City Times - Fall 2021, Volume 76, Issue 1

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City Times

Covering the San Diego City College community since 1945

Volume 76, Issue 1 November 1, 2021

We'r e Back (SORTA) ...

The Knight s women?s soccer t eam huddles up aft er pr act ice on Oct ober 14. This fall is t he fir st t ime Cit y's at hlet ic t eams ar e host ing live games since spr ing 2020. Phot o by Will Maur iz/ Cit y Times

For the first timesinceMarch2020,San DiegoCity Collegeis welcoming students back. An estimated 20% of classes have retur ned with mandatesfor vaccinations,face masksand social distancing.Amongthe departmentsback are athletics,communications,sciencesand the arts.

it hasproventobeanevolvingexperiment inface-to-faceinstruction. CityMedia Page 2 CityRet ur ns Page 3

CitySight s Page 4+5 CityNews Page 6

CityAr t s Page 7 CitySpor t s Page 8

@sdcit yt imes

sdcit yt



November 1, 2021 |

The knight l ife debut s on radio

B Y JAK OB M CWH I NNE Y & M ARL E NA H ARVE Y City Times Media Staff


Host Jillian For t ner speaks wit h Pr ofessor Kat e St one Macbet h for Inside Cit y.

a cl os er l ook 'ins ide cit y ' BY JI L L I AN F ORTNE R

City Times Media Staff


nsi de Ci t y, a st udent pr oduced YouTube ser i es, feat ur es one-on-one i nt er vi ews wi t h facul t y and st udent s at Ci t y Col l ege. T he ser i es r et ur ned t hi s sem est er wi t h new vi deo i nt er vi ews. T hi s sem est er, I nsi de Ci t y host J i l l i an For t ner speaks wi t h Pr ofessor K at e St one and st udent act or Vi ncent B assone about M acbet h and r et ur ni ng

to t he st age. In anot her epi sode, K al l y N or vel l t al ks about her pat h t o San D i ego Ci t y Col l ege, st udyi ng bi ochem i st r y and her pl ans beyond vol l eybal l in t hi s edi t i on of CT T V's I nsi de Ci t y Spor t s. Wat ch I nsi de Ci t y on YouTube and get t he l at est updat es on I nst agr am , Twi t t er and Facebook by fol l owi ng Read mor e @sdci t yt i m es.

he K ni ght L i fe r a di o show ki cks off t hi s se m es t er wi t h i t s de but epi sodes fea t ur i ng t he wor ks of Ci t y T i m es M e di a. E pi sodes i n cl ude st udent pr oduced pod cast s such as Sex and Sex u al i t y, and t he L i s t en i ng M a chi ne. T he L i s t en i ng M a chi ne i s a cal l - i n show t hat asks San D i e gans about t he bi g i s sues t hat face us ever y day. T he fi r st sea son fo cuses on peopl e?s ex pe r i ences l i v i ng t hr ough t he COVI D - 19 pandem i c. Cal l (619) 736- 8976 or vi si t T he L i s t en i ng M achi t o l eave a m es sage. T he Sex and Sex u al i t y Pod cast di s cusses sex ual heal t hr el at ed t op i cs and i n vi t ed pr o fes- Read mor e

si onal guest speak er s t o shar e knowl edge wi t h st u dent s. To l i s t en t o m or e by t he Sex and Sex u al i t y pod cast and host M ar l ena H ar vey, vi si t Ci t y T i m es M e di a on An chor. T he K ni ght L i fe i s a weekl y r a di o show pr o duced r e m ot el y by, and fea t ur i ng, t he st u dent s of San D i ego Ci t y Col l ege and Ci t y T i m es M e di a. L i s t en t o t he show on 88.3 H D 2 at 5 p.m . on M on day or on An chor.

Inside Cit y host Assad Khalilzadeh (left ) and Jakob McWhinney, mult imedia jour nalist , discuss on The List ening Machine Podcast . Phot o by Cit y Times Media.

