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Copyright © Spicetree Design Agency; SPICEBUZZ Feature; page 1; October; 2016


Copyright © Spicetree Design Agency; SPICEBUZZ Feature; page 2; October; 2016

Copyright © Spicetree Design Agency; SPICEBUZZ Feature; page 3; October; 2016



Copyright © Spicetree Design Agency; SPICEBUZZ Feature; page 4; October; 2016

GET TO KNOW EACH OTHER BETTER! Copyright © Spicetree Design Agency; SPICEBUZZ Feature; page 5; October; 2016



Copyright © Spicetree Design Agency; SPICEBUZZ Feature; page 6; October; 2016

shiraz khan



nstances and experiences are a part of life. They alarm our senses and are known to trigger thought. Human beings face experiences and incidences throughout life and every time the impact is 100%. These facts are indeed rewarding to the digital and creative industry, such as ours who make an impact, cause a revolution in thought, enlighten the masses, empower people, etc. This is a responsibility that SDA takes very seriously and desires to use this to its optimum level wherein, people both in the working field as well as the receivers benefit.


A team in reality should work to grow inviting higher possibilities. Therefore, the brands that are laid in our hands are catered to with sense and perspective. The work that SDA submits is meant to add success not only from a sales point of view, instead success with people and a brand. We lay our best in this belief that until people are moved, nothing changes. So, we no more create tools for effective branding but our thoughts are dedicated to bringing about experiences that touch peoples' lives. When they move, so do we! 'With great power comes great responsibility', so as to carry out these 'great responsibilities' a great amount of sense needs to take hold. Apart from aiming for a brand's progress undoubtedly, consequently aspire for a relationship with people who have had a delightful experience with the brand. Success should never be sought at the expense of people, it is rather fulfilling when sought with them and for them.

Copyright Š Spicetree Design Agency; SPICEBUZZ Feature; page 7; October; 2016


LIFE THROUGH AN EXPERIENCED EYE hat would I want to say about myself and what would you like to know about me I' am a very emotional person on this planet even by a small fraction of behaviour makes quite a difference in my personality. Life at 52 has drastically changed with tragedies, events, surprises, news that must have sent my heart bells ringing or may have thumped my heart with a big BANG! Some say I have grown up with time, some say by age but I say with experience and only experience. My Overall caring nature always gives me a hope to live for some one of my own rather than my own self and that is what makes me happy. My only weakness is my hasty decision that sometimes ends up in some goof ups and which has already got me in a huge loss, something that I need to over power the weakness of trusting people blindly . I' am always passionate about doing something big in life that's the reason that I have ventured in almost all the fields but being at SDA has given life a new turn a new meaning. Always thinking the positive way. Had a wonderful surprise planned by my beautiful kids and family for my 50th Birthday and it was a wonderful moment to live for the rest of my life hats off to our kids Mehek & Aalim who took all the Initiative to get this event being a successful one. Every day is a new experience!


Copyright Š Spicetree Design Agency; SPICEBUZZ Feature; page 8; October; 2016




Stress - An inherent part of life!


e all have experienced stress at different points in life. Here's my take on it. My initial encounter with stress (most common) was when I was in school...exams anxiety; I thought it was the biggest deal of all. Later realised it was otherwise.


Other rendezvous: Critical business reviews with client, Meeting tight deliveryschedules, Mission-critical Application-outages/rollouts. Every time I experienced stress I got butterflies in the stomach but the post-facto was amazing. It gave me a kick - a feeling of accomplishment. Once to debug an erroneous-code I had to stay back all alone at work until very late...More than the timing it was at client site & when I stepped out there was only my car in the huge parking lot. It made me feel even worse. The reward came the next day. A big client appreciation note for the ownership exhibited that was cascaded to all stakeholders & made me feel like a winner. At this point I'd like to rechristen stress to opportunities/challenges – that make you a stronger person in life, instrumental in your success. This is goodstress/eustress(a burst of energy) that motivates you to focus & accomplish goals. On the other hand there is bad-stress/distress that manifests for a long-lasting period. You feel incredibly overwhelmed, can't concentrate on anything thereby hindering your performance. This stress (if not relieved) can be extremely detrimental to health.

