SDA Mustang June 2014

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We asked seniors where they saw themselves in the future. “I’ll be regretting what I put down for what I’ll be doing in ten years. And that is my tentative quote, subject to change.” Read more responses in the

Senior Calvin Borchers

The summer season means extra time to enjoy the latest movies and music. Read our summer previews starting on

Read about SDA athletes continuing their sport at college on

Art by Manon Wogahn

Senior Catherine Welch

The crowd of tourism is a small price to pay for all of them paying a price to stay in our town.

Student Artist:

Keaton Crow

This piece was constucted entirely from my imagination and was inspired by African and Native American masks.

Which SDA teacher has been a vegatarian since 1966? Find out at NEWS EDITOR Nicole Smith




ARTS EDITOR Gabby Catalano OPINIONS EDITOR Kira Elliott SPORTS EDITOR Sarah Kochanek PHOTO EDITORS Tacy Manis Kirsten Walz


Sam Winter Sierra Zounes


STAFF WRITERS Linden Amundsen Sunny An Marin Callaway Hana Chen Kate Clark Caroline Daniel Natalie Finn Charlotte Fulkerson Shea Galaudet Layla Gantus Dylan Hendrickson Leigh Houck Chelsea Kanzler Madeleine Karydes Lindsey King Taylor Knudson Julianne Miller

Teacher Tidbit

Read Dylan Hendrickson’s review of disgusting supermarket foods on

Marin Callaway shares her thoughts about summer tourism on

Olivia Mock Reema Moussa Andrew Naimark Katrina Olsen Luke Pakter Sophie Peeler Ivan Ramales Kate Sequeira Julia Shapero Melody Sobhani Joseph Swit Elizabeth Tarangelo Chloe Walecki Manon Wogahn

STAFF ARTIST Roya Chagnon ADVISOR Tim Roberts

The Mustang is the student newspaper of San Dieguito Academy. Advertisements do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the newspaper. The Mustang is an open forum which welcomes letters. Letters can be submitted to room 98, emailed to, submitted at, or mailed to the above address.

San Dieguito Academy / Room 98 / 800 Santa Fe Drive / Encinitas, CA 92024


The future of campus art at SDA As some campus art is taken down for construction other pieces will be preserved.Story by Nicole Smith.


s the year comes to a close and construction picks up, murals and art projects are coming down, but their fall does not necessarily mean the death of public art at San Dieguito Academy. According to Principal Tim Hornig, concerns about the continuation of art and murals at SDA have “been discussed in six forums.” The fate of old art projects have been determined. Some art will be preserved, while other pieces will have to be removed. The art that will be permanently removed will not simply be discarded: “We are going to work with the demolition crew… they’re going to throw [the remains of murals] in a bucket… not to reconstruct them but to start something new,” said Hornig. It is not yet determined what will happen to the saved pieces. Some murals and art pieces will be preserved, either because they

A mural on the library by Alynne Powers. Photo by Nicole Smith.

have been made to be removable, or because they have been intentionally placed on walls that will not be demolished. The most recent mural on the wall of the 80s building was intentionally placed on a wall that will not be demolished. According to Hornig, “Senior tiles from the past four or five years have been put on walls that won’t go.” As examples of removable pieces, Hornig offered the sculpture and mural that currently decorate the 90s buildings. The sculpture is portable, and “the Rorschach can be taken off the wall.” Hornig believes there is a new opportunity for art to bloom at SDA: “Future classes can be more involved in shaping the culture rather than being a recipient of that culture.… There will continue to be public art elements on campus, I would expect. I would be surprised if there wasn’t and I won’t stand in the way of it.”

Library open later to offer students extra help Teachers have been staying after school in the library in order to provide extra guidance to students. Story by Joseph Swit.


s the school year winds down, the administration is attempting to address a need as well as establish a new after school culture. On May 27 the administration started a new tutoring program after school in the media center. The program will run from 4-6 PM Monday to Thursday focusing on a different subject area each day with a teacher from each department offering tutoring. Monday is Social Science, Tuesday is Science, Wednesday is Spanish and Thursday is English. The school is hoping that the extended hours will allow students to maximize the media cen-

Omar Smith

ter’s availability. “[We] identified it as a need as every daywhen it’s closed a lot of students are pushed out,” said Principal Tim Horning. “[Extended hours] satisfies a lot of needs.” Spanish teacher John West was also optimistic about the program’s value for students. “I think its super valuable. The question is how many people will take advantage of it,” he said before practicing conjugation with several students during the Spanish session on May 28. “Hopefully with extended hours students with sports and... commitments can make it.” Senior Armon Ashtiani-Eisemann says he enjoys the flexibility

Emily Ross, Catherine Welch

Zach Evans

of the new hours. “This provides extended work time I never would have had in the past,” he said. “Having teachers tutoring out of class is a great benefit.” Although it will be a small sample size the school hopes the program’s three week run will provide momentum in carrying the program into next year. “It’s not a big snippet of time but we’ve got some money to make it happen,” said Hornig. West knows that no matter what the administration does, the students will decide whether the program is a success. “I hope that the students who say they are struggling show the effort to get help.”

Todd Petrassi

Katrina Smith

Students utilize the extra library hours. Photo by Katie McPherson.

Sabrina Oviedo, Ari Chillak

Chase McCloskey

Keenan Rodewald

Julia Bernard


Common Core conflict

The administration was pleased with the recent standardized testing trial while students expressed annoyance. Story By Daniel Ballard.


DA juniors spent a few of their class periods on computers last month. No, they weren’t updating Facebook or checking Twitter for the latest news. They were taking three Common Core trial tests, brand new exams set to replace the STAR test as the latest standardized test. The exams the juniors took were a trial run, used to evaluate the effectiveness of online tests and find what changes need to be made to future online assessments, Assistant Principle Doug Kamon said. The exam was written to promote deepthinking and problem solving that could not be evaluated in the old multiple choice tests, Kamon said. The assessment would give the teachers administering the exams an idea of what they will need to frame their lesson plans around, he added. The digital format is a huge improvement over the traditional multiple choice tests, specifically how the digital format allows for greater security, allowing

for easier distribution of several versions of the test and simpler analysis over the results, as opposed to the tedious nature of counting up hundreds upon hundreds of Scantrons and essays by hand, Kamon said. “With a computer, all the tools are there; the calculator available right on the screen,” he added. Kamon also noted that the only feedback he had received was that the order in which the tests were administered should have been changed. “Consistent feedback suggests that the [Writing] Performance task should have gone before either the Math or English Language exams,” he said. Some juniors who were asked about the online assessment expressed their dislike and opposition to the new standard for testing. Junior Sydney Busic went on to add that she did not approve of the new digital format: “The organization of everything is confusing. I also find it easier to solve problems with things I can actually touch,

Students have varied reactions to the new online tests. Art by Manon Wogahn.

preferring a normal calculator versus the one on the screen, tangible documents that I can underline/take notes on, and paper that I can write the essay on rather than typing it up.” Other students felt that it was unfair to have the juniors be the only ones to take the exams, as the new Common Core standards would not to be implemented until after they have graduated. Junior Sabrina Barry said she opted out of taking the test: “I didn’t participate because I felt

like I could have better spent that time… I didn’t want to take a test that would not affect me in the slightest.” Junior Audrey Nichols felt that changing the questions was an improvement, allowing for interpretation and deepthinking, “but I found it harder to think [about the question] when presented on a computer”. However, Nichols added, “… it’s more important to focus on content rather than format,” reasoning that despite the

difficulties concentrating, the shift towards technology is inevitable. Junior Richard McClelland shared this view, saying that the unavoidable digital format is probably an improvement, as it allows for the students to personalize their answers. “The digital format was very different and still had a few issues, but since it was based on each individual’s skill level, it probably more accurately demonstrated your level of knowledge,” he said.


Privacy in the digital age

The goverment re-evalutates longstanding search procedures, highlighting similar policies in schools. Both must take into account the vast amount information a simple search of a cell phone can reveal. Story by Elise Echeverria.


current Supreme Court case highlights how citizens and students’ privacy rights might be changing in the digital age. According to the Pew Research Internet Project, 90 percent of Americans own some sort of cell phone and 58 percent own a smart phone. More people are carrying around immense amounts of personal information in their phones, from banking statements, to family pictures, to their GPS quadrants since they’ve owned their phone. Information like this is usually considered confidential so the ability of a law enforcement officer, or, for students, a school administrator, to access it without a warrant could be looked at as invasive and unfair. However, the fourth amendment states that an officer may conduct a warrantless search of a person if the search is incidental to a lawful arrest. Until recently, this search could include the individual’s cell phone and its contents. However, the legality of warrantless cell

phone searches is currently being challenged in the Supreme Court, where two cases are under review. In each of the cases, an individual was convicted based on evidence found on their cell phones that was searched without a warrant. The US Courts official summary of the two cases stated that one of the convictions was based on evidence found on the phone linking the individual to gang activity and the other was based on the discovery of an address linking the individual to drugs. Though these cases are very situation specific, they raise the question of how cell phone privacy will be approached by law enforcement in the future. Additionally, even though how schools approach student privacy is a separate matter, the results of this case will most likely influence how the content on student cell phones is treated by school administrators in the future, AP U.S. Government teacher Oly Norris said. As of now, according to San

Dieguito Union High School District Policy, school officials are permitted to search a student, including his or her cell phone, if they have reasonable suspicion to believe that the student has violated a school rule or criminal stature. So what is reasonable suspicion and when would an administrator be able to search a student’s phone? Reasonable suspicion is different from reasonable doubt, what law enforcement need to search without a warrant, in that it is based more on circumstantial evidence, like somebody alerting a teacher or administrator that somebody else is intoxicated, said Norris. According to Principal Tim Hornig, some of the reasons the administration may search a student’s phone are suspicion of cheating or student involvement in dealing drugs Though Assistant Principal Jeanne Jones said that the searches don’t happen often. “We have to do it with respect to the student and not be overly invasive,” said Jones. “Protecting

a student’s dignity and privacy is very important to us.” Schools are given more leeway with searching students, than police have searching citizens, because they aren’t detectives, don’t compile evidence, and just want the truth, said Hornig. The American Civil Liberties Union, however, stated that they think schools aren’t constituaional dead zones and that they will continue to fight for students’ privacy right and challenge electronic monitoring and the search and seizure of property such as cell phones. In fact, the ACLU settled a lawsuit back in 2010 that was filed after Pennsylvania school district illegally searched a student’s cell phone, punished her for storing semi-nude pictures of herself on the device, and then referred her case for criminal prosecution to the district attorney’s office. According to the update on the ACLU’s official website, the ACLU ended up working with the school district to create guidelines for teachers and school officials to help them better handle

situations involving student cell phones without invading student privacy. Although these guidelines would apply only for that particular district, the ACLU’s goal was to use the case to raise awareness about student cell phone privacy rights surrounding issues like school officials ability to search through the photographs on a confiscated student phone without having a reason prior to the search. Similarly, even though the current Supreme Court case doesn’t concern cell phone privacy in schools, the decision, which will be found in June, could still have an effect on how schools approach this pending issue. “Whatever the courts decide on this case is really going to have an impact both outside and on school campuses,” said Norris “Our iPhones today, 10 years from now are going to be very antiquated and outdated and who knows how much information we’ll have on them, so this is going to pave the way for the next century.”


Youmans concludes her chapter at SDA A

Ronette Youmans, an English teacher, will be retiring with this year’s graduating class of 2014. Story by Natalie Finn. fter teaching English for 27 years, Ronette Youmans, will be retiring at the end of this school year. This will conclude her fifteenth year here at San Dieguito Academy. Youmans began teaching at San Dieguito Academy in 1998, and had the pleasure of teaching senior English to the first graduating class of SDA. At that time she was teaching in a classroom near Kerri Leonard’s room. She had an ocean view, and there were picnic tables down at the bottom of the grassy hill. “We did writing conferences at the picnic tables with an ocean breeze. It can’t get better than this, right?” said Youmans. Youmans discovered her love for English at Clairemont High, south of here. “It was an 11th grade teacher I had,” she said. “He was just a free thinker, and he showed me the potential of just how English could change your life. He was just a really good teacher that helped me see the potential of what books can do: they can be therapeutic, they can open worlds to you, they can change your life, and they can inspire you. I just wanted to share that with students, and I

love teenagers too.” Youmans shared her passion for reading and writing with her

published in literary journals. Youmans recalled one of her students who won a writing

Youmans loves seeing students realize that they are smarter than they thought they were. Photo by Layla Gantus.

English classes. She loved to see the creativity in a student. In fact many of her students were

contest in San Diego: “I had an undocumented student, here at this school who

was gifted. I would imagine a lot of the teachers in his life did not see him as gifted because he was learning English as a second language, so his communications skills were still kind of rough and growing. But he had a story to tell, a really important story. He was a child when his parents crossed the border. He was old enough to walk but not make decisions or know really what was happening.” “So the California state organization of teachers who teach immigrants chose his essay as the winning essay. I think that it was most memorable to me, because, first of all, it demonstrated to his family that being an intellectual is important and it demonstrated to teachers up and down the state that you can be a language learner and still have the potential to be a great writer.” “Finally I think it really opened teacher’s’ eyes to what kind of hardships students go through. When he read his story to the state convention here in San Diego, he got a standing ovation. That’s probably the best thing to watch, one kid’s story impact so many people in so many positive ways.”

She continued sharing her love for English, while teaching at San Dieguito Academy; here she found a community filled with generosity and creativity: “I have never worked with a staff that is so giving and talented, students the same, so creative and talented and kind.” Finally, during retirement Youmans has many future plans. She plans to volunteer her time at an organization in Oceanside called Casa de Amistad. It is a group that helps develop literacy among people who have been denied a good education. “I want to teach literacy,” she said. “I want to teach a love of reading and writing, and keep developing skills minus the paper grading, minus the large class sizes.” She also plans to see the Aurora Borealis, the northern lights. “The northern lights are really best probably in January and February, and I can never do that because of a teacher’s schedule,” she said. “I miss out on those things.” Finally, Youmans wants to help the new teacher who replaces her in the reading lab and with the E.L.D. students. “I want to help him or her get orientated to the school,” she said.