Cit y t imes media ear ns nat ional r ecognit ion B Y J OE L G ARCI A &

editor-in-chief last fall and CTM operations manager in the spring. ?A lot of City Times Media Staff us put in a lot of work to get the best he College Media Association stories out. I?m so glad that our hard has released the winners of its work is getting the recognition it de2020- 21 Pinnacle Awards and ser ves.? City Times Media brings San Diego City College?s student me- together five media partners, City dia organization ear ned a pair of ma- Times, CTTV, CT Sound, CityScene jor honors. City Times Media was hon- and City Indie Film. CMA represents ored with first place in two categories: those who advise the nation?s collebest two- year media outlet and best giate media newspapers, yearbooks, two- year website. CTTV Newscene magazines and electronic media orgaalso took third place in the two- year nizations. TV station of the year categor y. ?We Its mission is to suphave an awesome team that, despite port student media prothe str uggles of the pandemic, we grams and professionals worked so hard, from home,? said through education and Read mor e Vicky Pineda, who was City Times co- community. ASSAD



CityTimes Oct. 31, 2021| Volume76, Issue1


KATHRYN GRAY ManagingEditor Will Mauriz SportsEditor Aldo Ramriez Designer

PublishedasTheJay Sees (1945-1949), Fortknightly(1949-1978), City Times(1978-present). Part of the City Times Media platform IncorporatingnewspapersTecolote, Knight Owl & Flicks. Featured CTMStaff PhilipSalata JakobMcWhinney Kathy Archibald Assasd Khalilzadeh Christopher Tapanes Joel Garcia


District policy statement: Thispublicationisproducedasalearningexperience under San DiegoCityCollege?sDigital Journalism program. All materials, includingopinionsexpressed herein, arethesoleresponsibility of thestudentsand shouldnot beinterpretedtobethoseof thecollege district, itsofficersor employees.

Newscene st aff pr oducing a show on campus st udio . Phot o by Cit y Times Media.

Duringthe fall 2021semester, CityTimeswill publish onlineregularly, or as newsbreaks, on Withcampus closedduetothepandemic, City Timeswill publishasinglecommencement print edition. CityScenemagazinewill publishoncein May. Letterstotheeditor: Letterstotheeditor arewelcome, 350 words or less. Thestaff reservestheright toedit for grammar, spelling, punctuationandlength.

Howtoreachus: City Times SanDiegoCity College 1313 Park Blvd. | San Diego, CA92101 Newsroom: L-117 E-mail: Memberships: JournalismAssociationof Community Colleges CaliforniaCollegeMediaAssociation AssociatedCollegiatePress CaliforniaNewspaper PublishersAssociation


3 | November 1, 2021


Model Yoni Baker bar es all but his nose and mout h for st udent s, including Benedict e Bonavent ur e (r ight ), in t he Life Dr awing class at Cit y College on Aug. 31. Phot o by Philip Salat a/ Cit y Times Media

Ar t s ar e back in l iv ing col or B Y PH I L I P SAL ATA AND K ATH Y ARCH I B AL D Multimedia Journalists encils poised, easels adjusted. Model Yoni Baker disr obed and stepped onto the pedestal wear ing nothing but a mask. The music of L eonar d Cohen and the scr atch of char coal filled the other wise quiet classr oom for the 20minute sketch session in the L ife Dr awing class at San Diego City College on Aug. 31. For the fir st time in mor e than 18 months, select fine ar ts classes ar e finally being held in per son at City College for the fall 2021 semester. I n addition to a distr ict-wide mask mandate, all students, faculty and staff ar e r equir ed to either submit pr oof of vaccination or an exemption. Those exempt must test weekly to r emain par t of the tr ickling r etur n to campus life.


Amid war r anted skepticism, the r etur n is a quickly evolving exper iment in face-to-face instr uction. Though students, faculty and staff ar e r etur ning with caution, fine ar ts classes ar e offer ing lear ning exper iences that br ing much needed change of per spective after extended isolation. Read mor e While many tur ned to the ar ts dur ing the lockdown as an antidote to solitude, students such as Huy Nguyen ar e now developing dr awing skills by sketching the for m of a live nude model in Wayne Hulgin?s class. Nguyen said, with dr awing a live figur e, ?you can move ar ound the subject and look fr om differ ent sides, and this is mor e emotional and exciting.?

