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Q BREATHING ROOM Love it or hate it, Californians have their quirks. City Times weighs in on the space issue OPINION / PAGE 6

CityTimes www.sdcitytimes.com

Covering the San Diego City College community since 1945

Group’s name turmoil continues

Volume 63, Number 6

November 4, 2008

Haunted City

Ghoulish festivities on campus get folks into the Halloween spirit

Gay student union name issue now being taken to legal lengths EVONNE ERMEY City Times Since early on in the semester the Fellowship of Associated Gay Students have been riding the wake of a tsunami size controversy created around the induction of their new acronym, FAGS. Now, almost two months later, whether or not the San Diego Community College District will recognize the name change remains unresolved. The case is now in the hands of Equal Opportunity Site Compliance officer, Mary Coleman. Coleman did not respond to requests to comment on the issue. Whatever happens FAGS is determined to keep their name. “I see that they have no grounds to censor our name. If this activity continues we are planning on seeking legal council to file an injunction,” said president of FAGS Jason Frye-Kolarik. While waiting for word from the administration for the clearance of the acronym, FAGS has had other matters to contend with. At this time the club is not even recognized as an official club on City Campus due to advisor issues. FAGS anticipates having their new advisor, assistant professor of health and exercise science Andi Milburn, instated by Nov. 10. Dean of student affairs, Denise Whisenhunt said that many student clubs have trouble finding advisors that fit City College guidelines, specifically that they be full time professors, and that FAGS is not alone in this instance. She says that the administration is doing its best to offer support to these clubs while they look for eligible advisors, but FAGS president Jason Frye-Kolarik suspects that the difficulties they have experienced this semester have more to do with personal prejudice than regulation. “We’ve been stifled and that has thrown our semester off here,” said Frye-Kolarik.


Dean of Information and Learning Technology Gerald Ramsey emerges drenched after getting dunked in the booth Oct. 30. Visitors could try their hand at the dunking booth, ring toss, pinata and more. The event was coordinated by the Associated Student Government and coincided with the Spanish Club’s Dia De Los Muertos event, where a massive traditional Day of the Dead altar was constructed by the club to represent the annual tradition of honoring the deceased. More photos, page 5.

See NAME, page 7


Calendar..................................2 News...................................... 3 Arts........................................ 4 Focus...................................... 5 Opinion................................... 6


Q CITY HONORS ‘DEAD’ Gorton Quad is taken over by five hundred year-old tradition PAGES 4 and 8



It’s not just a right, it’s a duty WWW.SDCITYTIMES.COM


City Times


TakeNote Compiled by Shevaun Brandom Get your event or club meeting in the paper. E-mail us at citytimes@gmail.com or call (619) 388-3880


Co-director for World Cultures, (619) 388-3084 klim@sdccd.edu

n Nov. 5

Viva Vivaldi 7:15 p.m. Saville Theatre Enjoy an evening with operatic soprano Stephanie Robinson, guitar and piano works with George Svodoba, dance choreography by Terry Wilson with student dancers, narration from storyteller DJ Watson and a reading in celebration of the release of City College Professor Laurel Corona’s novel, The Four Seasons: A Novel of Vivaldi’s Venice (Hyperion Books). Event contact (619) 388-3552 or www.sdcity.edu/worldcultures

n Nov. 5

Women’s Soccer vs. SD Mesa at home 1 p.m. Men’s Soccer vs. Southwestern at home 3 p.m. Women’s Volleyball vs. Imperial Valley at home 5 p.m.

n Nov. 7

Men’s Cross-Country SoCal Championships 11 a.m. Women’s Cross-Country SoCal Championships 11 a.m. Men’s Soccer vs. SD Mesa at home 1 p.m. Women’s Soccer vs. Palomar at home 3 p.m. Women’s Volleyball at Palomar 6 p.m. Men’s Basketball at San Francisco Tourney TBA Women’s Basketball vs. Reedley at home 7 p.m.