Brennan says goodbye T

After 32 years of teaching at SDA, weight training and history teacher John Brennan retires. Story by Hana Chen and Julia Shapero. hirty-two years after first stepping foot on the San Dieguito High School grounds, weight training and history teacher John Brennan is finishing out his last days here at SDA. Brennan began teaching here in Sept., 1981. He has since taught many classes including government, economics, US history, world history, weight training, P.E., walking, basketball P.E., and self-defense. The many years Brennan has spent here at SDA show his passion for teaching. “I love being able to pass on the knowledge that I know,” Brennan said. During his years here as teacher, Brennan has taught more students than can be counted. It is these students from which he has learned the most.

“I’ve learned how to be a good teacher because the students here have always been, how do you say it, interesting. I’ve learned a lot about people. I’ve learned a lot about teenagers,” Brennan said. As his time here comes to a close, Brennan must say good-bye to his favorite part of teaching: the students. “Being around young people has always been fun. It’s kept me young. I’ll miss that the most,” Brennan said. “It’s always been about the students.” The students that he teaches will miss him as well. Freshman Hope Hajek had Brennan earlier this year for P.E. and even though she has not been at SDA for long, Hajek appreciates Brennan’s teaching skills. “He’s fun and understanding. He will be missed at SDA. Everyone loves him,” said

Hajek. Senior Alana Primes, who had Brennan twice for weight training, felt similarly. “You can tell Mr. Brennan really cares about his students because he understands that we have other classes we are stressing over and he helps us whenever we need it as best as he can. I want to give a shout out to Mr. Brennan for being such a wonderful teacher. SDA won’t be the same without him,” said Primes. With only a couple weeks left until summer, Brennan will soon be stepping away from SDA and starting a new chapter of his life. He plans to spend time at home and work several new jobs at the Safari Park, Comic Con, and cruise lines. “I like to stay busy,” Brennan said, explaining his

Brennan loves working with students at SDA. Photo by Hana Chen.

plans for the future. Over the many years he has taught here, Brennan has developed an appreciation for the unique SDA community. “I like the way everyone accepts each other and the camaraderie

and the interactions between everyone: the students, teachers, staff,” Brennan said. “Having good students makes it easy to retire because I am proud of them, but hard to retire because I’ll miss it.”



Dear Freshman Me.... Seniors on The Mustang give their freshman selves some advice, such as having fun and being themselves no matter what. They are pictured to the right of their freshman counterparts.

Dear Naïve Freshman Annie,

Dear Freshman Taylor,

Dear Naïve Freshman Annie, First of all, yes, you are in fact one of the many annoying freshmen, even if you think you “can’t possibly be that bad….” You are. Second, when you wear four-inch wedges to school in the future even though you’re already 5’9”, everyone will say “You’re soooooooo tall” give or take a few o’s on the “so”. I’ve learned it’s best to say something sarcastic like “SINCE WHEN” and the topic is dropped. I guess some more general tips that are important to know in high school are the following: 1. You lose friends, you make friends, the best ones will stay. I guess nursery rhymes about making new friends and keeping old friends, silver and gold yada yada are a little more Confucious than you previously gave them credit for. Just know that the best friends will allow you to be yourself and will love you for it. 2. Choose good music. As important as choosing a good friend, music will always be there, especially for that year and a half that you and your friends aren’t old enough to drive. So get over that Ke$ha crap and discover the wonders of Daughter, The xx, GROUPLOVE, Francoise Hardy, and City and Colour. Dabble in some cheesy ‘80s and classic ‘60s music as well. 3. Be spontaneous! Everyone looks stupid in high school, so here’s your chance! Ask that guy to formal, wear that ridiculous outfit to the welcome back dance. Just do it because otherwise life would be boring. 4. Don’t ever underestimate yourself because it’s a big waste of time. If you want to put on a school event, put on a school event. If you want to pursue a passion, pursue it. Surprise yourself with your own capabilities. 5. Worrying about what colleges supposedly want is a huge waste of time. Do what you want to do. You’ll realize what you want to do in the future, and it will all line up. 6. Boys are dumb. French silk ice cream is forever. That last one is the meaning of life. Live by these guidelines and high school should be pretty good. Anyway, I guess overall just have a fun four years. Don’t get caught up in drama; focus on what makes you happy and forget the rest. Because in the end – everything else is just not worth it. Love, (can I say that to myself without being weird?) Wiser Senior Annie Smith

Dear Taylor, I am about to disclose to you the most important piece of information that you could possibly absorb into your beautiful little mind. It will shock you. Hold on to your Tilly’s skinny jeans. Ready? Okay. Here it goes. All men are gay. All of them. I know what you’re thinking, “Wow, that guy in those fluorescent turquoise pants and I have so much in common! We both love Beyoncé and ‘America’s Next Top Model!’” You know what else you have in common? Being sexually attracted to men. Each of these men slowly coming out in a parade of homosexuality and heartbreak may sting a bit. However, as soon as you realize that most boys’ “bromances” are more parts “romance” than “bro,” you will become best friends with some of your biggest heartbreakers. In fact, some day you’ll be on Skype with one of them, discussing the Season 6 winner of RuPaul’s Drag Race and whether or not you can pull off bangs, and you will ask him if you can “borrow” some of his sperm 18 years from now, in the case of you being a 35 year old dog lady with a uterus rapidly expiring like strawberry cheesecake yogurt (He agreed, we’re going to have super-hot kids). Now all of that heartbreak business aside, here are some other less important pieces of advice for you to keep in mind. Spend less time in the debate room. It smells like sweat and elitism. Branch out and hang out with people that won’t make fun of you because of your lack of knowledge relevant to Pakistani foreign policy. Try to feign more enthusiasm for school. I know that’s hard to actually do, but when all of your friends get accepted to Berkeley and Harvard, there’s only so many articles you can write to vent your anger and disappointment(available on ;D ;D ;D). Finally, pluck your eyebrows, girl. Having a unibrow doesn’t make you anymore of a feminist. The somehow prettier version of you, Taylor Knudson

Loryn Cook

Evan Walker

John Landers, Nicole Loya, Rachel Terry, Lance Johnson

Shannon O’Donnell

Selena Hernandez

Keely Thompson, Maddy Silverstein

Sophie Gracey

Sean Barry, Matt Monforte

Kira Gaby


Dear Freshman Madeleine,

Dear Lil’ Elizabeth,

Dear Freshman Madeleine, Welcome to SDA. I’m glad we have this chance to talk, because I’ve got a few things to tell you that might help make the next four years easier. Remember, you’re not too cool to spend time with your family. As weird or offbeat as they may be, they’ve put up with you this far, and they deserve some gratitude! And you never know, you might miss them when it’s time to go off to college. Learn how to say no. I know it feels like you’ll be missing out if you turn down a project or opportunity, but trust me—you’re not doing anyone any favors by overloading your schedule. If you keep going at a crazy pace, you’ll eventually hit a wall. So take some time for yourself, and stop and smell the proverbial roses. That bold, scary thing you’ve been contemplating doing? Go for it. Try out for the play, change your hair, go vegetarian, and participate in everything creative you possibly can. It’s okay if things don’t turn out exactly the way you expect, because at the very least you’ll meet some new people, and learn a bit more about yourself in the process. Don’t worry about what your friends are doing—follow up on the things you’re interested in, because you might grow apart from the people you’re closest to after all. You’ll meet new people anyhow; the next four years will be an amazing kaleidoscope of individuals that all have something unique to teach you, so take a few minutes out of your day to listen. You might be surprised! And lastly, don’t be afraid. Make yourself a bucket list, or push yourself to try something outside of your comfort zone. Whatever it is, just make sure you keep on growing and learning, because now is the time you can make mistakes and figure out who you want to be. You won’t feel that much older or undergo some magical transition by the time you’re a senior, so get out there and make your high school experience happen. Albert Einstein once said, “Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving.” And I don’t know, some people say he was pretty smart or something. Sincerely, Senior Madeleine

Dear Lil’ Elizabeth, First off, you’re really not that short. People comment on it only because your reactions are priceless. Believe me, you could be much worse off than 5’3”. Once you realize that your height isn’t that big of a deal, you’ll be able to focus on more important things. Like putting together the most killer team for Pokemon X and pondering the likelihood of Destiel (Harry Potter was just the gateway fandom. You’re a huge nerd). By the time you’re me, you’re not going to care if people stare when you’re waxing poetic about your Katara cosplay. By then, you’ll have stopped trying to see what’s so cool about what most people think is cool and decided to embrace what you actually like. On that note, make sure you always have a period of band. Music is what keeps you from being overwhelmed by all the integration formulas and acid-base equilibriums. You may like that stuff, but you can’t die from brain overexertion if you want to be an engineer. And even though it may sound like a good idea to stay up until 2 a.m. making AP World outlines and texting that guy you like (it’s never going to happen by the way, get over it) sophomore year, you’ll appreciate a good eight hours by the end of high school. Word of caution: sometimes you’re going to feel like you want to become a mountaindwelling hermit with books and Netflix as your best friends. You’re going to want to blast stupid music like Taylor Swift and 1D (don’t be ashamed, everyone does this sometimes) to forget real life. Unfortunately that’s a kind of unrealistic lifestyle. So to avoid feeling like you want to pursue this kind of life choice: try not to get caught up in the dumb drama of dumb society, don’t let yourself be a doormat, and stick with the people who like you even when you’re having existential crises over the end of Harry Potter. If you’re disappointed by this letter, it’s your own fault. Maybe try joining track to get some physical exercise or don’t eat as many Red Vines. Good luck. Love, Senior Elizabeth P.S. You’re not going to get less awkward, sorry. wOW I know. Love yourself anyway. To view the full letter, go online to

Dear Freshman Tacy, Dear Freshman Tacy, I hope none of these things will dramatically change our future, but here’s a list of things for you to accomplish/keep in mind: 1) Start getting grilled onions on your In-n-Out burgers now. I promise it’s delicious. 2) Dye your hair when you feel like it. Stop wussing out. #YOLO (You’ll understand sophomore year.) 3) Board the airplane. 4) People are dumb. You’re better than everyone. 5) You’re going to have an existential crisis about DC vs. Marvel. You’re going to become a Marvel girl. Accept it now. 6) Write down your ideas for your graduation quote as they come to you. You’re going to literally forget all of them. 7) Tampons aren’t actually that scary. I guess most of this stuff is about having confidence and overcoming fears (Don’t worry, though. You’ll still be terrified of heights.) Ultimately, what I’m trying to tell you is that you’re braver than you think. Enjoy the rest of high school, Senior Tacy

Ryan Romero

Irena Weaver, Kirstin Mattioli

Spencer Fox, Jacob Gonzalez

Marc Bahbahani

Dear Freshman Kira, Dear Freshman Me – I’m sorry. But it gets better, I swear. I know you just spent a year trying to make friends after pulling yourself back together, and I know most of those friends will leave you before the year is out, but it does get better. It’s okay to listen to angry music, it’s okay to cut your hair short, it’s okay to be who you want to be. Stop trying to wear color, it honestly just doesn’t work. Don’t fall in love with kids who you know will just end up friend-zoning you. I should be funny and happy. I should show you that after all this time, I can laugh and smile. But let’s be honest, that’s not what you need to hear right now. So let’s sit down for a bit, I’ll hold you in close, and tell you what we both know you need to hear: Hold on. You’ll make it through. It gets better. Drop swim team, you’ll just hurt yourself. Check out roller derby, trust me it’ll be worth your while. Get some more friends so you’re not alone, and get friends who will care. Listen to Black Veil Brides and Paramore and all of those rock bands you thought were scary – you’ll love them. In fact, I’m going to end this with a quote from Andy Biersack, the lead singer of Black Veil Brides who will terrify you at first but you will love him later. “Live your life. Listen to your music way too loud, be as crazy and as ‘different’ as you want to be and always remember you’re not alone.” Love, Senior Kira Elliott

Ian MacGregor, Ty Gibson

Edgar Salinas

Sean Noe

Kathryn Chapman, Sachi Matsumoto


Roller what?

Roller skating may be hipster, but roller derby is serious business for the girls who play it. Story by Kira Elliott.


’m not an athletic person. I never have been. I fall over my own feet, I can’t run, and my joints are constantly coming out of their sockets. Then I tried roller derby. Let’s be honest here, roller skating – and by extension, roller derby – has to be one of the most hipster sports I could have gotten into. I mean, I couldn’t have gotten into any old mainstream sport like volleyball or lacrosse, I had to get into skating. It is the punk hipster way of exercising. Next thing I know, I’ll be wearing Ray-Bans and flannels with suspenders and drinking chai tea from Mason jars. But just because it may be hipster doesn’t mean roller derby isn’t serious. There is a pack of eight girls, four from each team, that move around the track. Then there are two jammers, again one from each team, who have to skate through the pack and around the track to score points. It sounds easy enough. But the best way I can explain it is this: it’s like being a Little Person trying to get through a pack of rugby players. On wheels.

As you can imagine, roller derby has a bit of a reputation of being a sport played by large, tattooed women that beat each other up. That might have been what

it was back in the ‘70s when it was on television. But today, the Women’s Flat Track Roller Derby (basically, the NFL for roller derby) has some rules against punching our opponents in the

Featured in the photo: Roller derby practice at Skateworld on Thursday, May 29. Amy “Angeroo” Hinton sets up as a jammer behind a line of blockers. Photo courtesy of Ann Elliott.

face. It’s a complicated sport, full of strategy, cardio, and quickthinking. There’s a lot more to derby than meets the eye, and the same goes for the women who play it. There’s the stereotype of the roller derby queen: a woman built like a brick house, with tattoos up and down her arms and piercings in every piercable area. Then there are the actual derby girls: yes, they have their share of tattoos and piercings, but these women come from “all walks of life,” as my mom would say. Some are teachers, some work at Albertsons, and one is a graduate from NorthWestern University who currently works at a nonprofit for empowering women and girls in Uganda. Then there’s me. I mean, I’m a nerd who would rather re-read John Green’s “The Fault in Our Stars” for the tenth time than go for a one-mile run. And yet I have fallen in love with this sport, and show up to practice excited and eager to practice jamming. I come away with bruises on my legs, the skin on my toes ripped off from rubbing against the inside of the skate, my muscles sore and tired, and a smile on my face.

