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National Pacemaker winner Volume 71, Number 10 April 11, 2017
ASG candidates run unopposed in 2017 By THOMASCHESY
City Times Though the election has yet to take place, the candidate for pr esident of City College?s Associated Student Gover nment has almost cer tainly clinched his win. I gnacio Her nandez Valver de, the cur r ent ASG senate pr esident, is r unning unopposed for the student gover nment?s top position of pr esident, and for student tr ustee (an honor ar y distr ict position). Valver de will be r eplacing outgoing Pr esident Dar on Woods, who has ser ved in that position since the Spr ing of 2016. ?(This year ) we?r e hoping for mor e tur nout,? Woods told City Times in an Apr il 7 inter view. ?We have our finger s cr ossed.? Accor ding to Woods, the ASG pr esidency, vice pr esidency, and most senator positions will be filled by incumbent candidates r unning unopposed, despite the wide cir culation of election- infor mation flier s on campus. I gnacio Her nandez Valver de, the appar ent victor in the ASG pr esidential election, defined his candidacy in an election document available on the City College website. SeeASGonpage5 President: IgnacioHernandez, Senator: BianccaRivera, Senator: Ariel Navarro(top) Webmaster: AzaleaRamirez, Secretary: IvoneArriaga, Senator: SophiaGarcia(middle) Public Relations: ValeriaIbanez, VicePresident: JanessaForney, Senator: Susana MolinaBibian(bottom) Courtesy of City College ASG
Search continues for new City College president By THOMASCHESY City Times With a self- imposed July 1 deadline looming, the San Diego Community College Distr ict says it has yet to find a per manent pr esident for City College to r eplace cur r ent inter im Pr esident Denise Whisenhunt. ?The pr ocess is under way and we ar e optimistic,? says Vice Chancellor Dr. Stephanie Bulger in an Apr il 3 email. Bulger was appointed by Distr ict
Chancellor Dr. Constance M. Car r oll to lead a sear ch committee for a per manent pr esident last May after for mer City Pr esident Dr. Anthony Beebe left for the same position at Santa Bar bar a Community College. Bulger says the sear ch committee is unable to shar e specifics on the pr ogr ess of the sear ch. ?Unfor tunately, because this is a confidential per sonnel pr ocess at this stage, I cannot r eally offer any specifics at this time. L ater, ther e will be open for ums and mor e infor-
Inside TEXTBOOKS Voice Life Arts News Sports
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mation,? Bulger told City Times. Chancellor Car r oll, quoted in a distr ict pr ess r elease last May, str essed the impor tance of a quick pr esidential tr ansition, saying: ?Given that the academic year is almost at an end, this change means that we must move quickly to or ganize the pr ocess for r eplacement in or der to ensur e the stability and pr ogr ess of this gr eat college.? As of Apr il 4, an ad for the position is still listed on chr, an employment website specializing
in univer sity car eer s. ?City College is the Distr ict?s most ur ban college,? the ad r eads. ?We ar e seeking a pr esident who will lead the college, wor k with the sister colleges of the Distr ict, and wor k with the Distr ict Office as we move forwar d together to ensur e that City College r eaches its full potential.? The distr ict sear ch committee?s deadline is set one year to the day since for mer Pr esident Beebe star ted his fir st ter m as pr esident of Santa Bar bar a Community College.