n Nov. 14

Men’s Soccer vs. Palomar at home 1 p.m. Women’s Soccer at Grossmont 3 p.m. Men’s Basketball SDCC Tournament at Harry West Gymnasium TBA

n Nov. 14

Manufacturing Engineering Technology Seminar “Leadfree Manufacturing� 1 - 3 p.m. Room B103 Seminar will present information on lead-free manufacturing - a main safety and environmental issue faced by manufacturers today. This information will be useful for faculty and counselors when working with students interested in careers in manufacturing and other technologies. Flex credit available - Flex #50270. Contact Pat Centurione at (619) 388-3149 or pcenturi@sdccd.edu

n Nov. 15

Women’s Basketball vs. West Los Angeles at home 12 p.m. Men’s Basketball SDCC Tournament at Harry West Gymnasium TBA

n Nov. 16

n Nov. 9

Men’s Basketball at San Francisco Tourney TBA

Men’s Basketball SDCC Tournament at Harry West Gymnasium TBA

n Nov. 12

n Nov. 18

Women’s Soccer at Imperial Valley 1 p.m. Men’s Soccer at Imperial Valley 3 p.m. Women’s Volleyball at Cuyamaca 6 p.m.

n Nov. 13

Women’s Volleyball vs. Grossmont at home 6 p.m.

n Nov. 13

“BARE OFFERINGS�-A documentary film 12:45 - 2 p.m. Room D121 A video drama depicting the story of a Mexican immigrant who is determined to cross the Tijuana/San Diego border in order to bury the body of his deceased wife, and the problems and setbacks he experiences in trying to cross. Contact Karen Lim, Fall

Women’s Basketball at Moorpark 5 p.m.

n Nov. 20

Conservation in the Wakatobi Marine National Park, Indonesia. 11:25 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Room D121 Professor Rempala will discuss her recent expedition to Pulau Hoga in Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia. She will discuss environmental threats to the worlds most diverse reef system as well as highlight conservation efforts in the Wakatobi. Erin Contact Rempala, Professor of Biology, (619) 388-3712 erempala@sdccd.edu

n Nov. 21

Women’s Basketball at Barstow Tournament TBA

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November 4, 2008

November 4, 2008


City Times


City College: Where’s the wireless? Tom Andrew City Times

It’s 6 p.m., you have an online test due in an hour, a teacher that needs you to e-mail a request for permission to miss class, and you need to add a class with an add code that closes tonight, do you know where your wireless hot spot is? Well, if you are a student at City College you only have a few choices. One would be Floors 2 and 3 of the LRC, that’s the Learning Resource Center for those of you not familiar with that building, and the other would be the cafeteria. If you are lucky you may be

able to catch a signal outside the cafeteria in the Gorton Quad, but that’s it. Not in the computer labs, or the City Times newsroom. Nor in the B, or T buildings where most Graphic Design, Computer Business

Technology, and Educational Technology classes are held. So, why is that? Staff in the CBT (Computer Business Technology) Center offered little as to why they don’t offer wireless Internet. When asked most responded, “no comment”, “please don’t quote me on that,” “leave my name off of that,” or “go to the LRC and ask them.” One staff member said that the Internet needed to be regulated so that they could control who used it. Over at the LRC, Sandra V. Pesce, Electronic Resource Librarian, said, “What it really comes down to is money. When wireless Internet was first introduced to City College, only at

the beginning of the year, it was to have been in the cafeteria first, but as it turns out City College followed suit along with Mesa College who also has wireless in their library. Then the installation in the cafeteria followed. “ Pesce also commented that in order for other departments to have wireless service, it would be up to them to get the funding, but what about the areas of the campus that are not governed by a department? What about Schwartz Square, Curran Plaza, or the grassy areas in front of the Gorton Quad and the R building? These are all areas that students convene, read, and do homework on a

regular basis. “The newer buildings will most likely be equipped with wireless network,” Lydia Gonzales, Administrative Secretary in the Vice President of Instruction Office said, “and it would be Mary K. Benard who would know about wireless in the common areas.” Benard was out of town and unavailable for comment. At this point, the network is available only to current students, faculty, and staff who have laptops. You need an access code to log in and if there are any problems with the service, City College offers no technical support staff to help trouble shoot.

“Individual rights are not subject to a public vote; a majority has no right to vote away the rights of a minority; the political function of rights is precisely to protect minorities from oppression by majorities (and the smallest minority on earth is the individual).” — Ayn Rand

What now? Veronica LEYVA Eissa City Times

Nov. 4 is the day. After the controversial debates, battled endorsements, tough arguments and crude advertising the battle to become our next president will begin to settle Nov. 4. Campaigns attempt the most to expose the presidential nominee’s leadership ability and their party’s game plan, but during all this, it feels more like holding your breath until the elections are over. This feeling doesn’t just befall politicians, diplomats or high-end corporations. With a combination of the economy and the Iraq war the tension has spread widely among people and throughout the globe. America’s elections are pinching everyone’s nose. Student Karlo Rodriguez, 23, is also looking forward to the end of the elections but is glad his


See WHAT NOW, page 7

Election worker Donna Stone checks a touch screen Diebold voting machine, possibly the most controversial voting apparatus, at the Point Loma Liberty Station. Diebold machines were considered the flashpoint of the 2000/2004 election controversy due to their easy hackability and their inability for voters to confirm their cast ballots.