Copyright Š Spicetree Design Agency; SPICEBUZZ Feature; page 9; October; 2016



strong and positive attitude creates more miracles than any other thing, because life is 10% how you make it and 90% how you take it. A positive attitude causes a chain reaction of positive thoughts, events and outcomes. A bad attitude is like a flat tyre, you can't go anywhere until you change it.

One can choose to be positive, optimistic, cheerful or pessimistic and sad and thus have an overall negative outlook at work. The right attitude helps you cope better with stress and difficult situations at work. This attitude can be contagious and will influence your peers as well, leading to a more productive work environment. I strongly believe that a less skilled person with good attitude will excel in all walks of life but a highly skilled one with poor attitude will stagnate. There are some tell-tale signs of a good attitude that eventually lead to success in one's career. These are: Being appreciative and enthusiastic, being a good team player, being open to taking up tasks beyond your immediate responsibility without worrying about personal gains. (Trust me; you will be a winner sooner or later), Able to maintain open communication channels – give and take positive and negative feedback with equal elan. Benefits of a positive attitude: You are less stressed, You work in a happy environment, You have better control. So, get, set and go and introspect…. Do I have a positive attitude? Trust me, it is the KEY to SUCCESS.


Copyright © Spicetree Design Agency; SPICEBUZZ Feature; page 10; October; 2016

rekha khanna





Answer the door

pportunities may knock but if you don't answer the door, how can you take advantage of it? You must grab opportunities when they come to you. Sometimes it's not the right time, but it doesn't matter. Opportunities happen when they happen. Answer the door or that opportunity might walk away and knock on someone else's door.

The most important thing to remember while trying to figure out what to do with your life is that no action is an action in and of itself. You must make decisions and try things — even if you end up eventually hating them or wanting to do something else. At the end of your life, you won't regret trying things and failing, but you will regret not ever trying at all. If you don't start taking the time to pursue your dreams, you might find yourself at the end of your life with nothing to show for it but a lot of Facebook posts and a bunch of TV sitcoms you just had to watch. If you are serious about pursuing a dream — whether it's designing, copywriting or being a rich and famous entrepreneur, you better get on it. Take those first steps and Keep Going.

Copyright © Spicetree Design Agency; SPICEBUZZ Feature; page 11; October; 2016


Every career catapults with the intention to go beyond


remember after graduating from college, that a Commerce degree would not be sufficient to set me apart from the thousands of individuals passing out year after year. I was fortunate to decide for myself the career I would choose. I enrolled myself for a programming course which would cover two years. In the syllabus, that would cover learning computer fundamentals, networking, programming and database architecture. I would learn at the classes I joined and would sift through their rich library of books to excel in more topics than those taught during class.


Copyright Š Spicetree Design Agency; SPICEBUZZ Feature; page 12; October; 2016



I remember creating software programs during practical tests that were far superior from the ones being created by my batch mates. All these were influenced by the extra work I put in earlier. The programs would always be praised no matter what, I felt good at the skill. As soon as I passed out, I was pretty efficient in coding in Visual Basic, a programming language that was 'in' at the time. I fit straight into training privately as a visiting faculty and imparting my knowledge in compliance with the syllabus handed out. It was fun, because I was always in command. I could write a longer story about how the process of learning went on and how I landed where I am today, but this example is only to lay emphasis on the fact that whatever you do in life, the magic always happens when you go out of your comfort zone. You have to do small things on a consistent basis that no one else does. Even baby steps to where you set your vision are enough to take you to higher ground in a matter of time.




or me, life is all about having different set of experiences. It is my desire to see the world in its raw form and be moved by the people living in it. And what better way to experience the world than Travelling! I love travelling…it is one of the few things I am very passionate about. It lets me get away from “normal” life, experience other cultures, it gives me time to think, observe, ideate, and learn many new things about people, cultures, food, history, lifestyle, etc. Hence, I feel everyone should travel as much as they can. It is the best way to gain new perspective about leading your life. You meet new people along your journey and they influence you in some way or the other. You get a feeling of freedom, inspiration and a benchmark on your life goals. It helps you rediscover yourself; face your fears and helps realizing your hidden potential.