Changing point of view is as needed as br idging vir tual life with physical pr esence, much of which is still impossible for many. Nguyen is also developing paintings of his gr anddaughter in Saigon. He has not been able to see her for over a year and a half. ?We ar e lucky to be vaccinated and to be able to move ar ound,? Nguyen said. A costuming class in the Dr ama Pr ogr am dr ew accounting student Wendy Anaya back to campus after over a year of wor king fr om home in the South Bay. ?I t?s actually an elective,? she said. Anaya added the mask mandate made her mor e comfor table coming back and it is one of the r easons she felt the push to r etur n to campus. ?That little tr ip (to City College), ? I missed it a lot,? she said.

Wh at el s e i s n ew at Ci t y ? campus l ibr ar y r eopens The L ear ning Resour ce Center is open Monday thr ough Thur sday 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Reser vations r equir ed.

Fr eepar king and wi- f i Students can par k fr ee in all student lots for fall semster. Wi- Fi is also available in L ot 5.

st ar t or j oin a cl ub! Thinking of getting mor e involved? The deadline to star t a campus club was extended past Sept. 30.



November 1, 2021 |

City M as q u

Safety first, keepat a dis theschool d


ith de campus Though body is a vaccinat For tho COVI D -1 Even myr iad o the par ti St udent Ashlyn Cr owe (r ight ) looks up t o model Yoni Baker while r efining her dr awing in t he Life Dr awing class. Phot o by Philip

Geology student Randy Castillo pr esents his pr oject about the Himalayas to fellow classmates. Photo by Chr istopher Tapanes/ City Times Media

Count y Super visor Nat han Flet cher speaks t o pr ess gat her ed at t he 12t h & Imper ial Tr ansit St at ion for t he launch of new public t r anspor t at ion far e pr ocessing syst em. Phot o by Jakob McWhinney/ Cit y Times Media

Cit y College st udent and elect ion volunt eer Yulyssah Mar in gr eet s vot er s at t he polling locat ion next door t o Har r y West Gym. Phot o by Kathy Ar chibald/ City Times Media

Geology pr ofessor Anna Evashko discusses a pr oject wit h st udent s befor e t hey pr esent it t o t he class. Phot o by Chr ist opher Tapanes/ Cit y Times Media

CITYRETURNS | November 1, 2021


u e rad e

stance, handstoyourself ? dancebegins

h utmost pr ecaution amid the continuing panemic, students, faculty and staff r etur ned to at San Diego City College. h now able to show off their dancing shoes, noadmitted to this ball without a mask and car d -- a ion car d (left). ose with medical or r eligious exemptions, weekly 19 tests ar e r equir ed. with the new mandates, the fall semester saw a of activities on campus as all involved took par t in ial, but car eful, r etur n to in-per son classes.

Execut ive Dir ect or at Mundo Gar dens Janice Luna (r ight ) shar es a cup of coffee wit h Cecilia Thibeault (cent er ) and Zenia Tor r es at ?Cafe con Colegas? on Oct . 7. Phot o by Aldo Ramir ez/ Cit y Times Media

St udent Michael Randle shar es his excit ement at t aking a comput er class at Cit y College. Phot o by Kat hy Ar chibald/ Cit y Times Media

St udent s in t he Single Camer a Pr oduct ion class get hands-on inst r uct ion fr om pr ofessor Bob Sly. Phot o by Jakob McWhinney/ Cit y Times Media

Campus police load fr uit int o a car on Hunger Act ion Day. Phot o by Philip Salat a/ Cit y Times Media