Onestaff writer suggestsalternatives Rapper drumsupexcitement for next album Voice, page2 Arts, page7
2 | April 11, 2017
Why I won't be reading my Blue line route to be extended textbooks any time soon By JOSHUANELSON City Times I t?s over halfway thr ough the semester, and I still haven?t opened my textbooks. Even though I bought them with ever y intention of doing so, it just hasn?t seemed necessar y. Textbooks seem to be a dying ar t for m. They ar e quickly being r eplaced with new infor mation mediums. No mor e ar e the days wher e in- class videos wer e shown by hungover teacher s or substitutes. The expensive tr adition of car r ying ten pound, thousandpage monstr osities to class may soon be over, and it can?t come soon enough. Textbooks ar e wr itten in r igid academic language that is often bor ing. Differ ent topics r equir e differ ent stimuli, and pr efer ences var y fr om per son to per son. I can for ce myself to r ead histor y, but my math book might as well be wr itten in Russian. Being r equir ed to use a snoozefest as your only educational medium is a sur efir e way to lear n nothing. Even if I wanted to open them, I r ar ely have the time. On top of school, I have a job and a mildly existent social life, and I ?m not alone in this str uggle. The National I nstitute of Educational Statistics said dur ing a 2012 study that near ly half of all college students ages 1624 wor k while going to school. The aver age number of hour s wor ked only incr eases the older the student gets. Unless you ar e ?Good Will Hunting,? this makes studying with a textbook ver y difficult. I f I do accidentally glance towar ds one, all I feel is r egr et for spending my har d ear ned paper on wasted tr ees. We?ve all hear d about how expensive textbooks ar e. We?ve likely r anted about it befor e. No one is sur pr ised when a 2015 Business I nsider ar ticle points out that only five publishing companies contr ol 80 per cent of the mar ket, and that 18 cents for ever y dollar spent on a textbook is pur e pr ofit for the publisher. I ?d r ather feel r emor se for not using it than waste my time with textbooks. We ar e in the I nfor mation Age. Ther e ar e plenty of alter natives that can be better suited for a given topic
and that ar e pr obably faster and cheaper to access. One of these new media ar e Open Educational Resour ces. These pr oducts ar e licensed in such a way that allows pr ofessor s and students to access the media for fr ee. A well- known example of OER would be YouTube. Har var d Univer sity has uploaded hundr eds of videos, on topics r anging fr om US- Japan r elations to Ecology. They var y fr om video lectur es to live demonstr ations. Many other univer sities post countless hour s of content as well. Channels like Cr ash Cour se and Vsauce offer mor e enter taining alter natives on a wide var iety of topics. I f you ar e ner vous about citing them, they at least offer suggestions for fur ther r esour ces. Accor ding to the 2011 Oxfor d OER I mpact Study, confidence in a sour ce is impor tant when using OER. Another gr eat r esour ce is podcasts. Anyone with a cell phone can audio r ecor d their voice, and this ease allows mor e educator s, r epor ter s, and exper ts to put the infor mation out ther e. Need to do a r esear ch paper on technological advances in genetics? Ther e?s a podcast for that. Have no idea what deontology is? Ther e?s a podcast for that. Podcasts offer an enter taining, por table study tool. Most ar e easy to access and fr ee to download. Ther e ar e also lesser known pr ogr ams that vet and cite their sour ces. OERCommons.or g has sear chable content in thir teen subjects. The media comes in the for m of videos, photos, ar ticles, books, and mor e. Sites like this allow you to confidently access fr ee r esour ces. A quick Google sear ch for ?OER Repositor y,? will show endless links to r esour ces available for fr ee. Their openness allows you to tailor your lear ning exper ience to your needs, making the pr ocess mor e time and lear ning efficient. Per sonally, I know I won?t be opening my textbooks this finals season.
TherenamedUCSanDiegoBlueLinetrolley at theCity Collegestop, April 6. Therenamingdeal wasinpreparationfor theextensionof theservicetotheUCSanDiego HealthLaJollacampus. ALANHICKEYCity Times
By MICHELLEBOTELLO City Times City College students and commuter s who dr ive to school and wor k ever y day often get caught in heavy tr affic. The San Diego Association of Gover nments is building a tr olley line that r uns between San Ysidr o and Univer sity City. I t will be a welcome alter native fr om taking a car, which will save gas money, avoid congestion on the fr eeway, and help r educe smog. Constr uction extends r ail fr om Old Town to University City, accor ding to David Hicks, SANDAG's communications manager. The pr oject, which began in Fall 2016, is expected to be done by 2021 and is being dir ected by SANDAG. The expanded blue line will ser ve as a connection for lar ge employment center s downtown and in Univer sity City. San Ysidr o is the busiest land bor der cr ossing in the wor ld wher e mor e than 10,000 people boar d the tr olley ever y day, says Mar k Olson, a public r elations specialist for MTS. This r ail will pr ovide tr anspor tation for commuter s and students who tr avel acr oss the bor der to City College and beyond. Passenger s will have the option to r ide the tr olley str aight fr om San Ysidr o to Univer sity City in one tr ip. Nine new stations will be added to the existing ones. Mar k Olson tells City Times that MTS is wor king to make tr ansfer s between bus and tr olley as easy as possible. The cost of this pr oject is appr oximately $2.1 billion, half of which comes fr om a sales tax fund known as Tr ansNet. The other half comes fr om the Feder al Tr ansit Administr ation's New Star ts pr ogr am.
