The Pony January 2018

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Volume 22 Issue 1



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Meeting the mayor


January 22 , 2018

Encinitas Mayor Catherine Blakespear believes high schoolers have a valued voice in government. By Alex Storer


ayor Catherine Blakespear is a fourth generation resident of Encinitas and this is her second term in an elected office. She is committed to helping Encinitas become more environmentally friendly, and her “Preserve our paradise” policy focuses on protecting the city from overdevelopment, according to her website. Blakespear went to college at Northwestern University in Chicago and earned a master’s degree in journalism from the Medill School of Journalism. Afterwards she worked at The Los Angele Times. Q: Are the government classes you took in high school still relevant today? A: I don’t have much memory of my government classes. There weren’t many hooks in my government classes that made it seem relevant to me. It was really being a journalist where I covered government and saw the big decisions that were made. That’s when I really had an understanding of it. Q: Beause of this do you think we should try and make government a more important part of school? A: I think civics is critically important; our U.S. government is designed to fracture power. You have, federal and state, the three branches in the federal government, you have all those different branches within the state government, local government. So, when you diffuse power like that you don’t give anybody or any branch the chance to become tyrannical. The management of tyranny is one of the important parts of the structure, but I think there’s an increased interest in this because of Trump’s presidency and certainly if there’s any corruption it’s certainly right now between the Russian government and our American government and what types of influence there was. That’s still being investigated, but I do think it’s very important to teach that in school. Q: What advice would you give to students with an interest in local government? A: Well, you could get involved by being on the youth commission (A group of students from seventh to twelfth grade that meets to discuss important issues in Encinitas), that’s the most direct way. I think civic involvement in a more general way is basically being engaged in the feedback loop. If you walk to the beach or go to the parks or ride your bike or a skateboard, and

you wish it was safer you can come to the city council and say, “Hey I’d really like to have a bike lane” or “This is a really dangerous intersection” or “This park is perpetually flooded.” [Students are able], to bring things up and basically be an engaged member of your society instead of a passive one and I think this happens to a lot of youth. You don’t see that you have any influence and life is just there and it’s kind of happening to you. In reality you can affect it by what you say and also we have so few young people come that it really does make a difference. Q: Do you think it’s important for students to be politically active? A: It’s important to have all voices and the perspective that you bring being a younger person who is interacting with our world in a new particular way. Q: Have the student protests and displays of opinion such as the walkout organized last year been recognized by our local government? [Editor’s note: SDA students walked out to protest Trumps’s election last year.] A: Well there was a lot of activism after his election, like the women’s march which I participated in and the Planned Parenthood march which was organized by high school students which I also participated in and actually spoke at in the beginning. Those displays of civic unrest, which are peaceful, are a really important part of democracy and in a way is the escape valve. It’s like a pressure release where we don’t want to have violence so we allow people to express their opinions in nonviolent way. It’s a way for a big group of people to send a message. Q: Has the positions of mayor, not necessarily the political influence, affected your viewpoints on issues? A: You don’t really have a full sense of a job until you do it. Now I’ve been the mayor almost a year and so one of the things that’s been enlightening is how difficult it is too make changes even if the city council all agrees. There are political differences. There are five of us who are decision makers. But if you set forth broad principles like, for example, that we want to focus on mobility and make it easier to walk around the city, the difficulty of accomplishing that when you have a big city staff with a par-

Mayor Catherine Blakespear standing in front of her office in the Encintas City Hall. She participated in a Planned Parenthood march organized by high schoolers and the women’s march. Photo by Alex Storer. ticular city culture to make changes is tough. It does change and we have done a lot this year in that area particularly, but it is remarkable how much time, energy, and pressure, basically “bird dogging” (making sure you stay focused on it) it, like keeping after it all the time and being really direct about it. Also, we live in a great city. We are very fortunate to have high land values and an active an engaged population and we’re coastal so we’re very environmentally oriented. We don’t struggle with many of the things other cities struggle with, like high crime or blight or job migration out of the city, we don’t have those things. There are things I learn every-

day on how to make things happen, but one of the bigger things too that’s been interesting. Big projects you see in the city are almost never funded exclusively by the city. They are by outside agencies, so it’s the state or sandag or the federal government

Q: Is there anything else you think people should know? A: I really love being the mayor I think it’s meaningful and important. We all want meaningful work and it’s varied, so I do different things every day. I speak on behalf of the city, but I also spend a lot of times in the details and I am very consensus oriented so I try to actively listen to all of my colleagues and forge consensus. That is something that has been an important part of this last year. I’ve also been able to focus on homelessness and some housing related issues in a different way than we’ve focused on before and I’m proud of that. I think being the mayor, I’m lucky. I feel blessed and fortunate that the voters want me.

“Those displays of civic unrest, which are peaceful, are a really important part of democracy.” -Mayor Catherine Blakespear going through the state, the fed government going through the regional government. All those layers of it can make it hard to both influence, but it also means that we have access to this capital that we wouldn’t have access too otherwise.


January 22, 2018

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ASB president wants greener SDA Incoming president Jeremy Romero plans to decrease the school’s carbon footprint and other ASB officers want to preserve SDA’s culture of acceptance. By Cade Culbertson.


fter endless amounts of speeches, posters plastered all over hallways, three days of voting, and an assembly, the ASB elections have come to a close with a total of 581 students voting, which, according to ASB Advisor Rod Keillor, is a 100 percent increase from last year. Newly elected ASB President Jeremy Romero, Vice President Valerie Telnack, Treasurer Nancy Saltamachio, and Secretary Jack Read will take office next semester and the new class directors will begin their term next year. Romero’s big plans. Like any other president, Romero has specific goals that he wants to accomplish while in office. One of the biggest goals, he said, “is going to be making SDA the greenest school in the district.” Romero also said that certain people at SDA, such as math teachers Martin Chaker and Paul Brice, are already trying to make SDA more environmentally friendly and said that he would “really like to work with them and get us on a fast track to reducing our carbon footprint.” Romero said, “I think it’s becoming more widely known that the school doesn’t recycle. The simple fact is that it’s fairly expensive to pay to pick up the recycling at multiple locations and there’s just too much responsibility. However, Mr. Brice has taken it upon himself to put a ‘giving tree’ in the middle of the two story buildings’ courtyard for anyone to put trash in and to take out in order to recycle it for money. While this is a great idea, unfortunately not all students are buying into it. I believe we just need to commit the time, money, and resources into getting recycling campus wide.” Romero also expanded on what Chaker is doing to make SDA greener. He said, “Chaker has begun working on his garden adjacent to the mosaic. I’m so happy that he put his plans to work and is executing it with the help of many students. I’m excited to see what he has in store for the school. I think he could make a huge impact on our little school with this idea.” Making the school more ecofriendly is only one of Romero’s goals. He went on to say that it was one of his more “controversial ideas,” but that the school’s culture would benefit from a “modified lottery” in the admissions program. He said, “While SDA is evolving and changing towards more athletics, we need to make sure that SDA’s foundation, as a safe welcoming place for everyone, is preserved. Romero also said, “My hope is that those people who create that type of toxic environment will think twice about coming to SDA if there’s a lottery in place. I’m not trying to leave anyone out [and] I don’t want to create drama but my number one priority is the protection and preservation of SDAs culture.

Junior Jeremy Romero delivers speech during campaign assembly. Photo by Jaden Hauptman Election similarities. The spike in students voting was compared to the 2016 presidential race by Keillor. He said, “I believe the dramatic increase in voter turnout this year was due to an emotionally charged presidential race. It felt like the national presidential race last year. There was passion from the followers of each of the three candidates.” Romero said, “I have also heard that comparison many times. Most of the time I just laugh it off but there were some pretty obvious parallels. Most of the time I am compared to Bernie.” He also said, “Usually I’d say it’s not wise to reveal personal political views, but in this case at this school, I’m fine with saying that I have no issue being compared to Bernie. I was also a little surprised by the fact that I won because of that comparison. It’s true that there was a lot of excitement

around the election, but for the most part it was around my opponents. I won with silent majority. So in that way I disagree but I do think it’s a funny idea.”

to questions when Mr. Keillor isn’t available.” He said, “I’ll [be] running events in the school with the help of other students and Mr. Keillor. Other than inside the class, the president meets with the principal every once in a while [and] goes to parent foundation meetings to represent the students.” Romero certainly has many responsibilities, but the job of the vice president is just as demanding. Telnack said, “Some of my responsibilities as Vice President next semester will be to head committees so that ASB can effectively plan and put on most of the events at school, helping assess grades in ASB, talking with staff [administrators] about issues that we can improve on, keeping the culture here at SDA so students always feel included in our unique environment, and setting an example for other students.” The President and Vice President

