Washington Anytime someone rebels against the price of whiskey you will know exactly what to do. Similarly to our first president, you know when to quit! Keep quitting!

Scorpio October 23rd-November 21st Teddy Roosevelt Teddy was determined and forceful. It was pretty bad ass when he continued to give a four hour speech after being shot in the chest by an assassin, (with a helpful glasses case stopping the bullet from killing him). Pretty determined if you ask me. Use your determination to get through all that AP homework that’s been driving you crazy and do it forcefully!

Pisces February 19th-March 20th Andrew Jackson Like Andrew Jackson you are running your own ship. You don’t care what the rules are because your opinion is law. Anyone who wishes to oppose you is welcome to a duel on the spot. It’s not like you’re going to die anyways; you’re invincible. You also can save money on bullets by storing them in your limbs for 20 years and then removing them and returning them to the son of a gun that shot you.


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SDA students submitted pictures of their favorite, most memorable moments from the year of 2015; reflecting on all the amazing memories that were made this year. Designed by Gina Checchia.


s 2015 comes to a close, it’s time to look back on this year’s best (and worst) moments and reflect on the experiences we’ve gained and memories we’ve made. From extravagant vacations in Europe to memorable color runs with friends, 2015 has been a year to remember for most people, not one to lose in the blur of standardized tests and college applications.We had students submit stories of their favorite moments of 2015 in order to commemorate the moments they deemed as the best.

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1. Rachel Askari, Sophomore “Going to the cherub concert was one of my favorite moments this year because I went with my best friend and we met the lead singer after the concert. I bought a record and he signed it for me. It was a super fun night!!”

4. Hailey Reeves, Senior “The best thing that happened this year for me was getting to play in the first ComedySportz game of the year, which was also my first game that I got to play in at SDA. It was so much fun and the audience was so energetic and loud! Blue team for the win!”

7. Nikki Gordon, Senior “My trip to Europe over spring break was definitely my most memorable moment of 2015. We stopped at this beautiful mountainside and river in Killarney, Ireland to capture this photo. I’m so thankful for all the friendships and memories made that I’ll always cherish.”

10. Jill Butler, Junior “My favorite moment of 2015 was probably my birthday when I went surfing on my new board and just had a mellow dinner with some of my close friends, just laughing and having a good time with them. It was just really cool how stoked everyone was cheering each other on and it was just a happy sunny day.”

13. Adriana Martinez, Senior “My favorite moment was when I went to Dubai this June with my family. It was a great experience to get to know the culture and meet new people. I went to the Burj Khalifa and this old trading market. I swam with dolphins and we rode on camels. It was just an awesome experience to live in a foreign country for a little while.”

2. Ciara Reiter, Senior “On Halloween, a bunch of the Thespians put on a Haunted House at Will Fletcher’s house. There was something so satisfying about scaring kids and making their parents literally pee themselves. I got to be a psychotic killer clown with Yoni Kruvi and Lawrynce Cecio. I’m deathly afraid of clowns, and only agreed to be the clown so none of the other Thespians could scare me.”

5. Jack Mouzas, Junior “The best day of 2015 for me was playing Battle of the Bands with my friends as Doodlebob because we had the privilege of playing in front of all of our friends who supported us until the end and gave a great crowd full of energy.”

8. Alex Dewart, Senior “I went to Iceland and Scotland this summer. In Scotland we did a lot of hiking and visiting castles, and in Iceland we visited a lot of glaciers and walked around Reykjavík and the hot springs. In Iceland the language was so different and the things they ate and what they wore and their entire way of thinking about the world was completely different than ours—they’re very environmentally-based and conscious about the environment. Here I’m at a geothermal hot spring with my brother.”

11. Kassandra Besset, Senior “My most memorable moment from 2015 was going to the Kaboo Concert in Del Mar. It was my most memorable experience because I got to see a lot of cool artwork, meet new people, and dance to good music. I saw some interesting people that worked there dressed in colorful costumes and makeup. They were dancing around acting like butterflies, so I thought it would be cool to take a picture with them.”

14. Julie Daughters, Sophomore “The best moment of my year this year was the Twenty One Pilots concert. Towards the end of the concert, Tyler, who’s the singer, was on the stage, but when a song [ended]... the lights turned off. He was on the roof of one of the concession stands… Other people started running, but I was so close, probably like ten feet away from him. Then he sang the song from there and they put a big light back there on him, and it was just so cool and we were so close to him.

3. Jenna Templin, Sophomore “The Color Run! We ran at the Qualcomm stadium and then went to the mini concert after!! There was tons of people and color!!! Since it was my first time doing the color run, I didn’t know what to expect! There was tons of people and color!!! Even though I had color in my hair for the next week, it was totally worth it”

6. Annie Abicca, Senior “My favorite moment of the year was when my hard work paid off when I broke the school record for pole vaulting by a foot. This was my favorite moment because the previous school record was 8’6 and I jumped 9’6, completely one foot higher than the old record.”

9. Jessica Morilak, Senior “I went to New York for a month and stayed at two different conservatory programs and lived in college dorms. We had free hour lunch to explore then acting. We saw a Broadway show, American In Paris, walked the Brooklyn bridge, went to the natural history museum, and the 9/11 memorial.”