“You will never understand the true meaning of your life until you travel and experience how others are living theirs." - Anonymous So go out and invest money on travelling, for you will meet new people, make new friends, learn new languages, because ultimately experience is far more valuable than money can ever prove to be!

Copyright © Spicetree Design Agency; SPICEBUZZ Feature; page 13; October; 2016



ften we wonder about the 'whys' in life. 'Why did this happen?', 'Why me?', 'Why now?' Bumps in the road are an inevitable part of life that soften us, make us grow, and present us the asset of compassion. Often it is only with time that it becomes clear that the cloud really did have a silver lining. Every incident in your life was and will be designed to shape and reform you into the greatest version that you could ever imagine yourself to be. Every negative experience, every struggle, can be viewed as an opportunity for incredible growth. People change so that you can learn to let go. Things go wrong so that you appreciate them when they are right. You believe lies so you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself and sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together. Sometimes the best thing you can do is not think, not wonder, not imagine, and not obsess. Be like a tree and let the dead leaves fall off. Just breathe and have faith that everything will eventually work out for your best. Someday everything will make perfect sense. The one up there has a reason for allowing things to happen. We may never understand His wisdom, but we simply have to trust His will. So for now, laugh at the confusion, smile through the tears, and keep reminding yourself that Everything Happens For a Reason!


Copyright Š Spicetree Design Agency; SPICEBUZZ Feature; page 14; October; 2016


Everything Happens For A Reason




ey all, welcome to my SDA page. Now first of all I have to say something about myself..it's hard to introduce myself. Being a shy and an aggressive person, I'm also a bike lover and an ambitious girl, yes I'm ambitious...and can't live without my passion, my family, my bike and ice-cream (really)..... Now I want to deliver a story, that’s mine. When I didn't get admission in engineering and that time I'm too worried about my career.. In August 2010 I was sitting at Mumbai Bandstand; in a frustrated mood thinking about my career, my future, my life, my dad’s reputation and many more teenage tension. I just hadn't been happy. After 15 mins, an elderly lady across from me got up & moved next to me, and said,"You're beautiful. I'm not joking. I was thinking, and i wanted you to know." I smiled, thanked her and asked,"Do you usually compliment strangers?” She replied, "When i was your age, a woman my age sat next to me on a train. Her compliment saved me from doing something stupid and today, I'm returning the favor." I don't know when you read this story what you think. But i got something really important in my life and I'm really thankful to that lady. Because of her, today matters to me. I'm really grateful to my family, my love, my friends and how can I forget my avenger(my bike). Thank you so much for reading my lil story. “Today will never come again, be a blessing, be a friend, encourage someone, take time to care, let your words heal and not wounds. And always keep smiling ”

Copyright © Spicetree Design Agency; SPICEBUZZ Feature; page 15; October; 2016



rt is the habit that most of people get along with easily, mixing and merging of ideas sometimes gets you the masterpiece that you never imagined or imagined. Well even I had such a habit since my childhood. Taking the scraps and merging it with the other things to come up with something artistic. Earlier in my days I used to make things such as small toys or ornaments or wall hangings using the paper. As I started getting more interest into this art I started searching for more & more ideas to use the paper in different ways, and I ended up on many sites where I got to learn about paper crafting, paper quilling, origami. This got me more interested into the paper and using the simple sheet of paper & making art from it. Searching for more I came across a site which left me mesmerized, the site was about making the pokemon's using paper. To me it was like a dream come true both my favourite things were together; As a lover of pokemon's and of paper art since childhood I finally started making the paper crafts.

Paper Crafts not only gave me the art to put my hands on but to be patience as well which helped me not in my personal life but also in my professional life. People started loving this art of mine and started appreciating it which finally lead me to start selling them and spreading this art as far as I can so for baby showers, or as a gift people started using my art as a decorations which attracted many eyes. “Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep.� - Scott Adams


Copyright Š Spicetree Design Agency; SPICEBUZZ Feature; page 16; October; 2016


Why did I Start origami/ Paper Crafting?




verything in the world is created twice, once in the head & then again in the reality for us to SEE, FEEL, HEAR, & EXPERIENCE.