City Timesispublishedtwicemonthly duringthesemester. Howto reach us: Signedopinionsarethoseof theindividual writersanddonot City Times necessarily represent thoseof theentirenewspaper staff, City SanDiegoCity College 1313 Park Blvd. Collegeadministration, faculty andstaff or theSanDiego PublishedasTheJay Sees(1945-1949), SanDiego, CA92101 Community CollegeDistrict Boardof Trustees. Fortknightly (1949-1978), City Times(1978- ) Newsroom: BT-101 IncorporatingthenewspapersTecolote, Knight Owl andFlicks District policy statement: E-mail: Thispublicationisproducedasalearningexperienceunder CITYTIMESSTAFF Memberships: SanDiegoCity College?sDigital Journalismprogram. All Andrea Morin, Enrique Zuniga materials, includingopinionsexpressedherein, arethesole JournalismAssociationof Community Colleges Rodriguez, Esai Melendez, responsibility of thestudentsandshouldnot beinterpretedto CaliforniaCollegeMediaAssociation Joshua Nelson, Melissa De AssociatedCollegiatePress bethoseof thecollegedistrict, itsofficersor employees. PiĂąeres, Michelle Botello, CaliforniaNewspaper PublishersAssociation Letters to the editor: Nanitzia Elizabeth Comparan LetterstotheEditor arewelcome, 350 wordsor less. Thestaff Cuadras reservestheright toedit for grammar, spelling, punctuation andlength. Cor r ection: Our last issue was
April 11, 2017 | Volume 71, Number 10 National Pacemaker winner, Associated Collegiate Press
dated 2107. City Times r egr ets the er r or
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April 11, 2017 |
VOX POPULI Voice of t he People Questionsby AndreaMorinPhotosby VanessaFlores
Howdoyou get toschool?What difficultieshaveyou faced in your commute?
Wet weather challenges City College commuters
"I get to school on the bus. I used to take my bike but people star ted stealing bikes her e, so I ?m just taking the bus now. The time depends. Sometimes it would be anywher e fr om half an hour to ten minutes. I only take one bus but it is tough with the bus schedule. Sometimes ther e ar e delays because of the weather or other s." ? Har in Zayar, 21, Biomedical Engineer ing "I take the tr olley and it?s always smooth. I ?m always her e on time. Fr om wher e I live it takes me fr om 30 to 40 minutes to get her e." ? Mar vin Mor a, 22, L inguistics
"I dr ive. I just take 94 west so it?s usually not so bad. When it?s r aining it gets kind of bad in the fr eeway, so it?s har d to get her e in the mor nings." ? Mohamed Mohamed, 21, Business Management
"I take the tr olley. Sometimes the tr olley times ar en?t that r eliable though. I t all depends. I t can be ver y chaotic." ? Chr istopher Mendiola, 19, Business Management
Many studentsrely onpublic transport toget toandfromclass., asseenhereat theCity Collegetrolley stop, April 6. This year'srainshasaffectedthereliability of thesystem. ALANHICKEYCity Times
"I dr ive. I t only takes me about 15 minutes to get her e but I get her e ear ly. You have to come her e in a per fect time, like when students ar e getting out of class. Finding par king her e is hor r ible." ? Ruweyda Mohamed, 24, Social Wor k
"I take the tr olley for about 30 minutes. Sometimes ther e ar e delays when I 'm taking the tr olley. On 12th and I mper ial ? I think it?s one of the busiest stops, so it?s under standable ? but it?s nothing outr ageous. I always get on time." ? Jor ge (last name not given), 22, Mar keting
"I dr ive about an hour fr om Valley Center ever yday I go to school or when I wor k. Ther e is always tr affic in the mor nings on the 15 south. But I usually just take the expr ess lane because, why not pay for it if you?ll use it ever yday, r ight?" ? Matt Knowles, 21, Television and Film
"My dad br ings me. I f it wasn?t for my par ents I would have to take the tr olley." ? Mar ie Guer r er o, 18, Business
When finals ar e appr oaching and you have to tur n in a ver y impor tant paper or take a test, ther e isn?t r eally an option: you go to school r ain or shine. As r epor ted by the National Weather Ser vice, San Diego exper ienced one of its str ongest stor ms of the last six year s at the beginning of 2017. City College is a diver se community. People come fr om all over the county so public tr anspor tation is a way of life for many. Dur ing per iods of extr eme weather, tr affic accidents and floods ar e seen fr equently ar ound the city. Dur ing the r ecent stor ms our Metr opolitan Tr ansit System was also had issues. Sections of the tr olley tr acks wer e under water for sever al hour s and MTS r epor ted delays for the Blue, Or ange and Gr een lines. Due to these conditions, tr olleys wer e r unning at a r educed speed and, in some cases, stops wer e completely closed. Students and wor ker s wer e affected by these pr oblems and delays but had to go out in the stor m r egar dless. Because of Winter br eak, not all City College students had