When I tell people that I play roller derby, they look slightly concerned and confused for two reasons: 1) they often don’t exactly know what derby is and 2) they give me a once-over and go, “How could you play a tough sport like that? You’re a little nerdy tea cup.” I can’t say how exactly. But I know why I play roller derby. It lets me forget who I am and what I have to do. I don’t have to think about my homework or social drama or college when I’m trying to get around women that are far more experienced than I am. I don’t have to worry about being the smart girl people expect me to be. When I’m at practice, I’m Agent K on the Rollin’ Ninjas home team, a part of the San Diego Roller Derby league. That’s it. And, not to get all feminist here, but let’s be honest – pushing through a pack of sweaty girls who keep trying to knock you down and actually breaking free… that’s kind of empowering. And I’m reminded every time I play that I’m a strong, independent woman, and nothing can keep me down for long.

Sophomore going on senioritis

As seniors graduate, this sophomore tries to understand her senior friends’ nostalgia. Story by Reema Moussa.


hile seniors are contemplating their futures in college, I’m contemplating my future in the hellish two years that remain in my high school career. Hearing great stories from my senior friends about their sadness over leaving, their best memories, and how much they’re going to miss me (given) is swell, but you know what? I’m over it. To any seniors who feel sad about leaving: why? Moving on to bigger and better things, meeting new people, and finally being able to say, “I’m not in high school” with complete honesty… that’s

basically the best thing ever. You seniors have to understand how lucky you are that you’ve paid your dues and finally get to get out of here. And although I do love watching my friends scream at vending machines, learning way too much about teachers’ social lives, and watching people make fools out of themselves during Airbands, sometimes I just want to move to Alaska in a V.W. bus and live out the rest of my days in a log cabin. And maybe I’ve grown to despise hearing about an unwillingness to move on because

I’m so ready to. And anyone who knows me knows I hate being told that I’m wrong…but I know that I’m going to end up missing this place one day too. I may have caught a premature case of senioritis, but maybe we all do at some point as a precursor to the waves of nostalgia that start to break as we move on. I know that I want nothing more than to get out of here as soon as possible right now, but soon, I’m going to realize that I have to start living in the now and start to love every moment of it. Or else those melancholy

thoughts of what I could’ve done during the days when nothing really mattered are going to eat me alive. Having regrets may be the biggest regret of them all. The everlasting struggle between pro and con is ripping my high school career apart. How it is that I love running away from seagulls but hate it at the same time will never cease to confuse me. Hearing about the greatest memories from some of my best friends makes me incredibly sad. I don’t want them to leave me behind. But at the same time, I’m happy that the shape of things to

come is just an upward slope. So I really ought to learn to accept hearing the thoughtful laments of my senior friends, rather than pretending to hear them while I’m really thinking about how I’m going to annotate Crime and Punishment. Because maybe that’ll help me accept the fact that this place is kind of great. The best memories of my life have been made while I’ve been here, and it’s only getting better. Instead of begging for a way out, I have to try to find a way to make the best of what’s going on right now.


The tourist invasion

With summer on the way, so are the tourists that support businesses and annoy locals. Story by Marin Callaway.


very time I see Encinitas as a destination in Sunset Magazine or ranked as one of the world’s best surf towns, I experience a brief moment of pride. But, that pride is soon overcome by a sense of foreboding. Every praising piece on our little city encourages an ever-increasing number of tourists flocking to our beaches and downtown. As summer approaches, I cringe to think about giving up stretches of open sand to tourists tanning towel to towel. From Grandview to Seaside, I can already picture the litter, tanning oil, rash guards, and foam boards to come. The cram effect extends to the water too. Every summer, sunburnt visitors brave the “Cali” waves in their Costco-grade boards. With the water so packed, there are bound to be a few

casualties. Make sure to practice dodging wayward surfboards now. Moreover, I know that walking to the beach will soon be my most reasonable option. Tourists have an uncanny knack for arriving early in the morning and essentially never leaving their parking spots. Going to the beach is an all day affair. But the beaches are not the only over-crowded places during the summer. The roads become swamped with out of state plates looking for the best Mexican restaurant. I’ll be sure to see at least a few guys still in full wetsuit asking for a “Quesadila” at Karina’s. Driving from La Costa to Birmingham on the I-5 is bound to take me at least twice as long as normal with the Del Mar Fair and races in full swing. At this point, my only hope to keep visitors at bay is a few

Art by Sydney Busic.

TripAdvisor reviews. User VLD_60 from Philadelphia warned others about Swami’s: “The hike down the staircase is almost perilous!” Another reviewer noted the lack of concessions and bathrooms. Maybe these hardships will keep tourists away from our true gems and contained at Ponto and Moonlight. I could go on and on. I like ranting. But, I can’t deny it any longer: tourism is money. As

annoyed as I am by the annual tourist surge, all the things I complain about are after all simple inconveniences. The crowd of tourism is a small price to pay for all of them paying a price to stay in our town. Tourism is a booming industry for the city in summer. Local hotels, restaurants, and shops all prosper from the visitors. Even teenagers like us benefit from the spike in job openings for the summer season. As summer nears, I know that I

will continue to grumble over the growing crowds (after eighteen years it’s a tradition). But, this year I will try to focus more on my sense of Encinitas pride. This year, I will try to embrace the tourism which supports the people and businesses that make our town so unique. This year, I will try not to laugh at Pacific Ocean newbies or curse at gargantuan motorhomes. The key word here though is “try”; that’s all I can promise.


San Dieguito Sentinel

1 melon

Last issue ever Of the year

Administration takes action against field degradation; new guidelines instated Extra measures are being taken for this year’s graduation ceremony. Story by Manon Wogahn.

Donations include one penny, a Berry Happy punch card, and an empty Capri Sun. Photo by Kirsten Walz.

Senior holds charity event despite college admission; students protest Student faces ridicule after announcing charity event. Story by Slaylor SlayVesseur.

Tensions have arisen between students in the senior class since Justryin Erbest announced her charity auction for dyslexic kittens over the loudspeaker last Monday. Many seniors are shocked and outraged that Erbest is organizing such a large event this late in the school year. “She already got into Mira Harvard University: Acceptance Rate Five Percent. It’s not like there’s anyone else to impress. At this point she’s just showing off. I mean, what right does she have to be so-called ‘caring and selfless’? I can be ‘caring and selfless,’” Unda Acheeva air quoted furiously. “I just choose not to.” Senior Ira Sponsible wonders why Erbest continues to run the charity even after college acceptances are out. “One of the big draws, I think, on my college application was that I would walk elderly people across the street for charity. They were so sweet, always giving me advice, telling me to follow my heart before it gets all clogged up with blood vessels and shit. I was in the middle of helping my great aunt Gertrude cross the street to the pharmacy when I opened up my acceptance letter to Notah Reel College and I knew that all the hard work I’d put in had finally paid off, so I left her there. I wonder where she ended

up...” Senior Doe Sincare has declined the event on Facebook. “She wants us to donate money so that Guatemalan babies can spoonfeed three-legged dogs from the sketchy part of Rancho Santa Fe? I don’t think so. And,” Sincare paused to choke back tears, “and, to add insult to injury, she tries to invite us all to her event over the loudspeaker during homeroom? Who is she kidding? Homeroom is the most precious 20 minutes of the day to read erotic One Direction fanfiction and debate the legitimacy of Kim Kardashian’s ass. I don’t need her garbled voice over the PC telling me to ‘be there at six for hundred dollar gas cards and gift certificates to American Apparel!”’ Erbest is bewildered by her class’s reaction. “I thought this would be a fun event for everyone at the end of the year! The cast of FRIENDS was gonna shoot their reunion episode at the fundraiser. We were gonna have Drake Bell come and administer free HIV tests, and In-N-Out was gonna cater. But I guess kids these days just aren’t into this stuff anymore.” She is now considering cancelling the event if her peers continue to protest. “Yo, f*ck charity,” agreed senior Arti Culate.

After a number of athletic coaches, district officials, and gardeners expressed concern for the wellbeing of the new field, it was decided that the usual folding chairs will not be used during the commencement ceremony on June 13th. Justin Terestedingrass, Encinitas’ most prominent turf rights activist, had the strongest voice in the protest against the folding chairs. “The legs of the folding chairs dig into the ground,” Terestedingrass explained. “Over four hundred seniors are scheduled to graduate. That’s over sixteen hundred chair legs digging into the turf in one day. That would surely cause some serious, irreversible damage.” University of Grasslands’ nature physics professor Dr. Headon Hishoulders is one of the few who do not support this decision. “The field is made of artificial turf,” he claims, “It’s completely irrational to change seating plans to accommodate for a nonliving entity.” Terestedingrass, upon hearing of Dr. Hishoulder’s statement, was so outraged that he proceeded to storm outside and plant grass seeds furiously. “That man is just a pain in my grass,” Terest-

edingrass said. School officials are in talks as to whether or not the field will be used for the ceremony. Raya Sunshine, head of the graduation committee, has bright plans for the big day. “I don’t see this as a nuisance,” Sunshine said, “I see it as a shining opportunity for the seniors to mingle together during this special ceremony.” Sunshine’s current plan is for seniors to bring blankets to sit on. “I want this to be a milestone in graduation traditions. I want to see seniors having picnics, taking selfies, playing guitar, making flower crowns, and laughing together. What’s that hip social event the kids are buzzing about? Coachella? Yes, that’s it. I want the ceremony to be as hip as Coachella.” While many on the committee are enthusiastic about this sunny proposal, there are some who are leaning towards other ideas. Grey Skye, for example, wants to move the entire ceremony to the softball fields, where folding chairs would be allowed on the natural grass. “I was a hippie during the 1960s. I’ve seen what happens during those ‘special bonding’ moments. Trust me, folding chairs are our best bet.”

It is still unclear as to where and how the seniors will graduate. But, if the ceremony takes place on the field, the committee is prepared. They have released a list of field etiquette for graduating seniors (and anyone else using the field) to abide by. The list is as follows: •No high heels are allowed within 100 feet of the field. No shoes can be worn on the field. Plastic booties will be supplied for those participating in the graduation ceremony. •The committee understands that seniors are very, very excited to graduate. However, there is to be no jumping higher than 3 inches while on the field. Volunteers are needed to enforce this policy. Apply in the front office. Bring your own ruler and a resume. •Don’t breathe on the field. It doesn’t like it. •The field has a maximum occupancy of 500 persons. Due to this, families are not allowed to embrace their graduates on the field after the ceremony. There will be an intimate reception in room 39. •The track around the field is off-limits. A bridge will be provided in the case of an emergency evacuation.

Tips for decorating your graduation cap The Sentinel provides you with tips and tricks to make your cap stand out in your last and most desperate hurrah. Story by Olivia Mock. Every year, immediately after they snatch their cap and gown, seniors participate in the exhilarating event that is graduation cap decoration. However, a few leave theirs bare. No one wants to be one of those people whose defining high school experience is throwing a blank cap into the air. So instead follow these instructions to create a graduation cap that will make everyone realize how creative and unique you really are: 1. Obtain your graduation cap. 2. Cover it in super glue. 3. Unintentionally glue your

hands together with said glue. 4. Peel your hands apart; remove a few layers of skin in the process. Be sure to dispose of glue and skin in a nearby trashcan. 5. Use regular glue so you actually have time to decorate your glorious cap. 6. Throw handfuls of sequins, thumb tacks, and M&M’s on there. DO NOT REMOVE EXCESS THINGS. It is important to have loose ones on there so you can shower the crowd with them when you toss your cap in the air. 7. Add some paint, no gang affiliated colors so as not to offend

anyone. 8. Staple your college logo onto your cap, that way everyone knows you will be attending Harvard or Stanford or Oxford. 9. Finally, find a pet, like a cat or a turtle, and tie it to your cap. If you don’t have a pet, buy one or “borrow” one from a neighbor. Avoiding using a pet fish. Nothing ruins a graduation like dead fish fumes. Follow these simple nine steps and people will be sure to remember your graduation cap at your five-, 10-, 15-, and 20-year reunions.