12. Eden Anbar, Freshman “This summer I spent two months in Canada with my older brothers. We spent a month in the Gulf Islands salmon fishing, and we spent a week backpacking on the North Coast Trail, and the rest of the time gunkholing in the San Juans. Gunkholing is bouncing from island to island; we were doing it on a canoe.”

15. Julia De La Fuente, Junior “One of my favorite moments of 2015 was going to Cabo with my bestest friend, Natalie. We had fabulous mango, saw crazy fish and got more mosquito bites than I could count. Natalie had to put mosquito cream on me every night.”

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beach continue to be a popular place to hang out among students. While some of the results in the music categories were very close (Halsey and Fetty Wap for best emerging artist with only a 7% difference), others like “Straight Outta Compton” won by a landslide for best drama. Also, it seemed that SDA students have a passion for bashing the popular reality show, “Keeping up with the Kardashians.” It won the category for both most embarrasing to love and the TV show that needs to end. After looking back, it’s clear that a lot of good has come from 2015.

“Best of” pages designed by Maxine Richter. Titles made by Sophia Hurley.

op culture had a massive year in 2015. From new music to new fashion, there were quite a few up and coming media trends. The dress, which was obviously white and gold, practically broke the internet, while Caitlyn Jenner challenged people to think outside Hollywood stereotypes. So many things took place that people started pointing at the sky, pointing at the ground, shouting “what are those?” Here, The Mustang breaks it down for them. We surveyed 500 SDA students about their favorite movies, TV shows, and music as well as the culture and places around Encinitas. After counting the surveys, one of which included a near perfect hand drawn Pepe meme, we found the results. Some of the winners were surprising – who knew so many people went to see “50 Shades of Grey” – while other favorites like the

Illustration by Maxine Richter

The Mustang 19



The entrance to Flashbacks along the 101. Photo by Austin Dilley.

Resale/Thrift Store: Flashbacks 35% Thrifty Threads 24% Home 19% Spin Again 16% Hospice 3% We teenagers barely have enough money to fill up our gas tanks every week and are often driving for days with the gas light on empty. With our constant empty wallets and desire to have unique style at high school, it’s hard to go out and buy the newest trends. This unbelievable splurge of money is something none of us can afford, but local resale and thrift stores help us find these trends or get new items to include in our closet for less than $10 per item. Flashbacks, the local vintage and resale store on the 101, is an extremely popular store that has won best thrift store in the hearts of SDA students for years. With their varied selection of vintage items, 70s inspired hippie outfits and accessories, and 100s of other selections; it is the perfect diverse thrift store for high school students. If you are looking to expand your closet and re-birth your current style, Flashbacks is the perfect resale store to do so affordably, locally, and extra-cutely. Story by Gina Checchia.

Burrito: Jorge’s 27% Roberto’s 23% Rico’s 18% El Nopalito16% Karina’s 11% El Pueblo 5% A burrito is more than just a burrito, it’s a lifestyle. For all of us burrito fans, we have our favorite places to kick back and enjoy a scrumptious, tortilla encased creation. However, there are certain restaurants that stand a little taller, train a little harder, may I even say, go the extra yard, to deliver in the clutch and serve up this tasty treat. The favorite spot for SDA students has found success in simplicity and is just down the road. The way they dazzle customers starts by laying out a freshly pressed tortilla. They top it with juicy, hot meats and mouth-watering, flavorful cheeses. It’s finished by adding whatever toppings make your mouth drool. From sizzling onions to plump tomatoes to traditional Mexican beans, peppers, and even potatoes, the burrito options seem limitless. Now, slowly pour on a salsa that leaves all other competitors on the shelf. This is what dreams are made of. This is the best of the best. This is Jorge’s. Story by Jacob Aere.

Surf Spot: Swamis 37% Forum 23% Pannikin 15% Meditation Gardens 5% Moonlight Yogurt and Ice 11% The beach was the most popular place for students to hang out this year because it is easily accessible and a nice place to spend time. There are many great ones to choose from that are close to SDA such as Swamis, D Street, and Pipes. Students can grab a bite to eat and head down to the beach since it is only a walk away from the restaurants and cafes along Coast Highway. The beach allows students to participate in a variety of activities such as swimming in the ocean, tanning on the sand, surfing, and watching the sunset. It is the perfect place to hang out any time of the day: wake up early for the dawn patrol surf session or stay up late chilling out around a bonfire. Surf’s up dude! Story by Kate Bilse.

Surf Spot: Swamis 37% Beacons 24% Pipes 21% Grandview 9% Seaside 8% Beaches and surfing are a huge part of the Encinitas and SDA community. Along the coast, there are many surf spots to choose from. Swami’s, however holds a special place in the hearts of surfers and Swami’s beach remains an SDA favorite when it comes to surfing. Photo by Cydney Melton. beach-goers of SDA. During the summer, people make the trek from Vulcan, since there is rarely any parking, to the every day hippie-fest on the grass, all the way down the long trail of wooden stairs to the hot sand and the crowded, yet welcoming waves of Swami’s. During the rest of the year, committed local surfers and lovers of the beach continue to travel down to Swami’s in search of fun waves and an enjoyable time with friends. Story by Cydney Melton.

20 The Mustang 12.17.2015

Popular music artists of 2015. Drawing by Sophia Hurley.