“I want SDA to be a place where differences are celebrated.” -Treasurer Nancy Saltamachio Taking responsibility. The day to day responsibilities of Romero, Telnack, and Saltamachio has only been briefly touched on in speeches and during the campaign. The three ASB officers agreed to share what they are expected to do on a daily basis. Among other things, Romero said, “The President has lots of little responsibilities within ASB like being a leader in the class, mentoring new students, or even having the answer

are the ones who make decisions that can change the school for the better or for the worse, but without funding, the events planned by ASB would cease to exist. As Treasurer, Saltamachio is in charge of the school’s budget. She said, “A big part of my job is signing check requests. This could include checks that pay our refs for sports games or a student asking for money from ASB for their club. I also am the head of big events throughout the year such as different assemblies [and] lunch time activities.” Saltamachio also said, “The most important thing that I hope to accomplish is to create an environment where everyone feels welcome to bring their ideas and opinions to ASB. I want SDA to be a place where differences are celebrated and where the uniqueness and talents of each student can be showcased and embraced by the school’s community. If everyone knows their importance and value in helping the school grow, they will be willing to share their ideas with ASB.” Why voting matters. Despite the increased turnout for SDA, a vast majority of students did not vote. However, the newly elected ASB officers believe that more students should be involved in the voting process and ASB in general. Romero said, “It’s so important for students to be involved in order to preserve the community that we’ve built in the school. If a student feels apart of the school, they are more likely to do well in school and just be happier in general. My number one goal is to make sure the students are happy and the best way to do that is to get them involved.” Telnack said, “People who you elect are the people planning all the events for your school. The directors plan all the dances so you want to make sure you vote for someone who will put in hard work towards making homecoming, formal, and prom unforgettable. And the [executives] plan all the events for the school - exhibition day, flag football, battle of the bands, and so much more. You want to make sure you pick people you like and you trust who will plan the events smoothly.” Saltamachio said, “ASB is the class where students dedicate their time to making high school a memorable and enjoyable time for the entire student body. We work to preserve our culture by planning events such as the bazaar and exhibition day as well as showcase our sports by organizing things like flag football and ultimate frisbee tournaments. Every dance that an SDA student attends is thought out carefully by each ASB student and officer. It’s important that students care about elections because the people they vote for are the ones who will be the leaders in organizing big events that will affect everyone at SDA.”


Page 04

January 22, 2018

Dear admin, stop sexualizing girls As talk of a new dress code for SDA arises, so do debates and disputes about the underlying sexism in the topic.


ou woke up this morning stomach and it doesn’t cover your excited to wear your shoulders. Confused and upset new shirt. You saved up you follow them to the office your allowance to buy it at your where they give you a long grey favorite store. You put it on and shirt that passes your knees. You look in the mirror before leaving stare in silence for a while before for school. You look great. Your putting it on. For the rest of the confidence is booming. It’s a day you are “the girl who got good day. dress coded.” Come first period you are Dress codes in public schools in a delightful mood. Your have been enforced for a long peers compliment you on your time, but I believe they are awesome new shirt and you advocating for the wrong thing. continue down the pathway A girl’s stomach is not a sexual of confidence. But when the part of her body, nor are her bell rings, shoulders, If I’m motivated enough your teacher chest, or legs. gives you a So I have two to write an concerning questions for article about look. You walk it, it’s probably these schools: out the door instead of important. and dismiss it. making girls Lunch feel ashamed Savannah Feuling finally arrives for confidently and you’re embracing their walking to meet your friends. But bodies because it’s a “distraction”, the assistant principal stops you why not teach the male faculty before you can get to them. and students to respect young “I’m going to have to ask you women? Also, why is it that you to put on a jacket. Your shirt is need to over-sexualize things that very revealing and we’re afraid are not meant to be suggestive in it will be a distraction for others that way? here who are trying to learn,” The teenage years are a very they say. “If you don’t have a vulnerable time for many girls jacket, you can come to the office when it comes to self-esteem. and we can give you a shirt to Blaming them for being too wear.” revealing in their style choices The shirt you’re wearing can severely damage how they shows about an inch of your feel about themselves. So why

are we still stuck on the idea that they need to cover up? Let young girls embrace their bodies. Stop blaming them for a problem that is caused by disrespect from others. You’re encouraging the inappropriate behavior of immature boys. And speaking of boys...the dress code is sexist. Imagine there was a situation involving “innapropriate” P.E. attire. I’ve seen things like this happen at other schools I’ve attended as well. The main idea to take away from a situation like this is that boys are rarely disciplined the way girls are for their clothing. If the boys in your P.E. class took off their shirts due to the heat, the teacher might say,”Put your shirts back on!” but compared to the measures taken to enforce the dress code on girls, the boys are free to do what they want. If the girls in your class decided to wear sports bras due to the heat, there would likely be harsher repercussions. Another important aspect of this problem is body types. Fun fact, there is a word for discriminating people for their body types: sizeism. Yes, it’s a real word. Why is a girl with bigger boobs treated differently than a more petite girl wearing the same shirt? Neither of them can

Halter tops, etc. are seen as ‘distracting’. Drawing by Ellen Goldblatt control their body types. This that supposedly entice the rapist is unjust treatment of different when really, rape is always the categories of people; this is rapists fault. discrimination. So dear teachers and faculty You may have heard the term that want to enforce a dress code “rape culture” before. I’m not on our exceptionally progressive saying that dress codes directly school, please consider the cause rape, but they do support arguments I’ve made. Don’t something that causes a lot damage SDA’s reputation of of distress for victims of rape. being a safe place for students Dress codes blame the wearer. to be themselves and dress for This is a lot like society blaming themselves. We take pride in the the victim of rape for being perks of attending San Dieguito “provocative” or wearing clothes Academy.

Does Link Crew really link you?

Many freshmen believe that the link crew reunions after the introductory meeting are unneeded.


ou are heavily relying on homeroom today to get the homework that you didn’t do last night done. It was late, and you knew that if you did it now, the effort would be subpar at best. You get to school, when you find out that homeroom time has been taken away for another link crew meeting. Stress overcomes you as you realize that your grades will be dropped. You hear people complaining left and right, just as you are in your head and silently

agree with them as they pass by. This is going to be a long day. The original introduction of the school done by Link Crew was very educational and really helped out the new students, but these follow up check-in days are nothing more that unwelcome and unnecessary. The very first link crew day used its time wisely, introducing the students to the school and where they could find each room. The first day freshman were told about some of the events that

would happen and that made them feel more comfortable knowing what was coming up. The two more recent So, was the reunions just parent news came up as letter awkward and uncomfortably accurate? long. During Molly Ford the link crew meeting in November, a normal link crew group would start just the same

as the other meet up, with the leaders trying to drag some sort of reaction out of the freshman on how our past weeks have been. Afterwards we played a not so interesting problemsolving game that attempted to symbolize a problem we would “almost definitely” face in high school.

Some may say that link crew is wonderful and crucial for the freshman, but I don’t feel any better after my third link crew meet up as I did the second. Most freshman would rather be working on their new load of homework during extended homeroom instead of sitting on a field for about 40 minutes doing pointless activities. Link crew was helpful the first time, but after a few weeks, most freshman are well adjusted and used to SDA and all its perks.


January 22, 2018

A new family member

Page 05

Adopting pets from animal shelters instead of pure breds is safer, cheaper and saves animal lives.


ou have always wanted has adoption costs that are less that picture perfect pet expensive than purebred puppies from the pet store in the or kittens sold for profit from mall. My dad got his dog from breeders. Depending on the a breeder and it did not work age and breed of the animal, out so well. The dog got sick a buying from a breeder could cost lot and died at a young age. But anywhere from a few hundred I got my two dogs from Helen dollars to upwards of many Woodward an animal shelter and thousands, not including medical they do not get sick a lot and are bills for the animal. the most loving dogs ever. An A pet from a shelter is more animal shelter likely to be is a great place a mix of to start looking I’m Dory in multiple for your next breeds. The human form. life-long pet. advantages There are of a mixed Sloan Roebuck many reasons breed include to get your that they tend future pet at a to live longer, local Rancho are less prone Coastal animal shelter like Helen to breed-specific health issues, Woodward and the Humane and can be quite loving because Society. Adopting a pet from a most come from an unfortunate local animal shelter gives you environment but are able to let a chance to save an animal’s go and give humans a second life. About 2.7 million pets are chance. Another advantage is euthanized each year because that their fee includes various they can’t find homes, so giving shots and they will have been them a home is a win-win for neutered or spayed to avoid both you and the pet. There are overpopulation of unwanted so many pets to choose from that animals. finding the right pet for your Puppy mills facilities are lifestyle and home environment repeatedly impregnating shouldn’t be hard at all. female dogs that spend their An animal from a shelter entire lives in cages without

This is a lonesome puppy with no home at Rancho Costal Humane Society. Photo by Jaden Hauptman. human companionship. These unfortunate animals are often in horrible, overcrowded environments, used solely to produce many litters and destroyed after they become unprofitable assets. In puppy mills, dogs can spend most of their lives in cramped cages, with no room to play or exercise.

Because puppy mills focus only on money, dogs are often bred with little regard for genetic quality. Puppy mill puppies are prone to contagious, hereditary conditions and diseases. Puppies are ripped away from their brothers, sisters and mothers at a really young age, so they often suffer from fear, anxiety

and other behavioral problems. They are also kitten mills so they same thing happens to cute little kittens. By adopting a shelter animal, means you don’t support these breeders cruel ways. Check your city and county websites to find a local animal shelter and meet your next lifelong friend.

