Board Report - May 14, 2020

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BOARD REPORT MAY 14, 2020 SPECIAL REPORT TO THE PUBLIC Trustee Sean Elo-Rivera reported that he participated in the April 22 California Community Colleges (CCC) Board of Governors Virtual Advocacy Day with Trustee Bernie Rhinerson and Trustee Mary Graham and said he was impressed with the conversations led by students regarding the impact of COVID-19 and all-online classes. He also attended the April 23 San Diego Promise Development Committee meeting which focused on increasing support for students during this difficult period of time. He also thanked the student trustees for their work with the Board in the past year and for advocating for their peers. Trustee Mary Graham reported that she also attended the CCC Virtual Advocacy Day, which looked at how to mitigate the negative impacts as much as possible for those students most at-risk; she said she had admiration for everyone who is working to mitigate the impact of the coronavirus, especially those students in Associated Student Government positions. Trustee Graham also reported that she and Trustee Rhinerson are helping to finalize the search committee for a new Chancellor and thanked those who offered their assistance. Trustee Craig Milgrim said that he viewed the virtual campus forums with the two finalists for the Miramar College President position and thanked all who participated. Trustee Milgrim also complimented the new SDCCD summer class schedule that arrived in the mail, and acknowledged students who have made the best of the shift to online classes in the middle of the spring semester. Trustee Bernie Rhinerson shared that he participated in virtual town hall meetings hosted by Mesa College President Pamela Luster and City College President Ricky Shabazz; in federal advocacy efforts led by the Association of Community College Trustees (ACCT) in support of the HEROES Act; meetings hosted by the Community College League of California’s Advisory Committee on Legislation, which he chairs; and encouraged students to stay positive in spite of the challenges they face. Trustee Maria Nieto Senour joined her colleagues in congratulating the student trustees and shared her concern that the City of San Diego is proposing to close the Mountain View/Beckwourth Library, which is located at the District’s Educational Cultural Complex and is important to both the District and the neighboring communities. Trustee Senour also presented 2019-20 Student Trustees Oscar David Rendon (City College), Taylor Carpenter (Mesa College), and Van Dao Minh Anh (Miramar College) with plaques commemorating their service to the Board and District. Chancellor Constance Carroll reported on the Governor’s May Revision Budget, indicating that the state deficit is projected at $54.3 billion and that, after some mitigation through the use of reserves, the anticipated cut for community colleges is 10% in addition to the deferral of payment to the institutions for their apportionment earnings. She noted that the District will continue to plan for these reductions while participating in legislative advocacy efforts to lessen the impact. Dr. Carroll discussed the ongoing COVID-19 crisis, which will require all classes to continue in the online/remote modality during the summer and fall, and will result in all commencements being conducted in a virtual format. The Chancellor praised the faculty, classified professionals, and administrators for their extraordinary work in handling the response to the coronavirus in such an expeditious and effective manner. Student Trustee Taylor Carpenter reported that all of the colleges are busy preparing for a fall semester that will be held online. At City College, voting for student elections was held May 13-14. At Miramar College, the Associated Student Government continues to hold committee meetings and is working on training materials to help with continuity for incoming student leaders. At Mesa College, Student Trustee Carpenter noted that the campus held a drive through food distribution event on May 4, and thanked President Pamela Luster for being so helpful with online Campus Forums, as well as thanked her fellow student trustees for a great year working with the Board of Trustees.

The governing board of the San Diego Community College District is composed of 5 elected members and 1 student trustee position. The student trustee position is filled on a rotating basis. BOARD MEMBERS Sean Elo-Rivera, J.D. Mary Graham (Executive Vice President) Craig Milgrim Bernie Rhinerson Maria Nieto Senour, Ph.D. (President) CHANCELLOR Constance M. Carroll, Ph.D. (secretary to the board) STUDENT TRUSTEES Taylor Carpenter Oscar David Rendon Van Dao Minh Anh


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BOARD ACTIONS At its regular meeting of May 14, 2020, which was conducted in a virtual format, the Board of Trustees: •

Heard public comments by Miramar College Academic Senate (AS) President Laura Murphy who expressed concerns over the revised budget presented by the Governor on May 14 and urged the Board to look closely at how summer sessions are being planned given new cuts, and to be sensitive to the needs the colleges have to retain faculty positions. Dr. Murphy also thanked Chancellor Carroll and the Board and others involved in the process of finding a new President for Miramar College. Mesa College AS President Manuel Velez reported that the AS and faculty are working with Vice President of Instruction Isabel O’Connor to make sure summer and fall semesters run smoothly online. He also said he supports the concerns voiced by Murphy regarding staffing levels, but said collectively the District has done an impressive job under the circumstances. Mesa College student William Charters wrote his concerns, questioning why classes continue to be held online and expressed his dislike of the online instructional format. His concern was referred to the Chancellor for response, which will also involve the Mesa College President.

Held a public hearing regarding the District’s successor bargaining agreement counterproposal for the AFT Guild 1931 Classified Staff Bargaining Unit.

Received a report from Executive Vice Chancellor Bonnie Dowd on the use of the federal Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act funds; the Board Meeting schedule for July 2020 through December 2020; new or revised courses and programs; adopted the 2019-2020 Third Quarter Financial Report; and authorized the sale of surplus District property at the west side of Briarwood Road and just north of Nebraska Avenue, San Diego, California, and consisting of 1.28 acres of vacant land LWP Capital, LLC.

Adopted resolutions affirming the District’s commitment to student success and equity; and denouncing xenophobia and anti-Asian sentiment arising due to fears of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Received a report from Executive Vice Chancellor Bonnie Dowd on budget planning for fiscal years 2019-2020 and 2020-2021; and a report from Chancellor Constance Carroll regarding Coronavirus (COVID-19) Actions and Plans.

Entered into agreements with health care agencies for use of clinical facilities by students enrolled in District health occupation programs; with Neighborhood House Association to provide education, child care, health and social services to Head Start and Early Head Start eligible children and families at City College; and with the California Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST) to provide Academy Instructor Certification Course (AICC) for Miramar College; subcontract agreements with Grossmont-Cuyamaca Community College District (GCCCD) Auxiliary to provide services in support of Strong Workforce Regional Work-based Learning Coordination at Mesa College, and for services in support of the Strong Workforce Regional Adoption and Integration of Onboarding Practices with Guided Pathways, SSSP, and Student Equity for Mesa and Miramar colleges, and for Strong Workforce Program job preparation and placement services for Mesa College and Continuing Education.

After a public hearing, approved adoption of the Education Protection Account Funding and Expenditure Plan for 2019-2020.

Accepted grants from the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office (CCCCO) for the City College Homeless and Housing Insecure Pilot Program, and for Hunger Free Campus Support at City, Mesa, and Miramar colleges.

Endorsed the nomination of Acting Director of Information Technology Don Bertram for the District’s nominee for the California Community Colleges Classified Employees of the Year award.

Approved purchase orders completed during the month of March 2020; various personnel actions including the certification of short-term personnel service effective on or after May 15, 2020; adoption of the District’s Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Plan for 20202023; certified the District’s Equal Employment Opportunity Fund Multiple Method Allocation Model Certificate Form for fiscal year 2019-20; and awarded a contract for a professional search firm to assist in the recruitment and hiring of a Chancellor for the District to Association of Community College Trustees (ACCT) Community College Executive Searches.






































Please note: Board meetings will be held at the District Office, Room 235/245, unless otherwise noted on the posted agenda. The agenda is available the Friday prior to the Board meetings on the District website at Board Retreat: June 4.

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