What students need to know about voting in ’08 Tips From Rock the Vote and the Brennan Center for Justice:

This is an exciting election and millions of students will be voting for the first time. Leading voting rights experts from Rock the Vote and the Brennan Center for Justice offer these six simple tips for students in the week before the election. 1. Be Prepared: Know where your polling place is, when it opens and closes, and what you have to bring. www.GoVote.org

and (866) OUR-VOTE are great resources to get the information you need for Election Day. It’s a good idea to check even if you’ve voted before, because polling places and requirements can change. 2. Know Your Rights : There are a lot of false rumors out there. Know what your rights are. Eligible registered voters cannot be denied the right to vote because they are students at local universities. You will not lose your parents’ insurance by

voting, and your parents will not lose a tax deduction if you vote. The Brennan Center has a Student Voting Rights Guide available at: http://www.brennancenter.org/studentvoting. 3. Know Your State’s Rules: Thirty-one states allow early voting-in many cases this is the best and easiest way to vote. Seven states allow voter registration on Election Day. www. RockTheVote.com has all the information you need to know. 4. Wait in Line: This is an excit-

ing election and experts predict that turnout will be higher than it’s been in years. Student voting rights groups have been working hard to make sure there are plenty of voting machines, so most lines will be much shorter than in past years. If you come prepared, you’ll be doing your part to keep lines short. 5. Don’t Take No for an Answer: If you’re having trouble at the polls, don’t leave or give up! Voting is a right. Call (866) OUR-VOTE for expert help. As

a last resort you should insist on a provisional ballot. 6. Vote! You’ve heard it all before, but it really is truevoting gives you power. Bring your roommates, friends and neighbors with you this year and vote! If you’re interested in interviewing or booking an expert from the Brennan Center, Rock the Vote or other student voter rights groups, please contact Caitlin Petre at (212) 584-5000 or cpetre@fenton.com.



City Times

Dia los Muertos

November 4, 2008

Stone goes soft on W.

Day of the Dead Sofia Cancino City Times

It was more than 500 years ago, around 1519, when the Spanish conquistadors first explored Mexico. At this time the conquistadors came across the native Aztecs performing a strange ritual that looked as if the natives were mocking death instead of showing respect to it. The ritual today is known as Dia de los Muertos, or the Day of the Dead. Unlike the conquistadors, who saw death as the end of life and something to fear, the natives viewed death as the continuation of life and something to celebrate. The holiday, known as the Day of the Dead, or “Dia de los Muertos,” is celebrated mainly in Mexico or by people with Mexican heritage and others who reside in United States and Canada who are intrigued by this cultural holiday. The holiday is mainly a day of remembrance and prayer of family and friends who have passed on. Unlike Halloween, which is the 31st of October, the day of the dead celebration occurs on the 1st and 2nd of November. The closest sister holiday in the United States are the Catholic holy days, including All Saints’ Day and All Souls’ Day, which are celebrated on the same day as the Day of the Dead. Traditionally, the people who celebrate Dia de los Muertos build private altars honoring the deceased using items such as skulls, marigolds, and what ever were their favorite foods and beverages. They take these items as gifts to the person’s grave. Dia de los Muertos participants wear masks made of wooden skulls and place them on top of altars that they have built. Sugar skulls, made with the names of the dead person on the forehead, are eaten by a relatives and friends. The Aztecs kept the skulls as trophies and displayed them during the ritual. The skulls were used to symbolize death and rebirth. This holiday has been traced back thousands of years by scholars. It’s origins are from an Aztec festival celebrating their dedication to a goddess called Mictecacihuatl, or known in English as “The Lady of the Dead”. Happy Halloween and a happy Dia de los Muertos!