Stereotypes must be stopped

Stereotypes and unwarranted judgments ruin people’s self-esteem; they almost ruined mine.


s a Japanese-American, people ask me where I was born, what I eat, what my grades look like, and ask what’s the difference between all the different Asian countries? I don’t think most people understand that many of us are born in America. I know it’s sad we’re not special and come from a different country but just because we’re Asian doesn’t mean we came directly from Asia. I live in California. I eat the same things you eat, just with some extra rice on the side. I try my best in school just like most people, and I study just like others, but there’s nothing incredibly special about my grades. Many people are seeking for “equality” on this planet and are trying to “stop bullying,” just for show. And they end up being the people who are making fun

and teasing others. Why are you culture are popular? You literally making this assumption? You made fun of me my whole elmight ask. Well, it’s because it ementary school life and now you has happened to me many times decide to eat the same thing I ate? and it will most likely happen to The same thing you made fun me in the future. of me for. The same thing you I understand that racism made me feel inhuman for. You and bullying will know how never stop, but depressing Crushed it. why and what it is to have makes you feel a kid think Jeffrey Furgerson like you need to that being a do it? And how certain race are kids learning is bad? I had to be racist? the idea that In elementary being Asian school, I would was a bad bring onigiri (rice balls covered thing, just because I was conin seaweed for lunch), and they stantly absorbing people’s sickenwere incredible. But I was made ing beliefs and stereotypes. fun of, and people thought I was A few years ago I played socweird for eating seaweed with my cer on a team of people that were rice. incredibly mean and who made Fast forward a few years and fun of my race. I was told to “go all of a sudden Asian food and fetch the ball since you eat dogs”

and I was even called a chink and jap. After getting harrassed like this for many years I lost my trust in people and finallygave in. All of these comments and negative people persuaded me to think I was nothing and as time passed I eventually no longer wanted to play soccer for that team, because I knew I was going to be made fun of again and again. I was so confused why I was the only one getting picked on and why none of my family members or Asian friends were suffering the same. That was until my mom came home mad and upset about a nurse that treated my family poorly. My grandparents on my mom’s side are immigrants from Japan. Although they have lived in the U.S for a very long time, they never learned English well. So my mom has to take them to

doctor visits to be the translator of their conversations. When my grandpa was put in the hospital, a nurse realized that my grandparents didn’t speak English, and said, “If I were to come to America, I would learn the language first.” These words should not have been said in such a proffessional environment and before my grandpa’s death. It sucks how even when you’re dying and in a professional place we can still get criticism thrown at us. If you are someone getting bullied because of your race or looks or anything, please talk to a trusted adult or even a really good friend. It may be embarrassing and feel like a risky jump, but in the end your self-esteem will increase when you feel like you’re at rock bottom.


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The votes are in

Should 16-year-olds be able to have a say in the United States elections?


n 2016, San Francisco tried if most government policies to pass Proposition F, which do not apply to them? If young allows 16-year-olds to vote teens actually wanted to make for School Board representatives a difference for themselves, they and in local elections. That would set aside all of the gossip proposition would only increase and use actual resources like the the number of registered internet to figure out who they voters by one percent, but the actually want to vote for and why. supporters believe younger voters But in high school, most would become more likely to people believe what they hear be lifelong voters if they start and don’t put much effort into younger. discovering their real intentions Although, this proposition of voting. did not pass because adolescents Also, if you happened to have shouldn’t have the privilege of an election that falls on a year voting, as many of them don’t where you are 16 or 17 and could have the daily responsibilities have the opportunity to vote if a that adults do. law did pass, this would lead kids Additionally, this proposition that may be at an age as young would not as 12 or 13 to affect the actual think about It’s pronounced presidential who they want “corn” election which to vote for. is what most This does Corinne Andrus of the youth not seem in California justified and if wants. So, if it 16-year-olds can’t pass for are persuaded local elections, easily by the chances of it passing for peers and parents, being 12 or the entire state and presidential 13 would make it even worse election are unlikely. because peer influence is very Social influence is a big issue impactful in junior high and the when it comes to voting. Parents first years of high school. Kids and peers are huge influences should be focused on grades and on a young teen’s life and they school, not elections. are the ones that shape their California is an astoundingly opinions moving forward. democratic state when it comes Adults have more of an to electoral college and popular educated stance on political vote as well. In the 2016 election issues because what the President of Donald Trump, all 55 of does directly affects them; they California’s electoral college votes pay taxes, bills, mortgage, you went to Clintion; yet she did not name it. How can kids as young win. as 16 be so serious about voting She won popular vote overall

Oli Berry, cover artist “I like creating my own art because it is a fun way to express who I am,” said Oli Berry, junior. She has been interested in art since she was little, and her parents encouraged her by putting her through many summer art programs.

ROLL CALL News Editor Aiden Fullwood Opinion Editors Stephen Baker Madelyn Sequeira Features Editors Linnaea Erisman Rithika Vighne Arts Editors Macalister Newby Devlin Ott Sports Editors Corinne Andrus Ian Broadbooks Photo Editor Jaden Hauptman Staff Artist Ellen Goldblatt

This represents how these 16-year-olds would be pictured if they were eligible to vote. Art by Ellen Goldblatt. in the entire election from all citizens of the U.S., but also still lost due to the electoral college. The majority of the youth wanted to vote here in California because they belived they could have made a difference, but there is

no possible way that the election could have been changed by 16-year-olds voting. If any current 16-year-olds still feel like they can make a difference, they can vote against Trump in the next election.

Haidyn Estes, backpage photographer “I really enjoy this piece because it has my favorite colors, yellow and purple, which look great together,” she said. It is one of her favorite pieces because she had a really strong idea towards creating it.

January 22, 2018

Senior Haidyn Estes took a photo class about two years ago and is taking a SDA photography class starting this year. He likes photography because of “the ability to capture moments in time and how you are always able to keep those memories around.”

He says his favorite things to take pictures of are “small, little plants because they are so detailed and intricate.”

Staff Writers Cade Culbertson Mark Espinoza Savannah Feuling Jasmine Flores Molly Ford Jeffrey Furgerson Alexander Hoff Ava Meyer Jonathan Read Sloan Roebuck Alex Storer Chiara Van Cleve Advisor Tim Roberts The Pony is the student newspaper of San Dieguito Academy. Advertisements do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the newspaper. The Pony is an open forum which welcomes letters. Letters can be submitted to room 42, emailed to or mailed to the address below. San Dieguito Academy Room 42 800 Santa Fe Drive Encinitas, CA 92024


January 22, 2018

Page 07

Paws need claws

The truth behind declawing cats is horrifying; it is unethical and both physically and emotionally painful for the feline victims. California and Colorado have both outlawed declawing and the rest of the world should follow.


ou walk into an animal will give you a thorough adoption agency and feel education about scratching the need to help all the behaviors, the procedure, and animals. You can tell they want a all the side effects. It is also only home, and you can’t resist their recommended when you have adorable eyes. So if you can’t made attempts to stop your cat stand to see your feline friends in from scratching, but people look pain, why would you inflict more over that recommendation daily. on them? Selfishness is no reason to abuse Declawing cats, or what your your animals. vet will call an onychectomy, is Many countries, primarily in the surgery that many pet owners Europe, have made the operation choose. It is an amputation illegal unless for medical reasons. therefore In the United making it a States, only Follow @stephenxbaker major surgery. two states on Instagram The vet will have done so: remove the California claws while also Stephen Baker and Colorado. removing all of Even when the cat’s distal the Animal phalanges. Humane That’s like Society has getting your fingers chopped off. spoken against the operation, Why would you want to do that most of the United States seems to your cat that comforts you to mess with its moral compass when you are sad and snuggles at by allowing such a traumatic your side during the night? surgery Before you choose the There are few advantages surgery, you will learn some of the act of amputating your information. Your veterinarian animal. Many, if not all, are

selfish. Primarily it is because lazy coaching of the animal, fear they will scratch furniture, or scratch the owner. With these not so convincing pro-declawing choices, let’s dive paws first into the cons of onychectomy. Cat declawing can make your cat less likely to use the litter box, and even more aggressive. It may also cause pain in the paw, infection, tissue death, lameness, or back pain. A declawed cat can become nearly crippled, scared, or aggressive, a choice you make when you are selfish enough to proceed with the surgery. It is clear that cats still require their claws. Their animalistic behavior revolves around the claws, and the removal is just a way to be selfish. How can you do that to a cat? How can you chop its paws, causing permanent damage? You should help stop this cruelty. Go to and sign the petition to ban animal cruelty and abuse. It’s the right thing to do, America!

It’s the right thing to do, America! Why torture your animals? Mr. Fluffy does not need all that stress! Art by Ellen Goldblatt.