November 1, 2021 |



he American Feder ation of Teacher s Guild, L ocal 1931 ? the union that r epr esents San Diego Community College Distr ict teacher s ? appr oved a r esolution in September that cr iticized tr eatment of Palestinians by the I sr aeli gover nment. ?The AFT Guild condemns ... the continued human r ights violations committed by the I sr aeli gover nment dur ing its 73- year occupation of this land,? they wr ote. I t went on to condemn antisemitic violence and sought to dr aw a distinction between opposition to I sr aeli policies and antisemitism. On Sept. 14 Randi Weingar ten, AFT's national pr esident, told Times of San Diego she had concer ns about the r esolution, including ?its r efusal to acknowledge the r ight of I sr ael to exist or to defend itself.? I n a Sept. 15 statement, SDCCD Chancellor Carlos Tur ner Cor tez wr ote that the distr ict took no position on the r esolution but str ove to encour age fr ee expr ession within the bounds of civility, r espect and inclusion. ?We r ecognize that the opinions expr essed by the Amer ican Feder ation of Teacher s L ocal 1931 ar e not embr aced by many employees and students,? Cor tez said. ?We offer our sincer e thoughts to those who wer e offended by the r esolution.? On Sept. 17, Times of San Diego published an op-ed by the leader ship of the Jewish Feder ation of San Diego County that condemned the AFT resolution. ?This r esolution cr eates an unsafe atmospher e for Jewish and I sr aeli students, faculty and staff, and other member s of the San Diego and Gr ossmont community college communities,? they wr ote. Jeanine Er ikat, gener al coor dinator of the San Diego chapter of the Palestinian Youth Movement, pr aised the AFT r esolution and sought to dr aw a distinction between cr iticism of the I sr aeli gover nment and antisemitism. ?I t?s a cr iticism of a for eign gover nment,? Er ikat said. ?We do that all the time in the U.S., so why is it that when people ar e speaking against I sr ael it?s suddenly antisemitic?? At the Sept. 23 SDCCD Boar d of Tr ustees meeting, Cor tez again tr ied to distance the distr ict fr om the r esolution. Even so, dozens of public comments about it wer e left on the distr ict?s website. City College Academic Senate Pr esident Dar ius Spear man said they wer e taken aback by Cor tez?s neutr ality and that the senate suppor ted the AFT r esolution. ?If (Cortez), and the district, believe that the right to human dignity in the lives of Palestinians is beyond the scope of (SDCCD?s) mission, what other abuses would they have us ignore?? Spear man said. Read mor e

Student outr each r ep Thao Chung (left) spoke to pr ospective students Ar iana Lopez and Wendy Nieto (r ight). Photo by Philip Salata/ City Times Media




t a time when the incr easing cost of college has put higher education out of r each for many and the labor mar ket?s need for wor ker s with degr ees also r ises, Califor nia has passed a new law that may help expand access to bachelor 's degr ees. Governor Gavin Newsom signed Assembly Bill 927 into law on Oct. 6, opening the door for more community colleges to offer bachelor?s degrees. AB-927 expands and makes per manent a pilot pr ogr am launched in 2014 by Senate Bill 850, which was sponsor ed by for mer state senator and San Diego Community College Distr ict Boar d of Tr ustees Pr esident Mar ty Block. It authorized 15 community colleges to establish baccalaureate programs. The new law allows 30 community

colleges per year to develop bachelor's degrees as long as they meet certain requirements, such as offering an associate degree in the same field and proving new programs would help fulfill unmet workforce needs. They're also bar red from duplicating a bachelor ?s degree already offered by a UC or CSU school. Constance Carroll, former SDCCD chancellor and a long proponent of the change, praised the legislation in a press release issued by the district, calling it a win-win for students. ?This is a histor ic decision that sets a bold dir ection for Califor nia?s 116 community colleges,? Car r oll wr ote, ?enabling them to meet the wor kfor ce needs of local communities in an accessible, affor dable, and high-quality manner.? Cur r ent SDCCD Chancellor Car los Tur ner Cor tez said it was wonder ful news and something the

distr ict had been at the for efr ont of advocating, citing Car r oll? & Block's involvement in the movement. ?Our distr ict, and our four colleges, and myself ar e beyond excited about this development,? Cor tez said. City College Pr esident Ricky Shabazz str essed it was still ver y ear ly in the decision-making pr ocess, but suggested some combination of the Homelessness Pr ogr am for Engaged Educational Resour ces cour se and the Alcohol and Other Dr ug Studies pr ogr am may be an option. Jen Boots, chair of City?s curriculum review committee, said much was still unknown regarding the specifics and flexibility of the requirements stipulated in the new law, but warned creating new curriculum takes years. Boots said a number of programs expressed interest, but the work required to create a proposal, and the stipulations of AB-927, narrowed down the pool. She said she has already seen strong proposals from graphic design and cybersecurity, both of which already offer Read mor e associate degrees.