Homeless Stephen, a local homeless man, reveals a unique outlook about living on the streets of Encinitas. STORY BY LUKE VAN HANNE


saw a local homeless man waiting for surfers or wealthy vacationers his private belongings. According to Stephen, they took “Pictures, Jewto help him out in his need a few weeks ago. I was in Leucadia Park elry, and my records, absolutely everything.” What he could save, he said, he is keeping in a storage unit in Orange practicing my banjo and decided to be nice that day, partially to help, mainly to get some answers. I talked to him for a short while until I real- County. “I haven’t seen my stuff in 5 years, “said Stephen. However things were not always so bad for him, he started reminiscing ized he might be slightly delirious. I then befriended some other homeless of past times with a hint of nostalgia. “I was captain of the varsity swim men and listened to what they had to say. It appears the Encinitas homeless community is a lot different than team, got awards in crop production, became a party king-pin in the 70’s. most, with a heavy culture to it. Sleeping on the beach and bathing in the Now I’m homeless and make art out of shells.” He proudly showed off ocean, living off of California burritos and Manhattan Pizza while ending some his impressive sculptures standing outside of his RV. Stephen, however, does not seem to mind much. He said he is not sad, the day playing their guitar in Cottonwood Creek must be in some way depressed, has not gone mad, or even misses his old life. He tells me he rewarding. Being homeless in one of California’s most thriving beach towns is very likes to surf, when he can get his hands on a board, and listens to Metallica different than on the streets of downtown San Diego. However there is and Journey. “It’s all just stuff, you know that?” he said, “People work so more suffering in it all than most think. The city’s poverty level is at 7 hard to get ‘stuff’. My friend has three storage units which he pays almost two grand for every month. You, want to know percent and has jobless rate at 5.5 percent acwhy? To fill it with all his stuff!” cording to The EnAs he continued talking about his views, cinitas Community Recourse Center is usuhe seemed to have his own understanding of ally flooded with people from eleven to one things. “When you have all this stuff, all you do looking for free food in its bread line. is worry about all that stuff! You buy security “It’s humiliating, it’s demeaning,” said Stecameras and guard dogs and gates and walls, phen, a 59-year-old artist living homeless at because you want to make sure all that stuff Moonlight Beach in his RV, and a regular at stays safe with you,” Stephen said. the bread line. “They keep getting richer, because all they He kindly invited me into his RV. Shirtless do all day is try to find ways to make their stuff, and tan, he wakes up every morning to a view be more stuff, to find more stuff, and somehow most would pay large fortunes for. “You see fill their closet of stuff, with even more stuff.” this view? I can’t afford that! Nobody can, but Life is hard not having all that “stuff.” People yet the sun and the beach are here with me don’t see the misery that is really part of all of every morning and night completely for free,” it. Stephen does not have a home, yet keeps said Stephen. getting more and more tickets as he can’t seem The walls of his narrow and rectangular to find a place to park his RV. Late at night he RV are covered with pictures of Jesus, Bible sneaks to a business parking lot, and then he proverbs and old posters of hard rock n’ roll wakes up before 4 a.m. and is forced to relocate bands. again. When the recession hit in 2008, and the Not capable of keeping a job due to health U.S jumped back up to a far higher than usual Stephen, a homeless man sits in his moconditions, he has no steady income, or secure 14 percent poverty rate, Encinitas did not estor home. Photo by Luke Van Hanne. way of living. cape harm. Almost all of the people I talked to And according to Stephen he is one of the explained how in 2008, they lost everything. Stephen, before relying on the sun’s light to tell time, told me about ‘lucky’ ones. Most homeless “have to fight just to sleep in a bush,” he said. when he was in the business of custom boat building. “Having a great pro- “He knows really how tough it is. If you don’t see the problem, it doesn’t fession takes a great amount of skill, and that’s what I had, skill, I worked exist for you, and that is how people act here, in Encinitas,” he said. It is easy to walk by the homeless, and claim that “they should hard to be where I was and I earned every dime I had.” Not getting too emotional he began to reveal a little more of what he work for their money like everybody else,” but the truth is, that really felt: “They took all the jobs away! What do they want us to do, rob there is no work. There is nothing left for anybody to do. “Nobody wants to beg for money or food,” one of the homeless men I talked to each other?” In 2009, when his home got foreclosed and he was asked to leave, he said. “It’s humiliating. I don’t want to do it, but I have to, to survive.” stayed until the bitter end. When finally the bank dragged him out of the These men and women are ordinary people like you and I. They like the door, he said, “I had to leave everything behind, I could not take anything, Beatles, go surfing and try to help when they can. They are not out of the and they just kicked me out like a dog and took everything from me.” With ordinary; they have not all gone mad. In some cases near destitution, all nowhere to go Stephen stayed in his RV parked a few houses away from one can do is find fortune in the unfortunate. “I might not have much, but I’m okay with that,” Stephen said. “I’m happy with what I have because his old home. As the week grew old, at night he would look out his window and start to I have God in my heart, I have the clouds, the birds, the blue sky and the see his neighbors, sneaking into his still fully furnished home and stealing green grass. I have everything I need right here.”


Little Saigon In the middle of Orange County is a sliver of Southeast Asia and a hidden gem. STORY BY LINDEN AMUNDSEN


elirious and half-asleep, I rise. It’s the day after prom and I’m not certain exactly where, who, or what I am. The only thing I know for certain is that it is far too early to be awake, and yet, somehow I am. I had to have a really good reason for waking up before the afternoon hours, and I did friends: I was heading to Orange County to explore Little Saigon. Little Saigon is a widespread collection of streets where a large number of California’s Vietnamese population reside and make shop. Similar to Chinatown or Little Italy, Little Saigon is a great place to get familiar with a new culture. However, Little Saigon is in no way touristy and that’s why I like it. For those of you who like me, want to experience a little bit of the culture, Little Saigon is great. The people are friendly, the food is amazing, and everything is so unlike Encinitas. I feel like I’m in another part of the world when I’m there and I love it. This was not my first time visiting Little Saigon and I planned to keep my ritual agenda the same. First stop is the Asian Garden Mall, or Phuoc Loc Tho. It’s a giant red and green building built like a palace. Inside there are two massive floors of shops and restaurants. My first destination is always the same : the bakery. The little bakery is wedged between a Pho restaurant that claims its noodle soup has been voted one of the best of its kind, and a plastic surgery office whose facade is pasted with posters boasting a fountain of youth within its walls. Inside it is filled with rows and rows of pastries, many still warm from the oven. There are treats like coconut bread, as well as barbecue pork buns with green onion, and my personal favorite the chicken curry bun. The chicken curry bun is a fluffy pillow of soft, melt- inyour- mouth bread embracing a hidden center of savory, spicy chicken curry. It is delicious and I usually find myself returning to the bakery several times to hunt down a fresh batch. I buy one of these buns and wolf it down ravenously. Children stare at me in fear as they watch me rip the pastry apart and swallow it whole, like an anaconda. I explore more shops: cosmetic stores-one with an adorable mascot called Mr. Ginseng, clothing boutiques filled with adorable frocks, a drug store filled with bins of mysterious dried herbs and animals, a tea store with buckets of aromatic dried vegetation, and an entire half floor of jewelry stores peddling diamonds alongside jade and giant pearls. Next, I head downstairs to the food court. There are no hamburgers here, and certainly no fries. However, there are plenty Vietnamese dishes I find completely new. Many shops sell plates of snail shells swimming in a curry, herbs, and coconut broth. There are big snails, and small ones, and snails of fascinating shape. For lunch I stop at Lee’s. It’s a Vietnamese fast food bakery that serves boba, Thai iced tea, pastries, baguettes, and bahn mi. I get my regular order: a Thai iced tea, chicken banh mi, and a pandan waffle. The Thai iced tea is super Mr. Ginseng, a mascot, watches over the sweet and creamy and is cosmetics stores of the Asian Garden a fantastic bright orange Mall. Photo by Linden Amundsen. color. Banh Mi consists of

A Vietnamese produce store in Little Saigon. Photo by Linden Amundsen.

whatever meat one desires, pickled carrot and daikon slices, cilantro, and peppers on a fresh baguette smeared with fish sauce. The panda waffle is green. It is warm and fluffy and tastes of coconut and vanilla. Next stop is A-Dong grocery store. There is an enormous fruit and veggie section with a wide selection of foreign items. There is a large potatolike object called khoai mo (purple yam) and a long green object called bi dao (winter melon). There is also a bin of frozen durian. Durian fruits are massive yellowish spicy things that taste of butterscotch, yet reek of rotting fish. They are sold frozen to avoid an accidental grocery store-wide stink bomb. On the farthest corner from the entrance, there is the seafood section. While the meat section does offer a large selection of animal parts, including pig heart, blood, uterus, and foot, the seafood selection puts it to shame with the selection of live creatures ready to be “prepared” to be cooked and eaten. There are tanks of catfish and tilapia, as well as live clams, and many angry crawfish. I want to free them from their prison and make a home for them in my bathtub. “Be free, my brethren,” I urge them. They wave their tiny claws at me as I approach, ferocious to the very end. Good for them! The final destination is a little block of shops surrounding a little grocery store. Banh Mi and Che Cali Bakery is a tiny shop that’s always busy and sells delicious sandwiches. There is a flower store crowded with colorful blooms and a produce store with bananas and bags of oranges hangding from the ceiling. Huge, elaborate wedding cakes crowd the storefront windows of Van’s Bakery, beckoning me to enter. I oblige and am greeted by the scent of vanilla. Behind the counter are dozens of cakes that are so beautiful that the sight of them almost bring me to weep. Alongside these more traditional pastries are several gorgeous clear gelatin cakes and filled with layers and chunks of color. Rows of macaroons in flavors like earl gray to lychee clamor to be bought and bins of serve yourself dried cuttlefish, and spicy whole baby crabs lurk on a table cluttered with Vietnamese desserts that are unknown to me but seem to be made of purple rice, egg, and green gelatin. There are jars of picked tamarinds and something called Mayom. I am overwhelmed, so I buy a delicious looking slice of raspberry cake and le ave. My trip to Little Saigon was truly enjoyable. The food and scenery always give me reason to return. If you love the idea of being immersed in another culture, without needing a passport or an airplane ticket, then go to Little Saigon. Go for the pastries. Go for the shopping. Go for the adventures. And by all means, go for the insight into another part of the world, because I promise it’s worth it.


Root Beer Drankin’ The quest to find the perfect root beer for the summer begins as a variety are sampled and only a few rise to fame and glory. STORY BY DYLAN HENDRICKSON AND ELIZABETH TARANGELO


ince summer is right around the corner, it’s important to start getting your root beer choices locked in so that you can impress everyone with your extensive knowledge of microbrewing and sassafras extracts. Really, there’s no time to waste. We tried nine artisan root beer brands to help you out with that and to determine which one we would choose for some summer drankin’.

Capt’n Eli’s

This was one of our favorites, with a powerful wintergreen scent that was apparent even before taking the first sip. The bottle was fun and interesting, featuring a kid masquerading as a pirate, and a colorful parrot marked the lid (this would be the crown jewel of many a bottle cap collection). The drink itself had darker tones than most, highlighted by the subtle levels of carbonation. The layers of spice, most notably licorice and cinnamon, gave Capt’n Eli’s a richness that was unparalleled. You should keep a bottle of this handy for those days you feel like you’re sailing smooth seas.


Dad’s tastes a lot like a classic root brew but a subtle minty and fruity aftertaste sets this one above the others as one of our favorites. It gives a nice feeling after you take a sip, that of relaxation and breezy afternoons. We wouldn’t mind drinking this on a hot summer day with our shoes off and tan on.

Sea Dog

As its name suggests, Sea Dog is loyal to the traditional root beer flavor. It has notes of licorice, vanilla, and mint that build on each other to create a smooth drink with just the right amount of bite. The aftertaste is a little strong, but this definitely had a solid flavor. And to top it off, it had an impressive amount of foam (if you want to be a fancy root beer connoisseur, it’s called “head”).


Berghoff’s was pretty pleasant tasting. It had hints of vanilla that weren’t overpowering, but were definitely present after you’d had a few sips. There wasn’t much complexity in the taste, but the levels of sweetness and creaminess balanced each other out well, creating a mellow brew.

Sioux City Root Beer

This root drink has a slight yeasty complexion. I found it quite refreshing and crisp, but those preferring a more classic taste may want to stay away as there is not a much of a sassafras sass.


Fitz’s and IBC are the two traditional tasting root beers in this list and Fitz’s has a fresh zing sort of like a cola. Don’t be scared root brew lovers as there are plenty of spicy and earthy tones to make this drink good for anyone craving a non-alcoholic cold one.


As mentioned before, this is a more classic tasting root beer than some of the others, though we found it lacking in distinctness. The fact that IBC uses corn syrup as its sweetener and not sugar gives it the taste of two liter supermarket root beer. This brew is not bad, but not much about it makes it that special other than its glass bottle.


As evidenced by its many vowels and syllables, Waialua is from Hawaii and imparts its influence in the light spiciness of the drink. However, it’s almost too light and the root beer has almost no flavor at all. Maybe we’ve developed a tolerance to sugary things and need the potent stuff to sustain a high, but this drink was definitely a disappointment for us.

So Duh!

The bottle was easily a stand out, boasting a bright yellow label emblazoned with sass and a picture of a dumb blonde girl. Unfortunately, the amusing aesthetics didn’t foreshadow a positive reaction to what really matters in a root beer… how good it tastes. The company says: “’Duh’ means many things to many people, but to us, So Duh! means – ‘Isn’t it painfully obvious this is a delicious craft soda made in small batches with quality ingredients & pure cane sugar.’ To that I say: firstly, that incredibly long slogan is technically a question and should therefore end with a question mark instead of a period, don’t you think. Secondly, it’s painfully obvious upon consumption that this is a rather unsavory root beer that fails miserably in exhibiting its tasteful ingredients and instead makes the drinker feel like they’re downing a bottle of nauseating cold medicine.

Photo by Katie McPherson.

Atticus Salmon

Bambi Costa, Marq Schuling, Stacia Chernus

Kelsey Payne, Deckard Mehdy

Zach Lighton

Matt Hutton

Josh Proal

Wesley Whittlesey, Isobella Prior

Shannon Roys, Alex Bender


Other Plans

Some seniors choose not to go to college after they graduate from high school. Here are some of their other plans. STORY BY KATIE MCPHERSON


week from now, seniors, many of whom have gone to San Dieguito Academy for four years, will graduate. The vast majority of them, over 98 percent according to the 2013 senior exit survey, will attend some type of college this fall. They’ll go to classes, live in dorms, and forge a routine. But a select few, those who mark that they have “other plans” in the senior exit survey, won’t be going to college. Their futures are often uncertain and not set in stone, but something they’ve wanted to do for a while. Nicholas Jones knew when he was 14 that he wanted to become a professional MMA fighter. “I watched a lot of Bruce Lee with my father and I was really interested in fighting,” said Jones. His ultimate goal is to make it to the UFC where “the big money is.” To achieve this goal Jones is going to “train every day.” Sam Lamirand, who helped the SDA surf team win first place at the state championships and is sponsored by multiple organizations, is going to surf on the Women’s World Tour for a year and then try to qualify for the Women’s World Qualifying Series. “I need to take advantage of my youth and athletic abilities,” said Lamirand. “College is always going to be there.” Edgar Salinas wants to travel the world as part of a church program. “I felt like I needed a little break. I’ve been in school for a while and I kind of want to swing it and have fun and live the good life,” said Salinas. All of these students said that the decision to not go to college was actually pretty easy. “As soon as I went to the gym and started sparring it was just like, ‘I want to do this,’” said Jones. “It wasn’t a difficult decision. I knew forever that I didn’t want to go to college,” said Lamirand. However, she said not going to college was a bit stressful because everyone else was doing it. “I’m afraid I’m going to be missing out, not on the college experience – I don’t really care about that, but just kind of going with the flow of everyone else, so it’s kind of that nervous part of breaking away from everyone,” said Lamirand.