classes to attend, but those who wer e taking I nter session classes had to deal with these conditions dur ing their commute. Most of the students who wer e inter viewed for this stor y said they ar e satisfied with the ser vice that is pr ovided by MTS because they haven?t exper ienced a pr oblem. ?I take the tr olley and it?s always smooth. I ?m always her e on time,? said Mar vin Mor a, a 22-year-old linguistics major. For other students, the tr ansit system is not always r eliable, which is a pr oblem when it happens to be their only way to get to school. ?We live at the bottom of a hill so it?s always flooding and we can?t get out because of the r ain, and the bus only goes to the top of the hill,? said Har in Zayar, a biomedical engineer ing major. Demogr aphics of City College students show that the vast major ity do not live close to campus. For people who don?t have access to a car, public tr anspor tation is the most common way to get to school. Students need this system to be r eliable and accessible even when unexpected factor s like weather inter fer e. Delays and changes of the tr olley schedule may sound unimportant or infr equent, but a single delay can affect a student?s gr ades significantly.
4 | April 11, 2017
How 'Big Little Lies' challenges patriarchy By GABRIELLETOBACK City Times I think ever yone in the ?Big L ittle L ies? community collectively br eathed an enor mous sigh of r elief when ? spoiler aler t ? the identity of the mur der victim, Per r y Wr ight, was r evealed. Ther e wer e, however, some complaints about a missing detail r e-
gar ding the past of the show?s murder er, Bonnie Car lson. What motivated the young, matur e, diplomatic yoga instr uctor, Bonnie to push Celeste?s abusive husband to his death? Why not Celeste, the woman with a law degr ee who was alr eady fear lessly clawing her way out of that toxic mar r iage? Why not Madeline, the outspoken woman who r elentlessly fought against anyone who cr ossed her or
BigLittleLiesisaHBOoriginal seriesbasedonLianeMoriarty'sbook of thesamename. Theseriesbringsintofocusthe individual power that eachwomanhaswithinher. Courtesy of HBO
her fr iends thr oughout the ser ies? Mor e myster iously, why not Jane, the r esilient wor king mother who was actually r aped by Per r y Wr ight? The novel ver sion of ?Big L ittle L ies? explains that Bonnie had an abusive upbr inging. However, this detail is completely left out of the show. Some viewer s may feel that this left a massive plot hole because Bonnie?s motivation to kill Per r y Wr ight appear s to be out of thin air. I r espectfully disagr ee. While I believe that Bonnie, the show?s only woman of color, should have had the same level of char acter development and scr een time as her white female counter par ts, including her abusive past would not have been the pr oper way to go about adding depth to her char acter. ?Big L ittle L ies? is not a show that r evolves ar ound a mur der. The murder, r ather, is used as a foil to demonstr ate the complex psychology of domestic violence, and shed light on the individual power each woman possesses, whether they be a housewife, a full- time wor king mother, or a CEO.
The dir ector of the ser ies, JeanMar c Vallee, beautifully explains to ?Var iety? why a woman doesn?t need to be batter ed in or der to have the str ength or desir e to stand up against men, for themselves or for other women. When Vallee was asked about why he left Bonnie?s abusive past out the show, he states, ?We r ealized we didn?t need it. The finale is bigger than giving a justification for Bonnie to push (Per r y). Whether or not she?s been abused in the past, this gir l can be str ong even if she is tiny. This gir l can help someone else, even though she doesn?t have anything for Maddie.? I n shor t, women do not need to have it out for men in or der to band together to defend each other, be str ong, and over come obstacles cr eated by this patr iar chal wor ld. I s that r evelation tr uly shocking enough to be consider ed a plot hole? The identity of the mur der er in this mur der- myster y solidified the show?s theme that the str ength of women, together, r egar dless of their individual stor ies, is an unpar alleled for ce to be r eckoned with.