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POP: Hello - Adele 27% Can’t Feel my Face- The Weeknd 16% Stitches-Shawn Mendes 16% Here- Aleissa Cara 12% Same Old Love- Selena Gomez 9% How Deep is Your Love- Calvin Harris 8% Cake by the Ocean-DNCE 6% Like I’m Gonna Lose you -Megan Trainer 5% The queen is back. Once again, Adele has blown away the musical industry with the release of her newest album ,“25.” Her newest album is about Adele getting to know who she has become without realizing it. The single “Hello” was released prior to the album’s official release and gained 27.7 million views on youtube within 24 hours, breaking the current record of 20.1 million views from Miley Cyrus’s trash music video, “Bad Blood”. Adele is one of the few artists who has a voice that can bring you close to tears. Her self written lyrics don’t buy into the hollywood fame game. She is who she wants to be, and that’s what makes her more than an everyday person. It’s what makes her a goddess. With her glorious return, Adele brings something back that we haven’t seen in a long time. Actual talent. Story by Austin Dilley. Who won the category for best pop song? Adele. Hello? Photo by

Emerging Artist: Fetty Wap 38% Halsey 31% Alessia Cara 13% Vince Staples 9% BORNS 8% Hey, what’s up, hello! SDA, I love you dearly, but I’m going to admit that I’m a little confused about this category. I understand that we as a school may have voted Fetty Wap as the best emerging artist, but I’m finding it difficult finding what exactly pleases your ears. I understand that his hit songs like “Trap Queen,“ “679,” and “My Way” make you want to hit the whip, and, undoubtedly, there is peer pressure to trap out, but I just can’t find any depth in his lyrics. His beats can bring out the best of our dance moves, but the worst of our character. I just feel that there is more to life than the sex, money, and fame that he loves to flaunt. Although he may be fueling the energy at the next party you attend, keep in mind to be careful about keeping a glock in your ‘rari, getting fly with your baby, or hitting the strip club with your trap queen. Stay classy SDA. Yeahhh! Story by Jacob Aere.

Guilty Pleasure Song: Bitch Better Have my Money 43% What do You Mean? - Justin Bieber 26% Bad Blood - Taylor Swift 24% Good For You - Selena Gomez 8% “Bitch Better Have My Money” is the second single off Rihanna’s upcoming and long-awaited album “Anti.” Seriously, it’s been like three years and still no album. What is she trying to do? Pull an Adele? Pull a Beyoncé? She released four consecutive albums from 2009 to 2012 and thinks she can stop? Good thing she’s Rihanna, the new trap queen. As guilty pleasure songs go, it’s not the worst one to pick. It’s a bit reminiscent of her hit single “Pour It Up” but with a bit heavier of a beat and a bit heavier of a subject. The self-titled Bad Gal might have reached ultimate Bad Gal status with the grimy, expletive-laden lyrics just made for getting down in the club. Paired with a video that takes gory shock factors to a new level, the fact this song was picked for the guiltiest pleasure by SDA students is the only part that isn’t shocking. #BBHMM. Story by Mary Ford.

Indie/Alternative/Rock: Stressed Out-Twenty One Pilots 20% Renegades - X Ambassadors 17% Uma Thurman - Fall Out Boy 16% Budapest - George Ezra 15% Ex’s and Oh’s - Elle King 13% Tear in my Heart - Twenty One Pilots 10% New Americana - Halsey 9% Continuously rising in global charts everywhere, “Stressed Out” by Twenty One Pilots was voted the best Indie/ Alternative/Rock song of 2015 by SDA students. The huge amount of appeal can easily be credited to its lyrics that everybody can relate to: stress, reminiscing about the past years, and smelling candles. Released in the band’s newest album, Blurryface, this song is perfect to listen to while relaxing, sulking, and struggling through homework. If you haven’t already listened to it, here’s some advice. Listen to it. Story by Vicky van der Wagt.

Most Overplayed: Uptown Funk - Bruno Mars 33% Hotline Bling - Drake 28% Stay With Me - Sam Smith 14% See You Again - Wiz Khalifa ft. Charlie Puth 13% Can’t Feel my Face - The Weeknd12% Love me Like You Do - Ellie Goulding 6% SDA’s most overplayed song of 2015 was “Uptown Funk” by Mark Ronson featuring Bruno Mars. The song stayed within the top five tracks on Billboard’s hit list for 27 weeks, 14 of those spent in the number one spot. This phenomenon had “Uptown Funk” tied for the longest running song in the number one spot with only 4 other songs. Ronson’s catchy beat had students dancing and singing along but quickly got old as radio stations played it for what seemed like every other song. Story by Nicole Ramirez.

Best Rap/Hip Hop/R&B: Hotline Bling - Drake 28% 679 - Fetty Wap 20% Downtown - Macklemore and Ryan Lewis 19% Trap Queen - Fetty Wap 17% Know Yourself - Drake 5% Watch Me - Silento 5% Once again, “Drizzy” Drake has topped the charts with his single “Hotline Bling” to win the Best Hip-Hop and R&B song of 2015. The song is in signature Drake style where he combines softer R&B tones with a catchy melody and emotional lyrics to hook listeners almost instantaneously. And in a stroke of marketing genius, The Champagne Papi busted out some cringe-worthy dance moves in the music video, turning it into a social media phenomenon overnight. “Hotline Bling” has managed to become ingrained into the heads of listeners of all ages, not just teens: my 60-year-old aunt was humming along to it during Thanksgiving dinner this year. It doesn’t help that there are at least three different radio stations playing the song at any given time. Nevertheless, Drake should exit the stage with a bow, as he successfully captivated the nation, and SDA, like no other artist in the industry can do. Story by Armaan Shah.