Speak out against silence You know the name of someone with a mental illness.


ne in five teenagers suffer from some sort of mental disorder, such as depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, or an eating disorder, but the number who receive the treatment they need is slim to none. Why? The stigma that surrounds mental health. Mental health is an issue that afflicts many students, but sadly the majority of it is not reported. There is a stigma that surrounds those with any sort of disorder. Unfortunately, this keeps most from receiving the help and support they need. Less that 25 percent of students with mental health issues are receiving help and almost none seek treatment themselves. Of those who seek treatment, the average delay between onset of symptoms

and treatment is 10 years. admit their problems to others, Unfortunately, stigma keeps or even to themselves. most from receiving the help The problem begins and support they need. If one in when people start to identify five students at SDA suffers from themselves as a mental disorder. mental illness, that means you Instead of an illness that can know the name of someone who be helped, they let the disorder is suffering define them. every This selfTrust me, I don’t day. More labeling is hate you. It’s importantly, particularly just my face. it means you harmful in the can help. absence of real Linnaea Erisman The information pressure in and it is easy high school to spiral can be overwhelming: getting the downward. perfect grades, in order to be the School can be a safe place. perfect student, to get into the A comfortable place. An perfect college… Being perfect understanding place. A place to 24/7 somehow takes priority learn and grow and find a friend, over taking care of oneself. This a group, a community. But for causes many people to feel too those who struggle with mental embarrassed or ashamed to health, school can also be a place

to dread. A place of judgment and overwhelming expectations. A place where fear of meeting expectations, and failure can take over. A place where a community can feel more like a place of judgment. Part of the struggle with mental illnesses or disorders is our understanding of it. You hear the word “illness” and you expect to see a physical problem, something that makes one person stand out from the rest. But this is often not the case. The most common symptoms of depression are subtle: -Poor performance in school -Withdrawal from friends and activities -Lack of energy and motivation -Anger or rage -Overreaction to criticism

-Changes in eating or sleeping habits When a person gets sick, they go to the doctor. They get a diagnosis, receive medication, and no one questions if this is the right thing to do. No one recommends simply living with an illness so as not to come off as weak, or imperfect. But with mental illness, this is not the case. Twenty percent of the students at SDA are living with mental illness every day. If you are one of them, or you know someone who is struggling, don’t suffer in silence any longer. Don’t let a friend suffer. Mental illness is just that – an illness. Let you define who you are. Tell a teacher, a PAL, someone you trust or go to or call 888-724-7240. Help is available.


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January 22, 2018

The meaningfulness of movies Throughout the 1900s, movies have evolved in their messages about society.


rom taking Film and Society class, I’ve learned that movies have had hidden messages throughout each decade that were related to the events that occurred during that time and found interesting things along the way. So, let’s take a trip from the 1950s all the way to present day. The 1950s is when sci-fi movies became popular: aliens coming down to Earth for peace or to enslave all the humans. During this time, the American government and the citizens were dealing with Communist who were hiding among them just like the aliens in movies who dressed up like an average person and spied on the people. In “Invasion of Body Snatchers,” is about people getting kiddnapped and turning into something else like an American changing to a Communist.

By the 1960s, movies became edgy and new directors jumped with new ideas. In this decade, the moguls, the people who were in charge of the film industry since the start of Hollywood, were slowly losing power and the younger generation continued rising up with new and better ideas. Psychological films became more twisted and comedy became more elaborate. In this decade, movies became closer to today’s films so thank the people who changed that. In the 1970s, all movies had one thing in common: it had a character or characters finding themselves without worrying about a cause or anyone else. Remember the first “Rocky” movie? Many people would say that it’s a boxing movie, but it goes beyond that. The character, Rocky, was trying to find himself

and figure out what he really Drago, the Russian. Additionwants which he did after going ally, technology was advancing 15 rounds with Apollo Creed, the during that time and computers boxing champion. The 1970s was were finally made. all about the Me Generation. The funny thing is, only The 1980s arrived with teen smart people knew how to work films and movies that looked on a computer which scared the back to the 1950s when some public. Then artificial intellipeople thought gence became America was a thing and Marky Mark is great, but also people were here. dealing with afraid of mathe cold war. chines taking Mark Espinosa Films still over just like had the focus in the film on finding “The Terminathemselves, tor” where the but they also humans are at focus on making films based in war with the machines that they the 1950s, the good times. accidently created. In “Back to the Future,” The 1990s is when low-budMarty traveled to the 50s where get independent films rose up and everything was peaceful before became very successful. Also it the protesting in the 60s. brought the advancement of CGI “Rocky IV” with Rocky, an which made some scenes look American, fighting against Ivan amazing. It became more like an

upgrade such as improvements towards action movies with the Martial Arts and gunfight scenes. By this time, films started focusing more on the plot and also talking about real life situations which are shown in films such as “Boyz N the Hood” and “Pulp Fiction.” It became more entertaining to watch and enjoy these films which started something new which led to how films are today. Today’s popular movies are superhero films which are pretty much fantasy. They show, though, how the government would attempt to kidnap people with super powers and try to keep them in check to use them as a weapon. In a way, that’s the message of showing the government controlling everyone. However, superhero films also show a hero to look up to, solving problems that people wish they could do.

January 22, 2018


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Walking in a sub’s shoes

A substitute’s responsibilities hold more value than what meets the eye. By Rithika Vighne.


t doesn’t take long for the class to quickly notice that something is disturbing the peaceful waters of their classroom: a substitute teacher. A silent “Yes! We have a sub!” moment is shared by a majority of the students, followed by hushed judgments, pointing out the sub’s little quirks and mannerisms that determine whether the newcomer will be subject to resentment or more or less acceptance. But has anyone ever wondered what the substitute thinks about them? What is going on in the substitute’s mind? It’s more than just delivering pre-written lesson plans for Shelli Schroeder, a substitute teacher here at SDA. Schroeder enjoys her quiet time alone without the responsibility of grading papers by gardening and spending time with her dogs. That is, of course, if she isn’t rewatching “The Goonies,” “The Lost Boy” and “Stand By Me,” some of her favorite classic movies. Schroeder values the little joys there are in being a substitute teacher, whether it be from light-hearted conversations with her class or a greeting in the hallway from a past student. In demand at SDA, many teachers and students prefer her over others. “I really like her,” Yoshiye LeaVesseur, an English teacher, said, “I request her all the time.” “I have had her a few times as a sub and I think she is one of the best because she actually has a passion for learning and students. She is a thoughtful and conscientious person. She goes above and beyond to make lesson plans work,” Robert Ross, another english teacher, added. “Once, she spilled coffee on my inbox labels and replaced them all, and now they look better than ever. She really takes responsibility for everything.” Q: Describe a typical day as a substitute teacher. A: A day in the life of a substitute teacher is anything but typical which is actually one of the things I really enjoy. It’s always an adventure because I am usually going to different places and many times encountering people and classes I have never seen or stepped foot in before. No two days are alike. Q: Do you think it’s harder to be a substitute over a teacher? Are there any benefits? A: When I go home after a day’s work, it’s just that. I go home and relax. I don’t have to worry about grades or deadlines...Being a teacher is not an easy job, as it is very time consuming and takes great dedication. I definitely have deep respect for teachers and the hard work that they do. Their job does not end when the bell rings, like it does for me at the end of the day. Q: What do you enjoy most about subbing? Why do you do it? A: As a sub, I get to visit several schools and meet different students all the time...It’s really neat. I am a people person so it’s really fun for me to meet new people and hopefully make a...positive impact on their lives. I always strive to enter the classroom with a smile on my face and a sense of gratitude and respect for each and every student...I still remember walking down the hall and one student at SDA walked by and smiled with a simple “Hi.” It totally made my day. Q: What grade/subject do you prefer to sub? A: One of the perks of being a sub is that you get to teach in a variety of subject areas. I wholehearted-

Schroeder hangs out with her dog whenever she’s not working or substitute teaching. She wears a Ravenclaw shirt she bought from a student’s booth on Exhibition Day last year. Photo Courtesy of Shelli Schroeder. ly enjoy the fact that I can sub for Ceramics one day and English, Science, or Special Ed the next...I have subbed for the Photography and Ceramics classes here at SDA and it was truly an awesome experience to witness some of the completely out of this world, amazing artwork students at this school create. Last year, I bought a Ravenclaw shirt from a student at Exhibition day and I always get compliments on it. This school has phenomenal artists and it’s really inspiring to see. Q: What is the most challenging part of being a substitute? Do you ever feel like students treat you differently for being a substitute? A: I always laugh when someone walks in and blurts out “Yayyy sub!” I always look at them with a smile and jokingly say, “Hey…you might not be saying yayyy in a minute, I could be the meanest sub you’ve ever met.” That usually breaks the ice and lets them know that while I’m not the wicked witch of the west, I am also not a complete pushover either. I am a

firm believer in you get what you give. So if you walk a path with love in your heart, a sub has far more “great days than bad days.” Q: What have you learned from your time as a substitute teacher? A: I get to interact with so many different people and therefore am always learning from the world around me. SDA has such a culturally rich community and I get to immerse myself within the wondrous diversity and various perceptions of others. Being a witness to the hundreds of students who pass by me, I am able to learn about style, fashion, the beauty of individuality, friendship and, of course, patience. Q: Do you plan on becoming a teacher? A: I am currently three classes away from earning my moderate/severe Special Ed credential. I would love to one day teach in adult transition, but right now I am wholeheartedly enjoying myself and the many adventures I encounter as a sub.