Podcast falls short of creators' previous hit By THOMASCHESY City Times Fr om the cr eator s of the hit podcast, ?Ser ial,? a new seven- chapter ser ies aiming to r evolutionize the for m has ar r ived. Unfor tunately, ?STown? misses the mar k consider ably. Admittedly, this opinion of ?STown? is in the minor ity. The podcast has a four- and- a- half- star r ating on iTunes and has been pr aised almost univer sally by cr itics. ?S- Town? has not, however, gained the mainstr eam attention of its pr edecessor, ?Ser ial.? The fir st season of ?Ser ial? was a flawless example of a gr eat tr uecr ime podcast: super b r epor ting, undivided focus on its subject, and a solid whodunit. For this, ?Ser ial? gained national media attention ? it?s loved because it?s gr eat. With ?S-Town,? we ar e simply told to love it. The cr eator s of ?S- Town? appear to simply expect a smash hit that will br ing along a flood of fir sttime podcast listener s, as did ?Ser ial.? Without any spoiler s, ?S- Town? is the stor y of John McL emor e, a man living in a r ur al Alabama town who believes a mur der has been cover ed up by a pr ominent local family. I t is soon r evealed that the mur der never occur r ed, and the podcast instead tells the stor y of McL emor e himself.
S¡Townfollowsontheheelsof thehit podcast Serial. Withthesamecreators, expectationswerehighfor S¡Townandit wasreceivedwell by thecritics. ALANHICKEYCourtesy of Chicago Public Media Photo I llustr ation
Adver tised as a new for m of narr ative, tr ue-cr ime podcast; it?s r eally just a dr essed- up audio book. I t?s a podcast that seems to disr egar d ever ything that makes a good podcast gr eat (and ther e?s no cr ime). This was not the stor y fans of ?Ser ial? wer e expecting or wer e pr omised in pr eviews that r an on show?s podcast feed. ?I t?s incr edible,? Pr oducer I r a Glass said in a pr eview. ?Hear ing it in the edits, I felt the same excite-
ment that I felt when we wer e doing edits on the fir st season of ?Ser ial.?? The pr oblem is that ?S- Town? is nothing like ?Ser ial.? The stor y of John McL emor e has potential, and even shines at times, but at the end of the day, it has no business being over seven hour slong. ?S-Town? would pr obably make a gr eat hour- long episode of someone else?s podcast. I t?s the endless uninter esting plot points descr ibed in the most con-
ceited way imaginable that tr uly r uin ?S- Town.? L istening to this podcast is like having a waiter descr ibe a decadent, gour met dinner to you, only for him to br ing out a McDonald?s Happy Meal that?s been sitting in the car too long. For now, it seems ?Ser ial? has yet to be dethr oned, leaving the podcasting wor ld waiting for a tr ue mainstr eam hit.
April 11, 2017 |
Continuedfrompage1 ?SD City College?ASG r eally needs a Pr esident, student leader, who will have enough time to give its student gover nment or ganization member s to be tr ained in their designated position and know what their r esponsibilities ar e, a Pr esident who will be out on campus speaking to constituents in classes and ar ound campus and then taking their input and r eaching out to the administr ation, SDCCD distr ict, Student Senate for Califor nia Community Colleges, and the national Amer ican Student Association of Community Colleges,? Valver de wr ote in his official election statement. The online-only ASG election will be held Apr il 19- 20, with r esults posted Apr il 28. Ther e ar e cur r ently no candidates for the positions of tr easur er, public events co-
Thelatest ASGmeetingwasheldonApril 7. All but twoof thecandidatesintheupcomingASGelections, April 19-20, arecurrent membersof theASG. EUIJONG(DANIEL) KIMCity Times
or dinator, scholar ship officer, health, safety & envir onmental officer, and sever al academic senate seats. Outgoing Pr esident Woods, who himself has r un unopposed in past ASG elections says the for malities of the election pr ocess should
still be followed. ?I still want to have r espect for the pr ocess, you know, never phone it in. ? I have been r unning my campaign car efully. We need to see mor e students par ticipating and that is my main goal,? Woods said in a City
April calendar 3 Monday
4 Tuesday
Times inter view last Apr il L ooking back dur ing a r ecent inter view, Woods says the accomplishment he is most pr oud of dur ing his time as pr esident was the successful lobbying effor t for the installation of benches, and tables with umbr ellas in
the MS, AH, and BT Building quads. Though the issue of student par ticipation is absent fr om Valver de?s campaign statement, he does say he will lead ASG in a ?mor e pr ofessional way.?
