The Mustang April 2013

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issue 5 volume 17


Mustang 04.04.2013

Here’s the deal 22 Health

Gym Buff



The Adventure Club This exciting club is emerging at SDA as one of the most popular, exploring San Diego trail by trail.

Sam Winter stays in shape despite his leg injury by aquajogging at the YMCA swimming pool.


Teacher Tidbits Which current SDA teacher attended the 1974 California Jam, which was the last of the original rock festivals of its era?

To find out, visit

Senior Alex Sweat




Earth Day

Student Artist

Care Campaign




Junior Celine Parker shares her growth as an artist in our student profile.

Learn about the effects of human activity and pollution on the environment and discover new ways to reduce your own impact.



Magic Mustangs

social activism

as easy and widespread as possible.”

In search of paradise

Austin Kasselmann highlights the great success of the SDA baseball team so far this season.

Follow Kelsey Navis’s lead; take a break and discover the large waterfall and swimming hole of Cedar Creek in Julian.


HEALTH EDITOR Austin Kasselmann

ARTS EDITOR Caroline Glass




PHOTO EDITORS Tacy Manis Kirsten Walz


use of social media at its most effective, making




“It’s a

Sam Winter


STAFF WRITERS Linden Amundsen Aly Baker Kira Elliott Eric Hsieh Taylor Knudson Joleyne Lambert Katie McPherson Marisa Pearce Joseph Swit Becca Von Zweck Andrew Walker

The Mustang is the student newspaper of San Dieguito Academy. Advertisements do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the newspaper. The Mustang is an open forum which welcomes letters. Letters can be submitted to room 98, emailed to or mailed to the above address.

San Dieguito Academy / Room 98 / 800 Santa Fe Drive / Encinitas, CA 92024

Junior Cassidy Mayeda

Mustang 04.04.2013

Locals against ban on gay scouts SDA Boy Scouts and Encinitas church officials say they are in favor of ending the “BSA’s policy of exclusion.” laurel sorenson


avid, a Boy Scout, believes that homosexuality is wrong. His troop is chartered to a church where the doctrine of that faith also teaches that homosexuality is wrong. Steve, an openly gay youth, applies to be a member in the troop and is denied membership. Is it acceptable or unacceptable for this troop to deny Steve membership in their troop?” This is one of situations the Boy Scouts of America is asking the scouting community to consider when deciding whether or not to lift the ban on gay scouts and troop leaders. BSA’s representative committees are currently in what they call the “Listening Phase,” in which they are trying to gauge the opinions and concerns of BSA’s members before making their final decision in May. Some SDA scouts and local religious leaders, whose churches sponsor scout troops, think the ban should be lifted because no one should be excluded from the Boy Scouts and sexuality has nothing to do with scouting. Junior Calvin Borchers, an Eagle Scout with Troop, said issues of sexuality rarely come up. “Honestly our troop is focused on more eminent issues than this. This isn’t something people talk about often, and I haven’t seen any noticeable change in the troop since it’s become an issue. I think more drama about it is caused by people who aren’t affiliated with scouts than those who are,” said Borchers. This “Listening Phase” is being executed through the “Voice of the Scouts,” a survey that has been sent to all leaders, parents, and scouts aged fourteen and older. The survey asks about membership standards and provides hypothetical examples of the situations BSA members might encounter if they allow gay scouts and troop leaders. Survey takers must respond to each situation on a scale of “Totally acceptable, Somewhat acceptable, Neutral, Somewhat unacceptable, Totally unacceptable.” Although the survey brings up important considerations, sexuality has so little to do with scouting that lifting the ban would change virtually nothing, according to senior Gordon




Yee. “I’ve been in Boy Scouts ever since elementary school and I’ve never even heard of anything that’s had anything remotely related to someone’s sexual orientation.” While some may say sexuality has nothing to do with scouting, the issue of the ban has been brought to the scouting community’s attention due to the abolition of the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” rule in the military, said Assistant Scoutmaster Darren Osten of Troop 774. Borchers also compared the current situation with his troop to the military’s old policy. “It’s kind of like a Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell situation. Although I don’t know what would happen if someone did tell, since no one has been open about it,” said Borchers. The “Voice of the Scout” survey brings up the concern that lifting the ban could affect the troop’s ability to hold meetings if they have a charter with a church. Troop 776’s relationship with the church that holds their charter, St. John the Evangelist Catholic Parish of Encinitas, would not be negatively affected if the ban were lifted, the Rev. Brian Corcoran said. “Here at St. John’s, we wouldn’t have any objection [to the ban being lifted]. Problems may arise, but problems can happen with anyone, not just gays. I wouldn’t want to see any discriminating. We’re not trying to come into anybody’s bedroom or anything. There’s no problem with gays being leaders so long as they adhere to the normal codes of leadership,” said Corcoran. Even if the church had an issue with the leadership of a troop, Corcoran said the church’s leaders wouldn’t get involved. This is not the case with Troop 774 who may be negatively affected if the ban is not lifted. The troop has a charter with the San Dieguito United Methodist Church whose views, according to the Rev. Mark Feldmeir, conflict with the very idea of the ban. “This policy contradicts our core values of God’s unconditional welcome and love for all people. If the ban is not lifted, there is general consensus among our leadership that a BSA policy of exclusion cannot be reconciled with our congregation’s theology of inclusion,” said Feldmeir.

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for your intellect.



Mustang 04.04.2013

Photo by Katie McPherson.

A Safe Passage Construction on the tunnel from Vulcan Avenue to Swami’s is finished, saving pedestrians from the running the risk of crossing the train tracks illegally. A pedestrian tunnel offering a safe alternative for accessing the beach has been added under the train tracks by Swami’s. This is especially important for the long-distance runners of the SDA cross-country team who previously had to cross the tracks. “We got in trouble with the cops a couple times,” said junior and long distance runner Sam Fierro. Now that the tunnel has been completed, runners can safely and legally access the coast. “We frequently run down to the Chart House or Cardiff Beach so it’s [the tunnel] great,” said junior and cross country runner Marin Callaway. Junior and cross-country runner Keaton Crow remarked, “It would have also been nice to have an escalator for the lazy runners. But really, there aren’t any negatives to the new tunnel.” -katy mcpherson


All Tied Up in Knots

The Teen Brain

The objections to practicing yoga in elementary schools has escalated into a full-blown lawsuit.

SDA recently held a forum discussing the effects of stress on teens.

An Encinitas family, represented by National Center for Law and Policy’s attorney Dean Broyles, filed a lawsuit against the Encinitas Union School District’s yoga program on Feb. 21. According to the February press release from NCLP’s website, “[the lawsuit] seeks to immediately suspend EUSD’s divisive Ashtanga yoga program and restore traditional physical education to the district.” “EUSD’s ‘model’ yoga program sets a very dangerous precedent,” said Broyles in the press release. “No matter how starved our school districts are for money, we must not allow our public servants to ‘sell’ our precious children to the highest bidder to be used as religious ‘guinea pigs’ to fulfill the self-serving marketing purposes of a religiously motivated organization,” the release said. In response, Coast Law Group attorney David Peck created the group YES!, Yoga for Encinitas Students, which is a coalition of EUSD students’ families, and “a way for the families to join together and pursue a common legal right, the preservation of this yoga program.” He hopes to intervene in the case on the grounds that this third party, YES!, has invested interest in the case and should then have a voice in whether yoga stays or goes. “The legal issue is whether or not the EUSD yoga program is promoting one religion over another, or promoting a Hindu agenda,” said Peck, “and our position is that it’s not. We are ready to act on the kids’ behalf in preserving the program.” -molly kovacs

The teenage years are a time of confusion, raving emotions, and dumb decisions. In an effort to help parents and teenagers, understand what goes on in an adolescent mind, on March 26 San Dieguito Academy put on a Family Forum: Understanding the Teenage Brain. Among the speakers were James Hrzina, the school psychology teacher; Charles Smith, the Chief Research Officer at Knowledge Factor, an online educational company that creates programs to enhance learning and increase long term memory retention, and researchers in cognitive science and psychiatry. The speakers offered advice and information as to how to deal with this difficult time. For more information and advice from the speakers, check out www. -joleyne lambert



Mustang 04.04.2013





Mustang 04.04.2013

Staff Editorial

Questioning scouts’ honor

The Mustang unanimously agrees: a ban on homosexuality has no place in an honorable youth organization like the Boy Scouts.


he Mustang staff believes that the ban on homosexuality in Boy Scout troops should be lifted, and if there are issues, they should be dealt with on a troop-bytroop basis. Homosexuality is not the basis of someone’s worth, nor should it be a basis of someone’s eligibility for childhood activities. We stand by this, even when faced with a handful of controversial questions from the “Voice of the Scout” survey, a series of questions presented to Boy Scouts nationwide. The survey is meant to find out what a majority of Boy Scouts and Boy Scout leaders want to happen in this heated


Scenario 1: “Tom started in

the program as a Tiger Cub, and finished every requirement for the Eagle Scout Award at 16 years of age. At his board of review Tom reveals that he is gay. Is it acceptable or unacceptable for the review board to deny his Eagle Scout award based on that admission?” Out of 20 members on the Mustang staff, not a single one believes that it is acceptable to deny him his Eagle Scout honors. Especially at such a high level of ranking, sexuality should not be taken into account. It should not be a deal-breaker. Scenario 2: “Bob is 15 years

old, and the only openly gay Scout in a Boy Scout troop. Is it acceptable or unacceptable for the troop leader to allow Bob to tent with a heterosexual boy on an overnight camping trip?” All 20 members of the Mustang staff believe that it is acceptable for the troop leader to allow Bob to tent with a heterosexual boy. To deny him this unfairly assumes that Bob is likely to sexually harass or provoke his fellow troop member. While the sleeping arrangements should take into account both boys’ comfort level, there should not be an overarching rule that forbids this arrangement.