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January 22, 2018

A monkey crawls from branch to branch as it makes it way through one of the many rainforests in Costa Rica, embracing the wildlife. Photo courtesy of Rachel Kanevsky.

Greetings from Costa Rica

Explore the wonders of Costa Rica through Rachel Kanevsky’s eyes as she shares her experiences of the beautiful sights she got the opportunity to visit over one of her school breaks. By Alex Hoff.


ost people during break like to stick to the basics: watching Netflix, visiting the refrigerator, and never going outside. Some SDA students, though, are lucky enough to get out of the house and travel places such as junior Rachel Kanevsky. She travelled to Costa Rica over Thanksgiving break because, she had “a really strong interest in Spanish.” She went with her mother, Inna, her father, Alex, and her little brother, Gregory who also goes to SDA. They stayed for seven days at “Tropical Dreams,” a condo in Playa del Coco. Kanevsky says that she wanted to find a place where she could practice Spanish and have a good time with her family. She thought Costa Rica was perfect. Her favorite part about the trip was all of the opportunities to speak Spanish. “It’s so much different than using it in a classroom set-

ting, the flow is more natural and you are able to pick up pronunciation much easier than she said.” The first day they went “straight from the airport in Liberia to the river of Palo Verde to go on a boat tour. The country was so filled with wildlife it was amazing. We must’ve seen at least six iguanas on the way there. On the river, we got to see tons of crocodiles.” which, according to the junior, were very close to the boat they were in. The second day their tour guide named “Tomato” helped them get around, “In Costa Rica, most people, especially men, have nicknames and prefer to be called by them.” Tomato said. He was referred to as “Tomato” because he has very fair skin and burns easily in the sun. They ventured onto the coasts of Costa Rica and “spent hours collecting beautiful shells.” On day four they switched from Tomato to “Chiwi, An old fashion gas guzzler seen by Jack Read on his lengthly stroll down a famous road in Old Havana, Cuba. Photo courtesy of Jack Read.

another awesome guide with a nickname.” He took them to Arenal Volcano. That made Gregory sick four times due to the long and twisty road that it took to get there. “He picked very scenic locations to throw up every time so I could take pictures of the wildlife” How thoughtful. On day five they met “Ivan and Alex,’ she said. “Alex owned ‘Dream Seafood,’ a restaurant in the plaza near us and Ivan was the chef.” She liked Ivan because easily had conversations in Spanish with her. Alex spoke Russian and Spanish which was cool because all of the Kanevskys speak Russian. The last two days were action packed. There was kayaking, ziplining over rivers, jungle hikes, sloths, bats, cool birds, animals, waterfalls, and bugs, which were very annoying, according to Kanevsky. “I do not like bugs. Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE wildlife, but I love it a lot less when it’s creepy crawly, and bite-y.” Bilbo Baggin’s famous hill-house on the set of the blockbuster movie “The Hobbit” that Alex Storer was lucky enough to visit during his trip to New Zealand. Photo Courtesy of Alex Storer.

January 22, 2018


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Cami King, 10th Kevin Enriquez, 10th


Story by Devlin Ott. Designed by Jaden Hauptman.

M Kekoa Wheeler, 12th Grace Warrick, 10th

Daisy Soth, 10th

Lynn Nguyen, 10th

ost people are familiar with the Bitmoji on Snapchat. You know, the little cartoon that peeks into the screen while you’re chatting. The avatars that appear on Snap Maps while you’re trying to spy on your friends. The newest addition to filters, a 3-D version of your character dancing or spilling water on itself. For those of you who have no idea what I’m talking about, a Bitmoji is a digital cartoon version of yourself. You get to design it anyway you want: blue skin, mohawk, unicorn costume…. You name it! Or you could just make it look like yourself. The app then takes the character and puts it into tons of different little templates. There’s some that include your character waving, dropping the mic, lying on top of a pile of food, or even in a food coma. Then you can copy and paste these stickers into your texts and emails. Bitmoji started off as a brand known as Bitstrips, a similar concept, except there were fewer options for customization. The whole point of the app was to make it easy for uncreative people to make creative comics to share with friends. Then, Bitstrips decided to target a different audience by making it stickers (Bitmojis), not comics. They were bought by Snapchat in July 2016, and everything took off from there. Now, Snapchat has taken the Bitmoji to a whole new level, creating Friendmojis. When you are chatting with friends, it allows you to have you and your friend’s bitmoji in one sticker. They’ve added SnapMaps, which is a way to stalk your friends casually by locating them as a Bitmoji on a map. They’ve integrated the bitmoji into the snap filters, making a 3-D Bitmoji do things in your house. It’s kind of hard to explain, but think Pokemon Go with a tiny version of yourself. Anyways, whether you have Snapchat or not, Bitmoji is creating a fun way to communicate and it doesn’t even take much effort to do. Just remember, Bitmojis are not lame. They help make your awkward “flirty” snaps with your crush less awkward . What’s lame is your daily “S” picture for streaks. Why not spice it up a little. Photos by Linnaea Erisman, Chiara VanCleve, Aiden Fullwood, Corinne Andrus, Jack Read, Rithika Vighne, Devlin Ott, and Alex Hoff.-

Caolinn Hukill, 9th

Camille Zimmer, 10th

Clara Papandrea, 10th

Gaby Vonder, 11th

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January 22, 2018

Old yearbooks show the evolution of fashion in San Dieguito High School over the years.

SDA’s culture timeline

Alumni describe San Dieguito culture in the 60s, 70s, and 80s. By Savannah Feuling


an Dieguito Academy, San Dieguito High School, San Dieguito Union High School. Founded in 1936, the school has had many students over the years who have shaped the culture that many people talk so proudly about. And although the culture is passed down from generation to generation, it still finds ways to change constantly. So how has it changed? Was the school known for being accepting and friendly in the 50s? Right now, many people consider SDA to be known for its accepting administration and student body. Many students agree with this and although some feel that there is still bullying that goes on here, the majority of the student body does not contribute to that negativity. But before the world was quickly progressing into a more loving place for the POC (people of color) and LGBTQ+ communities, SDA was a different environment. When asked if she thought San Dieguito was an accepting place for POC and LGBTQ+ people, Stephanie Fairbanks, class of ‘82 representative said,”NO. Absolutely not, It was HELL.” In the 70s, Doug Heflin, class representative from class of ‘75 said the word “fag” was often used to make fun of kids who were suspected to be gay (especially in P.E.). And in the 60s, nobody was “out.” However, class of ‘67 representative Cathy Hicks said the student voted “Most Popular” in the yearbook for her class ended up coming out as gay later in his life. Unfortunately, he passed away during the AIDS epidemic in the 80s. Also in the 60s, there was apparently much more discrimination between the wealthy and poor students. “I don’t really remember there being any discrimination between the Caucasian and Mexican-American students. What I did see was discrimination between the wealthy and poor students. There was always competition to where you bought your clothes, how much they cost, who was able to buy their lunch everyday,” said Hicks. When going off campus, crowds of students usually form in the 7-Eleven down the street, Woodsy Cafe, and, on hour lunch, by Vons. Students with cars, though, often go to Seaside Market, the 101 Diner, and Plant Power. But Plant Power and Woodsy are new restaurants, so where were the most popular places to go before? In the 80s, the beach (Swami’s) and 7-Eleven were popular; not too different from today. Heflin said that he never went off campus, however he said,” We also had ‘smoking areas’ near the student parking lot and outside the fence along Santa Fe Dr. for ‘those kids’ that were allowed by the school. (We were known

nationally as ‘No Hassle High’!).” In the 60s, students weren’t allowed to leave campus during lunch, but when school wasn’t in session, Moonlight beach and Besta-Wan Pizza attracted a lot of San Dieguito students. “Everyone would go [to Besta-Wan] after each football or basketball game,” said Hicks. Now, a bit for the fashion fanatics of SDA. It’s no secret that the overall fashion sense of this school is greatly influenced and inspired by the decades before us. Jamie Duck, a history teacher at SDA, said when she walked on campus for the first time, she felt like she had just stepped on to the set of “Dazed & Confused,” a movie set in the 70s. But was it always trendy to dress from the past? Apparently not because in the 80s, most people dressed the way they thought they should and if they didn’t, they were labeled as sluts and/or freaks Fairbanks said. Students dressed in Lacoste (the brand with the small crocodile logo) and in other preppy-type clothing brands. The students who stood out sometimes dressed more artistically or dressed in surfer attire. “It was VERY boring and you were considered an outcast if you strayed from the conservative 80s norm,” said Fairbanks. In the 70s, fashion was pretty casual. “Pretty much jeans and T-shirts, like always, for the guys. Girls were mostly wearing skirts… A trendy thing for some of the girls was to be ‘free and natural,’ meaning they didn’t wear bras and didn’t shave their legs (and sometimes their armpits),” said Heflin. In the 60s, things were drastically different. There was a very strict dress code that stated girls had to wear dresses or skirts that reached the knees when they were kneeling. “Many a girl was sent to the vice principal’s for a skirt ‘too short’,” said Hicks. Boys had to wear tucked-in collared shirts. Students were not allowed to wear shorts except for one day of the year when seniors were allowed to come to school wearing shorts that reached the knees. “Of course the one-day we were allowed to do this the temperature was in the high 40’s. But by golly almost every senior boy and girl showed up wearing some sort of Bermuda (down to the knee) shorts.” For P.E., students had to wear a specific uniform that was taken home every Friday so that it could be washed and ironed. On Monday, if the clothes weren’t ironed, students would lose points. Students also had to have their names embroidered on the shorts and shirts. Aside from all of the rules though, windbreakers and white tennis shoes were trendy during this time. As for politics, San Dieguito has never been more liberal than it is now. [continued on pg.15]


January 22, 2018

Popular Slang:

80s Gnarly: Slang for something extreme. Can be good or bad. Killer: Very cool. Radical: Used to describe something impressive or cool. Totally: Used for emphasis on something. 60s Bitchen: Really good. Beyond cool. Exceptional. Hardcore: Intense or relentless.