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iPhone App: Grades (the Aeries App) 66% Parking Mania 16% Plant Nanny 10% Psych! 8%

A screenshot from the popular video game, Fallout 4. Photo by

Video Game: Fallout 4 32% COD Black Ops 3 27% Star Wars Battlefront 18% Fifa 16 13% Until Dawn 6% Batman Arkham Night 3% This year, the beloved video game franchise, Fallout, has returned to the console and PC. The new “Fallout 4” game has received rave reviews from both critics and fellow vault dwellers (people who live in Fallout shelters in the game), and has received the grand title of SDA’s best video game of the year. Bethesda (the producer of the video game), has always had a special place in our hearts, from great characters to uninhibited violence; “fun” certainly does not do the series justice. That’s why it’s been such a great experience to see the wasteland in even better HD quality. Story by Zach McaInnis.

All students run into that moment. The moment when a huge test is coming up and it’s make it or break it in the world of grades. The Grades App, known as Grades for Parents and Students in the app store has done wonders in the world of school and stress, which is why it has been favored by SDA students as the best app of 2015. Its grade calculator allows students to add in mock assignments in order to see how future assignments will affect their grades, which puts it above the usual hassle of logging into Aeries through the internet. This brings much relief to students who are constantly worried and preoccupied with the daily stresses that are brought upon them by grades. The app is also free and therefore fits perfectly in the budget of worried high school students. Story by Kate Sequeira.

The layout for the Aeries app is simple and easy to read. Photo by Maxine Richter.

YouTuber: Buzzfeed 38% Collegehumor 20% Jenna Marbles 12% Epic Rap Battles 10% PewDiePie 10% Tyler Oakley 10% Miranda Sings 8% Have you ever wanted to just sit and watch cat videos for 15 hours a day but just couldn’t stand 180p quality? Well luckily Buzzfeed is your answer. With five different channels ranging from food to social justice, Buzzfeed has something for everyone. Buzzfeed’s diverse channels put out more than enough weekly content to keep you occupied for weeks. Whether you’re watching “The Try Guys” try drag for the first time or a video discussing a heavy political topic, their videos are always interesting, well made, and entertaining. With a varied cast and interesting topics, Buzzfeed’s content will always be diverse and engaging. This is why SDA picked Dogald Trump. Not pictured: Boney Sanders, Hillary Lickton, Marco Ruffio, Buzzfeed as the best Youtube Ben Barkson, Jeb Woof, Ted Pooch, and Walk Paul. Photo from youtube. com/BuzzFeedVideo. channel. Story by Austin Dilley.

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Best Boys Style: Button-up Shirts 45% Cuffed Jeans 22% Man Buns 18% Plaid 15% Guys, when in doubt, wear a buttonup shirt. This trendy look is as old as SDA itself yet it continues to impress girls everywhere, as it was voted the best boy’s style. Not sure about what to wear on that first date? Wear a button-up. You can dress them up with a tie and a jacket, or keep it casual with the top unbuttoned and the bottom untucked. With an array of styles the button-up can truly cater to anyone. There are floral and urban prints for surfers, flannels for punk rockers, and dress shirts for speech and debaters. The button-up is a timeless style that never fails to impress, allowing SDA to stay classy. Story by Brook Komar.

Senior Cameron Chrstian flaunts his classy button-up shirt. Photo by Austin Dilley.

Book: Go Set a Watchman by Harper Lee 42% The Girl on the Train by Paula Hawkins 21% Why Not Me? by Mindy Kaling 19% Magnus Chase by Rick Riordan 18% Harper Lee’s “Go Set a Watchman” was voted best book of 2015 by the SDA student body. The first draft of her bestselling book “To Kill a Mockingbird,” this novel was written beforehand but published 55 years later. Almost everyone at SDA read “To Kill a Mockingbird” in middle school, making the much-anticipated follow-up novel very popular with the school. It’s told from the perspective of Scout Finch, now called Jean Louise, as a young woman. Set against the backdrop of the Civil Rights Movement, the novel has stirred up controversy for its depictions of beloved “To Kill a Mockingbird” characters as harboring racist views. However, “Go Set a Watchman” is probably more realistic than “To Kill a Mockingbird” ever was, and is a fascinating exploration of how we view our heroes when we realize they are flawed people and not the perfect idols we first saw. Story by Carina Julig.

Harper Lee’s newest book was met with a wide audience.

Most Annoying Slang Phrases: Goals 35% “Bae” 21% “Fam” 18% “Same” 16% “Low-key” 10% SDA got something right in naming this the most annoying slang phrase. Congrats, you have picked what might be one of the most uninteresting slang phrases on this planet. *Insert Pepe Meme here* When I hear this word said aloud, all I picture is blandness. This word is an off-white wall, it’s unsalted butter, it’s a white girl saying spicy. It’s rendered me pun-less. Pop Culture wasn’t even creative enough to diverge from the literal definition of the word. Words like “bae” and “same” may be shallow and selfcondemning, but at least there are implications in what they mean. “Bae” implies a specific relationship; “same” implies a relatable situation. “Goals” is what pops on the feed of a bland Instagram account on food. If only goals was an abbreviation and stood for “Go Out And Learn Something.” Story by Mary Ford.