The ability to think requires above all one thing creativity. Creativity is an essential aspect of thinking as it allows you to come up with completely different solutions to address a problem. Thinking, leave all your experiences, mindsets and attitudes behind and start to view things from a completely different perspective, unfiltered, unbiased, open for suggestions, willing to empathize with others opinions, but also ready to swim against the flood and to think about what you didn't even noticed before. It also means that you leave everything behind you thought you would know, everything that was thought to you in school and start to approach specific situations and problems from a completely different point of view than you did before. There is a need to THiNK Think to help, Think to innovative, Think of new ideas, Think of the way ahead, Think to smile, Think of spending some time with family, Think of singing a song, Think before every spoken word, Think before every action, Think for this moment and think about yourself.

Copyright Š Spicetree Design Agency; SPICEBUZZ Feature; page 17; October; 2016


OWNERSHIP aking ownership is about taking initiative and believing that taking action is not someone else's responsibility. As an individual, you are accountable for the quality of an outcome, even when you're working with others. You care about the outcome the same way you would care as an owner of the organization. It doesn't mean you have an obligation to own the project or you shouldn't involve others. It means you have an obligation to the results of the organization and, that you have an obligation to act on items that impact those results. Maybe you have a great idea for how to save the organization money, but it's outside the scope of your role. Or perhaps it would take more time than you have. Or perhaps you don't have the resources needed to complete the task or the fix resides elsewhere in the organization. In these situations, taking ownership means bringing your idea forward to someone who does have the time or resources to get it done. Taking ownership conveys to others – “You can trust me to do the right thing” When you take ownership of your work, you treat the business that you are working for and its money as if it is your own. You will make decisions thoughtfully, responsibly, and with more care. You will also be more driven, motivated, and have more initiative, seeking creative and innovative ways to improve the overall development of the organization. In short, a company with members who take ownership is a company that's moving forward. It also creates a much more positive & fulfilling working environment for all the members. So, do your thing, do it unapologetically. Don't be discouraged by criticism. You probably already know what they're going to say. Pay no mind to the fear of failure. It's far more valuable than success. Take OWNERSHIP, take chances, and have fun. And no matter what, don't ever stop doing your thing.


Copyright © Spicetree Design Agency; SPICEBUZZ Feature; page 18; October; 2016



Be Beautiful Inside Out



hat is inner beauty supposed to be? My views regarding this…… I travel every day, I meet several people with different personality, behaviour and having different perspective. One thing I notice is that people just want their outer appearance to look great, but quality is not enough to be a better person in the real life. Yes it is important to make your appearance great as people will judge you based on your appearance at their first sight but overtime they will definitely judge the real you. You may speak to someone for a minute and find them pleasant or not, but as the conversation goes on for a minute or two, you may start to pick qualities and traits, and without even realizing it, you may start to find a person more and more beautiful. Beauty that overflows within you reflect in everything else around you, it is not about mere appearances but comes from inside. The more you show who you are, the more beautiful you will be. “Outer beauty pleases the EYE. Inner beauty captivates the HEART.” Beautiful appearance will last for a few decades, but a beautiful personality will live forever. Pretending to be someone; that's so not you and the real you is more important than anyone else. So always try to do your best in all possible ways and avoid being like someone because each one has their own personality. Do the things which highlight the real you which should be the most important part of improving one's self and don't let your inner beauty fade with time. Simply interact, smile and help others which could change someone's bad day into good one. Try to look at the things from all perspective and always find good in others behaviour.

Copyright © Spicetree Design Agency; SPICEBUZZ Feature; page 19; October; 2016


Why Do Women Prefer Men With Beard?


en, take note ! Women tend to prefer those with full-grown beard especially while looking for long-term relationships. While stubble is considered to be the most attractive overall, according to a new study.

When women view images, masculinized and feminized faces were less attractive than un manipulated faces when all were clean shaven. Stubble was judged as most attractive for long-term relationship. Extremely masculine and extremely feminine looking males were attractive, irrespective of relationship context.