‘Seussical’ opens at Saville

Carlos Maia City Times Elizabeth Perez plays the imperturbable Cat in the Hat in “Seussical the Musical”, which delivered its first performance to an audience Oct. 30 at Saville Theatre. “Seussical” runs until Nov 16, with tickets for senior, military and students for $10, and general admission $15. For more information, visit www.sdcity.edu/savilletheatre/events.asp, or call (619)388-3617.

Lionsgate Courtesy photo

Oliver Stone squanders his chance to grill the last two terms with the release of the long-awaited biopic “W.” is a series of shorts portraying various stages of the adult life of soon-to-be former President Bush. It is a topical crosssection of his relationship with his father and the aftermath of 9/11. W. is a peculiar film because it is so mildmannered that it is hard to form an opinion of it. Ultimately, its blandness is an asset, but proximately it’s just anticlimactic. I was expecting a little more controversy when I walked into the theater -there has been so much over the past 8 years, I was concerned that a 2 hour movie couldn’t contain it all. But, director Oliver Stone (Nixon, JFK) took a very coy approach to this story. Bush comes off as a manipulated, incompetent puppy, not much different from the depiction we receive from the media. But, Stone also challenges that portrayal by offering insight into the burden and expectations of carrying a heavy name. At first glance, this victimization seems favorably biased. The fairness of this characterization will depend on the viewer, but overall, Stone does an excellent job of maintaining a neutral position. Neutrality is key here because Stone’s commentary goes deeper than the incompetence of our beloved President Bush and his Cabinet. Through the notorious WMD groupthink catastrophe, Stone makes a larger

criticism on both the American government and its people, who elected the leadership we’re now so eager to purge. The ease to which the government can manipulate its people and corrupt its own principles is the

At the Movies Kadhja Bonet

depressing reality Stone lightly addresses. The disappointment of the people and incompetence of the government is paralleled by the overshadowing figure of George Bush Sr., who makes W. all too aware of his inadequacies. Stone’s direction is solid. With a dedication to moving camera shots and strong performances by all, it’s hard to look away. And no doubt, Josh Brolin is George W. Bush. But, I do wonder whether W. can stand alone. Having all lived through the events and mishaps as they occurred, they have particular relevance to us; watching impersonations of politicians, especially Bush, has magnetic draw all on its own. Stone’s depiction is realistic, undramatic, and quite frankly, a bit dull. I’d save my money and wait for its DVD release, but it’s definitely worth the viewing.

November 4, 2008


City Times


Just Be Yourself Associated Students held a Halloween event on Gordon Quad on Oct. 30. Some of the events included a dunking booth , pi単ata smashing, and ring toss Joseph Shannon Top: Vice President of the Associated Students Joseph Shannon in his HAZMAT suit tries to break open the Casper pi単ata. Left: Diane Vera from the Cosmetology Dept. tries to her aim at the ring toss. Alejandra Botelo performs a mock wedding for Patrick Alonso and Jane Mejia at the marrying booth, bottom right. Shawn Talamantes takes his turn at breaking the Casper pi単ata during the Halloween Festivities. Photos and layout by CARLOS MAIA



City Times

Vox Populi

Real estate in California not just housing

What brought you to California and where are you originally from?

Let the bubble go!

Questions and Photos by Shannon Kuhfuss

I remember when I was in French class back in 2003 and how our French teacher would always tell us how Europeans and people here in California were very different. For one, Europeans were a little more social than Californians and they weren’t afraid to speak with random strangers or give friendly warm smiles to passersby. The most memorable thing she said was that Californians looked as if they had a bubble around them, a bubble that maintained everyone in their surroundings at an arm’s length distance. Is that true Californians? Are we really so eager to keep people at arms length that we really do have this invisible bubble as a barrier? Hmm, I think so. For one, you just have to look at any area with a lot of people to see just how distant people are. Everyone is by themselves, or if they’re in a group, they are confined in what seems to be an extended amount of space. Only

Yakira Feliz. 24 Nursing “I’m from the Dominican Repulic. The American Dream brought me here. I want to be able to help my family.”

Trillia Puffin, 28 Nursing “I grew up in Oregon. I have family in San Diego and it has a good school system.”