Sam Lamirand rides a wave. Photo by George Stimson.

Eli Brown

Josh Herz, Calvin Borchers

Rafael Swit

Brendan Walsh

Nicholas Jones performs a choke. Photo courtesy of Nicholas Jones.

Salinas agreed that “overthinking stuff” made him stressed, but that he’d “been wanting to do it for a while.” “I just woke up one morning and I was like ‘yeah dude sounds sick,’” said Salinas. Lamirand and Salinas both plan attending a college later, but Jones, who plans on a career in the MMA, said his backup plan for not getting in the UFC would be “to be a teacher in Japan.” College isn’t the only option for seniors, said PALs instructor and counselor Ann Nebolon. “What we encourage with kids is that they have a plan whatever it may be,” she said. “A good plan can even be stopping school and working for a while. It can be going and exploring another interest.” Despite this, the students said they are often faced by surprised peers when they reveal that their plans for the immediate future don’t involve college. “Kids around my age or around our generation, they’re really shocked about it and like ‘woah, that’s kind of sketchy,’” said Lamirand. However, she said adults often express jealousy. Said Lamirand, “Know what you want to do and don’t regret anything.” Salinas had similar advice: “It’s just a lifestyle. You just got to wing it and you got to live the life you want to live and have fun doing it.” Whatever their reasons, these SDA seniors chose a drastically different path than most, but perhaps what they gain from the next few years of their lives can’t be found in a classroom. “I hope to gain money for one,” chuckled Jones. He continued that he also wants to gain “more of a responsibility through training and discipline.” “I want to get to know a different community and maybe learn a different language too and help people,” said Salinas. Lamirand had a simple goal: “I gain my self-actualization. My own happiness.”

Janine Fischer

Jack Boyce, Angéle Meunier

Jamie Sebastian

Mark Kaplan




HAYLEY EARNEST I’ll be making great things.

FABIOLA ARELLANES I will still be chasing Justin Bieber.

NATE GLASS I’ll be a substitute teacher and the head coach of a varsity team that goes 10-16.

We asked seniors where they saw themselves in 10 years. Here’s what they had to say. Look for more at

EUNICE VELAZQUEZ I’m going to be building houses for free in third world countries, and I’ll probably also own a strip club.

LAURA BREIDENTHAL I will be knitting a sweater.

410 students graduating from San Dieguito Academy this year.

CHRISTIAN THOMPSON I’ll be pregnant.

260 students staying in California for school next year.

VIRAF MACHHI I’ll be modeling for Vogue.

“ MYCAH AYALA & MIRANDA LERUTH We will still be in love.

ANISA SMITH I will be married to Harry Styles.

JOEY LEVIN I will be the ten time defending champion of my fantasy football league and the CEO of an Apple-Google-Facebook conglomerate.

ANDY DOLBERG I’ll be leaving the Shire and on the road to Mordor.

WENDY DISCH I’ll be with Daniel Vasquez.

AMIN FOZI I’ll be working with numbers in some way and probably trying to motivate myself to continue a novel about deleted scenes from the Spanish American war.

KEELY THOMPSON I’ll still be biking to work.

G-BUS AGUILAR I’m going to own a bus company.

Also pictured: Matt Czajkowski and Brittany Adams

“ SPENCER FOX I’ll be trying to figure out what I’ll be doing in ten years.

ROGELIO MUNOZ I will be pursuing my life as a doctor or asking my mom for gas money.

TY GIBSON & AARON STEGER We’ll be traveling the country selling sausages out of the back of a repurposed ice cream truck, sound effects included.

TAYLOR JOHNSON I will be third wheeling it yet again.

ZANE HENDIG I’ll be teaching at bird school ...which is for birds.

CAMRYN EAKES I will be moving, shaking, and risk taking.


Into the Wild Graduating seniors set off on their own college adventures, in California and beyond... Azusa Pacific University Humboldt State Stephen Viles University Brittany Adams Berkeley City College Josie Overland Michael Schulte Hannah Pence Biola University Vivian Torres Brooks Institute Rhys Robertson Cal Lutheran Abby Espinosa Cal Poly San Luis Obispo Jack Boyce Caroline Pickering Sara Portnoy Alana Primes Alexa Risen Jamie Sebastian Sara Shuldberg Keely Thompson Ryan Walsh Sean Whalen Chapman University Camryn Eakes Kira Elliott Allison Thompson Manon Wogahn Chico State Michael Horton Kyle Kimball Arijana Martinez Marcelino Perez Christian Thompson CSU Fullerton Camille Caldwell CSU Long Beach Eliza Naimi Blake Spangenberg Alex Vickery CSU San Marcos Ashley Bonilla Chelsea Brown Gladys Cruz Raphael Curtis A.J. Espirito Selena Hernandez Tommy LaVake Ana Leon Consuelo Maya Max Nerenberg Chris Nobis Chris Ocampo Sabrina Oviedo Gabriela Romano Jessica Sanchez Eunice Velasquez Sierra Zounes CSU Stanislaus Hallie Germann Cuesta College Robby Sanford Diablo Valley College Kira Gaby Glendale Community College Brennan Savage Harvey Mudd College Zach Evans

Loyola Marymount University Marco Guerra Mesa Community College Sierra Gallant Mills College Peri Lyn Anderson Jilly Haines MiraCosta College Kristen Adams Isabel Alcala Geneva Bandstra Anthony Barnes Joe Berriochoa Powers Berry Denali Bishop Caleb Boback-Clark Bradley Bonilla Connor Bozigian Matthew Brister Charles Brown Christian Budar Jacob Burke Austen Cayne Arianna Chillak Savannah Corica Bambi Costa Taylor Daymude Wendy Disch Derek Downing Jyoti Frieder Amy Gomez Sergio Gonzales Tona Gonzales Vanessa Guerra Raul Guzman Matt Heldt Luis Huizar Miguel Ibanez Barreiro Dayna Lambert Nathan Lance Katelynn Lee Michael Leslie Jacob Lozano Carmen Lugo Lucrecia Matias Ramirez Freddy Mazariegos Leon Chase McCloskey Alex Mentado Andie Miller Kassandra Moquin Alexandra Morris Jade Mothe Angele Meunier Glenn Murphey Jesus Nunez David O’Neill Alondra Palos Zamora Linda Perez Jack Pittsford Shea Renteria Karen Resendez Ryan Rodgers Brittney Rodriguez Rachel Rotchford Jessica Rowan Shannon Roys Chase Sandberg Sarah Schwab Malicai Sherif Bella Tesoro Nicole Troncone Daniel Vasquez Connor Wood Hannah Wolfe

Palomar College Sean Barry Sarah Budman Stacia Chernus Alondra Cruz Jacob Herz Celeste Jepson Alvaro Lopez Covarrubias Emma Orozco Bridgett Palacios Dane Pendleton Alynne Powers Javier Rivera Tobias Sledge Victoria Thompson Kelly White Jenika Zukowski Alex Zunich Selena Zuniga Point Loma Nazarene Sean Noe Sacramento State University Logan Jones Mark Sanchez San Diego State University G-Bus Aguilar Dan Atkin Chelsea Cardenas Laura Ensberg Zach Fox Laura King Lizzy Knox Tristan Norton Shannon O’Donnell Iris Pazevic Jen Podgorski Rachel Rahilly San Francisco State University Madeleine Alper Marc Bahbahani Andy Dolberg Janet Gomez Cruz Ela Ohlson Jeffrey Phan Chloe Rock San Jose State University Kate Breding Tacy Manis

Chico State Humboldt State

Sacramento State UC Davis Sonoma State

USF, SFSU Stanford University

Diablo Valley College, Mills College, UC Berkeley, Berkeley City College CSU Stanislaus UC Merced

San Jose State

UC Santa Cruz

Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, Cuesta College

Azusa Pacific University, Biola University, Harvey Mudd College

Brooks Institute, UC Santa Barbara, Westmont College, Santa Barbara City College Cal Lutheran Glendale Community College, UCLA, LMU, USC CSU Long Beach Chapman University, UC Irvine UCSD, SDSU, Point Loma Nazarene, Mesa Community College

Stanford University Marin Callaway

Madeleine Karydes Courtney Kinnare Ian MacGregor Sachiko Matsumoto Katrina Olsen Keenan Rodewald Nicole Smith Aaron Steger

UC Los Angeles Ty Gibson Sean Gildersleeve Joey Levin Olivia Mock Matt Monforte Josh Proal Ben Sorenson

Sonoma State University Natara Bjaranson Abby Novack Soledad Lopez Ozores Shelby Olivas Shaina Pacitto Geoff Tomayo Karen Vela Nick Verzella

UC Davis Laura Breidenthal Keaton Crow Matt Czajkowski Adira Fogel Jacob Gonzalez Lily LeaVesseur Skye Nadel Lauren Nelson Maddy Silverstein Elizabeth Tarangelo

UC Merced Anival Gregorio Carrillo Jose Moreno

UC Berkeley Roya Chagnon Loryn Cook Jerry Jin Chelsea Kanzler

UC Irvine Calvin Borchers Trevor LaPlante Celine Parker

Santa Barbara City College Kyle Ford Brie Moore

CSU Fullerton

UC Riverside Sarah Dale Rogelio Munoz Nate Willert UC San Diego Kendra Brust Brandon Chan Nick Checchia Amanda Colla Zak Dahl Alexa D’Heilly Amin Fozi Austin Miller

Elise Titcomb Ethan Vander Horn UC Santa Barbara Ashlie Davis Janine Fischer Josh Herz Kylie Kofler Jason Matkin Annalise Schlesinger Evan Walker UC Santa Cruz Henry Ball Greg Brice Kendra Calman Mariah Craft Nicole Craft David Galloway Nigel Gross Richard Harker Sean Hyslop Mark Kaplan Mimi Kennedy Camille Otillio Michael Padus Jill Pickrell

UC Riverside University of Redlands MiraCosta College CSU San Marcos, Palomar College

Isobella Prior Jennifer Quiroz Avila Adam Reppenhagen Perry Robinson Zach Stevens Wesley Whittlesey Elisa Willes University of Redlands Jonny Bryan Emily Ross Katrina Smith University of San Francisco Adrian Contreras Nadia Igel Amber Roberts University of Southern California Spencer Fox Ben Shapero Kirsten Walz Westmont College Hannah Duncan


University of Washington University of Puget Sound

Gonzaga University

Carleton College

University of Nebraska

Montana State

Lewis and Clark Portland State Reed College

U of Minnesota

U of Colorado, Boulder

Western Washington

Colorado State

Northeastern MIT Boston College Emerson College Boston University Rochester Institute of Technology

Creighton University

Columbia College University of Chicago

FIT Sarah Lawrence Barnard College Wagner College


Linfield College


U of Michigan University of Oregon


Whitman College

Bryn Mawr Ursinus College

University of Utah

Washington College American University George Mason College


University of Virginia

University of Denver

Virginia Tech

Northern Arizona

Duke University Purdue University Indiana University

U of Evansville

U of New Mexico University of Hawaii, Manoa

University of Arizona

Florida State

Oklahoma State Tulane University U of New Orleans

American University, Washington D.C. Nate Glass

Florida State University, FL Alana Sullivan

Barnard College, NY Cassidy Mayeda

George Mason University, VA Coleman Coats

Boston College, MA Cole Bohdan Boston University, MA Mary Liesegang Brigham Young University, UT Jorge Beltran Bryn Mawr College, PA Rachel Terry Carleton College, MN Sarah Kochanek Colorado State University – Fort Collins, CO Mckenna Klink Columbia College Chicago, IL Carly Strait

Gonzaga University, WA Emily Jung

Indiana University Bloomington, IN Keri Jucha Lewis and Clark College, OR Terren Brin Taylor Knudson Kelsey Payne Rafael Swit Linfield College, OR Anisa Smith Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MA Sam Fierro

Creighton University, NE

Montana State University, MT Ben Hoffman Matt Hutton Lance Johnson John Landers Nicole Loya

Duke University, NC Kelley Coykendall

Northeastern University, MA Griffin Knipe

Cornell University, NY Maria Lopez Todd Petrassi

Emerson College, MA Gabrielle Catalano Fashion Institute of Technology, NY Annie Smith

Northern Arizona University, AZ David Drum Max Lewis Oklahoma State University, OK Mycah Ayala

Portland State University, OR Marlin Guthrie Zane Hendig Sophie Ruiz Purdue University Nick Brown Shaelyn Painter Reed College, OR Katie McPherson Atticus Salmon

University of Denver, CO Nick Hernan Sabrina Zunich

University of Utah, UT

International: Shinjuku University, Tokyo, Japan Cooper Hoffman

University of Evansville, IN Zach Lighton

University of Virginia, VA Annie Goodstein

University of Hawaii – Manoa, HI Sam Bernstein

University of Washington, WA Cassie Chung Zac Cohen

University of Manchester; Manchester, England Deckard Mehdy

Miranda LeRuth Catherine Welch

Rochester Institute of Technology, NY Irena Weaver

University of Michigan, MI Sam Junge Serena Saake

Sarah Lawrence College, NY Hayley Earnest

University of Minnesota, MN Kirstin Mattioli

Virginia Tech, VA Matias Marquez Sam Winter

Tulane University, LA Elias Brown Hyla Schneir

University of Nebraska - Lincoln, NE Shane Roberts

Wagner College, NY Sam Hodges

University of Arizona, AZ Anthony Askari Ben Hutter David Martinez Jake Monia Jaeger Roberts

University of New Hampshire, NH Lauren Shaw

University of Chicago, IL Kathryn Chapman University of Colorado – Boulder, CO Kyle Adams Sierra Brimmer Jared Davis Alex Dewar Kevin Guinn Paige Maguire Lucas Savoy

University of New Mexico, NM Ryan Romero Omar Smith University of New Orleans, LA Sophie Gracey University of Oregon, OR Hunter Brown Raymond Sanchez Megan Simmons University of Puget Sound, WA Austin Caras Cole Driscoll Jacob Pisello-Duga Marq Schuling