ended on Sept. 30. Meanwhile San Diego is seeing r ecor d median home pr ices that ity College Pr esident Ricky continue to incr ease. Shabazz sees the for mer child ?Notice I am not using the wor d development center as an ?dor ms,?? Shabazz said. ideal location to constr uct affor dable Distinguishing between tightly housing for students and potentially packed multi- person units adminisfor lower income City employees. tered by an educational institution, At the Sept. 28 College Council Shabazz explained his plan is to focus meeting, Shabazz announced the ini- on affordable apartments, as well as tiative, which would require quick ac- single-resident occupancy units, built tion to make the Oct. 31 deadline for by City College and managed by a Senate Bill 169's Higher Education contracted community agency. Student Housing Grant Program. The Califor nia gr ant pr ogr am SBThe plan would also require collab- 169 appr opr iates $500,000,000 for oration with the city of San Diego to building out student housing for the draw on its affordable housing funds. CSU and UC systems, as well as for Teaming up with the city could community colleges ? to whom 50 augment the potential for ser ving not per cent of the budget is allocated. only the student population but also The bill mandates that funds be staff who are forced to commute due used for justice- impacted students, to being priced- out of the downtown as well as veter ans and foster youth. area. ?We have pr ogr ams in all thr ee of The decision to pur sue SB- 169 those ar eas,? Shabazz said. funding comes at a symbolic time, as Depending on the design, City the statewide eviction mor ator ium College?s cur r ent plan could yield


The sit e of t he for mer Child Development Cent er . Phot o by Philip Salat a/ Cit y Times Media

anywher e between 200- 500 units to be built on the lot located at B and 16th str eets. The timeline for building will depend on which of two applications is accepted. The ?shovel r eady? application r equir es the pr oject can be r eady for constr uction within a year. Accor ding to Shabazz this option may be too ambitious, but the fact that ther e is alr eady a facilities master plan that includes student housing in its agenda makes him think it?s possible. The second option amounts to funding for a planning gr ant, which would eventually pave the way for pr epar ing the building site. Read mor e


7 | November 1, 2021


B Y CH RI STOPH E R T APANE S Multimedia Journalist

for viewing once again. Some par ts of City College have r eopened for in-per son classr oom inack in Mar ch 2019 when str uction this fall. Among the few COVI D - 19 closed San Diego teaching on campus ar e ar t faculty City College, the campus ar t Wayne Hulgin, Anna Delgado, and galler y had just opened a Ter r i Hughes-Oelr ich. student exhibition. The thr ee pr ofessor s ar e also par t I t r an for a week befor e the ar t de- of the committee that over sees the par tment was mandated to close the success of the galler y with Hulgin begaller y door s to the public, effectively ing the over all cur ator and facilitator. shutting down the show. Among Hulgin?s students featur ed Dur ing the height of the pandemic, in the exhibition is Studio Ar t major all classes shifted to online and stu- Dustin Car r oll, who has two ar t dents had to show their wor ks of ar t pieces on display. digitally. One is a color ful collage and the Nineteen months later, City?s Fine other is inspir ed by a dime with the Ar ts Galler y has r eopened its door s wor ds ?in God we tr ust? on it. Car roll said he was inspired to make a political statement about the words. ?The way that we look at money and the symbology that?s on it with the wor ds ?in God we tr ust,?with liber ty and all that stuff, I think it?s those things that dr ew me to it and the political debate over it,? he said. I n Hulgin?s class, Car r oll pr oduced his other wor k, which is a lar ge abstr act expr essionist painting/collage. The mater ials for it wer e gather ed fr om online and National Geogr aphic magazines. Car r oll said achieving commer cial St udent ar t showcased in t he Cit y Galler y.