Best Girls Style: Flowy Pants 20% Boyfriend Jeans 19% Rompers 18% Ankle Boots 17% T-shirt Dresses 15% Flash Tatoos 10% Flowy pants, palazzo pants, wide-leg trousers: by any name, these socially acceptable pajama pants have become ubiquitous among the SDA ladies. These pants are the next level up in style but still retain the comfort and stretch of your favorite lounge pants. Who could resist? The cute pants come in a myriad of colors and prints, ironically allowing any Mustang to express her individuality while following the trend. Soft fabric, in styles from jogger tie-leg to flowing boot-cut, flatters any body while keeping the wearer cool and comfy. Paired with crop tops, long tees, or even sweatshirts, the pants are not only versatile but suitable for any occasion. From warm summer nights to freezing, 50° Encinitas mornings, flowy pants are seasonless. Retailers from Brandy Melville to Urban Outfitters cater to the insatiable appetite of students attempting to amass a palazzo collection that spans every color of the rainbow and every day of the year. Even pretentious, “I only go to thrift stores” shoppers are powerless to the pull of a pair 70’s vintage palazzos paired with a halter top. Story by Leigh Houck.

Sophomore Kierstan Noonan styles the best girl fashion trend, flowy pants. Photo by Austin Dilley.

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Keeping up with the (brain) dead. Drawing by Maxine Richter.


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Most Addicting: The Walking Dead 32% American Horror Story 20% Pretty Little Liars 18% Grey’s Anatomy 12% Doctor Who 8% Game of Thrones 6% Homeland 3% Empire 2% “The Walking Dead” won the category for most addicting among students. With five available seasons on Netflix, no wonder; it’s the perfect way to waste time while being entertained. I mean, who doesn’t love watching people fight for their lives during the zombie apocalypse! The show centers around the main character Rick Grimes (Andrew Lincoln) as he tries to protect his family and friends from the bloodthirsty undead. Although the undead are a great threat and have managed to wipe out almost all of the population, Grimes and his friends encounter an even greater threat: people. If you are thinking about watching it, do, because it’s gory, eye-opening, and addicting. But be warned. There’s a 99 percent chance they will probably kill off your favorite character. Story by Vicky van der Wagt.

They’re arguing. Again. Photo by

Most Embarrasing to Love: Keeping up with the Kardashians 54% Naked and Afraid 20% Dating Naked 17% The Bachelor 17% Vampire Diaries 12%

Best Streaming: Parks and Rec 23% Orange is the New Black 21% Friends 19% Gossip Girl 15% How I Met Your Mother 14% Naruto 8% “Parks and Rec” returned to the small screen for its seventh and final season, and won the SDA vote for the best TV show to stream of 2015. Although it may take place in the small Indiana town of Pawnee, the characters’ comical efforts to make their town a better place have gained millions of fans of all ages. This year, the show’s finale earned 4.2 million viewers, up 64 percent from season six’s finale, all tuning in to watch Leslie Knope and co. of the Pawnee Parks and Recreation Department complete one last task together before the show’s closing scene. But the colorful characters and their attempts to better their small American town – even if those efforts don’t always work out as planned – continue to live on through popular streaming sites like Netflix and Hulu, so viewers can revisit their favorite moments all over again. Story by Brittany Serbin.

Although you might hate to admit, it’s pretty difficult not to keep up with the Kardashians. SDA students keep their admiration for “Keeping up with the Kardashians” under wraps until Sunday nights. Whether it’s the internet breaking pictures, sophisticated cat walks, hilarious sibling humor or baby North pictures that grab hold of our hearts, it’s evident that they have us hooked whether we like it or not. So why deny interest in the crew? You can argue that they are overdramatic, talentless or maybe it’s their over-popularity that is seen as obnoxious, but either way there’s something that the family has that captivates us. Since so many dislike the family, maybe it’s SDA that keeps the TV ratings high and the reality show’s seasons going strong. Story by Sarah Hernandez.

Needs to End: Keeping up with the Kardashians 54% Cake Boss 14% Teen Wolf 12% Survivor 11% The Big Bang Theory 8% Now, don’t get me wrong- I follow the Kardashian family just as much as any other teenage girl. I’ve seen every episode of this reality show, from the classic time when the sisters collectively bought a chimpanzee named Suzie for Kris to take care of, to the more recent instance where Kim offered to sell her eggs to Khloe for a substantial price because “it’s a Kanye West baby.” This show that details the lives of Kris, Caitlin, Kourtney, Kim, Khloe, Kendall, and Kylie has been on the air since 2007, and while it’s been a nice run, it’s time for it to go. In its latest seasons, the show just doesn’t have the same magic it used to have; Kylie lacks any hint of personality, Kim is officially the shallowest human being on the planet- the only aspect that has remained the same is the insanity of Kris. As wonderful as it’s been, all good things must come to an end, and that is why you, SDA, have voted “Keeping Up With The Kardashians” as the television show that needs to go. Story by Linnea Leidy.

“Parks and Rec” has a stream of supporters. It has the best fans. Photo by nbc. com/parks-and-recreation.

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A few characters from this year’s nominated movies. Drawing by Niklas Hoover.