Popular Music:

80s U2, The Beatles 70s Steely Dan, Eric Clapton, Cher 60s Rolling Stones, The Beatles, Beach Boys [continued from pg.14] In the 80s, students were “DEFINITELY CONSERVATIVE,” said Fairbanks. In the 70s, students leaned more liberal. This largely had to do with the fact that the Vietnam War was going on. In fact, there was an anti-war protest held at

the old Encinitas Post Office which San Dieguito students attended. In the 60s, students were also typically more conservative. Which Cathy Hicks said, is likely because their parents were. “That began to change with the Vietnam War. As I was graduat-

ing many of us became more opposed to the war… When we were in high school we really didn’t question authority or why things were the way they were. Thankfully students today are much more informed and educated.”

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Unexpected 60s love story The story of two seniors who met 50 years ago at SDA. By Jeffrey Furgerson


he year of 1968 was the year Martin Luther King Jr. and Senator Robert Kennedy were assassinated, and the year of the Winter Olympics in Grenoble, France. 1968 was also the year George Furgerson and Kathy Hayashi, both Seniors at San Dieguito High School met. George and Kathy, my grandparents, didn’t have any classes together, and had never talked in the years before 1968. One night George called Kathy’s home phone but to his surprise her mom (Fumi) picked up and told him she wasn’t home, but told him to call the house she was at. Kathy was at her friend’s house when he called, all of the girls knew someone was calling for Kathy, so they all go excited and ran upstairs to answer the

call. She expected a guy from school to call her but was actually called by George Furgerson, a person she had to ask her friends to describe because she had no idea who or what he looked like. Once Kathy’s friends told her who he hung out with, she later put a face on the name and knew who he was. George called and asked her on a date, but she was at a party with her friends so she said maybe another time. He later asked her out another two times before she had the time to go out with him. They went to a motorcycle race in Mira Mar one night and later married in 1970. In 1981 they opened up the well known local car repair shop, Furgerson’s Garage.

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January 22, 2018

That homework can wait...

Procrastination is an unfortunate reality we students face in and out of school. However, by understanding why we do it, there are a few ways to solve the problem. By Jack Read.


magine waking up one Saturday, leisurely climbing out of bed, cooking a batch of pancakes, pulling out your backpack, and finishing that English essay due on Monday. It takes a few hours, sure, but you’re happy with the outcome, especially because now you have the rest of the weekend to do anything you please. Now imagine a different scenario. You wake up early Monday morning, and your heart jumps as you remember the same English essay is due in two hours. You scramble out of bed, hoist your backpack onto your desk, and frantically pull out several sheets of paper, all completely blank. As you race against the clock, your fingers ache while your pencil flies across the paper; you have a moment of self reflection. You think to yourself, “Why did I stay up until 12a.m. last night watching youtube videos? Why couldn’t I have just done my homework then?” You vow, “Never again shall I put off my homework until the last moment!” That vow holds true. Until, 24 hours later, you wake up early monday morning and scramble out of bed to finish your homework. Why wait? This is the lifestyle of the run-of-the-mill high school procrastinator- a constant struggle between productivity and pleasure. All students have faced procrastination sometime in their life, and it can make assignments a lot more stressful than need be. So how can one go about preventing this educational epidemic? It’s a question that for many has gone unanswered. It may seem like successful people have some sort of top-secret technique they use that preempts the desire to put off tasks, but students and teachers around our school argue differently. One option to help deal with procrastination is learning how it works in the first place. Youtube, snapchat, etc... Alan Miyazaki, an SDA senior, said that he believes technology is the sole cause of his procrastination: “You know, cell phones, video games, television, there’s so many different distractions these days that people don’t really focus on schoolwork.” Miyazaki said that he has learned to deal with these distractions and has had a lot of success getting his work done long before the due dates. Though Miyazaki has figured out how to isolate himself from technology to finish his work early, this theory would not explain why even before the age of the internet procrastination was prevalent. Blame your genes. Another school of thought, brought up by SDA school psychologist Kylee O’Toole, is that humans are essentially programmed to distract themselves. O’Toole emphasizes how it’s not the environmental factors that cause people to put off tasks, but simply one’s own innate unwillingness to complete their assignments. “Students who are in preferred subjects tend to complete their tasks with more ease,” said O’Toole. “Students in more effortful subjects have a higher likelihood of procrastinating.”

This daily planner is a great way to keep your duties and activities organized. Photo by Jaden Hauptman. O’Toole is suggesting that when a challenge of high difficulty arises, it is an evolutionary instinct to avoid it. Sometimes people would, even if they know it won’t solve the problem, rather take the path of least resistance. Now or later? Is procrastination caused by some kind of external distraction, though, or is it rooted in the human tendency to avoid difficulty? Tim Urban, a speaker of Ted Talks, believes that these two ideas are both actually true and share one thing in common: the idea of immediate versus delayed gratification. During Urban’s Ted Talks, he explained that completing an assignment, while being the most logical choice, is not necessarily the most appealing. Instead there is some kind of voice in your head, a “monkey voice,” that reminds you doing a few math problems will get you that A by the end of the semester, but watching another youtube video will make you feel happier in five minutes. According to Urban, the way to stop procrastinating is by bypassing this immediate gratification. Even though it may be hard to figure out just how to do so, several students at SDA have had success with this prospect and have a few ideas to share. Putting off procrastination Junior Connor Gilliam believes that the key to stop procrastinating is by setting mini rewards for yourself: “I usually just work for twenty or thirty minutes and go get some pizza or play basketball for a bit.” Gilliam said he has been able to turn in all of his home-

work assignments on time with his method of positive reinforcement. This kind of work-reward routine is similar to the technique junior Sahil Singh uses. “Usually I do a bit each day until the day it’s due,” Singh said. “It’s easier because I don’t have to worry about getting done all at once.” Sahil said that by breaking up his assignments, he doesn’t struggle getting through them anymore. Both Gilliam and Singh agree that occasionally rewarding themselves for getting work done and dividing it up into smaller pieces makes their intimidating assignments appear a lot more manageable. Even still, some people argue that the hardest part is getting started in the first place. It’ll bite you in the butt O’Toole said that in her experience a good way of working through that first part of starting is reminding yourself of the greater struggle procrastination will bring along: “It’s just reminding yourself there is a way to avoid that stress, and in the end, the final product will be a lot better if you give yourself that time.” In addition, O’Toole said, “Set a deadline for yourself before the assignment is due to get a bit of leeway.” Last of O’Tooles ideas was to create a daily planner to organize a routine. She explained that once you finish an assignment, not only do you get the relief of having free time, but you also get the satisfaction of checking that off the list. The fight against procrastination may never be resolved completely, but as O’Toole said, “Be the one in control of setting yourself up for success.”