Ursinus College, PA Bethany Hartunian Vaugn

Washington College, MD Joseph Swit Western Washington University, WA Elizabeth Zollars Whitman College, WA Taylor Johnson Yale University, CT Fiona Riebeling Air Force Ben Hoffman Nick Post Marine Corps Trevor McCarver Colin Weaver

Undecided Armon AshtianiEisemann Ethan Bender Jr. Olivia Cuevas Astrid Gonzales Christian Martinez Shane Moring Jake O’Brien Madison Psichogios Maddie Sleight Jackson Wagner Jack Williams Other Plans Stefan Anderson Kenny Argus Peter Austin Olivia Brower Nicki Buhr Coen Christian Uriel Contreras Josh Creighton Audree Evans Jacob Graff Tealar Henshilwood Madison Hougard Christa Inouye Nicholas Jones Sam Lamirand Zack Muir Sarah Overstreet Stephen Pack Sessy Phillipy Edgar Salinas Cameron Waggoner


Steeze Around School Check out what styles people are wearing around school as they get ready for summer. Story and photos by Annie Smith. senior: ZANE HENDIG

sophomore: GINA CHECCHIA

kimono: forever 21 $25

sunglasses: h&m $20

shirt: goodwill $8

shirt: h&m $17

shorts: $10 shorts: h&m $20

socks: urban outfitters $8

shoes: $23

shoes: payless $20


freshman: KYLIE DUNCAN hat: urban outfitters $45 flannel: target $15

shirt: brandy melville $20

shirt: urban outfitters $25 bracelets: columbia $8 shorts: urban outfitters $45 pants: surf ride $26

shoes: urban outfitters $20

Abby Espinosa

Griffin Knipe

Jill Pickrell

Laura Breidenthal, Camryn Eakes, Nina McKendree

shoes: target $25

Hannah Pence, Trevor LaPlante

Jack Pittsford

Zach Stevens

Lucrecia Matias Ramirez, Janet Gomez, Ana Ruth Leon,


Summer Cinema

These are the “best of” summer cinema, sound, and television previews that you’ve been waiting for. Cinema features eclectic story lines, robots and dragons, and novel adaptions, while sound features club beats, indie vocals, and Britain’s favorite star. Now you always have something new to watch or listen to this summer. Enjoy!

Magic In the Moonlight

Step Up: All In

By Gabby Catalano

By Melody Sobhani



I’ll admit it, I love Woody Allen. Despite the controversy surrounding the infamous writer and director of popular films, his talent overrides his personal life. From the classic and old-fashioned vibe in “Annie Hall,” to the Parisian dilemmas faced in “Midnight in Paris,” and the dark comedic scenes in “Crimes and Misdemeanors,” Allen is a creative genius with a hungry mind that enjoys portraying the typical and the not so typical lives of peculiar people. When I first heard that Allen was releasing a romantic comedy set in France this summer, I immediately became excited to watch and analyze the film as well as obsess over it. “Magic in the Moonlight,” starring Emma Stone and Collin Firth, will be Allen’s 46th film. The movie is set on the French Riviera in the 1920s, a time period I most admire in films and literature. The characters will face personal and professional complications, and like every other Allen film, fall in and out of love. Knowing Allen, this film will feature a cultural experience for its viewers, similar to his past films “To Rome With Love” and “Midnight in Paris.” The soundtrack will consist of French tunes, and possibly a few subtitles will appear in the film. A look into the Jazz Age will be presented, featuring excessive alcohol use, cigarettes, fringe flapper dresses, and hopefully, Hemingway, Fitzgerald, and other artists from the Lost Generation. “Magic in the Moonlight” is coming to theaters on July 25, and it will surely be the magique film of the summer.

From the streets of Baltimore to New York City, and most recently, Miami, the “Step Up” movies have made their mark as one of the biggest dance movie franchises. On July 25 “Step Up” is taking it to Vegas with its new installment “Step Up: All In.” Sean (Ryan Guzman), the male leading role from “Step Up Revolution,” along with leading character, Andie (Briana Evigan), from “Step Up: The Streets,” are joining together with everybody’s favorite, Moose (Adam Sevani). The “Step Up” journey will continue, and other returning characters will include, tWitch Boss as Jason and Alyson Stoner as Camille. With each new addition to this series, the story lines have become less prominent, while the dancing has gotten more intense with a larger variety of genres such as contemporary, hip hop, and lyrical. It can be assumed that with “Step Up: All In” this pattern will continue. Part of the plot line can already be predicted. It is clearly shown that the main characters, Sean and Andie, have parted from their previous relationships and will end up together by the end of this movie. This has caused some frustration from the fans of past movies. Additionally, in this movie, some sort of dance battle will occur. These dancers are about to embark on an exciting journey. Be sure to add seeing this movie to your summer bucket list.

Transformers 4

The Purge: Anarchy

By Katrina Olsen

By Taylor Knudson


Four years after the preceding “Transformers: Dark of the Moon,” the Transformers series moves from its teenaged boy main character to focus on a Texan mechanic and his daughter who find Optimus Prime, the Autobot leader. Soon the mechanic (Mark Wahlberg from “Ted”) and his daughter (Nicola Peltz from “The Last Airbender”) are swamped with paranoid government officials and entrepreneurs looking to cash in on alien tech. While this Transformers edition will be undeniably different with its absence of former main character, Sam Witwicky (Shia LaBeouf from “Even Steven”), don’t worry. This latest edition promises to fulfill the latest alien-fighting movie protocol by following the blow-up-a-city plotline with a speech on humanity’s potential to be, well, human. However, “Age of Extinction” gives the audience that and more with, wait for it, Dinobots. That’s right, dinosaur robots. Come June 27, you will be able to discover the winner of the battle everyone has been speculating over since the dawn of time: Car vs. Dinosaur.


The only thing I love more than horrible movies is horrible movies that are trying to be philosophical by rejecting capitalism or quoting Nietzsche for the sake of being edgy and daring. Making fun of them always leaves me with feeling of intellectual superiority as I use big words like “morality” and “justifiable” and “CNN.” That being said, I may just camp out in front of the opening of “The Purge: Anarchy” to show my dedication to intellectual elitism everywhere. Fortunately, there are even less important actors in this sequel to “The Purge” and an even less comprehensible trailer. This edition of the series follows a family trapped outside on the night of the Purge. There are more people in masks, except this time they’re on motorcycles. Instead of following a family’s journey through the night of the Purge, this sequel follows a couple stuck outside and exposed to the wrath of society. One motorcyclist has the word “GOD” etched into their mask in an almost comedic attempt to be metaphysically inquisitive and thought-provoking. All in all, I can say that I am beyond excited for “The Purge: Anarchy.”


Summer Cinema The Giver

Jupiter Ascending

By Julia Shapero

By Natalie Finn



Every book-turned-movie treads on a dangerous path, and even one off line or detail (such as forgetting to cut off Peeta’s leg in the “Hunger Games”) could send fans crawling for the exits. Well-known books in particular tend to struggle with this transition from bindings to big screen, and “The Giver” is no exception. The movie will be released on Aug. 15, and it’s based on author Lois Lowry’s book. The science fiction novel follows a young boy named Jonas who lives in a seemingly-perfect society; however, after learning more about his society, Jonas sees the flaws within his world. A recently released trailer gave viewers a small glimpse of the movie and what it holds. The trailer featured a small introduction to the story accompanied with eerie music to top off the “nothing is as it seems” feel. Upon its release, people immediately began to scrutinize even the smallest of details in the trailer. One youtube user, Lelouche Leduc, commented on the trailer, “This looks terrible. This deviates a lot from the book to the point of no return. Isn’t the world supposed to be black and white until he gets colour?” It can already be expected that the movie will receive harsh criticism, seeing as it cannot possibly hold every, exact line from the book; however, criticism at such an early stage in the process does not bode well for the future of this movie. However, small changes in the plot may be less visible behind the cast of the movie which features Academy Award winners Meryl Streep and Jeff Bridges, as well as actress Katie Holmes and singer Taylor Swift. Hopefully this doesn’t mean dramatic songs about heartbreak in between vital scenes.

“Jupiter Ascending,” created by siblings, Lana and Andy Wachowski (“The Matrix” Trilogy), will launch onto the big screen on July 18. The film takes place on the streets of Chicago, following the life of a house cleaner, Jupiter Jones. Her life is seemly normal until the arrival of Caine, a genetically engineered exmilitary hunter, who is on a mission to reveal the true destiny of Jupiter Jones. Jupiter is then, taken on journey through the cosmos to claim her extraordinary inheritance. Mila Kunis from “Oz the Great and Powerful” and Channing Tatum from“21 Jump Street” lead the cast of A –listers, including Sean Bean from “The Lord of the Rings” Trilogy, Eddie Redmayne from “Les Misérables,” and Douglas Booth from “LOL.” The movie is sure to be a thrill, with stunning visual effects created by the Wachowskis and Dan Glass. The dynamic trio’s visual effects were previously seen in “The Matrix” Trilogy. John Gaeta, the visual effects Oscar Winner behind “The Matrix,” will also be assisting the trio. The team will be reunited with Oscar- winning director of photography John Toll (“Brave Heart”), as well. The film will be an action packed adventure, filled with romance and plenty of high flying space ships. The movie is also said to be reminiscent of “The Matrix,” because of the revolutionary visual effects created by the Wachowskis and their team. The film is perfect for anyone who has a taste for action, so hop aboard this sky -rocketed adventure coming to you this summer.

Dawn of the Planet of the Apes

22 Jump Street

By Sophie Peeler

By Sunny An


After a modern take on the original 1968 film, 20th Century Fox has officially re-created the “Planet of the Apes” movie series, with a few adjustments along the way. Released in mid-2011 as a reboot of the 2001 film, “Rise of the Planet of the Apes” was quite a success, proven by the abundance of positive reviews and critiques. This year, the movie’s sequel, “Dawn of the Planet of the Apes,” will be released in theaters on July 11. Starring Jason Clarke, Andy Serkis, Gary Oldman, and multiple other actors (but not James Franco, to the dismay of many), the movie will continue the story of Caesar, the ape born with incredible intelligence due to a lab-produced drug. “Dawn of the Planet of the Apes” will be set 15 years in the future after a lethal virus has killed most of the human population, somewhat following the growing trend of dystopian futures. On the other hand, Caesar’s ape colony has thrived, growing more intelligent by the day. For a short period of time, the two species are able to live in harmony, barely. However, due to the sheer nature of intelligence, a war for dominance begins to verge. The film will explore a future in which humans are not Earth’s dominant species. Also, the film’s futuristic setting means that seeing the first film won’t be totally necessary. One thing’s for sure: “Dawn of the Planet of the Apes” will be a must-see for all prequel fans and science fiction lovers.


Socially awkward Officer Schmitt (Jonah Hill) and slow-witted jock, Officer Jenko (Channing Tatum), are back in the upcoming sequel, “22 Jump Street.” The dynamic police duo team up once again, to infiltrate a local college posing as students, while working together to take down a secret drug ring. “22 Jump Street,” directed by Phil Lord and Christopher Miller, features Tatum who was seen in films such as “The Vow” and “Dear John,” and Hill from “Moneyball” and “The Wolf of Wall Street.” The trailer shows Jenko and Schmitt going to outrageous lengths in order to fit in, but when Jenko begins to show an interest in the football team and Schmit finds himself drawn to the art major scene, it takes a toll on their partnership. So now, not only do they have to crack the case, they also have to figure out how to mend their relationship. Released on June 13, “22 Jump Street” is an action and comedy film that is sure to appeal to young adults and adults alike. Hopefully, the unlikely pair might just mature from freshmen to real men as they experience college life in all its wild, dysfunctional, unpredictable glory.


How to ace an audition

Actress Courtney Corey dicusses trade secrets, revealing what it really takes to make it in show business. Story by Katie Clark.


etting into the show business isn’t easy. It’s competitive. Aspiring artists compete against hundreds, even thousands of others who want the same thing they do. That means that out of those thousands, there are bound to be a few people who are really, really good. Actress and director Courtney Corey has dealt with this first hand. She’s best known for appearing as “Elphaba,” the original Los Angeles and Chicago companies of “Wicked,” as well as Marqueen in both the first and second National Broadway tours of “Rent.” Corey was named one of “50 People To Watch in 2013” by San Diego Magazine. She has been performing since the age of three, starting at the bottom of the food chain and working her way up. The question is, how? How can you make yourself stand out from the other hundreds of people auditioning for the job? According to Corey, you have

to be realistic. She believes that “honest, authentic storytelling” is one of the most important factors to keep in mind while auditioning. “You have to start thinking ‘Okay. How can I step into these shoes in the most honest way possible?” she said. “The minute you try to impress somebody, you end up pushing and the audition becomes forced. They [the audition panel] don’t get a good idea of who you are. We think we need to impress them, to wow them. But that shouldn’t be the focus. The focus should actually be, ‘I love performing, I love this song, I love this monologue, and I love this scene.’ That’s when you start landing roles.” Corey said that it’s important to know when a part doesn’t fit and to not let yourself get discouraged by it. “Every once in a while, I’ll [audition] as something I don’t fit,” she said. “I auditioned for ‘Peter and the Starcatcher’. They called me in for the role of Betty Bumbrake.

Courtney Corey performs “Defying Gravity” as Elphaba in the broadway musical “Wicked.” Photo by Broadway production.

It was a role I really, really wanted. But I knew that I wasn’t right for the part.” “I think Roger Ree [director of the Broadway production] felt the same thing. I think he wanted me to play the part, but he also felt that I wasn’t that perfect fit. So I ended up going through three months of auditions for that. Since it was a brand-new show, they would send me things,

they would write just for me, little monologues that would never go into the play. They were monologues just for the sake of character study, just to see if I could fit [the part]. And in the end, it was obvious. I probably needed to be older, more matronly,” she said. “It’s like putting a puzzle together, and sometimes the pieces just don’t fit...That’s a hard, brutal thing to deal with, but when it fits,

it’s great, it’s magic.” Corey said that nobody should feel discouraged, even if they don’t get the part. “I loved [the ‘Peter and the Starcatcher’] audition process, but sometimes we audition for parts and don’t get them. The experience is so rich,” she said. “You can’t let rejection put you down,” Corey concluded.