While there may be discrepancies in the more conservative regions of the country, on the highest level of jurisdiction, Boy Scouts’ homosexual ban falls behind the times. Even President Obama, the man in the highest position of the United States government, has stated his support for equal rights when it comes to gay marriage. Why can’t the Boy Scouts support such equality? “Heterosexual” is not included among the traits and qualities of a Boy Scout, according to the Boy Scouts of America website. Indeed, sexual orientation does not infringe upon their ability to be “trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obe-

dient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean, or reverent.” And in the end, we affirm that while they must “keep themselves physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight,” the Boy Scout oath says nothing about being any other kind of straight.

Did you know? Staff editorials are the collective voice of the Mustang staff on a particular issue. After moderating a class-wide disscusion, the opinions editor articulates the staff’s consensus opinions.

You’ve been asking too much,

A new website has allowed a humorously intrusive and gramatically offensive stream of questions to break down essential online social barriers.


taylor knudson

know a place nestled deep into the warm bosom of the internet, where each man is free to question not only himself, but his colleague as well. I know a place where any inquiry is answered with an equally knowledgeable and eloquent response. I know a place where questions like “whoose da dankest freshmans at sda,” “wat kind of undwaer r u werin ;))))),” and “r u a verjin?!” are met with answers like “omg yUs I am a vergin.. DUHHH!” That place, the metaphysical holy ground, is For the past month, I’ve seen an explosion of links on my newsfeed from various Facebook friends to a page called These links are captioned with comments like “ughhh soew bored someone ask meh something!” and “ASK. NOW. PLS.” People who want to be asked questions, the askees, post links on their Facebook page to Here people can send in anonymous questions for the askee to reply to on their public page. This website allows for a collapse of the social barrier that normally prevents people from asking others totally explicit and inappropriate questions This barrier is put into place because “wat kind of undwaer” someone is wearing or whether or not they’re a “verjun?!” is no one’s business. In any normal circumstance, the only person

justified in asking these questions is a gynecologist. These inquiries evolve from humorously intrusive to grammatically offensive to inexplicably peculiar. On one page, an asker sent in the question “Why did you cheat on me?” Apparently, is the new go to place for those who can’t afford relationship counseling. Later on the same page the question “Would you ever [have sexual intercourse] with a duck?” was posted perhaps a new study on romantic connections with birds that have gone a bit too far. Is the new place to conduct psychological case studies? This website has also become a land for philosophical realization. A conversation between two intellects took place on one page as an asker questioned the implications of the askee’s homosexuality with, “Dude ur geyyy,” to which the askee retaliated with “Naw dude ur gey.” It seems the asker won this scholarly battle, as he used the maximum amount of “y”’s necessary to convey his point. I wonder if Plato and Aristotle ever got involved in such rigorous, academic combat. All satire aside, there really seems to be no productive value for the concept behind this website. I’m sure even if the Dalai Lama had an, he would still probably get questions like “have you eva been preg..??” or “boxxers or briefz? <33.”

Aside from bringing the word “dank” back from 2011 and gaining insight into what types of undergarments various Facebook friends are wearing, is purely a massive

waste of time. However, there are a thousand less creepy ways to waste time and slaughter the English language that don’t involve harassing people online. is merely an outgrowth of the awkward days of Formspring in eighth grade and should be gone just like those days of Twilight books and SillyBands.



Mustang 04.04.2013

What the frick is fracking?


It’s destroying our land, but most people aren’t even sure what it is... other than a funny name.


Some Stats...

linden amundsen

racking, or hydraulic fracturing, promises us many things: a boost for our economy, less dependence on foreign oil, an increase in natural gas production, a chance for America to be an energy exporter, and plenty of new jobs. However, there are consequences. And they are potentially deadly ones. To understand how dangerous it can be, first I have to explain how exactly fracking works. Imagine pressurized water drilling down 6,000 feet into the earth, breaking through rock on its way to a jackpot of oil or natural gas, and you have fracking. Sounds nice, right? Wrong. Mixed in with the water is a potent little mixture known as “fracking fluid.” Without it, the natural resources we’re going after wouldn’t be able to escape the rock pores they are trapped in. Fracking fluid, being the fun concoction it is, is made with water, sand, and a little bit of toxic chemicals. What kind of toxins, you ask? Well for example: benzene, toluene, xylene and ethyl benzene; all of which are either toxic or a form of carcinogenic. The worst part is, companies don’t have to disclose the exact list of chemicals used, as they believe them it to be a “trade secret.” These unknown toxic chemicals explode underground, and then go

Up to 100 million gallons of fluid are used in each fracking operation. Oil companies say that, statistically, 20% of cement casings will fail. In the Barnett shale region, an estimated $270,000 is spent per day in health care costs, due to fracking pollution.

Art by Colleen McGrath

on to contaminate the air as well as aquifers, causing all kinds of health issues in workers and nearby civilians. Reports of asthma, nausea, and organ failure have increased dramatically in towns where fracking chemicals have leaked into air and water supplies. Although hydraulic fracturing companies case fracking wells in cement to prevent fracking fluid and natural resources from spilling, accidents still occur. There’s also the matter of the contaminated water used in the fracking process. About 5 million

gallons of water and carcinogenic chemicals... Where does it go? Most of the used fracking water is taken to a storage pond, or shipped to another country or state, and some is buried where it will continue to poison everything it touches. Fracking wells take a toll on nearby communities. Land is polluted and destroyed; roads are built, causing traffic congestion; and health costs caused by fracking are extreme. Fortunately, fracking has not yet reached our lovely town of Encinitas, but it’s sure going to affect California.

And soon. The Monterey Shale, located between San Francisco and Los Angeles, has an estimated 15.4 billion barrels of oil waiting to be pumped out of the earth and into our economy. And oil companies think fracking’s just the thing to get that oil. Once we get it, it will only last for three or four years, and then what? There will be more drilling more places, and sooner or later, there’ll be wells all over California. And when that happens, we’ll really be fracked. So, if fracking’s really that bad,

what else is there to do? We need to stop depending on foreign oil, but we shouldn’t destroy our land in the process. Instead of fracking up America, we should find alternative, clean energy sources. Wind, solar, and hydro power are good places to start. Landfill gas also could become a valuable energy source. All I’m saying is this; fracking is destroying our land, communities, and peoples’ quality of life. Once we realize this, we can all work to find better sources of energy for our great nation.

How to survive group projects Group projects are difficult and frustrating—but here are some helpful tips to make it a little more enjoyable for everyone involved.


kira elliott

nd you will be working in groups of four to five,” finished my statistics teacher. I stifled my groan. This had promised to be such an interesting project, but now… I resisted the urge to ask if I could be my own party of one. But I knew that wasn’t an option. I would just have to grin and bear it. See, even mentioning group projects makes me break out in a cold sweat and my heart sink down into my stomach. It’s a simple reason why they’re about as productive as trying to make a cat jump through a hoop. I understand why teachers think it’s a good idea to put their students into groups and work on a project together. For one thing, it means a little less work for the teacher as far as grad-

ing—yay for group scoring—and for another, it is supposed to simulate a work environment in order to prepare us for the “real world.” Group projects are all about equal contribution of ideas and effort. It’s a great idea. It’s just not a very practical one, especially because we are dealing with a great deal of variation of character in each individual group. Some students will be ready to take action and will have a great deal of interest in doing the project, not to mention getting an A. On the other hand, there are students who have become accustomed to having everyone else do the work. And this is where things get annoying. Basically, the key to group projects succeeding is having everyone doing an equal amount of work. No one person should be pulling all of the

What to do in a Group Project: • Work together • Equal portioning of work • Know the subject • Pay attention to deadlines • Respect group members • Do the work

weight, and those people hovering in the wings should be part of the show, even if they need a bit of a gentle shove. At the end of the project, everyone should come away from it with a general feeling that they have learned something, enjoyed what they have done, and want to work with the same people again. It should be a positive

What not to do in a Group Project: • Slack off • Do too much work • Not know what’s going on • Forget deadlines • Assume someone else will do it • Be annoying

experience. So, here’s what you have to do: listen, pay attention, take an interest, and do the work that is allotted to you in a timely fashion. You should not do more or less work than what is given to you. You should take a part in any discussions. People do want to hear what you have to say, and if someone

simply won’t stop contributing, kindly let them know that you want to say something. Also, know what you’re doing a project on. Don’t just go with the flow, not understanding exactly what you’re doing. You don’t learn anything, and the quality of your work will suffer considerably. And if you’re that straight-A student who is used to not only getting good grades, but also doing all of the work, let it go. You can be a director, but you can’t also be the writer, producer, and actor all wrapped into one. Let other people do the work (that way, they might actually have to do the work). In other words—it’s called a group project for a reason. Therefore, work together and everything will work out just fine. Most likely.