Pr ofessor Wayne Hulgin shows t he complexit ies of an ar t piece cr eat ed by Sar ah Ruse at t he Fine Ar t s Galler y locat ed on t he Cit y College campus. Phot os by Chr ist opher Tapanes/ Cit y Times Media

success was not his motive in doing his ar t but to pr oduce wor k he is pr oud of and that other s can enjoy. Hulgin said seeing the ar t in per son as opposed to being online is night and day. ?You have to see it in per son,? said Hulgin, a pr ofessor who has been in-

str ucting at City College for the past 25 year s. ?I t?s ar t, a visual you have to see. I t?s like going to a museum. You look at a book and it doesn?t do the same justice as seeing it in per son.? Read mor e



ehind blue constr uction fencing, beneath the r ubble of the for mer Hor ton Plazasits the L yceum, home to the San Diego Reper tor y Theatr e since 1986. I f you peek thr ough the cr acks of the fence, you can see a fissur e ? the wir y absence of Joan Br own?s obelisk. I t once welcomed theatr e goer s with a feel-good ode to the ear th, sea and sky, but is now hidden away in an undisclosed location. But on the night of Oct. 13, after 18 months of dar kness, the lights came on to debut pr ominent L atinx playwr ight Octavio Solis??Mother Road,? which imagines a futur e chapter to John Steinbeck?s ?The Gr apes of Wr ath.? Steinbeck?s novel follows the tr ials of migr ant labor er s for ced west to Califor nia?s Centr al Valley fr om Oklahoma by the Dust Bowl.They came to be known as the ?Okies,? a ter m that today is ar guably der ogator y. The play begins in pr esent day Califor nia at Weedpatch, the migr ant labocamp/housing site also featur ed in Steinbeck?s novel. The nar r ative begins with termi-

Mot her Road has been nominat ed for a r egional Emmy. SDCit yNewscene YouTube scr eenshot

nally ill William Joad, fir st cousin of Steinbeck?s pr otagonist Tom Joad, who is seeking the last living descendent of the family to pass over the deed to his far m in Oklahoma. To his sur pr ise, the last Joad tur ns out to be a young Mexican- Amer ican far m wor ker who lived at Weedpatch seasonally. Ther e ar e a few moments of jarr ing imager y and language at which the audience palpably r ecoiled. One instance is when Mar tín defends his fr iend fr om a police officer, choking him until we ar e left to ask whether

or not he is killed. Solis? wr iting pr esents us with complex socio- political themes in a digestible way, and SD Rep ar tistic dir ector Sam Woodhouse stages them with excellent cr aft, scor ing the dr ama with ener getic candor and at times much-needed humor. Actor Mar k Mur phy gives a patient and melodic r endition of William Joad, speaking with a cadence that r ecalls Hollywood classics. His per for mance br ings a contempor ar y r hythm while r eminding us of a tr oubled young James Dean, who

also famously played a Steinbeck char acter. Costumes, lighting and stage design all seamlessly aided the stor y. Yet after r oughly two and half hour s, including inter mission, we walk out with a feeling of unease. Per haps this is due to a clash between the tone of the play and the context of the place and time in which it is being pr esented. A legacy of genocide, slaver y, violence, displacement and str uctur ed economic policies made to r etain white supr emacy shaped the r ealities that r ender ed Black, L atinx, Native Amer ican, and undocumented peoples dispr opor tionately affected by COVI D -19. I n the face of these r ealities mor e national discussion ar ound longestablished movements for r epar ations and land acknowledgments has emer ged.The for mal r ecognition of this histor y is past over due. And yet it has bar ely begun. The violence cannot be er ased, and the histor ies, lar gely wr itten by those for whom the nar r ative of violence is inconvenient to acknowledge, need the wor k that Solis under takes in Mother Road. Read mor e