Copyright Š Spicetree Design Agency; SPICEBUZZ Feature; page 20; October; 2016

stacey d’souza

For the study, researchers used computer graphic manipulation to morph male faces varying in facial hair from clean- shaven, light stubble, heavy stubble and full beards, with additional differences in brow ridge, cheekbones, jaw line and other features that the same man appeared more or less masculine.




rite something!!! I have always found difficult to convey through words. I hope I will do my best. Before to start, I would like to thank you Sir for the opportunity to participate in SPICEBUZZ NEWSLETTER.

Everyone has that special person who plays many roles in their life sometime as friend, sometime as supporter, sometime as protector, guardian, sometime as mother. For me, my mother is a very special person in my life who always with me each and every step of my life, who teaches me go forward patiently in any phase of life. She is my inspiration, encouragement to make a way in any crucial situation. She always reminds me "never let the behavior of others change your inner goodness.

Copyright Š Spicetree Design Agency; SPICEBUZZ Feature; page 21; October; 2016




hey hugged each other tight as they stood over the cliff and talked, she knew he was up to something but wasn't sure, until the time she felt a sudden push, a fall and so she screamed. She didn't dare to see what was lying beneath her, she felt her lungs couldn't breathe, eventually; she did enjoy the whole paragliding experience.

He finally confessed it , how she blushed in the face when he revealed his feelings. She looked him in the eye and verbalized what his heart wanted so desperately to hear, his joy knew no bounds when he came to know that her brother had fallen for him too. Eyes glistened with joy, months & months of sacrifices, struggle and pains taken for that one reason that would make her life more meaningful and purposeful. It was indeed a long journey but, worth it as she cried tears of joy at the weighing scale.


Copyright Š Spicetree Design Agency; SPICEBUZZ Feature; page 22; October; 2016


There is always a first time he told her, this will be a memorable experience he promised, she was nervous but, as usual trusted him more than her own self and so she gave in. He made her feel comfortable and convinced her it would be a smooth one, and then he started the helicopter engine.




was actually on the career path to becoming an Engineer. (Did you know this?) I liked math but I loved being creative even more. The stereotype of the starving artist was all I had to go on when thinking of a future for myself - and I did not want to be starving. Even though I knew my creative artistry side was good enough, I had never actually thought of graphic designing as a career option until a few days after all my entrance exams for engineering. I started to lose interest in the world of digits & calculations. I was sure 'I would never be that excited about Engineering.' My cousin suggested that I join an art school and polish my skills further to flourish in the world of graphic designers. From that moment on, all I could imagine was my designs being known to the entire world. (Imagine the moment of glory. Ha!) So just to be sure I began researching the graphic design industry just to make sure it wasn't a dying industry! During the 4 year course of Visual & Communication Art itself I started exploring the different possibilities of designing aspects & also grabbed opportunities for freelancing & fell in love with the fact that a creative individual could influence an insight and thought.


“Now, more than 6 years later, I realize that my love for math actually translates into a love for details as a graphic designer. I believe my future is colorful and vibrant. And I will never be stuck inside a dreary cubicle with an adding machine stuck to my fingertips. I am glad that I am building brands & not buildings - Literally”