It was three years ago that I woke up one morning in my dorm room in Milwaukee, WI with a new idea. I hopped out of my dangerously tall loft bed, glanced out the window only to find three feet of snow. “What am I doing here?” I thought. I could learn the same things for my major in a much more aesthetically pleasing and climate friendly location. I finished the year up and headed out west to sunny San Diego. I thought it would be a breeze. Everyone’s so relaxed all the time, not a care in the world. It only took a few months to notice the differences between the Midwest and California that I never saw coming. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not one of those small town girls that grew up on a farm in Wisconsin and had a hard time adjusting to San Diego. I’m originally from Chicago, so I’m pretty familiar with how

Rogelio Cancela, 48 Criminology “I came from the Philippines to marry my wife.”

Volume 63, Number 6 November 4, 2008 www.sdcitytimes.com

David McAtee Editor-in-Chief Arts Editor Nailah Edmondson Managing Editor Sports Editor Evonne Ermey News Editor

lovers and really close friends are as close to each other as to feel each other’s skin. And even there sometimes you can see some distance.

Live and Learn Luis Bahena

It is true though; Californians tend to keep people at arms length. I personally do get a little annoyed when someone gets a little too close to me when I’m in line at a grocery store or any place that requires me to be in a line full of people. It’s as if it’s an unspoken rule,

See BUBBLE, page 7

Double the bubble! Give me some room!

Andrea Cigliola. 30 Biotechnology “I’m from Italy. I came for the weather.”


November 4, 2008

Published as: The Jay Sees / 1945-1949 Fortknightly / 1949-1978 City Times / 1978Incorporating the newspapers Tecolote, Knight Owl and Flicks

Joke’s On Me Shannon Kuhfuss

a lot happier here and less stressed out, but I can only take that in moderation. Where I’m from, punctuality is key. That says more about your personality than anything. You need to be on time, which is 15 minutes early, or else. The, “I’ll take care of it later attitude” has yet to be discovered in Chicago. Taking care

How to reach us: City Times San Diego City College 1313 Park Blvd. San Diego, CA 92101 Newsroom: T-316

Shannon Kuhfuss Opinion Editor

Carlos Maia Photography Editor

Shevaun Brandom Design Editor Calendar Editor

Heather Richards Copy Editor

Luis Bahena Features Editor

big cities work. This may also explain why I have the qualms with California that I do. I love the relaxed California attitude because people seem

of business now ensures that work won’t pile up and cause a heap of stress all at once. I’ve also noticed small things, such as comfort with strangers. If I’m waiting in a line for something, that doesn’t mean I’m standing there for the sole purpose of you to tell your life story. If I want to know it, I’ll seek you out and ask it, but chances are I’d rather watch paint dry than hear about your second cousin’s wedding when your uncle Karl drank too much. The main difference I have found, however, involves personal space. Californian’s have no sense of it. Forgive me, but this might come off as a rant. If you are walking up or down a staircase, stay to the right. Everything flows exceptionally well if everyone stays to their right. This doesn’t mean stop mid staircase, take out your phone, call your BFF and park it in the middle of the stairs! How can

Phone: (619) 388-3880 Fax: (619) 388-3814 E-mail: citytimes@gmail.com Program homepage: www.sdcity.edu/citytimes

City Times Staff Tom Andrew, Angela Ang, Kadhja Bonet, Sofia Cancino, Alexandria Carrillo, Caroline Cha, Veronica Leyva Eissa, Jenna Henry, Fahima Paghmani

Michele Suthers Illustrator


Mayumi Kimura Advertising Manager

Roman S. Koenig Journalism Adviser

Jessica Brandom

that be convenient for anyone? It can’t. They’re called benches, find one! Personal space also has to do with unnecessary touching. If you want to get my attention, don’t touch me. That’s going to make me turn around, and you might get a fist in the face rather than a smile. If I don’t know you, don’t act like you know me. This may just seem like I’m too uptight, but that’s really not the case. I’m extremely laid back, but sometimes peoples’ definitions of common courtesy clash. I don’t regret moving to San Diego for a minute. It’s the most beautiful place I’ve ever lived, and it stays that way throughout the year. There are just a few things that need improvement, and they have nothing to do with the scenery. Shannon Kuhfuss is City Times’ opinion editor

City Times is published twice monthly during the semester. Signed opinions are those of the individual writers and do not necessarily represent those of the entire newspaper staff, City College administration, faculty and staff or the San Diego Community College District Board of Trustees. District policy statement This publication is produced as a learning experience under a San Diego Community College District instructional program. All materials, including opinions expressed herein, are the sole responsibility of the students and should not be interpreted to be those of the college district, its officers or employees. Letters to the editor Letters to the editor are welcome, 350 words or less. The staff reserves the right to edit letters for grammar, spelling, punctuation and length. Memberships Journalism Association of Community Colleges Associated Collegiate Press California Newspaper Publishers Association