Straying from the stats 04.04.2013

A college admission rate won’t guarantee the difference between a good and bad school. Take the time to find the school that’s right for you. andrew walker


or us seniors, it’s a little late, but for underclassmen this article might have the ability to help you out during the college application season. Listen, I’m sick of applying and getting into colleges with higher acceptance rates than a 60 percent and catching flak for it being ‘too easy,’ or hearing that it’s not a good school because it’s easier to get into. One, that’s stupid. Good schools are good schools whatever their percentage of acceptance. You find out if it’s good for you by doing research first. Low admission statistics do more to scare applicants than anything else. They just make you doubt whether or not you have a chance of getting in when the focus should be on your interests above all else. Never feel embarrassed for being interested in a particular college, despite what friends may say. It isn’t necessary. I think it’s incredibly unfair to be rated as high or low as a person based on the selectivity of colleges you apply to. People think, “Person A who I

Don’t let this happen to you! Try not to get caught up in the craze of shrinking admissions rates. Art by Emily Hall. don’t like got into this school and so did person B, I guess person B must be just as bad.” When people make assumptions

about people’s intelligence based on the colleges they do or do not have interest in, they are straying away from that whole “no judging” principle

that was taught in classrooms in fifth grade. College satisfaction is the biggest factor, so an acceptance rate from zero to a hundred means pretty

little when you realize, “Oh hey, my friend and I aren’t the same person, and that’s okay.” End of discussion. Whatever makes a good school the best fit is a personal thing that requires little to no criticism from peers or parents; it should be up to the applicant. Admission rates won’t guarantee that a school will be the best for you personally. The lower the admission rate, the more discouragement will be awaiting. You’ll just think you don’t have a chance when there’s no real point in worrying about it. You’ll find out when you find out. People have to grow up a bit and find the school that fits them the best. In the following years, remember to trust your intuition and don’t allow your college choices to become a number. Searching for colleges, writing essays, and making decisions is all part of the trip, so adding those scary statistics isn’t worth your time. Carry on, endure the college process and make a choice with as much peace of mind as you can muster. You’ll appreciate it.

Who needs labels, anyway? Guest writer Emily Fountain, senior, explores the difficulty of defining and accepting the nature of bisexuality.


here are three things I’ve learned this year. One: I know what a lesbian is. This statement is true. Two: I am not a lesbian. This statement is mostly true. Three: I am dating a lesbian. As far as I know, this is true. When I decided to come out to my parents, I knew I would have to pick a label for myself. Just telling them that I was in love with a girl would probably not be enough. “Bisexual” is probably the closest I ever got to my true feelings, but I was never really comfortable with that. I’ve always preferred the term “lesbian,” or “dyke,” in certain situations, because “lesbian” is a noun. For example, “I am a lesbian.” It’s like “I am an FBI agent” or “I am a deep-sea diver.” It’s like they’re a secret organization devoted solely to the loving of women. When I talk to my lesbian friends, they seem to have gotten it all figured out. They like girls, and that’s working

out all right for them. When I say “bisexual,” or, god forbid, “queer,” the least decisive of all possible labels besides “I don’t know,” I feel like a kid who forgot to bring presents to a birthday party, or an artist who shows up to class without any brushes. How could you have forgotten to pick up your proper sexual orientation at the door? The worst is my friends who have it so figured out; they label themselves things like “homo-romantic asexual” and “gender-queer pan-romantic.” I thought about doing that, since it’s probably more accurate, but I think that might be a little much to push on my parents at this delicate time. Still, I can’t call myself a lesbian, just like I can’t call myself a firefighter or a Samoan or an airplane, simply because I am not one, and to say that I am just because I like the term would be misleading. It would, however, be satisfying to that little part of me that loves language and would love to call myself a lesbian just because I love the sound

of the word, and its origin, which is one of the greatest of all time. It goes something like this: Hot poet sits on an island called Lesbos, Admiring beautiful young women, Writes poetry about their beauty, and the heartbreak she feels when they leave. Future societies name the whole practice after her. Too bad she already took it, or they could have named it after me. Maybe society could use me to refer to a different group—the lesbians who also like boys. I think that story would go something like this: Hot poet sits on a coastal region of a continent, Admiring beautiful young women, Writes poetry about their beauty, and her dissatisfaction with labels. Future societies think she should just settle down and use bisexual for f***’s sake. I think part of my problem with the term “bisexual” is that total

devotion to one thing is so much more romantic than a broad love of many. If Romeo had loved Juliet, but also thought Mercutio was pretty hot, the story would be less of a tragic and stupid romance and more of a science project. People would wonder why he didn’t end up with Mercutio, and would analyze the dialogue between them for remains of love like archeologists digging up sacred ground to find artifacts. They would crawl through the pages searching for lost declarations of love and sex. And I’m doing the same thing with my own life. Every time I feel any arousal or I stare a bit too long in appreciation at someone, I catalogue it. If I could print it on paper, it’d be hundreds of pages. “Day 114: kissed my girlfriend, and liked it.” “Day 289: thought Kristen Stewart was pretty hot.” “Day 317: checked out a guy’s

butt.” “Day 358: another person thought I was a lesbian and sadly, I had to correct them.” And even though I’ve graphed and reviewed and analyzed this data, there are no patterns. I can make no conclusions. And the experiments themselves were dubious at best. I’m starting to think that I’ll never get a good label for myself. Which some part of me says is good. “You don’t need to be labeled,” that part says. “Just live your life the way you want to live it, and other people will figure you out if you want them to.” I want that to be true. But when the bi girls on TV are just sluts, and every time I kiss my girlfriend, in the back of my mind, I remember that Cosmo article about the male gaze, “20 reasons why he loves the idea of you making out with your BFF!” and when the gay kid from Glee says I don’t exist if I’m bi, and I have to pick a side, part of me says “no.” But the other part says, why can’t I?





Being green


Propaganda can guilt you into the impossibly difficult lifestyle of “being green,” but what is the reality of being eco-friendly? kelsey navis


t’s hard, this trying-to-be-green thing. In a country where cheap is valued over quality and ease is the common directive, it’s difficult to find something not wrapped in a layer of plastic. Think about it. How much plastic do you throw out in a day? Of course there’s no discounting the increasing availability of recycling. It’s the kingpin of the environmental movement. But there are so many different kinds of plastic made that they actually have to classify them with numbers (you know, that easily overlooked little number in a triangle on the bottom of plastic products). Each number signals a particular type of plastic; some indicate recyclability, while some mean unrecyclability, but has anyone ever known which numbers mean which? Has anyone ever really paid attention? The effect of these indiscriminate little numbers is so that when you’re happily throwing that plastic water bottle into a plastic recycling bin with a flood of relief and renewed conscience, you could potentially be saving the planet

Art by Emily Hall.

one more water bottle… or you could essentially be contaminating that entire batch of recyclables. Why must the beautifully simple idea of recycling be so complicated? It’s like the fine print under the directions of being green: 1. Recycle as much as possible 2. Don’t be wasteful

3. Plant trees 4. Be outdoorsy 5. NEVER use Styrofoam 6. Advocate for the cause! The green movement is not subject to ease of use or related disruptions of conscience. At the occurrence of sudden onset frustration or signs of being overwhelmed with the enormity of is-

sues, see your local Sierra Club Chapter. Consult climate change scientists before terminating membership and be sure to feel guilty despite the difficulty in the implementation of these rules in today’s society. The complex rules not only limit the potential earth-saving qualities of recycling, but added to the current needs

of society, produce more hypocrites than greenies. For example, the biggest contributor to climate change is carbon pollution. So every time I turn on a light switch, plug in my laptop, and drive my car (even a hybrid), I am emitting carbon into the atmosphere either by directly burning fossil fuels or using electricity that is also generated by the burning of fossil fuels. I want a planet with a stable temperature, but school requires the use of electronic equipment, places demand to be driven to, and I guess darkness demands light. Even my “all natural, organic” food has been shipped or driven to my local grocer. It seems like no matter how hard I try, I find myself running in a circle of waste and guilt with nothing to protect me but flimsy arguments that the few actually green things I do make a difference. It is at this point I find myself searching for a reason to continue on in this kind of lifestyle. I guess I’ll go brainstorm over the cup of organic tea I bought from the farmer’s market… in a Styrofoam cup.