“There’s nothing more stressful in life than doing your homework while the teacher is collecting it.” -Cruz Martinez, Junior

January 22, 2018


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January 22, 2018

Gaby Beas leads a Having a Voice meeting with sophomore Paola Cruz. Photo by Jaden Hauptman

Spreading love to everyone

Gaby Beas, Migrant Ed advocate, shares her fight for education. By Jasmine Flores


t’s completely worth the stress, work and time” said Gaby Beas, Migrant Ed advocate at the Academy who helps families from different backgrounds get the most out of life. She helps her students get community hours by organizing events such as holiday baskets, toy drives, sign ups for soccer or summer camps; not only does she have these opportunities for them but also offers them a safe place to go to when they need someone to hear them out at Having A Voice, a regular meeting for Hispanic and Latinx students. She has been an advocate for 15 years now; she was born in San Diego but raised in different places because her parents were immigrants from Tecolotlan and Chiquilistlan, Jalisco. Her whole life she had to fight for her education because she grew up with a machista dad, which means that her dad had the mentality of women being less than men, she was determined to prove him wrong and it helped her become the person she is now. Her experience at Torrey Pines High School wasn’t like any other high school student because she never had a specific group of friends that she would hang out with everyday. “I would consider myself a floater in high school,” said Beas, “because it was difficult for me to fit in.” She struggled proving how Mexican she could be with her Mexican friends and showing her American friends how American she could be. Not only did she have this pressure but she also faced academic problems such as not getting enough support at school. Since she was the first in her family to go to college, she had to find someone to help her apply for college because she couldn’t count on her high school counselor. She went to different teachers to help her apply for college and little by little she realised she was going to go to college. She went to MiraCosta College first and later transferred to Cal State Long Beach where she majored in healthcare administration. With that she decided to become a mentor to high school students because when she was a high school student at Torrey Pines, she found herself helping others. Beas loves having a special connection with her students because she wants to

be that person who they go to when they need help academically and emotionally. After all she’s been through, she wants to thank everyone who has helped her become the person she is now. In an interview, Beas discussed her strengths, weaknesses and the most influential people in her life. Q: What is your greatest strength? A: My greatest strength would be [that] I can connect with anyone within seconds. Q: What is your greatest weakness? A: My greatest weakness is saying no because I always want to help everyone out no matter what the situation is. Q: Where do you see yourself in five years? A: I see myself teaching other people how to be patient when helping one another. Q: If you could describe yourself in one word what would it be? A: I would describe myself as ‘love’ because why not spread a little of love to everyone. Q: If you could change one thing about the world what would it be? A: Tolerance. Unfortunately people think they don’t have to share anything. Q: What are your dreams? A: I dream that one day, I’ll start a foundation where teenagers have a place to go to when they don’t have nowhere to go. Q: Do you play any sports? A: I’ve played soccer for six years now, as defense and goalie. I decided to play soccer so I could have a better bond with my brothers and dad. Q: If you could trade places with anyone in the world, who would it be? A: I’d switch places with our 2017 president and correct all his child-like actions. Q: Who influenced you the most? A: My grandma because she taught me how to show persistence, strength and how to love.

January 22, 2018


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January 22, 2018

A father and son sit in an empty theater enjoying a motion picture and the father points out something interesting on the screen. Art by Ellen Goldblatt.

The show is about to start Students make time in their busy schedules to watch television with their parents as a way to bond. Sit back, relax, and get ready to watch. By Chiara Van Cleve.


icture this: a girl sits alone in her bedroom when her phone dings with a text from her mom. “Come upstairs, “Wheel of Fortune” is on”. She goes upstairs and joins her mom. “Every night we watch Wheel of Fortune and we eat dinner, except the weekends because they don’t play Wheel of Fortune on the weekend,” junior Ashley Fischer said. Students watch T.V with their parents as a way to bond despite their busy schedules. It’s a good way to spend time together without doing something overly productive and time consuming. There can be some awkward moments on screen but hopefully watching television with parents is smooth sailing. Fischer watches other shows with her mom, like “Stranger Things”, but only after she takes typical teenage precaution and pre-screens them. “I like watching something that I’ve already seen with my mom because I like seeing what her reaction is and then I know it’s not going to be something weird and awkward to watch with your parents.” Like every other viewer of “Wheel of Fortune,” the Fischers try to solve the puzzle from the comfort of their home. “We usually like competing against each other, like who can guess it first,” Fischer said. “My mom wants me and her to go on Wheel of Fortune together; I would totally do it.” Fischer watches T.V with her mom because “it makes her happy because she likes hanging out with me and it’s a good way to spend time together without actually having to do anything.” Starting your Saturday morning with a show, your mom, and a spoonful of Nutella sounds pretty sweet, right? That’s how senior Elle Harkins grew up.

“When I was younger my mom and I would watch “Totally Spies” together. We don’t do it so much anymore but when I was younger we would always… each grab a spoonful of nutella…at the beginning of the show,” Harkins said. Fast forward to now where Harkins and her mom enjoy “The Flash” and “Arrow”. She watches shows like “Survivor” and the “Amazing Race” with her dad, but not often. “I probably watch more T.V. with my mom than my dad. We have the same interests in shows,” Harkins said. “When I watch T.V with my mom we just make jokes about it and we have fun.” Some students watch T.V. with a parent as good one-on-one time, others for a bonding session. “We watched all of “Psych” together but they took it off of Netflix so that’s sad. We used to watch it more often. We watched like two episodes a night and now it’s more like one episode a week,” junior Maya Hamson said. Family time is always nice but it’s harder to get in as a highschool student with AP homework and studying for the SAT/ACT, not to mention extracurricular activities and spicing up resumes. “I’m really really busy so I don’t have a lot of time and my sister’s out at college so it’s less as a family and more like occasionally walk in and watch T.V.” Hamson said. Alone time is pleasant and lets students detox from their regular busy schedule, but sometimes it’s nice to enjoy a show with others. “I guess it’s better than watching Netflix alone. We don’t really do a lot together because… me and my sister are both really busy so when we can just sit down and watch T.V. it’s nice,” Hamson said.

Of course there can always be that awkward moment when something uncomfortable to watch with parents comes on. “Usually it’s me and my sister kind of like ‘oh no’ because we’ve already seen most of the shows we watch with our parents together so we’re like ‘oh no, this is going to be awkward’. Sometimes I’ll leave and my dad and mom will both go like ‘woah’ or ‘hey!’. They won’t skip it though. It’s just kind of uncomfortable for a little bit. We don’t watch anything that has too much weirdness in it,” Hamson said. It seems that between mom and dad, most students watch television with their mom. Sophomore Kiana Driver enjoys watching “Gilmore Girls” and “Once Upon a Time” with her mom. “I watch more T.V with my mom because she has Netflix and it’s really easy to find things on there,” Driver said. Driver tries to watch T.V with her mom as much as possible but it’s hard to during the week due to her heavy homework load, which only leaves the weekend available. “She’s like ‘oh come on lets watch T.V’ but I’m like ‘no, sorry I have too much homework,”’ Driver said. However when she does find the time, “it’s fun. It’s like you can hang out with them and still relax and not necessarily have to talk, but still spend time with them.” Students watch T.V with their parents because it’s a good way to spend time with them while watching something that you enjoy and to take a break from their everyday school and friend filled life. Also, sometimes it comes with perks. “Sometimes if we watch T.V my mom will allow food on the couch so we’ll have snacks or eat some dinner. She usually doesn’t allow food on the couch,” Driver said.

January 22, 2018


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Students walk off campus during lunch, a privilege that eighth grader Tyler Girard is looking forward to as he prepares to enter high school next year. Photo by Jaden Hauptman.

Climbing the academic ladder

Sixth and eighth grade students reflect on their expectations for the coming school year and what it will mean for their school, home, and social lives. By Aiden Fullwood.


ith second semester already rearing its educational head, the prospect of yet another new school year draws spinning high school minds back to simpler times. Times with single classes and fifteen minutes of homework each night, where advancing grades to middle school and beyond was only a concept slowly becoming reality. At Ada Harris Elementary, the ever-looming presence of middle school floats over the 4’10” heads of the sixth graders. Colorful playgrounds and recess are not included in this model of adolescence. Incoming seventh grader Carlee Casazza has a less than optimistic view of next year. “I’m not looking forward to a lot of homework,” Casazza said. “There’s going to be, like, an hour every night.” A lot of homework is a guarantee, and Casazza is not the only sixth grader to fear these drastic changes in workload and difficulty. Braeden Benoit harbors the same inner worries. “Middle school will be a lot harder than sixth grade. There’ll be a lot of new things to learn,” Benoit said. But what about the very people he’ll be spending these classes with? Benoit has some idea of what to expect walking through the blue metal doors. “People will change a lot in their personalities I think,” Benoit said. “Some will be good, others bad.” Armed with similar social knowledge is 11-year-old Will Fullwood. “The people are going to be a ton different. They’re not going to be like little kids anymore,” Fullwood said. But unlike Benoit, he is ready to welcome the adjustment of a broader course selection. “I’m excited for switching classes,” Fullwood said. “It’s good to have some

variability. Sometimes it gets boring with the same teacher. It also makes you feel more mature and older.” Over on the other end of the spectrum are the eighth graders of Oak Crest Middle School, preparing to enter arguably the most important years of their academic careers. They sit in haphazard rows and Snapchat their friends while they tune out yet another boring math lecture. Will high school be any different? General consensus votes yes. “I feel like the classes will be harder...just a lot more emotional problems within,” said a 13-year-old girl, who has chosen to remain anonymous. “It’s a place where everyone else’s dreams go to die. I would never want to go to high school but my mom’s forcing me so, you know.” Kaylie Gurholt, with two older brothers already in high school, has an idea of what she’ll be facing next year. “I expect classes to be building up to the future but also have aspects of individuality,” Gurholt said. “We don’t depend on teachers for everything and kinda find our own strengths.” Other students have put aside the upcoming challenges and instead focus on reaping the benefits. Tyler Girard is excited for “longer lunches” and “more social time,” and Avery Fullwood hopes “there’ll be a lot of cute boys.” The anonymous girl quoted previously, despite previous grievances, is “looking forward to the sick parties” and absolutely can not wait to “turn down every single one of those little nerdy boys.” Eli Jones has chosen to tackle high school with a more philosophical perspective. “I feel like you find your true self and reach to your inner zen,” Jones said. “I’d like to become a SoundCloud rapper and a grom.”