Summer Sound “X” Ed Sheeran

“Ultraviolence” Lana Del Rey

By Hana Chen

By Layla Gantus

Upon hearing the name Ed Sheeran, what comes to mind? For me, songs by the British singer/songwriter such as “The A Team” and “Give me Love” start playing in the back of my head. Sheeran’s beautiful songs, as well as his widely recognized red hair, have hooked the public from the start. Many of his songs have been inspired by his love life, such as “Kiss Me,” “Drunk,” and “Lego House.” Sheeran’s debut album, “+,” topped the charts when it was released in 2011, and he has also recorded songs for movies “The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug” and “The Fault in our Stars.” His new upcoming album, “X,” is set for release on June 23. The catchy lead single, “Sing,” was released in April and showed promise for the whole album as well as Sheeran going out of his comfort zone. He has grown and expanded his sound, straying from his traditional acoustic songs to more upbeat songs. “Don’t,” another song on the upcoming album, has stirred up commotion among fans because it is rumored to be about fellow singer Ellie Goulding cheating on Sheeran with a close friend. All in all, I recommend everybody to go buy and listen to this album when it drops. There’s nothing quite as amazing as taking a warm bath by the candlelight and letting Sheeran’s swoon-worthy voice surround you. I know I’ll be first in line to get “X” as well as his future albums. Maybe the next album name will be Divide or Minus? I guess he’s into math symbols? Well, I’ll let him be; there’s no telling where that musical genius mind can go.

With such hits as “Summertime Sadness” and “Young and Beautiful,” Lana Del Rey is coming out with her third studio album, “Ultraviolence,” on June 16, and it will have an 11-song track list with three extra songs on the deluxe edition. Going off the huge hype built around her when her last album “Born to Die” debuted at #2 on the Billboard 200 charts, Del Rey has had no trouble releasing the first single off the album. The official audio video of “West Coast” had over 1 million views on YouTube in the first 24 hours. The song delivered more positive reviews than Del Rey’s “Born to Die” which had mixed reviews from critics. That didn’t stop the album from selling over a million copies in the United States alone. In February of this year Del Rey released the name of “Ultraviolence” via Twitter. She also commented on how she worked with Dan Auerbach, who has done songs with artists such as The Black Keys, to write and produce the album. Del Rey is known for her distinct sound, cinematic pop with hip hop influences, vintage look, and 60s inspired make up, which has helped her get where she is now and has shaped her career. “It’s [“Ultraviolence”] a little more stripped down but still cinematic and dark…” Del Rey said.

“While (1<2)” Deadmau5

“Listen” The Kooks

By Julianne Miller

By Chloe Walecki

Fans are anxiously awaiting the release of Deadmau5’s latest work. The popular progressive house artist announced the arrival of his two disk, 25 track list album set for digital release on June 17, and physical release on the following week. Titled “While (1<2),” the album features artist Colleen D’Agostino and songs by Nine Inch Nails and How to Destroy Angels. The track “Avaritia” is currently available online following the album preorder on iTunes, a suspenseful track with complex rhythm and an interesting melody. Opening with a slow introduction, the song builds up to a simplistic series of chords, then drops to a heavy and consistent base. Overall the track is worthwhile and thought provoking, and as a preview to the other 24 songs, I believe this album will be a successful comeback for Deadmau5. The producer explained the compilation as a “…good mix of sh*t… people want to hear or what they would expect… I just kind of took everything and played musical Tetris with it.” This is apparent in the song “Seeya” featuring D’Agostino available on various sites online. Deadmau5 expresses his excitement in working with D’Agostino in this track, describing it as “…a little funky up beat thing that I like.” “Seeya” opens with a poppy beat, accompanied by subtle guitar-like synth. D’Agostino’s strong vocals pair well with the “funky” instrumentals, filling the track with life from beginning to end. The song remains independent from “Avaritia,” only furthering the promise of this album’s triumph. There is still much to come from this colossal feat, Deadmau5’s biggest release so far. Yet fans are more than happy to see the artist return.

You may know The Kooks from their very popular first album “Inside In/Inside out,” with songs like “Naïve” and “She Moves in Her Own Way.” The Kooks’ third album “Listen,” will be released on Sept. 2. The album will have a track list of 11 songs, and the deluxe version will have 16. So far they have released three of the songs that will be on the album. One of those songs is named “Down” which was released on the EP. The first song that will be on “Listen” is called “Around Town” which has already been released and even has a seven minute, very graphic music video that can be found on their official website. It seems like their new album will feature more instruments and less vocals. From the songs that they’ve released so far, the lyrics are very repetitive. In the song “Down,” even the instrumental is repetitive, but there is a lot of creativity with which instruments they use. The first song on the soundtrack, “Around Town,” also has very repetitive lyrics. The lead singer Luke Pritchard sings very quietly, steering the audience towards the complexity of the instruments and the elaborate gospel hymns. The last song they’ve released that will be on their album is called “Bad Habit.” This song has more vocals and lyrics than any of the other songs they’ve released, and sounds more like The Kooks that fans are used to. The song also has clapping in the background along with harmonies from background singers, and strong percussion and tambourines. Be sure to look out for The Kooks fresh, upbeat, new album this summer.


Summer Extras Girl Meets World

How to Train Your Dragon 2

By Sara Portnoy

By Shea Fairbanks-Galaudet



A 90s fan-favorite is making a comeback this summer on Disney Channel. The popular sitcom “Boy Meets World” is returning to the television screen as its spinoff “Girl Meets World” on June 27. This project had been in the works for over a year and a half before finally getting approved for the 2014-2015 line-up. Some characters will be reprising their roles, such as the original show’s main character Cory Matthews (Ben Savage) and his TV wife Topanga Lawrence (Danielle Fishel). They will play the parents to the new show’s lead Riley Matthews (Rowan Blanchard). She along with her best friend Maya Hart (Sabrina Carpenter) will try and figure out the trials and tribulations of starting middle school, while avoiding possible embarrassment from her history teacher, her dad. Cory is stepping into the role of the wise teacher he looked up to in the original show, Mr. Feeny. He inspired Cory to impact the lives of young minds, so it causes the theme of “Boy Meets World” to flow over into “Girl Meets World.” Both shows aim their plots towards growing up, but what makes them stand out is that they try and make the issues presented seem as realistic as possible. This makes it relatable to the target audience and it gives them information to apply to their daily lives. I know that Disney Channel has a reputation for making pointless shows, but I think that “Girl Meets World” might break that stereotype. The same writers and producers behind the original show worked extremely hard on trying to get the network to pick it up because they knew that since “Boy Meets World” had so much success in its seven seasons, “Girl Meets World” is bound to make a mark for the next generation.

Before the ridiculous and sparkle-ridden vampire craze swept the nation, seemingly drugging teenage girls from California to Transylvania, there lived something greater. Before there were hobbits and sasquatches, elves and fairies, sea monsters and Heffalumps, there lived in our minds the spikecovered, fire-breathing, endlessly terrifying and fascinating creatures known as dragons. Dreamworks saw their opportunity to bring the dragon craze back into pop culture, and decided to create an animated adaptation of the popular book series “How to Train Your Dragon.” This series centers on a geeky Viking by the name of Hiccup, and his adventures as he discovered and bonded with a feral dragon by the name of Toothless. “How to Train Your Dragon 2” is flying into theatres June 13, and is full of Hiccup-y new adventures, a new villain, Hiccup’s long lost mother, more awkward adolescent romance, and most importantly: more dragons. In the trailers, Hiccup narrates a summary of the past film, and explains how five years into the future Vikings and dragons have become partners. However, a new black-clad villain has been added into the mix, desperate to become the controller of all dragons. Additionally, Hiccup’s long-lost mother (voiced by Cate Blanchett) is reunited with Hiccup, and together they bond and discover dragons secrets and learn a lot of family-related morals and life lessons. But more importantly, there will be bigger, better, and more awesome dragons. Because of the massive success of the previous movie, “How to Train Your Dragon 2” is gaining a lot of hype, and for good reason.


Jersey Boys

By Kate Sequeira

By Leigh Houck


Hidden amongst the many other action-packed movies coming out this summer is “Hercules.” Set to premiere on July 25, this Paramount Pictures and Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Pictures film is based on the graphic novel “Hercules: The Thracian Wars” by Steve Moore. The movie is to take place in Greece, years after the legend of Hercules and his 12 labors. It will feature the demigod Hercules, played by Dwayne Johnson, as he is chosen to assist the king of Thrace and his daughter in defeating an evil warlord. Hopefully he will be ready to fight his way through the many obstacles that cross him and to battle the many creatures from the world of Greek mythology. This will be the second “Hercules” movie to come out this year but it will instead focus on a different set of events than the first. Some fans are skeptical about the choices that seem to have been made for the movie. For example, the movie is taking place in a Greek setting although Hercules is Roman. Mythology fans do not agree with the mix of the two mythologies, rathering Hercules in Rome or Heracles in Greece. However, most action and mythology fans seem excited to see the movie in theaters this July.


“Jersey Boys” is a movie, based on a play, and it details the true story of a group of musicians and their unlikely rise to fame in the 1950s. The film will focus on the backstory of each member of the doo-wop and, later, rock and roll group The Four Seasons. Together, the boys, led by Frankie Valli (played by John Lloyd Young) became one of the most popular musical groups of the 20th century. You may know him from “Grease” or the group’s wildly popular single “Sherry,” showcasing his falsetto voice. The Four Seasons’ inspiring story is not without drama. The movie reveals Valli and the boys’ fair share of encounters with New Jersey mobsters and high-speed car chases on the road to success. This rags-to-riches story is expected to be highly entertaining. The cast list, while not overflowing with big-name stars, does include Christopher Walken as mobster Angelo DeCarlo. However, “Jersey Boys” shouldn’t have a problem drawing a crowd; many will flock to the theaters solely to see another sure-to-be-knockout film directed by Clint Eastwood. If you’re like me and you enjoy musicals and watching feel-good flicks, head to the theaters on June 20 and check out “Jersey Boys.”



Biohacking 101 With so much handheld technology, the phenomenon of downloadable health is gaining popularity. Story by Madeleine Karydes.


ew generations of smartphone users and touch-screen aficionados are finding increasingly innovative applications for technology in their daily routine. From finding the local weather to the nearest vegan or vegetarian café, widespread access to technology has facilitated the spread of information like never before. And as family yoga and frozen yogurt are becoming the norm in Encinitas, tech-savvy Southern Californians, amongst others, are becoming more and more health-conscious. A cross-genre trend has surfaced in response to these changes: biohacking, or the idea of “hacking” one’s biological systems to get ahead in personal health and fitness. The idea behind this movement is the integration of apps and online programs in tracking, monitoring, and regulating physical symptoms to make

one healthier or better at particular tasks. For example, the app “SleepCycle” tracks REM cycles based off of a person’s movements during the night, and times your alarm to wake you up at an optimal time to improve sleep quality. The Luminosity website tests daily mental acuity with a series of I.Q. challenges, and provides personalized puzzle exercises based on progress measured by the results. “MoodScope,” tracks user’s moods, while “Fitbit” includes a small hardware device that users wear to record physical exertion and sleep patterns. A large number of other similar programs are surfacing on the app store and finding success by quantifying the workouts, meals, and other physical habits of the average health-conscious individual. Apple recently introduced the “Health” app alongside their iOS 8 update, which consolidates a number of

health trackers into one location for the convenience of users. While software developers certainly seem to be making the most of this trend, the question of effectiveness remains. “I actually do use Sleep Cycle and a few other apps that biohack,” said senior Ian MacGregor. “I have seen a few improvements. I find that I go to the gym more (now that I’m using those fitness apps) and that I sleep better and wake up better than without ‘SleepCycle.’” Slightly helpful or truly advantageous, this trend doesn’t seem to be short on hopeful subscribers looking to improve their health. As of now, these apps and programs are too recent for hard data to be published about their true repercussions. “I’d argue that being more conscious over one’s health,” said MacGregor, “... is a positive improvement that’s here to stay.”

Art by Madeleine Karydes.


For the Love of Food One staff writer tries to find the meaning of food, one unapologetically terrible meal at a time. STORY BY DYLAN HENDRICKSON

The marinade and the loaf, united at last. Photo by Eleanore Hendrickson.

Part 1: The Players This piece of canned-food royalty cost me $1.29 at Walmart and is most like Spam, but in a lot of ways diverges from it. For instance, Spam looks like something you would put close to a dinner table. On the other hand, if it was not labeled as food, you could mistake a luncheon loaf for that coyote attack you heard about just the other night. Luckily, the “Cajun Injector—Creole Butter flavor” is here to save the day. You may ask, what’s a Cajun injector? The

Cajun Injector is an injectable type of marinade that not only contains a jar of murky meat soaker, but also a syringe and a way-too-sharp-to-be-sold-with-food needle. How it works: stick the potential-epi-pen into the meat, inject the good stuff on the way out. Pretend that you are actually cooking and repeat. Coincidentally, the jar recommends chicken and pork loins to go with the marinade, both meats found in my very own luncheon loaf.

Part 2: The Looks Once extricated, the true shape and appearance of the loaf made itself visible. It’s one thing to see only the picture on the box, but it’s a completely new, revulsive feeling seeing the naked loaf splayed out upon the table for both me and my sister (acting double duty of photographer and cheerleader) to gaze upon. The luncheon loaf had the lively physique of a brutal (but neat and ovoid) cut of a freshly slaughtered animal. Though mechanically separated beyond recognition, all of the king’s horses and men at the meat reprocessing plant could put Mr. Swine and Mr.

Chicken back together again. I began the marinade process and shook up the Bayou water for extraction. As soon as the first marinade inoculation was carried out it was clear that the loaf would not hold the juice. The extracting process left small tears and rips in the fabric of meat-time, and out of my carelessness came bubbling pools of Creole Butter like crude oil from the plains of Texas. As I tried fruitlessly to get the marinade in, my sister noted: “You can see the whole thing expand as you pump it in…like it’s alive.”