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Action/Adventure: Jurassic World 31% The Martian 20% Ant Man 9% Mission Impossible:Rogue Nation 6% Avengers: Age of Ultron 14% San Andreas 6% Fast and Furious 13% Because making an island full of hungry, man-eating dinosaurs wasn’t dangerous enough the first, second, or third time, Steven Spielberg revamped his Jurassic Park series to educate the world on the dangers of genetic experimentation. SDA obviously didn’t get the message by voting it number one in the best action/adventure category. Maybe they couldn’t discern its plot from any of the others nominated. So here’s the recipe for creating a blockbuster action/adventure. First: Take a classic movie that’s already been done and tweak it a bit to suit today’s culture. Second: Get a jacked and aesthetically pleasing man all ladies can swoon over as the lead. Third: Write a script full of plot holes that no one will address because the movie has such a cult following. Also have the characters make some stupid decisions so the movie can have a plot. Fourth: Invest in some fancy special effect equipment and million dollar sets and create some scary dinosaurs. Fifth: Make some interesting advertisements that throw shade at other movies and some vague and mysterious trailers that people won’t really get. Boom: instant money maker. Story by Mary Ford.

Because riding a motorcycle is the best way to evade a dinosaur. Photo by

Horror/Thriller: Insidious 38%

Book Adaptation: 50 Shades of Grey 26%

The Visit 27% The Gift 27% The Lazarus Effect 14% Paranormal Activity:The Ghost Dimension 9%

The Scorch Trials 10% Mockingjay Part 2 24% Paper Towns 13% The Martian 25% Insurgent 3% E.L. James’ “Twilight” fan fiction turned best-selling novel, “Fifty Shades of Grey,” graced theaters this past Valentine’s Day. Actor and part-time Irish stud Jamie Dornan took on the steamy role of power-hungry, Christian Grey, and American sweetheart Dakota Johnson stepped into the role of the submissive, Anastasia Steele. This film naturally appeals to teens due to its focused subject on xxxxxx and xxxxxxxxxxxxxx, making it extremely relatable for teens who are exploring their identity and xxxxxxxxxx. In fact teenagers must have loved it so much, because the xxxxx novel snagged the Mustang’s best book adaptation in film. Right on, SDA! For those of you who are unaware (or have been living under a xxxxing rock) of the romantic yet xxxxxxxxxxxxxx s relationship of Christian Grey and Anastasia Steele, here’s a quick catch up: Grey is a wealthy, handsome business executive who owns a helicopter, when he meets Anastasia he decides he wants to xxxxxxxx, xxxxxxxxx,, and xxxx her. As anyone would be, she is at first reluctant to sign his xxxxxx contract, but before you know it they are xxxxxxxxxx and eventually they fall in love. Story by Kenna Osborne.

She’s walking on the ceiling. Maybe because she’s dead. Photo by

Although critics claim that it wasn’t as terrifying as the original, “Insidious Chapter 3” won SDA’s vote as best thriller. The mainstream, trying to connect with the dead etc. plotline didn’t instill much fear into most people’s souls. It did, however, have lots of jump scares that are bound to make the average human scream on the inside or outside for just a millisecond. SDA, you crave that thrill-of-the-moment kind of thing. Story by Vicky van der Wagt.

Drama: Straight Outta Compton 69% Southpaw 14% Black Mass 7% Creed 10% This summer’s blockbuster hit, “Straight Outta Compton”, showcased the 1990’s rap group N.W.A. and their rise to fame, along with their eventual downfall. Winning the category for “Best Drama” at The Mustang Newspaper, “Straight Outta Compton” lets suburban white kids across country peek into the lives of inner city gang violence and the controversial hip-hop scene of the 90’s. Since its release, more and more local kids have been inspired to come “Straight Outta Cardiff”. Highlighting the adversity that N.W.A. faced from the law enforcement, as well as competing record labels, the shadiness and complexity of the music industry is brought to the forefront in this film. Throughout the film the viewer sees these young men struggle through tough times and hardship, and watches as they reap the rewards, as well as consequences, of their lavish and fast-paced life style. “Straight Outta Compton” was extremely hyped up before release, and it lived up to, if not surpassed, expectations. Story by Lucas Oldham.

28 The Mustang 12.17.2015

ARTS Biggest Flop: Fantastic 4 38% Pixels 32% Hot Pursuit 12% We are your Friends 9% The Last Witch Hunter 5% Mortdecai 4% This year’s remake of 2005’s “Fantastic Four” became the most doomed released of the year when it hit theaters in August. Fans of the mid-2000s film who expected this movie be a higher quality version of the kind-of-terrible-but-alsoweirdly-watchable original left theaters sorely disappointed by a film that felt like a 100-minute introduction for a larger story, because I swear to you, nothing happened in the entire plot. Nothing. And no, I am not alone in my hatred for this reboot: You, the people of SDA, voted that it was the biggest flop of the year, and the Internet agrees: “Fantastic Four” received a remarkably low score of 10 percent on Rotten Tomatoes. For these reasons, and many, many more, it is without any doubts that The Mustang crowns “Fantastic Four” as 2015’s greatest fail. Story by Olivia Olander.