Important datesand eventsin and around San Diego City College 6 Thursday
5 Wednesday
8 Saturday
First day back to classes Golden Awards Voting 2 Sunday 9 Sunday
10 Monday Career interpretation Don't know your major ? Sign up for one of these wor kshops to r eceive pr ofessional guidance fr om an exper ienced car eer counselor. @M101
16 Sunday
19 18 17 Monday Tuesday Wednesday ASGonline elections
23 Sunday
24 Monday
11Tuesday Schedule for summer classes available
12 Wednesday
13 Thursday Unity Day Puente club invites the public to celebr ate Cesar Chavez. @AH quad
Desde La Logan Poetr y and Resistance Panel @MS162
20 Thursday Sexual Violence Awareness day
Visionar y Feminist club invites the public to this sexual violence awar eness event. @MS cour tyar d.
12th Annual Student Project and Research Symposium Mor e than 100 students will be r epr esenting 40 academic major s with pr ojects, pr esentations, speeches, ar t displays and mor e. @AH/BT Upper plaza and Cur r an plaza
25 Tuesday
26 Wednesday
14 Friday Last day to drop classes and receive a "W"
15 Saturday The Rocky Horror Show 4/15L ive @ Ken Cinema.
22 Saturday
The musical "Chicago" opens on campus The 1975 Br oadway musical by John Kander and Fr ed Ebb comes to City College, dir ected by Katie Rodda and chor eogr aphed by Kr istin Ar cidiacono. @Saville Theater
47th Annual Chicano Park Day 28 Friday
29 Sunday
The musical "Chicago" opens on campus Earth Fair at Balboa Park Celebr ate Ear th Day at the biggest envir onmental fair in San Diego.
The 1975 Br oadway musical by John Kander and Fr ed Ebb comes to City College, dir ected by Katie Rodda and chor eogr aphed by Kr istin Ar cidiacono. @Saville Theater
30 Sunday
CITYNEWS | April 11, 2017
New app offers flexibility to transit riders By CALEBDANIELSON City Times Those who r ely on San Diego's public tr ansit now have a new way to buy tickets and passes. On Mar ch 30, the San Diego Metr opolitan Tr ansit System intr oduced a new mobile ticketing app, Compass Cloud. The new smar tphone app, Compass Cloud, r eplaces the old app, mTicket. Both day- passes and monthly-passes can be pur chased on the app. I n addition, multiple passes can be pur chased to be used either at a later date or to shar e between multiple r ider s. Reduced far e passes for youth, senior, disabled, or medicar e- r ecipient r ider s will be available this Fall, accor ding to MTS. For now, only full-pr ice adult tickets ar e available thr ough Compass Cloud. Compass Cloud is valid on the bus, tr olley, Coaster and Spr inter. Rider s who would r ather continue using the physical Compass Car d will soon be able to take advantage of a new featur e, Compass Cash, which will allow them to stor e money on their car d to spend as they go on far es or passes. MTS announced in its Spr ing newsletter that Compass Car ds will soon be able to be loaded with Compass Cash at any ticketing machine or online at MTS has been wor king on a stor ed-value MTSandNCTDhavetogether releasedamobileappfor bothAppleandAndroiddevicescalledCompassCloud. Whilefeatureswill beaddedinphases, thecursystem since 2013. I t has faced sever al delays in the rent versionallowthepurchaseof dayandmulti-daypasses. ALANHICKEYCity Times Photo I llustr ation r oll-out of this featur e.
Jazz 88 premieres Blues Club Caravan
Aspart of Jazz88'sBluesClubCaravan, SuePalmer will beat TioLeo'sLounge, 7p.m. to11p.m., April 18. Thecaravan will includeseveral clubsandmusiciansaroundtown. PicturedareSueandher Motel SwingOrchestraat Gator by the Bay, May 2011. Courtesy of Annie Libby
By JAMESCALL City Times Jazz 88, City College?s own awar d winning Jazz r adio station, is hosting its fir st ever Blues Club Car avan, Apr il 18 fr om 7-11 p.m. The station has hir ed buses to take Blues lover s to sever al clubs ar ound town. Patr ons have the option of staying all night at whichever par ticular club they wish to, or hop on the buses, which stop at each club ever y 15 minutes and continue on to the next one. L enny ?Fuzzy? Rankins can be
seen at Bour r ĂŠ Souther n Bistr o. San Diego Blues legend, Tomcat Cour tney can be seen at CafĂŠ Bar Eur opa. The Der r inger s will be at the Handler y Hotel. The L afayette Hotel hosts the Blue Diamond Special. Seven Gr and pr esents The Gabr iel Sundy Tr io and Sue Palmer will be at Tio L eo?s L ounge. Jazz 88 on-air per sonalities will be on hand at each location to host the event. Ticket pr ices, which cover entr ance to all of the clubs, ar e $15 in advance or $20 at the door. For mor e info call 619 388 3301.