San Dieguito Sentinel 04.04.2013


real legit

Facebook epidemic grips SDA; Students forced to make new plans users lose touch with reality Overuse of Facebook pages as tools for interaction leaves students incapable of normal human behavior and dependent on the internet and unable to accomplish anything ever besides creating more pages and more likely to die poor and lonely.

by Laly BaKesseur

SDA-themed Facebook pages have been growing at an uncontrollable rate of 69 per week, causing alarm to staff and parents. “When it was just those initial few pages, it wasn’t really a concern. It was just teens being teens, having some fun on the computer. But now, with growth being reported at such an obscene rate, we’re really starting to have an issue,” said someone authoritatively on the news somewhere. Students themselves don’t see it as a problem. Freshmen Noah Litter, a strong supporter of the page-making trend, said, “It’s just super easy to make a page. You can throw anything on the internet and it’ll be really legit. There’s even an SDA

Trashcans page where people can anonymously send in messages about what they think of all the trashcans around campus. I make sure I get notifications from that one so that I’m always aware of which ones are too dirty or too full to throw trash in. I don’t know what I’d do without it.” Another popular page is SDA Vomit Stories. “One time I read this story about someone throwing up from gagging on their toothbrush, so now I just avoid brushing my teeth altogether. I regularly check SDA Vomit Stories because I’m constantly finding useful tips,” said junior Den TaldEkay. Senior Ann T. Seaushall finds the online SDA commu-

nity so convenient that she no longer attends school, or life in general. “I haven’t gone outside in days. I get all the human interaction and hot gossip I need from the SDA Facebook pages, which are easily accessible from a computer. Which I have, by the way,” she said in a Facebook message. There is strong opposition to this growing SDA hermit lyfestyle. “This is not healthy. We need to get students off of Facebook and back at school where they can have real, face-to-face interaction,” said junior Wye Zewun in a comment on a debate on SDA SDA Facebook Pages page, a page where people send in complaints about the overuse of SDA Facebook pages.

by Alily LeaVebaker

With Coachella coming up in just two weeks, students who failed to get tickets are scrambling to fill the void left by the annual once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Despite the constant waves of disappointment and near-breakdowns brought on by friends’ excited Facebook posts, most are making new plans, hopeful they will pull through. “I’m just going to stay home and watch reruns of ‘The Voice’ with my dad. We’ll probably throw popcorn at the TV when someone is off-pitch. We might even ask my mom to join us. Then it’ll be a party,” rambled junior Paul Thetic. Sophomore Babe Bee is finding alternative forms of entertainment as well: “There’s a children’s piano recital going on at my grandma’s retirement home. Sounds pretty chill, I’ll


probably check that out.” “You know those ‘Hundreds of Funny Things to do at Walmart’ lists? I’m gonna try completing one of those,” said junior Anna O. Ying. Some students look forward to the free time they’ll have when their friends abandon them for the festival. “I’m ok with not being able to go. I think I’m actually going to have a great time retiling the kitchen or bathroom floor. I haven’t decided which yet, but that’s half the fun,” said senior T.D. Ous. Students who are attending have little sympathy for those who missed out. “Obviously they didn’t care enough to put in the effort to get tickets. I sold my kidney and my little sister’s biology textbook so I could get the money,” said junior May Neeak. “I’d die to go to Coachella.”






If you look a little closer, you will find a huge support system right here at SDA. Story by Molly Kovacs.


enior Marisa Mathis started the Care Campaign in January this year in response to something sad and frightening she had noticed—despite loving and open groups like the Gay Straight Alliance and PALS, she saw many students at SDA feeling like there was no place they could go to get help. “We want to let students and adolescents know that they are never alone, and that even though they may feel isolated, there is always someone to turn to,” Mathis said. In essence, the campaign is group made up of over 100 members from the community with the goal of spreading suicide and depression awareness. They want people to know that there is always someone who cares. (For more information, visit www. “I recognize that I am fortunate, but there are so many others that have issues going on at home that we don’t realize… we want them to know that it gets better,” added Care Campaign member, senior Sarah Gallagher. Just after Mathis and Gallagher started posting pictures on Facebook with SDA students holding cheerful messages like “Don’t give up” and “There is hope,” Gallagher said she had people she didn’t even know come up and thank her, saying that it helped just to know that someone cared. Mathis had a similar experience, receiving several emails from people. “They told me about their experiences and their depression, and how just knowing that the campaign existed aided them in their recovery,” said Mathis. Professional therapist Christy Panter, who works with adolescent clients, recognizes that there is a lot of pressure on teenagers and that sometimes anxiety can reach unhealthy levels.

Furthermore, it can show up in ways that aren’t as wellknown; besides symptoms such as increased nervousness, or panic attacks, sometimes anxiety can manifest itself in anger or irritability, Panter said. When it comes to teenagers especially, “it is important to really realize how common symptoms of anxiety really are,” Panter said. And according to Panter, just knowing that fact can be a huge relief for individuals who feel isolated from their peers, or feel like their issues are some sort of freak occurrence. According to SDA guidance counselor Duncan Brown said, “There’s a fair amount of students that have significant issues that get in the way of school.” School counselors are qualified for much more than arranging class schedules. When a student comes to talk to him about something personal, Brown has been trained to know how to handle it. “First is just the open conversation, and hearing what it is their issues are, and having them take part in being able to solve them,” said Brown. After that, “PALs could be an avenue [for help], or a support group could be another avenue. We wouldn’t go anywhere without them being comfortable, unless they had made indication that they would hurt themselves or someone else,” he said. Fact is, no matter the nature or severity of your problems, between the counselors, teachers, Care Campaign members, and PALs, there are people right here at SDA who are ready and willing to listen to and advise you. And, as Panter said, “It is more than okay to talk about it.”

How do you know when to reach out for help?

According to Harvard Health Blog’s editor Ann MacDonald, there are three key areas to consider about your mental health. 1. How severely is stress or worry interfering in your daily life? (Is it affecting your sleep patterns? Are feelings of helplessness or anxiety keeping you from the things you enjoy?) 2. How long do your bouts of stress or depression occur? (If they last two weeks or longer, it could be more than just normal teenage angst.) 3. Is your mental or emotional health negatively impacting multiple aspects of your life? (Sometimes, it might just be one activity that gets on your nerves, but if there are multiple domains in your life being affected, then there is a pressing reason to reach out for help.) For more information, visit and search “Distinguishing depression from normal adolescent mood swings.”

What is the first step?

“The first step would probably be either talking to a counselor or talking to a teacher,” Brown said. “Just the act of talking it out with someone is a therapeutic release and can help to lower anxiety,” Panter added.

How can you help a friend in need? Dozens of SDA students posed for a Facebook photo gallery that would remind students that there were people who cared. Photos by Sarah Gallagher and Marisa Mathis.

“Maintain a high level of support, and let them know you’re there,” Panter said, “but you might not have all the skills necessary to get them through their issues. Lead them to other sources of support, like a high school counselor or trusted adult.”



Mustang 04.04.2013


Senior JD Hatefi and senior Gordon Yee test each others strength duing the arm wrestling tournament.

Junior Natara Bjaranson braces herself as a stylist cuts ten inches of her hair off, which was then donated to Locks of Love.

Senior Ashley Filler photographs senior Kyle Hoff as he poses for his “after” picture on the final day of Manly Month of March.


Junior Jacob Gonzales battles senior Eric Poincenot in the inflatable boxing ring on the first day of SDA’s Manly Month of March.


March saw many beards grow and die as students and staff battled for ultimate male bragging rights. Story by Joseph Swit and Eric Hsieh. Photos by Kirsten Walz. Friday the 29th marked the end of what was a testosterone-filled month in what has become a tradition at SDA, the Manly Month of March. Students and staff alike have been growing out beards and all sorts of facial hair ever since March rolled around. The event was kick-started by the arm-wrestling competition that took place in the gym. Students and staff competed in a bicep-busting tournament to determine the arm-wrestling champion. Jill Seidenverg took down a string of tough opponents to capture the female teacher’s crown. Likewise, junior Eunice Velazquez emerged victorious from the female students. Senior Justin Santana pulled a major upset by defeating the heavily favored Gordon Yee to win the student competition. Spanish teacher John

West pummeled the competition to win the teacher prize. “I didn’t think I could beat him,” Santana said. “but props to Gordon, he did great.” West, however, wasn’t dealing out any praise to his opponents. When he wasn’t pummeling the opposition’s arms into the table, he was doing his best to intimidate them by flexing his muscles to the enjoyment of the crowd. Afterwards, West felt the need to legitimize his victory and openly challenged weight training teacher John Brennan to a match in front of the whole gym. No word yet on whether Brennan has taken West up on the offer. On March 22, the manly men of SDA were out in force as they gathered for the pie eating contest, taking place outside the Performing Arts Center.

The contest featured 3 contestants per round, competing with their hands tied behind their back. Art teacher Jeremy Wright won the teacher prize through sheer tenacity while sophomore Amin Kaharlani won the student competition. “It’s all about showmanship,” Wright said of his performance. Rather than face the student champion Kaharlani, Wright let Assistant Vice Principal Ryan Yee take his place in the ultimate showdown. Yee made the most of his opportunity, swiftly beating Kaharlani to claim the top prize. Yee’s lack of facial hair streamlined his technique, allowing for a speedy defeat of the mustache laden Kaharlani. On Friday, all the beard-laden men of SDA reported down to the ASB room to get their facial hair shaved off, and have their picture taken to compare with their starting point at the beginning of

the month. With the ending of the Manly Month of March this past Friday, many of the participants were left reflecting their facial hair progress. “Between you and me, my facial hair honestly hasn’t been quite up to par as I was expecting for this month,” Lamented sophomore Gilad Barach. “I did the beard this year and I’m liking the way it looks, it makes my Irish come out,” said Wright. The Manly Month of March has had mixed results for some; all strived for the magnificent flowing beard of a grand wizard or king, Teacher John West defeats teacher Kevin Witt but most ended up looking like Chewbacca in the male teacher’s final of the Arm Wrestling Tournament. or were left coaxing their peach fuzz.

Teacher Jeremy Wright devours his plate of pie, as well as teacher James Hrzina’s, at the Manly Month of March Pie Eating Contest.




