2 minute read


Why are we prone to anxiety and how can we calm ourselves down?

Many of us worry from time to time, some more than others. We all fear and worry, whether it’s over something small like a comment made at us or something big such as our parents splitting up. These feelings are normal and can even help us develop as a person. Anxiety is helpful and gives us the ‘rush’ to do a good job, such as preparing for a job interview, presentation, or exam. Once the situation has eased, the anxiety reduces.

On the other hand, stress as a mental health condition is different. For example, you may feel constantly uneasy about minor things or even anything. Anxiety is one of the most commonly diagnosed mental health illnesses among students. We experience it when worried, tense, stressed, or afraid, particularly about the unknown. Anxiety can become a bigger problem if it impacts on your ability to be outgoing and live life fully.

Struggling with other people

There are many different types of anxiety, and it can be hard to detect when you or someone else is struggling. Two examples are separation anxiety and social anxiety.

Separation anxiety is caused when you are worried about being detached from someone. This might be your family or even your friends Social anxiety makes you selfconscious and unable to engage and participate with other people.

The causes of anxiety are very complicated. Many can occur at once, and some may lead to others. Possible causes include difficulties at work or school, relationship problems, and family issues.

“Anxiety is one of the most commonly diagnosed mental health illnesses among students.”

Brennan Smith Design: George Walker Photography: Amber Pisani-Cleland

What it’s like to be constantly fretful

People with general anxiety can worry endlessly over everyday issues or situations. This can be money, health, family, or social problems. Most people with general anxiety realise that there is no need to overworry about these things. Yet they tend not to be able to relax or concentrate. They can get physical effects such as headaches, muscle discomfort, and even unexplained pains. Insomnia, or even staying asleep for too long, is also a problem.

Medication and treatment

Most anxiety disorders get better with therapy, but the types of treatment can vary. Medication can also help, but a mixture of both can work well over time as it is not something that can be sorted out overnight. Symptoms often worsen over time if not treated at all. Have you heard of the 3-3-3 rule? It is a method that can help people calm down and relax during stressful moments. According to indianexpress. com, this is the rule: name three sounds that you hear, move three parts of your body (fingers, shoulders, and feet) and point out three things you see. It’s an ever-so-simple rule to follow and can help many people during tough moments as it grounds you in the present.

Exclusive web interview.

Scan the QR code below to visit our exclusive online edition of Tag, where we speak to a reader about their experience with anxiety.


If you are in need of any help or support, there are lots of social media accounts that can certainly help. A few examples on Instagram are:

@anxiety_wellbeing @laurajaneillustrations @yung_pueblo


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