The flavor injection process, puddles slightly visible. Photo by Eleanore Hendrickson.

Part 3: The Taste

A face of regret. Photo by Eleanore Hendrickson.

I took a corner of the meat with my butter knife and placed the meat piece on the flat edge of the utensil. “I don’t want to do this anymore,” I said nervously while staring into two species of dead souls and numerous pockets of fat. “Come on! Just do it!” She reveled in my misery. I took a bite. I chewed a bit, gagged slightly out of expectation, and swallowed. “How was it?” she asked. “It’s…not terrible…” The whole thing really just tasted like lunch meat, albeit the cheap and tasteless kind, which in retrospect shouldn’t have surprised me. It was basically the same thing as Spam, the only difference being the manufacturer’s lack of regard for aesthetics and its Canadian heritage (not putting that

against it). Of course I wouldn’t want to eat it ever again, but it’s not as completely horrifying to the palate as it is to the retina. Unfortunately, the Butter was elusive to the taste. So I cooked up the loaf on the pan and covered the meat in the buttery goodness and took another bite. You would think that any flavoring could make this loaf taste better. Nope. The marinade added a very artificially smooth texture to the combination and mixed with the fat from the loaf, created an overwhelmingly slimy and lubricated environment in my mouth. The only other sense I could recollect was the butter flavoring, which only added an earthy tone to the experience of shoveling a bucket of lard in my mouth. Before, it only looked like vomit. Combined with the Creole Butter, the luncheon loaf achieved in taste what its appearance only implied.

Part 4: The Obligatory Conclusion At the end, I was left with a slab of reconstituted meat and an upset stomach. I had my cat lying around and offered him some because it smelled essentially the same as some of the cat food I’ve given him before. He sniffed it the piece I offered and licked it off my finger.

So that is my recommendation for you, dear reader; if you ever come across a luncheon loaf laying in the street or perching in your cupboard, give it to your cat/dog. It’s the only way any enjoyment can come out of it. The family cat inspecting the luncheon loaf. Photo by Eleanore Hendrickson.


College Athletes A few of SDA’s talented athletes plan to continue pursuing their passion at the collegiate level. Story by Sarah Kochanek


alex dewar

catherine welch

College: University of New Orleans Gracey has been playing volleyball for six years. “I’ll be playing seven days a week during [the] season and five during off season so it’s pretty much going to be my life in college. Since they gave me a good deal of money I decided to just go straight to a four year [university]. “The recruitment process is the most stressful part of any athlete’s life. You have to send out messages to all of the schools that you want to play at, and if they’re good, they already recruited all of the team by your sophomore year in high school. If the coach likes you, they’ll fly you out to see the school, and then you verbally commit and sign and it’s all done! If you’re lucky you can finish before most people have even gotten into college normally.”


College: University of Colorado Boulder Dewar has been playing lacrosse for six years. “I wanted to continue playing in college because I love the sport and Boulder is number 1 in the nation for club lacrosse and it’s an amazing opportunity to be able to be a part of that. “When originally applying for college, sports weren’t a large factor for me. But when it came to deciding on the schools I had been accepted to, it became important [to find somewhere he could continue playing]. I have no plans on continuing to play after college but given the opportunity, I would like to. “Boulder just won the Men’s Collegiate Lacrosse Association Division I lacrosse title in 2014, placing them in the number one spot in the nation for club lacrosse, so I’m very excited to play and meet the coaches.”

College: San Francisco State University Rock has participated in cross country and track since seventh grade. “I decided to continue running in college just because I couldn’t imagine what my life would be like without a close knit team of girls to fall back on and relate to about something that mostly everyone else hates (running, obviously). I have a major competitive trait about me and I don’t think it’s worth putting it away just yet! “I’m receiving a scholarship for just this year, then the following years will be determined by how well my season goes. They did ask me to come up last January for a recruit trip in order to meet the team, and so I did. I fell in love with the school and the team and a couple weeks later they sent me the Letter of Intent signing forms. “I really want to get to a marathon at some point, but I will for sure forever be a runner.”

College: University of Utah Welch has been dancing for 14 years and will be majoring in ballet in college. “I want to pursue a career in ballet and be in a company professionally, so majoring in it in college is a step towards that goal. There are very few colleges with strong dance majors, so that limited the amount of colleges I had to choose from. “To be accepted to the program, I flew to the campus and auditioned for the program with about 100 other candidates while there was a panel of judges evaluating me. My goal is to be in a company after I graduate college.”

amanda colla

Sam hodges College: Wagner College (Staten Island, NY)

College: University of California, San Diego

Hodges has been playing tennis for ten years.

Colla has been playing volleyball for seven years.

“I’ve played for so long I couldn’t picture myself going to school and not playing. I was basically only looking at schools that were interested to have me on the team.

“I can’t see myself not playing volleyball. I have too much fun and want to continue playing for as long as possible. For college selection, I was really focusing on schools that I could play the highest level of volleyball at. I am getting a scholarship, but UCSD doesn’t pay their athletes that much so it didn’t really affect my decision. I just wanted to play.

“[At Wagner College] I am getting a partial athletic scholarship and partial academic, overall about 70 percent. I was recruited to play. “I’ll probably play recreationally after college. The next level would be pro but that takes a whole new level of commitment and dedication. As of right now I won’t be taking that route. “Playing on the team at SDA has helped me so much throughout this whole process; because of SDA, I was able to accomplish my goals.”

“I was recruited, and the process is quite difficult. You have to email tons of colleges to just get your name out there. If they are interested, they will email you back. “I hope I can play after college; if not, I will probably just play at the beach as much as possible. If anyone really wants to play sports in college, don’t let anything stop you.”


Girls Lacrosse

Total Record: 8-12 Valley League Record: 2-8

For the second year in a row, the SDA girls lacrosse team made it all the way to the CIF semifinals. This year, they lost the May 17 game to the eventual CIF Champions: San Marcos High School. Though their league record seems to say otherwise, the team had an impressive run at the end of the season, winning six of their last nine games and earning the fifth seed of 12 teams in the Division II bracket. One of the highlights of the season was the very close quarterfinal game against Granite Hills, which they won 8-6.

Junior Liana Broyles cradles the ball away from the San Marcos player in the semifinal game on May 17. Photo courtesy of Carolyn Kinnare.

Boys Golf


Three boys from the varsity golf team at SDA qualified for CIF playoffs this year. Juniors Gavin Broughton and Jack Hagerty, as well as sophomore Andrew Davidson, qualified for the CIF tournament, played at Admiral Baker Golf Course on May 27. According to coach Al Zamora, “The first day cut was a score of 78. Broughton just missed the cut by one, shooting 79. Davidson and Hagerty also missed the cut shooting 83 and 84 respectively.”

Pictured from left to right, junior Gavin Broughton, sophomore Andrew Davidson, and junior Jack Hagerty. Photo courtesy of Al Zamora.

Josie Overland

Anival Gregorio

Sean Whalen, Ben Hoffman

Junior Madi Colby steals the ball from her frustrated San Marcos opponent in the semifinal game on May 17. Photo courtesy of Carolyn Kinnare.

Maria Lopez

Coen Christian

Total Record: 9-21

Avocado East League Record: 2-6 This year, despite a tough schedule against strong opponents, SDA’s Mustangs made it through to the “Play-in” round of Division III CIF playoffs. The girls beat San Diego High School to win this game, somewhat of a qualifier, and move on to the first round. They lost to Brawley Union High School, but were still in the playoffs because of the double elimination rule. In the second round of playoffs, they beat Chula Vista High School in a close game, winning 5-4. They then bested Hilltop High School in the third round in another tough match, 9-8. Their final game was the semifinal against Clairemont High School, who would eventually go on to win the Division III title. The Mustangs lost in the semifinals only 3-4, ending the season on an impressive note.

Kelly Coykendall, Serena Saake, Fiona Riebeling

Ben Sorenson

Allison Thompson


Track and Field Six SDA Mustang athletes competed in the CIF Finals on May 31 in various events: Seniors Chloe Rock, Serena Saake, Ben Hoffman, and John Landers, as well as juniors Sophia Hernandez and Robert Stegman. Seniors Sam Fierro and Jennifer Podgorski would have also run in the 4x4 race on the SDA relay team, but Fierro became ill and could not participate. Said track coach and English teacher Justin

Senior Serena Saake in the CIF final 3200 meter race. Photo courtesy of Sherri Cortez.

Conn, “For the athletes who were able to compete [some came down with an illness before the CIF finals], I think they were happy with their performances.” “It was a bigger number than last year at finals. We’ve had a larger team. We certainly had more people in prelims than I can remember. It was definitely an increase from last year. Definitely headed in a positive direction overall.”

Senior Ben Hoffman in the CIF final 3200 meter race. Photo courtesy of Sherri Cortez.

Boys Volleyball Total Record: 4-13 League Record: 2-9 For the first time in any sport since this school became “The Academy” in 1996, the SDA Mustangs have been crowned Division IV CIF Champions. On Friday May 23, the boys volleyball team faced off against Horizon Christian Academy at Canyon Crest Academy for the CIF title. The Mustangs beat Horizon in the first two matches, then they lost the third match. They came back out for the fourth match after doing sprints to boost morale, which evidently worked, because they then went on a 13-1 scoring run. They won this fourth and final game, earning a trophy and the first CIF title for SDA.

Senior Nick Brown serves the ball to his Fallbrook opponent in the May 7 game. Photo courtesy of Karobstudios.

Connor Wood, Andrea Miller, Blake Spangenberg

Jacob Duga

Jennifer Quiroz

Elisa Willes, Nicole Craft

Senior Aaron Steger blocks the ball in the May 7 game versus Fallbrook. Photo courtesy of Karobstudios.

Armon AshtianiEisemann

Hayley Earnest, Celine Parker

David O’Neill, Zach Fox


Boys Tennis Total Record: 11-6 League Record: 10-0

Freshman Colton Dils (left) and junior Lucas Nathan (right). Photo courtesy of Travis Bridges.

Freshman Kyle Bone (left) and junior Cameron Bridges (right). Photo courtesy of Travis Bridges.

The varsity boys tennis team completed their 2014 season without a single loss in the North County Conference Avocado East League. This is the second year in a row that they have placed first in their league, the first back-to-back league title for SDA boys tennis in over 30 years. For the CIF playoffs, senior Viraf Machhi advanced to the top 32 singles out of about 600 players. Doubles team including junior Cameron Bridges and freshman Kyle Bone advanced to the top 64 doubles team in the entire tournament. Doubles team including junior Lucas Nathan and freshman Colton Dils advanced to the top 128 doubles teams in CIF.

Senior Viraf Machhi advances to the top 32 single players. Photo courtesy of Travis Bridges.


Surfer vs. Skater: Seniors skater Adam Nehari and surfer Sam Lamirand finish off the year lukewarm in the senior edition of Surfer vs. Skater. Story by Lily LeaVesseur.

Photo by Lily LeaVesseur.

If you steal a clean slate, does it go on your record? Surfer: I don’t think I have enough room on my record. Skater: I guess not, no. Surfer, what are you trying to say? Are you suggesting that you have been up to no good? Is this really the time or the place? I mean, as a senior you are graduating soon and will be looking for new life opportunities and jobs and the like. What if a copy of this paper gets into the hands of THE POPO? Don’t they look first to San Dieguito Academy’s kind-ofmonthly student newspaper, The Mustang, for all the newest updates and most hard-hitting local news stories? Don’t all the talent agents spend late nights exploring the bowels of for the next major writer/Bachelorette based solely on her really quite unique sense of humor and beauty as indicated by her sharp wit? What if these important futuredetermining people were to see that you are maybe implying that your slate is DIRTY? What then? GAME OVER, Surfer! Future ruined. Plus 20 points because I pity you and fear that you will have NOTHING ELSE once the masses read your answer. Skater, I like that you appear to be really thinking about your answer. You say “I guess” as if you are really letting this marinate in your head. Who really cares about the slate and the stealing and what not, when we have you to offer up such nice, ambiguous sentence fragments? What a rare and candid look at humanity. Plus 60 points for that neat little piece of poetry. One more syllable and you’d have one line of a haiku!

When people lose weight, where does it go? Surfer: It goes into the good vibes. Skater: It evaporates within your body. Skater, I’m no science major (thank God, or Einstein or Isaac Newton or whatever. Why would I go into such an irrelevant and bewildering field?), but I’m intellectual enough to know that your answer is probably incorrect. It “evaporates within your body”? Correct me if I’m wrong (just kidding, this is a newspaper article so everything I say is completely accurate no matter what), but doesn’t “evaporate” mean to turn from liquid to vapor, according to the first definition that came up when I [the] Googled it? (Somehow this still means nothing to me. I mean, I get it but I don’t get it, you know?) So, as you say, the vapor would go within your body. Where then? Where??? I don’t really want to think about it, actually, so minus 100 points for being more inept at science than me (that’s saying something. That’s an honor, really.) Surfer, what good vibes? Are there any? Cause I’m not feeling them right now. As you may have recently discovered, I am at least semi-decent at what most people would like to call “Science”, and as such I think I can say with unjustifiable confidence that “vibes” are not tangible, and therefore the weight would not go into those, either. I can’t say I’m not disappointed, Surfer. Minus 70 points for not being able to answer one of my most pressing questions (second only to “Why am I so pretty?”). Surfer: -50 Skater: -40 Yay Skater! You win nothing.


An Exhibition of Expression Students from all walks of life came together on Exhibition Day this year to showcase their various talents, hobbies, and passions. photos by kIrsten Walz

Seniors Lauren Nelson and Brandon Chan during a fencing demonstratiobn.

Juniors Tara Gildersleeve and Gella Sullivan work on their sections within the chalk mandala.

Senior Jason Matkin, left, and Junior Jack Van Cleaf, right, perform together in senior court.

Homemade candles being sold in senior court.

Freshman Patrick O’Mahony holding a chicken.

Senior Dane Emerson jumps off of a ramp during the skate demo.

Senior Elisa Willes selling one of her EPs to a student.

Science teacher George Stimson in his natural state.

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