Mustang 04.04.2013

Too Big A Footprint

Humans’ excessive use of energy, trash, and other resources steals the lives of kind creatures. Story by Joleyne Lambert.


nvironments were once filled with dancing critters who played in the pure air, who relied on the strong trees to provide food, shelter and shade, and who frolicked in the flowerbeds and lived in a peaceful, harmonic world. But their serene homes have turned into city streets with roaring cars, a home for toxic trash and unfriendly fertilizer. As time moves forward, our deadly footprint on the world grows bigger. Humans increasingly cause more destruction to the natural world every day. The pollution released into the air has a horrifying effect on Arctic life. The change in weather, caused by pollution, is hitting the icy places hard. “Polar bears are dependent upon sea ice to survive. This specialized apex predator of the Arctic hunts ringed seals and bearded seals by waiting at seal breathing holes from their icy platform. No other food provides the necessary fat needed for polar bears to survive the harsh climate,” reported Hali O’Connor, a senior keeper at the San Diego Zoo on “Since the Industrial Revolution, humans have been steadily increasing the amount of carbon released into the atmosphere, which is warming the Earth and this is causing the ice to melt sooner and refreeze later... And the ice that is freezing each winter is getting smaller,” said O’Connor. The diminishing amount of ice means less food for polar bears and their cubs. O’Connor explained that if a pregnant polar bear hasn’t reached a proper weight, which scientists decided must be at least 400 pounds, then her body will not be capable of birthing cubs. The MacGillivray Freeman film, “To the Arctic,” a One World One Ocean production, also explains the effects of the declining ice. The production informs its audience of the disastrous effects of a warmer climate. Where mothers and cubs will become thinner and deprived of their needed nutrients and fats, male polar bears search for a different source of food. Their next meal will become an

adorable but helpless polar bear baby. It is an unnatural process that humans have forced polar bears into, causing mothers to desperately fend for their little ones’ lives or bow their heads in anguish if they lose to the bigger and stronger males. It is a heartbreaking situation, watching these mothers run with their cubs, fleeing from another polar bear, a situation accentuated by

rivers, and the ocean it poisons reptiles, amphibians, and fish and the animals that feed off of them,” explained Mike Bell, a post-doctoral researcher at the University of California at Riverside. Nitrogen Takes Over Humans have dramatically increased the amount of nitrogen released into the atmosphere, coming primarily from fertilizers

Both these beautiful animals are endangered and need your help.

the human race. O’Connor finished explaining, “No one can predict when the sea ice will be gone for good…but scientists do agree that it will continue to melt if we don’t stop it...scientists also agree that this can be stopped, and there is great reason to hope if we act NOW! The carbon emissions that our planet can safely handle are 350 PPM (parts per million). We are currently at 380 PPM and steadily climbing. To get this number down to 350, we need to change our lifestyles and all work together toward carbon reduction.” Trashed Another matter to be aware of is the disposal of trash. The manner in which one disposes of their trash will impact the environment. “Illegal dumping of trash is the most problematic because it puts chemicals in direct contact with the environment. Often times dumping occurs in steep canyons...These are home to very sensitive animal species as well as act as a distribution pathway when rain events wash trash and chemicals down stream. As runoff from these water ways reach lakes,

summer that can easily catch fire and spread quickly.” Hidden Killers Other forms of man-made pollutants include pesticides from farms or homes used to kill bugs; heavy metals like copper, zinc, lead and mercury; oil from cars and engines; and bacteria and pathogens, said Violet Compton, a PhD student at SDSU who studies the effects of pesticides and pollutants in marine ecosystems. She added that storm water runoff collects all of these pollutants, carrying them out to bays, estuaries, and streams. “There are many ways that plants and animals can be affected by pollutants...When the levels aren’t that high and the animals survive, sometimes their growth is stunted, or their behavior changes...Some pollutants can make fish, for example, swim more slowly, not escape predators very well, not able to feed, not want to socialize with other fish of the same species. This can have major effects on their survival in nature. Of course the same goes for invertebrates like crabs, birds or mammals on land,” explained Compton.

and the burning of fossil fuels. Fossil fuels include coal, oil, and natural gases, which are being used as the primary source of energy. “Excess nitrogen is either washed out of the soil into the water supply or can be volatilized off the soil surface and into that atmosphere.” said Bell. “When nitrogen is deposited to an ecosystem it acts as a fertilizer just as it would in your garden. As in a garden, certain plants often respond quicker to fertilization than others. This changes the relative abundance Photos by Joleyne Lamof the plant community. bert and Liam Nelligan. “Often times animals and insects The Cure have specific plants that they Every day, helpless animals eat or need to make nests, so struggle to find new sources of as these species become less food and shelter. The defenseless abundant, the animals that rely critters that walk or swim the upon them reduce in abundance earth find themselves basking in as well. the toxic waste, lost in unfamiliar “In southern California a lot settings, and hoping to find a of exotic grass species respond way to adapt to the changes positively to nitrogen additions. caused by selfish humans. The These grasses often are not animals are powerless to the consumable by herbivores, and changes and pain we humans also produce a lot of dry, fast cause. Because we are the burning plant material in the ones harming the vulnerable

creatures, it is our duty to help them. Every little step you take to lower the pollution you emit or reduce your energy use, is a step closer to helping the little fellows. Katie Sievers, Co-Chair of MEBSA suggests, “Students can carpool to school, walk, bike, or take the bus. Another easy trick is to make sure all the lights are turned off, and that electronics are plugged into a surge protector that you can turn off when you are not using your lights, TV, etc. (plugged in electronics can actually use quite a lot of energy even if their turned off).” Bell says, “The standard steps anyone can take to reduce their environmental impact are still Recycle, Reduce, Reuse. It is especially important to recycle hazardous wastes such as batteries, oil, and electronic equipment. Recycling cans/ paper/plastic not only reduces the amount of trash that is sent to landfills, but also allows the products to be converted back into a usable product. “Reducing the amount of driving that you do will reduce the amount of pollutants that you individually release into the atmosphere. Take public transportation when possible. ...Shopping at a local farmers market will not only help your local economy, but also reduces the amount of fuel that is used to transport a fruit/vegetable half way across the world. Farmer’s Market produce is also more likely to be organic. Since organic farmers cannot use synthetic fertilizers, the amount of fertilizer added to a field is often more conservative and therefore leads to fewer emissions of nitrogen into the atmosphere. “The more that you reuse materials, the less of that material needs to be produced. Decreasing production of goods reduces industrial processes, reduces shipping, and reduces waste. Students can also begin composting their organic waste which reduces trash sent to landfills and produces a very fertile soil that can be used in a garden.” The fate of thousands of creatures and beautiful environments lies in your hands.




RE-NEWSPAPER 04.04.2013


There are lots of ways to re-use your issues of The Mustang. Here are some of our favorites. A collaboration by Sam Winter, Kirsten Walz, Lily LeaVesseur, and Tacy Manis. 1. 2. 3. How to: Make a Paper Hat You’ll need: One full sheet of your Mustang Newspaper




Step 1: Fold your newspaper page and put it in front of you so that the folded side is the farthest away, and the side with the opening is facing you. Step 2: Bring one of the corners of the folded side down into the center of the paper. Step 3: Repeat with the other corner.




Step 4: Take the top flap of the bottom portion of your newspaper. Step 5: Fold the flap upward. Step 6: Flip your piece of newspaper over.


Step 7: Fold the corners of the flap of newspaper from step 5 down. Step 8: Fold the remaining flap of newspaper up. Step 9: Fold the corners from the second flap down. Step 10: Put your hands inside the hat to shape it, put it on your head, and work it! Step 11: Go online to to learn how to make more cool things out of your Mustang Newspaper like a gift bag, a flower pot, unique designs for your nails, a ransom note, and more! Step 12: Send your own creative ideas with photos to to be featured on our website!

Use your Mustang Newspaper as an eco-friendly gift bag, a lightweight seed pot, a design for your nails, or to create a ransom note to give to your friend or foe.




Take a Hike 04.04.2013


The Adventure Club was founded on adventure and continues to explore new and exciting places around San Diego and beyond. Story by Kelsey Navis.


he classic markers of an adventurer have been a brown fedora and a leather whip ever since the days of Indiana Jones. Now, a new phase of adventurers can be found at SDA sporting a tree insignia. What began as just a small group of friends exploring the local area has blossomed into one of the most popular, officially registered clubs in SDA, comprised of 83 members. The Adventure Club (TAC) has swept through SDA, attracting students with fun outdoor escapades like hiking, rock climbing, camping, rafting, off-roading and more. “I created the club to first off explore the beautiful area we live in, and second-off, because I never wanted to say ‘I’m bored,’ or ‘ there’s nothing to do,’ again,” said TAC president, senior Cole Teza. The brainchild of Teza, and seniors Daniel Spiegel and Zach Luce, TAC grew from the trio’s outings. “[We] created TAC in our freshman year after our first big adventure…. We created the club because we wanted to share that experience and extend the bond to our other friends and peers at SDA,” said Spiegel. Unlike the typical SDA club, The Adventure Club is run completely on Facebook for the sake of precious lunchtime and efficiency. “In order to maintain the fun, energetic feeling, I made all of our club meetings via Facebook,” Teza said. “This made it so anyone could join our club and come on adventures; it also made it easier to contact everyone and throw ideas around in an organized fashion,” Teza added. Non-Facebookers use email. “TAC usually holds events along the lines of hiking, but sometimes we rappel, climb, and

occasionally off-road. What sets the club apart though is its choice of particularly difficult hikes and its willingness to do a little extra work to see the cool stuff,” said club member, senior Emily Nathan. Usually held every weekend, TAC events include a wide range of activities, tailored to the adventurers of the week and the amount of people attending. “Our events differ greatly on who is attending and what is happening. For example, we will have adventures with small groups for

are all at different skill levels but there is something for everyone.” In addition to offering a wide variety in the type of adventures held, TAC requires no base-line requirement for stamina and experience. It allows anyone to join in any adventure and offers help to those who may not be as experienced as the rest, said club member, senior Jake Bert. “I have no stamina whatsoever, but I keep up on most of the hikes. Those that are more physically fit in the group usually go ahead,” said club member, senior

ship, there is great diversity in The Adventure Club members, but with cohesion, meshing well in the outdoors. Like Nathan said, “I think that it is a really cool and diverse group of students who are bound together by love of the outdoors. Not to mention, all of the adventures are really fun. When the good music and endorphins are pumping, you can’t go wrong with this group of kids.” As word about The Adventure Club and their exploits spreads, the club continues to grow. “The club so far is much more suc-