April 11, 2017 |
Anticipation continues to build for upcoming Kendrick Lamar album By ESAI MELENDEZ City Times For about two weeks now, L amar has been hinting to his fans that a new album is on the way thanks to a pr omotional tr ack he r eleased on Mar ch 23 titled, ?The Hear t Par t 4.? I n the last line of the tr ack, L amar r aps, ?Y?all got till Apr il the 7th to get y?all s- - - together,? which stir r ed up a lot of talk about Apr il 7 being the album?s r elease date. Exactly a week after r evealing the pr omotional tr ack, L amar r eleased ?Humble,? a single for his upcoming album, which built up mor e excitement and anticipation for the date that L amar hinted at in his pr omotional tr ack. The song and the video accompanying it was the No. 1 tr ending video on YouTube for about a day. However, instead of
a dr opping an album on Apr il 7, L amar gave the public a r elease date for the album: Apr il 14. The r elease of this upcoming album comes just a little over
full- length pr oject, especially consider ing the high bar L amar set for himself two year s ago with ?To Pimp a Butter fly.? I n an inter view with ?T Magazine?
?We?r e in a time wher e we exclude one major component: God.? two year s after L amar ?s cr itically acclaimed pr oject, ?To Pimp a Butter fly.? Cur r ently, the name of the new album and its ar twor k haven?t been r eleased by L amar or his music label, Top Dawg Enter tainment. Many fans and cr itics have been wonder ing wher e L amar will go musically with his next
L amar discussed the dir ection of his new album saying, ??To Pimp a Butter fly? was addr essing the pr oblem. We?r e in a time wher e we exclude one major component: God.? Since the r elease of ?To Pimp a Butter fly,? L amar hasn?t been hiding and has actually been pr etty active in the music indus-
tr y. He has been featur ed in songs and albums with pop band Mar oon 5, fellow r apper Tr avis Scott, and jazz- r ap legends, A Tr ibe Called Quest, just to name a few. L amar also r eleased a surpr ise compilation album without any pr omotion last year titled, ?Untitled Unmaster ed,? which featur ed eight demos and unr eleased tr acks intended for, ?To Pimp a Butter fly.? ?Untitled Unmaster ed? r eceived pr aise ver y similar to that of ?To Pimp a Butter fly,? despite being a compilation album, leaving fans and cr itics eager to listen to L amar ?s next pr oject. One thing is for sur e: Kendr ick L amar must somehow top his alr eady legendar y album, ?To Pimp a Butter fly,? without tr ying to r ecr eate it. And with the songs that have been r eleased so far, he looks like he?s headed in that dir ection.
Baseball team loses low-point game
TheKnightslost their homegametoGrossmont College2-0, April 6. Right fielder #2ColeFlint connectsinthe4thinningandhustlestofirst basefor thesingle; it wasoneof theKnights' total threehitsof thegame(left). Shortstop#1Anthony WarnekemakesthetagonGrossmont's2ndbasemanReeceHernandezfor thesecondout inthe5thinning(topright). Pitcher #8 Garrett Yocumdeliversastrikeinthe5thinning; hehadfivestrikeoutsinthegame (bottommiddle). Shortstop#1 Anthony Yocumsquaresupagainst Grossmont Pitcher #26 HaydenSheffieldinthe9thinningintheKnights' final effort tostageacomeback (bottomright). CODYULSHOFFERCity Times
CITYSPORTS | April 11, 2017
First conference title win for men's tennis By DARIANSANTANA City Times The San Diego City College Knights' men?s tennis team dominated their last home game of the r egular season Wednesday, Apr il 5, against Mount San Jacinto College 9- 0 making that the eighth consecutive win. The Knights have an undefeated r ecor d of 12-0 in the Pacific Coast Athletic Conference and an over all r ecor d of 13-3. The Knights clinched their fir st Pacific Coast Athletic Confer ence championship under Head Coach Br andon L upian on Mar ch 28, with a 5-4 r oad win at Palomar. They ar e scheduled to play in the PCAC tour nament Apr il 13-15 as well as play in the Regional State playoffs Apr il 26-30. Even with the pr essur e on, the Knights wer e not fazed and r emained confident thr ough the single and double matches. ?I knew we wer e going to win,? said Knights sophomor e player
Patr ick Meier. He was mor e than confident, effor tlessly winning his single match 6- 0, 6- 0 and doubles match with Knights sophomor e player Daniel Villa Rosas 6- 0. Meier has played tennis for thr ee year s including one year with the Knights, Meier agr eed that this has been the best season since he?s played for the Knights. ?This is by far the best r ecor d dur ing my time,? says Coach L upian. Cur r ently r anked ninth in Califor nia by the I nter collegiate Tennis Association, L upian has been thr ough 11 seasons with the Knights. This season, however, is the team?s fir st confer ence title championship. L upian identifies the team?s har d wor k as the r eason behind their significant wins, stating ?People say we'r e lucky but we cr eate our own luck ? we cr eated those oppor tunities, took advantage of those oppor tunities and it shows in our r ecor d.?