The Invisible Woman and the Human Torch look off in the distance for dramatic effect. Photo by year’s

Comedy: Magic Mike XXL 28% Vacation 23% Ted 2 21% Pitch Perfect 2 17% Trainwreck 11% Mall Cop 2 8% The Wedding Ringer 6% Oiled up, dressed down (way down), and dancing all around; the cast of Magic Mike XXL stole the hearts of SDA students and moms everywhere this year, and topped the charts for our best comedy of 2015. Despite the fact that the film is really just a ploy to get young girls and viewers of all kinds to spend their money seeing sexualized grown men taking off their clothes on screen, there is an element of creativity in the music and choreography that should be taken into consideration. Though the majority of scenes consist mainly of stripping and dirty dancing, there is somewhat of a plot and character development along the way; and you can’t help but laugh in the scene where Joe Manganiello seductively dances for a drug store clerk using junk food as props. No doubt about it, these guys have charm; I guess that’s why Magic Mike XXL was voted as best comedy of 2015 by SDA. That, and Channing Tatum. Story by Sophia Hurley.

Joy. Photo by

Basically the only scene where Magic Mike had his shirt on. Photo by

Animated: Inside Out 36%

Minions 24% The Peanuts Movie 18% Hotel Transylvania 2 9% Alvin and the Chipmunks:The Road Chip 6% No one can make a movie that shows how people’s emotions work and turn it into a family film better than Pixar. “Inside Out” was an emotional roller coaster that made everyone appreciate life a little more at the end. The movie focuses in on Riley, an 11 year-old, and the roles that her emotions play in her everyday life. It’s a great family movie that is appreciated by all ages, especially since it was voted as the best animated movie of 2015 by the SDA students. The movie takes a turn for the worst when Riley stops feeling. At first, Joy tries to fix everything despite Sadness’ efforts to help, but later realizes that they need to work together to restore balance in Riley’s emotions. The movie ends on a happy note with her emotions back in order, appreciating what she has. Pixar created a great movie without a villain to show that the struggles we face are inevitable, but are what shape who we are. Story by Allie Manis.


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Getting Fit Quick For those of you who are in between sports, wanting to keep up with workouts, or trying to stay in shape, but hate doing long, hard strenuous exercises, here are some easy to learn exercises that SDA students do to stay in shape. Story and photos by Megan Scherer. Women’s Workout: Freshman Ariyana Kim plays indoor and beach volleyball. Her favorite workout is crunches because “they help [your abdomnial area] be flat and solid,” said Kim.

Men’s Workout: Senior Owen Ereso plays and is captain on the varsity soccer team. His favorite workout is inch worm pushups because “[it] helps your upper body and core,” said Ereso.

Photo courtesy of Jonathan Sabouri.

Heading for the Win

Sabouri has a passion for soccer. Story by Lindsey King.


Step One: Lay your back flat on the ground and move feet towards your body until both knees are off the ground

Step One: Start in a push-up position (keeping your back straight).

Step Two: Slowly raise your your upper body using only your core and keep both feet remaining on the ground.

Step Two: Move your feet as close as you can to your hands, which remain in the same place as in the push- up postion.

Step Three: Raise your entire upper body to a mid curl, while having both hands placed above ears, and slowly lay back down. Repeat for 3 sets of 30 reps.

Step Three: Slowly move your hands forward until you reach your starting push-up postion, then continue to do the push-up. Repeat for 3 sets of 10 reps.

onathan Sabouri began playing when he was five years old and has recently became a stand out player on the boys’ Varsity soccer team. “Jonathan is very fast and skilled. He likes to dribble at players and creates scoring opportunities. I think he will thrive in a big role this year and be a major part of the team,” said teammate, senior Owen Ereso. Last season, Sabouri’s first year on Varsity, the boys’ team made it to the CIF open division semifinals and to the state playoffs. During the off-season of high school soccer, Sabouri plays the compeititvie team, Rancho Santa Fe, Attack. As a club team, they have won a couple of tournaments including Albion Cup and participated in top national tournaments such the Surf Thanksgiving Show Case. These tournaments are where college coaches first noticed Sabouri. “I’m looking at UCSD or University of Pacific; I’m trying to play Divison I or II”, said Sabouri. The love for soccer has been with Sabouri since he was a little kid. “I always watched [soccer] on TV and I just loved having the ball at my feet,” said Sabouri. Sabouri was inspired by a forward, Zlatan Ibrahimovic, who coincidentally plays for his favorite team, PSG (Paris SaintGermain). “I try to learn and play like him. He scores a bunch of goals and is really good,” said Sabouri. Overall, the competitiveness and how everyone has to put in all their effort to get the victory is a large part to why he loves playing soccer. “To win games, you can’t have one specific good player,” Sabouri said. “You all need to play together to win as a team.”

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Skier vs. Snowboarder Freshmen skier James Beach and snowboarder Cooper Zvegintzov discuss smacks, socks, and the sea. Story by Mary Ford.


here does the sock go when it is lost in the dryer?

Skier: Dude, I found it. It’s in the coin catcher. If you have a small sock, it’ll get wedged in there. Snowboarder: I’ve never lost a sock in the dryer or washer. INGENIOUS!!! Skier, I never thought to check in the coin catcher which I already empty out every week because I’m super broke. That is quite amazing. Except one problem. Unless you have some strange disease that makes your feet the size of a baby’s, why would you have small socks? Must I remind you that you are a skier? You need large wooly socks to protect your feet from frostbite and gross feet

diseases that live in the crevasses of those cheap, decaying, and broken-in in all the wrong ways ski boots I know you rent. I can only assume you were snooping in someone else’s sock drawer. Drawer’s a weird word. But I digress because ideas are illusions and words are all untrue. -100 points because your logic is flawed but 200 points because you ski. Snowboarder, you’ve never lost a sock in the dryer? Or WASHER? Did you think I’d be too stupid to know what a eugoogly is? Frankly, my dear, I don’t give a damn. How do you like them apples? You can’t handle the truth. It’s elementary, my dear Watson. Gentlemen, you can’t fight in here! This is the War