TAC outing to potato chip rock in Poway. Photo provided by Cole Teza and TAC.

off-roading and climbing due to the needed gear and the danger involved, but on hikes we are open to anyone coming and we post the level of difficulty and the conditions in which we will be hiking,” added Teza. Club member, senior Izzie Ojeda said, “I had a fantastic time exploring new places with my friends. It’s a really cool club in that it is not just a bunch of intense climbers and hikers; we

Camilla Larses. Due to the exciting nature of the club, TAC has amassed a big following in SDA, with, according to Spiegel, 83 official members, and around 50 to 60 active participants. “I think the club is popular because the events are fun and… they [the members] can pick and choose which events they go to,” said Bert. With such a large member-

cessful than I initially thought it would be… It’s a club that students should definitely be involved in because it provides you opportunities and experiences no other club in SDA would ever dream of,” said club member, senior Navin Rajapakse. TAC has gained some notoriety as being somewhat exclusive, probably stemming from the original tight-knit group of adventurers, but has greatly branched

out to anyone who wishes to join, said Spiegel. “The reason I keep the club public on Facebook is so anyone can ask to join and so I can add them in and further expand. We love our new members and we even send a greeting to every new member added,” said Teza. Inherent within the definition of an adventurer, members of The Adventure Club are enthusiastic and active within the club, joining in the outings and making suggestions for future ones, said Teza. The club even has merchandise for the particularly zealous members, which can be purchased online. “Like many clubs, some of our members are very enthusiastic, and some barely participate. We definitely have a large group of very enthusiastic members who attend almost all adventures, and help contribute to the spirited atmosphere of our club,” said Spiegel. Though a large portion of the membership rests in the ranks of this year’s senior class, the president hopes the juniors and even underclassmen will keep the adventures going in later years. “Adventuring is awesome. That’s the simple fact of it. Going on these hikes and such makes you feel good about yourself, and brings you closer to your peers and to your surroundings. We get to see beautiful views, and feel the thrill of discovering places you never knew existed, and people are drawn to that,” said Spiegel. The spirit of the club rests in the members more than the adventures. As Teza said, “The only thing we need our members to be is adventurous and to not give up.” For additional stoires, visit www.


Spring Breakdown Bored at home and can’t think of anything to do? Try one of our fun suggestions to liven up your day! Story by Joleyne Lambert and Austin Kasselmann Round up your friends adventurous enough to venture out on an excursion to an oasis at Cedar Creek Falls. (For more information see Kelsey Navis’s article on page 18.) Drive on down to Balboa Park and spend a day lounging in the beautiful gardens. Or if you’re a fan of action, peruse the museums and exhibits for the day. There’s a lot to do in Balboa Park, guaranteeing you a day free of boredom. The V Elements Festival will take place at Liberty Station, downtown, (if you don’t know where it is, put it in the Googs) on April 6. Swing by for a day filled with yoga and great music and then stay for the concert at night which will be filled with local and national artists such as The Grouch and Eligh, David Starfire Music, Mikey Lion, and Michael Mannino. Tickets are on sale now! Spend a day visiting the underwater world at the Birch Aquarium in La Jolla. You will be fascinated as you make your way through the variety of exhibits filled with colorful and bizarre creatures. The captivating aquarium is open from 9a.m.5p.m. Admission for those 17 and under is $9.50.

Pick a sunny day to throw on a white t-shirt and shorts, (that you can stain with color.) Then fill up buckets of water balloons. But, before you tie each water balloon closed, add a couple drops of food coloring. Then round your friends up for a colorful water balloon fight and a “new” pair of clothes. Visit the pristine waters of La Jolla…in a kayak! Either bring your own or rent one from a nearby shop. Set out through the beach waves and befriend the quirky seals splashing through the water, then paddle on towards the extravagant caves for an eerie excursion.


Mustang 04.04.2013

Visit to view an online version of The Mustang!


18 Senior Outta Here With the season of fear and distrust finally over, seniors recover from the carnage and a winner emerges. Senior Out: a week of mass hysteria and paranoia in which a best friend can become your greatest enemy. Students who aren’t seniors spend the week being dragged around as shields or used in plots of betrayal as upperclassmen eliminate each other by tagging out their fellow seniors. Nobody knows more about this process than the winner of this year’s senior out: Tyler Cashman. “I got out three people,” said Cashman, who went on to reveal his strategies. Future seniors, take note. “My strategies were to not look like I was trying to tag someone,” he said. Cashman, who took the stealth approach, continued, “I was going along with my day so that my person would not suspect me.” Even Cashman, senior out champion, had a close call. “Miles Casado had me, and the last day he waited outside my third to get me and actually followed me around all that day.” Luckily for Cashman, he escaped and went on to win, having tagged out seniors Amy Concha, Katie Ehlers, and Clayton Bishop. Cashman received two prom tickets for his efforts. Though senior out only lasts one week, it’s a draining event for those who participate and are forced to constantly be aware of the people around them. It’s a time to be suspicious. Those who don’t suspect somebody to be hiding in the back of their car or in their homes don’t make it. “My favorite part of senior out was the adrenaline rush with trying to get people out. It was really exciting, especially the looks some teachers gave you in the process,” said Cashman. -katie mcpherson



Mustang 04.04.2013

SDA Alumni Reunion Old Mustangs reignited memories at their reunion last Friday. The SDA reunion on March 22, put on by the Alumni Committee and held in SDA’s library, was teeming with life and potency. The retired teachers and student alumni were happy to muse about the old days of San Dieguito High School and all the shenanigans that went on. An iconic auto shop teacher of SDA, Abran Quevedo, spent some time discussing pranks and lamenting about the federal government. Quevedo taught from 1993 to 2006. He was first a mechanic before a teacher, but then realized at 36 years of age that he would rather not be an old man fixing cars for the rest of his life but instead a teacher of his skills. There were alumni, young and old, from San Dieguito High School and the Academy. One woman I spoke with graduated in 1940. A light gleamed in her eyes as she remembered, “The school was built out in the boonies, [and] the area was all sagebrush out here.” Another vibrant alumnus had the aura of a 1960’s teenager. He was part of the class of 1973, meaning the war in Vietnam was still in full swing. A controversy he remembers at the school was whether to let students go barefoot or not. Full story on -marisa pearce

More-than-Good Gatsby The Great Gatsby sure can throw a great dance... with help from ASB, of course. The “Gatsby Dance” was a fun-filled night of dancing and partying, with a 20’s twist. In order to appeal to new personalities, ASB provided not only the usual modern DJ-dance floor, but also Gatsby-era music, swing-dancing, and 20’s decorations at the March 22 dance. The 20’s theme was certainly a hit. “Great Gatsby, what a dance!” said junior Andie Miller. She was dressed to the nines in fancy 20’s attire, pearls and all, as were legions of other SDA students who took the opportunity to dress to the occasion. “I honestly loved the theme,” said Miller, “It was the perfect chance to dress my friends and myself in fun clothes.” Other themed attractions were also greatly enjoyed. Sophomore Amy Arsenault said, “The 20’s music was really cool.” “The old music was nice, as was the swing dancing, it was a nice break from the usual,” said freshman Jessica Walsh. The dance also offered a photo booth where students could capture their memories of the night in black and white photos, a poker table where students could try their hand at bluffing, and a refreshment booth that offered various drinks and bags of chips. Overall, most students seemed to agree that the night was a fun one. ASB member Rachel Rotchford said, “We had a lot of fun planning the dance, and I had just as much fun attending the dance. I think it was really a success.” -lindon amundsen

Senior Kelsey Navis plunges into the icy waters of Cedar Creek. Photo courtesy of Karolyna Landin.