Copyright © Spicetree Design Agency; SPICEBUZZ Feature; page 23; October; 2016


Man ke hare haar hai, Man ke jeete jeet hai aha ukti kafi samay se chali aa rahi hai. Iska arth yaha hai ki, har ek manushya ki safalta uske andar ke kam karne ki chhah mein chupi hoti hai, uski jaden humen hi hai. Yadi hum apne life mein safal hone ki kaamna karte hai, toh sab se pehele hume apne dimag ko tyaagna hoga. Kyuki hum humesha safalta ke marg par chalte wakt asafalta ke bare mein sochte hai. Yaha nakaratmak soch is maarg ki sabse badi chunauti hai. Isiliye sabse pehele soch ko safal karne mein jut jaayen; sakaratmak soche! Khudko is tarha dhale ki asafaltaon ke baad bhi hummein uth khade hone ki himmat ho. Safalta pane ke liye humko apne man ko samjhakar asafaltaon aur aalochnaon ka dat ke saamna karna chahiye. Apne aap par humesha niyantran rakhiye kyuki life mein safal hone ka koi shortcut nahi hai. Har ek aadmi ke andar ek anuthi pratibha hoti hai, lekin hum uuse jaan nahi paate hain. Jis din hum apne hunar ko jaan jaayenge uus din humko safal hone se koi bhi nahi rok paayega. Is liye sarva pratham apne us chupe hue talent ko jaane aur humesha uspe vishwas rakhen. Koi bhi kaam ki shurvaat karne se pehle uus kaam ko karne ka vishwas paida kanre, wohi vishwas aapko safal banayega aur kaam mein aane wali samasyaon ka saamna karne mein madat karega. Kabhi bhi apne aap ko kisi se bhi kum nahi samjhna chahiye kyuki aapka aatmavishwas jaruri hai aapki safalta ki kahani mein. Aaj ke zamane mein competition bahut jyada badh gaya hai aur aise wakt mein safal hone ke liye tan aur man se koshish karna jaruri hai. Apni galtiyon se seekh kar kabhi haar nahi maane; aur humesha apne lakshya par tike rehe. aap ko kafi kathinayion ka saamna karna pade lekin un kathinayion se haar nahi maane, ghabraye nahi. Apne Lakshya mein datte rahe!


Copyright Š Spicetree Design Agency; SPICEBUZZ Feature; page 24; October; 2016




mumbai through bengali eyes


hen I first came to Mumbai, I was way too scared. The city intimidated me, threatened me. I started having a lot of doubts about my survival. It was because I was unaware about the language, culture, and the work at SDA. The city roads scared me. The fear to get lost in this huge city stopped me to travel even a short distance. I even panicked to go down the office building. There was a new challenge every day. I learnt one thing and that has helped me survive all these years, 5 years to be precise. In this fast pace city you need to learn fast or else just pack your bag and go back. This motivated me to learn the work in the office, the famous 'Bombaya Hindi', remember the confusing roads and start liking the food too. However, the most esthetic moment in Mumbai was when I saw Amitabh Bacchhan, I was very happy. I was unable to believe that the person from the silver screen is actually in front of my eyes! After so many years in Mumbai, I recently visited the 'Gateway of India'. I was thrilled to see the hotel 'Taj' – the place I saw on Tv during the terrorist attack. This city makes you feel lonely at times but I am happy to sit and interact with people in the office. They make me laugh and care for me too. People in the office make my survival easier. I am thankful for that. I have learnt a lot from everyone around me and it has truly helped me to be a responsible person in the office. Thank you sir for this wonderful opportunity. Translated by Bhumika Mistry


Copyright Š Spicetree Design Agency; SPICEBUZZ Feature; page 25; October; 2016


TO KNOW, TRAVEL believe it is very important to travel at different places, as we can also come to know about their cultures, which are very different from us (where we live). You get to forget your problems/issues for a few weeks, it can also help you figure things out that you would not have understood without the distance traveling can give you.Trying the local food is an important part of travelling as, we can enjoy various food traditions which you have never heard. I have travelled at many places and every time of travelling I always had a good bonding with my fellow passengers especially when I am travelling alone. When travelling with friends or family it creates memories for a lifetime. One incident I remembered when I was in Gujarat, we were travelling in public transport the driver broke the signal and traffic police caught us. That time we came in difficulty when we came to know that driver took more passengers as he was not permitted for it. One of our friends tried closed that matter by offering him bribe, but we were happy to see that he had refused to that offer as it rarely happens. Travelling increases our knowledge and widens our perspective by viewing new customs and different ways of living, going on vacation recharge our batteries by disconnecting us from our regular life. Traveling gives us the opportunity to disconnect from our regular life. It's nice to live life to its fullest and enjoy a stress free time with yourself.