Room! You talkin’ to me? I’m the king of the world. I bet you fifty points you can’t name all those famous quotes. Minus 100 points because you snowboard. If you hit yourself and it hurts, are you weak or strong? Skier: It depends how hard you hit yourself. If I hit myself hard, then yes I’m weak. If it didn’t hurt, then I’m not weak. Snowboarder:You’re stupid. Skier, I must say that your ideas, however zany and next-level they may be, don’t seem to be making much sense. I asked you a paradoxical question, and you neglected to acknowledge both parts of the question. How dare you fall for the exact trap I set for

Skier James Beach and snowboarder Cooper Zvegintzov are skating on the edge of fame. Photo by Austin Dilley.

you? I hope the reader is as upset at you as I am. Watch your back because this job is fraught with peril. 100 points because you ski. Snowboarder, after a good chuckle because I like your humor and personally sympathize with the answer (which is not often), I decided I had to put that side of my personality away for the whole of humanity, and re-expose the S vs. S freak, who everyone knows but does not love. I’m sorry, but this answer must be punished. It’s not me, it’s you. You must set

the example. What do you think would have happened if kids hadn’t seen Nemo as an example and learned that touching butts is not acceptable and if you do you are put in jail and tortured. You’d have kids touching butts left and right. I’m sorry you had to be the example, but someone had to and I picked you. Minus 100 points because you snowboard. Skier: 200 Snowboarder: -200 Congratulations, Skier. You win nothing!

Day in the Life of an Athlete The daily struggles of a student athlete as she tries to juggle school and sports. Story by Sophie Peeler.


t’s no secret that student athletes lead busy schedules, rushing to school at 7:50 a.m. and finishing it off with a twohour practice that ends at 5. But what about in between? Unless you’re a student athlete yourself, you don’t know about all the things having an after-school sport influences, from lugging around bags of clothes to eating certain foods throughout the day. Here’s a schedule of sorts of the typical thoughts and behaviors in my athletic-oriented day as a long-distance runner, and a summary of the basic struggles student athletes face. Some may only apply to runners, but most student athletes will be able to relate. 6:00 am Our first thought in the morning: ‘I definitely didn’t get enough sleep last night to get through the school day and practice…’ As we get out of bed, we’re reminded of yesterday’s workout by how our legs feel like lead, and by how we can barely move our shoulders. 6:20 am COFFEE (and carbs, don’t forget the carbs).

6:40 am When we finally force ourselves to get dressed for school, we can’t help thinking how nice it would be if we just wore our sport clothes everyday instead of jeans and itchy sweaters. It would be so efficient too. Late to class? No problem, we’ll just run there. 7:00 am Finally ready for school, we hurry out to our cars and get all our -things settled...almost. Binder? Check. Water bottle? Check. Phone and lunch? Check. Sports bag with shoes and clothes? Crap. 7:35 am When we get to school, we have to park in the lower lot so we can drop of our bag. But if we’ve got a first period in the 30’s, that quick drop-off turns into a trek across campus just to get from the parking lot to first period. 8:30 am ‘Better start chugging water now, or else I’ll regret it in the middle of today’s run when I’m in the middle of nowhere dying of thirst. Gotta stay hydrated…’ 9:20 am Homeroom mainly consists of

taking a bathroom break because we drank too much water in first period and accidently eating our whole lunch because student athletes are basically always hungry. 10:30 am We’re sitting in class when all of a sudden some random pain or cramp reminds us that the endless series of workouts are “making us stronger.” Then again, it could be another shin splint. 11:30 am Even though we already ate our whole lunch and it’s only an hour and a half later, watching everyone else eat makes us ravenous again. So, obviously, the only solution is to steal our friends’ food. Oh, and drink lots of water. Ask any coach and they’ll tell you that hydration is key. 12:45 pm Even though most people’s school days are almost done, student athletes have only just passed the halfway point. We’ll be sitting in class, bored out of our minds, thinking, ‘Ok, so only four more hours until I can go home, that’s only one hour, four times…’ or ‘I wonder what we’re going to

School and sports have to coincide for student athletes on a daily basis. Photo by Armaan Shah.

do at practice today? I mean, we had a workout yesterday but a super easy practice the day before, and the meet is the day after tomorrow so that means we’d have an easy day tomorrow, but coach wouldn’t give us two workouts in a row, would he? Maybe I’m overanalyzing this.” 1:20 pm Must. Keep. Drinking. Water. 3:00 pm The bell is about to ring, and we just want to go home. ‘What if I just didn’t go to practice?’ we think, before turning to fellow athletes in the class and saying, “What if we all just didn’t go to practice? What if we just didn’t show up?” and then proceeding

to plan an elaborate scheme even though you all know you could never actually skip practice. 3:20 pm “Did I seriously forget a sock? Who only brings one sock?” 5:00 pm Finally, after practice is over, we get to go home and relax… oh wait, we still have homework to do. Forget about that early night to get enough sleep for practice tomorrow, there’s an English paper, history DBQ and math assignment due tomorrow. Then it all starts over again the next day. But at least it means we get to be part of a team, doing a sport we love every day, even if it comes with a lot of hassles.

32 The Mustang 12.17.2015


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