November 4, 2008

City Times



Urbanalities By Michele Suthers

Continued from page 1

“We’ve had one stumbling block after another until the faculty advisor that we found this semester wasn’t eligible when we’ve had part time faculty in the past. Things keep being re-interpreted. It’s very fishy.” Frye-Kolarik sites the removal of F.A.G.S. posters on campus as another example of the campus reacting to the club unfairly. “Our posters were taken down because they were in the wrong area, however the cafeteria is absolutely full of posters that are in the wrong area and so I feel that there is

What now Continued from page 3


Continued from page 6

to stay out of one’s space. Also, unlike Europeans, we don’t flash smiles to random people. Sure, it’s a sign of friendliness, but sometimes people don’t perceive it this way. “Oh, why is he smiling at me? Do I have something on my face?” Someone smiles at someone and automatically you go into three different reasons as to why this person might have smiled at you: A) There’s got to be something on my face? B) They are probably flirting with me? C) That person’s a weirdo and must be

avoided? OK, perhaps that’s a little too extreme, but c’mon Californians. You have to admit that one of these thoughts crossed your mind when a random stranger passing you on the street shot you a smile. It’s no surprise that other places consider Californians as snotty and stuck up. Sure, we carry ourselves casually sometimes, but that doesn’t mean were snotty. Perhaps it’s the invisible barrier that prevents people from seeing how cool Californians really are? Maybe if we brought down the barriers, people will perceive us as friendly and warm Californians with sunshine smiles? OK, perhaps that pushing it, but hey, we can try right? Luis Bahena is City Times’ features editor

voice has had a weight. “I can make an impact,” he says. “(I) hope to propel someone who is more beneficial.” Democratic or Republican, the same fate succeeds either candidate. After the polls close and the votes are tabulated the local and state poll propositions begin to roll in; and it could be a matter of hours before the next president elect and vice-president elect are known. But it is not until December, when the Electoral College meets, that the president is chosen. Making it “official” starts with the inauguration of the president on Jan. 20, along with the termination of the current President. The ceremony is convened by the Joint Task Force-Armed Forces Inaugural Committee. At noon the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court swears the new President elect into office whom takes


semblance of dishonesty happening right now and it’s disheartening and disappointing,” Frye-Kolarik said. Wisenhunt was unable to be reached as this article went to press for a response to Frye-Kolarik’s accusations. “There is a balance between free speech and protecting those that might be offended. In my role we have to make sure there is that balance,” Said Whisenhunt in an earlier interview where she also expressed what she thought were positive elements that had come from the clubs name change. “If it makes people think more critically or grapple with issues they may not have thought about before that’s good for a college community, not just students, but faculty and administration as well,” Whisenhunt said.

his oath to protect and guide the country. This happens in front of congress, the senate, diplomats, foreign representatives and dignitaries along with the rest of the world. On that day the president is granted permission to start running the country and tend to his many duties. For some this is the end of a journey, for many the beginning of one, and yet for others a chance to catch their breath and prepare to challenge the changes and decisions that begin with the new administration. There’s many other ways to stay active in our government after the elections. Rodriguez, a materials engineering student, does it by sending letters to his representatives and “talking to them” on issues he sees important. He also believes some issues are beyond his control, but agrees “locally we can make a difference.” More importantly, he states, “There’s something we can all do in our every day lives.” Rodriguez hopes to work on creating more efficient solar panels and semi-conductors, which conserve energy and help the environment.


City Times


November 4, 2008

Thanks for recycling this newspaper.

Photos by CARLOS MAIA City Times

Honoring those who came before City College’s World Cultures Program celebrated Dia de los Muertos with the installment of altars Oct. 30, accompanied by a lecture on the Day of the Dead. The holiday, known as the Day of the Dead, or “Dia de los Muertos,” is celebrated mainly in Mexico or by people with Mexican heritage and others who reside in United States and Canada who are intrigued by this cultural holiday. The holiday is mainly a day of remembrance and prayer of family and friends who have passed on. Unlike Halloween, which is the 31st of October, the day of the dead celebration occurs on the 1st and 2nd of November. One of the altars is on view in City College’s Learning Resource Center, near the entrance.

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