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January 22, 2018

‘The Last Jedi’- the force is strong with this one


ey, who is she and why was she added? The addition of her to the Star Wars movies, including “The Last Jedi,” forced Luke Skywalker to make a life changing decision. As one of the newest characters, Rey shows natural strength towards the force, and this uproots Luke Skywalker’s peaceful existence. The addition of the most recent movie makes the series 10; many people have been following and watching the series from the first movie. The people who follow the Star Wars trilogy are fairly disappointed with this movie and the addition of the character Rey. The storyline took an unexpected turn and upset part of the fan base which has been watching these movies since they were children. According to the official fan base website about 15 percent of the people who watched the movie didn’t like it; this was because they felt the producers and writers were letting the past die and changing the

topic of the original series. Overall the acting in this movie was strong. As usual, Daisy Ridley flawlessly executed her role and it’s clear why she got chosen for the character Rey. Mark Hamill did a good job getting into the part he was playing; it could be one of his greatest movies. Rian Johnson, the writer of the movie did a great job adding some comedy and romance to the action movie of Star Wars. Other than the negative reviews about the story line, “The Last Jedi” was well directed and the actors who were chosen did a good job. And although it does not directly carry on the storyline of the past movies, it opens up the future for the series. The movie was a great addition to the ongoing movie series and with this movie there are endless options for what the future may bring.

-Ava Meyer

Rey, the new protagonist of Star Wars, wields a lightsaber during her training. Photo courtesy of ‘Star Wars’ Official Facebook.

Matt Damon’s character, Paul, is shrunk down to the size of five inches. Photo courtesy of ‘Downsizing’ Official Facebook.

The new operator, Vigil, added to Rainbow Six Siegie. Photo credit

‘Downsizing’ takes cinema to new lows

‘Rainbow Six Siege’ grows into its own


ownsizing features a mostly realistic fiction world in which scientists have created a way to “downsize” (shrink) people down to a size of roughly five inches. This will cut the amount of damage that humans do the environment, which is the appeal of being downsized. However, the movie takes a depressing view of society, identifying that most people downsize for financial or personal reasons rather than to save the environment; that is a side effect of the change rather than a cause. The movie begins with the main character, Paul Safranek (Matt Damon), and his wife, Audrey (Kristen Wiig), making the decision to downsize. However, once Paul shrinks, he discovers his wife backed out at the last second, leaving him alone in the small community. The rest of the movie follows his journey to find a place with the other small people. Without revealing too much, the overall plot of the movie is not focused, and changes directions several times. This makes it very difficult to watch, as many of the events the movie follows end up seeming pointless.

Another negative aspect of the movie is that the main character, Paul, rather than developing over the course of the movie, mostly stays static. He doesn’t become a better person or really evolve at all, which takes away from the effect of his journey. However, while the movie contained many flaws, there is an underlying theme that holds true in the real world that adds depth to the story: that humans are naturally motivated by self-interest rather than by the good of society. This is demonstrated time and time again when people downsize for personal gain rather than to help the environment. Regardless of whether or not a decision benefits or harms the planet or the human population, every person in the movie acts out of self-interest or personal fulfillment. It is a blunt lesson that holds true in the real world, and the movie communicates this successfully. All in all, this movie fell short of expectations, but still contains some very real themes.

-Ian Broadbooks


ainbow Six Siege was released two years ago, which, in game development years, is an eternity. Most games from Triple A Studios stop receiving life support after a year, if they are lucky. However, this game has received a second wind and taken a new life as a long term competitive game after the post-launch content it has received. Rainbow Six launched to, well… lackluster concurrent player numbers for a title that large. Following a major ad campaign and hype surrounding the game, the players just didn’t show up when launch day came around. This is probably linked to consumer burn after the publisher, ubisoft, demonstrated that they regularly over hype their releases. Starting with 20,000 concurrent players at launch, the game has slowly grown to a yearend spike of 100,000 this December. When looking at the chart of the playerbase, every increase in players directly follows the release of new content patches. This content includes things ranging from bug fixes, cosmetics, and weapons, all the way to new

maps and characters. This growth is especially considering the competition of other competitive games like “Overwatch” and “CS:GO.” The developer team seemed to have brute forced their way into the competitive scene through shear quality of content. The most recent additions to the game include a new map and four new characters. The map is extremely fun to play, involving scaling skyscrapers and dodging past enemies into arcades. Of the new characters, ones like Dokkaebi shine for the interesting dynamics they create throughout through the entire game. Dokkaebi has the ability to call all of the enemy teams’ phones, leaving them to ring to be able to hear where all the enemies may be positioned behind cover. If one wants to shut off their phone, they need to become vulnerable for four lengthy seconds to do so. The interest this can create in a single round alone proves how far quality content can extend a game.

-Mac Newbey


January 22, 2018

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Kicking off a start to league SDA’s boys varsity soccer team finished preseason and is taking league head on with a goal to win more games and make it farther into the playoffs, despite the loss of seniors. By Madelyn Sequeira


lthough the San Dieguito Academy Mustangs boys varsity soccer team finished fifth overall in the Avocado West League in 2016-17, they have a promising season ahead of them. “Now we have a greater sense of team, a greater sense of continuity.” said Keith Whitmer, SDA’s boys varsity soccer coach. “At this point in the season we are further along than last year.” In order to be more successful, the Mustangs must have a strong offensive lineup. Because last year’s star forward, Jonathan Sabouri (now playing soccer for UC San Diego), has graduated, the Mustangs may have a more difficult time up front. However the loss of Sabouri has created more opportunities for other new players to take over his role. “Now there is a greater distribution of players that can contribute in a lot of different ways. Not just scoring goals but in how they defend and how they work together,” said Whitmer. According to Whitmer, SDA’s team has lost about 10 to 12 of last year’s players due to gradua-

tion. There is a silver lining. “We lost the leadership of a lot of the kids who had been committed to four years. But I think that with the loss of those players it allows other players to fulfill roles that they were unable to [until] now,” said Whitmer. According to some players, the addition of more underclassman has helped the team to develop. “We have a lot of juniors and sophomores on our team this year. Everyone is pushing each other and working hard,” said senior and team captain, Noah Bussell. “It’s good to see how the program will stay consistently good, and having the younger guys push the older guys makes us all get better.” The Mustangs are in better shape coming into the 2017-2018 soccer season, now that the players are stronger and have been on the team for longer. “We’re just in a better situation than we were last year. I think coming in we didn’t know the players like we know them now,” said Whitmer. “So now I think we have a better gauge on who should be play-

ing and when and who our core players are, with an eye on understanding that every player we picked at some point will have a role to play in this season.” For Whitmer, the main goal of the season is “to obviously win more games and finish higher than fifth [in the Avocado West League] [and] make a deeper run into the playoffs.” Whitmer believes that the team is capable of having a successful season once they strengthen their game mentality and focus on making less mistakes. “The games that we’ve lost, I feel like we beat ourselves by just making silly mistakes that were easily avoidable, which on the bright side it’s not like we’re not good enough, it’s about how we need to clean up the mentality,” said Whitmer. According to Whitmer, the Avocado West league consists of many high caliber teams, which will bring tough competition to the Mustangs. “Avocado West is so hard. I think to be realistic I can see [our team] being somewhere in the middle of the pack [dur-

ing league]. We have really hard teams to play,” said Whitmer. Torrey Pines, La Costa Canyon, and Canyon Crest Academy are the schools that Whitmer believes will be the most difficult competition for the Mustangs. “[Those schools] have [had] consistent leadership in the program for a long time, so their program is a little more established than ours,” said Whitmer. “They’re always good, they have really good players and they’re really well coached. It’s not that we can’t play or compete with them, but those are going to be really tough games.” Whitmer sees the boys team having a better chance of making it to CIFs because of the number of seniors and well experienced players on the team. “This is the group with the seniors who have been playing for all four years, this is the group that can really make a run for CIFs,” said Whitmer. Along with the benefits that come with the players athletic abilities on the field, Whitmer sees a strong sense of unity within

the team. “We’ve got great kids like ‘locker room players,’ who are not only good athletes and good players but they’ve done a great job bringing the team together themselves,” said Whitmer. “ I think the sense of team and togetherness is often more important than any one individual because I think all the kids have each other’s backs as the season goes on further and further.” The Mustangs plan on playing a 4-1-2-3 formation this season, a more attacking oriented structure. However players will be able to drop in and support the defenders, which will create a more defensive formation, when playing teams with great passing skills. The Mustangs finished preseason with two wins, five ties, and four losses. They scored a total of 15 goals and had only 17 goals scored against them, an overall winning percentage of about 40% of their games. The team will play their next home game on Wednesday, Jan 24, against LCC.


The Pony

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