In Search of Paradise Cedar Creek Trail in Julian holds a surprising and exciting twist, unusual for San Diego hikes. San Diego is not all deserts and beach. Hidden between two mountains in Julian, there rests a cool glistening gem of watery splendor. A cascade of water fills a large swimming hole via the 100-foot waterfall of Cedar Creek beneath the warm Julian sun. On a clear and breezy, 70-degree day, the two and one-fourth mile hike down to the waterfall is quite relaxing and leisurely, allowing for an appreciation of the picturesque view of the wooded valley and mountainous horizon. Down the ruggedly maintained trail and across two rock bridges, the hike is engaging and very worthwhile because at the end waits the stunning view of a waterfall and the promise of a refreshing (and shockingly cold) swim. Though the trek back is uphill and sunny, the two and one-fourth miles are still rather leisurely, requiring no great feat of strength, just a steady, maintainable and enjoyable pace. The hike does not require much in terms of packing; just don’t forget a towel, undergarments suited for swimming (unless you want to hike in a swimsuit), sunscreen, and plenty of water. Because the waterfall requires a source of water, the best time to hike Cedar Creek Trail is during November through June. The drive can take anywhere from one to two hours and is not for the foolhardy driver. The road does enter mountainous terrain with an abundance of twists and turns on a cliff’s edge, as well as a winding dirt road. As parking is very limited, you may find that leaving early in the morning improves your chances of snagging a spot close by along with a stress-free drive, and ample time to relax on the rocks by the water’s edge. Be sure to stop at Julian Pie Co. on the drive back for some delicious homemade apple pie to finish the day sweetly. Directions can be found online at -kelsey navis




Mustang 04.04.2013

A Gentleman’s Guide to Love and Murder A hauntingly hilarious tale of murder and deceit takes the Old Globe’s stage by storm. “A Gentleman’s Guide to Love and Murder” is a musical which warns the audience in the first scene to leave while they still can, if they have any problems with violence and bloodshed. The warning comes by way of an epic, opera-like opening song, “It’s only just past eight…It’s not too late.. For God’s sake go!” You hear the story of Montague D’ysquith Navarro, a poverty stricken Englishman who finds out he is eighth in succession to become earl of Highhurst Castle and inherit the riches that come from their aristocratic family name. We follow Monty as he murders off the seven people standing between him and his ‘rightful’ inheritance. Noting the storyline, you may be surprised that this is a comedy, hilarious even, for me at least. Playing at The Old Globe theatre in Balboa Park and running through April 14, the show itself appeals to the ambitious nature in all of us. You root for the hero who, in this story, happens to be a serial killer, and the completely over the top frequent murders just add to the laughs. Tickets start at $29. Ages of those attending the show varied from age fifteen all the way to sixty-plus laughing out loud. How love was mingled in with the murder in that show mystified me at first, but made a lot of sense later. I don’t think this musical could have perpetuated any negative feelings; it’s guaranteed not to bring you down. I think the silliness that was carried throughout the production (yes, even through the darker bits of murder) and the seriousness you might feel at the Old Globe was at a pleasant low. What I’m getting at here is the fact that it’s a pretty casual atmosphere for a musical. It’ll be a good thing to do with friends, a good chance to have a laugh and go out for the night. -andrew walker

Ken Barnett and Lisa O’Hara star in the world premiere of “A Gentleman’s Guide to Love and Murder.” Photo courtesy of The Old Globe.

The Croods A prehistoric tale featuring the voices of Nic Cage and Emma Stone makes this movie worth it, even for adults.

Vanessa Hudgens, Ashley Benson, and Rachel Korine show their bad sides in “Spring Breakers.” Photo courtesty of

Spring Breakers In Harmony Korine’s new film, good girls go bad and bad girls go crazy in a world where drugs, guns, and money are the only things that matter and spring break lasts forever. For months, teen girls everywhere (at least those on Tumblr) have been eagerly anticipating the release of Harmony Korine’s “Spring Breakers,” practically salivating to see their favorite ex-Disney Channel stars snorting cocaine and close-ups of James Franco’s corn rows and grills. But those expecting a typical teenage party movie with cheap humor and perpetually drunk characters will be severely disappointed. Although the movie features extreme drug use, multiple sex scenes, and extensive nudity (all par for the course in the average raunchy comedy), it is anything but typical. The basic plot, the one we’ve all known for months, however, kind of gives that impression. Four lifelong best friends, Brit (Ashley Benson), Candy (Vanessa Hudgens), Cotty (Rachel Korine), and Faith (Selena Gomez) are dying to get out of their boring college town, and head to Florida for spring break to get a new perspective. What starts as a fantastic trip takes a turn for the worse when the girls are thrown in jail, and then bailed out by rapper and drug dealer Alien (James Franco). This movie was definitely unexpected, as I was unfamiliar with the director’s work before going into it. I expected the trashy, predictable teen film perpetuated by the title “Spring Breakers.” But it was not that at all. It had little dialogue, essentially no plot, and ludicrous scenes such as a montage of girls in unicorn beanies shooting up a party while James Franco sings Britney Spears in the background. Somehow, however, it worked. The stunning visuals alone were enough to evoke an emotional response, and the disconnected nature of the film conveyed its critique on the detachment in teens from reality. What starts as a typical party film becomes so much more as the characters delve deeper into the underground world of Florida and discover more about themselves along the way. Many people I know didn’t enjoy it, but that is because it is unexpected. Don’t go if you’re hoping for an average, mindless teen flick. But if you want an entertaining, visually stunning, and metaphorical movie, “Spring Breakers” might just be for you. (But seeing James Franco with corn rows makes it worth it for almost everyone. Somehow, he’s still hot.) -caroline glass

Normally, I wouldn’t touch any Nicolas Cage movie post-“Raising Arizona” with a ten-foot pole. But the new animated Dreamworks movie “The Croods” was an exception. Cage voiced Grugg, an overprotective Neanderthal father, alongside Emma Stone, who plays Grugg’s rebellious teenage daughter, Eep, along with several other big names. The movie follows the lives of Eep, Grugg, the rest of the family, and Eep’s caveboy love interest, Guy, in their struggle for survival before their impending doom as the continents begin to split apart. The story could have been made terribly cliché, but turned out to be a welcome addition to the small collection of recently made animated movies that I have genuinely enjoyed. “The Croods” had plenty of unexpectedly clever one-liners and funny parts – one of my favorites was where Grugg attempts to conjure up a plan, but realizes he doesn’t have a brain, which makes things difficult (I promise it’s funnier in the movie). The movie also had cute prehistoric animals out the wazoo, namely a small pink sloth aptly named “Belt,” who adorns Guy’s waist and accompanies him everywhere he goes. All in all, “The Croods” was a charming and visually pleasing exception to the sad excuses for movies on the marquees in recent weeks (“The Incredible Burt Wonderstone,” “Admissions,” and “21 and Over”). You may be interrupted by the sound of the talkative kids in the row in front of you halfway through, but the colors and storyline of “The Croods” make it a refreshing break from reality and an enjoyable trip back to childhood. -emily hall

Nicolas Cage and Emma Stone provide their voices for this stellar kid-flick. Photo courtesy of


20 Capturing the Moment Lovers of SDA culture are banding together to preserve the artwork that characterizes our school. In light of SDA’s impending reconstruction, a new ASB position has been created this year. The newly-created Art Capture, a commissioner position created by ASB President Cassidy Mayeda, will document the art that currently resides around SDA’s campus as well as the interiors of many quirky classrooms before their destruction. This semester, junior Kerri Jucha fills this position. The captured art, which be largely acquired from students in Susan Coppock’s photo class, will eventually be published on a website linked to the school’s site. “We are going to get the background of as many pieces as we can and display who created the piece and when as well as any additional commentary the art teachers might be able to provide for us with the photographs on the webpages,” said Mayeda. -aly baker


Mustang Pastel Dreams


Cover artist Celine Parker is only just discovering her true potential as a master of colored pencil, oils, and much more. “I’ve drawn as long as teachers have been uninteresting.” Cover artist and junior Celine Parker may have started off with doodling during class, but this hobby has turned into a legitimate passion and talent. She has expanded her mediums from a simple pencil to the more colorful oil pastels and ink pens (her current favorites) but also uses materials dependent on the seasons (her other favorite is Easter candy tin foil). Although she has grown a lot, she still feels there is a lot more to learn. “My style is unremarkable; a lot of people draw like me and have the same inspirations and visions as me I think. Truthfully I don’t think I’ve developed a style quite yet, I have mark making though – it’s small and messy,” she said. As for inspiration, she said, “I see the beauty in the world around me and try to copy it, or express the way it makes me feel.” In addition, she finds inspiration from fellow student artists and more famous names such as Francis Bacon and Degas. She cites one of her greatest achievements as an artist as ”not owning a garment without paint on it.” And if that doesn’t make a true artist, what does? -caroline glass

Photos by Caroline Glass.