Themen?stennisteamfinishedtheseasonwithaperfect 12-0 recordagainst Pacific Coast Athletic Conferenceteamsand13-3 overall. Next upisthePCACtournament, April 13-15, at Grossmont College. Sophomore, JacquesDesmet andSerraHighSchool alumni, Shawn Trancelebrateduringtheir final gameagainst Mount SanJacintoCollege, April 5 (topleft). Sophomores, Patrick Meier andDaniel Villa Rosascongratulationeachother asthey wintheir doublesmatch(bottomleft). Sophomore, Daniel VillaRosasservesastheKnightsfinish theregular seasonasno. 1intheir conference(right). ALANHICKEYCity Times
Women's team closes regular season with big win By GABERIVERA City Times
BriannaLeigh-Pink wasaperfect 18-0 at #3 singlesandshewas16-2at line#2doubleswithKacieMcBarron(top). EricaLetzring, #7, isoneof thefour seededKnightsinthesinglesgoingtothePCACConference tournament at SouthwesternCollege. TheothersareBrianaHooks-#6, BriannaLeigh-Pink #9, andMarilyn Kathka#14. Alsogoingaretwoof our doublesteams, Hooks/ Kathka#3 andLeigh-Pink/ McBarron#6 (bottom). CELIAJIMENEZCity Times
The Knights' women?s tennis team wr apped up the r egular season on a high note, handling the Mesa College Olympians 8-1 on Thur sday, Apr il 6 at City College. I t was the team?s sixth win in their last seven matches, br inging their r ecor d to 13-5 over all and 11-3 in the Pacific Coast Athletic Confer ence. The player s will compete in the PCAC tour nament this week, Apr il 13- 15, for a chance to go to the SoCal r egionals Apr il 26- 30. The top 15 player s fr om the PCAC tour ney will move on to the next level. The Knights No. 1 player, sophomor e Br ianna L eigh- Pink, r emained undefeated in singles play for the season by winning her match 6-0, 6-0. Her counterpar t and the team?s No. 2 player, fr eshman Er ica L etzr ing, also won her match 6-0, 6-0. L eigh-Pink has only two year s of exper ience playing tennis competitively, yet has alr eady exhibited elite talent at the junior college level. She r emained humble when asked what she attr ibuted her successes to this season. ?Definitely my coaches, Jami Jones and Br andon L upian. Ger man Ziella; he was definitely one of the main people that got me wher e I am r ight now. He star ted me playing ten-
nis,? L eigh- Pink said. She?s played a r ange of spor ts but it appear s she may have found one to stick with. Knights Head Coach Jami Jones is in her fifth year at City and this season mar ks one of the most successful in the women?s pr ogr am yet. She has the team playing at a high level while also showing excellent spor tsmanship thr oughout their matches. ?We have a r eally str ong team. We had a couple setbacks so we didn?t end up winning confer ence, but I was r eally happy with our season and the gir ls competed well. They got along gr eat and r eally wor ked together team wise,? says Coach Jones. She added, ?This is the fir st year we?ve been r eally competitive as far as challenging for the confer ence, so I think that?s r eally positive and we can keep going in that dir ection.? The team is r eady to make some noise in this tour nament in both singles and doubles play alongside the undefeated-inconfer ence Knights men's tennis team. Check out the City Times website for futur e updates on ever ything Knights? at Gabe River a is Spor ts Editor for City Times. You can follow him on Twitter @gaber iver a619