CITYSPORTS| November 1, 2021

SET for success


B Y WI L L M AURI Z and thr ough this pr eseason, Nor vell didn?t miss a Zoom wor kSports-Editor n r oad tr ips with the San out session, whether it was weight Diego City College volleyball tr aining or solo dr ills. Covid- 19 team, sophomor e biochem- pr otocols pr evented team wor kistr y major Kally Nor vell can usu- outs or conventional pr actice until ally be found diligently studying in r ight befor e the season star ted. Now halfway thr ough the seathe Knights team van despite the son, the team has str uggled with bumps and swer ves of the r oad. injur ies and player s have quit. The Knights (4-8, 8-2 in the PaThe 5- foot- 6 Nor vell has cific Coast Athletic Conferstepped up to play other poence) haven?t had the sitions like defensive specialsmoothest r ide thr ough the ist and even outside hitter. fall. ?This is not an easy feat at But Nor vell has been a the collegiate level,? Bodnar consistent leader, the only said, ?to play multiple posiRead mor e r etur ning player for her tions and excel.? second collegiate season and a coBut Nor vell r emains committed captain of the team. ?Having one sophomor e is tr uly to pushing for war d as the team a huge thing for us, in that we have leader. ?Being the big sister to all the somebody who can attest to folother gir ls, being ther e for them,? lowing the system and being successful,? Coach Dede Bodnar Nor vell said, ?we just came out of a little dip in our season, but we said. Nor vell is a utility player on the ar e fighting our way back.? The impr ovements she?s made cour t, which means she can play multiple positions while balancing as a player have helped the devellife as a wor king athlete with the opment of team unity and communication, accor ding to Bodnar high demands of her major. Nor vell?s futur e plan is to tr ansNor vell wor ks par t-time for her pr evious alma mater Mar anatha fer to a four- year univer sity and follow her passion for science. high school. With campus closed last season

O B Y AYO E L I SE Multimedia Journalist

Knight s sophomor e Kally Nor vell set s t he volleyball for fellow player t o execut e a kill at home game inside t he Har r y West Gymnasium. Cit y College Knight s cour t esy phot o.

best showing for Women?s cross country in 32 years B Y WI L L M AURI Z Sports-Editor

?As a team I am ver y confident that we will make at least second place in our mall yellow flags waved conference meet,? fr eshman in the cool wind lining psychology major Sofya the tr ails at L iber ty Cher nyak (East Village MidStation par k, which dle College) said in a was set ablaze by the pr e- game inter view. Pacific Coast Athletic ?We will make it to Confer ence (PCAC) the r egional meet, cr oss countr y champihowever we ar e cononship on Oct. 22. cer ned about qualiThe San Diego City fying for the state College Knights had meet as only the top heavy competition as all Read mor e four teams make it to San Diego colleges par tici- that.? pated in the r un. Sophomor e co- captain The 2021 City women's Yesenia Huer ta (Southwest) cr oss countr y team made led the way with a 21:18.9 to some histor y as they have not finish in fifth place over all. finished as high as second ?I kept r eminding myself to place in the PCAC since 1989. keep my eyes up and not to The team has been com- look down,? Huer ta said. petitive with two fir st place ?We all did gr eat no matter finishes, one thir d and a sixth what place we got or time we place in the last four meets, got.? so the Knights expected to place high in the r ankings.



Tessa Fer nandez posit ions in soccer game against Phot o by Will Maur iz / Cit yTimes


women?s soaring



goals in a single game against I mpe- cohor t pr acticing over the summer, r ial Valley on Oct.12. the team was wor king out har d ?Our style of play is ver y but never together. specific and a lot of teams Now united on the field, the ith eight games left in the fall can?t handle it," fr eshman Knights ar e able to unleash. season, the San Diego City Col- midfielder Anais Thompson "Our chemistr y is our biggest lege women?s soccer team has hit a (Poway) said. str ength,? for war d and fir st new gear. For City, it was only a matyear player Sachiko Kur e The Knights offense has been ter of time. Fr om Zoom wor k- Read mor e (Bonita Vista) said. near ly impossible to stop, scor ing 9 outs thr ee times a week to smaller The chemistr y can be found all


Cit y's Yesenia Huer t a r uns in meet . Cit y Times phot o

over the team fr om offense to defense, especially with their goalie. Chloe Sevilla (Steele Canyon) has been a standout with four shutout games and eight saves so far this season. Added fr eshman defender Kiki Josephson (Patr ick Henr y): ?We want to be aggr essive and want to win.?

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