Jazzing it Up SDA’s jazz band recently brought their funky, soulful tunes to the Dove Library and La Costa Glen. SDA’s jazz band has recently performed outside of school at the La Costa Glen retirement community and the Dove Library. “It’s nice to get out and do community programs,” said band teacher Jeremy Wuertz. The performance at the Dove Library “was out of necessity,” said Wuertz who explained that theatre wasn’t available for use. The Dove Library was just the option the jazz band was looking for with a “smallish, intimate theatre.” The performance was a success: “I had a blast performing,” said junior and jazz band member Katrina Smith. The previous performance at La Costa Glen was in an effort “to bring music out into the community,” said Wuertz. “Senior citizens grew up on that style of music [jazz] so it’s very special for them to hear it,” he said. Smith explains the recent performing trend. “We are starting to perform more in the community because, for one, it gives us more opportunities to showcase our efforts.” As far as future plans go, the jazz band will be hosting a jazz festival on April 20 in which bands from all over the community will perform at SDA, but as far as performances out in the community, Wuertz said: “There is no big agenda, but it’s always nice to get out and do community programs.” Regardless of whether they are performing for the community or for SDA, jazz band members work hard and enjoy being able showcase their efforts. “It’s always fun to experience the culmination of months of effort,” said Smith. -katie mcpherson




Magic Mustangs Just like “Magic Mike,” the Varsity Mustang baseball team has been putting on a show and getting the crowd going with exceptional pitching and hitting.


austin kasselmann

he SDA baseball team has started off the season with a bang. The Mustangs are currently 13-1. Under the leadership of coaches Jack McDowell, Jeremiah Luster, and Brandon Boitano, the team has flourished and found great success. Head Coach McDowell is a Cy Young Award winner, Coach Luster played professionally and Coach Boitano knows everything about baseball. The Mustang players attribute the majority of their success to their incredible coaching staff. The Mustangs’ hard work has paid off and they are now ranked 16th in the state. As a D3 school, this is a huge accomplishment and portrays the talent they possess this season. After a CIF appearance last year, there were high hopes for the Mustangs this season. They began the season with their recent win of the Pirate Falcon tournament, proving that they are well on the way to filling those hopes. “The tournament went great; we are doing really well. Our hitting is holding up and our pitching has been phenomenal,” said senior Marc Vela. The Mustangs just recently added to their streak of victories by winning the Lion Tournament. This tournament is highly competitive and filled with tough teams every year. In a double header on Thursday, March 28, the Mustangs clinched the title in a dramatic final game. Film crews from local news agencies captured the moment and the Mustangs were featured later that night. Another huge victory for the team shows that they are well on their way this season. The team is extremely talented this year and carries

10 seniors. So far, the three lead senior pitchers, Marc Vela, Noah Huggins and Tanner Bell, have led the way with fantastic pitching and a total earned run average (ERA) of 0.84. They also only had an average ERA of 1 during the Pirate Falcon Tournament. For those who don’t follow baseball, this means they gave up an average of 1 run a game. As well as great pitching, the Mustangs have scored a solid 48 runs in their 14 games so far. Coupled with a team batting average of 0.261, the Mustangs are a more than good team this season. “Our season is going great. We knew coming into this season that we could do this well, but we had to execute. We have great pitching and we have speed. We are hitting a lot better than last year, but we can still improve,” said senior Noah Huggins. “This year we are off to a great start. We’re 13-1 and we have been playing very well as a team, our pitching has been great so far, and have helped us stay in so many games. We won the Pirate Falcon tournament which was huge for us. We have to beat big teams like Great Oak, Torrey Pines, Bonita Vista, etc... It’s been a great ride so far and I can’t wait for the rest of the year. We are going to bring back a title this year to SDA, no doubt about it. We just need more fan support and we need to keep doing what we are doing and we will be just fine,” said junior Tommy LaVake. Go out and show school pride by supporting the Mustangs. The team has a long season ahead of them and has yet to start league play. All that said, the Mustangs should continue their winning ways and have an incredible season.





Mustang 04.04.2013

Gym Buff

Local Eats Bringing recipes from our favorite local restuarants to your table!

Carne Asada

Dos Palmas Bakery and Grill: 1302 N Coast Hwy 101 Ingredients: -Beef cut into small to medium pieces -1 Cup Vegetable Oil -1/2 Teaspoon salt -1/2 Cup garlic (powder or crushed fresh) -1 Teaspoon Oregano (dried or fresh) -1 Cup Pineapple Juice -1/2 Cup Lemon Juice -1 Cup Fresh Blended Papaya Juice Directions: 1.Place all ingredients except beef in a large bowl and mix well.

No need to add oil when you cook since the marinade already includes it.

2.Add the beef, and mix again.

5.Cook on medium/high heat for 7-10 minutes for well done.

3.Cover bowl with saran or aluminum foil and let flavors marinade overnight (or a couple of hours if in a hurry). 4.In the morning it will be ready for grill, sauté, or broil!


6.At Dos Palmas, we sauté the carne asada on our stove and add them in our burritos and tacos.

Which workout will work out for you? Gym Buff will demo local gyms and exercise programs, exploring the good and bad of these special workouts, so YOU can decide.

Aqua Jogging As any athlete that has been injured can tell you, finding ways to stay fit while you recover can be difficult. Recently, SDA athletes have turned to aqua jogging to solve this problem. When a crippling case of shin splints hit me two weeks into the track season, senior and fellow injured runner Emily Nathan invited me to join her at the local YMCA. For the uninitiated, aqua jogging involves Sam Winter, junior, jogs his way across the wearing a fanny-pack-like “flotation belt” YMCA swimming pool. Photo by Kirsten Walz. and imitating the movement of regular, nonaquatic, jogging. To get the most out of it, participants are encouraged to stand up straight in the water and accentuate each and every movement. The result is a strange mixture between lap swimming and water aerobics: boring, repetitive, and incredibly goofy. In the running community, aqua jogging is rather infamous. It has a well-deserved reputation of being tiresome, yet effective. “It is the most boring exercise ever, but it allowed me to be in decent shape when I was finally able to start running again,” said senior Ryan Carroll. Carroll, who was unable to run for eight weeks, spent six of them in the pool aqua jogging before returning to run varsity cross country. Others, like junior Laura Breidenthal, who suffered from tendinitis, were more optimistic: “It can be fun if you make it fun,” said Breidenthal. “Seeing the lifeguard’s distorted faces while they watch you inch across the pool, arms pumping and breathless with a giant floaty belt strapped around your waist, is pretty entertaining.” After 15 minutes, I was almost out of breath. Aqua jogging was harder than I thought. Having to deal with the judgmental swim team and the splash of passing lap swimmers only added to the difficulty. For a regular workout, you can do better than aqua jogging. But for an injured athlete looking for a way to stay in shape, this exercise is about as good as it gets. -sam winter




Surfer vs. Skater

Social science and culinary arts teacher Scott Huntley (surfer) and science teacher Kelly Lewis (skater) have all the answers in this special teacher edition of Surfer vs Skater. Story by Lily LeaVesseur.

Photo by Kirsten Walz

If actions are stronger than words, why is the pen mightier than the sword? Surfer: Because you can hide a pen in your pocket and shank somebody with it. Skater: It’s not. The person who wrote that was never stabbed with a sword. Skater, you sound like you know what you’re talking about, which means you’ve probably been stabbed, and that after being stabbed you were physically and emotionally strong enough to continue on with life. I bet you’ve been through much hardship and have many interesting stories to share with us. However we don’t have space or time for your life-changing wisdom in this column; it would only undermine my authority. You’re still the teacher though I guess so here’s 50 points for your bravery (awarded to you by me – the authority figure.) Surfer, you also seem to know what you’re talking about, but your being well-versed in the art of clandestine shanking is actually a bit concerning. However, I’m not convinced that you are physically or emotionally strong enough to handle being psychoanalyzed by a high schooler (despite her vast amount of expertise in psychology as well as every other area of science). Just take these 10 points. (You didn’t really do anything of merit but I fear for my own safety. I’m a very important person.) Why does Rudolph let the other reindeer become his friends after they bully him for being different? Surfer: Something about communism. Rudolph’s nose is red which makes him a communist, so he wanted to share with the others. Skater: Because forgiveness is a virtue. Rudolph is a saint. Skater, Rudolph probably is a saint. Leader of the reindeer pack, bringer of Christmas joy and Christmas spirit. Maybe Rudolph is a symbol

for Jesus. Or better yet, the new pope! Connections everywhere. Plus 20 points for reminding us of all that’s good and holy. Surfer, you seem to be saying a lot of smart stuff. Something about social commentary. You must be a history teacher or something. (Oh you are? Oh really?) I bet Rudolph is a damn commie, and Santa’s actually McCarthy. Or maybe Rudolph’s nose was meant to be silver to represent the dollar value of blah blah blah silver to gold ratio something something US History. (Is that enough to pass the APUSH test?) Thanks for reminding me that all my favorite childhood stories are probably not sweet tales of growing up but instead allegories about life and society and all that conceptual crap. I did not need to be taken down that rabbit hole but it made me think thoughts I guess. We’ve got to keep everything fair and equal so 20 points for you as well. What does Google do when it doesn’t know the answer? Surfer: Asks Siri. Skater: My mind is blown. Surfer, you obviously know the answer. Maybe instead of asking Siri what the answer is Google should just ask you! How do you say ‘xenophobia’ in Esperanto? How do we define the role of religion in schools? And most importantly, why is there never any toilet paper in that one stall in the girl’s bathroom? I guess you hold all the answers now. Minus 20 points to lighten the burden of all that knowledge. Skater, you seem to be having trouble with the question. You’re better off just asking Surfer; he holds all the answers. Plus 50 points to help you piece your mind back together. You poor thing. Sufer: 10 points Skater: 120 points Yay Skater! You win nothing.


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Mustang 04.04.2013


AN A-DOOR-ABLE COMPETITION Homeroom Olympics recently put on an event which brought out everyone’s creative and competitive spirit. Photos by Kirsten Walz.

Teacher Rob Ross and his homeroom show their school spirit with student-decorated donuts.

Junior Calvin Borchers and freshman Riley Glatts represent Melissa Barry’s Speech and Debate homeroom by sporting extreme patriotism and the grace of a politician. This display won them the whole event.

Junior Olivia Brower showcases the ASB homeroom’s decked-out door to the Homeroom Olympics judges.

Teacher Kerry Koda and various students from her homeroom coat their door with cereal boxes.

Teacher Russ Davidson and junior Adrian Contreras decorate their homeroom door with multiple balloon animals. “We’re balloonatics!” said Davidson.

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