Copyright Š Spicetree Design Agency; SPICEBUZZ Feature; page 26; October; 2016






appiness is our goal. We all wish to live a happy life.What does happy life mean? Some people think that happiness lies in luxurious living. Idea of happy life differs from man to man. I feel happiness is a combination of how satisfied you are with your life and how good you feel on dayto-day basis. Happiness doesn't come from the outside it comes from within each of us. Stress and worries let you down. If you are ever feeling down, truly take a moment out of your day to think of everything that you cherish. It's important to remember to let go of your stress and worries. For eg: Just imagine I raised a glass of water and asked you "How heavy is this glass of water I am holding?"from my perspective, the weight of the glass doesn't matter it all depends on how long i hold it. If i hold it for a minute or two its fairly light. If I hold it for an day straight, my arm will likely cramp up and feel completely paralyzed, forcing me to drop the glass to the floor. in each case the weight of the glass doesn't change but the longer I hold it, the heavier it feels to me.Your stresses and worries in life are very much like this glass of water. think about them for a while and nothing happens. think about them all day long and you feel completely numb - Incapable of doing anything else until you drop them. So drop your all worries and just smile, never stop smiling. Happiness lies within small things. Enjoy every moment. "Happiness is an art of never holding in your mind in the memory of any unpleasant thing that has passed."

Copyright Š Spicetree Design Agency; SPICEBUZZ Feature; page 27; October; 2016



hen I know it is not a right time, But why do I feel it is right? When I know none of us is in the moment, Then how does he pull me by his sight? When he is looking away, A glance that I steal… When he is staring at me, The heat that I feel… Even a small touch is healing me, I bet he can see… Every word is making us close, There is some unknown force, It's not like our daily course The warmth says I belong here, Those arms they feel so dear How can I feel the glimpse of real me, In the corner of my room I'm smiling reminiscing the old me When romance creeps in our mundane life, it transforms our boring days in to a typical rom-com movie. Everything is rosy as you feel the zip in your stomach that releases some butterflies every time you think or meet your loved one. That spark in the initial intimacy sends a shiver down the spine. It is difficult to give voice to your feelings, you forget the vocabulary and just end up muttering – I love you. Ah! I am a huge fan of Nicholas Spark. When I first read his book I was in awe of his writing. I was way too inspired and I wanted to write something romantic, something to dwell on that fragile feeling. And that's when I penned down this poem. The plot in my head was simple - a girl is falling in love all over again. She is that innocent old lover, experiencing things that she thought she would never feel again, but she did! The poem is immersed in a lot of emotions I hope you can decipher all and enjoy it!


Copyright © Spicetree Design Agency; SPICEBUZZ Feature; page 28; October; 2016






ong time ago in my early 20's when I was a student, my Sir planned for trekking. We enjoyed and it was mind refreshing. When my Sir had had first announced about this trip, we were all confused whether we should freeze on this plane or no. Finally we decided to have a trip at Ratanghad fort which is near to Kasara Station. Something about the fort; Ratanghad fort was captured by Chhatarpati Shivaji Raj Bhosle and was one of his favorite forts. A day before we went trekking we lived in tents. During our trekking journey we enjoyed with natural beauty, waterfall and rock top cavity, but at the same time we faced some difficulties. We unique trees for the first time. Amazing water fall.


We were asked to part ways and get back at the end of the day. While trekking we used sticks for support, after we reached on top, we spent some time there, resting and just observing the nature and we were all at peace. We didn't have anything heavy we had grams and sugarcane juice that energized us to continue the trip. On our way down, one of our team member caught a cramp in his leg and his feet was frozen, but our Sir asked him to keep his mind positive and to move on. After that everyone build confidence and motivated each other. From this trekking trip we learnt lot of things if in your life different obstacle, trouble come but you try stand up, face the problem, motivated each other and enjoyed the same whatever your field. We also learnt that if we work in unity we can overcome any problem in life.

Copyright Š Spicetree Design Agency; SPICEBUZZ Feature; page 29; October; 2016



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Copyright © Spicetree Design Agency; SPICEBUZZ Feature; page 36; October; 2016

SDA's joys documented

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Copyright © Spicetree Design Agency; SPICEBUZZ Feature; page 38; October; 2016

achieved it as a team

Copyright © Spicetree Design Agency; SPICEBUZZ Feature; page 39; October; 2016


Copyright © Spicetree Design Agency; SPICEBUZZ Feature; page 40; October; 2016

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